I am now under quarantine! Which means I have to stay at home writing erotica. So… not much really has changed for me other than my roommate’s going to be around. His job is “non-essential” and his anime store is now closed. I had gotten used to having the house to myself most of the time…
Oh well.
Hope you all are staying safe and sound wherever you are!
I have finished God’s Passionate Love! All three books are written! I typed The END. Always a strange moment when writing a long story. It’s like a weight falls off of you along with an emotional rush.
I am thrilled. It came out pretty good. Nothing is ever the way you imagined in it your mind. It’s always imperfect, but I’m satisfied.
Triage X Volume 18 arrived just in time for Washington State to go under quarantine. I am a big fan of this series. It’s got wild action and violence, a main character who’s more than willing to get his hands dirty, and plenty of anime titties. An outrageous amount of anime titties.
Triage X is about Black Label, a medical vigilante unit founded by a doctor that believes triage needed to be extended beyond the hospital. To the criminals. Those who don’t deserve to live, the worst of the criminals, need to be put down.
Arashi is the newest recruit. A young man who wants to see evil punished. Willing to do whatever it takes to get the mission done. With him is Mikoto, who has her own dark reasons for wanting to be a vigilante, and the perky and playful Orhia. By day, she’s a pop idol, by night she’s sneaking off to kill criminals.
It’s an adrenaline-fueled ride. Volumen 18 ended on a huge cliff-hanger. Eager for 19. The
characters are great. The action is intense, and the fanservice is abundant!
And then World’s End Harem 8 showed up. Love this series. It is full of hot, harem sex.
In the future, Reito is a young man in love with a girl named Eliza. They are both medical students in college. He’s scared to confess his feelings to her because he’s been diagnosed by a rare and new disease. It will kill him soon so he has to go into cryostasis. Medical AI predicts they’ll figure out a cure in the next five years. But he gets the courage and tells her. Eliza says she’ll wait.
He goes into cryostais and awakens to find out that the world has changed. A mysterious disease has killed every man save those who went into cryostasis. The world is run by women. Only those with Reito’s rare disease has an immunity to the MK Virus. He’s the second man to be awakened and all hopes of humanity’s survival rest on him. They want him to breed. He wants to find the woman he loves, but Eliza has vanished in the chaos of the last five years as society worldwide has nearly collapsed. He decides to find her and to find a cure for the virus.
So that’s your typical anime protagonist who has a chance to screw a bunch of women but declines. Luckily for us readers, the other guys don’t have these problems. So as Reito looks for a cure and faces naught temptation, the other surviving men are having their fun. Lots of sex. In
fact, Part 8 has a mother and daughter tag-teaming a guy. So it has a great story and lots of sex.
A wonderful series.
Seriously Seeking Sister! Ulitmate Vampire Princess Just Wants Little Sister (Plenty of Service Will Be Provided!). Now isn’t that a mouthful of a title. It’s the light novel I’m reading. It’s fun and cute. I was hoping for a bit more yuri in it, but it’s more wholesome.
Ritsia is a true blood vampire, the youngest daughter of the king. All she wants is a little sister that she can dote on the way her family dotes on her. But her parents are just refusing to have another kid. So she embarks on a plan to go into stasis for a few decades to show her family she’s serious. A few decades is nothing in the life of beings that live for a thousand or more years.
Something goes wrong. She is in stasis for far, far longer. When she’s awakened by a young adventure, she learns that it’s been a thousand years since the vampires vanished and the world has changed. But now Ritsia has a chance to find her a little sister. Or more.
She’s a bit of an airhead, but she has a lot of heart. The book gets super real in the middle with some dark stuff.
Avery – Back In Your Heart is the iStripper card of the week for me. There were some great cards, but Avery just had this sensual cuteness about her. She’s sexy and playful. Just a delight to watch.