Tag Archives: Update

Poll Results

To make life easier for me, I’m going to have the polls run between short stories. I expect to have Chapter 42 up in the next few days, and I need some time to get the short story ready for editing. So ‘Alison and Desiree Get Married’ has one. The new poll will run from today until ‘Alison and Desiree’ is published.

If you want to win a free copy of Girl at the Bar, click here to enter. I’ll be drawing two names on Sunday evening and sending out the results. It will be available for purchase 04-21-14.

You can also follow me on twitter @NLPublications which is SFW or my NSFW twitter account @mypenname3000 where I pictures of naked women. I also have a tumbler account where I post other naked pics.

Jeff Milton and Devil Pact Update 12-10-13

Wow, how can someone named Jeff Milton be this hot? I mean she’s gorgeous.

How can a Jeff be this hot?

How can a Jeff be this hot?

Working on the next three chapters. Editing chapter 28 and 29 and writing chapter 30 right now. Hope to finish chapter 30 today and start uploading the chapters by Thursday doing one chapter a day. Then I got a side-story written that needs to be edited that takes place in chapter 27.

Chapter 28 is called Alice and I’ve been building towards this chapter since I introduced her way back in chapter 10.

Well, take care everyone,


Devil’s Pact Update – 11-26-13

Hey everyone

Finished writing my rough draft of the Jogging Club side-story. Covers every morning from the first meeting in Chapter 10, to the yet to be written Chapter 24. Everyday is told from a different woman’s perspective: Anastasia, Madeleine, Belinda, Cassie, Issy, and Vertise and covers nine days. I’ve been planning on writing it one we got past Theodora’s first attack. I should post the side-story on Thursday and hopefully Chapter 24 we’ll shortly follow. Depends on how much free time I get at work. Last week I lucked out and had a pretty light workload and I had plenty of free time.

Just finished plotting out the next arc. Had a rough draft in my head, but now i think i have the logistics and plan for the orders of events and stuff and can start writing Chapter 24 today.

Appreciate all the feedback and criticism. Also, grammar-nazis please continue to correct me when I make mistakes. Just don’t be insulting about it. I want to strive to improve my writing and editing and an outside perspective is quite useful for that.

