Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Release: The Devil’s Pact 16-Virgin Desires

I have published the sixteenth part of the Devil’s Pact on Smashword just now!

You can purchase it here! I have several price options for my fans that will only be found here on this blog! Pay what you feel is appropriate or just pick it up for free! This part covers all but the end Chapter 18 and the Side-Story: Mark Goes Back to School. There are new scenes and much of the original material was cleaned up and rewritten, bringing it to 32,000 words, the longest part yet.

I would love feedback. If you don’t want to leave reviews at Smashword (which I would really appreciate!!!) then please comment on this post and let me know what you think of the changes.

Regular Price: $2.99
33% off: $1.99 with PA22E coupon at checkout.
66% off: $0.99 with WG23U coupon at checkout.
100% off: Free with GZ23A coupon at checkout.

thedevilspact16coverMark heads to the local community college to find a pair of virgins!

Mark and Mary need a pair of virgins for a spell, so Mark heads back to school. At a community college, Mark revels in all the young, nubile flesh as he hunts for the two virgins. With his mind control powers, no one can resist his perverse desires.

While Mark has his fun, Mary runs a few errands. When she meets a conservative, religious woman, Mary can’t resist seducing her into lesbian sin!

As Mark and Mary play, Noel, one of their servants, works to protect her Masters from a new enemy. A rival demon wants to disrupt the Devil’s plans by killing Mark! Can Noel protect her Masters?

Virgin Delights is 32,000 word mind control, harem, domination, submission, orgy, college, first time, virgin, oral, anal, waterspouts, taboo erotica that is not for the faint at heart!


Hey everyone,

I’ve been hard at work on the Knight and the Acolyte. Angela and Sophia are having naughty adventures on their quest. Gangbangs, monster sex, magical sex toys, hermaphroditic elves, and more! I completed the first arc. I’m also writing the first of the Triad stories, little shorts involving a paladin and his two wives, a slutty thief and an uptight witch. It’s a more light-hearted series of adventures, only a few chapters each. Their first case is against an evil warlock kidnapping virgins (the paladin is eager to save the virgins and his uptight witch wife isn’t happy about his reasons).

The Hell Chronicle has started coming out. How are you guys liking it? I’ve only gotten one email on the story and no comments? Are you guys disappointed? Is the story too slow?

Well, we’re nearing the end of the Slave Chronicle. Only a few more stories to tell. I’m looking forward to releasing Chase’s story once the Hell Chronicles wraps up.

Take care,



Hey everyone,

So the Cult of the Ghost has come to its end. But fear not, the Hell Chronicles will be starting up shortly.

The Servant Chronicles 6 won the pull. We’ll get to see Tomoyo and her (mostly) grown up daughter Sakura. There won’t be any polls for a while. From now on, the Slave Chronicles will alternate with the Hell Chronicle.

In World of Erasthay news, I finished my more detailed map of the area the Knight and the Acolyte takes place in.

Take care,


The Shattered High Kingdoms Map

The Shattered High Kingdoms Map

World of Erasthay – Maps

The World of Erasthay

World Map

The World of Erasthay Map

The World of Erasthay Map

The Shattered High Kingdom of Hamiltan

The Shattered High Kingdoms Map

The Shattered High Kingdoms Map

Map of the Kingdom of Secare and the Deorcarusi Federation

Map of the Kingdom fo Secare And the Deorcarusi

Map of the Kingdom of Secare and the Deorcarus Federationi




Map of the Magery of Thosi and the Tribes of Larg

Map of the Magery of Thosi and the Tribes of Larg

Map of the Magery of Thosi and the Tribes of Larg

Map of the Kingdom of Haz and the Kingdom of Thlin

The Kingdom of Haz and the Kingdom of Thlin

The Kingdom of Haz and the Kingdom of Thlin

Map of the Kingdom of Althos and the Tribes of Ilt

The Kingdom of Althos and Tribes of Ilt

The Kingdom of Althos and Tribes of Ilt

Map of The Kingdom of Valya and The Island of the Birds

The Kingdom of Valya and the Island of the Birds

Map of the Kingdom of Valya and the Island of the Birds

Map of the Halani Desert

The Halani Desert

Map of the Halani Desert

Map of the Haunted Forest and the Queendom of Naith

Haunted Forest and the Queendom of Naith

Map of The Princedoms of Zeutch

The Princedom of Zeutch

Map of The Strifelands of Zeutch (800 Years Ago)

The Strifelands of Zeutch (800 Years Ago)


Update – World of Erasthay

Hey everyone,

We’re almost finished with the Cult of the Ghost. I will be uploading it tomorrow. There is a poll for the next short story will be closed tomorrow. It’s possibly the final poll for a while. Right now, it’s tied. With the Cult of the Ghost wrapping up, The Hell Chronicle shall start its run.

I’ve started writing the Knight and the Acolyte, an erotic fantasy story set in my greater World of Erasthay. I’ve been working on the world map. The part in the red square is where the Knight and the Acolyte takes place at. I’m working on a more detailed map of that area.

World Map of Erasthay

World Map of Erasthay

New Release: The Devil’s Pact Side-Story – Waxing Her Bare

I have published a brand new side-story. This short tale hasn’t ever been published before. It takes place during The Devil’s Pact Part 14: Naughty Doctor. What happened when the sluts went to get waxed?

You can pick it up here! And, of course, I offer it free to my fans if you chose to!

Regular Price: $0.99
100% off with MX89T coupon at checkout.

thedevilspactsidestory11coverFor the last week, Joy hasn’t been able to think of anything than making love to Mary. Joy had never been with a woman before, but she couldn’t resist Mark’s commands and Mary’s lusts. Today, she’s in for another naughty experience as five of Mark and Mary’s sex slaves walk into Joy’s salon.

They’re all itching to get waxed, but it’s the bubbly and petite Violet that calls dibs on Joy. Her lusts burning, Joy knows that she’ll do more than wax Violet bare!

Waxing Her bare is a 3300 word mind control, supernatural, lesbian, waxing, oral, anal erotica that is not for the faint at heart!

New Release: The Devil’s Pact 14-Naughty Doctor

I have published the fourteenth part of the Devil’s Pact on Smashword just now!

You can purchase it here! I have several price options for my fans that will only be found here on this blog! Pay what you feel is appropriate or just pick it up for free! This part covers the end of Chapter Sixteen most of Chapter Seventeen (I cut the final scene earlier for a better cliffhanger) and the Side-Story: Mark and Mary Eat at Subway. There are new scenes and much of the chapter was cleaned up and rewritten, bringing it to an astounding 28,000 words.

I would love feedback. If you don’t want to leave reviews at Smashword (which I would really appreciate!!!) then please comment on this post and let me know what you think of the changes.

Regular Price: $2.99
33% off: $1.99 with LJ23T coupon at checkout.
66% off: $0.99 with LS69U coupon at checkout.
100% off: Free with AZ43V coupon at checkout.

thedevilspact14coverMark and Mary wants a sexy doctor for their Harem!

Dr. Willow WolfTail is an OB/Gyn with naughty desires. Every time she has a woman in stirrups, all she wants to do is molest her patient’s silky treasures. When Mary enters her exam room, she finally gets her desires. Mark and Mary claim Dr. Willow as their newest sex slave, and Willow indulges in her naughty fantasies!

As Mark and Mary have their fun, the demoness Lilith plots in the background. Mary has a secret desire, and Lilith plans on exploiting her lusts to turn her against Mark!

Naughty Doctor is a 28000 word mind control, medical, domination, submission, public sex, exhibitionism, menage, group sex, oral, anal erotica! This hot tale is not for the faint at heart!

Die verbeulte Lampe Kapitel 10: Die Klinge der Erde



Die verbeulte Lampe

Kapitel 10: Die Klinge der Erde

Von mypenname3000

Übersetzt von Horem

© Copyright 2014

Story Codes: No Sex, Violence

For a list of all the Battered Lamp Chapters click here, and for the Devil’s Pact click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated. To contact me, you can leave a comment or email me at

Click here for Kapitel 9.

Note: Thanks to b0b for being my beta reader.

Mittwoch, 22. Januar

Ein Rabe beobachtete das Unmei Haus. Er hockte auf einer Stromleitung. Er hatte das Haus schon zwei Tage lang beobachtet, seit sein Meister ihn dazu aufgefordert hatte. Ein Auto fuhr weg. In ihm saßen vier Menschen, die alle jeweils einen mächtigen Talisman hielten. Jeder stank nach einem anderen Element. Der Rabe flog los. Der Meister brauchte diese Information.


„Was bist du, Britney“, fragte Kyle, als er den Ford Taurus startete. Er hatte zwar Hausarrest und er durfte nicht fahren, aber das hier war ein Notfall und es war ihm egal, ob er noch größeren Ärger mit seiner Mutter bekam. Aaliyah war in Gefahr.
Continue reading

Major Update!

Hey everyone,

First off, I’m starting work on the Knight and the Acolyte, set in the World of Erasthay universe. I have already started uploading some background information for the fantasy world. I have been working on this world off and on for about three years. I came up with this before the Devil’s Pact. It’s a naughty fantasy world, full of monster sex, magic, dickgirls, knights, slutty priestesses (and sluts of all kinds), incest (though not in every story), and so much more.

Later on today, I hope to post Cult of the Ghost 4. Today is a crazy day.

But that’s not why I’m posting today. Last year, Amazon rolled out the Kindle Unlimited program. If someone borrows one of my stories and reads 10%, I would make $1.30 to $1.40. Now, it’s less than I get if they bought it, but I make more from borrows than I do in sails. It allowed me to quit my day job and focus exclusively on writing. Two weeks ago, Amazon announced they were switching to a per-page read. Their glowing email all but promised $0.10 a borrow. No one who had any common sense believed that. It was too high. But we started forecasting maybe $0.03. It was a pay cut for those of us writing shorts, but it would be a good thing for authors writing novellas and novels. I was prepared for a hit to my income, but it still seemed worth staying in the program.

But today, they sent us a new email sharing us June’s pages read, giving us an idea for July. There were 1.9 billion pages read in the Kindle Unlimited program for the month of June. Under the new program, those 1.9 pages would split a pot estimated to be $11 million by Amazon. The math comes out to $0.005 or 1/2 penny. This is going to be the end of erotica and romance in Kindle Unlimited. It’s not worth it. One of my shorts would have to be borrowed 20 times to equal being bought once. I’m looking at a massive lose of income. I’ll have to diversify and sale my stories on many different sites beyond Amazon, pulling my stories out of the Kindle Unlimited program. It means more time I have to spend publishing. If you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription, I would urge you to email This is a direct email to Jeff Bezos (Amazon CEO) and his team. This is the highest you can go in Amazon’s Customer Service system. Jeff takes emails sent to this address seriously. Let him know what you feel. Let your voices be heard.

Here’s a template email for you (credit to dayvansmutgirl on reddit):

Dear Jeff,

I’m writing to express my profound anger and disappointment with the new Kindle Unlimited payout system. I am a customer and I have been enjoying reading my favorite authors through Kindle Unlimited. I have been thrilled at the opportunities it has afforded my favorite authors.

However, under this new payout system, they will no longer be able to sustain themselves purely through Kindle Unlimited. According to the math, a page will get only a little over half a cent. This will slash their incomes significantly. Due to the poor customer service this is providing, I am now researching purchasing my books on other retailers. If the payout really does come out to half a cent, they will all pull their works from Kindle Unlimited.

I want to continue to subscribe to Kindle Unlimited because it had previously been working out well for me, but if it drives out all my favorite authors, I can no longer do so.

Thank you for your time,

Thank you all for your time and support!

Take care,


The Devil’s Pact and New Story

Hey everyone,

Today I wrote the final two chapters of The Tyrant’s Daughter. With this story down, it’s the last of the Devil’s Pact I plan on writing. I really enjoyed the series. Writing about Chase was a moving experience. The world post Mark and Mary’s death has been a lot of fun.

So I have decided to write The Knight and the Acolyte. It takes place in a large, Fantasy world I’ve been working on for years. Even before I posted the first Devil’s Pact chapter nearly two years ago, I had developed this world.

The major characters are:

Angela: A Knight-in-training. To become a full knight, she must complete a quest. But there are those who don’t want her to succeed.

Sophia: An acolyte that would rather spend time in the novice’s bed then perform her duties. She is sent with Angela on a doomed quest.

There will be other characters to join their quest: a hermaphroditic elven ranger, a raging orc barbarian, a slutty mage, a nimble halfing thief, a bird-like shaman, and a playboy changeling. Yes, it’s very stereotypical D&D, sword and sorcery, but it will have lots of naughty fun and intrigue.

This universe also covers several smaller series and one offs such as: A Girl and her Unicorn, The Triad (an adventuring warrior with a pair of sexy twins), the Dryad and the Bride, the Mermaid’s courtship, the Beautiful Flower, and more.

I’ll start writing it probably next week. Not sure when we’ll start seeing results. Probably after all the Devil’s Pact side-stories, servant chronicles, and slaves chronicles are released.

Take care,
