Hey everyone,
I’m back from Sakura Con. Long four days and I’m trilled to be home!
Just did the drawing for the two free copies of ‘Girl at the Bar’. Congratulations to Ego and Peter. I’ve sent you an email and if you haven’t gotten it yet, direct message me through the forum.
For everyone else, ‘Girl at the Bar’ will be available for purchase tomorrow from Smashwords, All Romance Ebook, and Amazon. For you guys it will be $.99 cents with this coupon: FH58A at Smashwords. The coupon expires 5-21-14. Also if you missed out on my first published worked ‘Roleplay Gone Wrong’ it’s half-off from All Romance Ebooks.
I’ve also become an affiliate with Smashwords. If you ever are looking to buy an ebook try Smashwords and click here. I may earn a small commission depending on the book you buy. It won’t cost you any extra, but it will help to support my writing. They have books in available in most formats (including .mobi which works on the Kindle).
In my free writing news, I’ve gotten back the first edit on Desiree and Alison Get Married, and I wrote about half of the rough draft for the Battered Lamp Chapter 5. I was also editing Chapter 6 of the Ghost of Paris and added another sex scene: ghost and twin sisters!
I also want to thank Dreamer, he or she has been helping me out with Spanish translations for Desiree. I’ve been using online translators and those don’t always get it right.
Take care