The Unseen Succubus’s Wicked Fun Chapter Eight: Big Sister Falls to the Succubus’s Spell


The Unseen Succubus’s Wicked Fun

Chapter Eight: Big Sister Falls to the Succubus’s Spell

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2024

Story Codes: Male/Female, Female/Female, Mind Control, Incest, Oral Sex, Creampie, Interracial, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Public Sex, Breeding, Hot Wife, Cheating, Cuckolding, Supernatural

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as it’s
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 7.

Rebecca Meyers

I stood in the lobby of the dorm building waiting for my little brother to come down. I had traveled all the way out here to visit him. I mean, Mom basically guilted me to be here, but, I mean, Joseph wasn’t the most boring brother ever.

Okay, he was sooooooooo boring when he started talking about all that moldy, old crap he was into. I mean, the Sumewhosit? They didn’t even have electricity. What did they know? The internet wasn’t even around. No dial-up or nothing. What could they have figured out while eating beans in a mud hut?

But he would blather on and on and on about them like they were just soooooo amazing.

Ugh, what was taking the little nerd so long? I was here to hang out with him. He should be thrilled to have his big sister wanting to spend time with him. I glanced at the elevator. Finally, someone was coming down. It better be him.

Or a cute guy who could sweep me off my feet and take me away in his Ferrari to make love to me before a fire while reading French poetry to me and buying me all the bling I wanted. I mean, just some rich billionaire playboy college student.

I know, I know, impossible. The elevator dinged.

My brother stepped out and… He had a completely different vibe to him. He was so different from how I remembered. He was standing with his back straight. No slouching. He was still nerdy in his jeans, some Anime T-shirt, and a light jacket, his big glasses on his nose, but… He had confidence. He smiled at me.

“Hey,” he said as he headed toward me. “Hope I didn’t keep you waiting.”

“Isn’t he such a hunk?” whispered through my mind. It was this soft, purring voice that made me shiver. My pussy went molten as if my little brother was the hottest guy on the planet.

Like Jason Mamoa or Henry Cavil levels of hotness.

I was gushing juices. I would be using all the splashing emojis if I was texting my friend about how hunky my little brother was. He came right up to me, smiling, and engulfed me in his arms. I shuddered at how strong that embrace was.

I hugged him back, shuddering. My cheeks burned as I felt his hands on my back. I wanted them to slide lower. Just down and down to cup my ass. He could knead them as he kissed me. Just seized my lips in a kiss.

“Shame your his sister, because he’s so hunky.”

Yes, yes, yes. I wanted my little brother like nothing I could imagine. I was dizzy right now. I wanted to swoon as he broke the hug. He grinned at me. God, why was he so handsome? What happened to this nerd to make him so… so… manly?

“Coffee?” he asked.

“Sure,” I whimpered, my panties soaked with my excitement. “Wherever you want to go!”

“You’d fuck him right here and now. That’s how much of a slut you are for your little brother.”

I was. I was such a slut for my little brother.



I laughed in delight as I floated along beside Joseph’s sister. She was so impure, thinking of hunky men ravishing her before he even came downstairs. It was so easy to make her lust for him. To shove her across the taboo line. She had almost no morality. Barely thought of anything as “wrong.” She had such a self-centered outlook.

“You define your own truth, and if you want to fuck your brother, then that’s okay because it’s your truth,” I purred into her ear.

She nodded slightly, smiling.

I had noticed this in other women. Their own “truth.” It was such a beautiful lie. The oldest one. If you could define your own morality, then you’d be like God. This culture was saturated in such delicious narcissism. As if any of these insects could rise to my level.

Ooh, but they were so much fun to play with.

The pair of them walked, the sister panting after Joseph like a bitch in heat. Brothers and sisters were meant to be. Kings of old married their sisters and half-sisters all the time. Even Abraham married his half-sister, Sarah. They had different mothers, but the same fathers.

It was… how did they put it those days? Yes, yes, how a patriarch rolled.

They reached the coffee shop. I had seen this place, but it wasn’t where Joseph went to get coffee. He hit up the stands in the college’s commons. Here they drank such a remarkable drink. An energizing one that they made so complicated with all these ingredients. The poorest people in this land lived better than kings and had no idea how they were blessed.

I drifted around the shop and smiled at the girl behind the counter. She had a tight-fitting polo shirt—I was learning the names for things—that hugged her modest breasts. She wasn’t wearing a brassier from how her nipples poked against the material. She had light skin, not a full Cushite. What they called African-American here. Light-brown skin. Just a gorgeous creature.

I wanted things to get fun so I drifted to her as Joseph came up to order and whispered in the slut’s ear, “Wouldn’t it be hot to suck his cock. He’s a stud.”


Joseph Meyer

The barista smiled at me, her nipples poking hard against her polo. No bra. I was getting good at noticing these things. She shivered as I thought I heard a woman whispering about sucking a dick. I could see the heat in her eyes blossoming as she stared at me. The slut wanted me.

I was with my sister, though.

Shame, she was cute with her Afro and her light-brown skin. Just a seductive thing. “I’ll have an iced mocha.”

“I’ll have an iced strawberry-cinnamon latte with almond milk and an extra shot of expresso and a splash of vanilla bean,” my sister said.

“Got it,” the woman said, her eyes bright. She said the amount. I paid, my dick hard. Damn, I really wanted that slut to suck my dick. That sounded hot.

Well, I was with my sister. The one woman in the world who wouldn’t be throwing herself at me. She sat across from me once we had our drinks. We were at a table. She was squirming in her seat, her cheeks red.

“So, how’s Mom?” I asked. “She sent you to check in on me?”

“You know Mom,” my sister said. “She’s worried about you. Wants me to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. I’ll have to see your room. Make sure it’s clean. Can’t have you living like a slob.”

“Right, right,” he said, rolling his eyes.

“Abigail says hi, too,” added my older sister. That was my younger sister.

“Oh, that’s… good…” I trailed off as Natti, the barista, was there. She had a big smile on her lips. “Uh, hey.”

“Excuse me,” the Black girl moaned as she fell to her hands and knees. She crawled beneath the table. My heart was racing as she stroked my legs through my jeans. There was no way she would do this right here in the middle of the store. She couldn’t be that much of a slut.

Her hands reached my crotch as my sister blinked. “Uhhhh….” My sister started to look beneath and stop. “Is she…?”

The unmistakable sound of a zipper rasping down was crystal clear to hear. I swallowed, my cheeks burning bright as Natti pulled my cock out. She held me in her hand and worked her hand up and down me. She stroked me before she swallowed my dick.

“Oh, wow,” Rebecca said. My older sister blinked as she heard the sounds of a woman sucking. It was so loud. Natti was working her mouth up and down my cock. She suckled on me with force.

I fought against my groans as that hot mouth worked up and down me. It was just so good to have her doing that. I loved the way she worked her mouth up and down my cock. She felt so good nursing on me. Just so amazing.

“Don’t you wish you could suck his dick?” a woman whispered.

My sister nodded as I looked around for who said that. Was it someone at a nearby table? Another slut that wanted to get a piece of me. There were two women at the next table talking. One glanced at me, a smile on her lips before she turned back to her friend.

People were noticing that Natti was sucking my dick. This was getting way out of hand the way that women just wanted me. In public. No self-control. I couldn’t believe it. Feminism lied to them and browbeaten all the men into pussies so that now when they saw me, they were so desperate for a taste they would go this far.

“She’s just… Wow.” My sister squirmed there.

“Sluts,” I said off-handed.

My sister’s eyes widened. “This happens often?”

I shrugged like this was no big deal, savoring Natti’s hot mouth working up and down me. It was wild, though. My sister bit her lower lip. She leaned over the table, her eyes staring at me with such heat in them.

“Really? Just strange girls come up to you and suck your dick, or is she…?”

“She’s not one of my girlfriends,” I said. “Women just want a man that’ll treat them like whores. I mean, sluts. Not you, Rebecca.”

She shivered. “A whore… Yeah, that sounds right.”

“Just… Sorry.” I gripped the table. “She’s not going to stop sucking me until I… You know.”

“Cum.” My sister licked her lips. “Yeah, yeah, I’ve been around the block. I just… never with a strange guy in public.”

I just nodded, savoring that tongue dancing around the crown of my cock. This was so wild that it was happening. That mouth was so hot. She worked up and down me, sucking hard. She wanted my cum with all her being. It was damned good to feel.

My nuts tightened as I loved how she suckled on me. She nursed at me with such passion. It was just a delight. I rose toward that moment when I would cum. I would have a huge climax. Just a big burst of cum that would spurt into her mouth.

My nuts tightened with the force of her sucking. She was so good at that.

I tried not to groan. It was so weird with my sister watching.

Natti put her all into suckling on me. I could tell how much she wanted to make me spurt. I would have a big cum. Just spurt into her mouth. I loved the heat building and building in me. I would have a huge climax.

She danced her tongue around my cock. She massaged me like that. I hurtled toward that exciting moment. I loved how she flicked her tongue around my dick. It was just an incredible moment to have her flicking about me like that.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I groaned. “Fuck!”

I erupted.

“Are you…?” my sister asked as I spurted my cum into the whore’s mouth.

“Yes!” I grunted, the pleasure slamming through me.

I shuddered through the pleasure as I dumped the cum into the whore’s mouth. I filled her with more and more of my jizz. The pleasure slammed through my mind. I felt so good as I filled her mouth with all my seed.

She gulped it down. She swallowed it all down like a good whore. She gulped down that spunk. I spurted more and more of it, the rapture crashing into my thoughts. My sister watched on as I erupted one last time into the whore’s mouth.

I panted, feeling so good.

Natti slid her mouth off my cock and put my cock away. She zipped me up and crawled out from beneath the table, licking her lips. She then slipped a pair of white panties into my hand. I glanced at them. They had a phone number written in lipstick on them.

She winked at me.

“Jesus,” my sister said. “Are those…” She glanced at the girl slipping off in a skirt.

I breathed in Natti’s tart musk before sticking them into my pants. “Yep.”

“I can’t believe it,” she said as I drank deeply from my mocha. The iced drink was refreshing. “What happened to you? I mean, you’re so different.”

“Women know that I’ll treat them like a whore,” I said. It was empowering to tell my older sister this. She had looked at me like I was a dweeb all my life. Now she was seeing me as a man. Not a guy she wanted to fuck, of course, but as someone who mattered.

It was nice rising in her estimation.

My sister shook her head and finished off her drink. I drank mine and rose, “Let’s go for a walk.”
“Yeah, before that barista comes back and sits on your lap and just rides you right here,” Rebecca said, glancing at Natti.

The barista winked at me and put her hand to her ear like a phone, mouthing two words.

I winked at her and led my sister outside.

She took my arm and snuggled up to me. She used to do this when we were kids. A game. Abigail would take the other side, my two sisters giggling the entire time. I had always felt like the butt of a joke even though I enjoyed it. Now… now it felt nice.

Maybe too nice. She was my sister, not a slut like that whore back there.

We walked around the campus, entering into a more residential neighborhood as we chatted about home. Abigail was eighteen now and begging to go off to college. “It’s so sad. College is so boring. I don’t regret skipping it.”

“You went to beauty college,” I said.

“And now I make money as a hairdresser without all those student loans.” She smiled. “I’m going to own my own salon and make some Benjamins.”

I grinned at her. “I bet you will.”

“Abigail just wants to graduate. She’s even so dorky, she wants to come here. Maybe she’s just been too under Mom’s thumb to want to go off on her own. Or, maybe it’s Mom pushing her to come here so you can look after her.”

I would hate for Abigail to become a slut like that woman approaching me. She was walking with her husband, who held the leash to a little Pomeranian who barked at everything. The woman was with her husband, and yet she was staring at me.

I grinned at her and winked. The husband frowned and put an arm insecurely around his wife’s waist. He sensed that I could fuck his wife and make her cum hard. I loved pounding Mrs. Murphy in front of her husband, and I would love to do the same to Mrs. Howser.

She had to go back home to her husband in a week. Well, she should be nice and bred by then.

I heard a woman say something faintly as I passed the couple. Maybe the wife was speaking to the husband. He gasped something then the woman, a brunette with plump lips, took my other arm and nuzzled into my area.

“I’m just so wet for you,” she moaned. “I don’t care if my husband or your girlfriend watches. I need you!”

“What?” gasped my sister as the woman yanked me from Rebecca and into some bushes. They rustled around us as she pressed us deeper into them. “The fuck!”

“That’s my wife!” the husband shouted while the dog yipped. “Jenny!”

The wife, Jenny, fondled my cock through my jeans. She purred, “I need this in me right now. I’m just dripping wet. I’m such a slut.”

“Just a cock hungry slut,” she must have whispered beneath her throat.

“Just a cock hungry slut for your cock,” Jenny moaned again.

She unzipped me as her husband and my sister were watching from the street. The husband’s eyes widened while my sister’s cheeks were so wet. She licked her lips as the married woman ripped my cock out. She stroked up and down me.

“Yes, yes, take me,” she moaned and spun around. She grabbed a tree and shoved her jean-clad ass out at me. She had a nice rump. Very nice.”

I slid my hands around her wrist and unfastened her jeans.

“Jenny,” her husband whimpered.

“You know you love being a cuckold,” a woman—it had to be my sister—said. “It makes you hard to watch your wife.”

“I… I… I guess it makes me hard. I just… Damn.”

“He’s just watching,” my sister said. “What a cuck?”

“Don’t watch,” I groaned as I unfastened the woman’s jeans and yanked them down revealing a pair of lilac panties with lacy pleats covering her rump.

“It’s a hot show,” Rebecca said, winking at me. “Besides, you’re supposed to be spending time with me.”

“Sorry,” I groaned, shoving down the woman’s panties and exposing her rump, “I just… She’s wet for me. I bet she wants me to breed her.”

“Yes, yes, breed me!” the woman moaned as I pressed my cock into her brown bush dripping in her juices. Her spicy musk filled my nose. “I want you to knock me up.”

“God, you are a stud, little brother,” Rebecca said.

It was so weird having her watch as I pressed my cock into the woman’s bush. I just couldn’t stop myself from doing this. It was too late. I had to fuck her. I had to ram my dick into her cunt and pound her right now. I needed to be in her wet snatch.

I pushed into her curls and groaned as I found her married folds. Her husband was just watching as the slut begged me for it. “Yes, yes, ram that big dick in me. Please, please fuck me and breed me!”
I gave the slut-wife what she wanted.

I buried to the hilt in her wet pussy.

She moaned as her pussy squeezed down around me. She felt so amazing around my dick. Just wonderful to have her gripping my cock. I shuddered at the feel of her around me. Her husband groaned, too, as he watched his wife being my whore.

She tossed her head as my sister watched. I tried to ignore Rebecca as I drew back my cock. That hot pussy gripped my dick. She held me tight, massaging me with that wonderful twat. I groaned and buried back into her snatch.

I plunged deep and hard into her pussy, my nuts slapping into her bush. She wiggled her hips as I fucked her, gasping and moaning like a whore. The dog kept yipping, held in her wimpy husband’s hands. My glasses shifted on my nose as I fucked her.

I pounded her cunt with all that I had.

I buried into her pussy with force. I fucked her with all that I had. I loved every second of slamming into her cunt. She moaned, holding me tight as I pounded into her snatch again and again. It was so hot to fuck her.

“Yes, yes, just like that!” she whimpered. “Ooh, breed me! Breed my married cunt! I want your baby!”

“I thought you didn’t want children,” her husband muttered.

“I want his children,” she gasped, my hands sliding up beneath her sweater to cup her breasts through her bra. I squeezed them as her pussy clamped down on me. I fucked her fertile cunt as she moaned out, “Yes, yes, that’s it!”

I winked at her husband as I fucked her.

My sister watched on with this hot gleam in her eyes. I whipped my gaze away, my ears burning. She was making this so weird. I just focused on banging the slut’s pussy. I fucked her cunt hard and fast. I buried into her snatch over and over again.

She whimpered, her pussy clamping down on me. It was so amazing to pound into her cunt with all that I had. I loved every second of it. I thrust into her pussy hard and fast, hurtling toward my climax. She held me with that tight pussy.

“Oh, that’s it,” she whimpered. “Oh, that’s so good. Yes, yes, that’s just amazing!”

“Shit, it is,” I groaned, fucking her cunt hard. “Damn!”

She wiggled her hips from side to side. She stirred her twat around me. I hurtled toward that moment when I would cum in her. My sister and

her husband watched. The slut moaned out again and again, her passion echoing through the air.
I churned up her wet cunt. She was dripping for me. She wanted to cum on my dick. I craved to feel her pussy going wild around my cock. I wanted to experience that joy. I thrust into her as her husband and my sister watched.

“Jenny,” her husband groaned.

“Watch me cum on his big dick!” the wife moaned, my hands squeezing her tits through her bra. “Oh, yes, yes, he’s going to knock me up! I’m going to have his baby! Yes!”

Her pussy convulsed around my dick. I loved the feel of her pussy spasming around me. That hot flesh suckled at me. My sister giggled like this was so delicious, mocking the slut for being such a whore to cum on my cock before her husband.

“Breed me!” the woman moaned, her cunt suckling at my aching dick. “Flood me with all your seed!”

“Fucking slut!” I snarled and buried into her pussy.

I spurted into her twat. Her pussy convulsed around my dick. It was so good to feel her snatch spasming like that. It was just an incredible moment to flood her married cunt with my spunk. I filled her womb with my jizz.

Her husband watched me breeding her. I flooded her fertile snatch with blast after blast of my cum. I grunted with each explosion of my jizz into her snatch. It was so good to have all that pleasure sweeping through me. I shuddered at the pleasure rushing through me. It was just an incredible moment to fill her up like that.

“Damn!” I moaned.

“Oh, yes,” she whimpered, clutching the tree.

The dog barked as her pussy milked out all my cum. I spurted the last of my spunk into her pussy. I filled her up with all my jizz. I felt so good. A big smile spread on my lips. It was just a beautiful moment to have all that cum spurting into her cunt. I felt so good.

“Oh, yes,” she moaned.

I pulled out of the woman and, to my shock, my sister darted forward. She dropped to her knees, her eyes glossy. She was before me, seizing my wet dick. She opened her mouth wide and went to swallow my cock.

“The fuck!” I gasped and jumped back, my wet cock sliding out of her hand.

My sister whimpered. “It’s not fair! You let that slut at the coffee house suck your dick. Why not me?”

“You’re my sister! It’s incest! Wrong!”

“I don’t care!” Rebecca moaned, her dyed-red hair framing her face. I noticed how big her boobs were in her tight-fitting crop top. Her brown eyes simmered with heat. “I want you. I want you to fuck me!”

“No!” I roared back at her.



This was the best part.

I floated to Rebecca and whispered, “Eat her pussy and beg him to fuck you.”


Rebecca Meyers

I would eat her pussy and beg him to fuck me.

I turned on my knees, the slut-wife panting there. Her brown bush dripped with cum. I leaned forward and nuzzled into her cunt. I had eaten cunt before. I was more than happy to do it again. I would lick at the whore and make her explode with delight. She would just squeal with passion.

I licked up my brother’s cum and savored the salty flavor of it. He watched on, that huge dick of his throbbing. No wonder he had every woman in the world wanting his cock. He was hung. I didn’t know a rod could get that big.

“Oh, yes,” the woman moaned. “Eat my pussy! Ooh, ooh, that’s so good!”

“Yes, yes, I’m going to lick her clean,” I moaned. “While you fuck me, Joseph.”

“No!” my brother croaked as I licked up more of his cum from that salty pussy. “You’re my sister!”
“Please, please, I need your big dick in me! I’m so wet for you. I don’t care that you’re my little brother. Not with a dick that big! You’re hung! I need that cock in me.”

“Yes, you do,” whimpered the slut-wife. “Just fuck her. Ooh, you are so hung. Don’t deny your sister that mighty dick.”

I loved her words. I tongued her cunt. I licked at her with passion, scooping up the cum that spilled out of her twat. She seasoned the salty cum with her spicy juices. It was so good to feast on her. He watched me as I wiggled my hips.

He was so hard. I watched that big dick out of the corner of my eyes as I tongued her. I enjoyed licking her with all that I had. It was so delicious to caress her. My tongue flicked over her. It was just a delicious time to feast on her like this.

“You know you want me,” I moaned between licks.

“You’re my sister,” he protested, still holding his cock.

“Jenny,” the husband whined.

What a pussy. He just let his wife get fucked by my big-dick brother. I mean, I understood why this slut wanted him. It was the guys’ fault for not being able to pleasure her. To keep her from straying. I shuddered, licking at her.

My brother pumped so much cum into her pussy. He filled her to the brim with his spunk. That was so wild. I licked at her with all that I had. I stroked through her folds, wanting to make her squeal out in delight. It would be so much fun to do that to her.

I tongued that hot cunt. I lapped at her with all that I had. It was just a delight to feast on her like that. My tongue flicked through her folds. I danced around her as she whimpered in delight. She was such a whore.

“Oh, that’s it,” she moaned as I plunged my tongue into her depths. “Ooh, ooh, stir around in me.”

I did stir around in her. I licked about in her snatch. She was so good. I loved feasting on her like this. I enjoyed every last moment of tonguing her cunt. I scooped my brother’s cum out of her spicy depths. I licked all that spunk out of her.

My brother watched. No guy could resist lesbians. Especially if one of the women was lapping his spunk out of another woman’s snatch. He was so turned on seeing this slutty sight. God, he must have seen this before.

I was his big sister. That made this even wilder. So taboo.

I savored the incestuous flavor of my brother’s salty cum that I scooped out of the slut-wife’s spicy cunt. I enjoyed every second of feasting on her. I tongued through her pussy. She whimpered as I did that. Her passion was so amazing to hear.

I licked at her again and again. I swirled my tongue around in her. She whimpered out louder. It was so hot to feast on her like this. I wanted to drive her wild. I wanted to make her cum so hard. I wanted her to squeal out in delight.

It would be so hot to do that to her. She would drench me in her pussy juices.

“Oh, yes, yes, you’re sister is driving me wild!” she whimpered.

“That’s good,” he said, his voice so tight.

“Ooh, ooh, this is so good!” she gasped as my tongue flicked around in her. I had to find more cum.

“Please, please, fuck me as I make her cum!” I whimpered. “My pussy is tighter and hotter and wetter than hers. I’m your sister. Your own flesh and blood.”

He groaned, so close to surrendering. I could feel it. He was so eager to just give in to his lust and fall on me. He would fuck me so hard. I licked the slut’s cunt. She whimpered, her orgasm about to burst through her.

I tongued her clit. I licked at her twat, wanting to make her explode again and again. I was so ready to drown in her pussy cream. I wanted that so much. I stroked over her. She whimpered, rubbing her pussy into my face.

“Oh, that’s it,” she gasped. I suckled on her clit. “Your sister is making me cum! Fuck her! Please, please fuck her! That would be so hot! Yes!”

Her spicy pussy juices gushed out.

I drowned in her cunt cream. My brother groaned, his hand working up and down his dick. He stared at me with this heat in his eyes. He wanted me. He just had to take that plunge. He had to be bold and seize me.

I wanted him to seize me so badly.

I licked at her cunt. I stroked my tongue through her folds. I loved brushing her like that. It was so good to feast on her like that. I enjoyed this immensely. I tongued her twat. It was so good to feast on her. She shuddered as I licked her. She quivered in delight as my tongue flicked over her folds.

“Oh, that’s it!” she gasped as I devoured all her juices. “Yes, yes, that’s so good!”

“Fuck,” my brother groaned.

“Yes, yes, come fuck my taboo pussy!” I whimpered. “Just slide into me, little brother. Fuck me with your huge dick. Breed me with your forbidden seed!”

I ripped my face from the slut’s cunt and crawled to him. Her juices dripped down my face. I stared at that massive cock. I just wanted to open my mouth and swallow him. It would be so good to just engulf his dick and suckle on him. He stared at me like I was a monster.

Then he shoved his cock in his pants, turned, and fled.

I blinked in surprise at that. It was so annoying. He just ran. What the fuck.

I was super miffed.



I smiled. This would be so much fun to make him crack. He wouldn’t head to his dorm. No, no, she could find him there. I smiled and knew just where he would go. I would help her to seduce him. I drifted toward her.

Whispered instructions so her sinful soul could wallow in pleasure and damn herself.

I loved this so much.


Joseph Meyer

I didn’t head back to my dorm. My sister could find me there. I had to think. I couldn’t believe that Rebecca was such a whore that she would act like that. It was just insane to think she could be such an abject slut.

I reached the college, the image of my sister licking my cum from the slut-wife’s pussy burned into my neurons. This day was so insane. It was so wrong. Why couldn’t she understand that? Why did she have to be such a huge slut?

I rushed to the archeology department and arrived at my lover’s classroom. I knew that Ms. Smythe wouldn’t be here, but I felt secure in her classroom. This was where I learned so much. And where I fucked her like a slut once she was done lecturing.

She would slip me her panties before class and I’d give them to her when I left, drawing them up her legs to trap my cum in her pussy to breed her. She was one of my concubines. Like Mrs. Murray or Mrs. Howser or Mrs. Howser’s daughter. Like the girls who lived on my floor of the dorm.
My harem.

But my sister…

I sank into the seat, my dick so hard. I wanted to see my sister naked. I lusted for her the way I shouldn’t. She was forbidden fruit. If I took her, I’d be like Adam taking a bite of the apple from Eve. I would experience something taboo. Something no man should.

It was knowledge my perverse mind wanted to enjoy.

I sucked in deep breaths as I struggled to calm down. I should just pull my cock out and jack off. No, no, I should call Ms. Smythe and tell her to get down here to teach me a special lesson totally nude. That would be perfect.

I reached for my phone when the door opened. For a moment, I thought it was my teacher. Instead, it was Rebecca.


My big sister sauntered to me. Her tits were Double D’s. They were so large and plump, bouncing with her every step. She sauntered, her hips swaying from side to side. Her dyed-red hair swayed around her lush face. Her shaved pussy dripped with their passion.

“I want you,” she moaned, her voice so throaty. “I want to be your slut! Like that barista and that wife. I want to suck your dick and ride your cock. I want to guzzle down your cum.”

“Shit,” I said as she moved before me. She was naked. So lush. My sister’s forbidden delights uncovered. She was shameless. “This is wrong. We can’t.”

“We can,” she purred. “Why shouldn’t we decide what right and wrong is? You’re amazing. Practically a god. You deserve to have whatever you desire.”

“A god?” I asked. She giggled, only her lips didn’t move.

“Yes,” she moaned and knelt before me. She rubbed her hands on my pants. “You’re hard for me. You want me. You deserve to have me. It doesn’t matter what anyone else wants.”
She unzipped me.

“What anyone says.”

She drew me out.

“We’re free to make our own right and wrong choices, and… This is right”

She swallowed me.

I groaned at the warmth of my sister’s soft mouth sliding over my dick. She suckled on me with such passion. It was such a great moment. I groaned, my back arching in my chair. She nursed on me with her hot mouth. She danced her tongue around me.

I shuddered at the amazing heat that brewed in me. My sister’s dyed-red hair spilled over my legs. The hue was so impossibly crimson. I slid my fingers through her tresses as she loved me. Worshiped me. Her words burned in my mind.

A god… Was that why women were flocking to me?

A soft, feminine chuckle of satisfaction echoed through the room.

I groaned as my sister suckled so hard on me. My face contorted with my delight as she did that. She worked her mouth up and down me. She suckled on me with all that she had. It was so good to have her doing that.

I groaned, my dick throbbing in her mouth. She bobbed her head, working her mouth up and down me. She loved my dick with all that she had. She brought me toward that exciting moment when I would dump my load into my sister’s mouth.

This was so wrong, but…

I wanted it to be right.

“Shit, Rebecca,” I groaned.

She winked at me as she bobbed her head. She suckled on me with all that she had. It was so good to have that mouth sucking on me. My face contorted in delight. She worked that hot mouth up and down me. It was perfect. I groaned at the heat surging through me.

I loved it. The heat throbbed through my cock. She suckled on me with all that she had. It was a pure delight to have her loving me like that. I groaned, savoring that delight so much. She would be gulping down my cum soon.

“Rebecca!” I groaned. “You dirty slut!”

She winked at me.

“Yes, yes, you’re just a dirty fucking whore!” I growled. “Just like every other woman. You’re all the same!”

She moaned around my cock and bobbed her head for all she was worth. She suckled on me with all this passion. It was so much fun to do that. I enjoyed that delight. She swirled her tongue around me. It was fantastic.

I shuddered, the heat building and building in my cock. I loved every last second of that delight swelling in me. I would have a mighty cum. Just a huge burst of delight that would flood into her mouth. I wanted to drown her.

“Fuck,” I growled. “My sister is a cock-sucking whore!”

She moaned her agreement, her tongue dancing about my crown.

I wanted her to drink down all that cum. I craved it so much. She would swallow all my spunk. I hurtled toward that moment. I gripped her red hair. I held her tight as her tongue caressed me. The pressure in my nuts swelled toward the bursting point.

“You’re going to drink my cum, slut!” I snarled. “You understand what you’re doing? You’re going to be my whore. My big sister and my personal cum-dumpster!”

She squealed her agreement around my cock, suckling so hard on me.

She craved this reality. She wanted it so badly. I could feel it in the strength of her suckling. She nursed on me with that hot mouth. I loved what she did to me. I rushed toward that wonderful moment, a big smile spreading on my lips.

My nuts tightened with my sister’s desperate and depraved hunger for my spunk. She wanted my jizz. I rose toward my explosion. Her tongue caressed around the rim of my crown. That was just an amazing thing to feel.

“Shit!” I growled.


I flooded my sister’s mouth with my cum. The forbidden ecstasy slammed through me. So much pleasure crashed into my mind. Stars flashed across my vision as I enjoyed every last second of this ecstasy. It was just incredible to have all that rapture shooting through me.

I grunted and groaned, my dick flooding her mouth with my spunk. It was so incredible to enjoy that delight. A big smile spread on my lips as I filled her mouth with my spunk. It was just incredible to experience this moment.

To savor this forbidden fruit.

And there was something even more taboo for me to enjoy.

“I’m going to flood your cunt with my seed and breed you, slut!” I growled.

She moaned around my dick as I fired the last of my cum into her mouth. I erupted into her again and again, the pleasure shooting through me. Stars flashed across my vision as I reveled in this delight. She ripped her mouth off my cock.

“Breed me!” she moaned and straddled me, her big boobs bouncing in my face.

She gripped my cock and plunged her cunt down my dick. In a single go, her taboo cunt engulfed me. I shuddered at the feel of my big sister’s snatch around my cock. She felt amazing around my rod. The incestuous rush swept through me. My nuts tightened.

My hands slapped down on her ass. I gripped her rump, squeezing her butt-cheeks as her pussy clenched about me. The chair creaked beneath us as she slid her cunt up my cock. She moaned in delight, her voice echoing through the room.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned. “My little brother’s mighty cock!”

She rode me with that hot and silky twat. It was so good to have her sliding up and down me. She massaged my dick with that amazing snatch. It was just a delight to have her working up and down me. I groaned, savoring every last second of her pussy massaging me. I squeezed her ass and watched her big titties bounce.

“Ooh, ooh, that’s it,” she moaned.

Her pussy massaged my cock with her taboo flesh. The pressure in my nuts swelled as her fertile cunt slid up me and plunged back down me. Again and again, she pleasured me with that hot snatch. She knew what she was doing to me.

She drove me closer and closer to cumming. Closer and closer to spurting all my spunk into her pussy. I loved that hot pussy massaging me. She squeezed her cunt down on me. She wiggled her hips back and forth.

“Shit!” I groaned.

“Mmm, just give me all that little brother jizz!” she moaned. “Flood me with your baby jism! I want your seed in me!”

“Dirty whore!”

“Your dirty whore, little brother!”

The need to cum grew and grew in me as she worked that hot pussy up and down me. She drove me wild with that hot flesh. It was incredible having her riding me like that. I hurtled toward that moment of eruption.

I wanted to flood her cunt.

I needed to.

She whimpered as she worked her feverish flesh up and down me. She squeezed her cunt around my cock, bringing me closer and closer to dumping my load into her. She clearly wanted my spunk. she craved it so badly.

Her moans and passion echoed through the classroom as she rode me. My balls tightened. The need to cum swelled at the tip of my dick. I was so close to spurting into her snatch. Just so near to erupting into her cunt.

She plunged her cunt down my dick and squealed out, “Breed me, little brother!”

My big sister’s pussy went wild around my dick. She spasmed about me. She suckled at me with that hot flesh. I groaned as she rippled around me. The pleasure shot through me. My fingers dug into her ass as I enjoyed every second of this delight.

I spurted my cum into her snatch again and again. I flooded her with my spunk. My seed. I filled my big sister’s womb with my cum. I could be breeding her. That thought swept through me. I groaned through my bliss.

“Damn!” I groaned.

“Yes, yes, I just want all your seed in my womb!” she moaned.

I savored that hot pussy around me. She cupped my face and kissed me. Her lips melted to mine as her pussy rippled around my dick. I spurted into her again and again. I crossed that wonderful line into taboo passion.

Like with Ashley and her mother, I had done it. I loved it so much.

I made out with my sister as I erupted one more blast of my cum into her fertile pussy. I wanted to knock up my big sister. I wanted her to have my baby. That would be so hot. Just such a wonderful thing to have happen. I kissed her, savoring this moment.

I broke the kiss and said, “You are my personal cum-dumpster sister.”

She grinned from ear to ear. “Yes, I am.”

She kissed me again and…

Who the hell was laughing? Fuck it, I didn’t care. I had a big sister to fuck. She had to learn the joy of drinking piss.

To be continued…

I have released a part 26 of the revamped Devil’s Pact on Smashwords. Read this post for more information if you’re interested!

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