Category Archives: Uncategorized

ASSTR Down because of a DNS problem. Here’s the fix.

I’ve done this and this does work.

If you can’t connect to asstr (browser says it can’t find the site)

put the following in your ‘hosts’ file (for windows: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts )

Hit windows key type in notepad and look at the top and there will be ‘notepad app’ right click and run as administrator


sudo echo >> /etc/hosts

The double >> is very important…

Poll Is Reopen

Not sure why the poll just ended. It’s supposed to go until January 2nd.

UPDATE: Poll is reopened AGAIN! Somehow, it got a setting to allow only 1 person to vote. It keeps closing when someone votes. I set it to 1000000 voters, so this wont’ happen agian. I don’t know how this got turned on.

Vote Result

Wow, Apotheosis Institute won by a single vote! Poor Battered Lamp sequel. I was rooting for you.

So, I’ll begin work on ending the Institute later this month and we’ll start seeing it next year.

I also do plan on continuing Summoning my Succubus Mother. Apotheosis will follow that series.

My plan is also to alternate with the Belt Buckle Mind Control stories and Apotheosis stories. So one week you get belt buckle, next week apotheosis and so on.

So Sunday release plan:

Finish Quarantined with Mom and my Sisters

Dad’s Mind Controlled Daughters (next belt-buckle mind-contorl)

Summoning my Succubus Mother/Alternating Belt Buckle Series

Institute of Apotheosis/Belt Buckle Series

Beta Readers and Story Poll

Hey, I am in need of a few beta readers. You need to have a word porcessor that can do Track Changes and be able to do one story a week. I would really appreciate it.

Email me at

Also, I have three series I want to continue. All require some brainstorming and outlining. Since my time is limited, just curious which ones you think I should do.

Battered Lamp Sequel: This will involve the kids.

Incestuous Harem 2nd Generation:

Institution of Apotheosis: Finishing off that series.

I do plan on doing all of these, just seeing what you guys would prefer!

What Series Should I work On?

  • The Apotheosis Institution (41%, 241 Votes)
  • The Incestuous Harem (41%, 240 Votes)
  • The Battered Lamp Sequel (18%, 104 Votes)

Total Voters: 537

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Incestuous Harem Visual Novel Update

Update! I have been in contact with the artist and he has made a full recovery. He has moved on, however, so this project is dead. He is working on visual novels and I might write one for him.

I did find some more pictures.

Updated Melody




























And Vicky

Summoning My Succubus Mother Chapter One: Summoning My Succubus Mother


Summoning My Succubus Mother

Chapter One: Summoning My Succubus Mother

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2020

Story Codes: Teen male/Teen female, Incest, Supernatural, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Virgin

For a list of all the futa stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as it’s
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Note: This one off story was commissioned by a fan!

Mom was off for her book club.
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