Tag Archives: Male/Teen female

Der Pakt mit dem Teufel Kapitel 4: Verkäuferinnen



Der Pakt mit dem Teufel

Kapitel 4: Verkäuferinnen

Von mypenname3000

Übersetzt von Horem

© Copyright 2013, 2014

Story Codes: Male/Female, Male/Teen female, Female/Teen female, Male/Female/Teen female, Mind Control, Incest, Rimming, Anal, Oral, Work, Magic, Domination/Submission

Yes, this is in German. Horem graciously offered to translate the Devil’s Pact into German. For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Kapitel 3

Mary und ich verließen den Salon. Wir hatten unsere Arme umeinander geschlungen. „Wo ist dein Auto?“ fragte Mary und schaute sich um.

„Ich habe die Scheißkarre nicht mehr“, sagte ich ihr und führte sie zu meinem neuen silbernen Mustang. „Hier ist mein neues Auto, Mare.“

„Wie kam das denn?“ Mary hob die Augenbrauen.

„Ich habe mein Auto eingetauscht.“

„Wie kann das denn sein?“ fragte Mary. „Alle machen einfach das, was du sagst.“

Es war einfach. Ich hatte einen Vertrag mit dem Teufel abgeschlossen und jetzt müssen alle Menschen tun, was ich ihnen sage, willig und gerne. Aber das wollte ich Mary nicht erzählen. „Wenn du das wirklich wissen willst, dann erzähle ich dir das heute Abend. Denk darüber nach. Vielleicht magst du es ja gar nicht hören.“

Sie runzelte die Stirn und ihre Augenbrauen zogen sich zusammen. „Was soll das heißen?“

„Denk einfach darüber nach“, sagte ich ihr. Ich hätte ihr auch sagen können, dass sie es vergessen sollte, Aber irgendetwas hielt mich auf. Ich liebte sie. Es fühlte sich nicht richtig an, sie zu etwas zu bringen, was ich haben wollte. Sie war nicht wie die anderen Frauen. Ich küsste ihre Stirn. „Ich liebe dich.“

Sie wurde rot und lächelte. „Ich liebe dich auch.“ Ihre Lippen waren weich und warm, als sie mich küsste. „Also, kaufst du mir jetzt neue Kleider?“

„Mach ich“, sagte ich. „Du kannst haben, was du möchtest. Geld spielt keine Rolle.“

„Nun, dann hoffe ich, dass du durchhältst.“

„Ich bin dein Hengst. Ich habe eine Menge Durchhaltevermögen.“ Jedenfalls sexuelles Durchhaltevermögen. Noch etwas, das ich vom Teufel erhalten hatte. Und ein gesundes und langes Leben.

Sie kicherte. „Da möchte ich wetten.“ Ihre Hand ergriff meinen Schwanz und sie spürte, wie er unter ihrer Berührung hart wurde. Dann setzte sie sich im Mustang auf den Beifahrersitz. „Komm schon“, sagte sie ungeduldig.

„Okay, Mare“, sagte ich und schob meinen Schwanz in meiner Hose zur Seite. Ich stieg in meinen neuen Mustang ein. Der Motor röhrte los.

„Der Mustang passt zu dir“, sagte Mary, als ich die Parklücke verließ. „Du stehst außerhalb der Regeln dieser Gesellschaft. Du bist wie ein wildes Pferd, das auf den weiten Ebenen lebt und das jedes Fohlen besteigt, das du haben willst.“ Ich grinste sie an. „Du darfst von mir aus auch jedes Fohlen haben, das du haben willst. Denk nur daran, dass ich dein Fohlen Nummer Eins bin.“

„Ewig“, antwortete ich und sie nickte. „Du darfst natürlich auch so viele Fohlen besteigen, wie du willst.“

Mary lachte herzlich. „Wie sollen denn zwei Fohlen ficken?“ fragte sie. „Ich glaube, das mit den Besteigen würde wohl nicht funktionieren. Vielleicht sollten sie sich Hintern an Hintern stellen und ihre Mösen aneinander reiben.“ Ich lachte bei diesem Bild.

„Vielleicht könnten sie sich abwechselnd gegenseitig die Mösen lecken“, schlug ich vor. Dann musste ich an der Ampel an der Ausfahrt des Parkplatzes stehen bleiben. Auf der anderen Straßenseite lag unser Ziel, die South Hill Mall.

Mary lachte lauter. „Wie… ein… Salzstein…“ Sie keuchte vor Lachen. Ihr Lachen war ansteckend und ich lachte mit ihr. Sie war hellrot geworden und es dauerte eine ganze Minute, bis sie sich wieder gefasst hatte. „Ich wollte schon immer Pferde“, sagte sie, nachdem sie sich wieder erholt hatte. „Ich weiß noch, im Sommer, bevor…“ Sie machte eine Pause und Traurigkeit flog über ihr Gesicht. „Bevor meine Mama weggegangen ist, hat sie mich mal zum Reiten mit in die Berge genommen. Das waren sehr majestätische Tiere. Bist du schon mal geritten?“

„Nein“, sagte ich und schüttelte den Kopf. Die Ampel wurde grün und ich fuhr quer über die Straße. „Vielleicht können wir das ja mal zusammen machen.“

Mary lächelte mich an. „Das wäre toll.“

Ich fand einen Parkplatz. Ich benutzte die Fernbedienung, um den Wagen zu verschließen und schmunzelte, als die Lichter blinkten und die Hupe erschallte. Ich hatte noch nie ein Auto mit einer Fernbedienung gehabt. Ich fand das toll. Ich machte das Auto wieder auf und verschloss es wieder. Mary schaute mir amüsiert zu. „Macht das Spaß?“ fragte sie mich.

„Ja“, sagte ich und öffnete das Auto wieder. Sie rollte ihre Augen und ich grinste sie an und verschloss die Tür wieder. „Okay, ich bin fertig.“

Wir nahmen uns wieder in die Arme und gingen in die Mall. Wir schlenderten langsam durch die Einkaufsmeile und schauten die Schaufenster und die Mädchen an. Das Mädchenanschauen wurde zu einer Art von Spiel, bei dem wir abwechselnd ein süßes Mädchen auswählten und dem anderen zuflüsterten, was wir mit ihm machen würden. Einmal zeigte Mary auf eine Latina mit einem großen Arsch und einem Arschgeweih und flüsterte mir ins Ohr: „Bei der würde ich gerne dein Sperma aus dem Arsch lecken.“ Und das genau in dem Moment, als ein paar ältere Damen an uns vorbei kamen. Sie schauten uns angewidert an und wir fingen an zu lachen, während sie weitergingen.

Der erste Laden, in den mich Mary führte, hieß Old Navy. Er war hell erleuchtet und hing voll mit sehr farbigen Sachen. „Hier kaufe ich gerne ein“, sagte Mary. Sie sah etwas auf einem Ständer und flog praktisch hin. Sie hatte ein Shirt in der Hand. „Sind die nicht süß?“ rief sie, während sie durch die Sachen schaute.

„Wie geht es Ihnen heute?“ fragte ein weibischer junger Mann Mary. Ich war enttäuscht. Ich hatte gehofft, dass hier ein süßes Mädchen arbeiten würde, mit dem ich ein bisschen Spaß haben konnte, während Mary einkaufte und nicht ein Mann. Ich seufzte enttäuscht, während er Mary alle Shirts im Detail erklärte. Ich dachte mir, dass er wahrscheinlich schwul war, denn ich konnte mir nicht vorstellen, dass ein Hetero-Mann derartig an diesen Dingen interessiert sein konnte. Naja, jedenfalls würde er Mary in Ruhe lassen.

Ich sah mich im Laden um und er war ziemlich leer, bis auf ein wunderschönes Teenager-Mädchen. Ganz schlank mit langem schwarzem Haar mit hellen purpurfarbenen Glanzlichtern. Ich lächelte. Ich würde vielleicht doch noch zu meinem Spaß kommen. Sie trug ein Top mit einem Blumenmuster, das so kurz geschnitten war, dass ihr flacher Bauch und ihr gepiercter Bauchnabel zu sehen waren. Unter ihrem kurzen Jeansrock trug sie eine scharfe rosafarbene Leggings. Das Mädchen hielt irgendwem ein Top hin und ich sah eine ältere Frau halb verborgen hinter einem Kleiderständer. Sie war Mitte Dreißig, attraktiv und ähnelte dem Mädchen. Entweder war sie die ältere Schwester oder sie war noch sehr jung gewesen, als sie ihre Tochter bekommen hatte.

„Hey“, sagte ich dem Angestellten. „Gehe und schließe den Laden und dann hilf Mary bei ihrem Einkauf. Und kümmere dich nicht darum, dass im Hintergrund des Ladens gefickt wird.“

„Oh ja, natürlich, Sir“, sagte er und machte sich auf den Weg.

Mary schaute auf das Mädchen und ihre Augen leuchteten, als sie sie genauer erkannte. „Sie ist süß.“ Mary schlug mir auf den Arsch. „Reite sie gut, mein Hengst.“

Gott, ich liebte Mary. Ich küsste sie, bevor ich in den hinteren Bereich des Ladens schlenderte. Hinter mir schloss der Mann den Laden ab. Das Teenager-Mädchen und ihre Begleiterin sahen alarmiert auf. „Das ist schon okay“, sagte ich. „Ihr könnt ruhig weiter einkaufen.“

„Was ist los?“ fragte die Frau und legte schützend einen Arm um das Mädchen. Sie war genauso wunderschön wie das Mädchen, nicht die frische Unschuld des Teenagers, aber die üppige Reife einer Erwachsenen. Sie hatte ein lose fließendes Sommerkleid an. Es reichte bis zum Oberschenkel und es war oben tief ausgeschnitten und zeigte reichlich Dekolletee. Sie hatte mindestens eine Körbchengröße mehr als der Teenager, wahrscheinlich C.

„Ich bin ein Inspektor“, log ich. „Und ich brauche für meine Arbeit eine gewisse Abgeschiedenheit. Es gibt nichts, worum ihr euch Sorgen machen müsst.“ Beide Frauen entspannten sich. „Ich heiße Mark.“

„Ich heiße Laura“, sagte die Frau mit dem Sommerkleid, „und das ist meine Tochter Melody.“

„Hi“, grüßte auch Melody mit einer lebhaften Stimme. „Ich habe heute Geburtstag. Ich bin sechzehn geworden.“

„Ach wie süß!“ sagte ich. „Nun, dann denke ich, dass ich ein Geburtstagsgeschenk für dich habe.“

Ihre Augen weiteten sich. „Klamotten umsonst!“ kreischte sie und warf ihre Arme um mich. Ihr Körper war warm und ihre kleinen Brüste drückten sich gegen meine Brust. Sie roch nach Flieder. Es war ein schönes Gefühl, so lange es anhielt. Dann machte das Mädchen einen Schritt zurück und errötete.

„Ich muss eure beiden Körper inspizieren, weil ich ein Inspektor für weibliche Körper bin“, sagte ich und nahm damit die allerlahmste Zeile, die ich je auf einem T-Shirt gesehen hatte. „Dafür habe ich auch den Camcorder bei mir. Und ich möchte, dass ihr beide zu einhundert Prozent mitarbeitet. Laura, ich muss deine Brüste sehen.“

Laura nickte und zog sich ihr Sommerkleid über den Kopf. Sie trug einen sexy roten BH aus Spitze und ein dazu passendes rotes durchsichtiges Höschen. „Verdammt, Mama, das ist aber sexy Unterwäsche. Hast du heute Abend mit Tony noch was vor?“ fragte Melody mit einem listigen Grinsen. „An meinem Geburtstag?“

„Vielleicht“, gab Laura zurück. „Du willst doch heute Abend mit deinen Freundinnen ausgehen, oder?“

Ich bemerkte den Ehering an Lauras Finger. „Du nennst deinen Vater Tony?“ fragte ich Melody.

„Meinen Stiefvater“, sagte Melody. „Der ist ganz in Ordnung.“

Laura griff an ihren Rücken und hakten den BH auf. Ihre Titten waren groß und rund und hatten nur ganz leichte Dehnungsstreifen. Sie hatte die größten Brustwarzen, die ich je gesehen hatte. So groß wie ein Silberdollar. „Melody, spiel mit den Nippeln deiner Mama, bis sie hart sind.“

Melodys schlanke Finger streckten sich aus, streichelten die Brustwarze ihrer Mutter und fuhren um das rosafarbene Fleisch herum. Der Nippel versteifte sich. Laura seufzte leise, als die Finger ihrer Tochter über den anderen Nippel glitten. Melody drückte ihre Titte und fuhr dann mit ihren Handflächen in kleinen Kreisen über die Nippel. Als sie damit fertig war, waren beide Frauen vor Erregung sehr erhitzt. Melodys Nippel drückten sich gegen ihre Bluse. Sie waren genauso hart wie die von ihrer Mutter.

„Sehr schön“, sagte ich und filmte sie. „Als nächstes das Höschen.“ Laura schälte sich aus ihrem Höschen. Ein schwarzer dreieckiger Busch Haare wuchs oberhalb der nackten Schamlippen ihrer Muschi. Ein goldener Ring verzierte die Haube ihres Kitzlers. Sehr sexy.

„Verdammt, Mama!“ rief Melody überrascht. „Wann hast du dir denn dein Fötzchen piercen lassen?“

Laura wurde rot. „Nun, ich hatte eine… ziemlich wilde Jugend“, antwortete sie langsam. „Und, äh… Tony spielt gerne mit dem Ring.“

„Okay, Melody, jetzt wollen wir mal sehen, wie du zu deiner Mutter passt.“

Melody grinste. „Ich denke, ich passe ganz gut“, brüstete sie sich. Sie pellte sich aus ihrem Top und zeigte einen scharfen rosafarbenen BH, der schnell dem Shirt auf den Boden folgte. Ihre Brüste waren klein, fest und flott. Sie waren von kleinen rosafarbenen Nippel gekrönt. Als nächstes zog sie sich ihre modischen Schuhe aus und kickte sie zur Seite. Dann wand sie sich aus ihrem Jeansrock heraus. Zuletzt kamen ihre Leggings und ein rosafarbenes Höschen dran. Ihr Arsch war schmal und ihre Beine schlank. Ihre Muschi war eng und glatt rasiert. Ihr Kitzler war hart und schaute zwischen ihren Schamlippen hervor.

„Ihr seid beide wunderschön“, sagte ich und knöpfte meine Hose auf. Dann holte ich meinen halbharten Schwanz heraus.

„Was hast du denn damit vor?“ fragte Melody und schaute nervös meinen Schwanz an.

„Das ist dein Geburtstagsgeschenk“, sagte ich Melody. „Aber du und deine Mama, ihr müsst ihn noch vorbereiten. Fangt also beide an zu lutschen.“

Mutter und Tochter knieten sich vor mir hin. Laura griff nach meinem Schwanz und leckte an der einen Seite nach oben. Melody kopierte ihre Mutter und leckte die andere Seite. Mein Schwanz fing an, hart zu werden, während Mutter und Tochter mit ihren Zungen an meinem Schaft entlangfuhren. Beide kamen zu meiner Eichel und ihre Zungen fuhren über die Spitze. Beide zuckten zurück, als sich ihre Zungen über meinem Schwanz trafen. „Ihr könnt euch ruhig küssen, meine Damen. Ihr habt doch schon lange Lust aufeinander. Ihr dürft diese Lust ruhig zeigen.“

Ihre beiden Münder waren heiß auf meinem Schwanz. Sie küssten mich überall. Laura griff nach vorne und nahm eine der kecken Titten ihrer Tochter in die Hand. Melody stöhnte, als ihre Mutter ihren harten Nippel vorsichtig zwischen ihren Fingern rollte. Laura saugte meine Eichel in ihren nassen und warmen Mund und Melody fing an, die Wange ihrer Mutter zu küssen. Die Lippen des Mädchens fuhren langsam immer tiefer, am Hals ihrer Mutter herunter bis zu ihrem Brustbein. Lauras Lutschen wurde deutlich stärker, als die Lippen ihrer Tochter einen ihrer harten Nippel umschlossen und dann an ihrer Brust lutschte.

„Sind die beiden miteinander verwandt?“ fragte Mary. Sie hatte mehrere Blusen über ihren Arm gelegt. Der Angestellte trug noch mehr davon.

„Ja, Mutter und Tochter“, stöhnte ich, als Laura anfing, ihren Kopf auf meinem Schwanz auf und ab zu bewegen. „Hast du was gefunden, was dir gefällt?“

„Gabe und ich haben ein paar Garnituren ausgesucht“, sagte Mary. „Viel Spaß noch, Liebling.“

Ich küsste sie. „Ich liebe dich!“

„Sogar, wenn eine andere Frau deinen Schwanz im Mund hat?“ fragte Mary schelmisch.

„Nun, sie lutscht meinen Schwanz ziemlich gut“, sagte ich. Dann tat ich so, als würde ich nachdenken. „Ja, sogar mit ihrem Mund an meinem Schwanz.“

„Gut“, antwortete sie mit einem Lächeln und küsste mich. „Komm, Gabe!“ Mary führte den Angestellten zu den Umkleidekabinen im Hintergrund des Ladens.

Ich schaute auf die beiden Frauen hinunter. Melody lutschte fest an der Titte ihrer Mutter. Meine Augen folgten der Linie ihres Rückens bis zu ihrem Arsch. Ich zog meinen Schwanz aus Lauras Mund heraus und kniete mich hinter Melody. Laura warf ihren Kopf in den Nacken und stöhnte. Sie drückte den Kopf ihrer Tochter an ihre Titte. „Oh, du mein süßes Kind“, stöhnte sie. „Das hast du schon so lange nicht mehr gemacht. Das hat mir so gefehlt.“

Ich kniete jetzt hinter Melody und fasste ihre Hüfte an. Ich hob sie ein wenig an, bis sie auf ihren Knien war. Immer noch saugte sie an der Titte ihrer Mutter. „Jetzt kommt dein Geburtstagsgeschenk“, sagte ich und stieß meinen Schwanz in ihre nasse Fotze. Sie war eng, wie ein Schraubstock und so schön warm!

„Oh verdammt!“ keuchte Melody. „Mein Gott, er ist viel größer als Dillon! Er dehnt mein Fötzchen so richtig schön aus, Mami!“

„Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Melody“, sagte Laura und streichelte das Gesicht ihrer Tochter. Sie beugte sich nach vorne und küsste die Lippen ihrer Tochter. „Ich habe auch ein Geschenk für dich, mein Vögelchen.“ Laura setzte sich auf den Boden und spreizte vor Melodys Gesicht ihre Beine ganz weit. Lauras Fotze war nass und ihre Schamlippen waren geschwollen und geöffnet. „Leck Mamas Fötzchen!“ Melody senkte ihren Kopf und ihre Zunge fuhr über den Schlitz ihrer Mutter, während ich sie hart in ihr enges Loch fickte.

„Liebling, wie sehe ich aus?“ fragte Mary, während ich Melodys Fotze fickte. Sie war aus der Umkleidekabine gekommen und hatte ein rotes Kleid an, das eng an ihrem Körper anlag. Es hatte Falten direkt unterhalb ihrer Brust und endete oberhalb ihrer Knie. Das Kleid hatte keine Ärmel und keine Träger über der Schulter und zeigte einen ziemlich großen Teil ihrer Brüste mit ihren Sommersprossen.

Ich pfiff anerkennend durch die Zähne. „Du siehst scharf aus“, sagte ich und fickte Melodys enge Fotze dabei immer weiter.

„Du siehst echt süß aus“, stöhnte Laura. „Und du auch, mein kleines Vögelchen! Du siehst so süß aus, wie du Mamas Fotze leckst!“

Melodys Fotze war so eng. Ich hielt mich so lange zurück, wie ich konnte, weil ich sie so lange genießen wollte wie möglich. Und natürlich wollte ich sehen, wie die Schlampe ihrer Mama die tropfende Fotze ausleckte. Mary kam mit weiteren vier Outfits: einer engen Jeans und einer scharfen roten Bluse, einer roten Caprihose mit einem weißen engen Oberteil mit rosafarbenen Blumen, einem transparenten Shirt mit schwarzen Vögeln, durch das man einen schwarzen BH sehen konnte und einem engen rot-weiß gestreiften Kleid mit einem weißen Shirt mit einem V-förmigen Ausschnitt.

Während Mary die verschiedenen Outfits zeigte, hatte Melody Laura zu vier großen Orgasmen gebracht. Lauras Saft floss in den Mund ihrer Tochter. Melody trank den Saft ihrer Mutter wie jemand, der kurz vor dem Verdursten ist. Zweimal verengte sich ihre Fotze um meinen Schwanz, als ich sie zu einem Orgasmus fickte.

„Was meinst du?“ fragte Mary jetzt zum sechsten Mal. Sie drehte sich in einem schwarzen Kleid und es schwang dabei.

Ich sah sie von oben bis unten an. Der Rock war sehr locker, an ihrer Taille gerafft. Das Oberteil klebte wie eine zweite Haut an ihren Brüsten. Das Kleid hatte kurze Ärmel, die kaum ihre Schultern bedeckten und einen rechteckigen Ausschnitt, der beinahe ihren ganzen Busen zeigte. Sie trug ein Mieder, das ihre Brüste anhob. Dadurch sahen sie größer und runder aus. „Gott, bist du schön“, stöhnte ich. Ich konnte mich jetzt nicht länger zurückhalten und schoss jetzt mein Sperma in Melodys enge Fotze. Drei große Schüsse geradewegs in ihre junge Gebärmutter.

Ich zog meinen Schwanz heraus. Mein Sperma sickerte langsam aus ihrem engen Loch heraus. Ich stand auf. Ich ging zu Mary hinüber und nahm sie in den Arm. Ich küsste sie leidenschaftlich. Wir schmusten ein paar Minuten und meine Hand glitt an ihrem Rücken nach unten, um sich durch das Kleid um ihre Arschbacken zu schließen. „Ich glaube, du magst es“, sagte Mary, als wir unseren Kuss beendeten. Sie sah nach unten und verzog das Gesicht. „Natürlich! Jetzt ist die ganze Vorderseite versaut!“ Ich sah auch nach unten. Mein mit Sperma verschmierter Schwanz hatte sich an ihrem Kleid gerieben und den Stoff verschmutzt.

„Gabe, pack Marys Sachen ein und hol ihr ein neues dieser Kleider in ihrer Größe“, sagte ich. „Natürlich, Sir“, sagte Gabe mit seiner nasalen Stimme.

„Das rot-weiße Kleid mit der weißen Bluse nicht“, sagte Mary Gabe, der nickte.

„Ohh, Mama, leck mit die Möse!“ stöhnte Melody. Mary und ich schauten hinüber und sahen Melody auf dem Rücken und ihre Mutter zwischen ihren gespreizten Beinen. Sie holte mein Sperma mit der Zunge aus der Muschi ihrer Tochter heraus. Marys Hand fand meinen Schwanz und sie wichste ihn leicht, während wir beide beobachteten, wie Laura Melodys Fotze ausleckte. Melody wand sich hin und her. Ihre Hände hatten den Kopf ihrer Mutter angefasst. Sie stöhnte ekstatisch. Meine Hand rutschte an Marys Rücken nach unten und ich hob den Saum des Kleides und fuhr mit meiner Hand darunter. Sie hatte kein Höschen an. Ich streichelte ihren Arsch und stieß dann einen Finger in ihr Arschloch. Mary stöhnte und drückte beim Wichsen meinen Schwanz etwas fester.

„Wenn es Melody gekommen ist, nimmst du die Mutter und ich nehme mir die Tochter“, murmelte sie in mein Ohr. Mary hatte meine Gedanken gelesen. Ich nickte.

Melody keuchte laut, während ihre Mutter ihr wie wild die Fotze leckte. „Ich komme gleich! Ich komme gleich! Oh Mama, meine Fotze explodiert gleich!“ Melody wand sich hin und her und zuckte, als der Orgasmus über sie hinweg rollte. Laura leckte den Saft ihrer Tochter auf. Dann kroch sie an ihrem Körper nach oben, um sie sanft auf die Lippen zu küssen.

„Herzlich Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, mein Vögelchen“, sagte sie leise.

„Danka, Mama“, keuchte Melody. „Das war fantastisch.“ Dann erwiderte sie den Kuss ihrer Mutter.

Mary und ich gingen zu der glücklichen Familie hinüber. „Das war echt geil, Ladies“, sagte ich. „Mare hier möchte Melody auch ein Geschenk machen.“

Melody schaute gierig zu Mary hoch. Laura rollte von ihrer Tochter herunter. Beide waren verschwitzt und erhitzt. Mary zog ihr Kleid über den Kopf und zeigte ihre Kurven. Marys dunkle Augen tranken Marys Körper. „Dein Herz ist richtig süß“, sagte Melody, als sie auf den herzförmigen Haarbusch schaute, der oberhalb von Marys gewachster Muschi stand.

„Danke“, sagte Mary. „Und mir gefällt den Bauchnabelpiercing.“ Mary kniete sich hin und zupfte an Melodys Piercing, einer kleinen Silberkette mit einem kleinen Rubin am Ende. Dann kroch Mary über Melody. Ihre Brüste küssten sich und dann ihre Lippen. Mary ließ ihr Gewicht auf Melodys schmalem Körper ruhen. Melody spreizte ihre Beine und schlang sie um Marys Hüfte. Dann fing Mary an, ihre Hüften rotieren zu lassen und sie drückte ihren Kitzler auf Melodys.

„Oh Scheiße“, murmelte Melody. „Unsere Kitzler berühren sich. Das ist geil!“

„Das ist echt geil, euch beide miteinander zu sehen“, sagte ich Mary. „Ich liebe solche lesbischen Szenen.“

„Ich habe diese Stellung heute mit Joy entdeckt“, keuchte Mary. „Mmmm, fass meinen Arsch an, Melody. Und du darfst mir ruhig einen Finger reinstecken.“ Melodys Hand war an Marys Arschbacken. Mary zuckte heftig mit den Hüften, als Melodys Finger in ihr Arschloch rutschte.

Ich gab Gabe den Camcorder. „Aufnehmen“, befahl ich, als ich Laura bestieg, die ihre Beine einladend weit für mich gespreizt hatte. Laura griff nach meinem Schwanz und führte ihn in ihre nasse Fotze. Ich glitt langsam in sie hinein und genoss dabei die warme Umschlingung. Sie war nicht so eng wie ihre Tochter, aber das Gefühl war trotzdem schön warm und fest. Laura fickte mir ihre Hüften entgegen und passte sich meinem Rhythmus an. Ich küsste sie auf den Hals und sie klammerte sich an meinen Rücken und stöhnte in wortloser Lust. Ich schaute nach links und sah, dass Mary Melody jetzt hart ritt. Beide Mädchen keuchten und stöhnten. Rosafarbene Zungen entdeckten den jeweils anderen Mund und Hände griffen nach festen Brüsten und drückten harte Nippel.

„Ich denke, du hast jetzt herausgefunden, wie zwei Fohlen ficken“, sagte ich Mary.

Mary grinste mich an und stöhnte: „Genau! Und das ist echt gut. Wie ist denn dein Fohlen?“

„Sie ist ein toller Ritt“, stöhnte ich zurück. Ich bemerkte, dass unsere Hände nah beieinander waren und deshalb griff ich hin und streichelte Marys Hand. Sie lächelte mich an und unsere Finger verschränkten sich, während wir beide unsere Fohlen hart fickten. Marys Hintern spannte sich immer wieder an und er wackelte, während sie weiter ihren Kitzler an Melodys rieb.

„Das ist ein tolles Geburtstagsgeschenk“, stöhnte Melody. „Oh verdammt, du machst mich fertig!“ Melody wand sich unter Mary, sie fingerte ihren Arsch und küsste sie auf den Hals, als es ihr kam. Mary schnappte sich ihre Lippen, als sich ihr eigener Körper auf der 16-Jährigen in einem Orgasmus schüttelte.

Ich saugte Lauras großen Nippel in meinen Mund und erkundete den empfindlichen Knopf mit meiner Zunge, während ihre Fotze meinen Schwanz drückte. „Oh Scheiße!“ stöhnte Laura. Ihre Fingernägel kratzten über meinen Rücken, als es ihr unter mir kam.

Ich war auch kurz davor, als ich mich aus ihr herauszog und dann über ihr weiter wichste. Ich spritzte meinen Saft auf ihren Bauch und auf ihre großen Titten. Sie keuchte und mein weißes Sperma lief zähflüssig an ihrem Bauch und an ihren Titten herunter. Mary glitt von Melody herunter und fing an, meinen Saft vom Bauch von Laura abzulecken. Melody kümmerte sich gleichzeitig um mein Sperma auf den Titten ihrer Mutter. Es war wunderschön zuzuschauen, wie Mary mein Sperma von einer anderen Frau ableckte. Ich sah, dass Gabe meinen Schwanz und nicht die Mädchen filmte und zeigte auf die Mädchen.

Laura zog ihre Tochter an sich und küsste ihre Lippen, die noch mit Sperma bedeckt waren. „Danke, Mama“, sagte Melody glücklich. „Das war mein bisher bester Geburtstag.“

Laura lächelte und küsste noch einmal die einladenden Lippen ihrer Tochter. „Im nächsten Jahr müssen wir definitiv wieder die Schule schwänzen!“

Alle zogen sich wieder an. Mary und ich küssten Mutter und Tochter. Ich gab ihnen meine Handynummer und sagte ihnen, dass sie zu Melodys nächstem Geburtstag wieder anrufen sollten, Mary sah in ihrem rot-weiß gestreiften Kleid und in der weißen Bluse fantastisch aus. Ich sagte ihr, dass sie prachtvoll aussah und sie lächelte glücklich. Gabe hatte den Rest von Marys Klamotten in Tüten eingepackt und als wir alle wieder gesellschaftsfähig aussahen, öffnete er den Laden wieder.

„Gabe“, sagte ich beim Hinausgehen. „Gib Melody auch ein Gratisoutfit. Sie hat schließlich heute Geburtstag.“

Gab antwortete in seiner nasalen Stimme: „Natürlich, Sir. Ich habe hier dieses bezaubernde blaue Kleid für dich. Du wirst wunderbar darin aussehen“, sagte er und führte Melody zu den Umkleidekabinen.

„Willst du etwas essen?“ fragte ich Mary. Ich war beinahe verhungert, nachdem ich so unendlich viel gefickt hatte. Marys Bauch rumpelte und sie lachte.

Wir gingen zur Fressmeile und kauften uns etwas zum Essen. Mary nahm eine große Portion Nudeln und ein Stück Pizza, während ich mich am chinesischen Büffet bediente. Wir unterhielten uns, während wir aßen. Wir redeten über die Fernsehshows, die wir mochten und über Bücher und Filme. Es stellte sich heraus, dass Mary Polizeidramen mochte. Sie schaute sie sich alle an. Am liebsten sah sie „Castle und Bones“ und sie liebte „Greys Anatomy“, von dem ich zugeben musste, dass ich das noch nie gesehen hatte. Ich versprach ihr, dass ich mit ihr gemeinsam Greys Anatomy anschauen würde.

Schließlich kamen Bücher dran und es stellte sich heraus, dass wir beide Fantasy und Science Fiction mochten. Das fanden wir beide toll. Ich war durch Tolkien an die Fantasy herangekommen und Mary durch Twilight. Wir sprachen über unsere Lieblingsbücher und gaben jeweils auch Empfehlungen ab. Mary empfahl mir die Trilogie Twilight und ich sagte ihr, dass sie es einmal mit Steven Ericsons „Malazan Book of the Fallen“ versuchen sollte. Als ich auf mein Handy schaute, war ich überrascht, dass wir eine ganze Stunde verbracht hatten, während wir über diese Dinge gesprochen hatten.

Als wir mit dem Essen fertig waren, musste Mary noch mehr einkaufen. Ich nahm die Tüten und Arm in Arm gingen wir durch die Mall. Bei einem der Läden fiel mir ein nuttiges Segeloutfit ins Auge. Es war weiß und blau mit roten Glanzlichtern, hatte ein tief ausgeschnittenes Mieder und einen kurzen gekräuselten Rock. Ich war mir sicher, dass Mary in diesem Kleid geil aussehen würde. Mary sah, wo ich hinschaute und sie lachte.

„Magst du das Kleid?“ fragte sie und ich nickte. „Okay, ich habe eine Idee. Ich gehe rein und suche ein paar verdorben aussehende Sachen für dich aus. Und auch dieses Outfit. Du kannst dich derweil irgendwo amüsieren.“

„Und wie?“ fragte ich.

In ihren Augen war ein verdorbenes Blinzeln. Sie zeigte auf die beiden Verkäuferinnen an der Kasse. Eine war eine Blonde mit kurzem Haar, die ein rosafarbenes gemustertes, sehr kurzes Schulmädchenkleid trug, ein weißes Korsett mit schwarzen Spitzen und weiße Kniestrümpfe. Das andere Mädchen stand hinter der Kasse und trug ein rotes Korsett mit Spitzen an der Vorderseite, das ihre Brüste nach oben drückte. Ihr Haar war schwarz und hatte blaue und purpurfarbene Strähnen. Sie hatte zwei Zöpfchen. Beide Mädchen trugen Lippenstift und hatten mehrere Piercings an den Lippen, an ihren Nasen und in den Augenbrauen.

„Wenn du dich hinter das Mädchen an der Kasse stellst, kannst du sie sicher ficken, ohne dass jemand etwas davon mitbekommt. Heb ihr einfach den Rock hoch und schieb ihr deinen Schwanz rein“, sagte Mary. „Das sollte dich beschäftigen, während die Blonde mir bei meinem Einkauf hilft.“

„Und was ist, wenn sie keinen Rock anhat?“, fragte ich und versuchte, herauszufinden, was sie wirklich trug.

„Dann fickst du eben die Blonde“, antwortete Mary und schüttelte den Kopf, als wäre sie von so viel Dummheit überrascht. „Aber ich möchte wetten, dass sie einen Rock trägt. Und sie ist außerdem groß genug, dass das funktionieren wird.“

„Du hast recht, Mare“, sagte ich und kam mir ein bisschen blöd vor. „Ich finde deine Idee toll.“

„Klar doch“, sagte Mary. „Welcher Mann würde das anders sehen?“

„Gabe“, gab ich zurück.

Mary kicherte. „Okay, also welcher heterosexuelle Mann würde das anders sehen?“

Darauf hatte ich keine Antwort. Ich führte Mary also in den Laden. Mein Schwanz stand schon in meiner Hose. Wir gingen zu den beiden Mädchen, die uns anschauten. „Willkommen“, sagte die Blonde mit einer ziemlich rauchigen Stimme. Aus der Nähe sah ich jetzt, dass die Schwarze wirklich einen Rock trug. Schwarze Netzstrümpfe reichten ihr bis zu den Oberschenkeln. Das ließ sie noch nuttiger aussehen.

„Hi, ich bin Mark und das hier ist Mary“, sagte ich freundlich. „Wie heißt ihr beiden Hübschen denn?“

„Ich heiße Lilian“, antwortete das schwarzhaarige Mädchen. „Und das ist Anne.“

„Anne, ich möchte, dass du Mary beim Einkaufen hilfst“, befahl ich der Blonden. „Du machst alles, was sie will, egal wie merkwürdig dir das vorkommt.“

„Natürlich“, sagte Anne und lächelte mit ihren gepiercten Lippen. Sie nahm Marys Hand und ging mit ihr tiefer in den Laden hinein.

Ich drehte mich zu Lilian, die ein temperamentvolles Lächeln auf ihren schwarzen Lippen hatte. „Und du lässt dich von mir ficken.“

„Natürlich“, schnurrte Lilian.

„Und zwar werden wir gleich hier ficken“, sagte ich. „Ich werde hinter dir stehen und wenn jemand fragt, dann sagst du, dass ich dich ausbilde.“ Sie leckte erregt ihre Lippen und ich stellte mich hinter sie. „Zieh dir dein Höschen aus.“

Lilian griff unter ihren Rock und zog sich ein schwarzes Höschen herunter. Sie stieg aus und hielt es mir ins Gesicht. Ich nahm es und atmete ihren Duft ein, würzig und gleichzeitig süß. Dann steckte ich das Höschen in meine Tasche zu den Höschen von Vivian und Cynthia von heute Morgen aus dem Coffeeshop. Ich machte meinen Reißverschluss auf und zog meinen Schwanz heraus. Ich hob ihren kurzen Rock so weit an, dass ich meinen Schwanz darunter bekommen konnte. Der spitzenbesetzte Saum ihres Rockes fühlte sich auf meinem Schwanz angenehm kühl an. Dann fand ich ihr heißes nasses Loch.

Wir stöhnten beide, als ich langsam in ihre warme Tiefe glitt. Ihre Mösenwände massierten meinen Schwanz. Ich stieß innen an und mein Schwanz drückte sich gegen ihren Muttermund. Sie atmete tief ein und bewegte ihre Hüften, während ich anfing, sie zu ficken. Ich konnte nur kurze Stöße ausführen. Leute strömten am Eingang des Ladens vorbei und hatten keine Ahnung, dass hier, kaum fünf Meter von ihnen entfernt, gerade ein Paar fickte.

Die Schule musste zu Ende sein, denn ein Paar kichernder Schülerinnen stolperte in den Laden. Ich hörte auf, Lilian zu ficken und blieb bis zum Anschlag in ihr stecken. Lilian atmete heftig und drückte meinen Schwanz mit ihrer Fotze. Eines der Mädchen kam zu uns, um ein Halsband zu kaufen. Sie war ganz süß, vielleicht fünfzehn Jahre alt, hatte eine tief geschnittene Bluse an und kleine Titten. Sie legte ihre Arme auf den Tresen und ich konnte in ihre Bluse schauen. Sie trug keinen BH und ich konnte einen kurzen Blitz eines rosafarbenen Nippels erkennen, als sie sich ein wenig bewegte. Das war zu viel für mich. Ich biss die Zähne aufeinander und es kam mir hart in Lilians Möse.

Lilian keuchte und das Schulmädchen schaute uns verwirrt an. „Geht es ihnen gut?“ fragte sie.

„Sehr gut“, sagte Lilian, als ein zweiter Strahl meines Spermas sie anfüllte. „Ich habe eine dicke Wurst gegessen und die füllt mich ganz und gar aus!“ Lilian presste meinen Schwanz mit ihrer Möse zusammen und wackelte mit ihren Hüften.

„Okay“, murmelte das Mädchen und gab Lilian einen Zwanziger. Lilian fummelte mit dem Wechselgeld herum und dann ging das Mädchen mit seiner Freundin weiter. Mein Schwanz war nicht weich geworden und ich fickte Lilian einfach weiter.

„Scheiße, das war geil!“ keuchte Lilian.

Das zweite Mal, dass es mir in Lilian kam, war, als dieses nuttig angezogene Mädchen mit rosafarbenem Haar in den Laden schlenderte. Sie trug einen zerfetzten Rock aus blassviolettem und weißem Stoff, der kaum ihren Arsch bedeckte und ein enges T-Shirt, das sich über ihren Titten spannte und es war klar, dass sie keinen BH anhatte. Ihre Nippel waren hart und durch den dünnen Stoff des T-Shirts klar zu erkennen. Auf beiden Seiten ihrer Nippel waren weitere Abdrücke zu erkennen und ich brauchte ein wenig, um zu verstehen, dass ihre Brustwarzen gepierct waren. Das Shirt war rosa und trug den Aufdruck „Daddys little Girl“ quer über der Brust. Das Wort „Girl“ war ausgestrichen und durch „Slut“ ersetzt.

Lilian rieb sich mit einer Hand ihren Kitzler und sie war kurz davor zu kommen, als das Mädchen hereinkam. Sie musste schnell ihre Hand wegnehmen. Das Mädchen bemerkte die Bewegung, grinste dreckig und blinzelte Lilian zu. Sie hatte sich nicht irreführen lassen. Sie kam zum Tresen herüber und atmete tief ein. Wir rochen beide nach Sex und Sperma und ihr Lächeln zeigte, dass sei genau wusste, was hier vorging. „Was macht ihr denn da?“

„Ausbildung“, stotterte Lilian.

„Schlampen-Ausbildung?“ fragte das Mädchen mit einem Grinsen.

„Genau!“ stöhnte Lilian, als ich anfing, sie weiter zu ficken. „Ich bin ein solche Nutte!“

Lilian wollte ihre Hand wieder an ihren Kitzler bringen, wurde aber von dem Mädchen aufgehalten. „Lass mich dir helfen.“ Das Mädchen griff über den Tresen hinweg und ihre Finger landeten unter Lilians Rock. Ich spürte ihre Finger an meinem Schwanz, der in Lilians Fotze fuhr, bevor sie anfing, Lilians Kitzler zu streicheln und zu reiben. Lilian keuchte und ihre Fotze zog sich auf meinem Schwanz heftig zusammen, als es ihr kam.

„Verdammt!“ stöhnte Lilian. „Ich war so geil. Es ist mir genau dann gekommen, als du mich angefasst hast!“

Das Mädchen lachte und leckte sich Lilians Mösensaft von den Fingern. Ich fickte hart in Lilian hinein und schoss ihr eine zweite Ladung hinein, als ich sah, wie das Mädchen Lilians Saft ableckte. Ich stöhnte und atmete schwer auf Lilians Hals. Das Mädchen fuhr mit seiner Zunge langsam über seine vollen Lippen. Sie hatte ein silbernes Piercing in ihrer Zunge. „Wie ist denn ihre Ausbildung so? Hat sie deine Erwartungen erfüllt?“

„Sie ist ein Naturtalent“, stöhnte ich, als Lilian wiederum anfing, meinen Schwanz mit ihren Mösenmuskeln zu massieren. „Sie gibt sich ungeheure Mühe, ihre Kunden zu befriedigen. Und das ist sehr wichtig.“ Aus dem Hintergrund des Ladens hörte ich gedämpften Stöhnen und ich fragte mich, was Mary und Anne wohl gerade machten. Wahrscheinlich hatte Anne gerade ihre Zunge in Marys Fotze.

Das Mädchen kicherte verdorben. „Ich wollte immer schon mal hier arbeiten. Kannst du mir auch eine Ausbildung geben?“

Heilige Scheiße! Dieses Mädchen wollte sich von mir ficken lassen, ohne dass ich das anordnete. Ich konnte es nicht glauben. Ich war so erregt und Lilians Fotze fühlte sich so warm und eng an, während sie meinen Schwanz noch massierte, dass ich ihr eine dritte Ladung in die Fotze schoss. Keuchend sagte ich: „Natürlich. Aber ich muss erst noch ein Bewerbungsgespräch mit dir führen:“

„Natürlich“, sagte sie und nickte ernsthaft.

„Wie heißt du?“ fragte ich. „Und wie alt bist du?“

„Allison Hertz“, antwortete sie. „Und ich bin siebzehn.“

„Nun, Allison, zieh dein Höschen aus und lass mich sehen, mit was für einer Art von Muschi ich gleich arbeiten werde.“

„Ich habe gar kein Höschen an“, gab Allison zu. Sie hob die Vorderseite ihres Rockes an. Ihre Muschi war glatt rasiert. Ihr Schlitz war eng und ihr Saft glänzte auf ihren Schamlippen. Oberhalb ihrer Muschi hatte sie ein Tattoo: „Komm hier rein“. Ein kleiner roter Pfeil zeigte auf ihren Kitzler.

„Wie hast du die Erlaubnis deiner Eltern für dieses Tattoo bekommen?“ Allison leckte ihre Lippen. „Hab ich gar nicht. Ich habe den Tätowierer hier reinkommen lassen und habe dafür das Tattoo geschenkt bekommen.“

„Und die Piercing in deinen Nippeln? Ist er dafür auch gekommen?“ Sie schüttelte den Kopf. „Nein, dafür musste ich eine Möse lecken.“

„Okay, du hast den Job“, sagte ich.

Allison kam hinter den Tresen und zog die Rückseite ihres Rocks hoch und zeigte mir ihren festen Arsch. Ich zog mich aus Lilians Fotze zurück und stellte mich hinter Allison. Ich musste ein wenig in die Knie gehen, aber ich schaffte meinen Schwanz in Allisons enge Fotze hinein. Lilian stand zwischen uns und dem Eingang und verdeckte damit das, was Allison und ich gerade taten. So konnte ich sie schön hart und schnell ficken.

„Fick die Schlampe“ drängte Lilian mich. Sie hob ihren schwarzen Rock mit einer Hand hoch und spielte mit der anderen an ihrer verschleimten Fotze. Lilian brachte ihre klebrigen Finger an ihren Mund und Allison schob ihre Hand zwischen Lilians Beine und schob ihr zwei Finger in die Fotze. „Du versautes kleines Biest“, stöhnte Lilian. „Das fühlt sich gut an!“

„Du bist so nass“, stöhnte Allison. Dann lehnte sie sich vor und küsste Lilian. „Oh Gott, fick mich, du Hengst!“ zischte Allison, als sie mit dem Kuss fertig war. „Mir kommt es gleich!“ Ich fickte sie fester und ihre Fotze verkrampfte sich höchst angenehm auf meinem Schwanz, als es ihr laut kam. Sie zog sie Aufmerksamkeit einer Kundin der Mall auf sich, einer mittelalten Frau, die einen konservativen blauen Hosenanzug trug.

Als die Frau in den Laden kam, fragte ich mich, wie ich wohl weitermachen könnte. Ich zog mich vorsichtig und ganz langsam aus Allison zurück. Ich bewegte mich so wenig wie möglich und schob meinen Schwanz leicht oberhalb zwischen ihre Arschbacken. Dann drückte ich meinen Schwanz langsam in ihr Arschloch. Allison versteifte sich und keuchte. „Geht es Ihnen gut, meine Liebe?“ fragte die Frau. Sie schaute auf den erhitzten Teenager, während mein Schwanz immer tiefer in Allisons Arsch eindrang.

„Es geht mir gut“, keuchte Allison. „Ich bekomme gerade eine Ausbildung.“

Die Frau schaute uns sehr kritisch an. Mein Schwanz erreichte seine größte Tiefe in Allisons Arschloch. Es war eng und heiß. Allison bewegte sich ein wenig, um sich an meinen Schaft in ihrem Arsch zu gewöhnen. „Sind Sie sicher, meine Liebe?“

„Oh ja“, keuchte Allison, als ich anfing, meinen Schwanz langsam zurückzuziehen. „Er ist ein toller Ausbilder, nicht wahr Lilian?“

Lilian leckte ihre Lippen. „Oh ja! Er kommt ständig, um sicherzustellen, dass wir gut ausgebildet sind.“

Diese Unterhaltung war zu viel für mich und ich kam in Allisons Arsch, als ich meinen Schwanz wieder hinein schob. Ich seufzte tief auf. „Ihr drei seid widerliche Perverse“, sagte die Frau schrill. „Ich werde die Security alarmieren!“

„Nein, das wirst du nicht tun“, sagte ich ihr. „Du kommst hier her und leckst Allison mein Sperma aus dem Arsch, weil du so eine neugierige Bitch bist. Und hör nicht auf zu lecken, bis es ihr kommt!“

Die Frau sah schuldbewusst aus. Sie ging hinter den Tresen und fiel hinter Allison auf die Knie. Sie hob Allisons Rock an, spreizte ihre Arschbacken und legte ein braunes blinzelndes Loch frei, aus dem weißes Sperma heraus sickerte. Die Frau legte gierig ihre Lippen auf Allisons Arschloch und sie fing an zu saugen und zu lecken. „Oh verdammt!“ sagte Allison. „Du bist echt ein perverser Kerl!“

Mein Schwanz war von Allisons Arsch schmutzig, also hob ich Lilians Rock hoch. Ihre nasse Möse würde ihn schon sauber machen. Ich stieß ihr meinen Schwanz in die nasse Möse und ich fickte sie langsam. Ich sah zu Allison hinüber und fragte: „Wolltest du jemals eine Sex-Sklavin sein?“

„Oh ja!“ keuchte sie. „Ich liebe es, wenn ein Kerl mir sagt, was ich tun soll!“

„Aha, ich bin nicht überrascht, dass du noch ein anderes Mädchen gefunden hast, mit dem du dich amüsierst“, sagte Mary, als sie und eine sehr derangierte Anne wieder in den vorderen Bereich des Ladens kamen. Annes Lippen waren mit Mösensaft verschmiert und sie trug einige Tüten mit Kleidung.

„Das ist Allison“, sagte ich ihr, während Lilian stöhnte. „Allison, das ist meine Freundin Mary.“

„Ich freue mich, deine Bekanntschaft zu machen“, keuchte Allison.

„Allison wird von heute an unsere Sex-Sklavin sein“, sagte ich Mary. Sie hob eine Augenbraue. „Allison, du wirst alles tun, egal wie versaut oder pervers es dir vorkommt, solange Mary oder ich es dir sagen.“

„Absolut“ platzte Allison heraus. „Das klingt wundervoll! Danke, Meister. Danke, Herrin. Ich werde die beste Sex-Sklavin aller Zeiten sein.“

„Nun, sie ist jedenfalls so angezogen“, sagte Mary, als sei den Aufdruck auf Allisons Shirt las. „Und wer leckt ihr gerade den Arsch aus?“

„Irgend so eine prüde Bitch. Sie wird deine Kleider bezahlen, nicht wahr?“ Zwischen Allisons festen Arschbacken klang ein gedämpftes „Ja“.

Ich bückte mich, um die Börse der prüden Bitch zu nehmen. Beinahe fiel ich dabei um und mein Schwanz rutschte aus Lilians warmer Fotze heraus. Aber ich erwischte sie und ich steckte Lilian meinen Schwanz wieder rein. Ich öffnete die Geldbörse und fand eine Kreditkarte. Ich gab sie Lilian, damit sie den Einkauf buchen konnte. Außerdem fand ich hundert Dollar in Bargeld. Ich steckte das Geld in meine Tasche und warf die Börse auf den Boden. Lilian fummelte an der Kasse herum und konnte sich kaum konzentrieren, während ich sie weiter fickte. Allison kam mit einem kleinen Schaudern und unter Stöhnen eine Minute später. Die prüde Bitch griff ihre Geldbörse und floh, beinahe stolperte sie dabei.

„Allison, wo wohnst du?“ fragte ich.

„Ich wohne bei meinem Vater“, antwortete sie. „Meine Mama ist gestorben, als ich noch ganz klein war.“

„Ruf deinen Vater an“, sagte ich. „Ich muss mit ihm reden.“

Sie holte ihr Handy heraus und rief an. „Hi Papa“, sagte sie in das Telefon. „Mein Meister muss mit dir reden!“

Ich nahm das Telefon und hörte, wie ihr Vater fragte: „Meister? Wovon redest du, meine Kleine?“

„Ich bin der Meister deiner Tochter“, sagte ich in das Telefon. „Sie wird meine Sexsklavin sein und bei mir leben. Ich werde sie in jedes Loch ficken, das sie hat und sie auch überall besamen: Muschi, Arsch und Mund. Du wirst dir keine Sorgen um sie machen, die Polizei informieren oder nach ihr suchen. Sie wird kein Leid erfahren.“ Ich gab Allison das Telefon zurück. „Sag deinem Vater, was ich mit dir gemacht habe.“

„Hey, Papa“, sagte Allison. Meine Eier zogen sich zusammen und ich war kurz davor, ein viertes Mal in Lilians Fotze zu spritzen. „Ich habe so viel Spaß mit meinem Meister. Er hat mich hinter der Kasse in die Fotze gefickt. Es war irre. Ich bin so hart gekommen, Papa. Dann kam so eine Frau rein. Sie argwöhnte etwas bei uns. Aber mein Meister hat sich nicht irritieren lassen. Er hat mit stattdessen seinen Schwanz in den Arsch gesteckt und mir seinen Saft in den Po gespritzt, während diese prüde Bitch zugeschaut hat. Das war total geil, Papa.“ Dieser kleinen Schlampe zuzuhören, wie sie ihrem Vater all diese Sachen ins Telefon stöhnte, war auch total geil Ich stöhnte und schoss Lilian tatsächlich meine Ladung in die Fotze. „Papa, und dann hat er die Frau sein Sperma aus meinem Arsch lutschen lassen. Dabei bin ich dann noch einmal gekommen.“

Ich zog meinen Schwanz aus Lilian heraus. Er war nass und tropfte. „Schlampe, beende das Gespräch und mach deinem Meister den Schwanz sauber“, befahl Mary. Damit überraschte sie mich.

„Keine Sorge, Papa. Ich bin für meinen Meister und für meine Herrin bestimmt die allerbeste Sex-Sklavin, die es jemals gab“, sagte Allison in ihr Telefon. „Ich muss jetzt Schluss machen, Papa. Der Schwanz von meinem Meister ist mit Mösensaft und Sperma bedeckt und meine Herrin möchte, dass ich ihn sauber mache. Ich liebe dich, Papa.“ Damit fiel Allison auf die Knie und leckte den ganzen Saft von meinem Schwanz.

„Nimm unsere Tüten, Schlampe“, sagte Mary, als ich meinen Schwanz wieder in meiner Hose verstaute. Allison nahm sich alle unsere Tüten. „Du gehst hinter uns.“

„Ja, Herrin“, sagte Allison und lächelte.

Allison ging hinter Mary und mir her, als wir durch die Mall gingen. „Diese Sklavensache scheint dir ganz gut zu gefallen“, sagte ich zu Mary.

„Nun, meine ältere Schwester Shannon hat mich und Missy immer rumgeschubst“, erklärte Mary. „Und ich habe das gehasst.“

„Dann ist das hier also so eine Art von Revanche an einer Vertreterin?“ Mary nickte. „Du könntest aber auch eine echte Revanche haben. Du musst es nur sagen. Shannon könnte deine eigene Sklavin sein.“

Mary wurde rot. „Meine eigene Schwester!“ flüsterte sie.

„Meinetwegen auch nicht. Ich bin mehr als glücklich mit Allison.“

Mary biss sich auf die Lippe. „Du würdest aber nie, du weißt schon, mit meiner Schwester rummachen?“

„Nur wenn du das erlaubst“, sagte ich. „Das verspreche ich dir.“

Sie lächelte dankbar. „Ich danke dir.“

Mary führte uns zu Victorias Secret. „Ich möchte gerne eine Modeling Show für dich machen“, sagte Mary, als wir den Laden betraten. „Die Schlampe hier kann helfen.“

„Das würde ich gerne tun, Herrin.“

Mary arrangierte alles, nachdem ich den Verkäuferinnen gesagt hatte, dass sie ihr zuhören sollten. Die Kundinnen wurden schnell aus dem Laden geschickt und dann schlossen die Verkäuferinnen den Laden ab. Mary und Allison schauten mit der Unterstützung der beiden die Regale durch. Die Verkäuferinnen waren zwei Schönheiten mit Namen Aurora und Heather. Aurora war die jüngere der beiden, achtzehn Jahre alt, ihr Haar war dunkelblau gefärbt, sie hatte große Brüste, die in ihrer tief ausgeschnittenen Spitzenbluse wie in einer Auslage lagen. Sie trug eine hautenge Bluejeans. Auf der Rückseite konnte man das obere Ende eines roten Strings sehen. Heather war älter, fast dreißig, aber sie war nicht weniger schön als Aurora. Sie hatte hellblondes Haar, das in Locken über ihre Schultern fiel, strahlend blaue Augen, ein Puppengesicht und ein Paar große runde Titten, die ihre graue Seidenbluse von innen spannten. Ihr schwarzer enger Minirock schmiegte sich über ihre wohlgerundeten Hüften und ihren hübschen Arsch.

Mary ließ ein Sofa vor den Umkleideräumen aufstellen und setzte mich in die Mitte. Die beiden Verkäuferinnen mussten für mich einen Striptease machen, während Allison das mit meinem Camcorder aufnahm. Beide machten wohl zum ersten Mal einen Strip und es gab auch keine Musik, aber das Ganze war trotzdem sehr sexy. Beide Mädchen wackelten mit ihren Ärschen vor meinem Gesicht, als sie sich ihre Oberteile auszogen. Heather hatte keinen BH an und ihr rechter Nippel war mit einem goldenen Ring gepierct. Aurora hatte einen BH ohne Schulterträger an, der kaum ihre Brustwarzen verdeckte und ihre großen Brüste anhob. Als sie den BH ausgezogen hatte, rieb sie diese großen fleischigen Titten in mein Gesicht. Sie roch nach Lavendel und nach Rosen und ich lutschte einen braunen Nippel in meinen Mund, bevor sie wegtanzte.

Als Heathers Minirock herunter kam, war ich nicht überrascht, dass sie kein Höschen trug. Ihre Fotze war rasiert und sie glänzte. Ich fragte mich, warum sie wohl kein Höschen trug, obwohl sie in diesem Geschäft für Unterwäsche arbeitete. Aurora kam nur sehr schwer aus ihrer Hose heraus, weil sie so eng war. Heather musste ihr helfen. Der rote String ging wesentlich schneller. Beide Mädchen tanzten jetzt nackt vor mir und rieben sich aneinander. Dann lachten sie und setzten sich zu meinen beiden Seiten auf das Sofa.

Mary nahm den Camcorder und stellte ihn auf eines der Regale. Sie richtete ihn so ein, dass er einen guten Überblick über das Sofa und den Eingang zu den Umkleideräumen hatte. Dann verschwanden sie und Allison mit der Unterwäsche in den Umkleideräumen. Heather und Aurora fischten meinen Schwanz aus meiner Hose und fingen an, ihn zu wichsen, während ich mit beiden abwechselnd schmuste. Ich lutschte gerade an Auroras Titten, als Mary und Allison herauskamen. Beide sahen fantastisch aus.

Zuerst kam Mary in einem halterlosen BH. Die Körbchen bestanden aus feiner lila Spitze. Dazu trug sie ein passendes lila Höschen, das mit Spitze abgesetzt war. Ein lila Strumpfhalter hielt lila Strümpfe, die ihr bis zu den Oberschenkeln reichten. Sie ging vor uns her, als bewegte sie sich auf einem Laufsteg. Dann drehte sie sich um ihre eigene Achse, damit wir auch wirklich alles sehen konnten. Wir drei auf der Couch klatschten und sagten ihr, wie sexy sie war. Dann kam Allison mit einem cremefarbigen Bustier mit schwarzer Spitze. Dazu trug sie ein passendes Höschen und einfache weiße Strümpfe, die von einem Strumpfhalter gehalten wurden. Allisons Gang war etwas aggressiver verglichen mit dem von Mary. Heather, Aurora und ich pfiffen und klatschten.

Kichernd gingen Mary und Allison wieder nach hinten, um sich die nächsten Outfits anzuziehen. Ich drückte Heather auf den Boden und sie saugte meinen Schwanz in ihren Mund, warm und nass. Ihre Zähne strichen vorsichtig über meine Eichel. Aurora fing an, mich zu küssen, ihre Zunge bewegte sich in meinem Mund und ich griff nach ihrer schweren Titte und rollte ihren dicken Nippel zwischen meinen Fingern. Nachdem mein Schwanz von Heathers Speichel gut nass war, ließ sie ihn aus ihrem Mund rutschen und legte ihre großen Brüste um meinen Schwanz. Sie drückte sie zusammen und fing an, sie an meinem Schaft auf und ab zu bewegen. Bei jeder Abwärtsbewegung küsste sie dabei meine Eichel und umschmeichelte sie mit ihrer nassen Zunge.

Mary und Allison kam in ihren nächsten Outfits heraus. Mary trug ein Ensemble aus grauer Spitze, ihre dunklen Brustwarzen waren durch die Spitze deutlich sichtbar. Der String bestand nur aus Strängen grauer Spitze, die kaum ihre Muschi bedeckten. Sie sah so geil aus, dass ich stöhnte und mich über Heathers Gesicht und Titten entlud. Heather keuchte überrascht und leckte sich mein Sperma von den Lippen.

„Steh da nicht einfach nur so rum, Schlampe“, bellte Mary und schlug fest auf Allisons Arsch. „Leck das Sperma von meinem Meister von dieser Hure runter!“

„Ja, Herrin“, sagte Allison. Sie flog geradezu durch den Raum, damit sie schnell meinen Saft von Heathers großen Brüsten und von ihrem Gesicht ablecken konnte. Allison hatte ein schwarzes Babydoll an, das mit rosafarbener Spitze gesäumt war. Dazu hatte sie ein passendes durchsichtiges schwarzes Höschen angezogen.

Mary schlug noch einmal auf Allisons Arsch. „Gute kleine Schlampen lecken immer sofort das Sperma von ihrem Meister auf. Egal, wo sie es finden!“

„Natürlich, Herrin!“ sagte Allison, als Mary ihr zum dritten Mal auf den Arsch schlug.

Mary ging in den Umkleideraum zurück, während Allison sich weiter um Heathers Titten und Gesicht kümmerte. Allison verwendete viel Zeit darauf, sicherzustellen, dass Heathers Brustwarzen und Nippel auch wirklich sauber waren. Aurora fing an, langsam meinen Schwanz zu wichsen, während wir beide zuschauten, wie meine kleine Schlampe ihrer Pflicht nachkam. Als mein Schwanz wieder hart war, rutschte sie nach unten und nahm ihn in den Mund. Allison musste irgendwie auch auf Heathers Muschi Sperma gefunden haben, weil sie ihr jetzt glücklich die Fotze leckte. Ich war mir zwar nicht sicher, ob da wirklich mein Sperma hingespritzt war, aber es störte mich nicht weiter, weil sich im Moment sowieso Aurora um mich kümmerte.

Marys drittes Outfit bestand aus einem sexy Babydoll in pink. Ein Mieder in pink hielt ihre Brüste und loser Stoff fiel über ihren Bauch bis direkt oberhalb eines pinkfarbenen Spitzenhöschens. Sie sah so unschuldig aus wie ein Schulmädchen und gleichzeitig so sexy wie eine Stripperin. Sie ging vor uns hin und her und ich pfiff ihr nach. „Gott, du bist wunderschön“, stöhnte ich, als Aurora meinen Schwanz tief in ihren Hals nahm.

„Danke.“ Mary setzte sich zu mir auf das Sofa und spreizte ihre Beine. „Schlampe, leck mir die Muschi!“

„Ja, Herrin“, sagte Allison. Sie entfernte sich von Heathers Muschi und schob Marys Höschen zur Seite, um in ihre nasse Fotze einzutauchen. Sie leckte geräuschvoll. Heather stöhnte enttäuscht und fing dann wie wild an zu masturbieren.

Mary umarmte mich und wir küssten uns, während unsere beiden Schlampen jeweils Oralsex mit uns machten. Meine Hand fand ihre Titte in die weiche Seide eingehüllt und ich rieb und drückte. Mary und ich kamen gleichzeitig. Wir hatten uns im Arm und füllten die Münder unserer Huren mit Sperma und Mösensaft. Etwas von meinem Sperma lief aus Auroras Mund heraus und Allison verschwendete keine Zeit, es ihr gleich aus dem Gesicht zu lecken. Ich zog Mary auf meinen Schoß und ihre Beine lagen über meinen Hüften. Der weiche Stoff ihres Höschens rieb kühl an meinem Schwanz, während ich mir ihre Lippen zu einem Kuss heranholte.

Ich schaute tief in Marys smaragdgrüne Augen, als sie den Schoß ihres Höschens zur Seite zog und ihre Fotze auf meinen Schwanz senkte. „Ich liebe dich“, stöhnte sie und fickte mich langsam. Ich zog ihr das Mieder herunter und saugte eine ihrer Titten gierig in meinen Mund. Ich fasste ihre Arschbacken an und spürte, wie sich die Muskeln unter meinen Fingern bewegten, während sie sich auf meinem Schwanz bewegte. Ihre Arme hielten meinen Kopf an ihren Brüsten fest. Ich lutschte an ihrem Nippel und an ihrer Brustwarze.

Marys Hüften fingen an, sich schneller zu bewegen. Sie fing an zu keuchen. Die Wände ihrer Fotze waren wie Feuer an meinem Schwanz. „Komm gleichzeitig mit mir, Mare“, flüsterte ich und schaute zu ihr hoch. Unsere Stirne pressten sich aneinander. „Komm gleichzeitig mit mir!“

„Ja, ja“, keuchte Mary. Sie fickte mich jetzt hart und schnell. Ihre Hüften rotierten, während sie sich auf meinem Schwanz bewegte. Sie drückte ihren Kitzler gegen mein Schambein. „Oh Gott, ich bin da!“ Ihre Fotze klammerte meinen Schwanz und sie setzte sich flach auf meinen Schoß. Mein Schwanz stand an ihrem Muttermund an, als sie auf mir kam. Ihre Lippen fanden meine und wir küssten uns, während ich meinen Samen tief in sie hinein spritzte und einen kleinen perfekten Augenblick waren wir eins.

Mary saß auf meinem Schwanz und küsste mich. Sie atmete meine Seele, während wir uns in den Nachwehen unserer Orgasmen festhielten. Hinter ihr stöhnten die Mädchen und sie keuchten, während sie sich gegenseitig fickten. Sie schrien, wenn es ihnen kam. Sie leckten nasse Fotzen und lutschten an harten Nippeln. Schließlich stieg Mary von mir ab und ließ sich auf die Couch fallen. Ihre Beine waren gespreizt und mein Sperma sickerte durch den Stoff ihres Höschens nach draußen. Innerhalb von Sekunden war Allison bei uns und leckte das Sperma von meinem Schwanz und aus Marys Fotze heraus, während wir beide uns auf der Couch entspannten. Wir sahen zu, wie Heather und Aurora einen 69er machten und sich gegenseitig genossen.

„Ich liebe dich“, flüsterte ich Mary zu. Ich küsste meine Liebste, während unsere Schlampe mein Sperma aus ihrer Fotze lutschte.

To be continued …

Click here for Kapitel 5

The Devil’s Pact, Ghost of Paris Chapter 2: Tartan Skirt



The Devil’s Pact

The Ghost of Paris Chapter Two: Tartan Skirt

by mypenname3000

edited by Master Ken

© Copyright 2014

Story Codes: Male/Teen female, Mind Control, Magic, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Toy, Female Masturbation, Anal, Humilation

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 1.

Saturday, August 31st, 2013 – Paris, Texas

At dawn this morning, I sold my soul to Lucifer, the Devil himself, for the power to turn myself invisible. I loved peeping on women, and being invisible was the ultimate way to peep. Just an hour ago, I watched a girl change in the Banana Republic dressing room. Her name was Mindy, and I ended up fucking her hard. She thought I was a ghost who couldn’t pass-on to heaven unless my blue balls were fixed.

To recharge my batteries after my romp with Mindy, I lay on the cold floor of the Paris Commons, beneath the stairs, so I could stare up some women’s skirts. It was my favorite spot in the whole mall, and now I didn’t need to be afraid of getting caught. My pecker was stirring and I was looking for the next girl to molest while enjoying the sights.

I loved the thrill of looking up a lady’s skirt and seeing her unmentionables. I loved them all: plain, white panties; cute panties with cartoon characters, or hearts, or kisses; sexy panties made of gauzy fabric, lace, and bright bows. Boy-shorts, bikini, high-cut, tangas, thongs, g-strings, and even the plain-old classic-cut. I loved them all!

Color flashed out of the corner of my eyes and I looked at the base of the stairs and saw a pair of tan knees that peaked out beneath a green-and-red tartan skirt. I smiled, watching the girl mount the stairs. I loved the anticipation, wondering what sort of panties she would have on. She was young, a sophomore or a junior in high school. I was betting on cute panties with some adorable animal printed on them.

There was a flash of hot pink beneath her legs and my pecker stiffened. Well, Scotty, you were wrong. I had one perfect moment where I could see straight up between her legs at the filmy gusset of her panties. The material – molded to the lips of her cooch – was transparent enough that I could make out her shaved slit and a landing-strip of dark pubic hair.

I had found my next playmate.

I rolled out from beneath the stairs. I had to dodge a bevy of shoppers. No-one could see me, and that made it difficult to move through a crowded mall. Luckily I was a skinny guy, and slipped through. I raced up the stairs, taking them two at a time. Reaching the landing, I searched for Miss Tartan-Skirt. I looked to my left, straining to see the red-and-green of her skirt.


My heart was hammering with frustrated excitement. I had to find her. I had to see those panties up close. I had to see what they were covering. I whipped my head about desperately. Where was she? I looked to my right, nimbly dodging around an old man in a scooter that almost barreled into me. Did I lose her?

Disappointment soured my stomach. I lost her.

As I turned to walk back down the stairs, I caught a a flash of red-and-green skirt disappearing into a Lady Footlocker. I grinned and hugged the wall as I walked down the second-floor balcony to the store. I reached the window and peered in. There she was, looking at tennis shoes. She wore a white blouse, with very short, ruffled sleeves. Her hair was long, black, and plaited and her face was round and innocent, with huge, dark, doe-eyes.

She found a pair of shoes and sat down on a bench. I quickly hurried over, kneeling down on the floor. Her legs were spread wide and I had to lower my face almost all the way to the floor, but I was able to see right up her skirt at the treasure hidden between her legs. Oh, fuck, that is a lovely pair of panties. A fringe of pink lace surrounded the leg-holes. In fact, the panties were made entirely of pink lace that left her pussy on display.

I moved closer, my head almost between her legs as she tried on her shoes. Then she stood up and I scurried back, bumping into the display rack in my haste to get out of her way. The rack shook and Miss Tartan-Skirt jumped in surprise and frowned at the rack. She shrugged and walked away from me in her shoes; my eyes were glued to the way her ass swayed beneath her skirt.

I grasped my pecker; stroked it slowly as I watched her tight ass. She turned, and I noticed just how well her breasts filled out her top. I could just make out the shadow of her bra beneath the blouse and I wondered what it looked like. Hot pink and lacy, like the panties, with her hard nipples and pink aerola visible? Or something else.

Miss Tartan-Skirt shook her head, kicked off the shoes, and returned them to the box. Then she started to browse the shelves. I moved closer, my pecker inches from her pert ass. I reached out and stroked the nape of her neck.

“Holy jeez!” she yelped and, laughing silently, I stepped back. She stared in confusion right at me, her doe-eyes wide. I stroked my pecker harder. Shaking her head, she turned back to browsing for shoes.

Then I reached out and caressed her arm. Her looks of confusion and consternation were priceless. Every few minutes, just when she seemed to relax, I would strike. A light touch on the back of her hand, a caressing swipe at her calf, a gentle stroke of her cheek. She looked around carefully before she started to try on the third pair of shoes. As she bent down to untie her own shoes, I reached around her body and gave her firm tit a good squeeze.

“Everything ah’ite, miss?” drawled the clerk when Miss Tartan-Skirt just about jumped out of her skin.

“Yes,” Miss Tartan-Skirt squeaked in fear. “I’ll take this pair!”

I followed the girl as she scurried out of the store, the bag with her new shoes tightly clutched in her hands. She was so unnerved she didn’t even bother to try them on. I followed her all the way out of the mall. She was almost running by the time we reached the parking lot. As she fumbled in her purse for her car keys, I goosed her ass and enjoyed her plump feel.

“What in tarnation!” she gasped and dropped her purse and Lady Footlocker bag.

Her doe-eyes were wild as she stared around. There was no-one anywhere near us. Her hands shook as she bent down to retrieve her purse and bag. She fished out her keys and almost dropped them again. She took a deep breath, muttering about being tired, and began to calm herself down.

She unlocked her Toyota Corolla, popped her trunk, and put her shopping bag in. I opened the rear, driver-side door and slid in. She gaped in surprise. “Need more sleep,” she muttered as she slammed the door closed. She got into the front seat, and kept glancing back, frowning.

I loved being invisible. It was the most freeing thing in the world.

As she drove, I carefully grabbed a loose lock of black hair and leaned in and smelled her apricot shampoo. To my horror, she started texting as she drove. Glancing up from her phone every few seconds to make sure the road ahead was clear. Whenever she sent a text she would almost instantly get a response. Twice we drifted into oncoming traffic without her even noticing. I wished to God I could put on the seatbelt, but it would be a little obvious floating in the air around my invisible body.

Finally she pulled into a driveway of a one-story rambler the color of a cloudy sky. She got out of the car, collected her bag, and texted as she walked. I quietly opened the door, slipped out, and shut it every so softly. She was at her porch, furiously texting away; I stalked up behind her. A vindictive feeling grew inside me. The stupid girl almost got us killed and I wanted to make her pay.

She put her phone into her purse and fished out her keys. As she reached for the lock, I pounced and pushed her up against the door. She screamed and glanced over her shoulder as she struggled in my grasp.

“What in the blue hell is goin’ on!” she shrieked in fear as she looked right through me.

I slipped a hand up her thigh, up to her butt and gave it a squeeze. She started to relax. I had wished that any woman I molested would enjoy it. My fingers found the waistband of her panties, hooking through the elastic band.

“What are you?” She sounded afraid and aroused; her big doe-eyes shone with her mixed emotions.

“A ghost,” I moaned, trying to sound ghostly. “Forever cursed to haunt purtee gals and use them for my relief.”

I was pulling her panties down, my hard pecker pressing against her now naked ass. She jumped, feeling the streak of invisible pre-cum my pecker must have left on her ass. “Relief?”

“I need to cum in a sweet young thang’s cooch or I can’t get to heaven.”

I pulled her hot-pink, lacy panties down until they were bunched around her ankles. I gave her ass another squeeze and pressed up behind her. I could feel her pillowy cheeks pushing against my groin as I guided my pecker to her moist pussy.

“Please don’t,” she begged. “We’re outside. People’ll see us!”

My pecker started to sink into her. “I reckon that’s what makes it so excitin’!”

Miss Tartan-Skirt threw back her head and moaned as my pecker speared into her hot, moist cunt. Like Mindy, she was tight but not a virgin. I grunted, and started working my pecker through her slippery sheath.

“Oh fuck,” she moaned. “This can’t be happening!”

“Sweetness, you just better start acceptin’ it!” I licked her ear. “You got one hot, juicy cooch!”

“I must be going crazy.”

I kept pounding her snatch, enjoying her sweetness as I reached around her and found the small buttons that kept her blouse closed. I tried to fumble with them, but they were too tiny for my fat fingers. Instead, I ripped her blouse open and her cunt tightened on my pecker as she shrieked in surprise. I groped her breasts. Her bra felt lacy, and I fingered the pattern. Her nipples were hard underneath and she gasped every time I brushed one.

My balls started to boil over and I pounded her cooch harder and harder. I heard a few muttered laughs, and looked over my shoulder to see a group of teenage boys filming us with their phones. I wondered just what they were seeing. Her panties were down around her ankles and her skirt bunched up to expose a tan ass with just the faintest lines from her bikini. Her blouse hung open and her head was thrown back. It must look like she’s masturbating on the porch.

I smiled; the teens watching us were voyeurs after my own heart.

So I decided to give them a show. I picked up Miss Tartan-Skirt, spinning her around. “What in the blue hell!” she screamed. Her porch had a railing. I bent her over it, and continued to fuck her fast and hard.

I grabbed her bra, pulling the cups down to expose her tits to the hungry gaze of the teens. “No, no, no! Please don’t do this!”

I groped her naked tits, pinching her hard nipples as I pounded her snatch. She tried to cover her breasts and I pushed her hands away. Mortified, she buried her face in her hands. I watched the boys, their eyes wide with lust and disbelief, phones held up to capture every moment.

“What a ho!” the first yelled, the boldest of the boys. And then they all were shouting.

“You’re a fuckin’ slut!”

“Holy shit, look at her tits!”

“How the fuck is she doin’ that?”

I was playing with her round breasts, squeezing them and lifting them up. “Look at them,” I told Miss Tartan-Skirt. “Enjoy their stares like a good little slut.”

“I’m not a…ohhh…slut!” she moaned.

“You sure as hell are, sweetness. I’m only drawn to girls as easy as a seein’ tits at Mardi Gras.” I reached around, grabbed her arms and pulled them away from her face. “Now sweetness, don’t be shy. Be proud that them boys there like to see your sweet hooters.”

“Oh my word!” she moaned, her cunt tightening about my cock, her hips giving a little wiggle. “I can’t believe I’m gonna cum!”

“You best believe it, sweetness, and cum for them boys!”

She gave a loud, wordless moan and her cunt started convulsing around my pecker. She felt so good as her orgasming snatch massaged my pecker. I slammed one last time into her and flooded her with my invisible cum.

“Thanks, sweetness,” I said as I pulled out of her.

Miss Tartan-Skirt rushed to the door, tripping on her panties. She fell onto her knees; her skirt flipped-up and exposed her tan ass and freshly-fucked cunt. The boys hooted in delight, and snapped photos as she scrambled back to her feet. She grabbed her purse, fumbled for her keys as she hastened to unlock the door. She was so frazzled she left the keys in the lock as she slammed the door. The deadbolt clicked and I heard her lean against the door and sigh in relief.

She walked away from the door and I waited a few minutes, before I pulled the keys out of the doorknob lock and slid them into the deadbolt. The same key worked for both locks, so I slowly twisted the key and tried to not make any noise. I winced as the lock clicked loudly, and waited for Miss Tartan-Skirt to investigate. She didn’t. I pushed the door open and slipped in.

She was sobbing on the couch. She had pulled her panties up, slipped her breasts back into her bra, and closed the ripped blouse as best she could. On her lap was a pillow fringed with tassels that she cried into. I almost felt bad for her, but I remembered just how great her cunt felt. My stomach rumbled, so I walked back to the kitchen to see what I could steal. I heard muffled music began to pound through the house and peaked back into the living room. She was gone, fled to her bedroom and that god-awful boy band music. One Direction, maybe? Or Justin Beiber? It all sounded like crap to me. Give me some Johnny Cash or Elvis. Hell, I’d take some rap over Justin Beiber.

I found a beer in the fridge and made myself a bologna sandwich. I devoured it and made myself a second one and washed it down with a second beer. It was a Bud Light, and I was a Coors man, but beggars cannot be choosers. I started wandering through the house. It wasn’t big; two bedrooms and a bath. There were pictures everywhere, mostly of Miss Tartan-Skirt, but also of a frumpy woman that looked to have been pretty once, before a hard life stole that from her. The mother, I figured, and a single one at that. The only pictures of a man were with Miss Tartan-Skirt as a child. I figured her dad must be dead, why else would her mother keep his pictures up?

I amused myself by rummaging through the master bedroom. Her mom’s bedroom wasn’t as tidy as the rest of the house and dirty clothes lay strewn across the floor. I found a pair of large, used panties and gave them a sniffb then shuddered to think how fat her mom must be. These panties would be a tent on me. I found a black, rubber cock in her panty drawer and a depraved idea entered my mind. It had been over an hour since I fucked Miss Tartan-Skirt on the porch and my pecker felt alive and ready.

“I swear it was a ghost,” Miss Tartan-Skirt pleaded to her laptop as she sat at her desk. She must be skyping. I could see a teen girl’s face on her laptop’s screen rolling her eyes.

Miss Tartan-Skirt’s music was loud enough that she didn’t hear me open her bedroom door. I held her mom’s dildo in one hand as I walked into the room. Her room was tidy. Her bed had a purple comforter and was precisely made, like she was in boot camp. That’s how my pa always liked things. Old bastard seemed to think he was still in the military half the time. On her shelves sat crystal and porcelain figurines: mostly unicorns, but a few pegasi, centaurs, and one crystal dragon. Her closet was open and her clothes hung neatly.

“Whatevs, Ruth,” her friend said dismissively. Miss Tartan-Skirt had a name. And it was rather plain and boring. “Last week you tried to convince me you saw a UFO.”

“But I did,” Ruth protested. “It was hoverin’ over the Eiffel Tower.”

I wondered if a UFO really hovered over that gaudy tourist attraction. Since our town was also called Paris, someone, naturally, built a replica of the Eiffel Tower. And since we were in Texas a huge, red cowboy hat rests atop it. I loved UFO’s and all that paranormal shit. But I hadn’t heard anyone reporting a UFO in Paris, and I would have heard about it. I visit all sorts of ‘alternative’ websites. Hell, that’s where I learned how to summon Lucifer and make my deal to turn invisible.

“You’re such a liar,” her friend dismissed.

I turned off her iPod docked to a set of speakers. Ruth jumped. She had put on a baggy T-shirt and still wore that lovely, red-and-green tartan skirt. Her doe-eyes widened as she saw the rubber cock floating in midair. I waggled it; the pecker flopped about and the color just drained from her face.

“It’s back!” she screeched.

“What is, Ruth?”

“The ghost!”

I could see her friend roll her eyes on the screen. “I’m not fallin’ for another one of your pranks. Later.”

Ruth looked on in horror at the rubber cock. “You got your relief. I thought you moved on?”

“ ‘Fraid not, sweetness. Goin’ to have to try a little bit harder this time, sweetness.” She glanced at the dildo in my hand and blushed. “This was up your mama’s cunt.” I inhaled deeply. “Smells fresh. Bet your ma used it just this mornin’.”

“I…I wouldn’t know.”

I smiled, grabbed her arm, and pulled her up. “I want to see you stick this up your slutty cooch.”

“That’s disgusting!” Her voice was full of indignation, so I pushed the dildo into her face, laughing as she flinched and tried to slap it away. “Please stop!”

I grabbed the hem of her shirt, tugging it upwards. She didn’t resist. Her bra was hot-pink and lacy as those panties, her dark nipples peaking through. “What a slut,” I murmured and traced the edge of her bra. “Let’s get that off and free them sweater puppies!”


I didn’t like her defiance so I pushed her bra up, exposing her full tits. I licked my lips, then bent my head down and started to suck on one. She gasped, then her hands cradled my head as she mewled in pleasure. I threw the rubber cock on her bed and felt around for the zipper on her skirt. I found it and her skirt slid off her hips. I released her breasts and saw her almost-naked body, and those lacy, hot-pink panties really didn’t cover much anyways.

“C’mon, Ruth, get them there panties off,” I told her. “I wanna see you fuck your little cooch with mama’s big toy!”

“Please, Mr. Ghost, my momma’s gonna be home real soon.”

“So? You take ’em off or I’ll rip ’em off, and tan your hide besides!”

Ruth pulled her panties off and finished taking off her bra, too. She folded them up and neatly set them on her computer chair. I was getting impatient as she started folding up her tartan skirt and I ripped it out of her hands and threw those back on the floor. She swallowed, getting the message, and laid down on her bed. She grasped the rubber cock gingerly.

“And this will help you move on?” she asked.

I knelt on her bed, staring at her obscenely spread cunt. “Abso-damn-fuckin’-lutely, sweetness.” My pecker was hard and I started to slowly stroke it.

“Fine,” she sighed, tightening her grip on the rubber pecker.

She rubbed it against her pussy lips, then slowly slid it inside herself and sighed softly. Her eyes widened as more of it disappeared into her tight cunt. It was thick – fatter than my pecker had been – and I remembered just how tight her cunt was. She kept pushing it in then pulling it out, and pushing right back in again.

“Umm,” she moaned softly, slowly fucking herself with the dildo. I watched the pleasure ripple across her face. She picked up the speed.

The room filled with a wet, squishing sound as the rubber cock reamed her teenage cunt. I breathed in her tart scent deeply, my eyes fixed to her cooch. Her lips were obscenely spread open, her pussy flushed red with her arousal. I could see her juices leaking out, running down her ass to form an ever increasing wet spot on her comforter.

“Are you watching?” she panted.

“Hell yeah!” I answered, almost speechless as she started playing with her clit. Watching her pussy engulfing the huge toy was mesmerizing. “Fuck yourself, whore! That toy is strechin’ your little cooch.”

She gave a throaty laugh. “This is so wicked!” She picked up her pace, fucking herself faster and faster. “I’ve never been so wet in my life!”

“Sluts liked to be watched!”

“Yes, watch me! Watch my naughty little cunt as I pump momma’s dildo in and out! Umm, it’s so big. I’ve never felt so full! Oh yes! I’m cummin’!”

Her breasts heaved, a flush crept across her skin as her orgasm rippled through her body. She buried the rubber cock inside her cooch, holding it in place as her back arched; her legs stretched even wider and I caught a glimpse of her puckered asshole. Her eyes fluttered as she shuddered then lay still, breathing softly.

“Keep going,” I urged her as I eyed the swell of her buttocks, trying to catch another glimpse of her asshole. What would it be like to slide my pecker up her shitter?

“Sure,” Ruth purred, and started diddling her clit as she slowly fucked herself again. “It’s so hot bein’ watched!”

“I reckon you’re one of them exhib’nist!”

I grabbed her pillow and shoved it beneath her ass. She didn’t stop pumping her ma’s dildo into her cunt. I spread her cheeks and looked at her asshole. I’ve never fucked a girl’s ass before, but I’ve always wanted to. I spit on my hands a few times, got my pecker nice and wet.

“What in the blue hells of tarnation!” she screamed.

She had stopped fucking herself as my pecker violated her asshole. I shoved it straight in, pushing deeper and deeper into her velvety, tight ass. “Don’t stop playin’ with your cooch!” I yelled as I bottomed out in her ass. She squirmed in discomfort, then started to slide the rubber cock in and out of her cunt again. I could feel it rubbing through her pussy. She was stuffed so full of pecker, both real and fake, it made her even tighter.

I started to slowly fuck her ass. She closed her eyes, biting her lower lip and wincing in pain. Slowly her winces turned to sighs and she opened her eyes, and licked her lips. She started pumping the rubber cock faster, pleasure contorting her face. I matched her pace with my ass-fucking.

“Oh fuck, that feels weird!” she gasped. “But nice! Umm, I think I like your dick up my ass!”

I laughed. “Only a slut would like it, though.”

“I am a slut!” she panted. “Umm, a naughty slut that…um…that loves gettin’ her ass fucked by a ghost!”

I really started to pound her ass and Ruth was reduced to wordless moans and gasps. Her breasts jiggled as I fucked her. Reaching out I started pinching her nipple. Her ass squeezed hard on my pecker. The delicious, little slut was lost to the pleasure building up inside her. And I was getting closer and closer to filling her dirty ass with my cum.

“Harder, harder!” she begged me. “Ream my ass! I’m so close to cummin’!”

Her hand was furiously thrusting the dildo into her cunt. I leaned over her and pistoned my hips as hard as I could. She shrieked as her orgasm crashed through her. I kept right on fucking her. My balls tightened, readying to cum in her ass as I kept pounding away. The little slut cried out again as she slipped into multiple orgasms.

The front door opened.

“Ruth, you home?” an older woman called out.

Ruth’s eyes opened in horror. Her door was open. I could hear her mom walking down the hallway. I kept right on fucking her, thrusting my pecker in and out; her ass clenching my pecker as she kept cumming. The footsteps drew closer. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a figure looming in Ruth’s doorway, her purse crashing to the floor.

“What in the holy hell are you doin’ Ruth Annabeth Ahlers!” her mom shrieked.

Ruth’s hand was still on the dildo in her cunt, her body drenched in sweat and flushed red. Ruth was still cumming as she tried to cover her breasts. Her ass squeezed even harder on my pecker and I stiffened and flooded her bowels as her mother watched her daughter’s masturbation in horror. I quickly pulled out and jumped off the bed as Ruth’s husky mom stormed in.

“Have you no decency, Ruth?” The mom’s eyes fell on the rubber cock sticking out of Ruth’s cunt. “You little slattern. Have you been sneakin’ ’round my room?”

“No, momma!”

Ruth yelped as her ma ripped the rubber cock out of her cooch. “Then where in the blue hell did you get this?”

“The ghost, momma!” Ruth was trying to pull up her sheets up to cover her nakedness.

“I’ve had enough with your lies about UFOs and ghosts! You are grounded for a month, young lady!”

“But momma…”

“No, buts! I have half-a-mind to bend you over my knee and tan your hide proper!”

Laughing silently, I slipped out of the room, out of the house, and wondered who would be the ghost’s next victim?

To be continued…

Click here for Chapter 3.

The Devil’s Pact Chapter 34: The Whore of Babylon



The Devil’s Pact

Chapter 34: The Whore of Babylon

by mypenname3000

edited by Master Ken

© Copyright 2013, 2014

Story Codes: Male/Teen female, Male/Female, Hermaphrodite/Female, Mind Control, Magic, Anal, Ass to Mouth, Rimming, Oral, Pregnant, Toy, Female Masturbation, First, Sadism, Violence, Wedded Lust

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 33.

Monday, July 22nd, 3:27 AM – Babylon Residence, Seattle, WA
“Push, Karen!” Chantelle shouted as she gripped my hands.

I was confused, in pain. I had been in labor for nearly a day and I was so tired. The last few weeks had been a blur as I drifted in and out of consciousness. I didn’t know where I was or, more importantly, where Master and Mistress were. I was being cared for by Lana and Chantelle, the missing sex slaves, in a strange house. Whenever I felt strong enough to ask, the women would deflect my questions, or tell me I just missed Master or Mistress. I was scared, the pregnancy was going too fast and I was too weak to do anything. I had hazy memories of Willow telling me Lilith’s child grew inside me.

“Master!” I shouted desperately. “Mistress, I need you, please!” The contraction came on me in a wave of pain and I pushed, straining with every fiber of my being to deliver my child.

“I can see the head,” Lana said encouragingly. “One more push, Karen, you’re doing so well.”

I took a deep breath, my head swimming. I was so weak. I concentrated, felt the next contraction come upon me, squeezing my insides, and I screamed and pushed. The pain was so much I thought I was going to die. “Master!” I cried out. And then the baby was out and I could hear a loud, healthy cry and I relaxed and everything started to grow black. I was so tired. But the child was delivered, I could rest now. My eyelids were so heavy and I didn’t fight them, I was just too tired, and allowed myself to drift away.

I was drifting, drifting, drifting.

Off into the darkness.

When I awoke, I was surrounded by a gray mist on gray stone.

What was going on? I stood up. The pain, the fatigue, were all gone. I didn’t feel anything. I peered around; in every direction I could just see more oppressive mist. “Hello!” I called, hoping someone would hear me.


I whirled about, straining to see something in the vast fog. But there was nothing. Just gray mist, swirling in strange eddies. I shouted again, wondering if I was dreaming? Maybe I should start walking? But where, there’s nothing here. I turned slowly around, trying to find something to point my way when I noticed some movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned quickly to my right, straining to see. There was something there. Was it just the mist swirling? I frowned, watching the pattern. No, there was something dark forming in the mist. The something resolved into a vaguely human form. I took a deep breath and started walking forward, towards the figure.

“Chasity?” I asked as the mists parted, exposing the blonde woman. She was naked, her round breasts jiggling as she walked. A sad smile was on her face.

“I’m sorry, Karen,” Chasity said as she hugged me. Her body was warm against mine. I hugged my sister-slut back, fiercely, enjoying the feel of her breasts on mine.

“What are you sorry for?” I asked as she broke the hug.

“You’re dead, Karen.”

I blinked. “What?” That can’t be possible. I just went to sleep. Right?

Chasity grabbed my hand and led me into the mist. “We’re waiting over here.”

“Waiting for what?”

“Master and Mistress,” Chasity answered. “When they die, we will be reunited with them. Until then, all we can do is wait and watch over them.”

There were six other women waiting and each of them hugged me warmly and kissed my lips gently. We were all sisters, here, and I sat down with them to watch and wait. It wasn’t so bad. I had company, very pleasant company I realized, as a woman with dirty-blonde hair and green eyes nuzzled at my breasts. And one day I would be reunited with those I loved again. Smiling, I laid my head in Chasity’s lap as the blonde bodyguard kissed her way down to my pussy.


Monday, July 22nd, 5:31 AM – Kurtz Farm, Madison, WI
I stood in a pasture, awaiting sunrise.

Today, Brandon, today, you will finally have the power to destroy Mark Glassner and rescue Desiree. I spent all day Sunday feverishly reading Professor Scrivener’s translation of the Magicks of the Witch of Endor. I hadn’t slept in two days but I didn’t even feel tired. I was too excited. The day had finally come. Everything had to work perfectly this morning. I killed Professor Scrivener very early Sunday morning and no-one had found his body, yet. That would change today, the weekend was over, in a few hours students and staff would be filling-up the campus.

I could not fail. I needed to perform the summoning properly. I needed to make my Pact before the authorities tracked me down. Before Mark Glassner tracked me down. The bastard was hunting me. He had sent Doug Allard, my P.I., after me in France. To kill me. Mark knew I was threat, but once I made my Pact, I would be beyond his powers.

I would hunt him.

I had already killed the heifer. My hands and clothes were splattered with its blood. I never had to kill and butcher an animal before. The cow just let me walk up to it and shoot it in the head with a rifle while it stared stupidly at me, chewing on some grass. Then I drew a knife and set about butchering the cow. It was hard work, the animal’s hide was tough, but I managed to hack off a chunk of flesh from its flank, in the end. The other cows had moved off, disturbed by the blood, and were now placidly grazing a half-mile away. The sky was lightening as dawn approached. I lit the charcoal barbecue I had brought, almost burning my hand as the flames leapt up. Probably too much lighter fluid, I realized. Well, better safe than sorry. I picked up the bloody beef and prepared to throw the hunk onto the coals.

To summon Lucifer, according to the Book, the flesh of a heifer must be burnt as an offering and the correct words spoken. I hovered over the grill, waiting for that first golden ray to appear on the horizon. The sky grew lighter and lighter, and then the sun appeared, a sliver of liquid gold appearing behind a small hill.

“The Shining One, Son of the Morning,” I called out, dropping the beef into the flames, “I give this pleasing offering of flesh and ask that you appear before me.” The meat sizzled and popped as the fire consumed it and the delicious aroma of beef filled my nose. “The Shining One, Son of the Morning, appear before your humble servant so that he may beg three favors from you!”

The light of the rising sun began to blind me as more of that golden disk appeared from behind the hill. I flinched, holding up my hand to shield my eyes. Something moved in the light, coming closer. I squinted, shifting my hand around, trying to make out what it was. Was it just my imagination? No, there was something there. Someone. I squinted, trying to make out the figure walking towards me. Was it the farmer? Or, did the summoning actually work?

“Hello?” I asked, hesitantly, fear gripping my heart and a cold sweat breaking out across my body.

“Hello, Brandon Fitzsimmons,” a man asked with a pleasant voice. “It has been a long time since such a fine offering has been made to me.” I could hear the man inhale deeply, a smile curling his lips as he savored the scent. “Hmm, USDA grade beef. Delicious. I so miss the old ways.”

The sun was out of my eyes, suddenly. The man was close enough to me to eclipse the sun. I blinked my eyes, a bright, blue afterimage filling my sight. The figure was a well dressed-man in a black suit, haloed by the sun, almost like he was the sun, a dark sun that shone brightly. He was handsome with dark hair and a friendly smile on his lips. His eyes were scarlet and I felt a chill run through me.

“I wish to deal with you, Lucifer,” I said with more confidence then I felt.

“Of course,” Lucifer smiled. “Three wishes for your soul. A fair deal, I think.”

“The same deal you gave Mark Glassner,” I stated, angrily.

He nodded, unconcerned with my anger. “A remarkable young man.”

“My first wish is for Mark to die.”

Lucifer sighed. “Alas, I made an agreement with Mark for a long, healthy life. I can’t just go and break my own deals. That is not good business. I think you could understand that, Mr. Fitzsimmons.”

“What, I can’t kill him?” I asked in surprise. “Even on my own?”

“Well, you can try,” Lucifer shrugged. “He’s already survived one assassination attempt. Of course, I never promised him a pleasant or comfortable life. Just a long one.”

I frowned. Well, nothing worth doing was easy. And the thought of prolonging Mark’s suffering, extending it for years and years, was a pleasant one. He deserved a lifetime of agony for his crimes. I was a careful man. I was prepared for this setback. I studied the Book, reading it over and over again, for the last twenty-four hours. If I wished for the ability to control people, there were limitations. Mark could just override my commands with his power or a Nun could hijack my Thralls. The only way to stop that was the Zimmah ritual, but I couldn’t perform that spell without a living mother; she had been dead fifteen years. But, I had an idea to get around that problem.

“Then, my first wish is to be immune to another person’s control.” I would never be under another man’s control again. I would never sit by while a man steals my wife, fucks her in front of me, and sends me on my way like a fucking errand-boy.

Lucifer nodded. “A wise choice.”

“Second, I wish for people to obey me unquestioningly.” I took a deep breath. Hopefully, this would work. “For my third wish, I want anyone under my control to be bound to me by the Zimmah ritual.”

The grin on Lucifer’s face broadened. “How very interesting.” He pursed his lips in consideration. “I applaud your strategy, Mr. Fitzsimmons. It has been a long time since I dealt with a mortal with such foresight. We have an agreement.” There was a flash of scarlet light and a contract appeared in Lucifer’s hand.

I took it from him, and read it very, very carefully. I wasn’t about to get caught by some fine-print trickery. My three wishes were all clearly written just the way I had spoken them. The price was my soul, cheap enough; I was going to hell, anyways, I figured. “Agreed,” I said and Lucifer held out an old-fashioned fountain pen and pricked my thumb. I signed in my blood and Lucifer signed in his.

“Well, I’ll be going. Unless you have any questions, Mr. Fitzsimmons?”

I shook my head and there was a flash of scarlet and he was gone.

I did it! Relief and exultation flooded through me. I was Mark’s equal, now. I licked my lips, realizing just what that meant. People were claiming that Mark was a God. Did that make me a God? Why not, Mark was just some dumb kid who barely knew how to use his powers. He could be ruling with an iron fist instead of playing at democracy. I would school Mark on just how power should be wielded.

The crack of the gun startled me. “Keep your hands up, sicko!” roared a man.

I looked behind me to see a man approaching from a rust-colored pick-up truck, a rifle leveled at me. He must be the farmer, I realized. I smiled; as if this man could harm me. I was a God. I could see someone behind him, standing by the truck, long, blonde hair streaming behind her in the breeze. My smile broadened; I hadn’t had a woman in a month, not since Mark stole my Desiree from me. Time to use my wish.

“Freeze!” I roared and the farmer and the woman froze in place.

I strode forward in anger. The man had shot at me. He could have killed me! I could see the fear in the man’s eyes as his body refused to move. He was an older man, late forties, his face was tan leather, his eyes a piercing blue. I reached the man, stared into his eyes. This was power! I could do anything! No one can stop me! I glanced at the woman, she was young, maybe seventeen or eighteen, the same blue eyes shining with fear. She was frozen, too, wearing a flannel shirt, the tails tied together, exposing a flat, tan stomach. Well-worn jeans hugged her round hips.

I glanced at the man. “Kill yourself,” I ordered and strode forward to the girl. I didn’t flinch at the gunshot and I smiled at the horror in the daughter’s eyes. I stroked her cheek. “He deserved to die,” I told her. “He dared to shoot at your God. You shall be my whore, so kneel down and suck your God’s cock.”

“My Lord,” the girl said in awe as she knelt before me. Her hands shook as she unzipped my pants. She trembled as she drew my cock out, stroking it between her gentle fingers. I moaned as her lips kissed the tip of my dick. I didn’t remember the last time a woman sucked my cock. Desiree never would. That would change. Desiree would be the perfect wife no matter how many times I would have to chastise her. The blonde teen’s mouth opened and I slid my cock in. Her teeth grazed my tip and I winced in pain.

“Stupid cunt!” I shouted and chastised her hard with the back of my hand, snapping her head back. “Watch the teeth, you stupid bitch!”

“I’m so sorry, my Lord,” she whimpered and quickly sucked my cock back into her mouth. This time, her teeth didn’t graze my cock.

I gripped her blonde hair and started fucking my cock into her sucking mouth. She was so wet and warm. I closed my eyes, enjoying the blowjob. My balls were boiling over, it wouldn’t be long before I came. Gripping her head, I shoved her face down my cock until I felt the back of her throat. I held her head tightly, then roughly shoved my cock down her throat until her lips kissed my crotch. She struggled, gagging and choking on my cock as it filled her throat. Her arms flailed as I fucked her mouth. Shit, this was so fucking amazing! This was power! I could feel my balls tighten and I shot my cum down her throat.

She lay coughing on the ground, her face red as she struggled to breathe. “You pleased me,” I told the girl.

“Thank you, God,” she answered, reverently.

“What’s your name?”


“Well, Ashley, you get to be my first…” What was that word. “My first concubine.”

A smile crossed her lips. “Thank you, my Lord.”

“Get those shorts off,” I commanded, my cock, amazingly, still hard. I couldn’t remember the last time I was ready to go so quickly. Not since I was in college, I guess. Or high school, maybe. “I’m gonna fuck your cunt raw!”

She screamed as I shoved my cock inside her cunt, tearing through her hymen. She was dry, inside, and that just made it feel rough and pleasant on my cock as I fucked her hard; I pounded her virgin, teenage cunt, reveling in the pleasure that engulfed my cock. Fuck, I had to find more virgins to fuck! This is amazing!


Monday, July 22nd, 5:24 PM – Eiffel Tower, Paris, France
My new wife, Mary, was wrapped in my arms as we stared out at Paris from atop the Eiffel Tower.

We arrived in Paris last night to start our two-week-long honeymoon in Europe. When we woke up this morning, huge crowds had gathered in front of our hotel. On one side were the Believers and on the other side the protestors. In-between were the Paris police. So I gave an impromptu speech. Most of the Parisian protestors understood English and by the end they were our supporters.

Before we left for Europe, I had made a few calls to get the local police under our control and they had been extremely helpful in keeping the crowds back as we played tourists in Paris. Mary was determined to see every art museum and we spent most of the day wandering the Louvre. Mary was positively girlish as she gushed over the art. To end our day, we had the police close the Eiffel Tower so that we could enjoy it in peace. I could just hear the believers gathered below that had followed us all day.

It was beautiful up here. Paris was laid out before us, the Seine winding through the lit-up city. It was a gorgeous, romantic view with tree-lined boulevards that glowed green and magnificent landmarks shining brightly: the Arc de Triomphe, the glass pyramid of the Louvre, Notre Dame rearing up in all its Gothic majesty, and many other beautiful buildings and churches. But it all paled compared to the beauty of my wife nestled in my arms. I brushed her auburn hair off her pale neck and kissed the nape of her neck below her ear.

“Mmm,” she murmured, wiggling in my arms. “Don’t stop, Mark.”

I nuzzled her neck and nibbled at her ear. I slipped my hand down and rubbed her silky thigh below her short skirt. “Do you like it when I do this, Mare” I asked as I moved my hand up under her skirt and gently teased her smooth pussy.

“I do,” she purred. Her ass swayed and rubbed pleasantly against my hardening cock. She gasped as my finger brushed her clit.

I slowly diddled her clit with my finger while my other hand moved up her side and found her perky breast. I gave it a squeeze through her bodice then pulled the strap of her dress off her shoulder, pushing the bodice down so I could play with her bare breast. Mary moaned in appreciation as my fingers found her hard nipple and gave it a gentle pinch.

“Umm, that feels great, Mark,” Mary moaned. I slid my hand lower, using the heel of my hand to grind against her clit as I gently pushed two fingers up inside her wet pussy. My wife gasped, “Finger fuck me! Umm, make your naughty filly cum!”

“Gladly, Mare,” I whispered then started kissing and sucking at her neck as I slid my two fingers in and out of her sucking cunt. I could feel the passion growing through her body, the way she began to tense as her orgasm neared. I pumped my fingers faster inside her, pinching her hard nipple. “Cum for me, Mare.”

“Yes, yes! Oh, I love you, Mark!” she cried out as her passion overwhelmed her. My fingers were massaged by her orgasming cunt and her plump ass ground back into my hard cock deliciously. “Oh, fuck, that was great!” She turned in my arms and kissed me soundly on the lips. “Umm, how should I return the favor? My mouth.” She grinned, licking her lips. “My wet pussy, maybe? Ohh, maybe my naughty little ass?”

I grinned at her, reaching around to grope her ass. “What do you think?”

“I think my new husband wants to fuck my naughty ass,” she giggled. “But, he needs to get me nice and ready back there.”

Mary turned back around and I knelt down, pushing up her short, flowery skirt, exposing her pale, plump ass. I kissed each cheek, rubbing their pillowy softness against my face, before I spread her open. I fond her tight anus and placed my lips on it, sucking and licking. Mary purred as I pushed my tongue at her sphincter, slowly forcing my tongue past the tight ring and tasting the sour flavor of her ass.

“Umm, I love it when you rim me,” cooed Mary, then she gasped playfully as I slipped two fingers up inside her juicy cunt.

I let those fingers soak in her cunt, getting a good coating of her savory lube, before I pulled out and pushed those two fingers into her tight ass. I slid them deep into her bowels, fucking them in and out as her ass gripped them tightly. Mary looked over her shoulder at me, a happy smile on her face. She was ready.

I stood up, slipped my cock into her tight pussy, fucking in and out of her just a few times. I almost wanted to stay in her pussy, she felt so amazing, but I wanted her tight ass right now. I pulled out, and Mary sighed in disappointment. I adjusted my cock, lined up at her sphincter, and pushed slowly into her ass. Mary’s disappointment faded as I filled her asshole; she loved it up the ass, too. I moaned as my cock disappeared inside the tight tunnel.

“Oh, fuck that’s nice!” Mary cooed as my cock slid all the way into her ass. “Fuck me! Fuck my ass! Give your filly a good ride!”

I pulled back and thrust back into her, enjoying her tight embrace as I fucked her slowly. Mary pushed her hips back as I pounded her ass. I reached my hands around her and gripped her breasts, squeezing the firm, perky flesh and feeling her hard nipples between my fingers. Mary gasped every time I thrust into her, then turned her head and we kissed over her shoulder.

“Harder!” moaned Mary. “Give it to me hard, my randy stallion! I’m so close to cumming again!”

I pounded my wife’s ass as hard as I dared; I didn’t want to hurt her. She wasn’t Xiu who got off on the pain. My strokes were becoming more frantic as my own cum approached. I was getting so close, just a few more strokes and I would be there. Plunging into her tight ass, my cock’s sensitive head would rub against her hot bowels, sending pleasure shooting through my cock. Then I pulled out, delighting in the velvety feel of her asshole. Every stroke brought me closer and closer to cumming.

“Fuck!” I moaned. “Here it comes, Mare! Fuck!”

“Ohh, I can feel your hot cum filling me up!” moaned Mary as my release flooded her ass. Then I felt her ass clamp down on me and Mary’s body trembling in my arms. “Ohh, I love it when you cum in me, Mark! Oh, I love it so much.”

I held my wife as we relaxed in an orgasmic high, gently kissing her neck and cheek, and admiring the city of Paris laid out before us. “I love you so much,” I whispered. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Mary sighed. “But, I think I owe you a cum. I’m one up on you.”

I laughed as I pulled out of her ass. My wife knelt before me and started licking at my dirty cock. She usually had one of the sluts clean up my cock after its been in her ass, but sometimes she liked to do it herself. I closed my eyes and leaned against the railing with my arms and enjoyed my wife’s excellent blowjob.

“Excuse me, sir,” 51 said. “I know you didn’t want any interruptions unless it was important.”

I sighed as Mary released my cock. “What is it, 51?” I asked her as Mary stood up.

51, the temporary head of the bodyguards, walked forward. She was a beautiful Black woman, her ebony breasts almost spilling out of her half-unbuttoned cop blouse. She held my phone in her hand and I took it from her.

“Hello?” I asked.

“M-master!” wailed Alison. “I-it’s Karen.”

“She’s back?” I asked, a sick feeling in my stomach. Lilith promised to return her unharmed, but then why was Alison crying?

“A hearse arrived today.” Alison paused, struggling to speak. “Karen’s dead.”

I dropped the phone and leaned against the railing. “What is it, Mark?” Mary asked, in concern.

“Karen is dead.”

As Mary sobbed into my chest, anger burned in my heart. Lilith tricked me, found some loophole in our agreement. Demons always found some way to fuck you. I racked my thoughts, struggling to remember what she said, exactly. I thought I made her promise not to hurt Karen, to return her unharmed. The memory of floating in the darkness, flooded my mind. I will do nothing to harm Karen, that’s what she promised.

I realized my mistake. Lilith didn’t promise to see that Karen was returned unharmed, she just promised not to be the one to harm her. I had been too afraid of dying, too afraid of Mary dying with me, to think it through. Goddamn fucking demons! I glanced at 51 who had picked up my phone and was standing at attention.

“We’re going home,” I ordered, anger heating my voice. “Contact every law enforcement agency under my control. I want them to find wherever Karen was being held, find the thing she birthed, and kill it! Lilith will regret tricking me. I will crush the bitch beneath my heel!”

“For Karen,” Mary whispered, sadly, her arms tightening around my body. “Turn over every stone,” my wife ordered, her voice thick with grief and anger. “Do whatever it takes!”

We buried Karen in the Woodbine Cemetery three days later, on the twenty-fifth, next to Chasity and the six bodyguards that died in June. The Cunningham twins performed the funeral, dressed somberly in modest, black dresses. Tiffany, Mary’s mother, wept the loudest as we buried Karen. They were friends, I remembered. Karen was the Nun that rescued Tiffany from the Warlock that made her a slave.

Guilt and anger warred inside me as I stared at Tiffany. She was responsible for Chasity’s death, just as I was responsible for Karen’s death. I didn’t mean for Karen to die, but that didn’t change what happened. Tiffany didn’t mean for Chasity to die. She was tricked by the angels into attacking us. Tricked just like me.

I hugged Tiffany and my mother-in-law stiffened in my arms for a moment, confused at the sudden gesture. I let go of the anger I had been holding onto, the misplaced rage. Tiffany was tricked by the angels, just like I was tricked by the demons. There were more important things to hate than Tiffany. “I forgive you,” I whispered into her ear. Tears ran down my mother-in-law’s face as I turned and walked back to the limo.

Mary caught up, slipping her arm about my waist. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, giving her a gentle squeeze, pulling my wife tightly against my side. Leah was awaiting us at the limo, holding the door open as we climbed in. To my surprise, 51 slid in after us, holding a manila folder. “Sir, we’ve had our first lead on your missing slaves, Chantelle and Lana.”

She handed us the folder. Inside were color photos of a lobby. They were security cam footage and you could make out black-haired Chantelle and blonde Lana easily enough. Then I blinked. Both looked incredibly pregnant. That was impossible. Mary was frowning, biting her lip.

“That looks like them,” Mary muttered. “The blonde has the same blue streaks dyed in her hair like Lana had. But these women look nine months pregnant. That can’t be right. It’s only been a month and a half since we last saw them.”

“Where is this from?” I asked.

“A funeral home in Seattle,” 51 answered.

I frowned. “You don’t mean…”

51 nodded. “These two women delivered Karen’s body to the funeral home and ordered them to drive the body to the house.” 51 hesitated, then added, “The staff at the funeral home, well, I think they were bewitched.”

So, it wasn’t the Nuns that got to Chantelle and Lana, it was Lilith. A dream I had awhile ago flooded back into my mind. In the dream, I was holding two dolls in my hand, one blonde and one with raven-black hair. Then Lilith appeared and ripped the dolls out my grip. The pain was so intense, so real, I woke up. Crap. I never gave that dream much thought. Just a nightmare brought on by the unease I felt around Lilith. I stared at photos of Chantelle and Lana and vowed to save them from Lilith’s clutches.

“Find them and we’ll find Lilith,” I ordered 51.

“They are not to be harmed, either,” Mary interjected. “Lana and Chantelle are ours.”

“Yes, mam!” 51 saluted. “Chief Spencer of Seattle PD is on it.”


Thursday, July 25th, 7:13 PM – Babylon Residence, Seattle, WA
I watched the Seyb ritual from the Shadow.

The very pregnant Lana led the ritual, her hand sliding the dildo in and out of her cunt. My child was growing in her womb. I smiled, another child grew in Lana’s wife, Chantelle’s womb, and both women were almost ready to give birth to the first of my new daughters. Tomorrow they would be born, I thought, just in time for me to welcome them in the flesh. My Vessel sat in the middle of the coven’s circle. She looked thirteen, long silver hair fell across her flat back and across her chest. Her breasts were just starting to bud and her hips were just starting to fill out. Holding my Vessel’s hands, naked as well, was the fiery red-head Mona.

The coven sat in a circle around them, chanting meaningless prayers to me. Power was all about the trappings. Lana pumped the dildo in and out of her cunt, her head thrown back. When she orgasms and utters Seyb a year of Mona’s life will flow into my Vessel and age her. Thirteen willing women had already given a year of their lives to my Vessel and once Mona gave hers, it would be time for me to inhabit my Vessel and escape the Abyss.

I was still savoring the grief and anger of Mark Glassner as he buried that slut, Karen. I watched from the Shadows. I promised not to harm the little thing. And I did nothing to her. It was my Vessel that killed her, that sucked all the life-force from her just to be born. I just had to watch and wait and do nothing. And shortly, I would be free of the Abyss and I would increase Mark Glassner’s suffering tenfold, a hundredfold. He would curse the day he ever made his Pact.

“Yes, yes!” Lana moaned as she fucked the dildo in and out of her cunt.

Her arms wrapped around her pregnant belly. Her breasts were large, nipples pierced with gold rings, and heaved with passion. I could smell her arousal into the Shadow. A tangy, tart musk that smelled so sweet to my nostrils. Nothing smelled better than a woman’s lust. The blue, plastic cock was almost a blur as Lana pumped it in and out of her hungry cunt with one hand while the other diddled her clit.

“Oh my Goddess!” Lana screamed as her body went rigid. “Seyb!”

I could see the energy flow out of Mona and into my Vessel. For Mona, nothing seemed to change. Aging one year at thirty-one produced very little difference. My Vessel, on the other hand, aged from thirteen to fourteen. She grew a few inches in height, her breasts budded into little, apple-sized mounds. Her flat hips grew some curves and a sparse down of silvery pubic hair sprouted about her mound.

Mona leaned in and kissed the Vessel on the lips. My Vessel just sat motionless. No will animated the body, yet. The Vessel had finally reached enough maturity to be inhabited and I moved through the Shadows to it. I reached out, straining to touch my Vessel. Chains were holding me back, tearing at my soul with cruel barbs. The chains of my imprisonment, somehow they knew I was trying to escape. The Vessel moved for the first time on its own, reaching out its hands towards me. It was empty, yearning to be filled, and it sensed the one thing that could fill it.


I struggled, fighting as hard as I could against my bonds. The pain was excruciating as a thousand barbs tore at my soul. I will escape! I will be free! I was so close, my fingers brushing the Vessel’s fingertips. Yes! Hope surged through me and then was dashed as the chains yanked me back. No! No! Just a little more! Just a little more and freedom is yours, Lilith! Ignore the pain and take your freedom! Pain was blossoming in my soul as the chains tore at my very essence, trying to rip me back deeper into the Abyss.

“No!” I roared in defiance towards the Heavens. “No, I will have my freedom! I will not be contained by Your prison any longer!”

My fingers brushed the Vessel’s, then my hand grasped hers and the Vessel heaved, pulling me out of the Abyss and into it. My soul tore as the barbs ripped free and I was pain incarnate as I flowed into my new body, sinking into the warm flesh like water into a sponge, filling every fiber of its body. Then the pain was suddenly gone. I had a heart thudding in my chest, blood roaring through my veins, again. I could feel the hardwood floor beneath me, the muggy air on my skin. I could only see a red darkness and panic sank into me. Did something go wrong?

Then I laughed. Your eyes are closed, Lilith. It had been too long since I had a real body. I opened my eyes, the light stabbing them painfully, and I forced myself not to wince. I was a Goddess, and Goddesses do not flinch. I flexed my fingers, licked my lips, inhaled deeply. I had a body again! And it was wonderful!

I was free!

My worshipers stared at me in awe. I stood up, trying not to stumble. This form was smaller than I was used to. It had not yet reached its full maturity. I slowly turned, gazing at all my followers. They were naked, all women, their eyes wide with lust, their nipples hard and the room reeked of their growing arousal. Spicy, sweet, tangy, tart, musky, sour. All the delicious flavors of womanhood.

Lana and Chantelle knelt, awkward with their large bellies, before me. “My Goddess,” Chantelle breathed. “Your humble servants await your command.”

“Rise, my daughters,” I commanded, my voice high and girlish with youth. “You did well, I am very pleased with you.”

Lana and Chantelle looked up at me, smiling exultantly. I bent and kissed first Lana and then Chantelle on the lips. Both women fell to the floor as their orgasms exploded through their bodies. As the pregnant women writhed in pleasure I scanned the room and found Babylon sitting next to her daughter, Crystal.

“You have the sacrifice?” I asked Babylon, the coven’s leader.

“Yes, my Goddess,” she breathed. “Lance, my ex-husband.” She licked her lips, a tinge of fear in her eyes. “He almost beat me to death, once.”

“Fitting,” I smiled in pleasure. I hated men, especially those that thought they were better than a woman.

I needed to finish growing and now that I was in control of the Vessel, there was a far more satisfying way to age myself another fifteen years, to reach the peak of my physical beauty and maturity. Four of the women dragged in the naked man. He was in his forties, fat and soft. His hands were tied with ropes behind his back and he thrashed like a beached whale in the grips of the four women.

“Fucking cunts!” Lance roared as he thrashed about like a beached whale. “I’ll fucking kill all of you. And fucking rape all your lesbo cunts and smash your faces in! Fuckin’ let me go! And you, Clarissa or Babylon or whatever the fuck you call yourself these days. I’ll fucking kill you last! You fucking dyke! I’ll rape your dyke pussy and I’ll kill ya!”

“Ohh, he is perfect,” I purred, feeling my pussy begin to moisten in anticipation.

He was thrown down onto the floor and the twenty or so women of the coven quickly bound him spread-eagle on the floor. The Coven had swelled its ranks since my manifestation a month ago on the Summer Solstice. More than forty women followed me and more joined our ranks every day. We found them in the missions, the abused women shelters, and walking the streets. Wherever a woman was beaten and oppressed by a man, a new worshiper was found.

I brushed the man with my foot, just the lightest touch and he shivered in pleasure, his cock hardening beneath his fat gut. I would drain the man dry, steal his life-force to age my Vessel. Every time he would cum inside me, I would steal more of his life. I stared at him with a predator’s hunger, licking my lips in anticipation.

“Free me, slut!” he snarled. “Let me go and I’ll spare your fucking hide. I’ll give you a good fuckin’ too.”

“You want to stick your cock inside me?” I cooed. “You want to feel the velvet deliciousness of my cunt?”

“You bet I do, slut!” he grinned with false bravado. But I could smell the stink of fear on him. A man’s fear smelled almost as good as a woman’s arousal. “My cock’ll make you howl. Ya’ll fuckin’ love it!”

I straddled him, lining his cock at my hungry hole. I felt the head of his disgusting cock prodding at my pussy. I slammed my hips down, engulfing him in one, swift thrust. The pain was intense as I broke in my virgin pussy, his cock felt monstrously huge inside me. I grit my teeth and ignored the pain, sliding up his shaft.

“Holy shit!” he groaned and then I felt his disgusting seed spilling in me.

I aged a year, my breasts swelling, a few more inches of height and I grew more womanly curves. I smiled in joy and slammed down his cock. Up and down and he was cumming in me again, and my breasts were growing bigger. They were round and perky with teenage youth, jiggling as I rose up and down on him. My bush was thick and silvery. I slid a hand across my hip and delighted in the curves I felt, then up to my breasts. I fingered my nipples, they were larger, my aerola growing wider as my body matured.

I rode him hard and he moaned and groaned, cumming every few strokes. Soon my breasts had grown to their full majesty, round and heavy and yet still perky, not drooping or sagging. My hips had transformed into the pleasing curves of womanhood. I felt my face, tracing the familiar features. I had aged from the pretty innocence of a youth to the mature beauty of a woman. Twelves times Lance had cum in me, then thirteen. I threw my head back, my orgasm building within me, my hands enjoying the fullness of my breasts. I grew even closer to my pleasure as the fourteenth load spilled into me, my body sucking up his life-force.

I slammed down one last time, grinding my clit into his groin, and moaned my orgasm in a loud voice as he shot his fifteenth load of cum into me. His vibrant life-force poured into me as my pleasure rolled through my body. I threw back my head as the exquisite pleasure exploded through my body. Around me, every woman fell to the floor as my Lust washed through the room and triggered their own orgasms to surge through their bodies.

Feeling exhilarated, I stood up, the man’s vile cum rolling wetly down my thighs. I stretched, enjoying the way my full breasts swayed. I looked down on the disgusting creature and smiled at his transformation. The man looked gaunt and old, his hair turned white and wrinkles creasing his face. He gasped for breath, his face turning purple.

“I hoped you liked it,” I purred maliciously.

“My heart,” Lance wheezed, clutching his chest. “Please, I think I’m having a heart attack.”

“Ohh, then let me help you,” I smiled down at him.

Hope flared in his eyes, but that quickly vanished as I crushed his throat beneath my foot.


Tuesday, August 6th, 6:49 PM – Deer Creek Apartments, Summit, WA
The doorbell rang as Thamina sat the plate of rice and lamb on the table.

“Can you get it, Fiona?” Thamina asked. She kissed me on the lips briefly before she walked back into the small kitchen. I admired her ass beneath her long skirt. She still dressed like a good Muslim woman, long skirts, blouses with long sleeves and high necklines, and a headscarf wrapped about her black hair.

“Sure, Mina,” I said walking across the living room to the door.

Things had been going really well in the six weeks since we escaped Mark’s clutches. I still wasn’t sure what we were. Friends? Lovers? Maybe we were girlfriends? I didn’t know. We shared an apartment, and a bed. Thamina no longer regretted our lovemaking, but the guilt of being gay still gnawed at her. If anyone asked, she would just say we were friends or roommates.

And that hurt, just a little bit.

I opened the door and fear clutched at my heart. “Lilith!” I blurted out. Behind me a plate shattered and Thamina gasped.

Lilith smiled, her violet eyes glinting with hunger. She was dressed in a red, tight dress with a plunging neckline that showed off her lush figure. Her silver hair was piled up one side of her head, and fell about her right shoulder, loose locks falling between her breasts. She wasn’t flickering about the room like last time I saw her, when she stole Karen away from Good Sam Hospital. That seemed like a lifetime ago, when I was Mark’s slave.

“Fiona,” she purred.

Behind Lilith stood four women. Two were vaguely familiar. A short, slim woman with black hair in a red halter-top and a pair of skinny jeans that hugged her lithe figure. Her arm was entwined by a curvy, blonde woman with blue highlights in her hair and a round, smiling face. The other two women were more outlandish; a very tall woman, over seven feet tall, with a mane of scarlet hair and amber eyes. She wore a tight, black tanktop and a pair of camo pants. Her grin was feral, a lioness staring at her prey and I swallowed as those amber eyes fixed on me. The other woman was as curvy as Lilith. Purple hair that fell about her perfect face; a pair of rose-colored eyes set above a dainty nose and pouty lips. She wore a white, belly shirt that molded to her large tits, and a pair of daisy dukes.

Frowning at the two normal-looking women, I asked, “You both were with Mark at the restaurant that night?” I grimaced as I remember the night Mark made me his whore for the first time. I was a waitress at the Sky City Restaurant and my fellow waitresses and I were forced to serve Mark and Mary and two other women dinner, naked. We had to let them do whatever depraved thing they wanted to us. Just the memory of that night left me wanting to take a shower.

The blonde had a sad look on her face. “We were Mark’s slaves, then,” she said. “I am Lana, and this is my wife, Chantelle. Our Goddess, Lilith, set us free.” A look of ecstasy crossed her lips as she said Lilith’s name.

Lilith swept past me, into the house, looking around. Thamina was trembling at the table as the demoness looked around our apartment. My heart felt like it was in my throat as the freakishly tall woman pushed me aside as she followed Lilith in, a feral growl rumbling from her throat. The woman started stalking around the apartment, peering into doors and sniffing like a dog.

“Don’t mind Cora,” Lilith said, sitting down on the couch and crossing her legs. “My daughter is very protective of me.”

“Wh-what do you want,” I squeaked as the other three women walked in. The violet-haired bombshell sat daintily next to Lilith as Chantelle and Lana knelt at the demoness’s feet.

“Vengeance,” Lilith answered, her eyes shining with hatred. “On Mark Glassner.”

“We want noting to do with him,” Thamina blurted out. “We’ve moved past him.”

I sat down in the chair, licking my lips. I still had nightmares about being Mark’s slave. Terrible dreams where he walks into our apartment and makes us beg to be his again. I still felt filthy at all the things he made me do. Him and his slut, Mary. Everyday there were more stories of him on the news, more people talking about what a great man he was. The great reformer, the great God. Everyday the world slowly became his just a little bit more. Everyday I grew more and more scared that he would come back for us.

“How?” I asked and Thamina gave me a hurt look. I ignored her.

“Worship me,” Lilith smiled. “I am the only hope for women. Long have men oppressed us, used our bodies to satiate their lusts. Men are violent beasts. It is far past the time for women to do away with them entirely. Think how much greater the world would be without men.”

I frowned. “What do you mean, kill all the men?” Her smile deepened. That’s exactly what she meant. “That’s insane. We’d die off as a species.”

Lilith brushed Chantelle and the black-haired woman stood up as graceful as a dancer. She pulled off her halter-top and wiggled out of her tight jeans and stood naked and proud in the center of the room. Her body was slim and toned, and her fingers slid through a thin line of black hair that led to her shaved pussy. She pinched her clit and—it grew.

“Holy fuck!” I gasped as her clit swelled up, lengthening into a long shaft. The tip changed, turning into the head of a mushroom. No, I realized in amazement, the head of a cock. Chantelle’s transformed her clit into a penis, complete with a urethra.

“It is fully functional,” Lana purred, licking her lips. She stood up, wrapping her hand around her wife’s cock and gave it a few pumps. “I can attest to that. I’m pregnant with her child. We just found out yesterday.” The two women shared a loving look and Chantelle rubbed at Lana’s belly.

My mouth widened. “This is fucking insane.”

“I am the only being that can stop Mark,” Lilith boasted. “Worship me and I will protect you from his commands. Or wait until he makes you his slave again.” I shivered at those words. I would never be Mark’s slave again. I would rather die.

I would rather worship Lilith, I realized bitterly.

“He set us free,” Thamina protested. “He promised to leave us alone.”

“And what is the worth of a man’s promise?” demanded Lilith. “He will come for you, again. He will make you his, defile your bodies with his lusts! He will make you love his affections, rob you of your free will again!”

“I’ll do it!” I exclaimed. Anger was burning inside me. Anger at Mark for making me enjoy his rape. Anger at my ex-boyfriend, Hank, for replacing me in the two weeks I was Mark’s slut. And fueling that anger was the fear of being Mark’s whore all over again.

Thamina knelt before me, grasping my arm. Her dark eyes filled with tears. “Please, Fiona,” she begged. “Don’t serve this demon. She is evil.”

I glanced down at her face. “Mark is worse. I’ll never be his slave again.”

“Stay with me, Fiona,” Thamina begged. “I…I love you. We can be happy, together.”

My emotions whirled inside me, a tangled mess. I looked down into her eyes and I saw the love there. Did I love her? What was she to me? We made love. Many times. And it was great. But was that love? I hesitated, unsure what to do. And what if I stayed and Mark came for us? Fear, anger, love, hope. It was too much. I felt like I was about to be torn asunder.

“I don’t care if it’s a sin to be with you,” Thamina pressed on. “Just stay with me. Please. I need you.”

Thamina jumped as Lilith knelt behind her, whispering into her ear, “Fiona can have a cock. She can be your husband. It’s not a sin, then. All you have to do is just worship me.”

“Yes,” I sighed, my eyes looking up at Chantelle’s cock. What would that feel like? What would it feel like to shove my cock into Thamina’s inviting pussy. I stared down at her dusky face framed by her headscarf, her dark eyes pleading with me. Did I love Thamina? Maybe I did. I would miss waking up to her dusky face. “I can be your man, Mina. Then you wouldn’t have to be ashamed of us.”

Thamina flinched at my words. Her dark eyes stared up at me and a look of resignation filled her face. “I…I…” She swallowed. “I want you, Fiona. I will be your wife and worship your Goddess.”

I blinked in shock. “We’ve only been together a month-and-a-half,” I protested. “We can date, you can be my girlfriend. In a few months, I’m sure we’ll have grown close enough to start talking about marriage.”

“No. I am a Muslim. It is wrong what we have been doing.”

I scowled. “And worshiping Lilith is okay with Islam?”

“I would be obeying my…husband,” Thamina whispered. “I know you want me, Fiona.”

Her fingers were stroking my thigh through my jeans, sending a flush of warmth through my groin. I did want her I realized, as her dark eyes stared up at me. I rubbed my thighs together, trying to ignore that growing itch between my legs. Did I love her, though? I opened my mouth, but I couldn’t find the words. Her eyes were so beautiful, especially looking up at me from between my thighs.

“Yes,” I answered. “I’ll marry you.”

Thamina pulled my face to her and kissed me, then turned to Lilith. “You can marry us, right?”

Lilith laughed derisively. “Me, do something so prosaic? No, Lana or Chantelle can. They are my High Priestesses.”

“Then let’s do it,” Thamina said, squeezing my hand.

“Wait, right now?” I asked.

Thamina gave me a direct look. “That is my price, Fiona.”

Everyone was moving so quickly. Thamina pulled me into the center of the room, holding my hand. Chantelle pulled out a few wilting, pink begonias in a vase and shoved them into Thamina’s hands. When I objected that we needed rings, Chantelle came out of our bedroom with Thamina’s jewelry box and fished out two rings. This was all just happening too fast.

“We are gathered here to unite these women in love,” Lana intoned as Thamina gripped my hands and smiled shyly at me. She was so beautiful, I couldn’t help smiling back at her. “To share their lives and burdens together, brought together by their worship of our Goddess, Lilith. Do you, Thamina, take this woman to be your wife? To love her, and cherish her, and be her partner in all things?”

“I do,” Thamina said confidently as I slid the ring down her finger.

Lana repeated the same vow to me and I was surprised at how calm I sounded when I said, “I do.” The ring was cold as it slid down my finger. Thamina was blushing prettily when Lana declared us married and I found myself pulling my wife to me and kissing her gently on the lips.

Chantelle was crying and clapping when we broke the kiss and Lilith was staring at us expectantly. I knelt, and Thamina knelt next to me. Lana spoke, and Thamina and I recited in unison, “I pledge my soul to Lilith, my Goddess, from now until the end of time.”

“And now to consummate our agreement and bestow my blessing upon you,” Lilith pronounced and her dress melted away into red smoke leaving her lush body exposed. Her clit swelled, growing into a cock and suddenly Lilith’s lust swept into me and I groaned, gripping my new wife’s hand as a delicious orgasm rippled through my body. Thamina gasped next to me, her hand trembling as she came.

“Your blessing?” I asked as I watched Lilith push Thamina onto her back, Thamina’s clothes vanishing in a puff of red smoke. Lilith was about to fuck my wife, I realized.

“To make you hers,” Lana said. “To give you your gift, and plant our Goddess’s child inside you.”

“What?” I asked.

Lana glanced fondly at the hulking Cora. “Lilith is the mother of monsters,” Lana explained. “Her seed will grow inside Thamina’s belly and her child will be special. Sadly, a woman can only bear her one child without suffering ill-effects. Other women are needed to bear our Goddess’s children.”

“Oh, yes,” Thamina moaned as Lilith’s cock penetrated her pussy and my wife orgasmed a second time beneath Lilith’s thrusts.

“Lilith’s child grows quickly,” Chantelle said. She was sitting next to the purple-haired woman. “My Lamia was in me only forty days.” Lamia snuggled up against her mother and Chantelle stroked her purple hair.

“Oh, Fiona, this is amazing!” Thamina gasped. “Oh, wow!” Then she was screaming in Arabic, a musical sound that filled my ears with delight. I watched Lilith’s perfect ass pump above my wife and I couldn’t wait for my turn to be fucked by my Goddess. I reached out and grasped Thamina’s hand and she squeezed me as another orgasm racked her body and then Lilith moaned and slammed her cock into my wife and everyone in the room felt our Goddess’s orgasm roll through the air.

Stars swam before my eyes at the intensity of Lilith’s orgasm and when my vision cleared I saw my silver-haired Goddess above me. Her silver hair brushed my cheek and my clothes dissolved into red smoke and I was naked beneath her. Lilith’s large breasts rubbed against me as she parted my thighs. Her cock brushed my pussy lips and another orgasm exploded through me. And then the shaft was sliding in and out of me.

“Oh my God!” I groaned.

“Goddess,” Lilith hissed, thrusting hard into me.

“Yes, yes!” I moaned as another orgasm rolled through me. Her cock was ecstasy in my cunt, every touch ignited a fire in my nerves. “My Goddess! I am yours!”

“Yes, you are,” she purred, stabbing her cock into me over and over.

I was lost to the pleasure as orgasm after orgasm crashed through my body. I was pleasure. Every nerve in my body was alive and fed by Lilith’s passion. Her skin was hot silk, her breath a sweet spice, her nipples hard diamonds. I shrieked so loud as I felt her seed explode into me, white-hot magma that sent my nerves erupting in pleasure so intense that nothing else mattered.

“Fiona,” a voice whispered, distant. “Fiona.” The voice was growing louder. “Fiona!” Someone was shaking me. My eyes opened and Thamina’s face was above me.

“What happened?” I asked.

“You passed out,” Thamina smiled and then kissed me.

I sat up and saw that my Goddess was dressed. “Come to Seattle tomorrow,” she commanded. “Lana will leave the address. I give you this night to consummate your marriage.”

“Thank you, my Goddess,” Thamina whispered.

I felt her hand stroking me. It felt weird, like something was protruding between my legs. “Enjoy,” Lana grinned at me. Thamina’s hand felt so wonderful, whatever she was doing. I sat up on my elbows and saw a cock growing out of my crotch. I was hard and Thamina’s hand was firm silk and every time she brushed the head, new pleasure rolled through my body.

“I have a cock,” I whispered.

“You can make it come and go,” Chantelle explained, “Just concentrate.”

“Let’s go to bed,” Thamina said eagerly. “I need my husband in me.”

“I’m your wife,” I corrected.

“Ooh, no wife could have such a beautiful cock,” Thamina purred, then I gasped as her mouth sucked the head into her lips.

“Holy shit, that’s amazing, Mina!” I gasped.

Thamina grinned at me and I stood up and she dragged me into our bedroom and sprawled onto the bed. She was naked, her skin a beautiful, dusky color, her black hair spread out like a fan about her. Her bosom heaved with passion, her dark nipples hard. Her neatly trimmed bush was matted with our Goddess’s seed.

I crawled onto the bed, atop my wife, and she pulled me to her, kissing me on the lips. I found her wet pussy with my cock and moaned as I pushed into her velvety depths. “Oh wow,” I gasped. “That’s amazing! I love you, Mina.”

I did, I realized. I did love her.

“I love you, Fiona,” she moaned as her hips rotated beneath me. I felt her hard nipples pressing into my soft breasts, her hands roaming my back, sliding down to cup my ass. “I am your wife!”

My wife. Then a thought occurred to me. “Aren’t I allowed more than one wife?” I asked her. “Doesn’t Islam let a husband marry other women?”

“Yes!” Thamina gasped as I fucked my cock in and out of her cunt. “Up to four.”

“Would you like that?” I asked her. “Other wives for us to fuck. Imagine the fun we could have.”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Thamina gasped. I felt her cunt spasming about my cock as she thrashed beneath me. I kissed her, shoving my tongue into her mouth and kept right on fucking her through her orgasm.

I held her tightly and rolled onto my back. “Ride me, wife!” I ordered. “Let me see those beautiful breasts bounce.”

Thamina sat up, her breasts thrust forward and bounced so beautifully as she rose up and down my cock. Her pussy felt amazing wrapped around my cock. I slid a hand up her dusky skin and cupped her left breast and felt her nipple hard beneath my fingers. She smiled at me, tossing her beautiful, dark hair as she threw her head back in pleasure.

“Oh, Mina!” I moaned. “Your pussy feels amazing!” I felt this growing pressure deep inside me. In my ovaries. Something wanted to escape my body. “I think I’m about to cum!”

“Yes, yes, flood me with your cum!” Thamina panted. “Umm, I love your cock!”

That feeling of release grew and grew and then this intense pleasure surged through me and I could feel my cum pumping out of my cock, flooding into my wife’s pussy! “Yes, oh fuck, that’s amazing!”

I pulled my wife down to kiss me. Being married wasn’t all that bad, I realized. Not with such a beautiful woman as my wife. I shrunk my cock. I wanted to enjoy my wife as a woman for awhile. Thamina happily spun about, presenting her well-fucked cunt to my lips. White cum stained her pussy, a mix of my sperm and my Goddess’s. She tasted delicious and I shuddered as her tongue started lapping at my cunt.

Being married definitely wasn’t all that bad.


Sunday, September 22nd, 10:33 PM – Q13 Fox New Studio, Seattle, WA
“Tonight we are joined by Mark and Mary Glassner,” Debra Horne-Dannell introduced.

Debra had almost been fired from Q13 for proclaiming me a God during a live broadcast and posting the entirety of the firefight at our house and my subsequent healing on Youtube. The Miracle of South Hill everyone called it. I pulled some strings, and now she was the co-anchor for the local news. Debra had an awed look in her eyes as she stared at Mary and me. “We are honored to have you here tonight, my Lord and Lady.”

“Always nice to see you, Debra,” Mary answered, warmly.

“Thank you for having us,” I smiled.

Debra blushed. I bet she was remembering all the times she sucked my cock. “It’s my pleasure. You are here tonight to promote a gun-buyback program you are sponsoring in Tacoma this Saturday?”

I nodded. “It’s a great opportunity to get some guns off the street. After the attack, I know from experience just how dangerous guns in the wrong hands can be.”

Mary smiled. “Our country is awash in guns. It may have made sense to have an armed population two hundred years ago. But, the Founding Fathers could never have anticipated just how deadly guns would become.”

Debra nodded in agreement. “It has become quite an epidemic in this country,” she interjected.

“Exactly,” I said, turning to face the camera. We were live; Mary and I always insisted on doing interviews live so our commands could actually affect people. They didn’t work if recorded for some reason. “I want everyone out there watching us tonight that isn’t a police officer or in the military, to bring their guns to the Courthouse in Tacoma. Amazon has graciously donated hundred dollar gift cards to anyone that turns in their guns. It starts at Ten AM and will go all day.”

The greatest threat to Mary’s and my safety was someone with a gun. The more guns we got out of the hands of people not under my power, the safer we would be. Even with the amulets Sam invented, they were still a danger to us.

Sam, our former sex slave turned Vizier, had started taking the knowledge of the Magicks of the Witch of Endor and applying them in new ways. She modified a charm that could be placed on amulets to deflect arrows and, after many tries, got them to work on bullets. Everyone in our employ, the sluts, our bodyguards, and our family members, wore these bronze amulets. One hung around my neck and another nestled in Mary’s cleavage. They created a field that could deflect bullets, but they weren’t perfect. A powerful enough gun could still penetrate the field and automatic fire could overwhelm the amulet pretty fast.

“Well, I can’t wait to see the turnout,” Debra smiled, then glanced at Mary. “Rumor has it that you’re pregnant.”

Mary’s smile grew and she reached over and gripped my hand. “I am. Almost eight weeks. We found out a week after the wedding.”

Debra clapped her hands. “I am so happy for you, my Lady.”

I glanced at my wife, squeezed her hand. I was happy too. The first two months of our marrige was going perfectly. Except Brandon Fitzsimmons and Lilith were out there, somewhere. The interview wrapped up, and we walked to the elevators, surrounded by our bodyguards. We were getting strange reports out of the Midwest. It seemed Brandon had used his copy of the Book to gain powers. There were many reports of women disappearing after their boyfriends or husbands committed suicide. Some of the women would show up alive, confused about what happened to them, others were found badly beaten or dead, and a few hadn’t been seen at all. A man, fitting Brandon’s description, was often seen around these incidents.

I kept hoping a Nun would show up and deal with him. They couldn’t leave me alone for a week. Was it too much to hope that one would show up and deal with Brandon? There were still a few out there, according to Tiffany. Though no Nuns were left in North America. It was looking like Mary and I would have to deal with him personally. Sending the authorities after Brandon would just get more people killed. After the gun-buyback in Tacoma, I would have to make the time. He wouldn’t be hard to defeat. His mother was dead so he couldn’t bind anyone with the Zimmah ritual. I would just order his Thralls not to fight and our conflicting orders would freeze them in place. Then it would be child’s play for our bodyguards to take him.

Brandon wasn’t nearly as dangerous as Lilith was. It had been two months since Karen died and there was still no sign of Chantelle and Lana. Their images were on wanted posters, ran on the news, and no one had come forward with any reliable information on them. They were the only lead we had on tracking Lilith’s child down. Lilith was out there, somewhere, plotting against us. I brooded on that thought as we rode the elevator down to the parking garage.

Our guard tonight was made up by A Squad, a mix of the old bodyguards that survived the attack and volunteers. The first two classes had finished their Police training, adding fifteen new members to the guard. These were women who agreed to be our slaves, to serve and protect their Gods. Four other women had also joined the bodyguards, cops that quit their jobs and traveled across the Country to join up. As soon as we had enough, we would free the original bodyguards that we forced to protect us. We would let them choose to stay or be free, just like we had with the sluts. With Lilith and Brandon out there, we needed to keep them just a little longer.

I was getting worried about what our enemies were up to, so I’ve quietly made arrangements in case something goes wrong. I used Mary’s older sister, Shannon, and her fiancee, George. He traveled a lot on business and he had the perfect cover to make some purchases around the country.

Leah waited for us at the limo, looking sexy in her white corset and short, black skirt. The limo was new, having just arrived a week ago. It was armored, the doors heavy with Kevlar plates and six inches of bullet-resistant glass. The limo was a beast, practically a tank. Mary slid in first and then I followed. Jessica, our press secretary-slut, was last, sitting opposite us inside the limo as Mary snuggled up to me and I kissed her on the lips.

Mary slid her hand down and rubbed at my cock through my pants and grinned when she felt how hard I was. “Horny stallion,” she fondly said, then yawned. “Jessica, attend to my husband.”

“Absolutely, Mistress,” Jessica smiled.

Mary laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. She had a little less energy these days, because of the pregnancy, and it was getting late. I stroked her cheek and she smiled softly as Jessica knelt before me. Our slut was wearing a transparent blouse that showed her beautiful, caramel breasts and dark nipples through the sheer fabric. She knelt down before me as the limo started to move, unzipping my pants and sucking my cock into her lips.

“Thank you, Mare,” I whispered. “You’re the best wife.”

“I know,” she murmured, sleepily.


Monday, September 23nd, 9:17 AM – Main Gate, JBLM, WA
I moaned as Ashley settled her cunt down on my hard cock in the back of my limo. The blonde teen, the first of my concubines, threw back her head and moaned wantonly, “Oh, Brandon! Your cock feels so amazing!”

“Lucky girl,” pouted the auburn-haired Sherri as she lay entwined with her twin sister, Terri, on the opposite seat. The twin sisters’ freckled breasts were pressed together as Terri pulled her sister’s face back to hers.

I smiled, watching the sisters kiss, Sherri’s ass flexing as she ground her pussy into her twin’s. They were my second and third concubines. I found them in the parking lot of a Motel Six. Terri’s boyfriend had objected when he found me kissing his girl and took a swing at my face. He almost hit me before I froze his muscles with a command. I had Terri execute him for daring to strike at a God. He had blubbered so pathetically as his girlfriend took my gun, put it to his head, and killed him.

I had to keep the twins, they had green eyes, freckled faces, and pouty lips. With their auburn hair, they were almost like Mary. When I fucked them, I could almost pretend that they were Mark’s wife. I couldn’t wait to take her as mine before Mark. To make her love my cock more than his and watch the pain in his face as his wife cums on my cock and begs me for more. Mary would make a fine concubine once we flushed Mark’s child out of her belly.

I smiled, I couldn’t wait to have them in my power.

I would have my wife, Desiree, back, too, adding her to my growing harem. There were another four ladies back at the hotel, and Victoire, of course. She was driving the limo, her hazel eyes glancing enviously at Ashley in the rear view mirror. She was a French model I found at O’Hare Airport. She was on a layover and I made her mine in the airport lounge.

After making my Pact, I was—sidetracked. There were just so many beautiful women, I found, that were begging to be fucked. I kept the most pleasing women as my concubines, and disposed of the rest. Before I realized it, over a month had passed and I had not gotten one step closer to my revenge. But that was about to change.

There was a rap on the window. An MP guarding the Main Gate of Fort Lewis was standing there, peering into the tinted windows. I signaled Victoire to roll the windows down. Ashley kept riding my cock. She knew better than to stop. I hadn’t had to chastise her in weeks and all her bruises had faded.

“What the fuck!” the MP gasped.

“I am your God,” I commanded. “Escort me to the commanding officer of your Post.”

“Yes, sir!” the MP saluted.

I had to give more orders, of course. The sergeant in charge of the gate had to be brought in line, but in a few minutes, I had an MP escort to Lieutenant General Arthur Brooks, commanding officer of I Corps and Joint Base Lewis-McChord. A few years ago, neighboring McChord Air Force Base and Fort Lewis were combined into one installation. Somehow it saved money.

Ashley pumped her hips atop me as we drove through the base, moaning her pleasure. I stared out the window at the all the soldiers we were passing. The start of my army. On Saturday, I will have Mark crawling on his belly before me. Just five more days and the world will know who I am and tremble before my Majesty!

For I am their rightful God. The Great and Powerful Brandon! I closed my eyes, pictured Mark Glassner kneeling in defeat before me, the false God cast down by the True, and came in Ashley’s sweet cunt.


Wednesday, September 25th, 10:32 AM – City Hall, Seattle, WA
“Excuse me, Mr. Mayor,” Nate Kirkpatrick said, knocking on the heavy, oak door of the Mayor’s office

“Oh, come in, Nate,” the Mayor answered.

I followed Nate in. He was a big, burly man with brown hair that was quickly balding. He was the Manager of Human Resources at City hall. I say was, because my daughter killed him last night and then took on his appearance. I was really proud of my daughter, she was only a few days old and she already was accomplishing so much for Lilith. She was a Mazikeen, a creature that could assume any form she pleased.

“This is your new assistant,” Nate said, motioning to me. “Fiona Cavanagh.”

“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Mayor,” I lied.

The Mayor, a fairly fit man for someone in his early sixties, reached out and shook my hand. He was tall, his hair obviously dyed black to hide the gray, and he had a firm handshake. His desk was neat; a computer, a pen cup, and a photo of the Mayor and his husband at their civil wedding were the only items resting on the dark wood.

“You can call me Craig or Mayor Erikson,” he said with a smile, shaking my hand.

“I’m sorry to hear about the passing of your previous assistant,” I said. His name was Shaun, and Thamina’s daughter by Lilith, Tir, had infected him with a very nasty, and very lethal, disease.

Grief clouded the Mayor’s face. “Yeah, he was a special young man.”

“Well, I’ll go get set up at my desk,” I said.

“Oh, of course,” Mayor Erikson said.

Once his door was closed, I whispered to my daughter, “You did good, Ziki.”

A loving look appeared on the face my daughter wore, recognizable to me through the fat man’s face she wore. I reached out and stroked her stubbled cheek fondly. “Well, Mother, I have other hires to make,” Ziki told me.

I nodded, and sat down at the desk. Slowly, Seattle would be Lilith’s, I thought happily. A few minutes later, Lamia walked in. She was Chantelle’s daughter by Lilith, and I dialed the Mayor’s phone. “Your 10:45 is here, sir.”

“I don’t see an appointment on my schedule?” the Mayor objected.

“Maybe Shaun didn’t get a chance to update your schedule, sir.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” he sighed, his voice thick with grief. He cleared his throat. “Okay, send him in.”

“Her, sir. A Miss Lamia. She has something very important to show you.”

Lamia smiled naughtily at me, her purple hair framing her face beautifully. She walked to the door, and I couldn’t help watching her tight ass sway beneath the short skirt of her dress. Lamia could make any one man at a time to be her love-slave, even a gay man like the Mayor. She would just need a few hours to imprint him. I just had to keep visitors away until then.

I heard a low moan and Lamia’s throaty laugh through the door and smiled. I picked up the phone and dialed my wife. “Mina, my first day is going perfectly,” I told her.


I watched from the Shadows as Melvyn Howland read Professor Scrivener’s final message when it appeared on the University of Wisconsin’s assignment website. The news of the Professor’s death had already spread through the campus. He had been found shot dead this morning. Melvyn read the note with a sick fascination. It was all about who was responsible for his death and his interesting translation of the Magicks of the Witch of Endor.

Melvyn, or Mel to his friends, wasn’t the first to read the final message. But he was the first to post the Professor’s translation to an occult forum, the UnearthedArcana.com, and linked his post to Reddit. I marveled at the technology of this age. In the past, such a book would take weeks of painstakingly hard work to copy it perfectly. But now, this young man just shared it to the entire world in a matter of seconds.

For weeks, nothing happened. People read it, discussed its contents, dismissed it as fiction or a hoax. It was Simon Arterbury, posting under the name atterboy-simon, who had the theory that Mark Glassner must have made a Pact with Lucifer. “All his powers can be explained by this book,” he typed.

Other users shouted him down, all full believers in their false God, Mark, and not willing to believe that such a perfect being would soil himself by consorting with demons. That comment brought a smile to my lips. These humans were such blind fools, I observed with amused contempt.

Simon, desiring to prove them wrong, went to a grocery store and bought a T-bone steak and waited for dawn on the balcony of his small apartment, his tiny grill burning. He was twenty-seven years old, obsessed with watching high school girls. From his balcony, he had a clear view of the local High School’s field and he loved photographing the cheerleaders as they practiced.

“The Shining One, Son of the Morning,” Simon called out. I could smell his sweet offering and his words pulled me to the Mortal World. “I give this pleasing offering of flesh and ask that you appear before me. The Shining One, Son of the Morning, appear before your humble servant so that he may beg three favors from you!”

I wasn’t able to have the dramatic entrance I preferred. There was just no room on the balcony for that. I had to settle for his startled jump as I materialized next to him. I was dressed in my usual, dapper suit, dark as smoke, and put a friendly smile on my face, to put the insect at ease.

“Holy shit!” Simon exclaimed. “That worked.”

We quickly got down to business. His wishes were so pedestrian. “I want the entire Varsity Cheerleading Squad of Townsend High School to appear before me as my willing sex slaves. I want the stamina to be able to fuck them all without rest. And, I want a billion dollars.”

I left the man to fuck his teenage cheerleaders in his cramped apartment. Much later, Simon dragged himself away from his harem to post on the forum: “I did it haters, fuk you and fuk your god! Lucifer gave me entire cheerleading squad!! *-)” He uploaded a photo of himself surrounded by the smiling, naked cheerleaders holding pompoms. The idiot was arrested two days later for kidnapping and the rape of minors. Well, he had that billion to spend on his defense.

Others summoned me after that.

Scotty Adams wished for the ability to turn himself invisible, that women would enjoy it when he molested them while invisible, and not to suffer the effects of exposure while invisible. I don’t think the man ever plans on being visible again, and soon the Ghost of Paris, Texas became infamous.

Augustin Kudrna wished for every married woman to desire him and let him fuck them, for their husbands to not object as he fucked their wives, and for every woman he fucks to conceive a child, if possible.

Yoshida Emi, a teenage girl in Japan, constantly bullied, wished for the ability to kill anyone if she writes their name down in a notebook. She got this idea from something called ‘Death Note’. That’s all she wanted. I didn’t have a problem getting a bargain like that. I had to make one addendum to her power. Mark and Mary Glassner had to be immune. “I made a pact with them,” I explained to the girl. I needed them, I couldn’t very well let some stupid girl ruin all my plans. A rash of unexplained deaths plagued Yamamura High School.

Marcus Arthursson wished for people to obey his commands, to reshape any woman he wanted to, usually into his ideal woman, and to have a big cock. The city of St. Paul, Minnesota, was flooded with big-breasted women who appeared in their twenties with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tan skin. Aging women from around the world traveled to St. Paul to regain their youths at the hands of the ‘Doctor’ Arthursson. Getting fucked by him was a small price to pay for youth restored.

Marissa Beckett, separated from her husband, Steven, wished for his cock to never get hard again, for the whore he was fucking to have the worst case of gonorrhea, and for her final wish, Marissa wanted to get back the body she had at twenty-one and stay that way forever. She was excited to try out her restored youth and get laid.

Lenox MacCrumb of Scotland wished to be superman. Well, I made him use three wishes to get some of Superman’s powers. He went with Invulnerability, Heat Vision, and Flight and then set about fighting crime in Glasgow complete with blue tights and a red cape.

Never had I been so busy.

To be continued…

Click here for Chapter 35.

The Devil’s Pact, Ghost of Paris Chapter 1: Freedom



The Devil’s Pact

The Ghost of Paris Chapter One: Freedom

by mypenname3000

edited by Master Ken

© Copyright 2014

Story Codes: Male/Teen female, Mind Control, Magic, Voyeurism, Male Masturbation, Oral

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Friday, August 30th, 2013 – Paris, Texas

“Staying out of trouble, Scotty?” Mitchel Craig, my parole officer, asked me.

“Yessir, boss,” I lied.

It was complete bullshit that I was here. What was the harm in taking a few photos up a few girls’ skirts. I mean, they were wearing panties. Hell, those girls probably wear skimpier bikinis when they go to the beach. But the judge disagreed, particularly with my prior, and gave me three years. I was paroled in eighteen months, and had to report to this slug once a month.

“You still livin’ in Paris, son?” he drawled. Craig had a fat, ruddy face and he wiped at the sweat beading his forehead every minute with a grimy handkerchief he pulled out of his back pocket. “At that halfway house on Sperry Street?”

I nodded. It was the shithole that all the sex offenders were sent to. You had to be home by 8 PM, and your room could be searched at any time for ‘contraband’: porn, drugs, weapons, and booze. If you had a job, you could stay out past eight, otherwise you were confined to your room or a shitty common area with a broken TV, a couch from the fifties that had lost all of its padding, and a chess board missing half its pieces.

I ground my teeth as the fat sack of shit drawled on and on. I wanted to mosey my way over to Boone High School and watch the cheerleaders practice. It was the Friday before Labor Day weekend, and there wouldn’t be any school until Tuesday. It was bad enough having to go three days without watching those fine young things shaking their stuff, let alone adding another day because my PO liked to hear himself talk.

I wasn’t, strictly speaking, supposed to be watching the girls. I was a voyeur, and over the years my tendencies has landed me in a mess of trouble. When I was nineteen, I got a job at Boone High School in my home town of Paris, Texas, as a janitor. Well, I drilled a hole in the girl’s locker room and enjoyed the sights for a whole month before I got caught. That landed me my first stint in prison. Sentenced to six years; out in three on good behavior. I thought I got smarter, after I got out, thought I got more careful. But at twenty-seven, I was caught in the Paris Commons, the local mall, with my digital camera hidden in my shoe taking upskirt shots.

I just couldn’t stop. I loved watching girls. I often fantasized about being a fly on the wall, just watching them, up close. Or one of them superheroes that can turn himself invisible. I would just sit in locker rooms, watching the gals and jerking my pecker. I just had to see the ladies naked, I couldn’t help myself. Since my parole last month, I had already snuck a camera into the locker room at the Y and for three days got some delightful footage before the memory stick filled up.

“I’ll be keeping an eye on you, Scotty Adams,” my PO warned. “Don’t think you can be peeping on the girls under my watch.”

“Sure thing, boss,” I nodded. The dumb sack of shit had no idea what I’ve been up to since I got out. I glanced at the old, analogue clock on the wall; there was still time to watch the practice.

The cheerleaders were jumping around when I arrived. Their pretty legs flashing as they cartwheeled around, their firm breasts jiggling beneath their red tops. And when those gold-and-black pleated skirts flipped up and you could see their black, tight spankies that hugged their asses, well it was like I died and gone to heaven. Their school mascot was the lion, and the cheerleaders called themselves the Lionesses. But, it was over all too quick, and I wandered over to the public library. Maybe I’d surf some porn, or check out what was happening on reddit. You could always fine some girl posting a titillating selfie.

I browsed some porn for an hour, receiving a few dirty looks from a mother. Luckily, the first amendment protected pornography as free speech so the shrewish librarian couldn’t do anything about it. But, I couldn’t jerk off either, so I switched over to a few sites I liked to visit. One was called the Unearthed Arcana, a forum for people who loved the occult to post theories on, or to inform people on the latest revelations from spirit channelings and the like.

My first love was spying on pretty young things, my second was the occult. I just ate that shit up. I read Alice Bailey, Madam Blavastky, Alestier Crowely, David Icke, and all the rest. At night I would listen to Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. They were always preaching the truth about the government and aliens and the like. I loved it.

I started browsing the forum of UnearthedArcana.com. Someone posting as attaboy-simon claimed that the rising power in the Northwest, Mark Glassner, had sold his soul to Lucifer as outlined in the Magicks of the Witch of Endor. There was quite the lively debate. These Miraclists that worshiped Mark as a God were quite the fervent defenders, deriding the original poster for even suggesting that their God would consort with demons. attaboy-simon said he was going to prove them all wrong and his final post simply read: “I did it haters, fuk you and fuk your god! Lucifer gave me entire cheerleading squad!! *-)” It was accompanied by a picture of a man and more than a dozen smiling, naked girls holding pompoms.

My heart stopped.

Lucifer gave me an entire cheerleading squad, echoed over and over in my mind. What if this worked? I devoured the Magicks of the Witch of Endor, printing off the pages on how to summon Lucifer. It was well worth the thirty cents the library charged for printing if this actually worked. My hands shook. I could get three wishes for my soul. I was going to hell anyways, just ask my pa the Baptist preacher.

I could realize my dream. I could become invisible, and spy on women. But that was only one wish, what could I do with the other two? I smiled, thinking on the possibilities. I had to do this, it was the chance of a lifetime. I would have to break curfew, but it’d be worth it. Curfew wouldn’t matter if this actually worked.

I bought a steak, stole a grill out of someone’s backyard, and squatted in an empty house on the outskirts of Paris and waited for the sun to rise, a case of Coors to keep me company. I fell asleep. Luckily I remembered to set the alarm on my cell phone and woke up before dawn. I lit the grill and watched for the sun to rise. According to the book, if I offered a heifer as a sacrifice at dawn, I could summon Lucifer. Well, here’s hoping this steak came from a heifer and not a bull.

The wait for the sun seemed to be an eternity. The horizon lightened, fading from black to dark blue to light blue to gray. Hints of rose and orange started to appear. I was shaking with anticipation, my hand holding the bloody steak above the lit grill, just waiting for the first ray of the sun. When that golden light touched my eye, it was like the crack of the pistol at a race; my hand opened and the steak dropped, sizzling on the fire.

“The Shining One, Son of the Morning,” I shouted at the sun. “I give this pleasing offering of flesh and ask that you appear before me. The Shining One, Son of the Morning, appear before your humble servant so that he may beg three favors from you!”

For a moment, nothing happened. Disappointment curdled in my stomach. And then a wind rose up, whipping dust into my face, and I saw a dust devil racing across the dry fields towards me. I stepped back in fear as the brown whirlwind seemed to be bearing down right at me. The wind was howling as the swirling dust roared closer. This wasn’t natural. It stopped, just a few feet away, and I licked my lips in fear. Dust devils never stayed in one place. Then it stopped, and out stepped a handsome man in a dark suit, immaculately clean despite the dust falling around him.

“Hello, Scotty Adams,” the man greeted, a friendly smile on his face. His eyes were scarlet and I swallowed, my heart up in my throat, as he calmly strode up to me. “What’s the term they use these days?” he asked, pursing his lips. “Oh yes, you rang?”

I swallowed. “You’re Lucifer?”

“Really, son, I thought you’d be brighter than that,” he sighed. “You said the words, made the offering, who did you think I was?”

I gave a self-deprecating laugh. “Yeah, I guess you’re right, hoss.”

His scarlet eyes stared at me and I shifted uncomfortably in his gaze. After a minute, he asked, “Well, what do you want? It’s a very busy time for me.”

“Yessir, I guess,” I shrugged. “I mean, Halloween just ’round the corner, right?” Lucifer’s eyes narrowed in annoyance and I quickly said, “I wish to be able to turn invisible. Like, with just a thought.”

“Really?” Lucifer asked, a slight smile on his lips. “That’s a first.”

“Well, I mean, I’m pretty average looking. No-one ever gives me no second glance.” I shrugged. “Even still, I get notice far too much. Bein’ invisible, well, that’d just make things easier on me, hoss.”

“Okay, Scotty,” Lucifer grinned. “One down, two to go.”

“Well, when I’m invisible, I’m gonna molest women and I want them to enjoy what I do and not freak out somethin’ terrible,” I said. It came to me last night that spying on women was fun, but touching them, feeling their most intimate parts, well that would be even better. Lucifer nodded. I was surprised to see understanding in his eyes, not disgust. “For my last wish, I want to be immune from exposure when I’m invisible. Y’know, no sunburns, no frostbite, no hypothermia, or that heat stroke.”

“Done.” There was a flash of scarlet light and yellow smoke that smelled of rotten eggs and a contract printed on yellowing paper appeared in his hand. “Read it, then sign on the dotted line.”

I quickly read it. It was surprisingly straightforward. Lawyers could learn a thing or two. Lucifer pricked my thumb with a black, old-fashioned fountain pen, and I signed in my own blood. Lucifer signed in his, then he nodded to me and vanished in a gust of swirling dust.

Did it actually work though. I held out my arms before me, concentrated, and then to my delight, my arm vanished. There was just the sleeve from my Megadeath T-shirt. Holy shit, it worked. I went back into the house and checked out my reflection. I was just clothes around nothing. It was like that movie, Hollow Man, with Kevin Bacon.

I whooped in delight.

I peeled off my clothes, I didn’t need them anymore, and walked out into the street. It was exhilarating. I was naked and no-one could see me. This was freedom! No-one could see me, could judge me, or tell me what I was doing was wrong! I was free of all the bullshit morality that sent me to prison twice just for a little bit of harmless fun. It’s not like I touched any of those girls, just looked at their fine, taut bodies.

Well, I had the freedom to touch them now!

The street was warm on the soles of my feet as I walked down the black asphalt, the sun warm on my naked back. I quickly missed my shoes, but I sucked up the pain. People used to go barefoot all the time back in olden times; my feet would toughen up, I told myself.

There were, however, other problems.

I had to dodge out of the way of pedestrians. When I went to cross the street, a car almost ran me over making a right turn. And just because I was invisible, it didn’t stop dogs from barking at me. It was an adjustment; I needed to learn to be careful. But it was all going to be worth it as I walked up behind a woman waiting to cross the road.

She was wearing a lavender sundress with a short skirt. I reached out, grabbed the hem and lifted up the skirt and saw her pantied-covered ass, nice and plump, before she spun around. She frowned as she looked for whomever had grabbed her skirt. I almost laughed, this was priceless, watching the confusion on the woman’s face. She turned back to face the light and I reached out and rubbed her bottom. Instead of freaking out at the touch, she wiggled her butt back into my hand and sighed.

“Who’s there?” she asked, looking over her shoulder. I jumped back as she reached for me, then feeling bold, I grabbed her breast. Her eyes widened and I could feel her nipple hardening. Fear and pleasure flickered across her face as I groped her.

I would have gone farther, but a man barreled into me, knocking me down. The man looked around in surprise, and the woman fled across the street as I struggled back to my feet. I was about to follow, when I saw the car making a turn and I stopped before it hit me. Then the light changed red and traffic started flowing. By the time it was safe for me to cross, the woman had disappeared into an apartment complex.

Oh well, there were other women to play with. I kept walking, heading to the Paris Commons. It was Saturday and the teenage girls would be flocking to the clothing stores. I picked up my pace, eager to get my hands on some pretty young thing. My pecker was hard with anticipation, bouncing about as I walked.

It was challenging to walk through the mall. I had to hug the walls to avoid bumping into people, but I threaded my way to the Banana Republic. I waked back to the dressing rooms, waiting for a likely girl. The first was a tall girl, with an okay body, but her face was long and narrow and very plain, so I passed on her. Next was a chunky gal in her thirties and I shuddered when I saw the tight clothing she selected. It my opinion, spandex is a privilege, not a right.

The third, though, she was just right; young and hot. She was short and petite, with long, honey-brown hair and vibrant, green eyes. She had a shy smile on her face as she walked up to the dressing rooms, a couple of skirts, a pair of shorts, and several blouses in her hand. She walked back to the farthest changing room and opened the white door. I moved quickly, stopping the door from closing and slipping in.

She frowned as I moved into the corner, peering around. “Hello?” she asked with a dulcet voice.

I tried to stop my heart from beating and breath as softly as possible. My pecker was rock-hard with excitement as she frowned and then shrugged. She hung her clothes on the hook and grabbed the hem of her loose, white blouse and pulled it over her head. I almost groaned as her bare back came into view, marred only by the straps of her white bra. In the mirror, I could see her small breasts cradled in the plain, white cups of her bra.

Thank you attaboy-simon! This was so much better than upskirt shots and peepholes. I was just a foot away from a teenage girl, probably a freshman, stripping her clothes off. I grasped my pecker, stroking it gently as she kicked off her flip-flops, then unbuttoned her jeans. She wiggled her hips deliciously as she slid off her tight pants, exposing a pair of white panties decorated with Minnie Mouse. Her ass was slim and the panties dug into her crack, outlining her cheeks. When she bent over, the gusset of her panties was pulled tight against her pussy and I could see wisps of brown hair peaking out the side.

I almost came just from that sight. If I had been stroking my pecker any harder, my cum would have been splashing all over her rear. I stroked harder, trying to be as quiet as I could, but the sight before me was just too much. She straightened up, grasping the shorts and pulling them up her legs. She turned, looking at her ass in the mirror, her breasts just inches away. I stroked my pecker harder, biting my lips to keep from moaning.

“Is someone out there?” the girl asked, frowning as she pulled on one of the tops.

I slowed my strokes down and the girl shook her head, muttering under her breath as she modeled her clothes in the mirror. She frowned, shaking her head, and started to strip out of those clothes. She wiggled the shorts off, once again bending over. Oh god, her pussy was right there, covered by those tight, girlish panties, inches from my pecker. My balls were boiling and my face contorted in pleasure.

My cum was also invisible, it turned out, as it splashed on the girl’s ass and crotch. “What the fuck,” the girl gasped, jumping and spinning around. She rubbed at her ass, feeling my sticky cum, and she frowned as she lifted up her fingers, rubbing them together, but not seeing what was causing that sticky feeling. Her eyes flicked around the changing room. “What is going on?” she muttered.

God, my pecker was still hard. This was just too exciting. But I needed more. She turned to grab her clothes and I made my move. I reached out and grabbed the clasp of her bra and ripped it open. She spun around again, hands clutched to her bra to keep her breasts from being exposed. Her lip trembling in fear.

She didn’t resist as I grabbed her arms and pulled them away, just continued shaking in confusion. Her bra slipped off exposing her small, snowy breasts topped with dark-red nipples. Oh, God, she was so beautiful and innocent. She bit her lips, staring down at her arms, trying to see what force held her wrists.

“A-are you a ghost?” she asked.

“Yes,” I answered with a smile. “I’m attracted to the only the most purttiest girls.”

She flushed, her nipples hardening. “You think I’m pretty?”

I pulled her right hand down to my hard pecker. Her eyes widened as she gripped my pecker, squeezing gently. “Feel how hard I am for you, sweetness.”

She gasped, letting go, her entire body was beat red. “I did that?”

“I got to have you,” I groaned, my hands grabbing her flesh. Her breasts were soft yet firm, her nipples hard and she moaned as I played with them. It was strange, watching her breasts deform as my invisible fingers kneaded her pliant flesh.

“Do you need relief, Mr. Ghost?” she asked. “Do you have a bad case of blue-balls keeping you from passing on?”

I slid my finger down her taut stomach and started fingering the waistband of her cute panties. “I do. I’m in so much pain. I just need a purtty, young thing like you to give me some relief. Y’know, so I can get to heaven!” I slipped a finger into her panties and felt her silky pubic hair.

She was breathing heavily, her hands reaching out hesitantly until she found my body. “Okay,” she whispered as her hands slid down and found my hard pecker. “I’ll help you, Mr. Ghost.”

“Rufus,” I said. “Call me Rufus Scott, sweetness.” Rufus Scott was some bigwig from a long time ago, his mansion was a tourist attraction.

“I’m Mindy. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Scott.” She shook my pecker like we were shaking hands.

I knelt down and pulled her panties off. She gasped in surprise, but willingly stepped out of her panties. I held them up, sniffing her scent. She smelled sweet and fresh like a summer meadow. Her bush was darker than her hair, and matted with her arousal. I smiled, my Pact was exceeding my wildest expectations. I couldn’t resist, I stuck my head in and licked at her slit. I never went down on a girl before, but damn if she didn’t taste wonderful.

“Oh, Mr. Scott!” she gasped.

“Shh, you don’t wanna get caught,” I warned her.

“Sorry,” she whispered, then clapped her hand over her mouth as I dove back in for another taste.

Her pussy was tight and when I parted her lips she was pink and wet inside. I slid my tongue through her groove, gathering her tasty juices. I sucked and nibbled on her lips, then I found a hard button at the top of her pussy. I licked it and she shuddered and moaned into her hand. It was her clitoris, I realized. The pleasure button on a chick. I sucked it into my lips and she bucked like a bronco on my lips and I held on for dear life.

“Oh wow, I’ve never came so hard before,” she sighed happily. “Thank you, Mr. Scott. Now, maybe we should attend to your problem.”

“Abso-damn-fuckin’-lutely, sweetness,” I panted, standing up.

I picked her up she was so light, gripping her ass tightly. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I quickly maneuvered my pecker to her wet cunt. “Oh, yes, Mr. Scott,” she cooed happily as I sank into her pussy. She was tight, but no virgin.

She started pumping her hips on my pecker, and I enjoyed the velvety tightness of her pussy. I glanced at the mirror and all you could see was Mindy floating in the air, writhing like bitch in heat. I turned around, facing away from the mirror. Then I looked over my shoulder and I could see her pussy gaping open as my invisible pecker fucked into her pink hole.

“Oh, fuck this is wild!” I moaned, pumping my hips.

“I can see down my pussy!” she gasped softly as she saw her reflection in the mirror. “Oh, it’s so pretty! Mmh, your ghost pecker feels so great inside me!”

Her hips twisted on my pecker, driving me crazy with pleasure, and I pumped my ass as fast as I could. I just came a few minutes ago, but her teenage cunt was quickly building me up to another one. I squeezed her firm ass, then started sucking and licking at her neck. Her hard nipples and soft breasts rubbed against my chest and her arms snaked around my neck and she hugged me tightly.

“Oh, yes!” she moaned. “Sweet Jesus, I’m gonna cum again!”

Our flesh was slapping together, we were getting louder and louder. I had to finish before the store clerk interrupted us. The silky walls of her pussy rubbed the head of my pecker with every thrust, sending pleasure that radiated out from my pecker. I could feel my orgasm nearing and I pumped wildly. My balls were getting closer and closer to exploding. Just a few more thrusts and I would be there.

“Fuck!” I grunted as my cum boiled into her cunt. “Goddamn fuckin’ hell! You got one amazin’ cooch, Mindy!”

“Oh wow!” she gasped, bucking in my arms as her cunt spasmed on my pecker. “Oh, Sweet Jesus, yes! Yes! Oh crud, I’m cumming!” She panted, rubbing her cheek against me. “Umm, that was nice.”

“Yeah,” I said, letting her go.

“Good thing you’re a ghost,” she joked. “’Cause I’m not on the pill.”

“Uh-huh,” I laughed, then slipped out of the changing room, catching one last look of her naked body. Wouldn’t that be rich if she got pregnant.

I started whistling as I walked out, passing the clerk, a pretty young woman with black hair who looked around, confused, at the sound as I walked by. She had a firm-looking butt, and I couldn’t resist reaching out and pinching her fine ass.

“What the fuck!” she screamed in surprise.

I grinned. Mindy wore me out. I would need a break before I could go again. So, I started heading to my favorite spot in the whole mall. If you stood underneath the stairs that led to the second floor, you could see up a woman’s skirt through the gaps between the steps. I stretched out on the floor mall’s cold, hard floor. It was uncomfortable, but the view was well worth it. And who knows, in an hour or so, I bet I could find another woman to help a poor, suffering Ghost get some relief.

To be continued…

Click here for Chapter 2.

The Devil’s Pact Chapter Thirty-Three: The Calm Before the Storm



The Devil’s Pact

Chapter 33: The Calm Before the Storm

by mypenname3000

edited by Master Ken

© Copyright 2013, 2014

Story Codes: Male/Teen female, Male/Female, Male/Females, Male/Female/Teen female, Female/Female, Hermaphrodite/Female, Mind Control, Magic, Incest, Exhibitionism, Oral, Romantic, Lactation, Wife, Wedded Lust, Voyeurism

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 32.

The Wedding, July 20th, 2013

The last three weeks since the SWAT attacked us and I nearly died seemed to fly by. And before I knew it, July 20th has finally arrived. The setting sun was warm and the breeze was cool. The air was filled with the sweet scent of the wildflowers. Mount Rainier reared up, impossibly huge this close to the peak, dominating the eastern sky. Even in summer, the top of Mount Rainier remained white and blue from its many glaciers. A small dome of clouds covered the top of the mountain. They were the only clouds in the sky.

Butterflies swirled in my stomach as we all waited on Mary.

I was wearing a black tux, a purple bow-tie choking my throat and a purple cummerbund cinched about my waist. The dress shoes pinched my toes. Mary chose purple to complement the flower arrangements, of all things. Oh well, the wedding was always about the bride, not the groom. My best man, Quatch, stood beside me. He had trimmed his beard and got a haircut for today, and the big guy looked almost handsome in his tux. Today was the only time I’ve ever seen clothes on him that actually fit. Beyond Quatch were my groomsmen: Chris, Tom, and Karl. All three wore matching tuxes, and the same unflattering bow-ties and cummerbunds that I wore. These four guys were my friends, we used to play D&D together. My life had just become too busy since the attack, though, for us to get together anymore.

What amazed me most about the last few weeks was that no disasters had happened. No nuns attacked us with armed men, no government agencies raided my house, no Lilith. Most importantly, no-one has died. Memories of Chasity flashed through my mind. I glanced at the seats where the sluts sat, wishing Chasity was with them. The sluts looked beautiful in their dresses. Korina sat smiling in a green dress. She was pregnant with my child, and she wasn’t the only one. Next to her, Violet and April were holding hands; both girls had learned they were pregnant in the days that followed the attack. Today Violet wore a cute, pink dress and April a cloud-blue, frilly thing. Jessica looked stunning in a black, tight dress as she sat next to Lillian who looked sexy as hell in an artfully-ripped, gauzy black dress. Xiu’s large breasts were positively spilling out of the flowery, pink dress she wore. I was glad Xiu chose to remain one of our sluts; she didn’t even hesitate when I freed her at the hospital. Alison and Desiree wore complimenting, purple dresses, their arms wrapped around each other. They had gotten married a week ago, the service performed by Daisy Cunningham at the Church of the Living Gods.

The Cunningham twins, Daisy and Rose, had become ordained ministers, the first for the growing religious movement that worshiped Mary and myself as gods. The Church of the Living Gods was the official name, but people called them Markites, Miraclists, and Glassnerians. The two sisters had been preaching from the beginning about what I had taught their family, inadvertently, that day in the Lowes garden section. “Love each other,” Rose would preach. “Demonstrate your love to each other. Do not let society tell you what is right and wrong when it comes to love. Do not be repressed by the antiquated morals of the religions of by-gone days. Follow the simple teaching of our Living Gods and just love each other!” The girls were passionate speakers and many responded to their message.

They had set up a large tent on the huge, empty lot behind our house where we had begun breaking ground on our mansion. Every night, hundreds gathered to hear the twins preach and participate in the worship orgy. And the Cunningham twins weren’t the only ones to rise to prominence in the church. Beth Philips, a woman I fucked in the restroom of a car dealership, had almost a saint-like presence in the church since she was pregnant with my child. They addressed her as ‘Blessed Mother,’ alongside Vivian Anders. Chasity and the other bodyguards that died during the attack were remembered as ‘The Holy Martyrs’ and pictures of them were hung about the tent.

After many of the worshipers begged to be married by Mary or myself, we both got ourselves ordained. It was really simple, we just had to fill out a form on the internet and we could perform legal marriages in the State of Washington for the Church of the Living Gods. The first couple I married was Earl and his sixteen-year-old daughter, Marylou. Not a legal marriage, yet, but many of the marriages performed at the church were not, technically, legal. Earl’s wife had died a few years ago and Marylou had started sharing his bed. Both quickly gravitated to the Church with its acceptance of all forms of love.

My mind drifted back to the ceremony as I waited on Mary. Earl’s daughter, Marylou, was a pretty girl. She had long, black hair that fell down to her waist and contrasted lovely with her simple, white dress. Her round, cherub-face was covered by a veil and her long legs were covered by white, fishnet stockings. As part of the marriage, I blessed the bride by bending her over the simple altar and pulling up her skirt. She wore no panties, a tenet of the Church, and her teenage cunt was covered by a neatly trimmed, black bush.

She held her fiancee-father’s hand as I entered her and she moaned in pleasure. Her cunt had been tight and I fucked her hard, pounding her cunt as she moaned in joy. “Fuck me, God!” she moaned. “Oh yes! Oh yes! Fuck me hard, my God!” She came on my cock when I filled her with my blessing. Smiling happily, she took her father’s hands and she spoke her vows as my cum ran out of her cunt, “I pledge before my Gods and all these witnesses to love and cherish my father, my husband, for as long as we both shall live.” Earl repeated back his vows, then I pronounced them husband and wife and they kissed before the happy congregation.

Mary and I have performed several weddings since. I married the Cunningham twins, blessing both of their tight, teenage cunts. Rachel, the woman we fucked on her honeymoon during our first trip to New York, showed up with Leah, our chauffeur from the same trip, and her husband, Jacob. Mary performed a joint wedding, marrying all three together. She blessed both brides with a strap-on. It turned out that Jacob and Rachel were both accountants and they were more than happy to manage our finances. Between our Charity and the Church donations, money was pouring in and I couldn’t be bothered to keep track of it. We had bought a limousine and Leah was thrilled to be our chauffeur again. We gave them an empty house to live in on our street and I bound them with the Zimmah ritual.

We had plenty of empty houses to choose from after the attack. We held our last meeting of the Naked Jogging Club the Friday after the attack. It was just too dangerous to be jogging out on the street. We were lucky the nuns didn’t attacks during one of our jogs. The girls were all sad and we had one last orgy in Madeleine’s living room. I ordered all the neighbors that I had let stay to move out, for their own safety. The only people living on Mountain View Court were our servants, bound by the Zimmah spell, and our families. We gave our Vizier, Sam, a house to share with her plaything, Candy, and gave Willow another house. Willow shared it with the three nurses and the receptionist that helped her run our charity clinic.

Mary and I started recruiting voluntary bodyguards who knew just what they were in for, a lifetime of serving us. Most were followers of our religious movement that traveled across the World to serve us. Each week, a new class of ten or so women were sent to the Pierce County Police Academy to be trained. Our bodyguard was down to thirty members, and once we had our willing recruits, we planned on giving them the same choice we gave the sluts, to stay or be set free. Other worshipers were recruited to provide maintenance for our plane and to be nurses in our clinic. When we started constructing our mansion, many of our worshipers volunteered their time and efforts in building the mansion. They felt so honored to build their God’s abode, we didn’t have the heart to tell them no.

For our friends and family whom we had given sex slaves to, we let them decide if they wanted to keep their slaves or give them the choice of freedom. My friends, Quatch, Chris, Karl, and Tom, elected to keep their slaves. As did Missy and her boyfriend, Damien. George and Shannon, on the other hand, freed Starla and to their surprise, she begged to stay on as their sex slave. My mom freed Joy, who quickly left, and Mary’s dad freed Felicity. She left, too, missing her family, but Sean and Tiffany didn’t seem to care. My little sister, Antsy, freed Via and then asked Via to be her girlfriend. Via happily said yes.

Our time since the attack has been busy. At our Charity’s first fundraiser, I announced my plans to run for state office and since them I’ve been giving interviews and and speeches. I had a number of issues that concerned me, the largest being gun control and crime. Everywhere I went, I would tell people to give up their weapons, to not do violence to each other. To just treat their fellow man with dignity. I had this great power and I was going to make the world a better place. I had other issues I championed as well: bigamy, decency laws, age of consent, prostitution, a balanced state budget, and state agencies spending tax money more wisely.

Desiree surprised us all when she admitted to working on a few campaigns in college, so I made her my campaign manager. With my power, running for office was all-too-easy. I was running unopposed, now. My opponents in the primary had been two Democrats, a Republican, a Libertarian, and a Constitutionalist who were all more than happy to drop out after meeting with me. Each gave me their ringing endorsements.

When I wasn’t giving speeches, I was giving interviews. To CNN, to Fox News, to MSNBC. All the talk shows – morning news, daytime talk, the late night shows – would send us requests for interviews. Jessica was our press secretary and handled all of it. Frankly, we just went were she sent us. Our first national talk show was the The Today Show. Mary and I flew to New York City the Sunday after the attack so we could be there bright and early Monday morning.


The Today Show Set, July 1st, 2013

“Everyone has seen the seemingly miraculous footage taken last Wednesday,” Matt Lauer said when the commercial-break ended.

Mary and I were sitting next to each other on plush, white-leather chairs as Matt Lauer introduced us. Matt Lauer sat across from us, on the other side of the large window where the crowds gathered outside to hold up signs and get seen on TV. Sitting next to Matt Lauer was the beautiful Savannah Guthrie, a broad smile on her freckled face. Her honey-brown hair was styled to be light and curly as it fell about her shoulders. Her blouse was dark gray and sleeveless, almost a vest, that was cut just low enough to show a hint of her freckled bosom.

“With us today, is Mark Glassner and his fiancee, Mary Sullivan,” Matt Lauer finished.

“Hey Matt,” I said, trying to suppress my nervousness. My palms were sweaty, and I could just feel the moisture building in my armpits. Outside, the crowd at the windows cheered loudly, a muffled roar that could be just heard through the glass.

Mary sat cross-legged in one of her sultry dresses, dark blue today. Her freckled cleavage was on display, and most of her beautiful thighs. Her auburn hair was styled to fall about her shoulder in beautiful, dark-red waves that set off her emerald eyes. She smiled, her beautiful dimples appearing on her cheeks. “It’s great to be here,” Mary answered back. She sounded so relaxed. Was she not nervous at all?

“The footage is almost unbelievable,” Savannah Guthrie said, crossing her legs. Her skirt was longer than Mary’s, but her beautiful calves were on display.

“Well, it’s most certainly not a hoax,” I said, trying to smile. “It hurt when I got shot.” That brought a chuckle from Matt and a beautiful laugh from Savannah.

“And that light, what was that?” Savannah pressed. “Did you really get healed by a miracle?”

“Mary and I, both, have powers,” I answered. “And I used those powers to heal myself.” A lie, but Jessica advised us to keep out the consorting-with-demons part.

“Show us something,” Matt Lauer said, a skeptical smile on his lips. “I would love to see your powers.”

Sam had taught us a few new spells. A lot of the magics in the book were stuff I’ve seen stage magicians perform. The type of magics that probably awed the people in ancient times. I concentrated and uttered a single word, “Uwph,” while I imagined I was rising up in the air. I floated up and Matt jumped and Savannah’s eyes widened in surprise. I floated a few feet forward and hovered in the middle of the studio. I could see the crowd outside watching in astonishment. A few, the ones with signs proclaiming me a God, fell to their knees.

Matt stood, his eyes shaken, and walked around me, swinging his arms about my body. He was searching for wires, I realized. His stood up on his tiptoes, straining to pass his arms over my head. “How are you doing that?”

“I have powers,” I answered, floating back to my chair and sitting down without my feet touching the ground. The floating spell required constant concentration, and really wasn’t worth the effort. But it sure was impressive.

“Well, um,” Savannah Guthrie stammered, trying to gather her wits. “People say you are a God. There are people gathering in front of your house. Footage of their, um, worship, and I use that term loosely, has been making the rounds on the internet. They call it worship, but it looks like a, well, frankly, an orgy.”

Mary smiled. “Savannah, Mark and I preach that love should be freely expressed in all its forms. There shouldn’t be any stigma attached to sex. There’s nothing wrong with two people having sex, right?”

“No,” Savannah answered, frowning.

“Then there shouldn’t be anything wrong with people having sex in public,” Mary finished.

Savannah nodded her head, and Matt answered, “I guess when you put it that way, there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with it.”

“No, people should be free to find their pleasure wherever they want to, even if they’re related,” I said, staring boldly at Savannah, who flushed. I saw Mary smile next to me and shake her head. I knew just what she was thinking. She always was amused by my sex drive. But, when you wish for unlimited stamina, you might as well get some use out of it.

“People claim you use a gas to make them do what you want,” Matt Lauer said, continuing the interview. “Any truth to that?”

“No, people just like to follow our suggestions,” I said. “Your producer had us searched by the NYPD to see if we had any gas canisters or anything.”

“We did,” Savannah Guthrie interjected. “There were no suspicious gas canisters or anything.”

“So people just do what you tell them?” Matt Lauer asked, disbelief in his voice.

“How about a demonstration?” Mary asked.

“Sure,” Matt Lauer challenged. “Make us do something that we wouldn’t normally do.”

“Savannah, suck Mark’s cock,” Mary ordered.

Savannah Guthrie’s freckled cheeks were crimson red as she walked over and knelt before me. I reached over and grabbed Mary’s hand, giving her a thankful squeeze. She was such a caring fiancee, always attentive to my needs. Savannah’s hand reached out and unfastened my pants, pulling the zipper down. The crowd outside was cheering. They all heard our commands; no one would think this was weird or wrong.

Unfortunately, Matt Lauer didn’t think it was weird anymore, either. “What does that prove?” he asked, dismissively.

Mary blinked in surprise, then realized what we had just told him and everyone else who was watching The Today Show live. And it had to be live. Our powers didn’t seem to work if we recorded our commands. But a live broadcast, and we made sure it was live with the producers and not on a delay, that worked just fine. Just like talking on the phone.

I could see on the monitors behind the camera that they were getting a good close-up of Savannah Guthrie’s mouth as she engulfed my cock. Her tongue swirled around my cock deliciously. “She’s pretty good,” I moaned.

I glanced at Mary, her lips pursed as she stared at Matt Lauer. His disdain was starting to irritate her. “Well, Matt, how about you quit being the host of The Today Show and let Natalie Morales host in your place. She’s far prettier than you.”

“That is a great idea,” Matt Lauer answered, motioning to Natalie Morales. She was a beautiful, Latina woman with long, black hair. “I’ve had a good time as the co-anchor of The Today Show, but I feel the time has come for me to leave the show.”

Matt Lauer hugged Natalie Morales and kissed her on the cheek and walked off, and she sat down in his chair, confusion painting her face. “Well, Matt, take care, you will be missed,” Natalie Morales said, uncertainly. The producer walked over to Matt and they had a heated conversation behind the cameras.

“You are very pretty,” Mary told Natalie Morales. “Why don’t you show the world just how pretty those tits are.”

“And you’re just gorgeous, Mary,” Natalie Morales said with a smile as she started to unbutton her mauve, silk blouse. “I bet you have some pretty breasts as well, Mary.” Mary’s power to make any woman desire her was having the predictable effect on Natalie.

Savannah Guthrie was sliding her mouth up and down on my cock. I ran my hand through her honey-brown hair as I watched Mary stand up, reach behind her back, and unzip her dress. The shy girl that had blushed so furiously when she first stripped naked in the Starbucks had been replaced by this confidant woman, unashamed to show off her gorgeous body to the world. I admired her perky, freckled breasts tipped with dusky nipples. Her pubic hair had been waxed away, save for a small heart of fiery hair above her pussy.

Natalie Morales smiled, licking her lips, as her blouse fell open. Her large breasts were cradled by a silky, gray bra. Natalie Morales reached behind her and unclasped the bra, and shrugged out of her blouse and bra with one smooth motion. Her breasts were large, sagging just a bit, and topped with huge, dark areolas and hard nipples.

“You may be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” Natalie Morales breathed to Mary.

Mary smiled, and crooked her finger at Natalie Morales. The beautiful woman walked across the room to Mary, who kissed her passionately on the lips. Natalie Morales was breathing hard when Mary broke their kiss, and my fiancee sat down on her chair and spread her legs wide-open. “Pleasure me,” Mary commanded.

Natalie Morales knelt down and hesitantly licked at Mary’s slit. I felt my balls boiling as Natalie Morales started licking more confidently at Mary’s pussy. Mary moaned her encouragement, her right hand pinching her left nipple. Savannah’s sucking mouth was bringing me closer and closer to orgasming. I gripped her hair with a tight grip, and held her mouth in place.

“Swallow it, Savannah!” I moaned as I shot my cum into her mouth. I could feel her swallowing, sucking the last of the cum out of my balls. I released her head and she stood up. “Let’s give her a big cheer!” I urged the crowd outside and they were all screaming and shouting. A few of the women flashed their boobs as they got into the spirit of things.

Savannah Guthrie licked some cum off of her lips and waved to the crowd, her freckled face flushed, and a huge smile gracing her lips. She sat back down on her chair, adjusting her blouse, and looked at me. Being a consummate professional, she continued the interview as if she hadn’t just been sucking my cock, “So, not only have you founded a religious movement, but you’re running for public office. A State Representative for your home State of Washington?”

“Yeah,” I said with a smile, and went through the issues that concerned me. Mary spent the time writhing in pleasure in her chair as Natalie Morales devoured her cunt. Mary’s perky breasts heaved as her body shook from her orgasm and she let out a low, throaty moan. I was just finishing talking about my take on marriage, that anyone should be allowed to marry anyone else, even multiple anyones, when Mary finished cumming.

“Umm, she’s done that before,” Mary purred as Natalie Morales stood up. A producer came out and handed Natalie Morales a towel to wipe the pussy juices off her face. Mary just crossed her legs, not bothering to put her dress back on, and started answering questions about our Charity, the Women’s Health Organization for Reproductive Empowerment.

That Today Show interview created a firestorm of controversy. Everyone who watched the broadcast live didn’t see what the problem was, but those on the West Coast, where it was shown on tape delay, were disgusted. Family values groups and feminist groups were up in arms. The larger the controversy grew, the more and more shows wanted to interview us. Mary and I gave more and more interviews, and more and more of our critics were starting to agree with us. The President of the Council of Family Values and his wife appeared on Megan Kelly’s show to debate us. By the end, the President was fucking his wife up the ass while she ate out Megan’s pussy on National TV.


The Wedding, July 20th, 2013

What was taking Mary so long I wondered, as I stood before the crowd. These dress shoes were pinching my toes and I was starting to sweat in my jacket. I glanced back to the bridal tent where Mary and her bridesmaids were gathered, wishing they would hurry up. I was eager to see my sweet filly walking up the aisle in her beautiful dress.

I had already seen her in the dress. We spent an hour taking the wedding photos earlier today. And Mary looked stunning in her dress. It was snow-white, of course, with a lacy bodice. The lace wrapped around her torso, ending at the skirt, which was made of all these layers of ruffles that gave her skirt this bell shape. Her veil covered her whole head, draping across her shoulders and cleavage and she carried a bouquet of white and pink flowers, with a few purple flowers here and there for a splash of vibrancy. The same flowers lined the aisle on plinths and more petals were strewn across a white carpet that had been laid down over the field.

Our friends and families were seated on plastic, folding chairs. I had spent the last week talking to all our guests on the phone, making sure that there wouldn’t be any issues. I gave them a few, simple commands: to find any sex that they might witness to be perfectly normal, to be open to having sex at the reception, and to not feel any jealousy if their spouse or significant other chose to indulge themselves. Once they returned home, they would return to their normal behavior and remember the wedding fondly. With Mary’s family, I had to prepare them for Tiffany’s return, and that she looked eighteen now. Our bodyguards, led by 51, searched all of our guests and the staff for any weapons, just in case a nun had gotten to them. There were a still a few out there, maybe five left in the whole world, but that was enough to cause plenty of mischief.

Mary’s side was far more crowded than mine. She had quite the extended family it turned out. With a number of aunts, uncles, and cousins, and both sets of grandparents. Her father, alone, had five other brothers and sisters all of whom had kids. And a number of those female cousins were quite the lookers and I was excited to get to know a few of them more intimately during the reception. On top of that, Mary had a lot of friends from high school that showed up.

My side had my dad’s brother, Uncle Aaron, and his wife Dee and their two kids, Aaron Jr. and Laura. Next to my cousin, Laura, was her husband who held their infant daughter, Astrid. My mom’s family consisted of my grandma, my fat Aunt Toni and her teenage sons, Ray and Bobby. We seated the sluts on my side to make it look a little less one-sided, along with Cynthia and Vivian. It was nice to see the other two girls I fucked that morning in the Starbucks where I met Mary. My only friends were standing up with me as my best man and groomsmen.

I caught Tiffany’s eyes and I looked away. I still hadn’t forgiven Mary’s mother for getting Chasity and six of my bodyguards killed. Mary and I had a huge fight when she wanted me to go to her parents’ wedding last week. Mary may have forgiven her mother, but I doubt I ever could. All the other bodyguards had made a full recovery thanks to the Tsariy spell that Sam found in the Magicks of the Witch of Endor.

When she told us about a spell that could heal all but death, Mary insisted on healing Alice with it right away. After being shot, the doctors did what they could for Alice, but one round had entered through her throat as she fell and lodged in her brain and the doctors did not expect her to ever wake up.


Good Samaritan Hospital, July 4th, 2013

The limousine pulled up at the entrance to Good Sam hospital. We were here to heal Alice. Leah was driving. I was so happy that Rachel and Leah moved out here. I had a lot of fun with the two girls that weekend we spent in New York City and I was happy to see that they made their three-way relationship work. They were so cute together when I married the three of them last night. Jacob, their husband, positively beamed with a pretty girl on each of his arms who wanted to be his wife.

I was so excited to heal Alice. I had been so racked with guilt for what happened to Alice and I was so relieved to find out there was a way to heal her. I don’t know how neither Mark nor I had even thought to ask Sam if there was a healing spell in the Book before this morning. My only excuse was that it had been a busy week. We had to fly out to New York City for two days, where we gave several interviews. The most interesting one, of course, was The Today Show and that had produced quite the commotion. I guess getting oral sex from two famous people on national television would cause that.

Yesterday we had three funerals to attend. There was Chasity’s funeral in the morning, then 05’s funeral, whose real name was Dove Atterberry, at noon. The third funeral for Lucy Garnet, 63, was held last night. And today we had two more funerals to attend: Fawn Avery, 34, and Friuza Rostami, 78. Tomorrow would be the final two funerals: for Jeannette Kerry, 22, and Sasithorn Metharom, 30.

Leah held the door open, wearing her short, black skirt, fishnet stockings, and a white bustier that displayed her large breasts beautifully, and the blue and red tie that dangled between the slopes of her breasts looked so cute. She wore a small, black jacket and a chauffeur’s cap. Mark slid out, then held out his hand to help me up. Our bodyguards, 51 and seven others, formed up around us as we walked through the hallway.

Mark and the bodyguards waited outside Alice’s room as I slipped in. She looked so sad, lying on the bed. Bandages wrapped about her neck, a tube down her throat, and every few seconds the mechanical wheeze of the artificial lung pumping air into her would fill the room. IVs and sensors dotted her body. Dean, her husband, sat next to her, clutching her hand. He was wearing a rumpled T-shirt and sweatpants. He looked like hell, eyes baggy and blood-shot, his face covered in ragged, black whiskers.

“Hey, Mary,” he sadly greeted me. He had been by her side ever since she got shot; guilt stabbed at my heart. He still loved her and didn’t know that Alice was cheating on him with me, and with her yoga instructor before that. He also didn’t know that she was preparing to divorce him, wanting to run off with me. I didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth. Until this morning, we all thought that she was never going to wake up.

“Hey, Dean,” I answered. “Everything’s going to be alright.”

“They’re asking me to pull the plug,” Dean replied with hollow eyes. “I don’t know what to do.”

“It will be okay,” I told him and grasped Alice’s hand.

I concentrated on her being healthy, on her being whole. According to Sam, anyone could do this spell, you just had to believe it would work. I knew it would, I had seen too much magic to not know. I concentrated as hard as I could on Alice being healed, and whispered, “Tsariy.” Energy rushed out of me, into Alice, and a scarlet light enveloped her. The world swam about me and I felt dizzy, and then I was falling backwards.

“Mare!” Mark shouted in alarm. I felt his strong hands holding my arms and I realized that he had caught me. The Gift my mother gave him, her nun powers, had given Mark quick reflexes. I smiled up at him, feeling exhausted, and told him, “I’m fine, Mark. Thanks.”

Mark helped me back on my feet and kissed me on the forehead. He was so sweet. I leaned against his solid frame. The healing spell took a lot out of you. The more the person was hurt, the more that was wrong that you had to fix, the more energy it took out of you. I felt like I just had run a marathon. With a backpack full of bricks. Uphill the entire way.

Dean had jumped up and was staring at me in astonishment. “What did you do?”

Alice started choking, bolting upright. Her hands scrabbled to grab the breathing tube shoved down her throat. She gripped the plastic hose and pulled it, gagging and coughing the whole time. She breathed, hoarsely, as she flung the tube away and had another coughing fit. Dean grabbed her, hugging his wife tightly to his chest. There were tears running down his face as he stared gratefully at me.

“Dean?” Alice asked. She sound tired and confused. “What’s going on?”

“You were shot, dear,” he whispered. “You’ve been in a coma for a week. And Mary…she healed you.”

“What, Mary?” Alice glanced around and her hazel eyes met mine. Her cheeks flushed with color and a smile grew on her lips. But the smile quickly faded and her eyes narrowed in anger and jealousy as she realized who was supporting me. Mark was right, I was blind to her feelings. They were as plain as day.

“Dean, I need to talk to Alice, can you wait outside?” I asked. “You too, Mark.”

“You’re okay, right?” Mark asked, concern on his face. I nodded, and he kissed my cheek. “All right, Mare.”

“I’ll be right outside, dear,” Dean told Alice and squeezed her hand. The two men left the room.

Alice looked down at her body, at the IV and sensors. She reached out to take my hand and smiled when I gripped it. “What happened? I had this dream that I shot Mark and…” She trailed off, frowning at me. She must have seen something in my face, some flicker of emotion at the memory of Mark getting shot by Alice. “Oh God, that happened?”

I took a deep breath. “I need to apologize to you Alice.” She started to interrupt me and I placed my finger over her mouth. “Let me just talk, okay.” When she nodded her head, I explained to her all about our powers and our enemies and how she was used as a weapon to try and kill us. A bewildered expression slowly filled her face as I spoke. “Alice, I wanted to have one normal friend, one person not caught up in all of this. So, I didn’t take the steps to protect you. I did not think our enemies could do anything to you. I’m so very sorry, Alice.”

“I don’t know what to say, Mary. This is just so…crazy.” Alice gave a shriek when I rose up into the air. It was the same spell Mark used on The Today Show. I didn’t stay up too long, I was tired from healing her and was having trouble maintaining the concentration, and landed rather hard and I had to catch myself on the railing of her hospital bed. “How did you do that?”

“Magic,” I told her, then took a deep breath. “Do you still love Dean?”

She frowned. “What?”

“Dean spent the last week sitting by your side,” I told her. “He loves you a lot. So, do you love him, still?”

“I don’t know.” Alice gave a shake of her head. “I love you, Mary.”

“I love you like a friend, like a sister,” I explained as gently as possible, “but I love Mark. So, you have the choice, you can choose to stay with Dean, who loves you, and try and work out your problems, or you can continue to pine after me.” I kissed her on the forehead and walked out of the room.

Dean went back into the room and I could see them talking through the glass before I leaned against Mark and we marched down a few doors to Xiu’s room. Xiu looked so tiny on her hospital bed; she was sleeping peacefully, her round face relaxed. Unlike Alice, she didn’t have a respirator to breath for her. Mark walked up to her and took her hand and she woke up and smiled up at him. He whispered a word, and healed her.

She gasped loudly as the scarlet light enveloped her, bolting upright in the bed. When the light faded, the color was back in her round cheeks and her almond eyes were wide with amazement. The IV that had been in her arm had been forced out of her flesh. Xiu ripped off the various sensors, triggering all sorts of annoying alarms, and threw her arms around Mark. “Oh, thank you, thank you, Master!”

Mark stroked her face. “Xiu, I’m going to free you from my control for the next twenty-four hours. I want you to decide if you want to be our slut. Or, if you do not want to be our slut, I will free you.”

Confusion appeared on Xiu’s face as she was released from Mark’s control. She frowned, looking at us, then stood up from the bed and walked over to the plastic bag on the counter that contained her personal effects. She stripped out of her hospital gown; her petite, olive-skinned body was beautiful. Her skin was flawless, her ass firm and slim, and her huge breasts swayed as she moved, topped with dark nipples. She fished around in the bag and pulled out her nipple piercings. She frowned, trying to stick the piercing through her nipple.

“I’m not pierced anymore,” she whispered in surprise.

“I guess I healed you too well,” Mark grinned.

Xiu laughed and pulled out her gold choker with her name written in emeralds, and clasped it about her throat. “I am yours,” she answered and bent over the foot of her hospital bed, grasped her butt-cheeks and spread them, exposing her tight asshole. “Fuck my ass, Master. Hard!” A broad smile appeared on her lips. “Make it hurt, Master!”

“And what about me?” I pouted as Mark was moving behind her.

“I would love to eat your pussy, Mistress,” Xiu said, licking her lush lips. “I am your sex slave. Use and abuse me for your pleasure.”

Xiu gasped loudly in pain as Mark fucked her ass. He had roughly shoved his cock into her unlubed ass. Lust shined in Xiu’s eyes; the slut loved to be hurt, got off on it. I climbed on the bed, spread my legs and felt some of my exhaustion melt away as Xiu’s tongue lapped at my slit. She buried her face in my snatch, her nose bumping my clit, her fingers spreading my lips open as she dug her tongue furiously inside me.

“Oh fuck, that’s nice, slut!” I moaned. I caught Mark’s blue eyes and he smiled at me as he pounded her tight ass. “Eat my pussy! Yes, yes, that’s so fucking nice.” I gasped as Xiu shoved two fingers up my tight pussy.

I watched as Xiu’s ass jiggled as Mark’s groin slapped into her cheeks, filling the room with the slap of flesh. I grabbed Xiu’s black hair with one hand and pulled her face tight against my cunt as my hips writhed in pleasure. Mark was thrusting harder into her ass, pushing Xiu’s face into my pussy as he bottomed out in her ass.

“Your ass is fucking tight, slut!” Mark moaned. “I love fucking your slutty ass!”

Xiu moaned happily into my pussy. “Are you going flood this naughty slut’s ass, Mark?” I laughed.

“I am, Mare!” Mark panted.

I could feel my orgasm building inside me. Skillfully fueled by Xiu’s lips and fingers. Her tongue fluttered at my clit as her fingers slid along my tight sheathe. I groaned, my back arching, as Xiu sucked my little pearl between her lips and curled her fingers just right. My orgasm exploded out of me as the little slut found my G-Spot and I splattered her face with my girl-cum.

“Oh fuck, that was great, slut!” I moaned.

“I’m so happy, Mistress,” Xiu answered from between my thighs. “Master’s cock feels so amazing in my ass! Umm, I’m going to cum, Master! Ohhh, thank you, thank you for making me cum!”

“Fucking slut!” Mark groaned and slammed his cock into her, his face contorted in pleasure as he flooded her ass with his cum. “God damn, that was good, slut!”

Mark pulled out of her ass and I rested back on Xiu’s bed. Xiu turned around and quickly knelt down and started cleaning Mark’s cock off like a good slut. Mark stroked her black hair and smiled at me. Our Xiu stayed and Alice was healed. I wanted to hold onto this happy feeling as long as I could.


The Wedding, July 20th, 2013

I was freaking out.

“Where’s my locket?” I asked, as grabbed at my throat for the third time, desperately feeling for the gold chain. I knew that it wasn’t there, I had already felt twice, but rational thoughts like that were hard to hang onto when you’re in a panic. Somehow, my locket had slipped off from around my neck. It was heart-shaped, made of silver, with a pink rose sculpted onto the front. I couldn’t lose it. Mark gave it to me that first day I met him. For the last fifteen minutes, my bridesmaids and I had been tearing the bridal tent apart trying to find it. I needed it. I couldn’t leave the tent and walk down the aisle without it!

My older sister Shannon was digging through a box while Antsy and Missy were searching the floor of the bridal tent. I needed to stay calm. If I started crying, my mascara would run and I would look like a frightful mess on my wedding day. “Please, please, please!” I begged over and over, fighting back the tears.

“Here it is!” Alice shouted in triumph. I sighed in relief as my maid-of-honor held up the silver locket. “It fell behind the chair.”

After I healed Alice that day, she had talked with her husband, Dean. She confessed her adultery to him. “I felt so guilty that I had been such a bad wife while Dean was being all attentive and loving since I got hurt,” Alice had later told me. “I just wanted to drive him away so I could wallow in my misery. Only, when I told him that I cheated on him, he was hurt, but he didn’t leave. For the first time, since, well, since forever, I guess, we talked. And it was nice.” They were in marriage counseling now, trying to work through their problems.

The news of Alice’s healing spread through the hospital and soon it was all over the news. And not just Alice’s healing, Mark cured Xiu and half the bodyguards that were still in the hospital before he was too tired. For the last two Thursdays, Mark and I have been healing the sick at Good Sam. It was nice to finally do something good and selfless with our powers.

Alice handed me the locket and I put it around my neck and secured the clasp. I do not know how it fell off my neck, the clasp seemed to be just fine. I was just so very relieved to feel it dangling between my breasts again, that I didn’t care why it fell off. I lowered my veil and took a deep breath. “Okay, let’s get this started.”

Missy popped her head out the tent flap then ducked back in, smiling. “Umm, maybe in a few minutes, Mary.”

I frowned and wondered what Mark was doing? Then an amused smile crossed my lips. No, I should be wondering who Mark was doing. I considered the candidates. One of the sluts, maybe? Or was it Rose Cunningham who was officiating our wedding? Or maybe his mother, Sandy? Certainly not my mom. Mark was still angry with her over Chasity’s death. I missed Chasity, too, but my mom was used by the other side and she felt so guilty over all the deaths she caused.


Mountain View Court Estates, June 29th, 2013

I slipped out of the house, leaving Mark and our sluts that chose to stay to continue with their orgy. I was glad that most of our sluts stayed but I would miss Fiona, Thamina, and Noel. It was the right thing to do, however. I should have insisted weeks ago, but I was too caught up in the thrill of the power to make someone do whatever you wanted.

I walked naked down Mountain View Court, wearing only a pair of flip-flops. I could hear the music from our worshipers waiting out on the street corner. I didn’t know what to make of that development. Mark clearly found being worshiped too amazing to pass up. But, it just didn’t feel right, to be worshiped. We weren’t Gods. We had powers, sure, but anyone who was willing to pay the price could have them.

Then I had stepped out of the car and heard all those people chanting my name. I shivered, it was so intoxicating. I could feel the love of a hundred people. I bit my lip as I thought about that feeling. It’s not like we ordered them to worship us, I told myself. We never said we were Gods. We just didn’t correct them. And if it made those people happy to worship us, maybe it wasn’t right to take that away from them.

I put those thoughts away as I reached my parent’s house. They lived three houses down from Mark and I. This used to be the Gomez house, I think, before Mark made them sell their house. I pushed open the door and walked in. “Hello,” I called as I wandered around the house. Where was everyone? Missy and Damien lived here, along with their two sex slaves and Felicity, dad’s sex slave.

I heard splashes and I wandered to the back of the house. Missy and Damien and the sex slaves were splashing around in the pool, naked. They were playing Marco Polo, I realized, with Damien blindfolded, trying to find the girls.

“Marco!” he yelled.

“Polo!” the girls yelled back, splashing away from him as he lunged. He caught Dawn, Missy’s sex slave, by the foot and dragged the laughing, blonde girl to him. She hugged Damien and kissed him, wrapping her legs about his waist. Damien started to fuck her; I guess that was the reward for winning.

“Missy, where’s mom and dad?” I asked.

Missy swam to the side of the pool, her budding breasts just visible above the lip of the pool, water beading on her tits. “Upstairs,” she said, rolling her eyes. “They’ve been up there most of the day.”

“Well, have fun,” I said with a grin. Dawn was moaning like a banshee as Damien fucked her.

I went back into the house and walked upstairs. I knocked on my Dad’s bedroom door and then went inside. They were in bed together, cuddling. My dad looked so happy as he glanced up at me and Mom was flushed and smiling, her blonde hair draped across Dad’s chest.

“I see you two are getting along,” I said archly.

Mom’s face grew more red. “We had a lot of time to make up.”

“What can we do for you, Mary?” Dad asked.

“I need to bind Mom,” I answered, walking towards them.

Dad grinned and patted the bed next to him. I climbed on, pressing my naked body against Dad and kissing him on the lips. Mom reached out and, hesitantly, touched my breast. Her finger ran gently along the slope up to my hard nipple. I shivered in pleasure as her finger grazed my hard nipple. I broke the kiss with Dad and leaned over his body and kissed my mom on the lips.

“Are we really going to make love to our daughter?” Mom asked, sounding unsure.

“I need to fuck dad for the Zimmah ritual, Mom,” I answered. “Besides, you two haven’t fucked Missy yet? I’m surprised the little minx hasn’t already barged on in.”

Mom glanced at Dad, her eyebrows raised. Dad coughed. “Well, Missy was just so persistent, and I had already fucked Mary and Shannon. So, it just seemed fair, Tif,” Dad answered, lamely.

Mom drew in a deep breath. “This isn’t the family reunion I thought it would be.”

I grasped my mom’s perky boob. Mom had a cup size on me and I was a little jealous. I tweaked her nipple and said with a grin, “But it’ll be a lot of fun.”

Mom relaxed as I played with her nipple then a naughty twinkle appeared in her blue eyes. “I guess it will be.” Mom kissed me back, this time her lips soft and gentle. I tilted my head and let her tongue slip into my mouth. I felt Mom’s hand on my breast again, squeezing me and rubbing my nipple.

“That was hot,” Dad moaned as we broke the kiss.

Mom laughed and I slid my hands beneath the cover to find him hard, his cock sticky. “Did you just fuck Mom?”

“Yes,” Dad smiled proudly. “A couple of times. We’re like teenagers again.”

“Well, one of you is a teenager again,” I laughed. The benefit of the Gift made one young and beautiful or, in the case of a man, young and ripped. I was enjoying the new Mark. I loved Mark when he was flabby, but Mark with all his muscles was just yummy. Just like Karen, even though Mom wasn’t a nun anymore, she kept the youth and beauty and looked eighteen.

I pushed the covers back to expose his hard dick rising out of the forest of red hair. I moved down and licked his shaft, tasting my mom’s spicy flavor. It was similar to my flavor, but without the sweetness. Dad moaned in appreciation and then Mom’s tongue was licking with me. Our tongues brushed as we cleaned his cock. I kissed my mom around Dad’s cock, tasting his salty pre-cum.

“Oh fuck, that’s amazing,” Dad moaned. “My hot wife and hot daughter are sucking my cock! I’m so damned lucky.”

“Umm, Dad, you feel ready,” I panted, sitting up. “Sit on Dad’s face, Mom.”

I straddled Dad, guiding his hard cock to my wet cunt as Mom slid up to sit on his face. Her blonde bush was messy with her juices and Dad’s cum. Dad didn’t seem to mind, though, and Mom moaned as he ate her pussy out. I sighed in satisfaction as I felt my dad’s cock fill me all the way up. Mom grinned happily at me and I realized just how much alike we looked. I leaned in and kissed the blonde version of myself.

I loved the feel of Dad’s cock inside me. It was the last chance for me to fuck him for awhile. My period should start tomorrow, and then I was going off the pill so Mark and I could have our own child. I was jealous of Korina for beating me to the punch. I rode Dad faster, enjoying his cock rubbing against the sensitive sheathe of my pussy and Mom’s tongue probing my mouth. I gripped her blonde hair and devoured her lips.

My orgasm was building quickly as I slammed up and down on Dad. My mom broke the kiss and she bent down and started sucking at my nipple. “Oh, fuck, that’s nice, Mom!” Her tongue swirled about my nipple, and then she would suck and nibble. Mom sure knew how to please a woman. I cradled my mom’s head to my breast as my orgasm crashed through me. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I moaned as I kept fucking Dad.

“Umm, was that a nice one, sweety?” Mom asked.

I smiled and nodded and I bent down to suck on my mom’s nipple. I teased her nipple, gently brushing it with my tongue as she writhed atop Dad’s face. Then I sucked the hard nub into my lips, enjoying the feel of her fat nipple on my lips.

“Oh my baby’s sucking at my breast again,” Mom moaned, stroking my cheeks. “Oh yes, that feels so lovely. How I missed you, Mary.” Her body trembled as she came on Dad’s lips.

Dad lasted a long time inside me. He didn’t have Mark’s recuperative powers and it took him awhile to cum. But Mom and I had a few more orgasms before then as we enjoyed Dad. We kissed each other and played with each other’s breasts. Dad moaned loudly into Mom’s cunt as his cock flooded my pussy with his sperm and the feel of my Dad’s cum flooding my pussy triggered another orgasm. This one wasn’t as intense as the others, but fluttered pleasantly through my body.

I rolled off Dad, my legs sore, and I enjoyed the warm, wet feeling of Dad’s cum in my pussy. “You need to eat me out, Mom,” I told her. “To complete the spell.”

“Sure, sweety,” Mom smiled, and slid between my legs.

I could feel Mom’s breath warm on my pussy as she lowered her face. “Zimmah,” I whispered as she took her first swipe of the incestuous mess between my thighs. I felt the energy flow from Dad into the two of us.

“Oh, wow,” Mom breathed. “We’ll be together, forever, won’t we?”

“Yeah, Mom,” I smiled as she dug her lips into my pussy and began to eat me out. “One happy family, forever.”

“Forever,” Dad whispered and then he leaned over and kissed me and I tasted Mom’s delicious pussy on his lips. Forever with Mark and my family and our sluts, I thought happily as Mom’s sucking lips brought me to a delicious orgasm.


The Wedding, July 20th, 2013

I glanced at Rose as I waited. She was officiating our wedding, and the teenager was wearing a simple, black dress, that was very low cut and I found myself admiring her cleavage. She had a nice, round pair of breasts that filled out the bodice very nicely. Rose saw my stare and flushed happily, her hand playing with the end of her long, golden braid.

“Are you wearing panties?” I asked Rose.

The fifteen year old beamed at me. “Of course not, my Lord. I follow all the teachings.” Rose’s fingers pulled up the hem of her skirt, exposing her blonde bush. “Panties should only be worn to excite your lover or when your period is upon you. Otherwise, a pussy should be free and ready to be entered,” Rose quoted.

“You definitely look ready to be entered,” I smiled.

Rose bent over the altar, holding her skirt up, exposing her tight, teenage ass. “I am ready for my Lord’s pleasure.”

“Jesus,” Quatch muttered, earning a glare from Rose. “Wish I was a God.”

I grinned at Quatch as I moved behind Rose and unzipped my pants. The audience was growing restless as the wait for Mary dragged on, and no-one objected to what I was doing, thanks to my commands. A few watched with interest and Alison gave me a thumbs up and then started kissing her new wife, Desiree.

“Oh my God!” Rose moaned as I entered her tight pussy. I caught her sister-wife, Daisy’s, envious face as she watched her twin getting fucked. Daisy and Rose drew straws to see who would get to officiate our wedding and Daisy was clearly disappointed that she lost. Rose continued moaning, “Fuck me, my Lord! Oh, fuck my juicy cunt!”

I pounded her tight cunt hard and fast and grabbed her blonde braid and pulled her head back. Her face was in profile, her eyes closed tight with pleasure, her mouth wide open as she moaned and panted. I saw movement at the bridal tent, Missy popped her head out for a moment before she ducked back in. I yanked hard on Rose’s braid as I really started to slam into her cunt hard and fast.

“Yes, yes! Fuck my naughty pussy!” Rose was screaming. “Oh, yes! I love your cock, my Lord. Your big, hard cock is making my unworthy cunt feel so good! I’m gonna cum, my Lord!”

Rose’s back arched as she came, her hips slamming back into me, and I enjoyed the silky grip of her cunt milking my cock. I groaned, feeling my balls starting to boil. I thrust harder into her teenage pussy, griping her slim hips as I drove my cock rapidly in and out of her. My balls boiled over with lust and I filled her young cunt full of my cum. I pulled out of Rose and she pulled her skirt back down her ass, a happy smile painted on her face.

The band started playing as I put my cock away. Finally, I thought in relief. Two of Mary’s cousins, a pair of adorable, five-year-old twins, Matti and Drew, walked out. They were the flower-girl and ring-bearer, respectively. Matti looked so cute as she walked forward, throwing more flowers on the aisle with a dignified air spoiled only by her cute smile. Drew tried to walk with a stately grace as he held the pillow with the wedding bands and Matti quickly out-paced her brother. She was just having so much fun that when she reached the end of the aisle and realized that her brother wasn’t next to her, she walked back to him, throwing more flowers while our friends and family laughed at how cute she was.

They were followed by Alice and our sisters. They all looked beautiful in their cream-colored bridesmaid’s dresses. Particularly Shannon and Missy; their red hair made quite a splash against the cream dresses. Alice looked at me and for the first time there wasn’t jealousy in those eyes. I was also relieved that she didn’t pull out a gun when she reached the altar.

The traditional wedding march started up and everyone ‘oohhed’ and ‘aahhed’ when Mary appeared. My heart almost stopped. I had seen her in the dress just a few hours ago as we posed for photos, but this was different. Her emerald eyes found mine through the veil and the smile that covered her face was breathtaking, producing delightful dimples in her cheeks. Clutched in her hands was a bouquet of beautiful flowers, white and pink with a few purple flowers for a splash of brilliant color. Sean, her father, took her arm, and they walked slowly up the aisle. The setting sun lit Mary’s dress with an orange hue and for a moment she looked like an angel aglow with radiant power.

Sean shook my hand, then handed Mary off to me. Alice held Mary’s bouquet as I took my fiancee’s hands. They were soft and gentle and I squeezed them as her flowery perfume filled my nose and left me feeling light-headed. We stared into each other’s eyes as Rose began her marriage ceremony; Mary’s eyes were deep green and full of love and I could happily stare into them forever. Rose gave a sermon on the importance of love and the beauty of two people sharing their lives together. The girl didn’t sound nervous at all, considering she was marrying her Gods.

“Was that Rose I heard moaning?” Mary whispered quietly as Rose preached.

I smiled. “I got bored.”

“That’s my horny stallion.” Mary giggled silently, trying not to let her body shake too much. “Sorry for the holdup. I thought I lost my locket.” She touched the silver, heart-shaped locket nestled in her beautiful cleavage.

“I’m just so happy to marry you,” I answered. She smiled warmly at me and I couldn’t help but smile back at my beautiful bride.

Rose’s sermon went on for about ten more minutes. “The couple have written their own vows,” Rose stated as Quatch passed us the wedding bands. They were simple, golden bands. Inscribed on the inside of each ring was one simple word, “Forever.”

I took Mary’s hand and placed the ring just at the tip of her finger. Mary took a deep breath, tears brimming in her eyes, “Mark, you changed my life the day you walked into my work. You captured my heart and loved me enough to set me free. And I loved you enough to come back. I want to be with you every day of our lives. The good days and the bad. Forever at your side.” My hand trembled as I slid the wedding band all the way onto her finger, up against her engagement ring.

Mary took my wedding band and held my hand, smiling expectantly at me. “That was beautiful, Mare.” She blushed beneath her veil, tears brimming in her beautiful eyes, and I grinned at her. “I was captivated the moment I saw you the day I walked into your work. I never thought I would meet someone who could love me with all her heart the way you have. You are all I will ever need. From now, until the end of time. You are all I need, my love.” Mary was crying and smiling as she slid my wedding band onto my finger.

“By the powers invested in me by my Gods and the State of Washington, I now pronounce you man and wife.” Everyone clapped at Rose’s pronouncement and I lifted my wife’s veil ever so gently. Her lips quivered as we stared at one another and then my arms wrapped around her slim body and I pulled her to me. Our lips met and time seemed to stop. Everything faded away as I kissed my wife and felt her body pressed to me. Her lips tasted sweet, and my nose was filled with the heady scent of her flowery perfume and the faint, coconut smell of her shampoo. Her soft hand stroked my cheek and her dress was silky smooth beneath my hand.

When we broke the kiss, everyone was standing and clapping. We breathlessly turned to face our families, Mary’s arm hooking around mine. We started to walk slowly down the aisle, past the grinning men and the teary-eyed women. They started showering us with rice, the kernels falling about us, getting stuck in our hair and sliding down the front and back of my shirt.

A white Rolls Royce limo pulled up and Leah opened the door. She was wearing a more conservative chauffeur’s outfit than usual. Tears shown in her hazel eyes as she murmured, “I’m so happy for you, my Gods.” Mary stroked her face and bent and kissed her gently on the lips before slipping into the limo. I helped to gather her skirt up and slid in beside her.

“You are so beautiful,” I told my new wife, snuggling up to her and kissing her smiling lips as my hand slid up the side of her dress to gently squeeze her breast through the lacy bodice.

“It’s only a five minute drive to the lodge,” Mary protested between kisses. We were holding our reception at the Paradise Lodge, nearby. As I groped Mary, my other hand was busy lifting up her skirts. “You’ll ruin my dress.” Her protests were growing weaker as my hand found her stocking-covered thigh and I slid up her leg. She was wearing panties with a smooth material. Satin, maybe. I found the warmth between her legs and started rubbing her moistening pussy through her panties’ gusset.

“My horny stallion,” Mary panted, kissing me back. “You’re going to make a mess of my hair, too.”

“I don’t care,” I told her. My fingers found the elastic band of her panties and started to pull them off.

“Umm, I don’t either,” panted Mary as I ran my fingers through her bare pussy. “Make love to me, husband.”

The limo stopped, we were already at the lodge. But, our guests could wait while I made love to my wife. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Leah turn to watch us, her smiling face framed by her bleached-blonde hair. Mary’s hand fumbled at the zipper of my slacks. She reached into the fly, tugging my boxers down and wrapping her hands around my cock and fishing my hardening shaft out. She leaned against the side of the limo, spreading her legs. Her skirts and petticoats bunched up about her waist, almost hiding my wife from me as I settled between her thighs.

“Ohh, I love you,” Mary moaned as my cock found the opening to her pussy and I slid inside her.

She was warm and wet and tight. “I love you, my sweet filly!” I moaned as I started thrusting into her wet hole. I fucked her hard, rocking the limo with every plunge. Mary slammed her hips back at me. We were both too horny to bother with foreplay. Besides, our guests were waiting. The grip of her cunt on my cock was sending waves of pleasure through my cock, ending at my balls.

“Fuck me, fuck me, stud!” Mary gasped loudly. I could see our guests arriving through the tinted window above Mary’s head, and the amused smiles on their faces. They all knew what was going on in the limo.

“My beautiful wife!” I panted. “Your pussy feels so amazing.”

“Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum, Mark! Umm, pound your filly’s cunt. Give me a good ride!”

The car was quickly filling up with the scent of my Mary, that sweet and spicy aroma of her cunt. I inhaled deeply, enjoying the scent. The slap of flesh and the rustle of fabric echoed through the back of the limo. Mary squealed in pleasure, bucking beneath me. I felt her cunt contracting about my cock as her orgasm rolled through her body.

I slammed three more times into her, balls growing tighter and tighter, and then buried myself inside my wife and flooded her pussy with my cum. We both were breathing hard and I tried to kiss her, but her bunched up skirt made that far too difficult. I pulled out and put my wet cock back into my pants. Mary found her panties and pulled them on quickly to contain the mess inside her.

“That was great, Mare,” I told her. “I love you so much.”

She smiled happily at me and kissed me. “Do I look alright?”

Mary’s hair was a little mused, her skirt a little wrinkled, and her face was flushed and sweaty. “You look so beautiful.”

Leah opened the door and this time we were greeted with catcalls and whistles as we headed into the lodge for the reception. Mary and I stood at the entrance and greeted everyone as they walked in. The children were taken to a small room to be out of the way, and everyone else went into a richly-appointed dining hall. There was a long table for the wedding party, with Mary and myself seated in the middle, and everyone else sat at small, round tables that seated four. We spread out the sluts, sitting each one by a male cousin and told them to be very friendly.

After the dinner, Mary and I did our solo dance. Neither of us danced well, but everyone clapped when we finished. Maybe they were just relieved that our solo was over. Other couples joined us on the dance floor: my mom and her girlfriend Betty, Mary’s parents, Missy and Damien, and my sister and Via. As we were dancing, I saw Lillian slip off with my cousin Ryan. He was fifteen and probably about to lose his virginity. I danced with my mom, and Betty, and Shannon, before I found myself dancing with Alex, one of Mary’s red-headed cousins.

Alex was seventeen, lithe and pretty, with fiery red hair and a face almost entirely covered in freckles. Mary smiled at me as she was twirled about by my cousin, Aaron Jr., as I led Alex off to a side-room we set up for couples to go and be intimate in. Mary didn’t want her wedding to descend into an orgy. The room was partitioned into curtained-off, little rooms with mattresses.

“Oh wow,” a woman exclaimed from behind a curtain. “You do have a cock! How did you do that?”

“Magic,” Sam answered. Sam, our former slut who was now our Vizier, had given herself a dick using a spell she found in the Book.

I opened the curtain curious to know whom she was fucking. Sam was sucking at a woman’s breast as they sat on a mattress. The woman had her hands wrapped around the cock that jutted up from Sam’s groin. I blinked in surprise, the woman was my cousin Laura. And then I realized her husband, Ethan, was sitting in the corner jacking off as he watched his wife and Sam.

Sam’s lips came away from Laura’s breast and I saw a white liquid beading on Laura’s nipple. Breast milk, I realized. She only had Astrid two months ago as I recall. I wondered what breast milk tasted like as Sam bent down and sucked on her other nipple. Must be delicious, because Sam was eager to try more.

I pushed Alex down to her knees and told her to suck my cock. Sam heard and turned her head, licking her lips. “Sir, are you going to watch?”

“Yeah,” I smiled and Sam grinned at me.

Sam pushed Laura onto her back and hiked up the green skirt of my cousin’s dress as Alex licked at the head of my cock. Her tongue felt nice as it fluttered about my sensitive cock’s head. Sam pulled off Laura’s white panties, exposing her brown bush. Sam ran a few fingers through Laura’s cunt and spread open her pink pussy and guided her cock to my cousin’s cunt.

“Fuck me!” Laura begged. “I want to see if a woman’s cock feels different.”

Ethan scooted closer to his wife and offered his cock to her lips. “Thanks, cutie,” Ethan moaned as his wife sucked his cock into her mouth.

From where I was standing, I had a perfect view of Sam sliding her cock into Laura’s cunt. Beneath Sam’s cock I could see her wet pussy. Laura moaned around her husband’s cock as Sam started fucking her with slow, deep thrusts. Laura’s hands started to grope Sam’s olive-skinned ass, slipping down and finding her wet pussy.

“Finger me, slut!” Sam moaned as Laura found her wet pussy. Sam thrust hard into Laura as my cousin shoved her fingers up Sam’s eager cunt.

“Fuck that’s amazing!” I moaned as I watched. I grabbed Alex’s head and shoved her mouth around my cock and started fucking the girl’s face. There was something hot about watching a girl with a cock fuck another girl. This was like that Anime shit that Quatch was into. Never find your friend’s porn collection, I learned the hard way. Especially if he’s into some weird, Japanese fetishes. But seeing this live, I was starting to get why he liked it.

Sam was pounding Laura’s cunt harder and harder. Ethan didn’t last long in his wife’s lips and flooded her mouth with his cum. When his dick popped out, Sam bent down and kissed Laura and the pair snowballed his cum as Sam continued pumping in and out of Laura’s cunt. My balls were boiling over at that, and I filled Alex’s mouth with my spunk.

“Wow,” Alex panted, when I released her. “You cum a lot, Mark.” She glanced at the action and I saw her fidgeting.

“Pretty hot, huh?” I asked her.

“She has a cock?” Alex whispered in awe, licking her lips. “Holy shit, that’s cray.”

“Gonna cum!” Sam moaned, slamming her hips inside Laura. “Oh shit, your pussy feels amazing!” Sam buried herself into Laura’s cunt, breathing hard and then rolled off. My cousin’s pussy gaped open and was messy with Sam’s cum.

“Clean her up,” I ordered Alex.

“How?” Alex asked, looking around for something. A towel, maybe? I should have been more specific.

“With your mouth,” I told her.

Alex flushed and licked her lips, bending down to Laura’s cunt. Sam’s cock shrunk, and went back to being a clit, as she watched Alex hesitantly lick at my cousin’s messy cunt. Sam looked back at Ethan and grabbed his cock and gave it a stroke.

“Want to fuck my snatch?” Sam asked, a smile on her round face.

“Got to get me ready,” Ethan told her as Sam lazily stroked his cock. Sam smiled and sucked his cock into her lips.

I lifted Alex’s red skirt up. She wore a pair of red, satin bikini-cut panties. I pulled them down to her thighs and found her furry, red muff. I grabbed her plump asscheeks and spread them open. She had a cute, rosebud asshole. It look so inviting, I just had to fuck her ass. I shoved my cock inside her cunt to get my dick nice and lubed.

“Holy shit!” Alex gasped in surprise as I pushed into her tight asshole and slid my dick a few inches into her hot ass. “What the hell, you’re fucking my ass!”

“Don’t stop licking!” Laura begged. “I was so close.”

“Keep licking, slut!” I barked at Alex, and slapped her ass.

She yelled and buried her face back into Laura’s cunt. Alex was turning into quite the eager muff diver as I fucked her tight ass nice and slow. Sam stretched out next to Laura, and Ethan mounted her and started fucking away. Laura smiled at her husband and ran a finger down his arm. Ethan smiled at her, then bent over and sucked at her milky nipple.

I gripped Alex’s hips, and fucked her ass faster and faster. Her ass was tight and hot and felt like rough velvet. Her small hips started to move as she got used to my cock up her ass and it wasn’t long before I heard her moan in pleasure into Laura’s cunt. Laura was gripping Alex’s red hair and cursing as her orgasm neared.

“Eat me!” she moaned. “Oh God, I’m so close to cumming! Just lick at my clit a little bit more! Yes, yes! Just like that!” Milk was running out of her nipples as she bucked on Alex’s face, then fell back, a contented smile on her lips. “Umm, that was nice.”

I kept fucking Alex’s ass and I stared hungrily at her tits. “Let me taste your milk, Laura.”

“Sure, Mark,” she said, standing up and bending over, dangling her full breasts in my face. Her nipples were dark red and I latched on sucking. The milk was sweet, far sweeter than a cow’s milk, and had a bit of a cantaloupe flavor. I sucked hungrily, enjoying the taste of her milk.

“That’s my randy stallion,” Mary’s voice purred from behind.

I let go of my cousin’s tits to see Mary leading in one of her high school friends, a blonde girl with curvy hips and breasts that were spilling out of the top of her black dress. Her dress was half-unlaced and Mary’s hand was down the front. Mary pulled her hand out and walked over to Laura, bending down to taste her breast milk.

“Umm, that’s good,” Mary purred. Then she grabbed Laura’s hand and her high school friend’s hand and led them off to another curtained partition.

“Hey, I wasn’t done,” I protested.

“When you’re finished with Alex’s ass, come join us,” Mary laughed.

I pounded Alex’s ass, cumming as quick as I could. I had to get another taste of that breast milk. I left Alex lying next to Sam and Ethan as they fucked, my cum dribbling out of her tight ass. I found Mary’s friend sitting on my wife’s face and Laura eating out my wife’s pussy. I knelt behind my cousin, lifted her skirt. Alex did a good job cleaning my cousin’s cunt I noticed as I lined up my cock and shoved it into her pussy.


My feet were killing me. We had just spent the last hour dancing. The hour before that was spent fucking. I still had the flavor of Laura’s breast milk on my lips. My new husband sat next to me. Thanks to his new powers from my mom, he wasn’t even out of breath. He had far too much energy these days. He put his arm around me and I snuggled up against him and kissed his cheek.

After Mark came in his cousin Laura’s cunt, Mark and I nursed at her tits as my friend, Shelly, ate Mark’s cum out of her pussy. When Laura came, her milk seemed to flow a little faster as we sucked at her. I loved the taste of breast milk. I heard a woman could produce milk as long as she had someone to nurse. Korina had beautiful breasts and I couldn’t wait until she had Mark’s kid and her milk was flowing. She was going to be our little milk slut.

The band was playing a slow song and despite how sore my feet felt, I itched for one more dance with my husband. Mark smiled when I told him, and he led me out to the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he held my waist and we swayed together. I stared into his blue eyes and enjoyed the boyish grin on his lips.

Alison and Desiree danced beside us, the two newlyweds lost in each other’s eyes. Other couples joined us: my mom and dad, Laura and Ethan, Shannon and her fiancee, and Cynthia and Vivian. Via dragged Antsy out onto the dance floor and I smiled in amusement. Antsy and Mark were a lot alike, they both fell in love with their slaves and set them free. My friend, Ursula, and her boyfriend swayed past us, and Quatch and his sister-slave, Kim, were practically grinding on each other. Lillian danced with my cousin Alex for a minute, and then the two were slipping into the side room to fuck. Lillian spent most of the night in there. I think she was on a mission to fuck every cousin Mark and I had.

The song ended and Mark scooped me up in his strong arms. “Thank you,” I whispered, relieved to be off my tired feet.

He kissed my forehead. “Any time, Mare,” he grinned and carried me out to the waiting limo as our friends and family wished us well on our honeymoon. We were off to spend two weeks seeing the sites of Europe, starting with Paris.

This time we just cuddled as Leah drove us off the slope of Mount Rainier back towards South Hill. I dozed in my husband’s arms and when Mark shook me, we were at Thun Field. Our Gulfstream was fueled and ready for take-off. The eight bodyguards there accompanying us, led by 51, waited at attention in their slutty uniforms. Next to them was our flight crew; Joslyn and Lynda in their slutty stewardess outfits. Our actual stewardesses, Monique and Lize, were stunningly beautiful in their sexy outfits: skank-skirts that didn’t even cover all of their asses, and white corsets that left their magnificent breasts bared. We hugged and kissed our flight crew then boarded our plane.

Monique helped me with my skirt as I climbed into the airplane. I hoped my wedding dress wasn’t too ruined. I had done a bit more fucking in it then I planned on. On board, Mark helped me slip out of my wedding dress, leaving me standing in my wedding lingerie. A white, satin bra that molded perfectly about my breasts, my satin panties that clung to my ass like a second skin, and my garter belt holding up my white stockings.

“You are so beautiful,” Mark whispered in awe as his eyes feasted on me. I posed for him like a forties pin-up gal. Mark kissed me and scooped me up in his arms and sat down on the chair.

I adjusted myself on his lap, my legs draped over the arm of the chair and I stared into his blue eyes. “I love you, Mark Glassner.”

He stroked my cheek, sending a delicious thrill through my body. “I love you, Mary Glassner.”

Mary Glassner. I smiled, liking the sound of that. The plane taxied down the runway, off to fly us to Europe for our two week honeymoon. Happiness churned in my heart as I kissed my husband as the plane accelerated down the runway and leaped from the ground. When we were at cruising altitude, Mark carried me in his arms to our cabin at the rear of the plane, and the inviting bed that awaited us.


University of Wisconsin-Madison, July 21st, 2013

“I’ll be there by ten,” Brandon had told me on the phone and that was nearly three hours ago.

This waiting was killing me. Brandon had been breathing down my neck to finish translating his book, and now that it was done, he was late. Doubt was starting to eat away at my mind. This entire situation was off. The only thing that kept me from going home was the thought of the two hundred thousand Brandon owed me.

Why he would pay three hundred thousand for a translation of the Magicks of the Witch of Endor was beyond me. It was like the numerous grimoires I had seen over the years, the Keys of Solomon, for instance, or the Sefer Raziel HaMalakh, that purported to let you do magic and command angels and demons. There was definitely more to the story than Brandon told me.

So I decided to take steps to protect myself.

I had uploaded my translation to the school’s server. The school’s system had a useful function, a teacher could upload an assignment and have it published at a later date. So, I set the computer to publish the translation on Monday at noon. If everything went smoothly tonight, I would take it down. But, if something went wrong, the translation and a message telling everyone that Brandon Fitzsimmons was responsible for anything that might have happened to me would get published.

I should just walk away. Every bone in my body was telling me to do that. That’s why I set up the insurance with the school server to begin with. Brandon didn’t want anyone else to know about the translation. But I just couldn’t bring myself to walk away from all that money. The first check had cleared. One hundred thousand dollars was more than I made in a year and I wanted that other two hundred thousand he promised. I was nearing my retirement and my divorce last year had eaten up my nest egg.

Footsteps approached and I perked up. The door to my small office opened and there was Brandon. He looked more haggard than a month ago, greed and excitement gleaming in his eyes. I swallowed, fear bubbling in my stomach. This was a mistake, I should run, I should shout, or attack him. But, I wanted that money. I needed that money.

So instead, I greeted Brandon.

“You have it, Professor Scrivener!” he demanded.

I pulled out a thumb drive, holding it out. “Yes, I…” Brandon just yanked it out of my hand.

“This is the only copy?”

I lied, “Yeah. I erased my hard drive like you asked. Where’s my money?”

A smile appeared on Brandon’s lips and he reached into his coat just like last time. Only this time, he pulled out a small, black gun. “Wait!” I shouted. I needed to tell him about my insurance. “I made…” My words were cut off by a punch to my chest. I clutched at my breast, blood welling between my fingers, and I stumbled back. No, no, no! This can’t be happening! You greedy fool! I struggled to talk, to tell Brandon about my insurance, but it was too hard to breath, let alone speak.

You stupid, greedy idiot, I berated myself as I sank to the floor. Brandon grabbed my computer case and slammed it hard onto the floor, spilling broken components everywhere. He fished out the hard drive and pocketed that, then slammed my laptop on the floor. Everything was growing darker and darker as Brandon dug through the wreckage of my laptop to find its hard drive and…

I was falling, falling, falling.

Into darkness.


Babylon’s House, July 21st, 2013

“Chantelle,” I said, softly, shaking my pregnant wife. She was sleeping in one of the bedrooms in Babylon’s house. We had been staying with Babylon ever since her coven started worshiping Lilith. For the last month we had been caring for the barely conscious Karen as Lilith’s vessel grew swiftly in her belly.

“What, Lana?” she asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her belly was swollen with Lilith’s child. Both of us were pregnant with our Goddess’s children. They were growing fast, only a month had passed since Lilith blessed us with her seed. We would probably give birth in just a few days, a week at most.

“Karen’s gone into labor,” I told her and I could feel the excited smile growing on my lips. “Our Goddess is about to be born!”

To be continued…

Click here for Chapter 34.

The Devil’s Pact Chapter Twenty-Six: The Order of Mary Magdalene



The Devil’s Pact

Chapter 26: The Order of Mary Magdalene

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Male/Teen female, Teen male/Female, Male/Females, Female/Female, Female/Females, Mind Control, Rimming, Oral, Anal, Incest, Water Sports, Orgy, Magic

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 25.

“Come in,” I said to my fellow nun’s, inviting them into my hotel room.

Well, it wasn’t actually my hotel room. Last night when I flew into SeaTac from Miami, Providence led me to an insurance adjuster named Curtis at the airport’s baggage claim. We flirted while waiting for our luggage and he invited me up to his Hotel Room. When Providence gives you a place to stay, with a cute guy to boot, you don’t say no. Right now, Curtis was attending the convention in the hotel and I didn’t expect him back for a few more hours.

“Are you hungry?” I asked my Sisters, closing the door behind them, “Curtis is paying for it?” Last night, I was on top of Curtis, enjoying his big cock in my pussy as I rode him cowgirl style, when his wife called. The asshole spoke to his wife while I fucked him, the disgusting pig. Since he turned out to be a cheating asshole I didn’t feel bad at running up his hotel bill.

“Ohh, Curtis,” the black nun said in her exotic, African accent. “Is he handsome?”

“He has the most gorgeous, blue eyes, that just make you melt in your panties,” I answered, feeling like a teenage girl for the first time in decades, gossiping with my friends about boys. “But, please order something. The asshole is married.”

“Ah, so sad to see a marriage vow so easily broken,” tutted the Latina sister.

I realized I didn’t know their names. The only nun I knew was Sister Louise and she was captured by the Warlock Mark Glassner. “I am Theodora Mariam. And…and I’m so happy you’re here.” I could feel tears running hot down my cheeks. Pull yourself together, Theodora. You’re not actually eighteen.

The Latina nun hugged me gently, rocking me like a mother. “Shh, it will be alright, muñequita. I am Isabella Cecillia.”

“Agnes Chibuzo,” the African nun said and kissed my cheek. “God has sent us to aid you in your trials, Sister Theodora.”

I sniffed. “Thank you, Sisters.”

“Now, I have been traveling almost non-stop for last twenty-four hours,” Agnes said, wearily. “It has been a long trip from Sierra Leone. So tell me, why has God, through his servant Gabriel, sent us here.”

I told them everything I knew. How Sister Louise had tried to exorcise the Warlock Mark Glassner and been captured through the interference of Lilith of the Black Moon. How I was taught the ancient prayers and used Mark sister to attack him. But that failed. His lover, the other Warlock, freed him from the bond.

“It will be far messier, Ramiel told me, yesterday,” I finished. “Soldiers will be needed. Four and four and four.”

Isabella nodded. “It is like Napoleon all over again,” Isabella sighed. “There were three of us and we each bonded four soldiers under Napoleon’s command. We exorcised Napoleon at Waterloo. His wish to be Emperor destroyed, he lost the battle.” A look of old hurt crossed the tan face of Isabella. “Sister Eustace Mariam was killed in the struggle.”

“How old are you?” I asked in awe.

“I was born in the Year of our Lord, 1732,” Isabella answered.

I blinked, I knew we nuns could practically live forever, but most of us grew weary of the struggle after sixty or seventy years and passed their powers onto a successor. The only nun I had heard of that was over a hundred yeas old was the Mother Superior. “Have you ever faced a demon?” I asked Isabella, hopefully.

“No,” Isabella confessed. “That must be why there are three of us. This Warlock is using ancient magics.” Isabella sighed, wearily, rubbing her face. “I wish we had a monk or two with us.”

“A monk?” I frowned. “You mean a male nun, like us?”

“Well, not like us,” Isabella confessed. “When Creator in his infinite mercy gave his children the means to fight the Adversary, 144 were given the gift, half were men and half were women. The men’s gifts were different from ours. They were the soldiers. Given powers to fight demons and monsters and to protect us nuns in situations like this.”

“Why have I not heard of any monks?” I asked.

“The last monk died in 1942, exorcising Hitler,” Isabella sadly answered. “Five nuns and a monk and they all perished. But they broke Hitler’s powers and the Allies were able to eventually defeat the Third Reich.”

“The problem with the monks is their calling,” Agnes explained. “Too many died fighting and were unable to pass on their powers to a successor. We have dwindled as well. Maybe a dozen of us remain.”

“I fear the end is nearing,” Isabella said mournfully. “You are the last nun in North America. There are only two of us left in the Latin Americas.”

“We had four in Africa,” Agnes said, tears brimming on her eyes. “But two Warlocks appeared in the Congo, fighting for control over the jungle, and we lost two sisters exorcising them over the weekend. And I hear the Mother Superior herself had to deal with a Warlock in Paris.”

The Mother Superior was a legend. Supposedly, she was over a thousand years old and lived in the Motherhouse in Rennes-le-Château, France. Sister Louise told me whispered stories of the Mother Superior exorcisms from Vlad Tepesh to Rasputin and many other terrible men and women in between.

A sly smile appeared on Agnes’s face and she reached out and stroked my arm. “So, Theodora, tell us about this Curtis you’ve been indulging.”

A flush suffused my face. When we were given our Ecstasy, blanket indulgences were issued by the pope, forgiving any sin we may commit. Most nuns, at least this is what Sister Louise told me, used the opportunity to sin as much as possible before she once again must abstain.

“He has girth,” I said with a smile, remembering how good his cock felt stretching my pussy as he rode me last night. “I came twice with him last night, and once more this morning.”

“You naughty girl,” Agnes said with a twinkle. She glanced at Isabella. “Did you have time to indulge?”

Isabella gave a throaty laugh. “I live in a remote village in Guatemala. Many hours drive to the airport. This young buck, Miguel, drove me to the airport. I had my eye on him for several months, praying for a mission so I might indulge with him.” A smile appeared on her face. “On the drive to the airport, three times we stopped so he could ravish me.”

“What about you, Anges? Who did you fuck?” I asked.

Her grin turned naughty. “In Brussels I fucked this delightful young man in the airport restroom during my layover. And then in the flight into Seattle from Chicago, I flirted with this beautiful flight attendant named Sarai. She had silky, dusky skin and the most beautiful lips. A good Muslim girl she claimed, but when we arrived in Seattle, that good Muslim girl made me howl in pleasure in the women’s bathroom.”

We all giggled at that. But my joy did not last long, Ramiel’s words echoed in my mind. Soldiers are needed now. Four and four and four. My grin faded and I sighed and asked, “Where do we find four soldiers?” I asked.

“Providence,” Agnes yawned, and lay back on the bed. The TV turned on. “Sorry, I sat on the remote.”

“…go live to Sheriff Erkart about to give a press conference on the growing Mark Glassner scandal admits the SWAT unit of the Pierce County Sheriffs Department,” the anchor on the television said.

I sat up and my fellow nuns stared at the TV. Providence, I thought with a smile.

The camera cut to a room with a podium festooned with microphones. The seal of Pierce County Sheriff department hung behind the podium and a tall, distinguished looking man with black hair graying at the temples, stepped up to the podium. Cameras flashed in the room as he settled himself at the podium.

“Good evening,” the Sheriff greeted, sadly. “It is with a heavy heart that I am here today. An entire squad of the my SWAT unit, eleven men and one woman, have disgraced themselves and betrayed the public’s trusted in my Sheriff Department. As you all know, on Thursday, June 13th at approximately 4:10 AM, the FBI, with support from this SWAT unit, raided Mark Glassner’s house. As recent photos have shown, my officers have behaved disgracefully and will be suspended with pay until the State Patrol has finished their investigation.”

“God has provided,” Agnes breathed.

“Amen,” Isabella finished.

A smile crept up on my face. Mark Glassner enthralled an entire unit of SWAT. Ramiel had explained the spell Mark used to bound his Thralls and made them immune to our powers. The spell had to be performed individually by the Warlock. It seemed Providence was telling us that there were twelve, very dangerous Thralls out there lying loose just waiting for my Sisters and I to collect them.

“Amen,” I whispered as hope soared within me.

A soft snore broke my reverie and I giggled. Sister Agnes was sleeping on her side. She said it took her nearly twenty-four hours of travel to reach Seattle from Africa. The poor thing must be so tired.

“Isn’t she so beautiful,” Isabella whispered, her hand resting on my thigh. Her hand was warm and soft and a delicious thrill went through my body ending at my moistening snatch. Isabella turned to look at me, a smile playing on her brown face. “You are beautiful, too, Theodora,” she whispered in a Spanish lilt and I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

Isabella’s lips were full and moist and looked so kissable as her face drew closer and closer to mine. Her lips were soft as well and I could taste cherry lip gloss as I sucked on her lower lip. Her hand was sliding up my thigh, underneath my skirt, sliding closer and closer to my moistening cunt. I placed my hand on her silky leg, squeezing her thigh and reaching for the source of heat between her legs.

Her panties felt like satin and I rubbed the crotch of her panties and could feel the heat of her cunt. I pushed the panties up into the groove of her slit, feeling her moisture slowly seep through the satin fabric and coating my fingers with her sticky arousal. I moaned into Isabella’s mouth as her fingers gently caressed my lacy panties and shivered as she grazed my hard clit through the panties.

Isabella broke the kiss, licking her lips, and reached her other hand beneath my skirt and started tugging off my panties. I lifted my ass, allowing her to slip the panties down my leg. They were yellow and lacy, the gusset damp with my desire. Isabella sniffed the crotch, inhaling my spicy aroma and then she shoved my panties into my mouth with a naughty smile on her face.

“We do not want to wake Sister Agnes with your sweet moans,” she whispered with a naughty smile.

She pushed me back, spread my thighs and I moaned, the sound muffled by my panties, as she licked her gentle tongue through my slit. I could taste my flavor on my panties and it added to the excitement. Next to me, Sister Agnes snored softly, her pretty, coal-black face inches from my own. Isabella’s tongue was tasting me everywhere, sucking my labia into her mouth, flicking at my clit. Her fingers gently spread my labia open and then her tongue wiggled into my hole.

Oh god that felt so amazing. I gripped the green comforter and threw back my head as Sister Isabella pleasured my cunt. Oh, fuck her tongue felt so wonderful. I wanted to tell her just how much pleasure she was making me feel, but the panties stuffed in my mouth reduced me to grunts and moans. I was getting so close to cumming, my hips starting to writhe as my pleasure mounted. Her tongue was fucking in and out of my hole, her nose rubbing gently against my clit, every brush bringing me closer and closer until I screamed into my panties as I flooded Isabella’s face.

Isabella gave my cunt a last lick and then she was moving down, kissing my taint, lifting up my ass and sliding a pillow beneath me. Her breath was warm on my ass, and her fingers gently spread my asscheeks and I gasped into my panties as her tongue touched my puckered anus. A naughty thrill tingled through me as she tongued my ass.

Her tongue circled my asshole, and then pressed against the tight ring. Her tongue pressed and pressed and then pushed past the sphincter, wiggling inside my ass. I was moaning again into the panties, feeling a second orgasm building. Her fingers reached up and pinched my hard clit, rolling my small nub between her fingers, sending jolts of electricity throughout my writhing body.

Fuck, Isabella sure knew how to pleasure a woman. She was bringing me closer and closer to a second cum, and it was brewing up to be bigger than the last one. Her tongue was sliding in and out of my asshole, swirling around my tight anus. The naughty slut was making my ass and my cunt felt so amazing. That amazing feeling of release was building and building, sweet Jesus I was getting so close and then the delicious shudder, the muscles clenching in my ass and pussy, the electricity shooting through my body.

I was panting and Isabella was crawling up my body. She pulled my panties from my lips and then kissed me gently on the lips and I could taste the sour flavor of my ass. Then Isabella curled up against me, placed her head on my breast and fell asleep.

Three nuns, I thought as I cradled Isabella’s head to my chest. Mark wouldn’t stand a chance.


As I jogged down Shaw Road, Thursday morning, my mind kept drifting to the phone call from Willow yesterday and the explosive news she delivered. Karen was pregnant. By the demon Lilith, no less. Her baby was growing fast, almost a weeks growth in a day, according to Willow. The stress of the growing child had left Karen in such a weakened state, she was barely conscious half the time.

“We thought it best to abort the embryo,” Willow had explained, “and then Lilith appeared. She warned us that Karen’s life was tied to the child growing inside her. If the child died, so would Karen.”

It was fucking frustrating. There was nothing we could do. Since I made my Pact, I had never felt so helpless. Not even when Karen was atop me, trying to exorcise my powers. I was still able to struggle to summon Lilith. But there was absolutely nothing either Mary or I could do but wait for Karen to give birth and worry about what sort of problem the thing growing inside her would cause.

Last night, we sat for an hour with Karen and the one time she woke up she smiled at us before falling back unconscious. We instructed the hospital staff not to report her unusual pregnancy and would keep one of the sluts with her at all time. Anger was burning in my stomach as I watched my Karen lay so listless, all those machines attached to her body. Anger at Lilith and anger at myself for being so stupid.

That night, when Lilith offered to trade the secrets of magic for the simple price of fucking Karen, I didn’t even hesitate. What harm could there be in letting the demon fuck her? Lilith formed a cock from her clit and told me how she was just so horny. She hadn’t had a woman on her cock in centuries. I could understand that desperate need to get off in some girls snatch. All guys understood that. I didn’t even occur to me that Lilith might have some ulterior plan in mind when she fucked Karen.

But she was a demon and Mary and I had learned an important lesson. A demon never does anything unless it benefits them in someway. They’ll find a way to turn it to their advantage. Then why did the Devil give me the ability to summon Lilith in the first place. It wasn’t out of kindness or sense of fair play. From what Karen told me, Warlock hadn’t summoned demons or used magics in a thousand of years. The Devil wants something from me. He needs something that only I can do, something that only a Warlock give him. And the real question is, will it benefit me or bite me in the ass in the end like Lilith’s simple deal has become.

I was betting on it biting me in the ass.

When Mary and I were returning from the club we saw several moving trucks arriving. Our families were following our orders and moving in. We sent the sluts to go help out and my mom guilt tripped me into carrying boxes into her new house. Mary thought it would be funny to watch and make unhelpful comments until my mom thrust a box into her arms and Mary, with a frown, was guilted into helping out as easily as I was.

By noon, our families were moved in and we were all gathered back at the house to eat the delicious egg salad sandwiches Desiree made for lunch. The sandwiches were so good, I decided to forgive Desiree for getting out of carrying boxes with the rest of us.

“Sandy, Mark and I need you to come with us, this afternoon,” Mary told my mom as she wolfed down her sandwich. “We need to bond a few pilots.”

At three we had an appointment with the head of HR at Alaska Airlines to screen for our pilots. We bought a Gulfstream IV from this billionaire yesterday and Mary and I agreed having our pilots bound by the Zimmah spell is the safest course. That way we didn’t have to worry about a nun getting to our pilot and causing her to crash our plane with us in it.

“Oh, sure,” my mom answered. “I guess unpacking can wait.”

“Oh, we have plenty of time,” Betty said, patting my mom’s wrist fondly.

Betty was Mom’s…eh…girlfriend, I guess. I was having trouble wrapping my brain around my mom and Betty. For my entire life mom was a straitlaced Christian and it was surprising finding out she had been cheating on my dad with Betty Cooley for the last few years. And now that my dad was dead, and mom and Betty, with a little nudge from Mary, had moved in together.

“We should have a bar-ba-que,” Sean, my future father-in-law, suggested. “A nice, family get together once everyone gets settle in.” He had Felicity, the sex slave Mary gave him, dandled on his knee. Felicity was dressed in the sluttiest, naughty schoolgirl outfit I had ever seen. Sean was a high school teacher and it looked like he was working through all those years of not molesting his students with Felicity.

“Ohh, that sounds fun,” Missy chimed in. Missy was Mary’s little sister, still in High School, who looked almost the spitting image of Mary. The main difference, other than age, was Missy’s light, strawberry-blonde hair versus Mary’s darker, auburn hair.

“Monday?” I asked Mary, thinking what we might have plans for that day.

“You did schedule those tryouts for Monday, right?” Mary asked me. After I we got home from the hospital last night, I spent two hours calling police agencies in King and Thurston County to arrange for a new pool of women to draw more bodyguards from. With our families to protect and a nun lurking about, I wanted more protection.

“Yeah, we can have the bar-ba-que at Sparks Stadium and everyone can help us evaluate some new bodyguards,” I said nodding.

“Sure, sounds fun,” George said. George was Shannon’s boyfriend.

Shannon laughed, tossing about her fiery red hair and tickled her boyfriend. “Someone just once to fuck some pretty girls.”

“Well, there is one matter that we need to attend to,” Mary said. “Mark and I have powerful enemies and they would use our loved ones against us.”

Antsy, my little sister snorted. “Tell me about it,” she muttered. The nuns had attacked us through Antsy, trying to break up Mary and myself.

“Yes, that’s why we need to protect you with the Bond of Zimmah,” Mary finished.

The family trooped upstairs and crowded into our bedroom. There was my mom, her girlfriend Betty, and their sex slave, Joy. And Antsy and her sex slave, Via. Then Mary’s family dwarfed mine. Her dad and his sex slave. Her older sister Shannon and her boyfriend, and their sex slave, Starla. And little Missy, her boyfriend Damien, and their two sex slaves Dawn and Mrs. Corra. Mrs. Corra was Damien’s teacher before I made her Damien’s sex slave, and yet he still called her Mrs. Corra while he bossed her around.

Mary and Mom stripped naked and lay side-by-side on the bed, both beautiful. Mary was the beauty of youth, perky breasts and a fresh face. Mom was a hot MILF at forty-three. She possessed the ripened beauty of maturity, her body still tight as an eighteen year old’s from her daily exercise, her breasts still lovely and her face was sexy and confident.

I crawled onto my mom, her arms outstretched. “My boy’s all grown up,” she smiled, pulling me down into her embrace, her hands gripping my cock and guiding it to her cunt.

Next to us, Sean was crawling over his daughter’s body. “You are so beautiful, Mary,” he whispered.

“Oh, daddy!” Mary smiled, pulling him down and wrapping her legs around his waist. “Hmm, stick that hard cock inside your sweet daughter’s cunt!”

I was inside my mom’s cunt, fucking my cock in and out of her as her lips captured mine in a kiss. I roamed up her body with my hands, finding her breasts and giving them a squeeze. Her nipples were hard as I rubbed my hand over them. My mom’s hips rose up to meet my thrusts, grinding her clit into my pubic bone. She felt so amazing. This was the cunt that I came from, I thought. And that wicked thought made the sex more thrilling.

“You like my cunt, daddy?” Mary cooed. She sounded like a little girl with her father, asking him if liked her dress.

“Yeah, Mary,” he groaned as he plowed into her cunt. “You feel so tight.”

“Does it feel familiar?” Mary asked with a wicked grin. “Does it feel like the cunt that rode your cock when you were blindfolded on Monday?”

Sean groaned. “That was you? Oh, man that was amazing.”

“As amazing as this?” Mary asked. Her dad moaned loudly. I wasn’t sure what Mary did but her dad seemed to find it amazing.

The entire situation was too exciting for me to last long. Our families were watching us fuck our parents. My thrust were becoming frantic. “Oh God, Mom. You feel so good. I’m…ohhh fuck…I’m gonna cum!”

“Give it to me, Mark!” my mom moaned like a wanton hooker.

I pounded her cunt harder, my balls tightening and then I was groaning and my cum was flooding into my mom’s cunt. Her pussy contracted about my cock and she gasped as her orgasm swept over her. I collapsed atop her, enjoying the feel of her cunt as my cock soften, the warmth of her body as it pressed beneath me. I captured her lips in a kiss, then turned to watch Mary getting fucked by her father.

Mary looked over at me, a smile on her face. Her dad was grunting atop her, fucking her faster and faster. He raised up on his arms, slamming into my fiancee’s cunt and then his body tensed and he moaned as he flooded his sweet daughter’s pussy. Mary trembled beneath him, her breasts heaving as he came in her sweet pussy.

I rolled off my mom and Sean rolled off his daughter. Both women laid there, cum oozing out of their freshly fucked pussies. Mary and I agreed to bond the each other’s families. We didn’t want to make slaves of our families, just to protect them, so we told our families they could ignore our orders. It let our loved ones have their free will.

Shannon was first, crawling between my mother’s legs and taking a swipe of my mom’s pussy juices and my cum. I muttered, “Zimmah,” and felt the energy bind Shannon to me.

Antsy crawled beneath Mary’s legs and licked through my fiancee’s cunt, gathering a thick globe of incestuous cum and pussy juices. “Zimmah,” Mary intoned and I watched the shudder pass between the two women.

One by one, our family members were bonded. Betty and my mom by Mary, and Mary’s family by me. Poor Sean, he didn’t relish having to taste my cum, no matter how beautiful the cunt that contained it. And Damien just closed his eyes, took the smallest lick he could, then flew away, spitting. Then Missy followed, and then Dawn, Mrs. Corra, and Starla. Until, only George remained, and everyone turned to him.

“Shannon,” George said. “Before I really become part of this family I want to ask you a question.”

“Okay?” Shannon said, a stunned, hopeful, disbelieving smile playing on her lips, her mouth falling open and her eyes watering with emotion. I remembered that same look on Mary’s face when I proposed to her.

George fell to his knees, grasped her hand and kissed her palm. “Shannon, these last two years have been the happiest of my life. I love you, Shannon. You are my world. The kindest, sweetest soul I ever met. Will…” George’s voice cracked and he cleared his throat. “Will you marry me?”

“Yes,” Shannon whispered, tears running out of her eyes. “Oh, yes, yes, yes!”

George pulled out a rose gold ring set with a large diamond. Smaller diamonds were sat in the band. Shannon’s hand trembled as George slid the ring on her finger. When he stood up she threw her arms around him and the pair kissed. The women in the room were all misty eyed. When George broke the kiss, he crawled between my mom’s legs and didn’t hesitate as he took his lick.

As Mary and I dressed for our appointment, we watched as an impromptu family orgy began. It all started when Missy pressed herself up against her dad, saying, “Is it my turn to get fucked?” with a huge, impish grin on her face.

“But…” Sean spluttered. Sean was under my orders to be available to fuck Mary for the Zimmah spell and was resistant to fucking his youngest daughter. But Missy was a hundred pounds of teenage enthusiasm and, with her sex slave Dawn’s help, pushed Sean back onto the bed. She straddled her dad, guiding his hard cock to her tight, teenage cunt, and started riding him, using all the technique I taught her on pleasing a man.

George and Shannon slipped out onto our private balcony and the newly engaged couple were passionately fucking on our love seat. Betty and Antsy were on the bed making out next to Sean and Missy while my mom watch fondly. Damien had his Mrs. Corra’s big tits about his cock as he watched his girlfriend, Missy, ride her dad. Via, Joy, and Starla slipped into a daisy chain on the floor, each slut devouring the other’s cunts.

I sighed as we left. “There will be other orgies,” Mary consoled, pressing up against me.

“I haven’t fucked any of their sex slaves,” I moaned. “Well, I fucked Felicity, but not the other five.”

“Plenty of time for that, Mark,” Mary chided, prodding me down the stairs. “But we have the meeting with the architects and your pilot interview. I’m sure you’ll find some pretty new lady for you to fuck.”

I grinned, Mary always found the bright side of a situation. “Well, that’s the plan.”

Before we went up to SeaTac to Alaska Airlines headquarters, we had a meeting with an architect to design our mansion. Mary had been speaking to them on the phone for the last week, hammering out the specifications, and the architects had their first conceptions ready. They did some great work, designing a large, central mansion and five, smaller guest houses for our families to live in at the back of the property. There was also a stable, Mary wanted to have horses, and a pool, and extensive landscaping. Mary gave a few brief corrections and the architects would start drawing up the plans. Hopefully, in a month, we could start breaking ground on construction.

The Alaska Airlines offices were located on International Boulevard south of the SeaTac airport. I parked the Mustang and had 01 and 09, our bodyguard’s for the trip, wait in 01’s white State Patrol car. I took Mary’s arm and my mom followed us in. The inside was well furnished, the Eskimo face logo of Alaska Airlines embossed on the lobby floor and a few potted plants dotted the corners.

“How can I help you, sir?” the receptionist, a stout, middle-aged woman named Angela, asked.

“Yes, we’re here to see Mr. Ledford,” I said. “I’m Mark Glassner.”

The receptionist called upstairs and sent us on own. “Floor four, go left from the elevator. You can’t miss his office.”

“Remember the last elevator we rode?” Mary asked with a sly smile as I pushed he fourth floor button.

“No elevator slut this time,” I laughed. That’s how we met Violet, one of our sluts. I took her virginity in the hotel elevator of the Four Seasons, I believe, up in Seattle.

My mom looked at me, a frown across her beautiful face. “What?”

“It’s nothing, Sandy,” Mary assured her. “Just an inside joke.”

“Oh, sure,” Sandy said with a nod.

The elevator dinged and we got out on the fourth floor. Monroe Ledford’s office was down a hallway, through an open area full of cubicles, against the west wall of the building. He had a mousy looking woman for a secretary with the unusual name of Richmal. “He’s expecting you, Mr. Glassner.”

“Richmal, just ignore any strange sounds you hear, okay,” Mary said with a friendly smile.

“Oh, sure, miss,” Richmal squeaked.

Monroe had a spacious office, a large mahogany desk, and a wall covered in filing cabinets. Seven women dressed in blue pilot’s jackets and slacks were huddled in the corner talking to each other and gave us curious stares when we entered. Monroe scurried out from behind his desk, a heavyset man in an expensive looking suit. His face was round, fat hanging from beneath his chins, and large, black glasses dominated his face.

“Good to meet you in person, Mr. Glassner,” Monroe greeted. “I gathered the candidates just like you asked, sir.”

“Thank you, you can wait at your secretary’s desk and don’t come in here until we leave,” I told him, shaking his moist hand.

“Ah, of course, sir,” Monroe laughed. “Well, they are all excellent pilots and you will not be disappointed with whomever you choose.”

“All right, ladies, line up,” Mary said, brusquely.

My mom, looking a little out of sorts, set down at the table. “You okay, mom,” I asked as Mary got the pilots lined up.

“It’s just…overwhelming how the two of you just take command of situation,” Mom admitted. “And you’re going to, what…screw these women?”

I shrugged. “Not all of them,” I admitted. Several of the women were just not pretty enough. Sure they were handsome women, but Mary and I had our standards. “They’ll enjoy themselves, Mom. So just relax, okay?”

She sighed. “Okay, Mark.” She squirmed in her seat. “Geezs, I’m turning into such a hussy,” she muttered, eying the women.

“Maybe, mom,” I told her, rubbing her shoulder. “But it’s a lot of fun, isn’t it?” I asked with a grin.

My mom laughed and kissed the back of my hand. “Your fiancee’s going to start without you,” Mom pointed out.

I looked up to the two handsome women walking out the door. “All right, disrobe,” Mary ordered the remaining five. “And be prepared to get fucked. You all want to please us and be chosen to be as one of our pilots.” I stepped up next to her and she whispered, “Is everything alright with your mom?”

“Yeah, Mom is just not used to all this,” I answered.

The pilots were disrobing. All of them wore the most boring underwear, I was disappointed to learn. We sent two more packing; one had an ugly Caesarean scar and the other’s ass was covered in cellulite and looked as wrinkled as a prune. The remaining three were gorgeous women in their late twenties and early thirties.

Joslyn was a black-haired woman, willowy, with dark, Mediterranean complexion and brilliant green eyes. She had a nice set of round breasts topped with dusky nipples. Her belly buttoned was pierced with a small, golden charm set with a ruby and her pussy was shaved, revealing fat, dark pussy lips.

Duana was another black-haired woman, tall with Nordic cheekbones. Her breasts were small and perky and she had a thick, black bush between her legs. Her legs were toned and tanned from sunbathing, there were patches of pale flesh around her breasts and her crotch from her bikini.

Lynda was a strawberry-blonde with deep, blue eyes. She was short and curvy, with large, pillowy breasts with some of the biggest, fattest nipples I had ever seen, each pierced with a thick, gold ring. Her pussy was shaved, save for a triangular patch of reddish hair above her clit.

I walked over and hefted Lynda’s large breast, feeling the weight and gave her nipple piercing a tug bring a soft gasp to Lynda’s mouth. Mary was running her fingers through Duana’s thick bush, the tall woman shuddering as Mary must have found her clit or maybe her wet hole. Joslyn was looking a little lonely and so was my mom, so I pulled her to me and whispered in her ear.

Joslyn swayed back to my mom. Mom swallowed, licking her lips as the dusky beauty reached her and sat on her lap. “I…I have a girlfriend,” my mom protested, as Joslyn kissed at her throat.

“It’s just sex, Mom,” I said, pushing Lynda down to her knees. “I have a girlfriend, too.”

Mary giggled as Duana was unbuttoning her blouse, exposing Mary’s freckled breasts. The tall pilot sucked Mary’s nipple into her lips. “Betty knows you love her, that’s all that matters, Sandy. Everything else is just fun.”

My zipper rasped down and eager hands reached into my pants, pushing down my boxers, to find my hardening cock. Mom relaxed and was kissing Joslyn, her hands sliding up to cup the dusky woman’s breast and rolling her dark nipples between her fingers while Joslyn purred in pleasure. Lynda’s mouth engulfed my cock, sucking my dick until I was fully hard in her mouth. I looked down at her pillowy tits and just had to feel those about my cock.

I pulled my cock from her mouth, grabbed the fat ring pierced through her left nipple and pulled Lynda to her feet and led her over to a chair and set down. “You ever given a guy a titty fuck?” I asked her.

She smiled wickedly. “A few.”

Lynda knelt down and placed her pillowy tits around my cock, squeezing them about my shaft and started to slide them up and down. Her gold rings piercing her nipples swung up and down, glinting in a shaft of sunlight that fell across her tits. Her blue eyes stared up at me, eager to please, and her strawberry-blonde hair fell loosely about her shoulders, a splash of color against her pale skin.

Mary sat in the sit next to me, spreading her legs and cooing in pleasure as Duana dove into her cunt, licking stiffly at her pussy. “C’mon, slut, you can do better,” Mary complained. “Your a woman, just lick and touch me wherever you’d like to be touched down there.”

“Okay,” Duana murmured and spread Mary’s lips open and licked her tongue through Mary’s slit, sliding her tongue into Mary’s wet pussy. She swirled her tongue around the sucked Mary’s labia into her mouth, rolling the wrinkled lips between her lips as Mary moaned in appreciation.

“Getting better,” Mary encourage, then sighed in pleasure. “Definitely getting better.”

I glanced back to see my mom was sitting on the desk, her jeans pulled off, her firm ass flexing as she squirmed in pleasure. I guessed Joslyn must be going down on her. My mom pulled her loose, striped shirt over her head exposing her smooth back and white bra. She reached behind her and unclasped the bra. As the white material fell away, I could just see the slope of her right breast and the hint of her pink nipple.

“Ohh, that feels nice,” Mom moaned on Joslyn’s tongue. Her arms moved and I realized mom was playing with her breasts.

“How’s your titty fuck?” Mary asked with a smile.

“Nice,” I told her. Lynda’s tits felt amazing on my cock as she formed a tight tunnel between her soft tits. I started fucking my hips up, rubbing my cock faster through the valley of her breasts. Mary’s eyes were fixed on my cock, the head would appear up from between her tits then disappear back down. Pre-cum glistening on the tip, smearing on Lynda’s melons.

“Is Duana giving you good head?” I asked.

Mary rolled her eyes. “She’s getting better! She…ohhh, yeah. She’s definitely getting better,” Mary purred.

“Oh, man!” gasped Mom. “Oh, Mark, her tongue feels so amazing. I can’t wait to try some of what she’s doing to my pussy on Betty when I get home! Oh, wow! Mmmhh, oh crap! Yes, yes, oh yes!”

Lynda started licking my cock head when it got close to her lips, her tongue roughly sliding across the tip sending a shudder of pleasure through my body. Another lick, another shudder, and then my cock was back in the pillowy softness of her breasts and then was back out and another delicious lick, another delicious shudder. “Fuck that’s amazing!” I gasped. “Keep licking, slut!”

Lynda giggled. “Glad you…” lick, “…like it!”

Mary was panting next to me, grinding her cunt into Duana’s face. “Oh yes, fucking suck my clit, whore! Oh, fuck! Oh fucking shit! Here it comes, slut! Drink my cum!”

My mom sat in the chair on the other side of me, naked and flushed. Her eyes focused on my cock appearing and disappearing between Lynda’s breasts. I was getting closer and closer to cumming. My balls were so close to flooding Lynda’s breasts with my creamy spunk. Just a few more licks and…I groaned, my face clenched as I spilled onto her tits.

“Fuck, that was nice!” I moaned.

Lynda was panting, to, white cum coating her face and tits. She released her breasts and my cock slid out of her tight embrace. Mary knelt down and licked a line of my cum up Lynda’s tit. Then she looked at my mom, hefted Lynda’s other, cum covered tit invitingly. My mom licked her lips and then knelt down and licked my cum up Lynda’s breast, up to her neck and then she was kissing Lynda on the lips.

My cock was achingly hard watching my mom and my fiancee lick my cum off this woman. They were pressing her down onto her back, their tongues devouring my cum. Mary licked her way up to Lynda’s face as Mom licked back down to her breasts, sucking a fat nipple and gold ring into her mouth as Mary kissed Lynda on the lips. Then Mary was straddling her face as Mom licked lower and lower, down to Lynda’s shaved cunt.

“Duana, lick my mom’s cunt,” I ordered and then I grabbed willowy Joslyn and bent her over the desk.

Joslyn’s cunt was shaved bare, her labia large and engorged and felt amazing as I rubbed the head of my cock on them before I found her hot, wet hole and slid inside her, groaning as her velvet cunt swallowed my cock.

“Ohh, that feels great,” Joslyn moaned. “Umm, you got a nice feeling cock, stud.”

“You got a nice feeling cunt,” I moaned, pulling back and thrusting in again and again. “Fucking wet and tight, just the way I like my pussy!”

“Then give me a good fucking, lover!” Joslyn purred. “I could use a nice cum! Haven’t had one yet, today!”

“You have to cum everyday, slut?” I asked.

“If not, then the day was wasted.” I liked her philosophy. If I haven’t came a dozen times in a day, it was definitely wasted. “I need a nice, fat cock to stretch my poor little pussy until I explode!” she panted.

I started thrusting faster and faster, enjoying her wet depths. I glanced behind me, Mary was riding Lynda’s face and my mom was devouring Lynda’s cunt. Duana knelt behind my mom and started fingering her cunt. Duana bent her head down, planting her face between my mom’s ass cheeks and began to rim Mom’s ass. What a naughty slut.

“I’m going to pee in your mouth, and you’re going to love it, right slut?” Mary asked.

“Oh yes,” moaned Lynda. “I’ve masturbated so many times to water sports vids! Fill my mouth with your delicious pee.”

Mary sighed as her urine splashed into Lynda’s mouth, the pilot drinking her piss eagerly. I slammed into Joslyn’s cunt faster and faster as I watched my fiancee piss into another woman’s mouth. When Mary finished pissing, she moaned as Lynda licked her pussy clean, her tongue digging through Mary’s slit. Lynda was moaning beneath Mary, her body writhing and fresh cunt juices flooded my mom’s mouth as she came.

My mom drank all of Lynda’s juices and then shuddered on Duana’s tongue. “Yes, oh yes, I’m cumming! Umm, that feels so amazing!” Mom turned around, stroking Duana’s face. “Oh, thank you for that amazing orgasm.”

I came in Joslyn’s cunt as I watched my mom french kiss Duana, her face sticky with Lynda’s juices. Mary’s ass jiggled beneath her bunched up skirt as she ground her pussy on Lynda’s face, her unbuttoned blouse slid off her right shoulder, exposing her pale, freckled shoulder. Her auburn hair, tied in a ponytail, swayed about as she tossed her head about, her moans of pleasure growing louder and louder.

My mom’s ass was pointing at me, as tight as any teenagers, her hairy bush matted with desire, her pussy pink and swollen with pleasure. I knelt behind her, running my hands about her firm cheeks. Mom broke her kiss with Duana and glanced over her shoulder at me, her eyes falling onto my hard cock.

“You’re so beautiful, Mom,” I murmured.

“Prettier than your fiancee?” my mom asked with a grin.

“A close second, Mom.” My cock was poking at her tight ass, sliding down, leaving a streak of pre-cum across her firm cheeks and down through her silky hair. I found her hot, wet hole, rubbing my cock’s head on her swollen labia, enjoying the feel of her silky nether lips.

“Umm, good answer, son,” Mom groaned as my cock entered her slowly.

“He’s the best!” moaned Mary. “Umm, this slut sure knows her way around a snatch! You keep doing that and…ohhh that’s nice! Fuck, fuck, yes! That’s it! Oh, God, I’m cumming! You nasty, fucking slut! Ohh, that was nice.”

“Thank you for fulfilling my fantasy,” moaned Lynda as Mary crawled off of her.

Mary pressed her body against my back, hugging me from behind as I fucked my mother. Her breasts were soft pillows topped with her hard nipples, her silky bush tickled my ass. Her arms wrapped around my waist and her lips were wet on my neck.

“Who are you thinking of keeping for our pilots?” she whispered into my ear.

“Lynda for sure,” I moaned. “Those fucking nipple rings.”

Mary laughed. “I love a slut that drinks my piss.”

“Joslyn is the prettiest,” my mom moaned, thrusting her hips back into my cock. With Mary pressed behind me, I couldn’t fuck Mom as hard I liked, but goddamn my mom knew how to work her hips to get a man off.

Joslyn was beautiful, with her dusky, Mediterranean skin her brilliant green eyes. “She was a great fuck,” I pointed out.

Mary nipped at my ear. “Joslyn and Lynda then.”

“Yeah,” I panted. “Mmh, Mom, you know how to fuck!”

Mom laughed, a rich throaty laugh, slamming her ass back into me. “You’re not to bad yourself. Umm, my baby boy grew up to have a nice cock!”

“Cum in your slutty mom’s pussy,” Mary whispered into my ear. “Fill her up with delicious spunk.”

“Give me your cum, Mark!” Mom moaned. “Fill your mommy’s womb with your sperm. It’s so wonderful to have you back inside me! Oh, crap! Crap!”

My balls were tightening, my orgasm was building. I felt Mom’s cunt spasm on my cock as she came, slamming her ass back into me and I groaned, “Fuck, that feels so amazing, Mom! Oh, fuck! Here it fucking cums!” My balls unloaded, flooding the very pussy that made me with a flood of cum. Mom slumped forward, rolling onto her back, her legs spread obscenely open, my cum oozing out and matting her brown fur.

“Joslyn and Lynda, you’re going to be our pilots,” I ordered. “You’ll live at the hanger, stay within fifteen minutes of the plane at all times. You will love Mary and myself as your masters, and love each other. Duana, never speak of this to anyone, you can get dressed and go.”

Joslyn moved over to Lynda and stroked her face. “I never noticed how beautiful you are,” she whispered and kissed Lynda with passion.

“Ladies,” I barked, interrupting their kiss, “get over her and take a lick from my mom’s cunt.” Lynda was first, bending down and taking a single lick as I uttered, “Zimmah,” and felt the energy run from my mom into Lynda and myself, binding Lynda’s to me permanently. Lynda stared at me in awe as Joslyn took her place and took her lick and was bound to me.

“You two, go home gather your stuff and head to Thun Field, hanger 18,” I told her and pulled a pair of keys out of my pocket, tossing it to them. “The Gulfstream has already arrived. From now on, you’ll live in the plane. There’s a comfy bed for the two of you too enjoy, internet, satellite TV. Just remember, always be within fifteen minutes of the plane.”

“Yes, Master,” Lynda nodded and then gave Joslyn a wicked smile. “A bed to share, huh? I’m sure we can find some stimulating way to pass the time.”

My phone rang and I fished it out of my pocket, glancing at the caller ID. “You found Brandon?” I asked.

“I found out where he went,” Doug Allard answered. Doug was a P.I. hired by Brandon Fitzsimmons to spy on us, causing all sorts of problems when Brandon sent the media the results of his spying. We caught Doug and turned him to our side and sent him after Brandon. “He flew from San Francisco to London and from there he caught a plane to Toulouse, France. He landed in Frances about two hours ago.”

“What’s in France?” I asked aloud, frowning.

“The book,” Mary grasped. “One of the books is in France.”

My stomach sank. Who knew what sort of problems Brandon having the book would cause. “Doug, Brandon’s headed for Rennes-le-Château, the Motherhouse of an order of nuns. The Order of Mary Magdalena. You must stop him from getting a book, the Magicks of the Witch of Endor. Do whatever it takes to stop him.”

“Okay, Mr. Glassner.”

I wanted to go after Brandon myself. But he was going into the heart of the lion’s den, the Motherhouse of the Nuns. Who knew how many of those bitches would be there. It was far too dangerous for either Mary or myself to go anywhere near Rennes-le-Château.

“Mary, where was that third book at?”

“Um, with some noble. An Altgrave, I think he was called.” She grabbed her phone. “In Cologne, Germany.”

“I need to speak with him, make sure he understands not to let Brandon so much as see that book.”


“Hey, Kaeden,” Illness, the barkeep at the Lucky Cowgirl greeted me as I sidled up to the bar.

Illness wasn’t the name he was born with, just the name everyone called him. “Because I’m so Ill, man, you know, cool,” he would say in his gravely, burnt-out voice, sounding like an aging rocker who partied to hard in his twenties and lived to regret it.

“A pint of Sam Adams,” I said, sighing as I sat down on the barstool.

“You one of the…” He left the end of his question hanging. The empty look in my eyes answered his question. “Rough, man. Real rough.” He finished filling the pint and set it down in front of me. “So, did it really happen?”

I shrugged. My PBA rep told me not to talk about it. Fuck, I’m not even sure what really happened. One minute, I was storming this Mark Glassner house on loan to the FBI, and the next thing I knew Mark Glassner was leading me and rest of my SWAT unit out of the house. And then this fine-ass girl, naked, with bubble-gum pink hair and this voluptuous Latina were leading me upstairs and fucked my brain out.

And now I was probably out of a job. And maybe facing prison time. Accepting sexual favors as a bribe, Internal Affairs called it. So here I was, back at the Lucky Cowgirl, to drown my sorrows. I hadn’t been in for two weeks and I was hoping to get lucky like the last time I was here, to maybe take my mind off my problems with some female companionship. Hell, maybe that gal would be back.

Nearly two weeks ago, on a Friday, this vivacious blonde name Erin had waltzed in, flirting outrageously with me and a few of my drinking buddies. We were drawn to her, she was just so fucking sexy in her tight jeans and revealing top. And she just ate our attention, touching us, laughing at our bad jokes. I grew more and more bold and soon it was just me and her at the bar and she let my hands roam everywhere. When I whispered in her ear that I wanted to fuck her brains out. She laughed and suggested the bathroom. I gave her a good fucking all while this creep listened to us from the next stall.

And then she asked me to go get some drinks and I waited at the bar while she cleaned herself up. And waited, figuring she had to reapply her make-up. You know women. When she did emerge, she was with this other guy, her arm wrapped around him, clinging tightly to him. They clearly knew each other, her boyfriend maybe and I just stood at the bar like an idiot realizing that the guy must have been the creep in the next stall. They were like playing at cheating or something. It was straight out of letters to Penthouse.

After the day I had, I wouldn’t mind banging Erin again. Her guy could watch for all I cared. I just needed something nice to happen to me, today. I just needed something pleasant to help me forget what a shithole my life just became. All the hard work, all the sacrifices to become a SWAT officer. It cost me my marriage to Sally and a few girlfriends since. All of it flushed down the shitter and I couldn’t even begin to understand why any of us did it.

“Why so down, handsome?” a tall, African American woman asked, sitting on the barstool next to me. Her accent was strange, like she was an actual African, from Nigeria or something. She was beautiful, young, with coal-black skin and short, curly hair. Her lips were big and smiling beautifully.

I snorted. “I’m in a lot of trouble.”

“Oh, how sad,” she consoled, placing her hand on my arm, stroking me gently. “Maybe I could make it all better.”

“Oh, how?” I asked, eying her up and down. She was fucking gorgeous.

She smiled promisingly. “What are you drinking?”

“Sam Adams.”

“Buy me one, and we’ll see if I can’t make you forget all about your problems,” she promised, her fingers running up my arm to my biceps. “Mmhh, you work out. I love a man with big muscles.”

“I’m a SWAT officer,” I told her. Some women got off on banging cops, badge bunnies we called them. And the way this woman’s eyes lit up, she was definitely a badge bunny.

“How exciting,” she purred. Illness set a pint before her and she took a deep gulp. “It must be very stressful, all that danger.”

“Oh, very stressful,” I said with a shrug. “But, I live for the danger.” I used that BS on so many ladies, they lapped it up.

Her laugh was throaty and exciting. “And how do you relieve all that stress. I bet it just gets bottled up inside you, begging to be released.”

“Oh, I could think of a few ways to relive the pressure,” I smiled.

“Your hand, non?” she asked archly.

I laughed, it felt good to laugh. “Sure, but there are definitely more pleasant ways to relieve the pressure.” I took a drink of my beer. “Of course, they require someone’s assistance.”

She sipped her beer, her pink tongue licking foam off her upper lip. “I have been told I am very skilled at relieving stress.”

My cock was rock hard in my pants. God, I loved this bar. I had never met a girl as easy as Erin, but this African chick was giving that slut Erin a run for her money. Well, it worked last time, so I leaned over and whispered, “I want to fuck your brains out. Right now.”

She stood up, her smile eager, and took my hand. She was aggressive as she pulled me across the bar to the men’s room and pulled me inside. She took me to the last stall. Memories of Erin bent over the toilet as I fucked her from behind flashed in my mind. Would this mysterious Black woman’s cunt feel as good as Erin’s had.

Christ I didn’t even know her name.

But that didn’t matter as she kissed me as soon as we were in the stall, my hands reaching down and knead her ass through her short skirt. I lifted the skirt up and she wasn’t wearing any panties, the naughty little slut. Her tongue was fierce as she frenched me, aggressively exploring my mouth as her hands fumbled at my belt. She pulled my cock out, stroked it a few times then broke the kiss. I was panting hard as she pulled her dress over her head, exposing her lithe, coal-black body. She took her fingers, slid them between her black breasts, down to her black bush and shoved them up inside her, coating them with her juices.

“See how wet I am for you,” she moaned. “Fuck me!”

I didn’t need to be told twice and I pinned her against the side of the stall, her legs wrapping about my waist as I plunged into her Black pussy. She moaned as I fucked her hard, pounding away at her cunt. I needed this. I needed to forget my problems. All that mattered right now was how amazing her cunt felt on my cock as I fucked her tight, wet depths.

“Fuck your tight, slut,” I moaned. Any girl as easy as her, badge bunny or not, was a slut. “Love how you feel on me.”

“Umm, your cock is stirring me up,” she moaned. “Umm, spear me, stud! Ohh, I love having a nice shaft spearing inside me!”

Her hips were fucking me back, matching the furious rhythm. I needed to cum so bad. I didn’t care if she came, I just needed to feel that sweet release as I spilled inside her. She was so tight, my cock felt like it was in a vice, trying to squeeze out my cum. I was getting closer and closer to cumming inside her.

“Yes, yes, oh God I’m gonna cum!” I moaned. Her legs were wrapped so tightly about me I couldn’t pull out if I wanted to. I slammed once more into her and felt that shuddering release as my cum spilled into her.

Her finger was on my forehead, drawing with her sticky finger as she whispered, “Shama,” into my ear and everything went still. I stared blankly at the woman and she smiled in satisfaction. All that mattered to me was doing exactly what this woman told me too.

“Good,” she muttered, pushing me back, my cock pulling out of her. “I am Sister Agnes.” I nodded my head as she gave me my instructions.


The Drunken Pugilist may be the emptiest bar I had ever seen at happy hour. One old man sipped a pint at the bar while a board barkeep was watching the Mariners play the Angels. A fond smile crossed my face as I remembered Sean, my ex-husband, getting so excited during their ’95 season and how crushed he had been when the Mariners lost to the Indians and ended the Mariners World Series hopes. Mary was only one, then, and Missy wasn’t even a thought, yet.

Focus, Theodora, I told myself. Kurt stole your family from you, no use dwelling on that, now. You need to stop this Mark from destroying other families.

Sister Isabella followed me in. We let Providence guide us. Each of us opened the phone book, to the listing of bars, figuring guys as in trouble as these SWAT officer were would be drowning their sorrows. So we closed our eyes and jabbed our fingers down on the page. Isabella and I both got the Drunken Pugilist and Sister Agnes chose the Lucky Cowgirl.

I scanned the bar, the only other people were the two men sitting at a booth in the back, almost hidden in the shadows. I could see their auras, blacker than the shadows, the aura of a Thrall enslaved by a Warlock. It was clear that Mark had given the men an order that must have rewritten parts of their personality. Well, they were cops and I could imagine the sort of orders Mark must have given. “Let me commit crimes,” he probably ordered, or, “I can’t do anything wrong.”

Both guys looked miserable as we approached, a pitcher of beer sat between them and a few empty shot glasses. Both were fit, broad shoulder man. A swarthy Mexican with a thick mustache that ruined an otherwise handsome face, and a squashed-face white guy with a crew cut.

“Hi, boys,” Isabella purred with her sexy, Latina accent.

The Mexican’s eyes lit up when he saw us. “Hello, ladies,” he said with a smile, and motioned to the booth. “Care to cheer up a pair of cops having a bad day?”

“Christ, Riz, do you have to flirt with every chick?” the White guy asked.

“Hey man, why should I deprive my charm from any beautiful woman,” Riz protested. “Ignore him, he’s married and forgotten how to treat such heavenly creatures as yourselves.”

“Riz?” I asked, and then Isabella sat down next to him, leaving me with the White guy.

“Because his real name is pretty stupid,” the White guy said and a grin momentarily crossed his lips before his pain returned.

“Oroitz is a perfectly manly name,” Riz joked. “Besides, what kind of name is Duncan?”

“A Highlander,” I said with a smile. Everyone gave me a blank look. “Um, you know, ‘There can be only one.’ The Highlander?”

“Yeah,” Duncan muttered and took a swill of his beer. “The TV show, right. Not the movie.”

“Yeah,” I nodded.

“So, what has you guys so down?” Isabella asked. “Women, right?” Both men grunted and Isabella smiled wickedly, leaning closer to Riz, reaching out to place her hand on his. “I hope not the same woman.”

“No, chiquita, not the same woman,” Riz admitted. “We’re both in the doghouse because of work. My girl broke up with me and Duncan’s wife kicked him out.”

“Oh that’s terrible,” I cooed, scooting up against Duncan. His eyes glanced at my cleavage and then a guilty flush suffused his face.

Across the table, Isabella was snuggling up to Riz, who put his arm around her. “Yeah, it’s terrible. Me and Alicia had been dating for weeks.”

“Well, maybe I can make you feel better,” Isabella said with a naughty smile. From how her arm was moving, she must be rubbing Riz’s leg. Or maybe even his crotch based on that the big grin filling Riz’s face. And then the two were talking in rapid Spanish. In my few weeks living in LA I picked up a smattering of Spanish, but I could not begin to follow their conversation.

Duncan just set like a log next to me, staring down into his beer. “What’s the problem,” I purred. “You might feel better if you tell me about it.”

A look of self-loathing crossed his face. “Sure,” he bitterly snorted, his voice a little slurred with drink. “Why the fuck not.” He down the rest of his beer. “You heard about the whole SWAT scandal?”

I nodded my head. That is why Providence led me to you. Mark had foolishly made a bunch of highly skilled men his Thralls and didn’t bother to protect them. “There are subtle signs,” Ramiel told me in my dreams, “to tell if the Bond of Zimmah chains a Thrall to the Warlock. The black aura will have the tiniest, barely perceptible, fringe of red about it. So minute, you have to know to look for it.” As far as I could tell, neither of these men were bound to Mark.

“Yeah, instead of arresting the people, the SWAT unit…eh…” I trailed off, not sure how to finish the sentence without sounding insensitive.

“Fucked them,” Duncan finished, biting his words.

“Excuse me, Vato,” Riz said as Isabella scooted out of the booth. “You understand, right?”

“Yeah,” Duncan grunted, staring at his drink as Riz and Isabella disappeared out a back door into the alley behind the bar. A ragged sob suddenly escaped Duncan’s lips. “I don’t know what happened. We burst into this bedroom and this naked guy, Mark, falls on the floor and he just tells us to stop pointing our guns and help him up. And we did. And then…this red-head just grabs me and Driscoll and takes us inside and has us fuck her. She treated us like shit, insulted us, and we just took it. And now it’s all over the news and…” He took a swig of beer. “Kathanne kicked me out. I never cheated on her, before. I don’t know what happened.”

Poor bastard. Another Warlock’s victim. I reached out and rubbed his leg and kissed him on the cheek. “You poor guy,” I murmured. “Let me take some of that hurt away.” I slid my hand up his jeans to his crotch, feeling his cock grow beneath my touch.

“Wh-what are you doing?” he suddenly protested. “I…”

I cut him off with a kiss as my fingers slid his zipper down, his mouth sour with beer. He was hard, despite his protests, and I stroked him to his full girth. His cock was warm and trembled with his heart beat against my palm. He was uncircumcised, and I could feel the head of his cock slide in and out of his foreskin, popping out like a cute little snake.

“Shh, don’t fight, Duncan,” I whispered as I lowered my head down to his crotch, disappearing beneath the booth’s table.

He moaned as my tongue licked around the head of his cock, salty with his pre-cum. I played with the tip, tracing about the edge of the gland, then sliding up and licking through his urethra, collecting a fresh drop of pre-cum. I slid a hand down between my legs and up into my cunt, getting my fingers sticky with my pussy juices so I would be ready to draw the Mark of Qayin on his forehead.

His hand caressed my head, fingers pulling through my brown hair. “Oh fuck,” he moaned. “Sorry, Kathy.”

I cupped his balls as I swallowed his cock, sucking softly and playing with the sensitive head with my tongue. Then I slid down, slowly, until he brushed the back of my throat. I sealed my lips tight about his shaft as I rose up, sucking harder and Duncan moaned in appreciation. Up and down, my mouth filled with his cock.

“Jesus,” he moaned. “Fuck, you’re good. Christ, I don’t even know your name.”

I popped his cock out of my mouth. “Theodora,” I panted, sucking in air, and then I was back on his cock, bobbing my head faster and faster as I played with his balls.

He nuts were round and I gently squeezed them, trying to massage his cum out of his balls. He was getting closer and closer to cumming. I could feel the tension in his body grow and grow as he neared that explosive release and I tensed, ready to spring the moment his cum poured into my mouth. Up and down, I bobbed, swirling my tongue and sucking, feeling his cock tremble in my mouth, the spongy head brushing the roof of my mouth.

Duncan was a gentleman and warned me. “I’m gonna cum, Theodora,” he panted.

The first splash of cum was warm and salty in my lips. I released his cock as the second blast just flew up in air and landed on my blouse, a line of sticky fluids staining my clothing. I was drawing the Mark of Qayin on his forhead as his third blast flew up and splashed on his flannel shirt and I muttered, “Shama.” The Mark of Qayin blazed white and Duncan went blank as the prayer took effect.

Isabella should have had no problem enchanting Riz and I began to tell Duncan the plan. He nodded his head as he absorbed my orders. Worry gnawed at my stomach. Was this really necessary. These men were SWAT officers, highly trained at what they do. People were going to get hurt. People I was supposed to protect. I always thought the Order of Mary Magdalene existed to help people.

“The Greater Good,” Ramiel’s voice whispered back to me. “Not even the Promise Land was taken without bloodshed.”

The Greater Good. It was all for the Greater Good, I told myself. But another voice whispered from deep inside me, the road to Hell is paved in good intentions. I shivered. I just needed to have faith in Providence.


“You taxi is here, Monsieur Fitzsimmons,” the Concierge of the Chambres D’Hôtes L’Escalette, the hotel I was staying at in Toulouse. I was impatient to get to the Motherhouse and get my hands on the Magicks of the Witch of Endor. I needed the book to defeat Mark and rescue my wife from his clutches.

It had been a long flight when I landed Toulouse with a five hour layover in London, I had been traveling for nearly seventeen hours and I was exhausted. When I check into the hotel I crashed, and just woke up twenty minutes ago, noon, local time. Which was four AM, Friday morning, back in Washington State.

“Merci,” I nodded to the Concierge and slipped him a five euro.

He held the door open for me and I stepped into the white taxi. It was a small, European car, one of those tiny vehicles designed for the narrow, medieval streets that crowded European cities and towns. It was a little more than an hours drive to Rennes-le-Château, a quaint village built upon a hilltop, connected by a winding road and the driver, a dusky North African, talked in Arabic on his bluetooth the entire drive.

Finally, we reached the Motherhouse. The building was located behind the Church of Mary Magdalene, an old, stone edifice that was partially overgrown with green vines. The front door was a large, made of wood and bound in iron. On the door frame hung a plaque written in French, English, Spanish, and German described the history of the building. Another sign, handwritten in French, was taped to the front of the door. My French was very rusty, but it seemed to be the phone number of the caretaker who was out.

Sighing in frustration, I pulled out my phone and dialed the number. “Bonjour, Maryām à l’appareil. Je vous écoute,” a woman answered in rapid French.

“Do you speak English?” I asked, hopefully. My high school French was far to rusty to converse with someone.

“Yes, I am Maryām,” the woman answered in a heavy accent.

“Hi, I’m Brandon Fitzsimmons and I was hoping I could meet with someone at the Motherhouse. There is a book in your collection that I’m just dying to examine.”

The voice on the other end thought for a moment. “Very well, Monsieur Fitzsimmons. Tomorrow at, say, 4 o’clock.”

“It’s very important, can we possibly meet sooner?” I asked.

“No, no. I am not in Rennes-le-Château,” she answered, in the background I heard something in French being broadcast. I frowned, it sounded like an airport announcement. “Saturday, 4 o’clock is the earliest I can meet.”

I sighed, another hours drive to Toulouse and then an hours drive back here tomorrow. “Very well. Thank you for your time, miss.”

“Until Saturday, then. Au revoir.” The line went dead.


“The captain has put on the fasten seatbelt sign,” the flight attendant announced in her British accent.

I was on British Airways flight 3471 descending into Toulouse Blagnac Airport in France on the hunt for Brandon Fitzsimmons.

Thirteen hours ago I took off at SeaTac and I was exhausted. But I couldn’t sleep. Every time I tried, Mark Glassner’s words came back to me. “Doug, Brandon’s headed for Rennes-le-Château, the Motherhouse of an order of nuns. The Order of Mary Magdalena. You must stop him from getting a book, the Magicks of the Witch of Endor. Do whatever it takes to stop him.”

Do whatever it takes to stop him. What did Mark mean. Did he want me to steal the book before Brandon could get it, delay him, stop him? Or did he want me to kill him? Could I kill him? I was a P.I. not a hitman. But the more I poured over Mark’s words, the more I came to believe I had to kill him. It’s clearly what Mark wanted. Do whatever it takes to stop him. What else could that mean? I had watched enough spy movies to understand what was implied. I was scared. I had never killed anyone. Twelve years as a cop and I never fired my gun in the line of duty. But Mark needed it done, and I would make sure it happened.

Fuck, I was so tired when I got off the plane, I could barely fill out the declaration card as I waited to clear customs. And then I stumbled out of customs as a somnambulist creature, barely capable of rational thought. I needed some coffee, badly as I reached baggage claim. I almost walked off with someone else’s suitcase, luckily the owner stopped me. “Too many people with black suitcases these days,” I grumbled as way of an apology.

My suitcase in hand, or I thought it was mine, anyways, I stumbled out to the cab stand. Just my luck, there were no cabs. It was the middle of the afternoon, you’d think there would be one cab. A phone rang and I glanced over to see a beautiful young woman, olive skin and long, black hair. She spoke rapidly in French and then switched to heavily accented English. “Yes, I am Maryām.”

As tired as I was, I found myself drinking in the beauty of the young woman. The woman was listening to whomever she was speaking with and then paused and gave me a considering look. I almost wondered why she was staring, but I was too tired. “Very well, Monsieur Fitzsimmons. Tomorrow at, say, 4 o’clock.”

I blinked, did she say Fitzsimmons? What a small world. I was here to kill a Brandon Fitzsimmons.

“No, no. I am not in …” the woman’s words were drowned out by an announcement over the airport’s speakers in french. “…is the earliest I can meet,” she finished. Pausing to listen and then, “Until tomorrow, then. Au revoir.” She hung up the phone and slipped it into her pocket, muttering something in French.

A taxi pulled up, finally. I wanted to take it, but some weird sense of male chauvinism rose up inside me and I offered to let the lady take this cab. What the hell, she was pretty. And I’m sure another cab would pull up soon.

“Merci,” she replied and then asked, “maybe we can share, no?”

“Sure,” I said with a shrug.

“I am called Maryām,” she said with a smile, holding out her slim hand.

“Eh, Doug Allard,” I answered, clasping her warm hand and shaking briefly.

“American, no?” and I nodded. “How nice, I’ve always had a soft spot for you Americans.”

She slid into the cab and I followed her. “I always thought the French hated us.”

“Oh, some do,” Maryām laughed. “They are just jealous. Where are you heading, Doug.”

“Eh, Rennes-le-Château,” I answered. “Any hotel there will do.”

She smiled. “What a coincidence. I live in Rennes-le-Château.” When she said the name, it sound so musical and beautiful, not like my mangled pronunciation.

I fell asleep almost immediately and when I woke up the car was winding its way up a hill to a village perched at the crest. I sat up, rubbing my eyes as the cab weaved its way through the narrow streets past ancient stone buildings to the front of a large stone structure.

“Is this a hotel?” I asked, frowning.

“No,” Maryām replied, sliding out. “It is where I live. Come inside, I have a spare room you can use.”

Fuck, I was too tired to argue and she seemed harmless. I mean, I easily weighed twice as much as her. The door was wood, bound with iron and there was a several signs that I was too tired to read. Maryām produced a cast iron skeleton key and unlocked the door and led me inside. She led me through the foyer into a short hallway lined with narrow doors. She opened one, revealing a tiny room, little more than a square with a cot.

I turned to thank her and blinked in shock. Was I dreaming? I pinched my arm. No, that hurt.

Maryām was naked, her lithe, dusky body gorgeous. Her breasts perky with youth, topped with dark nipples. A mat of thick pubic hair covered her pussy and the smile on her face was both virginal and predatory. My cock hardened in my pants as I drank in her beauty. She walked towards me, her breasts swaying and pressed up against me, her lips hot and wet on mine.

My wife’s face floated up in my mind and I pulled away from the kiss. “Maryām what are you doing?”

Her hand slid into my pants and found my hard cock, stroking it in her hands and suddenly it didn’t matter that I was married. Tina would never know. She was all the way back in Tacoma. How would she know what I did in France. Maryām pushed me back and I sat down on the bed. She bent down, pulled off my jeans and then my boxers, exposing my hard cock.

“So nice,” she whispered.

She slid her finger down her taut body, through the forest of pubic hair and then slid them up inside her pussy. When she pulled them out they were sticky with her juices. She straddled my waist and rubbed her fingers on my forehead, then down the side of my face and to my mouth. She tasted of honey.

Maryām rose up, her hand on my cock and guided my shaft to her pussy. She was wet and felt like silk as her cunt sank down onto my cock. I groaned in pleasure, after two kids, Tina wasn’t this tight. I sank back onto the bed and watched this gorgeous angel ride slowly up and down on my cock, her round breasts heaving as she fucked me. I reached up, sliding my hand up her smooth side to cup the soft orb. I squeezed it, delighting in the spongy feel and then I ran my fingers across her hard nipple.

“Umm, you feel so hard inside me,” she purred as she rode me.

I groaned, her cunt was so tight. God, I hadn’t had a cunt this tight since I was in college. Nothing felt better than the tight cunt of a teenager on your dick. Her pussy gripped my cock like a tight glove, rubbing silkily up and down as she fucked me. My balls were boiling, the pressure growing inside me. Growing larger and stronger.

“I’m gonna cum!” I moaned. “Let me pull out!”

“No, cum in me,” she gasped. “Let me feel your lust shoot inside me! Oh, yes!”

She spasmed on me, her cunt deliciously contracting about my cock. I was thrusting my hips up into her, the sensation on my cock was getting to much to handle. My balls couldn’t take it anymore and my cum exploded out through my dick and up into her wet cunt.

“Shalak!” she screamed and I feel something inside me snap, a chain about my soul, binding my will to another. I felt freedom, and tears brimmed in my eyes as my soul sang in joy.

“Wh-what just happened?” I stammered as she slid off me.

Maryām was suddenly shy, covering her body with the blanket. “You were a Thrall, Doug,” she answered. “I have freed you from the Warlock’s power.”

And then she explained it all to me. Nuns, Warlocks, summoning demons. Everything I saw watching Mark Glassner, how everyone around him behaves. How I so easily agreed to do whatever he told me, including killing a man. It all finally made sense. Mark Glassner sold his soul for power and made me his pawn.

“God has a purpose for you, Doug,” Maryām said as I wept before her.

I could feel it in my soul. I had been touched by God when she freed me. “What?” I asked. It didn’t matter what the purpose was. When God calls, how can you say no.

The door opened and a young woman entered, maybe eighteen, her hair a black as night, falling about her naked body. Her skin was pale white, her breasts large and topped with dark nipples. Her pussy was shaved bare, her labia swollen with desire and juices leaked down her leg.

“This is Sister Frances Joan and she has a Gift for you, Doug,” Maryām said as the beautiful woman walked towards me. My cock hardened.

Sister Frances sat down on the bed next to me, her lips tasted sweet as she kissed me. Her hand reached down and stroked my hardening cock. Her fingers were silk as she rubbed my cock to life. I touched her breast, gently, reverently. Giving her firm orbs the tiniest of squeezes, sliding my palm up to rub on her hard nipple.

“Come, let me feel you in me,” Sister Frances moaned. “Let us join as one.”

She pulled me down into her embrace, her body warm and lithe beneath me. She guided my cock to the wet entrance of her pussy. We moaned together as I slid into her inviting, tight depth. Her lips played with my ear as her legs wrapped around my hips, pulling me tightly into her.

“You have such a nice cock,” she whispered.

I fucked her slowly, staring into her deep, brown eyes. No, I didn’t fuck her, I made love to her. It was like our wedding night and I was making love to my bride for the first time. Our hips were moving in unison, our lips kissing each other, murmuring our pleasure into the other’s ears. Our hands roamed each other’s bodies. I felt her slim thighs, her tight ass, her smooth side and her full breasts. Her hands roamed across my chest, playing with my chest hair, rubbing my back, and squeezed my ass, urging me to go faster and faster.

“Yes, harder,” she moaned. “Faster! Let me feel your passion!”

I could feel our passion building and building as my cock rubbed against her cunt. Every stroke was building both of our orgasms. In and out, rubbing deliciously against each other. I found her hard nipple with one hand, rolling it between my fingers. My strokes were fast now, I was pounding her pussy. Her moans of passion filled my ears as we both approached the precipice. I could feel the cum boiling over in my balls and shuddered as I orgasmed inside this beautiful creature. Her body shuddered beneath me, her cunt clenching at my cock, milking my cum out of my balls.

She gasped a single word.


Her Gift flowed into me. From deep within her womb, through her tight pussy, and into my cock. A golden power that suffused every fiber of my being, body and soul, transforming me. I was baptized in the ecstasy of light and reborn as a new man.


“Gabriel,” I greet the Archangel.

“Dominion Ramiel,” he responded, his voice a mighty choir. “I sense your doubts, brother.”

“I have followed the threads, the longer we wait the stronger the Warlocks become,” I answered. “Theodora and her sisters have three soldiers and surprise on their side. They have seventy percent chance of slaying the Warlocks.”

“With two of our Priestesses dead,” Gabriel pointed out. “Our Priestesses are two few to spend so recklessly.”

“By the time they have recruited the twelve soldiers, the Warlocks will have tripled their guard,” I fumed with righteous anger. “Let us strike know before the odds are even worst. After Monday, even with twelve, there will only be a twenty-seven percent chance of slaying the Warlocks. And still two of our Priestesses will die.”

“The soldiers are only a last resort.”

Curiosity drowned out my anger. “What have you seen in the future that I have not, Gabriel?”

“Observe,” Gabriel stated and drew up the threads of mankind drawing me to a silver thread. “This thread belongs to Alice Perry.” He lead me into the past, six mortal years. Alice’s silver thread brushed the red thread of the Warlock Mary Sullivan. “Alice develops an infatuation with Mary at the age of seventeen,” Gabriel informed. “But, slowly it is forgotten as she goes off to college.” The silver thread spiraled about the red thread, slowly drifting farther apart as the years went on.

I followed the silver thread through the years as it drifted farther from Mary’s, became entwined with another silver thread and then knotted as Alice married a man six months ago. But Alice and her husband’s thread drifted apart and then were separated as Alice’s thread became deeply entwined for a few weeks about another man’s.

“Adultery,” Gabriel said with disgust. “The marriage was broken beyond repair, though the husband knows it not.”

Alice’s thread brushed once more with Mary’s, and started circling the Warlock’s thread. “Here, the infatuation was rekindled,” Gabriel explained. “This was almost two weeks ago, on the very day Sister Louise made her disastrous attempt to exorcise Mark.” Alice’s thread was spiraling closer and closer to Mary’s. Gabriel pointed to Alice’s thread two day’s ago. It was Tuesday morning and Alice’s thread was trying to work its way between Mary and Mark’s thread. The two Warlock threads were bound as tightly as any lovers Ramiel had ever observed.

“A declaration of love?” I asked, staring at the pattern. Love, emotions, were not my skill at reading the threads. My expertise lay in conflict.

“Yes,” Gabriel nodded. “Alice Perry declared her love to Mary and it was ignored. Mary was too preoccupied with her problems that she didn’t even hear what Alice told her. Mark was under the effects of the Bond of Avvah. Alice has declared her love and it was not reciprocated. Unrequited love is a very powerful emotion.”

I followed Alice’s thread, in the future she once more tries to get between Mark and Mary. Next Wednesday afternoon.

“Do you see the opportunity the Bond of Avvah has created?” Gabriel asked.

I frowned, shaking my head.

“Alice never would have made her confession to Mary without it,” Gabriel explained. “Alice was too afraid of losing Mary. Alice believed it was inevitable that Mark and Mary’s relationship would break up. So she waited, biding her time for the moment when it seemed Mary would leave Mark, and then she would act. Now that she made her declaration, it is all Alice can think of. On Wednesday afternoon, in the room of the Blue Spruce motel, Alice will try once more to have Mary all to herself. When Mary rejects her love, she will be vulnerable.”

“The Prayer of Qannow?” I asked in shock. “That Prayer is very dangerous.”

“Watch what happens when Theodora exploits this opportunity,” Gabriel stated and drew Theodora’s golden thread until it touched April’s. I watched in amazement, as I followed Alice’s thread into the most probable future, studying the variable and calculating the percentage of success.

“Ninety-nine percent chance of the Warlock Mark’s death,” I said in awe.

“Yes, and Mary’s as well,” Gabriel pointed out. “The foolish mortal tied her life to Mark’s when she made her Pact. When Mark dies, so shall Mary and two less Warlocks shall plague the world.”

“So the Bond of Avvah was meant to fail?” I asked in astonishment. “It was all a set up to create this one opportunity?”

“There was good odds of the Bond working,” Gabriel answered. “But it also created this opportunity.”

“Then why gather the soldiers at all?” I asked in confusion. “Ninety-nine percent. Only the Creator can predict the future with more accuracy.”

“Because, Mark Glassner must die or be exorcised,” Gabriel stated. “If Alice fails, then it will fall to Theodora and her sisters. And as you said, the odds are slim and we shall never again have the power to challenge Mark with our diminished resources.”

Gabriel showed me the future and he was right. “The Lord shelter us with his mercy,” I whispered. The Warlock Mark Glassner must be stopped. “Is that why you dispatched two more Priestesses? You told me that only Theodora was available? What changed?”

“Only when Mary used her last boon was this pattern set,” Gabriel admitted. “Our brother, Lucifer, is setting brush fires across the world, trying to distract us from Mark. I could not move Isabella or Agnes until I was sure they were needed.”

“What do we do if it fails, Gabriel?” I asked.

“Nothing,” Gabriel answered sadly. “We will have lost, Ramiel. But Maryām will see that the fire of hope keeps burning in the Wilderness.”

To be continued…

Click here for Chapter 27.

The Devil’s Pact Chapter 24: Homecomings



The Devil’s Pact

Chapter 24: Homecoming

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Male/Females, Male/Teen female, Female/Teen female, Female/Female, Female/Females, Teen female/Teen female, Mind Control, Anal, Spanking, Oral, Creampie, Incest, Orgy, Water Sports

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 23.

“It’s time to go home,” I told Mary.

“Yes,” Mary sighed happily. “All the sluts miss you so much.”

We were lying in my mom’s bed, cuddling after we made love. For the last two days, I had been under some spell. A nun had turned my baby sister into a trap that would spring when I slept with her. There was a spell, the Ritual of Mowdah, that would let me recognize a nun by seeing people’s auras. I needed to fuck my sister to perform the spell, and, somehow, the nun must have known, had tracked my baby sister down on her vacation to Miami.

I looked at Mary, a faint, red outline about her body, her aura. Hers was red, like mine, signifying she was a Warlock, someone who made a Pact with the Devil. I concentrated and a red glow sprang about her. We were touching, and strings and chains radiated out from Mary. They represented all the people that were in some way connected to Mary. Two, red threads, tightly entwined connected the two of us. Five black chains headed off to the living room where my mom and Mary’s sluts waited.

And a single, gold thread pointed north.

“Mary,” I said in alarm. “You have a golden thread touching your aura.”

“Do I,” Mary frowned. “My sisters had the same, golden thread.”

“Summon Lilith, I think we need to talk to her.”

“I can’t,” Mary said, then took a deep breath. “I used my last boon today. To save you.”

And then she explained how Lilith tempted her by giving Mary a cock, how Mary fucked all our sluts, enjoying the pleasure of having a dick. She was tempted to keep the dick, but her love for me overcame her lust. She used her boon to get the same power I have, the power to control others with her words. That’s how she got her four sex slaves that helped subdue me: Joy, Via, April, and Felicity. She confessed that she slept with her father, Sean, and bound her slaves with the Zimmah ritual, making her slaves immune to another person’s control. I had all our sluts bound with the same ritual.

“What do you think it means?” Mark asked.

“I must know someone who is a nun,” Mary shrugged. “Or someone under the control of a nun, I guess. Damn, we really should have had Lilith explain all this.” Then her eyes widened. “She mentions a book. The spells of the witch of Endor or something like that.”

“Endor?” I asked, trying not to laugh, a smirk creepign across my face. “Like Star Wars? Do we need some Ewoks to help us?”

“Maybe I heard wrong?” Mary wondered, then glared at me and wiped the smirk off my face. “Anyway, she said it would complete our magic education.”

Mary stood up and I enjoyed the sight of her naked body as she walked over to her clothes. Her auburn hair fell loosely about her shoulder, her breasts were perky and freckled, and her ass was pleasantly plump. She bent down and I caught a glimpse of her freshly fucked pussy, my cum leaking out of her shaved lips, down her legs. She stood back up, her phone in hand and came back to the bed.

“Here it is,” Mary said after searching on her phone. “It’s called the ‘Magicks of the Witch of Endor’. Let’s see, Wikipedia says, ‘its thought to be a thirteenth century pseudepigrapha attributed to the Witch of Endor from the First Book of Samuel chapter 28 verses 3 thru 25.’ That’s the Old Testament, hmm.”

“What’s a pseudepigrapha?” I asked.

“Um,” she tapped the screen of her phone, “Let’s see, Wikipedia reads, ‘Pseudepigrapha are falsely attributed works, texts whose claimed authorship is represented by a separate author; or a work, whose real author attributed it to a figure of the past.’ I guess that makes it a forgery?”


“The Witch of Endor, sometimes called the Medium of Endor, was a medium who apparently summoned the prophet Samuel’s spirit, at the demand of King Saul of the Kingdom of Israel in the First Book of Samuel, chapter 28:3–25,” the Wikipedia page read.

This was seeming more and more promising, I thought as I scanned the Wikipedia article. All the money I was paying Doug, my P.I., to watch Mark was really paying off. If I could only get my hands on this book, I might have a real, fighting chance to beat Mark and get my wife, Desiree, back from his clutches.

“Only three known copies of the book exist,” the article read. “The Institute for Ancient Studies at New York University have one copy. A second copy is in the private collection of the August Alfred Bernard, Altgrave of Salm-Reifferscheid-Dyck, who resides in Cologne, Germany. The final copy lies in the Motherhouse of the Order of Mary Magdalene, in Rennes-le-Château, France.”


“…Rennes-le-Château, France.” Mary finished reading from the Wikipedia article.

“Well, this is starting to seem more and more likely,” I said. “The Order of Mary Magdalene, that’s what Karen said her nun order was called, right?” Marry nodded. “And if they have this book…” I smiled, we wouldn’t have to consult any unreliable demon like Lilith. Thank god she was gone from our lives, I could always sense hatred and contempt from her. She had already tried to hurt me once, using her succubus powers on me to drain my energy. Luckily, my wish for unlimited sexual stamina protected me.

“So, which one do you want?” Mary asked.

“Want to go to New York?”

Mary’s grin answered that question.


“NYU, Ancient Studies,” a bored young woman answered. “How may I help you.”

“Yes, I was hoping to take a look at the Magicks of the Witch of Endor,” I said.

“What’s your name, sir.”

“Brandon Fitzsimmons,” I answered.

“What’s your field of study.”

“Uhhh,” I floundered, not sure what to say. “Ehh, just an amateur.”

“I’m sorry, sir, only someone in an accredited graduate program or who has a Ph.D. in a related field can see our manuscripts. They are far to valuable and fragile to let just anyone look at them.”

“Do you have a transcript available then?”

“Uhh, let me see.” I could hear typing on a keyboard. “No, not on that book, yet, I’m afraid,” the young woman replied. “Our grant ran out before we finished transcribing all of our manuscripts. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

“No,” I said, sighing, hanging up the phone. I guess I needed to go Europe. I’d try the nun’s first. That was the same order Sister Louise belonged to. Surely they would help me fight Mark and rescue Sister Louise. In his P.I.’s surveillance photos, he could see Sister Louise amongst the harem Mark had gathered in his house going by the name Karen, according to Doug’s transcripts.


“We should leave after my dad’s funeral,” I said. A tightness gripped my chest. My emotions were all mixed up with my dad. I hated him for how abusive he was to me and mom. But part me, the little boy inside, missed his dad. I didn’t blame my mom for shooting him, hell I might have done the same thing myself.

“When is the funeral?” Mary asked, wrapping her arms around me, supportive and gentle.

“Friday at noon,” I told her. “At the Dwyer Funeral Home. They’re cremating him.”

“So, I guess we’ll need plane tickets,” Mary muttered. “I’ll get on Travelocity and get us some plane tickets.”

I laughed. “Why don’t we get our own plane.”

“Ohh, with sexy stewardess?” Mary smiled, those cute dimples appearing on her face and I just had to kiss her. “Mark, I think we need to protect our families,” she said, her face growing serious. “I can control your mother, you can control my father…”

“Yeah,” I sighed, catching Mary’s drift. “We’ll also need more bodyguards.”

“I guess we’ll have to hold more tryouts,” Mary archly said. “C’mon, let’s get dressed. Your mom may want her bedroom back.”

“For what?” I asked.

Mary rolled her eyes, she always did it when she thought my question was stupid. “For her and Betty.”

“Oh, right.” Betty was my mom’s lover. That had been a shock. My straitlaced, Christian mother had been having cheating on my father for years, and with a woman, no less.

“I’m going to play matchmaker,” Mary happily said. “Your mom and Betty looked so cute together.”

“And what did you do with my sister?” I asked, suddenly remembering Antsy. It was weird, an hour ago she seemed like the most important person in the world, and now she was back to being my annoying little sister. Last I saw Antsy, she had been off to answer the door. That’s when my mom had lured me into the bedroom so Mary and her slaves could overpower me and break the spell.

“Oh, she’s up the street with the bodyguards,” Mary answered as she pulled her skirt up her waist. “I’ll give them a call.”

Dressed, Mary and I found my mom talking with Mary’s new sex slaves. I knew three of the slaves. Joy was a Vietnamese stylist that gave Mary her wax. April and Felicity were high school students that Mary and I deflowered last week. The fourth had black hair with red streaks and was dressed as a nurse with blue scrub pants and a white, flowery scrub top. Apparently, her name was Via.

“Sluts,” Mary said in a firm, commanding tone. “This is Mark. He’s your Master. You’ll obey him as happily as you obey me.”

All four voiced their agreement, smiling happily.

“Where do you keep finding these women?” my mom asked. “They are absolutely delightful.”

“Would you like one?” Mary boldly asked.

My mom flushed. “After I spent the night at your house, with Jessica, it’s all I could think about.”

“Well, choose one,” Mary said, “and she’s yours.”

“I…” my mom swallowed. “I couldn’t. It wouldn’t be right.”

“Sure it would,” Mary cooed. “They’ll happily be your slave.”

My mom looked them over and then motioned to Joy. “Can I have this one?” my mom asked. “I know its so wrong but…it’s so exciting, too.”

“Joy, this is Sandy, from now on she’s your primary Mistress.”

“I am so happy to be yours,” Joy gushed in her heavy accent Vietnamese, and sat on my mom’s lap and I felt my cock stir as they started making out. Even at 43, my mom was still a beautiful woman. She exercised daily to keep her body as thin and fit as a twenty year-old.

“Damn, that’s hot,” Mary said and sat down next to my mom, spreading her legs. My cum had run sticky down her thighs. “April, come clean me up.”

“Yes, Mistress,” nerdy April excitedly squeaked and knelt before Mary, her tongue running wetly up Mary’s thigh, licking goblets of cum up.

The door banged open and Antsy walked in. She looked at me and flushed. “Hey,” she said, awkwardly. We both remembered are passionate, spell induced affair. For the last two days, we had been fucking almost none stop. I barely found time to make arrangements for my dad’s funeral between fuckings.

“Uh, hi,” I said. “Listen, we were under a spell, okay.”

“Sure,” she muttered.

“Did you have sex with any women, in Miami?” Mary asked, patting the couch next to her.

Antsy sat down, licking her lips. “Yeah, this chick, Theodora. We had a threesome with a guy we picked up in a bar and she went down on me, I think. I was pretty wasted.”

“Theodora, huh,” I said. So that was the nun’s name. I would have to remember to ask Karen about her.

Mary put her arm around Antsy’s shoulder and caressed her face. “Mark and I shared my sisters, and I was looking forward to sharing you. But, well, stuff happened. So, I want to eat Mark’s cum out of your snatch.”

On the other side of Mary, Joy’s blouse was open and my mom was nuzzling at her Joy’s apple-sized breasts, sucking at her dark nipples. My cock was hard and I walked over to my sister, pulling her to her feet. Antsy licked her lips nervously. “I…I’m a little scared, big bro. What we went through was so intense, I…”

“It’ll be fine,” I reassured her, my cock achingly hard. I sat down next to Mary and put an arm around her as I unzipped my cock. “Come and sit on my dick, little sis.”

“This is so wild,” she muttered and unzipped her jeans, shrugging them off her thin hips. Her cunt was shaved bare and she was sopping wet as she mounted my cock.

I groaned as she slid down my cock, her pussy wet and tight, squeezing wonderfully on my cock. Mary, her face flushed with pleasure as April was eating out her cunt, leaned over and whispered into my ear, “Whose cunt is the best?”

Antsy’s cunt felt great on my dick, but it wasn’t the earth shattering, mind numbing pleasure from last time I was in my little sister. “Yours, Mare,” I whispered back.

“Good,” she moaned. “Hmm, April, have you been practicing your pussy licking?”

“Yes, Mistress, with Felicity,” April answered from beneath Mary’s skirt.

“Oh, bro, it feels different,” Antsy moaned as she rode me a little faster. “You still feel pretty damn good its just not…”

“The best sex you’ve ever had,” I finished.

“Yeah, sorry big bro,” Antsy said with a grin, her hips writhing a little faster.

“You’re forgiven,” I moaned, pushing up her shirt to expose her perky breasts. They were larger than Mary’s by a cup size, and topped with cute, pink nipples. I captured one her hard nipples as she rode me, sucking the pink nub into my mouth and swirled about it with my tongue while Antsy moaned in pleasure.

Mary’s hand reached out and began to fondle Antsy’s butt as she writhed in pleasure on April’s tongue. “Ride my horny stallion!” Mary panted, fondling Antsy’s ass. “Give him a good fuck!”

“I am Mary,” Antsy moaned. “Oh yes, I’ll make sure he shoots plenty of cum inside me for you drink.”

Beyond her, my mom was diddling Joy, her mouth sucking on the Vietnamese slut’s nipples. “Yes, yes, yes, Mistress!” Joy was moaning. “You finger so well!”

Via and Felicity were on the floor, making out. Via’s bottoms and panties had been pulled down and Felicity’s jean skirt flipped up and Via was grinding her cunt into Felicity’s. God, I loved watching girls tribbing. Mary’s pants and moans were growing higher in register as her orgasm neared. Her mouth was nibbling at my neck and licking at my ears.

“Oh, you fucking slut!” Mary gasped. “You naughty little minx, I’m going to cum all over your pretty little face.” She bucked once, moaning loudly as her orgasm rolled through her. “Oh April, you did so good!”

April’s face appeared from beneath Mary’s skirt, smeared with cunt juices, her glasses fogged up. “Oh, I’m so glad, Mistress,” she happily said, rubbing her face against Mary’s thigh like a cat. Mary ran her fingers through April’s bushy hair.

“I’m cumming, big bro!” Antys moaned, suddenly, her cunt quivering on my dick. I slammed my hips up into her and unloaded three blast into her cunt. Antsy rotated her hips once more, before settling down on top of me and kissing me. Her tongue was as nimble as I remembered, but the kiss wasn’t anywhere as sweet as a kiss from my Mary.

Mary stood up and patted the the spot she vacated. “Let me get a taste.”

“Sure,” Antsy breathed. I groaned as my cock slid out of her pussy as she rolled into the empty spot. “I’m not gay, or anything,” Antsy told my fiancee, “but you’re just so beautiful, that I’m gay for you.”

“You can thank your brother for making me bi,” Mary told her, licking her lip as she stared at Antsy’s messy cunt. My cum was running out of her lips, milky and mixed with her juices. “Hmm, looks delicious,” Mary husked, as she knelt down between my sister’s spread thighs. “Antsy, would you like to be one of my bridesmaids.”

“What?” Antsy asked, looking down at Mary between her thighs.

“For the weddings?” Mary asked. “Mark has three groomsmen and I need a third bridesmaid. I would absolutely love it if you were one of them.”

“Sure, Mary,” Antsy said. “How can I say no to a girl about to go down on me.”

I watched eagerly as my fiancee’s tongue dug through my little sister’s slit, gathering a huge gob of cum and gulping it down. April was watching and I pointed at my cock. The girl was a good slut and knelt down next to Mary and began licking my cock. She remembered all I taught her about cock sucking, her tongue licking softly up my shaft, tasting my sister’s tart and spicy flavor upon my dick.

Joy was slipping down on the floor, unbuttoning my mother’s jeans while mom licked Joy’s juices off her fingers. Mom lifted her ass up, allowing Joy to pull her pants and panties down her legs, exposing her hairy, brown fur. “Oh, yes, sweetie,” my mom moaned as Joy began lapping at her cunt. “Hmm, lick momma’s cunt.”

Antsy looked over at mom. “You’re so beautiful, momma.”

My mom’s hazel eyes flickered open and she gazed lovingly at my sister. “Not as beautiful as you’ve become, Samantha.” I just about flooded April’s sucking mouth as my mom leaned in and kissed my sister on the lips. Antsy closed her eyes and leaned in, her hand reaching up to stroke my mom’s cheek as they made out.

April was bobbing her head on my cock, sucking and twirling her tongue while her fist pumped up and down on my shaft. I looked down and saw Mary’s hand rubbing on Antsy’s thigh as she devoured my sister’s cunt. I reached down and placed my hand atop hers and Mary looked up, smiling, her lips stained with my cum and Antsy’s juices, and then she dived back in.

The doorknob rattled and everyone froze as the front door creaked open. “Hey, Sandy,” a woman called out. “My mom baked a casserole for you.”

Betty Cooley, my mom’s lover, walked in holding a glass casserole dish and a look of stunned hurt painted her face mocha-skinned face. Disbelief gleamed in her blue eyes. Her lips worked soundlessly as she took in the scene. Her lover was making out with her daughter while an Asian woman went down on her. Her son was getting a blowjob from another woman, and her daughter had a red-head going down on her. And, in the center of the living room, two girls writhed atop each other. It must have been quite the shock to her.

Betty was my own age, in fact I once asked her out to a school dance. She said no. She was half-black and half-white which gave her this beautiful, light chocolate skin and brilliant blue eyes. She was so exotic looking. When the economy tanked, Betty moved back in with her parents and she and my mom became close and somehow fell into being lovers. Last Saturday night my dad caught them in bed together. My mom believed he was going to hurt Betty, so she shot him in the back. He probably was going to hurt her, the guy was an abusive, drunken asshole.

Mary was the quickest of us to react, standing up and reaching the stunned woman, placing an arm around her shoulder. “It’s okay. It’s just a family that’s expressing their love for each other.”

“I’m sorry, Betty,” my mom said, covering her face in shame. “I…I don’t know what to say.”

“It’s okay, Sandy,” Mary soothed taking the casserole from Betty and handing it off to Via who scurried off to the kitchen with it, her naked ass flashing beneath the hem of her scrub top.

Betty was wearing a flowery sundress and Mary reached beneath her dress and pulled off a racy pair of red panties. Mary tossed the panties to me and I gave them a sniff. Betty had a spicy musk. Mary led her over to me and I saw that naughty glint in her eyes. Mary knew I once had a big crush on Betty when I was fifteen.

“April, why don’t you finish Antsy off,” I told her.

“Yes, Master,” April said, my cock popping out of her mouth. She scooted over and Antsy gasped as April dived into her cunt.

“Betty, just sit down on Mark’s cock and everything will feel better,” Mary whispered in the girls ear.

“Okay,” Betty whispered. She glanced at my mom, who smiled and nodded at her while Joy nosily ate out her pussy.

I groaned as Betty’s tight cunt slowly sank down on my cock, wet and tight. It was my boyhood fantasies come true. I spent so many nights jerking off into my sock thinking about Betty Cooley riding my dick. Betty sank all the way down on my cock, her eyes closed, her mouth open in silent pleasure.

Mary sat behind her on my legs, pressing her body up against Betty’s back and licked at her ear. “Mmhh, doesn’t Mark’s cock feel great inside you?”

“Yes,” Betty whispered, her hips slowly starting to move on my cock. “Ohh, I haven’t had a cock in me for years.”

Mary reached her hands up, pulling the straps of her sundress off Betty’s round shoulder, pushing the dress down to expose a racy, red bra supporting her round breasts. Mary released the clasp and her beautiful, chocolate breasts spilled out before me, dark nipples erect. I rubbed my face between them, enjoying the silky softness as Betty rode my cock.

“Now, Betty, do you still love Sandy?” Mary whispered into Betty’s ear.

“I do,” Betty moaned, her hips moving a little faster, her nipple hard against my cheek. “I love you, Sandy!”

“How about you, Sandy?” Mary asked.

“God help me,” my mom admitted, looking surprised. Joy was still eating her pussy out. “I, I guess I do. Even though its wrong.”

“Love is never wrong,” Mary told my mom, firmly. “Now, Sandy, I have three orders for you and you can choose to ignore any other thing I tell you, okay. One, you will be available to Mark so he can perform the Zimmah ritual whenever he needs to.” For me to perform the ritual, I need to fuck my mom, cum in her cunt, and have whatever Thrall I was binding drink our combined fluids. It was an important ritual. The only way to ensure our sluts couldn’t be controlled by someone else was to bind them, otherwise a nun could turn them against us. “Two, you will let me perform the Zimmah ritual on you. Three, you will move into our neighborhood and let Mark and I protect you from our enemies.”

“O-okay,” Sandy admitted, then she gave Betty a tremulous smile. “Would you like to,” she took a deep breath, “…move in with me?”

“Yeah,” Betty gasped as I sucked her nipple into my mouth. Mary reached around, her soft hands playing with Betty’s breasts as I nursed at her Betty’s nipple. “I’d love that, Sandy.”

“This is Joy, she’s our sex slave,” Sandy introduced.

Joy looked up, her almond eyes shining with happiness, her lips sticky with mom’s juices. “I hope to make you very happy, Mistress,” Joy said to Betty in her thick, Vietnamese accent.

Betty’s eyes nodded, lust shining in her eyes. “Betty, I’m going to give you a few orders and then you can ignore whatever else I tell you. First, having a sex slave if perfectly normal. Second, you will let me perform the ritual of Zimmah on you. Third, incest is perfectly all right. Okay, sweety?”

“What’s the Zima ritual. Isn’t that the weird alcohol from the Nineties?” asked Betty, turning her head to look back at Mary.

“It’s a spell,” Mary told her. “And it has nothing to do with any alcoholic drink.” Mary caught her lips in a kiss as Betty’s cunt rubbed velvety wet against around my cock.

Next to me, Antsy gave out a little shriek and shuddered on the couch, her eyes fluttering as an orgasm washed over her. “Ooh, that was nice. Can I have a sex slave?” Antsy eagerly asked. “They seem kinda neat. It’s nice having someone available to lick your pussy when you get horny.

I released Betty’s nipple. “Sure,” I told her and pulled my sister’s face in and kissed her on the lips. “Love you, baby sis.”

“You can have Via,” Mary said. “Ask to pee in her mouth, she loves it.”

“I do,” Via said, kneeling down before Antsy, behind April. “Would you pee in my mouth, Mistress?”

Antsy blinked at her. “Um, I guess I could.”

Mary gave Antsy similar orders that she gave my mom: to move into the neighborhood and to let Mary perform the Zimmah ritual on her and then she could ignore any other orders Mary gave her.

Betty was riding my cock pretty fast, working hard to make us both cum. Mary was sucking at her neck, one hand playing with her breast, the other reached down and found Betty’s hard clit and rubbed it between her fingers. Via had been pestering Antsy, and my sister had finally caved in and agreed to piss in Via’s mouth.

“Fine, I’ll piss in your mouth,” Antsy said, standing up.

Via excitedly knelt before her, sealing her mouth tight to my little sister’s cunt. Antsy just stood there as everyone, except Betty, watched her. Betty kept right on fucking me, her hips writhing as she fucked me, my hips thrusting up into her. She was nearing her orgasm, her gasps and moans growing louder and higher in pitch.

“Please stop looking,” Antsy muttered. “I can’t go if everyone’s looking.

Mom stood up. She had cum a few minutes ago on Joy’s mouth, and walked up behind Antsy, pressing her body into her daughter’s back and licked at Antsy’s ears. “It’s okay, Samantha. I think we are all passed being embarrassed about the nasty things we like to do,” mom whispered.

Antsy nodded, and I could see her body relax and then I could hear the urine splashing in Via’s mouth. Antsy sighed, “Fuck this is nasty.”

Antsy through back her head as mom found her tits and begin pinching her daughter’s nipples. Antsy finished peeing and Via started licking at her cunt, a trickle of yellow liquid ran out the corner of her mouth and down her neck, soaking into the top of her scrubs.

“Fuck, you’re one nasty slut, Via,” Antsy moaned, rubbing her ass into mom’s stomach as she writhed on Via’s face.

Betty was fucking me faster, grinding her clit into my pubic bone as she bent down and kissed me on the lips. “I should have said yes when you asked me out to that dance,” Betty whispered into my ear. “Your cock is amazing! I just didn’t want to…to not be popular.”

She moaned into my ear, and then her cunt was squeezing my cock, hard, as she rode me. Her body trembled in our arms. Mary was licking at her ear as I groaned and spilled my seed inside Betty’s cunt, inside my mom’s lover. Mary got off my lap and sat down next to me and I put my arm around her, pulling her close. “Thank you, Mare, you’re the best.” I told her and kissed her.

“You found a winner there, son,” mom said as she walked over from Antsy. She bent down and kissed Mary, too. Then she grabbed Betty and pulled her off my cock. “Come on, my chocolate bunny, I want to eat my son’s cum out of your cunt.” My mom led her lover and her sex slave away, down the hall, to her bedroom.

Antsy was shuddering on Via’s mouth. “Fuck, that was hot.”

“So you’ll pee in my mouth again?” Via asked, hopefully.

“Hell, ya, slut!” Antsy excitedly said. “I came so fast and hard on your nasty, pee drinking mouth. What should we do tonight?”

“Well, there’s this great club called the Clam Diver,” Via said.

“I’m not twenty-one,” Antsy said, looking crestfallen.

“Oh, they’ll let any pretty girl in,” Via confided. “You’ll love it.”

“Sure, let’s go,” Antsy said, then led Via off to her bedroom. “Let’s find something for us to wear. You look about my size.”

“Are you going to tell her that the Clam Diver’s a lesbian club?” Mary asked me.

“That’s the club you went to last week?” I asked Mary.

“Yeah, I met Via there.”

I laughed. “Well, Antsy may not be gay, yet.”

We got our clothes straightened out and headed for my Mustang. Mary had one of the bodyguards, a black gal called 25, drive her Eos while 30 followed us in her squad car. Mary wanted to stop by her family and give them the same instructions. Her dad just lived up the street from my mom. Turned out we both went to Washington High School, I was the class of 2004 and she was the class of 2012. Small world, huh. I gave her dad identical orders to the ones my mom got. Since Mary was putting my family under her control, I would control her family. We gave her dad Felicity for a sex slave.

“So you can have your very own high school student to fuck, dad,” Mary fondly says. “I just bet there are loads of your students you’ve been secretly fantasizing over.”

Sean had an embarrassed smile on his as he took his new sex slave off to his bedroom.

Missy, Mary’s younger sister, was also home, she was still in High School, and her boyfriend Damien was over. I talked to Damien’s parents and they quickly agreed it was for the best that Damien moved in with his girlfriend. Last Saturday, at Missy’s request, I ordered the two teens to love each other forever. I gave the two teenage lovebirds the same orders Mary gave my sister, and we were going to give April to Missy and Damien, but she insisted on a classmate, Dawn Cooper.

“She always picked on me,” Missy complained. “We shared a bus stop and she would always say mean things to me.”

Mary hugged her sister. “I remember the little skank. It’ll feel really nice when she’s yours to abuse.” Mary kissed her little sister on the lips.

“Damn that’s hot,” muttered Damien. “Could I have Mrs. Corra, my math teacher. She has these amazing knockers and always dresses to show them off.”

I laughed, remembering Damien mentioning some busty teacher he had a thing for last Friday. “Sure, do you know where she lives?”

Damien shook his head. “Her first name’s Polly,” he added helpfully. What the hell, I liked the kid, so I promised I’d track his teacher down for him.

Mary knew where Dawn lived, it was just up the road from her dad’s house. When we knocked on the door, a middle-aged man, balding, with salt-and-pepper hair. “Hello?” he asked, annoyed. “If you’re preaching or selling I’m not interested.”

“No, no,” I told him. “Is your daughter, Dawn home.”

“Yeah,” he frowned. “Who are you.”

“My name is Mark and I have a wonderful opportunity for your daughter,” I said, smiling. “You are just so proud that your daughter has been chosen to be a sex slave.”

A proud, fatherly smile blossomed on his face. “How wonderful for her.”

“So, she’ll be moving out of your house, of course, but don’t worry, she’ll be very happy.”

He just nodded his head. “Dawn, come here, there’s a man here to see you. He’s got some great news.”

A voluptuous, teenage temptress in daisy dukes and a tight, low cut halter-top, sauntered up. There was a sneer on her face, framed by bleached-blonde hair. She eyed me and glared at her dad. “What? I was texting, dad!” she had a bitchy tone to her voice. She was still texting, her fingers flying across the keypad. How did teenage girls text so fast?

“Precious, Mark, here, has chosen you to be a sex slave,” her father told her. “Isn’t that wonderful?”

An incredulous look crossed the bitches face. “What the fuck, dad! Have you lost your mind!”

“Dawn,” I barked. “You’re going to be a sex slave from now on, you’ll do whatever your Master or your Mistress wants you to do, slut!”

“I…yes,” she mumbled.

“She’s a handful, isn’t she?” I asked her dad.

“Yeah, she can be quite a trial,” he admitted.

“I bet you’ve always wanted to rip off those shorts and spank her naughty tush,” Mary said, licking her lips. “That pert ass is just begging to be spanked.”

“No, I never spanked her. I believe it’s wrong to spank a child,” Dawn’s dad admitted. “It causes all sorts of development problems.”

“Well, if you don’t want to,” Mary said with a wicked smile and she grabbed Dawn and boldly went inside the house, “then you can watch me. I love spanking naughty little sluts asses. And I remember how mean you were to my little sis.”

I followed my fiancee in the house, leading April. Mary was pulling off her halter-top, exposing a nice pair of teenage melons. Mary squeezed a tit. “No, bra, slut?”

“No, I like boys to see my nips,” Dawn admitted with a flush.

“Did you know how much of a whore your daughter is?” I asked, sitting down on the couch. April knew what to do, and fished out my cock and started sucking.

Mary was tugging down Dawn’s daisy dukes, exposing a tight ass, a pair of cute dimples dotted her cheeks. Mary stroked her ass and then pulled Dawn down across her lap. Dawn squirmed, her firm, teenage ass shaking in fear.

Mary smacked her ass, a loud, stinging sound, that brought a cry of pain from Dawn. I could see a red handprint on her ass. April was bobbing her head on my cock and I leaned back into the couch and enjoyed the show. Mary did love spanking naughty sluts and I loved to watch her do it.

“Oh, that hurt,” Dawn objected. “Daddy, help.”

“I’m sorry, Dawn,” her dad said evenly, “but you have been a bad girl, and I don’t know how to control you anymore.”

Mary reached under her chest, to her hanging tits, and pinched a nipple, hard, bringing a yelp from Dawn’s lips. “A good slut counts the spanking and says, ‘Thank you, Mistress.’ Understand, slut?”

“Y-yes,” Dawn stammered. “One, thank you, Mistress.”

Mary released her nipple. “Good.”

Smack! Dawn’s ass jiggled from the force of Mary’s spank. “Two, thank you, Mistress.”

I stroked April’s bushy, brown hair, as she gobbled my dick, my cock brushing the back of her throat. I grabbed April’s hair as Mary spanked Dawn again. “Three, thank you, Mistress.” I forced April’s head down and she didn’t fight me as I pushed my cock all the way into her mouth, down her tight throat. Smack! “Four, thank you, Mistress!”

The room was filled with stinging spanks, April’s sloppy blowjob, and Dawn’s count. Her father was staring at his daughter’s ass, at her shaved cunt peaking wetly between her thighs, a bulge growing in his pants. Mary saw it too, smiling naughtily.

Smack! “Eleven, thank you, Mistress.”

“You sure you don’t want to spank your daughter’s pert ass?” Mary asked, caressing Dawn’s red cheeks, her fingers dipping down to run through her shaved cunt. “God, she’s soaking wet. What a slut. She’s been practicing to be a sex slave all her life, hasn’t she. Dressing slutty, cock-teasing any poor man who saw her, dropping her panties to any half-way handsome guy that looked at her. Don’t you want to punish such a wanton daughter?”

“I…” her dad started to say and then he moved forward and grabbed his daughter’s arm and pulled her to her feet and dragged her over to the couch and bent her across the chair arm. He drew back his hand and smacked her hard on the ass.

“One,” she squeaked. “Thank you…daddy!”

Mary got up, walked over to me and pulled April’s mouth off my cock. “Thanks for getting him ready, slut,” Mary told the nerdy girl.

“You’re welcome, Mistress,” April smiled as Mary sank her wet cunt down on my hard dick.

As Mary rode my cock, we watched the father spank his daughter’s ass over and over. “Fucking whore!” he suddenly shouted. “You’re just like your cunt of a mother! She was a whore, too! And you grew up to be just like her!”

Spank. “Nine, thank you daddy!”

Mary’s cunt felt amazing on my dick as she rode me. I slipped a hand up her blouse and found her perky breast and played with her hard nipple. Mary squeezed her cunt appreciatively on my dick as I fondled her. I pulled up her blouse and found her dusky nipple, and sucked it into my mouth, playing with the hard nub.

Spank! “Thirteen, thank you daddy!”

“Fucking whore,” her dad moaned. “You were always dressing like a fucking slut!” Then he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, pulling out his cock. “Not caring how your slutty clothes were affecting your poor father! Well, you’re a sex slave, now,” he muttered. “And sex slaves get fucked.”

Dawn gasped as her dad thrust his cock into her cunt, fucking her frantically fast. He pumped in her maybe ten times and then spewed his cum into his daughter’s teenage cunt. He pulled out, stumbling back, breathing hard. Mary was fucking me faster as we watched, her breath quickening as her orgasm approached.

Dawn walked over to her dad, who sank down into the chair, and sat on his lap. “I’m sorry, daddy, for being such a bad girl. I promise I’ll be the best sex slave, ever. I’ll make you proud, daddy.”

I spilled my seed into Mary as her cunt clenched on my cock, her body bucking atop me as her orgasm rolled through her. I let go of her hard nipple, and captured her lips in a kiss. Mary felt nice as she rested atop me, her lips soft and gentle as we kissed, before she rolled off me.

Father and daughter cuddled on the chair as Mary had April clean up her cunt. I pulled out my phone, searching for Damien’s teacher on whitepages.com. His teacher was the third P. Corra I called and she was more than happy to be Damien’s sex slave. I asked her to send me a photo of herself, curious to see what Damien found so hot about his teacher.

A minute later she sent me a photo of her taken using her closet door mirror. She was in her early thirties, brown hair, dressed in a tight, black pencil skirt that showed off her curvy hips and ass, a low-cut blouse that her rather large tits almost seemed to be about ready to spill out of. Her face was beautiful, horn-rimmed glassed were perched on her cute nose, and beneath those frames were these big, pouty lips just made for cock sucking. She had a Mrs. Robinson vibe that must have every boy she taught jerking off into socks and Kleenexes thinking about her.

I called Mary’s older sister, Shannon, next. She lived in Milton with her boyfriend, George. Farther than I wanted to drive today. She answered the phone and I spoke to the two of them on speaker phone and gave them the same orders I gave Missy.

“If you guys want, I can get you a girl, like the ones at my house,” I told them.

“Really,” George eagerly asked. “One of your bang-maids.”

“Oh you horny devil,” Shannon giggled.

“What, you said we could have another threesome,” George pointed out.

“All right, George,” Shannon fondly said. “Mark’s…bang maids seemed quite happy.”

“Any requests?” i asked.

“Hot,” George said, then he laughed. “Stop tickling me Shannon.”

“Ooh, that’s all you want is hot,” Shannon chortled. “Nothing else? No blonde with giant tits? No petite, Asian schoolgirl that’s eighteen but looks ten?”

“Smoking hot, I guess. I don’t know,” George laughed. “I give up, you can pick sweetypie.”

“Your secretary,” Shannon answered.


“I’ve seen you panting after her,” Shannon answered. “I’ve seen how she bends over, showing off her ass to you. She’s been trying to seduce you for weeks. The little tramp.”

“I’d never cheat on you,” George promised.

“And you won’t, not if she’s our bang-maid,” Shannon declared. “And she can be your bang-secretary at work. Keep you from straying when I’m not around.”

George laughed. “How could I cheat on the best girlfriend in the world?”

George gave me Starla’s number and Starla was so happy to be their bang-maid. “I’ve had a crush on him for so long,” Starla confessed. “I’ll be the best sex-slave for them.”

When I hung up, I looked over at Dawn, who was still cuddling with her dad. “Dawn, go to Missy Sullivan’s house,” I ordered. “She’s you new, primary Mistress.”

“Okay,” Dawn said, getting off her father’s lap and bent down to grab her daisy dukes.

Mary slapped her ass. “Did Mark tell you to get dress, slut?”

“No, Mistress,” Dawn gasped and disappeared naked out the door, she didn’t even put shoes on.

We got in my Mustang, April in the back seat, and I drove us towards 512, our bodyguards following. We passed the naked Dawn, walking as quickly as she could on her bare feet towards Missy’s house, her red ass swaying a she walked.

I reached over and placed my hand on Mary’s thigh, stroking her silky skin. “You’re so beautiful, Mare,” I told her.

She gave me a sultry smile. “Do you want me to suck your cock, Mark?” I smiled and nodded. “It’s just too dangerous while you’re driving, Mark.”

“You’re so amazing, so perfect,” I told her, sliding my hand higher on her thigh. “I’m just so horny for you.” I stopped at a light, and bent over and nuzzled at her beautiful neck. “I just love you so much, Mare.”

“Fine,” she said. “But this is the last time.” She always said that it was the last time, but I always managed to convince her to do it again.

Mary bent over, unzipping my pants, fishing my hard cock out of my pants. Her mouth was wet as she sucked my cock. I turned onto 512, accelerating quickly as my fiancee swirled her tongue about my cock’s head.

“Damn, your mouth feels great, Mare!”I moaned.

Mary was cupping my balls, now, her deft fingers playing with my nuts. She started bobbing her head, sliding down my cock and then sucking as she slid up. I groaned, enjoying the suction on my cock’s head. Every time she went down, more and more of cock disappeared into her mouth. I was brushing her throat, and then I was sliding down her throat. Mary worked my entire cock into her mouth. Her throat was tight, and rubbed deliciously on my cock head.

When Mary got all my cock down her throat, she would slid up my shaft, flick at the head of my cock with her tongue, and then deepthroat me all over again. Over and over, bringing me close and close to flooding her sweet mouth with my cum.

“God, you’re the best, Mare!” I moaned, my balls tightening. “About to cum, Mare.”

She pulled up my cock until only me sensitive head was in her lips, swirling her tongue about it while she fisted my shaft. My balls tightened and then I was spewing into her mouth. She swallowed my entire load, squeezing my cock as she slowly stroked it to draw out the last of my cum.

Mary sat up, smiling, licking the little bit of cum that stained her lips. “Thanks, Mark. I missed that.”

“I thought you didn’t like blowing me when I drove?”

“I didn’t say I hated it,” Mary smiled, “Just that it’s not safe.”

Mary’s phone beeped and she pulled it out and smiled. She showed me the picture as I was stopped at a light. It was Dawn, licking Missy’s foot. “Thank’s for the slut! :-)” Missy captioned.

“I think you may have corrupted your sister,” I said with a smile.

“That’s an understatement,” Mary laughed wickedly.

The sluts were all waiting when we got home, dressed in their non-slutty clothes. “Master!” they happily squealed. Allison, her bubblegum-pink hair flowing behind her, was the first to reach me. She threw her arms around me and kissed on the lips.

Desiree, Allison’s fiancee, hugged me, next. Her nut-brown face was flush with excitement. “Welcome back mi Rey!”

All the sluts had to kiss me: strawberry-blonde Fiona, doll-faced Korina, Thamina in her headscarf, busty yet petite Xiu, sandy-blonde Noel, cinnamon-skinned Willow, Chasity in her cop outfit, Karen the former nun, teenage Violet, caramel-skinned Jessica, and goth Lillian.

“Sluts are supposed to be naked or in their slutty outfits in the house,” I scolded the sluts after they had their kisses.

“You said our ugly bodies should be covered,” Thamina said. “W-we were just following what you said, Master.”

“None of you have ugly bodies, so go change,” I told them. “I want to see all of your sexy flesh exposed, sluts!”

The happy sluts all scampered away and returned in a few minutes. Most were dressed as sexy maids with transparent tops that showed off their hard nipples, and short skirts that would reveal their asses if they bent over even a little bit. Thamina and Willow were in their sexy nurses outfits, sheer tops that revealed off their dark breasts and nipples, and short skirts. Jessica had a sexy, office lady outfit, extremely short business skirt, sheer blouse, and fishnet stockings. Noel and Chasity had on their sexy cop uniforms, short skirts, thigh-high, black boots and blouses half-unbuttoned that showed off their ample assets. Korina had her sling on, and nothing else. She got shot before she was able to get her maid outfit.

“I have a present for all my sluts,” I said, motioning to April and the Kay Jeweler bag she held. On the way home we stopped by to pick up the jewelry I ordered last week. It was ready yesterday, but I was just too busy fucking Antsy to pick it up. When we picked these up, I ordered one for April, so it would be a few days before she got hers. I pulled out the first box, opening it up. Inside was a gold choker. Lillian’s name, written with emeralds, adorned the front and underneath was engraved, “Mark and Mary’s slut forever.”

Lillian stepped up when I called her. Her black hair was streaked with blue and purple highlights, and tied in two pigtails. Her face was pale, with black lipstick and dark mascara. Her lip, eyebrow, and nose were pierced with delicate, gold rings. She was trembling when I clasped the choker tight about her pale throat.

Lillian fingered it. “Now everyone will know who I belong to,” she whispered, tears glistening at her eyes. “Thank you, Master. I’m so happy you came into my work and made me yours!” Lillian knelt down, rubbing her face against my hardening cock. My zipper rasped metallically, my boxers pushed down and Lillian had my cock out, her tongue happily licking at my cock.

Mary fished out the next box, opening it up. Inside was a silver choker with a sapphire name. “Noel,” Mary read.

Noel’s gray-blue eyes shone with happiness. Mary brushed aside her sandy-blonde hair as she put the choker around Noel’s neck and then kissed the FBI slut on the lips. “Thank you, Mistress.” Noel dropped to her knees, pushing up Mary’s skirt. Mary smiled, rubbing her hand through Noel’s sandy hair as the slut began licking at her cum-filled pussy.

Willow got a gold and ruby choker and joined Lillian on the floor. They both were servicing my cock, half-licking my dick and half-french kissing each other. Mary placed a silver and emerald choker about Xiu’s neck, and the Chinese slut knelt behind Mary and started rimming her ass.

I place a gold and amethyst choker about Violet’s throat. Willow had my cock in her sucking mouth, now, as Lillian kissed at the shaft. Violet walked over to April and took her hand. “So, you’re our new slut-sister?” Violet asked.

April nodded shyly.

“You’re so cute with these glasses,” Violet told her, stroking her face then the two teenage girls were kissing.

My balls were tightening from Lillian and Willow’s hard work on my cock. The little sluts were taking turns sucking my cock into their mouths, passing them back and forth. Violet was kneeling down and lifting up April’s skirt and pulled down the girls white panties.

“Umm, that’s good,” moaned April as Violet began to devour her cunt. Violet was a sweet girl.

Mary gave Allison a gold choker with her name written with diamonds and pulled the teen to her and kissed her on the mouth. I could tell by the way Mary’s body writhed that my filly was having a great orgasm on Noel and Xiu’s lips. I grit my teeth and came in Willow’s mouth. The slut released my cock and aimed it so the next blast caught Lillian in the face, then the final blast splashed on her own happy face.

“Thank you, Master,” Lillian purred and then started licking my cum off Willow’s cheek.

I placed a gold choker about Korina’s throat with her name written in opals on it. “How was the doctor’s appointment.” Korina had been shot last week when the nun attacked us. Yesterday, Korina had a checkup with her doctor, but I was too eager to fuck Antsy to check up on her when I got back home last night.

“I’ll get the sling off next week,” Korina answered. “And I have to go to physical therapy three times a week.”

I caressed her doll’s face. “I haven’t fucked you since you got hurt, have I?”

“No, Master,” Korina said, a smile on her beautiful, doll’s face. Her blue eye’s sparkled with lust.

“Do you feel up to it?”

“I do, Master,” she cooed. “Fiona’s been licking my pussy for a few days, but I need your cock in me, again. We just have to be careful.”

I sat down on on the recliner and Korina careful straddled my waist. Her large tits swayed, partially covered by her left arm in the sling. I could smell the musky, sweet smell of her arousal. She was smiling happily as her tight cunt slid down my cock. She was warm and wet and started rising up and down on my cock so achingly slow.

“Oh, Master! Your cock feels so good inside me,” Korina moaned. “Oh, thank you! Umm, I missed this so much!”

Mary continued passing out the chokers while Korina slowly rode me. She never went fast, and I could see her wince in pain as her arm would get jostled, but she persevered. Her cunt was tight and so very wet.

“You feel so good on my cock,” I moaned. “Wet and velvety tight!”

A smile played on her lips and she bent over and, careful not to jostle her arm, kissed me on the lips as she rode my cock. Her slow pace was amazingly sweet as her pussy walls rubbed velvety against my cock’s head. Every slow rise and fall of her cunt on my cock was bringing me closer and closer to cumming.

“Fuck, I’m going to flood your slutty cunt!” I grunted. “You ready for my cum?”

“Yes!” she shrieked, throwing her head back. Her hips started moving faster and faster, a flush creeping across her body. “Cum in me, Master! Use my body as your cum dump! Fill my naught cunt with your spunk!”

Her hips were moving faster and faster as her orgasm neared. She was no longer caring about the pain, she was too close to cumming to care. Her head was thrown back, her eyes squeezed shut and she let out a low, throaty moan as her cunt contracted on my cock. She slammed down on my cock, burying me all the way into her cunt. I squeezed her ass cheeks and gasped as I flooded her cunt.

“Ohh, thank you, master,” she murmured, kissing me gently.

Fiona was smiling as she watched Korina cum on my cock, a silver choker with her name written in yellow heliodors tight about her throat. She helped Korina off of me, kissed her tenderly, and led her over to the couch, sitting the doll-faced slut down. Fiona knelt on the floor, her strawberry-blonde hair spilling across Korina’s thighs as she began to lick my cum out Korina’s cunt. Fiona’s short, maid’s skirt had ridden up, exposing her curvy, freckled ass. I could see her brown, puckered asshole winking at me.

I looked around the living room. Mary was naked now, lying atop Chasity, tribbing with our cop slut. Chasity had a gold choker, her name written with rubies, around her throat. Desiree and Allison were sixty-nining. April was going down on Violet this time while Lillian was going down on Willow, my cum licked clean from both of their faces. Karen, a silver and amethyst choker about her neck, was making out with Jessica, a gold choker set with sapphires tight about her caramel throat. Thamina was pulling on Xiu’s nipple piercings as the two rubbed their cunts on each other’s thighs.

I knelt behind Fiona. My cock was lubed with Korina’s cunt so I slid easily into Fiona’s ass. Fiona moaned lustfully into Korina’s cunt as I began to fuck her ass. I smiled, looking around the room. I almost lost all of this. If Mary had not freed me from the nun’s spell, I would have been chained to one cunt for the rest of my life. There was one cunt I could be satisfied with for the rest of my life. I caught her green eyes as she rubbed her cunt against Chasity’s. Mary smiled at me. She was so beautiful. I could be happy only with her.

I needed to speak with Karen about this new nun, Theodora. About the golden thread that I saw touching Mary’s aura. But Fiona’s ass felt too good on my cock for me to be worried about that right now. There would be plenty of time later on tonight or tomorrow to talk with Karen.

“Ohh, fuck me Master!” Fiona moaned. “I love your cock up my slutty ass!”

I smiled, I was home, balls deep in a sluts ass.


“Master!” Jessica shouted, half in a panic, turning on the television.

I was cuddling with Mary on the couch. Scattered about the room were the sluts, napping and cuddling with each other. Everyone one of the sluts wanted to get fucked by me, and I came in at least one of their holes. It had been a wild few hours. I had April sit on my face while Violet rode my cock. Mary had put on her strap-on and we double-teamed busty Xiu. I fucked her ass while Mary fucked her cunt. Then Jessica was sucking on my cock, kneeling like a dog, while Mary pounded Jessica’s ass and Willow rimmed my ass.

“What?” I asked as she changed to channel five.

“I got a tip, KING 5’s about to run a story about you, Master,” Jessica answered. Jessica was a reporter for KIRO 7. I recruited her to keep tabs on the media. “It’s suppose to lead the eleven o’clock news.”

The credits for some NBC show raced across the screen. KING 5 was the local NBC affiliate for Seattle. Then the news music played and it cut to the anchors. “Good evening, I’m Larry Siemen,” the male anchor introduced.

“And I’m Natalie Kramer, bringing you Seattle’s best news. Tonight we are joined by investigative reporter, Carlos Guiterrez, for an explosive story about sex, bank robberies, and corruption in Pierce County.”

“Thank you, Natalie,” a middle-aged Hispanic said. “Nearly two weeks ago, in Puyallup, this man,” a surveillance photo of me at the Best Buy appeared in the upper right corner of the screen, “used some as yet unidentified gas causing the now famous Best Buy Incident. This same man reportedly robbed a Kay Jewelers the same day. He was seen with two women,” pictures of Mary and Allison appeared on the screen. “This same man appeared in Seattle a few days later, and held, by all accounts, a wild sex party in the Sky City Restaurant at the Space Needle and was briefly implicated in the disappearance of Violet Matheson.”

“Wow,” the female anchor interjected. “And do we know who this man is?”

“Authorities do,” Carlos said. “His name is Mark Glassner. Last week, he robbed several banks in Pierce County, using his gas to make the branch mangers open the safes while he sexually assaulted several female bank tellers.”

“Mark Glassner, isn’t that the guy who the FBI raided last Thursday morning?” the male anchor interjected. “I believe the FBI spokesman said they were mistaken, that Mark Glassner wasn’t the person responsible for these crimes.”

“You are referring to Special Agent Kip Peterson,” Carlos nodded. “He famously gave that interview to Jessica St. Pierre from KIRO 7 news.”

A clip played from the interview. “Mark Glassner is an innocent man,” Peterson said. “It was all my fault. I was too eager to make an arrest in the case, I didn’t use good judgment and our raid has terrorized an innocent man and his family.” I smiled, remembering how I made Agent Peterson give that embarrassing interview. The clip ended, cutting back to the news desk.

“I have documents here,” Carlos said, holding up some papers, “from a source in the Justice Department that show Agent Peterson is being investigated by the Office of Professional Responsibility, the FBI’s Internal Affairs. He’s being investigated for corruption and incompetence. The FBI had concrete evidence on Mr. Glassner, yet Peterson, after raiding Mr. Glassner’s house, claimed he was innocent.”

“The FBI thinks their Agent was bribed by Mr. Glassner?” the female reporter asked in astonishment.

“Yes,” Carlos answered. “Mr. Glassner has stolen over forty million dollars.”

“Wow, that is unbelievable,” the male anchor said.

“Today, I received a series of surveillance photos from the home owner,” Carlos said. “The house the FBI raided is owned by Brandon Fitzsimmons, who claims his wife is living with Mr. Glassner. Mr. Fitzsimmons had hired a private investigator to watch the house and the P.I. caught the entire raid on film.”

A video played, showing the backyard and left side of our house. A little of the front yard could also be seen and the cul-de-sac in front of the house. You could just make out police cars and swat vans parked before our house in the gray, pre-dawn light.

“Son of a bitch,” I muttered.

“Master, that had to be taken from one of the houses on Shaw Road,” Noel said in alarm.

“Figure out which,” I ordered, anger burning inside me. Chasity and Noel headed for the back of the house.

“The interesting part came after the Pierce County Sheriff Department’s SWAT officers raided the house on the FBI’s behalf,” Carlos continued.

Photos appeared, close up of various windows on the rear and side of the house. You could see SWAT officers in various states of undressed fucking our sluts, blurred to hide any nudity. Fuck, the sluts had all gotten horny that morning and saw Mary fucking two SWAT officers. The sluts asked if they could play with the handsome officers, and I didn’t seem any harm in letting the boys in blue get laid.

“What am I watching here?” the female reporter asked, stunned.

“In the surveillance photo’s we’ve received there are upwards of a dozen women living in the house,” Carlos answered. “They appear in various states of undress, and they appear to be giving sexual favors to the SWAT officers as some sort of bribes.”

“This is just astounding,” the male reported stated. “To think an entire unit of SWAT officers, and an FBI agent would engage in this sort of behavior. It’s just disappointing.”

“Two FBI agents,” Carlos corrected. A picture of Noel appeared on the screen. “Special Agent Noel was also on the raid, and has appeared in many of the surveillance photos of the house in various states of undress, engaging in sex acts, along with Jessica St. Pierre, the KIRO 7 reporter who Agent Peterson gave his original interview to.” A picture of Chasity appeared on the screen. “This is Officer Chasity Vinter of the Puyallup Police Department, also seen in surveillance tapes participating in sex acts. There have been reports of unusual activity around the Shaw Road vicinity of Puyallup for the last week, and these reports have fallen on the deaf ears of the Puyallup Police Department.”

Chasity and Noel returned. “Master, we think we know which house is surveilling us.”

“Take all the guards and raid that house!” I barked. “Bring me whomever or whatever you find!”

I grabbed my phone, and looked up Sheriff Erkhart’s phone number. “Erkhart,” the Pierce County Sheriff answered.

“Have you seen the news report on channel 5?” I demanded angrily.

“Yeah, just caught the end of it. This is bad, Mr. Glassner.”

“Put out an APB on Brandon Fitzsimmons,” I growled. “I let him have his independence and this is how he repays me! I want him found and dragged before me!”

“I’m on it, sir,” the Sheriff answered and I hung up.

“He’s been watching us, Mark,” Mary grimaced angrily. “You can see our bedroom on these photos.”

“Brandon’s going to regret this,” I told her. “Fuck, we’re going to have to do a lot of damage control.” I squeezed my fists. “When I get my fucking hands on him, he’s going to howl!”


“When are you coming home, Doug?” my wife asked me as we spoke on the phone.

“I don’t know, Tina,” I answered, tiredly. I was standing in one of the second floor bedroom of the house Mr. Fitzsimmons rented so I could watch Mark Glassner. I was checking all the cameras and the laser-mikes I had pointed at various windows of the house I was surveilling. I was about to turn in for the night and wanted to make sure everything was working. “The check cashed, right?”

“Yeah, honey,” Tina answered. “Its…quite a lot. This isn’t anything…you know.”

“No, I’m just surveilling him, Tina.” There was a pause. She was chewing on her lip, I realized. Tina always worried her lower lip when she was nervous. “What is it honey?”

There was some movement outside, on the street, and I frowned, missing what my wife said. Mark had a group of women that dressed like slutty cops. Maybe they were cops, their equipment looked real, and there were a dozen cop cars parked on the street. But, no cop wore uniforms like those. They looked like sexy cop outfits you’d get at a porno shop. His ‘cops’ were pouring out of their houses, heading for their cars. What was going on?

“Are you there, Doug?” my wife said, loudly.

“Oh, sorry, Tina, something’s going on at the place I’m surveilling.” I grabbed a pair of binoculars, tying to figure out what was happening.

“You’re safe right. This Mark guy your watching, he was just on the news.”

I frowned, watching as Mark’s cops were piling into their cars. What was going on. “What’s this about the news, honey?” The lights on a half-dozen cop cars turned on, flooding the night with strobing red and blue lights, and the cop cars started peeling down the street towards Shaw Road.

“They had pictures from your surveillance on the news,” Tina said. “This guy sounds dangerous, are you sure…”

My stomach sank, adrenaline pumped icily through my veins. “Shit, I got to go, Tina.”

I hung up my cell phone, shoving it into my pocket and grabbed my laptop, ripping out cable connecting my laptop to the USB hub all my surveillance equipment was hooked into and ran for the stairs. Oh, shit, oh shit, my heart was hammering in my chest. Fuck! What the fuck did you do, Brandon? Tires squealed outside and police lights were flashing through the front windows, as I thudded down the stairs.

Shit, front was no good. I reached the bottom of the stairs, turned to race for the dining room and the glass sliding door that led to the backyard. Behind me, the front door splintered in and I could hear booted feet pounding into the house, shouting, “Police!” I ran down the hallway for the dining room. I knew my exit routes. There was a pile of wood against the fence, I could be over it and into the neighbors yard. My own car was parked a few houses down the street. I just needed to be quick and I could get away.

I reached the dining room, the sliding glass door in sight. I was going to make it. And then my hopes were dashed away as I saw the two cops rounding the house and reached the sliding glass door, their guns drawn. Fuck, I was trapped. I turned to face the cops pouring in the front door. God damn fucking Brandon Fitzsimmons!

“Police!” the lead cop shouted, a blonde with a gold choker about her throat, a bulletproof vest over her trampy cop outfit, and her gun leveled at me. “Hand’s on your head! Do it now!”

I set my laptop down, slowly, and put my hands on top of my head and knelt down. Another cop walked up, grasped my wrist and handcuffed me. Anger boiled inside me as fear pumped through my veins. What the fuck have you gotten me mixed up in, Brandon? Fear coiled about my heart. These weren’t real cops, anymore. Tina’s face floated up before me, the way her smile transformed her chubby, plain face beautiful.

Please, god, I prayed, let me see my wife again! Please!”

To be continued…

Click here for Chapter 25.

The Devil’s Pact Side-Story: The Naked Jogging Club



The Devil’s Pact

Side-Story: The Naked Jogging Club

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Male/Females, Male/Female/Teen female, Male/Teen female, Female/Female, Female/Teen female, Females/Teen female, Mind Control, Anal, Rimming, Ass to Mouth, Oral, Wife, Incest, Exhibitionism, Creampie, Orgy, Cheating

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Day One, Monday, June 10, 2013


Notes: Takes place during Chapter 10.

It was six AM when I slipped out of the house for my morning jog, alone. My husband was still asleep, snoring like a lumberjack sawing wood. I wish Stan would join me, I would bug him to go jogging, to stay in shape, and he would, for a few days. And then his excuse would crop up. “I didn’t get a good night sleep,” Stan would say. Or, “Sorry, Ana, my knee’s hurting.” And for a few weeks I would drop the subject, and then start nagging him all over again and we’d start the cycle all over. It wasn’t fair. Stan expect me to keep in good shape, the least he could do was return the favor.

Age was starting to catch up to Stan. He just turned thirty-one, and his metabolism was losing the war against the junk food I know he eats at work. He didn’t get any junk food at home, only all natural, organic food was allowed in the house, but I knew he was cheating on my wholesome cooking with junk food behind my back. He lied, but Stan was such a bad liar I could see right through him. Particularly, when his lips tasted of Cheetos.

Well, it was better that he cheated on me with food than with one of those hussies at his work.

Which is why I was out jogging in my pink, Lycra tanktop and my black leggings. My Babushka always told me, “My little kotyonok, men are dogs, always sniffing at asses. So make sure your ass is better than any woman around your husband. Then, he will never stray.” My mom would always frown at my Babushka, but me and my cousins would just giggle at her earthy wisdom. And my ass looked very nice in my tight leggings I was proud to say.

My earbuds in, and my iPod loaded with Taylor Swift and Sharon Crow, Beyonce and Rihanna, I jogged down Mountain View Court, the street our house was on, out onto Shaw Road, and turned left. From here I would jog up to 39th Avenue, cross Shaw Road and jog down to Pierce College. I would circle the campus and head for home.

The sun was rising beautifully over Mount Rainier as I made my return, jogging on 39th Avenue as I approached Shaw Road. I reached the intersection, hitting the crosswalk button and waited for the light to change. I could hear cars honking as they drove by over the soulful dulcet of Rihanna’s Unfaithful. The light turned green and got halfway across the road when I saw what they were honking at.

I froze in the middle of Shaw Road. I couldn’t be seeing that?

There, jogging down Shaw Road was a naked man.

He was about my age, late twenties, a little overweight, his fat jiggling as he jogged, and there, flopping between his legs, was a half-hard cock and a pair of balls. Bouncing up and down, side to side, like the trunk of an elephant. There was a naked man jogging down the road, I thought in disbelief. What is going on? I caught a hungry look in his blue eyes as he grew closer and closer. He was staring at me, his eyes running up and down my body. Fear shivered through me, ice water filled my veins.

What do I do? Panic gripped my mind. What do you do when a man is jogging naked at you? I reached for my phone, patting the non-existent pockets of my legging. Panic shivered across my skin, my hairs standing up. I didn’t have my phone. My jogging outfit was too tight for a phone. And it was such a nice neighborhood, I never felt in danger jogging. Until now. Idiot!

He was closer, reaching the light. A car honked. The light had turned red while I stood frozen in the crosswalk, holding up traffic. He was getting closer and closer, reaching the crosswalk, his blue eyes fixed on me. Oh God, what do I do? He started crossing the road, maybe ten feet away. My feet started moving on their own as I saw his mouth open, yelling something. I couldn’t hear what he said over the pulsing beat of Rihanna.

I had to get away. My black hair whipping behind me as I ran.

I glanced back and he was chasing after me, crossing Shaw Road, his cock bouncing about. Oh God, it was harder, poking straight at me, straight at my sex. He was getting excited. I could see his mouth opening, he was yelling something at me, but I still couldn’t hear him over my iPod, over Rihanna. My heart pounded, adrenaline was coursing through my body as I stretched out my legs and really started to run.

The song ended.

“Stop!” A single word, barely heard, in the brief silence between songs.

And I stopped, nearly falling over from my sudden halt, the rubber soles of my shoes squeaking as they slid on the sidewalk. What the hell? Don’t stop, stupid legs! Move! Get Moving! I glanced behind me and he was closer, breathing hard, his fleshy body flushed with exertion. His cock was hard, the head red and angry, rising out out of a forest of brown hair. More hair covered his flabby chest and stomach. Lust shined in his blue eyes. Run! Oh, please legs! Run! My heart was hammering in my chest. He was going to hurt me, rape me! God, he was going to rape me!

I screamed as loud as I could, “Help! Rape!”

The naked man was so close now, walking the last few feet with a confident swagger. He reached out and pulled out my earbuds. “Damn iPods,” he muttered, breathing heavily. “What’s your…name?” Then grabbed his knees, struggling to catch his breath. Sweat gleamed on his naked body, and I could smell his exertion.

“Anastasia Milburn,” I answered. God, his voice was so intense. It seemed to reach into me, touching my soul. How could I resist such a voice. You couldn’t. The voice just had to be obeyed.

“Well, Anastasia, I’m Mark and I’m the founder of the Naked Jogging Club.” His blue eyes roamed my body, a leer on his face. He stretched his back, arms on his side and drew in a deep breath, his cock thrusting obscenely out at me, hard and angry. Oh, please don’t rape me! “And you are the perfect candidate to be the first recruit. So, from now on, you’re part of my club, okay.”

“Sure,” I said. How could I say no to the man. Relief flooded through me. He didn’t want to rape me, he just wanted me to join his club. Then I realized what I agreed to and flushed. “Does that mean I have to…” I couldn’t bring myself to say it.

His grin broadened, became almost like a boys. “Yep. So start stripping.”

Before I even realized it, I was peeling my Lycra top off, exposing my white sports bra. Mark grabbed my top, freeing me to reach behind my back and find the clasps to my sports bra. I fumbled with the clasp, feeling nervous about exposing myself. Cars were driving by us, honking their horns, yelling obscene things. My breasts were free and to my horror, my nipples were hard as rocks. I moved to cover my small breasts, 32Bs, but Mark grabbed my arm.

“Hmm, those are some nice tits,” he murmured, reaching out to touch me. I flinched away. “You want me to touch you,” his words vibrated in my soul. “You want me to fuck you. You’re getting wet just thinking about it. So, just let me do what I want to you. You want to be my jogging slut, right Anastasia?”

I could feel my panties getting damp with desire. I glanced down at his hard cock. Imaging how it would feel pushing into my cunt, filling me up. What’s wrong with you, Ana. You’re married. You shouldn’t be thinking that, hoping for it. But God, it would feel amazing. He looked a little bigger than Stan. I knelt down, telling myself it was just to untie my shoes so I could get my leggings off. It was just a coincidence that I was getting a good eyeful of his cock and balls.

Up close, his cock was big and powerful, twitching with his heartbeat. I don’t know why I had been so scared of you, I thought. His cock will feel amazing as he thrust it inside me. There was a drop of clear liquid beading at the tiny slit at the crown of his dick. I licked my lips, part of me wanting to stick out my tongue and taste Mark’s pre-cum, to suck his dick into my mouth and bob my head. Get a grip, Ana, you’re on a busy street. I finished untying my shoes and stood up.

I peeled off my tight leggings and my powder blue panties in one motion, exposing my naked body to the entire world. I bent down, making sure Mark could see my ass and pussy and my bush getting matted with my excitement. I wanted Mark’s cock, God help me. I wanted it so bad. I wouldn’t object if he took me right here.

“Your pussy hair’s blonde,” Mark blinked. “You dye your hair black?”

I nodded. “I don’t like being blonde,” I said. “Everyone thinks you’re a bimbo.”

Mark laughed. “So many women would kill to be blonde and you go and dye your hair.”

I smiled, pulling on my shoes.

“All right,” Mark said, staring lustfully at me as I retied my jogging shoes. “Head home, and I’ll follow. I want to stare at the ass. It’s so nice and tight.”

I could feel his hungry eyes the entire jog back to my house. I put a roll to my ass, as sexy a sway as I could manage while jogging. My small breasts bounced uncomfortably and I missed wearing the sports bra clutched in my right hand. But Mark wanted me naked, and there was a certain freedom in showing my assets, especially my tight ass, off to the world.

My Babushka was right, men loved sniffing at another woman’s ass. “Men will come sniffing at your ass, my little kotyonok, and that can be much fun.” There had been such a wicked smile on her wrinkled, old face when she told my cousin’s and I that and we all tittered at her naughty intimation. Well, Stan, you didn’t want to come jogging, and now another man’s come sniffing at my ass. And I was going to have some fun, I thought with a wicked smile.

Soon, I reveled in every car honking, every lewd shout. All these people were just jealous that they didn’t have the courage to be as free as us. My elation faded, however, when the flashing lights of a cop car pulled up and a stern looking man got out of the car. Oh no, what would Stan think when he found out his wife was jogging naked. With a strange man. I couldn’t go to jail.

“Hi, I’m Mark Glassner,” Mark shouted at the cop, “whatever I do is legal! If anyone says, ‘I’m Mary Sullivan.’ or ‘I serve Mark Glassner’ do what they say.”

“Yes, sir,” the cop saluted and got back in his car and drove off.

Mark had a grin on his face and he smacked my ass. “Keep jogging, slut,” he barked at me, “I want to fuck that cunt.” His words shivered through my body, I was his slut. I was Stan’s wife, but I was Mark’s slut.

“I can’t wait to feel your cock inside me,” I heard myself husk back. I was such a slut.

The thrill, the excitement, pushed me to jog faster. Mark was struggling to keep up, as excited as I was. I was his motivation, I realized. He needed my ass, the promise of my cunt, to keep him going. He looked fairly new to jogging, he was definitely out of shape. I was honored to be his motivation and I flashed him inviting smiles as I ran, shaking my pretty ass, urging him to keep up, to claim his reward.

We reached my house. “I live just across the street,” Mark said, pointing.

“Oh, isn’t that the Fitzsimmons house?”

“I took Brandon’s house from him, but kept his wife,” he said. “She’s a great fuck.”

“Is Desiree one of your sluts?” I asked. Like me, I wanted to add but just didn’t have the courage.

“Yeah,” he grinned. “One of my many sluts.” He groped my ass. “No, let’s get inside your house so I can get inside your cunt.”

I opened the door and he grabbed me, pulling my body against his and kissing me on the lips. His mouth forcefully captured mine, sticking his tongue past my lips. His hard cock pressed into my stomach, my hard nipples pressed against his hairy chest, being tickled by his curly hair. His hands squeezed my ass, kneading my cheeks. My husband was upstairs, asleep, and I was making out with another man, naked. A naughty shiver ran up my spine.

Mark broke the kiss and I squirmed out of his grasp, backing out of the doorway, dropping my clothes on the floor. He stalked after me and it was so thrilling. He was chasing me all over again, just like when he chased me down the road. I fled into the kitchen, but I wasn’t fast enough and he caught me, pushing me against the island counter in the center of the kitchen, bending me over it, his hand stroking my ass.

Upstairs, I could hear my husband walking about. Fear spiked in me. There was a gurgling sound as he started the shower and water moved through the pipes. “No, my husband’s awake early,” I gasped. “You’ll have to go.”

“Fuck that,” Mark growled and then he was inside me and I was moaning as the pleasure filled my body. His cock felt amazing, better than I could imagine.

Fear and lust battled within me. Oh god, it was so amazing. Stan was upstairs, showering, probably whistling some stupid show tune, while I was down here, his loving wife, getting fucked hard by the man who made me his slut. Mark was fucking me powerfully, not caring that my husband might finish his shower and walk downstairs any minute and catch him. Not caring that Stan might hear the slap of flesh, our sighs and moans, and come downstairs to investigate.

“Fuck,” I gasped, “oh fuck this is so wrong!”

“That’s what makes it feel so good, slut,” Mark growled and fucked me harder and harder.

His balls were slapping against my clit, building my pleasure more and more as his cock felt so amazing inside my cunt. “Yes, yes, fuck me!” I hissed. “Oh, fuck you’re a naughty, little slut!”

The island creaked from the force of Mark’s thrusts, the cabinet doors rattled as my knees were knocking into them. God, I felt so good, so naughty! I loved my Stan, but Mark was making me feel so fucking alive! I knew this wouldn’t be the last time I let Mark fuck me. My orgasm was building and building, every thrust of his cock, every slap of his balls on my clit, brought me closer and closer.

The shower upstairs shut off. “Oh no,” I gasped as fear surged through me. Stan couldn’t see this, it would break his heart. “You have to hurry!”

I could hear Stan moving around upstairs. He would be getting dressed, then coming downstairs for his coffee. I had started the pot before I left for my jog. I glanced at the coffee pot, imagining my husband walking in, making it halfway to the coffee pot in his half-awake daze and then realizing that his wife was getting her cheating cunt pounded on by a strange man. This was so fucking wrong! I slammed my hips back against Mark and let out a stifled moan as my orgasm exploded throughout my body.

“Yes, yes!” I gasped. “Oh, fuck, please hurry, Mark!”

The bedroom door closed. Oh, no he was coming! Mark slammed into me once, twice. The footsteps were nearing the stairs. Then Mark was cumming inside me, his hot cum flooding my slutty cunt. The stairs creaked and I moaned as Mark yanked his cock out of me and. There was a huge grin on Mark’s face, and then he turned and raced for the front door.

“Tomorrow, my house, be naked!” he shouted as he reached the door.

“Yes,” I happily answered.

Mark opened the door and slammed it. “Honey, you back,” my husband called, hearing the door close.

I was right behind Mark, pulling on my leggings over my shoes then grabbing my top, pulling it over my breasts and turned around as my husband walked up, looking half-awake in his sweat pants, his hair damp from his shower. I could feel Mark’s cum leaking into the fabric of my leggings, soaking the spandex material as my husband bent down and kissed me on the lips.

“Have a nice jog, Ana?” he asked as he walked by. I sighed in relief, he didn’t notice my underwear on the floor or smell the semen leaking out of my cunt. Stan wasn’t alive in the morning before his second cup of coffee, thank God.

“Yeah, it was quite thrilling!” I said with a smile. “I’m going to take a shower, I’m all sweaty.”

“Okay, Ana,” he said. I could hear him pouring a cup of coffee. I grabbed my underwear and raced upstairs to wash the evidence of my adultery off my body.

Day Two, Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Notes: Takes place during Chapter 13.

I wondered how Louise was doing as I jogged out of my driveway.

On Sunday, I had found the poor girl sitting in her car watching my next-door neighbor’s house. Louise had said her husband, some cad named Mark, was shacking up with Desiree Fitzsimmons, my neighbor. Desiree was Brandon’s second wife. The hussy clearly didn’t marry Brandon for his looks. And now she had another guy shacked up with her.

So I invited Louise to stay in my house, I felt so bad for the poor dear, and when I got home from work yesterday, she was gone. There was some commotion at the Fitzsimmons house last night. The police and ambulances showed up and when I woke up this morning, the news reported that Louise had tried to kill Mark last night. The poor, sweet dear. It would be just like a man to get a woman so riled up she’d try and kill him.

I knew what that was like when I caught my Albert in bed with his secretary, and was itchin’ to kill the both of ’em. But, I was a good Christian woman, so I kicked him and his hussy’s ass out of my house and slapped him with divorce papers. Last I heard, he had knocked the stupid bimbo up and they were making each other miserable.

I reached the end of my street and turned onto Shaw and stopped in surprise. There was a naked man and woman not ten feet in front of me. “St. Peter’s ghost,” I gasped. It was Mark, that disgusting hound dog that drove poor Louise to her wits-end, and…Anastasia from across the street. Poor Stan. He was such a nice guy, shame his wife was some sort streakin’ hussy.

“Stop,” Mark said and I froze. His words seemed to reach right inside me and froze my legs in place. “Hi, aren’t you a pretty one.”

“Hi Madeleine,” Anastasia said. “She lives next door to you, Mark.”

“Do you think she should join our club?” Mark asked her.

“Oh, definitely,” Anastasia said and hugged me, rubbing her naked body against me. “It’s great, Madeleine. You get to jog naked. And afterwards, Mark fucks you with his cock.”

“What kind of back alley tramp do you take me for, sugar?” I demanded angrily. My eyes flickered down to his hard cock pointing at me. “I am a God-fearing, good Christian woman. Not some sort of…of jogging floozy.”

“The kind that wants to join my club,” Mark said, a boyish grin on his face. “You want to, don’t you. You can’t wait to strip off your clothes and enjoy the freedom of running naked. Your pussy’s getting wetter and wetter just thinking about my cock filling your cunt, fucking you until you have a mind-numbing orgasm.”

I could feel my cooter moistening. It was like a levy broke and flooded the gusset of my panties. Oh God, I was suddenly as randy as a goat. “I would like to join your club,” I muttered. Why did I say that. It was his voice, so deep and powerful that it resonated within me. My eyes again were drawn to his hard cock. What would it feel like inside me, filling me up.

“What’s the magic word?” Mark asked with a smirk.

He wanted me to beg. I wicked thrill went though my body and I felt as wanton as a cheerleader after homecoming. “Please, sugar,” I husked, “let me join your club. Pretty please.”

“Since you asked so nicely with that delightful Southern drawl of yours,” Mark said. “Welcome to club.”

Well, I guess I better start stripping. I felt as slatternly as an Old Miss sorority girl at a frat party as I pulled of my tanktop. My face burning, as I released the clasp on my sports bra, exposing my tits. They were still a great pair, I thought, maybe not as perky as they were when I was eighteen, but still were quite fetching. A car honked as it drove by and I saw pink flushing Anastasia’s face. I guess she wasn’t as nonchalant about about being naked as she pretended.

Mark smacked my ass, giving my plump cheeks a squeeze. The older I got, the harder it was to keep my ass as tight as a teenagers. My breasts bounced about as I jogged, up and down, uncomfortably so. Anastasia jogged next to me, and I kept glancing at her small, perkier breasts as they bounced. There was something almost hypnotic about a woman’s breasts bouncing up and down.

“Are you a budding dyke?” Mark asked me. He was behind us, staring at our asses to motivate him to keep jogging.

“I’m no rug muncher, sugar,” I answered, flushing at getting caught staring at another woman’s tits.

“Your mouth is just salivating to munch of Anastasia’s rug, slut,” Mark said and I found myself licking my lips, my eyes wandering down to Anastasia’s rug and I realized she was a natural blonde. Why would she dye her hair black, her pubic hair looked as soft and yellow as cornsilk. I wondered what she tasted like. I remember tasting my own honey when I was a teenager and first discovered ticklin’ my cooter.

My honey was leaking down my legs by the time we reached my house, my curly pubes must be positively matted with my desire. I jogged up to my door, my cheeks red. Anyone of my neighbors could see just how wanton I had suddenly become if they looked out their windows. My keys were in my shorts pocket and I was fumbling through the bundle of clothes I clutched in my hand when Mark pressed up behind me, his cock hard on my ass.

“Hmm, I can’t wait any longer to feel your cunt on my cock,” Mark growled in my ear.

“Out here, Mark?” Anastasia nervously asked, glancing across the street to her house. “What if my husband sees me.”

“You said he doesn’t usually wake up until eight,” Mark told her, I could feel his cock between my legs, brushing against the lips of my wet cootch. “Plenty of time,” he moaned as his dick pushed up inside me. I moaned, he felt so wonderful inside me as he took me right there on his porch, like a bull mounting his heifer.

“He woke up early yesterday,” Anastasia pleaded. “We almost got caught.”

Mark was slowly fucking me and he pulled Anastasia mouth to his and kissed her. “You want to be a good wife and spare your husband pain, right?”

Anastasia nodded. She gasped as Mark’s hand cupped her crotch and began ticklin’ her cooter. “Yes, I love him. I don’t want him to know about…us.”

“Well, you’re my slut,” Mark said forcefully, fucking me a little harder. “And my sluts get fucked whenever and wherever I want them to.”

“Okay,” Anastasia nodded. Then her face transformed into such wantonness, and she moaned, “Umm, your finger feels good inside me.”

“Maybe your husband is watching right now,” Mark whispered. “Watching you from a window. How do you think he’d feel, knowing his wife is being such a slut for me.”

“Don’t say that,” Anastasia pleaded. “He’d hate me.”

Mark was fucking me faster, my breasts were rubbing against the painted wood of my door. Every thrust of his dick felt better than the last, rubbing wickedly against my sensitive walls. I heard my self yowling like a cat in heat getting mounted by a tomcat. I started pushing back with my hips as the pleasure grew stronger and stronger inside me.

“Maybe he’ll pull his little dick out and jerk it, wishing he could make you into his slut,” Mark moaned as he pounded my cooter. “Wishing he had the stones to make you his bitch! All while he’s envying me for making you so such a wanton slut!”

“Yes, yes!” Anastasia moaned, her tits heaving as an orgasm trembled through her body. “Oh, my Stan! Make me your slut!”

Mark pulled his fingers out of her cunt and licked her juices off his finger. “When we finish here, why don’t you go to your husband and see if he’s man enough to make a slut out of you.”

A smile broadened Anastasia face. “I will, Mark.”

Mark was really pounding my cooter, every plunge of his cock made my nipples rub roughly against the door, adding spice to the orgasm cooking in my womb. Anastasia’s panting face was so close to mine, her lips red and enticing. I felt so wicked, so wanton. I leaned over and captured her lips in a kiss. It was my first time kissing a woman, and her lips were so soft, so gentle as she kissed me back.

“You cunt feels great,” Mark groaned into my ear. “Do you want me to cum in your cunt? I bet you do. I bet you want nothing more than my cum flooding your juicy cunt!”

Oh god, I wasn’t on the pill. I didn’t have my diaphragm in. But God did I want his seed inside me, even if he might get pregnant. I was so hot for it. I broke the kiss, and wantonly husked “Yes, please, fill my cooter up, fill up my cunt! It’s as eager as a beaver gnawing on a log for your seed, Mark!” My admission triggered my orgasm and I moaned my pleasure for all the neighborhood to hear.

I could feel Mark’s cum flooding my cooter, flooding my fertile womb. His sperm could be swimming up to my womb, to where a fertile little egg waited to be penetrated. “Take my cum, slut!” Mark groaned, slamming his cock into me again, and again, and one last, hard thrust before he pressed up against my back, breathing hard.

As we stumbled into my house, Anastasia grabbed me and lead me to my couch. She pushed me down, knelt and spread my thighs and began eating the creamy mess Mark left inside me. Her tongue felt amazing on my labia. My husband would never dream of going down on me, and none of my past boyfriends would either. Getting your rug munched felt so amazing. Anastasia’s tongue explored all over my cooter, sucking on my lips, nibbling on hard little pearl, and spreading me wide open and digging her tongue deep inside me.

Mark was kneeing behind Anastasia, lining up his cock at her eager cooter. Anastasia moaned into my cootch as Mark slid inside her. Soon there would be a creamy mess in Anastasia’s rug for me to clean up, and I couldn’t wait to return the favor.

Day Three, Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Notes: Takes place during Chapter 15.

“Come on, mom,” Cassie cajoled, jogging backwards. The girl had too much energy and fifteen years on me.

Cassie was almost a spitting image of me at fifteen. We had the same, beautiful shade of honey-brown hair; Cassie was still long and tied back in a ponytail with a pink scrunchy, while mine was shorter, in an easier to manage haircut. Cassie had my dainty nose, my pouty lips, and my delicate cheekbones. She had her father’s hazel eyes, and her build was slim and lithe, just like my mother-in-laws. She didn’t get her mother’s curves, that’s for sure. I often caught her envious stares at me D Cups and she would whine about how small her breasts were.

“C’mon slowpoke,” Cassie said with a mischievous smile.

“Slowpoke,” I said in mock outrage. “Is that anyway to address your mother! I ought to tan your backside!”

“You’d have to catch me first, mom,” Cassie said and turned back around and sprinted away.

Even after sixth months of jogging with Cassie, I didn’t have anywhere close to her endurance. When I decided I needed to get in better shape, Cassie volunteered to keep my company while I jogged. Truthfully, I would have quit ages ago if Cassie didn’t seem to look so forward to our morning jogs. I had finally found a way to hang out with my babygirl again, and it was worth all the sweat and pain of jogging. Besides, my efforts had started to pay off. I’ve lost thirty pounds, most of it off my ass and stomach, and I was feeling sexy again. And Oscar, my husband, was enjoying the results almost nightly, now.

“Belinda, your ass is looking as great as it did when you were twenty,” Oscar told me just last night, when he came up and rubbed my ass through my nightie. “As beautiful as the night we made Cassie.”

We were pretty sure I got knocked up on our honeymoon, or maybe right before the wedding. Cassie was earlier than we planned, apparently the pill isn’t one hundred percent. Our first few years of marriage were a little rocky, and money was very tight until Oscar got a few promotions under his belt. And now, I wouldn’t have had it happened any other way. Cassie was growing up to be such a fine young lady.

We reached the light at 39th Avenue and Shaw Road and waited for the light to turn green.

“Mom?” Cassie said, tugging at my shirt sleeve. There was a panic, urgent tone to her voice.

Cassie was looking across Shaw Road where three people were jogging naked. I blinked in surprise. There were two women, one was a black-haired woman in her late twenties and the other was a brunette in her early thirties, who was maybe a year or two younger then myself. Behind them was a naked man, his cock obscenely hard, bouncing about in front of him as he jogged. They were just reaching the crosswalk across Shaw Road from us.

“Mom, their naked!” Cassie gasped in a strangled tone, then looked down at the ground, her face flushing.

Cassie flushed like a girl who’d never seen a cock before. She always claimed she was a virgin, and I never questioned her claim. When I was her age, I already had lost my cherry and had a pregnancy scare. The condom had broken and for two weeks I was in a panic that I was pregnant. Then my period came, two days late, to my great relief. My life would have been so different if Billy Caldwell had knocked me up at fourteen and I hoped my daughter would make some better life choices.

Why were they naked? Maybe there was some naked jogging event going on, today. You always heard about those up in Seattle and maybe they’ve spread south. Or maybe that was a naked bike ride they had up in Seattle? I couldn’t remember. I looked up Shaw Road, expecting to see more naked jogger that I failed to notice the light changed and when I glanced back at the naked trio, they were halfway across Shaw Road, the black-haired woman waving friendly at us.

“Hi,” I said, nervously.

The man had a hungry smile on his face and suddenly fear clutched my heart and I grabbed Cassie and pushed her behind me. “I’m Mark, who’re you?” he introduced himself, pushing ahead of the two naked women.

“Belinda,” I found myself answering, “and this is my daughter, Cassie.” Wow, that voice was so…so powerful. So mesmerizing.

His grin grew hungrier. “Hmm, there something sexy about a mom and daughter, together,” Mark leered suggestively and I flushed. That’s disgusting. “I want the two of you to join my jogging club.”

Of course I would join his club.

“Do we have to be naked?” my daughter asked as she trembled behind me.

“Of course,” Mark laughed. “It’s the Naked Jogging Club. I know, I know, not the most original name.” He shrugged. “The good news is, not only do you get to feel the excitement of being naked in public, your cunts are growing wet just thinking about my hard cock inside you. You two are my jogging sluts, aren’t you.”

Oh God, I loved my Oscar, but I have never been hornier in my life for a man. “Yes, I want to be your slut.” Was that my voice that sounded so sexy? I rubbed my thighs together, my twat was getting all wet and itchy. I needed a good fucking and Oscar wasn’t around and Mark’s cock looked more than adequate. I grinned, in fact, it looked like the perfect tool to fix the itch in my twat.

“Oh yes, I’ll be your slut!” My sweet Cassie sound so slutty. She was still pressed against my back and I swear I could feel her nipples harden through her top and sports bra.

“Then welcome to the club,” Mark said. “And good sluts are always horny for another woman’s pussy, even if she’s related.”

A naughty flush went through my body as I eyed the two, naked women, drifting down their lush bodies to their fur-covered muffs. Then my eyes drifted over to my babygirl as she undressed. I wondered what her pussy tasted like. What it would feel to have my sweet Cassandra licking at my slutty cunt.

The black haired woman hugged me. “I’m Anastasia, and this is Madeleine. And you will not be disappointed by Mark. Yesterday, he fucked us so hard. And then, when I got home, I begged my husband to treat my like a little slut! Oh, it was so satisfying. My Stan got so into it. He took charge like a real man. Last night, he had me make him dinner wearing only an apron. And then I was desert.” She touched my wedding ring. “You should try it. The only thing better than being your husband’s slut, is being Mark’s!” she said with a wink.

I bet Oscar would love it if I was his slut. I glanced back at my daughter who was pulling off the pink sports bra that contained her perky, B Cup breasts. The little slut was horny, her nipples were hard, and I was so proud of my babygirl as I saw the hungry grin on Mark’s face as his eyes feasted on her tits.

“Let’s get that top off, sugar,” Madeleine said in a delightful, Southern drawl. She had a beautiful face and a wicked smile played on her lips. She was grabbing the hem of my shirt and I let her pull it up over my head. She deftly undid my gray sports bra and my big, D Cup breasts spilled out. “Sugar, the Lord gave you one beautiful set of hooters.” I shivered in pleasure as the Southern woman ran a finger around my large areola, brushing my fat nipple.

“I know, s’not fair,” Cassie vented. “The only two things I got from my dad were hazel eyes and small tits like grandma. Everyone on mom’s side of the family has huge knockers.”

Mark reached out, kneading her perky tip, his thump swiping across her hard little nipple. “You got a sexy pair of tits,” Mark told her and she flushed, pleased.

“Where’s all your pubic hair, young lady?” I gasped when Cassie’s baby blue boy shorts came off. She was shaved bare, her slit tight like a little girls.

“I shave it,” Cassie said, rolling her eyes. “Everyone shaves their coochies, mom. Jeez.”

“Have you let some boy stick his dick up your cunt,” Mark asked.

“Yeah,” Cassie admitted, sheepishly.

I guess she really was me at fifteen.

Mark jogged behind us ladies, staring at our asses. We barely had jogged a hundred yards when Cassie gasped in shock and pointed down the road. There was a news van parked across the road and a cameraman filming us. A strange exhilaration burned through me as I realized some complete stranger was filming me naked.

“Fuck,” Mark muttered, examining the situation. “Well, she’s probably hot.” I furrowed my eyes, wonder what Mark was talking about, and I saw a second figure in a pink blouse. “Ladies, jog back to Madeleine’s and go home. We’ll meet there at six tomorrow morning.”

“You’re not going to fuck me?” I asked, then flushed. I couldn’t believe I asked him that. But I was so horny, I really needed his dick in me.

“I’ll fuck you and your daughter tomorrow,” Mark grinned.

Maybe when I get home, I’ll convince Oscar to make me his slut and take a sick day. We could spend the entire day in bed, doing whatever nasty things my Oscar wanted. I glanced at Cassie and a terrible, depraved thought filled my mind. Maybe she should stay home, sick, too. After all, we were both sluts, now.

Day Four, Thursday, June 13, 2013


Notes: Takes place during Chapter 16.

I out distanced the others as we turned onto Mountain View Court. I was just so excited to get fucked by Mark. It’s all I thought about last night. My poor little pussy was still a little sore from how many times I petted my kitty. And so I had to wait, breathless, on Madeleine’s porch for Mark and my mom, for and Anastasia and Madeleine.

Yesterday had been so wild. Even though I didn’t get to fuck Mark, when we got home my mom begged dad to let her be his slut. And dad was more than happy to let her. It was kinda disgusting and kinda hot all at the same time. My mom got dad all hot and bothered then told him she’d love to see him fuck me. I didn’t have a problem with that, my dad was so handsome and kind. Not like the boys at my school who just want to get off inside me. I knew my dad would make feel so amazing.

Turned out my dad didn’t have a problem with it, either. Fuck, I came so hard for dad. And then mom surprised us both by giving me a second orgasm as she licked my little kitty-cat clean. Dad was roaring to go after that and mom mounted his cock and rode him hard. My dad was grunting like an animal, calling mom such filthy names and she loved it. When they finished, mom taught me all about how to lick another woman’s pretty kitty. And mom tasted wonderful, sour and sweet all at the same time, mixed with daddy’s salty flavor.

“Hurry up!” I shouted eagerly as the adults finally rounded the corner. I was so excited, I was dancing on the balls of my feet, my kitty drenched with my juices.

It was fun watching their breasts bounce up and down, and Mark’s cock was swaying and bouncing. I licked my lips, rubbed my thighs together. I couldn’t wait to feel Mark’s cock up my pussy. I was his slut, and a good slut needs to feed her kitty a lot of dicks. That’s what Jodi Miller said in the girls bathroom a few days ago. And she should know, she was the biggest slut in school.

I threw myself at Mark, pushing past Madeleine, and hugged him. Letting him feel my hard nipples rub against his hairy chest, and I could feel his hard cock rubbing against my stomach. I kissed him greedily as Madeleine opened the door. Then I jumped up and wrapped my legs around Marks’ waist, my hot little kitty rubbing wetly on his belly and he carried me inside.

“Eager slut,” he growled and threw me onto the couch. “Sit on your slutty daughter’s face.”

“Ohh, I’d love that,” mom moaned.

Meanwhile, Madeleine and Anastasia were sitting on a recliner, Anastasia in Madeleine’s lap and the pair were making out madly. Anastasia was caressing Madeleine’s tits, another pair of breasts larger than my little B cups. Ugghh, why did I have to take after my dad’s side of the family. Mom has these amazing tits. Large and pillowy, they swayed so sexy as she walked. Her slightest motion made them jiggle. I practically had to do jumping jacks to get any jiggle out of my tits. Madeleine’s hand was roaming Anastasia’s ass, now, squeezing her cheeks, her finger dipping into Anastasia’s crack.

Then my view was blocked as mom’s sleek thighs straddled my face, and her shaved kitty lowered down to my eager lips. Yesterday, my mom had a well groomed, brown bush. But daddy loved my shaved kitty so much, mom asked me to show her how to shave it. I had a lot of fun lathering up her bush and carefully shaving her lips with a razor. When I was all finished, I gave her kitty a nice lickin’ and mom gushed all over my face.

I started lickin’ my mom’s kitty as Mark’s cock thrust into my pussy. I moaned into my mother’s pussy as Mark filled me up so deliciously, his cock rubbing all the best places inside me. I drank my mom’s delicious flavors, sour and sweet, rubbing my tongue all over her pussy. I sucked her large, drooping labia, nibbled on her tiny clit, and jammed my tongue into her wet hole.

“Oh yes, eat mommy’s pussy! Mmm, my babygirl’s such a great muff diver. Ohh, you’re making mommy feel so great, you slutty child!”

Mark was pickup the pace, fucking me harder. I could feel his balls slapping against my taint. Every thrust of his cock felt better than the last as my entire cunt began to burn with pleasure. I started moving my hips, matching Mark’s rhythm. His cock rubbed all over my tight cunt and I started squeezing down on him as he thrust in.

“Such a tight pussy!” Mark moaned and I felt a surge of joy. I was making him happy, like a good slut. “God, I love teenage cunt!”

I slurped on my mom’s delicious juices as Mark pounded my cunt. Mom started wiggling her hips on me, rubbing her cunt all over my face as I brought her greater and greater pleasure. I was getting closer and closer to my orgasm when Mark pulled out of my pussy, leaving an aching emptiness inside my kitty.

“No!” I moaned in disappointment. “Please, put it back in! I was so close! My kitty needs to be fed some man-milk! She’s so hungry!”

Then I felt Mark raise my hips up a bit, his hard cock pocking at my ass crack. “You ever been fucked in the ass, Cassie?”

“No,” I answered, feeling a little scared. But I shouldn’t be. I was Mark’s slut, and a good slut takes it up the ass, or at least that’s what Jodie Miller always said. And she should know, she fucked the entire first string of our varsity football team at a party.

“How ’bout you, Belinda?” Mask asked my mom

“Yes,” mom answered. “Oscar always wanted me to, but I always said no. But last night, he reminded me I was his slut. And it felt so amazing, Cassie. You’ll love it, babygirl.”

I felt soft fingers caressing my kitty, soft as a mother’s caress. Then mom bent over and we were sixty-nining as Mark pushed his cock against the tight ring of my asshole. I groaned into my mom’s kitty as my ass was invaded. God, I thought he felt big in my pussy, but he felt enormous in my ass. And it was so weird, almost like I was pooping in reverse. A strange tingle slowly started to radiated from my ass as Mark’s cock slid slowly in and out of my tight ass. It started to feel better and better as Mark fucked in and out of my ass, slowly picking up speed.

My mom’s tongue flicked at my clit, and my orgasm was nearing again. My clit vibrated as my mother moaned her orgasm into me, her juices flooding my eager mouth. Mark was fucking my ass hard and fast, mom’s tongue swirling about my clit. It was too much, mom’s tongue felt wicked on my kitty and Mark’s cock felt amazing as he reamed my ass, I was going to cum. Stars danced before my eyes as I bucked beneath my mom, my ass clenching on Mark’s cock. My screams of passion were muffled by my mom’s juicy kitty.

“Fucking tight teenage ass!” Mark moaned, and then I felt him, hot and wet, shooting his cum into my ass.

He pulled out and then my mom was off me. I sat up on my elbows and watched as he led mom to another chair. He sat down and I watched in amazement as mom started licking his dirty cock clean of my ass. My mom was tasting my ass! God, she was such a slut. Madeleine was suddenly standing over me, her face sticky with Anastasia’s juices and she slapped my ass.

“You’re leaking cum onto my couch, girl,” Madeleine said, angrily. “Did your parents learn you no manners, sugar?”

“Oh, shit, sorry,” I gulped, standing up. I could feel the cum running greasily out of my ass and down to my taint.

“And don’t swear in my house, sugar,” Madeleine said, sternly. “I’m a good Christian woman, and I’ll not abide a foul mouth.”

“Okay, sorry,” I said, intimidate by the woman and her accent.

She sat down and spread her legs, revealing a brown furred kitty. “You can forgive me by give my cooter a good lickin’.”

“What’s a cooter?” I asked, frowning.

“My pussy, sugar,” she purred. “My wet, horny pussy.” She ran a finger through her bush, pushing a pussy lip to the side and exposing the wet, pink flesh of her kitty.

I smiled, licking my lips. “I can do that, Madeleine.”

“That’s Mrs. Rowe to you, sugar,” she corrected as I knelt down and she pulled my face into her furry kitty. My tongue licked across her tangy-spicy slit. “Hmm, you’re like a pretty cat lapping at a saucer of milk,” Madeleine moaned as I lapped at her delicious pussy.

I felt hands spreading my asscheeks and then a tongue licking at my ass, swirling about my puckered asshole, sending delicious tingles through my body. I glanced behind me to see Anastasia, lips stained with Mark’s cum, lapping at my asshole. It was such a naughty feeling as she rimmed my puckered hole.

“Hey now, sugar. You kids need to learn to finish what you start.” Madeleine strong hands pulled me back to her cunt and I eagerly resumed lickin’ her cooter.

Day Five, Friday, June 14, 2013


Notes: Takes place during Chapter 18.

I was nervous as I walked up to Mrs. Rowe’s house, just up the street from my own house. Yesterday, the strangest man had come to my house. He seemed so ordinary, just another dumb adult. And then his blue eyes fixed on me and looked me up and down. Great, another skeevy adult perving on me, I had thought.

“You look like an athlete,” the man had told me. “I have this Jogging Club and I want you to join it. It meets at Madeleine’s house at six AM. You’ll have a lot of fun.”

It was such a great idea, that I readily agreed, even if he was perving on me. And then my parents up and sold our house. Mark, the skeevy adult just handed my parents a bag of cash and my stupid parents just agreed to sell our house. They didn’t argue, or nothing. Just agreed like mindless idiots. It was so cray. And then Mark let us stay if he could fuck me whenever he wanted. I was shocked when my parent’s didn’t have a problem pimping their own daughter out for rent on our own house.

I, on the other hand, thought it was a bad idea.

So my parents took my phone away, my laptop away, and grounded me!

“Issy Marguerite Norup, Mr. Glassner’s a generous man,” my mom said, icily, “and you will repay his generosity by spreading those legs for him! I know you’ve spread them for some boy already!”

“You will stay in your room until you start behaving properly!” my dad said as he gathered up my phone and laptop. “And tomorrow morning, you’re going to go and join Mr. Glassner’s jogging club. And if he wants to fuck you, you’ll let him fuck you! Do you understand me, young lady?”

What had happened to my parents. They were like pod people. Last night was so boring. I’m sure I missed a ton of important tweets and instagrams! God, why did my parents have to turn into a bunch of freaks! I should call the cops on them, only they took my phone away! I screamed in frustration into my pillow. Fuck, I’ll I had to do was my homework and watch boring TV.

Yet here I was, showing up for this stupid Jogging Club, with the guy my parents pimped me out too. I didn’t know what his connection with Mrs. Rowe was. Mrs. Rowe was the sweet, southern lady, that was always so nice to me. When I’d mow her lawn for her, she’s always have the best pitcher of ice tea siting out on her porch for me to drink.

Why was I doing this? Because it would be fun, I answered myself. I knocked firmly on the door and blinked in shock when Mrs. Rowe answered dressed only in her birthday suit. There were more naked women behind her. Mrs. Milburn, who lived across from Mrs. Rowe and…Cassie from school. We were in the same grade, about to finish our sophomore year, but I didn’t know her that well. And the fourth woman must be Cassie’s mother. They look so much alike.

“W-what is going on?” I stammered.

“Are you here to join the Naked Jogging Club, sugar?” Mrs. Rowe asked.

“Wait, Naked Jogging Club. Mark didn’t say nothing about having to be naked!” I protested.

“Didn’t I?” Mark asked and I jumped. There he was, naked and…ohmygod his cock was hard and pointing straight at me.

“Well, c’mon sugar, let’s get you naked,” Mrs. Rowe said sweetly, pulling me inside the house.

The women and Cassie started grabbing at my clothing, pulling my tanktop over my head, pulling my tight, jogging shorts down my legs. My sports bra came free and hands pinched at my nipples. I grabbed my panties, holding onto the elastic waistband as the women tried to yank them off.

“Please stop,” I begged, tears brimming in my eyes. I could feel Mark’s pervy eyes as he stared at my bared tits.

“Relax, Issy,” Cassie said and she hugged me, her naked breasts pressed against me and then she was kissing me.

I was so surprised that I let go of my panties and they were pulled down my legs. Cassie broke the kiss, a sultry smile on her face. I blinked my eyes, licked my lips, my face flushed with heat, and realized I was lifting up my feet so my panties could be taken all the way off. Embarrassed, I covered my brown pubes with one hand and tried to cover my breasts with the other arm.

“Don’t be coverin’ up your beautiful body, sugar,” Mrs. Rowe purred, pulling my arms to my side. “Now aren’t you just as pretty as a rainbow after a storm.”

“Yes she is,” Mark said as pervy as possible. He caught my chin and turned my face to his. “You want to be my little jogging slut, don’t you.” My cheeks burned and I found myself nodding yes. Of course I wanted to be his jogging slut, that’s why I was here. “Good, and what does a slut do?”

“Ooh, a slut feeds her kitty as many dicks as she can,” Cassie answered excitedly.

Kitty? Why would I feed my cat a dick. Then I saw Cassie stroking her pussy and I flushed as I realized which kitty she met.

“A slut is excited for Mark to shove his cock in any hole he wants,” Mrs. Milburn said, reaching out and stroking my ass. Her finger’s felt like fire on my smooth cheeks. “Any hole.” I flushed. I knew a few girls who did anal so they could keep their cherries.

“And lets us gals play with her pretty pussy,” Cassie’s mom husked. “And then plays with ours.”

I was Mark’s slut, and my pussy getting wet thinking just about Mark fucking me, even fucking my ass. I eyed all the women, imagining them licking my pussy and even the image of me, kneeling down and licking one of these beautiful women’s pussies sent a naughty thrill through me. “Is that why my parent’s pimped me out to you Mark?” I asked in realization. “Because, they knew I was your slut, right?”

“Yeah,” Mark whispered, his cock was pressing against my ass. “I love your hair. Why green?”

I shrugged. I had dyed my brown hair green with black streaks. “It just seemed like it would annoy my parents, I guess.” My pussy was a flood of liquid now, feeling my nose with the fresh, tart smell of my arousal. I was Mark’s slut, and that meant I needed his cock inside me.

Cassie walked up and she reached giving my titty squeeze, a look of mournful disappointment on her face. “Yet another pair of breasts bigger than mine.”

“Oh, but yours are so cute,” I told her, eying her perky breasts and the cute little nipples. I reached out and gave her titty a squeeze.

“Fuck, my cock need to cum,” Mark said, interrupting our titty play, and he roughly shoved me forward, bending me over the arm of a couch, his hard cock rubbing against my cunt. “Hmm, I love fucking teenage cunt!”

Mark’s cock was pushing into my tight pussy. I had been fucked a few times by Johnny, my boyfriend. But he wasn’t as big as Mark and it felt weird. Mark wasn’t using a condom and there wasn’t the feel of rubber sliding inside me, but the electric feel of flesh sliding against flesh.

“Oh god,” I moaned. “Oh, wow this is so wild.”

Mrs. Rowe sat on the couch in front of me, her legs spread and her furry pussy was mere inches from my face. “Don’t be shy, sugar,” Mrs. Rowe cooed. “Give me a good lickin’.”

Mark’s thrusts were shoving my face closer and closer to Mrs. Rowe’s cunt. I could feel heat radiating from her pussy, a spicy, tangy scent filled my nose. Her pubic hair was silk on my face, and my tongue hesitantly licked up her slit. And she tasted amazing. My tongue dipped into her pussy over and over, greedy to drink all her delicious juices.

I wiggled my hips, enjoying Mark’s thrusts. His cock was rubbing my cunt in all the right places and I could feel a great cum building inside me. Mrs. Rowe was moaning, her hand clutching my dyed-green hair, pulling my face into her sopping cunt. Mark was groaning every time he bottomed out inside me, filling me up. His balls would brush my clit when he thrust in, a staccato beat to match the pleasurable rubbing inside my cunt.

“Oh, sugar!” Mrs. Rowe moaned. “Umm, sugar, your mouth feels so good on my cooter! Oh wow, you’re a natural rug muncher! You got me as excited as a hound dog worrying a bone! Oh sugar, here I go!”

Mrs. Rowe quaked on the couch, her head thrown back as she came hard. More tangy, spicy juices flowed into my mouth. I kept licking her as Mark pounded away at my cunt. Mrs. Rowe just writhed on the couch as my eager mouth gave her cum after cum until Mrs. Rowe shoved my face away.

“No more, sugar,” she panted. “My poor cooter can’t take anymore.”

Mark’s thrusts were coming hard, now. The entire couch was shaking under the force of his cock slamming into my pussy. Mark groaned, and buried himself deep inside me, his cock must be brushing my cervix, he was in so deep. And then I felt something shooting inside me. Mark’s cum I realized and moaned as the muscles in my cunt contracted as a hard cum spasmed through my body.

“Whew, now I’m ready to do some jogging,” Mark panted. He smacked my ass. “Gonna fuck you again when we get back. You have such a nice, tight pussy, slut!”

“Oh, thank you Mark,” I gushed, thrilled my tight hole made him happy. “Your cock was amazing inside me.”

Mark’s cum ran wetly down my legs as we went jogging. A greasy, sticky mess that slowly cooled against my skin. Cars honked at us as we jogged by, and I threw my head up high, my breast thrust out. I was Mark’s jogging slut, and I could care less who saw me. I hoped they could see the cum running down my thighs, proof that I was Mark’s slut.

Day Six, Saturday, June 15, 2013


Notes: Takes place during Chapter 20.

I admired my husband’s body as we rested at the intersection. Sweat gleamed on his dark brown skin, his muscles rippling beneath as he moved.

We were out for our Saturday morning jog, at our halfway point at the intersection of Shaw Road and 39th Avenue. My husband was a big black man, built like a linebacker. He played football in college, and still stayed all big and muscled. He was smokin’ hot, and my cooch was moistening as I thought about him throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me off. In my fantasy, he would throw me down on the bed and just start ravishing me.

His dark eyes were eying my body appreciatively, so I turned and waggled my black booty at him. It was a pretty nice booty, if you asked me, definitely my best feature. With just enough junk in the trunk to jiggle without being fat. Feeling a little naughty, I backed my booty up and rubbed it against his crotch, letting Ernard know how horny I was his for cock.

“Da fuck is that,” Ernard muttered. “Vertise, babe, there is some naked crackers joggin’ this way.”

I looked over to see five women jogging naked towards us. No three women and two teenage girls. And behind them, a man jogged naked. The women’s breasts bounced and jiggled, up and down, almost hypnotic, and the man’s hard cock bounced obscenely. The only thing the naked joggers did wear were their shoes.

“White folk,” I said, shaking my head, dumbfounded. “They always be doin’ something foolish.”

Ernard stepped in front of me. He was so big, I could easily hide behind his frame. “That’s close enough!” he shouted at the naked joggers.

The women stopped jogging and the naked man strode forward. He was a little overweight, in his late twenties, short brown hair and piercing, blue eyes. A mocking smile played on his lips and his cock was so hard, the tip angry-red. It seemed to be pointing right at me and disgust sneered my face. What a fucking pervert.

“Your woman looks hot,” the naked man said. “I wouldn’t mind fucking her ass.”

“What da fuck did you just say ’bout my wife, boy!” Ernard growl. “You better damn apologize or I’m like to bust your skull in, bitch.”

The man snorted in laughter. “What do you think, ladies. Is she hot enough to join our club.”

“Umm, definitely,” the black-haired woman purred.

“Her skin is so beautiful,” the green-haired teenager said, licking her lips. “The color of coffee.”

“I love your hair, sugar. The blonde streaks make you seem wild,” the honey-brown haired woman added. Were all these white chicks gay? They were fuckin’ perverts, that’s fo’ sure.

“Da fuck is wrong with you people!” Ernard demanded, walking up to the man. Ernard had a good half-a-foot on the man, and was far broader in the shoulder, and easily had fifty pounds of muscle on the white boy. Ernard cracked his knuckles. “How’d you like me to pound your face in, bitch?”

“Kick his ass, Ernard,” I urged. “Fuck the little peckerwood up!”

“Stand aside, Ernard,” the man said.

Looking confused, Ernard stepped to the side and the man walked up to me. “You are one fine piece of ass.”

“Ernard!” I shouted, too angry at my dumb husband for letting this pervert near me to be at all scared of the little peckerwood.

“Sorry, Vertise,” he muttered, shrugging his huge shoulders.

“Ernard, keep jogging,” the man said. “Vertise will be joining my club and jogging with us from now on. And you don’t have a problem with that, or with me fucking your pretty wife.”

“Oh, sure,” I was stunned to hear Ernard say. “Of course you can fuck her.” He kissed me on the lips as I stood rooted in place. “See you at home, babe,” and then he just started jogging back home.

“Ernard! Ernard, you useless asshole, get back here!”

But he just turned and wave. “Have fun with your club, Vertise.”

“You don’t care this peckerwood want’s to fuck your wife?”

Ernard shouted back, confused, “Why would I? I hope you have a good time!”

“Hey, Ernard,” the crazy peckerwood shouted. “Ever fucked your wife’s ass?”

“No!” Of course my husband hadn’t, that was nasty. Plus, my suddenly wimp of husband has a big cock. I’d hate to feel that monster up my booty.

“You will when she get’s home,” the peckerwood promised. “I’ll leave a big load of cum up her ass to lube the way for you!”

“Hell yeah, man!”

“Ernard, da hell’s gotten into you! Ernard! Stop jogging! This isn’t funny, Ernard!” But my suddenly whipped husband, by some little bitch of a peckerwood no less, just kept right on jogging.

“Well, Vertise, I bet you are just excited to strip naked and join our club. I’m Mark.” Mark introduced the other joggers: Madeleine, Anastasia, Issy, Belinda, and her daughter, Cassie. “From now on, you’re my jogging slut. And what does a jogging slut do, Issy?”

“Let Mark fuck her cunt whenever he wants,” the green-haired girl answered.

“I bet you’re just itching to feel my cock, aren’t you, Vertise?”

“I…” Fuck, I was. My cunt was dripping at the thought of his cock plunging inside me. “I am.” I pulled off my tanktop and peeled off my green jogging shorts in a flash. My nipples were hard when my sports bra came off. Mark was behind me and he pulled my panties off and inhaled them.

“Mhh, I love the smell of cunt,” he sighed, then squeezed my ass. “You’re getting wet just thinking about my cock reaming your tight ass! When you get home, you’re going to let Ernard fuck your ass, too. You’ll be a good, slutty wife for him from now on, won’t you, slut?”

I moaned. I so wanted my husband’s huge cock up my ass. My Ernard was such a great guy to share me with Mark and he deserved his reward when I got home. I knew he always wanted my ass, and from now I would be the best, sluttiest wife for him. “Yes, fuck my ass, Mark! Get me all ready for my husband’s giant cock!” And I started shaking my booty for Mark, letting him see it jiggle as his cock brushed against it.

He slapped my ass. “Let’s get jogging ladies!”

As we jogged, I got to know the other ladies. Anastasia who’s husband was waiting for her to get home so she could cook him breakfast, wearing only an apron. “And, if I’m lucky, he’ll just bend me over the table and fuck me good and hard,” she giggled wickedly.

Madeleine who bemoaned her own husband leaving her. “If only I had been a slut for him, then maybe he wouldn’t have needed that whore of a secretary,” she lamented.

The Blackwoods, Cassie and Belinda, happily told me all about how they were sluts for Oscar, Belinda’s husband and Cassie’s dad. “He takes charge of us when we get home,” Belinda happily said. And Cassie eagerly piped in, “Yesterday he bought matching, slutty nurse costumes for us, and we had to give him a sponge bath!”

“My parents are just happy I’m keeping Mr. Glassner satisfied,” Issy added. “My mom was so happy when I came home yesterday with cum leaking out of my pussy. She knew I was satisfying him and she gave me a big ol’ hug. And this morning, my dad gave was giving me such pervy stares as I walked naked out of the house. Maybe I should be a slut for my daddy, too.”

“Ooh, being a slut for your daddy is so fun,” Cassie gushed. “But don’t leave your mom out. That can be just as fun!” The teen girl gave a wicked giggle. “Right, mom?”

Belinda had a happy smile as she answered, “Ooh, having a slutty daughter is great, and sharing her with her dad is the best.”

When we reached Mountain View Court, Mark grabbed my arm, stopping me. “God, I can’t wait any longer. I need to fuck that juicy ass!”

God, I couldn’t wait any longer, either. My cunt was dripping, was aching to be fucked. “Yes, please, fuck me now,” I begged. I didn’t care that we were outside, didn’t care that cars were driving by, honking loudly. Let everyone see me be a slut for Mark.

Mark bent me over the granite sign, carved to read, “Mountain View Estates.” The stone was cold on my belly. “Anastasia, eat her ass out, get her ready for my cock.”

“Yes, Mark,” purred the black-haired beauty. I felt gentle hands spreading my booty and gasped as her tongue began swirling about my asshole. I had a couple girl-on-girl encounters in college, but none of them ever touched my asshole. It was so fucked nasty, I loved every minute of it.

“Why don’t we have a nice sixty-nine, Cassie,” Madeleine said, pressing her body against Cassie’s.

“I’d love that, Mrs. Rowe,” Cassie answered, pulling Madeleine down on top of her.

Mark was getting his cock sucked by Belinda and Issy stepped up in front of me, her shaved, teenage cunt right in front of my lips. “Like my shaved pussy?” Issy asked. “Mom shaved it for me last night, so I’d be more appealing to Mark. She’s the best mom in the world. Would you like to lick me?”

“Sure, boo,” I answered, grabbing her ass and pulling her cunt to my lips.

Issy had a fresh, tart flavor as I ran my tongue about her cunt. My dormmate my junior year at college, Tallia, taught me how to eat a woman’s pussy out, and it all came flooding back to me as I tongued Issy’s teenage pussy. Issy moaned appreciatively as I ate her out, rubbing her cunt all over my face. Anastasia had wiggled her tongue up my ass and slipped two fingers up my snatch, slowly fingering me.

“You have a tasty ass,” Anastasia murmured, pulling her fingers out of my cunt.

I groaned as her finger, slicked with my cunt’s juices, pressed against my asshole and slid in, pushing past the tight ring of my sphincter. She fucked it slowly in and out of my ass, letting me get used to the strange intrusion. Naughty pleasure tingled out of my ass and I groaned when Anastasia’s other hand began gently playing with my clit, rolling the sensitive nub between her fingers. I moaned my pleasure into Issy’s cunt, rubbing my lips against her soft vulva.

A second finger slipped into my ass, Anastasia was reaming my asshole faster and faster. Her tongue began lapping at my cunt and my orgasm began to build. Issy was gasping and moaning above me, her hips bucking as she came sweetly on my tongue, flooding my lips with her delicious girl-cum.

“Oh, thank you, Miss Vertise,” she panted, kneeling down and then she kissed me on the lips, her tongue tasting her juices on my face. “Hmm, I taste good, don’t I?”

“Yes you do, boo!” I moaned. I was getting so close to cumming. “Anastasia, ohh, keep doing that. I’m getting so close to cumming, you nasty slut!”

My ass clenched on her probing fingers, my muscles clenched in my womb, as electricity ran through my body and I moaned loudly. It was a great cum, and I groaned in disappointment when Anastasia pulled her fingers from my ass. She gave my cunt one last lick, that sent a small shudder of pleasure through my sensitive pussy.

“She’s all ready, Mark,” Anastasia proudly said.

“Good,” Mark groaned. “Umm, don’t swallow it all, Belinda. Let Vertise get a taste.”

A taste of what, I wondered. Belinda walked over and I could see sticky cum, glistening white on her red lips. And then she was kissing me, her tongue shoveling salty cum into my lips. I wrestled with her tongue, savoring Mark’s sperm. I heard footsteps behind me, a cock brushing my ass and I shook my booty.

Belinda broke the kiss and sat down next to me on the granite sign. “Issy, be a dear and eat my pussy!”

“Oh, yes Mrs. Blackwood,” Issy eagerly answered, kneeling down and diving into Belinda’s shaved cunt.

“Fuck my black booty,” I moaned, shaking my ass, letting my cheeks jiggle so prettily.

“You fucking asked for it, slut!” growled mark.

His cock was at the entrance to my ass and he just shoved it in, hard and fast. I gasped in pain and surprise as he invaded my asshole. “Relax, honey, it’ll makes it easier,” Belinda told me. I relaxed my asshole, letting Mark invade me, and the pain lessened. “There, isn’t that better?”

“Thanks, Belinda,” I groaned. Mark’s cock was pounding my ass, and pleasure was beginning to replace the pain. I started moving my hips, rotating them and twisting them, letting Mark get a good fuck out of me. “Ohh, ream my ass!” I started moaning. I always loved to talk filthy in bed. “Fuck me, stud! Fuck me hard! Yes, yes, you feel fucking amazing in me, stud! Uhhhh, getting fucked up the ass is fuckin’ amazing! Oh yes, I’m a nasty anal slut!”

“God, you got a tight ass, Vertise!” Mark moaned. “Your ass jiggles every time I slam into you!”

“You like my black booty!” I moaned. “Of course you do, every guy likes a black girl’s big booty! With a little junk in the trunk!”

“Only booty better is my Mary’s,” Mark groaned. I didn’t know who this Mary was, but Mark was right. I had the second best booty out there. “Fuck, your ass is tight, slut! I’m gonna cream it good, leave a nice, big load in there for your hubby to enjoy when he fucks your ass!”

I couldn’t believe how excited getting fucked up the ass was! And outdoors! I was one nasty slut, and loving every minute of it. Every car that honked, every person that saw just how much of a slut I was for Mark, made my cum grow closer and closer. Mark’s reaming felt amazing. “You’re making me cum, stud!” I moaned as I approached the sweet release of orgasm. “Yes, yes, yes! Harder! Fuck my nasty booty harder! Yes!” I screamed out as my orgasm crashed through me. My ass was clenching on his cock, milking his dick. I needed that load up my ass. I was going to need all the lube I could get up my ass to let my husband’s big cock could fit up there.

And Mark didn’t disappoint me. I felt like I had a gallon of cum sloshing around inside me when I got home. Ernard was waiting, eager to fuck my ass. I pulled down my sticky jogging shorts. My cunt was also messy with a load of Mark’s cum, and I presented my well fucked ass to my husband. Mark’s cum lubed the way, and my husband stretched my poor, tiny asshole as he fucked my ass good and hard.

God, I had turned into such a nasty anal slut, I happily thought as I came on Ernard’s cock reaming my ass slutty ass. There was no going back, Mark made me a slut, and I was loving every second of it.

Day Seven, Monday, June 17, 2013


Notes: Takes place during Chapter 22.

Mark was late and we were all getting restless. Yesterday was Sunday, so there was no club. Everyone needed a break from jogging and we were all eagerly waiting for Mark to show up. Vertise was sitting on my lap and we were making out. The coffee-cream-skinned woman kissed me fiercely, her tongue aggressively probing my mouth, as I rubbed her generous rear. Vertise just slipped a hand up to my breast, giving it a good squeeze, when the door banged open and Mark walked in trailed by a black-haired, young woman.

Mark looked us all over and then sighed. “No club today, you can all go home. I’m just going to fuck Antsy here for my exercise.” And then he and the girl rushed up the stairs. We could hear the bed creek and then then the woman started moaning as it sounded like Mark was fucking her hard.

“I guess we go home, huh, Anastasia?” Vertise asked me, disappointment on her face.

I shrugged. “It’s what Mark wants, cupcake. I guess I’ll go wake Stan up and see if he wants to fuck. God, I’m so horny.”

“Ohh, can I come, Mrs. Milburn!” Issy asked. “Your husband is so handsome.”

“Oh, you little slut, have you been eying my man?” I demanded playfully.

“I’ve rubbed a few out thinking about him,” Issy answered with a coquettish grin on her face.

“All right, let’s go,” I said, grabbing the teen’s hand. “You better be thankful I’m sharing my man with you.”

“Oh, I’ll be very appreciative,” Issy said, then made a V with her fingers, put them against her lips and waggled her tongue between her fingers. A shudder went through my cunt, thinking about her tongue waggling like that inside my pussy.

Day Eight, Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Notes: Takes place during Chapter 22.

“It’s eight, he’s not showing up,” Belinda pouted. “I need to go and get ready for work.”

Disappointment painted all our faces. I felt like a puppy that just had his favorite chew toy taken away. “Yeah, me too,” I sighed. My cooter was itching for some action, and, unlike the other ladies, I didn’t have a man at home to be a slut for. None of us sluts hadn’t even fooled around with each other this morning, all of us too anxious as we waited on Mark to show up.

Vertise gave me a hug and I groped her booty. “Tomorrow, then?” Vertise asked.

“Of course, sugar,” I told her. “We’re Mark’s sluts. We need to be ready for when he need’s us.”

“Yep, we’ll be here every morning until he says he doesn’t want us,” Issy piped in.

Cassie and Belinda nodded, mother and daughter were cuddling on the couch. “That’s just what a good slut would do,” Belinda added.

God, I hope Mark shows up tomorrow. My poor little cooter needs a nice dick up inside it.

Day Nine, Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Notes: Takes place during Chapter 25.

I parked my Prius in Madeleine driveway and Cassie and I got out of the car. We were wearing loose clothing, no underwear underneath and the moment we got out, we pulled the clothes off. The morning air felt great on my naked body, the rising sun warming the air. Cassie looked beautiful, painted in the dawn light and I couldn’t help myself. I hugged her, rubbing my big breasts against her perky tits, and kissed her pouty lips, slipping a little tongue into my daughter-slut.

“Do you think he’s coming today, mom?” Cassie asked as I broke the kiss.

“Hopefully, babygirl,” I told her. Arm in arm we walked up to the door.

We were the last to arrive. Vertise was there, cuddling with Anastasia on the chair. Madeleine had cute little Issy sitting on her lap. Everyone leapt to their feet when we entered, and then hope disappeared from their faces when they saw us.

“Sorry,” I said, pulling Cassie down onto the couch with me.

“What’s up with all the media outside?” Cassie asked. “It was a zoo out there.”

“There was something about Mark on the news,” Anastasia said. “Something to do with the FBI that raided his house last week.”

Cassie’s eyes widened. “Wait, the FBI raided his house? Cool!”

“The news says he robbed some banks and bribed the FBI,” Madeleine replied, browsing on her phone.

“Wow, he’s like some robin hood?” Issy asked, excited. “That’s cray-cray.”

“So, he’s a criminal?” I asked, suddenly a little nervous.

“That don’t matter,” Vertise said. “We’re his jogging sluts. Right, ladies?”

Vertise was right. I didn’t matter what Mark may or may not have done. I was his jogging slut, my cunt was wet for his cock. Between six and eight AM, and eight to ten on Saturdays, I was Mark’s. He could do what he wanted with me. Even if all he wanted was too ignore me. So I waited, as hopeful and anxious as the other ladies.

And we waited, our eyes focused on the cloak. Time seemed to slow to an agonizing crawl. It was 6:11 now, Mark was already late. Frustration welled inside me, but I forced that down. We were Mark’s sluts. We served him, not the other way around.

There was a crunching sound from outside. Everyone perked up, as the crunching noise turned into footsteps approaching the door. Someone was walking on the gravel walkway. My heart was hammering with excitement, my pussy moistening with desire. The doorknob turned and everyone in the living room held their breath in anticipation.

Mark entered, naked, his arm around a pretty, young woman, his cock hard and swinging as he walked. The same girl wasn’t the same girl from Monday. This one had auburn hair gathered in a ponytail. Perky breasts covered in freckles. Her pubic hair had been shaved, save for a fiery heart above her slit. She was smiling happily, her green eyes twinkling with love as she gazed at Mark.

“Mark!” I gasped. “You’re here.”

“Yeah, sorry,” he apologized, sheepishly. “I haven’t been myself the last few days.”

The auburn-haired girl laughed and squeezed him tightly, a fond look on her face. “That’s an understatement.”

Mark caressed her face, tenderly, lovingly. “Hi ladies. So, some of you know Mary. But for the rest, she’s my fiancee, and she has decided to join us today. You are all going to be just as slutty for Mary as you are for me.”

“Of course we are,” I said, coming over to hug Mary. “She’s your fiancee.” Mary squeezed my ass and kissed me on the lips. I bet those lips would feel amazing on my cunt.

After all us sluts kissed both Mark and Mary, Mark slapped my ass. “Well, let’s get going, sluts!”

I happily jogged up the street, Cassie on one side of me, Vertise on the other. Madeleine, Anastasia, and Issy following behind us, and lastly, Mark and Mary brought up the rear, so they could watch our shapely asses as we jogged.

“I see why you like doing this so much,” Mary said with a laugh. “It’s quite the motivation, all these fine asses shaking in front of you.”

Joy surged inside me. I was Mark and Mary’s jogging slut, my ass, my cunt, was their motivation. I was just so happy that they were enjoying the view.

The Devil’s Pact Side-Story: Mark Goes Back to School



The Devil’s Pact

Side-Story: Mark Goes Back to School

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Teen female, Male/Teen females, Males/Teen female, Teen male/Teen female, Teen male/Female, Teen female/Teen female, Teen female/teen females, Mind Control, Anal, Oral, Watersports, School, First, Humiliation, Group, Orgy, Incest

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Note: This takes place during Chapter 18 while Mark is hunting for the virgins at Rogers High School. Melody from Chapter 4 and the Cunningham Twins from Chapter 6 make appearances.

I parked my car in the crowded parking lot of Rogers High School. It was a rambling collections of red brick buildings and gray portables. Class had already started and the outside of the school was deserted. I headed for the school’s office, the sign out front said visitors had to check-in. The office was on the first floor of the main building, a two story building who’s hallways were lined with lockers painted an ugly green-gray.

The office was small, a cluttered receptionist desk, a short hallway that lead back to the principle and vice principle offices, a few chairs for people to sit in. The receptionist was a short, stout Indian woman named, according to a brass nameplate, Archana Korrapti. Her black hair was graying and cut soccer mom short.

“Hello,” she greeted pleasantly. “How may I help you, sir.”

I grinned. “I’m here scouting for some pussy.”

She blinked. “I’m sorry, what did you say, sir,” she asked with some heat.

“Relax, it’s okay. I’m Mark, and its perfectly all right for me to fuck any of the girls here.”

“Oh, yes, of course,” she said blushing. “You’re going to be…with our girls. Yes, that’s perfectly all right.” She knocked over her pen jar. “Oh, dearie. Yes, I’m sorry, I’m a little flustered.”

I smiled at her, reassuring. “Of course, of course.” Who wouldn’t be flustered when a man walks in wanting to fuck your students.

She pulled out a binder labeled, “Visitor Badges,” from a drawer. She dug around the spilled pens and found a permanent sharpie and wrote, “Mark, Pussy Scout,” on the badge and peeled it off the page. “This needs to be worn at all times, Mark.”

“Thanks,” I said, sticking the badge to the front of.

The door leading into the office swung in and a cute, sixteen year old with a heart-shaped face framed by black ringlets. She had small, pouty red lips and brown eyes that sparkled with energy. Her skin had a nice, olive complexion. A tight, white t-shirt with a rainbow across her breasts, emphasized her nice pair of tits. A short jean skirt over white leggings clung to her perky ass.

“Aren’t you a pretty thing,” I growled, looming over her. She shrank back, bumping into the door. It swung inward so she was trapped between me and the door.

“Mrs. Korrapti,” the girl said.

“Oh, it’s alright, Jerri,” the receptionist said. “Mark’s scouting for pussy.”

“And aren’t you some pretty pussy.” I stroked her trembling face. “Are you a virgin, Jerri?”

“No,” she muttered, looking away from me. Well I didn’t think I’d find my virgin on the first girl.

“Well, drop your leggings and panties,” I told her, my cock hard in my pants begging for some relief.

Jerri kicked off her shoes and reached under her skirt and pulled down her white leggings and blue panties in one motion, exposing her creamy, olive thighs. She used her feat to get the leggings off, her left foot pushing the leggins down off her right leg, pinning the fabric to the floor so she could step out, then repeated with her other leg.

I reached out and stroked her thigh, feeling her smooth leg. “Unzip my pants and pull my cock out.”

Her hand, trembling, reached out and fumbled with my pants button. Finally she got me unfastened and then pulled the zipper down. My jeans fell around my knees as she reached into my boxer, her hand cool on my cock. She pulled me out, my cock hard cock.

“Relax,” I told her, “I’m not going to hurt you, just fuck your tight, little pussy. You’re cunt’s wet for my cock, right.” She swallowed and then nodded.

Her legs parted for me as I lifted her up, her arms wrapped around my neck. I gripped her ass, guiding her body so my cock could find her pussy. It took a couple of tries to get my cock into her opening. My cock slid around her pussy lips and bumped her clit. And then I founded it, her silky lips parting for my cock, as I slid into her warm, tight opening. Jerri moaned as I plunged into her tight opening. Her soft, wet pussy giving way as I slid into her cunt all the way.

“Oh, wow, wouldn’t you like some privacy?” the flustered receptionist asked.

“Naw, like an audience,” I answered, fucking Jerri with slow, short fucks as her legs wrapped around my hips. She was light, maybe a hundred pounds, and I easily held her, gripping her ass and kneading her perky cheeks through her jean skirts. “Ever had someone watch you having sex, Jerri?”

“No,” she gasped, then stammered, “Umm, your…um…cock, it…it feels good in me.”

“It’s exciting, being watched, isn’t it?” Jerri’s breath was hot on my ear as she answered, “Yes.”

I fucked her a little faster, a little harder, her cunt felt so great on my cock, wet and tight and warm. Her legs were vices around my waist and she was wiggling her hips, bucking up to meet my thrust, grinding her clit against my pubic bone. Behind her the door to the office banged against its hinges every time I thrust into her, rattling loud through the office.

“What the fuck is going on!” a male voice roared behind me. I glanced back to see a fit, tall man in his fifties. His blonde hair was cut short and turning white with age. Fierce, blue eyes glared at me.

“It’s okay,” I said. “I’m Mark and its okay for me to fuck your students.”

The anger vanished from the man, deflating out of him. “I … yeah, of course, Mark.”

I continued fucking the teenage slut, and asked the man, “You the principal?” He nodded, “yeah.”

“I bet you’ve always wanted to fuck a student,” I asked. Jerri’s cunt was bringing me closer and closer to my orgasm.

“I always have,” he answered, but then quickly added, “But I would never touch one!”

“Today’s your lucky day, Jerri here is going to go in your office, bend over your desk and let you have some sloppy seconds. I want you to enjoy yourself.”

“Shit!” he cursed. “I…fuck.” He swallowed. “Yeah, okay.” Then he smiled, a hungry kind of smile.

It wasn’t going to be much longer, Jerri’s cunt felt amazing on my cock. I pounded her harder. The door banged loudly behind us. She was panting in my ear as pleasure rushed through her body. I squeezed her ass and groaned through my gritted teeth as I flooded her teenage cunt with sperm. Panting, I pulled out of her and she slid to the floor.

“The principals waiting,” I told her and she stood up.

With an excited smile, and bulging crotch, the principal took her by the hand and led her into his office. I watched them disappear, and saw my cum trickling down her thighs. Moments later, a low, throaty moan and the slap of flesh came from the principals office.

“Oh God,” the principal moaned. “Teenage cunt is as tight as I thought! Oh, you’re one nasty slut, Jerri!”

I left the receptionist masturbating to the sounds of the principal nailing little Jerri, and started walking up the halls until I came to the first classroom and walked right on in. “Sorry to interrupt.”

“Who are you,” the teacher asked, standing up from his desk. “I’m in the middle of a lesson!”

“Mark Glassner, Pussy Scout,” I introduced myself. “I’m looking for some nice, virgin cunts.” The teacher spluttered in outrage and I just talked over him, “Teachers and students, you just sit quietly until I tell you otherwise or until I leave,” I ordered. The teacher sat back down, blinking in surprise. “So, stand up if your a virgin.”

Five boys and seven girls stood up. I didn’t mean for the boys to stand up, then I thought about it. I was a virgin through high school and it wasn’t fair that all those girls didn’t put out for me. Maybe I could help a fellow shy or unpopular guy out. There was plenty of pussy in the school go around.

“Huh, girls, how many of you still have your hymens, then?” I asked, wanting to get the important stuff out of the way.

“I used a hairbrush,” a redhead blushed while a Black girl muttered, “Gymnastics.” A brunette and a Latina girl both lost theirs horseback riding. The other three just blushed, not admitting how they burst their cherries.

“Well, which girl in here’s the sluttiest?” I asked. Most of the class pointed to a slightly chubby girl in the back with a cute face, named Addison. “Well, slut, bend over the desk and let these guys bust their first nut.”

“Sure,” Addison answered gleefully, and I blinked. The girl seemed excited and pulled down her panties and flipped up her skirt exposing a pleasantly plump ass and a shaved cunt dripping with fluids.

The first virgin teenage boy, nervously, walked up to the girl, pulling his hardening dick out. “I…uh…” he stammered.

“Ohh, just slide it into my twat,” Addison moaned, wiggling her hips. “You can do it. I won’t bite!” She giggled and the guy rubbed his cock on her pussy and found her hole. “Umm, that’s a nice cock!” Addison moaned as he slid in.

Then, the youth just started pumping away at her, delighting in his first feel of a woman’s warm cunt. The other four virgins watched, excited to finally get to fuck a girl’s pussy, and jealous of their classmate who beat them to it.

Addison moaned wantonly. “Ohh, such a nice cock! I love a cock up my naughty snatch! Umm, harder, harder, stud!”

Her moans followed me into the hallway. Those were some lucky boys, Addison was definitely slutty. In the hallway I saw an Asian girl disappear into the bathroom. Last night, I had promised my friends to get them their own slaves and Tom was the last one I needed to get. Tom asked me to find him a petite, Asian teenager with a hairy bush for a sex slave. This girl was petite and Asian. Hopefully, she had a hairy bush.

I followed the girl into the restroom and she jumped in surprise when she saw me, exclaiming in some Asian language. She was short, her breasts small, barely bumps beneath her violet blouse, her blue-black hair long and straight. Her skin was pale as any Caucasian but with a slightly olive, creamy cast to it that transformed her into some exotic creature.

“Are you a virgin?” I asked her.

”Hai,” she answered, nodding her head.

“Do you have your hymen, then?” She frowned. “Your cherry? Your maidenhead?”

“Sorry, I do not understand,” she said with a thick, melodic accent.

“Where are you from?” I asked, curious.

“Shishibone, Japan,” she answered. “I am exchange student.”

“Get undressed.”

Looking downcast, she pulled her violet blouse over her head, exposing a plain white bra. She bent down and untied her shoes and pulled them off, followed by her socks. Then her blue jeans came off. She was slim, with boyish hips and a flat ass. She flushed when I saw her panties, still looking down at the floor. She reached behind her, fumbling at her bra clasp, and her breasts were revealed as she slipped her bra off her shoulder. Her breasts were little puffs of flesh, with dark, hard nipples. Finally, she peeled off her panties, exposing a black forest of pubic hair, so thick I couldn’t even see her cunt.

“Well, you’re what Tom wanted,” I whispered to myself, and reached out for her pussy. She backed way and I snapped, “Don’t resist!” She stopped and I slid my hand through her soft, silky pubic hair and found the tight slit of her cunt. I slid my finger in, sinking to my first knuckle, then my second knuckle, and then I was all the way up inside her, feeling no resistance. I sighed, oh well she had already burst her hymen.

“What’s your name?”

“Hikaru,” she whispered as I started to finger her. My thumb found her hard clit, rubbing it in slow circles. Her cunt started to moisten and her breath quickened.

“Hikaru, you’re going to be Tom’s sex slave,” I told her. “When school gets out, you will wait outside at the drop off zone for him to pick you up. He drives a red Toyota pick-up truck. You will do whatever nasty, dirty thing he wants. You love him and will be his for as long as he wants you. Do you understand?”

She nodded, her head bowed submissively. “Yes. I will be a good slave for Tom.”

“Bend over the counter,” I ordered. “I’m going to break you in for Tom.”

Hikaru bent over the counter. From behind she looked almost like a child until you saw that bushy, black forest between her legs. I pulled out my cock and my phone and called Tom. As the phone started ringing, I slid my cock into her wet cunt. She tensed as my cock started to push inside her and her face contorted in a mix of pain and pleasure.

“Hey,” a sleepy voice growled into the phone.

I started fucking her with slow thrusts and she sighed softly. “I found your slave.”

“Really,” Tom said, excited.

“Yeah, she’s a cute little Japanese exchange student,” I told him. “Nice, tight cunt.”

“You fucked her?”

“Fucking her right now,” I told him. “She’s looking over her shoulder at me and she has a beautiful smile on her face. I’ll send you a pic.”

“Thanks,” Tom answered, voice thick with excitement

I hung up and snapped a photo of Hikaru, her doll-like face framed by her blue-black hair and sent it to Tom. I slipped my phone back into my pocket and grabbed her hips and started to fuck Hikaru hard. She just sighed, biting her lip. She was strangely quiet and I liked my women to make noise when I’m fucking them. I could order her to moan, but I’d rather she did it on her own. So, I slid a hand down her side, reaching down to her groin and started to pinch her clit with my fingers. Her cunt tightened as I stroked her clit.

Her breathing quickened as I played with her clit. A low, throaty moan escaped her lips and then her dam broke and she panted, “Oh, your tool is stirring me up! Stirring up my cauldron!” She moaned, throatily. “Stir me up! Stir me up! My cauldron is boiling over!” Her cunt twitched on my cock as she came. “Yes, I am boiling! Iku! Iku!”

The bathroom doors swung in. “Oh my god, Mr. Beck is such an asshole,” a Black, teenage girl complained as she entered in.

“Right, graduation’s Sunday, why is he…What the fuck!” her friend gasped, seeing me plow Hikaru from behind.

The Black teenager was beautiful girl with a cute nose. Her skin was the color of chocolate, her black hair was braided in rows across her scalp ending with beaded braids at the base of her neck that clicked as her head moved. She wore tight, blue jeans and a black, Lady Gaga concert shirt. Her friend was fair skinned, with a round face, hazel eyes and long, brown hair. She wore a black skirt striped with red and a red halter top.

“Don’t leave,” I ordered quickly, “and don’t shout. Everything’s okay. I’m allowed to fuck teenage girls. I’m a Pussy Scout, here to check the talent of all you slutty gals!”

“Oh,” the Black girl swallowed, her eyes widened as she drank in the sight of an adult male fucking a tiny Asian teen.

“Either of you girls virgins?” I asked. Hikaru’s cunt felt tighter as she looked down in shame at people watching her fucking, no longer moaning her pleasure. She stopped moaning when the girls came in, biting her lip and looking away in shame.

“No,” the Black girl admitted while her White friend nodded her head.

“Do you have your hymen?”

“No,” she whispered, mortified. Her Black friend laughed, “She popped her cherry with a carrot.” The girl blushed even brighter.

“I bet you girls have to take a piss?” I asked, smiling at the thought I just had. Both girls nodded. “Good, Black girl, drop your pants and panties and White girl, get down and let your friend pee in your mouth.”

“Damn!” the Black girl exclaimed. “You’re one nasty cracker.” She was unbuttoning her pants, and slid them down her chocolate legs, followed by her red thong, exposing a hairy, black bush. Her friend knelt down and placed her lips at the Black teen’s cunt. “Hot damn, you’re going to let me pee in you mouth, Petrina?”

“Yeah,” Petrina muttered in disbelief.

“Petrina, you should be happy, you get to be a cute little pee slut,” I told her. “Nothing makes you happier than to drink someone’s pee.”

“Oh, Fernie, let me drink you pee,” Petrina begged, my commands transforming her thoughts. Fernie shrugged and yellow urine splashed into Petrina’s mouth. Petrina sealed her lips over her friends cunt, swallowing as fast as she could.

“Damn this is so nasty,” Fernie purred. “Christ, my pussy is getting wet.”

“I guess you’ll have to eat her pussy, Petrina,” I ordered.

Petrina started licking Fernie’s black cunt, glimpse of pink pussy amidst the forest of black hair could be seen as Petrina ate her friend. I pounded Hikaru hard and felt that moment of release cumming as I watched the pee slut lick her friends pussy clean. I groaned and shoved my cock deep into Hikaru’s tight cunt and shot my load hard into her pussy. I pulled out of her tight cunt and her lips were so tight, my cum didn’t leak out. Hikaru panted, looking downcast.

I watched Fernie writhe on Petrina’s lips, panting loudly. I felt pressure in my bladder and was about to head into a stall, when I stopped. There was a cute little pee slut here. Why waste my piss in the toilet when Petrina would love to pee. And then an even nastier though entered my mind.

“Hikaru, take Petrina’s place licking Fernie,” I ordered. “Petrina, take off your panties and come suck my cock.”

Petrina stood up, reaching under her skirt to pull off a blue thong, her face was messy with piss and cunt-juices. Hikaru knelt gracefully beneath Fernie and started to gently lick Fernie’s cunt. The Black girl growled, grabbed Hikaru’s head and shoved her head into her cunt.

“Eat me better, bee-atch!” Fernie barked. “Yeah, that’s it, dig that nasty tongue of yours into my cunt. Mhh, you just might be a Grade A cunt eater.”

Petrina knelt before me, and sucked my wet cock into her mouth. She was on her knees, and I ordered her, “Spread your legs and start peeing, bitch.”

The girl spread her legs. She sucked harder at my cock and then her urine splashed on the floor, forming a yellow puddle that spread across the tiles. The urine puddled until she was kneeling in her own piss. I held her head tight and started pissing in her mouth, sighing as the pressure in my bladder released. It was almost like cumming, not nearly intense, but that same feeling of ejaculation flowed through my cock, sending a pleasant tingle through my body, made all the more exciting by pissing in a cute girl’s mouth. When my bladder was empty I pulled out of her mouth and she coughed, more urine running down her face, her neck, to stain her halter top.

“You got the floor dirty, pee slut,” I shouted. “Bend down and lick that piss up like a good little piss slut.”

The teen crawled back and bent her hand, grimacing as she licked her urine off the dirty tiled floors. Fuck that was nasty and I felt my cock harden as the teen degraded herself. I moved behind her, flipping up her skirt. She looked up in alarm and barked, “Keep licking, slut, don’t stop just cause you’re about to get your first dick up your snatch!”

Her pussy was covered by a mat of brown hair, wet with urine. I knelt down on the floor, luckily the puddle of pee didn’t reach this far, and rubbed the head of my cock on her cunt and slowly pushed into her. She moaned as she lapped her dirty pee up, her back arching as her cunt gave way to my cock. God, it was nice fucking a tight, teenage cunt, I built up to a steady rhythm.

“That’s nasty!” Fernie moaned. Hikaru was really into licking her cunt, now. The Japanese girl’s arms were wrapped around the Black girl’s waist, hugging her ass. Hikaru had a taste of jungle fever and was devouring the Black girls pussy like it was the tasty thing in the world. It probably was. Nothing tasted better than a woman’s pussy juices.

The bathroom door opened and a girl texting on her smart phone walked in, so focused on her phone she reached the first stall before she realized what was going on. Her blue eyes, framed by red-rimmed glasses, widened in surprise, her hand going to her mouth. She wore a long, Black skirt and conservative, white blouse tucked into her skirt. Her hair was black, cut short, with a single red streak down he left bangs that was at odds with her conservative dress.

“Oh, jeepers,” she gasped and then flushed, closing her eyes.

“Are you a virgin?” I asked, a girl dressed this conservative must be but she shook her head no. “Well, if you have to pee, Petrina here wants to drink it, right slut?” I smacked Petrina’s ass and she gasped, “Yes!” and went back to licking up her piss.

“I…what,” stammered the new girl. “You want me to piss…is that pee she’s licking up?”

“She’s a pee slut,” I laughed, fucking slowly into Petrina’s cunt. “So hike up your skirt and drop your panties and let her drink your piss and eat your little cunny.”

A frilly pair of pink panties came out from beneath the new girls skirt and she walked over to Petrina. Petrina rose up, wrapping her arms around the girls hips as her head disappeared beneath the girls skirt. Petrina’s cunt squeezed my cock as the new girl relaxed, her mouth open in awe, as she pissed in Petrina’s mouth. I kept fucking the pee slut and then she came as she gulped the new girls piss, her cunt throbbing about my dick.

I kept fucking her and the new girl moaned, “Oh wow her tongue fills nice,” she gasped. “Umm, she’s almost as good a cunny sucker as my cousin!” A delicious shudder went through the new girl, “Her tongue is agile. I bet she’s sucked some girl’s cunt before.”

“Oh she has,” moaned Fernie. “We lez out all the time! That’s how I know she popped her cherry with a carrot. I watched her do it!” Fernie purred. “And this little Asian slut’s learning to do a good job. I’m going to cover your face in my juices, sugar. Just keep sucking my clit, you little lezzie slut! Oh, crap, I’m coming! This lezzie bee-atch is making me cum!”

The new girl gasped, “Yes, right there, pee slut. Lick my dirty pussy clean. Oh yes, oh fricking yes, that’s amazing! Oh, oh, here it cums, baby, here it cums. Drink my girl cum like you drank my pee!”

The new girl bucked on Petrina’s face and stumbled back, and slipped on the pee and fell on her butt. “Oh shoot!” she gasped and quickly got up, looking at her ass. She landed right in the puddle and had a huge wet spot on her ass.

Flushing in embarrassment, she walked over to the sink and pulled off her skirt, washing it in the faucet. Her bush was black, and neatly trimmed, and drenched with pussy juices. I watched her nice ass as I fucked Petrina. The bell tolled, ending the period, as I shot my load of cum into Petrina’s cunt. She gasped and panted as I pulled out. Fernie was pulling her pants up, a satisfied smile on her lips.

“Hikaru, get dressed and remember to wait out front,” I ordered, zipping up my pants and bumped into a pair of girls that gaped at a man walking out of the restroom. I questioned them and neither of the girls were virgins, or that cute, so I excited out into the crowded hallway.

It was chaos in the hallway. If a girl walked by I’d grab her, ask if she was a virgin, shouting over the noise of all the students. While I was questioning that girl, three more girls would walk by that I didn’t get to ask. Then the hallway thinned, suddenly, and another bell rang, starting the next period. I walked into the next classroom and found a very attractive teacher, young, probably fresh out of college.

The teacher, Miss Blythe, according to the plaque on her desk, was a fiery-redhead bombshell with a pair of big tits straining a sleeveless, tan blouse. All the boys in the class started lustfully at the teacher as she wrote on the whiteboard, her breasts jiggling beneath her blouse. Her nice ass was covered by a tight, knee length pencil skirt, that was a the same tan as the blouse.

Miss Blythe’s class contained three boys and five girls who were virgins. Disappointingly, all had broken their hymens, one riding a bike, two with pencils, and two doing sports. I decided to give the virgin boys a treat and Miss Blythe was more than happy to bend over her desk. She hiked up her skirt and pull down her black thong, exposing a pussy bare of any hair. All the boys in the classes groaned in lust, and a few of the girls, I noticed.

I enjoyed a lusty Latina girl with a nice set of breasts as the boys took their turns on the teacher. The Latina girl had a tight pussy, the only thing she had shoved up her cunt was a pencil. I enjoyed her pussy as I watched Miss Blythe get mounted by the first teen boy, a tall, pimply sixteen year old.

He barely last a thirty seconds. When he stuck his dick in his teacher’s cunt, he pumped five times, and shot his load. He stumbled back, muttering, “Thanks Miss Blythe,” and the next virgin took his place, an overweight kid that wheezed as he fucked his teacher. He had some stamina, though, lasting a full three minutes before he shot his load into his teacher.

A few of the other boys in the classes had pulled out their cocks and were jerking off, watching their teacher get fucked by the third boy. One of the teens jerking off wore a Letterman jacket and a few of the girls were watching his cock with interest. He motioned at a cute, blue-haired girl and she blushed and knelt down and sucked his cock into her mouth.

It was like the dam broke when that girl sucked the jock’s cock into her mouth and students were pairing up, seemingly not caring who they were with. Girls were fucking and sucking all over the classroom. A Black girl was bent over a desk and fucked by an Asian boy from behind. A plain looking red-head lifted her skirt and shoved her pussy in the Black girl’s face and she just started lapping at the plain girl’s clit.

A second girl joined the blue-haired girl sucking on the jocks cock. The third virgin creamed Miss Blythe’s cunt and a tall, lanky Black teen took his place and Miss Blythe moaned her appreciation as she came on the Black guy’s cock. Two girls made out while a pair of boys jerked off watching them. One girl’s blouse was open and a load of cum splashed on her tits and the other girl bent down, licking cum off her friend’s tits while the other guy shot his load into her hair and cheek.

I groaned and creamed my lusty Latina’s cunt. When I pulled out the first boy to fuck Miss Blthye slipped his cock up the Latina girl’s pussy and started pumping away. Maybe he would last longer on his second time. As I walked to the door I heard an exclamation and turned to see the boy pull out, a big grin on his face. I guess not, I thought as I left the orgy.

The next classroom had a few familiar faces, including Hikaru and the conservative dressed girl who pissed down Petrina’s mouth. Only one girl in this classroom was still a virgin. Her name as Felicity and she was a black-haired girl, tall and gangly, with her black hair in a long, french braid. Not only was she a virgin, she said she still had an intact hymen.

There were two virgin boys in the class, and I let Hikaru and the conservatively dressed girl, Maya her named turned out to be, make men of them as I unbuttoned Felicity’s jeans. I slid my hand down her panties and she sucked in her breath, trembling as I invaded her panties. Her pubic hair felt silky on my hand and I gently probed her cunt and felt a thin membrane stopping me from going too deep.

“Well, it’s your lucky day, Felicity,” I told her. “Meet me at the flagpole after school and I’ll take you home and you’ll get your cherry popped.”

“I … oh, okay,” Felicity stammered, flustered. Behind her, Maya was gasping in an orgasm. Maya original virgin had finished quick, but one of the jocks had jumped in and started fucking her and brought her to a screaming orgasm.

Back into the hallway I went, one virgin down, one to go. And, as a bonus, I had found the sex slave for Tom. I was smiling, about to round a corner in the hallway, when a skinny girl, honey-blonde hair in a plait down her back, walked by, and I grabbed her arm.

“Virgin?” I asked.

“No,” she answered.

I pushed her into the janitor’s supply closet, pulled off her tights, lifted her red skirt and started plowing her pussy. She moaned and bucked on me, wrapping her legs around my hips, as I fucked her into the supply shelf. A bottle of bleach fell, bouncing on the floor, along with rolls of toilet paper. When the janitor found us, I turned us about, leaning against the shelf and flipped up her skirt, exposing her pert ass.

“Why don’t you fuck her tight ass,” I told the janitor.

The girl moaned in pain as the janitor’s cock slid into her cornhole. Her pussy got real tight as the janitor reamed her ass and I plowed her cunt. Soon, the girl was panting and moaning in pleasure, clutching me tightly as both her holes were fucked. The janitor came first, probably the first taste of teenage ass he ever had. I creamed her cunt when her orgasm rolled through her. When I walked out, the janitor was trying out her cunt, enjoying himself some sloppy seconds.

Just as I walked in the next classroom, the bell rang and the period was over and students were darting out of class, shuffling about the school. I saw a cute girl disappear outside and I hurried after her. She had auburn hair in a ponytail and looked similar to Mary from behind. When I caught up with her, she had already crossed the courtyard and entered the gym/cafeteria building and was about to enter the locker rooms.

I always wanted to walk into the girls locker room, to feast my eyes on an entire room full of naked, teenage flesh, and play with them. So I followed the honey-blonde teen into the locker room. I was not disappointed and my cock grew hard in an instant. Everywhere I looked, there were girls half undress, putting on sports bras, pulling on gym shorts and t-shirts. A girl shrieked and everyone froze, covering their naked flesh with whatever was at hand.

A female gym teacher stood up from her office, storming out. “What the hell are you doing?” she demanded. She was a bulldog of a woman, face reddening in anger, and looked like she could just tear my head off barehanded if she wanted to.

“You, go teach the boys today, and don’t tell anyone what’s going on in here!” I barked. “Girls, line up, naked.”

The teacher walked out in stunned surprise and the fifteen or so teenage girls started stripping naked. A confused buzz echoing through the locker room as the girls questioned each other, wonder what was happening. My cock was raging hard as I pulled off my clothes, and the girls flushed, some looking boldly at my cock, others looking away in embarrassment. And some that looked away were sneaking curious peaks.

Finally, all naked, fifteen gorgeous teenagers lined up before me. They were short and tall, curvy and skinny. Some had big breasts, others little ones. All their breasts were perky with youth, nipples pointing upward and bouncing as they walked. Most had pubic hair, only a few were shaved bare. Some had hairy, thick bushes, while others were neatly trimmed for bikini season. Some were skinny, some were pleasantly plump.

Sadly, none had their hymens. Three had broken theirs during gym class this year, a few others with dildos, various phallic vegetables, horseback riding, and doing the splits. I walked down the line, eying each girl up, hefting a breast, feeling a nipple, or sliding my hand across a shaved cunt, my cock jutting hard in front of me, bouncing as I walked.

“Okay, girls, for gym class we’re going to have ourselves a nice little orgy,” I ordered. “So grab a partner and discover how great it is to pleasure another woman.”

Friends paired up with friends and the locker room was filled with feminine sighs and moans and giggles. Addison, the slightly plump, in a kinda sexy way, red-headed I met earlier, was bent over a bench while a Black girl ate her cunt. An Asian girl and a White girl were sixty-nining on the floor. Two blondes were making out, playing with each other’s breasts.

I grabbed a busty brunette and sat down next to Addison and enjoyed a nice titty fuck. The plump red-headed moaned and gasped next to me as I enjoyed the brunette’s rubbed my cock with her tits. The brunette’s name was Daffodil, and her tits were soft and pillowy as she fucked them up and down on my cock. Her pink tongue would lick my cock head on the down stroke, sending a delightful shudder every time. Addison moaned as she came on the Black girl’s face and I moaned as I shot my load all over Daffodil’s big tits.

Addison and the Black girl started licking my cum off Daffodil’s titties, and sucking her brown nipples. My cock hardened at the sight. Addison kissed down Daffodil’s body and found her sopping wet cunt and ate her out as the Black girl sucked one Daffodil’s big tits.

I stood up and noticed Latina girl and a Black girl taking a shower, rubbing their bodies together and I went and joined them. I fucked the Black girl, pushing her against the shower stall, while I had the Latina girl eat my ass out. The Black girl’s cunt was tight and she moaned like a bitch in heat as I reamed her. The Latina girl’s tongue felt amazing as she licked my ass, shoving her tongue inside my tight hole. And then the saucy Latina teen slipped a finger in and I felt that incredible feeling of having my prostate massaged and shot a huge load into her friend. When I pulled out of the Latina girl wasted no time diving into the Black girl’s sloppy cunt.

Some of the girls had changed partners, Addison was tribbing with an Asian girl on the floor. Daffodil was eating a Black girl’s cunt while the auburn-haired girl I followed into the shower ate Daffodil’s cunt. I found another Asian girl and fucked her ass while another girl sucked on her cunt. Her ass was tight and hot and I fucked her hard while she panted in pleasure. When I creamed her ass, the girl eating her pussy sucked my cum out of the Asian girl’s ass.

In the shower, a daisy chain of five girls formed, and I watched while two girls took turns sucking on my cock. The girls in the daisy chain formed a circle, each girl sucked on someone’s cunt while another girl sucked on her pussy. They all were moaning and every few minutes one would cum, bucking and shouting her pleasure. Was anything more beautiful than young women pleasuring each other? Mary, of course, but nothing else could compare. I came all over the faces of the two girls sucking on my cock and watched as they licked my cum off their faces, then kissed each other passionately, sharing the bounty of my sperm.

Before the period ended, I bent a the auburn-haired girl I initially followed into the locker room, over a bench. She had been getting her cunt eaten out by Addison. Addison giggled, her face sticky, and found another girl who was free and the pair slipped into a sixty-nine. I spread the auburn-haired girl’s ass open and buggered her good and hard. Her ass was tight and hot on my cock as I reamed her ass, pulling on her auburn ponytail, and I shuddered when I came inside her.

Sadly, the period was over too soon and I had my virgin to find. The girls, reluctantly, got dressed, and a few were talking about having a slumber party tonight to continue. I wish I could be there, but Mary’s family was coming over for dinner and I was hoping to fuck both her sisters tonight.

I was starving, and the cafeteria was just up the hall from the locker room. It was the first lunch period, I learned, from a saucy girl with brunette hair while waiting to get some food. Her name was Whitney and she wasn’t a virgin. Whitney complained about having first lunch.

“It’s just too early in the day, I get hungry again around last period,” Whitney bitched. “I signed up for second lunch for my senior year.” Whitney explained that Rogers had too many students to fit them in the cafeteria at once, so they had three lunch periods. “I had third lunch my last semester and it sucked. I was so hungry by the time it came around. Second period is where its at.”

The food was sloppy joes and a salad, neither of which were any good. But I was starving, so I ate two sloppy joes and finished off the soggy salad, sitting at a cafeteria table while Whitney sucked my cock beneath the table. She’s have to finish quickly, her food was getting cold and I be that wouldn’t improve its taste any.

Rumor was going around the school if you wanted to lose your virginity, find me, and a group of nerdy boys and one jock did exactly that. I found them each a girl, and sent them off to find an empty classroom and lose their virginities. When I shot my load down Whitney’s mouth, I hoped the extra protein I gave her would tide her over until after school.

I continued my search for the second virgin and I was striking out. Three classrooms later, and I’ll had accomplished was a few more lads losing their virginities. Between periods, I grabbed a nerdy girl with glasses and bushy, brown hair.

“Virgin?” I asked, rotely.

“Yes,” the girl blushed prettily.

“Do you still have your hymen?” I asked and here would come her no and how she lost it.

“Yes,” she whispered and I almost didn’t make out her word.

I blinked in surprise, and lifted her green skirt. She stood frozen in fear as I slid my hand down her panties, feeling her silky pubic hair. Her eyes searched the crowd of students, but no one seemed to notice. I slipped a finger up her wet cunt and she jumped.

“Don’t scream,” I ordered, “Just relax.” I slid in a little ways into her warm, sucking cunt and felt a thin membrane and relief surged through me. Finally, I found the last virgin I needed. “What’s your name?”

“April Lovel,” she whispered.

“Good, meet me at the flagpole after school,” I told her. “Today, you’re getting your cherry popped.

There were still two periods left and just because I found my virgins, didn’t mean I was ready to go. There were plenty more girls to fuck, I thought with a smile. I saw my pee slut heading into the bathroom, followed by Maya, the conservatively dressed girl. I check in on them and found Petrina happily drinking her pee in a bathroom stall and Maya happily getting her sloppy cunt eaten out by Petrina.

“She’s the best,” Maya moaned. “We’re going to have a lot of fun this summer!”

I slipped into an English class. A thin, bony woman, who looked like all the fluids had been sucked out of her body, leaving a withered old hag behind, was reading from Shakespeare. Macbeth, I think. Not caring about virgins anymore, just looking for a girl to fuck. I noticed this cute, Asian girl, Cinnamon skinned, maybe from the Indian Subcontinent, or maybe from Malaysia. She sat in the back, her black hair cut short and streaked with red.

“Everyone, just listen to the teacher read for Macbeth,” I ordered, walking back to the class.

Her name was Jessamine and I bent her over her desk, flipped up her red and green tartan skirt and pulled down a pair of frilly, yellow panties. I rubbed her bushy cunt a few times, feeling her moistening then I slid into her and she groaned loudly.

“Oh man!” she gasped. “Umm, that feels nice.”

Sitting next to Jessamine, was a coffee-skinned, Black girl who watched with fascination as I fucked Jessamine. Jessamine was moaning loudly, urging me to fuck her harder and faster. Her cunt was tight and wet on my cock and my balls slapping against her clit as I fucked her.

“Take off your panties,” I told the Black girl and she pulled off a red panties from beneath her skirt. I smelled them, enjoying the spicy musk of her arousal then shoved the panties into Jessamine’s mouth. “Your disrupting class, young lady!”

I fucked her hard, enjoying her muffled moans through her classmate’s panties. Jessamine gripped the edge of her desk as I fucked her. The desk rasping on the linoleum floor of the classroom and was slowly inching its way forward. Jessamine cunt was a vice on my cock when she came and I thought the desk might collapse as she spasmed atop it.

When I was about to cum, I pulled out of her cunt, pulled the Black girls panties out of her mouth and jerked off into the sodden panties’ gusset, leaving ropes of creamy cum plastering the crotch. “Here’s your panties back,” I said. “You should put those on right away.”

The Black girl, flushing darkly, stood up and pulled the panties soaked in spit and cum up her creamy legs. She squirmed as she sat down, the creamy mess in her panties cool on her pussy. Jessamine pulled her panties back up and moved her desk back and sat down, pulling open her book to read along with the rest of the class.

In a computer lab, a Black girl sucked me off while I check my Hotmail account. Chris, one of my D&D buddies, emailed me a pic of Velvet, cum covering her enormous, G Cup breasts. Velvet was a bikini barista I turned into a sex slave for Chris this morning. There was another email from Quatch, another D&D buddy, thanking me for turning his little sister into his sex slave. “Little cocktease got what was cumming to her,” the email red and a pic of a girl’s asshole leaking cum was attached.

In the Chemistry lab, I bumped into the Cunningham twins Mary and I had enjoyed at Loews last week. Both were looking great, their hair was blonde, Rose’s long and braided and Daisy’s short. They both hugged me and kissed me, excited to see me and my cock was excited to see them. Their clothes came off as the rest of the class were doing some sort of experiment. The twins had large breasts topped with dark nipples, Daisy’s cunt shaved bare and Rose’s covered by a blonde bush.

“We fuck mom and dad every night,” Daisy panted as she bounced on my cock. Her sister, Rose, sat behind her, cradling her sister’s boobs as she rode me cowgirl style, and kissing her neck. “We sleep in their king sized bed and everyone just enjoys each other.”

“We’ve become quite close,” Rose giggled, licking her sister’s neck. “Mom’s even lezzed out with a few of our girlfriends. And last night, dad fucked Maya good and hard while Maya ate out mom’s cunt. It was so wicked. Daisy and I rubbed our cunnies together as we watched.”

When I came in Daisy’s cunt, Rose ate her out while I fucked her from behind. It was hot, watching one twin sister eat the other’s cunt out. Rose’s pussy was tight on my cock as I fucked her, hard and fast, and she moaned loudly into her sister’s cunt. Daisy moaned just as loud, encouraging her sister to eat her.

“Yes, yes!” Daisy moaned. “You naughty slut, eat my cunny! Ohh, you know just how to lez on me! Yes, oh yes, my sweet Rosie is making me cum!”

Rose drank her sister’s cum as it flooded her lips. It wasn’t long after that, as I fucked her hard, that Rose came on my cock, her little cunt spasming deliciously. I groaned and shot my load into her hot little cunt. The two sisters lay on the floor, panting and cuddling, cum oozing out of Rose’s cunt. They kissed, like reflections coming together and merging where their lips met.

I enjoyed a few more hot cunts before the school day ended. In a health class, the girls got a very detailed lesson on male anatomy and every girl in the class got to suck on my cock for a minute and then I finished up in the cutest girl’s cunt. The boys got to enjoy the other girls, and the entire classroom was filled with naked, panting teenagers. There were two more girls than boys, and so they learned all about tribbing and how sweet it was to cum on another girls cunt. Their old teacher, Mr. Ward, jerked his cock quietly at his desk.

In a civics class, I bumped into Addison again and enjoyed her sloppy cunt as she blew three different guys, swallowing their cum like a pro, before I added my cum to her slutty cunt. When I left, their teacher was taking my place, giving Addison a very spirited lesson as the class cheered him on.

I bumped into Melody, who, along with her mother, I fucked at the Old Navy store last week. It had been Melody’s sixteenth birthday, and her and her mom were playing hooky to celebrate. It had been hot watching mother and daughter eating each other’s cunts, so I pulled Melody into the same janitor’s closet I fucked another girl earlier today.

“How’s your mom?” I asked as my cock slid into her wet cunt.

“Oh, things are just fine,” Melody moaned. “Last night, with her help, I seduced my step-dad. He was so scared at first, but then he really got into it. He really loved watching mom and me make out and then nearly had a heart-attack when mom ate his cum out of my pussy!”

“God that sounds hot,” I panted as I plowed into her cunt.

No janitor interrupted this time and I fucked Melody to a screaming orgasm and then left a load of cum in her body as the final bell tolled, ending the school day. “I bet your mom will love eating my cum out of your slutty pussy.”

“I bet she will,” Melody answered with a saucy smile.

As I left the janitor’s closet, I felt like had I accomplished a lot today. I fucked more cunts then I ever thought I could, putting my sexual stamina wish to the test and it did not let me down. I wondered how many of those girls were on birth control. Maybe I knocked a few up, I thought with a smile. I found my two virgins, Alice and Felicity, waiting for me and led them to my car, wondering if they were on birth control. Maybe I could plant a pair of babies in their cunts.

We passed Hikaru as she patiently waited for her new master to come and take her away to her life as a sex slave. A slight smile graced her lips and she squeezed her thighs in excitement. I led the virgins to my car, and put them in the backseat of my silver Mustang and climbed in the front, starting the car.

“Okay, girls, let’s go get those cherries popped,” I said, glancing in my mirror.

April looked nervous and Felicity wrapped an arm around her, hugging her and smiling excitedly. I backed out of the parking space and sped home, eager to transform these girls into women.

The Devil’s Pact Chapter 18: Virgins



The Devil’s Pact

Chapter 18: Virgins

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Male/Teen female, Female/Teen female, Female/Females, Hermaphrodite/Female, Mind Control, Magic, First, Anal, Oral, Rimming

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 17

Lucifer’s semen burned in my cunt as he ejaculated. and another orgasm rolled through my body. Hatred and shame burned inside me as Lucifer pulled his cock out. “Always a pleasure, Lilith,” Lucifer said, pleasantly. Then, like I was his dog, he reached out and stroked my hair before he descended deeper into the Abyss.

After my attempts to seduce Mary and turn her against Mark had failed, Lucifer spent several hours fucking me, reveling in my humiliation. Anger boiled inside me. A white-hot rage that needed to be unleashed on someone. On Mark! That disgusting sack of pus!

I peered into the house and saw Mark and his disgusting friends fucking his Thralls around the dinner table. I concentrated and felt Mary was far away, dancing in a club, grinding on another woman. She was drunk on alcohol and sex. She was almost as bad. Loving her man, submitting to his lust like a good little woman. She was just like that whore, Eve, rutting with Adam.

I had failed at seducing Mary. Me, the first woman, the succubus. I was the first sex goddess, before Asherah, before Hathor and Aphrodite. There was me. And that little whore resisted me! It galled me. I needed to fix this, I needed to have a success. I needed to take something away from Mark and Mary.

But what. All of their precious sluts were in the house, save the one with Mary. But I couldn’t touch any of them. Mary’s command to not appear before any of them was a chain about my neck. If I concentrated, I could see the red, crystal chain leading off to Mary. The chain would remain until Mary used her last boon.

Frustrated, I peered at Mark, examining his soul. Lucifer was right, I hadn’t been paying enough attention. So I studied his soul. It was red, the sign of a Warlock, and his soul’s connections branched out from him. All the lives that touched him or that he had touched radiated out in all directions. Most were black chains that connected Mark to his Thralls. Anyone who had been giving a command by Mark had a chain connecting Mark to their souls. Some were tiny, barely threads, fading into silver. These were people who were given simple commands, ones that didn’t change their personalities, and Mark’s influence was slowly fading from them. Others were thicker. These represented people permanently changed by Mark.

Other threads and chains also branched from mark. Silver threads were regular mortals, the thick ones, what few there were, represented the friends and family of Mark. The thinner, silver threads, represented acquaintances. Each of Mark’s friends had a silver thread that connected them to Mark.

A pair of entwined, red threads connected Mark and Mary’s souls. Lucifer was right, they were soulmates and would be very hard to break up. Magic would have to be used to dominate one of their minds. An option not opened to me at the present. My powers could only influence a mortal, not force them to obey, sadly.

Lastly, a huge, red chain descended from Mark’s soul down into the abyss. Mary would have a similar chain leading down into darkness. That chain would lead all they way to Lucifer. The embodiment of the Pact Mark had signed, chaining his soul to Lucifer. Every Warlock had the red chain, leading to whatever demon they made a pact with. If Mary had summoned me the proper way, instead of using that crystal, a thicker, red chain would connect us then the crystal one.

I turned my attention to the black chains. I wondered if any were important. The thickest black chains were his sluts, the Thralls Mark had the most control over, the Thralls most affected by his commands. There were two chains that led away from the house, just as thick as the chains connecting his sluts. Curious, I touched the chains. Both were women, up north somewhere. They had never been in the house since I was summoned. Who were they? Were they sex slaves of Marks? They must be if Mark had as much control over them as his sluts.

Interesting. Mary had ordered me to not appear before their sluts. Clearly, these two were sex slaves of Mark, but were they ‘sluts.’ Well, as far as I was concerned, Mary was referring to the girls in the house when she gave me that order. For all I know, Mary doesn’t even know of the existences of these two Thralls. I smiled, the stupid bitch had left me a loophole. Oh, these two had a lot to learn about dealing with demons. You need to be quite specific or we’ll find so many interesting ways to wiggle out our agreements.

I followed the black chains north and found the two women they belonged to. They were in a quaint lodging. A bed and breakfast I believe they are called, on the Key Peninsula. Their room had a gorgeous view of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, which connected the Puget Sound to the Pacific Ocean. The women were in bed, making love.

A busty blonde with big tits, both nipples pierced with gold rings, was on her back while the other woman, a short, lithe, black-haired woman with small, apple-sized breasts, ate her cunt. The blonde was writhing on her bed, her wide, Slavic face contorted in pleasure, her breasts heaving as she panted her passion. The black-haired woman was quite skilled at eating cunt, her tongue flicking rapidly on the blonde’s clit as she fucked three fingers in and out of her shaved cunt.

I examined their black souls, the sign of a Thrall. Their thick black chains led back to Mark and other connections led off them: family, close friends, former lovers. The pair were connected by entwined, black threads. Soulmates, how interesting. Wedding rings glinted on their fingers. Yes, Washington State had legalized gay marriage last November.

This was perfect. I would need followers when I was freed from the Abyss. Mortals to worship me and serve me. And in the meantime, I needed agents in the Mortal World. My appearance was far to distracting to mortals. Preparations needed to be made before I was free. The thought of stealing Mark’s own Thralls sent a delicious shiver through my body and my cunt moistened in excitement. I should have thought of this before.

I watched their lovemaking, waiting for them to fall asleep so I could examine their dreams. I needed to learn about their hopes, fears, and desires. So armed, I could seduce these two women to my cause. Their lovemaking went on for some time, changing positions often. Sometimes they would lick each other’s pussies at the same time, sometimes they would scissor their legs together. The two were drunk on each other, their relationship was clearly new. They must be on their honeymoon, as mortal’s called it, newly wedded. They cried each other’s names as they made love, the blonde was Lana and the black-haired woman was Chantelle.

Nearby, a man was dreaming, his lusts rising, a horrid, ear-splitting screech that knifed through my soul. Well, these two weren’t sleeping anytime soon, so I followed the horrid sound to silence it. A few blocks away I found a fat, ugly man sleeping next to his wife. I glared down at him and his rutting dream, wincing as another knife stabbed my soul.

I peered into his dream, to see what disgusting fantasy he was having. In his dream, he fantasized about fucking some actress named Scarlett Johansson. She was dressed in tight, black latex, the pants pulled down to expose her nice ass and bare cunts. Men of this time were fascinated by hairless cunts. The man dreamed he was Thor, his flab bouncing as he plowed the red-head from behind. I snorted, as if that tub of lard could be a god or fuck a woman half as beautiful as Scarlett Johansson.

I invaded the dream and the man quickly forgot all about Scarlet. She was a beautiful women, but all beauty failed when compared to me. I was Lilith, the original sex goddess. The first women created, I was perfection. I pushed the fat man down, roughly, his cock hard and ready, and I mounted him. And rode him. Every time he came inside me, I stole more of his vitality. I arched my back, thrusting my perfect breasts forward. The fat man groped my tits with his fat finger, clumsily pawing at my breasts.

I rode him harder and harder, the more lifeforce I stole, the faster I fucked him. I pushed the man far past his physical limits. He was lost to the pleasure. He didn’t care about anything but me, not his wife, certainly not Scarlet Whatshername. And definitely not the weariness suffusing his body, the hammering of his heart, and the burning in his lungs. I lost count of how many times he came inside me, lost in the pleasure of his lifeforce rolling through my body. Nothing was sweeter than slowly draining a man to the brink of death.

When I finished he was passed out, his heart beating frantically. It would take him days to recover, I thought with a smile, if his heart doesn’t give out first. And his delicious lifeforce filled my belly, spreading warmth and energy through me. If the man didn’t die, every time he so much as jerked his own cock, he would think of the dream, of me. I would haunt his fantasies until he died, every time he would fuck someone, he would remember me and his partner would not compare.

When I returned to the two women, they were cuddling, drifting off to sleep, their lusts satiated and I studied their dreams and learned much. Once they were asleep, I could direct their subconscious and slowly sifted out their hopes and fears, desires and secrets.

Lana, the blonde, was bisexual and had cravings for men that Chantelle could never satisfy. Lana was often unfaithful to Chantelle with men, to satisfy her lust and to drive Chantelle crazy with jealousy. Lana loved how aggressive sexually it would make Chantelle after Chantelle would witness her with a male lover. She had secret desires to be fucked by a futanari, a dickgirl. Not some guy who got breast augmentation, but an actual woman with a penis. I studied her fears, next, and Lana’s greatest fear was growing old and losing Chantelle to another woman, younger and prettier then her.

From Chantelle I learned how much she loved Lana and hated watching her with other men. Every time was a knife in her heart and every time she wanted to tell Lana to stop, but instead would find herself fucking Lana passionately, proving that Lana enjoyed being with her more than with a man. Both of them were strippers, and Lana would often fuck men during lap dances while Chantelle watched. It was Chantelle’s greatest fear that Lana would leave her for a man. Chantelle was Lana’s first woman and Chantelle feared that Lana would one day stop being gay and go back to men.

I smiled, this was perfect. I knew just how to seduce these girls to my service.

I entered the Mortal World, dawn would be approaching in a few hours, so I needed to act now. I was strongest at night, beneath a moon. When I manifested, my lust radiated out from me in waves, filling the entirety of the bed and breakfast. Both sleeping women started to stir, their nipples hardening and their cunts weeping fluid. In the next room was a couple celebrating their wedding anniversary The wife was sleeping, but the husband was up, using the restroom. The lust hit him, overwhelming his thoughts and he rushes to his wife and soon their passionate fucking could be heard through the thin walls. Upstairs, the innkeeper, a woman in her sixties, started to masturbate for the first time in years.

Lana is the first to awaken, her eyes wide with desire when she sees me. I appeared naked, my lush body bathed in silvery moonlight. Lana shakes Chantelle who snuggles against Lana and sucks a nipple into her mouth. Lana’s eyes glisten with desire, her full lips parted slightly.

“Who are you?” gasped Lana, her voice thick with her accent, Ukrainian, I think.

“Lilith,” I answered, purring my voice. “I am here to gift you with pleasures.”

I pulled away the covers, exposing their bodies. Chantelle was pressed against Lana’s side, her hand caressing Lana’s shaved cunt as she nursed at Lana’s breast. I touched both women’s thighs and they cried out as they climaxed, hugging each other tightly as they trembled in passion. Lana claimed Chantelle’s lips with a kiss, the wives exploring each other’s mouth with their tongues. I crawled up their bodies, triggering a second orgasm in each woman as my breasts dragged across their naked flesh, my hard nipples sliding pleasantly across their silky skin.

Both women sucked my hard nipples into their mouths. Their thighs parted for me and I slid a leg tight against each of their wet pussies. They started to grind on me, flooding my thighs with their passion as orgasms rolled through their bodies. I held the women to my breasts, delighting in the feel of their wet lips on my nipples. Each played with nipple differently. Lana sucked harder, nibbling with her teeth, and Chantelle used her tongue more, playing with my hard nipple then sucking it back into her mouth. I breathed deeply, inhaling the heady scent of womanly passion.

I inserted fantasies into both women. For Chantelle, the fantasy of having her own penis, of how happy Lana was to finally be fully satisfied by her wife. The pleasure of sticking a penis into a woman’s cunt and ejaculating your seed into her.

For Lana, the fantasy of being taken by Chantelle, to feel Chantelle’s dick fucking into her cunt, better than any man’s dick because it belonged to her wife, to her love. And beneath her cock, she still had her pussy. She was still a woman, the only woman who could satisfy her fully, a dickgirl.

“I can give this two you,” I whispered to Chantelle, pulling her head off my breast. “With a cock, you could fully satisfy Lana. She would never need to cheat on you.” I pulled Lana off my breast and whispered, “You fear growing old, of Chantelle finding a younger woman, but I can keep you and your wife young and beautiful forever.”

I waited, watching as the ladies absorbed what I promised through the haze of their lust. Chantelle licked her lips, glancing at her wife. “W-would you be happy if I had a d-dick?” Chantelle asked her wife, nervous.

“Oh, that would make me so happy!” Lana moaned. “I’ve always fantasized about being with a futanari!”

“A what?” Chantelle asked and Lana kissed her. “A beautiful girl with a beautiful dick,” Lana answered.

“All I need is your pledge to worship me,” I told them. “Swear your souls to me and be my High Priestesses, and I will grant you your desires.”

“But we belong to Master and Mistress,” Chantelle objected.

“Your bodies, not your souls,” I lied. “Besides, I serve Mark and Mary as well. They sent me to you, to grant these desires.”

“Really?” Lana asked. She was trying to think, to object. Deep down she could sense the lie, sense that she was betraying Mark, but my lust permeated her body, overriding her fear.

I laughed inside. This was too easy. “Yes. Just say, ‘I pledge my soul to Lilith, my Goddess, for now until the end of time,’ and then we shall consummate our agreement.”

“Consummate?” Chantelle asked.

I reached down and caressed my clit and summoned my cock. My clit swelled and grew, transforming into my cock, I made it seven inches, no need to frighten them with the monster I made when I raped Sister Louise. Lana stared lustfully at my cock, her objections vanished as she saw her deepest, darkest fantasy about to be fulfilled. Chantelle saw her wife staring at the cock, then glanced down at her pussy and imagined a cock there and Lana staring with that same lust at her.

“Say the words, and spread your legs. When my seed spills inside you, our pact will be made, and your boons shall be granted,” I cooed, stroking both of their faces. They gasped and shuddered in orgasms.

Chantelle and Lana looked into each other’s eyes. Their hands entwined and then nodded. In unison, they said, “I pledge my soul to Lilith, my Goddess, from now until the end of time!”

Lana spread her legs for me, opening herself up to me, eager to be fucked by a futanari. I could only fuck someone with their consent, the curse God put on me when I made the cock. And Lana was clearly willing. I groaned as the delicious feel of her cunt giving way as the head of cock slid inside her. Her pussy clenched about me as she orgasmed. And she kept on orgasming as I fucked her, the feel of my cock inside her burned through her nerves. Our breasts rubbed against each other as we fucked, hard nipples pressing into the flesh of our breasts.

Lana and Chantelle still held hands tightly, Chantelle watching in breathless anticipation as I fucked her wife. Lana’s cunt was continuously spasming, milking my cock, as her orgasms rolled through her body. I kissed her soft cheek then capture her sweet lips in a kiss. Lana’s free hand gripped my ass, pulling me tighter into her inviting cunt. I could feel my orgasm building in my ovaries and my cervix twitching. There was no better feeling than fucking a woman, using my cock in violation of God’s creation. I thrust over and over into her pussy, our flesh slapping together every time I bottomed out. Every movement of my cock inside Lana’s cunt brought me closer and closer to orgasm.

Then that shuddering release. My seed rushed from my ovaries and out my cock, spilling black semen into Lana’s fertile womb. Lana screamed in passion and passed out from the intensity of her orgasm. At that moment, I grasped the black chain that bound Lana to Mark and yanked it away and attached it to my soul, the black fell away, replaced by the red of a Warlock. Lana’s boon granted and my payment met. Lana and Chantelle would forever be young and beautiful and would forever be mine.

I pulled out of Lana and Chantelle caressed her unconscious wife’s face. She then spread her legs for me. My cock never softened and I rubbed it against Chantelle’s slit, nudging her hard clit. She spasmed in orgasm when my cock brushed her clit, making it harder for me to find her hole as she bucked in pleasure. Finally, I found the opened and shoved in. Chantelle howled in pleasure as she orgasmed from my cock entering her cunt.

She was tighter than Lana, her cunt a velvet vice on my cock. I fucked her hard and Chantelle writhed beneath me. She captured one of my nipples with her lips, sucking hard, her hips bucking up to fuck me back. I could feel that tightening in my ovaries build and build and then I spilt my black seed in her fertile womb and wrest Mark’s hold over her and made her mine.

I pulled out, and was surprised to find that Chantelle was still conscious. Most women black out from the intensity of the orgasm when I cum in them. She glanced down and frowned. “Where’s my cock?”

“Grip your clit and twist it and concentrate,” I told her.

She smiled in amazement as a cock grew out of her clit, six inches. She stroked it and shuddered in pleasure. “Oh this is so amazing, my Goddess.”

Lana was stirring. She saw her wife’s cock and smiled in amazement, reaching out to stroke it as well. “Thank you, my Goddess,” Lana said, tears in her eyes.

“Enjoy yourselves,” I told them, “and then you’ll have work to do.”

“Work?” Lana asked, still stroking her wife’s cock.

“Yes, we’re going to destroy Mark and Mary,” I told them, “and Lucifer.”

“Mark and Mary,” Chantelle said and then her eyes opened. “Oh my god, what did they do to us. They, they made us do things to them!”

“I freed you from Mark’s slavery,” I told them. “Mark and Mary used magic on you to make you their whores, but I freed you. They can never control you.” No Warlock could control another. The chains that bound their souls to the demon the Warlock made the Pact with prevented that.

Lana straddled Chantelle, sliding her wet cunt down Chantelle’s cock. “We will make them pay, Lana,” Chantelle moaned as her wife started to ride her cock.

I smiled. Inside both women, I could feel my black sperm swimming up their pussies, heading for her womb. Every woman I fucked quickened a child. Soon, new monsters would be birthed and loosed on the world. My new children to hound mankind. I laughed aloud and watched my Priestesses pleasure each other, and felt my sperm reach their wombs, waiting for one of their eggs to make its way down from their ovaries. The moment my cock entered them, their had ovaries released an egg. Soon, my new child would be conceived.


I was sweaty when I got back from jogging and breaking in the newest member of my jogging club. Issy Norup lived in one of the houses I bought yesterday, along with her parents. They got to live there for free, provided their fifteen year old daughter, Issy, was available for me to fuck. Thanks to my powers, the Norups didn’t have a problem with the arrangements. Issy was an athletic girl, so I invited her to join my jogging club. After the jog, the group meets back at Madeleine’s house where I would enjoy one of my jogging sluts. Today, that was Issy and the teenager had a tight cunt.

No one was awake when I got home, although Jessica and Noel’s cars were already gone. I’ve never needed that much sleep, I usually got four or five hours a night, and I tend to always wake up at the same time, which was about 5:45 AM right now. I slipped into the bedroom I shared with my fiancee. She was sleeping off the fun she had last night. She had went dancing with a friend of hers, Diane, at a lesbian club in Tacoma called the Clam Diver and came home reeking of pussy.

While she was out partying, I was hosting my D&D group. We had been playing for twelve years, alternating who DM. There was Quatch, my best friend and best man for my upcoming wedding. The others were Tom, Chris, and Karl, who were going to be my grooms. The guys were quite impressed with my sex slaves and each expressed interest in getting their own slave. They were my friends, the only real friends I ever had, so I was more than happy to provide them with a slut of their own.

I turned the shower on. The bathroom filled up with steam and I slipped under the hot water and let the warmth take the ache from my legs away. I was slowly getting used to jogging. My body was slowly getting in better and better shape. I think it’s the consequent of my wish to have a long and healthy life that I was starting to shed my excess pounds.

As the warm water rolled over me, the dream I had last night returned. I couldn’t shake the dream, it filled my mind while I was jogging. I was thinking about the dream more than I was watching the five naked sluts that jogged before me, and those five ladies all had beautiful asses. It was such a weird dream, and so very vivid. In my dream, I held two dolls in my hands. One doll was blonde and the other raven-haired. I held them tightly, squeezing them in my hands, they were mine and I didn’t want to let go of them. And then Lilith appeared, clad only in her silver hair and a gloating smile on her face. She had grabbed the blonde doll first and wrenched it painfully out of my hands. Then she grabbed the raven-haired doll and painfully ripped it from my hand. And then she smiled triumphantly at me.

I felt the dream was important, I just wasn’t sure why. I lowered my head, letting the warm water splash down my head and back. Who were the dolls? Were they even people, or did they just represent something. Was it a warning, a premonition, or was this just my fear of Lilith manifesting from my subconscious.

I sighed, it was probably just a nightmare. Probably. I grabbed the soap and as I started to wash my body, and thought about the day ahead of me. The first thing I would do would be to get my friends their slaves. Chris wanted a bikini barista named Velvet that worked at Hot Chick A Latte on Meridian up her in South Hill. Karl wanted his boss, Julie, at the Ram where he worked as a chef. Tom wanted a petite, Asian teenager with bushy pubic hair. He didn’t care who she was, so long as those three criteria were met.

I had already gotten Quatch his sex slave. He wanted his little sister, Kim, who was staying with him and, according to Quatch, was a major cocktease. So last night I gave her a call and made her Quatch’s sex slave. Quatch should have spent last night enjoying his new slave.

After I took care finding my friends some sex slaves, I was planning on finding a pair of virgins at the Rogers High School. With all the unprotected sex Mary and I were having one of us was bound to catch some disease. Lilith told us about a spell we could use to make us immune. It required two women with intact hymens. Their innocents would protect us from getting STDs. All three of the teenage girls in the neighborhood had already broken their hymens, two by their boyfriends and one using her mother’s vibrator. I was also hoping to find Tom’s sex slave at the school along with our virgins.

Finished showering, I slipped out and dried off. I dressed in a pair of boxers, comfortable jeans, and a black t-shirt. Mary was still sleeping, curled up on her side. Her auburn hair was spilled across the bed. I bent over and kissed her on the cheek and headed downstairs. Desiree was cooking in the kitchen, naked save for an apron. I had taken Desiree from her husband, Brandon, and his house as well. Desiree was an amazing cook and I would have kept her even if she was the ugliest woman on the planet. She wasn’t. She was a gorgeous Latina with big breasts and a nice ass.

“What’s for breakfast?”

“Chocolate chip pancakes, mi Rey,” Desiree answered in her sexy, Latina accent. I reached over and fondled her dusky ass.

She was standing at the stove, a mixing bowl full of pancake mix sat next to her while she flipped a few on her griddle. She wiggled her ass as I massaged her butt. “Keep cooking,” I whispered, kissing her neck as I unzipped my jeans and pulled my cock out. My hard cock slid across her plump ass then between her legs. I guided my cock, found the wet lips of her cunt and rubbed my head around a few times before I found her hole and slid my cock up inside her.

“Mmm, that’s nice,” purred Desiree as I started to fuck her.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and slipped under her apron and squeezed her heavy breasts and played with her hard nipples as I fucked her in a steady rhythm. Her cunt felt like a wet, warm glove sliding up and down on my sensitive head. Desiree continued cooking, flipping the first pancakes onto a platter and ladling more batter onto the griddle.

“Morning, Master,” Chasity murmured sleepily.

“Slut,” I replied.

Chasity, our cop slut, smiled and rubbed my ass as she walked by, heading for the coffee pot and poured herself a cup of coffee. She grabbed a couple of pancakes and set down on the small kitchen table and started eating. “These are delicious,” Chasity said with delight.

“Oh, thank you,” Desiree panted. Her hips were moving as her lust built as I fucked her.

“Not as delicious as your cunt,” I quipped.

“Or your cock, mi Rey,” Desiree quipped back.

After I shot my load in Desiree’s cunt, I sat grabbed a plate of pancakes, even with my distraction they were only slight burned, and sat down next to Chasity. I watched my cum trickling down Desiree’s inner thigh as I ate. Xiu, a petite and busty Asian slut, joined us a few minutes later, that unsightly nose splint still on her face from when Mary broke it on Monday.

“You’re seeing the doctor about your nose today?”

“Yes, Master,” Xiu said, sitting next to me. “I think the split will get removed.”

“Good,” I said.

I pulled out my phone, figuring Karl’s boss, Julie should be in by now to start on the morning prep for the restaurant so I called the Ram in Lakewood. A guy answered the phone and I told him to put Julie on. “Yes, what is it?” an impatient woman said over the phone. She had a shrewish voice, the kind of woman that would just nag you to death.

“Julie, from now on you’re going to be Karl Nielson sex slave,” I told her. “You’ll do whatever Karl wants and love him for as long as he wants you, okay.”

“Yeah,” she answered, the shrewish tone vanishing. “Who are …” I hung up on her. Karl down, just Chris and Tom left to go.

“Sluts, let Mary sleep as long as she wants,” I ordered. “Chantelle and Lana should be showing up today.”

“They were with you at the Space Needle last week?” Xiu asked. Last Saturday, to celebrate our engagement, I had taken over the entirety of the restaurant at the top of the Space Needle. I kept the six most beautiful servers and had them work naked. It devolved into an orgy pretty quickly. Mary and I ended up keeping three of the servers: Xiu, Fiona, and Korina; as sex slaves

“Yeah, they were on their honeymoon when we claimed them,” I said. “I let them enjoy the rest of their honeymoon before they had to return.”

“How nice,” Desiree said. Then she cleared her throat, and, nervously, asked, “Mi Rey, would you be mad if I asked Allison to marry me?”

I smiled. “I’ve noticed the two of you seemed close the last few days. I think its a good idea.”

“Thank you, mi Rey.” There were tears in her eyes and she bent over and kissed me.

“Take a thousand dollars and go buy an engagement ring,” I said, pushing away from the table. “Let Mary know I will be home around 2:30. Desiree, you know what to cook for dinner?”

“Yes, mi Reina left instructions. I’ll pick up the ingredients after breakfast.”

I kissed Xiu, Chasity, and Desiree and headed out the house and into my Mustang. My first stop was the Hot Chick A Latte to get Chris his sex slave. The bikini barista stand was a hot pink, tiny building in the parking lot of a convenient store on Meridian, the main drag that ran north and south through South Hill down into Puyallup and up towards Federal Way and SeaTac. I parked my car and walked up and knocked at the door.

“Let me in,” I ordered.

The door opened and a tan-skinned woman, with the largest tits I had ever seen, opened the door. She was easily a G Cup like Chris claimed. Her breasts were full, heavy and swayed as she walked. Two pasties with the Rockstar energy drink logos on them covered her nipples. The only clothing she wore was a pair of frilly, yellow panties. Behind her another busty girl, only a DD Cup, who also wore pasties, was making a coffee for a customer.

“Yes?” the giant-titted girl asked.

“Velvet?” She nodded. “Good, we’re going to fuck, so get those panties off.”

Her panties came off and I entered inside the coffee stand. I gripped her left pastie and tore it off. She winced as her huge areola and fat nipple was exposed. I bent down and sucked the fat nipple into my mouth, and hefted her heavy tit and squeezed the flesh mound.

“What the fuck,” the other barista gasped.

“Keep working,” I ordered her as my cock slid into Velvet’s shaved cunt.

I had Velvet pushed up against a supply shelf and started fucking her hard. The shelf, and the ingredients on it rattled as I fucked her. Her huge tits pressed against my chest, one nipple still covered by the slick pastie. I gripped her skinny ass and really started to plow into her cunt. The girl definitely had some nice charms. Her lips were wet on my cheek as she kissed my face, panting in pleasure.

“You’re going to be Chris Young’s sex slave,” I growled in her hear.

“Oh, who’s that?” she asked in confusion.

“He’s a customer,” I said, and squeezed one of her big tits, feeling the soft yet firm flesh between my fingers. “You’re going to love him and do whatever he wants, no matter how disgusting, for as long as he wants you.”

“Yes, yes,” she gasped. “My Chris.” Her cunt spasmed on my cock and she bucked against me, Fuck, just the idea of being some guy’s sex slave as enough to send this whore into an orgasm. “I can’t wait to meet my Chris!” she moaned.

“Chris will come today and you’re going to go with him because you belong to him now.”

“Yes, yes, I’m all his,” she panted.

I left Velvet panting on the floor of the coffee stand, my cum oozing out of her cunt, wearing only a single pastie. She was a nice fuck, Chris was going to enjoy her. I pulled out my phone and sent him a text message to come on down and collect his slave. “She’s wet and ready for you, buddy. *-)”


When I woke up this morning, Mark was already gone. He seemed to like to wake up early. I, on the other hand, hated waking up early. I used to have to wake up 4 AM for my job at Starbucks. Lucky for me, I met Mark and didn’t have to work at that shitty job anymore.

My pussy was still wet from this amazing sex dream I had. Both my sisters were in it and they were so beautiful, nude and pressing against me. They caressed me and I caressed them. Maybe sleeping with my sisters could be something magical and beautiful and not something I needed to worry about.

I reluctantly crawled out of bed and pulled on my pink, silk robe, loving how cool and sleek the fabric felt on my body. Downstairs, I found some of the sluts eating a breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes. All the sluts were there, save the three with jobs: our reporter, Jessica; our FBI Agent, Noel; and Willow, our doctor.

Korina was looking better, her arm still in a sling from when Chasity shot her on Monday night. At the time, Korina was being controlled by a nun and was about to brain Mark with a rolling pin when Korina shot her. Desiree also had gotten shot by Chasity, and I used my second boon from Lilith to save her life.

As I ate my breakfast I gave the sluts their orders for the day. The house needed to be spotless, my dad and sisters were coming for dinner tonight, along with their boyfriends. My family was eager to meet Mark. Apparently, none of them ever liked Mike and were glad that I had found someone better. After dinner, I planed on seducing one of my sisters. It was part of a spell that would allow me to stop Nuns.

I was nervous. I wasn’t sure if I could actually sleep with my sisters, but that dream was giving me second thoughts. Maybe Shannon, she was always bullying me when we were children. I wouldn’t mind getting a little bit of payback. But Missy was just a sweetheart, the baby of the family. I shared a bedroom with her since I was four and we used to share everything. I smiled at a nasty thought, we could share each other’s bodies, now. I licked my lips, maybe I should have both. I smiled, what a naughty thought and then I realized I was actually looking forward to having Shannon and Missy naked in my bed.

Damn, I was turning into one kinky girl. What next, would I be fucking my dad? No. I shook my head. That was a little too much. Mark had made me into a sex crazed woman, not that I was complaining, but sleeping with my dad … well that was a line I just wouldn’t cross. I wasn’t kinky enough to do that.

Yet, a voice whispered inside me, and I wiggled in my chair as a trickle of pussy juices leaked out.

“Desiree, you have the shopping list?” I asked, dragging my thoughts out of the gutter.

“Yes, mi Reina, I was just about to leave,” Desiree answered.

Karen, the former nun, suddenly bolted from the table and went running out of the room. I followed her, concerned, and saw her disappear into the bathroom. I looked inside and then looked away. Karen was retching into the toilet and I couldn’t watch that. Just knowing she was doing it was enough to make my stomach queasy. What was wrong with the girl? She had been throwing up for the last several mornings.

“You okay?” I asked.

“Yes, Mistress,” Karen answered, washing her mouth. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“You’re not pregnant, right?” I wondered. “Is this morning sickness?”

“Nuns don’t get pregnant,” Karen answered. “It’s one of the gifts we’re given, since we may have to have unprotected sex. So, it would have to be since Lilith stripped my powers. And if Master has impregnated me, its far to early for morning sickness to develop. I mean, it hasn’t even been a week, yet since he first fucked me.”

I nodded. “Okay, well if you’re feeling better.” I motioned her to follow and we returned to the dining room. I sat down and ate a piece of my pancake, then continued with my orders, “Tonight, only Fiona, Thamina, and Desiree are to remain.” Desiree had to stay because she was the cook. The other two I just picked at random. It didn’t really matter which sluts stayed, they were all beautiful. “You three need to get some less slutty maid outfits to wear. The rest of you sluts will go next door while my family is here. The Laytons are supposed to move out today. Order pizza and do whatever you want.”

“Yes, Mistress,” the sluts answered back. It sent a naughty thrill through me, all these sluts obeying me.

“Allison, Karen, and Xiu, we’re going to go see a florist and several caters for the wedding.”

“Mistress, I have that doctor’s appointment today,” Xiu, the former Asian waitress, said. “But I’ll be more than happy to cancel.”

“Oh, sure, go to the doctor. Violet, you’ll come instead.” I didn’t really care which sluts came. I just wanted some company and some second opinions on flower arrangements and food and whatnots.

Teenaged Violet beamed at me. “Oh, thank you, Mistress.”

The three I chose went upstairs to change while the other sluts began cleaning the house. I went upstairs to take a quick shower and then I dug through my underwear drawer, finding a red thong and pulling it over my hips. Next, I pulled on a pair of cute, skinny jeans with scroll-work tracings on the rear pockets that really made my ass look nice. Lastly, I put on purple halter top that didn’t quite reach the waist of my jeans and left the back of my thong visible. I fished out some lip gloss from my purse, peach flavored, and smeared it on my lips.

The sluts were waiting for me, dressed. All three were giggling and excited to go out. Teenage Allison, our first slut, was wearing a similar pair of skinny jeans to the ones I wore, a blue thong on display, and a flower printed belly shirt draped her breasts. Violet, our other teenage slut, had white knee socks and a pleated, green skirt. For a top she was wearing a green bikini.

“Are you wearing the bottoms?” I asked her when I noticed her top. Violet grinned and flipped up her skirt exposing her tight, naked ass. I reached out and squeezed her cheek. “Naughty slut,” I laughed, wickedly.

Karen was wearing tight, lycra shorts, hot pink, with the word “Slut!” printed in sparkly red letters on her ass and a hot pink, matching halter top, that had “Nice Tatas!” written in red sparkles. She was definitely a slut, I thought, licking my lips, and had some nice tatas.

“Let’s go, sluts,” I ordered.

We piled into my cute Eos. Karen was entrusted with the GPS. I wasn’t that familiar with South Hill and I had no idea where some of these places were. At the florist we settled on a color theme for the flowers: white and pink with purple for a splash of vibrancy. My bouquet would be made up of white daisy’s and snapdragons, pink orchids, and a few deep purple anemone. The same flowers would be placed in vases lining the aisle and for smaller arrangements at the tables.

Next, we headed to the caterers and ate some delicious food. One had these delicious squabs that I absolutely loved and while the other cater had pumpkin ravioli. I was leaning towards the squab. I got to-go boxes from both for Mark to try later and see what he liked. Then we were off to the bakery to order the cake. A triple layered, white cake decorated with pink, frosting flowers, and little figures of Mark and I perched atop the cake beneath a white arch. It was going to be so beautiful.

When we got home, around two in the afternoon, I was tired. Mark was going to have to make it up to me for doing all the legwork for our wedding. He still wasn’t back yet. He must be still having fun at the High School looking for our virgins. The horny jackass probably found them right away and then got carried away and popped their cherries. And then spent the whole day fucking through the student body.

I sat down on the couch in the living room and kicked off my heels. Thamina, our nurse slut, was cleaning in the living room, naked, her dusky skin was so beautiful, a beautiful coffee-cream color. Her breasts were round, perfect handfuls topped by dark nipples. Her cunt had been waxed, leaving only a V of black hair that pointed to the top of her slit. Her dark hair was covered by a colorful headscarf, a vestige of her modest Muslim upbringing.

“I need a foot rub, Thamina,” I said.

“Oh, absolutely, Mistress,” Thamina excitedly answered and knelt down and started to massage my right foot with rigid pressure.

“You’re pretty good at that,” I murmured.

“Oh, thank you, I used to give my husband footrubs,” Thamina replied.

“You’re married?” I asked in surprise.

“He died last year visiting his family in the West Bank,” Thamina answered. “He … he wasn’t a kind man.”

“Sorry, anyways,” I told her and closed my eyes, her hand felt so damn good as she rubbed my sole.

“Its alright, I have you and Master now.”

Her massage felt so good, so relaxing. I needed to get my feet massaged more often. She started to massaging my left foot. “Your toes are so dainty, Mistress.”

I smiled. “I know, they’re so cute.” A thought entered my mind. “Why don’t you suck them.”

I shivered in pleasure as her wet tongue started licking my foot, sliding between my toes and sucking into her mouth like little cocks. Delightful tingles traveled through my body, ending at my pussy and I felt myself starting to moisten. I unsnapped the button on my jeans and slid my hand inside to find my pussy growing wet. I slowly circled my clit, not wanting to cum, just wanting to feel more pleasure as Thamina worshiped my feet with her mouth.

“Let me do that, Mistress,” Xiu said.

I opened my eyes to see the busty Asian beauty sitting down next to me. The splint on her nose was off and her face was no longer swollen. When she had been under the control of Karen, when she was a nun, I had kicked her in the face during the struggle and broken her nose. I was glad to see her beautiful face was back to normal. She most have just got back because she was dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a blue tanktop that clung to her large tits. On Xiu petite frame her tits looked enormous but were actually the same size as Desiree’s.

I pulled my hand out of my pants and Xiu’s deft fingers slid in. Being touched by someone else was always more exciting. I closed my eyes and sighed as Xiu’s fingers roamed about my pussy, stroking my labia, caressing my clitoris, and sliding into my vaginal canal. Thamina continued to lick my toes, a trickle of pleasure that added to the torrent that Xiu was creating in my pussy. I slid my arm under Xiu’s tank top and pushed up her bra, freeing her large tit from the cup. I squeezed her fleshy melon and found the butterfly that dangled from her nipple piercing and gave it a hard pull. Xiu cooed in a pain and pleasure. The slut was a masochist.

I felt Xiu push up my halter top, the fabric rubbing pleasantly on my hard nipples. My perky breasts were exposed to the air and I felt warm breath on my right breast. I gasped and shivered in pleasure as a wet tongue licked my right breast, circling my areola. Wet lips sucked my hard nipple, the lips soft on my sensitive nub. Every time I pulled on her piercing, her moan vibrated on my nipple, adding another delicious feeling to the pleasures my sluts were giving me.

The front door opened and someone entered the living room. I opened my eyes to see Noel, our FBI slut, back from work. She was wearing a reddish-brown pantsuit. Her blonde hair was pinned up in a bun and she pulled it out and her hair spilled about her face in a wild mane. She pulled off her jacket revealing a white blouse and her shoulder harness for her service weapon.

“You’re back early,” I sighed in pleasure, and patted the couch next to me.

Noel sat down, unbuttoning her blouse and exposing her black bra. “I spent the day getting interviewed by OPR,” Noel sighed, tired. “They’re giving Peterson the third degree right now.”

I smiled, Agent Peterson was the asshole that had our door broken down yesterday and sent a whole SWAT team to storm our house. Mark made him give our reporter slut, Jessica, an interview where he made a complete ass of himself, admitting in the interview that Mark wasn’t the bank robber and that his incompetence led to this disastrous raid on an innocent man and his family while they slept. The prick deserved it, and more. I thought being captured by a Nun was scary, but two guys in black pointing sub-machine guns at you while you lay naked in bed is quite terrifying.

“What’s OPR?” I asked.

“Oh, its the Office of Professional Responsibility,” Noel answered. “Its the FBI’s Internal Affairs.”

“Okay, so Peterson’s in trouble?” I asked with a smile.

“Yeah, the evidence against Mark is pretty iron-clad,” Noel informed. “They’ve used facial recognition software to identify him in the security footage from the bank robberies and compared it to his drivers license. OPR can’t understand why Agent Peterson didn’t arrest Mark. They think he was bribed or blackmailed. So, a judge has signed off on wiretap warrants for both your cell phones and the house line. They’re going to start surveilling the house, soon. I won’t be able to keep my cover if I keep coming here. Rumor is an investigator from Organized Crime Unit in New York is flying in to take over the investigation.”

“Okay,” I told her, reaching out and fingering her bra, thinking about what she said. Surveillance will be problematic. “You’ll need to be here Sunday night. We’ll sneak you in a car trunk, I guess.”

Noel pulled out a cell phone. “This is a burner phone,” Noel said. “I’ll use it to communicate with you.”

I stroked her face and pulled her in for a kiss. Her tongue slithered into my mouth and I sucked on it as Xiu fingered me and Thamina sucked my toes. Noel started playing with my left breast, her fingers gently pinched my hard nipple. Xiu’s mouth was sucking hard on my other nipple, her tongue swirling about my nipple.

I broke the kiss, “Noel, you’re our slut and the FBI isn’t going to keep you from us,” I said, holding her chin. “Let us know where the surveillance is and Mark will make sure they don’t report on you.”

“Thank you, Mistress!” Noel blushed and I pulled her in to kiss her sweet lips. This time it was my tongue that invaded her mouth.

My orgasm was building as the three sluts played with my body. The pressure in my womb was building and building, every touch of their tongues, their fingers, added to the pressure. The dam was starting to crumble beneath the sluts assault. My senses were alive, I could feel the fabric of my jeans rubbing on my legs, the velvet of the couch tickling my back. The fresh scent of Noel and Xiu’s jasmine shampoo filled my nose.

“Yeesss!” I howled as the dam burst and my body convulsed as the pleasure flooded my body. “Oh fucking yes!”


I pulled into the driveway of my house. In the backseat of my Mustang sat two high school girls, both virgins. It took me most of the school day to find two girls that still had their hymens at Rogers High School. I had to question, and fuck, quite a lot of girls. Many were virgins but they had broken their hymens with toys, hair brushes, doing sports, riding horses, and even riding a bike in one girl’s case.

I also had found Tom his teenage Asian sex slave. Her name was Hikaru, a beautiful, petite exchange student from Japan that had the thickest, hairiest black bush I’d ever seen, just the way Tom wanted. Tom had picked her up when school got out. The two virgins I’d found were April, a nerdy looking girl with silver glasses, bushy, brown hair and a beautiful face. The other was Felicity, a tall, gangly girl with a nice pair of tits and black hair that was pulled back in a beautiful french braid.

I was going to let Mary choose which girl she got to deflower. Both were beautiful, but April had those sexy glasses going for her, so I hoped Mary would choose Felicity. The girls were nervous when they got out of the car. They both knew they were here to lose their virginities. I reached out and grasped a hand from both girls. Their hands were slim and sweaty and I led the virgin teenagers into the house.

“Mare!” I called. “I’m home, where are you?”

“Living room,” Mary answered and I led the virgins deeper into the house.

Mary sat, disheveled, on the couch. On one side of her Xiu was snuggled against her and on the other side was Noel. Mary’s shirt was rolled up over her breasts and her nipples were hard, the right one wet with spit. Her jeans were unbuttoned and Xiu’s hand glistened, resting on Mary’s stomach. Thamina was kneeling naked on the floor, rubbing Mary’s dainty feet.

“They’re naked!” gasped April and she covered her glasses with her free hand.

Felicity smiled, nervous, and looked at Mary. “You are so beautiful,” she whispered in awe.

Mary purred, “So are you.” Mary stood up, and pulled off her shirt the rest of the way, her perky breasts swayed as she walked over. “Don’t be rude, hun, introduce us.”

“This is Felicity and the one with glasses is April,” I said. “Girl’s this is Mary. Why don’t you both give her a kiss.”

Beat red, April removed her hands from her eyes and bent in, looking to do a quick peck, but Mary had other ideas, pulling the girl tight against her and giving her a hard kiss with plenty of tongue that left the nerdy girl breathless. Felicity had an excited grin on her face and eagerly kissed Mary and playfully stuck her tongue into Mary’s mouth.

“I’m going to pop your cherry,” Mary told Felicity when she broke the kiss, squeezing the girls ass through her jeans. And that left me with cute, nerdy April.

We took our virgins upstairs, leading them by the hand, to our bedroom. April was the more nervous of the two girls and was shaking in fear, in anticipation, her breath coming ragged and fast. I stroked her bushy brown hair and cupped her pretty face and kissed her gently on the lips. Her body trembled against mine as her lips surrendered to my tongue. I tasted her apricot lip gloss and the fresh flavor of her mouth.

Mary was being more aggressive than I was. She pushed Felicity back onto the bed and crawled over her, dressed only in her tight jeans. Mary laid on top of the teenager and the pair passionately made out. Mary had her hand underneath Felicity’s My Little Pony t-shirt and was pawing at her breasts while Felicity’s hands roamed Mary’s supple back.

I broke the kiss, April’s eyes wide with awakened passion, her cheeks crimson. I caressed her cheek and whispered, “Undress me.”

Her hands, trembling, grabbed the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it over my head. Her hands caressed my chest. The fat had almost melted away and her hands played with my chest hair. Her hands traced down my body, reaching my pants. She popped the button and the zipper slowly slid down with a metal rasp. I stepped out of my pants as she slid them down my legs and then she grabbed my blue boxers and slid them out.

My hard cock popped out and bounced in front of her face. She gasped in surprise, her breath warm on my cock. I saw her tongue lick her lips. “It so big,” she whispered, fearfully. “That’s going to go … in me?”

“Your pussy will stretch,” I told her. “Why don’t you lick it.”

I shuddered as her timid tongue licked the shaft and grazed the sensitive tip. Her tongue licked over and over, like a cute kitten. On the bed, Mary was pushing up Felicity’s t-shirt, exposing her nice breasts cupped in a lilac bra. I watched my fiancee strip the blushing teenager bare, exposing her breasts topped with mauve nipples that Mary just couldn’t resist sucking into her mouth. April’s licks became more confident, more aggressive, her lips started kissing the head after every lick, and then I was inside her warm, wet mouth as she sucked me in.

Her teeth grazed my head and I winced. “Watch the teeth.”

“Sorry,” she apologized. This time she kept her mouth open wider when she sucked me in.

Mary was sliding down the bed, kissing Felicity’s flat stomach and began pulling off the teen’s blue jeans. Finally, Mary pulled off the girl’s lilac panties. Felicity flushed and covered her pussy and black pubic hair with her hands. Mary grabbed one hand pulled it away, kissing the palm, and set it at Felicity’s side. Breathing in deeply, Felicity moved her other hand away in submission.

When Mary spread the virgin teen’s thighs and exposed her tight slit, her lips parted slightly to reveal her pink depths, surrounded by a forest of black hair. The sight of Felicity’s virgin cunt was so beautiful, I felt my balls tightened and I came, hard, in April’s mouth. April gasped in surprise, releasing my cock and two more spurts of cum splashed her surprised face, staining her glasses. She stared up at me, in surprise, her tongue licking salty cum off her lips.

“Oh wow!” moaned Felicity as Mary’s tongue licked up her virgin slit. “Oh my god, that feels amazing!” Mary was lapping harder at Felicity’s cunt as the teen writhed on the bed in pleasure.

I grabbed April and pulled her to her feet. “You look so sexy with my cum on your face,” I told her.

“Thank you,” she flushed.

I grabbed the hem of April’s baggy, white shirt and pulled it over her head exposing her tiny breasts clad in a plain, boring white bra. I reached behind her and deftly unhooked her bra and her beautiful, small breasts were free, topped with large, dark nipples. Her nipples were hard as rocks and I reached out and pinched one and she trembled in pleasure. I slid my hand down her thin waist and found the zipper to her green skirt. Her panties were as boring and plain as her bra. I could see a damp spot on her crotch.

“Did sucking my cock make you wet?”

She nodded. “It was so … so dirty,” she giggled.

I pulled off her panties exposing her bushy brown hair covering her puffy pussy lips. Her fragrance was tangy and fresh and her hairs were matted with her passion. “Beg me to pop your cherry.”

“Please, take my virginity,” April begged, lust thickening her voice. “I … I want to be a women.”

“Are you on the pill?” Her lip trembled as she shook her head. I smiled, “Don’t sleep with another guy until you have your period and if you get pregnant, you’ll get the honor of baring my child.”

A tremulous smile creased her cum-stained lips as I pushed her back. Her legs touched the bed and she fell back next to Felicity. Felicity turned to April and kissed her, tasting my cum and the two virgin’s entwined their hands. Mary’s face was buried in Felicity’s snatch, furiously eating the girls cunt. I felt my cock harden and I stared at April’s brown furred muff.

I licked my lips and joined Mary, eating my virgin’s cunt. April gave a muffled gasp as my tongue slid up her tight slit and flicked her hard clit. Felicity leaned over and kissed April on the lips, her tongue shoved in April’s mouth. I delighted in the tangy, fresh flavor of April’s cunt, her pussy hairs tickling my lips as my tongue wiggled into her tight depths. I found the thin membrane of her maidenhead and pulled back, to scared to accidentally break it before I was ready. I concentrated on her clit, sucking it into my mouth and caressing the little pearl with my tongue.

“Cum with me,” Felicity urged April. “Please, cum with me!”

“Yes!” April gasped. “I’m going to orgasm! Oh, geez, this is so much better than rubbing on my pillow!”

Fresh juices flooded my mouth as both girls writhed on the bed as their first orgasm from a partner rolled through their bodies. I took one last lick with my tongue, enjoying one last taste of virgin cunt, before I rose up. Both virgins were flushed and wet and ready to have their cherries popped. April smiled at me, eager and shy all at the same time. Her large nipples were hard and sweat rolled down her breasts.

Mary stood up, face smeared with Felicity’s love juices. I pulled her to me and we kissed and I tasted tart and spicy pussy and Mary tasted tangy and fresh. “Help me with my strap-on, hun,” Mary said, when I broke the kiss.

I helped her slide the black, leather harness up her legs and positioned a fleshy dildo that was a little smaller than my cock. It wasn’t the big one she used to rape Karen back when we were punishing her earlier this week. I adjusted the straps and made sure the dildo was rubbing her little clit so she got as much pleasure as Felicity was about to get.

Both girls spread their legs, their virgin pussies glinting pink beneath their pubic hair. I mounted April and Mary mounted Felicity. I guided the head of my cock to her wet, aroused pussy, rubbing on her silky lips. April bit her lower lip and I looked into her blue eyes and slid my cock into her tight hole until I felt that thin membrane, the evidence of her innocents. When I broke her cherry and uttered the words Bathuwlah I would cast a spell and make myself immune to STDs. The girl’s stolen innocence would armor me.

I looked over at Mary and she had the tip of her strap-on in Felicity’s eager cunt and Mary smiled excitedly at me. Together, we intoned, “Bathuwlah!” and thrust forward, and I felt the membrane start to give beneath the force of my thrust. April gasped in pain as her hymen tore before the press of my cock, parting like cheesecloth, and I buried my dick halfway into her no longer virgin cunt. Energy seemed to be flowing from April’s cunt into my cock, spreading through my body, a tingle like static electricity. It took two more thrusts to bury my cock fully into her very tight pussy while April was groaning in pain.

I looked down at where our genitals met, and saw pinkish fluids coating my cock. As I drew back my cock, I rubbed my left index finger against her hard little clit and then slowly thrust in again, starting a slow, steady fuck. I grasped her nipple with my right hand and started playing with the turgid nub. Beside us, Mary was fucking Felicity slow and hard. The two women’s breasts were mashed together, nipples sliding about as the women were locked in a passionate kiss. Felicity’s limbs were wrapped around Mary, her arms around Mary’s back, her legs about Mary’s waist.

April’s cunt started to feel slicker and her moans became more pleasurable. She tried to kiss me, but I turned my head and her cum stained lips brushed my cheek. Her hands roamed my chest, stroking my nipples, playing with my chest hair, and rubbing my stomach. I picked up the pace of my fucking and April started to move her hips as the pleasure grew and grew inside her. Her cunt was hugging my cock tightly, every thrust increased the pleasure I felt. The tightness in my balls increased and I held off cumming, gritting my teeth. I want the little ex-virgin to have her first cum from a cock fucking her.

“Your cunt feel so tight,” I whispered to her. “So god damn tight!”

“I like … oh my … I like the feel of you inside me,” she panted back.

“Say it,” I whispered.

“Your penis, I like your p-penis. Inside me,” she whispered, flushing and her cunt tightened on my cock.

“That’s not what it’s called,” I urged. “My cock is in your slutty pussy.”

“Yes!” she gasped. “I love your c-cock in my … oh … my p-pussy! Oh, it feels so nice! Yes, yes!”

April’s cunt began to convulse on my dick and her entire body trembled beneath me as she experienced her first orgasm as a woman. I fucked her hard, slamming my cock into her loving depths three more times, striving to reach that point where the dam in my balls burst and cum would flood her once innocent cunt. I groaned, slamming in one more time and there it was, the pleasure released from my balls and flowed out and dumped into her teenage pussy.

“Wow,” she breathed as I rested atop her. “That was … nice.” She smiled.

“Yes, yes, yes, oh God yes!” Felicity was chanting next to us and we watched Mary pounding the hell out of Felicity’s cunt. I was so into fucking my virgin I didn’t even notice that Mary had flipped Felicity on her stomach and slid a pillow underneath her, elevating her ass, so she could fuck her hard from behind. Felicity’s perky ass jiggled every time Mary bottomed out in her cunt. Felicity’s face was turned towards me and her eyes were squeezed shut and her mouth open as she moaned in pleasure.

“You fucking whore,” Mary groaned, as she fucked her hard. “Oh, you’re going to make me cum, you fucking whore!”

“Yes, yes, yes, cum!” Felicity gasped. “Oh yes, yes, let’s cum together! Let’s cum!”

“Fucking whore!” Mary panted, her breasts bouncing up and down from the force of her fucking. “Oh fuck!”

“I’m cumming!” Felicity gasped as she writhed beneath Mary. “Holy shit, this is amazing!”

“You sweet fucking whore!” Mary yelled and collapsed on top of Felicity, trembling as her passion over took her. Mary rested her head on Felicity’s back and smiled at me, her face drenched in sweat.

“Thank you,” Felicity whispered. “That felt so good.”

“Wait till you have a real cock up your cunt,” Mary whispered back. “It feel so much better.”

“Really?” Felicity asked, wide eyed.

“Sure, let’s find out,” Mary said and pulled her strap-on out. “We’re switching partners.”

“Absolutely,” I said, reaching out to fondle Felicity’s pert ass. I rolled off of April, my cock slick with cunt juices and blood. “Ride me.”

“Like a cowgirl?” Felicity asked. “That’s what its called, right.”

“Yeah,” I said.

Mary walked over to April’s side of the bed and rubbed her cunt. “Oh please, I’m sore,” April murmured.

“Then roll over,” Mary said. “You have another hole.”

April looked puzzled for a moment and flushed. “You mean my … butthole?”

“Oh yeah, babe,” Mary said. “I’m going to ream your pretty little tushie and you’re going to scream in pleasure while I do it.”

Felicity was straddling my waist as April rolled over. Mary placed a pillow beneath April’s stomach, raising her ass up. Then, Mary leaned over and started reaming her asshole with her tongue, swirling around April’s rosebud. Mary wiggled her tongue past the tight ring and into virgin ass, then started to work a finger in. Felicity was struggling to get my cock in her cunt, taking a few tries before she lined everything up and sank down, slowly, onto my cock.

“Oh wow, you’re bigger than the dildo,” she gasped as her tight cunt engulfed my cock.

“Keep going,” I urged, closing my eyes as pleasure rolled through my body. “Swallow my dick with your hungry cunt!” Her cunt slid lower and lower down my shaft and until her clit was rubbing against the forest of my pubic hair and she raised herself up and slowly lowered herself down again. It was such a sweet torture as she slowly rode me.

“Oh my gosh,” April gasped as Mary fingered her ass. “That feels … good!” She sounded surprise.

“Told you, babe,” Mary cooed, slipping a second finger into her tight ass, “you’ll be howling in delight when I’m fucking your ass.”

Mary was starting to fuck April’s ass with her fingers faster and faster as the nerdy sluts asshole grew more and more used to her fingers. Felicity was starting to pick up the pace, too, as her cunt began to get hotter and hotter as my cock deliciously stretched her sensitive cuntal walls. I reached up and cupped one of her breasts and squeezed it. Her breasts were bigger than Mary’s, with tiny, mauve nipples that my fingers found and caressed. Her cunt tighten on my cock as I played with her nipples and a low moan escaped her lips.

“Don’t stop,” April moaned as Mary pulled out her fingers.

“It’s time for something bigger, babe,” Mary answered, moving atop the girl and maneuvering the dildo to the tight entrance of her asshole.

“Oh jeez,” April gasped as Mary pushed the dildo slowly into her ass. “You’re going to rip me apart!”

“Shh, relaxes,” Mary whispered, stroking the girls back. “Just relax and let my cock slip into your tight depths.” April moaned as the dildo sank deeper and deeper into her bowels. “There we are, see, I’m all the way in.”

“Oh wow, this feels so strange,” April panted as Mary started to pull out and then slid slowly in. Mary started to fuck her slightly faster every time she pulled out.

“Oh my god!” Felicity was moaning, “Your cock is so amazing in my cunt. It’s warm and twitches. Oh wow, I can feel the head and the shaft inside me. Fuck this is so awesome. Why did I wait so long to do this!”

“Are you on the pill?” I asked her.

“No,” Felicity answered, then her eyes widened in alarm and she stopped fucking me. “Oh fuck, you’re not wearing a condom.”

“Keep fucking,” I ordered and she immediately started fucking me again, going faster. “Isn’t it exciting. My sperm will soon be inside you, swimming their way to your womb. Maybe there will be a cute little egg for my little troopers to breach. Would you like that? Would you like to have my baby growing in your belly?”

“Yes!” she purred. “Oh, knock me up! Fill my belly with your baby!”

Her cunt tightened hard on my back and she arched her back in pleasure, thrusting her breasts forward and slamming all the way down on my cock. She howled wordlessly as her passion exploded through her. I could feel the power of her orgasm on my dick and answered with a load of fertile sperm.

“Ohh, I think I’m going to exploded?” April moaned next to us as Mary pounded her ass. “Oh jeez, oh jeez that’s great! Keep going! Yes, yes, holy crap! I’m going to cum! Yes, yes! Oh, fricking yes!” April howled and hugged a pillow as her orgasm exploded inside her.

Mary kept fucking her, grinding her clit against the dildo every time it bottomed out in the nerd’s ass. Mary grabbed her bushy hair, pulling her face up and kissing the girl on the lips, licking my dried cum from her cheek and howled her own passion into the girl’s ear before collapsing on top of her. Mary rolled off and snuggled up next to me, the wet dildo rubbing on my leg.

“You girls go find Thamina and tell her to take you home,” I ordered. “And remember, neither of you can fuck a guy until you’ve had your period.”

“Yes, Mark,” April pouted. Felicity sighed and got off me, my dick popping out of her cum filled cunt with a wet plop.

Mary unstrapped the dildo and tossed it to the floor and I stroked her hair and kissed her on the lips. The former virgins got dressed. Both seemed taken aback by being so abruptly kicked out. But Mary and I got what we wanted from them, so it was time for them to go. April looked sadly at me, the little slut had fallen in love with me. Well, she needed to learn that love and sex weren’t the same thing. Dressed, the two girls slipped out of the room.

“How was your day?” I asked, stroking her side. Mary was pressed up against me, her breasts and head on my chest.

“Long,” she sighed, and then pinched my side. “You’re coming with me for wedding stuff from now on,” Mary complained. “Or at least, you don’t get to fuck your way through a high school while I’m doing it.”

“I didn’t fuck my way through the entire high school,” I replied. “Although, there was a gym class.”

Mary shook her head laughed. “That’s my randy stallion.” She sighed. “But, you are going to help with the wedding plans, okay?”

“Yeah, of course, Mare.”

She kissed me. “Good. I have some samples from the caterers for you to try, I want to know which one you like best.”

“Sure. Why was Noel here so early?”

“The FBI isn’t buying what we told Peterson,” Mary answered “He’s in a lot of trouble. Noel says they’re sending an Organized Crime agent to run things and bugging our phones. They’re going to setup surveillance on us.”

“Okay, nothing we can’t handle,” I told her, stroking her hair. Then I slid my hand lower, down her back and reached plump ass, tracing a circle on her cheek. “I can’t wait to meet your family.”

“You mean you can’t wait to see me fuck my sisters,” Mary said with a naughty smile. “I’m kinda looking forward to it, too.”

“I thought you were nervous about it.”

“I had the hottest dream last night,” Mary said. “I was making love to my sisters. They were so beautiful, naked and wet, and we gave each other so much pleasure.”

“Sounds nice,” I said. “I can’t wait to see that.”

“I bet you can’t wait to fuck them,” Mary giggled.

“Yeah, I’d love that.” Mary kissed me. “We’ll see,” she said with a naughty smile.

We kissed some more. “When do you think Chantelle and Lana will get back?” Mary asked. “I thought they’d be back by now. You did tell them to return today?”

“I thought I did,” I said, thinking. “I was pretty drunk that night, it’s kind of a blur.”

Mary grabbed her phone and sent one of them a text and we went back to cuddling. “I need you to make a guest list,” Mary told me. “So we can start getting invitations mailed out. Buy Monday.” I kissed her hand. “Sure, Mare.”

Mary’s phone chirped and she read the text message. “Chantelle says, ‘I thought it was next Friday. Master said we could enjoy the rest of our honeymoon and we still have another week.’ Is that what you said, Mark?”

“I guess I did,” I answered with a shrug. “Tell them they have to be back by noon next Friday.”

“Oh, I almost forgot, Alice called, Monday at 3 pm in Seattle we have an appointment with the investment group that owns the empty lot,” Mary said. There was a big empty lot behind cul-de-sac our house was on that was supposed to be a housing development before the recession. We were going to buy it and build a huge mansion there.

I tensed at the mention of Alice. She was Mary’s friend or lover. I still wasn’t sure. Mary said they were friends, but they would spend hours making love in a hotel. I met Alice yesterday and she was clearly in love with Mary and jealous of me. Ironically, I was a little jealous of her.

Mary felt me tensed and asked, “What, didn’t you like Alice? I thought you two hit it off.”

I blinked. Really, did she not notice Alice glare daggers at me. If looks could kill, Alice would have blown my head off with the intensity of her gaze. “I … I don’t think she likes me,” I told her. “She seemed jealous when you were with me.”

Mary frowned. “Why would she be jealous. You’re my fiancee? Are you sure you were just imagining things?” I was pretty sure I wasn’t. Mary continued, “Her husband isn’t giving her any attention, so I’m just helping my friend out. There’s nothing between us but friendship and some great sex.”

“Maybe it was my imagination,” I lied. I wasn’t in the mood to fight. I was in the mood to have some great sex with my fiancee, though. I pulled her face up and kissed her on the lips. “I love you, my beautiful filly,” I whispered. Her loving smile begged to be kissed again.

Her tongue slipped into my mouth as the passion of our kiss grew. My cock was hardening as I stroked Mary’s side, sliding up to her perky breast, playing with her hard nipple. I broke the kiss. “I realized I haven’t made love to my beautiful fiancee, today.”

“Ohh, maybe you should fix that,” Mary panted. “She’s still a little angry about having to work on our wedding while you were off having fun.”

I kissed her neck, and down to her breasts and sucked her nipple into my mouth, gently nipping it with my tongue. “I’m so sorry,” I whispered, sucking in her other nipple. “I am I making it better?”

“Maybe,” she grinned. “If you go lower.”

I kissed down her flat stomach, pausing to tongue her bellybutton. Mary giggled and squirmed as my tongue swirled around her ticklish belly. Then I kissed lower, rubbing my face through her silky pubic hair, shaped as a fiery heart. I could smell her arousal, sweet and spicy, and I moved lower between her spread thighs.

Mary shuddered as I licked up her slit. “Hmm, yes, I think I’m starting to forgive you,” she moaned as my tongue swiped up her pussy a second time. Then I sucked her labia into my mouth, my tongue exploring her sensitize lips. I spread her labia open, her pink depths glistened with excitement, and I shoved my tongue in, wiggling around her vaginal canal. Her hand gripped my hair, pulling me tight as I ate her cunt.

“Hmm, yes, eat me!” she moaned. “Oh, God I love you, my randy stallion! Suck my clit! Oh please!”

I sucked her clit into my mouth and slowly slid a finger up inside her wet pussy. Her pussy walls sucked eagerly at my finger and I added a second. Mary’s hips were writhing in pleasure and her moans filled my ears. I played with the hard pearl with my tongue, every flick on her clit causing her hips to twist in pleasure. My fingers in her cunt curled upwards, searching for her G-Spot.

“Yes, yes, yes, you’re forgiven!” she cried. “You’re forgiven, just keep doing that! Oh, fuck, yes, you’re making me cum! Yes, yes, you fucking stud!” Her fingers dug painfully into my hair, pulling me hard against her cunt as her back arched in the pleasure of her orgasm.

I lightly kissed her pussy lips as Mary came down from her orgasm, savoring her flavor. Her soft thighs pressed against the side of my head and kissed those as well. Finally, Mary sat up on her arms, smiling.

“I want my stallion in me,” she purred. “I need that big cock filling me up. I haven’t had a dick in me all day. My poor, little cunny is all sad and lonely.” She glanced at the clock. “We have over an hour before we need to get ready and I want your cock in me the whole time.”

I smiled and crawled up her body. “Your stallion’s more than happy to feed your naughty little cunny all the cock it needs.” I squeezed her ass. “And your hungry asshole, too.”


“Theodora, I just heard about this great bar,” Antsy giggled to me as she entered the hotel room.

Antsy wasn’t her real name, it was a shorten form of Samantha. Her father called her that because she could never sit still. “Dad always said, ‘The girl’s got ants in her pants.’ And that’s how I got the nickname,” Antsy would explain to everybody she met.

Today, she was wearing a florescent pink bikini that revealed all of her youthful charms. The girl had a nice pair of tits and a great ass. Her body glistened with tanning oils and was starting to turn a rich brown. The girl had just returned from trolling for guys on the Miami beach. And with her body, she wouldn’t have to troll hard.

Last night I had wanted to seduce the girl but she never came back to the hotel room until this morning reeking of stale bear and sex. She had, all giggly, told me all about the guy she hooked up with and how she actually went back to his apartment. “I couldn’t believe I did that,” Antsy had confessed. “I’ve never done a one night stand before. It was so wicked!”

“What’s so great about this bar?” I asked. “You’re nineteen? You can’t drink.”

“They don’t card,” Antsy giggled. “At least that’s what this cute guy, I think his name was Keith or was it Kyle?” She shrugged. “Anyways, do you want to come with me. Keith said he’d be there and I bet we could find a guy for you.”

I bet if we found a cute guy and I offered to have a threesome with them she’d jump at it and it would give me the opportunity to perform the Prayer of Avvah on the girl and make her a trap for her brother. Antsy was sister to Mark, the Warlock that I was tasked with defeating. Once Mark was exorcised, I could rescue Sister Louise from him. Sister Louise had been the first nun to try and defeat Mark, but thanks to the demoness Lilith’s interference, Mark had prevailed.

Mark’s lover, another Warlock, had summoned the Demoness Lilith and made my job much more difficult. And that’s where Antsy would come in. According to the Angel Ramiel, Mark would need to sleep with his sister as part of some dark magic. When Mark slept with Antsy, the Prayer of Avvah would make the pair obsessed with each other and destroy Mark’s relationship with his lover. Once they were separated, they would be much easier to handle.

“I’d love to come to the bar with you,” I replied. “Maybe we could find a guy and take him back here and fuck him together.”

“What, like a threesome?” Antsy asked, blushing.

“Sure, they can be a lot of fun,” I said as sexily as possible.

She frowned. “I guess that could be interesting. I’ve never been with a woman before, I’m not sure …”

“Oh, girl, don’t worry, we’ll be with a guy,” I lied. “It’s not like we’re going to fool around with each other.”

“Oh, okay,” she brightened. “I guess it could be fun. Besides, imagine the look on any guy’s face when he finds out he gets to fuck two beautiful women.”

I laughed with her. Once you’re drunk Antsy and all horny in bed with a guy, you won’t care that a woman’s caressing you. You’ll be putty in my hands.

To be continued …

Click here for Chapter 19