Tag Archives: Females/Teen female

Der Pakt mit dem Teufel Kapitel 41: Das Attentat



Der Pakt mit dem Teufel

Kapitel 41: Das Attentat

Von mypenname3000

Übersetzt von Horem

English version edited by Master Ken

© Copyright 2013, 2014

Story Codes: Male/Female, Females/Teen female, Male/Females/Teen females, Mind Control, Magic, Incest, Oral, Watersports, Rimming, Violence

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated. To contact me, you can leave a comment or email me at mypenname3000@mypenname3000.com, and you can contact my editor by email at dionysus40@prodigy.net.

Click here for Kapitel 40.

Wir werden jede Waffe benutzen, die uns zur Verfügung steht, um die Tyrannen zu vernichten, jedes Mittel, das wir in die Hand bekommen. Keine Macht kann zu dunkel sein, keine Tat zu abscheulich. Wir werden nicht vor unserer Aufgabe zurückschrecken. Wir werden nicht ruhen, bis die Tyrannen tot sind. Wir sind überall. Wir sind Legion.

Auszug aus „Das Manifest der Patrioten“ Autor unbekannt

Montag, 7. Oktober 2013 – Mary Glassner – Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City

Ich richtete einen Schlag auf Marks Gesicht. Er schnappte sich mit Leichtigkeit meine Faust.
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Der Pakt mit dem Teufel Kapitel 19: Die Sullivans



Der Pakt mit dem Teufel

Kapitel 19: Die Sullivans

Von mypenname3000

Übersetzt von Horem

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Teen male/Female, Males/Female, Females/Teen female, Male/Females/Teen female, Mind Control, Incest, Anal, Oral, Creampie, Orgy, Magic

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Kapitel 18

„Du hast einen hübschen Arsch“, sagte ich und kniff Mary in ihren Knackarsch, als sie die Dusche einschaltete. „Habe ich dir das schon einmal gesagt?“

„Immer wieder“, sagte Mary und schaute mich an. „Und ich höre es immer wieder gerne.“

Mein Sperma lief ihr aus dem Arsch und aus der Fotze, weißliche Bäche an ihren Oberschenkeln, die sie total sexy aussehen ließen. Wir hatten die letzten eineinhalb Stunden im Bett verbracht und gefickt. Wir hatten jede erdenkliche Stellung benutzt und ich war in jedem Loch gekommen, das mein verdorbenes Fohlen hat. Ich drückte ihren Arsch und genoss das Gefühl ihres Fleisches in meiner Hand.

Mary schob meine Hand weg. „Hast du noch nicht genug?“ fragte sie mit einem zufriedenen Lächeln.

„Ich habe nie genug von dir“, sagte ich. Ich zog sie an mich und küsste sie auf die Lippen. „Ich werde deiner niemals müde, Mare.“

„Hör auf“, protestierte Mary halbherzig. Ich nahm ihre Schwäche wahr und küsste sie wieder. „Meine Familie kommt gleich. Wir müssen uns fertig machen, Mark.“

Das Bad war in Dampf eingehüllt und Mary schlüpfte aus meinem Griff und betrat die Dusche. Warmes Wasser rann auf ihren perfekten nackten Körper. Es lief an ihren Brüsten vorbei und an ihrem Bauch entlang zu dem herzförmigen Haarbusch oberhalb ihrer Fotze. Sie hielt den Kopf unter das Wasser und ihr rotbraunes Haar verteilte sich auf ihrem Rücken. Ich ging auch in die Dusche und drückte mich gegen ihren Rücken. Mein harter Schwanz rieb sich an ihrem Arsch, während ich meine Hände um sie herum legte und ihre Brüste und ihre harten Nippel fand.

Mary seufzte vor Lust auf. „Wir haben keine Zeit, Mark“, flüsterte sie. Ihre Nippel waren harte Knöpfchen unter meinen Fingern.

„Du bist so wunderschön“, flüsterte ich und küsste ihren Hals. „Ich kann deinem wunderschönen Körper einfach nicht widerstehen.“

Mary drehte sich im meiner Umarmung zu mir um. Lust glitzerte in ihren Augen. Ich stöhnte, als sie nach meinem harten Schwanz griff und ihn mit ihrer nassen Hand wichste. Ihre Brüste waren gegen meine Brust gedrückt und ihre Nippel waren steinhart. Ich ließ eine Hand an ihrem Rücken nach unten rutschen und fasste ihren Knackarsch an.

„Ich dachte, wir müssen uns fertig machen?“ fragte ich und genoss das Gefühl ihrer Hand an meinem Schwanz.

„Das müssen wir auch“, flüsterte sie und sie spreizte ihre Beine ein wenig mehr. „Meine Familie kommt nämlich gleich.“

Ihre Hände führten meinen Schwanz an den heißen Eingang zu ihrer Muschi. Ich spürte ihre Schamlippen an meiner Eichel und dann spürte ich das Loch, das nach innen führte. Ich stieß langsam nach vorne und genoss das Gefühl, wie ihre Fotze meinen Schwanz umschloss. „Wenn wir uns fertig machen müssen“, flüsterte ich in ihr Ohr, „warum steckst du dann meinen Schwanz in deine Fotze?“

„Weil ich es liebe, wenn er in mir ist“, keuchte Mary, als ich innen anstieß. „Du bist so stattlich, dass ich dir einfach nicht widerstehen kann. Also fick mich schon! Reite dein Fohlen!“

Ihr Lippen waren auf meinen, ihre Zunge war in meinem Mund. Ich nahm ihre Hüften und sie schlang ihre Beine um meine Taille und ihre Arme um meinen Hals, als ich sie gegen die Wand der Dusche drückte. Dann beendete sie den Kuss und stöhnte leidenschaftlich in mein Ohr und hielt mich fest, während ich begann, langsam meinen Schwanz in ihrer Muschi zu bewegen.

„Heute Abend werde ich mit meinen beiden Schwestern Liebe machen“, flüsterte Mary mir ins Ohr. „Meine ältere Schwester Shannon, die Bitch und die kleine Missy. Ich werde ihre Muschis auslecken und sie werden meine auslecken. Und dann kannst du sie ficken.“ Sie packte meinen Schwanz fester mit ihrer Fotze. „Stell dir das mal vor, die Sullivan Mädchen, nackt und willig in deinem Bett!“

Ich stellte sie mir vor. Shannon, eine reifere Mary, ihr Körper weiter entwickelt. Missy war Marys jüngere Schwester, noch in der Oberschule. Alle drei, gemeinsam im Bett. Drei rothaarige Schönheiten, die sich gegenseitig streichelten. Wen würde ich als erste nehmen? Die erfahrenere Shannon oder die jugendliche, vielleicht noch jungfräuliche Missy?

„Du bist die Beste, Mare“, keuchte ich. „Es ist so süß von dir, dass du deine Schwestern mit mir teilen willst.“

Mary schnurrte kehlig. „Und nachdem du in die verdorbenen Fotzen meiner Schwestern gespritzt hast, werde ich deinen Saft aus ihren Schnallen herauslecken.“

Ich konnte mir Mary vorstellen, wie sie vor ihrer Schwester kniete und sich die Sahnetorte genehmigte, während ich mein Fohlen von hinten nahm. Ihre Schwester würde sich vor Lust winden und Mary darum bitten, ihre Fotze noch härter zu lecken. Sie würde darum betteln, dass Mary ihr einen Orgasmus schenkte. Und wenn ich dann mein Sperma in Mary geschossen hatte, würden die beiden Schwestern tauschen und dann würde auch noch Marys Sahnetorte gegessen.

„Ja, Mare!“ keuchte ich und meine Eier zogen sich zusammen. „Oh ja, ich kann es gar nicht abwarten! Hier kommt es, Mare! Du bist ein richtig verdorbenes Fohlen gewesen!“ stöhnte ich, als mein Sperma in sie hineinschoss.

„Ja, ja, spritz mich voll!“ keuchte sie. „Bist du so aufgeregt?“

„Ja!“ keuchte ich und lehnte mich gegen sie.

„Hör nicht auf!“ drängte mich Mary. „Ich will auch kommen!“

Unser Fleisch schlug gegeneinander, als ich sie weiterfickte. „Und bist du auch so aufgeregt, dass du die Mösen seiner Schwestern bekommst?“

„Ja, ich kann es auch nicht abwarten“, stöhnte sie. Sie fickte ihre Hüften gegen mich. „Ich werde…“ Ein Klopfen an der Badezimmertür unterbrach sie. „Ja?“ rief Mary ärgerlich.

Die Tür öffnete sich und jemand kam herein. „Sorry Herrin“, entschuldigte sich Thamina, unsere arabische Schlampe. Thamina war eine der drei Schlampen, die uns heute Abend bedienen würden. Die anderen beiden waren Desiree, die frühere Hausherrin und Fiona, eine Kellnerin aus Seattle. „Deine Schwester Shannon und ihr Freund sind angekommen.“

Mary stöhnte und zuckte mir mit ihren Hüften entgegen. „Die sind zu früh. Sag ihnen, dass wir uns gerade fertig machen und dass wir gleich da sind.“

„Soll ich ihnen sagen, was ihr gerade macht?“ fragte Thamina amüsiert.

„Nein!“ sagte Mary keuchend. „Und benehmt euch so gut wie möglich. Ihr seid heute Abend ganz normale Zofen und keine Fick-Zofen.“

„Natürlich, Herrin“, murmelte Thamina.

„Du wirst mich vor den anderen heute Abend Miss Mary nennen, Schlampe“, stöhnte Mary. „Oder ich werde dir deinen Arsch versohlen, bis er kirschrot ist und du eine Woche lang nicht sitzen kannst!“ Marys Fotze quetschte meinen Schwanz ein. „Hmmm, dein dunkler Arsch, der bei jedem Schlag wackelt und deine versaute kleine Fotze, die bei jedem Schlag nasser wird! Hmmm, fick mich fester, Mark!“ Ich gehorchte und fickte Mary hart. Unsere Schöße schlugen in der Dusche gegeneinander. Ihre Fotze verkrampfte sich auf meinem Schwanz und sie schrie ihren Orgasmus heraus. „Mein geiler Hengst! Oh verdammt, jaaa!“

Ich fickte sie immer härter, während sie noch in ihrer Lust stöhnte. Ihre Fotze klammerte meinen Schwanz, als ein zweiter Orgasmus ihrem ersten folgte. Dieser war nicht ganz so stark wie der erste, aber trotzdem zuckte Mary an mir. Ihre Fotze molk gierig Sperma aus meinem Schwanz . Ich spürte, wie sich meine Eier zusammenzogen und ich stöhnte in das Ohr von meinem Fohlen. Dann gab ich ihr drei guter Spritzer von meinem klebrigen Saft.

Ich war als erster fertig. Ich hatte eine Bluejeans angezogen und ein weißes Hemd mit blauen Nadelstreifen. Ich war frisch rasiert und hatte ein nach Moschus riechendes Aftershave benutzt, das Mary mir gekauft hatte. „Hmmm, du riechst toll“, schnurrte Mary und küsste mich auf die Lippen. Meine Hände fuhren nach unten und drückten ihren Knackarsch. Sie griff nach hinten und nahm meine Hände weg. „Nein, du gehst jetzt nach unten und unterhältst unsere Gäste.“

Ich seufzte und rückte meinen harten Schwanz in meiner Hose zurecht. Dann verließ ich die nackte Mary, die sich vor dem Badezimmerspiegel Makeup auflegte. Ich ging die Treppe nach unten und hörte Stimmen aus dem Wohnzimmer. Fiona kam in einem konservativen Zofen-Outfit an mir vorbei. Es war zumindest konservativ, wenn man es mit ihren normalen Sachen verglich. Es war ein klassisches französisches Outfit, ein Oberteil mit tiefem Ausschnitt, der mit Spitze gesäumt war, ein kurzer Rock mit mehreren Lagen Petticoats darunter und Netzstrümpfe, die mit Strumpfhaltern an ihren wundervollen Beinen gehalten wurden. Ihr Haar hatte sie in einem Pferdeschwanz zusammengebunden und darüber trug sie eine weiße Kappe. In ihrer Hand hatte sie ein Tablett mit drei Weingläsern und zwei Gläsern mit Mineralwasser.

„Meister“, begrüßte sie mich. Dann wurde sie rot. „Ich meine, Mr. Mark.“

„Pass nur auf, dass Mary so etwas nicht mitbekommt“, sagte ich. „Sie sucht jemanden, dem sie den Hintern versohlen kann.“

„Danke für die Warnung, Sir.“ Fiona lächelte und ich folgte ihr ins Wohnzimmer, wo sie die Gläser auf kleinen Sets auf dem Tisch abstellte.

Marys Familie und die Freunde ihrer Schwestern saßen alle nervös im Wohnzimmer. Ich kannte dieses Gefühl ganz genau von meinem Job als Staubsaugervertreter. Selbst nach Jahren, in denen ich diesen Job ausgeübt hatte, fühlte ich mich jedes Mal ein wenig unwohl in einem neuen Haus. Marys Vater stand auf. Er war ein großer Mann, ein wenig korpulent in der Mitte. Er hatte rotes Haar, das von grauen Strähnen durchzogen war. Er hatte es in einem Pferdeschwanz zusammengebunden und ein hellroter Bart bedeckte sein schmales Gesicht. Er hatte grüne Augen in derselben Farbe, die auch Mary hatte.

„Mark?“ fragte er und hielt mir seine Hand hin.

„Ja“, antwortete ich. Er hatte einen festen Griff. „Ich bin Mark Glassner. Sie müssen Sean sein.“ Ich bemerkte einen goldenen Ehering an seinem Finger. „Oh, Mary hat mir gar nicht gesagt, dass Sie wieder geheiratet haben.“

Sean blinzelte, dann schaute er auf seine Hand. „Oh nein, es ist nur…“ Er seufzte. „Ich bin sicher, Mary hat Ihnen von ihrer Mutter erzählt.“

Ich nickte. Mary hatte mir erzählt, dass ihre Mutter als sie sechs Jahre alt war, mit einem Musiker durchgebrannt war. Ihre Mutter wollte Spaß haben, also verließ sie ihre Familie, um mit irgendeiner Indi-Rock-Band herumzuhuren. Marys Mutter hatte einen detaillierten Brief geschrieben und ihrem Mann all den Spaß beschrieben, den sie mit ihrem Freund und auch mit anderen hatte. Sie hatte sich scheiden lassen und hatte auch das Erziehungsrecht für ihre Töchter abgegeben. Mary war heute noch verletzt von ihrem Verhalten.

„Tut mir leid“, sagte ich. Mir fiel nichts Besseres ein. Dieser Mann war anscheinend nie darüber hinweg gekommen, dass seine Frau ihn verlassen hatte.

„Es geht mir gut“, sagte Sean. „Egal, das hier ist meine Älteste, Shannon.“ Sean zeigte auf eine feuerrote Frau Anfang Zwanzig. Shannon war größer als Mary und sie hatte das schmale Gesicht ihres Vaters. Wenn sie nicht das rote Haar gehabt hätte, wäre ich nie auf die Idee gekommen, dass sie Marys Schwester war. Sie hatte eine enge Bluejeans an, die ihren festen Arsch zeigte und eine lila Trachtenbluse, die mit kleinen purpurfarbenen Blumen am Ausschnitt verziert war.

„Ich freue mich, dass wir uns kennenlernen“, rief Shannon und warf ihre Arme um meinen Hals. Sie drückte mich. Ich spürte, wie sich ihre Brüste durch die lockere Bluse an mich drückten. Sie fühlten sich größer an als die von Mary.

Shannon ließ mich wieder los und sah mich von oben bis unten an. „Du bist auf jeden Fall schon mal besser angezogen als Mike“, sagte sie. Mike war das Arschloch, mit dem Mary ging, als wir uns trafen. Die beiden kannten sich seit ihrer Zeit in der Oberschule und er nutzte sie aus. Mary hatte Angst, so zu werden wie ihre Mutter und deshalb lief sie nicht weg sondern blieb bei ihm, selbst als sie den Eindruck hatte, dass er sie betrog. Irgendwann einmal würde ich mir diesen Typ mal vornehmen und ihn dafür bestrafen, wie er sie behandelt hatte.

„Pass ja auf, dass du ihr nicht das Herz brichst“, warnte Shannon mich mit der Entschlossenheit einer Mutter.

„Das tue ich bestimmt nicht“, sagte ich. Ihre Augen hatten die Farbe von Haselnüssen mit kleinen grünen Sprenkeln. Sie bohrten sich in mich. „Ich liebe sie.“

Da lächelte sie wieder.

Die Jüngste, Missy, stand hinter ihrer Schwester. Missy sah aus, wie eine jüngere Ausgabe von Mary. Sie hatte dasselbe herzförmige Gesicht, das mit Sommersprossen bedeckt war, aber sie hatte blaue Augen. Ihr Haar war heller, rotblond. Sie hatte zwei Zöpfe. Sie war schlaksig, offenbar noch in der Entwicklung und sah so aus, als wäre sie etwa fünfzehn Jahre alt. Sie quietschte glücklich und warf sich mir an den Hals.

„Oh mein Gott, ich kann die Hochzeit gar nicht erwarten“, sprudelte Missy. „Ich habe mir schon immer einen großen Bruder gewünscht!“ Sei drückte ihre Lippen schnell an meine Wange und ließ mich wieder los.

„Ich… äh…, nett dich kennen zu lernen, Missy“, stammelte ich. Ich war durch ihren Enthusiasmus leicht verstört. Ihr Körper hatte sich so gut angefühlt, als sie sich gegen mich gedrückt hatte, kleine Brüste und die geschmeidige Figur eines Teenagers. Mein Schwanz wurde in meiner Hose noch härter, als ich daran dachte, dass ich diese beiden Mädchen noch heute Abend ficken würde. Ich wollte es eigentlich sofort tun, aber Mary wollte erst ein schönes normales Abendessen mit ihrer Familie.

„Ich bin George, Shannons Freund“, sagte ein Mann in meinem Alter. Er hatte kurzes schwarzes Haar. Er hatte die typische Frisur eines Geschäftsmannes. Er war ganz ordentlich angezogen. Er trug eine graue Hose und ein weißes Hemd und darüber eine graue Weste. Er hatte einen grauen Filzhut auf dem Kopf und ich musste beinahe lachen. Er versuchte, cool auszusehen und ihn nicht gleich herunter zu nehmen. Ich schüttelte seine Hand. „Du hast ein tolles Haus. Mary hat nie erwähnt, was du so machst.“

Ich lächelte. „Poker“, sagte ich. „Ich bin Berufsspieler.“

„Kein Bankräuber?“ fragte George. Ganz offensichtlich hatte er die Nachrichten gesehen.

Nun, das war ich wirklich und mit meinen Kräften war das ein Kinderspiel. „Nein, das war ein Missverständnis. Du kannst Mary gerne fragen. Sie war dabei, als das eine oder andere passiert ist. Und trotzdem hat sich das FBI nicht davon abhalten lassen, meine Tür aufzubrechen und uns zu erschrecken.“

„Natürlich“, sagte Sean. „Warum sollte sich Mary auch mit einem Bankräuber einlassen?“

Gott, es fiel mir schwer, ernst zu bleiben. Mary hatte keine Einwände erhoben, als ich ihr gesagt hatte, dass ich eine Bank ausgeraubt hatte, im Gegenteil, sie war nass geworden davon und wir hatten leidenschaftlich gefickt. Der letzte unserer Gäste saß still auf dem Sofa und nippte an seinem Mineralwasser. Er war ein Teenager. Fünfzehn oder so, im gleichen Alter wie Missy. Er trug ein rotes Kapuzenshirt und eine Jeans. Sein linkes Ohr war gepierct und sein Haar war lang und an den Seiten rasiert. Ich schaute ihn fragend an.

„Das ist Damien“, sagte Missy aufgeregt. „Wir gehen schon ewig miteinander! Schon seit dem Frühling! Er ist der Allerbeste!“ Missy starrte mit glasigen Augen auf den Jüngling. Jugendliebe tropfte aus ihrem ganzen Körper.

„Hi“, murmelte er und er schrumpfte in die Couch hinein, weil alle Erwachsenen ihn anschauten.

Alle setzten sich wieder. Die Erwachsenen nahmen ihre Weingläser und Missy nahm sich das andere Mineralwasser, Shannon und George saßen nebeneinander auf der Couch neben Damien. Sean saß auf einem Sessel und Missy hatte es sich auf einer Lehne der Couch neben ihrem Damien bequem gemacht. Dessen Augen klebten an ihren schlanken Beinen und er hielt sein Glas vor seinen Schoß.

Ich war offenbar nicht der Einzige, der ein wenig Entspannung brauchte, dachte ich mit einem Lächeln.

„Poker also, das muss sehr aufregend sein“, sagte Sean. „Ich arbeite nur als Englischlehrer an der Oberschule.“

„Oh, ich denke, dass die Arbeit an einer Oberschule auch sehr aufregend sein kann.“ Ich dachte an den Spaß, den ich heute an der Rogers Oberschule gehabt hatte. Das war ein Fehler. Ich musste jetzt wirklich etwas mit meinem Schwanz machen.

Fiona stand am Ende des Tisches. Sie sah in ihrem Outfit so süß und sexy aus. Gott, ich konnte einfach nicht bis nach dem Abendessen warten, ich musste jetzt etwas ficken! Ich fing ihren Blick auf und bedeutete ihr, dass sie in den Flur gehen sollte, wo hinter der ersten Tür das Bad lag.

Thamina kam herein. „Kann ich etwas für Sie tun, Mei.., Mister Mark?“

„Nein, ich gehe mal eben zu Desiree, um zu sehen, was das Essen macht. Sie ist eine wunderbare Köchin. Thamina wird für euch sorgen.“ Ich stand auf. „Entschuldigt mich bitte einen Moment.“

„Mein Gott, ich bin schon am Verhungern“, sagte Shannon. „Ich habe heute Mittag nur einen Salat gegessen. Ich muss auf meine Figur aufpassen.“ Sei kicherte und nahm einen Schluck Wein. Ich schaute ihre Figur an, und was auch immer sie machte, es funktionierte.

„Wie viele Angestellte habt ihr denn?“ fragte Sean. Er schaute auf Thamina. „Sind das nicht ein bisschen viel?“

„Ach, wir haben genug“, antwortete ich. „Mary wollte, dass der heutige Abend ganz besonders wird. Wenn ihr mich bitte jetzt entschuldigen wollt“, sagte ich. Ich brauchte wirklich endlich eine Entspannung für meinen Schwanz.

Ich verschwand im Esszimmer und ging durch die Küche. Es roch dort sehr lecker und Desiree sah mich neugierig an, als ich an ihre vorbei ging. Ich ging an der anderen Seite aus der Küche hinaus und kam in einen weiteren Flur. Dieser Flur führte zur Treppe in die erste Etage und zu dem Bad, in dem Fiona schon auf mich wartete. Sie hatte ein verdorbenes Lächeln auf dem Gesicht. Ich schloss die Tür und hielt meinen Finger auf meine Lippen. Fionas Lächeln wurde breiter.

Ich beugte sie über das Waschbecken, schlug den schwarzen Rock ihres Kostüms und die Petticoats nach oben und legte ihren Arsch frei und den nassen Schlitz ihrer Fotze. Ihre Vulva war vor Sehnsucht geschwollen und ihre kleinen Schamlippen ragten zwischen den äußeren hervor. Ich fischte meinen Schwanz heraus und seufzte erleichtert, als ich ihn langsam in Fionas warmen Schlitz schob.

Ich fickte sie langsam mit starken tiefen Stößen und genoss das fantastische Gefühl ihrer Muschi an meinem Schwanz. Fiona legte eine Hand auf ihren Mund, um ein Stöhnen zu unterdrücken. Es war etwas sehr Erregendes dabei, eine Frau zu ficken, wenn quasi nebenan eine ganze Gruppe Menschen sich unterhält. Es wurde im Wohnzimmer langsam lauter, weil der Wein die Stimmung hob.

Die Tür zum Bad wurde geöffnet und eine verblüffte Missy Sullivan schaute herein. Ihr Mund stand offen. Sie wusste nicht, wie sie sich verhalten sollte. Dann erschien auf ihrem Gesicht Zorn anstelle der Überraschung und sie schaute mich mit ihren blauen Augen an. Sie atmete tief ein und wollte schon schreien und ich wollte ihr schon einen Befehl geben, als Mary plötzlich hinter ihr stand und eine Hand auf den Mund ihrer kleinen Schwester legte.

„Schsch, Missy, ich bin es“, flüsterte Mary. „Ich lass dich wieder los, aber du darfst nicht schreien.“

Missy nickte. „Dein Verlobter ist… ist… mit einer anderen Frau…“ Missys Gesicht war rot wie eine Tomate und sie versuchte, wegzuschauen, aber ihr Blick hing an der Stelle, an der mein Schwanz sich in Fionas Fotze rein und raus bewegte.

„Das ist okay, Baby“, flüsterte Mary. Sie schob Missy vorsichtig ins Bad und schloss die Tür hinter sich. „Mark ist ein echter Mann“, fuhr Mary fort und flüsterte ihrer Schwester ins Ohr. Sie waren gleich groß. Mary legte einen Arm um Missy und drückte sich an ihren Rücken. „Und ein richtiger Mann nimmt sich wen er will wann er will.“

„Aber… aber…“ wollte Missy protestieren. Ihre Gedanken schwirrten durcheinander durch ihren Kopf.

„Komm, schau zu, wie ein richtiger Mann fickt“, schnurrte Mary. „Schau zu, wie sich ein richtiger Mann seine Lust bei einer verdorbenen kleinen Schlampe befriedigt, die später verhauen werden wird.“ War es fair, Fiona dafür zu bestrafen, dass sie meinen Befehlen gehorcht hatte? Nein, aber das konnte Mary nicht aufhalten. Sie verhaute nun einmal gerne Ärsche und würde jede Ausrede benutzen, um das zu rechtfertigen.

Meine Stöße wurden heftiger. Ich liebte es immer, Zuschauer zu haben und Marys kleine Schwester war eine wirklich verlockende Zuschauerin. Das musste wohl auch Fiona denken, den sie schrie jetzt in ihre Hand, während ihre Fotze jetzt meinen Schwanz fest umkrampfte. Vielleicht lag das aber auch daran, dass sie erregt war, weil sie von Mary verhauen werden würde.

„Der ist groß!“ bewunderte Missy mich. „Viel größer als der von Damien.“

„Damien ist ja auch erst fünfzehn“, sagte Mary. „Er wird schon noch ein wenig wachsen. Stell dir mal diesen Schwanz in deiner Muschi vor, Missy. Der würde sich sicher besser anfühlen als das kleine Teil von Damien. Bestimmt würdest du toll kommen! Bist du eigentlich schon einmal mit Damien gekommen?“

„Nein“, flüsterte Missy. „Es fühlt sich zwar gut an, aber es kommt mir nie.“ Missy biss sich auf die Unterlippe. „Willst du etwa, dass ich mit ihm…?“

„Wie fändest du das?“ fragte Mary.

„Ich liebe Damien“, sagte Missy. „Und Damien liebt mich auch. Ich habe ihm meine Jungfräulichkeit geschenkt. Wir werden heiraten und ganz viele Kinder haben.“

„Natürlich, Kleines“, flüsterte Mary. „Aber Ficken und Liebe haben nichts miteinander zu tun. Mark liebt mich, aber er fickt gerade Fiona. Und ich liebe Mark und ich ficke andere Leute.“

„Wirklich?“ fragte Missy neugierig. „Wen?“

„Fiona hier.“

„Du machst es mit einer Frau?“ keuchte Missy. „Wow!“

„Es kommt ihm gleich“, sagte Mary. „Scheu dir genau sein Gesicht an. Seine Eier sind soweit. Wenn ein Mann so schaut, dann kann ihn nichts mehr aufhalten.“

Ich biss meine Zähne zusammen. Die Unterhaltung der beiden trieb mich über die Kante und ich gab Fiona meine Ladung. Ich zog meinen Schwanz aus Fiona heraus und Missys Augen hingen an meinem nassen Schwanz und dann sah sie, wie mein weißer Saft aus Fionas Fotze lief.

„Das war die Arbeit eines richtigen Mannes, Missy“, sagte Mary. „Erzähl bitte keinem davon. Das hier bleibt unser kleines Geheimnis, okay?“

Missy nickte. Sie starrte erstaunt auf Fionas Muschi. Mary öffnete die Tür und gab ihr einen kleinen Schubs. Dann ging sie um mich herum. Selbst zornig sah Mary in ihrem schwarzen Kleid atemberaubend aus. Es war eng und klebte an ihren Kurven. Und es hatte einen tiefen Ausschnitt und zeigte eine Menge von ihren Titten. Schwarze Strümpfe bedeckten ihre schlanken Beine. Sie wurden von einem Strumpfhaltergürtel gehalten, dessen Clips unter dem Kleid hervorschauten.

„Du solltest dich benehmen, Mark Glassner“, sagte sie ärgerlich.

„Sorry Mare“, entschuldigte ich mich. „Ich war geil.“

Mary rollte die Augen. „Wann bist du mal nicht geil?“

„Nie.“ Ich lächelte. „Du siehst atemberaubend aus, Mare. Ich liebe dieses Kleid an dir.“ Mary lächelte.

„Hast du jetzt genug Druck abgelassen oder muss ich mir Sorgen machen, dass du dich beim Essen wegstiehlst und eine der Schlampen in den Arsch fickst?“

„Ich werde brav sein“, versprach ich.

Mary schlug Fiona auf den Arsch. „Wisch das Sperma weg und komm zum Bedienen.“ Dann fasste Mary mich am Arm und zog mich aus dem Bad heraus.

Shannon und Sean freuten sich, als sie Mary sahen. Und Missy hatte ein wissendes Lächeln auf den Lippen, als Fiona ein wenig nervös hereinkam. Aber sie sagte nichts. Shannon umarmte ihre Schwester ein wenig länger als Schwestern das normalerweise machen und ihre Hand streichelte Marys Rücken ein wenig sinnlicher, als man das normalerweise erwarten würde. Marys Wunsch, dass alle Frauen sie begehren sollten, funktionierte bei ihren Schwestern auch, besonders bei Shannon.

Das Abendessen war köstlich und bestand aus mehreren Gängen. Zuerst gab es eine delikate Tomatensuppe, natürlich selbstgemacht und anschließend kam ein Salat mit Mandeln. Als Hauptgang gab es Täubchen in Limone und Paprika mit einer delikaten Brotfüllung. Als Beilage gab es Stampfkartoffeln mit einer pikanten Soße. Der Wein floss reichlich und alle amüsierten sich und lachten viel. Es stellte sich heraus, dass Sean ein Spaßvogel war. Er erzählte gerne Geschichten aus der Schule von den Streichen, die die Schüler immer wieder anstellten.

Damien kam ein wenig aus sich heraus, als sich herausstelle, dass wir beide „Call of Duty“ spielten. „Der zehnte Teil wird sicher der Hammer werden!“ rief Damien. „Das wird sicher der absolute Heuler auf der Xbox Live!“ Er war eigentlich ein ganz netter Kerl, als er erst einmal seine Schüchternheit überwunden hatte. Missy saß neben ihm und nickte immer, wenn Damien etwas sagte. Aber sie starrte ständig mich an. Dabei hatte sie dieses Lächeln und diese leicht geröteten Wangen.

Shannon und ihr Freund unterhielten sich mit Mary. Shannon schaute fast die ganze Zeit in Marys Ausschnitt und immer wieder erzitterte Mary leicht. Mary lehnte sich zu mir und flüsterte mir zu, dass ihre Schwester mit ihr unter dem Tisch füßelte. Dabei ging sie gelegentlich so weit, mit ihrem Fuß bis zu Marys Muschi zu gehen und durch den Stoff ihres Höschens über ihren Kitzler zu reiben.

George hatte keine Ahnung von den Aktivitäten seiner Freundin unter dem Tisch. Das Gespräch drehte sich um meine Poker-Karriere und ich benutzte alles, was ich jemals aus der World Poker Series mitbekommen hatte, um mich durch dieses Gespräch zu lavieren. Es war Mary wichtig, dass ich keine Kontrolle auf ihre Familie ausübte, wenn das nicht nötig war.

Als das Dessert serviert wurde, entschuldigte sich Mary, um zur Toilette zu gehen und Shannon folgte ihr. Als Mary zurückkam, war ihr Haar ein wenig zerzaust und ihr Lippenstift war verschmiert. Ich zog sie zu mir und küsste sie und sie flüsterte: „Shannon hat mich geküsst.“

George küsste Shannon, als sie sich setzte. Teller mit Schokoladenkuchen und Vanilleeis wurden von Desiree selber hereingetragen und alle lobten das Essen. Sean bestand darauf, dass sie sich zu uns setzte und mit Thamina und Fiona etwas von dem Kuchen aß.

„Ich bin satt“, sagte Shannon. „Es hat sich gelohnt, den ganzen Tag zu hungern. Aber ich muss sicher jetzt eine Extrastunde im Fitness-Studio verbringen, um das alles wieder abzutrainieren.“

Eine weitere Flasche Wein wurde geöffnet und irgendwann fing zu Marys Verlegenheit ihr Vater an, von ihrer Kuscheldecke zu erzählen. „Mr. Fuzzydown, so hieß sie“, lachte Sean. „Und sie hat sie überall hin mitgeschleppt. Wenn Leute sie danach gefragt haben, hat sie immer gesagt ‚das ist Mr. Fuzzydown, mein Butler‘. Sie hatte sich in den Kopf gesetzt, dass ein Butler Leute beschützt.“

„Ich war damals vier Jahre alt, Papa.“ Mary wurde rot. „Ich habe bestimmt mal als kleines Kind irgendeinen dummen Film gesehen.“

„Sie wollte die Decke auch nie von ihrer Mutter oder von mir waschen lassen“, sagte Sean und Mary und ihre Schwestern verstummten. Sean räusperte sich. „Wie auch immer, es ist schon spät und ich sollte Damien jetzt nach Hause bringen.“

„Ach nein, es ist noch viel zu früh um zu gehen“, schmollte Mary. „Mark könnte doch mit Damiens Eltern reden und das regeln, Er ist sehr überzeugend. Wenn das mit seiner Poker-Karriere mal nicht mehr funktioniert, kann er noch in den Verkauf gehen. Er wird sich da dumm und dämlich verdienen. Außerdem haben meine Schwester und ich ein paar Frauensachen zu erledigen.“

„Was?“ fragte Missy aufgeregt.

Mary lächelte ihre Schwester nur geheimnisvoll an und drehte sich, um nach oben zu gehen. Shannon folgte ihr eilig. Wahrscheinlich hoffte sie darauf, dass sie sich weiter küssen könnten. Missy schaute mich an, wurde rot und beeilte sich, den beiden auch zu folgen.

Nachdem ich mit Damiens Eltern gesprochen hatte, zogen wir Männer uns ins Wohnzimmer zurück. „Ich habe ein Geschenk für euch“, sagte ich. „Gerade im Moment machen Mary und ihre Schwestern Liebe miteinander und ich werde nachher auch gehen und ihnen Gesellschaft leisten.“

Alle drei starrten mich an, als würde ich eine Fremdsprache sprechen. „Das ist nicht witzig, Mann“, sagte George. Seine Stimme klang ein wenig erhitzt.

„Es ist völlig in Ordnung, dass Mary und ich Sex mit den beiden haben“, sagte ich ruhig. „Euch macht das nichts aus. Und ich bin ganz sicher, dass es euren Freundinnen nichts ausmacht, wenn ihr heute Abend auch umgelegt werdet.“

Die Schlampen Desiree, Fiona und Thamina hatten nur auf mein Signal gewartet. Jetzt kamen sie nackt herein. Desiree hatte nussbraune Haut und ihre großen Brüste schwangen hin und her, als sie ging. Fionas Brüste hatten eine nette Größe, sie waren kleiner als die von Desiree und waren von roten Nippeln gekrönt. Ein Landestreifen aus feuerrotem Haar führte zu ihrer Muschi. Thamina trug immer noch ihr Kopftuch. Ihre dunklen Brüste waren von dunklen Nippeln gekrönt und ein V aus Haaren zeigte auf ihre Muschi.

„Sean, als mein künftiger Schwiegervater hast du das Recht der ersten Wahl“, sagte ich.

Sean schluckte und schaute mich an. „Ich hatte schon keine Frau mehr, seit…“ Seit seine Frau ihn verlassen hatte.

Ich nickte. „Dann ist es höchste Zeit, das zu ändern. Wähl eine aus und du wirst einen Abend erleben, den du nie vergessen wirst.“

„Gott, sie sind alle so wunderschön“, stöhnte er und er wählte Fiona.

Fionas blaue Augen funkelten vor Lust und sie drückte Sean in den Sessel. Dann breitete sie sich auf seinem Schoß aus und fing an, ihn zu küssen. Sean saß einen Moment stocksteif da. Dann schlang er seine Arme um sie und erwiderte ihren Kuss genauso leidenschaftlich.

Damien nahm sich Desiree. „Deine Titten sind so groß“, stöhnte er. „Wie die von Mrs. Corra, meiner Mathelehrerin.“ Langsam streckte er die Hand aus und drückte ihre große Titte. „Sie sind so weich und doch gleichzeitig so fest!“ bewunderte er sie.

„Nicht so feste“, beschwerte sich Desiree. „Eine Frau muss sanft angefasst werden.“

„Zeigst du mir das?“ fragte er aufgeregt. „Zeigst du mir, wie man eine Frau befriedigt?“

Sean war zu sehr mit Fiona beschäftigt, dass er die Auswirkungen dieses Statements nicht mitbekam. Wie ich im Bad mitbekommen hatte, war Missy nicht besonders zufrieden mit den Leistungen von Damien. Aber der Junge war wissbegierig und schon lag Desiree auf der Couch und sie erklärte ihm, wie er ihre Brüste behandeln sollte.

Thamina ging schüchtern zu George. Sie war bei Fremden immer schüchtern. Ihre moslemische Erziehung hatte sie nie den Gelüsten ihres Körper nachgeben lassen. George nahm ihr Kinn in die Hand und küsste sie, bis sie aufhörte zu zittern und dann setzte er sie auf den anderen Sessel. Er spreizte ihre dunklen Schenkel und Thamina stöhnte. George, so schien es, brauchte keine Lektionen, wie man eine Frau befriedigt.

Fiona legte einen Finger auf ihre Lippen, während ihre andere Hand sich in der Hose von Sean zu schaffen machte. „Ich werde mich schon um dich kümmern.“

Sie erhob sich und ich konnte Seans Penis unter ihrer gewachsten Muschi sehen, als sie ihn in ihre Fotze dirigierte. Dann ließ sie sich wieder herunter und dann stöhnte sie, als er sich vorzeitig gleich in ihr ergoss. „Sorry“, stammelte er. „Es ist schon so lange her…“

„Du musst dich nicht entschuldigen“, sagte Fiona. Sie hob sich auf seinem Schwanz, der noch hart war, obwohl er eben gespritzt hatte. „Jetzt, wo der erste Druck mal weg ist, wirst du schön lange durchhalten können.“

Sean murmelte: „Ich hatte ganz vergessen, wie toll sich das anfühlt!“

Auf der Couch brachte Desiree Damien jetzt gerade bei, wie man einer Frau die Möse leckt. „Uhhh, das ist gut. Der Kitzler ist sehr empfindlich, also sei ein bisschen vorsichtig damit. Ja, schöne kleine Bewegungen. Keine Angst, du darfst ihn ruhig küssen und daran saugen, aber pass mit deinen… ahhh… Zähnen auf“, keuchte sie. Sie spielte mit ihren Nippeln, während sich Damien mit ihrer Möse beschäftigte.

Mein Schwanz war hart in meiner Hose und dann fiel mir der Fehler in unserem Plan auf. Mary wollte zuerst alleine Liebe mit ihren Schwester machen. Dann würde sie mir eine SMS schicken, wenn sie bereit war, dass ich dazu kam. In der Zwischenzeit hatte ich dafür zu sorgen, dass ihr Vater und die Freunde ihrer Schwestern abgelenkt waren. Sie waren in der Tat abgelenkt. Aber wir hatten nur drei Schlampen bei uns. Ich hätte noch eine vierte Schlampe haben müssen, damit ich auch jemanden zum Spielen hatte.

Ich dachte kurz darüber nach, nach nebenan zu gehen. Dort waren die anderen Schlampen, die sich wahrscheinlich jetzt auch gerade eine gute Zeit bereiteten. Dann sah ich Fionas Arsch, die Sean ritt. Sie hatte ein freies Loch. Und Sean würde mein Schwiegervater werden, also gehörte er ja praktisch zur Familie, es wäre also ganz in Ordnung, seine Hure mit ihm zu teilen. Ich ging zum Sessel hinüber und mein Schwanz stieß gegen Fionas Arsch.

„Willst du mich… ähh… in den Arsch ficken, Meister?“ fragte Fiona und sie vergaß die richtige Anrede. Naja, die Katze war ja sowieso aus dem Sack, es war also eigentlich egal.

„Ja, Schlampe“, sagte ich. „Ich werde deinen sexy Arsch aufbohren.“

Ich glitt in ihren engen Arsch. Er war besonders eng, weil Seans Schwanz in ihrer Fotze steckte. „Was…“, wollte Sean protestieren, aber Fiona versiegelte seine Lippen mit ihren. Sei fickte uns jetzt beide und fand eine Rhythmus, der uns beiden gut gefiel.

Fiona beendete ihren Kuss und sie keuchte: „Oh verdammt, dein Schwanz fühlt sich so gut in meinem Arsch an, Meister. Und der Schwanz von Mr. Sullivan ist so toll in meiner Fotze! Danke, Meister.“

Ich fing an, Fiona zurück zu ficken und passte mich ihrem Rhythmus an. Ich genoss ihren süßen Arsch. Sean griff nach ihren Brüsten und saugte einen ihrer roten Nippel in seinen Mund. „Gott, dein Arsch fühlt sich fantastisch an, Schlampe!“ . stöhnte ich.

„Hmm, schön, dass dir mein Schlampenarsch gefällt, Meister“, stöhnte Fiona. „Willst du mir deinen Saft in den Arsch spritzen Wirst du mir meinen Schlampenarsch mit deinem Saft füllen?“

„Verdammte Schlampe“, stöhnte ich. Ihre Worte geilten mich auf.

Das Gefühl begann in meinen Eiern. Ich fickte Fionas Arsch so feste wie ich konnte und drückte damit ihre Fotze auf Seans Schwanz herunter. Mein künftiger Schwiegervater keuchte vor Lust, als Fionas Fotze immer wieder mit Wucht auf ihn nieder sauste. Ich fickte noch fester, drei kraftvolle Stöße und dann überflutete ich ihren Arsch mit meinem Saft.

„Oh Mann!“ stöhnte Sean. „Oh Mann! Das fühlt sich gut an! Es ist schon so lange her!“

„Mmmm, spritz mir deine Soße in die Fotze“, schnurrte Fiona, als ich mich herauszog und auf die Ottomane setzte. Ich beobachtete, wie sich Fionas Hüften hoben und senkten. Ihr Arschloch stand leicht offen und mein Sperma sickerte heraus. „Oh ja, ich liebe es, wenn Sperma in meine geile Fotze gespritzt wird! Ja!“ Noch mehr Sperma wurde aus ihrem Arsch heraus gepresst, als es Fiona kam. Dann rutschte sie von Seans Schoß herunter und säuberte mir gewissenhaft den Schwanz. Sean lag auf seinem Sessel und keuchte mit geschlossenen Augen.

George fickte jetzt Thamina. Er lehnte sich über sie und der Liegesessel wackelte von der Wucht ihres Fickens. Thamina hatte ihre Beine um seine Hüften geschlungen und sie zog ihn fest in ihre Fotze. Ihr Kopftuch hing halb herunter und gab ihr wundervolles schwarzes Haar frei. Der farbenfrohe Stoff lag auf ihrer Brust und ein Nippel lugte darunter hervor.

„Sorry“, entschuldigte sich Damien. Ich sah nach hinten und da war der Teenager zwischen Desirees Beinen und sein Sperma spritzte auf ihren Bauch.

„Das ist okay“, sagte Desiree. „Die meisten jungen Männer sind ein bisschen überreizt.“ Sie wichste seinen Schwanz. „Hmmm, du fühlst dich so an, als könntest du weitermachen.“

„Wow, du bist viel nasser als Missy war“, stöhnte Damien, als Desiree seinen Schwanz in ihre Fotze führte. „Oh Mann, wie machst du das mit deiner Fotze? Du drückst meinen Schwanz ja richtig.“

„Beckenbodentraining“, grinste Desiree.

„Du fühlst dich viel besser an als Missy“, sagte er.

„Du musst Missy nur richtig behandeln“, murmelte Desiree. „Dann ist sie eine geile Schnalle für dich. Außerdem wird der Meister ihr zeigen, wie man einen Mann behandelt. Du wirst bestimmt nicht enttäuscht sein.“

„Nicht?“ fragte Damien. „Wie kann sie sich mit dir vergleichen, Desiree?“

„Oh, das ist aber nett“, schnurrte Desiree und küsst ihn. Dann schlang sie ihre Beine um seine pumpenden Hüften.

„Ich meine das ernst, ich glaube, ich liebe dich!“ keuchte Damien.

„Nein, das tust du nicht“, sagte Desiree und streichelte sein Gesicht. „Du liebst, wie meine Möse dir gerade ein gutes Gefühl bereitet. Das ist Lust und nicht Liebe. Liebe ist reiner. Dabei geht es einfach darum, mit einem anderen zusammen zu sein. Seine Gesellschaft zu genießen. Ihm zu helfen. Und ihn zu vermissen, wenn er nicht da ist. Dabei geht es um Vertrauen und um Intimität.“

„Ich denke, dass ich diese Gefühle mit Tiffany hatte“, sagte Sean plötzlich. Er rieb sich das Gesicht. „Gott, ich vermisse sie noch immer.“

„Tiffany, ist das Marys Mutter?“ fragte ich. Fionas Saubermachen war zu einem sehr angenehmen Blowjob geworden. Ihr Mund bewegte sich auf meinem Schwanz auf und ab.

„Ja“, seufzte Sean. „Ich weiß einfach nicht, was da schiefgegangen ist. Ich glaubte, dass alles in Ordnung war. Ich meine, wir haben uns zwar gestritten, aber das war nichts Ernstes. Ich glaubte wirklich, dass sie mich liebte und dann… sie hat sich einfach so verändert. So als wäre sie eine ganz andere Person geworden. Wild und lüstern.“

„Das tut mir leid“, sagte ich. Ich fühlte mich nicht wohl. „Ich wüsste nicht, was ich ohne Mary tun würde.“

„Es ist so, als wäre ein Stück aus mir herausgerissen worden“, seufzte Sean. „Es tut jeden Tag weh. Dreizehn verdammt lange Jahre und ich liebe sie noch immer.“ Er nahm seinen Wein und schüttete ihn herunter. „Verdammt, ich muss betrunken sein!“

Ich schob Fiona von meinem Schwanz weg und sie verstand den Hinweis. Sie glitt auf Seans Schoß und hielt ihn an ihrer Brust. Er fing an zu weinen. George und Damien waren viel zu sehr mit Ficken beschäftigt, als dass sie etwas bemerkt hätten. Dann stand Fiona auf und führte Sean zu ihrem Bett. Sean ging hinter ihr her wie ein verlorener kleiner Junge. Sein Kopf hing nach unten.

Ich fühlte mich sehr unwohl. Um mich herum fickte Damien wie wild Desiree und lutschte gleichzeitig an ihren großen Titten und George besorgte es Thamina hart. Thamina stöhnte laut vor Lust. Brennender Hass auf Marys Mutter erfüllte mein Herz. Sean war ein toller Kerl und Mary und ihre Schwestern waren tolle Mädchen und sie hatte sie einfach für irgend so einen verdammten Musiker verlassen.

Wenn ich sie irgendwann in die Finger bekam, dann würde sie für all die Schmerzen bezahlen, die sie verursacht hatte.


Ich musste niesen, als ich aus dem Taxi ausstieg.

Im Taxi roch es nach Körpergeruch und einem ekelhaften Aftershave. Der Fahrer, ein schwarzer Haitianer, der kaum Englisch laberte die ganze Fahrt von der Pirates Rum Bar auf Haitianisch in sein Headset. Ich war froh, dass ich endlich aus der Karre rauskam. Es war schon spät, nach Mitternacht, später als ich mir das eigentlich vorgestellt hatte. Ich sah zwar aus wie achtzehn, aber ich fühlte mich wie die 44 Jahre, die ich alt war. Wir waren so spät unterwegs, weil der Türsteher an dieser Bar, der die minderjährigen Mädchen reinlässt, erst um Mitternacht anfängt.

Es war ein richtiges Bumslokal, aber draußen hingen jede Menge junger Leute. Das Gerücht mit dem Einlass für junge Leute hatte sich offenbar herumgesprochen und alle jungen Nachtschwalben kamen jetzt hier an. Der Laden sah von außen ziemlich abstoßend aus und ich hoffte, dass es innen nicht ebenso war. Ich hatte zu viel Zeit in derartigen Bumslokalen zugebracht, als ich vor dreizehn Jahren noch die Sklavin von Kurt Bronson gewesen war. Damals war ich Tiffany Sullivan gewesen, eine glückliche Ehefrau und Mutter.

Ich schloss die Augen und drückte die Tränen weg, die mir kamen, wenn ich an Sean dachte. Es tat immer noch weh, an Sean und an meine Töchter zu denken und an all das, was mir gestohlen worden war, aber ich kämpfte die Gedanken herunter. Ich war auf göttlicher Mission. Ich musste Antsy ficken, ein Mädchen, das nicht einmal entfernt neugierig auf bi war. Ich hatte sie schon beinahe zur Hälfte überzeugt, einen Dreier mit mir und einem Typ, den wir in der Bar aufgegabelt hatten, zu machen. Aus diesem Grund waren wir hier. Ich musste Antsy ins Bett bekommen, damit ich den Spruch von Avvah an ihr ausüben und sie damit zur Falle für ihren Bruder machen konnte.

Antsy stieg auf der anderen Seite des Taxi aus. Sie hatte ihre engste Hose an, eine Hüfthose, die glitzernde Herzen auf den Arschtaschen hatte und die alle Blicke auf ihre jugendlichen Kurven zog. Ihr Top war ein lockeres Ding. Es war oben um ihren Hals gebunden und unten um ihren Bauch und bestand eigentlich nur aus einem Tuch. Ihre Brüste schaukelten, wenn sie ging. Um ihren Bauch trug sie ein Goldkettchen, das die Blicke auf ihren nackten Bauch zog. Ihre Jeans war so tief geschnitten, dass ihr roter String deutlich zu sehen war. Die Mutter in mir fand diese Sachen absolut zu aufreizend, die Frau in mir dachte einfach nur, wie gnadenlos geil sie in diesen Sachen aussah und sie dachte daran, wie sehr ich in dieser Hose sein wollte.

„Das ist alles so aufregend“; kicherte Antsy. Das Mädchen war zum Feiern nach Miami gekommen und hatte in der letzten Nacht bereits einen One-Night-Stand gehabt. Sie freute sich schon auf den nächsten.

„Ja“, log ich. Ich fühlte mich innerlich nicht aufgeregt. Ich hatte Heimweh, aber ich war Schwester Theodora Miriam auf göttlicher Mission. Und ich würde die kleine Antsy ficken, egal was auch passieren würde.


„Es ist noch viel zu früh um zu gehen“, schmollte ich. „Mark könnte doch mit Damiens Eltern reden und das regeln, Er ist sehr überzeugend. Wenn das mit seiner Poker-Karriere mal nicht mehr funktioniert, kann er noch in den Verkauf gehen. Er wird sich da dumm und dämlich verdienen. Außerdem haben meine Schwester und ich ein paar Frauensachen zu erledigen.“

„Was?“ fragte Missy aufgeregt.

Ich lächelte sie geheimnisvoll an, als ich nach oben ging. Ich sah mich um und bemerkte, dass Shannon mir eilig folgte. Shannon war sehr schnell meinen Kräften verfallen, von der Umarmung, mit der wir uns begrüßt hatten bis zum dem Füßeln unter dem Tisch. Das Ganze hatte seinen bisherigen Höhepunkt gehabt, als wir beide eine Minute lang vor dem Badezimmer geknutscht hatten. Normalerweise war meine Schwester immer absolut gehässig zu mir, aber meine Kräfte hatten sie sehr freundlich werden lassen. Als ich am oberen Ende der Treppe ankam, hörte ich Missys eilige Schritte hinter uns auf der Treppe.

„Wartet auf mich!“ rief sie.

Shannon sah ein wenig enttäuscht aus. Sie hatte offenbar erwartet, dass wir diesen Kuss in Zurückgezogenheit fortsetzen würden. Mein Wunsch, auf alle Frauen anziehend zu wirken, hatte unterschiedliche Auswirkungen auf unterschiedliche Frauen. Einige wurden sehr mutig, andere einfach nur freundlich. Aber jede einzelne gab meinen Avancen nach, selbst meine Schwestern. Oder meinetwegen auch die Hure von meiner Mutter, wenn sie denn irgendwann einmal auftauchen würde.

Aber natürlich würde das, was ich mit ihr machen würde, nicht besonders angenehm sein.

Ich verdrängte diesen Gedanken schnell wieder. Ich hatte jetzt zwei sexy Schwestern zum Spielen und ich öffnete die Tür zum Schlafzimmer, das ich mit Mark teilte. Die Schlampen hatten in der Zeit, in der ich mit Mark in der Dusche war, das Bett frisch bezogen. Mark und ich hatten einen sehr angenehmen Nachmittag verbracht. Zuerst hatten wir gefickt wie ein paar Teenager und dann hatten wir ein paar sehr angenehme Stunden damit verbracht, Liebe miteinander zu machen. Ich glaube, dass Mark ein wenig eifersüchtig darauf ist, wie viel Zeit ich mit Alice bei unseren Treffen im Blue Spruce verbrachte. Ich war mehr als glücklich, dass ich ihm beweisen konnte, dass ich genauso viel Zeit damit verbringen konnte, mit ihm Liebe zu machen.

Aber jetzt wollte ich Liebe mit meinen Schwestern machen. Sie waren beide wunderschön. Shannon mit ihren feuerroten Haaren und mit diesen Brüsten. Meine waren zwar schön fest, aber das waren Shannons auch und sie waren größer. Mike, mein Ex hatte sie immerzu angestarrt und das hatte mich so eifersüchtig gemacht. Missy war auch wunderschön. Sie war schlank und biegsam und voller jugendlicher Energie. Und ihr Haar war hinreißend rotblond.

Shannon leistete keinen Widerstand, als ich sie zu einem Kuss an mich zog. Sie schmolz geradezu an meinem Körper. Ich spürte, wie sich ihre Brüste an meine Titten drückten. Shannons Zunge glitt in meinen Mund und spielte mit meiner. Ihre Hände fuhren über meinen Rücken, an meinem Kleid nachunten bis zu meinem Arsch. Sie nahm unter meinem Kleid meine Arschbacken in die Hand. Ich tat es ihr gleich und umfasste ihren Arsch durch ihre enge Hose. Er war fest und knackig.

„Oh mein Gott“, sagte Missy. „Was macht ihr beiden denn da?“

Ich unterbrach den Kuss und streckte meinen Arm aus. Ich fasste Missy an ihrer Schulter und zog sie zu mir. „Wir drücken nur aus, wie sehr wir uns lieben.“

„Aber… aber…“ fing sie an zu protestieren, aber ich brachte sie mit einem Kuss zum Schweigen.

Missy war erstarrt. Ihre Lippen waren versiegelt. Dann wurde sie von ihrer Leidenschaft überwältigt und ihre Lippen teilten sich und erlaubten meiner Zunge, in ihren Mund einzudringen. Ihr Lippenstift schmeckte nach Wassermelonen und nach Schokoladenkuchen. Ihr schlanker Körper drückte sich an mich und ich schob eine Hand an ihrer Seite nach oben, um ihre knospenden Brüste unter dem weißen Top zu umfassen.

Ihr Kleid wurde von zwei schmalen Schulterträgern gehalten. Ich schob den einen Träger von ihrer rechten Schulter und den anderen von ihrer linken Schulter. Dann unterbrach ich den Kuss und Missy stand verblüfft da. Sie leckte ihre Lippen und ihre Augen waren ganz groß. Ich zog an ihrem Kleid und es rutschte ihr vom Körper. Sie trug einen trägerlosen grauen BH unter ihrem Kleid und ein passendes graues Höschen.

„Ist sie nicht wunderschön?“ flüsterte ich und Shannon umarmte mich von hinten und flüsterte in mein Ohr: „Ja.“ Und dann leckte ihre Zunge an meinem Ohrläppchen und ich schüttelte mich vor Lust. Ich spürte, wie sich nackte Haut von hinten an mich drückte und wie sich harte Nippel in meinen Rücken bohrten. Ich hatte gar nicht mitbekommen, dass sich Shannon ausgezogen hatte.

Missy zitterte vor mir und ich flüsterte: „Sch, es ist alles in Ordnung, Baby. Ich werde dir ein so tolles Gefühl machen.“

„Okay, Mary“, sagte Missy und sie zuckte zusammen, als ich meine Hand bewegte und ihr BH-Körbchen berührte. Ich fuhr mit einem Finger darunter, damit ich ihr Fleisch spüren konnte. Ich war sehr erfreut, dass der BH seinen Verschluss auf der Vorderseite hatte und ich machte ihn geschickt auf. Ihr BH glitt an ihren Armen herunter und lag dann auf dem Boden.

Missy nahm instinktiv ihre Hände hoch, um ihre knospenden Brüste zu bedecken, die von dunklen Nippeln gekrönt waren. Sie hatte, so wie ich auch, Sommersprossen und ihre Nippel hatten die gleiche dunkle Farbe wie auch meine, nur sahen sie ein wenig größer aus. Ich nahm ihre Hände und legte sie wieder an ihre Seiten. Ihre Nippel waren hart vor Erregung und ihre Brüste hoben und senkten sich mit ihrem heftigen Atem. Missy leckte sich die Lippen und starrte mich weit geöffneten Augen, als Shannon mich auf den Halsansatz küsste.

„Willst du dir nicht die Muschi von unserer kleinen Schwester anschauen?“ fragte ich über die Schulter.

„Doch, das würde ich gerne tun“, schnurrte Shannon. „Komm Baby, zeig uns, wie süß sie ist. Ich habe dich schon nicht mehr nackt gesehen, seit du vier warst und du gesagt hast, dass große Mädchen alleine baden.“

Missy schüttelte den Kopf. „Nein, ich bin zu verlegen.“

„Du lässt Damien doch auch deine hübsche kleine Muschi sehen“, schnurrte Shannon. „und du lässt ihn seinen kleinen Schwanz reinstecken. Sei doch nicht schüchtern. Es sind doch nur wir Mädchen.“

Missy wurde rot und schaute auf den Boden.

„Vielleicht fällt es dir ja leichter, wenn du die Muschi von deiner Schwester siehst“, sagte Shannon.

Missy nickte und Shannon zog den Reißverschluss an meinem Kleid nach unten. Und das, was eben noch so eng gewesen war, rutschte jetzt von meinen Schultern. Ich bewegte meine Schultern ein wenig und das Kleid rutschte an meinem Körper nach unten und landete auf einem Hauf an meinen Füßen. Ich war darunter nackt bis auf den Strumpfhaltergürtel, der meine schwarzen Strümpfe hielt.

„Wow“, sagte Missy erstaunt. „Du trägst ja gar keine Unterwäsche!“

„Was für ein verdorbenes Mädchen“, schnurrte Shannon und sie drückte meinen runden Po mit einer Hand.

„Und du hast dich rasiert, alles ist weg bis auf dieses süße kleine Herz hier“, flüsterte Missy.

„Ich habe dir meins gezeigt, kleine Schwester“, sagte ich. „Jetzt musst du uns aber auch deins zeigen.“

„Gut, aber nicht lachen“, sagte Missy. Sie hakte ihre Finger in ihr seidenes Höschen und zog es nach unten. Ihre Muschi war von wenigen roten Haaren umkränzt. „Ich bin wohl eine Spätentwicklerin. Meine ersten Haare sind erst vor sechs Monaten gewachsen.“

„Wunderschön“, flüsterte ich und streckte meine Hand aus. Ich legte sie auf ihr Schambein und fuhr durch das feine Haar und hinunter bis zu ihrer kleinen Perle. Ich ließ meinen Finger ganz leicht darüber fahren und sie schüttelte sich vor Lust. Dann fuhr ich mit meinem Finger weiter nach unten und durch ihren nassen Schlitz.

„Wow, das fühlt sich gut an“; sagte Missy. „Damien ist immer so roh, aber das hier… Wow!“

„Ich möchte wetten, dass Damien gerade eine Lektion bekommt, wie man eine Frau richtig befriedigt“, sagte ich.

„Was?“ fragte Missy verwirrt. „Willst du damit sagen, dass…“

„Hmm, unsere Zofen bedienen jetzt sicher gerade eure Freunde und Vater“, sagte ich ihr.

„Was?“ sagte Shannon. „George sollte aber besser nicht bedient werden.“

Ich drehte mich um. Mein nackter Nippel kratzte über Shannons nackte Brust. „Du bist die Richtige, jetzt eifersüchtig zu werden, wo du mit deinen Schwestern herumspielst!“

Shannon stammelte: „Das hier ist aber… das ist aber anders!“

„Wirklich, Süße?“ fragte ich und öffnete den Gürtel, der um ihre Hüfte lag und dann öffnete ich den Knopf ihrer Hose. „Möchtest du, dass ich aufhöre? Möchtest du nach unten gehen und dafür sorgen, dass George nicht dasselbe Vergnügen empfängt, das du gleich auch empfangen wirst?“ Ihr Reißverschluss lief nach unten und meine Hand schlüpfte in ihr Höschen. Shannons Muschi war rasiert und sie war nass. Mein Finger schlüpfte in sie hinein.

„Nein“, keuchte sie, als ich sie fingerte. „Ich glaube, das ist fair.“

Dann küsste sie mich auf die Lippen und ihre Hand streichelte meine Brust. Sie rollte meinen empfindlichen Nippel zwischen ihren sanften Fingern. Ich spürte eine weiche Hand an meinem Hintern und Missy drückte sich an mich. Ihr schütteres Schamhaar kitzelte an meiner Hüfte, während sie mit meinem Po spielte. Ihre harten Nippel kratzten über meinen Rücken und über meinen Arm und ihre Lippen waren flüssiges Feuer, als sie meinen Hals küsste.

„Das ist fair“, murmelte Missy.

Ich zitterte, als Missys Lippen meinen harten Nippel berührten und ihn in ihren Mund saugten. Shannon spielte mit dem anderen. Missy saugte und leckte und spielte mit dem harten Knöpfchen in ihrem Mund. Shannons Oberschenkel drängte sich zwischen meine Beine und meine Muschi hinterließ feuchte Schmierspuren, als ich mich auf ihr wand. Dann ließ Missy meinen Nippel los und riss Shannon die Jeans herunter.

„Du bist die einzige, die noch nicht nackt ist“, kicherte sie. „Fair ist fair!“ Und dann riss Missy auch noch Shannons rote dünne Unterwäsche herunter. Dann keuchte sie und hielt das zerrissene Teil hoch. „Das tut mir leid“, sagte sie kleinlaut.

„Warte, ich kriege dich“, rief Shannon und sprang Missy an, die nach hinten auswich, gegen das Bett stieß und rückwärts auf die Matratze fiel.

Schon war Shannon über ihr und Missy kicherte wegen der Kitzelattacke. Mark hatte schon einmal versucht, mich zu kitzeln und er hatte verloren. Er hatte ja keine Ahnung gehabt, mit welchen harten Gegnerinnen ich es früher zu tun gehabt hatte. Es waren Shannon, die manchmal absolut immun gegen Kitzeln schien und Missy, die mit ihren geschickten Fingern selbst Shannon zum Lachen brachte.

Meine Muschi lief aus, als ich sah, wie meine Schwestern über das Bett rollten. Ihre nackten Körper waren ganz erhitzt von der Anstrengung. Irgendwie kam Missy nach oben und sie nutzte ihren Vorteil aus und kitzelte Shannons Seiten. Shannon schien kurz davor zu sein, unter Missys Angriff zu unterliegen, aber das war nur eine Finte und Missy rollte von ihr herunter und heulte vor Lachen. Ihr Gesicht war rot wie eine Tomate.

„Du hast gewonnen…“ keuchte Missy. „Es tut mir… leid!“

„Nein, tut es nicht“, sagte Shannon und kitzelte sie weiter. „Aber es wird dir noch…“ Shannons Worte wurden abgeschnitten, als Missy sich aufsetzte und Shannon die Arme um den Hals schlang und sie auf den Mund küsste.

Shannons Angriff war beendet und sie schmolz gegen Missy. Mein Gott, war das erotisch, meine Schwestern miteinander schmusen und sich nackt an einander reiben zu sehen. Ich fuhr mit meiner Hand zu meiner nassen Muschi und fing an, sie langsam zu reiben. Immer wieder erhaschte ich kurze Blicke auf Shannons Muschi. Ihre inneren Schamlippen kamen aus den äußeren heraus und sie waren vor Lust angeschwollen. Und ich sah immer wieder auch Missys Schlitz, der von dünnen rotem Haar umkränzt war.

Ich streckte meine Hand aus und kniff in Shannons knackigen Arsch. Ich musste unbedingt mehr trainieren, dachte ich, als ich fühlte, wie fest ihr Arsch war. Mein Arsch ist ein bisschen zu weich, obwohl Mark das anscheinend liebte. Aber Shannons Arsch war fantastisch. Eine Stunde Training am Tag, hatte Shannon gesagt. Zwei Stunden am Samstag, damit sie am Sonntag faulenzen konnte. Shannon ignorierte, dass ich sie gekniffen hatte und schmuste weiter mit Missy.

Also machte ich dasselbe noch einmal, diesmal fester.

„Autsch!“ rief Shannon. „Bitch!“

„Ihr scheint eure andere Schwester zu vergessen“, schnurrte ich. „Legt euch auf den Rücken und lasst mich euch zu geilen Orgasmen fingern!“ Ich brauche euren Fotzensaft für einen Spruch hätte ich sagen sollen. Aber ich wollte das nicht aufbringen.

Missy legte sich zu meiner Linken und Shannon zu meiner Rechten auf das Bett. Ich kniete zwischen beiden und beugte mich vor, um zuerst Missys dunkle Nippel zu küssen und dann Shannons. Zu meiner Überraschung waren Shannons Nippel kleiner als meine, aber genauso hart und Shannon stöhnte anerkennend, als ich an ihren Titten lutschte. Dann fuhr ich mit meinen Händen an ihren beiden Bäuchen nach unten und rieb ihre beiden Fotzen gleichzeitig.

Ich wollte sie reizen und fuhr mit den Fingern an den Konturen ihres Geschlechtes entlang. Ich spielte mit ihren Schamlippen und fuhr manchmal fast wie zufällig über ihre Kitzler. Ich hatte Spaß daran, wie sie jedes Mal erzitterten. Ihr Haar war auf dem Bett ausgebreitet und Shannons feuerrotes Haar mischte sich mit Missys rotblondem.

„Bitte“, bettelte Shannon als Erste. „Ich brauche mehr!““

„Was brauchst du denn?“ fragte ich verschlagen.

„Deinen Finger in meiner Fotze!“ keuchte Shannon. Sie wand ihre Hüften, während ich sie sanft weiter streichelte.

„Und was ist mit dir, Baby?“

„Bitte Mary…“, flüsterte sie. „Ich möchte… ich möchte…“

„Kommen?“ fragte ich und sie nickte. „Dann sag es!“ zischte ich. „Ich will hören, wie du darum bittest.“

„Bitte steck deinen Finger in meine Muschi“, seufzte Missy. „Ich möchte… ich möchte Kommen. Ich muss dringend kommen! Es fühlt sich in mir an, als müsste ich explodieren!“

Meine beiden Schwestern stöhnten gleichzeitig, al sich ihnen jeweils einen einzelnen Finger hineinsteckte. Missy war natürlich enger, aber Shannon war nasser. Aus der Fotze meiner älteren Schwester lief so viel Saft, dass sich auf dem Bett unter ihrem Arsch ein nasser Fleck bildete. Langsam fickte ich ihre Mösen mit einem Finger, dann fügte ich einen zweiten hinzu. Und dann bei Shannon noch einen dritten. Missy war zu eng und ich wollte ihre kleine Muschi nicht ausleiern. Dann sollte später Marks Schwanz besorgen.

Missy kam als erste, als mein Daumen anfing, in konzentrischen Kreisen um ihren Kitzler zu fahren. Sie zuckte auf dem Bett und schlug eine Hand vor ihren Mund, damit man ihren Schrei nicht hörte. Genauso wie im letzten Jahr, als ich mein Zimmer noch mit ihr geteilt hatte. Missy fing an zu masturbieren, als sie dachte, dass ich eingeschlafen war und dann schlug sie ihre Hand auf ihren Mund, um ihr Stöhnen zu unterdrücken. Das funktionierte nicht halb so gut, wie sie glaubte. Allerdings war ich immer zu verlegen gewesen, um mit ihr darüber zu reden. Ich für meinen Teil besaß so viel Anstand, in der Dusche zu masturbieren oder dann, wenn sie nicht zu Hause war.

Ich brachte meine tropfende Hand zu meinem Gesicht und schmierte mir die Flüssigkeit auf mein rechtes Auge und dann sagte ich „Mowdah.“ Ich spürte, wie von meinem Auge aus Energie in mich hinein floss, als ich den Spruch gesagt hatte. Jetzt sollte ich in der Lage sein, eine Nonne zu erkennen. Dann leckte ich meine Finger ab und schmeckte den frischen würzigen Geschmack von Missys Fotze.

Ich fickte meine drei Finger schneller in Shannons Fotze, während Missy noch keuchte. Und ich rieb fester und schneller an ihrem Kitzler. Meine Finger machten ein nasses schmatzendes Geräusch, während ich sie in Shannons Fotze rein und raus bewegte. Ich fand Shannons Arschloch und schob ihr einen der Finger hinein, die noch mit Missys Saft bedeckt war.

„Oh wow!“ machte Shannon. „Ich habe noch nie… im Arsch…“

„Hmmm, das wird Mark gerne hören“, schnurrte ich und fickte ihre Fotze und ihren Arsch gleichzeitig mit meinen Fingern und rieb feste an ihrem Kitzler. „Wirst du jetzt für mich kommen?“

„Ja!“ kicherte Missy und rollte auf die Seite. Sie streckte die Hand aus, um mit Shannons Titte zu spielen. Sie drückte den dunklen Nippel mit ihren Fingern. „Komm, komm, komm“, fing Missy an zu singen, immer wieder. Sie fing ganz leise an und wurde dann immer lauter. „Komm, komm, komm!“

Shannon zuckte, ihr Orgasmus schien durch Missys Gesang ausgelöst worden zu sein. Flüssigkeit schoss aus ihrer Fotze, spritzte auf meine Hand und sickerte in das Laken. Meine Finger tropften von ihrem wässrigen Erguss. Ich wischte mir ihren Saft auf das linke Auge.

„Mowdah“, murmelte ich wieder und ich spürte dieselbe Energie durch mein linkes Auge fließen.

Shannon rang nach Atem du Missy starrte gebannt auf ihre Fotze. „Hast du dich eben bepisst?“ fragte Missy.

„Nein, nein“, keuchte Shannon. „Manchmal spritze ich, wenn ich total geil bin. Das ist nur Mösensaft.“

Ich starrte auf meine Schwestern und bemerkte etwas. Sie hatten einen ganz leichten silbernen Schein um sich. Ich konzentrierte mich und tatsächlich, da war ein silberner Schein. Waren meine Schwestern etwa Nonnen? Ich blinzelte überrascht. Einen kurzen Moment lang hämmerte nackte Panik in meinem Herzen. Nein, sie waren meine Schwestern. Aber was sah ich dann? Ich wollte Lilith fragen, aber ich traute ihr nicht, wenn meine Schwestern da waren. Oder auch alleine, um ehrlich zu sein.

Ich berührte Shannons Bein und sah Verbindungen in alle Richtungen an ihr ausgehen. Eine dicke silberne Verbindung ging zu Missy. Eine weitere dicke silberne Verbindung führte ins Haus. Eine dicke rote Verbindung schien zu mir zu existieren und eine dicke goldene Verbindung führte irgendwo hin, in Richtung Südosten. Ich versuchte, eine der Verbindungen anzufassen, aber meine Hand ging einfach hindurch.

Als ich Missy berührte, passierte dasselbe. Ähnliche Verbindungen zu Shannon und zu mir. Auch sie hatte diese dicke goldene Verbindung, die in Richtung Südosten ging. Missy griff nach meiner Hand und meine Konzentration war weg.

„Du hast uns fertig gemacht“, sagte sie und küsste mich.

„Also werden wir dich jetzt fertig machen“, sagte Shannon und rutschte an meinem Körper nachunten. „Ich habe noch nie eine Muschi geleckt, aber das wollte ich immer schon mal machen.“

Missys Zunge war in meinem Mund, als Shannon meine Schenkel auseinander drückte. Es kam mir in dem Moment, in dem Shannon mit ihrer Zunge durch meine Spalte fuhr. Shannons Zunge grub sich in meine Möse. Sie trank meinen Saft und Missys Mund fühlte sich geil an meinen Nippeln an. Ich atmete schwer, ein zweiter Orgasmus folgte dem ersten ganz schnell und ich wand mich auf dem Bett, als ich von der Lust übermannt wurde.

Missy und Shannon küssten mich überall. Die eine lutschte an meinen Titten, während die andere meine Fotze leckte und dann wechselten sie und küssten sich dabei über meinen Körper. Missy war eine gierige Fotzenleckerin und ich hatte meinen dritten Orgasmus, als sie ihre Zunge in meiner Fotze hatte. Ich badete das Gesicht mit einer erneuten Flut aus klebrigem Saft.

Dann hockte sich Shannon auf mein Gesicht. Ihre nasse Muschi schmeckte süß und würzig und ich leckte sie gierig. Missy nuckelte an meinem Kitzler und bewegte zwei ihrer Finger gleichmäßig in meiner Möse hinein und heraus. Ich genoss Shannons Muschi und ich trank ihren Geilsaft. Ihr Mösensaft war der flüssigste, den ich jemals erlebt hatte. Sie machte mein Gesicht richtig nass, während ich sie leckte. Ich spürte, wie ihr Saft in kleinen Bächen an meinen Wangen herunter lief. Er sammelte sich in meinen Ohren und machte auch mein Haar ganz nass. Weitere Bächlein liefen an meinem Kinn herunter und auf meinen Hals und zwischen meine Brüste.

Missy hockte sich über mich und Shannon ging an meine Fotze. Sie saugte an meinen Schamlippen, während Missy ihren gierigen Schlitz auf mein Gesicht senkte. Ich genoss auch ihre unschuldige Fotze und schmeckte das frische würzige Aroma ihrer Weiblichkeit. Ihr Kitzler war klein und Missy schüttelte sich über mir, als ich ihn zwischen meine hungrigen Lippen saugte.

Nachdem es uns beiden gekommen war, kuschelten wir uns aneinander. Wir waren alle von Mösensaft bedeckt und glühten noch von der Lust, die wir uns gegenseitig geschenkt hatten. Ich griff nach meinem Telefon. Meine SMS an Mark lautete: „Wir sind bereit für dich, mein Hengst *-)“


Das Innere des Pirates Rum war erstaunlich sauber. Dubstep hämmerte durch die Bar und ich tanzte mit Antsy und einem kräftigen Typ namens Travis. Er war Bodybuilder. Seine gebräunten Unterarme waren so dick wie mein Oberschenkel. Antsy und ich rieben uns im Takt der Musik an seinen Hüften. Mein Höschen rieb sich geil an meiner nassen Fotze, während ich mich an ihm rieb.

„Wollen wir vielleicht woanders hingehen?“ fragte ich ihn. „Vielleicht in unser Hotelzimmer?“

„Mit euch beiden?“ fragte Travis. Seine Hand drückte meinen Arsch und seine andere Hand fummelte an Antsys Hintern.

„Ja“, kicherte Antsy. Ihr Gesicht war erhitzt von all den Drinks, die ich ihr den ganzen Abend lang gegeben hatte und sie bereit, gut und ausgiebig gefickt zu werden.

„Verdammt ja!“ rief Travis. Ein breites Grinsen erschien auf seinem Gesicht.

Travis brachte uns schneller aus dem Club raus und in ein Taxi rein als ich für möglich gehalten hätte. Er wollte schnell mit uns in unser Motel, bevor wir zu nüchtern wurden und er seine Chance auf einen flotten Dreier versäumte. Bei der Taxifahrt saß Travis zwischen uns beiden und fummelte erst mit Antsy und dann mit mir und dann wieder mit Antsy. Seine Hände waren überall an unseren Körpern und der Taxifahrer bekam eine ganz schöne Show, als sich der Knoten, der Antsys Oberteil hielt, irgendwie löste und ihre wunderschönen festen Brüste herausfielen.

Und dann war Antsy über Travis. Ihre Jeans waren bis zu den Knien heruntergerollt, als sie sich auf Travis Schoß setzte und sein Schwanz in ihrer Fotze verschwand. Sie saß mit dem Rücken zu Travis auf ihm und er packte sie von hinten. Er hatte kein Problem, sie auf seinem Schwanz auf und ab zu bewegen. Ihre saftigen Titten schaukelten auf und ab, während sie ihn fickte. Ich saugte einen Nippel in meinen Mund und nuckelte hungrig daran. Antsy war zu betrunken, zu sehr von ihrer Lust besessen, dass es ihr etwas ausgemacht hätte, dass eine Frau an ihrer Titte lutschte.

Wir kamen beim Motel an, bevor es Travis kommen konnte. Antsy zog ihre Hose hoch und lief zu unserem Zimmer. Ihre Titten waren noch entblößt und hüpften, während sie lief. Travis folgte ihr und ließ mich das Taxi bezahlen. Der Fahrer sagte etwas auf Spanisch und zeigte auf seinen Schoß. Ich schnaubte nur und ging auch zu unserem Zimmer.

Travis und Antsy hatten keine Zeit vergeudet. Er war auf ihr und fickte ihre Fotze hart und schnell. Antys Jeans hing noch an ihrem rechten Fuß. Ich zog mir mein Kleid und mein Höschen aus und kroch zu den beiden auf das Bett. Antsy keuchte wir eine Nutte, während er sie fickte und ich küsste sie auf die Lippen. Sie leistete einen kleinen Moment Widerstand, dann gab sie nach und erwiderte meinen Kuss.

Travis grunzte: „Enge Muschi, meine Güte, ist das eine enge Muschi!“ Seine Eier klatschten laut gegen ihren Arsch, während er sie gut und hart durchfickte. Dann spannte er seinen Rücken und seine Arschmuskeln wurden hart. Und dann spritzte er seine Ladung in Antsys Fotze.


„Wir sind bereit für dich, mein Hengst *-)“ las ich auf meinem Telefon.

„Ich wünsche euch noch einen schönen Abend“, sagte ich zu Damien und George. Damien lag auf Desiree, nachdem er zweimal in ihr gekommen war. George bekam gerade von Thamina seinen Schwanz gelutscht. Ihre Fotze war von unseren beiden Ergüssen noch vollgeschleimt. „Ich gehe jetzt eure Freundinnen ficken.“

Ich ging nach oben und betrat das Schlafzimmer. „… wird George mir einen Antrag machen“, sagte Shannon gerade, als ich das Zimmer betrat.

Es war ein wunderbarer Anblick, der sich mir bot. Mary lag in der Mitte des Bettes, Shannon links und Missy rechts von ihr. Alle drei waren wunderschön und alle drei waren von Lust erhitzt. Wen sollte ich zuerst ficken? Shannon mit den dicken Titten oder die unschuldige Missy. Ich dachte darüber nach, während ich mich auszog. Geschändete Unschuld gewann gegen dicke Titten und ich setzte mich neben Missy.

„Du wirst dich jetzt von mir ficken lassen“, sagte ich ihr und sie nickte und biss sich genauso süß auf die Unterlippe, wie Mary das immer machte.

Mary lachte. „Hab ich doch gesagt“, sagte sie zu Shannon.

„Männer sind Schweine“, seufzte Shannon. Sie richtete sich auf den Ellbogen auf. „Ich habe eben zwanzig Dollar verloren, Mark.“

„Hast du gedacht, ich lasse meine Verlobte im Stich?“ fragte ich lächelnd. Ich streckte mich neben Missy auf dem Bett aus und fuhr mit der Hand über ihren Bauch. Missy kicherte nervös.

Shannon schützte Überraschung vor. „Hier habt gegen mich konspiriert!“ sagte sie und tat so, als würde sie in Ohnmacht fallen. Sie legte ihren Handrücken gegen ihre Stirn und ließ sich auf das Bett fallen. „Meine eigene Schwester hat ein falsches Spiel mit mir gespielt!“

Mary grinste mich an und drehte sich zu Shannon. „Nun, du kannst deine Schuld auch anders begleichen“, sagte Mary verführerisch und dann beugte sie sich vor und küsste ihre ältere Schwester auf den Mund.

„Das war alles nur ein Trick, um mich zu verführen?“ übertrieb Shannon. „Ich glaube, ich habe keine Chance als mich deinen abscheulichen Gelüsten zu überlassen!“

„Echt abscheulich“, gackerte Mary und küsste sich über Shannons Bauch nach unten. Dabei drehte sie sich um. Dann hob sie eines ihrer Beine und setzte ihr Knie au die andere Seite von Shannons Gesicht. Sie ließ sich auf das Gesicht von Shannon nieder, während sie selber in die Muschi ihrer Schwester eintauchte. Ich schaute zu, wie die beiden ihren 69-er machten und vor Lust stöhnten, als sie sich gegenseitig die Fotzen verwöhnten.

Ich saugte einen von Missys Nippeln in meinen Mund, während meine Hand vorsichtig ihre andere schwellende Brust nahm. Ihre Nippel waren ein wenig größer als dir von Mary und genauso empfindlich. Missy stöhnte vor Lust, als ich mit meiner Zunge an ihrer harten Knospe spielte. Ich küsste mich hinüber zu ihrer anderen Brust und knabberte vorsichtig an ihrem Nippel. Gleichzeitig fuhr meine Hand nach unten über ihren straffen Bauch zu dem spärlich Haarwuchs zwischen ihren Beinen und zu dem nassen Loch, das davon bewacht wurde.

Missys Hüften hoben sich vom Bett, als mein Finger ihren Kitzler berührte. Dann keuchte sie, als ich an ihren Schamlippen entlang fuhr, bis ich das hungrige Loch zwischen ihren Beinen gefunden hatte und ihr einen Finger in ihre Fotze schob. Ich konnte es nicht abwarten, endlich meinen Schwanz in ihr enges kleines Loch zu bekommen. Ich fickte sie mit dem Finger und beobachtete meine Verlobte und ihre Schwester dabei, wie sie sich gegenseitig befriedigten. Dabei rieb ich Missys harten Nippel an meiner Wange. Shannon hatte ihre Arme um Marys Arsch geschlungen und sie spielte mit einem Finger an Marys Arschloch.

„Schieb ihn rein“, sagte ich zu Shannon. „Sie liebt das!“

Mary keuchte und schnurrte anschließend, als Shannon ihren Finger an ihrer kleinen Rosenknospe vorbei schob und anfing, ihre Eingeweide zu ficken. „Hmm, ich liebe es im Arsch. Danke, Liebling!“

„Ich werde immer darauf achten, dass es meinem Fohlen gut geht“, sagte ich. „Ich liebe dich.“

„Ahhh“, machte sie. „Auch dann, wenn du einen Finger in der kleinen Fotze meiner Schwester stecken hast?“

„Sogar dann, wenn ich meinen Schwanz in der kleinen Fotze deiner Schwester stecken habe!“ sagte ich und bestieg Missy.

Missys Beine spreizten sich willig für mich. Ihr Gesicht war vor Anstrengung und Erregung gerötet. Ihre Augen hingen an meinem steifen Schwanz. Ich wusste, dass ich größer war als Damien, aber er war schließlich auch erst fünfzehn und er würde sicher noch wachsen. Ich setzte meinen Schwanz am Eingang zu ihrer Fotze an und drückte dann langsam nach vorne.

„Oh wow!“ sagte Missy. „Der ist groß!“ Ihre Fotze gab meinem Schwanz nach und packte ihn mit seidiger Weichheit. Ich drückte weiter, bis ich ganz in ihr steckte.

„Deine Fotze fühlt sich toll an“, sagte ich, als ich anfing, sie langsam zu ficken. „Eng und schön seidig.“

Missy stöhnte unter mir. „Das fühlt sich besser an, als mit Damien“, flüsterte sie.

„Ich möchte wetten, dass er ihn einfach nur reinsteckt“, sagte ich. „Hat er dich nicht vorbereitet?“

„Nein“, gab Missy zu. „Wir wussten beide nicht richtig, was wir taten.“

„Nun, mach dir keine Sorgen. Desiree zeigt ihm gerade, was man tun muss, um eine Frau zu befriedigen“, sagte ich.

Ihre Fotze zog sich zusammen und auf ihrem Gesicht sah ich ein wenig Eifersucht. „Die Schlampe mit den dicken Titten?“ keuchte sie. „Er muss immerzu sabbern, wenn er dicke Titten sieht.“

„Er ist noch jung. Er hat noch nicht gelernt, all die unterschiedlichen Größen und Formen von Brüsten zu schätzen“, sagte ich. „Und deine sind ganz besonders bezaubernd.“

„Aber was ist, wenn er… Desiree mehr mag als mich?“ fragte sie plötzlich. Gott, sie ruinierte noch die Stimmung mit diesem Gelaber über ihren Freund.

„Liebst du ihn?“ fragte ich sie leise. Meine Eier schlugen gegen ihren Arsch, während ich langsam Tempo aufnahm.

„Ja“, antwortete sie. „Ich will ihn heiraten und seine Babys haben und ich möchte in einem großen Haus mit ihm zusammen leben.“

„Ich kann sicherstellen, dass er dich auf ewig liebt und dich nie verlässt.“

„Wirklich!“ keuchte sie. Ihre Hüften fingen jetzt an, sich unter mir zu bewegen und ihre Stimme wurde höher, während die Lust unseres Ficks jetzt durch ihren Körper floss. „Ja, das möchte ich gerne so haben.“

„Missy, du liebst Damien von ganzem Herzen für immer und ewig“, flüsterte ich.

„Oh ja, das tue ich“, stöhnte sie. „Mein süßer Damien!“ Ihre Fotze zuckte jetzt auf meinem Schwanz. „Ja, ja, mein Damien!“

Ich fickte sie fester und genoss das geile Gefühl, wie ihre kleine Möse meinen Schwanz ausmolk. Ihre Lippen küssten meinen Hals, ihre Hüften drückten ihren Kitzler an mein Schambein und wollten noch einen weiteren Orgasmus erzeugen. Ich nahm eine ihrer kleinen Brüste und drückte ihren Nippel. Und dann grunzte ich über ihr. Neben mir stöhnte Mary ihre Lust in Shannons Fotze. Das Bett schaukelte von der Wucht meiner Stöße. Ich war jetzt ganz kurz vor meinem eigenen Orgasmus.

„Hier kommt es!“ keuchte ich. Noch drei heftige Stöße in ihre Fotze. Und wieder verkrampfte sich ihre Fotze um meinem Schwanz, als ich ihren Kitzler berührte. Und dann explodierte ich in ihrer engen Fotze und schoss ihr meinen Saft in den Bauch. Hoffentlich nahm sie die Pille! Ich war mir nicht sicher, wie es Mary aufnehmen würde, wenn ich ihre Schwester schwängerte.

„Wow!“ stöhnte Missy, als ich über ihr zur Ruhe kam. „Ich bin zweimal gekommen!“

„Beim nächsten Mal, wenn du mit Damien fickst, wirst du auch kommen“, sagte ich. „Er ist bestimmt ein sehr strebsamer Schüler.“

„Das hoffe ich für ihn“, kicherte Missy. „Sonst werde ich ganz schön sauer auf ihn sein, weil er mich betrogen hat.“

„Und was ist damit, dass du ihn auch betrogen hast?“ fragte ich.

Missy schaute zu ihren beiden Schwestern, die sich noch gegenseitig befriedigten. „Nun, wir gehören ja doch alle irgendwie in die Familie. Dann ist das wohl kein richtiges Betrügen. Das ist dann doch mehr eine andere Art, seine Liebe zueinander auszudrücken.“

„Die beiden machen es sich richtig gut, schau mal.“

„Ja“, sagte Missy. Mary und Shannon behandelten einander die Fotzen, als stünden sei kurz vor dem Verhungern. Mein Schwanz wurde in Missys leckerer Fotze wieder hart. „Wirst du schon wieder hart?“ fragte Missy.

„Hmmm, ja“, sagte ich. „Wir sollten mal eine andere Stellung ausprobieren.“

Missy kicherte. „Okay!“

Ich nahm sie in die Arme und rollte mich auf den Rücken. Jetzt saß sie auf mir. „Cowgirl“, sagte ich. Missy erhob sich etwas. Ihre schwellenden Brüste schoben sich nach vorne, als sie anfing, sich auf und ab zu bewegen. „Gut so. Mach ein bisschen schneller und ändere den Winkel ein wenig.“ Missy lehnte sich ein wenig weiter nach hinten. „Spürst du, dass mein Schwanz jetzt andere Stellen in deiner Muschi trifft?“

„Ja“, sagte Missy mit einem Lächeln.

„Das solltest du auch mit Damien machen. Du hast so viel mehr Kontrolle“, sagte ich ihr. „Sorge dafür, dass sein Schwanz die Stellen in deiner Muschi trifft, die sich am besten anfühlen.“

„Das werde ich bestimmt tun“, sagte Missy und sie keuchte, als sie mich ritt. „Ich werde ihn fertig machen!“

Missy ritt mich immer schneller. Sie warf ihren Kopf nach hinten und ihr rotblondes Haar peitschte um ihren Kopf. Ich streichelte ihren Bauch und fuhr dann mit meinen Händen zu ihren apfelgroßen fest Brüsten. Die kleinen Kegel waren fest und hatten harte Nippel, mit denen ich jetzt spielte. Ihre Fotze fühlte sich fantastisch an, während sie mich weiter ritt. Sie war schleimig von ihren Säften und von meiner ersten Ladung.

Neben uns kam ein ersticktes Stöhnen von Mary und sie wand sich auf ihrer Schwester. Shannon kam es einen Moment später. Mary rollte von ihrer Schwester herunter und schmiegte sich an mich. Ihr Gesicht war von Mösensaft bedeckt und sie küsste mich und ließ mich Shannons süße und würzige Muschi schmecken. Als sie den Kuss beendete, fragte Mary: „Macht meine Schwester deinem Schwanz gute Gefühle?“

„Das tut sie, Mare!“ sagte ich.

„Gib ihm einen guten Ritt, Baby“, ordnete Mary an.

„Ja, ja, mach ich ja schon!“ keuchte Missy. „Oh wow, diese Stellung ist toll! Meine Güte, ich glaube, es kommt mir schon! Ja, ja! Ich komme!“ Ihre enge Fotze packte meinen Schwanz, als es ihr kam und sie setzte sich schwer atmend auf meinen Schwanz.

„Du musst ihn weiterficken“, sagte Shannon.

„Oh“, keuchte Missy und fing an, mich wieder zu reiten.

„Reite ihn!“ jubelte Shannon. „Reite ihn, Cowgirl!“ Dann pfiff sie auf den Fingern.

Missy trug ein breites Grinsen, während sie mich hart und schnell ritt. Sie hob eine Hand über ihren Kopf und schwang ein imaginäres Lasso. Mary küsste mich ein zweites Mal. Meine linke Hand griff nach ihrer Brust. Mary rückte sich ein wenig hin und her, damit ich besser hinkam. Und dann spielte ich mit ihrem Nippel. Ich stöhnte in Marys süße Lippen, als ich die Fotze ihrer kleinen Schwester mit meinem Sperma überflutete.

„Ich will, dass du Shannons Arsch fickst“, flüsterte Mary mir ins Ohr. Dann setzte sie sich auf und zog Missy von mir herunter und legte sie auf das Bett. Mary spreizte ihr die Beine und die junge Fotze öffnete sich und weißer Saft floss heraus. Mary beugte sich nach unten und leckte einen großen Klecks weg, der zu Missys Arsch herunter gelaufen war. Dann tauchte sie in Missys Fotze in und fing an, sie auszulecken.

Ich kroch über Missy und Mary hinweg zu Shannon. „Wirst du mich jetzt ficken, zukünftiger Bruder?“ fragte Shannon mit einem schelmischen Lächeln.

„In den Arsch“, sagte ich und drehte sie rau um.

„Ich bin noch nie in den Arsch gefickt worden“, sagte sie und ihr Selbstbewusstsein schwand. „George… er will das auch immer.“

„Liebst du ihn?“

„Ja, er ist toll“, sagte sie. „Und er ist total süß und er macht mich glücklich.“

„Und warum machst du ihn dann nicht glücklich?“ fragte ich und spreizte ihre Arschbacken.

„Ich… ich habe Angst“, saget sie und biss sich auf die Lippe. „Das tut bestimmt weh.“

„Nur bei mir“, sagte ich. „Ich werde dich für ihn einreiten.“

Shannon keuchte vor Schmerz und ich sah, wie Mary von zwischen Missys Beinen herüberschaute. Sie grinste. Sie hatte davon gesprochen, dass Shannon sie ständig herumgeschubst hatte, als sie noch Kinder waren. Ich lächelte zurück und fickte in Shannons engen Arsch hinein und dann zog ich mich wieder zurück und rammte mich mit aller Kraft wieder nach innen.

Am Ende genoss Shannon den Arschfick dann doch noch und sie bettelte darum, dass ich ihr in den Arsch spritzte. Als ich das tat, war sie schon einmal gekommen und sie war auf dem Weg zu ihrem zweiten Orgasmus. Ihr Arsch war heiß und eng und er bereitete mir großes Vergnügen, als ich in sie hineinspritzte. Shannon kam es zum zweiten Mal, als Missy ihr mein Sperma aus dem Arsch leckte, während Mary und ich zuschauten.

„Ich glaube, das Essen war ein großer Erfolg“, sagte ich ihr.

Sie lächelte und küsste mich. „Ich bin schon gespannt auf Samstag, wenn wir das Essen mit deiner Mutter haben“, sagte Mary mit einem verdorbenen Lächeln.

Ich lachte und dann hörte ich, wie mein Telefon summte. Ich stand auf, fand meine Hose und zog mein Handy heraus. „Endlich funktioniert das Streaming, hoffentlich kannst du zuschauen *-)“. Die SMS war von Vivian, dem erstem Mädchen, das ich gefickt hatte.

Als ich vom Teufel meine Kräfte bekommen hatte, hatte ich sie bei Starbucks ausprobiert. Ich hatte Vivian, eine Kundin, gefickt und die beiden Baristas: Cynthia und Mary. Und dann hatte ich mich in Mary verliebt und ich war der Meinung gewesen, dass Vivian und Cynthia so süß zusammen waren, deswegen hatte ich befohlen, dass sie sich auch verlieben sollten und dann das Liebemachen im Internet streamen. Das hatte ich total vergessen.

„Die SMS ist von Vivian“, sagte ich Mary. „Sie und Cynthia fangen jetzt mit dem Streaming an.“

„Oh, dann lass uns zuschauen“, sagte Mary ganz aufgeregt.

Dann schrieb ich zurück: „Cool. Mary und ich und ein paar andere werden zuschauen! *-)“. Ich nahm meinen Laptop und tippte den Link ein. Er führte auf eine Streaming-Seite mit Namen Nasty-Girls-Live.com. Dann nahm ich ein HDMI-Kabel und schloss meinen Laptop an den Fernseher im Schlafzimmer an.


Travis schoss seine Ladung in Antsys Muschi und fiel dann auf sie. Antsy bewegte noch ihre Hüften. Sie war kurz davor zu kommen, als ein lauter Schnarchlaut von Travis zu hören war.

„Dieses Arschloch ist doch tatsächlich eingepennt!“ stöhnte Antsy. „Hilf mir mal, der erdrückt mich.“

Ich schob feste und rollte mit einiger Anstrengung den Fleischklops von Antsy herunter. Ich fiel dabei über sie und unsere Brüste rieben sich aneinander. Antsy starrte mich an. Ihr Atem beschleunigte sich und sie leckte ihre roten Lippen. Elektrizität war zwischen uns beiden. Eine Kraft zog uns zueinander. Ihre Haut fühlte sich unter mir wie Feuer an. Ich fuhr mit meiner Hand über ihren Bauch und dann zu ihrer rasierten Muschi hinunter. Sie war nass von ihrer eigenen Lust und von Travis Sperma.

„Nein“, keuchte sie protestierend, als mein Finger anfing, langsam ihren Kitzler zu reizen. „Ich bin doch keine Lesbe!“

„Ich auch nicht“, flüsterte ich. Ich küsste sie wieder und rollte ihren Kitzler zwischen zwei Fingern. „Es ist nicht lesbisch, wenn man betrunken ist“, log ich.

Antsy entspannte sich und kicherte. „Das ist gut, ich bin nämlich sehr betrunken.“ Dieses Mal küsste sie mich und ihr Kuss wurde immer aggressiver, als ich ihr einen Finger in die Fotze steckte. Ich suchte nach ihrem G-Punkt. Ich musste dieses Mädchen zum Orgasmus bringen, bevor es zu nüchtern wurde. Ich musste den Spruch von Avvah vollziehen.

Ihr Körper wand sich unter meinen Aktivitäten. Ich hakte meinen Finger und strich über die Wand ihrer Fotze. Ich suchte nach diesem Nervenbündel, während mein Daumen sich weiter um ihren Kitzler kümmerte. Ihr Körper zuckte unter mir und da wusste ich, dass ich den G-Punkt gefunden hatte. Ich fing an, ihn zu massieren.

„Komm für mich“, flüsterte ich ihr ins Ohr und leckte an ihrem Ohrläppchen. „Ich will deine Lustschreie hören!“

„Wenn du mich da weitermassierst“, stöhnte Antsy, „dann werde ich für dich bellen wie ein kleiner Hund.“

Ich verstärkte meinen Druck auf ihren G-Punkt und rollte gleichzeitig ihren Kitzler mit meinem Daumen, während ich an ihrem Ohr lutschte. Ihre Hüften wanden sich, als sie sich immer weiter auf ihren Orgasmus zu bewegte. Und dann wurde ihr Körper ganz steif und ein erstickter Schrei entrang sich ihrem Hals.

„Avvah Mark Glassner“, flüsterte ich. „Avvah Mark Glassner.“

Antsy wurde steif unter mir. Sie fiel in eine Trance, als der Spruch wirkte. Und dann kam sie wieder. Ein Lächeln umspielte ihre Lippen. „Das war schön“, sagte sie und dann schloss sie die Augen und dann wurde sie ohnmächtig.

Ich seufzte frustriert. Meine Muschi war heiß und bereit und ich wollte auch kommen, aber jetzt lagen nur zwei nutzlose Betrunkene ohnmächtig in meinem Bett. Ich musste wohl selber Hand anlegen. Ich fuhr mit meinen Händen nach unten und fing an, mit meiner Muschi zu spielen. Mhhh, meine Finger fühlten sich gut an, wie ich so mit der einen Hand meinen Kitzler schrammelte und zwei Finger der anderen Hand in meine Fotze stieß. Ich war jetzt einen Schritt näher daran, Schwester Louise zu retten und Mark und seiner Geliebten das Handwerk zu legen. Der Gedanke regte meine Lust noch weiter an und es dauerte nicht lang, da kam ich sehr geräuschvoll.

Als ich mir meine Lust von den Fingern leckte, wusste ich mit absoluter Sicherheit, dass Gott über das Böse triumphieren würde. Meine Muschi juckte immer noch und ich fuhr mit meinen Händen nach unten, um mir einen zweiten Orgasmus zu gönnen. Dabei fantasierte ich von Marks Gesicht, als er erkannte, dass er geschlagen war und dass all seine Schandtaten rückgängig gemacht worden waren.
To be continued…

Click here for Kapitel 20

The Devil’s Pact Chapter 41: Assassination



The Devil’s Pact

Chapter 41: Assassination

by mypenname3000

edited by Master Ken

© Copyright 2013, 2014

Story Codes: Male/Female, Females/Teen female, Male/Females/Teen females, Mind Control, Magic, Incest, Oral, Watersports, Rimming, Violence

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated. To contact me, you can leave a comment or email me at mypenname3000@mypenname3000.com, and you can contact my editor by email at dionysus40@prodigy.net.

Click here for Chapter 40.

We shall use every weapon at our disposal to slay the Tyrants, every resource that we can lay our hands on. No power is too dark, no act too heinous. We shall not balk at the task before us. We shall not rest until the Tyrants are dead. We are everywhere. We are legion.

–excerpt from ‘The Patriots Manifesto’, author Unknown

Monday, October 7th, 2013 – Mary Glassner – Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City

I threw a punch at Mark’s face. He caught my wrist easily.

“He’s bigger than me, how am I supposed to fight him?” I demanded angrily of Azrael.

Ever since I took the Mother Superior’s Gift, Mark and I could summon Azrael, the Angel of Death, and form a shared dreamscape. We were using it to learn to fight, so that we could defend ourselves if we ended up in another bad situation. Mark effortlessly picked it all up thanks to his Gift, while I had to struggle to learn just the basics—it was so frustrating! The Gift was so sexist! Why did Mark get cool fighting powers? He got to summon a sword and armor and look absolutely badass when he’s fighting. All I got was the degrading power of exorcism through sex. I still felt dirty from handling Brandon’s cock. Sometimes it seemed like the vile taste of his cum would never leave my lips.

“Your foes will almost always be bigger than you, Mary,” Azrael replied in her musical voice. She sounded like bells ringing when she talked: tiny, tinkling bells when she was happy and deep, resonating bells when she was angry.

“You’re getting better, Mare,” Mark said with a smile. I knew he was just saying that to be nice, and it did make me feel warm inside. But I wasn’t getting better. I felt so clumsy, like my limbs were weighted down as I struggled to properly move them. My husband moved quickly and deliberately. Unlike me, his body moved the way he intended it to, while I stumbled and flailed like a drunk chicken.

We had already been practicing for what seemed like a day. Time worked differently in the dreams, flowed slower. Mark kept referring to Inception, and he had looked so shocked when I admitted to having never seen the movie. For the last week, we had spent every other night training in the dreams; it was too exhausting with my pregnancy for me to train every night.

It wasn’t just physical fighting we trained. We also practiced spells, trying to figure out ways to use them in sticky situations. Wind spells to knock an opponent down, illusions to confound them, and levitating to put distance between you and your enemy. And Molech’s fire was a great last resort, burning anyone who touched you. I felt like I could do more with the fire, hurl it somehow, if I could just figure out how to control it better.

I also practiced my Gift, learning the Nun’s prayers. I could control an enemy’s Thrall – so long as they weren’t bound by the Zimmah spell – transforming them into traps to be sprung on their Warlock, or I could free the Thrall, or put them into a trance and interrogate them. With Warlocks popping up all over the world, I was the only one who could exorcise them and their Thralls. By touching their cocks. So unfair.

“Let’s practice shooting,” I finally said, growing too frustrated with the hand-to-hand training.

I was great at shooting. Since we were in a dream, we could shape or conjure anything we could imagine. I had been afraid of guns – they make that loud noise when they’re fired – ever since I was little. Once I got used to them, I found that there was something very satisfying about hitting the target and seeing the damage the bullet did. I especially liked to fire at targets that resembled Brandon, aiming at his crotch.

There was power in using a gun and being in control.

Mark and I spent a few dream hours – which was probably only ten minutes in the waking world – firing various guns; it was satisfying fun. I had shot a few while awake now – the bodyguards and soldiers were very accommodating – and I had been pleased to see that my training in the dream had translated into real skill in the waking world.

I switched to shooting a 9mm automatic pistol. Probably my favorite gun. I aimed at a fresh Brandon target, lining up the front and rear sights right at his crotch. I squeezed the trigger and the gun rapidly barked and jerked upwards in my hand as it spat out bullets. The target splintered, the first few bullets striking the crotch, then there was a jerky line going up his hip into his gut. I smirked in satisfaction. Shooting effigies of Brandon never seemed to grow old.

“I hope you enjoy hell, bastard!” Mark shouted.

I chill went through me. We had sold our souls to the Devil, just like Brandon. When we die, was eternal torment going to be our reward? Mark didn’t care about damnation when he sold his soul, and I had been too wrapped up in my love for Mark when I decided to sell mine. I had wanted so badly to be his equal that I didn’t think through my decision.

I wished Sam was back from France. She should be on a plane right now, landing this evening at La Guardia. The last few days I have been studying the Magicks of the Witch of Endor, trying to find a way out of going to hell. The book hinted of a spell that would require a child, a daughter. My hand touched my belly, the only child I would ever have. If it was a girl, there was a way that Mark could gain immortality, and since I wished to live as long as Mark, I would gain it as well.

If I, or one of the sluts that is pregnant with his child, bore a daughter, we would be able to cheat the Devil and escape our fate.

“It’s alright,” Mark whispered, wrapping his arms around me.

He was such a sweet man, sensing my turmoil. I closed my eyes, feeling safe in his strong arms. I knew in my heart that we’d be together forever—even in the torments of hell. I let go of the gun – it vanished back into dreamstuff before hitting the ground – and I wiggled my ass into his hardening cock.

This was the other great benefit of the shared dream; we were sleeping hundreds of miles apart. I was in New York City, in the Waldorf-Astoria, and Mark was at the Willard Intercontinental in Washington D.C. But that didn’t matter. We could be on the far side of the world and we were only a nap away from being together. My pussy moistened as I felt his stiff cock, and I imagined myself naked. The comfortable training clothes I wore vanished into black motes.

Mark’s arousal pressed against my naked ass. “Mmm, do you need some relief?” I asked my husband.

“Always Mare,” he murmured, nuzzling my neck. “When I’m with you, I always need relief.”

His words warmed my heart. He was always sweet with me, and it was one of the reasons our open relationship worked. He can be such a heartless bastard at times, treating women as things to satisfy his lusts, but never with me. Neither of us had to suppress our dark desires from each other, from the world. We were beyond morality—we were free. Free to trust and know that our various dalliances didn’t change how we felt for each other.

Suddenly we were floating in the blue sky, weightless. My auburn hair fanned about my head, like the tendrils of an anemone swaying in a current. I laughed, spinning about. You could have so much fun in the dreams. Something soft and fluffy bumped into my back, cushioning me. It was a cloud, cotton-white. I stretched out upon it, spreading my legs open. I rubbed a finger through my waxed pussy, already damp, and brought my digit to my lips and tasted my sweet, spicy flavor.

Mark let out a low growl as I sucked on my finger, then he buried his face into my pussy. “Umm, that feels wonderful, Mark!” I groaned. His tongue slid up my petals and flicked at my clit, while his fingers spread me open, before burying his tongue into my pussy.

My husband was a great pussy eater; I writhed on the cloud, enjoying his tongue and fingers. I ran my hand through his brown hair, his blue eyes staring up at me from between my pale thighs, and I could feel his love. I hated sleeping apart from him, but we both could control people, and were more effective separate than together.

His lips found my clit and I gasped my pleasure. “Umm, eat me, my horny stallion! Oh, hun, I’m so close! You’re driving me wild!” My orgasm built quickly. His fingers slid into my pussy, and moved deliciously in and out of my cunt. I shuddered; a small climax rippled through me.

Mark kept eating me out, sucking hard on my clit. Another orgasm shot through me and I writhed on the soft cloud. “Let me suck you!” I cried out. I wanted to make my husband feel just as amazing.

He spun around easily, his body floating down to mine. I opened my mouth and engulfed his hard cock. I grabbed his firm ass, groping him and pulling his cock deep into my mouth. I could taste the salt of his pre-cum as I bobbed my head. Mark moaned his appreciation into my pussy. I pulled him deeper, relaxing my throat, and slid his entire cock into my mouth. His pubic hair tickled my cheeks as I massaged his dick with my mouth. Then, sucking hard, I slid up until only the tip remained in my mouth, swirling my tongue about the sensitive head, before deep-throating him again.

“Oh fuck! That feels amazing, Mare!” he groaned. “My naughty filly!”

Another orgasm spasmed through me, my insides squeezing tightly; I could feel my juices splashing on my husband’s face. I moaned my pleasure on his cock, my mouth humming on his sensitive head. Salty cum suddenly flooded my mouth, and I joyfully drank my husband’s seed down, enjoying the thick, salty cream.

Mark pulled away, twirling about above me and I giggled. He looked so majestic as he moved without gravity, his muscular body glistening with sweat. He was so yummy! Then he dropped back down to the cloud on top of me, and we kissed passionately, fencing each other with our tongues. I enjoyed my sweet, spicy flavor as I wrapped my legs around his hips, and pulled my husband’s cock into my aching sheath.

“Fuck me, stallion!” I moaned as he penetrated me.

He took me hard and fast, driving me into the cotton-soft cloud. His cock felt amazing inside me. The bellboy I fucked last night may have had a dick that was a little bigger than Mark’s, but he didn’t know how to use his. My husband knew my cunt intimately, and angled his thrusts to hit all the good spots inside me.

“Fuck your filly!” I panted. “God, I love your cock!”

“Is that all you love?” Mark asked with a boyish grin.

“No! I love everything about you!” I pulled his face down and kissed him madly, running my hands down his broad back to his tight ass. Since he got the Gift his ass was so yummy; I loved to play with it.

Our groins slapped together, my clit grinding hard into his pubic bone, every thrust sending sparks of pleasure burning inside me. Mark’s hand found my right breast and he played with my nipple. He broke the kiss and bent his back so he could suck my nipple into his mouth, the wonderful pressure driving me closer and closer to my climax.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I moaned over and over as his lips, his cock, drove me wild. I could feel a huge orgasm building inside me. A tsunami of passion that threatened to drown me. I couldn’t wait!

Mark switched tits, his cock pistoning rapidly in and out of my cunt. I loved it! His shaft rubbed on all the pleasant spots, sending more pleasure to the growing orgasm-tsunami. I licked my fingers, then spread his ass and found his asshole. I massaged the puckered ring, then slipped my fingers in and found his prostate.

“Holy shit!” Mark groaned as his cock exploded inside me.

I loved massaging his prostate. I would only do it once in a while because I loved his surprised reaction; his dick always seemed to flood an extra pint of cum – all warm and sticky – inside me when I did it, right where it belonged. He buried his cock all the way inside me as the last of his semen poured out, and I rubbed my clit on his pubic bone. I came! My orgasm washed through me, surging through every fiber of my being in wave after wave of rapture.

“I love you!” I screamed as the torrent of passion overwhelmed me. As it receded, I reveled in the feel of Mark’s strong arms holding me, his face nuzzling my neck.

We cuddled on that cloud for what seemed an eternity, my husband inside me, our lips gently kissing each other, loving each other. We didn’t talk; we were beyond words, and just enjoyed each other’s presence.

When I woke up, I was in the Waldorf-Astoria. The very suite Mark and I had stayed at the first time we came to New York. I smiled, remembering our first night, and the wild foursome we had with Rachel and Leah in this very bed. Xiu was snuggled up against me, the busty Asian slut’s tits pressed into my back. Jessica’s caramel face was inches from mine. She looked so peaceful as she slept. I closed the distance, and kissed her on the lips.

Her brown eyes opened and she smiled. “Good morning, Mistress.”

Xiu moved, rubbing against me from behind, her lips nuzzling at my neck. “Morning, Mistress,” she murmured sleepily.

I turned over and grabbed Xiu’s nipple jewelry, a pink butterfly dangling on a silver chain from a barbell piercing, and gave it a hard, painful tug. Xiu gasped in pain, lust shining in her eyes. Xiu was a masochist and nothing got her wetter than having her nipple piercings painfully pulled. “I have to pee,” I told her.

Xiu threw back the covers and slid down my body, spreading my pussy open. Her mouth latched onto my urethra and I relaxed, sighing as I pissed into her mouth. I could feel her sucking and swallowing all of my urine. The nasty sounds she made as she drank my piss just made my pussy wetter. Pleasure tingled through me as the pee flowed out. Once you’ve experienced peeing in a pretty woman’s mouth, how can you possibly ever use a toilet again?

Jessica bent over and captured one of my dusky nipples and started sucking as I finished peeing in Xiu’s mouth. The Asian slut licked at my pussy, searching for any errant drops of piss. Her tongue felt great, far better than any toilet paper, thick and agile, not rough. She was gentler than Mark, her lips and tongue softer on my pussy. My husband was a hound, aggressively licking me out, whereas Xiu was a cat, taking gentle, careful licks. They weren’t better or worse, just different. She licked through every fold and crevasse of my pussy, before her tongue started to lightly flick at my clit.

“Fuck yes!” I moaned. “I love your tongues on me, sluts!”

“We live to pleasure you and Master,” Jessica purred, reaching over to finger my other nipple as she sucked on the first.

The door opened and April walked in, naked save for her glasses and choker, carrying a tray that had a few sliced honeydew melons and a bowl of oatmeal. She set the tray on the nightstand and slipped into bed. The nerdy girl quickly sucked my other nipple into her mouth. Her legs wrapped around my right thigh and her wet pussy rubbed on my skin, slippery wet and hot.

“Looks like a party in here,” giggled Lillian.

The goth slut strutted in, dressed in a black corset that cupped her small, pale breasts and left her pink nipples bare. A very short skirt made of black gauze barely covered her pussy and her pale thighs were clad in black stockings held up by lacy, red garters.

I licked my lips. “Come sit on my face, Lillian.”

“Oh, I would love that, Mistress.”

Lillian practically skipped to me, climbing up onto the bed and straddling my face. Her pussy was shaved and I could smell her tart arousal as she lowered her wet cunt to my eager lips. I licked through her pussy, enjoying her flavor and the moans that issued from her lips. I began mimicking what Xiu was doing to my pussy. When Xiu’s tongue slipped into my sheath, I shoved my tongue into Lillian’s cunt, enjoying the feel of the silky, wet walls on my tongue. Then Xiu nibbled gently at my clit.

“Oh, Mistress!” Lillian gasped as I gently nipped at her clit with my teeth. “That feels wonderful. Thank you, thank you! I’m the luckiest slut in the world!”

April and Jessica continued nursing at my breasts, their lips and tongues sending pleasure tingling from my nipples down to my womb. Jessica sucked hard, nipping at my nipple, while April let her tongue do most of the work, swirling about my nub, then gently kissed my breast, while she humped hard at my thigh; I loved the feel of her cream on my skin. I had three mouths kissing and licking me, driving me closer and closer to a shuddering orgasm. When it finally exploded inside me, I screamed my pleasure into Lillian’s pussy.

“Fuck yes!” moaned Lillian, cumming and flooding my mouth with her tart juices. “Thank you! Oh, thank you, Mistress!”

Lillian cuddled next to me, and I reached over her to grab a slice of honeydew melon as Xiu, April, and Jessica slipped into a daisy chain on the floor. I took a bite of the sweet melon, listening to the moans of pleasure from the three sluts, when I felt nausea churn in my stomach and I bolted to the bathroom.


Mark Glassner – The Willard Intercontinental – Washington D.C.

This morning sickness is all your fault, Mark Glassner! Mary sent. I could feel her discomfort in her thoughts.

I was balls deep in Desiree’s pussy, fucking the Latina slut as she ate out Tibby’s cunt, one of the two women I brought up to my hotel room last night. The other woman was Tibby’s teenage daughter Bryanna, who knelt next to Desiree as Alison sucked my cum out of the teen’s ass. I was enjoying one last romp with the mother and daughter before I left to attend to Congress.

Just think of our daughter, I sent back. Just picture how beautiful she’ll be when you hold her in your arms.

Who are you fucking? There was a strange, accusatory tinge to her thought.

Desiree while she eats out this MILF’s ass. Alison is next to us, eating my cum out of the daughter’s ass.

You’re having an orgy while your wife is suffering?

I frowned and stopped thrusting into Desiree. What’s wrong, Mare?

I just hate vomiting. And I wish you were here. I like it when you hold my hair. It’s not the same with Lillian.

It’s only until tomorrow. Then I’ll be there to hold your hair. I love you.

I love you too. You can keep fucking Desiree. Make her scream for me and give my love to the other sluts.

I resumed thrusting back into Desiree’s cunt. “Was that mi Reina?” she asked.

“Yeah, she said she loves all of her sluts.”

Alison beamed, her lips sticky with cum. “Don’t stop!” Bryanna gasped. “I’m so close to cumming. Keep licking me slut!”

Alison giggled and dived back into the teen’s ass. Desiree’s cunt squeezed on my cock; the slut was desperate for my cum. My balls tightened; I was nearing that wonderful edge, about to plummet off into the rapture of release.

“Fucking slut!” I groaned, slapping her full ass, watching her nut-brown cheeks jiggle.

“Cum in me, mi Rey!” she cooed. “Fill me with your spunk so I can make Alison eat me out.”

“Umm, I would love that,” Alison purred. “I love eating Master’s cum out of a woman’s hole, particularly when that woman’s my sexy wife!”

“Then keep eating my ass if you love his cum!” Bryanna moaned. “Oh Momma, I’m so close to cumming!”

“Me too, pumpkin,” Tibby gasped. “Oh god, her tongue is driving me wild. This slut is an expert on muff diving!”

“I taught her well,” Alison giggled. “Make that bitch howl, my Latin beauty!”

“Umm, I will, mi Sirenita. And I want to hear that teenage puta explode on your lips!”

“Oh fucking yes! I’m going to explode!” the teen girl shouted. “Holy shit! Her tongue’s wiggling up my butthole! Oh my Gods! Oh my fucking Gods!” Her body shook and she collapsed onto her belly. There was a pleased look on Alison’s face—a self-satisfied cat licking her lips.

I was almost there, just a few more strokes and I would be basting Desiree’s snatch with a huge load of cum. I gripped her hips and slammed into her, savoring every velvety inch of her cunt as my cock plowed in and out. She felt wonderful, driving my balls to distraction, and I unloaded inside her with a low grunt.

“Oh yes, oh yes!” Tibby panted, her pussy grinding into Desiree’s face. Tibby collapsed on the bed, quaking as her orgasm crashed through her.

Desiree hadn’t climaxed yet, so, after I pulled out of her cunt, I grabbed her clit and rolled it between my fingers a few times. She bucked and screamed, orgasming hard. Her cunt still gaped open; I could see the pink muscles inside spasming as she came, expelling my white cum with her juices.

“Thank you, mi Rey!”

“That was fucking hot!” Alison moaned, then kissed her wife as her fingers rapidly frigged her clit. The two sluts shared the flavor of a mother’s cunt and a daughter’s ass as Alison writhed, her orgasm shivering through her.

I sent Bryanna and her mother off, both bubbling with joy at spending the night with their God. Violet brought in my breakfast: scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon, and hash browns. I wolfed it down and dressed in the suit that Korina had laid out for me. The sluts wore their provocative clothes: Violet was the naughty schoolgirl this morning, Alison was stunning as a slutty genie, Desiree wore a naughty nurse’s outfit, and Korina dressed as a sexy goth girl.

The crowd waiting outside was even larger than last night, a tide somehow being held back by my soldiers, surging against them in their eagerness to see me. My soldiers were calling themselves the Legion: nearly 10,000 Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines that had sworn oaths of fidelity to me and had been bound by the Ragily prayer, the Monk version of the Zimmah spell. Unlike the Warlock spell, Ragily didn’t bind their life-force to me, but they would stay loyal as long as they served, and were gifted with certain advantages in fighting the supernatural.

A cadre of the bodyguards formed up around me, dressed as sexy cops. All were volunteers now, and their numbers had swelled to one hundred—all bound to me by the Zimmah spell. My poor mom’s cunt was getting raw from the number of times I had to fuck her earlier this week to bind all these cops to me. 51, commander of the bodyguards, saluted me.

“Good morning, sir,” she said, a smile on her ebony face.

“Let’s get going,” I said after greeting her with a kiss. Two of the bodyguards opened the hotel door and I stepped out to the cheering crowd.

Everything went blue around me, a shimmering field of rippling energy.

I froze; someone just shot at me and the bullet was deflected by my amulet. A loud gunshot cracked across the square and all the bodyguards and soldiers drew their weapons, scanning the crowd. Fear spurred my heart into overdrive and flooded ice through my veins. I was engulfed in blue two more times in rapid succession. I caught a muzzle flash from an apartment window to my left across the street. Only, it looked like the drapes were still drawn across that window.

I stared at the window and saw the fourth muzzle flash – a tongue of red-orange fire – pass through the curtain, but not disturb the fabric in anyway, before everything went blue around me again. One of the bodyguards tried to draw me back and I shook her off. I could see soldiers already pushing through the crowd, racing to that building while the counter-snipers on the hotel’s roof opened fire.

An idea popped into my head. There were news crews here – wherever Mary or I went, there were always news and paparazzi around – and they were broadcasting the attack to the world. This was the perfect opportunity to demonstrate some Godly powers.


Jerrold Baxter

After the fourth shot bounced off the Tyrant’s shield I stopped firing and retreated from the window. The counter-snipers had figured out my position and were firing blindly at me, and one round had already whizzed past my head. I quickly disassembled my rifle and put it into its case. The soldiers out on the streets would be in the building and crashing through this apartment door in about a minute.

Plenty of time to escape.

I unsheathed a bronze knife. “Pasaq! I shouted and stabbed the air. My knife sank into nothingness, the tip vanishing seemingly into thin air. I started to saw the knife, cutting through the very fabric of reality, and began carving a portal to the Shadows.

Slipping into the Shadows, the highest level of the Abyss, was not for the faint of heart, but it was a useful spell Noel had taught us after we made our Pacts. The best part: this spell wasn’t found in the Magicks of the Witch of Endor. Noel was positive that Mark knew nothing about it. Apparently, after Noel had been freed from the Tyrants’ slavery, she had used her time to research the occult, and she found several other grimoires that had spells in them.

Spells that worked once we all had sold our souls to the Devil.


Mark Glassner

“Get inside, Master!” 51 shouted at me.

“Stay back!” I ordered her. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

51 let go of me and I unleashed Molech’s flames. The fire danced harmlessly on me, but anyone touching me would be burned. I then muttered, “Uwph,” the levitation spell, and soared over the crowd towards that window. This was the perfect opportunity to demonstrate my Godly Powers, and I swallowed my fear. Flying – even a few stories above the ground – unnerved me. I focused on the window, trying to ignore the growing distance between me and the ground. As I flew, I summoned my armor, the gold materializing about me, weighing me down slightly and forcing me to correct my trajectory.

I braced myself to crash through the window, crossing my arms and relying on my armor’s forearm-guards – the vambraces – to protect my face. Only nothing was there. It was an illusion. I landed in a living room that looked like it belonged to an old lady, tidy, adorned with doilies and vases and pictures of children hanging on the walls. In the center of the room was a man, dark haired and muscular, somehow drawing lines that glowed white in the air.

Drawn by a dagger that appeared to be sunk into nothingness. What the hell was he doing?

The man whirled, yanking his dagger out of the nothingness. It was bronze and glinted sharply as the man went into a fighting stance, the dagger held low. I slipped into an aikido stance, the martial art Azrael had taught me in my dreams. We eyed each other for a moment and then he lashed out with the knife.

I followed the arc, slid to the side and went to grab his knife hand. He moved; I missed the grab, his dagger scraping harmlessly across my gold breastplate. His foot lashed out and caught me on the knee between the greeves and the metal skirt; the pain flashed through me.

I limped back and peered at him and saw only a black aura. He was a Thrall. “Stop!” I ordered him.

He ignored me.

How the hell did he do that? There was no red fringe around his black aura; he wasn’t under the Zimmah ritual. So why didn’t my power work on him? As I pondered that, he thrust his knife at my face; I quickly brought my arm up and let the stroke glance off my vambrace. I grabbed his hand, shutting off my flames – I wanted to capture the assassin, not burn him to death – and grappled him.

Are you okay, Mark? Mary’s thought suddenly intruded as the assassin and I fell to the floor in a heap of grasping limbs.

Busy! I thought back.

Oh God, Mark! Be careful!

The man was on top of me, his dagger slamming down at my face. I grabbed his wrist with my right hand, halting his blow. We strained against each other. I threw an awkward punch at his face with my left hand and he blocked it. I heaved, and rolled him onto his back. He landed hard and the knife skittered away from him. I drew back my fist and punched him as hard as I could in the face.

My fist landed on his brow; I almost screamed in pain as I broke two of the knuckles on my right hand on his skull. The man blinked, looking stunned and trying to shake off the blow, while blood poured from a cut in his eyebrow. I grabbed the knife with my left hand and placed it at his throat.

“Who are you!” I demanded.

“A patriot,” he spat back. “Kill me, Tyrant. You will learn nothing from me!”

“How are you ignoring my commands?”

He spat in my face, stinging my eyes. Anger flashed through me like a firestorm and for a moment I started to press the knife into his throat before I stopped myself. You need him alive, I reminded myself. Adrenaline pounded through me, making it hard to think straight. This man tried to kill me and every instinct made me want to drive the dagger home in retribution. I took in a deep breath, trying to ignore the pain in my wrenched knee and broken knuckles, and calmed myself down.

There was an explosion at the door, wooden splinters raining, followed by my shouting soldiers. They froze in surprise and snapped to attention.

“My Lord,” the sergeant saluted in surprise.

“Take him,” I ordered, rolling off the man.

As the soldiers grabbed the assassin, I closed my eyes and concentrated on healing my broken knuckles and wrenched knee. The pain melted away as the bones reknit and torn ligaments mended. I stood up, dismissing my armor, and it fell off me in golden sparkles. The prisoner was bound with plastic cuffs and the soldiers were searching him roughly.

I’m safe, Mary, I sent.

What were you thinking! Mary demanded. I just watched you on the news, flying like a comet at the man who tried to kill you! We have bodyguards and soldiers for shit like that! I about had a heart-attack watching your idiocy!

I felt sheepish. Sorry, Mare. I thought it would be good PR. You know, Gods shouldn’t run from danger.

Good PR? Good fucking PR? I could feel an almost hysterical incredulity through the sending. You idiot! You’re too important to risk on goddamn foolishness like that.

I let the insult slide; she was just scared. Watch out, Mare. This guy looked like a regular Thrall, but he ignored my orders.

Unease filled her sending, Sam gets back tonight. I’m flying down to D.C. with her as soon as her plane lands.

What about the UN?

The UN can go fuck itself, Mark! Her fear and concern poured through the sending. I need to see that you’re all right. In person. I can always fly back to New York tomorrow in time.

Okay, Mare. Love you.

I love you too, even if you can be pigheadedly stupid sometimes. Good PR!


Sheila Robbins, New York City

“Pasaq!” I shouted and stabbed my bronze knife into the air and slowly drew open a portal into the Shadows.

I was in an apartment looking down at the Waldorf-Astoria, the owner sleeping peacefully on his bed. On the news, they were showing Baxter getting dragged out, captured by Mark. I cursed, the Tyrant was far more powerful than Noel had reckoned. How had he deflected the bullet? The news clearly showed that the first shot caught the bastard off-guard.

I didn’t have time to think about that now. Down at the hotel, I could see Mary’s party preparing to leave and I jumped into the Shadows.

Clearly, sniper rifles were not the way to defeat them. They must have some sort of spell in place to protect them from gunfire. I was going to try a different way to kill Mary. I could slip through the Shadows and pop out right behind her and shove my dagger through her back before anyone could react. I knew just where to strike to slide past the ribs and find her heart. My blade was thick; it would destroy her heart. She would be dead before a cardiothoracic surgeon could even have a chance to save her.

Ten years in the CIA had taught me a few things.

I was surprisingly calm as I moved through the Shadows. I was going to die. It was unavoidable. Once I stepped out, I would have a few seconds to plunge my knife into her back before all those soldiers and sluts they called bodyguards would react and gun me down. It would be worth it. I would have killed one of the Tyrants.

Sometimes the mission is so important, so vital, to your Country’s freedom that you have to give up your life. A lesson I learned at the Farm during my training. I had spent years in backwater hellholes to protect my Country, so there was no way in hell I could stand back and watch the Tyrants destroy it. I was prepared to die to keep it free.

Moving through the Shadows was different. Distances didn’t measure directly. After taking a few steps, I could see Mary through the mists when I concentrated. I thrust my dagger into the veil that separated the mortal world and the afterlife, and started to carve my portal. It was faster to create on this side, somehow easier to return to the mortal world than to enter the spiritual. I drew the portal rapidly, my heart beating faster and faster. Three sides down, my knife sliding upwards to complete the doorway.

I was going to die with Mary’s blood on my blade.

A cold hand grabbed me and yanked me backwards face-to-face with a blonde, naked woman. She stared fiercely into my eyes; hers were blue and filled with an icy fury. “You will not touch our Mistress,” she hissed. Anger filled her voice, a terrible, cold rage that I had never felt in the living.

Our? I glanced around as I struggled in her cold grip only to see more women. Maybe a dozen of them, surrounding me. Shit! I stabbed my bronze knife at the blonde’s chest, aiming for her heart. I would need to kill her quickly if I had any chance against the rest. The blade bounced off her breast, the tip slightly bent. The blonde didn’t even seem to notice the blow.

“You should not have come here, mortal,” the blonde told me. She had Scandinavian cheekbones and she reminded me of a Valkyrie—beautiful, implacable, deadly.

Her other hand lashed out, grabbing my throat, and squeezed. I struggled in vain as cold fingers choked off my air. No! I couldn’t die! Not without stabbing that Mary in the fucking heart! I could not fail and let that bitch live!

I tried to saw through the fingers about my throat with the bronze blade, while my booted feet lashed at her legs. My toe cracked against her shin, and my knife didn’t even seem to irritate the skin of her fingers. My vision fuzzed, everything going black around me as my lungs burned for oxygen.

No! No! No! I will not be defeated by some naked, blonde bimbo!

The knife clattered from my hand. The strength fled my body. It was getting too hard to think; my vision reduced to a narrow tunnel filled with her fierce, blue eyes. No, I weakly protested as the tunnel shrank, narrowed, vanished.

I was falling, falling, falling.

Into darkness. Into fire.

“Welcome, welcome,” a familiar voice roared as the flames began to consume me, cracking my skin. Lucifer appeared before me, shining like the sun. A red chain – molten, burning – bound about my neck, led to him. It was one of thousands. Everywhere I looked there were burning men and women; all the foolish idiots that sold their souls to him.

Oh God, I made a mistake. I tried to scream, but the flames burned down my throat when I opened my mouth, filling every fiber of my soul with pain. Nothing was worth this torment. No Country, no Flag, no person. Oh God, nothing was worth this torment!


Mark Glassner – Washington D.C.

The Honorable Senator from the Great State of Texas was speaking when I walked into the Senate. His eyes fixed flinty on me as a great uproar went through the room. All the senators who were not under my power pulled earplugs out of their pockets and quickly put them into their ears. Irritation flashed through me; people were getting wise to the limitations of our powers. It didn’t matter; my soldiers had already surrounded the Capital Building, trapping most of the Senators and Congressmen inside.

The Senator from Texas, Ronald Bybee, put in his own earplugs and kept orating, “The Great State of Texas can no longer stand-by and watch as our Great Nation kowtows to this monster!” His finger pointed at me, jabbing with such violence like he wanted to reach across the room and plunge his finger deep into my heart. “Governor Holt has asked me to convey his decisions. As of today, October 7th, 2013, the Great State of Texas secedes from the Union and will once again be the Republic of Texas!”

I surveyed the Senators. Half looked worshipfully at me, kneeling down, while their colleagues with their earplugs either scowled defiantly or stared fearfully at me. Up in the gallery, the C-SPAN cameras rolled. The Legion streamed around me, fanning about the room, their boots echoing loudly.

“Do not kill anyone,” I ordered. “Remove their earplugs.”

I watched as my soldiers surged into the Senators. I felt a pang of guilt. I was betraying everything my Country stood for: Freedom, Liberty, Democracy. Our forefathers had reject the tyranny of Kings, and here I was imposing the harsher tyranny of a God upon them. It was all for the greater good, I told myself. Mary hinted that something bad was coming; we needed to prepare the world. Besides, once we had every man, woman, and child enthralled to us there would be an end to violence—to the suffering that men callously inflicted on each other. Everyone would be happy and live peacefully with their neighbors.

That was worth a little tyranny, right?

33 governors and 11 lieutenant governors arrived for the meeting. Six States didn’t send anyone, Mary sent. She was at a meeting of State Governors; we needed to get the State Governments under our thumbs just as much as the Federal Government. How is it going at Congress?

I take it Texas is one of the six that didn’t send a representative?

How did you know? Surprise pulsed in her thought.

Texas just seceded from the Union.

Does the Govenor of Texas know you have his National Guard under your control? Mary asked.

He’s about to find out the hard way, I’m afraid. I paused, considering Mary’s news. I think we should arrest those governors that just sent their lieutenants, and place their lieutenants in charge of those States.

Yeah, I think that’s a good idea. Bitter regret filled her reply. Are we doing the right thing?

Hopefully, Mare.

The commotion had died down, the resistant Senators had been cowed and were under guard; their earplugs removed. Only a few of them had to be roughly handled. Geraldine Medley, one of Washington State’s two senators walked up to the podium. “Senators, I’m proud to welcome our Lord and Protector, Mark Glassner!”

The loyal senators clapped and a few of the more bold, captured senators booed as I strode up to the Podium. “I am here today to have the Senate confirm that I am your loving God, here to protect you from the coming Darkness.”

As I spoke, my enemies became my most fervent allies. The Senate passed a constitutional amendment declaring us the Gods of America and our worship as the official State Religion. Then they agreed to a treaty placing America beneath the auspices of our Theocracy—the first sovereign state to be brought beneath our world government. They passed other laws, stripping all other religions of their tax exemption and further imposing a tax on all churches, synagogues, temples, mosques, shrines, and any other place of worship that didn’t follow us.

With the Senate in hand, I walked over to the House of Representatives to deal with the Congressmen and -women. My soldiers had already secured them and, after I had finished speaking, they unanimously voted for the laws, treaty, and amendments that the Senate had passed. I felt dirty as I left Congress, and kept telling myself it was all for the greater good.

After leaving Congress, I visited a few of the Embassies in D.C.: the British, French, and German, and placed their ambassadors under our control. The situation with Europe was tense. All the world leaders not under our power were avoiding our phone calls, making it difficult to get them under control. The ones that were under our power were facing considerable political turmoil. The Prime Minister of Britain, loyal to us, had been forced to resign by a Motion of No Confidence. Various parties were now vying for power in their Parliament. Worse happened to the unfortunate President of Pakistan: he had been beheaded by fundamentalists rallying behind the Taliban.

Mary arrived at the hotel that evening, flying down from New York just like she promised. It had been a long day, and I was tired and happy to see my wife.

“Mark!” Mary cried, rushing to me and throwing her arms around my neck and kissing me on the lips. Her hands ran all over my body. “You’re not hurt, are you?”

“No, no, I’m fine, Mare!”

Then she poked me hard in the chest. “You need to be more careful! Good PR! Really, Mark?”


Then she kissed me again and clung to me. Beyond my wife, I could see both Sam and Candy. They both looked tired and Candy had her arms wrapped around Sam’s waist. “You have it?” I asked them.

“Yes, sir,” Sam answered. “Though we did run into some trouble.”

Mary nodded. “I had to heal Candy. She had a badly broken leg, and Sam had some cuts too.”

“What happened?”

“Lilith,” Candy spat. “One of her children.”

“An Alukah,” Sam explained. “A type of vampire. It killed two police officers and almost drained me dry of my blood.” Sam glanced fondly at Candy. “But she saved my life.”

Candy flushed. “It was nothing, Sam. You would have done the same for me.”

“She was amazing,” Sam continued. “She broke her leg jumping out of a second story window and then dragged herself back into the Motherhouse to save me.” Sam gave her a brief kiss on the lips. “Anyway, I can start constructing the Matmown right away.”

“Good,” Mary smiled, then glanced at me. “So, you captured a man immune to your powers?”

Sam’s eyes lit up. “A Warlock?”

“No, he has a black aura. Only, there’s no red fringe indicating he’s under the Zimmah spell,” I answered.

“Interesting,” Sam smiled.

“That’s one word for it,” I muttered as I led them to the elevator.

The elevator creaked down to the basement. The walls were bare, mortared concrete blocks, the floor a hard slab of more concrete. Soldiers guarded a utility room and muffled heavy metal music bled through the door. Was that Cannibal Corpse? The soldiers saluted, then they opened the door.

The assassin was handcuffed to a chair, a black bag over his head. A CIA interrogator leaned against the wall and straightened when I entered. He quickly turned the music off and the room plunged into ringing silence.

“What have you learned?” I asked.

The CIA interrogator shrugged. “Not much, my Lord. He’s Agent Jerrold Baxter, FBI. Thirteen years in the FBI, seven as an HRT sniper.” I frowned at the acronym. “Hostage Rescue Team. A counter-terrorist unit. Highly trained. No black marks on his record, three citations for bravery and one Medal of Valor, a very prestigious award in the FBI.”

Mary pulled the mask off the man then stuck a finger underneath her skirt. It came away wet with her juices and she traced a symbol on the man’s head—the Mark of Qayin. It was necessary to anchor any prayers she needed to cast on the prisoner. She murmured a Nun’s prayer, then frowned, straightening. “He’s not a Thrall.”

I looked at my wife in confusion. “What? His aura?”

“If he were a Thrall he would be staring blankly ahead,” Mary replied.

“It is possible he’s a Warlock,” Sam suggested. “If he made the right wish, perhaps it could have camouflaged his aura. Or perhaps there is a spell that can do the same.”

Mary reached down and unzipped his pants, pulling out his cock. “What the fuck!” the assassin gasped.

Mary grimaced and stroked him, then bent down and sucked his cock into her mouth. A bewildered expression filled the assassin’s face as Mary’s head bobbed up and down. I gritted my teeth, hating to see my wife degrade herself. Memories flashed through my mind of Brandon holding her face, ramming his cock into her mouth, while she pretended to love it. I fought down the bile and anger. If I could I would bring Brandon back from the dead just to put another bullet in his head.

Sweat broke out on the man’s face and I could see him struggling to resist. He fought against his orgasm for a while, but Mary never stopped sucking, one hand gently massaging his balls. She alternated between deep-throating him, and licking just the tip of his cock. He squirmed in the chair; his face grew red and his breath quickened.

“Shit!” he moaned.

Mary quickly pulled her mouth off his cock, white cum shooting up into the air, and hissed, “Shalak.” The Mark of Qayin blazed white on the man’s head and his aura became silver.

A regular mortal’s aura.

Mary coughed and spat out his cum. The CIA interrogator handed her a water bottle and she noisily washed her mouth out, spitting into the corner of the room as I studied the man. My mind whirled. A Warlock that looked like a Thrall. A quarter of the nation must be under our powers by now; a sea of people that a Warlock with the right wish or spell could hide in. I glanced at Sam: eyes furrowed, mind churning away. She was always thinking, always working out problems..

“Why did you try to kill me?” I finally asked.

His aura turned black as my power affected him. “For Liberty!” he spat. “Did you think that you could enslave our Great Nation and patriots would not rise up and fight you?”

“There are more of you?” Mary asked, walking back.

“Many,” he spat. “We will not rest until you two are dead!”

“What are their names?” I demanded.

He frowned, and struggled to talk. “I…can’t…say!” he gasped.

“Ask him what his wishes were,” Sam suggested. I did.

“I wished to be immune from another person’s control; to make my aura appear black like a Thrall’s; and that anyone who signed our pledge could not have their names revealed to the Tyrants, Mark and Mary Glassner, and any who serve them.” He laughed, an almost maniacal, unhinged sound. “You see, as long as one of us still has our Pact, no-one can be forced to reveal our names!”

“You all made a Pact?”

His grin was wild. “All the Patriots! I may have failed today, but there will be others. We shall not stop! We are everywhere! We are legion!”


General Gonzalo Olmos – The Governor’s Mansion, Austin, Texas

Governor Quincy Holt, the traitor to his Gods and Country, stood on the porch of the Governor’s Mansion besides the massive, white Doric columns that supported the roof. Local and national media were in attendance, filming the traitor as he prepared to make his speech declaring that Texas had seceded from the Union. The lawn was full of men and women cheering and clapping, waving Texan flags.

No US Flag flew on the mansion, only the State Flag. The Republic of Texas’s flag.

“It is with a heavy heart that I made my decision,” the traitor said into the microphones. “But I could not let the Great State of Texas fall into the hands of a false messiah. There is only one God, and his name is not Mark Glassner!”

A great cheer went up from the crowd. Signs were waved, reading: “Jesus is my savior, not Mark,” “ ‘Thou shalt have no gods before me.’ Exodus 20:3,” “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise thereof!” and many more.

They were all traitors.

“General Olmos,” Captain Brentmeyers saluted.

I was the Adjutant General for the Texan National Guard. When Governor Holt mobilized the Guard to secede from the Union, I had been so sick to my stomach. His actions today would not pass unanswered. I would help my Gods preserve this Great Nation and not let some disgusting politician pull it apart like a murder of crows over a carcass. There would be no second Civil War if I could help it.

All of my soldiers agreed with me.

“Everything is ready, sir,” the captain told me, his young face pale.

“It will be okay, son,” I told him, clasping his shoulder and giving him a reassuring squeeze. “For our Country and for our Gods.”

He swallowed, straightening his back. “Yes, sir!”

The traitor continued his speech as I marched along the edge of the crowd towards the porch. My soldiers were positioned around the lawn, supposedly a show of support for the traitorous Governor. The bastard nodded to me – a jovial smile crossing his fat, ruddy face and a pleased, oily look filled his eyes as he saw me; the disgusting slug lusted for power – as I climbed the stairs to join him.

“General Olmos and I will protect…”

His oily eyes bulged in surprise as I drew my service handgun – a Colt .45 with a nickle-plated grip that I had polished until it gleamed like silver – and placed it to the traitor’s forehead. “For Mark and Mary!” I roared and executed him.

To be continued…

Click here for Chapter 42.

The Devil’s Pact Side-Story: Willow’s Fantasy



The Devil’s Pact

Side-Story: Willow’s Fantasy

by mypenname3000

edited by Master Ken

© Copyright 2014

Story Codes: Female/Teen female, Females/Teen female, Hermaphrodite/Female, Mind Control, Magic, First, Doctor, Toy, Female Masturbation

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Note: This takes between Chapter 32 and Chapter 33.

Sunday, July 14th, 2013

I walked through my clinic, inspecting the finishing touches to the remodel. Everything was looking great, which was a good thing, because tomorrow was Monday and the grand opening of the Women’s Health Organization for Reproductive Empowerment. We were a charity Gynecological Clinic to provide free OB/GYN services to poor girls, and to find a few, beautiful young women who might want to serve Mark and Mary.

It wasn’t a big clinic. There was a small reception area with a few chairs, the newest magazines sitting on a glass coffee table, and a windowed counter where Jayda, my receptionist, would work. Behind her counter were the filing cabinets where patient records would be stored. Jayda was setting up her computer, a frown spoiling the beauty of her innocent-looking face. She was young, only twenty, and very pretty. She was my favorite of the four women that worked for me. Today she wearing a pair of old jeans and a loose shirt. A silver choker was around her neck that read: “Willow’s Gal.”

All my workers wore the chokers. Besides Jayda, there were three nurses: Hayfa, a dusky skinned Arab with beautiful, dark eyes; Madalyn, a strawberry-blonde cutie with huge breasts; and Thi, a doll-faced Vietnamese woman with a beautiful smile. All four women were volunteers from the Church of the Living Gods, eager to serve their Gods and gain eternal beauty. Apparently, getting bound with the Zimmah spell was something many of the worshipers aspired to.

I did not get why anyone would worship Mark and Mary.

Maybe it was because I knew them. I knew firsthand that they weren’t Gods, just humans who made some dark pact with the Devil and consorted with other demons. They could have put a stop to being worshiped. But it played to their vanity, particularly Mark’s, who had an ego the size of Jupiter. I used to be one of their sex slaves, but after the attack last month, the pair grew a conscience. They freed all of us sluts, as they called us, and I decided to work for them, running their clinic. The perks were great; I had four beautiful women that were eager to share my bed.

Particularly young, fresh-faced Jayda.

I walked down the hallway that led back to my office, the three exam rooms, a bathroom, a small laboratory, and a breakroom. The hall smelled of fresh paint and I squeezed past a few Church volunteers who were just finishing painting the walls an eggshell white. Each exam room was furnished with exam tables, counters, and shelves full of all the supplies necessary for a clinic. My three nurses were going through the inventory of each room, making sure we had everything ready for the grand opening.

I paused as I stared at the exam table, picturing a young woman just coming into her sexuality. I would spread her legs and examine her young vagina covered only by a sparse mat of hair. She would be nervous, and trusting, as she experiences her first Gynecological examination. She would shudder as I probed her vagina carefully with my finger, looking for abnormalities. All the while I would be enjoying the feel of her innocent womanhood on my fingers as I carefully brought her to an orgasm.

I was getting wet just thinking about it. After a few years working as an OB/GYN I developed that fantasy. I felt guilty, at first. How could I get so aroused at the thought of molesting my young patients? I was straight, dating Yancy at the time, and I couldn’t understand why I would have such disgusting fantasies. I tried to suppress them, to forget about them. I married Yancy, even though I wasn’t happy with the relationship, trying to convince myself I was happy with him. He was a great guy, and I tried so hard to make our marriage work. And then Mark and Mary came along and they awakened me to pleasures I had only fantasized about.

When Mary sat on my exam table, and spread her legs, I had been shocked to see Mark’s cum leaking out of her vagina. With a few words, Mary had convinced me to molest her as I did my exam. I remembered how she shuddered so deliciously as I brought her to an orgasm. It was all my dreams come true.

After that, I started to realize I was gay.

These last few weeks, living with my nurses and Jayda, I found just how satisfying being with a woman could be. No wonder I was never happy with Yancy. I had been living a lie. Deep, deep inside me I must have known the truth. I was a lesbian and my conscious brain just refused to see the signs.

Tomorrow, I was going to experience my darkest, most depraved fantasy. I was going to molest one of my patients. I just needed one thing and hopefully she could help me out. I sighed; I had been putting off going to see Sam. The disgusting woman was always leering at me, stroking that vile cock she created for herself.

“Is that computer ready, Jayda?” I asked as I walked back up front.

“Yes, Mistress,” Jayda answered. It was so delicious to hear someone call you ‘Mistress’. No wonder Mark and Mary made us all their slaves.

I left the nurses to finish getting things ready as Jayda and I got into my red Prius. Sam would want something to pay for what I needed and I have seen her leer at Jayda. Hopefully she would be enough; I would hate to have to get fucked by Sam’s freakish dick. I drove up Meridian, turned right onto 39th Avenue and took that out to Shaw Road, hung a left, then turned right into the Mountain View Estates. The bodyguards waved me in, dressed in their slutty cop outfits. My eyes lingered on their figures, the way their breasts just seemed about to spill out of their half-unbuttoned blouses. Mark and Mary owned the entire neighborhood; the only people that lived on the block were their families and employees. They gave me 2911, third house on the right, that I shared with my three nurses and Jayda. I pulled into the garage and Jayda and I walked up the street to Sam’s house.

Sam lived at the second house on the right, just around the bend in the road. I knocked on the wooden door, stained a dark red, with frosted windows. I waited for a minute, grabbed the brass knocker on the door and knocked again. I heard soft footsteps, then Candy, Sam’s plaything, opened the door naked. She was a young, curvy woman with hazel eyes and a playful smile on her lips. Her hair was dyed garishly: half cotton-candy blue the other half bubble-gum pink.

“I need to speak to Sam,” I snapped.

Candy licked her lips suggestively. “Is that all you really need? Maybe you need to use her special tool,” she giggled.

“Wipe that grin off your face and tell Sam it’s important,” I ordered.

“Fine,” Candy pouted and flounced off, her tight rear wiggling delightfully as she walked up the stairs. A moment later she returned and invited us in and led us to the living room. “Would you like anything to drink?” I asked for a white wine and Jayda for a coke. Candy smiled bitchily at us and pointed at the kitchen. “Feel free to get it yourself.”

“Well, well, I’m surprised to see you here, Dr. WolfTail,” Sam said smugly as she sauntered in. She was naked, her dark-olive skin glistening with beaded water, her short, blue-black hair damp, and her filthy cock swinging between her legs. “I thought you wanted nothing to do with my ‘disgusting growth?’ Right? That’s what you said.” Her eyes narrowed.

“Yes, well, I need something for the clinic,” I replied, trying to sound diplomatic. “For their clinic.”

Sam sat down next to Candy, fingered a strand of blue hair, then pulled her plaything’s head down to her lap. Candy opened her mouth, eagerly sucking Sam’s cock into her lips. Sam leaned back, smiling at me, and I tried my best to hide my disgust. It wasn’t natural, a woman having a cock, but Sam loved to flaunt what she gave herself.

“What do you need, Dr. WolfTail?”

“Well, Ms. Soun, I need something to make the young girls biddable,” I said. “To keep them relaxed and docile, and to leave no bad memories of their examination.”

Sam’s grin turned hungry. “You want something to let you molest the girls you exam?” I nodded stiffly. “That hardly seems like something Mark or Mary want you to do.”

“They need me to find them girls,” I answered. “Willing girls, to work for them. I need to make sure they are…responsive.”

Sam laughed wickedly. “I can arrange that, for a price.”

“What?” I asked, trying to ignore Candy’s sloppy blowjob.

“Well, I need a volunteer to test my amulets on,” Sam answered.

“What?” I asked in surprise. “I thought those weren’t working yet.” Sam was working on amulets that could deflect bullets. She promised they would be better than a bulletproof vest, if she could only figure out how to get them to work.

“It’s possible they don’t work because I’ve only tried them on mannequins. But, if I had a living person to shoot at…” Sam shrugged. “That might make it work.”

“Absolutely not,” I snapped. “Shoot at one of the bodyguards. That’s what they’re good for.”

A suggestive look crept into Sam’s eyes. “Well, I know you think my cock is disgusting, but if you give me a blowjob, that’ll cover it. And swallow, of course.”

“How about Jayda gives you one,” I countered.

Sam eyed the girl, who blushed prettily. “I’ll need more than a blowjob from her. I want her for the week.”

“The night,” I countered. “I need her for the clinic.”

Sam grinned. “For the night. But I get to use all of her.”

“Of course,” I said, shuddering to think what this hermaphroditic freak would do to my sweet Jayda. But, I wanted to molest some sweet, young girl too much to balk at her price.

Sam pushed Candy off her cock. “You know what to buy?” Sam asked and Candy nodded. “Good, go.” Candy scurried off and Sam crooked her finger at Jayda. “Why don’t you come suck my cock. And take that choker off, you are my slut for the night.”

Jayda glanced at me and I nodded. I stood up as Jayda took off her choker and knelt before Sam. Jayda grabbed the cock and hesitantly started sucking it. “I’ll expect my magic and Jayda by seven tomorrow morning.”

“Oh yes,” Sam moaned, stroking Jayda’s honey-brown hair.

I took Hayfa to bed with me and spent half the night fucking her with the largest strap-on cock I had. I used every hole the poor girl had, trying to wear myself out. I was so excited to finally live my dream, I just couldn’t fall asleep. Finally, I passed out from exhaustion, and the alarm ringing at 6:30 AM was far too soon. At seven, I walked over to Sam’s house, dressed in a tight, gray skirt and violet blouse. Candy opened the door and led me up to the bedroom. Sam and Jayda were sprawled on the rumpled sheets. Cum stained Jayda’s hair and leaked out of her cunt and ass. She was sleeping softly and yawned when Sam woke her up with a kiss. I wasn’t pleased to see Jayda kissing Sam back so eagerly.

“Go home and get that disgusting cum cleaned off your body,” I ordered Jayda. “And put your choker back on.”

“Yes, Mistress,” Jayda squeaked as she darted from the room.

Sam’s grin made me grind my teeth. So smug and pleased with herself. Candy handed me a brown paper bag. I looked inside to seen incense sticks. “Really?” I asked her.

“Aromatherapy is a very old practice,” Sam answered. “When burned, anyone not bound by the Zimmah spell will be very docile and will let you do whatever you want to them. Afterward, they’ll think it was all just a daydream. A very pleasant daydream.”

“There are only fifteen in here,” I complained, counting the sticks.

“One for every time your sweet Jayda made me cum,” Sam grinned, stroking her hardening cock. “If you want more, just let me poke her a few times.”

“You’re disgusting,” I sneered.

She laughed derisively. “You’re the one looking to molest your patients. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to get some sleep. Jayda and I didn’t get much rest at all last night.” Sam’s wicked laugh followed me out of her bedroom. I didn’t care. I had what I wanted.

I was excited to try out the magical incenses and was full of energy as we got the clinic ready for our first patient. Word of a free clinic was out, and we were booked full of patients for the first two weeks. The first patient was a disappointment, fat and homely, and I rushed through the exam as fast as possible.

By the time I saw my fifth patient, I was despairing of ever seeing even a moderately attractive woman walk in. Sighing, I walked to exam room 3, grabbing the patient’s chart that hung on the door. I gave a quick read through the patient’s medical history, sexual history, and the vitals that Madalyn took. I walked into the room, putting on the professional smile I liked to give my patients, and almost stopped in surprise.

Her name was Cindy Mayflower, fourteen, and a virgin, according to her chart. She was here for her first ever Gynecological exam. And she was just perfect. She was nervous, trying to hide it with a shy smile. Her blonde hair was long and gave her face a waifish cast. Her green eyes sparkled and she relaxed when she saw me. She wore an examination gown, her clothes carefully folded on a seat. I eyed her body; she was flat-chested, her breasts just starting to develop, and her lower legs were slim and beautiful with a pair of cute, ankle socks fringed in lace covering her dainty feet.

“Hi, I’m Dr. WolfTail,” I greeted. “But you can call me Dr. Willow.”

She nodded. “Okay, Dr. Willow.”

“Relax, relax,” I told her. “Do you like incense? I find that the pleasant smell can help relax a patient.”

Madalyn smiled at me, moving to the drawer where five of Sam’s incense sticks were kept, along with an incense burner. She lit it with a lighter, and a pleasant, lavender smell started to fill the room. It wouldn’t affect Madalyn or myself, we were both bound to Mark with the Zimmah spell, but I saw Cindy breathe the pleasant aroma in deeply and then relax.

“That’s lovely,” Cindy murmured.

“Well, let’s get that exam gown off,” I said, brusquely.

“Oh, really?” Cindy flushed.

“Yes. Madalyn, why don’t you help her,” I said.

“Absolutely, Doctor,” Madalyn smiled, taking Cindy’s hand and pulling her gently to her feet. “Let’s just get this coarse thing off of you.” Cindy held up her arms as Madalyn pulled the gown off her body and I felt warmth spread from my pussy; she was absolutely to die for. Her breasts were just budding, little bumps topped by small, pink nipples. Her hips were starting to develop curves, and I let my eyes trail over to the wisps of blonde hair sprouting on her pubic mound.

“You are such a beautiful girl,” I breathed.

“I am?” Cindy asked. “I mean, I’m so flat. All the other girls need to wear bras.”

“I think they’re just perfect,” Madalyn told her, and my nurse boldly ran her finger around Cindy’s small mound, tracing up to her nipple. Cindy shivered, her nipple hardening.

Cindy glanced at Madalyn. “You really think so?” Cindy asked, eying the well-endowed nurse with a bit of envy.

“I think she wants to see your tits,” I told my nurse.

Cindy bit her lip and then her green eyes widened in surprise as Madalyn pulled off her sky-blue scrub top, exposing a large pair of heavy breasts. “They’re so big,” Cindy breathed. “Your aerola is so wide. Wider than a silver dollar.”

Madalyn pressed her arms against the sides of her big boobs, forcing the fleshy orbs together and she shook them teasingly at Cindy. “You can touch them, dearie,” Madalyn purred.

Cindy hesitantly reached out and gently squeezed a handful of Madalyn’s tits. “Wow,” she whispered.

“Well, Cindy, let’s check your heart and lungs,” I told her. Cindy hopped back on the table and I grabbed my stethoscope and placed it on her chest.

She gasped as my stethoscope touched the edge of her left aerola as I listened for her heartbeat. “That’s cold.”

I grinned as I listened to her heart, my hand brushing against her hard nipples as I moved the stethoscope around. She had a strong heart; then I listened to her breathing. Everything was just fine, but I let myself linger a little longer, moving around her breasts and enjoying the little shudders that passed through her body every time I caressed her nipple. While I check her lungs from her supple back, my other hand rested lightly on her right breast.

“Now, let me give you a breast exam.” It was completely unnecessary at her age, but I just wanted to play with those small breasts.

As I reached out to grope her small breast, I could smell the spicy scent of her arousal. I gently cupped her breast with my hand, kneading the soft flesh as I ‘examined’ her. I enjoyed the feel of her firm, budding tit. “Everything feels healthy,” I murmured, “now to check the nipple sensitivity.”

“Okay, Doctor Willow,” she sighed, her cheeks flushed.

I took my fingers and gently pinched her nipple, rolling the hard, little nub between my fingers. “How does that feel, Cindy?”

“It feels good. It makes me tingle.”


Her face turned crimson. “My cunny,” she whispered.

“Good, good,” I smiled. “You have very responsive nipples.”

I switched to her other breast, massaging the firm flesh as I pretended to search for lumps. Her breathing was growing heavier and she squirmed as her lust mounted. I bent down and sucked her right nipple into my lips, swirling my tongue around the nub.

“Oh, Doctor Willow!” she gasped. “What are you doing?”

“Checking your nipple,” I answered. “I need to know if you respond to oral stimulation. We want to know that your body is developing properly.”

“Oh,” she answered, then sighed as I went back to sucking at her nipple. “Hmm, that feels really good. Down there.”

“Excellent” I smiled as I released her nipple. “You’re a very responsive young woman.”

“My cunny feels all wet,” Cindy said with alarm.

“Your body is just responding to the stimulation,” I said. “It’s very natural.” I sat down on my exam stool and Madalyn guided her legs into the stirrups. Her pussy was flushed and damp with her arousal. She had a tight slit, no labia minora peaking out, and her clitoral glans was tiny, just peaking out of her clitoral hood. “You are a lucky girl,” I told her. “You probably won’t need to use lube when you have sex.”

I glanced at her face and she had managed to flush even redder. She jumped as my finger gently traced her labia majora, enjoying the silky feel of her almost bare lips. She bit her lower lip, her eyes wide as she watched me trace the edge of her slit, up around her clitoris, and back down the other side. Her juices accumulated on my finger and when I finished my trace I held up my finger, examining the clear, slick liquid. I rubbed it between my fingers then licked my finger slowly, tasting her spicy flavor.

“Oh my gosh,” Cindy whispered. “You tasted it.”

“Your vaginal lubrication appears healthy,” I told her. “No strange color, odor, or flavor.” I paused, and smiled at her. “In fact, you taste just delicious.”

“That’s good,” Cindy said weakly.

“Now, I’m just going to do a visual examination.” I used my fingers to spread open her labia majora. She was pink and wet inside, her labia minora small and swollen. I shined my penlight into her vaginal opening and saw that her hymen was intact. Everything looked fine, so I let myself stroke her labia minora. “How does this feel?”

She was quivering with pleasure, her voice thick with arousal. “Very nice, Doctor.”

“Good, good,” I told her, tracing the petals of her womanhood around her vaginal opening. Then I reached her small clitoris and gently rubbed it. Her body jumped as the pleasure surged through her youthful body. “And how about that.”

“Oh my gosh, what did you do?” she asked in awe.

“That is your clitoris,” I told her. “Do you masturbate?”

“Not really,” Cindy answered. “Sometimes I rub against a pillow.”

“Well, your clitoris has more tactile nerve endings then any other spot on your body,” I told her. “Masturbation is a very healthy activity, you should do it as often as you like.”

“Oh, okay,” she said. She was so cute with her face flushed in embarrassment.

“Now I’m going to do a bimanual examination. I’m going to insert two fingers inside your vagina and then press onto your groin with my other hand to detect any abnormalities. So just relax.”

“Okay, Doctor.”

She drew in her breath as I gently slid two fingers into her tight, virgin hole. “You’re quite tight,” I told her. “And very warm and silky.” I pressed up against her hymen. “Your hymen is still intact. I can break through your hymen for you. It will let your first sexual encounter with a boy be more pleasurable, or allow you to use dildos while masturbating.”

I gently slid my fingers in and out of her, allowing my thumb to brush her clitoris. “Oh, um, I guess. If you think, ohh, it’s best, Doctor.”

“I do,” I told her. “After the examination is finished.”

I gently pressed on her groin, feeling for any abnormalities. I kept up my shallow finger fuck, enjoying Cindy’s sweet moans. I started stroking her clitoris, using my thumb, rubbing it with gentle circles. Cindy was squirming on the exam table, tossing her head and arching her back as sweet pleasure flowed through her body. The paper on the exam table crinkled as it stuck to her sweaty back. My own pussy was on fire and I took my left hand and pulled up my skirt and pushed my gray, silk panties off and found my pussy. My thick pubic hair was matted with my arousal, and I gave myself a bimanual examination.

“Oh my gosh, doctor,” Cindy suddenly panted. “Oh my gosh, that’s so amazing! Oh, yes, yes! Please don’t stop, something’s happening.”

“Nurse, the patient is growing too loud, give her something to occupy her mouth.”

Madalyn smiled. “I know just the thing, Doctor.” Madalyn moved to the head of the exam table, stroking Cindy’s face, presenting her heavy breast and fat nipple to Cindy’s lips. “Suck it, dearie,” Madalyn cooed.

Cindy licked her lips, eying the hard nipple hovering over her face. I gave her clitoris a nice stroke and she shivered in pleasure, then opened her lips and engulfed Madalyn’s fat nipple, sucking instinctively. Madalyn purred in pleasure, stroking Cindy’s blonde hair. I looked down at Cindy’s aroused vagina, licking my lips. She smelled so heavenly, I just had to taste her. I bent down and started licking at her slit, sucking her slim labia minora into my lips and rubbing the tip of my nose gently against her clitoris.

I pulled my fingers out of her tight vagina, and buried my tongue into her hole, drinking her spicy juices. Her hips bucked and I wrapped my right arm around her leg, holding her down and pinching her clitoris. I fucked my fingers in and out of my pussy, feeling my orgasm build as I pleasured young Cindy. My tongue wiggled deep into her pussy, pressing up at her hymen.

A sudden flood of spicy juices filled my lips as Cindy bucked on the table. I dug my fingers into my cunt, searching for my G-spot and joined my teenage patient, shuddering delightfully on my stool as my orgasm exploded throughout my body. I pushed back from the exam table, standing up. Madalyn pulled away and Cindy lay panting on the table, a happy smile on her lips.

“Was that an orgasm?” Cindy asked as my nurse walked over to me.

“Yes,” I told her, then kissed Madalyn, her tongue eagerly tasting Cindy’s juices. “Now, let’s remove your hymen, okay?”

She nodded her head, her fingers reaching down and rubbing at her pussy. I shrugged out of my white doctor’s coat, then started unbuttoning my blouse. Cindy was preoccupied with playing with her pussy, exploring her folds and crevasses. She smiled excitedly when she found her clitoris. Madalyn was unlocking a drawer, and pulling out the strap-on dildo. Every exam room was stocked with a variety of sex toys, for just such an occasion. Then Madalyn came up behind me, unhooking my bra. After Madalyn helped me out of my skirt and then pulled my panties down, she slid the strap-on up my legs. Cindy finally noticed I was naked, her eyes widening as she saw the purple dildo that Madalyn was strapping tightly against my clit.

“What are you doing, Doctor?” she asked, fearfully.

“Preparing to remove your hymen,” I told her with a smile. “The strap-on dildo is the perfect tool.”

She bit her lip, looking unsure.

“Dildo’s have a long history of medical uses,” I explained. “They were commonly prescribed to women to cure ‘female hysterics’. Sexist, I know, but a young girl like you shouldn’t keep her lust bottled up. So relax, it will be over quickly.”

I walked towards her, and I saw her eyes drink in my beauty. My skin was a beautiful, cinnamon shade, from my Native American heritage. I was a member of the Puyallup Tribe. My breasts jiggled and swayed as I walked, my nipples dark and hard. I pursed my lips – I had been told they were red and sensuous – my face framed by long, black hair.

She jumped as I touched her pale thigh, stroking it with my hand. She was still in the stirrups as I mounted the exam table, the paper covering crinkling. Cindy’s eyes were glued to the violet dildo that moved closer and closer to her virgin vagina. Her budding breasts heaved as I leaned over her, my breasts dragging across her stomach, up to her chest. My black hair fell in a curtain about my face as I stared down at her green eyes.

“Shh,” I whispered as she opened her mouth to speak, then I bent down and captured her lips with a gentle kiss. Her lips were stiff as I kissed her, nibbling gently, and she slowly relaxed, kissing me back.

I reached down, guiding the plastic cock to the entrance of her vagina. I rubbed it on her slit and I felt her stiffen momentarily beneath me. I kept kissing her, rubbing her labia majora and clitoris with the dildo, and felt her resistance fade. I kept prodding and I slowly slipped the dildo down her tight vaginal opening. I kept pushing, the dildo pressing pleasantly against my clit, until I felt the resistance of her hymen.

I broke the kiss and whispered, “Are you ready, Cindy?”

“Is it going to hurt?”

I licked her ear, “Just a bit, sweetie. And then it will feel wonderful.”

“Okay, Doctor.”

I pushed forward, pressing against her hymen. The dildo drove back into my clit, pleasure tingling throughout my body. Cindy winced as my dildo suddenly tore through her hymen, burying deeper into her once-virgin hole. I rested in her, kissing her face and softly cooing at her. She relaxed, her tongue probing my mouth, kissing me with the awkward passion of youth.

I started pumping my ass, a slow, gentle thrust. Cindy started panting softly, sighing in pleasure as the dildo rubbed against her sensitive walls. Every time I pushed into her, the dildo pressed against my clit. As my pleasure built, I needed more sensation on my clit, so I started fucking this sweet teen faster and faster.

“Oh gosh,” she sighed. “Oh, Doctor, that feels amazing! No wonder people like sex.”

I sat up, hooking her legs with my arms, pushing them up higher and changing the angle I was thrusting into her vagina. “How’s that?”

“Ohh, you’re rubbing different spots. Umm, I like it.” She licked her lips. “Your breasts are bouncing.” Her hand stretched out and the former virgin’s hand gently cupped my breast. She gave it a squeeze, then moved her thumb to brush my nipple. “Wow, they feel so nice. Soft yet firm somehow. I can’t wait until I have tits.”

“Umm, pinch my nipples,” I gasped, pumping harder at her vagina. Electric pleasure tingled from my tit as her fingers pinched and played with my dark nipple.

A low hum suddenly filled the room. Cindy and I turned to my right and saw Madalyn, fully naked, her legs spread obscenely as she rubbed a small, finger vibrator over her thick pussy lips and clitoris. She was shaved bald, her head thrown back as she moaned softly, her strawberry-blonde hair falling loosely about her shoulders. Cindy stared transfixed at the huge, heaving breasts as Madalyn pleasured herself.

“You like big tits?” I asked her.

“They’re just so large and round. I’m so jealous.”

I reached out, kneading her budding breast. “Umm, but yours are just so cute.” I bent over, still humping away, and licked and sucked at her nipple. She gasped as I gently nipped the hard nub with my teeth, then I sucked the entire nipple and aerola into my mouth.

“I’m feeling funny again!” Cindy moaned. “I think I’m gonna orgasm again. Oh, shoot, oh shoot! Something’s building inside me.”

“Cum, dearie,” Madalyn purred. “I want to watch that innocent face of yours contort as you cum.”

“Yes, yes! I’m cumming! Oh shoot!” Cindy bucked beneath me.

I released her nipple, thrusting hard into her. She kept moaning wordlessly and I kept fucking her as she came. I rose up on my arms, watching the cute teen as she bucked on the exam table, the paper covering crinkling as she writhed in pleasure. Her green eyes flashed as her eyelids fluttered with her pleasure. My own orgasm was nearing, threatening to explode. I thrust into her, the dildo grinding pleasurably hard on my clit, then I pulled out and thrust in again. In and out, every thrust fueling the fire.

“Oh fuck!” I moaned as I shuddered in delicious release, burying the dildo deeply into her teenage vagina as the pleasure exploded through my body. Breathing hard, I stroked her sweaty, flushed face and bent down and kissed her lips one last time. In the background I could hear Madalyn’s gasps as she came.

I pulled out of Cindy, the dildo sticky with her juices and pink with her virginal blood. Cindy laid back on the exam table, her eyes closed and a contented smile on her face. Madalyn helped me remove the strap-on and started washing the sex toys as I quickly dressed. I handed Cindy her exam gown and she stood up; the paper covering on the exam table stuck to her sweaty back bringing a giggle from the girl. Madalyn pulled on her scrubs and Cindy laid back down on the exam table. I blew out the incense and Cindy blinked suddenly.

“Oh, Doctor, I’m sorry for falling asleep,” she yawned.

“It’s okay, sweetie,” I told her. “Is your mom or dad with you?”

“My mom,” Cindy answered, then shifted uncomfortably. “I’ve never met my dad.”

“Well, I need to talk to your mom before you leave,” I told her. “I’m afraid I’m going to need you to come back next week. It’s nothing serious, but I may need weekly examinations to make sure everything is fine.”

Cindy nodded, paling a bit at my lie. I just had to have this sweet thing again. I took the dildo I fucked her with and placed it in a small, brown sack, handing it to her. She flushed when she saw what was in the bag. “You’ll need to masturbate with this dildo every night before you go to bed. It will help with your condition.”

“O-okay, Doctor,” Cindy blushed cutely.

I led her out to the lobby and saw a beautiful woman, maybe thirty or thirty-one, with Cindy’s green eyes and light brown-hair that fell losely about her shoulders. She wore a blue tanktop that clung to her large breasts and a pair of skinny jeans that hugged a round ass. I smiled and introduced myself.

“I’m Pearl,” Cindy’s mom replied, shaking my hand.

“I’m afraid Cindy has a very rare condition. It’s called Prevarication Syndrome,” I told her. “Now, it’s very manageable. I will, however, need to see her once a week.”

“Oh, of course,” Pearl nodded, concern painting her face.

“Now, this can be genetic,” I told her, my eyes roaming her gorgeous body. I glanced at Jayda, yawning at the computer. “Have there been any cancellations?”

“Yeah, the 11:30 canceled,” Jayda answered. “Exam room 2 is open.”

“I really would like to exam you, Pearl.”

“Of course,” she nodded in worry.

“Jayda, have Hayfa take Pearl back and tell her to light the incense.” I turned and smiled at Pearl. “I find a pleasant aroma relaxes my patients.”

I entered exam room 1; another fat patient I sighed. I rushed through her exam, impatient to finish so I could give Pearl a far more intimate examination. I was curious to find out if the mother tasted anything like the daughter.

The Devil’s Pact Side-Story: The Naked Jogging Club



The Devil’s Pact

Side-Story: The Naked Jogging Club

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Male/Females, Male/Female/Teen female, Male/Teen female, Female/Female, Female/Teen female, Females/Teen female, Mind Control, Anal, Rimming, Ass to Mouth, Oral, Wife, Incest, Exhibitionism, Creampie, Orgy, Cheating

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Day One, Monday, June 10, 2013


Notes: Takes place during Chapter 10.

It was six AM when I slipped out of the house for my morning jog, alone. My husband was still asleep, snoring like a lumberjack sawing wood. I wish Stan would join me, I would bug him to go jogging, to stay in shape, and he would, for a few days. And then his excuse would crop up. “I didn’t get a good night sleep,” Stan would say. Or, “Sorry, Ana, my knee’s hurting.” And for a few weeks I would drop the subject, and then start nagging him all over again and we’d start the cycle all over. It wasn’t fair. Stan expect me to keep in good shape, the least he could do was return the favor.

Age was starting to catch up to Stan. He just turned thirty-one, and his metabolism was losing the war against the junk food I know he eats at work. He didn’t get any junk food at home, only all natural, organic food was allowed in the house, but I knew he was cheating on my wholesome cooking with junk food behind my back. He lied, but Stan was such a bad liar I could see right through him. Particularly, when his lips tasted of Cheetos.

Well, it was better that he cheated on me with food than with one of those hussies at his work.

Which is why I was out jogging in my pink, Lycra tanktop and my black leggings. My Babushka always told me, “My little kotyonok, men are dogs, always sniffing at asses. So make sure your ass is better than any woman around your husband. Then, he will never stray.” My mom would always frown at my Babushka, but me and my cousins would just giggle at her earthy wisdom. And my ass looked very nice in my tight leggings I was proud to say.

My earbuds in, and my iPod loaded with Taylor Swift and Sharon Crow, Beyonce and Rihanna, I jogged down Mountain View Court, the street our house was on, out onto Shaw Road, and turned left. From here I would jog up to 39th Avenue, cross Shaw Road and jog down to Pierce College. I would circle the campus and head for home.

The sun was rising beautifully over Mount Rainier as I made my return, jogging on 39th Avenue as I approached Shaw Road. I reached the intersection, hitting the crosswalk button and waited for the light to change. I could hear cars honking as they drove by over the soulful dulcet of Rihanna’s Unfaithful. The light turned green and got halfway across the road when I saw what they were honking at.

I froze in the middle of Shaw Road. I couldn’t be seeing that?

There, jogging down Shaw Road was a naked man.

He was about my age, late twenties, a little overweight, his fat jiggling as he jogged, and there, flopping between his legs, was a half-hard cock and a pair of balls. Bouncing up and down, side to side, like the trunk of an elephant. There was a naked man jogging down the road, I thought in disbelief. What is going on? I caught a hungry look in his blue eyes as he grew closer and closer. He was staring at me, his eyes running up and down my body. Fear shivered through me, ice water filled my veins.

What do I do? Panic gripped my mind. What do you do when a man is jogging naked at you? I reached for my phone, patting the non-existent pockets of my legging. Panic shivered across my skin, my hairs standing up. I didn’t have my phone. My jogging outfit was too tight for a phone. And it was such a nice neighborhood, I never felt in danger jogging. Until now. Idiot!

He was closer, reaching the light. A car honked. The light had turned red while I stood frozen in the crosswalk, holding up traffic. He was getting closer and closer, reaching the crosswalk, his blue eyes fixed on me. Oh God, what do I do? He started crossing the road, maybe ten feet away. My feet started moving on their own as I saw his mouth open, yelling something. I couldn’t hear what he said over the pulsing beat of Rihanna.

I had to get away. My black hair whipping behind me as I ran.

I glanced back and he was chasing after me, crossing Shaw Road, his cock bouncing about. Oh God, it was harder, poking straight at me, straight at my sex. He was getting excited. I could see his mouth opening, he was yelling something at me, but I still couldn’t hear him over my iPod, over Rihanna. My heart pounded, adrenaline was coursing through my body as I stretched out my legs and really started to run.

The song ended.

“Stop!” A single word, barely heard, in the brief silence between songs.

And I stopped, nearly falling over from my sudden halt, the rubber soles of my shoes squeaking as they slid on the sidewalk. What the hell? Don’t stop, stupid legs! Move! Get Moving! I glanced behind me and he was closer, breathing hard, his fleshy body flushed with exertion. His cock was hard, the head red and angry, rising out out of a forest of brown hair. More hair covered his flabby chest and stomach. Lust shined in his blue eyes. Run! Oh, please legs! Run! My heart was hammering in my chest. He was going to hurt me, rape me! God, he was going to rape me!

I screamed as loud as I could, “Help! Rape!”

The naked man was so close now, walking the last few feet with a confident swagger. He reached out and pulled out my earbuds. “Damn iPods,” he muttered, breathing heavily. “What’s your…name?” Then grabbed his knees, struggling to catch his breath. Sweat gleamed on his naked body, and I could smell his exertion.

“Anastasia Milburn,” I answered. God, his voice was so intense. It seemed to reach into me, touching my soul. How could I resist such a voice. You couldn’t. The voice just had to be obeyed.

“Well, Anastasia, I’m Mark and I’m the founder of the Naked Jogging Club.” His blue eyes roamed my body, a leer on his face. He stretched his back, arms on his side and drew in a deep breath, his cock thrusting obscenely out at me, hard and angry. Oh, please don’t rape me! “And you are the perfect candidate to be the first recruit. So, from now on, you’re part of my club, okay.”

“Sure,” I said. How could I say no to the man. Relief flooded through me. He didn’t want to rape me, he just wanted me to join his club. Then I realized what I agreed to and flushed. “Does that mean I have to…” I couldn’t bring myself to say it.

His grin broadened, became almost like a boys. “Yep. So start stripping.”

Before I even realized it, I was peeling my Lycra top off, exposing my white sports bra. Mark grabbed my top, freeing me to reach behind my back and find the clasps to my sports bra. I fumbled with the clasp, feeling nervous about exposing myself. Cars were driving by us, honking their horns, yelling obscene things. My breasts were free and to my horror, my nipples were hard as rocks. I moved to cover my small breasts, 32Bs, but Mark grabbed my arm.

“Hmm, those are some nice tits,” he murmured, reaching out to touch me. I flinched away. “You want me to touch you,” his words vibrated in my soul. “You want me to fuck you. You’re getting wet just thinking about it. So, just let me do what I want to you. You want to be my jogging slut, right Anastasia?”

I could feel my panties getting damp with desire. I glanced down at his hard cock. Imaging how it would feel pushing into my cunt, filling me up. What’s wrong with you, Ana. You’re married. You shouldn’t be thinking that, hoping for it. But God, it would feel amazing. He looked a little bigger than Stan. I knelt down, telling myself it was just to untie my shoes so I could get my leggings off. It was just a coincidence that I was getting a good eyeful of his cock and balls.

Up close, his cock was big and powerful, twitching with his heartbeat. I don’t know why I had been so scared of you, I thought. His cock will feel amazing as he thrust it inside me. There was a drop of clear liquid beading at the tiny slit at the crown of his dick. I licked my lips, part of me wanting to stick out my tongue and taste Mark’s pre-cum, to suck his dick into my mouth and bob my head. Get a grip, Ana, you’re on a busy street. I finished untying my shoes and stood up.

I peeled off my tight leggings and my powder blue panties in one motion, exposing my naked body to the entire world. I bent down, making sure Mark could see my ass and pussy and my bush getting matted with my excitement. I wanted Mark’s cock, God help me. I wanted it so bad. I wouldn’t object if he took me right here.

“Your pussy hair’s blonde,” Mark blinked. “You dye your hair black?”

I nodded. “I don’t like being blonde,” I said. “Everyone thinks you’re a bimbo.”

Mark laughed. “So many women would kill to be blonde and you go and dye your hair.”

I smiled, pulling on my shoes.

“All right,” Mark said, staring lustfully at me as I retied my jogging shoes. “Head home, and I’ll follow. I want to stare at the ass. It’s so nice and tight.”

I could feel his hungry eyes the entire jog back to my house. I put a roll to my ass, as sexy a sway as I could manage while jogging. My small breasts bounced uncomfortably and I missed wearing the sports bra clutched in my right hand. But Mark wanted me naked, and there was a certain freedom in showing my assets, especially my tight ass, off to the world.

My Babushka was right, men loved sniffing at another woman’s ass. “Men will come sniffing at your ass, my little kotyonok, and that can be much fun.” There had been such a wicked smile on her wrinkled, old face when she told my cousin’s and I that and we all tittered at her naughty intimation. Well, Stan, you didn’t want to come jogging, and now another man’s come sniffing at my ass. And I was going to have some fun, I thought with a wicked smile.

Soon, I reveled in every car honking, every lewd shout. All these people were just jealous that they didn’t have the courage to be as free as us. My elation faded, however, when the flashing lights of a cop car pulled up and a stern looking man got out of the car. Oh no, what would Stan think when he found out his wife was jogging naked. With a strange man. I couldn’t go to jail.

“Hi, I’m Mark Glassner,” Mark shouted at the cop, “whatever I do is legal! If anyone says, ‘I’m Mary Sullivan.’ or ‘I serve Mark Glassner’ do what they say.”

“Yes, sir,” the cop saluted and got back in his car and drove off.

Mark had a grin on his face and he smacked my ass. “Keep jogging, slut,” he barked at me, “I want to fuck that cunt.” His words shivered through my body, I was his slut. I was Stan’s wife, but I was Mark’s slut.

“I can’t wait to feel your cock inside me,” I heard myself husk back. I was such a slut.

The thrill, the excitement, pushed me to jog faster. Mark was struggling to keep up, as excited as I was. I was his motivation, I realized. He needed my ass, the promise of my cunt, to keep him going. He looked fairly new to jogging, he was definitely out of shape. I was honored to be his motivation and I flashed him inviting smiles as I ran, shaking my pretty ass, urging him to keep up, to claim his reward.

We reached my house. “I live just across the street,” Mark said, pointing.

“Oh, isn’t that the Fitzsimmons house?”

“I took Brandon’s house from him, but kept his wife,” he said. “She’s a great fuck.”

“Is Desiree one of your sluts?” I asked. Like me, I wanted to add but just didn’t have the courage.

“Yeah,” he grinned. “One of my many sluts.” He groped my ass. “No, let’s get inside your house so I can get inside your cunt.”

I opened the door and he grabbed me, pulling my body against his and kissing me on the lips. His mouth forcefully captured mine, sticking his tongue past my lips. His hard cock pressed into my stomach, my hard nipples pressed against his hairy chest, being tickled by his curly hair. His hands squeezed my ass, kneading my cheeks. My husband was upstairs, asleep, and I was making out with another man, naked. A naughty shiver ran up my spine.

Mark broke the kiss and I squirmed out of his grasp, backing out of the doorway, dropping my clothes on the floor. He stalked after me and it was so thrilling. He was chasing me all over again, just like when he chased me down the road. I fled into the kitchen, but I wasn’t fast enough and he caught me, pushing me against the island counter in the center of the kitchen, bending me over it, his hand stroking my ass.

Upstairs, I could hear my husband walking about. Fear spiked in me. There was a gurgling sound as he started the shower and water moved through the pipes. “No, my husband’s awake early,” I gasped. “You’ll have to go.”

“Fuck that,” Mark growled and then he was inside me and I was moaning as the pleasure filled my body. His cock felt amazing, better than I could imagine.

Fear and lust battled within me. Oh god, it was so amazing. Stan was upstairs, showering, probably whistling some stupid show tune, while I was down here, his loving wife, getting fucked hard by the man who made me his slut. Mark was fucking me powerfully, not caring that my husband might finish his shower and walk downstairs any minute and catch him. Not caring that Stan might hear the slap of flesh, our sighs and moans, and come downstairs to investigate.

“Fuck,” I gasped, “oh fuck this is so wrong!”

“That’s what makes it feel so good, slut,” Mark growled and fucked me harder and harder.

His balls were slapping against my clit, building my pleasure more and more as his cock felt so amazing inside my cunt. “Yes, yes, fuck me!” I hissed. “Oh, fuck you’re a naughty, little slut!”

The island creaked from the force of Mark’s thrusts, the cabinet doors rattled as my knees were knocking into them. God, I felt so good, so naughty! I loved my Stan, but Mark was making me feel so fucking alive! I knew this wouldn’t be the last time I let Mark fuck me. My orgasm was building and building, every thrust of his cock, every slap of his balls on my clit, brought me closer and closer.

The shower upstairs shut off. “Oh no,” I gasped as fear surged through me. Stan couldn’t see this, it would break his heart. “You have to hurry!”

I could hear Stan moving around upstairs. He would be getting dressed, then coming downstairs for his coffee. I had started the pot before I left for my jog. I glanced at the coffee pot, imagining my husband walking in, making it halfway to the coffee pot in his half-awake daze and then realizing that his wife was getting her cheating cunt pounded on by a strange man. This was so fucking wrong! I slammed my hips back against Mark and let out a stifled moan as my orgasm exploded throughout my body.

“Yes, yes!” I gasped. “Oh, fuck, please hurry, Mark!”

The bedroom door closed. Oh, no he was coming! Mark slammed into me once, twice. The footsteps were nearing the stairs. Then Mark was cumming inside me, his hot cum flooding my slutty cunt. The stairs creaked and I moaned as Mark yanked his cock out of me and. There was a huge grin on Mark’s face, and then he turned and raced for the front door.

“Tomorrow, my house, be naked!” he shouted as he reached the door.

“Yes,” I happily answered.

Mark opened the door and slammed it. “Honey, you back,” my husband called, hearing the door close.

I was right behind Mark, pulling on my leggings over my shoes then grabbing my top, pulling it over my breasts and turned around as my husband walked up, looking half-awake in his sweat pants, his hair damp from his shower. I could feel Mark’s cum leaking into the fabric of my leggings, soaking the spandex material as my husband bent down and kissed me on the lips.

“Have a nice jog, Ana?” he asked as he walked by. I sighed in relief, he didn’t notice my underwear on the floor or smell the semen leaking out of my cunt. Stan wasn’t alive in the morning before his second cup of coffee, thank God.

“Yeah, it was quite thrilling!” I said with a smile. “I’m going to take a shower, I’m all sweaty.”

“Okay, Ana,” he said. I could hear him pouring a cup of coffee. I grabbed my underwear and raced upstairs to wash the evidence of my adultery off my body.

Day Two, Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Notes: Takes place during Chapter 13.

I wondered how Louise was doing as I jogged out of my driveway.

On Sunday, I had found the poor girl sitting in her car watching my next-door neighbor’s house. Louise had said her husband, some cad named Mark, was shacking up with Desiree Fitzsimmons, my neighbor. Desiree was Brandon’s second wife. The hussy clearly didn’t marry Brandon for his looks. And now she had another guy shacked up with her.

So I invited Louise to stay in my house, I felt so bad for the poor dear, and when I got home from work yesterday, she was gone. There was some commotion at the Fitzsimmons house last night. The police and ambulances showed up and when I woke up this morning, the news reported that Louise had tried to kill Mark last night. The poor, sweet dear. It would be just like a man to get a woman so riled up she’d try and kill him.

I knew what that was like when I caught my Albert in bed with his secretary, and was itchin’ to kill the both of ’em. But, I was a good Christian woman, so I kicked him and his hussy’s ass out of my house and slapped him with divorce papers. Last I heard, he had knocked the stupid bimbo up and they were making each other miserable.

I reached the end of my street and turned onto Shaw and stopped in surprise. There was a naked man and woman not ten feet in front of me. “St. Peter’s ghost,” I gasped. It was Mark, that disgusting hound dog that drove poor Louise to her wits-end, and…Anastasia from across the street. Poor Stan. He was such a nice guy, shame his wife was some sort streakin’ hussy.

“Stop,” Mark said and I froze. His words seemed to reach right inside me and froze my legs in place. “Hi, aren’t you a pretty one.”

“Hi Madeleine,” Anastasia said. “She lives next door to you, Mark.”

“Do you think she should join our club?” Mark asked her.

“Oh, definitely,” Anastasia said and hugged me, rubbing her naked body against me. “It’s great, Madeleine. You get to jog naked. And afterwards, Mark fucks you with his cock.”

“What kind of back alley tramp do you take me for, sugar?” I demanded angrily. My eyes flickered down to his hard cock pointing at me. “I am a God-fearing, good Christian woman. Not some sort of…of jogging floozy.”

“The kind that wants to join my club,” Mark said, a boyish grin on his face. “You want to, don’t you. You can’t wait to strip off your clothes and enjoy the freedom of running naked. Your pussy’s getting wetter and wetter just thinking about my cock filling your cunt, fucking you until you have a mind-numbing orgasm.”

I could feel my cooter moistening. It was like a levy broke and flooded the gusset of my panties. Oh God, I was suddenly as randy as a goat. “I would like to join your club,” I muttered. Why did I say that. It was his voice, so deep and powerful that it resonated within me. My eyes again were drawn to his hard cock. What would it feel like inside me, filling me up.

“What’s the magic word?” Mark asked with a smirk.

He wanted me to beg. I wicked thrill went though my body and I felt as wanton as a cheerleader after homecoming. “Please, sugar,” I husked, “let me join your club. Pretty please.”

“Since you asked so nicely with that delightful Southern drawl of yours,” Mark said. “Welcome to club.”

Well, I guess I better start stripping. I felt as slatternly as an Old Miss sorority girl at a frat party as I pulled of my tanktop. My face burning, as I released the clasp on my sports bra, exposing my tits. They were still a great pair, I thought, maybe not as perky as they were when I was eighteen, but still were quite fetching. A car honked as it drove by and I saw pink flushing Anastasia’s face. I guess she wasn’t as nonchalant about about being naked as she pretended.

Mark smacked my ass, giving my plump cheeks a squeeze. The older I got, the harder it was to keep my ass as tight as a teenagers. My breasts bounced about as I jogged, up and down, uncomfortably so. Anastasia jogged next to me, and I kept glancing at her small, perkier breasts as they bounced. There was something almost hypnotic about a woman’s breasts bouncing up and down.

“Are you a budding dyke?” Mark asked me. He was behind us, staring at our asses to motivate him to keep jogging.

“I’m no rug muncher, sugar,” I answered, flushing at getting caught staring at another woman’s tits.

“Your mouth is just salivating to munch of Anastasia’s rug, slut,” Mark said and I found myself licking my lips, my eyes wandering down to Anastasia’s rug and I realized she was a natural blonde. Why would she dye her hair black, her pubic hair looked as soft and yellow as cornsilk. I wondered what she tasted like. I remember tasting my own honey when I was a teenager and first discovered ticklin’ my cooter.

My honey was leaking down my legs by the time we reached my house, my curly pubes must be positively matted with my desire. I jogged up to my door, my cheeks red. Anyone of my neighbors could see just how wanton I had suddenly become if they looked out their windows. My keys were in my shorts pocket and I was fumbling through the bundle of clothes I clutched in my hand when Mark pressed up behind me, his cock hard on my ass.

“Hmm, I can’t wait any longer to feel your cunt on my cock,” Mark growled in my ear.

“Out here, Mark?” Anastasia nervously asked, glancing across the street to her house. “What if my husband sees me.”

“You said he doesn’t usually wake up until eight,” Mark told her, I could feel his cock between my legs, brushing against the lips of my wet cootch. “Plenty of time,” he moaned as his dick pushed up inside me. I moaned, he felt so wonderful inside me as he took me right there on his porch, like a bull mounting his heifer.

“He woke up early yesterday,” Anastasia pleaded. “We almost got caught.”

Mark was slowly fucking me and he pulled Anastasia mouth to his and kissed her. “You want to be a good wife and spare your husband pain, right?”

Anastasia nodded. She gasped as Mark’s hand cupped her crotch and began ticklin’ her cooter. “Yes, I love him. I don’t want him to know about…us.”

“Well, you’re my slut,” Mark said forcefully, fucking me a little harder. “And my sluts get fucked whenever and wherever I want them to.”

“Okay,” Anastasia nodded. Then her face transformed into such wantonness, and she moaned, “Umm, your finger feels good inside me.”

“Maybe your husband is watching right now,” Mark whispered. “Watching you from a window. How do you think he’d feel, knowing his wife is being such a slut for me.”

“Don’t say that,” Anastasia pleaded. “He’d hate me.”

Mark was fucking me faster, my breasts were rubbing against the painted wood of my door. Every thrust of his dick felt better than the last, rubbing wickedly against my sensitive walls. I heard my self yowling like a cat in heat getting mounted by a tomcat. I started pushing back with my hips as the pleasure grew stronger and stronger inside me.

“Maybe he’ll pull his little dick out and jerk it, wishing he could make you into his slut,” Mark moaned as he pounded my cooter. “Wishing he had the stones to make you his bitch! All while he’s envying me for making you so such a wanton slut!”

“Yes, yes!” Anastasia moaned, her tits heaving as an orgasm trembled through her body. “Oh, my Stan! Make me your slut!”

Mark pulled his fingers out of her cunt and licked her juices off his finger. “When we finish here, why don’t you go to your husband and see if he’s man enough to make a slut out of you.”

A smile broadened Anastasia face. “I will, Mark.”

Mark was really pounding my cooter, every plunge of his cock made my nipples rub roughly against the door, adding spice to the orgasm cooking in my womb. Anastasia’s panting face was so close to mine, her lips red and enticing. I felt so wicked, so wanton. I leaned over and captured her lips in a kiss. It was my first time kissing a woman, and her lips were so soft, so gentle as she kissed me back.

“You cunt feels great,” Mark groaned into my ear. “Do you want me to cum in your cunt? I bet you do. I bet you want nothing more than my cum flooding your juicy cunt!”

Oh god, I wasn’t on the pill. I didn’t have my diaphragm in. But God did I want his seed inside me, even if he might get pregnant. I was so hot for it. I broke the kiss, and wantonly husked “Yes, please, fill my cooter up, fill up my cunt! It’s as eager as a beaver gnawing on a log for your seed, Mark!” My admission triggered my orgasm and I moaned my pleasure for all the neighborhood to hear.

I could feel Mark’s cum flooding my cooter, flooding my fertile womb. His sperm could be swimming up to my womb, to where a fertile little egg waited to be penetrated. “Take my cum, slut!” Mark groaned, slamming his cock into me again, and again, and one last, hard thrust before he pressed up against my back, breathing hard.

As we stumbled into my house, Anastasia grabbed me and lead me to my couch. She pushed me down, knelt and spread my thighs and began eating the creamy mess Mark left inside me. Her tongue felt amazing on my labia. My husband would never dream of going down on me, and none of my past boyfriends would either. Getting your rug munched felt so amazing. Anastasia’s tongue explored all over my cooter, sucking on my lips, nibbling on hard little pearl, and spreading me wide open and digging her tongue deep inside me.

Mark was kneeing behind Anastasia, lining up his cock at her eager cooter. Anastasia moaned into my cootch as Mark slid inside her. Soon there would be a creamy mess in Anastasia’s rug for me to clean up, and I couldn’t wait to return the favor.

Day Three, Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Notes: Takes place during Chapter 15.

“Come on, mom,” Cassie cajoled, jogging backwards. The girl had too much energy and fifteen years on me.

Cassie was almost a spitting image of me at fifteen. We had the same, beautiful shade of honey-brown hair; Cassie was still long and tied back in a ponytail with a pink scrunchy, while mine was shorter, in an easier to manage haircut. Cassie had my dainty nose, my pouty lips, and my delicate cheekbones. She had her father’s hazel eyes, and her build was slim and lithe, just like my mother-in-laws. She didn’t get her mother’s curves, that’s for sure. I often caught her envious stares at me D Cups and she would whine about how small her breasts were.

“C’mon slowpoke,” Cassie said with a mischievous smile.

“Slowpoke,” I said in mock outrage. “Is that anyway to address your mother! I ought to tan your backside!”

“You’d have to catch me first, mom,” Cassie said and turned back around and sprinted away.

Even after sixth months of jogging with Cassie, I didn’t have anywhere close to her endurance. When I decided I needed to get in better shape, Cassie volunteered to keep my company while I jogged. Truthfully, I would have quit ages ago if Cassie didn’t seem to look so forward to our morning jogs. I had finally found a way to hang out with my babygirl again, and it was worth all the sweat and pain of jogging. Besides, my efforts had started to pay off. I’ve lost thirty pounds, most of it off my ass and stomach, and I was feeling sexy again. And Oscar, my husband, was enjoying the results almost nightly, now.

“Belinda, your ass is looking as great as it did when you were twenty,” Oscar told me just last night, when he came up and rubbed my ass through my nightie. “As beautiful as the night we made Cassie.”

We were pretty sure I got knocked up on our honeymoon, or maybe right before the wedding. Cassie was earlier than we planned, apparently the pill isn’t one hundred percent. Our first few years of marriage were a little rocky, and money was very tight until Oscar got a few promotions under his belt. And now, I wouldn’t have had it happened any other way. Cassie was growing up to be such a fine young lady.

We reached the light at 39th Avenue and Shaw Road and waited for the light to turn green.

“Mom?” Cassie said, tugging at my shirt sleeve. There was a panic, urgent tone to her voice.

Cassie was looking across Shaw Road where three people were jogging naked. I blinked in surprise. There were two women, one was a black-haired woman in her late twenties and the other was a brunette in her early thirties, who was maybe a year or two younger then myself. Behind them was a naked man, his cock obscenely hard, bouncing about in front of him as he jogged. They were just reaching the crosswalk across Shaw Road from us.

“Mom, their naked!” Cassie gasped in a strangled tone, then looked down at the ground, her face flushing.

Cassie flushed like a girl who’d never seen a cock before. She always claimed she was a virgin, and I never questioned her claim. When I was her age, I already had lost my cherry and had a pregnancy scare. The condom had broken and for two weeks I was in a panic that I was pregnant. Then my period came, two days late, to my great relief. My life would have been so different if Billy Caldwell had knocked me up at fourteen and I hoped my daughter would make some better life choices.

Why were they naked? Maybe there was some naked jogging event going on, today. You always heard about those up in Seattle and maybe they’ve spread south. Or maybe that was a naked bike ride they had up in Seattle? I couldn’t remember. I looked up Shaw Road, expecting to see more naked jogger that I failed to notice the light changed and when I glanced back at the naked trio, they were halfway across Shaw Road, the black-haired woman waving friendly at us.

“Hi,” I said, nervously.

The man had a hungry smile on his face and suddenly fear clutched my heart and I grabbed Cassie and pushed her behind me. “I’m Mark, who’re you?” he introduced himself, pushing ahead of the two naked women.

“Belinda,” I found myself answering, “and this is my daughter, Cassie.” Wow, that voice was so…so powerful. So mesmerizing.

His grin grew hungrier. “Hmm, there something sexy about a mom and daughter, together,” Mark leered suggestively and I flushed. That’s disgusting. “I want the two of you to join my jogging club.”

Of course I would join his club.

“Do we have to be naked?” my daughter asked as she trembled behind me.

“Of course,” Mark laughed. “It’s the Naked Jogging Club. I know, I know, not the most original name.” He shrugged. “The good news is, not only do you get to feel the excitement of being naked in public, your cunts are growing wet just thinking about my hard cock inside you. You two are my jogging sluts, aren’t you.”

Oh God, I loved my Oscar, but I have never been hornier in my life for a man. “Yes, I want to be your slut.” Was that my voice that sounded so sexy? I rubbed my thighs together, my twat was getting all wet and itchy. I needed a good fucking and Oscar wasn’t around and Mark’s cock looked more than adequate. I grinned, in fact, it looked like the perfect tool to fix the itch in my twat.

“Oh yes, I’ll be your slut!” My sweet Cassie sound so slutty. She was still pressed against my back and I swear I could feel her nipples harden through her top and sports bra.

“Then welcome to the club,” Mark said. “And good sluts are always horny for another woman’s pussy, even if she’s related.”

A naughty flush went through my body as I eyed the two, naked women, drifting down their lush bodies to their fur-covered muffs. Then my eyes drifted over to my babygirl as she undressed. I wondered what her pussy tasted like. What it would feel to have my sweet Cassandra licking at my slutty cunt.

The black haired woman hugged me. “I’m Anastasia, and this is Madeleine. And you will not be disappointed by Mark. Yesterday, he fucked us so hard. And then, when I got home, I begged my husband to treat my like a little slut! Oh, it was so satisfying. My Stan got so into it. He took charge like a real man. Last night, he had me make him dinner wearing only an apron. And then I was desert.” She touched my wedding ring. “You should try it. The only thing better than being your husband’s slut, is being Mark’s!” she said with a wink.

I bet Oscar would love it if I was his slut. I glanced back at my daughter who was pulling off the pink sports bra that contained her perky, B Cup breasts. The little slut was horny, her nipples were hard, and I was so proud of my babygirl as I saw the hungry grin on Mark’s face as his eyes feasted on her tits.

“Let’s get that top off, sugar,” Madeleine said in a delightful, Southern drawl. She had a beautiful face and a wicked smile played on her lips. She was grabbing the hem of my shirt and I let her pull it up over my head. She deftly undid my gray sports bra and my big, D Cup breasts spilled out. “Sugar, the Lord gave you one beautiful set of hooters.” I shivered in pleasure as the Southern woman ran a finger around my large areola, brushing my fat nipple.

“I know, s’not fair,” Cassie vented. “The only two things I got from my dad were hazel eyes and small tits like grandma. Everyone on mom’s side of the family has huge knockers.”

Mark reached out, kneading her perky tip, his thump swiping across her hard little nipple. “You got a sexy pair of tits,” Mark told her and she flushed, pleased.

“Where’s all your pubic hair, young lady?” I gasped when Cassie’s baby blue boy shorts came off. She was shaved bare, her slit tight like a little girls.

“I shave it,” Cassie said, rolling her eyes. “Everyone shaves their coochies, mom. Jeez.”

“Have you let some boy stick his dick up your cunt,” Mark asked.

“Yeah,” Cassie admitted, sheepishly.

I guess she really was me at fifteen.

Mark jogged behind us ladies, staring at our asses. We barely had jogged a hundred yards when Cassie gasped in shock and pointed down the road. There was a news van parked across the road and a cameraman filming us. A strange exhilaration burned through me as I realized some complete stranger was filming me naked.

“Fuck,” Mark muttered, examining the situation. “Well, she’s probably hot.” I furrowed my eyes, wonder what Mark was talking about, and I saw a second figure in a pink blouse. “Ladies, jog back to Madeleine’s and go home. We’ll meet there at six tomorrow morning.”

“You’re not going to fuck me?” I asked, then flushed. I couldn’t believe I asked him that. But I was so horny, I really needed his dick in me.

“I’ll fuck you and your daughter tomorrow,” Mark grinned.

Maybe when I get home, I’ll convince Oscar to make me his slut and take a sick day. We could spend the entire day in bed, doing whatever nasty things my Oscar wanted. I glanced at Cassie and a terrible, depraved thought filled my mind. Maybe she should stay home, sick, too. After all, we were both sluts, now.

Day Four, Thursday, June 13, 2013


Notes: Takes place during Chapter 16.

I out distanced the others as we turned onto Mountain View Court. I was just so excited to get fucked by Mark. It’s all I thought about last night. My poor little pussy was still a little sore from how many times I petted my kitty. And so I had to wait, breathless, on Madeleine’s porch for Mark and my mom, for and Anastasia and Madeleine.

Yesterday had been so wild. Even though I didn’t get to fuck Mark, when we got home my mom begged dad to let her be his slut. And dad was more than happy to let her. It was kinda disgusting and kinda hot all at the same time. My mom got dad all hot and bothered then told him she’d love to see him fuck me. I didn’t have a problem with that, my dad was so handsome and kind. Not like the boys at my school who just want to get off inside me. I knew my dad would make feel so amazing.

Turned out my dad didn’t have a problem with it, either. Fuck, I came so hard for dad. And then mom surprised us both by giving me a second orgasm as she licked my little kitty-cat clean. Dad was roaring to go after that and mom mounted his cock and rode him hard. My dad was grunting like an animal, calling mom such filthy names and she loved it. When they finished, mom taught me all about how to lick another woman’s pretty kitty. And mom tasted wonderful, sour and sweet all at the same time, mixed with daddy’s salty flavor.

“Hurry up!” I shouted eagerly as the adults finally rounded the corner. I was so excited, I was dancing on the balls of my feet, my kitty drenched with my juices.

It was fun watching their breasts bounce up and down, and Mark’s cock was swaying and bouncing. I licked my lips, rubbed my thighs together. I couldn’t wait to feel Mark’s cock up my pussy. I was his slut, and a good slut needs to feed her kitty a lot of dicks. That’s what Jodi Miller said in the girls bathroom a few days ago. And she should know, she was the biggest slut in school.

I threw myself at Mark, pushing past Madeleine, and hugged him. Letting him feel my hard nipples rub against his hairy chest, and I could feel his hard cock rubbing against my stomach. I kissed him greedily as Madeleine opened the door. Then I jumped up and wrapped my legs around Marks’ waist, my hot little kitty rubbing wetly on his belly and he carried me inside.

“Eager slut,” he growled and threw me onto the couch. “Sit on your slutty daughter’s face.”

“Ohh, I’d love that,” mom moaned.

Meanwhile, Madeleine and Anastasia were sitting on a recliner, Anastasia in Madeleine’s lap and the pair were making out madly. Anastasia was caressing Madeleine’s tits, another pair of breasts larger than my little B cups. Ugghh, why did I have to take after my dad’s side of the family. Mom has these amazing tits. Large and pillowy, they swayed so sexy as she walked. Her slightest motion made them jiggle. I practically had to do jumping jacks to get any jiggle out of my tits. Madeleine’s hand was roaming Anastasia’s ass, now, squeezing her cheeks, her finger dipping into Anastasia’s crack.

Then my view was blocked as mom’s sleek thighs straddled my face, and her shaved kitty lowered down to my eager lips. Yesterday, my mom had a well groomed, brown bush. But daddy loved my shaved kitty so much, mom asked me to show her how to shave it. I had a lot of fun lathering up her bush and carefully shaving her lips with a razor. When I was all finished, I gave her kitty a nice lickin’ and mom gushed all over my face.

I started lickin’ my mom’s kitty as Mark’s cock thrust into my pussy. I moaned into my mother’s pussy as Mark filled me up so deliciously, his cock rubbing all the best places inside me. I drank my mom’s delicious flavors, sour and sweet, rubbing my tongue all over her pussy. I sucked her large, drooping labia, nibbled on her tiny clit, and jammed my tongue into her wet hole.

“Oh yes, eat mommy’s pussy! Mmm, my babygirl’s such a great muff diver. Ohh, you’re making mommy feel so great, you slutty child!”

Mark was pickup the pace, fucking me harder. I could feel his balls slapping against my taint. Every thrust of his cock felt better than the last as my entire cunt began to burn with pleasure. I started moving my hips, matching Mark’s rhythm. His cock rubbed all over my tight cunt and I started squeezing down on him as he thrust in.

“Such a tight pussy!” Mark moaned and I felt a surge of joy. I was making him happy, like a good slut. “God, I love teenage cunt!”

I slurped on my mom’s delicious juices as Mark pounded my cunt. Mom started wiggling her hips on me, rubbing her cunt all over my face as I brought her greater and greater pleasure. I was getting closer and closer to my orgasm when Mark pulled out of my pussy, leaving an aching emptiness inside my kitty.

“No!” I moaned in disappointment. “Please, put it back in! I was so close! My kitty needs to be fed some man-milk! She’s so hungry!”

Then I felt Mark raise my hips up a bit, his hard cock pocking at my ass crack. “You ever been fucked in the ass, Cassie?”

“No,” I answered, feeling a little scared. But I shouldn’t be. I was Mark’s slut, and a good slut takes it up the ass, or at least that’s what Jodie Miller always said. And she should know, she fucked the entire first string of our varsity football team at a party.

“How ’bout you, Belinda?” Mask asked my mom

“Yes,” mom answered. “Oscar always wanted me to, but I always said no. But last night, he reminded me I was his slut. And it felt so amazing, Cassie. You’ll love it, babygirl.”

I felt soft fingers caressing my kitty, soft as a mother’s caress. Then mom bent over and we were sixty-nining as Mark pushed his cock against the tight ring of my asshole. I groaned into my mom’s kitty as my ass was invaded. God, I thought he felt big in my pussy, but he felt enormous in my ass. And it was so weird, almost like I was pooping in reverse. A strange tingle slowly started to radiated from my ass as Mark’s cock slid slowly in and out of my tight ass. It started to feel better and better as Mark fucked in and out of my ass, slowly picking up speed.

My mom’s tongue flicked at my clit, and my orgasm was nearing again. My clit vibrated as my mother moaned her orgasm into me, her juices flooding my eager mouth. Mark was fucking my ass hard and fast, mom’s tongue swirling about my clit. It was too much, mom’s tongue felt wicked on my kitty and Mark’s cock felt amazing as he reamed my ass, I was going to cum. Stars danced before my eyes as I bucked beneath my mom, my ass clenching on Mark’s cock. My screams of passion were muffled by my mom’s juicy kitty.

“Fucking tight teenage ass!” Mark moaned, and then I felt him, hot and wet, shooting his cum into my ass.

He pulled out and then my mom was off me. I sat up on my elbows and watched as he led mom to another chair. He sat down and I watched in amazement as mom started licking his dirty cock clean of my ass. My mom was tasting my ass! God, she was such a slut. Madeleine was suddenly standing over me, her face sticky with Anastasia’s juices and she slapped my ass.

“You’re leaking cum onto my couch, girl,” Madeleine said, angrily. “Did your parents learn you no manners, sugar?”

“Oh, shit, sorry,” I gulped, standing up. I could feel the cum running greasily out of my ass and down to my taint.

“And don’t swear in my house, sugar,” Madeleine said, sternly. “I’m a good Christian woman, and I’ll not abide a foul mouth.”

“Okay, sorry,” I said, intimidate by the woman and her accent.

She sat down and spread her legs, revealing a brown furred kitty. “You can forgive me by give my cooter a good lickin’.”

“What’s a cooter?” I asked, frowning.

“My pussy, sugar,” she purred. “My wet, horny pussy.” She ran a finger through her bush, pushing a pussy lip to the side and exposing the wet, pink flesh of her kitty.

I smiled, licking my lips. “I can do that, Madeleine.”

“That’s Mrs. Rowe to you, sugar,” she corrected as I knelt down and she pulled my face into her furry kitty. My tongue licked across her tangy-spicy slit. “Hmm, you’re like a pretty cat lapping at a saucer of milk,” Madeleine moaned as I lapped at her delicious pussy.

I felt hands spreading my asscheeks and then a tongue licking at my ass, swirling about my puckered asshole, sending delicious tingles through my body. I glanced behind me to see Anastasia, lips stained with Mark’s cum, lapping at my asshole. It was such a naughty feeling as she rimmed my puckered hole.

“Hey now, sugar. You kids need to learn to finish what you start.” Madeleine strong hands pulled me back to her cunt and I eagerly resumed lickin’ her cooter.

Day Five, Friday, June 14, 2013


Notes: Takes place during Chapter 18.

I was nervous as I walked up to Mrs. Rowe’s house, just up the street from my own house. Yesterday, the strangest man had come to my house. He seemed so ordinary, just another dumb adult. And then his blue eyes fixed on me and looked me up and down. Great, another skeevy adult perving on me, I had thought.

“You look like an athlete,” the man had told me. “I have this Jogging Club and I want you to join it. It meets at Madeleine’s house at six AM. You’ll have a lot of fun.”

It was such a great idea, that I readily agreed, even if he was perving on me. And then my parents up and sold our house. Mark, the skeevy adult just handed my parents a bag of cash and my stupid parents just agreed to sell our house. They didn’t argue, or nothing. Just agreed like mindless idiots. It was so cray. And then Mark let us stay if he could fuck me whenever he wanted. I was shocked when my parent’s didn’t have a problem pimping their own daughter out for rent on our own house.

I, on the other hand, thought it was a bad idea.

So my parents took my phone away, my laptop away, and grounded me!

“Issy Marguerite Norup, Mr. Glassner’s a generous man,” my mom said, icily, “and you will repay his generosity by spreading those legs for him! I know you’ve spread them for some boy already!”

“You will stay in your room until you start behaving properly!” my dad said as he gathered up my phone and laptop. “And tomorrow morning, you’re going to go and join Mr. Glassner’s jogging club. And if he wants to fuck you, you’ll let him fuck you! Do you understand me, young lady?”

What had happened to my parents. They were like pod people. Last night was so boring. I’m sure I missed a ton of important tweets and instagrams! God, why did my parents have to turn into a bunch of freaks! I should call the cops on them, only they took my phone away! I screamed in frustration into my pillow. Fuck, I’ll I had to do was my homework and watch boring TV.

Yet here I was, showing up for this stupid Jogging Club, with the guy my parents pimped me out too. I didn’t know what his connection with Mrs. Rowe was. Mrs. Rowe was the sweet, southern lady, that was always so nice to me. When I’d mow her lawn for her, she’s always have the best pitcher of ice tea siting out on her porch for me to drink.

Why was I doing this? Because it would be fun, I answered myself. I knocked firmly on the door and blinked in shock when Mrs. Rowe answered dressed only in her birthday suit. There were more naked women behind her. Mrs. Milburn, who lived across from Mrs. Rowe and…Cassie from school. We were in the same grade, about to finish our sophomore year, but I didn’t know her that well. And the fourth woman must be Cassie’s mother. They look so much alike.

“W-what is going on?” I stammered.

“Are you here to join the Naked Jogging Club, sugar?” Mrs. Rowe asked.

“Wait, Naked Jogging Club. Mark didn’t say nothing about having to be naked!” I protested.

“Didn’t I?” Mark asked and I jumped. There he was, naked and…ohmygod his cock was hard and pointing straight at me.

“Well, c’mon sugar, let’s get you naked,” Mrs. Rowe said sweetly, pulling me inside the house.

The women and Cassie started grabbing at my clothing, pulling my tanktop over my head, pulling my tight, jogging shorts down my legs. My sports bra came free and hands pinched at my nipples. I grabbed my panties, holding onto the elastic waistband as the women tried to yank them off.

“Please stop,” I begged, tears brimming in my eyes. I could feel Mark’s pervy eyes as he stared at my bared tits.

“Relax, Issy,” Cassie said and she hugged me, her naked breasts pressed against me and then she was kissing me.

I was so surprised that I let go of my panties and they were pulled down my legs. Cassie broke the kiss, a sultry smile on her face. I blinked my eyes, licked my lips, my face flushed with heat, and realized I was lifting up my feet so my panties could be taken all the way off. Embarrassed, I covered my brown pubes with one hand and tried to cover my breasts with the other arm.

“Don’t be coverin’ up your beautiful body, sugar,” Mrs. Rowe purred, pulling my arms to my side. “Now aren’t you just as pretty as a rainbow after a storm.”

“Yes she is,” Mark said as pervy as possible. He caught my chin and turned my face to his. “You want to be my little jogging slut, don’t you.” My cheeks burned and I found myself nodding yes. Of course I wanted to be his jogging slut, that’s why I was here. “Good, and what does a slut do?”

“Ooh, a slut feeds her kitty as many dicks as she can,” Cassie answered excitedly.

Kitty? Why would I feed my cat a dick. Then I saw Cassie stroking her pussy and I flushed as I realized which kitty she met.

“A slut is excited for Mark to shove his cock in any hole he wants,” Mrs. Milburn said, reaching out and stroking my ass. Her finger’s felt like fire on my smooth cheeks. “Any hole.” I flushed. I knew a few girls who did anal so they could keep their cherries.

“And lets us gals play with her pretty pussy,” Cassie’s mom husked. “And then plays with ours.”

I was Mark’s slut, and my pussy getting wet thinking just about Mark fucking me, even fucking my ass. I eyed all the women, imagining them licking my pussy and even the image of me, kneeling down and licking one of these beautiful women’s pussies sent a naughty thrill through me. “Is that why my parent’s pimped me out to you Mark?” I asked in realization. “Because, they knew I was your slut, right?”

“Yeah,” Mark whispered, his cock was pressing against my ass. “I love your hair. Why green?”

I shrugged. I had dyed my brown hair green with black streaks. “It just seemed like it would annoy my parents, I guess.” My pussy was a flood of liquid now, feeling my nose with the fresh, tart smell of my arousal. I was Mark’s slut, and that meant I needed his cock inside me.

Cassie walked up and she reached giving my titty squeeze, a look of mournful disappointment on her face. “Yet another pair of breasts bigger than mine.”

“Oh, but yours are so cute,” I told her, eying her perky breasts and the cute little nipples. I reached out and gave her titty a squeeze.

“Fuck, my cock need to cum,” Mark said, interrupting our titty play, and he roughly shoved me forward, bending me over the arm of a couch, his hard cock rubbing against my cunt. “Hmm, I love fucking teenage cunt!”

Mark’s cock was pushing into my tight pussy. I had been fucked a few times by Johnny, my boyfriend. But he wasn’t as big as Mark and it felt weird. Mark wasn’t using a condom and there wasn’t the feel of rubber sliding inside me, but the electric feel of flesh sliding against flesh.

“Oh god,” I moaned. “Oh, wow this is so wild.”

Mrs. Rowe sat on the couch in front of me, her legs spread and her furry pussy was mere inches from my face. “Don’t be shy, sugar,” Mrs. Rowe cooed. “Give me a good lickin’.”

Mark’s thrusts were shoving my face closer and closer to Mrs. Rowe’s cunt. I could feel heat radiating from her pussy, a spicy, tangy scent filled my nose. Her pubic hair was silk on my face, and my tongue hesitantly licked up her slit. And she tasted amazing. My tongue dipped into her pussy over and over, greedy to drink all her delicious juices.

I wiggled my hips, enjoying Mark’s thrusts. His cock was rubbing my cunt in all the right places and I could feel a great cum building inside me. Mrs. Rowe was moaning, her hand clutching my dyed-green hair, pulling my face into her sopping cunt. Mark was groaning every time he bottomed out inside me, filling me up. His balls would brush my clit when he thrust in, a staccato beat to match the pleasurable rubbing inside my cunt.

“Oh, sugar!” Mrs. Rowe moaned. “Umm, sugar, your mouth feels so good on my cooter! Oh wow, you’re a natural rug muncher! You got me as excited as a hound dog worrying a bone! Oh sugar, here I go!”

Mrs. Rowe quaked on the couch, her head thrown back as she came hard. More tangy, spicy juices flowed into my mouth. I kept licking her as Mark pounded away at my cunt. Mrs. Rowe just writhed on the couch as my eager mouth gave her cum after cum until Mrs. Rowe shoved my face away.

“No more, sugar,” she panted. “My poor cooter can’t take anymore.”

Mark’s thrusts were coming hard, now. The entire couch was shaking under the force of his cock slamming into my pussy. Mark groaned, and buried himself deep inside me, his cock must be brushing my cervix, he was in so deep. And then I felt something shooting inside me. Mark’s cum I realized and moaned as the muscles in my cunt contracted as a hard cum spasmed through my body.

“Whew, now I’m ready to do some jogging,” Mark panted. He smacked my ass. “Gonna fuck you again when we get back. You have such a nice, tight pussy, slut!”

“Oh, thank you Mark,” I gushed, thrilled my tight hole made him happy. “Your cock was amazing inside me.”

Mark’s cum ran wetly down my legs as we went jogging. A greasy, sticky mess that slowly cooled against my skin. Cars honked at us as we jogged by, and I threw my head up high, my breast thrust out. I was Mark’s jogging slut, and I could care less who saw me. I hoped they could see the cum running down my thighs, proof that I was Mark’s slut.

Day Six, Saturday, June 15, 2013


Notes: Takes place during Chapter 20.

I admired my husband’s body as we rested at the intersection. Sweat gleamed on his dark brown skin, his muscles rippling beneath as he moved.

We were out for our Saturday morning jog, at our halfway point at the intersection of Shaw Road and 39th Avenue. My husband was a big black man, built like a linebacker. He played football in college, and still stayed all big and muscled. He was smokin’ hot, and my cooch was moistening as I thought about him throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me off. In my fantasy, he would throw me down on the bed and just start ravishing me.

His dark eyes were eying my body appreciatively, so I turned and waggled my black booty at him. It was a pretty nice booty, if you asked me, definitely my best feature. With just enough junk in the trunk to jiggle without being fat. Feeling a little naughty, I backed my booty up and rubbed it against his crotch, letting Ernard know how horny I was his for cock.

“Da fuck is that,” Ernard muttered. “Vertise, babe, there is some naked crackers joggin’ this way.”

I looked over to see five women jogging naked towards us. No three women and two teenage girls. And behind them, a man jogged naked. The women’s breasts bounced and jiggled, up and down, almost hypnotic, and the man’s hard cock bounced obscenely. The only thing the naked joggers did wear were their shoes.

“White folk,” I said, shaking my head, dumbfounded. “They always be doin’ something foolish.”

Ernard stepped in front of me. He was so big, I could easily hide behind his frame. “That’s close enough!” he shouted at the naked joggers.

The women stopped jogging and the naked man strode forward. He was a little overweight, in his late twenties, short brown hair and piercing, blue eyes. A mocking smile played on his lips and his cock was so hard, the tip angry-red. It seemed to be pointing right at me and disgust sneered my face. What a fucking pervert.

“Your woman looks hot,” the naked man said. “I wouldn’t mind fucking her ass.”

“What da fuck did you just say ’bout my wife, boy!” Ernard growl. “You better damn apologize or I’m like to bust your skull in, bitch.”

The man snorted in laughter. “What do you think, ladies. Is she hot enough to join our club.”

“Umm, definitely,” the black-haired woman purred.

“Her skin is so beautiful,” the green-haired teenager said, licking her lips. “The color of coffee.”

“I love your hair, sugar. The blonde streaks make you seem wild,” the honey-brown haired woman added. Were all these white chicks gay? They were fuckin’ perverts, that’s fo’ sure.

“Da fuck is wrong with you people!” Ernard demanded, walking up to the man. Ernard had a good half-a-foot on the man, and was far broader in the shoulder, and easily had fifty pounds of muscle on the white boy. Ernard cracked his knuckles. “How’d you like me to pound your face in, bitch?”

“Kick his ass, Ernard,” I urged. “Fuck the little peckerwood up!”

“Stand aside, Ernard,” the man said.

Looking confused, Ernard stepped to the side and the man walked up to me. “You are one fine piece of ass.”

“Ernard!” I shouted, too angry at my dumb husband for letting this pervert near me to be at all scared of the little peckerwood.

“Sorry, Vertise,” he muttered, shrugging his huge shoulders.

“Ernard, keep jogging,” the man said. “Vertise will be joining my club and jogging with us from now on. And you don’t have a problem with that, or with me fucking your pretty wife.”

“Oh, sure,” I was stunned to hear Ernard say. “Of course you can fuck her.” He kissed me on the lips as I stood rooted in place. “See you at home, babe,” and then he just started jogging back home.

“Ernard! Ernard, you useless asshole, get back here!”

But he just turned and wave. “Have fun with your club, Vertise.”

“You don’t care this peckerwood want’s to fuck your wife?”

Ernard shouted back, confused, “Why would I? I hope you have a good time!”

“Hey, Ernard,” the crazy peckerwood shouted. “Ever fucked your wife’s ass?”

“No!” Of course my husband hadn’t, that was nasty. Plus, my suddenly wimp of husband has a big cock. I’d hate to feel that monster up my booty.

“You will when she get’s home,” the peckerwood promised. “I’ll leave a big load of cum up her ass to lube the way for you!”

“Hell yeah, man!”

“Ernard, da hell’s gotten into you! Ernard! Stop jogging! This isn’t funny, Ernard!” But my suddenly whipped husband, by some little bitch of a peckerwood no less, just kept right on jogging.

“Well, Vertise, I bet you are just excited to strip naked and join our club. I’m Mark.” Mark introduced the other joggers: Madeleine, Anastasia, Issy, Belinda, and her daughter, Cassie. “From now on, you’re my jogging slut. And what does a jogging slut do, Issy?”

“Let Mark fuck her cunt whenever he wants,” the green-haired girl answered.

“I bet you’re just itching to feel my cock, aren’t you, Vertise?”

“I…” Fuck, I was. My cunt was dripping at the thought of his cock plunging inside me. “I am.” I pulled off my tanktop and peeled off my green jogging shorts in a flash. My nipples were hard when my sports bra came off. Mark was behind me and he pulled my panties off and inhaled them.

“Mhh, I love the smell of cunt,” he sighed, then squeezed my ass. “You’re getting wet just thinking about my cock reaming your tight ass! When you get home, you’re going to let Ernard fuck your ass, too. You’ll be a good, slutty wife for him from now on, won’t you, slut?”

I moaned. I so wanted my husband’s huge cock up my ass. My Ernard was such a great guy to share me with Mark and he deserved his reward when I got home. I knew he always wanted my ass, and from now I would be the best, sluttiest wife for him. “Yes, fuck my ass, Mark! Get me all ready for my husband’s giant cock!” And I started shaking my booty for Mark, letting him see it jiggle as his cock brushed against it.

He slapped my ass. “Let’s get jogging ladies!”

As we jogged, I got to know the other ladies. Anastasia who’s husband was waiting for her to get home so she could cook him breakfast, wearing only an apron. “And, if I’m lucky, he’ll just bend me over the table and fuck me good and hard,” she giggled wickedly.

Madeleine who bemoaned her own husband leaving her. “If only I had been a slut for him, then maybe he wouldn’t have needed that whore of a secretary,” she lamented.

The Blackwoods, Cassie and Belinda, happily told me all about how they were sluts for Oscar, Belinda’s husband and Cassie’s dad. “He takes charge of us when we get home,” Belinda happily said. And Cassie eagerly piped in, “Yesterday he bought matching, slutty nurse costumes for us, and we had to give him a sponge bath!”

“My parents are just happy I’m keeping Mr. Glassner satisfied,” Issy added. “My mom was so happy when I came home yesterday with cum leaking out of my pussy. She knew I was satisfying him and she gave me a big ol’ hug. And this morning, my dad gave was giving me such pervy stares as I walked naked out of the house. Maybe I should be a slut for my daddy, too.”

“Ooh, being a slut for your daddy is so fun,” Cassie gushed. “But don’t leave your mom out. That can be just as fun!” The teen girl gave a wicked giggle. “Right, mom?”

Belinda had a happy smile as she answered, “Ooh, having a slutty daughter is great, and sharing her with her dad is the best.”

When we reached Mountain View Court, Mark grabbed my arm, stopping me. “God, I can’t wait any longer. I need to fuck that juicy ass!”

God, I couldn’t wait any longer, either. My cunt was dripping, was aching to be fucked. “Yes, please, fuck me now,” I begged. I didn’t care that we were outside, didn’t care that cars were driving by, honking loudly. Let everyone see me be a slut for Mark.

Mark bent me over the granite sign, carved to read, “Mountain View Estates.” The stone was cold on my belly. “Anastasia, eat her ass out, get her ready for my cock.”

“Yes, Mark,” purred the black-haired beauty. I felt gentle hands spreading my booty and gasped as her tongue began swirling about my asshole. I had a couple girl-on-girl encounters in college, but none of them ever touched my asshole. It was so fucked nasty, I loved every minute of it.

“Why don’t we have a nice sixty-nine, Cassie,” Madeleine said, pressing her body against Cassie’s.

“I’d love that, Mrs. Rowe,” Cassie answered, pulling Madeleine down on top of her.

Mark was getting his cock sucked by Belinda and Issy stepped up in front of me, her shaved, teenage cunt right in front of my lips. “Like my shaved pussy?” Issy asked. “Mom shaved it for me last night, so I’d be more appealing to Mark. She’s the best mom in the world. Would you like to lick me?”

“Sure, boo,” I answered, grabbing her ass and pulling her cunt to my lips.

Issy had a fresh, tart flavor as I ran my tongue about her cunt. My dormmate my junior year at college, Tallia, taught me how to eat a woman’s pussy out, and it all came flooding back to me as I tongued Issy’s teenage pussy. Issy moaned appreciatively as I ate her out, rubbing her cunt all over my face. Anastasia had wiggled her tongue up my ass and slipped two fingers up my snatch, slowly fingering me.

“You have a tasty ass,” Anastasia murmured, pulling her fingers out of my cunt.

I groaned as her finger, slicked with my cunt’s juices, pressed against my asshole and slid in, pushing past the tight ring of my sphincter. She fucked it slowly in and out of my ass, letting me get used to the strange intrusion. Naughty pleasure tingled out of my ass and I groaned when Anastasia’s other hand began gently playing with my clit, rolling the sensitive nub between her fingers. I moaned my pleasure into Issy’s cunt, rubbing my lips against her soft vulva.

A second finger slipped into my ass, Anastasia was reaming my asshole faster and faster. Her tongue began lapping at my cunt and my orgasm began to build. Issy was gasping and moaning above me, her hips bucking as she came sweetly on my tongue, flooding my lips with her delicious girl-cum.

“Oh, thank you, Miss Vertise,” she panted, kneeling down and then she kissed me on the lips, her tongue tasting her juices on my face. “Hmm, I taste good, don’t I?”

“Yes you do, boo!” I moaned. I was getting so close to cumming. “Anastasia, ohh, keep doing that. I’m getting so close to cumming, you nasty slut!”

My ass clenched on her probing fingers, my muscles clenched in my womb, as electricity ran through my body and I moaned loudly. It was a great cum, and I groaned in disappointment when Anastasia pulled her fingers from my ass. She gave my cunt one last lick, that sent a small shudder of pleasure through my sensitive pussy.

“She’s all ready, Mark,” Anastasia proudly said.

“Good,” Mark groaned. “Umm, don’t swallow it all, Belinda. Let Vertise get a taste.”

A taste of what, I wondered. Belinda walked over and I could see sticky cum, glistening white on her red lips. And then she was kissing me, her tongue shoveling salty cum into my lips. I wrestled with her tongue, savoring Mark’s sperm. I heard footsteps behind me, a cock brushing my ass and I shook my booty.

Belinda broke the kiss and sat down next to me on the granite sign. “Issy, be a dear and eat my pussy!”

“Oh, yes Mrs. Blackwood,” Issy eagerly answered, kneeling down and diving into Belinda’s shaved cunt.

“Fuck my black booty,” I moaned, shaking my ass, letting my cheeks jiggle so prettily.

“You fucking asked for it, slut!” growled mark.

His cock was at the entrance to my ass and he just shoved it in, hard and fast. I gasped in pain and surprise as he invaded my asshole. “Relax, honey, it’ll makes it easier,” Belinda told me. I relaxed my asshole, letting Mark invade me, and the pain lessened. “There, isn’t that better?”

“Thanks, Belinda,” I groaned. Mark’s cock was pounding my ass, and pleasure was beginning to replace the pain. I started moving my hips, rotating them and twisting them, letting Mark get a good fuck out of me. “Ohh, ream my ass!” I started moaning. I always loved to talk filthy in bed. “Fuck me, stud! Fuck me hard! Yes, yes, you feel fucking amazing in me, stud! Uhhhh, getting fucked up the ass is fuckin’ amazing! Oh yes, I’m a nasty anal slut!”

“God, you got a tight ass, Vertise!” Mark moaned. “Your ass jiggles every time I slam into you!”

“You like my black booty!” I moaned. “Of course you do, every guy likes a black girl’s big booty! With a little junk in the trunk!”

“Only booty better is my Mary’s,” Mark groaned. I didn’t know who this Mary was, but Mark was right. I had the second best booty out there. “Fuck, your ass is tight, slut! I’m gonna cream it good, leave a nice, big load in there for your hubby to enjoy when he fucks your ass!”

I couldn’t believe how excited getting fucked up the ass was! And outdoors! I was one nasty slut, and loving every minute of it. Every car that honked, every person that saw just how much of a slut I was for Mark, made my cum grow closer and closer. Mark’s reaming felt amazing. “You’re making me cum, stud!” I moaned as I approached the sweet release of orgasm. “Yes, yes, yes! Harder! Fuck my nasty booty harder! Yes!” I screamed out as my orgasm crashed through me. My ass was clenching on his cock, milking his dick. I needed that load up my ass. I was going to need all the lube I could get up my ass to let my husband’s big cock could fit up there.

And Mark didn’t disappoint me. I felt like I had a gallon of cum sloshing around inside me when I got home. Ernard was waiting, eager to fuck my ass. I pulled down my sticky jogging shorts. My cunt was also messy with a load of Mark’s cum, and I presented my well fucked ass to my husband. Mark’s cum lubed the way, and my husband stretched my poor, tiny asshole as he fucked my ass good and hard.

God, I had turned into such a nasty anal slut, I happily thought as I came on Ernard’s cock reaming my ass slutty ass. There was no going back, Mark made me a slut, and I was loving every second of it.

Day Seven, Monday, June 17, 2013


Notes: Takes place during Chapter 22.

Mark was late and we were all getting restless. Yesterday was Sunday, so there was no club. Everyone needed a break from jogging and we were all eagerly waiting for Mark to show up. Vertise was sitting on my lap and we were making out. The coffee-cream-skinned woman kissed me fiercely, her tongue aggressively probing my mouth, as I rubbed her generous rear. Vertise just slipped a hand up to my breast, giving it a good squeeze, when the door banged open and Mark walked in trailed by a black-haired, young woman.

Mark looked us all over and then sighed. “No club today, you can all go home. I’m just going to fuck Antsy here for my exercise.” And then he and the girl rushed up the stairs. We could hear the bed creek and then then the woman started moaning as it sounded like Mark was fucking her hard.

“I guess we go home, huh, Anastasia?” Vertise asked me, disappointment on her face.

I shrugged. “It’s what Mark wants, cupcake. I guess I’ll go wake Stan up and see if he wants to fuck. God, I’m so horny.”

“Ohh, can I come, Mrs. Milburn!” Issy asked. “Your husband is so handsome.”

“Oh, you little slut, have you been eying my man?” I demanded playfully.

“I’ve rubbed a few out thinking about him,” Issy answered with a coquettish grin on her face.

“All right, let’s go,” I said, grabbing the teen’s hand. “You better be thankful I’m sharing my man with you.”

“Oh, I’ll be very appreciative,” Issy said, then made a V with her fingers, put them against her lips and waggled her tongue between her fingers. A shudder went through my cunt, thinking about her tongue waggling like that inside my pussy.

Day Eight, Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Notes: Takes place during Chapter 22.

“It’s eight, he’s not showing up,” Belinda pouted. “I need to go and get ready for work.”

Disappointment painted all our faces. I felt like a puppy that just had his favorite chew toy taken away. “Yeah, me too,” I sighed. My cooter was itching for some action, and, unlike the other ladies, I didn’t have a man at home to be a slut for. None of us sluts hadn’t even fooled around with each other this morning, all of us too anxious as we waited on Mark to show up.

Vertise gave me a hug and I groped her booty. “Tomorrow, then?” Vertise asked.

“Of course, sugar,” I told her. “We’re Mark’s sluts. We need to be ready for when he need’s us.”

“Yep, we’ll be here every morning until he says he doesn’t want us,” Issy piped in.

Cassie and Belinda nodded, mother and daughter were cuddling on the couch. “That’s just what a good slut would do,” Belinda added.

God, I hope Mark shows up tomorrow. My poor little cooter needs a nice dick up inside it.

Day Nine, Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Notes: Takes place during Chapter 25.

I parked my Prius in Madeleine driveway and Cassie and I got out of the car. We were wearing loose clothing, no underwear underneath and the moment we got out, we pulled the clothes off. The morning air felt great on my naked body, the rising sun warming the air. Cassie looked beautiful, painted in the dawn light and I couldn’t help myself. I hugged her, rubbing my big breasts against her perky tits, and kissed her pouty lips, slipping a little tongue into my daughter-slut.

“Do you think he’s coming today, mom?” Cassie asked as I broke the kiss.

“Hopefully, babygirl,” I told her. Arm in arm we walked up to the door.

We were the last to arrive. Vertise was there, cuddling with Anastasia on the chair. Madeleine had cute little Issy sitting on her lap. Everyone leapt to their feet when we entered, and then hope disappeared from their faces when they saw us.

“Sorry,” I said, pulling Cassie down onto the couch with me.

“What’s up with all the media outside?” Cassie asked. “It was a zoo out there.”

“There was something about Mark on the news,” Anastasia said. “Something to do with the FBI that raided his house last week.”

Cassie’s eyes widened. “Wait, the FBI raided his house? Cool!”

“The news says he robbed some banks and bribed the FBI,” Madeleine replied, browsing on her phone.

“Wow, he’s like some robin hood?” Issy asked, excited. “That’s cray-cray.”

“So, he’s a criminal?” I asked, suddenly a little nervous.

“That don’t matter,” Vertise said. “We’re his jogging sluts. Right, ladies?”

Vertise was right. I didn’t matter what Mark may or may not have done. I was his jogging slut, my cunt was wet for his cock. Between six and eight AM, and eight to ten on Saturdays, I was Mark’s. He could do what he wanted with me. Even if all he wanted was too ignore me. So I waited, as hopeful and anxious as the other ladies.

And we waited, our eyes focused on the cloak. Time seemed to slow to an agonizing crawl. It was 6:11 now, Mark was already late. Frustration welled inside me, but I forced that down. We were Mark’s sluts. We served him, not the other way around.

There was a crunching sound from outside. Everyone perked up, as the crunching noise turned into footsteps approaching the door. Someone was walking on the gravel walkway. My heart was hammering with excitement, my pussy moistening with desire. The doorknob turned and everyone in the living room held their breath in anticipation.

Mark entered, naked, his arm around a pretty, young woman, his cock hard and swinging as he walked. The same girl wasn’t the same girl from Monday. This one had auburn hair gathered in a ponytail. Perky breasts covered in freckles. Her pubic hair had been shaved, save for a fiery heart above her slit. She was smiling happily, her green eyes twinkling with love as she gazed at Mark.

“Mark!” I gasped. “You’re here.”

“Yeah, sorry,” he apologized, sheepishly. “I haven’t been myself the last few days.”

The auburn-haired girl laughed and squeezed him tightly, a fond look on her face. “That’s an understatement.”

Mark caressed her face, tenderly, lovingly. “Hi ladies. So, some of you know Mary. But for the rest, she’s my fiancee, and she has decided to join us today. You are all going to be just as slutty for Mary as you are for me.”

“Of course we are,” I said, coming over to hug Mary. “She’s your fiancee.” Mary squeezed my ass and kissed me on the lips. I bet those lips would feel amazing on my cunt.

After all us sluts kissed both Mark and Mary, Mark slapped my ass. “Well, let’s get going, sluts!”

I happily jogged up the street, Cassie on one side of me, Vertise on the other. Madeleine, Anastasia, and Issy following behind us, and lastly, Mark and Mary brought up the rear, so they could watch our shapely asses as we jogged.

“I see why you like doing this so much,” Mary said with a laugh. “It’s quite the motivation, all these fine asses shaking in front of you.”

Joy surged inside me. I was Mark and Mary’s jogging slut, my ass, my cunt, was their motivation. I was just so happy that they were enjoying the view.

The Devil’s Pact Chapter 19: The Sullivans



The Devil’s Pact

Chapter 19: The Sullivans

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Teen male/Female, Males/Female, Females/Teen female, Male/Females/Teen female, Mind Control, Incest, Anal, Oral, Creampie, Orgy, Magic

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 18

“You got a cute ass,” I said, pinching Mary’s plump ass as she turned the shower on. “Have I ever told you that?”

“All the time,” Mary answered, giving me a fond look. “And I never tire of hearing it.”

My cum was running out of her ass and cunt, white rivulets that ran down her legs and made her look so goddamn fucking sexy. We had just spent the last hour and half making love, in every position we could think of, and I came inside every hole my naughty filly had. I gave her ass a squeeze, enjoying the feel of the flesh of her cheeks.

Mary slapped my hand away. “Didn’t you get enough?” she asked with a pleased smile.

“Never,” I answered, pulling her to me and kissing her on the lips. “How could I ever tire of you, Mare.”

“Stop it,” Mary protested, half-heartily. Sensing weakness, I kissed her again. “My family will be here soon. We got to get ready, Mark.”

Steam started to pour from the shower and Mary slipped out of my grasp and into the shower. Warm water splashed on her perfect, naked body, running down her perky, freckled breasts and flat stomach, and matting the fiery heart of pubic hair above the slit of her pussy. She ducked her head under the water, her auburn hair plastering to her body. I followed her in, pressing up against her back, my hard cock rubbing on her ass and the small of her back, while my hands wrapped around her and found her breasts and her hard nipples.

Mary sighed in pleasure. “We don’t have time, Mark,” she whispered. Her nipples were hard points beneath my fingers.

“You’re just so beautiful,” I whispered, kissing her neck. “How can I resist your perfect body.”

Mary turned in my embrace, lust shining in her eyes. I groaned as she grasped my hard cock, stroking it with her wet hand. Her breasts were pressed against my chest, her nipples hard as rocks. I slid a hand down her wet back and fondled her plump ass.

“I thought we had to get ready?” I asked, enjoying her hand stroking my cock.

“We do,” she whispered, her legs spreading. “My family will be here soon.”

Her hands were guiding my cock to the hot entrance of her pussy. I cold feel her lips brushing my cock’s head and then hole that led deeper inside her. I thrust forward, slowly, enjoying the feel of her cunt’s embrace. “If we need to get ready, I whispered into her ear, “why are you sticking my cock in your delightful pussy?”

“Because, I love when you’re inside me,” Mary gasped, as I bottomed out. “You’re so handsome that I just can’t resist your seduction. So fuck me! Ride your filly!”

Her lips were on me, her tongue in my mouth. I gripped her hips and her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms around my neck, as I pressed her against the shower wall. Then she broke the kiss, moaning passionately in my ear, holding me tight, as I slowly began to thrust my cock in and out of her sweet pussy.

“Tonight, I’m going to make love to both my sisters,” Mary whispered into my ear. “My bitch of an older sister, Shannon, and little Missy. I’m going to eat their pussies and they’re gone to eat mine. And then you can fuck them.” She gripped my cock harder with her cunt. “Imagine it, the Sullivan girls naked and wet and willing in your bed.”

I pictured them. Shannon, a more mature Mary, her body riper. Missy was Mary younger sister, still in high school, just coming into her beauty. All three, together on the bed. Three red-haired beauty’s caressing each other. Who would I have first? The more experienced Shannon, or the youthful and possibly virginal Missy.

“Your the best, Mare,” I panted. “So sweet of you to share your sisters.”

Mary gave a throaty purr. “After you cum in my sister’s naughty cunts, I’m going to eat your tasty cum out of their twats.”

I could picture Mary kneeling before her sister, eating creampie while I took my filly from behind. Her sister would be writhing in pleasure, begging Mary to eat her nasty cunt harder and better. Begging for Mary to give her an orgasm. And when I shot my load in Mary’s tight pussy, the sisters would swap, and Mary’s creampie would get eaten.

“Yes, Mare!” I panted, my balls tightening, “Yes, oh fuck, I can’t wait! Here it comes, Mare. You’ve been a naughty filly!” I groaned as my cum shot inside her.

“Fuck, fuck, cum in me!” she gasped. “Are you that excited?”

“Yeah,” I panted, leaning against her.

“Don’t stop,” Mary urged. “I need to cum! Keep fucking, stud!”

Our flesh slapped together as I started fucking her again. “Are you excited to eat your sister’s cunts?” I whispered in her ear.

“Yes, I can’t wait,” she moaned, fucking her hips back into me. “I’m going…” A knock at the bathroom door interrupted her. “Yes,” Mary angrily shouted.

The bathroom door opened and someone entered. “Sorry, Mistress,” Thamina, our Arabic slut, apologized. Thamina was one of the three sluts that were going to serve us tonight. Desiree, wife of the previous owner of our house, and Fiona, a waitress from Seattle, were the other two. “Your sister, Shannon, and her boyfriend have arrived.”

“Figures,” Mary moaned, bucking her hips on me. “She’s early. Tell her we’re getting ready and will be down soon.”

“Shall I tell them why you are delayed?” Thamina asked with amusement.

“No,” Mary gasped. “And be on your best behavior. Tonight, you’re just regular maids, not fuck maids.”

“Of course, Mistress,” Thamina murmured.

“You will call me Miss Mary in front of my family, slut,” Mary moaned. “Or I’ll paddle your ass until its cherry red and you can’t sit down for a week!” Mary’s cunt gave my cock a squeeze. “Umm, your dusky ass jiggling at every blow, your naughty little cunt getting wetter and wetter! Umm, yes, fuck me harder, Mark!” I obliged, fucking Mary hard, our groins smacking together wetly in the shower. Her cunt spasmed on my cock as she screamed her orgasm loudly. “My randy stallion! Oh yes! Oh fucking yes!”

I kept fucking her harder and harder as she moaned her passion. Her cunt kept rippling on my cock as a second orgasm followed the first, not as strong, but she still bucked and writhed against me. Her cunt was milking my cock, hungry for my cum. I felt my balls tightening and I groaned into my filly’s ear and unloaded into her cunt, three blasts of sticky cum.

I was ready first, dressing in a pair of blue jeans and a dark blue pin-striped white-shirt. I was freshly shaved and wearing a musky cologne that Mary had got for me. “Umm, you smell great,” Mary had purred, kissing me on the lips. My hands slid down, squeezing her plump ass. She reached behind and pushed my hands off. “No, you go downstairs and entertain our guests.”

I sighed, adjusted my hard cock in my pants and I left Mary, naked, putting on her makeup in front of the bathroom mirror. I walked down stairs, hearing voices in the living room. Fiona walked by in a her conservative maid outfit, at least conservative compared to the one she usually wore. She was wearing a classic, french maid’s outfit, low cut bodice surrounded by lace, a short skirt with layers of white, frilly petticoats beneath, and fishnet stalkings held up by a garter belt covered her beautiful legs. Her strawberry-blonde hair was pulled back in a pony tail and the small, white maids cap covered her head. In her hands she held a silver platter, three wine glasses and two soda glasses on the tray.

“Master,” she greeted, the flushed, “I mean, Mr. Mark.”

“Don’t let Mary here you slip up,” I warned. “She’s looking to paddle someone.”

“Thanks for the warning, sir,” Fiona smiled and I followed her into the living room where she placed glasses on coasters on the coffee table.

Mary’s family and her sisters’ boyfriends were all sitting, nervous, in the living room. I knew that feeling well, from my job as a door-to-door vacuum-cleaner salesman. Even after years of doing the job, being in a strange house was always a little uncomfortable. Mary’s father stood up, he was a tall man, a little heavy around the middle. His hair was red, streaked with gray and tied back in a ponytail and a bright, red beard peppered with gray covered his lean face. He had green eyes, the same deep shade that Mary had.

“Mark?” he asked, with a question, extending his hand.

“Yeah,” I answered. He had a firm grip. “I’m Mark Glassner and you must be Sean.” I noticed a gold wedding band. “Oh, Mary didn’t tell me you remarried.”

Sean blinked, then looked down at his left hand. “Oh, no. I just…” He sighed. “I’m sure Mary told you about her mother.”

I nodded. Mary had told me all about how her mother had ran off when she was six with a musician. Her mom wanted to have fun, so she abandoned her family to whore around with some indie rock band. Mary’s mom had written a detailed letter to her husband describing all the fun she was having with her boyfriend, and others. She divorced her husband and signed away her custody rights to her children. Mary was still hurt by her mother’s abandonment.

“Sorry,” I said, not sure what else to say to a man who seemed to never have gotten over his whore of wife running out on him.

“It’s fine,” Sean shrugged. “Anyway, this is my oldest, Shannon.” Sean motioned to a fiery red-head in her early twenties. Shannon was taller than Mary, and had her father’s lean face. Other than the red-hair, I wouldn’t have thought Shannon was Mary’s sister at all. She was dressed in tight blue jeans that showed off her firm ass and a lilac, peasant blouse embroidered with small, dark purple flowers down the V neckline.

“I’m so happy to meet you,” Shannon exclaimed and threw her arms around my neck and hugged me. I could feel her breasts pressing against me through her loose blouse. They felt bigger than Mary’s.

Shannon broke the embrace and looked me up and down. “You’re better dressed than Mike,” she said. Mike was the asshole Mary was dating when I met her. He was her high school sweetheart and took advantage of her. Mary feared turning into her mother, of becoming a whore and running off with another man, so she stayed with Mike even after she thought he had cheated on her. One of these days I was going to get around to punishing the guy for how we treated her.

“You better not break her heart, Mark,” Shannon warned with a mother’s fierceness.

“I won’t,” I told her. Her eyes were a beautiful hazel, flecked with green spots, and bored intensely into me. “I love her.”

And then she was all smiles again. “Of course you do.”

The youngest, Missy, stood excitedly behind her sister. Missy looked like a younger version of Mary, the same, heart-shaped, freckled face, but with blue eyes. Her hair was lighter, a strawberry-blonde, gathered in two pigtails. She was gangly, still filling out, and looked to be about fifteen. She squealed happily and through her arms around my neck.

“Oh my gosh!” Missy exclaimed. “I can’t wait for the wedding! I’ve always wanted a big brother!” Then her lips pressed quickly on my cheek and then she squealed again and jumped back.

“I…well…It’s nice to meet you, Missy,” I stammered, thrown off by her enthusiasm. Her body had felt so nice pressed up against me, small breasts and lithe frame of a teenager. My cock was even harder in my pants, knowing I was going to fuck both of these girls tonight. I wanted to do it right now, but I knew Mary wanted a nice, normal dinner with her family, first.

“Well, I’m George, Shannon’s boyfriend,” a man, about my age, said. He had short, black hair, the kind of haircut you see on a business man. He was dressed nicely, gray slacks, buttoned-down white shirt with a gray vest over the shirt. A gray fedora was perched on his head and I almost laughed. He was trying to look smooth and not quite pulling it off. I shook his hand. “You have a great house. Mary never said what you do?”

I smiled. “Poker,” I lied. “I’m a gambler.”

“Not a bank thief?” George asked. Clearly he’s seen news report about me.

Well, I was that, with my power it was child’s play. “No, that was a misunderstanding. You can ask Mary, she was with me when some of those happened. Didn’t stop the FBI from breaking down my door and scaring us, though.”

“Of course,” Sean said. “My Mary wouldn’t be involved with a bank robber.”

God, it was getting hard to hold a straight face. Mary didn’t even object when I told her about robbing a bank, in fact she got wet and excited and we fucked passionately. The last guest, sipping at a soda and sitting quietly on the couch, was a teenage boy. He was fifteen or so, the same age as Missy. He wore a red hoodie and blue jeans, his left ear was pierced and his hair was long and shaved at the sides. I looked questioningly at the youth.

“This is Damien,” Missy said, excitedly. “We’ve been dating forever! Ever since the spring sock hop! He’s the best!” Missy started glassy eyed at the youth, puppy love dripping off her body.

“Hi,” he muttered and shrunk into the couch beneath the stairs of all the adults.

Everyone sat down, the adults grabbed their wine glasses and Missy grabbed the other soda. Shannon and George sitting on the couch next to Damien, Sean sat in a recliner, and Missy perched on the couch arm next to Damien, who’s eyes glanced at her coltish legs and he held his glass over his crotch.

I wasn’t the only one that needed to some relief, I thought with a smile.

“So, poker, that must be exciting,” Sean said. “I just teach High School English.”

“Oh, High School can be pretty exciting,” I said, remembering all the fun I had today at Rogers High School. That was a mistake, I really needed to attend to my hard cock.

Fiona was standing at the far end of the table. Looking so beautiful, so sexy in her maid outfit. God, I couldn’t wait till after dinner, I need to fuck something. I caught her gaze and motioned her to the hallway where the first floor bathroom was.

Thamina walked in. “Is there anything I can get you Ma-Mister Mark?”

“No, I’m going to check on our dinner with Desiree. She’s an amazing cook. Thamina will get you anything you need.” I stood up. “Excuse me.”

“Oh, good, I’m starving,” Shannon admitted. “Only had a salad for lunch. Got to watch my figure,” she giggled, sipping at her wine. I glanced at her figure, and whatever she was doing, it was working.

“How many staff do you have?” Sean asked, eying Thamina. “It seems a little much.”

“Oh, we have enough,” I answered. “Mary wanted tonight to be special. If you’ll excuse me,” I said, desperate to get some relief for my cock.

I disappeared into the dining room and cut through the kitchen. It smelled delicious and Desiree looked curious at me as I walked by. I exited the kitchen entering into another hallway. This hallway led to the stairs and the first floor bathroom. Inside the bathroom, Fiona was waiting, a naughty smile on her face. I closed the door and held a finger to my lips and Fiona’s smile broadened.

I bent her over the sink, flipped up her black maid’s skirt and the ruffled petticoats beneath and exposed her freckled ass and the wet slit of her cunt. Her vulva was flushed with desire and her inner lips protruded from the center of her tight slit. I fished my cock out and sighed in relief as a slid slowly into Fiona’s warm embrace.

I fucked her slowly, with strong, deep strokes, savoring the delicious feel of her pussy on my cock as I reamed her silken walls. Fiona clapped a hand over her mouth to stifle a moan. There was something deeply exciting fucking a woman while a group of people chatters on in the next room. It was getting noisier in the living room as the wine loosened their nerves.

The bathroom door opened and a stunned Missy Sullivan looked on. She gaped, not knowing what to do as I fucked Fiona. Then hurt and anger replaced the surprise, her blue eyes staring daggers at me. She drew in a deep breath, about to scream, and I was about to give her a command when Mary was behind her, clapping a hand over her little sister’s mouth.

“Shhh, Missy, it’s me,” Mary whispered. “I’m going to let go, so don’t scream.”

Missy nodded her head. “Your fiancee’s is…is…with another woman.” Missy’s face flushed scarlet and she tried to look away, but her eyes were rooted to where my cock was pumping in and out of Fiona’s cunt.

“It’s okay, babydoll,” Mary whispered and gently nudged Missy into the bathroom and closed the door. “Mark’s a real man,” Mary continued, whispering in her sister’s ear. They were the same height and Mary wrapped her arms around her sister and pressed against her back. “And a real man takes who he wants when he wants her.”

“But, but,” Missy tried to protest, her thoughts scattered by the situation.

“Go ahead, watch a real man fuck,” Mary purred. “Watch a real man take his pleasure from a naughty little slut who’s going to get her bottom paddled, latter.” Was it fair to paddle Fiona for following my commands when she had no choice. No, but that wasn’t going to stop Mary. She just loved paddling asses and would use any flimsy excuse to do it.

My strokes were getting harder, I always loved having an audience, and Mary’s innocent little sister made quite the inciting audience. Fiona must have thought so, too, because she screamed into her hand as her cunt rippled on my cock. Or maybe she was excited by the thought of getting spanked by Mary.

“He’s big,” Missy said in awe. “He’s bigger than Damien.”

“Damien’s still only fifteen,” Mary said, “He may grow a bit more. Imagine that cock in your pussy, Missy. I bet it would feel better than Damien’s little cock. I bet you’d have a nice cum! You did say you never came with Damien?”

“No,” Missy whispered. “It feels nice, but I never cum.” Missy bit her lip and glanced at me. “You don’t want me…with him?”

“Would you like that?” Mary asked.

“I…I love Damien,” Missy said. “He loves me and I gave him my virginity. We’re going to get married and have a bunch of kids.”

“Of course you are, babydoll,” Mary whispered. “But fucking and love have nothing to do with each other. Mark loves me, yet he’s fucking Fiona. I love Mark, and yet I fucked other people.”

“Really?” Missy asked, eagerly. “Who?”

“Fiona there,” Mary answered.

“You’ve been with a woman?” Missy gasped. “Wow!”

“He’s going to cum, soon” Mary whispered. “See his face, his balls are ready to cum. When a guy gets that look there’s no stopping him.”

I gritted me teeth, their talk sending me over the edge and I dumped my load into Fiona’s cunt. I pulled out and Missy’s eyes were glued to my wet cock and then she saw the white sperm leaking from Fiona’s pussy.

“That’s a real man’s work there, Missy,” Mary said. “Now, don’t go tell anyone about this. It’s our little secret, okay.”

Missy nodded, staring in amazement at Fiona’s pussy. Mary opened the door and gave her a little shove then rounded on me, hands on her hips. Even angry, she looked stunning in her black dress. It was tight, clinging to her curves, and low cut to show off her freckled cleaved. Black stockings covered her shapely legs, held up by a garter belt, the clasps just peaking out from beneath her skirt’s hem.

“You’re supposed to behaving, Mark Glassner,” Mary hissed in anger.

“Sorry, Mare,” I sheepishly said. “I got horny.”

Mary rolled her eyes. “When aren’t you horny, Mark?”

I smiled. “Never,” I retorted with a grin. “You’re gorgeous, Mare. I love that dress on you.” A smile cracked Mary’s face.

“Well, have you got it out of your system, or do I need to worry about you sneaking out during dinner to stick it up some slut’s ass?”

“I’ll be good,” I promised.

Mary smacked Fiona’s ass. “Wipe that cum up and get out there and serve.” And then Mary grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the bathroom.

Shannon and Sean were excited to see Mary and Missy had this knowing smirk on her face when Fiona walked out looking a little flustered. But she didn’t say anything. Shannon hugged her sister for a little longer than sisters normally hug, her hands stroking Mary’s back a little more sensuous then you’d expect. Mary’s wish to have all women desire her was working on her sisters, especially Shannon.

Dinner was a delicious, multi-course affair. Starting with a delicious potato soup, homemade of course, followed by an almond-topped salad. The main course was lemon and pepper roasted squab stuffed with a delicious, bread stuffing. Creamy mashed potatoes were served on the side, covered in a savory gravy. Wine flowed and soon everyone was laughing and having a good time. Sean was a funny guy, it turned out, loving to tell stories about all the stupidly funny things his students had done over the years.

Damien came out of his shell when when we discovered we both played Call of Duty. “Ghost is going to be whacked!” Damien exclaimed. “Gonna dominate on Xbox Live!” He was a nice kid once he got over his shyness. Missy sat next to him, nodding when Damien would say something, but she kept staring at me, that knowing smile on her face and a flush painting her cheeks red.

Shannon and her boyfriend George talked with Mary. Shannon had her eyes fixed on Mary’s cleavage most of the time and every so often Mary would shiver. Mary leaned over and whispered that her sister was playing footsie with her underneath the table and every so often would get bold enough to rub her foot all the way to Mary’s pussy, brushing her hard clit through the fabric of her panties.

George was oblivious to his girlfriends activities beneath the table. The talk turned to my supposed poker career and I made use of all the World Series of Pokers I had ever watched to bluff my way through the conversation. It was important to Mary that I didn’t exert any unneeded control on her family.

When dessert was served, Mary excused herself to use the restroom and Shannon joined her. When Mary came back, her hair was a little mused and her lipstick smudged. I pulled her to me and kissed her and she whispered, “Shannon kissed me.”

George kissed Shannon when she sat down and plates of chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream were brought out by Desiree herself and everyone praised her cooking. Sean insisted she join us and eat some of her cake, along with Fiona and Thamina.

“I am stuffed,” Shannon said. “That was worth starving myself all day. But I’m going to have to spend an extra half hour at the gym to burn off that cake.”

Another bottle of wine was broached, and somehow, to Mary’s embarrassment, her dad started talking about her security blanket. “Mr. Fuzzydown, was his name,” Sean laughed, “and she carried it everywhere, tucked underneath her arm. When people asked her about it, she would say, ‘This is Mr. Fuzzydown, my butler.’ She had gotten it in her head that a butler protected people.”

“I was four, dad,” Mary blushed. “It was some stupid movie I watched as a kid, I think.”

“She wouldn’t even let her mother or I wash it,” Sean said and Mary and her sisters fell silent. Sean cleared his throat, “Anyway, its getting late and I should be getting Damien home.”

“Oh, its too early to go,” Mary pouted. “Why don’t you have Mark talk to Damien’s parents, he’ll straighten it out. He’s very persuasive. If his poker career ever fails him, he could get into sales and make a killing. Besides, my sisters and I have some lady business to attend to.”

“What?” Missy asked, excitedly.

Mary just smiled mysteriously at her little sister and turned to head upstairs. Shannon eagerly followed, probably hopping to continue their kiss, and Missy glanced at me, flushed, and then chased after Mary.

After speaking with Damien’s parents, us guys retired to the living room. “I have a present for you guys,” I said. “Right now, Mary and her sisters are making love and I am about to go and join them.”

All three started at me as if I was speaking a foreign language. “Not funny, man,” George said, some heat to his voice.

“It’s okay for Mary and I to have sex with them,” I calmly told them. “You guy’s don’t mind. And I’m sure your girlfriends won’t mind if you guys get laid tonight, either.”

The sluts, Desiree, Fiona, and Thamina were lurking for my signal and came out, naked. Desiree had nut-brown skin and big breasts that swayed as she walked. Fiona’s breasts were nice sized, smaller than Desiree, and topped with red nipples. A landing strip of fiery hair led down to her pussy. Thamina still wore her headscarf, her dusky breasts were topped with dark nipples and a V of black hair pointed down to her cunt.

“Sean, you’re my future father-in-law, so why don’t you choose first,” I said.

Sean swallowed and glanced at me. “I…I haven’t been with a woman since…” Since his wife left him.

I nodded. “Isn’t it time to change that. Choose one and you’ll have a night to remember.”

“God, they’re so beautiful,” he groaned and chose Fiona.

Fiona’s blue eyes sparkled with lust and she pushed Sean down into the recliner and draped herself across Sean’s lap and started kissing him. Sean sat there rigid, for a moment, and then his arms wrapped around her and he was kissing her back just as passionately.

Damien grabbed Desiree. “Your tits are so big,” he moaned. “Like Mrs. Corra my math teacher.” He, slowly, reached out and squeezed her big tit. “It’s so…soft and yet firm!” he marveled.

“Not so hard,” Desiree winced. “A women needs to be touched, gently.”

“Will you show me?” he asked, eagerly. “How to please a women?”

Sean was to lost in making out with Fiona to catch the implication of that statement. From what I gathered in the bathroom, Missy wasn’t terribly satisfied with Damien’s performance. The boy was eager and Desiree was soon stretched out on the couch talking him through feeling up her breasts.

Thamina went to George, shyly. Thamina always got shy around strangers. Her strict, Muslim upbringing had shamed her from pursuing the desires of her body. George cupped her chin and kissed her gently until she stopped trembling and then he sat her down in the other recliner, spread her dusky thighs and Thamina moaned in appreciation. George, it seemed, didn’t need lessons in how to please a woman.

“Shh,” Fiona hushed my future father-in-law, placing a finger on her lips as her other hand was busy with his pants. “Let me take care of you.”

She rose up and I could see Sean’s penis poking at the waxed lips of her pussy as she guided him into her hole, then she sank down and groaned as he shot his load prematurely. “Sorry,” he gasped. “It’s been so long.”

“You don’t need to apologize,” Fiona said, rising up on his cock, still hard even after cumming. “Now that the first one is out of the way, you’ll last longer.”

“Sheesh,” Sean muttered. “Wow, I had forgotten how amazing this was!”

On the couch, Desiree was teaching Damien how eat a woman’s cunt. “Umm, that’s good. The clitoris is very sensitive, so be gentle with it. Yes, nice, slow rubs. Don’t be afraid to kiss it and suck on it, but watch your…uuhh…your teeth!” she panted, playing with her nipples as Damien eagerly sucked at her pussy.

My cock was hard in my pants and then I realized the flaw in our plan. Mary wanted to make love to both her sisters, alone, at first. She would text me when she was ready for me to join her. In the meantime, I was supposed to make sure her father and her sisters’ boyfriends were distracted. They were. But we only had three sluts stay. I should have had a fourth slut stay so I could have someone to play with.

I considered going next door where the other sluts were at, probably having themselves a fun little girly orgy, when I saw Fiona’s ass as she rode Sean. She had a free hole. And Sean would soon be my father-in-law so we were practically family so why not share a whore with him. I walked over to the chair, my cock bumping into Fiona’s ass.

“Are you…uhh…going to fuck my ass, Master?” Fiona panted, forgetting how to address me in front of company. Well, the cat was out of the bag so what did it matter.

“Yeah, slut,” I told her. “I’m going to ream your sexy ass.”

I slid into her tight ass, extra tight as Sean’s cock filled her cunt. “What…” Sean started to protest and Fiona sealed her lips over his, stifling his objections as she fucked us both, rising and wiggling her hips, finding a rhythm to pleasure the two of us.

Fiona broke her kiss and started panting, “Oh, fuck, your cock feels so good in my ass, Master. And Mr. Sullivan’s feels so good in my pussy! Thank you, Master!”

I started fucking Fiona back, getting into the rhythm and enjoying her sweet ass. Sean was groping her breasts and sucked a red nipple into his mouth. “God, your ass feels amazing, slut!” I growled.

“Hmm, you like my slutty ass, Master!” Fiona cooed. “Are you going to cum in my ass? Are you going to fill my slutty as with your hot cum!”

“Fucking slut,” I groaned, her talk turning me on.

That tightening sensations was beginning in my balls and I fucked Fiona’s ass as hard as I could, shoving her cunt down onto Sean’s cock. My future father-in-law was gasping in pleasure as Fiona’s cunt slammed down on him over and over. I fucked her harder, three more powerful strokes and then I was flooding her ass with my cum.

“Oh man!” Sean moaned. “Oh man! That’s feels so good! It’s been so long!”

“Mm, pour your cum in my hungry cunt,” Fiona purred as I pulled out and sat down on the ottoman. I watched as Fiona’s hips rose and fell, her asshole gaping open and leaking dirty cum. “Oh yes, oh yes, I love cum shooting in my slutty cunt! Yes!” More cum was forced out her ass as Fiona came. And then she slipped off Sean’s lap and dutifully cleaned my dirty cock off while Sean panted in the seat, his eyes closed.

George was fucking Thamina now, leaning over her as the recliner rocked from the force of their fucking. Thamina’s dusky legs were wrapped around his hips, pulling him hard into her cunt. Her headscarf was half hanging off, exposing her beautiful, black hair. The colorful fabric spilled across her breasts, a nipple peaking out from beneath a hem.

“Sorry,” Damien apologized. I looked back to see the teen between Desiree’s legs, cum splattering her stomach.

“It’s okay, most young men are a little trigger happy,” Desiree purred as she stroked his cock. “Mmhh, you feel like you’re ready to go, again.”

“Wow, your wetter than Missy was,” Damien groaned as Desiree guided her cock into her cunt. “Oh man, how are you squeezing my cock with your pussy?”

“Kegals!” Desiree giggled.

“You feel so much better than Missy,” Damien groaned.

“You just got to treat Missy right,” Desiree murmured, “then she’ll be a randy bitch for you. Besides, Master’s going to show Missy how to treat a man. You won’t be disappointed.”

“I won’t?” Damien asked. “How can she compare to you, Desiree?”

“Oh, that’s sweet,” Desiree purred and kissed him, wrapping her legs around his pumping hips.

“I’m serious, I think I love you,” Damien panted.

“No you don’t,” Desiree said, stroking his face. “You just love how my pussy’s making your cock feel right now. That’s lust, not love. Love is more pure, it’s about just wanting to be with them. Enjoying their company. Helping them out. And missing them when they’re gone. Its about trust and intimacy.”

“I thought I had that with Tiffany,” Sean suddenly said, rubbing his face. “God, I still miss her.”

“Tiffany, that’s Mary’s mom?” I asked. Fiona’s cock cleaning had turned into a very pleasant blowjob, her mouth bobbing up and down on my cock.

“Yeah,” Sean sighed. “I don’t know what went wrong. I thought everything was just fine. I mean, we fought, but it was nothing serious. I really thought she loved me and then…then she just changed. It was like she became a different person. Wild and lusty.”

“Sorry,” I said, feeling uncomfortable. “I don’t know what I’d do without Mary.”

“It’s like a part of me was ripped away,” Sean sighed. “Every day it hurts. Thirteen damn long years and I still love her.” He grabbed his wine and downed it. “Fuck, I must be drunk.”

I pushed Fiona off my cock and she took the hint and slid onto Sean’s lap and held him to her breast and he started crying. George and Damien were too lost in their fuckings to notice. Then, Fiona stood up, and led Sean to her bed. Sean trailed after her like a lost boy, head hanging down, just stumbling behind her.

I felt very uncomfortable. Around me Damien was furiously pumping atop of Desiree while sucking at her bit tits, and George was giving it to Thamina hard, their groins slapping together with loud slaps and Thamina was moaning in pleasure. A burning hatred for Mary’s mother filled my heart. Sean was great guy, and Mary and her sisters were great gals, and she just left them from some fucking musicians.

If I ever got my hands on Tiffany I would leave her howling for all the pain she caused.


I sneezed as I got out of the cab.

The cab reeked of body odor and some disgusting aftershave. The cabbie, a black Haitian that barely spoke any English, spent the entire drive over to the Pirate’s Rum Bar and Grill jabbering away in Haitian creole on his bluetooth. I was glad to get out of the cab. It was late, after midnight, later than I wanted to be out. I may look eighteen, but inside I felt like my forty-four year old self. We were only here this late because the bouncer that lets in underage girls doesn’t start until midnight.

The bar was a dive but a lot of young people were hanging outside. The rumors of its no card policy after midnight had gotten around and all the young party goers were arriving. The place looked pretty disgusting on the outside and hoped it wasn’t as bad on the inside. I spent too much time in dive bars when I was enslaved by Kurt Bronson, thirteen years ago. Back when I was Tiffany Sullivan, happy wife and mother.

I closed my eyes, fighting off the tears as I thought of Sean. It still hurt to think of Sean and my daughters and all that was stolen from me, but I forced it down. I was on a mission from God. I needed to fuck Antsy, a girl that wasn’t even slightly bi-curious. I already had her half convinced to do a threesome with me and a guy we picked up at a bar. It was the reason we were here. I needed to get Antsy in bed so I could perform the Prayer of Avvah on her and make her a trap for her brother, the Warlock Mark, to fall into.

Antsy got out on the other side of the cab, dressed in a her tightest pants, low-hipped ass hugging jeans that had sparkling hearts on the back pockets, drawing the eye to her youthful curves. Her top was a loose thing, tied around the back of the neck and lower back, the colorful cloth cupped her breasts and swayed and jiggled as she walked. Around her belly was a gold chain that drew her eyes to her exposed stomach. Her jeans were so low cut, her red thong was clearly visible wrapping around her hips and disappearing down the front and back of her pants. The mom in me disapproved of her wearing such slutty clothing, the woman in me just thought how fucking hot she looked and how much I wanted to be those jeans.

“This is so exciting,” Antsy giggled. The girl had come to Miami to party and already had a one night stand last night and was excited to have another.

“Yeah,” I lied. I didn’t feel excited inside. I felt homesick, but I was Sister Theodora Mariam, and I had my mission from God, and come hell or high water, I was going to fuck pretty little Antsy tonight one way or the other.


“Oh, its too early to go,” I pouted. “Why don’t you have Mark talk to Damien’s parents, he’ll straighten it out. He’s very persuasive. If his…poker…career ever fails him, he could get into sales and make a killing. Besides, my sisters and I have some lady business to attend to.”

“What?” Missy asked me, excitedly.

I just gave her my most enigmatic smile at walked upstairs. I glanced behind me to see Shannon eagerly following. Shannon had fallen under my powers quiet quickly, from that long hug she gave me, to playing footsie under the table, culminating in us making out for a minute in front of the bathroom. Normally my sister was a complete bitch to me, but my powers gotten her to be quiet friendly. When I reached the top of stairs, I could hear Missy’s excited steps as she raced up the stairs.

“Wait up!” she called.

Shannon looked disappointed. She clearly wanted to continue that kiss in private. I had made a wish with the Devil for all women to desire me. It had different effects on different women, some became quite bold and other just friendly. But any woman would yield to my advances, even my sisters. Or that whore of a mother if she ever showed back up.

Of course, what I would to to her wouldn’t be that pleasant.

I dismissed that thought, I had two sexy sisters to play with and opened the door to my bedroom I shared with Mark. The sluts had made the bed up while we were in the shower, putting on clean sheets. Mark and I had a pleasant afternoon, first we had fucked a pair of virgin teenagers, and then we spent a few, pleasant hours making love. I think Mark was a little jealous of how much time I would spend with my friend Alice when we would meet for our trysts at the Blue Spruce. I was more than happy to prove to Mark that I could spend just as much time making love with him.

But now, I wanted to make love with my sisters. They were both beautiful. Shannon with her flaming red hair, not the drab auburn I got, and those breasts. My were nice a perky, but so were Shannon’s and they were bigger. Mike, my ex, would always stare at them, making me so jealous. Missy was beautiful, as well, skinny and lithe and full of youthful energy. And her hair was a gorgeous, strawberry-blonde.

Shannon didn’t resist when I pulled her in for a kiss, just melted against my body. I could feel her breasts pressing against my own tits. Shannon’s tongue slid into my mouth, wrestling with my own. Her hands roamed my back, sliding down my bare back, to the silky fabric of my dress and then down to cup my ass beneath my short skirt. I returned the favor, squeezing her ass through her skinny jeans. It was firm and perky.

“Oh my gosh!” Missy gasped. “What are you two doing?”

I broke the kiss and reached out, grabbing Missy by the shoulder and pulling her to me. “Just expressing how much we love each other.”

“But…but,” she started to protest, but I silenced her with a kiss.

Missy was frozen, her lips sealed in shock, but then desire overwhelmed her and her lips parted, allowing my tongue inside her mouth. She wore watermelon lip gloss and tasted of chocolate cake. Her slim body pressed against me and I slid a hand up her side to cup her budding breasts beneath the white bodice of her yellow dress.

The dress was held up by thin, shoulder straps, and I slid one off her right shoulder and then off her left shoulder. I broke the kiss and Missy stood stunned, licking her lips and her eyes wide. I tugged at her dress and it slid off her body. She wore a strapless, gray bra beneath her dress and a matching pair of gray, silk panties with a pink bow.

“Isn’t she beautiful?” I whispered and Shannon hugged me from behind and whispered into my ear, “Yes.” Then her tongue was licking my lobe and I shivered in pleasure. I could feel naked skin pressing against my back and hard nipples. I was too busy kissing Missy to notice when Shannon had removed her lilac top and bra.

Missy trembled before me, and I whispered, “Shh, it’s alright babydoll. I’m going to make you feel so good.”

“Okay, Mary,” Missy breathed and jumped as I reached out and fingered her bra cup, slipping a finger underneath the cup to feel her supple flesh beneath. I was delighted to find the bra clasped in the front and deftly undid it, her bra sliding off her arms and shoulder to lie on the floor.

Missy instinctively moved her hands to hide her budding breasts topped with dusky nipples. She was as freckled as mine were, and her nipples were the same dark shade, although they looked slightly bigger than mine. I grabbed her hands and pushed them back down to her sides. Her nipples were hard with desire and her breasts rose as she her breath quickened. Missy licked her lips, staring wide eyed as Shannon kissed the nape of my neck.

“Don’t you want to see our baby sisters pussy?” I asked over my shoulder.

“Ohh, I would love to,” Shannon purred. “C’mon babydoll, lets see how cute it is. I haven’t seen you naked since you were four and you said big girls bathe themselves.”

Missy shook her head. “I’m too embarrassed.”

“You let Damien see your pretty little pussy,” Shannon cooed. “And stick his little cock in it. So don’t be shy. It’s just us girls, now.”

Missy just flushed and looked down.

“Maybe if you saw your sisters pussy that would make you feel better,” Shannon said.

Missy nodded and Shannon pulled the zipper down the back of my dress and what was so tight suddenly loosened and started slipping off my shoulders. I wiggled my shoulders and the dress slid down my body and landed in a pile at my feat. I was naked underneath, save a black garter belt holding my black stockings up.

“Wow,” Missy said in amazement. “You’re not wearing any underwear.”

“What a naughty girl,” purred Shannon and she squeezed my plump ass with one hand.

“And you shaved, all except that cute little heart,” Missy whispered.

“I showed you mine, baby sister,” I said, “Let’s see yours.”

“Fine, but don’t laugh,” she warned. She hooked her hands in her silk panties and pulled them down. Her pussy was adorned with sparse, red hair. “I’m a late bloomer, apparently. I just started growing hair six month’s ago.”

“It’s so beautiful,” I whispered and reached out, sliding a hand down her pubic bone, through her fine hair, and down to her little pearl. I let my finger lightly graze her clit and she shuddered in pleasure, then I slid my finger between her legs, down her wet slid.

“Wow, that feels good,” Missy gasped. “Damien’s always so rough, but this, wow.”

“I bet Damien is getting a lesson in how to please a woman properly,” Mary answered.

“What?” Missy asked, confused. “You don’t mean…”

“Hmm, our maids should be servicing your boyfriends and dad,” I told her.

“What?” Shannon demanded. “George better not be getting serviced.”

I turned, my naked nipple grazing Shannon’s naked breast. “You’re one to get jealous, fooling around with your sister,” I pointed out.

Shannon spluttered, “Th-this is different!”

“Is it, sweet sister?” I asked, reaching out and unbuckling the belt that encircled her waist, undoing the button of her jeans. “Do you want me to stop. Do you want to go downstairs and stop George from getting the same pleasure you’re about to experience.” Her fly rasped down and my hand slipped into her panties. Shannon’s pussy was shaved and wet and my finger slipped insider her.

“No,” she gasped as I fingered her. “I guess, fair is fair.”

Then she kissed me on the lips, her hand gently caressing my breast, rolling my sensitive nipple between gentle fingers. I felt a soft hand at my butt and Missy was pressing up against me, her sparse pubic hair tickling my hip as her hand fondled my butt. Her hard nipples brushed my back and arm and her lips were wet fire as she kissed my neck.

“Fair is fair,” Missy whispered.

I shuddered when Missy’s lips touched my hard nipple, sucking it into her mouth as Shannon played with the other. Missy sucked and licked, playing with the hard nub in her mouth. Shannon’s thigh slipped between my legs and my pussy left smears of juices as I writhed on her. Then Missy released my nipple and yanked down Shannon’s jeans.

“You’re the only one not naked,” she giggled. “Fair is fair!” And then Missy yanked off Shannon’s red, flimsy underwear then gasped, holding up the torn panties. “Sorry,” Missy said, weekly.

“Ohh, I’m going to get you,” Shannon fumed and lunged at Missy, who leaped back, hit the bed and fell backwards onto the mattress.

Shannon was on her and Missy giggled beneath her tickle assault. Mark had to tried to tickle me once and lost. Little did he know the tough opponents I had faced. Shannon, who sometimes seemed impervious to tickling, and Missy with her deft little fingers that could make even Shannon squirm.

My pussy wept juices as I watched my sisters rolling on the bed, their naked bodies flushed with exertion. Missy somehow got on top and was pressing her advantage, her fingers deftly tickling Shannon’s side. Shannon seemed on the verge of yielding beneath Missy’s assault, but it was a feint and Missy rolled off of her, howling in laughter, her face turning strawberry red.

“You…win!” Missy gasped. “I’m…sorry!”

“No you’re not,” Shannon said, continuing to tickle her. “But you’re going…” Shannon’s words were cut out as Missy sat up and through her arms around her neck and kissed her.

Shannon’s attack was stopped dead in her tracks as she melted against Missy. God, it was erotic watching my sisters make out, writhing naked upon each other. I slid my hand down to my wet cunt and started to slowly rub my flushed pussy. I caught glimpses of Shannon’s pussy, lips protruding and swollen with desire, and Missy’s tight, girlish slit surrounded by wispy red hair.

I reached out and pinched Shannon’s toned ass. I need to work out more, I thought as felt how taut her ass is. My ass was a little too plump, although Mark did seem to love it. But Shannon’s ass was amazing. An hour at the gym a day, Shannon said, two hours on Saturday so she could be lazy on Sundays. Shannon ignored her pinch and kept making out with Missy.

So I goosed her harder.

“Ouch!” Shannon gasped, rubbing her ass. “Bitch!”

“You guys seemed to forget about your other sister,” I purred. “Lie back and let me finger you both to wicked orgasms.” I need your cunt juices for a spell, I wanted to say. But, it wouldn’t do to bring that up.

Missy laid out to my right and Shannon to my left. I knelt between them and bent down kissing first Missy’s dusky nipples and then Shannon’s. To my surprise, Shannon’s nipples were smaller than my own, but just as hard and Shannon moaned in appreciation as I sucked her tit. Then I slid my hand down both their stomachs and rubbed both their cunt’s together.

I wanted to tease them, tracing their sexes with my fingers, playing with their pussy lips, and occasionally brushing their hard clits with my finger, almost by accident, and delighting as they shuddered. Their hair fanned out on the bed, Missy’s strawberry-blonde merging into Shannon’s fiery red.

“Please,” Shannon begged, first, “Please, I need more!”

“What do you need?” I asked, coyly.

“Your finger in my cunt!” Shannon panted, writhing her hips as I slowly stroked her pussy.

“And what about you, babydoll?”

“Please, Mary,” she whispered. “I need to…to…”

“Cum?” I asked and she nodded. “Say it!” I hissed. “Let me hear you beg, babydoll!”

“Please stick your finger in my pussy,” Missy sighed. “I need to…to cum. I need to cum so badly! I feel like I’m going to explode inside.”

Both my sisters moaned together as I inserted a single finger inside them. Missy was tighter, of course, and Shannon wetter. So much fluid was leaking out of my older sisters cunt that a stain was forming on the bedspread below her ass. I slowly fucked the one finger into their pussies, then I slipped a second finger in. And a third into Shannon. Missy was so tight, I didn’t want to wear her little pussy out. Let Mark’s cock do that.

Missy came first, when my thumb started rubbing her clit in concentric circles. She bucked on the bed and clapped a hand over her head to scream her orgasm into her hand. Just like she would when I shared a room with her last year. Missy would start masturbating the moment she thought I was asleep and clap her hand over her mouth to muffle her groans. It didn’t work half as well as she thought it did. I was always too embarrassed to talk to her about it, though. I, at least, had the decency to masturbate in the shower or when she wasn’t home.

I brought up my dripping hand up to my eyes and smeared the fluid on my right eye and muttered, “Mowdah.” I felt energy rush into me through my eye as I completed the spell. I would be able to recognize a nun, now, thanks to the spell. Then I licked my fingers, tasting the fresh, spicy flavor of Missy’s cunt.

I fucked my three fingers faster in Shannon’s cunt as Missy panted, and rubbed harder, faster at Shannon’s clit. My fingers made a wet, squelching noise as I fucked them in and out of Shannon’s cunt. With my other hand, I found Shannon’s anus and slipped a finger in lubed with Missy’s cunt juices.

“Oh wow!” Shannon gasped. “I’ve never…ohh…in the ass before.”

“Umm, Mark will love to hear that,” I purred, fucking her cunt and ass with my fingers and rubbing her clit hard. “Are you going to cum for?”

“Yeah!” Missy giggled, rolling on her side and reaching out to play with Shannon’s tit, pinching her dusky nipple between her fingers. “Cum, cum, cum!” Missy chanted, over and over, starting out quiet, almost a whisper, and getting louder and louder. “Cum, cum, CUM!”

Shannon bucked, her orgasm seemed triggered by Missy’s chant. Fluid gushed out of her cunt, splashing my hand and soaking the bed spread. My fingers dripping in watery, girl-cum, I wiped her juices across my left eye.

“Mowdah.” I muttered and felt the same energy rush into my left eye.

Shannon gasped for breath and Missy stared shocked at her pussy. “Did you just piss yourself?” Missy asked.

“No, no,” Shannon panted. “Sometimes I squirt, when I’m really excited. It’s just pussy juices.”

I stared at my sisters and noticed something, a faint silver outline surrounding both of them. I concentrated for a second and silver nimbus surrounded my sister. I blinked in surprise. Were they nuns? Fear hammered my heart for a brief second. No, they were my sisters. Then what was I seeing? I wanted to ask Lilith, but I didn’t trust her around my sisters. Or myself around her, to be honest.

I touched my Shannon’s leg and saw threads shoot out in all directions from her. A thick, silver thread connected Shannon to Missy, another thick silver thread led off into the house. A thick red thread seemed to fly at me and a thick, golden thread led off somewhere far away, to the south-east. Other threads, thinner than those four, led off. I tried to touch one, but my hand went right through it.

When I touched Missy, the same thing happened, similar threads connected Missy to Shannon and to me. She had that same, golden thread that Shannon had, disappearing off towards the south-east. Missy grabbed my hand and pulled me to her and I lost my concentration, the nimbus shrinking to back to the faint outline about her.

“You made us cum,” Missy said and kissed me.

“So were going to make you cum,” Shannon said, sliding down my body. “I’ve never eaten a pussy before, but I kinda always wanted to.”

Missy’s tongue was in my mouth as Shannon parted my thighs. I came the moment Shannon’s tongue swiped across my slit. Shannon’s tongue dug into my pussy, drinking my fluids and Missy mouth felt wonderful as she played with my turgid nipple. I was breathing hard, a second orgasm following on the heels of the first and I writhed on the bed as passion overcame me.

Missy and Shannon kissed me everywhere. One would suck at my tits while the other ate my pussy, and then they would switch, kissing across my body. Missy was an eager cuntlapper, and I had my third orgasm as she wiggled her tongue in my cunt, bathing my teenage sister’s face with another flood of sticky fluids.

Then Shannon straddled my face, her wet pussy tasted sweet and tangy as I eagerly ate her. Missy was nursing my clit and sliding two fingers in and out of my pussy with slow, steady rhythm. I devoured Shannon’s pussy and drowned on her copious fluids. She had the thinnest pussy juices I ever tasted, and she drenched my face as I ate her. I could feel her fragrant juices running in rivulets down my cheeks, pooling in my ears, wetting my hair. More ran down my chin and onto my neck and between my breasts.

Missy straddled my face and Shannon went down on my cunt, sucking on my pussy lips as Missy’s tight slit descended to my eager tongue. I devoured her innocent cunt, reveling in the fresh, spicy flavor of her womanhood. Her clit was small, and Missy shuddered atop me as I sucked it into my hungry lips.

After we both came, we cuddled together, all three of us smeared with pussy juices and delighting in the pleasure we gave each other. I reached for my phone, “We’re ready for you, stud! *-),” I texted.


The inside of the Pirate’s Rum was surprisingly clean. Dubstep pounded through the bar and I was dancing with Antsy and a beefy guy named Travis. He was a bodybuilder, his tanned forearms as thick as my thighs. Antsy and I were grinding on his hips to the music. My panties rubbed deliciously on my wet cunt as I writhed on his hip.

“Do you want to get out of here?” I asked him. “Come back to our hotel room?”

“Both of you?” Travis asked. His hand was squeezing my ass, his other hand fondling Antsy tight butt.

“Yeah,” Antsy giggled. Her face was flushed from all the drinks I’d been giving her all night and she was ready to get good and fucked.

“Hell yeah!” Travis exclaimed, a big old shit-eating grin on his face.

Travis got us out of the club and into a cab faster than I thought possible. He was eager to get us back to our motel before we sobered up and he lost his chance at a threesome. Travis sat between us on the cab ride, making out with first Antsy, then me, then back to Antsy. His hands roamed all over our body and the cab driver got quite a show when the tie holding Antsy’s top on somehow came undone and her beautiful, perky tits spilled out.

And then Antsy was on Travis. Her jeans rolled down to her knees as she sat on Travis lap, his cock sinking into her cunt. Her back was to Travis and he grabbed her and had no problem lifting the girl up and down on his cock, her juicy tits bouncing about as she fucked him. I sucked a nipple into my mouth, hungrily nursed at Antsy’s tit. Antsy was too drunk, too overcome with lust, to care that a woman was sucking at her tit.

We reached the hotel room before Travis could cum, and Antsy pulled up her pants and raced to the motel room, her tits exposed and bouncing as she ran. Travis followed, leaving me to pay for the cab, a Cuban who leered at me and barked something rapidly in Spanish, pointing at his cock. I snorted, and walked to my motel room.

Travis and Antsy wasted no time, he was on top of her, fucking her cunt hard and fast. Antsy’s jeans were stuck on her right foot all bunched up. I pulled off my dress and panties and crawled next to them. Antsy was panting like a slut as he fucked her and I kissed her on the lips. She resisted for a moment, and then she gave in, kissing me back.

Travis grunted, “Tight pussy, oh fuck that’s a tight pussy!” His balls were slapping loudly into her ass as he fucked her good and hard. Then his back arced, his ass tensed, and then he was shooting his load into Antsy cunt.


“We’re ready for you, stud! *-),” my phone read.

“Well, have a good night,” I told Damien and George. Damien was lying atop Desiree after cumming in her twice. George was getting his cock sucked by Thamina. Her cunt was messy with both of our cums. “I’m going to go fuck your girlfriends.”

I went upstairs and entered my bedroom. “…George is going to propose,” Shannon was saying when I entered the room.

It was a beautiful sight I beheld when I entered the bedroom. Mary lay in the middle of the bed, Shannon on her left and Missy on her right. All three were beautiful, and all three were flushed with desire. Who to fuck first. Big-titted Shannon or sweet, innocent Missy. I pondered that as I stripped off my clothes. Defiling innocents won out over big tits and I sat down next to Missy.

“You’re going to let me fuck you,” I told her and she nodded, biting her lip in the same cute way Mary did.

Mary laughed. “Told you,” Mary nudged Shannon.

“Men are pigs,” Shannon sighed. She was sitting up on her side, resting on her elbow. “You just lost me twenty bucks, Mark.”

“Did you expect me to let my fiancee lose?” I asked with a smile, stretching out in the bed next to Missy and running a hand across her belly. Missy giggled, nervous.

Shannon gave mock surprise. “You conspired against me!” She pretend to swoon, hand on her forehead, and fell back to the bed. “My own sister played me false.”

Mary flashed me a grin and turned to face Shannon. “Well, there are other ways you can pay,” Mary said, seductively and then bent down to kiss her older sister on the lips.

“It was all a trick to seduce me?” Shannon overacted. “I guess I have no choice but to submit to your vile lusts!”

“So vile!” Mary cackled, kiss down Shannon’s stomach, going lower and lower, her body twisting about. Then she moved her legs, straddling Shannon’s face as Mary dived into her older sister’s pussy. I watched the sisters sixty-nine, moaning in pleasure as they tongued each other’s cunts.

I sucked one of Missy’s nipples into my mouth while my hand gently groped her other, budding breast. Her nipples were a little large than Mary’s and just as sensitive. Missy cooed in delight as I played with the hard nub with my tongue. I kissed over to her other breast, nibbling on her nipple, gently, as my hand slide down her taut stomach and into the sparse patch of downy hair between her legs and the wet hole they guarded.

Missy’s hips rose from the bed as my finger strummed her clit. Then a low gasped escaped her lips as I traced her pussy lips lower until I found the hungry hole between her legs and slipped a finger into her tight cunt. I couldn’t wait to get my cock in her tight little hole. I finger fucked her and watched my fiancee and her sister pleasure each other, rubbing Missy’s hard nipple against my cheek. Shannon had her arms wrapped around Mary’s butt, her finger teasing her asshole.

“Slip it in,” I told Shannon, “she’ll love it.”

Mary gasped and purred as Shannon slipped her finger past Mary’s tight rosebud and started fingering her bowels. “Umm, I love it up the ass. Thanks, hun!”

“I’ll always look out for my filly,” I told her. “I love you.”

“Aww,” she sighed. “Even with your finger up my little sister’s cunt?”

“Even with my dick up her cunt,” I answered, mounting Missy.

Missy’s legs spread willingly for me, her face painted with excitement and nervousness. Her eyes were glued to my hard cock. I knew I was bigger than Damien, but he was only fifteen, and may still grow a bit bigger. I placed the cock at the entrance of her cunt and slowly slid forward.

“Oh, wow!” Missy moaned. “Hmm, that’s big.” Her cunt gave way to my cock, gripping it in velvety tightness, and I kept sliding in until I was all the way in her.

“Your cunt feels nice,” I told her as I slowly fucked. “Tight and silky.”

Missy moaned beneath me. “This feels nicer than with Damien,” she whispered.

“I bet he just stuck it in you,” I told her. “Didn’t get you ready?”

“No,” Missy admitted. “We really didn’t know what we were doing.”

“Well, don’t fret, Desiree is showing him all the way to please a woman,” I told her.

Her cunt tightened and a flash of jealousy crossed her face. “The big-titted slut?” she gasped. “He always drools over big tits.”

“He’s young, he hasn’t learned to appreciate all the different shapes and sizes breasts come in,” I told her. “And yours our quite lovely.”

“But what if he…likes Desiree more than me?” she suddenly asked. God, she was ruining the mood with her blathering about her boyfriend.

“Do you love him?” I asked her, whispering in her ear. My balls were slapping against her ass as I picked up the speed of our fucking.

“Yes,” she answered. “I want to marry him and have his babies and live together in a big house.”

“I can make it so he loves you forever and never leaves you.”

“Really!” she gasped. Her hips were starting to move beneath me and the pitch of her voice was growing higher as the pleasure of our fucking was coursing through her body. “Yes, I would love that!”

“Missy, you love Damien with all your heart forever and ever,” I whispered.

“Oh, yes, I do,” she moaned. “My sweet Damien!” Her cunt was spasming on my cock. “Yes, yes, my Damien!”

I fucked her harder, enjoying her tight cunt milking my cock as she came. Her lips were kissing at my neck, her hips grinding her clit into my pubic bone, striving to reach another sweet orgasm. I grasped a small breast, and squeezed her nipple as I grunted on top of her. Besides me, Mary was moaning her passion into Shannon’s cunt. The bed rocked from the force of my strokes. I was getting so close to my orgasm.

“Here it comes!” I groaned, three more hard slams into her cunt. Her pussy was spasming on my cock again as I bruised her clit with my strokes. And then I exploded into her tight cunt, spilling my seeded into her womb. Christ, I hoped she was on the pill. I’m not sure how Mary would take me knocking up her baby sister.

“Wow,” Missy moaned as I rested on top of her. “I…came twice.”

“Damien’s going to make you cum, next time you’re with him,” I told her. “He was quite the eager student.”

“He’d better,” she giggled, “else I’ll be quite mad at him for cheating on me.”

“What about you cheating on him?” I asked.

Missy glanced at her sisters as they pleasured each other. “Well, we’re all going to be family. So maybe it isn’t cheating, just a new way to express love for each other.”

“They’re really going at it.”

“Yeah,” Missy answered. Shannon and Mary were devouring each other’s cunts like they were dieing of starvation. My cock was hardening again inside Missy’s youthful cunt. “Are you getting hard?” Missy asked.

“Hmm, I am,” I said. “Want to try a different position.”

Missy giggled. “Okay.”

I hugged her and rolled onto my back, lifting her on top of me. “Cowgirl style,” I said. Missy rose up, her budding breasts thrust forward and she timidly started rising up and down. “Good, go a little faster, and try changing your angle.” Missy leaned back a little more. “Feel how my cock’s hitting different spots inside you.”

“Yeah,” Missy said, with a smile.

“You should use this with Damien, it will let you control things a bit better,” I told her. “Make his dick hit the parts of your cunt that feel the best.”

“I will,” Missy panted as she rode me. “I’m going to blow his mind!”

Missy was riding me faster and faster, throwing her head back, her long, strawberry-blonde hair waving wildly as she tossed her head in pleasure. I stroked her belly and then up to her small, apple sized breast. Her small cones were firm, topped with hard nipples that I played with. Her cunt felt amazing as she rode me, sloppy wet from her juices and my first load of cum.

Next to us there was a muffled moan coming from Mary and she writhed on top of her sister. Shannon was cumming a moment later. Mary rolled off her sister and snuggled up against me. Her face was drenched in cunt juices and she kissed me, letting me taste Shannon’s sweet and tangy pussy. When she broke the kiss, Mary asked, “Is my baby sister making your cock feel good.”

“She is, Mare,” I groaned.

“You give him a good ride, babydoll,” Mary ordered.

“Yes, yes, I am!” Missy panted. “Oh wow, I like this position! Jeez, I think, yes, yes, here it comes!” Her tight cunt rippled as she came and she sat down on my cock, breathing deeply.

“You got to keep fucking him,” Shannon said.

“Oh,” Missy gasped, and then started to ride me again.

“Ride him!” Shannon cheered, clapping her hand. “Ride him, cowgirl!” then she whistled.

Missy had a big grin on her race as she bounced fast and hard on me. She raised her arm over her head and pretended she had an imaginary lasso. Mary kissed me a second time, her breasts firm pillows on my chest topped by her hard nipples. My left hand reached out and I cupped a breast. Mary shifted to give me better access, and I played with her nipple. I moaned into Mary’s sweet lips as I flooded her sister’s cunt.

“I want you to fuck Shannon’s ass,” Mary whispered into my ear. Then she set up and pulled Missy off of me and laid her out on the bed. Mary spread her legs, her young cunt gaping open and leaking white cum. Mary bent down and just licked a big gob of cum that had ran down to her ass. Mary then dove into Missy’s sloppy cunt, cleaning her out.

I crawled over both Missy and Mary and onto Shannon. “You going to fuck me, future brother?” Shannon asked with a mischievous grin on her face.

“In the ass,” I told her and rolled her roughly over.

“I’ve never been fucked in the ass,” she said, her confidence vanishing. “George…he always wants to.”

“Do you love him?”

“Yeah, he’s great,” Shannon answered. “And sweet and makes me happy.”

“Then why won’t you make him happy?” I asked, spreading her ass cheeks.

“I…I’m afraid,” she answered, biting her lip. “It’ll hurt.”

“Maybe with me,” I told her. “I’ll break you in for him.”

Shannon gasped in pain and I saw Mary looking up from between Missy’s thigh, a smug look on her face. I remember Mary always complaining about how Shannon bullied her when they were kids. I smiled at Mary and fucked into Shannon’s tight ass hard and drew back and slammed my cock all the way into her bowels.

Shannon grew to enjoy the ass fucking, by the end, and was begging me to cum up her ass. By the time I did, she had already cum once and was working her way to her second orgasm. Her ass was tight and hot and gave me such pleasure as I creamed it. Shannon came a second time as little Missy ate my cum out of her ass while Mary and I watched, cuddling on the bed.

“I think the dinner was a great success,” I told her.

She smiled and kissed me. “I can’t wait for Sunday night, and dinner with your mom,” Mary answered with a naughty smile.

I laughed and heard a my phone chirp. I got up, found my pants and pulled out my phone. “Finally ready to start streaming, hope you can watch *-).” It was from Vivian, the first girl I ever fucked.

When I made my Pact with the Devil, I tried out my powers at a Starbucks. I fucked Vivian, a customer, and both baristas: Cynthia and Mary. I fell in love with Mary and thought Vivian and Cynthia were so cute together, that I ordered them to fall in love and stream their lovemaking. And then forgot all about them.

“Its from Vivian,” I told Mary. “She and Cynthia are about to start streaming.”

“Ohh, let’s watch,” Mary said, excitedly.

I texted back, “Cool, Mare and I and a few others going to watch! *-)” Then, I grabbed my laptop and typed in the link. It was too a streaming site called nasty-girls-live.com. Then I grabbed an HDMI cable and connected my laptop to the TV in the bedroom.


Travis shot his load into Antsy’s pussy and collapsed on her. Antsy was still wiggling her hips, close to cumming when a loud snore erupted from Travis.

“The asshole passed out,” Antsy moaned. “Help, he’s crushing me!”

I pushed hard and, with some effort, rolled the beef cake off of Antsy. I fell across her in the process, our breasts rubbing together. Antsy stared up at me, her breath quickening, her tongue running pink across her red lips. Electricity ran between us, a force pulling us together, and I bent down and captured her lips in a kiss.

Antsy kissed me back, her tongue slipping into my mouth and we fenced. Her arm wrapped around me, stroking my back as I rubbed my hand up and down her side from hip to breast, her skin silky fire beneath me. I slid my hand across her stomach, and down to her shaved pussy, wet with her desire and Travis’s seed.

“No,” she gasped in protest as my finger slowly stroked her clit. “I’m not a lesbian.”

“Neither am I,” I whispered, kissing her again, rolling her clit beneath my finger. “It’s not gay when you’re drunk,” I lied.

Antsy relaxed and giggled. “Good, cause I’m very drunk.” She kissed me this time, her kiss growing more aggressive as I slipped a finger up inside her cunt. I searched for G-Spot. I needed to get this girl to cum before she sobered up. I needed to preform the Prayer of Avvah.

Her body writhed beneath my ministrations. My finger hooked, stroking the walls of her pussy, searching for that bundle of nerves while my thumb stroked her clit. Her body bucked beneath me and I knew I found the G-Spot and started massaging it.

“Cum for me,” I whispered into her ear, licking her lobe. “Let me hear your beautiful squeals of delight!”

“Uhhh, keep stroking me there,” Antsy moaned, “and I’ll bark like a dog for you!”

I stroked her G-spot harder, rolling her clit beneath my thumb as I sucked at her ear. Her hips were squirming as her orgasm built and built. And then her body went rigid and a strangled gasp escaped her lips.

“Avvah Mark Glassner,” I whispered. “Avvah Mark Glassner.”

Antsy went rigid beneath me, slipping into a trance as the Prayer took effect. And then she slipped out, a lazy smile on her face. “That was nice,” Antsy murmured, and then her eyes closed and passed out.

I sighed in frustration. My pussy was hot and ready and needed to cum and I had two useless drunks passed out in my bed. Guess I’ll have to take care of myself. I slipped my hands down and started playing with my pussy. Mmhh, my fingers felt nice as I strummed my clit with one hand, and plunged two fingers into my cunt with the other. I was one step closer to saving Sister Louise and stopping Mark and his lover. The thought spurred my passion and it wasn’t long before I was cumming loudly.

As I licked my passion off my fingers, I knew with certainty that Good was going to triumph over Evil. My pussy was still itching, and I slid my hands down to give myself a second orgasm, while I fantasized about the look on Mark’s face when he realized he was beaten, that all his Evil works had been undone.

I couldn’t wait!

To be continued…

Click here for Chapter 20