Category Archives: The Devil’s Pact

Part of my ongoing The Devil’s Pact series

The Devil’s Pact Revised 6: Orgy of Slaves Chapter Four


The Devil’s Pact Revised 6: Orgy of Slaves

Chapter Four

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Chapter 3.

While the Living Gods were spreading Their message of love upon the waters of the Puget Sound, They took two lesbians as their sluts—Chantelle and Lana. Both were lovely to behold. But despite bathing in the Gods’ love, treachery bred in their hearts and they caused great sadness to the Living Gods.

The Gospel of April 7:20

Svitlana “Lana” Paquet-Holub

“Aren’t they a wild pair?” I whispered to Chantelle, my new wife. She was a slim brunette with the face of an angel.
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The Devil’s Pact Revised 6: Orgy of Slaves Chapter Three


The Devil’s Pact Revised 6: Orgy of Slaves

Chapter Three

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Chapter 2.

The Living Gods, delighting in each others company, journeyed north to Anacortes. There, on a simple boat, They awakened many to true love. While the corrupt governments of man decried the Gods as criminals, Their actions proved their True intentions—to set mankind free to love how and whom they wished.

First Book of Vivian 3:1-2

Mary Sullivan

Excitement bubbled through me as I grabbed the small purse that matched the yellow sundress I wore. I had always wanted to go orca watching, and Mark, who may be the greatest boyfriend in the history of mankind, was treating me to it.
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The Devil’s Pact Revised 6: Orgy of Slaves Chapter Two


The Devil’s Pact Revised 6: Orgy of Slaves

Chapter Two

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Chapter 1.

No, we have not identified the exact gas Mark Glassner used in the Buy Best. But, magic, really? That’s ridiculous. Next question.”

Press Conference held by FBI Special Agent Kip Peterson, June 8th, 2013

Mark Glassner – South Hill, WA

My sleep was a shallow and restless, plagued with a reoccurring nightmare: I was surrounded by shadowy monsters, holding the crimson crystal in my hand, Mary pressed behind me as I tried to protect her. I would say the words, “Lilith, appear before me.” But nothing would happen, and the monsters would swarm in.
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The Devil’s Pact Revised 6: Orgy of Slaves Chapter One


The Devil’s Pact Revised 6: Orgy of Slaves

Chapter One

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Twin Desires, Chapter 6.

Sister Louise Afra was the most senior Magdalenite Nun working in North America. Her fifty-year career was marked by a number of dangerous Warlocks. The most infamous Warlock she exorcised before tackling the Tyrants was Kurt Wagner, a sociopath that brutally abused the women he enthralled.

excerpt from The History of the Tyrants’ Theocracy, by Tina Allard

Friday, June 7th, 2013 – Sister Louise Afra – Chicago, IL

“I’m so sorry about the mix-up, Sister Louise,” the check-in clerk at Chicago’s O’Hare International said, disbelief tinging her voice whenever she said “sister.” The clerk, Nancy, still didn’t quite believe I was a nun. I couldn’t blame her since I was dressed in a tight, cobalt blue dress that barely covered my ass and had a deep, plunging neckline. The stiletto heels I wore made my rear nice and perky, and thigh-high, black stockings, held up by garters, peeked out beneath my skirt. Nestled between my breasts was a gold crucifix.
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The Devil’s Pact Revised Side-Story: Cuckold Forever


The Devil’s Pact Revised Side-Story

Cuckold Forever

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Twin Desires Chapter 6.

Friday, June 7th, 2013 – Mike Stone – Tacoma, WA

“I’m so excited,” Minnie gasped as I pulled my pick-up truck into the parking lot of Shane Diamonds by the Tacoma Mall. The love of my life let out a squeal, her wonderful, delightful tits bouncing in her tight shirt. Her hand released her seat belt and she was out in a flash, her blonde hair trailing behind her. “Come on, Mike! I can’t wait to see the rings.”
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The Devil’s Pact Revised 5: Twin Desires Chapter Six


The Devil’s Pact Revised 5: Twin Desires

Chapter Six

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Chapter 5.

Our greatest advantage is the selfishness of man. They do not share power willingly. And Warlocks are the most selfish of men. While our enemy is vile, give thanks to the Creator that you will never have to face more than a single one.

excerpt from The Prayerbook of the Order of Mary Magdalene

Mark Glassner

After our relaxing dinner, we drove out out to the very crossroads I had made my own Pact at a few nights ago. I dug a new hole, next to mine, and then we had a few hours to kill. We stretched out on some soft grass, Mary pressed against my body, her head pillowed on my arm, and we watched the sky darken and the stars slowly appear, twinkling like diamonds.
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The Devil’s Pact Revised 5: Twin Desires Chapter Five


The Devil’s Pact Revised 5: Twin Desires

Chapter Five

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Chapter 4.

Which Tyrant committed the worst crimes? Mark’s are obvious. He led, but Mary followed. There is no question that Mary was once dominated by Mark and made into his Thrall. Yet early on it was clear she had become a Warlock in her own right. She witnessed what Mark was capable of doing with his powers and embraced the depravity. She had no compunction at twisting lives to her whim, and she did it after having her own life warped.

excerpt from The History of the Tyrants’ Theocracy, by Tina Allard

Mary Sullivan

There were still hours to kill before I made my Pact with the Devil tonight. And I was nervous as hell as we left Mike. My anger at my ex-boyfriend for cheating on me for a year was slowly consumed by my fear of what was going to happen tonight.
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The Devil’s Pact Revised 5: Twin Desires Chapter Four


The Devil’s Pact Revised 5: Twin Desires

Chapter Four

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Chapter 3.

Even before the Tyrants were dominating nations, they dominated any that came into contact with them. They were drunk on power. Men and women were commanded to fall in love, ordered to perform obscene acts, and to revel in the degradation the Tyrants heaped upon them. Their church’s propaganda machine did much to obfuscate and twist their early debauchery into something more positive and benevolent than the pure selfishness that truly characterized the Tyrants.

excerpt from The History of the Tyrants’ Theocracy, by Tina Allard

Mark Glassner

A terrorist.
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The Devil’s Pact Revised 5: Twin Desires Chapter Three


The Devil’s Pact Revised 5: Twin Desires

Chapter Three

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Chapter 2.

Operator: You’ve reached Crime Stoppers tip line, how can I help you?

David Glassner: Er…yeah. I know who released the gas at the Buy Best.

O: Okay. What’s your name, sir?

DG: David. David Glassner. And the guy you’re looking for is my asshole son Mark.

O: Are you sure, sir?

DG: That’s him on the news. My fucking son. (pause). So…there’s a reward?

Transcript from Crime Stoppers Tip Line, June 7th, 2013

Doug Allard

Alison and Desiree were still in the sex shop after twenty minutes, giving me plenty of time to dig into Mary Sullivan. I searched Facebook and, after going through thirteen different Mary Sullivans, I found her profile, a picture of the redhead smiling, her arm wrapped around a weaselly-faced, black-haired man, his right ear pierced, and an ugly soul patch perched on his chin.
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The Devil’s Pact Revised 5: Twin Desires Chapter One


The Devil’s Pact Revised 5: Twin Desires

Chapter One

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

This is a revised version of the story that I published on Smashword starting back in 2014. It is rewritten with much-added material. However, I did have to age up some of the characters so no one is underage in this version.

Click here for Leashed to Love, Chapter 7.

10:23 AM: Unknown male, late twenties, heavyset, dark hair exited Fitzsimmons house in the company of unknown female, early twenties, red hair. Amorous exchange between Mrs. Fitzsimmons and unknown male and female. Unknown female, nineteen, pink-hair observed naked with Mrs. Fitzsimmons. See photographs.

excerpt from Doug Allard’s surveillance logbook, June 7th, 2013

Friday, June 7th, 2013 – Mary Sullivan – South Hill, WA

There was a gentle knock at the door and I stirred in Mark’s arms. “Hello?” I asked, sleepily.
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