Welcome to Schoolgirl Heaven Intro and Poll

Hi, this is both a test of using polls and an idea I had.

I have this idea of writing a story and letting the readers of this blog decide where the story will go next. Obviously, this means it will have slower releases. But the idea I had is what if you’re a young guy and wake up in a school’s nurse’s office. You don’t know how you got there, but you’re the only guy in a school with a bunch of horny girls and teachers.

Why? Maybe you’ll figure it out.

Will you delve into hedonistic sex and not care, or will you want to figure out why this is happening?

To start out, what’s your grade. This would affect the girls you’d be around the most. Then we’ll go from there. I have the characters in place. So vote below. Let’s see if this works!

EDIT: I’m cutting the pull now because I need to start writing this. As of right now 728 votes for Senior is winning.

The poll still works because I didn’t set up an end point. Will get that figured out for next time!

Click here for Chapter 1.

Which Grade Should You Be In

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4 thoughts on “Welcome to Schoolgirl Heaven Intro and Poll

  1. Alex

    Hell, yes! This’ll be awesome! I mean, all your self-plotted stories are at least great if not better (why else should I have stayed with your blog for so long now). But this could become something unique. And we, the readers, have already experienced long periods between chapters, so – for me – this is a good argument to wait for the next chapters if only because we got to decide.

    Given that I was one of those quiet ones for a long time, it still really surprised me to see the number of 199 voters after I participated, compared to perhaps a dozen active commenters.

    I was wondering if you’re only interested in the numbers or whether you would like or would mind further explanation to the votes and comments to your polls. This time the majority is on my side (so far), so no need for me to try to persuade you or the others 😀 . But I guess having an additional text-field in the poll (in case technically possible) to add a few words/thoughts (even if – or perhaps especially if – only you could see them), could add some more value to the polls.

    1. mypenname3000 Post author

      My reasons for not giving any clue on the choice was this is something that the MC is before the story begins. So it’s a choice I think goes best blind, but, honestly, it’s just whether you’re going to be around more virginal girls or more experienced girls. Not to say there won’t be opportunities with others. Plus teachers.

      In the stories themselves, my plan is to have it in the narrative hints of what your choice would mean to give you more context. It could be as simple as what do you study first (math or English or health) and your character wont’ know what to expect but or other times it could be like if I go here, I’m breaking the rules but…

      I want to have time to people vote and then it’ll be a slow write and editing process. We’ll see how it works out. I think once I have the choice, it’ll be two week to write/edit.


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