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Devil’s Pact Update 2-5-14

Hey everyone,

Master Ken finished the first edit of Chapter 35 this morning. The weather out East has made for some long days and it cuts into the time he can edit.

Found this pic today:

Violla A

Violla A

Is there anything sexier than a woman reading? Probably, but Violla sure looks smoking hot doing it.

Well, take care everyone


Devil’s Pact Update – 2-2-14

Hey everyone,

Chapter 35: The Storm is with my editor. Brandon Fitzsimmons has made his Pact with the Devil and is ready to enact his revenge on Mark. Chapters 35-38 will be released one after the other.

People had a lot of great ideas for what they would wish for if they made their own pact. Camelottt’s time freeze is my favorite with Hephaestus shapechange-mind reading idea a close second. Ziki, one of Lilith’s monster daughters, has that very power.

I’m writing the rough draft for chapter 44 right now, and it’s looking like around fifty chapters to complete the main story. I make no promises. My estimates are usually wrong.

Tonight’s the Super Bowl and I’m sorry for all the Bronco fans, but my Seahawks are going to dominate the Broncos! GO HAWKS!!!!!!!!

Take care,


Merry Christmas and Devil’s Pact Update

Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The next chapter is with my editor. And I’m nearly finished writing chapter 33. I want to do one more draft before it’s ready for editing.

Here’s a preview of Chapter 32: Decisions. Mark and Mary have freed their slaves and the girls grapple with the most important decision of their lives. This passage is from Desiree’s POV.

I stretched out on our bed and watched Alison’s ass as she bent down to root in our dresser. Her tight, wet slit was on display between her slim thighs, swollen and flushed from her orgasms. She found the strap-on, pulling the clear, plastic harness up her legs. A hot pink dildo was attached to the front, and Alison expertly tightened the straps. We had a lot of experience using it on each other. Alison posed, stroking her fake cock. The only other thing she wore was a gold choker, her name written in diamonds.

A similar choker was about my neck, my name written in onyxes. It proclaimed me the slut of Mark and Mary. Sudden anger blossomed inside me and I reached behind my neck to take the vile slave collar off.

“What are you doing?” Alison gasped.

I frowned at her. “I’m taking this damned thing off.”

“You don’t want to be their slut anymore?” Alison asked. There were tears brimming in her eyes.

“You do?” I asked, stunned. Why would Alison want to stay with them?

Alison sat on the bed next to me, taking my dark hands in her pale grip, kissed my knuckles. “I wanted to be Mark’s slave,” she confessed. “I’ve always fantasized about being submissive to a powerful man. When I discovered Mark was fucking Lillian while she was cashiering at Hot Topic, I got so wet.” A smile appeared on her lips and her eyes became distant. “When Mark fucked me in the store, I came so hard. I was so happy when he asked me to be his sex slave, Desiree. Almost as happy as when you proposed to me.”

“What about us?” I asked her. “I thought you loved me?”

“I do,” she protested. “We can both be theirs, Desiree. Together.”

I was horrified. “I can’t, Alison. Please don’t ask me to do this!”

“How is this any different then Brandon?” Alison asked me. “You married him for his money, submitted to his lusts for a comfortable life. Master and Mistress will give us all we desire. All we have to do is satisfy their lusts.” A naughty smile appeared on her lips. “And don’t tell me you hated the sex.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but no words came out. She was right. I had enjoyed it. The best sex I ever had. She sensed my hesitation and pounced on me, kissing me with her hungry lips. Could I submit to them, be their slave? I married Brandon for his money, for the comforts he could give me. I let the disgusting man paw at my body. At least I enjoyed the sex with Mark and Mary.

My legs parted for Alison, I moaned into her sweet lips as the dildo prodded my clam. I reached down, grabbing the plastic cock and guided it inside me. Alison eagerly slammed it home inside me, pumping her ass vigorously. My hands reached out, grabbing her tight, teenage ass and pulling her into me. I could feel her hard nipples, and the harder nipple piercings, rubbing against my pillowy chest. Every time Alison buried the dildo in my cunt, the harness ground against my clit, building my pleasure.

“Let’s be slaves together,” Alison panted, her breath hot on my ear. I shivered as her tongue traced my earlobe. “We’ll be slut-wives! Pleasing each other when Master and Mistress do not need us. Oh, please be my slut-wife, Desiree! Please, please, please!”

Well everyone take care. I’ll get Chapter 32 up as soon as its ready.


The Order of Mary Magdalene

The Order of Mary Magdalene

The Order of Mary Magdalene is an order of women associated with the Catholic Church. All the women have the Gift. The Orders Motherhouse is located in Rennes-le-Château in Southern France behind the Church of Mary Magdalene. The order is led by Mother Superior Maryām, the oldest living nun. The Order of St. John the Apostle was made of men who had the Gift, but the last monk died in 1942. The Archangel Gabriel guides the nuns and the Archangel Sophia guided the monks.

Name: Mother Superior Maryām
Sex: Female
Age: Unknown, rumored to be over 1000 (appears 18)
Eyes: Dark
Hair: Black, long and straight
Breasts: C Cup, dark nipples
Pussy: Bushy, tastes like honey
Piercings: None
Description: A beautiful women with olive skin and moves with grace
Background: Mother Superior of the Order of Mary Magdalene
First Appearance: Chapter 26

Name: Sister Agnes Chibuzo
Sex: Female
Age: 103 (Appears 18)
Eyes: Dark
Hair: Black, short and wooly
Breasts: B Cup, pink nipples
Pussy: Trimmed
Piercings: None
Description: Tall with coal black skin
Background: A nun from Sierra Leone, sent to aid Sister Theodora in the fight against Mark.
First Appearance: Chapter 25

Name: Sister Catherine Sarah
Sex: Female
Age: 543 (appears 18)
Background: A nun who gave her Gift to Tina Allard
First Appearance: Chapter 27

Name: Sister Eustace Mariam
Sex: Female
Age: 153 (at time of death in 1815)
Background: Nun who died exorcising Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo
First Appearance: Chapter 26

Name: Sister Frances Joan aka Jeanne d’Arc
Sex: Female
Age: 601 (Appeared 18)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black as night, long
Breasts: C Cup, dark nipples
Pussy: Shaved
Piercings: None
Description: A beautiful, french woman
Background: The nun who gave Doug Allard the Gift.
First Appearance: Chapter 26

Name: Sister Isabella Cecillia
Sex: Female
Age: 281 (Appears 18)
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Breasts: DD Cup
Pussy: Trimmed
Piercings: None
Description: Short, brown skin
Background: A nun from Guatamala, sent to aid Theodora in the fight against Mark
First Appearance: Chapter 25

Name: Sister Louise Afra aka Karen Redding
Sex: Female
Age: 51 (appears 18)
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Light brown and curly
Breasts: B Cup
Pussy: Shaved with a triangle
Piercings: None
Description: Beautiful, slim woman, doll face framed with light brown bangs, and plump kissable lips
Background: 30 years ago a female Warlock named Susanne made Karen the first of her twenty female sex slaves. When she was freed, Karen became a nun and inherited her powers from Sister Ruth Bethany
Family: Kurt (high school boyfriend)
First Appearance: Chapter 7

Name: Sister Theodora Mariam a.k.a Tiffany Sullivan
Sex: Female
Age: 44, appears 18
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Breasts: C Cup
Pussy: Trimmed, taste spicy
Piercings: Used to have piercings in her lips, nose, nipples and clitoral hood but they have all healed closed after twelve years
Description: Heart-shaped face, dimples when she smiles
Background: 13 years ago a Warlock, Kurt Bronson, made her his Thrall and forced her to leave her family. After a year, Sister Louise exorcised the Warlock and her. Kurt had made her divorce her husband and sign away her parental rights, so Mary had nowhere to go and inherited Sister Frances Bernadette powers. Gave Mark her Gift.
Family: Sean (ex-Husband), Shannon (Daughter), Mary (Daughter), Missy (Daughter)
First Appearance: Chapter 3

Mother Superior Maryām entrusted the original Magicks of the Witch of Endor to Doug Allard and his wife, Tina. Both were given the Gift by Maryām’s orders and told to keep the book safe until the time was right. The original has passages that the copies in the possession of Mark and Brandon do not have.

Name: Doug Allard
Sex: Male
Age: 45 (appears 18)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Description: Before the gift he was an overweight, balding man with glasses. After the gift he is a muscular man with full head of hair and no glasses.
Background: Former Tacoma cop, turned P.I. Hired by Brandon to watch Mark Glassner. Mark caught him and sent him to kill Brandon in France. Mother Superior Maryām exorcised Doug and Sister Frances Joan gave him the Gift.
Family: Tina (wife)
First Appearance: Chapter 16

Name: Tina Allard
Sex: Female
Age: 42 (appears 18)
Description: Chews on lower lip
Background: Doug’s wife, given the Gift by Sister Catherine Sarah
Family: Doug (husband)
First Appearance: Chapter 24

The Devil’s Pact Update 12-14-13

Hey everyone

Master Ken has graciously offered to be my editor and he is editing Chapter 30: Tiffany’s Tale right now and it will be posted as soon as he finishes. Mary has finally been reunited with her mother and will learn just what happened to her mother while Mark deals with a mysterious voice as he clings to life.

I have a side-story that should be coming out next, about Rachel, the woman on her honeymoon that Mark and Mary met in chapter 27 while they were in New York.

I am writing Chapter 31 right now. I always find the chapter after an arc ends to be the hardest to write. That would be chapters 12 and 24 previously. I know where the story is heading next, I just need to figure out how to get there.

Again, big thanks to Master Ken for offering to edit.

Take care,


The Devil’s Pact Update – 12-05-13

Hi everyone

I should be posting Chapter 26: The Three Sisters tomorrow before I go to work. I also finished my rough draft of Chapter 27: The Book and the next Tales from the Best Buy Incident, a very short story following Jessie from Chapter 3 as she returns to work the first day after the Best Buy reopens.

Well, I’m tired and going to bed, I hope everyone takes care.
