Category Archives: The Devil’s Pact

Part of my ongoing The Devil’s Pact series

The Devil’s Pact Revised 36: Naughty Reunions Chapter Two


The Devil’s Pact Revised 36: Naughty Reunions

Chapter Two

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Chapter 1.

And all of mankind rejoiced, for finally, the time of the Living Gods had arrived. The Theocracy was born to unite all humans under the banner of love.

The Gospel of April 39:1-2

Violet Matheson

“Thank you,” I said to Lorena, the deaf woman who had hidden me in her home.
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The Devil’s Pact Revised 36: Naughty Reunions Chapter One


The Devil’s Pact Revised 36: Naughty Reunions

Chapter One

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for The Hell Chronicles Chapter 2.

Click here for Goddess of Passion, Chapter 7.

Cast of Characters


Mark Glassner — Mary Sullivan

Sex Slaves “The Sluts”

Alison — Desiree Fitzsimmons — Xiu — Korina— Violet — Lillian — Chastity (deceased) — Karen (Sister Louise Afra) — Jessica St. Pierre — April


Samnag “Sam” (Holy Vizier) — Candy (Sam’s Girlfriend) — Dr. Willow WolfTail — 51 (Chief Bodyguard) — Rachel — Leah (Chauffeur) — Jacob — Monique — Lize — Lynda (Pilot) — Joslyn (Pilot)

The Living Church

Daisy & Rose Cunningham (High Priestesses)


Lucifer — Lilith — Marduk — Molech

The Cult of Lilith

Lana — Chantelle — Babylon — Crystal — Starlight — Nurse Thamina — Fiona — Tir (monster) — Lamia (Monster) — Cora (monster) — Ziki (monster) — Di (monster) — Emi (monster)

Sisters of Mary Magdalene

Mother Superior Maryām — Archangel Gabriel — Dominion Ramiel (Angel) — Doug Allard — Tina Allard — Azrael (Angel)


Antsy (Mark’s Sister) — Alice — Sandy (Mark’s Mother) — Sean (Mary’s Father) — Tiffany (Mary’s Mother, Sister Theodora Mariam) — Shannon (Mary’s Older Sister) — Missy (Mary’s Younger Sister) — George (Shannon’s Fiance)— Damien (Missy’s Boyfriend) — Avialle (Antsy’s Girlfriend) — Agent Noel Heinrich, FBI (Former Slut) — Craig Erikson (Mayor of Seattle)

Chapter One

On September 30th, 2013, amidst blood and fire, the Tyrants’ reign began. In the name of Peace and Security, they put mankind beneath their Oppression. To fight the Darkness, the False Gods, Mark and Mary Glassner, shrouded the World in Night.

excerpt from The History of the Tyrants’ Theocracy, by Tina Allard

September 30th, 2013 – Mark Glassner – Tacoma, WA

I stood with my wife naked before the awed crowd of soldiers and reporters. Worship burned in their eyes. They knew what we were—Gods. Their Gods. We had battled the False God, Brandon Fitzsimmons, and defeated him, ending his tyranny which had run rampant for the last three days.
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The Devil’s Pact Revised The Hell Chronicles Chapter Two: Seizing His Wanton Harem


The Devil’s Pact Revised The Hell Chronicles

Chapter Two: Seizing His Wanton Harem

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Goddess of Passion, Chapter 7.

Click here for Chapter 1.

Saturday, September 28th, 2013 – Mayor Colton Bray – Tacoma, WA

The Majestic Brandon, the supreme God of mankind, gasped and moaned atop the almost comatose body of his wife, Desiree. I stood not far away before the great bonfire illuminating in the center of the Pierce County Jail’s exercise yard, my wife, Yoon, at my side. Desiree’s face was bloodied and battered. She was beaten unconscious for defying Brandon. The foolish woman was loyal to that false god Mark, and the Supernal Brandon had to brutally chastise her.
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The Devil’s Pact Revised 35: Goddess of Passion Chapter Seven


The Devil’s Pact Revised 35: Goddess of Passion

Chapter Seven

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Chapter 6.

And the World rejoiced as the False God was laid low by our Living Gods’ prowess.

The Second Book of Vivian 2:56

Debra Horne-Dannell

“Something has happened, Forrest,” I reported into my microphone, speaking with Forrest Murphy back in the Q13 Fox studios while I stared into the camera manned by Jarret. The world had changed a moment ago. I felt like I had returned to myself. “Everything is different. It’s like I’m waking up from a dream.”
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The Devil’s Pact Revised 35: Goddess of Passion Chapter Six


The Devil’s Pact Revised 35: Goddess of Passion

Chapter Six

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Chapter 5.

Without fear did our glorious Living God face down the foul Demon Molech. No more would the innocent burn beneath his embrace.

The Gospel of April 38:34

Mark Glassner

Panic seized my heart as Molech strode forward.
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The Devil’s Pact Revised 35: Goddess of Passion Chapter Five


The Devil’s Pact Revised 35: Goddess of Passion

Chapter Five

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Chapter 4.

With grace and courage, our Living Goddess placed herself in the hands of the False God. To save the world, she had to surrender to his lust. Only then could she defeat his evil. But great danger circled her, for Brandon had violated all natural laws. He had summoned a Demon.

The Second Book of Vivian 2:37-39

Monday, September 30th, 2013 – Mary Glassner – Seattle, WA

“Everyone, take your seats. We’re beginning our approach,” Joslyn’s voice crackled over the 747’s PA. “We’ll be on the ground by 12:17 PM.”
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The Devil’s Pact Revised 35: Goddess of Passion Chapter Four


The Devil’s Pact Revised 35: Goddess of Passion

Chapter Four

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Chapter 3.

The Tyrants’ propaganda claim she went to Southern France to be tested and discover new power. But she is a thief. She stole the Gift of the Creator and sullied a Saint. The Mother Superior of the Sisters of Mary Magdalene was consigned to darkness, lost to the world forever.

excerpt from The History of the Tyrants’ Theocracy, by Tina Allard

Mark Glassner – Tacoma, WA

As Sunday dragged on, the beatings grew more and more savage, the pain worse and worse. There were times when I lost myself. When I floated in a sea of agony, unaware of anything around me. And then I would crash back into my battered body.
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The Devil’s Pact Revised 35: Goddess of Passion Chapter Three


The Devil’s Pact Revised 35: Goddess of Passion

Chapter Three

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Chapter 2.

To save Her husband, our Living God, our Goddess did venture to France on pilgrimage. Her devotion to Her husband and the world had to be demonstrated. Only then could She harness the strength to defeat the False God and set to right the wrongs committed in his putrid name.

The Gospel of April 37:54-55

Mark Glassner – Tacoma, WA

Sunday passed in a haze of pain.
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The Devil’s Pact Revised 35: Goddess of Passion Chapter Two


The Devil’s Pact Revised 35: Goddess of Passion

Chapter Two

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Chapter 1.

Fitzsimmons’s lusts and cruelty gripped Tacoma. To feed his pact with the foul demon Molech, the soldiers under his domination fanned through the city, searching house-by-house for sacrifices.

excerpt from The History of the Tyrants’ Theocracy, by Tina Allard

Sunday, September 29th, 2013 – Violet Matheson – Tacoma, WA

“Violet,” Loreena said, shaking me awake. “Something is happening.” She spoke with a slurred, stiff accent.
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The Devil’s Pact Revised 35: Goddess of Passion Chapter One


The Devil’s Pact Revised 35: Goddess of Passion

Chapter One

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Warlock’s Domination, Chapter 6.

Cast of Characters


Mark Glassner — Mary Sullivan

Sex Slaves “The Sluts”

Alison — Desiree Fitzsimmons — Xiu — Korina— Violet — Lillian — Chastity (deceased) — Karen (Sister Louise Afra) — Jessica St. Pierre — April


Samnag “Sam” (Holy Vizier) — Dr. Willow WolfTail — 51 (Chief Bodyguard) — Rachel — Leah (Chauffeur) — Jacob — — Monique — Lize — Lynda (Pilot) — Joslyn (Pilot)

The Living Church

Daisy & Rose Cunningham (High Priestesses)


Lucifer — Lilith — Marduk — Molech

The Cult of Lilith

Lana — Chantelle — Babylon — Crystal — Starlight — Nurse Thamina — Fiona — Tir (monster) — Lamia (Monster) — Cora (monster) — Ziki (monster) — Di (monster) — Emi (monster)

Sisters of Mary Magdalene

Mother Superior Maryām — Archangel Gabriel — Dominion Ramiel (Angel) — Doug Allard — Tina Allard

Brandon Fitzsimmons’s Followers

Ashley — Victorie — Terri — Sherri — Lieutenant-General Arthur Brooks


Antsy (Mark’s Sister) — Alice — Sandy (Mark’s Mother) — Sean (Mary’s Father) — Tiffany (Mary’s Mother, Sister Theodora Mariam) — Shannon (Mary’s Older Sister) — Missy (Mary’s Younger Sister) — George (Shannon’s Fiance)— Damien (Missy’s Boyfriend) — Avialle (Antsy’s Girlfriend) — Agent Noel Heinrich, FBI (Former Slut) — Craig Erikson (Mayor of Seattle)

Chapter One

Night and day, the screams echoed from Brandon’s lair as the dread demon Molech inflicted his burning embrace upon woman after woman, sacrifices for the False God’s ambition.

The Second Book of Vivian 2:1

Saturday, September 28th, 2013 – Leah Hirsch-Goldstein-Blum – Tacoma, WA

I was alone after Mark told us to run from the crash and the soldiers.
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