Vote Result

Wow, Apotheosis Institute won by a single vote! Poor Battered Lamp sequel. I was rooting for you.

So, I’ll begin work on ending the Institute later this month and we’ll start seeing it next year.

I also do plan on continuing Summoning my Succubus Mother. Apotheosis will follow that series.

My plan is also to alternate with the Belt Buckle Mind Control stories and Apotheosis stories. So one week you get belt buckle, next week apotheosis and so on.

So Sunday release plan:

Finish Quarantined with Mom and my Sisters

Dad’s Mind Controlled Daughters (next belt-buckle mind-contorl)

Summoning my Succubus Mother/Alternating Belt Buckle Series

Institute of Apotheosis/Belt Buckle Series

15 thoughts on “Vote Result

      1. theme2legion

        It’s ok, I don’t mean this next part to sound mean or rude cause it’s not meant to be, but if I had to say one thing it would be this: i honestly only check this website every so often maybe two to 3 times a month (sometimes only to see the tags and description cause sexstories dot com either doesn’t have as many specific tags as u or there descriptions aren’t as good as ones here (i apologize if I am not making sense I tend to jump around when I talk) not mention other things. That is not exactly the point though…what I am trying to say, bluntly, is that this vote is a bit unfair to people who don’t visit often especially considering how close the vote was. I will close with this i know it’s your site and your choice all I ask is that u at least take this into account before u consider following through with results of vote because where there is one person who speaks up I am almost certain that there is others.

        1. mypenname3000 Post author

          It was up for a week. I’m sorry you missed it. I thought a week was enough time for people to vote.

          1. Legion

            Ok I understand, in my defense I have been busy with my work at Walmart lately, but I won’t beat a dead horse anymore…btw this is slightly left field but I tried to figure out a way to contact u though email so I wouldn’t spam u but I didn’t see it (was probably upset/frustrated/angry and that caused me to not scroll up) also I noticed some stories on Amazon are not here? Or are they just titled differently cause…if I recall didn’t u have series that was side story to genie harem where he had to chose who would be his wife but he didn’t know which of the girls in the all girl school was a genie? Anyways my point is that a story there, actually two of them, sounds very familiar to that one here but it’s titled differently. Not to mention the incubus one. I could go on but I won’t. I also sincerely apologize if I am or was guilt tripping u I don’t mean to.

          2. mypenname3000 Post author

            So, most of what you see on Amazon is not found on the blog, though Winning a Genie Harem is the Battered Lamp Side Story and it is here on the blog.

    1. mypenname3000 Post author

      Just finished the next part today. Once ALex is free, he’ll beta read it and then I’ll work on getting it posted.

      1. lazyhorny

        What i mean is that the others had right amount of drama for what they were but genie ones had more than needed amounts of drama.


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