Tag Archives: Male Masturbation

Contains male masturbation

The World of Erasthay – The Knight and the Acolyte Bk 8, Chapter Eight: Impaled by the Minotaur


The World of Erasthay

The Knight and the Acolyte Book Eight: Labyrinth of Love

Chapter Eight: Impaled by the Minotaur

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2016

Story Codes: Female/Female, Male/Female, Teen female Masturbation, Male Masturbation, Fantasy, Magic, Violence, Lactation, Monster

For a list of all The Knight and the Acolyte, other World of Erasthay stories, maps, and glossaryclick here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as it’s
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 7.

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this!

Acolyte Sophia – The Labyrinth, the Island of Yalut

The words of the Minotaur echoed down the hallway out of the darkness of the large room before us. The source of the foul stench pervading the Labyrinth flowed with it. In the glow of my pink, ethereal light bobbing beside me, I spotted a skeletal arm stretched out of the large room, fingers twisted in agony, one of the beast’s victims. My heart hammered fast. We were at the heart of the Labyrinth.
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The World of Erasthay – The Knight and the Acolyte Bk 8, Chapter Four: Taming the Rakshasa


The World of Erasthay

The Knight and the Acolyte Book Eight: Labyrinth of Love

Chapter Four: Taming the Rakshasa

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2016

Story Codes: Male/Females, Males/Teen female, Female/Female, Male Masturbation, Fantasy, Magic, BDSM, Domination/submission, Oral Sex, Cheating, Hot Wife, Cuckold, Interracial, Exhibitionism, Anal Sex, Creampie, Rimming, Spanking, Voyeurism, Ass to Mouth

For a list of all The Knight and the Acolyte, other World of Erasthay stories, maps, and glossaryclick here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as it’s
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 3.

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this!

Thrak – The Free City of Hargone

I clenched my fist as I marched across the deck of the Golden Hunger. The pirate crew scurried around us, preparing the ship to cast off from the river docks of Hargone. We would put out into the Elba River and sail north through the river’s mouth and into the Nimborgoth. A northeast course would takes us to the island of Yalut and the city of Grahata. There, in the city’s labyrinth, we would slay Gewin’s son—the Minotaur.
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The World of Erasthay – The Knight and the Acolyte Bk 8, Chapter Two: Cuckolded by the Orc


The World of Erasthay

The Knight and the Acolyte Book Eight: Labyrinth of Love

Chapter Two: Cuckolded by the Orc

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2016

Story Codes: Hermaphrodite/Female/Teen female, Male/Teen female, Male Masturbation, Fantasy, Magic, Body Modification, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Violence, Hot Wife, Cuckolded, Cheating, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism

For a list of all The Knight and the Acolyte, other World of Erasthay stories, maps, and glossaryclick here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as it’s
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 1.

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this!

Xerathalasia – Uchmehn Oasis, Halani Desert

“What is this trick?” Asma asked, the petite, ebony-skinned girl frowned as she stared at me stretched out naked in the new tent. Her head cocked to the side, then she glanced at Minx who had a mischievous grin.
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The World of Erasthay – The Knight and the Acolyte Bk 6 Chapter Six: Bounty Hunter Surprise


The World of Erasthay

The Knight and the Acolyte Book Six: Heart’s Longing

Chapter Six: Bounty Hunter Surprise

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2016

Story Codes: Male Masturbation, Male/Female, Teen female masturbation, Violence, Monster Sex

For a list of all The Knight and the Acolyte, other World of Erasthay stories, maps, and glossaryclick here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as it’s
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 5.

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this!

Lady Delilah – Black Glass Aerie, The Island of Birds

The ladder creaked while the wind whipped at my long, red hair. It danced about my naked shoulders. Energy burned through my body from the alchemical drink Fredagest gave me. The gnome bounty hunter climbed above me, her small body navigating the ladder with ease.
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Der Pakt mit dem Teufel Kapitel 17: Ärztinnen und Maklerinnen



Der Pakt mit dem Teufel

Kapitel 17: Ärztinnen und Maklerinnen

Von mypenname3000

Übersetzt von Horem

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Female/Female, Male/Females, Male/Females/Teen female, Mind Control, Anal, Cockold, Female Masturbation, Male Masturbation, Magic, Oral, Orgy, Rimming, Work

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Kapitel 16

Mary sah ziemlich scharf aus in ihrem kurzen schwarzen Rock und in ihrer blauen Bluse, als wir das Haus durch die ruinierte Haustür verließen. Verdammtes FBI! Wenn sie schon eine Razzia durchführen mussten, warum mussten sie dann auch noch die Tür einschlagen? Desiree hatte Kontakt mit einem Schreiner aufgenommen, der noch heute die Tür austauschen konnte und ich hatte angeordnet, dass unsere fünf Schlampen alle zum Heavenly Creatures Salon gehen sollten, um sich ihre Muschi wachsen zu lassen. Violet, Fiona, Karen, Chasity und Thamina brauchten alle blanke Mösen. Sie konnten sich auf ihrem Schamhügel Landestreifen oder sonst was stehen lassen, aber ihre Schamlippen sollten glatt sein wie bei einem jungen Mädchen.

Ich hatte keine Zeit mehr für ein Frühstück, weil wir uns schon verspätet hatten. Es lag an mir. Ich hatte erst Allison, dann Fiona und schließlich auch noch Mary gefickt, als sie dann nach oben kam, um mich anzuschreien, weil ich zu lange brauchte. Mary war ein geiles Mädchen und sie konnte nicht widerstehen, als ich mich ihr auch noch näherte. Ich hatte Mary die Muschi vollgespritzt, eine nette Überraschung für die Ärztin. Ich nahm mir also nur einen Bagel und schmierte mir ein wenig Streichkäse darauf. Ich aß ihn auf dem Weg zu meinem Mustang.

Sowie wir auf den Straßen waren, brach ich die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung. „Hast du Lust, am Samstag mit mir ins Kino zu gehen und anschließend irgendwo zu essen?“

Mary lächelte mich an. „Willst du wirklich mit mir ausgehen?“

„Ja“, sagte ich. „Nur ich und du.“

„Gerne“, antwortete Mary. „Eine Abendverabredung. Was für einen Film willst du denn gerne sehen?“

„Ach, ich weiß nicht“, antwortete ich.

„Ich möchte wetten, dass du dir gerne ‚Man of Steel‘ anschauen würdest. Läuft der nicht ab morgen?“

„Ich glaube schon“, sagte ich und versuchte, den Ball flach zu halten. Ich wollte den Film wirklich gerne sehen.

„Gut, dann schauen wir uns den an“, sagte Mary. „Aber den Film für die nächste Woche suche ich dann aus.“

„Abgemacht“, sagte ich. Ich drückte ihre Hand. Dann zog ich sie in meinen Schoß. „Ich fände es toll, wenn du mir jetzt den Schwanz lutschen würdest, Mare.“

„Das ist zu unsicher, Mark“, wandte Mary ein. „Außerdem: hast du nicht genug Sex gehabt?“

„So etwas wie genug Sex gibt es nicht“, sagte ich und fuhr mit ihrer Hand über die Beule in meiner Hose.

Mary schnaubte vor Lachen. „Jedenfalls nicht bei dir!“

„Komm schon, Mare“, nörgelte ich. Ich hielt bei einer Ampel und beugte mich zu ihr und küsste sie. „Dein Mund fühlt sich so gut an an meinem Schwanz.“ Ich küsste sie wieder und ihre Lippen öffneten sich für meine Zunge. „Du bist einfach so wunderschön. Mein Schwanz tut mir ständig weh, wenn du in der Nähe bist.“ Ich griff hinüber und fasste ihre Brust durch ihre Bluse an. Ich spürte, wie ihr Nippel unter meinen Fingern hart wurde.

„Na gut“, sagte Mary und ihre Hand drückte meinen Schoß. „Aber das ist das letzte Mal.“

Mein Reißverschluss glitt nach unten und Mary fuhr mit ihrer warmen Hand hinein und fischte meinen Schwanz heraus. Sie wichste ihn ein paarmal, bevor sie sich ganz herüberbeugte und ihn in den Mund nahm. Ihre Lippen fuhren an meinem Schaft auf und ab und ihre Zunge berührte meine empfindliche Eichel. Ein Auto hupte hinter uns und ich sah, dass die Ampel auf Grün gesprungen war. Ich fuhr weiter. Verdammt, Marys Mund fühlte sich wirklich toll an meinem Schwanz an.

Mein Telefon klingelte. Es hatte eine Bluetooth-Verbindung zum Autoradio und so läutete das Telefon über die Lautsprecher im Auto. Ich drückte auf die Verbinden-Taste und die Stimme meiner Mutter hallte durch das Auto. „Hi, Mark!“ begrüßte sie mich freundlich.

„Hey, Mama!“ antwortete ich. Marys Mund saugte fester an meinem Schwanz.

„Geht es dir gut, Süßer?“

„Ja Mama, alles ist in bester Ordnung.“ Meine Verlobte gibt mir gerade einen Blowjob, was könnte noch besser sein.

„Ich weiß nicht, wie ich es sagen soll, aber…“ Sie räusperte sich. „Hast du gerade irgendwelche Probleme?“

„Nein, wie kommst du darauf?“

„Ich soll zwar eigentlich nicht darüber sprechen, aber das FBI war gestern hier.“ Eine Spur Angst war in ihrer Stimme zu hören. „Sie haben gesagt, dass du eine Bank überfallen hast und ein paar andere Sachen.“

„Das war ein Missverständnis, Mama“, sagte ich. „Schau dir die Nachrichten bei KIRO 7 an. Okay, das FBI hat eine Razzia bei mir gemacht, aber sie haben festgestellt, dass ich der Falsche bin.“

Gott, war das erregend. Marys Mund bewegte sich auf und ab und sie lutschte feste. Ihre Zunge spielte mit meinem Schaft und mit meiner Eichel. Dann und wann spürte ich auch ihre Zähne an meinem Schwanz. Und dabei die Stimme meiner Mutter. Ich hatte noch nie darauf geachtet, wie sexy sie klang. Sie hatte wirklich etwas von Schlafzimmer in ihrem Tonfall. Jeder Mann würde bei dieser Stimme einen Ständer bekommen können. Sie war an meinen Vater wirklich verschwendet.

„Mann, da bin ich aber erleichtert!“ sagte Mama. Ich knirschte mit den Zähnen und ich spritzte Mary in den Mund. Mary schluckte gierig alles herunter. „Bist du wirklich okay. Ich dachte, ich hätte etwas gehört.“

„Ja, Mama, es geht mir wirklich gut“, antwortete ich. „Ich musste nur eben schnell ein bisschen Druck abbauen, der sich angestaut hatte. Ich würde dich gerne meiner Verlobten vorstellen.“

Mary setzte sich in ihrem Sitz aufrecht hin und wischte sich ein wenig Sperma von der Lippe ab. „Hi, ich bin Mary.“

„Deine Verlobte?“ fragte Mama. „Das finde ich ja total aufregend. Ich wusste nicht einmal, dass du regelmäßig ausgehst.“

„Wir kennen uns auch noch nicht sehr lange, Mama“, sagte ich ihr. „Aber wir haben uns verliebt und wir wollen in einem Monat heiraten.“

„Wow, findest du das nicht ein bisschen sehr schnell?“

„Wir sind sehr glücklich miteinander, Mrs. Glassner“, sagte Mary. „Ihr Sohn ist der beste Mann auf der ganzen Welt. Er füllt mich mit seiner Liebe ganz und gar aus.“ Sie hatte in diesem Moment ein verdorbenes Lächeln auf den Lippen.

„Wie süß!“ schnurrte meine Mama. Kam da ein heiserer Tonfall in ihre Stimme? Sie klang jetzt noch sexier. „Und nenn mich Sandy. Ich bin sicher, dass wir beide uns gut verstehen werden. Ich kann es gar nicht abwarten, dass wir uns treffen.“

„Wie wäre es denn am Samstag“, schlug ich vor. „Du könntest zum Essen in unser Haus kommen.“

„Haus?“ fragte meine Mama.

„Ja, ich.. äh… habe letzte Woche bei einem Pokerturnier im Emerald Queen gewonnen“, log ich. „Ich wollte keinem davon erzählen, bis ich meine Finanzen in Ordnung gebracht habe.“

„Wow!“ sagte Mama. „Ich kann es gar nicht abwarten, deine Verlobte kennenzulernen. Ich möchte wetten, dass sie großartig aussieht.“ Ich hatte den Eindruck, dass ich das Geräusch eines Reißverschlusses hörte. Dann seufzte Mama: „Nun Mary erzähl mir mal ein bisschen was von dir.“ Es gab ein nasses schmatzendes Geräusch und dann seufzte Mama noch einmal. „Ich möchte dich gerne besser kennenlernen.“ Meine Mama lachte leicht kehlig und dann seufzte sie noch einmal.

Jesus Christus! Meine Mama masturbierte! Marys Wunsch, dass sie von Frauen begehrt wurde, funktionierte auch über das Telefon! Und dann traf es mich. So konnte ich mit meiner Mutter schlafen! Mary konnte sie dazu bringen, alles Sexuelle zu tun, das sie wollte. Ich lächelte und mein Schwanz wurde wieder hart. Am Sonntag würde ich mit der Hilfe meiner Verlobten meine Mama ficken!

Mary schaute mich an und formte tonlos die Worte: „Masturbiert deine Mutter?“ ich nickte.

„Nun, Sandy, ich bin eine sehr attraktive Frau“, schnurrte Mary. Sie war ganz klar erregt, weil meine Mama wegen ihr masturbierte. Marys Hand rutschte nach unten und sie fing an, ihre eigene Muschi zu reiben. Ihre Finger glitten mit einem nassen schmatzenden Geräusch in ihre Muschi. „Ich habe langes rotbraunes Haar, smaragdgrüne Augen und ein herzförmiges Gesicht mit Sommersprossen.“

„Hmmm, Mark hat schon immer Rothaarige gemocht“, stöhnte meine Mama. „Und was hast du für eine Oberweite?“

„82 B. Und auch von Sommersprossen bedeckt“, schnurrte Mary. „Sie sind fest und griffig. Und ich habe einen tollen Arsch. Dein Sohn liebt ihn über alles.“

„Oh ja, da möchte ich wetten!“ Es gab ein unterdrücktes Stöhnen und ich hörte schweres Atmen.

„Ich studiere Kunst am De Vry“, fuhr Mary fort. Sie rieb sich jetzt auch ihre festen Brüste und spielte durch ihr Kleid mit den harten Nippeln.

„Vielleicht könnte ich ja mal für dich Modell stehen“, keuchte Mama. „Ich wollte immer schon mal… gemalt werden.“

„Mmmhh, ich bin sicher, dass du dich ganz besonders gut malen lässt“, schnurrte Mary. „Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Aktmodell. Ich muss ein Bild für das Studium machen.“

„Das könnte ich sicher für dich machen, Süße“, keuchte Mama. „Ich würde dir gerne helfen…“

„Dann wären nur wir beide zusammen“, stöhnte Mary. Ihre Finger bewegten sich schnell in ihrer Fotze und ihre Handfläche drückte gegen ihren Kitzler. „Ich kann es gar nicht erwarten, dass du kommst… zu uns meine ich.“

„Ja, ich komme… ich komme… zu euch!“ Mama atmete ein und ich hörte einen erstickten Schrei. Mary keuchte und biss sich auf die Lippe. Es kam ihr gleichzeitig mit Mama. „Ich kann es nicht erwarten, dass wir uns treffen“, stöhnte meine Mutter. „Ich werde deinen Vater auch mitbringen. Ich liebe dich, Süßer. Und deine Verlobte.“

„Ich liebe dich auch, Mama“, sagte ich und meine Mama unterbrach die Verbindung. Mein Schwanz war hart. „Verdammt, das war ja vielleicht geil!“

„Ja“, keuchte Mary. Sie hatte ein zufriedenes Lächeln im Gesicht. „Ich glaube, meine Macht funktioniert auch über das Telefon.“

„Deine Macht wird dafür sorgen, dass ich mit meiner Mama schlafen kann!“

„Natürlich, du hast recht“, sagte sie und ihre Augen weiteten sich. „Warum ist mir das nicht selber eingefallen!“ Sie lächelte mich an. „Ich werde mich darum kümmern. Ich werde deine Mama dermaßen geil machen, dass sie um deinen Schwanz betteln wird.“

Ich hatte ein Bild in meinem Kopf von meiner Mama, die vor mir kniete. Lust strahlte aus ihren haselnussbraunen Augen, als sie um meinen Schwanz bettelte. Verdammt, ich konnte es nicht erwarten! Mein Schwanz war schmerzhaft hart und er stand aus meiner Hose heraus. Ich schaute zu Mary und sagte: „Mein Schwanz bittet gerade um deinen Mund.“

Mary lächelte. „Na gut, ein letztes Mal.“ Dann beute sie sich vor und es dauerte nicht lange, dann füllte ich ein weiteres Mal ihren Mund mit einer Ladung Sperma.

„Danke, Mare!“

„Kein Problem, Liebling“, schnurrte Mary. Sie klappte die Sonnenblende auf der Beifahrerseite herunter und schaute in den Spiegel. Sie wischte sich das Sperma von den Lippen und überprüfte ihren Lippenstift. „Mark, ich habe eine tolle Idee.“

„Schieß los“, sagte ich.

„Ich finde, unsere Gynäkologin könnte eine Praxis bei uns in South Hill aufmachen“, erklärte Mary. „Eine Praxis, in der unentgeltlich behandelt wird. Sie könnte Mädchen für unser Bordell finden und wir könnten Sponsoren finden, die die Finanzierung übernehmen. Partys mit mächtigen Leuten. Politiker und Geschäftsleute.“

„Ich stimmte ihr zu. „Sicher haben wir genügend Platz für derartige Aktivitäten. Ich finde, dass das eine tolle Idee ist.“ Ich drückte ihr Hand. „Das machen wir!“ Mary lächelte mich an und erwiderte den Druck meiner Hand.

„Hast du schon mal darüber nachgedacht, was du mit deiner Macht alles machen könntest?“ fragte Mary.

„Ich möchte nur Spaß mit dir haben“, sagte ich.

„Du könntest so viel damit erreichen“, flüsterte Mary mir ins Ohr. „Du könntest so mächtig sein.“

„Woran denkst du denn da?“

„Du könntest Gesetzte ändern. Du könntest diese Stadt verändern, diesen Staat, sogar das ganze Land. Du könntest alles tun, was du möchtest!“ Mary keuchte. „Das wäre doch was! Du könntest Präsident Glassner sein!“

„Wow!“ flüsterte ich. „Präsident. Und ich habe meine Macht nur haben wollen, damit ich hübsche Frauen ficken kann!“

„Ist das nicht auch der Grund, warum Männer in die Politik gehen?“ fragte Mary mit einem hinterhältigen Kichern. „Und das alles könnte mit unserer Wohlfahrtsveranstaltung anfangen.“

Ein Lächeln flog über meine Lippen. „Präsident Glassner“, sagte ich. „Und du wärest meine strahlende First Lady.“

Der Gedanke, dass ich vielleicht Präsident sein konnte, machte Mary so geil, dass sie mir einen dritten Blowjob gab, ohne dass ich sie darum bitten musste. Und sie fingerte sich zu zwei weiteren Orgasmen, bevor wir bei unserem Ziel ankamen. Die Klinik lag in der Nähe des Tacoma General Hospital am MLK Way. Einen Parkplatz zu finden, war ein Albtraum.

Schließlich fand ich zwei Blocks entfernt einen und Mary und ich beeilten uns, endlich in die Klinik zu kommen. Es war ein großes Gebäude mit einer ganzen Reihe von Spezialkliniken. Wir fuhren mit dem Fahrstuhl in die dritte Etage und ich erinnerte mich an unsere letzte Fahrt mit einem Aufzug. Ich hatte Violet zu meiner Schlampe gemacht und sie entjungfert, während sie um meinen Schwanz bettelte.

Die Klinik lag direkt neben den Aufzügen und wir betraten das Wartezimmer. Es war eine typische Praxis, ein paar Stühle, ein paar Magazine für Frauen, eine altbackene Empfangsdame mit einer großen Knollennase. Mary musste eine Tonne Papiere ausfüllen, weil sie zum ersten Mal hier war. Sie kicherte, als sie zu dem Teil kam, in dem ihr sexueller Hintergrund erfasst werden sollte.

„Da ist nicht genug Platz!“ sagte sie und ich lachte und küsste sie.

„Mary Sullivan“, rief ein paar Minuten später ein Pfleger. Das war enttäuschend. Ich hatte auf eine süße Sprechstundenhilfe gehofft.

Der Pfleger führte uns in den Untersuchungsraum. Er schaute mich fragend an. „Er ist mein Verlobter“, sagte Mary. „Okay“, sagte der Pfleger und nickte.

„Wir machen alles gemeinsam“, erklärte Mary.

„Ja, natürlich“, sagte der Pfleger. Es war ganz offensichtlich, dass er nicht daran gewöhnt war, dass Frauen ihre Partner mit zum Gynäkologen brachten.

Der Pfleger sagte Mary, dass sie sich ausziehen sollte und er gab ihr einen leichten Untersuchungsanzug. Dann verließ er das Zimmer. Marys Höschen war ganz klebrig wegen der Mischung unserer beiden Säfte. Sie zog es aus. Der Pfleger kam ein paar Minuten später wieder herein und nahm ihren Blutdruck und den Puls. Er schrieb die Ergebnisse auf ihre Karteikarte und wollte wieder gehen.

Ich hielt ihn auf und fasste ihn am Arm an. „Wenn die Ärztin hier ist, möchten wir nicht gestört werden, okay?“

„In Ordnung“, sagte er.

Wir warteten ein paar Minuten, dann klopfte es an der Tür und eine zimthäutige Amerikanerin, der man die Abstammung von den Indianern deutlich ansah, betrat den Raum. Sie trug eine konservative graue Bluse und einen schwarzen Rock unter einem weißen Ärztekittel. Mit blauem Garn war „Dr. Willow WolfTail“ eingestickt. Ihr Gesicht war rund und ihre Lippen waren schmal, sehr rot und sehr küssbar. Ihr Haar war lang, glatt und tiefschwarz. Sie war noch eine sehr junge Frau, Ende Zwanzig, wahrscheinlich hatte sie eben erst ihren Abschluss gemacht. Ein Ehering glänzte an ihrer linken Hand.

„Hi, ich bin Dr. Willow“, begrüßte sie uns freundlich.

„Ich bin Mark und das hier ist meine Verlobte Mary“, sagte ich. Sie sah mich kaum an. Ihre Augen verschlangen Mary. Sie wurde rot und ihre Zunge befeuchteten ihre plötzlich trockenen Lippen.

„Sehr angenehm“, sagte Willow. Sie schüttelte Mary die Hand und ihre Finger streichelten sie leicht. „Sie sind wunderschön!“

„Oh, vielen Dank“, sagte Mary.

„Legen Sie bitte ihre Beine hier in die Halter, dann können wir unten herum mal ein wenig nachschauen.“

„Sicher, Doktor.“ Mary legte ihre Beine in die Halter. Von dort, wo ich saß, hatte ich einen tollen Blick unter Marys Hemdchen und auf ihre mit Sperma beschmierte glatte Fotze. Die Ärztin nahm sich ein Paar Latex-Handschuhe und Mary sagte: „Ich glaube, mir würde die Untersuchung ohne die Handschuhe besser gefallen. Ich mag das Gefühl von Latex an meiner Muschi nicht.“

„Das ist aber nicht besonders hygienisch“, wandte Willow ein. Mary lächelte die Ärztin verführerisch an. In den Augen der Ärztin erschien das Leuchten von Lust und sie leckte ihre Lippen. „Na gut.“

„Danke“, stöhnte Mary. „Du wirst es sicher nicht bereuen.“

Die Ärztin nahm eine kleine Lampe, setzte sich auf einen Rollstuhl und glitt zu Mary hinüber. „Okay, dann wollen wir einmal sehen.“ Sie hob das Hemdchen an und blinzelte überrascht. „Ist das… Sperma?“

„Ja“, schnurrte Mary. „Sei nicht schüchtern!“

„Nun, es sieht so aus, als ob du vor kurzem Geschlechtsverkehr gehabt hättest. Ich vermute, mit deinem Verlobten?“

„Unter anderem“, kicherte Mary. „Meistens Frauen, aber auch andere Männer.“

„Ich verstehe und ganz offensichtlich benutzt du keine Schutzmaßnahmen mit deinem Verlobten. Wie sieht es mit den anderen Partner aus?“


„Hast du keine Angst vor Geschlechtskrankheiten?“ fragte Dr. Willow. Sie griff nach einem Spekulum. Mary keuchte, als das kalte Metallteil in sie hinein glitt. Willow öffnete das Spekulum ein wenig. Sie leuchtete mit der Lampe nach innen und ich konnte auch in ihre Fotze hineinschauen, bis zu ihrem Muttermund.

„Äh, nein“, sagte Mary und blinzelte überrascht. „Ich glaube, darüber habe ich noch nie nachgedacht.“

„Das solltest du aber“, sagte Willow und sie leuchtete mit der Lampe innen herum. Sie untersuchte die Vaginalwände. „Nimmst du die Pille oder betreibst du sonst irgendwelche Verhütung?“

„Ich nehme die Pille“, antwortete Mary.
„Nun, das sieht hier alles sehr gut und gesund aus. Ich werde jetzt eine Untersuchung mit beiden Händen vornehmen“, sagte Dr. Willow. „Ich werde zwei Finger einführen und dann gleichzeitig von außen Druck ausüben, um zu sehen, ob es irgendwelche Probleme mit deiner Gebärmutter oder mit den Eierstöcken gibt.“

„Okay.“ Marys Lächeln wurde breiter, als die Ärztin ihr zwei ihrer Finger einführte. „Deine Finger fühlen sich richtig gut an. Ist es ohne Handschuhe nicht wirklich viel besser?“

„Ja“, antwortete die Ärztin. Ihr schien das nicht ganz zu passen. „Alles fühlt sich gut an.“

„Hast du jemals einer Frau bei einer Untersuchung einen Orgasmus gegeben?“ fragte Mary neugierig.

„Nein“, antwortete die Ärztin.

„Wenn du deine Finger weiter bewegst, dann wird das gleich aber passieren.“ Auf Mary Gesicht war ein gieriges Lächeln.

Das Gesicht der Ärztin wurde noch dunkler und dann fing sie langsam an, ihre Finger in Marys Fotze zu bewegen. „Ich glaube nicht, dass ich das mache!“ flüsterte Dr. Willow. „Du bist einfach zu zauberhaft. Deine Vagina ist wie eine wunderschöne Blume. Dein Kitzler ist so hart und deine Schamlippen fühlen sich wie Seide an.“

Mary wand sich vor Lust, als der Daumen der Ärztin anfing, vorsichtig über ihren Kitzler zu reiben. „Oh, das fühlt sich so gut an!“ Mary massierte ihre Brüste durch den Stoff des Untersuchungshemdchens. „Deine Finger sind super in meiner Schnalle!“

„Ich spüre deine Erregung in deinem Vaginalkanal“, murmelte die Ärztin. Ihre freie Hand rutschte nach unten. Sie rieb sich die Schenkel und verschwand langsam unter ihrem Rock und bewegte sich auf ihre eigene hungrige Fotze zu.

„Oh, gleich kommt es mir!“ keuchte Mary.

„Oh ja, komm für mich!“ stöhnte Dr. Willow. Ihre eigenen Finger waren jetzt bei ihrer eigenen Muschi angekommen und sie rieb sich unter ihrem Rock. Meine Hand wichste meinen Schwanz fester und ich drückte meine empfindliche Eichel.

Mary schüttelte sich und sie stöhnte laut. „Oh ja, es kommt, es kommt mir!“

Ich grunzte und wichste wie im Fieber meinen Schwanz, auch ich war kurz davor! Und dann kam der süße Moment, in dem mein Saft aus meinem Schaft schoss. Er landete auf dem langen Haar der Ärztin und auf dem Rücken des Ärztekittels.

„He! Was zum Teufel…“ schnarrte Dr. Willow zornig. Sie drehte sich zu mir um und erwischte den nächsten Schuss direkt um Gesicht. Sie starrte mich verblüfft an und mein Sperma tropfte an ihrer Wange herunter.

„Er hat dich ganz schön erwischt, was?“ kicherte Mary. „Komm, und küss mich!“

Die Ärztin stand auf und Mary griff in ihr Haar und zog sie zu sich herunter. Dann küssten sich die beiden. Mary leckte mein Sperma ab und gab es Dr. Willow in den Mund. Ihre Zungen kämpften und ich spürte, wie mein Schwanz sich wieder zu bewegen begann.

„Wir möchten dich nackt sehen, Dr. Willow!“ sagte ich.

„Natürlich, Mark“, erwiderte sie. Ihr Ärger war jetzt von Lust ersetzt. Ihr Kittel fiel auf den Boden und sie fing an, ihre Bluse aufzuknöpfen. Mary zog sich das Hemdchen über den Kopf und zeigte ihre nackten Brüste mit den Sommersprossen. Ich zog mein Hemd aus und kickte meine Schuhe zur Seite. Der BH von Dr. Willow war blassblau und hielt ihre schönen großen Brüste fest. Mary langte hin und öffnete ihr den BH, während die Ärztin noch ihren Rock öffnete. Ihre C-Körbchen-Brüste fielen heraus, auch zimtfarben und von den kleinsten niedlichsten Nippeln gekrönt. Nachdem sie ihren Rock ausgezogen hatte, pellte sie sich aus ihrer Strumpfhose und aus ihrem weißen Höschen. Ein schwarzer Busch wurde sichtbar, der bereits feucht vor Erregung war.

„Sie ist die Richtige, Mark!“ sagte Mary aufgeregt und streichelte Dr. Willows volle Brust. Sie beugte sich nach unten und saugte einen der winzigen Nippel in ihren Mund. Dann fuhr sie mit der Hand in den pelzigen Busch der Ärztin.

„Dr. Willow, du wirst von nun an unsere Sex-Sklavin sein“, sagte ich ihr. „Du wirst die perversesten und schmutzigsten Dinge tun, wenn wir dir das sagen und du wirst dabei lächeln. Zunächst wirst du hier weiter arbeiten, bis wir für dich bei uns eine Praxis geöffnet haben.“

„Eine neue Praxis, Mark?“ fragte sie und dann stöhnte sie vor Schmerz auf, weil Mary ihr in den Nippel gebissen hatte.

„Das heißt Meister, du Schlampe!“ schimpfte Mary. „Und ich bin deine Herrin!“

„Entschuldigung, Herrin!“ Willow wurde rot.

„Du wirst unsere gynäkologische Praxis für junge Mädchen und Frauen führen“, sagte Mary. „Du wirst für uns wunderschöne Frauen finden, die in unserem Bordell arbeiten können. Und natürlich wirst du unsere Huren und unsere Schlampen gesund erhalten.“

„Natürlich, Herrin, ich fühle mich sehr geehrt.“

„Wenn du arbeitest, wirst du so arbeiten, wie du das gewohnt bist“, sagte ich ihr. „Bist du verheiratet?“

„Ja, mit Yancy“, antwortete sie.

„Jetzt nicht mehr“, sagte ich. Ich nahm ihre linke Hand und zog ihr den Ehering ab. Ich warf ihn in den Mülleimer. „Du liebst deinen Mann nämlich nicht mehr. Nur noch Mary und mich und natürlich deine neuen Schlampenschwestern.“

„Er war sowieso nicht gut im Bett“, sagte sie und zuckte die Achseln.

„Wo ist dein Telefon?“ wollte Mary wissen. Willow zog ein Handy aus ihrem Arztkittel und gab es Mary. „Fang an, mir die Fotze auszulecken, Schlampe“, befahl Mary. Sie schaute durch das Adressenverzeichnis im Telefon und fand den richtigen Eintrag.

Willow tauchte in Marys Fotze. Mary lag wieder auf der Liege und hatte die Beine in den Stützen. Willow hatte sich nach vorne gebeugt und ihr zimtfarbener Arsch war auf mich gerichtet. Ich stellte mich hinter sie und schob ihr meinen Schwanz in ihre schwarz behaarte Möse. Ich genoss ihre nasse Enge sehr und pumpte meinen Schwanz in sie hinein und aus ihr heraus. Willow stöhnte ohne Worte in Marys Fotze, während ich sie fickte.

„Hey Pussiwillow“, sagte eine Männerstimme aus Willows Telefon. Mary hatte die Freisprecheinrichtung eingeschaltet.

„Yancy, ich heiße Mary Sullivan“, schnurrte Mary in das Telefon. Sie hatte ein verdorbenes Lächeln im Gesicht. „Ich wollte nur, dass du weißt, dass deine nuttige Ehefrau gerade dabei ist, mir die Fotze auszulecken, während mein Verlobter Mark ihre enge Schnalle mit seinem dicken Schwanz fickt.“

„Was!“ Yancy keuchte. „Wer zum Geier bist du? Das ist nicht komisch. Ich werde die Bullen anrufen!“

„Nein, das wirst du nicht tun, Yancy“, befahl ich. „Du wirst ein bisschen zuhören, während deine Frau uns beide fertig macht. Richtig, Schlampe?“ Ich schlug Willow feste auf den Arsch.

„Oh Yancy“, stöhnte Willow. „Es tut mir leid, aber ich liebe dich nicht mehr. Ich liebe Mark und seinen großen Schwanz, der sich gerade in meine Möse bohrt und ich liebe Mary und ihre wunderschöne Muschi, die ich gerade auslecke.“

„Was stimmt nicht mit dir?“ stöhnte Yancy. „Ich verstehe das nicht!“

„Deine Frau hat bessere Liebhaber gefunden“, stöhnte Mary. „Und ich sage dir, sie ist eine ausgesprochen gute Mösenleckerin.“ Mary brachte das Telefon näher an ihre Fotze, damit das Mikrofon die schmatzenden und schlürfenden Geräusche besser aufnehmen konnte. „Hörst du das? Das ist das Geräusch, das die Zunge deiner Frau an meiner Möse macht.“

Ich fing an, Willow heftiger zu ficken. Man hörte das Klatschen von Fleisch auf Fleisch. „Die Muschi deiner Frau fühlt sich echt fantastisch an, Yancy. Ich wette, du vermisst sie jetzt schon. Du wirst nie wieder deinen kleinen Schwanz in sie hinein stecken! Sie hat jetzt einen echten Mann!“

Man hörte Schluchzen im Telefon. „Warum tust du das Willow? Ich liebe dich doch!“

„Ich liebe dich aber nicht, Yancy. Ich werde gerade von einem echten Mann gefickt! Er nimmt sich einfach, was er will. Es ist so geil, kontrolliert zu werden!“ keuchte Willow und dann tauchte sie wieder in Marys Fotze.

„Bitte Willow, lass uns doch darüber reden!“ bettelte Yancy.

„Verdammt, du bist vielleicht ein Jammerlappen“, sagte Mary. „Du solltest verstehen, dass deine Frau jetzt uns gehört. Sie ist unsere kleine Sex-Sklavin. Sie wird die perversesten Sachen machen, die wir ihr sagen. So ein widerlicher Schwächling wie du könnte sie niemals wirklich zufrieden stellen.“

„Also kümmere dich um die Scheidung, Yancy“, sagte ich ihm. „Du darfst alles behalten außer ihrer Kleidung und ihrem Schmuck. Sie wird heute Abend nach Hause kommen, ihre Sachen packen und dann verschwinden. Und du wirst nicht versuchen, sie aufzuhalten oder sie zu verletzen.“

„Okay“, schluchzte er.

„Oh ja, deine Frau macht mich gleich fertig“, stöhnte Mary. „Ihre Zunge ist so geil! Sie leckt jetzt gerade meinen Kitzler und sie hat gleichzeitig zwei Finger in meiner Fotze. Und Mark fickt sie so hart, dass ihr ganzer Arsch wackelt.“

Willow stieß ein erschütterndes Stöhnen aus. „Ich komme, oh verdammt, dein Schwanz ist so gut, Meister!“

Ihre Muschi molk meinen Schwanz aus. „Scheiße, Yancy! Deine Pussywillow kommt gerade auf meinem Schwanz! Sie ist so eine verdorbene Schlampe! Ich werde ihr jetzt meinen Saft reinpumpen! Wenn du heute Abend nett fragst, darfst du ihre mit Sperma vollgespritzte Fotze noch einmal sehen. Damit du mal sehen kannst, wie das Ergebnis der Arbeit eines richtigen Mannes aussieht.“

„Oh, spritz mich voll!“ jammerte Willow. „Bitte, ich brauche das so dringend!“

„Hier kommt es Hure!“ Ich rammte mich tief in sie und entleerte meine Eier in ihren Tiefen. „Mann, das war ein richtig guter Fick! Jetzt mach Mary fertig!“

„Hmm, lutsch weiter an meinem Kitzler und dann werde ich dein Gesicht mit meinem Saft überfluten“, stöhnte Mary. „Ohhh, genau so! Oh ja!“ Mary schüttelte sich auf dem Bett und ihre Beine rutschten aus den Halterungen. Sie lag auf dem Rücken und keuchte. Mary beendete die Verbindung und machte schnell noch ein Foto von Willow zwischen ihren Beinen. Das schickte sie dann ihrem Mann.

„Hier hast du was zum Wichsen, weil du jetzt auf deine Pussywillow verzichten musst!“

Ich lachte. „Das ist gemein!“

„Ich kann mich dunkel erinnern, dass du so etwas auch mit meinem Freund gemacht hast“, sagte Mary mit einem Lächeln. Ich hatte sie mit Mike Schluss machen lassen, während ich sie in den Arsch fickte. Und dann hatte ich ihm ein Bild geschickt, auf dem Mary zwischen den Schenkeln einer anderen Frau lag und meinen Schwanz noch in ihrem engen Arsch hatte.

Ich zog mich aus Willows Fotze zurück. Die Frau atmete heftig. Ich küsste ihre Lippen und genoss dabei das Aroma von Marys Fotze. „Wir sehen uns heute Abend, Schlampe. Auf deinem Weg wirst du dir noch ein sehr nuttiges Schwestern-Outfit kaufen. Du wirst entweder dieses Outfit oder nur Unterwäsche tragen, wenn du bei uns bist.“

„Ja, Meister“, sagte Willow glücklich.

Wir zogen uns alle wieder an und Mary und Willow teilten einen weiteren sehr leidenschaftlichen Kuss. Dann verließen wir sie, damit sie sich um ihre nächste Patientin kümmern konnte. Den Spermaflecken auf der Rückseite ihres Kittels konnte man zwar nicht sehen, dafür aber den Schuss, der in ihrem Haar gelandet war. Er trocknete und ihre Haare standen an dieser Stelle merkwürdig von ihrem Kopf ab.

„Ich treffe heute um eins Alice im Blue Spruce“, sagte Mary. „Du kannst mich dort absetzen. Auf dem Weg können wir was essen.“

„Ja, ist in Ordnung“, sagte ich.

Alice war Maklerin und Marys Liebhaberin. Dies würde ihr drittes Treffen in diesem Motel sein. Alice war verheiratet und Mary hatte mir erzählt, dass sich ihr Mann nicht ausreichend um seine Frau kümmerte. Mary konnte das wohl kompensieren. Meine Gefühle gegenüber dieser Frau waren gemischt. Es war klar, dass Mary ihr gegenüber andere Gefühle hatte als unseren Schlampen gegenüber und den Frauen, die wir einfach so belästigten. Mary sagte zwar, dass sie nur Freundinnen waren, aber ich hatte Sorge, dass aus dieser Affäre mehr werden konnte. Aber ich vertraute Mary und ich wollte nicht den Anschein erwecken, dass ich eifersüchtig wäre. Deswegen sagte ich auch nichts gegen diese Treffen mit Alice. Ich wollte allerdings, dass sie aufhörte, sich mit ihr zu treffen,

Wir aßen in einem Subway an der Straße eine Kleinigkeit. Wir hatten eine angenehme Zeit. Ich fickte eine von den Angestellten, eine Süße mit Namen Anna, in den Arsch und am Ende tropfte mein Sperma auch von ihrem Gesicht herunter, als sie wieder an ihre Arbeit ging. Mary fingerte zuerst die Frau von diesem Typ dort und ließ sich dann von ihr die Fotze auslecken, während der Typ zusah. Erst war er zornig, aber er fand dann doch sehr schnell Gefallen daran, zuzusehen, wie seine Frau eine andere Frau bediente. Mary und ich genossen unsere Sandwiches und beobachteten die Reaktionen der anderen Kunden, als sie entdeckten, dass Anna Sperma im Gesicht hatte.

„Was wollen wir denn wegen der Geschlechtskrankheiten unternehmen?“ fragte Mary, als wir anschließend zum Mustang gingen.

„Keine Ahnung“, sagte ich. „Ich möchte jedenfalls jetzt nicht plötzlich anfangen, Kondome zu tragen.“

Mary zuckte die Schultern. „Du hast recht. Es ist schon etwas besonders Gutes, wenn man spüren kann, wie einem warmes Sperma in den Bauch gespritzt wird.“

„Vielleicht gibt es dafür ja auch einen Segen“, sagte ich. „Lilith hat mal gesagt, dass es sehr viele Segen gibt, nicht nur die zwei, von denen sie uns schon erzählt hat.“ Ich machte den Motor an und fuhr aus der Parklücke heraus.

„Lilith“, rief Mary als ich mich auf den Weg machte, sie zum Motel zu fahren.

Ich biss die Zähne zusammen um mich auf die Lustwellen vorzubereiten, die immer kamen, wenn Lilith erschien. Mein Schwanz wurde in meiner Hose steif und Marys Nippel beulten ihre Bluse aus. Lilith saß auf dem Rücksitz und war in ein enges durchsichtiges Kleid gehüllt, das an ihrem kurvigen Körper klebte.

„Ja, Herrin!“ schnurrte Lilith.

„Gibt es einen Spruch, der uns gegen Geschlechtskrankheiten immun macht?“

„Ja natürlich und der ist richtig einfach“, sagte Lilith mit einem Lachen. „Man muss nur eine Frau entjungfern. Ihre Reinheit wird euch vor jeder Geschlechtskrankheit schützen. Wenn man ihr Häutchen zerreißt, muss man Bathuwlah sagen und dann hat man die Immunität. Und wenn ihr das Ritual von Zimmah benutzt habt und eure Leibeigenen so an euch gebunden habt, dann gilt die Immunität auch für die.“

Ich runzelte meine Stirn. Das Ritual von Zimmah wurde dadurch vollzogen, dass man mit seinem Elternteil schlief. Für eine Frau bedeutete das den Vater und für einen Mann die Mutter. „Ich dachte, Zimmah wird nur dafür benutzt, die Leibeigenen immun gegen die Macht der Nonnen zu machen.“

„Das Ritual von Zimmah verbindet den Leibeigenen mit deiner Lebenskraft. Eine der Nebenwirkungen machte den Leibeigenen immun gegen die Kontrolle einer anderen Person. Außerdem hält es sie jung und schön. Natürlich sterben sie auch dann wenn du selber stirbst.“ Lilith runzelte die Stirn. „Ist das genug Erklärung?“

„Nein“, sagte ich.

Sie zuckte mit den Achsel. „Wie auch immer, kann ich sonst noch was für dich tun, Herrin? Vielleicht möchtest du den letzten Wunsch aussprechen?“

„Nein, du kannst gehen, Lilith“, sagte Mary. Sie seufzte erleichtert, als Lilith wieder verschwunden war. „Ich traue ihr einfach nicht“, sagte sie.

„Du hast recht“, sagte ich. „Jedes Mal, wenn sie mich ansieht, kann ich den Hass in ihren Augen sehen. So als wollte sie mich zerdrücken. Wenn du den letzten Wunsch geäußert hast, wird die hoffentlich wieder in der Hölle verschwinden oder wo sie sonst hingehört.“

„Vielleicht sollte ich einfach den letzten Wunsch äußern, damit das endlich vorbei ist.“

„Und was ist, wenn wir noch einmal so ein Nonnenproblem bekommen?“ sagte ich. „Dieser Wunsch ist unser Rettungsring. Sie kann uns ja nichts antun. Sie ist in deiner Gewalt.“

„Und was ist mit letzter Nacht, Mark. Du bist schließlich ohnmächtig geworden.“ Marys Gesicht zeigte tiefe Betroffenheit.

„Nun, vielleicht sollte ich sie nicht noch einmal ficken“, sagte ich lächelnd.

„Das ist nicht witzig, Mark“, sagte Mary. „Sie ist wirklich gefährlich.“

„Du hast sie unter Kontrolle“, versicherte ich ihr. „Alles wird gut.“

Mary biss sich auf die Lippe. „Okay, ich werde also den Wunsch nicht benutzen… jedenfalls jetzt nicht.“

Mary schwieg. Sie biss sich besorgt auf die Lippe, als schaltete ich das Radio ein und ließ mich von Musik berieseln, während ich fuhr. Als wir in Parkland angekommen waren, hatte Mary sich wieder entspannt und sie lächelte. Als ich sie beim Blue Spruce aussteigen ließ, hatte sie ein aufgeregte Leuchten in den Augen. Ihre Besorgnis bezüglich Lilith war der Lust auf ihre Liebhaberin gewichen.

„Dann werdet ihr um fünf da sein, damit wir die Häuser im Block kaufen können?“ fragte ich.

„Ja, wir werden auch nach einem Platz für die Praxis Ausschau halten“, sagte Mary. „Ich liebe dich!“

„Ich liebe dich auch“, sagte ich. Sie beugte sich zu mir und küsste mich. Dann drehte sie sich um und mietete ein Zimmer in einem heruntergekommenen Motel, um den Nachmittag mit einer „Freundin“ zu verbringen. Ich spürte wieder den Stich der Eifersucht in meinem Herzen. Ich wollte in diesem Moment nichts dringender, als Mary zu bitten mit mir zu kommen und das Treffen mit Alice abzusagen.

Du hattest die Chance, sie zu kontrollieren, Mark, sagte ich mir. Du hast dich deswegen schuldig gefühlt, also hast du sie befreit. Und sie liebt dich genug, dass sie bei dir geblieben ist, als sie herausgefunden hatte, was du ihr angetan hast. Jetzt hör auf, dir Sorgen zu machen. Die beiden sind nur Freundinnen.


„Warum bleiben wir den nicht im Bett!“ protestierte Alice, als ich mich bückte, um mein Höschen aufzuheben. Alice trat hinter mich und streichelte mir den Arsch.

„Weil wir uns mit Mark treffen müssen“, sagte ich ihr und küsste ihren Schmollmund. „Es ist für uns wichtig, dass wir diese Häuser kaufen.“

„Das können wir doch auch noch morgen“, sagte Alice. „Komm, wir verbringen die Nacht zusammen. Dean ist auf einer Geschäftsreise. Wir können die ganze Nacht lang Liebe machen.“

„Wir haben für heute unseren Spaß gehabt, aber ich muss zu Mark zurück“, sagte ich. Ein bisschen Frustration klang in meiner Stimme mit.

„Ist das alles? Spaß?“ wollte Alice wissen.“

„Jetzt sei doch nicht so zickig!“ sagte ich. „Ich hatte eine tolle Zeit mit dir. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, bis wir uns wiedersehen. Aber er ist mein Verlobter, okay? Er steht an erster Stelle.“

„Na gut“, maulte Alice.

Ich küsste sie. „Wir können uns trotzdem treffen“, sagte ich. „Sei also nicht sauer.“

„Und wann?“ wollte Alice wissen.

„Lass mich mal nachdenken“, sagte ich.

Alice streckte die Hand aus und spielte mit meiner Brust. „Bitte bald. Ich kann von deinem Körper einfach nicht genug bekommen.“

Ich lächelte wegen des Kompliments. „Morgen muss ich ein paar Caterer und Floristen wegen unserer Hochzeit treffen. Und ich muss mich um den Kuchen kümmern. Und dann kommt meine Familie. Am Samstag werden Mark und ich ein paar Bewerbungsgespräche mit Bodyguards führen und dann werden wir beide am Abend mal gemeinsam ausgehen.“

Alice schmollte jetzt noch stärker. Ihre Finger drückten meine Nippel und das schickte elektrische Impulse durch meinen Körper. „Das dauert mir zu lange!“

„Wir können uns am Sonntagmorgen treffen“, sagte ich ihr. „Ich habe zwar abends ein Essen mit Marks Eltern, aber am Morgen habe ich freie Zeit.“

„Schön, Sonntagmorgen.“

„Wir werden schön ausgiebig brunchen und dann werde ich es dir richtig gut besorgen“, sagte ich Alice.

Sie lächelte ein verdorbenes Lächeln, das sich in etwas Raubtierhaftes verwandelte. „Kannst du es mir nicht jetzt schnell noch richtig gut besorgen?“

Ich seufzte. Sie war genauso gierig auf Sex wie Mark. Ihre Finger bewegten sich an meinem nackten Körper nach unten, spielten sanft mit meinem roten Schamhaar und fingen an, meine Muschi zu streicheln. Es wurde immer schwerer für mich, mich daran zu erinnern, warum wir aufhören mussten, als ein Finger in meine Fotze glitt. Lust fing an, durch meinen Körper zu fließen, als ihr Finger sich in mir zu bewegen anfing.

Ich biss die Zähne zusammen und schob ihre Hand aus meinem Schoß weg. „Wir müssen wirklich los. Mark wartet schon auf uns.“ Alices Finger waren nicht Marks Schwanz. Ich ließ mich nicht so leicht ablenken.

„Okay, okay“, seufzte Alice. „Dann wollen wir also deinen Verlobten treffen.“

„Komm schon, er wird dir gefallen“, sagte ich. „Er ist ein netter Kerl.“

Sie schnaubte, sagte aber nichts. Was hatte sie heute nur?


Als ich nach Hause kam, waren zwei Männer gerade dabei, den ruinierten Türrahmen herauszureißen. Allison und Lillian flirteten schamlos mit den beiden. Sie hatten sexy Unterwäsche an. Allison trug ein cremefarbenes Korsett mit schwarzer Spitze, die den Bauch bedeckte, ein cremefarbenes Höschen, das mit schwarzer Spitze gesäumt war und einfache weiße Strümpfe, die vom Strumpfhalter am Korsett gehalten wurden. Lillian hatte ein graues seidenes Negligee an, das wie eine zweite Haut an ihr saß und so eben bis zu ihrem Arsch reichte.

„Lenken euch die beiden Mädchen ab?“ fragte ich.

„N..Nein Sir“, stammelte der erste Mann und seine Augen verließen die beiden Schlampen nicht eine Sekunde.

„Wenn ihr damit fertig seid, die Tür auszutauschen, dann könnt ihr die beiden Schlampen hier ficken“, sagte ich ihnen. „Gebt es ihnen richtig, weil sie euch so unverschämt angemacht haben.“

Allison kicherte. „Das klingt wie eine richtig gute Idee.“ Lillian leckte sich die Lippen. „Ich kann es gar nicht mehr abwarten, nach vorne gebeugt und gefickt zu werden!“

Der andere Mann, der gerade mit einem Hammer einen Nagel einschlug, traf daneben und schlug sich auf den Daumen. Er verzog nicht einmal sein Gesicht dabei. Er hatte es wohl gar nicht gemerkt.

Ich ging ins Haus und fand die Schlampen, die ich vorher zum Wachsen ihrer Mösen fortgeschickt hatte. „Inspektion!“ sagte ich, nachdem ich sie alle im Wohnzimmer versammelt hatte.

Alle Schlampen zogen ihre Röcke hoch, damit ich sie inspizieren konnte. Violet hatte sich brasilianisch wachsen lassen. Ihr enger Schlitz ließ sie noch jünger aussehen. Fiona hatte einen Landestreifen aus hellrotem Haar stehen lassen. Karen hatte einen dreieckigen Busch aus lockigem brünettem Haar oberhalb ihrer Fotze und Chasity hatte sich entschlossen, sich alles entfernen zu lassen, so wie auch Violet. Thamina trug ein V über ihrer Fotze, zwei Flügel aus schwarzem Schamhaar, die direkt auf ihren Kitzler zeigten.

Ich sah Desiree und sagte ihr, dass sie die dreizehn Sporttaschen mit dem Geld in den Kofferraum des Wagens legen sollte. 26 Millionen Dollar sind ziemlich schwer und ich wollte das Zeug nicht in der Nachbarschaft herumschleppen.

Ich nahm die fünf Schlampen mit nach oben zu meinem Bett und ließ mich von ihnen ausziehen. Violet und Chasity knöpften mein Hemd auf, während Karen sich vor mich kniete, meinen Gürtel öffnete und meine Jeans nach unten schob, gefolgt von meiner Boxershorts. Sie saugte gierig meinen Schwanz in ihren Mund. Jemand kniete sich hinter mich und ich spürte, wie Hände meine Arschbacken spreizten und dann leckte eine Zunge durch meine Arschkerbe und über mein Arschloch. Ein geiles Gefühl zog durch meinen Körper.

Fiona schloss sich Karen an und die beiden Schlampen wechselten sich dabei ab, meinen Schwanz zu lutschen und meine Eichel zu lecken. Das bedeutete, dass meine Muslim-Schlampe hinter mir war. Sie lutschte an meinem Arschloch. Violet und Chasity hatten jetzt mein Hemd entfernt und beide saugten jeweils einen meiner Nippel in ihren Mund. Das geilte mich nicht wirklich auf, aber ich ließ die beiden Schlampen gewähren.

Fiona hatte ihren Mund um meinen Schwanz geschlossen und sie saugte kräftig und bewegte ihren Kopf auf und ab. Karen war darunter und leckte meine Eier. Thaminas Zunge bewegte sich in meinem engen Schließmuskel. Ich schloss die Augen und genoss die Gefühle. Meine Arme waren um Violet und Chasity geschlungen und meine Hände rutschten an deren Rücken nachunten zu ihren Ärschen. Ich fing an, die Schlampen zu kneten. Fionas Mund glitt von meinem Schwanz und Karen saugte mich in ihren Mund, während Fiona gleichzeitig meinen Schaft ableckte. Hände fingen an, meine Eier zu kraulen.

„Verdammt nochmal, seid ihr Schlampen alle verdorben!“ stöhnte ich. „Gleich kommt es mir! Ich will in dein Gesicht spritzen, Karen!!“

Karen hörte auf zu lutschen und Fiona wichste mir schnell den Schwanz. Meine Eier zogen sich zusammen und Karen lächelte zu mir hoch, gierig auf mein Sperma. Vier große Spritzer Saft landeten auf Karens Gesicht und liefen dann zähflüssig zu ihren Brüsten herunter.

Ich setzte mich im Bett auf, kickte meine Schuhe weg und zog mir die Hose herunter, die sich an meinen Füßen staute. Dann schaute ich zu, wie die Schlampen Karen meinen Saft ableckten. Karen ließ sich das gerne gefallen. Sie schnurrte vor Geilheit wegen all der Zungen und der Hände, die sich an ihr zu schaffen machten. Mit einem Keuchen kam es Karen und sie schüttelte sich.

Violet stand auf. Sie lächelte mich an und meine Augen starrten auf ihre blanke Fotze. Ich leckte meine Lippen. Ich musste sie einfach schmecken, ich musste diese weichen Schamlippen auf meinem Gesicht spüren. Ich streckte mich auf dem Bett aus und bedeutete Violet, zu mir zu kommen. „Ich will deine Fotze lecken, Schlampe!“

Violet strahlte. „Das wäre toll, Meister!“

Violet hockte sich auf mein Gesicht und ihre nackte Fotze senkte sich auf meine gierigen Lippen. Ihr Saft schmeckte leicht würzig und ich trieb meine Zunge in ihre Fotze. Das Bett wackelte, als jemand zu uns kletterte und ich spürte die Beine einer Frau, die sich über meinem Körper spreizten. Ihre weichen Finger wichsten meinen Schwanz wieder vollständig hart. Ihre Fotze war warm und nass, als sie sich auf meinen Schwanz gleiten ließ.

Ich wusste nicht, welche Schlampe da gerade meinen Schwanz ritt, aber sie fühlte sich großartig an. Ihre Fotze ergriff meinen Schwanz wie ein Handschuh aus Seide. Ich schlang meine Arme um Violet und packte mir ihren Teenager-Arsch, während ich gleichzeitig an ihrer Muschi saugte. Ihre Schamlippen lagen wie Seide auf meinen Lippen. Die Bettfeder quietschten, als die Frau auf meinem Schwanz sich immer schneller bewegte. Ihre Fotze massierte meine Eichel.

„Hmmm, lutsch meine Titten, Violet“, stöhnte Thamina. Es gab ein nasses saugendes Geräusch und ich stellte mir vor, wie sich Violet nach vorne beugte und an Thaminas Titten lutschte, während die Muslimin auf meinem Schwanz ritt. Thaminas Fotze wurde enger, als Violet zu lutschen anfing. „Du lutschst meine Titten so gut!“ stöhnte Thamina.

„Jetzt lutsch du an meinen“, schnurrte Violet und dann stöhnte sie vor Lust. „Du kannst aber auch ziemlich gut an Titten lutschen! Oh, mir kommt es gleich. Meister, deine Zunge fühlt sich so gut in meiner engen kleinen Fotze an.“

Violet zuckte auf mir und ihre Fotze rutschte auf meinen Lippen hin und her, als sie ihren Orgasmus hatte. Frischer Saft überflutete meinen Mund und ich trank ihren Honig. Violet keuchte heftig und rollte von mir herunter. Sie hatte ein breites Lächeln auf ihrem Gesicht. Thamina ritt mich weiter. Die weiße Bluse ihrer Schwesternuniform öffnete sich und ihre dunklen Titten hüpften, während sie mich fickte. Ihre Nippel waren von Violets Mund hart und nass.

Fiona glitt nackt neben mir auf das Bett. Auf der anderen Seite nahm Karen mit Violet einen 69er ein. Die ehemalige Nonne leckte gierig die Fotze des Teenagers. Und Violets rosafarbene Zunge leckte gierig an Karens Muschi. Fionas große Titten drückten sich gegen meinen Arm, als sie mit ihrem Gesicht näher kam, um mich zu küssen. Ihre Zunge erforschte meine Lippen und leckte Violets Saft ab.

Ich nahm eine von Fionas schweren Titten und zog sie zu meinen hungrigen Lippen nach oben. Ich saugte ihren harten Nippel in meinen Mund. Fiona schnurrte glücklich, während ich an ihrem harten Knöpfchen knabberte und daran saugte. Thamina stöhnte immer lauter und sie ritt mich immer schneller und heftiger. Sie schrie etwas auf Arabisch, als ihre Fotze sich auf meinem Schwanz zusammenzog. Mein Körper spannte sich und ich biss leicht in Fionas Nippel, als ich in Thaminas Schnalle spritzte. Vier kräftige Spritzer füllten ihre nuttige Fotze.

„Danke, Meister“, keuchte Thamina und setzte sich auf meinem Schwanz auf.

„Meister, meine Fotze ist leer“, flüsterte Fiona. „Kannst du sie mit deinem großen Schwanz füllen?“

Ich grinste und küsste sie. Thamina stieg von mir ab und ich rollte auf Fiona. Ihre Beine spreizten sich einladend und ich stieß ihr meinen Schwanz hinein. Dann fing ich an, sie hart zu ficken. Violet und Karen keuchten um die Wette und kamen auf dem Gesicht der jeweils anderen. Thamina stützte sich auf ihren Ellbogen und schaute zu, wie ich Fiona fickte. Sie lächelte und spielte mit ihrer spermaverschmierten Fotze. Chasity kletterte auf das Bett und schob ihr Gesicht in Thaminas Fotze und saugte mein Sperma aus der Muslim-Fotze.

Als Mary mir eine SMS schickte, dass sie auf dem Weg war, hatte ich die Fotzen von allen fünf Schlampen mit meinem Saft gefüllt und ich genoss gerade Violets engen Arsch. Es würde nicht mehr lange dauern, bis ich auch dieses Loch mit meiner Sahne gefüllt hatte. Violet leckte Thaminas Fotze aus, während ich ihr den Arsch fickte. Chasity saß auf Karens Gesicht, während Fiona Karens Fotze ausleckte.

Nachdem ich in Violets Arsch gespritzt hatte, ließ ich meinen Schwanz von Chasitys Zunge sauber machen. Dann zog ich mich an. „Schlampen, macht euch fertig für heute Abend“, befahl ich, als ich ging. Heute Abend würden meine Freunde kommen, um Dungeons und Dragons zu spielen. Ich wollte, dass alle Schlampen frisch geduscht und bereit zum Ficken waren. Ich hatte vor, dass jeder meiner Freunde sich eine Schlampe aussuchen konnte, damit sie seine persönliche Sklavin für den Abend sein konnte, außer Korina, die sich noch von ihrer Schussverletzung erholte und Violet. Violet war noch Jungfrau gewesen, als ich sie gefickt hatte und ich wollte der einzige Schwanz sein, der sich mit ihrer Fotze beschäftigte. Violet würde meine persönliche Sklavin an diesem Abend sein.

Als ich nach unten ging, fickten die beiden Arbeiter Allison und Lillian im Wohnzimmer. Die Haustür war ausgetauscht worden und die beiden genossen ihren Bonus. Allison und Lillian knieten nebeneinander und die Männer fickten beide von hinten.

„Wenn ihr fertig seid, dann müsst ihr euch auch für heute Abend fertig machen“, ordnete ich an.

„Ja, Meister“, keuchte Allison und Lillian stöhnte: „Ich kann es gar nicht abwarten, mit deinen Freunden zu spielen.“

Ein cremefarbener Jetta fuhr in unsere Einfahrt, als ich nach draußen ging. Mary öffnete die Tür und sie kam glücklich lächelnd auf mich zu. Ihr rotbraunes Haar sah im Sonnenlicht wunderbar aus. Sie umarmte mich und küsste mich leidenschaftlich. Ich schmeckte Alices Fotze auf ihren Lippen. Als ich den Kuss beendete, konnte ich ihre Freundin Alice sehen. Sie warf mir absolut tödliche Blicke zu und ihre Knöchel waren weiß, weil sie die Autotür fest umklammert hielt. Scheiße, sie war eifersüchtig, weil Mary mich küsste!

Als Mary sich wieder von mir löste, drehte sie sich zu Alice um. „Das ist Alice. Sie wird meine Brautjungfer sein.“ Alice schmolz dahin. Sie sah aus wie ein Haustier, das sein Herrchen anschaute. Liebte sie Mary? „Denk daran. Du darfst deine Kräfte nicht an ihr anwenden“, flüsterte Mary und erinnerte mich damit an ein Versprechen, das ich ihr gegeben hatte.

„Ja“, sagte ich und runzelte die Stirn.

Alice schüttelte mir kurz die Hand, als sie zu uns kam. „Ich bin sehr erfreut“, sagte sie steif.

„Danke, gleichfalls“, sagte ich genauso steif.

„Na, ist er nicht toll?“ fragte Mary ihre Liebhaberin.

„Ja“, antwortete Alice und sie lächelte Mary an. „Dann wollen wir also die Häuser in der Straße kaufen, Mark. Wie viele sind das denn? Zwölf?“

„Nein, dreizehn“, korrigierte ich sie.

„Nun, ich habe ein wenig Papierkrieg vorbereitet, aber ich glaube nicht, dass du viel Glück haben wirst. Wahrscheinlich wird niemand sein Haus verkaufen wollen“, sagte Alice. „Die Leute verkaufen ihre Häuser nicht einfach so aus dem Blauen. Selbst dann, wenn du ihnen ein großzügiges Angebot machst, werden einige noch einmal darüber nachdenken wollen und andere werden sich überhaupt nicht für das Geld interessieren. Es ist ihre Heimat. Die Leute werden komisch, wenn es um ihre Heimat geht.“

„Mach dir keine Sorgen“, sagte Mary. „Mark kann die Frau eines Priesters aus ihrem Höschen reden und sie hinter dem Altar ficken, während ihr Mann eine Predigt hält.“

Darauf hob Alice ihre Augenbrauen, aber sie beschloss, diese Bemerkung zu ignorieren, weil sie annahm, dass Mary hier ein wenig übertrieben hätte. Mary hatte ein verdorbenes Lächeln auf den Lippen und ich hätte in diesem Moment gewettet, dass sie gerne gesehen hätte, wie ich die Frau eines Pfarrers in der Kirche ficke. Und ganz ehrlich, das konnte ich mir auch ganz gut vorstellen. „Dann lass es uns hinter uns bringen!“ sagte Alice ungeduldig. Sie unterbrach meine Fantasie.

„Ich habe das Geld im Kofferraum vom Mustang“, sagte ich. „Es wäre zu unbequem, es in der ganzen Nachbarschaft herum zu tragen.“

Ich fuhr uns bis zur Einfahrt des dritten Hauses. So mussten wir jeweils nur kurze Weg zu den einzelnen Häusern zurücklegen. Diese Häuser würden wir brauchen. Ich wollte eines meiner Mutter geben, außerdem wollte ich eines für die Bodyguards reservieren. Und für die anderen Häuser würde mir schon was einfallen. Vielleicht würde Marys Vater in eines einziehen, zusammen mit ihrer jüngeren Schwester. Und Shannon, Marys ältere Schwester würde wahrscheinlich auch noch eines bekommen. Und natürlich würde auch Antsy bei meiner Mama wohnen oder auch ein Haus bekommen.

Natürlich sollten in den Haushalten, in denen es eine schöne Frau oder eine Tochter im Teenager-Alter gab, die Leute wohnen bleiben dürfen. Allerdings wäre der Preis dafür, dass ich diese weiblichen Wesen nach meinem Bedarf ficken durfte. Anastasia aus dem Nacktjogging-Club würde genauso wohnen bleiben wie auch Madeleine. Ich hoffte, dass wir noch ein oder zwei Häuser finden würden, wo es interessante Frauen gab.

Ich öffnete den Kofferraum, nahm mir eine Sporttasche und ging zum ersten Haus. Das Haus war hellblau, hatte drei Stockwerke und es war von einem wunderbar gepflegten Rasen umgeben und von beschnittenen Büschen umstanden. Außerdem gab es einen steinernen Brunnen mit Engeln. Ich klopfte an der Tür und ein Junge im Teenager-Alter öffnete.

„Ich muss mit deiner Mama oder mit deinem Papa reden“, sagte ich.
„Mama!“ brüllte er und nach einer Weile kam eine altbackene Frau mit gut fünfzig Pfund Übergewicht zur Tür. „Hi“, grüßte sie einigermaßen freundlich. „Ich bin Mona, womit kann ich Ihnen helfen?“

„Ist Ihr Mann zu Hause?“ fragte ich. Es wäre etwas einfacher, wenn ich mit beiden gleichzeitig reden könnte.

„Nein, ich bin nicht verheiratet“, sagte Mona.

In ihrer Stimme lag Bitterkeit und ein Impuls durchlief mich. „Was ist passiert?“

„Er ist mit seiner Sekretärin abgehauen“, sagte Mona bitter.

„Ich möchte wetten, dass sie ein hübsches Ding war“, fragte ich grinsend.

Mona wurde vor Ärger rot im Gesicht. „Dieses Arschloch hat sie sich gerne genommen. Die Schlampe hat ihre Beine für jeden in der Firma breitgemacht. Und ich möchte wetten, dass sie das hinter seinem Rücken immer noch tut. Aber ich habe das Haus bekommen und eine nette Abfindung.“

„Nun, über das Haus wollte ich gerne mit Ihnen sprechen“, sagte ich. „Das hier ist meine Verlobte Mary und unsere Maklerin Alice. Wir sind vor kurzen hier in der Straße eingezogen.“

„Wo die Bullen schon zweimal gewesen sind?“ fragte Mona spitz.

„Ja“, sagte ich. „Sie werden uns Ihr Haus für zwei Millionen verkaufen. Ich habe das Geld hier bei mir und Alice hat ein paar Papiere, die Sie unterschreiben sollten.“

„Okay“, sagte Mona. Sie runzelte ein wenig die Stirn, weil sie so schnell zugesagt hatte.

Alice blinzelte und fragte: „Entschuldigung Mona. Haben Sie eben zugestimmt, das Haus zu verkaufen? Einfach so?“

„Ich glaube ja“, sagte Mona. „Es hat sich einfach richtig angefühlt.“

„Natürlich war es richtig, also machen wir die Papiere fertig“, sagte ich ihr. „Sie haben bis morgen Zeit, um auszuziehen. Bringen Sie Ihre Sachen in ein Lagerhaus und ziehen Sie in ein Hotel, bis sie eine neue Wohnung gefunden haben.“

„Sicher“, nickte Mona.

„Warte mal, was, Mama?“ keuchte der Junge. „Wir ziehen aus?“

Das nächste Haus war wesentlich vielversprechender. Ein Mädchen im Teenager-Alter mit Namen Issy machte die Tür auf. Sie war ein wunderschöner Engel mit einem herzförmigen Gesicht, blauen Augen und grün gefärbten kurzen Haaren mit schwarzen Strähnen: Sie war schlank und hatte die Beine einer Sportlerin. Ich lud sie ein, sich unserem Joggingclub anzuschließen.

„Wir treffen uns jeden Morgen beim Haus von Madeleine“, sagte ich. „Und wir haben immer eine Menge Spaß miteinander.“

„Okay“, kicherte sie.

Ich kaufte ihren Eltern, den Norups, das Haus ab und ließ sie umsonst wohnen.

„Wir können einfach so bleiben, ohne etwas zu bezahlen“, fragte Mrs. Norup.

„Ja, aber dafür darf ich mit eurer Tochter schlafen, wann immer ich das will“, antwortete ich. „Ihr beide habt damit kein Problem, ihr seid in Wirklichkeit mehr als glücklich, dass ich sie mir nehme.“

„Absolut“, sagte Mr. Norup und er schüttelte meine Hand.

„Was?“ keuchte Alice. „Das ist ja widerlich! Was ist denn das für eine Scheiße!“ rief sie und rannte aus dem Haus.

Mary lief ihr hinterher und als ich aus dem Fenster schaute, hatte sie sie eingeholt. Sie fing an, mit ihr zu reden. Mary streckte die Hand aus und streichelte Alices Hand und dann nahm sie ihre Hand hoch und küsste sie auf ihre Fingerspitzen. Alice seufzte und nickte dann. Dann lehnte sie sich vor und küsste Mary auf den Mund. Beide ließen einen Moment lang ihre Zungen miteinander kämpfen. Dann kamen sie ins Haus zurück.

„Ich habe das geklärt“, sagte Mary.

Ich spürte wieder Eifersucht in mir aufsteigen. Ich griff nach Mary, zog sie an mich und küsste sie sehr leidenschaftlich. Mary schmolz in meinen Armen und erwiderte meinen Kuss ebenso leidenschaftlich. Ich beendete den Kuss. Mary war atemlos. Ich schaute zu Alice und sie schaute mich mit einem vergifteten Blick an.

„Bist du noch Jungfrau?“ fragte Mary das Mädchen.

„Natürlich“, sagte Issy und sie wurde rot.

„Wirklich?“ fragte ich. Das Mädchen schüttelte ganz leicht den Kopf, in der Hoffnung, dass ihre Eltern die Bewegung nicht sahen. Schade. Mary und ich suchten immer noch nach Jungfrauen, die wir deflorieren konnten. Na gut, ich würde es morgen in der Schule versuchen müssen, wenn ich hier heute keine Jungfrauen fand. Dort würden sich sicherlich einige finden lassen.

Das nächste Haus war eine große Enttäuschung. Mr. Und Mrs. Lowery waren in den Fünfzigern und ihre Kinder waren erwachsen und schon vor Jahren ausgezogen. Zane Bullard lebte nebenan. Er war ein Wittwer mit einer fünfjährigen Tochter, und wir brachten ihn schnell dazu, sein Haus zu verkaufen. Das fünfte Haus war genauso enttäuschend. Dort lebte ein schwules Paar.

Im sechsten Haus fand ich schließlich ein paar viel versprechende Mädchen. Die Familie Rhee, Koreaner, war sehr freundlich. Sie hatten zwei Mädchen im Teenager-Alter, Iseul war siebzehn und Yun vierzehn. Beide Mädchen waren klein und prächtig. Deswegen durfte die Familie Rhee in ihrem Haus bleiben. Allerdings war keines der beiden Mädchen noch Jungfrau. Iseul hatte ihr Häutchen beim Abschlussball ihrem Freund geschenkt und Yun hatte den Vibrator ihrer Mutter gefunden und gerade vor drei Tagen ihr Häutchen damit erledigt.

Die beiden nächsten Häuser waren Pleiten, die Gomez hatten einen Sohn und eine dicke Tochter und die Ehefrau saß im Rollstuhl, weil sie Multiple Sklerose hatte. Mrs. Endricott wog mindestens dreihundert Pfund und ihre Tochter hatte eben das College abgeschlossen. Ich kaufte Madeleines Haus und ließ sie natürlich auch wohnen. Auch das nächste Haus war eine Pleite. Die Frau, die dort lebte, hatte wüste Narben wegen eines Unfalls, den sie einmal gehabt hatte und sie hatte nur Söhne.

Anastasia aus meinem Joggingclub war mehr als glücklich, dass sie mir ihr Haus verkaufen durfte und ihr Mann Stan war mehr als glücklich, mich seine Frau ficken zu lassen. Im nächsten Haus traf ich Mrs. Stainthrope, ein prachtvolles Luxusweibchen. Ich ließ sie und ihren Mann wohnen, nachdem ich sicher gestellt hatte, dass ich meinen Schwanz in ihre enge Fotze stecken durfte. Das schien Mr. Stainthrope nichts auszumachen. Das letzte Haus war dann wieder eine Pleite, wieder eine dicke Frau mit ihren Söhnen.

Alles in allem hatten Mary und ich jetzt acht Häuser, die wir benutzen konnten, bis wir unser Anwesen bauten. Es mussten zwar noch eine Menge Papiere ausgefüllt werden, um die Verkäufe auch zu legalisieren, aber dabei handelte es sich nur noch um Formalitäten. Wir verabschiedeten uns von Alice, gaben ihr ihre Provision. Ich schüttelte ihre Hand und Mary küsste sie.

Mary verschwand oben, um sich fertig zu machen. Sie wollte heute Abend mit ihrer Freundin Diane durch die Gemeinde ziehen.. Ich wollte sicher stellen, dass alle Schlampen bereit waren, meine Gäste zu empfangen. Ich spielte schon seit Jahren mit der gleichen Gruppe Leuten D&D. Normalerweise Donnerstags bei mir zu Hause. Am vergangenen Donnerstag hatte ich zu viel mit meinen neuen Kräften zu tun gehabt, deswegen war unser Treffen ausgefallen. Aber eigentlich sollte die Möglichkeit, dass sie meine Schlampen ficken durften, dafür entschädigen.

Ich hatte die Schlampen unter Lillians Leitung das Esszimmer zu unserem Spielzimmer machen lassen. Danach hatten sich die Schlampen im Wohnzimmer versammelt. Wir hatten einen ganzen Vorrat an Chips und Getränken, und Pizzen waren auch schon bestellt. Noel und Willow, unsere neuesten Schlampen, waren genauso wie Jessica rechtzeitig nach Hause gekommen. Noel trug das nuttige Bullen-Outfit, das sie sich gekauft hatte und Willow hatte ein nuttiges Krankenschwestern-Outfit an. Jessica hatte in Eigeninitiative ein nuttiges Büro-Outfit gekauft mit dem absolut kürzest möglichen Rock. Der Rock bedeckte, wenn sie stand, kaum ihren Arsch und wenn sie sich nach vorne beugte, war alles an ihr zu sehen. Die Bluse war eng und durchsichtig. Netzstrümpfe wurden durch einen Strumpfhalter gehalten und ihre Schuhe mit Stiletto-Absätzen ließen ihren Arsch sexy schwingen, wenn sie ging.

Es läutete und ich öffnete. Quatch schaute sich erstaunt um. Quatch war ein großer Kerl und ganz und gar mit schwarzem Haar bedeckt. Er hatte einen zottigen Bart, haarige Arme und einen haarigen Rücken, deswegen trug er den Spitznamen Sasquatch. Und der war dann irgendwann man zu Squatch abgekürzt worden. Ich wusste gar nicht genau, wie er eigentlich wirklich hieß. Ich glaube James oder John. Er war mein bester Freund.

„Hey Mann“, sagte er und er pfiff durch die Zähne. „Wie kommst du denn zu dieser scharfen Hütte?“

„Ich habe ein Pokerturnier gewonnen“, sagte ich meinem Freund. „Komm rein. Ich mache dich mit den Mädels bekannt.“

Alle Schlampen bis auf Lillian hatten sich im Wohnzimmer versammelt und trugen ihre nuttigen Outfits. „Hallo Sir“, begrüßten alle Squatch. Sein Mund stand offen.

„Wer zum Geier sind diese Mädchen?“ keuchte er. „Mark, ich kann ihre Titten sehen! Hast du ein paar Nutten gekauft?“

„Das hier sind unsere Sex-Sklavinnen“, sagte ich ihm. „Sie machen alles, was meine Verlobte oder ich ihnen sagen. Und ich meine wirklich alles!“

„Ernsthaft“, murmelte er.

„Ernsthaft“, sagte ich. „Such dir eine aus und sie wird dir den besten Blowjob geben, den du jemals hattest.“

„Ist das ein Witz?“ wollte er wissen.

„Nein“, sagte ich.

„Wie wäre es mit dieser Krankenschwester?“


„Ach du Scheiße, du hast ja zwei davon!“ sagte er und leckte seine Lippen. „Die da!“

„Das ist Dr. Willow“, sagte ich.

Willow ging zu Squatch und küsste ihn. Sie schmiegte ihren Körper an ihn. Squatch stand eine Sekunde bewegungslos da, dann schlang er seine Arme um Willows schmalen Körper und erwiderte den Kuss. Es klingelte erneut und ich lächelte. Meine Freunde würden heute Abend eine Menge Spaß haben.


Ich beobachtete sie aus den Schatten heraus. Sie wieselten herum wie Ungeziefer.

Ich hasste sie alle. Die Nachkommen von Adam und von der unterwürfigen Schlampe, durch die er mich ersetzt hatte, Eva. Ihr Name hinterließ einen bitteren Geschmack in meinem Mund. Ich hasste sie und ihre Mischlingskinder. Ich hatte ihre Kinder verfolgt und hatte meine eigenen monströsen Kinder geschickt, um sie zu terrorisieren. Ich hatte keine Gnade gezeigt und dafür war ich zusammen mit den gefallenen Engeln in die Abgründe geworfen worden, zusammen mit Luzifer.

Ich sah zu, wie Mary nach oben eilte, um sich auszuziehen und zu duschen. Unten laberte Mark, dieser arrogante ekelhafte Mark mit all den Frauen, die er dazu gezwungen hatte, sich ihm zu unterwerfen. Von allen hasste ich Mark am meisten. Dieses widerliche Insekt glaubte, er könnte Hand an mich legen. In der vergangenen Nacht hätte ich ihn beinahe komplett leergesaugt und ihm seine ganze Lebensenergie genommen, wenn er nicht diesen verdammten Wunsch von Luzifer erfüllt bekommen hätte.

Ich glaube, ich sollte mich glücklich schätzen, dass Mary den Kristall benutzt hatte und nicht Mark. Luzifer erniedrigte mich gerne und mich dazu zu zwingen, einem Mann zu dienen, das war sein Stil. Und Mark war genau die Art von Mann, die mich am liebsten ewig benutzen wollte. Ein Mann, der sich seinen sexuellen Appetit immer wieder befriedigen lassen wollte.

„Lilith“, flüsterte eine Stimme aus den Schatten. Sie zitterte durch meinen Körper.

„Luzifer“, antwortete ich. Er platzte ständig irgendwo herein. Ständig mischte er sich in Sachen ein, die ihn nicht zu interessieren hatten.

Luzifer erschien hinter mir, er leuchtete. Brillant und wunderschön. Wenn Sterbliche ihn herbeiriefen, erschien er so, wie sie ihn erwarteten. Dieser Tage bedeutete das, dass er so aussah, wie ein Anwalt. Er erschien an diesen Straßenkreuzungen als dunkler attraktiver Mann mit scharlachfarbenen Augen, aus denen das Böse tropfte. Das war so übertrieben! Aber Luzifer, der Morgenstern, war ein Wesen aus reinem Licht, aus Strahlung. Er liebte es, hell zu leuchten, wann immer er konnte. Er war immer so eingebildet. Das Einzige, das noch heller war als sein Körper, war sein Stolz. Sein Stolz war der Grund für seine Rebellion gewesen und die hatte dafür gesorgt, dass er in den Abgrund gestoßen worden war.

„Dein Mark ist so mickrig“, schnarrte ich. „Unbegrenzte Macht und alles was er tut ist, sich ein Haus voller Frauen zuzulegen.“

„Er ist die perfekte Wahl“, sagte Luzifer.

„Ich werde ihn zerquetschen“, sagte ich. „Ich werde deinen Plan zerstören. Du wirst es noch bereuen, dass du mir die Möglichkeit gegeben hast, in der Welt der Sterblichen aktiv zu sein.“

Luzifer zuckte nur mit den Schultern. „Es wird sich alles in meine Richtung entwickeln, Lilith.“

Ich wurde ärgerlich. Luzifer war immer so selbstgefällig. „Ich werde seine Schlampen gegen ihn wenden.“

Luzifer grinste. „Das würde ich wirklich gerne sehen.“

Er glaubte nicht, dass ich das konnte. Wenn es etwas gab, was ich beherrschte, dann war es, mickrige Sterbliche zu verführen. Sie wurden von ihren Leidenschaften geleitet und das machte sie schwach und formbar. Ich musste nur den richtigen Druck ausüben und Mary würde darum betteln, dass sie sich daran beteiligen durfte, Mark zu zerquetschen. Ich dachte bei mir, dass ich es Luzifer schon zeigen würde, Dann ging ich durch die Schatten und stellte mich hinter Mary.

Ich machte einen Schritt und stand in der dampfenden Dusche. Luzifer konnte mir nicht folgen. Die Schatten waren der oberste Teil des Abgrundes, in dem nur die Mächtigsten der Gefallen sich aufhalten konnten. Aus den Schatten konnte man die Welt der Sterblichen sehen, man konnte all die Lust und die Freude sehen, die sie enthielt. Die einzige Möglichkeit, die es gab, die Grenze zu überschreiten, war, das man von irgend so einem mickrigen Sterblichen gerufen wurde. So lange Mary ihren letzten Wunsch nicht äußerte, konnte ich frei hin und her gehen.

Mary zuckte zusammen, als sie plötzlich spürte, wie Lust durch ihren Körper fuhr. Sie drehte sich um und das Wasser lief an ihrem nackten Körper herunter. Marys smaragdgrüne Augen weiteten sich vor Lust, ihre Nippel wurden zu kleinen aufgestellten Knöpfchen und der Duft ihrer Erregung erfüllte meine Nase. Mary Zunge glitt über ihre roten Lippen und ich konnte sehen, wie sie zitterte, als in ihr die Lust aufkeimte, mich zu berühren.

„Lilith“, sagte Mary und sie riss ihren Blick von meinen Brüsten los. In ihrer Stimme lag eine Spur Zorn. Sie war noch immer böse auf mich, weil ich das gestern mit Mark gemacht hatte. Dieser Wurm hatte es aber verdient gehabt und noch viel mehr. Ich würde ihn zerquetschen und dieses dumme kleine Mädchen würde mir dabei helfen. Wenn sei erste einmal ganz und gar von meiner Lust besessen war, würde sie Wachs in meinen Händen sein und ich würde eine Waffe aus ihr machen. Bei dem Gedanken wurde meine Fotze nass.

Ich drückte meinen Körper an sie und ihre harten Nippel rieben sich an meiner Brust. Sie wich vor mir zurück und schüttelte sich, als sie einen Orgasmus hatte. Ich war Lilith, der Succubus und meine Berührung war reine Lust. Ihr Rücken war jetzt an der Wand der Dusche und sie konnte nicht weiter zurück. Ich pinnte sie fest und nahm ihre Lippen zu einem Kuss. Ihre Beine spreizten sich vor Lust und ich spürte ihren harten Kitzler und die nassen Lippen meiner Möse, und dann fing ich an, mich langsam an dem Mädchen zu reiben.

„Ich habe dir und diesen Männern heute Morgen gerne zugesehen“, sagte ich. „Es gibt nichts Geileres als einen Mann an seinen Platz zu stellen.“

„Ja, es hat mir auch Spaß gemacht“, sagte Mary. Das Mädchen schüttelte sich in meinen Armen, als es ihr wieder kam. Mary wurde besser darin, meinen Leidenschaften zu widerstehen, aber nicht einmal sie konnte sich gegen meine Lust wehren und gegen ihre Orgasmen, die sie bekam, wenn meine Fotze ihren Kitzler küsste.

„Ich möchte wetten, dass du es lieben würdest, wenn du Männer dazu bekommen könntest, vor dir zu kriechen.“ Ich leckte ihr Ohrläppchen und sie keuchte und es kam ihr wieder. Ihr Mösensaft benetzte mein Schamhaar. „Sie dazu zu bringen, darum zu betteln, dich zu befriedigen. Sie zu erniedrigen, wie Mark Frauen erniedrigt.“

„Ja, das würde ich gerne tun!“ zischte Mary. „Das war so geil! Ich bin so hart gekommen, als sie mich gefickt haben. Und dann zu hören, wie der eine gebettelt hat, auch kommen zu dürfen! Wie mickrig er geklungen hat, als ich dann weggegangen bin! Das war total scharf!“

„Ich kann dir das geben“, flüsterte ich ihr ins Ohr. „Du kannst Mark zu deinem gehorsamen Sklaven machen.“

„Was?“ fragte Mary. Sie runzelte die Stirn. Ihre Lust verblasste.

„Mark hat dich zu seiner Sklavin gemacht, du würdest doch sicher gerne dasselbe mit ihm machen.“ Ihr Körper zitterte in meinen Armen, ihr Atem wurde schneller. Ich spürte, wie die Gedanken durch ihren Kopf liefen. Ich konnte ihre Fantasien geradezu schmecken. Wie Mark vor ihr kroch. Wie Mark darum bettelte, sie ficken zu dürfen. Wie er darum bettelte, in ihr kommen zu dürfen. „Er hat dich versklavt, mach doch das gleiche mit ihm. Erniedrige ihn. Bestrafe ihn. Zieh mit ihm gleich!“

Szenen wirbelten durch ihren Kopf und ich gab ihr noch schmutzigere Bilder. Ich spürte, wie ihre Gier wuchs, während immer schmutzigere Fantasien ihren Kopf füllten. Mark, wie er an ihren Zehen lutschte. Mary, wie sie mit ihrem Fuß auf seinem Schwanz stand, auf seinen Eiern, wie sie sie zwischen ihren Zehen einquetschte. Wie er vor Schmerz und vor Lust stöhnte. Mark, wie er über den Tisch gebeugt war, wie er sie so oft über einen Tisch gebeugt hatte und wie er von ihr mit einem Umschnall-Dildo gefickt wurde. Mark, wie er sein Sperma aus ihrer Fotze leckte. Mark, wie er in der Ecke stand und zusah, wie Mary von anderen Männern gefickt wurde. Wie er gleichzeitig seinen Schwanz wichste, während ein richtiger Mann sie bediente. Und dann würde sie ihn über das Bett kriechen und ihn das Sperma des anderen Mannes aus ihrer Fotze lecken lassen. Sie war kurz davor, zuzustimmen. Ich spürte ihre Antwort auf ihrer Zungenspitze. Sie wollte das wirklich gerne.

„Ich liebe ihn“, sagte Mary und wurde wieder weich.

„Du kannst ihn doch immer wieder loslassen, wen du deinen Spaß gehabt hast“, log ich.

Ihr Körper versteifte sich. Irgendwie hatten meine Worte ihren Widerstand verstärkt. „Nein.“ Ein Flüstern kam zwischen ihren Lippen hervor. „Nein!“ Beim zweiten Mal klang das Wort schon kräftiger. Dann schob sie mich von ihr herunter. „Nein, Lilith! Nicht Mark! Wir sind Gleiche! Ich war zwar seine Sklavin, aber er hat mich freigelassen. Ich könnte jeden Mann erniedrigen und quälen, aber nicht Mark! Das macht man nicht mit jemandem den man liebt.“

Ich knurrte sie an. Zorn stieg in mir auf. Wie schaffte es diese kleine Bitch bloß, diesen Impulsen zu widerstehen? Ich hatte sie auf ihren Fantasien und auf ihrem Trieb aufgebaut. Diese kleine Bitch hätte eigentlich Wachs in meinen Händen sein müssen. Sie war doch nur ein Mensch, nichts anderes als Sklavin ihrer Begierden. Wie im Namen der Schöpfung konnte sie also widerstehen?

„Ich möchte nicht, dass du noch einmal vor mir, vor Mark oder vor unseren Schlampen erscheinst, wenn wir dich nicht gerufen haben, Lilith“, befahl Mary mir ärgerlich. „Du bist meine Sklavin!“ Ich fühlte meine Ketten, die mich zurück in die Schatten und zurück in den Abgrund zogen.

Luzifer lachte. Er hatte dieses verdammte wissende Grinsen auf den Lippen, als ich wieder in den Schatten war.

„Das hätte eigentlich funktionieren müssen“, murmelte ich verärgert.

„Es hätte auch funktioniert, wenn du aufgepasst hättest“, gab Luzifer zurück.

Ich runzelte die Stirn und lächelte dann so verführerisch wie ich konnte. „Was weißt du, was ich nicht weiß, Luzifer?“

„Du versuchst gerade, Seelenverwandte zu trennen“, antwortete Luzifer. „Selbst wenn ich es nicht so arrangiert hätte, das Mark das Buch findet und liest und mich damit herbeiruft, er hätte Mary trotzdem getroffen. Es war die Bestimmung. Ich habe mich nur insofern eingemischt, als ich festgelegt habe, wie sie sich treffen. Ich habe an ihren Leben ein wenig gedreht, damit es mir besser passt.“

„Warum?“ fragte ich. „Wozu brauchst du jemanden mit so viel Liebe?“

Luzifer lächelte. Wundervoll und böse und machtvoll und das alles gleichzeitig. Ein Schauder lief durch meinen Körper. Angst und Lust kämpften in mir. „Menschen tun die unglaublichsten Sachen aus Liebe“, sagte Luzifer. „David hat Bathsebahs Mann in den Tod geschickt, damit er sie haben konnte. Mark Anton hat aus Liebe eine Rebellion gemacht und ist gestorben. Justinian hat die Zukunft seines Reiches zerstört wegen der Liebe zu seiner Frau. Aus Liebe hat Paris Helena entführt und aus Liebe haben die griechischen Könige Troja zerstört. Liebe hat dafür gesorgt, dass Männer und Frauen ihre Länder verraten haben, ihr Freunde, ihre Kinder. Aus Liebe werden Menschen lügen, stehlen, morden. Die wirkliche Frage, Lilith ist, was soll ich mit einen Menschen, der keine Liebe hat?“

Sein Lachen war tief, kehlig und kraftvoll. Es schallte durch die Schatten. Ich spürte, wie sein Überschwang von ihm ausging und meine Augen fielen auf seinen glänzenden Schwanz. Demut erfasste mich. Ich würde ihn befriedigen müssen. Oh, wie ich es hasste, die Lust eines Mannes zu befriedigen! Irgendwann, Luzifer, irgendwann werde ich die Macht haben! Irgendwann wirst du mich befriedigen!

Seine Hände lagen auf meinen Schultern und ich sank auf meine Knie. Es hatte keinen Sinn, dagegen anzugehen. Luzifer beherrschte den Abgrund. Mein Körper war einfach nur eine der Nettigkeiten des Königs der Hölle. Es war genau so, wie Milton einmal geschrieben hatte: „Es ist besser, die Hölle zu regieren, als im Himmel zu dienen.“ Mein Mund öffnete sich und sein Schwanz drang ein. Ich schloss meine Augen. Luzifers Glanz wurde stärker, als seine Lust stärker wurde und ich an der Eichel seines Schwanzes lutschte.

Mein Trick mit Mary mochte fehlgeschlagen sein, aber das war nur eine vorübergehende Sache. Es wäre zwar nichts so befriedigend gewesen als zu sehen, wie Mark von seiner eigenen Frau erniedrigt wurde, aber es gab auch noch eine andere Möglichkeit, Mark zu zerstören und Luzifers Plan aus der Bahn zu bringen. Und diese Möglichkeit konnte Luzifer nicht durchkreuzen. Die Saat lag bereits in fruchtbarem Boden und wenn sie spross, dann würde ich Mark zerstören und ich würde mich auf ewig aus dem Abgrund befreien. Ich werde jede Freiheit haben, die ich haben möchte, Luzifer. Ich werde die Erde regieren, du bleibst der Chef in der Hölle!

Lach also nur und bleib bei deiner Meinung, dass die Ereignisse in deine Richtung laufen. Mach mich weiter zu deiner Hure, so wie Adam einst dachte, dass er es tun könnte. Ich habe mich aus seiner Herrschaft befreit und ich werde mich auch aus deiner Herrschaft befreien! Du hast einen großen Fehler gemacht, als du mich wieder in die Welt gelassen hast. Eines Tages wirst du auf deinen Knien vor mir liegen und um meine Umarmung winseln! Ich konnte schon beinahe die Lippen von Luzifer an meinen Zehen spüren. Sein Schwanz schoss flüssiges Feuer in meinen Mund. Sein Sperma brannte, als ich es schluckte.

Schon bald, Luzifer! Schon bald wirst du mein Sklave sein!

To be continued …

Click here for Kapitel 18

The Devil’s Pact, Ghost of Paris Chapter 3: The Lionesses



The Devil’s Pact

The Ghost of Paris Chapter Three: The Lionesses

by mypenname3000

edited by Master Ken

© Copyright 2014

Story Codes: Male/Teen female, Male/Teen females, Teen female/Teen female, Mind Control, Magic, Voyeurism, Male Masturbation, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, School, First

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 2.

Monday, September 2nd, 2013 – Paris, Texas

Selling my soul was the single greatest decision of my life!

Being invisible was the greatest freedom in the world. And molesting the girls that I used to spy on was the marshmallow in the moon pie. I spent my Sunday the same way I spent my Saturday, cruising the Paris Commons and porking a few young things. I followed one home and spent the night in her bed; her parents had no idea just how much of a filthy whore their daughter was. Her name was Heather and I definitely had to revisit her bed.

I loved peeping on girls. I’ve been to prison twice for my hobby—once for drilling a hole into the girls’ locker room at Boone High and the other time for taking upskirt pics of girls at the mall. My absolutely favorite girls to peep on were the Lionesses, the Varsity Cheer Squad for Boone High School. Since the school’s mascot was a roaring lion, the cheerleaders started calling themselves the Lionesses. Since I got out of prison, I’ve watched them every time they’ve practiced. In the past I’ve been forced to keep my distance, but no longer.

I waited right on the sun-beaten, wooden bleachers for the girls. It was a warm day, and my pecker was rock-hard just thinking about those beautiful teens. They were all pretty, in their black-and-gold uniforms that showed off their gorgeous legs, and when they raised up their arms, their tops would ride up and show off a few inches of flat stomach.

While all of them were beautiful, I had five favorites: fiery redheaded Kelly, with her freckled cheeks; big-titted Ursula and her sky-blue eyes; shy and demure Brandy, doll-faced and tawny-haired; ebony-skinned Latonya, her hair gathered into a dozen or so short, beaded braids that clacked together whenever she moved her head; and tall, curvy Marybeth, with her pouty lips and smoky gazes.

The girls started arriving in ones and twos, giggling as they walked up, their pleated skirts swaying about their fine, toned thighs. There were about a dozen girls in the squad. Latonya’s the captain and she used her whistle to get their attention. I started walking amongst the girls as they started their stretching, admiring their bodies up close, trying to decide which girl deserved my attention first. They were between coaches, so Latonya was in charge of running things, and the Black girl shouted orders like a drill instructor.

I moved behind Ursula as she bent over, her skirt riding up and exposing her black spankies, the bloomer shorts cheerleaders wore over their underwear. The spandex of her spankies was tight across her ass and I could see the lines of her panties. I reached out and stroked the panty line on her right asscheek.

Ursula jumped and spun around, crimson spotting her cheeks. “What the heck, Marybeth?”

Marybeth – who was behind her and looking at Ursula through my invisible body – frowned. “What?”

“You touched my bum!”

Marybeth put her hands on her hips, shaking her head, her short, black hair, swaying about her shoulders. “I did no such thang!”

Latonya blew her whistle. “C’mon ladies, back to y’alls stretches. And Marybeth, don’t be such a dyke!”

“But I didn’t touch her ass!” Then she gave Ursula a considering stare. “Although, it is one mighty fine ass.”

Ursula glared daggers at Marybeth and moved away from the girl.

Chuckling, I goosed Marybeth’s pert ass and she shrieked, rubbing her butt. Latonya blew the whistle a second time and stalked over to Marybeth. “What’s gotten into you?”

“Someone pinched my ass,” the doll-faced girl complained.

Latonya rolled her eyes. “No-one pinched your assssaahhh!” I gave Latonya’s black booty a good squeeze and the captain whirled around and glared at Ursula. “Why did you grab me?”

“Excuse me?” Ursula asked, blinking in confusion.

Feeling bolder, I grabbed the bottom of Latonya’s top and pulled it up over her head. The girls all watched wide-eyed as I as twirled her top through the air, before I threw it to the ground. Latonya stared in disbelief at her blouse, her full breasts covered by a white sports bra that contrasted nicely with her ebony skin.

“It’s the Ghost!” Brandy gasped. “Mindy was tellin’ me ’bout it.” I smiled, remembering the fun I had with Mindy in the Banana Republic changing room on Saturday.

“Ghost?” Marybeth asked.

“Yeah, he haunts the Commons and molests any purtee girl he finds,” Kelly added. I grinned, pleased to hear about my growing legend.

Latonya still stared at her top in disbelief, so I unclasped her sports bra and ripped it off, freeing her chocolate breasts and bright pink nipples. Latonya gasped, and clasped her hand over her bare tits. She looked around wildly. In fact, all the girls were spinning about, holding on to their tops for dear life, and trying to spot me. God, this was such fun.

“We should skedaddle,” Brandy said fearfully.

The tawny-haired girl was backing slowly away from the group as Latonya shrieked. My lips engulfed her nipple, sucking hard, as I lifted the cheerleader off the ground and spun her about. All the Lionesses were backing away as their cheer captain was whirled about by the ‘ghost.’ Well, all of them except Marybeth. She was the boldest, and leapt at me. The girl’s sudden weight on my back threw me off-balance and the three of us went sprawling to the ground in a tangled mess of limbs as the girls struggled to get away from me.

My pecker was aching hard and I wanted to stick it into one of the objects of my voyeuristic affections. Latonya rolled away, so I grasped Marybeth’s spankies and panties, and yanked them down her ass. She didn’t resist; part of my Pact was for the women I molested to enjoy it. I pulled her up on her hands and knees, flipped up her pleated skirt to expose her curvy ass and shaved cooch, and I could just make out the triangle of black hair on her pubic bone. I knelt behind her and rubbed my pecker on her moistening cunt, then shoved into her velvety warm depths.

“Oh my Lord, the ghost is fuckin’ me!” Marybeth yowled like a startled alley cat.

The girls fled, racing across the field, leaving Marybeth to my mercies. Latonya didn’t even bother putting her top or bra back on, just ran with her breasts bouncing about for the entire world to see. I grabbed Marybeth’s curvy hips and plowed into her hard and fast.

“I love tight, teenage cooch!” I moaned.

“Umm, your cock feels kinda nice, Mr. Ghost!”

“Are all you cheerleaders such sluts, sweetness?”

Marybeth laughed, “Not all of us. But the football team ain’t got no complaints from me!”

Her cheermates were almost back to the school, and it wouldn’t be long before they were racing back with help. I redoubled my efforts, driving my pecker frantically into her slippery cooch. The little slut started fucking me back, shaking those fine hips, and moaning like a bitch in heat. She kept looking over her head at me, her green eyes roaming about, trying to see something.

“You gotta great cooch, slut!”

“Thanks, you gotta great dick, Ghost!”

The girls were coming back with a big man. The football coach, I think, and they were all running across the field towards us. Fuck, I was almost there! I had to finish fast; luckily I hadn’t molested anyone else today, and I was ready to pop off in a cheerleader’s cunt. Just a few more strokes and I would be shooting inside her. I plunged in and out; the angry football coach was fifty-yards away. Into her tight cooch—only forty-yards away; out of her cunt—thirty-yards away and closing fast.

“Fuckin’ A!” I shouted as I buried into her sweet cunt, and came as the coach was a mere twenty-yards away. I pulled out, my pecker still cumming, spraying her back and ass with invisible spunk as he reached Marybeth, his face ruddy with exertion. She looked back at me, frustration twisting her pretty features.

“You okay?” he growled at my little fuckmate, looking around. “Where’d that pervert go!”

“It was a ghost, Mr. Breeze,” Marybeth answered, pulling up her spankies and panties.

“A ghost?” Mr. Breeze roared, looking at the girls. Latonya followed at a trot, her hands clasped over her breasts. “Is this some sorta joke?” he demanded of her.

“No,” the girls all said, but he didn’t believe them and cheer practice was over as he marched the girls back into the school, unleashing an explosive tirade the entire way.

As they started walking dejectedly after the coach, I heard Marybeth whisper to Ursula, “Shame Mr. Breeze showed up, I was about to have me a nice cum.”

“You’re such a slut,” Ursula said with disgust. She opened her mouth, prepared to say more, but closed her trap as Mr. Breeze glared at her.

There was no cheer practice on Tuesday, to my disappointment. The girls must be in a heap of trouble, and I almost regretted fucking Marybeth yesterday. Almost. I was back on Wednesday, praying like hell that the girls would be allowed to practice. I mounted the bleachers to wait and plopped my naked ass down on the old wood. Pain flared and I jumped back up; something had stuck in my butt-cheek. I felt around, felt a rough splint of wood sticking dead center in the meat of my right cheek. Gritting my teeth, I grabbed splinter and spent a minute trying to dig it out of my ass.

“Fuckin’ piece of shit,” I muttered, flicking the splinter away. This time I carefully checked where I was about to plop my ass.

When the girls arrived, they were all huddled together, most looking a little nervous, and they all glanced around cautiously before they started their stretches. I started walking amongst them, admiring their breasts filling out their tops, or the way their pleated skirts fell on their asses. I grasped my hardening pecker and started jerking off madly. I was so excited I popped off early, spraying Kelly’s ass with my invisible cum.

“What in tarnation,” she muttered, rubbing her ass. “It feels like my butt’s all wet.”

“There ain’t nothin’ there,” Brandy told her as Kelly rubbed her ass. Kelly sniffed her fingers then flushed and grimaced, bending down to wipe her hands off on the grass. The little slut sure knew what she smelled.

I watched them go through a few of their cheer routines while I waited for my pecker to recharge. I found myself fixated on the redheaded Kelly. How did that slut know what cum smelled like? She must have tasted it before, maybe giving her boyfriend head in his pick-up truck? Or maybe she has been giving favors to the football team. I pictured her kneeling at my feet, my hand gripping her fiery-red hair as I fucked her mouth.

“Go Lions!” the girls cheered and clapped as they finished a routine, jumping up and down and shaking their pompoms—the gold-and-black ones in their hands and the perky ones beneath their tops.

My pecker felt rested, so I strode out into the girls, to Kelly. She shrieked when I stroked her face, brushing an errant, red curl off her cheek. “Oh no, he’s back!”

“Really?” Marybeth asked. Was that eagerness I heard in the slutty cheerleader’s voice?

“Just try and ignore him,” Latonya sighed. “We’re lucky we convinced Princ’pal Schneider to let us keep practicin’.”

Kelly flushed and the girls started the next routine. I watched Kelly as she clapped her hands and shouted the chant in time with the other girls. She turned to move and ran right into me, and grunted in surprise as she stumbled back. I quickly reached out and grabbed her shoulders, pushing her down to her knees, my cock slapping her face.

“Oh, no!” Kelly protested, flinching from my pecker. “The ghost is…”

I shoved my pecker into her open mouth. She was warm and wet, and I started fucking her pie hole. She sat unmoving for a minute while all the cheerleaders stared at us. Kelly’s hands pushed at my body, trying to force herself away for a moment, and then she relaxed and the little slut started sucking my pecker. It was heavenly.

“Are you suckin’ ghost cock?” Marybeth asked, her voice full of heat.

Kelly’s answer was muffled by my pecker. I grabbed a fistful of her hair and started thrusting wildly. All of the cheerleaders’ eyes on us spurred me on, and I slammed my pecker harder into her sweet mouth. She sucked as my cock rubbed against the roof of her mouth and brushed the back of her throat. Her tongue slid along the shaft, curling around and brushing the head, stroking the fire burning in my balls.

“You’re so lucky,” Marybeth complained. “Wish it was me. God, he fucked me so hard last time, and I was so close to cummin’ when Coach Windbag spoiled all my fun.”

“Gosh, you really are a slut!” Ursula snapped at Marybeth.

“Relax, Ursula,” Marybeth replied. “You seem tense, I bet you need a nice cum. That’d mellow you right out, and I’d be more than happy to give you a helpin’ hand. Y’know, give your clam a little fingerin’.”

“Fuckin’ dyke,” muttered Ursula.

Marybeth kissed at Ursula and purred, “Just for you, sugar.”

“Knock it off!” Latonya snapped. “Let’s keep practicin’. Umm, Kelly, you can continue when you…er…finish.”

Kelly’s tongue was roaming my cock as she blew me, and I slowed my fucking and let her do the work as I watched the cheerleaders go through their routines. Their slim legs flashed as they jumped and spun and kicked. Their breasts, particularly Ursula’s large tits, bounced around beneath their tops like two cats fighting in a sack. Kelly’s hand started rubbing on the underside of my pecker while her other slid up my legs and found my balls, massaging them softly. The slut must be eager for my cum.

I focused on Ursula’s big tits as they bounced up and down, over and over. It was almost hypnotic, watching her sweater puppies play beneath her top, and my balls tightened. I was close to cumming in Kelly’s sucking mouth. The little slut sure knew how to give head, clearly eager for my spunk, so, with a ghostly moan, I obliged her and spilled my cum into her pie hole. She coughed when I pulled out of her mouth, licking her lips, searching for any invisible cum that may have leaked out.

“How was it?” Marybeth asked as she gave Kelly an applause.

She glanced up at Marybeth and flushed. “Salty.”

Sadly, their practice ended before my pecker recovered. Thursday afternoon, I was back, eager to play with my Lionesses. Marybeth seemed to be the most adventuresome, and I had a perverted thought floating in my mind. As they did their stretches, I sidled up to Marybeth, rubbing her ass. The girl smiled over her shoulder at me and pressed her butt back into my hand.

I whispered, “How’d you like Ursula munchin’ on your rug?”

She glanced back at me, an excited twinkle in her green eyes. “I ain’t got no rug, Mr. Ghost.”

I smiled, remembering how beautiful her shaved cooch was. “Well, I reckon she could polish them hardwood floors you got, sweetness.”

“Ohh, I’d love to have Miss Prissy’s tongue up my snatch.”

I whispered my plan to her.

As the girls started their routine, I walked behind Ursula and reached around to squeeze her huge tits while I pressed my hard cock into her firm ass. She stiffened in my arms, and screeched, “Oh, no! Please not me, Mr. Ghost. I’m born-again. It ain’t right for me to do this.”

“ ‘Fraid it’s you, sweetness,” I whispered into her ear. “You’re just too purtee to resist. Particu’rly with them mighty fine melons.” I gave her tits a squeeze. “They feel mighty ripe, why don’t we check, sweetness?” I grabbed the hem of her top and pulled it up over her head. Her large tits were contained in a black, tank top bra, and I took that off, too; her melons popped out, and they were heavy and ripe, topped with fat, brown nipples and aerolas the size of silver dollars. A small, gold cross on a thin chain dangled between her melons, almost vanishing in the valley of her huge mountains. I hefted a tit, gave her meaty melon a squeeze, and bent down to suck a nipple into my mouth. “Umm, they are ripe and tasty.”

While I sucked her titties, I slid my hand down her pleated skirt to find her thigh, caressed her silky skin, and slid up beneath her skirt, finding the elastic band of her spankies. She stiffened, crying out, “Please mister, I’m a virgin!”

“Well, I reckon you ’bout to lose that there cherry, sweetness.” I shoved my hand roughly down her spankies and panties, feeling her soft cooch. “Don’t you worry now, my pecker’s gonna make you howl like a coyote at the moon!”

I pulled down hard on her spankies and panties, and now all she wore was her pleated skirt, her socks, and shoes. I lifted up her skirt to see a blonde bush; guess she was a natural. I reached a finger down and slid it through her cornsilk-soft down and found her growing wetness. She shuddered as my finger ran through her slit and rubbed on her little clit.

“No, no, no,” she whispered as I pushed down on her shoulders. She didn’t resist, though, stretching out on her back for me on the bright green grass.

Latonya blew her whistle. “C’mon girls, keep practicin’.”

No one listened. They all watched as I pushed up Ursula’s skirt, spread her legs, and prepared to take her virginity. Ursula was almost hyperventilating, and she jumped as she felt my pecker press against the lips of her virgin cooch. I rubbed the head of my pecker up and down on her lips, enjoying the feel on my sensitive tip. Then I pushed in slowly, delighting in the tight feel of her cunt as it gave way before my pressing pecker. Deeper and deeper I drove, until I buried every inch of it into her juicy cooch.

“Where’s your cherry, slut?” I demanded in disappointment. I always wanted to pop a girl’s cherry. “Thought you said you was a virgin?”

“I broke it years ago. Doin’ cheerleadin’.”

Her cooch gave a little squeeze on my cock, and her hips twitched as I plowed into her. I leaned down, felt her pillowy tits on my chest, and whispered, “You like my pecker in you, don’t ya slut?”

A small whisper escaped her lips.

“What was that, slut?” I asked, really nailing my pecker into her tight cooch, enjoying every velvety inch of her cunt.

“Yes.” Her eyes were full of shame.

“Louder!” I hissed. “Let everyone know how much a slut you is.”

“I love it!” she yelled. “I love his penis inside my vagina!”

“Your cunt,” I corrected.

“Yes, yes, my cunt! God forgive me, but fuck my cunt! Oh my gosh, this feels so, so…fuck!”

Her hips started moving beneath me as I fucked her velvet cunt; she had the tightest hole I’d ever been in. Luckily, she was well greased and I pumped in and out of her smoothly like a piston in a cylinder, my every thrust igniting her spark plug. Around us, the cheerleaders were all watching us fuck, their young faces flushed with desire, especially Marybeth’s. I rose up, hooking her thighs with my legs, and started pounding her cooch, Ursula’s big tits flopping about as her body shook with the force of my fucking.

Latonya blew her whistle. “C’mon girls, keep practicin’. Just ignore them.”

“How can I ignore those purtee tits,” purred Marybeth. “I reckon she’s as stacked as Dolly Parton!”

“Don’t you be lookin’, dyke,” Ursula gasped, covering her breasts with her hands

I stopped fucking her, my pecker buried in her cooch, and pulled her hands away. “None of that, sweetness. I want to see them big melons of yours.”

“Sorry! Just keep fuckin’ in me!” she begged, wiggling her hips in frustration. “I’m so close!”

“Now, what you said to Marybeth was purtee mean,” I told her. “She was just payin’ you a comp’ment. I reckon you owe her an apol’gy.”

“I’m sorry for callin’ you a dyke,” Ursula panted.

“I’m not sure that’s good enough,” Marybeth said with indignation. “You’re always callin’ me names.”

“Well, Ursula, how ’bout you let Marybeth sit on your face, and you eat her cunt out good and proper,” I suggested. “Then I’ll keep fuckin’ you.”

Ursula shook her head violently.

“Okay, I’ll just go fuck Marybeth.” I started to pull out and Ursula wrapped her legs around my hips and pulled me back in. “You gonna munch on her muff? That’s why I’m here, sweetness. You girls gotta learn to like each other.”

Ursula bit her lip, then softly said, “Okay.”

Marybeth grinned and pulled off her black spankies and panties revealing that shaved cooch dripping with juices. She straddled Ursula’s face, and a look of fear passed over Ursula’s face as she stared up at Marybeth’s cooch, then Marybeth lowered her cunt down. I couldn’t see what was happening with her pleated skirts in the way, but Marybeth was moaning like a banshee.

“Hold your skirt up,” I ordered.

I almost came seeing Ursula’s tongue licking through Marybeth’s shaved cunt. Her tongue was stiff, hesitant, but as I started fucking the former virgin, she seemed to get more and more eager. Marybeth had a shit-eating grin plastered on her lips as she rubbed her cooch across Ursula’s face. Latonya kept blowing her whistle, trying to get the cheerleaders to practice, but none of the girls were listening, too caught up in watching our three-way.

It was Kelly who started the cheer, and the other girls quickly took it up:

“Get her all fired up!
Get down, to town,
And go all the way!
Get her all fired up!
So lick and suck
And blow Marybeth away!”

I fucked Ursula faster, spurred on by the cheerleaders. Everywhere I looked, beautiful, teenage girls jumped and pranced. Some flipped up their skirts and shook their asses in my face, others pulled up their tops and flashed some Grade A teenage titties. It was like I had died and gone to perverts’ heaven!

“Lick my pussy!” moaned Marybeth. “Ohh, Ursula, I love your tongue. Why didn’t we do this ages ago? I can tell that you’re a natural oyster shucker!”

I wasn’t going to last much longer in Ursula’s tight clam; my balls were boiling over. I gave one of her big tits a squeeze, rolling her fat nipple between my fingers, and I groaned loudly as her tight cunt squeezed my cock. I needed to cum, badly, and I pistoned my pecker into her hole as fast as I could, that explosive release just a few thrusts away.

“Lionesses are hot.
Lionesses are wet.
Lionesses will explode
And cum all over you!”

Their newest cheer did it! I spilt ropey cum inside Ursula’s virgin cunt; I bet she wasn’t even on the pill. How big would her tits grow if she was pregnant? She would be sexy as hell with her pregnant belly, and I reckon her breasts would become absolutely ginormous. Breathing heavily, I pulled out of her cunt and sat on the grass, picturing how sexy the squad would be if they all were pregnant, prancing about with their round bellies. Fuck, I wanted to knock them all up.

This was definitely worth selling my soul for!

“Umm, I think the ghost just finished,” Marybeth purred. “Let me clean you up.” She bent down and lapped at Ursula’s cunt. “Um, you taste great Ursula. Now I’ve tasted the entire squad’s pussies!”

“Go Marybeth!” Brandy shouted, jumping up and waving her pompoms.

“Wait, she’s gone down on more than just me?” Latonya gasped. Most of the girls blushed guiltily.

“Umm, and you all taste wonderful,” Marybeth giggled.

“You are such a slut,” Kelly teased.

“The biggest!” Proudly, Marybeth bent down and started licking at Ursula’s cunt while Kelly started up another chant, punctuated with claps.

“Hey, Hey
Hey hey are you ready?”
*clap, clap*
“Are you ready?”
“To cum!”
“Go Ursula!”
“Go Marybeth!”
“Lionesses go all the way!”

Ursula and Marybeth seemed to take their teammates’ cheer to heart as both girls writhed and moaned into each other’s cunts, both eagerly licking up the other’s juices as they came. There was something so beautiful about two lesbo teens making each other cum. Marybeth flopped onto her back, breathing heavily, while Ursula licked her lips, a surprisingly happy smile on her face.

“Who’s the dyke now?” Marybeth asked.

“We are,” Ursula giggled, her jugs jiggling as she sat up.

“All right, back to practice,” Latonya ordered bossily. “We need to be ready for Homecoming on Saturday!”

Of course I was back on Friday; I wasn’t about to miss out on the last practice of the week. The girls were all full of giggling excitement when they walked onto the field, Latonya at the lead. She looked fierce, like a Zulu warrior marching into battle. As she swung her head around, looking for me, her beaded braids clicked and clacked a staccato beat; her war drums leading her into battle.

“Are you here, Mr. Ghost?” she asked, hands on her hips.

“Course I am,” I answered. “Wouldn’t miss you fine, young thangs shakin’ your asses.”

“You are disruptin’ our practices,” Latonya declared, her ebony face stern. “So we decided that one girl would entertain you behind the bleachers, allowin’ the rest of us to practice unmolested.”

I mulled that over. “Which girl?”

“We drew straws,” Latonya said, then her ebony skin somehow flushed darker than I thought possible, and her posture became less firm, less certain. “Today it will be me. So, do we have a deal?”

I didn’t answer her, just grabbed the Black girl and threw her over my shoulder while she gave a surprised scream, her beads clattering loudly. Then I pulled off her spankies and panties, stroked her Black booty, gave her wet groove a stroke, then turned and marched to the bleachers with my prize. Behind me the cheerleaders started up another chant:

“Up and down, our girls don’t mess around,
because our cunts are the best
put our pussies to the test!
On your cock, our girls slide up and down!
Go, Lionesses!”

Behind the bleacher, Latonya’s ebony breasts, topped with pink nipples, wildly bounced as she rode my pecker up and down. I wasn’t sure if the Lionesses’ cunts were the best. I hadn’t tried them all.


To be continued…

Click here for Chapter 4.

The Devil’s Pact, Ghost of Paris Chapter 1: Freedom



The Devil’s Pact

The Ghost of Paris Chapter One: Freedom

by mypenname3000

edited by Master Ken

© Copyright 2014

Story Codes: Male/Teen female, Mind Control, Magic, Voyeurism, Male Masturbation, Oral

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Friday, August 30th, 2013 – Paris, Texas

“Staying out of trouble, Scotty?” Mitchel Craig, my parole officer, asked me.

“Yessir, boss,” I lied.

It was complete bullshit that I was here. What was the harm in taking a few photos up a few girls’ skirts. I mean, they were wearing panties. Hell, those girls probably wear skimpier bikinis when they go to the beach. But the judge disagreed, particularly with my prior, and gave me three years. I was paroled in eighteen months, and had to report to this slug once a month.

“You still livin’ in Paris, son?” he drawled. Craig had a fat, ruddy face and he wiped at the sweat beading his forehead every minute with a grimy handkerchief he pulled out of his back pocket. “At that halfway house on Sperry Street?”

I nodded. It was the shithole that all the sex offenders were sent to. You had to be home by 8 PM, and your room could be searched at any time for ‘contraband’: porn, drugs, weapons, and booze. If you had a job, you could stay out past eight, otherwise you were confined to your room or a shitty common area with a broken TV, a couch from the fifties that had lost all of its padding, and a chess board missing half its pieces.

I ground my teeth as the fat sack of shit drawled on and on. I wanted to mosey my way over to Boone High School and watch the cheerleaders practice. It was the Friday before Labor Day weekend, and there wouldn’t be any school until Tuesday. It was bad enough having to go three days without watching those fine young things shaking their stuff, let alone adding another day because my PO liked to hear himself talk.

I wasn’t, strictly speaking, supposed to be watching the girls. I was a voyeur, and over the years my tendencies has landed me in a mess of trouble. When I was nineteen, I got a job at Boone High School in my home town of Paris, Texas, as a janitor. Well, I drilled a hole in the girl’s locker room and enjoyed the sights for a whole month before I got caught. That landed me my first stint in prison. Sentenced to six years; out in three on good behavior. I thought I got smarter, after I got out, thought I got more careful. But at twenty-seven, I was caught in the Paris Commons, the local mall, with my digital camera hidden in my shoe taking upskirt shots.

I just couldn’t stop. I loved watching girls. I often fantasized about being a fly on the wall, just watching them, up close. Or one of them superheroes that can turn himself invisible. I would just sit in locker rooms, watching the gals and jerking my pecker. I just had to see the ladies naked, I couldn’t help myself. Since my parole last month, I had already snuck a camera into the locker room at the Y and for three days got some delightful footage before the memory stick filled up.

“I’ll be keeping an eye on you, Scotty Adams,” my PO warned. “Don’t think you can be peeping on the girls under my watch.”

“Sure thing, boss,” I nodded. The dumb sack of shit had no idea what I’ve been up to since I got out. I glanced at the old, analogue clock on the wall; there was still time to watch the practice.

The cheerleaders were jumping around when I arrived. Their pretty legs flashing as they cartwheeled around, their firm breasts jiggling beneath their red tops. And when those gold-and-black pleated skirts flipped up and you could see their black, tight spankies that hugged their asses, well it was like I died and gone to heaven. Their school mascot was the lion, and the cheerleaders called themselves the Lionesses. But, it was over all too quick, and I wandered over to the public library. Maybe I’d surf some porn, or check out what was happening on reddit. You could always fine some girl posting a titillating selfie.

I browsed some porn for an hour, receiving a few dirty looks from a mother. Luckily, the first amendment protected pornography as free speech so the shrewish librarian couldn’t do anything about it. But, I couldn’t jerk off either, so I switched over to a few sites I liked to visit. One was called the Unearthed Arcana, a forum for people who loved the occult to post theories on, or to inform people on the latest revelations from spirit channelings and the like.

My first love was spying on pretty young things, my second was the occult. I just ate that shit up. I read Alice Bailey, Madam Blavastky, Alestier Crowely, David Icke, and all the rest. At night I would listen to Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. They were always preaching the truth about the government and aliens and the like. I loved it.

I started browsing the forum of UnearthedArcana.com. Someone posting as attaboy-simon claimed that the rising power in the Northwest, Mark Glassner, had sold his soul to Lucifer as outlined in the Magicks of the Witch of Endor. There was quite the lively debate. These Miraclists that worshiped Mark as a God were quite the fervent defenders, deriding the original poster for even suggesting that their God would consort with demons. attaboy-simon said he was going to prove them all wrong and his final post simply read: “I did it haters, fuk you and fuk your god! Lucifer gave me entire cheerleading squad!! *-)” It was accompanied by a picture of a man and more than a dozen smiling, naked girls holding pompoms.

My heart stopped.

Lucifer gave me an entire cheerleading squad, echoed over and over in my mind. What if this worked? I devoured the Magicks of the Witch of Endor, printing off the pages on how to summon Lucifer. It was well worth the thirty cents the library charged for printing if this actually worked. My hands shook. I could get three wishes for my soul. I was going to hell anyways, just ask my pa the Baptist preacher.

I could realize my dream. I could become invisible, and spy on women. But that was only one wish, what could I do with the other two? I smiled, thinking on the possibilities. I had to do this, it was the chance of a lifetime. I would have to break curfew, but it’d be worth it. Curfew wouldn’t matter if this actually worked.

I bought a steak, stole a grill out of someone’s backyard, and squatted in an empty house on the outskirts of Paris and waited for the sun to rise, a case of Coors to keep me company. I fell asleep. Luckily I remembered to set the alarm on my cell phone and woke up before dawn. I lit the grill and watched for the sun to rise. According to the book, if I offered a heifer as a sacrifice at dawn, I could summon Lucifer. Well, here’s hoping this steak came from a heifer and not a bull.

The wait for the sun seemed to be an eternity. The horizon lightened, fading from black to dark blue to light blue to gray. Hints of rose and orange started to appear. I was shaking with anticipation, my hand holding the bloody steak above the lit grill, just waiting for the first ray of the sun. When that golden light touched my eye, it was like the crack of the pistol at a race; my hand opened and the steak dropped, sizzling on the fire.

“The Shining One, Son of the Morning,” I shouted at the sun. “I give this pleasing offering of flesh and ask that you appear before me. The Shining One, Son of the Morning, appear before your humble servant so that he may beg three favors from you!”

For a moment, nothing happened. Disappointment curdled in my stomach. And then a wind rose up, whipping dust into my face, and I saw a dust devil racing across the dry fields towards me. I stepped back in fear as the brown whirlwind seemed to be bearing down right at me. The wind was howling as the swirling dust roared closer. This wasn’t natural. It stopped, just a few feet away, and I licked my lips in fear. Dust devils never stayed in one place. Then it stopped, and out stepped a handsome man in a dark suit, immaculately clean despite the dust falling around him.

“Hello, Scotty Adams,” the man greeted, a friendly smile on his face. His eyes were scarlet and I swallowed, my heart up in my throat, as he calmly strode up to me. “What’s the term they use these days?” he asked, pursing his lips. “Oh yes, you rang?”

I swallowed. “You’re Lucifer?”

“Really, son, I thought you’d be brighter than that,” he sighed. “You said the words, made the offering, who did you think I was?”

I gave a self-deprecating laugh. “Yeah, I guess you’re right, hoss.”

His scarlet eyes stared at me and I shifted uncomfortably in his gaze. After a minute, he asked, “Well, what do you want? It’s a very busy time for me.”

“Yessir, I guess,” I shrugged. “I mean, Halloween just ’round the corner, right?” Lucifer’s eyes narrowed in annoyance and I quickly said, “I wish to be able to turn invisible. Like, with just a thought.”

“Really?” Lucifer asked, a slight smile on his lips. “That’s a first.”

“Well, I mean, I’m pretty average looking. No-one ever gives me no second glance.” I shrugged. “Even still, I get notice far too much. Bein’ invisible, well, that’d just make things easier on me, hoss.”

“Okay, Scotty,” Lucifer grinned. “One down, two to go.”

“Well, when I’m invisible, I’m gonna molest women and I want them to enjoy what I do and not freak out somethin’ terrible,” I said. It came to me last night that spying on women was fun, but touching them, feeling their most intimate parts, well that would be even better. Lucifer nodded. I was surprised to see understanding in his eyes, not disgust. “For my last wish, I want to be immune from exposure when I’m invisible. Y’know, no sunburns, no frostbite, no hypothermia, or that heat stroke.”

“Done.” There was a flash of scarlet light and yellow smoke that smelled of rotten eggs and a contract printed on yellowing paper appeared in his hand. “Read it, then sign on the dotted line.”

I quickly read it. It was surprisingly straightforward. Lawyers could learn a thing or two. Lucifer pricked my thumb with a black, old-fashioned fountain pen, and I signed in my own blood. Lucifer signed in his, then he nodded to me and vanished in a gust of swirling dust.

Did it actually work though. I held out my arms before me, concentrated, and then to my delight, my arm vanished. There was just the sleeve from my Megadeath T-shirt. Holy shit, it worked. I went back into the house and checked out my reflection. I was just clothes around nothing. It was like that movie, Hollow Man, with Kevin Bacon.

I whooped in delight.

I peeled off my clothes, I didn’t need them anymore, and walked out into the street. It was exhilarating. I was naked and no-one could see me. This was freedom! No-one could see me, could judge me, or tell me what I was doing was wrong! I was free of all the bullshit morality that sent me to prison twice just for a little bit of harmless fun. It’s not like I touched any of those girls, just looked at their fine, taut bodies.

Well, I had the freedom to touch them now!

The street was warm on the soles of my feet as I walked down the black asphalt, the sun warm on my naked back. I quickly missed my shoes, but I sucked up the pain. People used to go barefoot all the time back in olden times; my feet would toughen up, I told myself.

There were, however, other problems.

I had to dodge out of the way of pedestrians. When I went to cross the street, a car almost ran me over making a right turn. And just because I was invisible, it didn’t stop dogs from barking at me. It was an adjustment; I needed to learn to be careful. But it was all going to be worth it as I walked up behind a woman waiting to cross the road.

She was wearing a lavender sundress with a short skirt. I reached out, grabbed the hem and lifted up the skirt and saw her pantied-covered ass, nice and plump, before she spun around. She frowned as she looked for whomever had grabbed her skirt. I almost laughed, this was priceless, watching the confusion on the woman’s face. She turned back to face the light and I reached out and rubbed her bottom. Instead of freaking out at the touch, she wiggled her butt back into my hand and sighed.

“Who’s there?” she asked, looking over her shoulder. I jumped back as she reached for me, then feeling bold, I grabbed her breast. Her eyes widened and I could feel her nipple hardening. Fear and pleasure flickered across her face as I groped her.

I would have gone farther, but a man barreled into me, knocking me down. The man looked around in surprise, and the woman fled across the street as I struggled back to my feet. I was about to follow, when I saw the car making a turn and I stopped before it hit me. Then the light changed red and traffic started flowing. By the time it was safe for me to cross, the woman had disappeared into an apartment complex.

Oh well, there were other women to play with. I kept walking, heading to the Paris Commons. It was Saturday and the teenage girls would be flocking to the clothing stores. I picked up my pace, eager to get my hands on some pretty young thing. My pecker was hard with anticipation, bouncing about as I walked.

It was challenging to walk through the mall. I had to hug the walls to avoid bumping into people, but I threaded my way to the Banana Republic. I waked back to the dressing rooms, waiting for a likely girl. The first was a tall girl, with an okay body, but her face was long and narrow and very plain, so I passed on her. Next was a chunky gal in her thirties and I shuddered when I saw the tight clothing she selected. It my opinion, spandex is a privilege, not a right.

The third, though, she was just right; young and hot. She was short and petite, with long, honey-brown hair and vibrant, green eyes. She had a shy smile on her face as she walked up to the dressing rooms, a couple of skirts, a pair of shorts, and several blouses in her hand. She walked back to the farthest changing room and opened the white door. I moved quickly, stopping the door from closing and slipping in.

She frowned as I moved into the corner, peering around. “Hello?” she asked with a dulcet voice.

I tried to stop my heart from beating and breath as softly as possible. My pecker was rock-hard with excitement as she frowned and then shrugged. She hung her clothes on the hook and grabbed the hem of her loose, white blouse and pulled it over her head. I almost groaned as her bare back came into view, marred only by the straps of her white bra. In the mirror, I could see her small breasts cradled in the plain, white cups of her bra.

Thank you attaboy-simon! This was so much better than upskirt shots and peepholes. I was just a foot away from a teenage girl, probably a freshman, stripping her clothes off. I grasped my pecker, stroking it gently as she kicked off her flip-flops, then unbuttoned her jeans. She wiggled her hips deliciously as she slid off her tight pants, exposing a pair of white panties decorated with Minnie Mouse. Her ass was slim and the panties dug into her crack, outlining her cheeks. When she bent over, the gusset of her panties was pulled tight against her pussy and I could see wisps of brown hair peaking out the side.

I almost came just from that sight. If I had been stroking my pecker any harder, my cum would have been splashing all over her rear. I stroked harder, trying to be as quiet as I could, but the sight before me was just too much. She straightened up, grasping the shorts and pulling them up her legs. She turned, looking at her ass in the mirror, her breasts just inches away. I stroked my pecker harder, biting my lips to keep from moaning.

“Is someone out there?” the girl asked, frowning as she pulled on one of the tops.

I slowed my strokes down and the girl shook her head, muttering under her breath as she modeled her clothes in the mirror. She frowned, shaking her head, and started to strip out of those clothes. She wiggled the shorts off, once again bending over. Oh god, her pussy was right there, covered by those tight, girlish panties, inches from my pecker. My balls were boiling and my face contorted in pleasure.

My cum was also invisible, it turned out, as it splashed on the girl’s ass and crotch. “What the fuck,” the girl gasped, jumping and spinning around. She rubbed at her ass, feeling my sticky cum, and she frowned as she lifted up her fingers, rubbing them together, but not seeing what was causing that sticky feeling. Her eyes flicked around the changing room. “What is going on?” she muttered.

God, my pecker was still hard. This was just too exciting. But I needed more. She turned to grab her clothes and I made my move. I reached out and grabbed the clasp of her bra and ripped it open. She spun around again, hands clutched to her bra to keep her breasts from being exposed. Her lip trembling in fear.

She didn’t resist as I grabbed her arms and pulled them away, just continued shaking in confusion. Her bra slipped off exposing her small, snowy breasts topped with dark-red nipples. Oh, God, she was so beautiful and innocent. She bit her lips, staring down at her arms, trying to see what force held her wrists.

“A-are you a ghost?” she asked.

“Yes,” I answered with a smile. “I’m attracted to the only the most purttiest girls.”

She flushed, her nipples hardening. “You think I’m pretty?”

I pulled her right hand down to my hard pecker. Her eyes widened as she gripped my pecker, squeezing gently. “Feel how hard I am for you, sweetness.”

She gasped, letting go, her entire body was beat red. “I did that?”

“I got to have you,” I groaned, my hands grabbing her flesh. Her breasts were soft yet firm, her nipples hard and she moaned as I played with them. It was strange, watching her breasts deform as my invisible fingers kneaded her pliant flesh.

“Do you need relief, Mr. Ghost?” she asked. “Do you have a bad case of blue-balls keeping you from passing on?”

I slid my finger down her taut stomach and started fingering the waistband of her cute panties. “I do. I’m in so much pain. I just need a purtty, young thing like you to give me some relief. Y’know, so I can get to heaven!” I slipped a finger into her panties and felt her silky pubic hair.

She was breathing heavily, her hands reaching out hesitantly until she found my body. “Okay,” she whispered as her hands slid down and found my hard pecker. “I’ll help you, Mr. Ghost.”

“Rufus,” I said. “Call me Rufus Scott, sweetness.” Rufus Scott was some bigwig from a long time ago, his mansion was a tourist attraction.

“I’m Mindy. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Scott.” She shook my pecker like we were shaking hands.

I knelt down and pulled her panties off. She gasped in surprise, but willingly stepped out of her panties. I held them up, sniffing her scent. She smelled sweet and fresh like a summer meadow. Her bush was darker than her hair, and matted with her arousal. I smiled, my Pact was exceeding my wildest expectations. I couldn’t resist, I stuck my head in and licked at her slit. I never went down on a girl before, but damn if she didn’t taste wonderful.

“Oh, Mr. Scott!” she gasped.

“Shh, you don’t wanna get caught,” I warned her.

“Sorry,” she whispered, then clapped her hand over her mouth as I dove back in for another taste.

Her pussy was tight and when I parted her lips she was pink and wet inside. I slid my tongue through her groove, gathering her tasty juices. I sucked and nibbled on her lips, then I found a hard button at the top of her pussy. I licked it and she shuddered and moaned into her hand. It was her clitoris, I realized. The pleasure button on a chick. I sucked it into my lips and she bucked like a bronco on my lips and I held on for dear life.

“Oh wow, I’ve never came so hard before,” she sighed happily. “Thank you, Mr. Scott. Now, maybe we should attend to your problem.”

“Abso-damn-fuckin’-lutely, sweetness,” I panted, standing up.

I picked her up she was so light, gripping her ass tightly. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I quickly maneuvered my pecker to her wet cunt. “Oh, yes, Mr. Scott,” she cooed happily as I sank into her pussy. She was tight, but no virgin.

She started pumping her hips on my pecker, and I enjoyed the velvety tightness of her pussy. I glanced at the mirror and all you could see was Mindy floating in the air, writhing like bitch in heat. I turned around, facing away from the mirror. Then I looked over my shoulder and I could see her pussy gaping open as my invisible pecker fucked into her pink hole.

“Oh, fuck this is wild!” I moaned, pumping my hips.

“I can see down my pussy!” she gasped softly as she saw her reflection in the mirror. “Oh, it’s so pretty! Mmh, your ghost pecker feels so great inside me!”

Her hips twisted on my pecker, driving me crazy with pleasure, and I pumped my ass as fast as I could. I just came a few minutes ago, but her teenage cunt was quickly building me up to another one. I squeezed her firm ass, then started sucking and licking at her neck. Her hard nipples and soft breasts rubbed against my chest and her arms snaked around my neck and she hugged me tightly.

“Oh, yes!” she moaned. “Sweet Jesus, I’m gonna cum again!”

Our flesh was slapping together, we were getting louder and louder. I had to finish before the store clerk interrupted us. The silky walls of her pussy rubbed the head of my pecker with every thrust, sending pleasure that radiated out from my pecker. I could feel my orgasm nearing and I pumped wildly. My balls were getting closer and closer to exploding. Just a few more thrusts and I would be there.

“Fuck!” I grunted as my cum boiled into her cunt. “Goddamn fuckin’ hell! You got one amazin’ cooch, Mindy!”

“Oh wow!” she gasped, bucking in my arms as her cunt spasmed on my pecker. “Oh, Sweet Jesus, yes! Yes! Oh crud, I’m cumming!” She panted, rubbing her cheek against me. “Umm, that was nice.”

“Yeah,” I said, letting her go.

“Good thing you’re a ghost,” she joked. “’Cause I’m not on the pill.”

“Uh-huh,” I laughed, then slipped out of the changing room, catching one last look of her naked body. Wouldn’t that be rich if she got pregnant.

I started whistling as I walked out, passing the clerk, a pretty young woman with black hair who looked around, confused, at the sound as I walked by. She had a firm-looking butt, and I couldn’t resist reaching out and pinching her fine ass.

“What the fuck!” she screamed in surprise.

I grinned. Mindy wore me out. I would need a break before I could go again. So, I started heading to my favorite spot in the whole mall. If you stood underneath the stairs that led to the second floor, you could see up a woman’s skirt through the gaps between the steps. I stretched out on the floor mall’s cold, hard floor. It was uncomfortable, but the view was well worth it. And who knows, in an hour or so, I bet I could find another woman to help a poor, suffering Ghost get some relief.

To be continued…

Click here for Chapter 2.

The Devil’s Pact Tales from the Best Buy Incident: Playing at Cuckoldry



The Devil’s Pact

Tales from the Best Buy Incident: Playing at Cuckoldry

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Exhibitionism, Male Masturbation, Oral, Voyeurism, Wife, Wedded Lust

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Note: This takes place a week after Chapter 3 involving Bill and Erin Connar and how their lives were changed after the Best Buy Incident.

The car pulled into the my driveway. It was Saturday night, and I was hiding in my bedroom closet, naked, waiting for my wife to get home with whatever guy she picked up at the bar. My cock was hard in anticipation of watching my loving wife fuck a strange man, while I played the cuckold.

Our lives changed the day my wife and I walked into that Best Buy. It had been a Thursday morning, June 6th, 2013, a little over a week ago. We had been browsing the store, shopping for a new washer and dryer set, when Mark Glassner, for reason’s the authorities still cannot tell us, flooded the Best Buy with some gas that made everyone, well, have sex. An orgy happened. The media dubbed it the Best Buy Incident. I watched my beautiful wife, Erin, get fucked by three different guys, including the man responsible for the entire event, Mark Glassner.

And every time it happened, I got extremely turned on as I watched my wife writhe and cum on another man’s cock. And then I would enjoy sloppy seconds within my wife’s pussy. It was a weird mix of jealousy and lust as I watched my wife being so wanton with another man, watching someone else’s cock shoot his sperm into my wife’s womb. And then I would be on her, fucking her as hard as I could, proving that my cock was better than the one she just had.

“That’s the dick I love,” Erin had moaned when I shoved my cock into her freshly fucked pussy. “Uhmm, fuck me Bill! Show me how a real man fucks a woman!”

Even after we left the Best Buy, and were freed from the weird, inhibition-numbing effect of the gas, I could remember those words and how much they boosted my ego. My wife enjoyed my cock more than any of the other men that tried to take my place. It was my cock that Erin was hot for, not those some other guys. She even fucked a black guy and their supposedly giant cocks.

Once you go black, you never go back, the saying went. Well, my wife did go black, and she happily came back for my cock. How could you not get addicted to that.

I just couldn’t get the image out of my mind of my wife gasping and moaning beneath another man, her cunt frothy with another man’s spunk, and how wet and slippery she was when I thrust my cock inside her, how she moaned and cooed in my ear, telling me how much better my cock was. Those images filled my mind as the paramedics check us out, as we rode to the hospital in the back of an ambulance.

I had to see my wife with another man, I realized. When we were getting pocked and prodded by doctors and nurses at Good Sam hospital while they tried to figure out what Mark Glassner did to all of us, I kept imagining my wife doing all these filthy things. I pictured the young doctor with his square jaw and boyish good looks, bending my wife over the exam table and lifting up her hospital gown and just plowing into her, the wanton look my wife would get as she slammed her hips back into him, begging him to cum in her married cunt.

When the cop came to take our statement, I fantasized about him strip searching my wife, doing a cavity search on my wife’s pussy. And she would get so wet as his finger probed her pussy, she would be panting like a bitch in heat, desperate for a cock to fill her. Then the cop would say he needed to use a different tool to search her cunt. His cock would come out and he would begin to fuck my wife.

“Search my naughty, married cunt,” my wife moaned in my fantasy. “Oh yes, your tool is searching my pussy so thoroughly. If you keep searching, I’ll definitely give you what your looking for!”

When we got home, I was so horny. I asked if my wife if she wanted a foot massage and she gave me a shy smile. My foot massages always ended up with us in the bedroom. My wife went to slip into something more comfortable, and came down in a short, mauve silk robe that clung to her body like a second skin. A smile was on her beautiful face, her hazel eyes twinkling with anticipation. Her dyed blonde hair fell loosely about her shoulders and her round melons swayed beneath the loosely tied robe, her nipples hard points on against the silk.

As I massaged her feet, she would shift her legs and I would catch glimpses of her shaved pussy, shadowed between her thighs. My wife could be such a tease. “That was pretty wild, today,” I said, a carefully, light tone.

Erin’s face flushed red. “Um, it was okay, I guess. I mean, nothing that happened was really us, right?” There was a hopeful tone to her voice. She was worried that I resented her for fucking those other men.

“No, it didn’t count,” I told her, kissing the sole of her foot, briefly. “But it was…exciting.”

Erin looked at me, curious, maybe a little hopeful, even. “Which part?”

Her legs shifted, a brief glimpse of her shaved pussy. Was that moisture I saw beading her vulva? What had gotten my wife excited? My foot massage? Or was she remembering the men she had fucked today. “Watching you,” I told her, staring into her hazel eyes.

The two words hung in the air between us. Erin licked her lips. We both felt it, our relationship was about to change, and it was all up to Erin. I kept rubbing her feet as she thought, my thumbs kneading the soles of her feet. “Is that what you really want?” she finally asked.

“I can’t stop thinking about it,” I told her.

She took a deep breath. “Nor can I,” she said, half a whisper. “I…I love you, but it was exciting, knowing you were watching. I could feel your jealousy, your lust for me!” A smile creased her lips. “It made me feel so desired! By you, by the man in me! I felt like the most beautiful woman in the world.”

She unbelted her robe, her round breasts appearing as the robe fell away. Her nipples were hard, pink. “Thank you for the massage, Bill,” she said, huskily, standing up. I watched her heart-shaped ass sway as she walked upstairs. “Coming dear?”

That night we pretended I was different people. The doctor from the hospital, the cop giving her a cavity search, and Mark Glassner himself. I couldn’t believe I had another three cums inside my balls, and I don’t even know how many times Erin came. It was nearly three in the morning when we stopped, both of us holding each other tightly in are mused sheets.

“How do we do this?” Erin asked.

I was too tired to answer and fell asleep holding my beautiful wife. Good thing we had one day left on our vacation, because neither of us were fit for work the next morning. We napped the day away, and that night, we went to the Lucky Cowgirl Bar. We entered separately, Erin in a pair of tight jeans, and a low cut, blouse and a push-up bra to make her tits really look round and full. I found a table and nursed a beer as I watched Erin flirting with several guys.

The guys were drawn to her beauty, her sexuality. She looked really into it, laughing and touching the men. Jealousy and lust warred inside me. She looked so natural, so happy. Throwing back her head as she laughed, thrusting her breasts forward so the guys could look down her top. She should be laughing like that for me. Every so often, she would glance at me, seeing me watching and she would get more bold. Soon, her hands were rubbing one of the guys legs, then his crotch. And the man was getting bold, too. He was touching my wife’s knees, her thighs, then he was between her legs, rubbing her cunt through the crotch of her jeans.

The jealousy was a burning a hole in my stomach and my cock was an iron rod in my pants, aching to be released. Only I should be touching Erin there. She was my wife. We swore vows to be always faithful and she was happily breaking those vows with some guy she just met at a bar. The hussy. My beautiful, loving hussy.

The man leaned over, whispering something in her ear and she gave a wicked laugh. The man stood up and led her to the men’s room. I finished my beer, my cock was hard in my pants. A sick feeling roiled in my guts. My wife was getting fucked in the bathroom of this dive bar. I waited a minute, and then followed them in. The last stall was occupied and I could hear a soft moan, the wet sound of a cock sliding into a moist cunt. I got into the stall next to them.

For a minute there was only breathing. And then, the rustle of clothing, panting breathes, the sloppy sound of a cunt getting reaming by a hard cock. My wife’s wet cunt getting reamed by someone else’s hard cock. The guy was fucking her harder, I could hear flesh slapping against flesh. A low, throaty moan from my wife, she was enjoying it, the slut. Sweat broke out across my skin, my stomach sunk and churned with jealousy, and my cock was hard. I unzipped my pants and spit on my palms.

“So tight!” the guy fucking my wife muttered and my wife gave a delightful squeal.

I started stroking my cock, trying to picture what was going on in there. Was she bent over the toilet, getting fucked from behind, her jeans bunched up around her ankles. Was she sitting on the toilet, her legs spread wide and the guy plunging into her married cunt, hammering away at my darling wife’s pussy. Or maybe he was the one sitting on the toilet, and my wife was straddling him, riding his hard cock while he sucked on her tits.

“Hmm, you feel so good,” my wife moaned. “Harder!”

“There’s someone in the next stall,” the guy protested.

“Let him hear. I bet he could use the cheap thrill!” The slap of flesh grew louder, faster. I stroked my cock faster, matching the beat of their fucking. “Ooh, yes, stud! God, you’re fucking my snatch so fucking well!”

“You’re such a dirty slut,” the man moaned. “Goddamn, I’m gonna cum.”

“Oh, don’t pull out, I’m on the pill and I love to feel a man shooting inside me!”

“Well here it comes, baby!”

Four more slaps of flesh and then a low, groan from the guy.

“Ohh, flood my cunt, stud! Hmm, I’m cumming, yes, yes! Fuck, yes!”

There was only heavy breathing coming from the stall and then the metallic rasp of a zipper, leather rubbing on metal as a belt was buckled. “Ohh, that was great. You want to get out of here, or something, baby.”

“Maybe,” my wife purred, “why don’t you go get us some drinks while I get cleaned up.”

“Sure,” the guy answered, the stall opened and he left.

I waited a minute and slipped out of the stall, one hand holding my pants up, my cock jutting hard before me as I opened the stall door. My wife was leaning over the toilet, her ass pointing at me and I could see her freshly fucked cunt between her sleek thighs. Her pussy was wet and dripping white cum that ran thickly down her thighs.

She shook her ass and moaned, “Thank god, Bill, I need to cum real bad!”

“I thought you just did, Erin?”

“That guy shot off too fast. I had to fake it,” Erin complained. “I need my husband to finish the job.”

I let go of my pants, they dropped down to my ankles. Did she really fake it, or was she just saying that to make me feel better? My cock was hard, pointing at my wife’s cunt, it really didn’t matter if she enjoyed. All that mattered was that she enjoyed me more. That I could satisfy her better than the stranger that just fucked her. I rubbed the cock up and down on her slit, and then I was inside her sloppy cunt. My wife moaned happily as I slid in and she looked back at me.

“There’s the cock I love,” she moaned. I leaned in, draping myself across her back as I fucked her and we kissed. “Now, make me cum, stud, with your big cock!”

I fucked my wife hard, sliding a hand up her blouse to her breasts cupped in her bra. I pushed my hands into her bra cups and kneaded her soft tits. Her nipples were hard against my hands and she moaned appreciatively as I played with her sensitive nubs. I was fucking her harder and faster, enjoying her very wet and tight cunt.

“Oh, Bill, that’s so good,” she moaned. “Umm, yes, fuck me! Fuck your slutty wife!”

“You were such a bad wife,” I growled, my groin slamming into her. “Moaning and cooing for that guy, letting him stick his cock inside you.”

“His little prick,” she corrected with a moan. “I was very bad, so let my naughty cunt make it up to you.” She gave a throaty laugh that turned into a moan of pleasure. “Hmm, you’re making me cum, Bill, with your big cock! Yes, yes! Ohh, fuck I love you, Bill!”

I was better than that guy! He couldn’t even satisfy my wife. But I could. Her cunt was pulsing on my cock, rippling along the length of my shaft as her orgasm trembled throughout her body. I was getting closer to my own cum. My thrust were becoming more powerful, burying my cock all the way inside her, then pulling slowly back, and burying deep into her warm depths, again. I groaned as my cum shot into her, washing her cunt clean of that other’s guys spunk.

The guy was still waiting at the bar when we came out of the bathroom, arms about each other’s waist. He stood up, his mouth open in shock and then he sat back down at the bar, not sure what to do, other than down his drink. My wife didn’t even give him a second glance. When we got home, we made love in the shower after we cleaned that man’s filth off my wife.

The next night, I watched Erin getting fucked in the dirty alley behind the Drunken Pugilist. The guy she was fucking didn’t seem to care that I was watching, and I didn’t care when he watched us as he smoked a cigarette. All I cared about was how much louder my wife moaned for me than for the guy smoking his cigarette.

Sunday morning we went to church, and I imagined her slipping off into the bathroom and getting fucked by our preacher. Sunday evening we were at American Joes and I was listening to my wife getting nailed through a bathroom stall while I jerked my cock. I came at the same times as the guy came in my wife, spraying my cum on the stall door. That guy lasted long enough for my wife to cum for real with him. But I gave it to Erin better. I had just cum so I was going to last awhile, a good, long fucking in the bathroom, and she came three times on my cock before I flooded her naughty pussy.

Monday came, and our vacation was over. The work week dragged by so slowly. We just didn’t have time to go to a bar and troll for a stranger. But, each night, we made love again, talking about what we’d like to do this weekend, which bars we’d go to, what outfits Erin would wear while she hunted for guys.

When Friday came, we were at Red Deer Tavern, and Erin got fucked in the backseat of some guys car. When she finished, I pulled her into the backseat of our Kia and fucked her sloppy cunt hard and fast.

It was Erin’s idea for her to go to the bar alone and that’s how I ended up in our bedroom closet, naked, on a Saturday night. My wife had just texted me she was on her way with a guy. My cock was achingly hard when I heard the car pull into the driveway. I left our bedroom window open and I could just hear their footsteps and my wife’s wanton giggles. The door open, and the sound of my wife and her lover stumbling up the stairs drifted up to me.

I started to slowly jerk my cock.

The door opened and I could just see them through the slats of the closet door as Erin walked in backwards, kissing a young, tall guy, pulling his shirt off, exposing his muscular chest. Jealousy roiled in my stomach as I watched them kiss. This was the first of her lovers that she’d actually kissed, and passionately at that, their tongues wrestling in each other’s mouths. I stroked my cock a little faster, giving my cock a firmer squeeze as I jerked it. That’s my wife your kissing, asshole!

The young man threw my wife down onto our marital bed. My stomach felt like it was up in my throat. I had never felt so jealous in my life. I was pounding my cock so hard. I had never been so excited in my entire life. I was stroking my cock like there was no tomorrow. The young man was hiking up my wife’s skirt, her hands fumbling at his belt, pulling his cock out of his pants and gave it a few strokes. Her panties came off, thrown across the room to land right in front of the closet. I could see the damp stop in the gusset of my wife’s panties.

I flogged my bishop harder.

Both of them were panting so loudly they drowned out the slapping noise my hand made against my groin as I furiously jacked off my cock. I moaned through gritted teeth as I shot ropey cum all across our closet door as my wife moaned wantonly as the young man slid into her wet cunt. His pants slipped down, exposing his pale ass as he fucked my wife hard and fast.

He came in less than five minutes, rolling off my wife and panting as he looked up at the ceiling. My wife set up on her elbows, giving the guy an annoyed look. He didn’t last long enough to let her cum. My wife bent down and started licking at his cock, trying to get it hard. Christ, she wanted a second round. As life grew in her lover’s cock, my own cock found a renewed vigor, hardening in my hand, and I began to slowly jack off again.

“God you’re good at sucking cock,” the guy moaned. “If I was your husband, I’d keep you so satisfied that you wouldn’t need to cheat on me.”

My wife gave a throaty laugh. “Are you so sure about that, you didn’t even last long enough for me to cum.”

“I’ll last longer the second time,” the guy boasted. “You’ll come so hard, you’ll forgot all about that husband of yours and just want me.”

“We’ll see,” my wife said, stroking his cock. “You ready for round two, stud.”

“Yeah, baby,” he moaned. My wife straddled him, facing the closet, her eyes seeking me out behind the slats. “Reverse cowgirl, nice!” the guy moaned as his cock was engulfed in my wife’s pussy.

My wife started to slowly ride him, her hips writhing from side to side as she rose up and down. She licked her lips, then pulled down the front of her dress, exposing her round breasts. She licked a finger, and then slowly circled a hard nipple. There was a wicked smile on her face as she put on a sexy show for me.

“Fuck, you’re tight, baby,” the guy moaned. “Your husband is an idiot for not keeping such a hot piece of ass locked down.”

Erin giggled, tossing her bleach blonde hair as she rode him faster and faster. She brought her finger up to her lips again, her tongue slowly licking the finger like it was a cock, then she reached down and began rubbing her clit in slow, gentle circles. Her breasts were heaving as she went up and down on his hard shaft, faster and faster. Her hips were rolling and the guy was moaning wordlessly as she fucked him.

“Ohh, I’m gonna cum,” my wife moaned, still staring at me through the closet door. “Watch me cum, honey, watch me cum!” I’m watching you, Erin, I thought, as I stroked my cock. Erin threw her head back, her eyes squeezing shut as her body shivered atop the guy.

“Fuck, that felt like a good one, baby,” the guy asked. He was starting to thrust his cock up into my wife as she rode him.

“It was a great cum,” Erin husked, licking her finger as she stared at me. She nodded.

I sent the text.

“I’m getting close, baby,” the guy moaned. “Keep riding my cock! Fuck you feel so good!”

Erin’s phone chirped. “Crap, it might be my husband!”

“Fuck, I was so close,” the guy moaned in disappointment as Erin got off his cock and pulled her phone out of her purse. “Just ignore the fucking text and get back to bed, baby! I need to cum so bad! Your pussy felt so fucking amazing.”

“Shit!” she cursed. “My husband’s going to be home in five minutes! You gotta go! He has a terrible temper! He can’t find you here!” Her panic sounded real.

“Fuck,” the guy shouted, standing up, his cock wilting in fear. He rolled off the bed and tripped on his tangled up pants, falling flat on his face. My wife bit her hand to stifle her laugh. The guy got back on his feet, grabbed his discarded shirt and raced out of the house.

Erin walked to our bathroom, laughing the entire way. I opened the closet door and followed her into the bathroom. Her dress was still hiked up over her waist and I could see a single streak of cum working its way down her inner thigh. She was filling a small glass with water and then rinsed her mouth out.

“Blegh, that guy smoked,” she grimaced as I walked up behind her, rubbing my cock on her ass. “You better give me a good fucking, Bill,” she told me as I kissed her shoulder. “You owe me, William Connar. You owe me for all the disgusting guy I let paw at my body. For your amusement, I might add.”

“I love you, Erin,” I whispered as my cock slipped between her spread legs, prodding at her wet pussy lips.

She reached down, guiding the cock inside her hole, wet with another man’s cum. “I love you, Bill. Uuhh, and I love your big cock, too. I had rub my own little clit to get a cum out of that guy and his little dick!”

I fucked her slowly, my hands reaching around to play with her soft breasts. Her hips were rotating slowly, matching my pace. Then I started thrusting hard as I played with her hard nipples. Erin’s eyes opened in pleasure and surprise, a throaty moan escaped her lips as I fucked her faster.

“Did you hear that guy” Erin asked as, her ass rubbing against my groin as we fucked, pillowy soft. “He thought his little dick could satisfy me more than my husband’s big cock!”

“I love you Erin,” I moaned into her ear. “Thank you for being the best wife!”

She let out a throaty moan. “Your welcome,” she purred. “Now fuck me, stud!”

“What should we do tomorrow night?” I asked my wife as I drove my cock faster and harder inside her sopping cunt, the bathroom filling with the slap of flesh.

“Why don’t we…ohh…stay in and…uhhh…order a pizza,” Erin moaned, her body trembling in my arms “and I’ll give the…uuuhmmm…the driver a very good tip.”

Her cunt was milking my cock as she came in my arms. She didn’t need to play with her clit to cum for me. I drove my cock once more up into her and flooded her juicy pussy with another load of cum. “What if it’s a woman driver?” I asked.

“Would you like to see me with a woman?” Erin asked, turning around to face me.

I cupped her lips and kissed her softly. “I’d love to see you with a woman.”

Erin smiled saucily at me. “Well, Bill, I’d love to see you fuck another woman and lick your cum out of her pussy. I’ve been thinking about it ever since Best Buy and I watched you fuck that girl.”

“Why didn’t you say that sooner?”

“I was having so much fun making you jealous,” Erin confessed with a laugh. “You make me cum so hard when you’re all jealous.”

I laughed and scooped my wife up in my arms and carried her to bed to make love to her again. We were going to be very tired for church in the morning.

The Devil’s Pact Side-Story: The D&D Game



The Devil’s Pact

Side-Story: The D&D Group

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Male/Teen female, Female/Females, Males/Female, Mind Control, Male Masturbation, Anal, Oral, Orgy

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Note: This takes place between Chapter 17 andChapter 18 when Mark hosts his D&D Game. Takes place at the same time as Mary and Diane Go Clubbing Side-Story.

I left Quatch making out with Willow and headed to answer the door. Tonight, I was going to play D&D with the same group of guys I had been playing with since I was fifteen. We had all met in the WOTC store in the South Hill Mall, back when there were still Wizard of the Coast stores. The store had been running a game and we all played in it. We had been gaming together ever since.

We usually got together every Thursday night to play. Of course, I blew them off last Thursday. I was having too much fun with my powers, not to mention I just met Mary. I had fallen head over heals in love with the woman practically on first sight. The guys weren’t pleased that I had blown off the game and I was looking to make it up to them.

I was going to let each guy pick a slut to be his personal slave for the evening. To pour drinks, fetch food, and to perform sexually for the guy. I had already settled on Violet to be my personal slave for the night. Violet had been a virgin when I took her and I didn’t want any other cock to ever be up in her cunt for the rest of her life.

Quatch, the DM, had arrived first and selected Willow, our newest sex slave, for his Personal Attendant. Quatch was a big, hairy guy, hence his nickname, Quatch. Short for Sasquatch because he is so hairy that he must be cousin to one. I didn’t know his real name. It may have been James or John. Or maybe Jeff. I was pretty sure it started with a J. I should know it, he’s my best friend, but everyone calls him Quatch, even his mom.

I answered the door and saw Karl. He was the skinniest guy I’ve ever met. The guy looked as thin as post, his cheeks sunken. I would swear he was a crack addict, but he never seemed high when I was around him. And the guy could eat, it was disgusting how he could put more food away then I could. Behind him, was Tom getting out of his car. Tom was a fat guy with a long ponytail of brown hair.

“Hey, man,” Karl said, shaking my hand. “Killer house. How the fuck did you swing this?”

“I won a poker tournament,” I said. “Hey, Tom.”

“Hey,” he grunted. Tom was a man of few words most of the time. But he really got into roleplaying his characters and could be a down right chatterbox if he was playing the right character.

I led Tom and Karl inside. Quatch was sitting in a recliner getting blown by Willow. His head was thrown back and his mouth wide in amazement and he had a fistful of her raven-black hair. “Holy shit,” Tom muttered.

“You runnin’ a brothel, Mark?” Karl gaped.

“These are my sex slaves,” I said. “They do whatever me our my fiancee wants.”

“Fiancee?” Tom asked.

“Yeah, I’m getting married in a month,” I said. “I want you guys to be my groomsmen and Quatch, I was hopping you could be my best man.”

“Shit, I’ll fucking do whatever you want!” he moaned. “I haven’t had my dick sucked in two years.”

“Choose a lady,” I told Mat and Karl. “She’ll be your personal slave for the night. She’ll serve
you drinks, fetch you snacks, and do whatever other things you want.”

The doorbell rang again and I went to answer it. Chris was standing there. He was a big guy, in great shape, his hair buzzed short in the ranger haircut. He got out of the army last year, served two tours in Afghanistan. The guy could be on a recruitment poster for the army. He was also the biggest nerd I knew.

“Hey man,” he said, “nice house. I guess the rumors about you robbing a bank must be true!”

I snorted in laughter. “Naw, just a misunderstanding. It’s already been sorted out. I just won a poker tournament at the Emerald Queen in Fife.”

“Congrats, man,” he said, slapping me on the shoulder.

“Come in, the rest of the guys are here,” I said.

“Jesus,” Chris said, stunned when he saw the living room.

Tom had Jessica, reporter for KIRO 7 news, sitting in his lap making out with her while Karl had wasted no time and bent teenage Allison over the couch and was following the instructions tattooed on her body. Above her cunt, Allison had “Cum on in” with an arrow pointing at her cunt and it looked like Karl was eagerly following those instructions.

“Mark’s getting hitched,” Quatch panted.

“No shit?” Chris asked. I nodded and he offered me his hand. We shook, and I said, “Want to be one of my groomsman?”

“Hell ya, man,” Chris answered, then he looked around. “What does your fiancee think of this?”

“She’s upstairs getting ready to go out with her girlfriend,” I answered. “She loves having all these sex slaves.”

I explained the situation and Chris selected Desiree to be his personal attendant and Desiree was pushing him back onto the couch and fishing his cock out and sucked into her mouth. Chris moaned, gripping her black hair and savored the Latina beauty’s blowjob. Jessica was straddling Tom and riding his cock on the recliner while Tom muttered, “Whore,” over and over.

“Holy shit, I’m going to cum!” moaned Quatch and he gripped Willow’s black hair and held her mouth in place as he came.

Willow swallowed his load and licked her lips. “Thank you for cumming in my naughty mouth,” she purred.

“Man, Mark, you’ve got it good.”

“I do,” I said. I dismissed the other sluts and grabbed Violet and she knelt before me and sucked my cock into her hungry lips.

Mary entered the living room, dressed in a sleek, black dress, low cut with a short skirt. Black fishnet stockings covered her slim legs. “Have fun,” she told me as I watched our sluts service my pals and enjoyed Violet’s mouth on my cock

“You too, Mare,” I replied, and watched her ass sway as she walked out of the living room.

“Christ, was that your fiancee?” Quatch asked, his eyes glued to her ass.

“Yeah, she’s the best,” I answered.

“And she doesn’t care that you’re fucking all these women?”

“She fucks them too,” I said.

“Oh, Mistress loves us to suck her cunt,” Willow cooed in Quatch’s ear. “This morning, I sucked Master’s cum out of her pussy while I gave her a gynecological exam.”

“Christ, you’re getting me hard,” Quatch moaned. Willow grinned, and whispered loudly in his ear, “Why don’t you stick that hard cock up my tight snatch and get some relief. You wouldn’t want to develop a nasty cast of blue balls?”

“No I wouldn’t,” Quatch moaned and bent cinnamon-skinned Willow over the chair and started fucking her from behind. “Oh fuck, your cock feels good up my snatch. Almost as good as Master’s! Ohh, harder! Fuck me harder, stud!”

“Oh, Master!” Allison gasped, “he’s filling my slutty cunt with his cum! Oh thank you, thank you! My pussy should always be full of cum!”

Karl was panting as he pulled out of Allison’s cunt. The slut quickly turned around and sucked his softening cock into her mouth, sucking the last of his cum and her cunt juices right off his cock. “Holy shit, I need to get me one of these!”

“Pick a woman and I can take care of it for you,” I said. “None of my sluts, obviously. Or my Mary, but you pick any other woman and I’ll make them hot and bothered for your cock 24/7. They’ll beg you to do whatever filthy fantasy you have.”

“I want to make my bitch of a boss grovel before me,” Karl said.

“Not a problem. She working tomorrow?”

“Yeah, just call down at the restaurant and ask for Julie. She’ll be in by seven to oversee morning prep.”

I nodded my head. “Done.”

Chris looked at me. “You really can do that? ‘Cause there’s this barista I have a thing for. She works the morning shift at the Hot Chick A Latte on Meridian.” Hot Chick A Latte was one of the many bikini baristas that dotted Western Washington. “Her name’s Velvet and she has the hugest tits in the world. I’m mean these things are like G cups. She could just smother my face with them any day of the week.”

“Desiree, why don’t you let Chris feel your tits on his face,” I ordered.

Desiree and Xiu were tied for having the biggest tits amongst the sluts. The Latina stood up, slipping out of her maids outfit, exposing her beautiful, nut-brown breasts and dark, pink nipples. Chris groaned in lust, his cock sticking straight up. Desiree straddled him about the waist and slowly lowered herself on his cock, moaning wantonly as he filled her up. Chris buried his face in Desiree’s large tits and motorboated between them while Desiree slowly slid up and down on his cock.

“Oh yes, suck my tits,” Desiree cooed. “Umm, your cock feels so impressive in my cunt.”

“Oh fuck,” Chris moaned as he switched nipples, sucking Desiree’s dark pink nub into his mouth.

“Shit, gonna cum!” moaned Tom in alarm. “No condom.”

“Don’t worry,” purred Jessica. “I’m on the pill, so just fill my slutty cunt with your cum. Mmhh, yes, it’s so warm inside me, filling me up! Oh yes, you’re making me cum, stud, oh fuck I love hot cum shooting in my snatch.”

Jessica convulsed on Tom and he captured her sensuous lips in a kiss. Her miniskirt had ridden up, exposing her caramel ass. Jessica was biracial, a mix of Asian, Black, and White that gave her skin a beautiful, caramel hue. “Wow,” Tom panted. “Been awhile.”

“Shit, it was my first time,” Karl panted and I blinked. I thought I had been old when I lost my virginity last week, Karl was five years older than me. Allison was bobbing her head rapidly on his cock and I could tell Karl was loving the feel of her tongue piercing pressing hard on his cock as she swirled it about.

“So, sex slaves?” panted Tom. “Keep Jessica?”

“Oh no,” Jessica protested. “I belong to Master, right?” There was a plaintive catch in her voice.

“Yeah, slut,” I said. “You’ll be mine forever.” Jessica sighed in relief. “Tom, any girl that I haven’t claimed is yours.”

“High school student,” Tom declared. “Like whore sucking your cock.”

“Sure, I was planning to go to a High School tomorrow, anyways,” I said. “What’s your pleasure.”

“Petite, Asian, hairy cunt,” Tom grunted. I nodded.

I closed my eyes, trying to enjoy Violet’s blowjob. It had been getting hard with having to answer all my friends questions. Violet had grown quite skilled, her head bobbing rapidly, her cheeks sucking in and out as she pleasured me. And her tongue, sliding about my cock like an agile little snake, increasing my pleasure with every second.

“Here it comes, slut!” I moaned and Violet sucked harder at my cock, eager to taste her master’s cum. I shot three, quick blasts into her mouth and she skillfully swallowed all of my load and sucked harder, coaxing the last morsel of cum out of my cock.

“Thank you, Master,” she breathed when my cock slid out of her mouth.

“I want to cum on your big titties,” Chris panted.

Desiree smiled and slid off his cock and knelt before Chris. She took her big breasts and wrapped them around his cock and slid them between her pillowy breasts, lubed by her pussy juices. She moved her tits up and down as fast as possible and Chris smiled hungrily as he watched Desiree. Then he grunted and his white seed spilled across Desiree’s breasts. Desiree took a finger and swiped up a gob of semen on her finger and sucked into her mouth as Chris watched

“Fuck, you’re one nasty bitch,” Chris whispered.

Quatch was fucking Jessica hard over couch arm. Her cinnamon ass jiggled as he fucked her. Quatch grunted with every stroke, sweat running down his forehead and his face turned beat red. Quatch let out a sound that was like a growl and a shout and buried himself into Willow’s cunt and went rigid. He pulled out, his fat cock and white cum trickled out of her cunt.

“Wow, eh, wow,” Quatch panted. Then he got self conscious and put his cock away. “So, eh, where are we playing. I’ll get set up.” Quatch was our DM, the guy who ran the game, controlled the enemies and NPCs.

Willow grabbed his hand. “Follow me, Quatch,” she said and led him to the dining room.

Karl was fucking Allison’s face like a man’s possessed. He held her face between his hands, keeping her face still, as he reamed her sucking mouth. “Oh, shit, I gonna cum!” he groaned. Allison sucked his cum down her mouth.

“Oh, your cum is so tasty,” cooed Allison, not phased at all by the mouth fucking.

The rest of us headed to the dining room to start playing. Quatch was setting up as Willow stood behind him, cum running down her thighs. Lillian walked in, dressed in a pleated, black skirt, short, and a black half-shirt that left her flat belly bared. Her nipples were poking hard at her shirt. Clutched in her hand was a bag of dice, a players handbook, and her character sheet. Lillian was a goth girl that used to work at Hot Topic, and I was surprised to learn, loved to play D&D.

“This is Lillian,” I introduced, “the new player I was talking about.”

“Hi boys,” Lillian grinned. “I made an Elven bard.”

Quatch nodded. “Yeah, okay, that’ll work.”

“Before we start, Quatch, Tom, Chris, and Karl, you guys don’t have to do what I tell you,” I said. These guys were my friends, I didn’t want to control them. I guess that’s why Mary didn’t want me controlling Alice.

“Yeah, no shit,” Chris said.

Tom just shook his head at me.

“You all right, man?” Quatch asked.

“Yeah,” I replied. “Just had to be said.”

“Whatever, let’s play,” Karl shrugged.

The rest of us got out our characters. I was playing a Gnome illusionist, Chris had an Orc barbarian, Tom was playing an Thri-keen monk, and Karl played an Elven cleric. Quatch started the game, we were in the middle of quest to recover an artifact stolen from Karl’s church. Quatch introduced Lillian’s character as Karl’s sister, here to help him out.

We got through the first encounter, when the pizzas arrived and our slaves went out and got us food and poured us drinks. Chris had pulled Desiree in his lap and had her feed him pizza, her large breasts, covered in dried cum, jiggled as she laughed and licked pizza sauce off his lips. Karl copied Chris, and Allison was having a lot of fun feeding him pizza. I had Violet suck my cock while I ate.

Tom bent Jessica over the corner of the table and looked questioningly at me. “Anal?”

I nodded my head. Jessica giggled, “Uhh, I love a cock up my ass.”

Tom’s cock pushed at her tight ass and Jessica moaned as he slowly slid inside her. “Tight!” Tom grunted and started fucking her.

Quatch stood up and walked over and pulled out his cock and shoved it into Jessica’s face. Jessica eagerly sucked his cock into her mouth. Lillian grabbed Willow and sat her before her on the table. Willow’s cunt was dripping with cum and Lillian grabbed a slice of pizza and ran it through Willow’s cunt and ate the cum covered slice.

“Wow, that’s nasty,” Chris moaned. “Oh shit, she’s eating her pussy.”

Lillian was licking up the cum and pizza sauce staining Willow’s pussy. Chris whispered in Desiree’s ears and she stood up and walked over to the two girls and offered her cum-stained breasts to Willow’s eager lips. Chris stood up and watched the three girls, jerking his cock off furiously. Willow’s cinnamon face rubbed on Desiree’s nut brown tits. Willow was moaning in pleasure as Lillian tongued her pussy.

“Oh my god, that’s so hot!” Chris moaned as he beat his meat.

“Let me do that,” Desiree purred, reaching out and started giving Chris a handjob. “Doesn’t that feel better than doing it yourself?”

“Yeah!” Chris moaned.

Karl was making out with Allison, his hands freeing her breasts from her blouse. “Oh my God, her nipples are pierced.” Karl seemed fascinated with playing with her pierced nipples. He bent his head and sucked one of the nipples into his mouth, playing with the nipple and piercing with his tongue. Allison moved and straddled Karl and deftly fished his cock out of his pants. Karl moaned as Allison sank her sloppy cunt onto his cock.

Willow was cumming on Lillian’s face, Desiree’s hands were furiously pumping at Chris’s cock. “Your hand is amazing,” Chris groaned. “I’m going to spurt!”

His cum shot out out, splashing Desiree’s tit. The sucking blast caught Willow’s hair, cheek and neck, and the third shot landed on Lillian’s head. Lillian rose up and licked cum off Desiree’s tit and then Willow’s neck. Cum staining her lips, she threw her arms around Chris and kissed him on the lips, hard, rubbing her body up against him.

“So, you’re playing my brother?” Lillian asked.

“Yeah,” Chris panted.

“I’ve always wanted to fuck my brother!”

“I’m drained, babe,” Chris said in disappointment.

“Why don’t you eat my cunt and maybe you’ll get a second wind.” Lillian had a smile on her black lips.

Chris pushed her up against the wall and knelt down and started to eat her cunt. Lillian shoved up her shirt, exposing her breasts and played with her nipples. I finished my pizza and pulled Violet up and bent her over the table and shoved my cock up her ass, tight and hot, and fucked her hard while Violet moaned in pleasure. Desiree pushed Willow to the floor and cooed in pleasure as Willow eagerly ate her cunt out.

“I want to fuck her cunt while you fuck her ass,” Quatch muttered, Jessica’s sucking mouth around his cock.

“Sure,” Tom grunted, and pulled out of Jessica’s ass.

Quatch sat on the table and Jessica straddled his waist. “Jesus, her cunt’s wet.”

“Sloppy seconds,” Tom smirked and shoved his cock back up her tight sphincter.

Both buys grunted as Jessica writhed between them. She was loving it, taking a cock up both her wholes, and panted liked a bitch in heat. “Fuck my ass, oh yes! Fuck, that’s a nice cock in my dirty snatch! Yes, boys, fuck me! Fuck me!” Jessica writhed between them as an orgasm rolled through her body. They two guys just kept right on fucking her.

Quatch started squeezing her breasts hard, pinching her nipples. “Fucking whore!” he groaned, eyes closed. “Fucking cockteasing whore!”

I felt my balls tighten as I fucked Violet’s tight ass. Violet was gasping in pleasure and her ass started convulsing on my cock as the little slut came. Her ass was milking my dick and I felt that sweet moment of releases surged through my body and out my dick, filling her ass with a copious load of cum.

Chris got his second wind and rose up, face sticky with Lillian’s cunt juices. “Ohh, that’s a nice cock!” Lillian gasped as he slipped his dick in her wet whole and started fucking her against the wall.

“Cumming!” Tom moaned and buried his cock up Jessica’s ass and shot his load up her ass. He pulled out and stumbled back, panting.

Jessica continued riding Quatch, “Cum in my pussy, stud,” she moaned. “Your friend creamed my ass so cream my pussy!”

“Here it comes, you nasty bitch!” Quatch moaned and grabbed her hips and shoved her down so he bottomed out in her cunt then he grunted and Jessica writhed atop him as her second orgasm was triggered by Quatch’s cum.

Karl was frantically fucking Allison, his face contorted. “Cumming, cumming!” he muttered and flooded Allison hungry cunt. He pulled out, panting. The guys were getting warn out, they didn’t have my devil enhanced sexual stamina. Drinks were downed and more pizza was devoured and we got back to gaming.

After using the bathroom, I found Quatch waiting at the door. “There’s another bathroom upstairs,” I told him. “You didn’t have to wait.”

“Oh, I just wanted to talk to you in private,” Quatch said, nervous. “You said you could make any woman my sex slave.”

“Yeah,” I told him.

He handed me his phone. “My sister’s been staying with me. And she’s a fucking cocktease, prancing around the apartment in her underwear. My dick’s hard all the time.”

“Sure, I’ll make Kim into your slut,” I replied. Kim was a smoking hot girl. I think Quatch got all the hair in his family, because her skin was always silky smooth.

The phone rang and Kim answered, “Hey bro.”

“Kim, from now on, you’re going to be Quatch’s sex slave,” I told her. “You’ll happily do whatever nasty, depraved acts he wants and do it with a smile. You’ll live to please him.”

“Sure,” Kim purred.

I threw the phone to her brother. “So, Kim,” Quatch said nervously. “What did Mark tell you to do.” I couldn’t here her response, but Quatch smiled. “Good, I want you naked and ready to fuck when I get home.” I could just here a throaty laugh over the phone. “Later, bitch!” Quatch smirked and hung.

As the night grew later, the sluts started getting tired and I let them go into the living room to rest. We usually played until two or three in the morning, fueled by mountain dew and energy drinks. Lillian meshed well with the group, just as an intense gamer as the rest of us were. Around one AM, Mary got home.

She walked into the dining room and draped herself across my lap. She reeked of pussy: tangy, spicy, sweet, tart, all the delicious flavors of a woman’s cunt. It was a delightful bouquet and I felt my cock hardened. She kissed me on the lips, slipping her tongue into my mouth.

“Did you have fun?” I asked. “Because you reek of pussy?”

Mary giggled. “I did. I just have to go back to that club again.”

“Let me introduce you,” I said. “Quatch is the big, hairy guy.”


“Because I’m as hairy as Sasquatch,” he said with a grin.

“Karl’s the skinny guy, Chris is the ex-army ranger, and Tom is the quiet one,” I continued. “Quatch is going to be my best man and the others will be my grooms.”

“Nice to meet you,” Mary said. “Are you almost done?”

“Yeah, we’re at the boss,” I said. “A sorcerer-dragon.”

“Ohh,” Mary cooed. “Want to make it interesting?” She had a big grin on her face.

“What are you thinking?” I asked.

“Well, whoever has the killing blow can fuck my pussy,” Mary giggled.

“Shit,” Tom muttered, blinking in surprise.

“You’re Mark’s fiancee, right?” Chris asked in surprise.

“Hey, he can fuck any woman he wants, so I can fuck any guy,” Mary retorted. “It’s only fair. Right, hun.”

She was right, it was only fair. “Yeah, Mare. Fair is fair.” Mary was free to fuck who she wanted, although I preferred if she would just fuck women. But there was something strangely thrilling about watching your women getting fucked by another guy.

“Hey, I’m running the dragon,” Quatch protested. “So, what about me.”

Mary bit her lip. “Well, if you kill all of them, then you can fuck me.”

“Really?” Karl asked, glancing at me. I don’t think he quite believed I would let my beautiful fiancee fuck one of my friends. I nodded at him.

It became a free for all. We stopped cooperating, each of us wanting to be the player to drop the dragon. And Quatch pulled out all the stops. I wasn’t going to accuse him of cheating behind the DM screen, but he had a couple of lucky crits that killed Lillian’s bard. I was badly hurt and asked Karl’s cleric to heal me on his turn. Instead of healing me, Karl attacked and, on the dragon’s next turn, I was killed by its acidic breath weapon.

“Thank, Karl,” I muttered.

“Oh, poor baby,” Mary said, kissing me. “You’ll just have to get sloppy seconds, hun.”

Quatch got a worried look on his face when Chris’s barbarian crit and Tom sent his monk in to finish the dragon. Then he rolled badly: a 3, a 4, and a 1, a fumble. The dragon bit the Thri-keen and knocked him unconscious. Karl’s tactic of not healing his competition was paying off, and on his turn, he stabbed his longsword into the dragon and felled it with a tenth of the damage Chris had just dealt with his crit.

Karl whooped loudly. “All right!” He grabbed his crotch and rubbed his hard dick. “I can’t believe I get to fuck another girl tonight.”

“He lost his virginity to Allison, earlier,” I told her.

“Ohh, how cute,” Mary said, her dress sliding off her body. She was naked save for a black push-up bra which I unhooked for her, spilling out her perky, freckled breasts. Chris gave a cat call and Mary smiled, twirling about for the guys. She was getting off on the attention. Then, she hopped up on the table, knocking over some miniatures and spilling someone’s drink onto the floor. No one cared as Mary spread her legs, exposing her wet pussy and pink hole. “C’mon, I’ve had women all night, I need a dick in me!”

Karl pants came undone and his cock sprang out and he shoved it into Mary’s cunt, hard. He sucked on Mary’s tits, kissed up her neck and cheek. I noticed a hickey on Mary’s neck that she didn’t have when she left for the club. Karl kissed her cheek and tried to kiss her on the lips but Mary turned her head.

“Mark’s the only man that kisses me,” Mary told him.

“Sure,” Karl said, panting as he fucked away.

Quatch was gathering up his stuff. “You’re not going to watch,” Chris asked, stroking his cock lazily.

“Kim,” Quatch said, giving me a meaningful look. I winked at him and hoped he enjoyed his sister. “Later guys,” Quatch farewelled, and left.

Lillian knelt before me and started sucking on my cock. I enjoyed the blowjob and watched my fiancee get fucked by my friend. Karl was gasping as his ass pumped away on top of her. Mary was moaning and then Karl stiffened and flood her cunt with cum. He pulled off of her and I could see disappointment on Mary’s face, she hadn’t cum yet.

Then Tom was there and he just buried his cock up her cunt before anyone could object. Mary’s disappointment faded and she smiled happily and writhed beneath him as he fucked her. Mary turned her head, still smiling happily, her green eyes sparkling with lust. Mary arched her back and as she came beneath Tom, never breaking eye contact with me. I shot my load down Lillian’s mouth as I watched my fiancee orgasming underneath another man. Tom climbed off a moment later and I saw Mary’s pussy gaping and full of cum.

Chris mounted Mary, eager for his turn. “Oh, god it feel so nice inside her pussy,” Chris moaned. “So wet.”

Mary rubbed his chest through his shirt. “Ooh, you’re all muscly,” she purred. “Let me see.”

Chris popped off his shirt, exposing his six-pack abs and muscled pecs.

Mary ran her hands over his muscular torso. “So nice,” she cooed. “Oh yes.” Chris started fucking her harder and harder and Mary threw back her head and let out a low, throaty moan as she came beneath Chris.

Chris slammed his cock into her a few more times, moaning, “Her cunt’s milking my cock! Oh fuck, oh fuck!”

“Ohh, cum in me,” Mary gasped. Chris stiffened and Mary smiled happily as he pumped her cunt with a third man’s cum.

“Man, Mark, your fiancee is a wild gal,” Chris panted as he pulled out.

“She’s my naughty filly,” I said with a smile.

“And your naughty filly need her randy stallion to give her a proper fucking!” Mary moaned wantonly. “Your friends were nice, but I need a real cock in me.”

I knew she was just saying that to stroke my ego, but that didn’t stop me from being happy as I crawled up her body and slowly slid my cock into her sloppy pussy with wet, squelching noise. Mary pulled my head down and kissed me passionately, her legs wrapping around my waist, pulling me into her cunt. I fucked her slowly.

“Oh yes,” Mary moaned, “that’s the cock I love. And the man.”

“I love you, Mare,” I whispered into her ear, fucking her faster and harder.

The table creaked beneath us as we picked up our pace. Mary’s hips rotated beneath me, humping me back as hard as I humped her. Her tongue licked at my ear and she whispered, “Your friend’s cocks were nice, but yours is the one that my pussy craves. You’re stirring my cunt up so deliciously.”

“Your cunt feels amazing,” I whispered into her ear. “So wet and slick.” I saw the hickey on her neck and I decided to leave one of my own, bigger, and sucked hard on her neck.

“That’s all your friends cum,” Mary cooed. “Sloppy, wet cum, filling me up. But I need more. I need your tasty cum.” Her fingers racked my back through my shirt. “I’m getting so close to cumming! Are you close?”

“Yes, Mare!” I groaned and went back to sucking at her neck. I started fucking her hard, our flesh slapping together.

“You always fuck me so hard after another man’s been in me,” Mary whispered and then she kissed me and my balls tightened and my orgasm exploded out of me. Mary bucked beneath me, her cunt spasming as she came. “Mmh, that was nice,” Mary said as I laid on top of her. “Maybe I should join your group, it seems like so much fun.”

“Yeah,” Tom said.

“I would love for you to come again,” Karl excitedly said.

“Oh, I can guarantee that I will cum again,” Mary said with a wicked smile.

The Devil’s Pact Chapter 17: Doctors and Realtors



The Devil’s Pact

Chapter 17: Doctors and Realtors

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Female/Female, Male/Females, Male/Females/Teen female, Mind Control, Anal, Cockold, Female Masturbation, Male Masturbation, Magic, Oral, Orgy, Rimming, Work

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 16

Mary was looking quite fetching in her black, short skirt and blue blouse as we walked out of the house, through the ruined front door. Fucking FBI. Bad enough they had to raid my house, did they have to smash down the door? Desiree was tracking down a contractor that could get the door replaced today while I ordered five of the sluts to go get their pussy’s waxed at the Heavenly Creature’s Salon. Violet, Fiona, Karen, Chasity, and Thamina all needed bare cunts. They could have landing strips or whatever designs they wanted on their pubic mounds, but their pussy lips had to be smooth as a young girl.

I didn’t have time to eat the breakfast Desiree made because we were running late for Mary’s OB/GYN appointment. It was my fault. I spent too much time fucking first Allison, then Fiona in the shower, and finally Mary when she had come upstairs to yell at me for taking too long. Mary was a horny gal and couldn’t resist my advances. I left Mary’s pussy full of my cum, a nice surprise for the Doctor. So, I just grabbed a bagel and spread some cream cheese on it and ate it on the way to my Mustang.

I sped the moment we were out on surface streets. “You want to see a movie on Saturday, have dinner?”

Mary smiled slyly at me. “Are you asking me out on a date?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Just me and you.”

“Sure,” Mary answered. “A date night. What did you want to see?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” I answered, casually.

“I bet you want to see Man of Steel? Doesn’t it open tomorrow?”

“Yeah, sure,” I said, trying play it cool. I was really looking forward to seeing it.

“All right, we’ll see it,” Mary said. “But I’ll get to choose the movie next week.”

“Deal,” I said, and reached out and squeezed her hand. I moved her hand over to my crotch. “I’d love it if you would suck my cock, Mare.”

“It’s not safe, Mark,” Mary objected. “Besides, haven’t you got enough sex?”

“There’s no such thing as enough sex,” I retorted, rubbing her hand across the bulge in my pants.

Mary snorted in laughter. “Not with you, anyways.”

“C’mon Mare,” I wheedled. I stopped at the light and bent over and kissed her lips. “Your mouth feels so nice on my cock.” I kissed her again, her lips parting for my tongue. “You’re just so beautiful. My cock aches whenever I’m around you.” I reached over and gently groped her breast through her blouse, feeling her nipple harden beneath my hand.

“Fine,” Mary sighed, her hand squeezing my crotch. “But this is the last time.”

My zipper rasped down and Mary slid her warm hand in and pulled my cock out, stroking it a few times before her wet mouth sucked my cock greedily. Her lips slid up and down on my dick as her tongue swirled around my sensitive head. A car honked behind me and I realized the light was green and I started driving. Fuck, Mary’s mouth felt good on my cock.

My phone rang. The Mustang’s radio was blue toothed enabled and the rings echoed through the car speakers. I hit call and my mom’s voice echoed through the car’s speaker. “Hi, Mark,” she greeted, warmly.

“Hey mom,” I answered. Mary’s mouth sucked harder at my cock.

“Are you doing okay, sweetie?”

“Yeah, mom, things are going great.” My fiancee is sucking on my cock, what could be better.

“Well, I don’t know how to say this, but …” she cleared her throat. “Are you in trouble?”

“No, why would you think that?”

“I’m not supposed to say anything, but the FBI came around yesterday.” A hint of fear entered her voice. “They said you robbed a bank and … did other things.”

“It’s a misunderstanding, mom,” I told her. “I just look like the guy. Just watch KIRO 7 news, okay. The FBI raided my house but they realized I was the wrong person.”

God, this was so exciting. Mary’s mouth was bobbing up and down on my cock, sucking hard. Her tongue played with my shaft, with my head. Her teeth would brush pleasantly against my cock. And my mom’s voice, I never realized how sexy she sounded, a smokey, bedroom voice that could get any man hard. She was wasted on my pig of father.

“Well, I’m so relieved,” my mom sighed and I gritted my teeth and came hard down Mary’s mouth. Mary greedily sucked my cum down. “Are you okay, I thought I heard something.”

“Yeah, mom, I’m fine,” I answered. “Just had to release some built up pressure. Anyways, I want to introduce you to my fiancee.”

Mary was sitting up in the seat, wiping a bit of cum off her lips. “Hi, I’m Mary.”

“You’re fiancee?” mom asked. “That’s so exciting, I didn’t even know you were dating anyone, sweetie.”

“We haven’t been dating long,” I told her. “But, we really fell in love and we’re getting married in a month.”

“Wow, sure you’re not rushing things, sweetie?”

“We’re very happy, Mrs. Glassner,” Mary gushed. “Your son is the best man in the world. He just fills me up with his love.” Mary had a wicked smile on her lips.

“How sweet,” my mom purred. Was that a husky tone entering her voice. She sounded even sexier. “And call me Sandy. I’m sure we’re going to get along just fine. I can’t wait to meet you.”

“How about Sunday,” I suggested. “You can come over to our house for dinner.”

“House?” my mom asked.

“Yeah, I, eh, won a poker tournament at the Emerald Queen last month,” I lied. “I didn’t want anyone to know about it, yet, until I had my fiancees all in order.”

“Wow,” mom said. “That’s pretty amazing, Mark. Well, I can’t wait to meet your lovely fiancee. I bet she’s just gorgons.” I thought I heard a zipper rasp and then my mom sighed. “Mary, tell me all about yourself.” There was a wet, squishy noise and another sigh from my mom. “I want to get to know you so well.” My mom gave a throaty, lusty laugh and another sigh.

Christ, was my mom masturbating. Mary’s wish to have any woman desire her was working over the phone. And then it hit me. That’s how I could sleep with my mom. Mary could get her to do anything sexual that she wanted. I smiled, my cock growing hard. On Sunday, I was going to fuck my mom thanks to my fiancee.

Mary glanced at me and mouthed, “Is your mom masturbating?” I nodded.

“Well, Sandy, I’m a very attractive woman,” Mary purred, clearly excited that my mom was masturbating to her. Mary’s hand slipped down and started rubbing her pussy, her fingers sliding into her wet cunt with a wet, squelchy noise. “I have long, auburn hair, emerald eyes, and a heart-shaped face covered in freckles.”

“Umm, Mark’s always liked red-heads,” my mom cooed. “Uhh, what’s your bust size?”

“32B, covered in freckles” Mary purred. “They’re firm and perky. And I have a great ass. Your son really loves it.”

“Oh, yes, I bet he does!” There was a stifled moan and heavy breathing.

“I’m an art student at De Vry,” Mary continued. She was rubbing one of her perky tits, now, playing with the hard nipple through her dress. “I love to paint.”

“Maybe I could pose for you,” my mom panted. “I’ve always wanted to be … ohh … painted.”

“Mmhh, I bet I would love to paint you,” Mary purred. “I’m looking for a model for a nude painting, for class.”
“Oh, I could do that … umm …. for you, sweetie,” Mom husked. “To help you … ohhh … out.”
“Uhh, it would be just the two of use!” Mary cooed, her fingers were moving rapidly in and out of her cunt and the heel of her hand ground on her clit. “I can’t wait for you to cum over.”
“Yes, yes, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum … over!” There was an intake of breath and a muffled cry. Mary gasped, bit her lip and shuddered, orgasming with my mom. “Well, I can’t wait to see you, honey,” cooed my mom. “I’ll convince your dad to come. Love you, sweetie. And your fiancee.”

“Love you, too, mom,” I answered and my mom hung up. My cock was hard. “Fuck, that was hot.”

“Yeah,” Mary breathed, a contend smile on her face. “I guess my power works over the phone.”

“Your power is how I’m going to sleep with my mom,” I told Mary.

“Of course,” she said, eyes widening in realization. “Wow, why didn’t I think about that.” She smiled at me. “You let me take care of it. I’ll get your mom so hot and bothered she’ll be begging for your cock.”

An image of my mom kneeling before me, lust shining in her hazel eyes, as she begged for my cock. Fuck, I couldn’t wait. My cock was painfully hard, still sticking out of my pants. I looked over at Mary and said, “My cock’s begging for your mouth right now.”

Mary smiled. “Fine, one last time,” and she bent over and it wasn’t long before I filled her mouth with another load of cum.

“Thanks, Mare.”

“Oh, it was no problem, hun,” Mary answered. She flipped down the passenger visor and looked in the mirror, wiping cum off her lips and checking her lipstick. “Mark, I think I have a great idea.”

“Shoot,” I said, interested.

“Well, I think we should have our doctor open a clinic in South Hill,” Mary explained. “A free OB/GYN clinic. She could find girls for us for the brothel and we could have fun raisers to support it. Fancy parties with powerful people. Politicians and the rich.”

“I bet there’s plenty of medical space for sale,” Mark agreed. “It’s a good idea.” I squeezed her hand. “Let’s do it.” Mary smiled at me and squeezed my hand back.

“Have you thought about what you want, Mark,” Mary asked. “With your powers.”

“I just want to have fun with you,” I answered.

“You could accomplish so much,” Mary whispered in my ear. “You could be so powerful.”

“What are you thinking of?” I asked her.

“You could change laws, shape this town, this state, hell even this country into what ever you want,” Mary breathed huskily. “Wouldn’t that be something. You could be President Glassner.”

“Wow,” I whispered. “President. I just wanted to use my powers to fuck pretty women.”

“Isn’t that why men get into politics?” Mary asked with a wicked giggle. “And it can all start with our charity.”

I smile crossed my lips. “President Glassner,” I said. “And you’d make a radiant First Lady.”

The thought of me being president made Mary so randy she gave me a third blowjob without having to be asked, and fingered herself to two more orgasms before we reached our destination, the Group Health clinic Dr. WolfTail worked at. The clinic was next to Tacoma General Hospital on MLK Way. And finding a place to park was a nightmare.

Finally, I found a place two blocks away and Mary and I hurried to get to the clinic. It was a large building hosing dozens of different specialty clinics. We rode the elevator up to the third floor and I remembered the last time we rode an elevator. I made Violet my elevator bitch and popped her cherry while she begged for my dick. I barely got to second base with Mary when the elevator reached the third floor.

The clinic was right next to the elevators and we entered the waiting room. It was a typical doctor’s office, a few chairs, a collection of magazines for women, and a frumpy looking receptionist with a huge, bulbous nose. Mary had to fill out a ton of paperwork since it was her first time. She giggled when she got to the sexual history portioned.

“There’s not enough room,” she quipped and I laughed and kissed her.

“Mary Sullivan,” a male nurse called a few minutes later. That was disappointing, I was hoping for a cute nurse to go along with the cute doctor.

The male nurse led us back to the examine room. He glanced questioningly at me. “He’s my fiancee,” Mary explained. “Okay,” the nurse said with a shake of his head.

“We share everything,” Mary explained.

“Of course you do,” the nurse said flatly. He clearly wasn’t used to women bringing their partners into the gynecologist.

The nurse had Mary disrobe and get in a medical gown and left the room to give her some privacy. Mary’s panties were sticky with a mix our cum when she pulled them off. The nurse returned a few minutes later, knocking first, then he took her vitals. When he finished writing on her chart he went to leave.

I stopped him, grabbing his arm. “No interrupting us once the doctor gets in here, okay.”

“Sure,” he said.

We waited a few minutes then there was a knock on the door and a cinnamon-skinned, Native American woman walked in. She wore a conservative, gray blouse and black skirt underneath a white, doctor’s coat. Embroidered in blue thread was, “Dr. Willow WolfTail, OB/GYN.” Her face was round and her lips were small, very red, and very kissable. Her hair was long, straight and a deep black. She was a young woman, late twenties, probably fresh from medical school. A wedding ring glinted on her left hand.

“Hi, I’m Doctor Willow,” she greeted friendly.

“I’m Mark and this is Mary, my fiancee,” I said. She barely looked at me her eyes devouring Mary. A flush darkened Willow’s face and her tongue moistened her suddenly dry lips.

“Pleased to meet you,” Willow said, shaking Mary’s hand, her fingers gently stroking her. “You are so beautiful.”

“Oh, thank you,” Mary said.

“Why don’t you get your legs up in the stirrups and we’ll take a look downstairs.”

“Sure, Dr. Willow.” Mary placed her legs on the stirrups. From where I was sitting I had a good view up Mary’s gown and her cum stained, waxed pussy. The doctor was grabbing a pair of latex gloves and Mary said. “Oh, I think I would be more happy without the gloves. I don’t like the feel of latex in my pussy.”

“Oh, uh, that really isn’t sanitary,” Dr. Willow objected. Mary smiled seductively at the doctor. The doctor’s eyes shined with desire and she licked her lips. “Fine, just for you.”

“Thanks,” Mary cooed, “you won’t regret it.”

The doctor pulled out a pen light and sat on her rolling stool and slid over to Mary. “Okay, let’s have a peak.” She lifted up the skirt and blinked in surprise. “Is that … semen?”

“Yes,” purred Mary. “Don’t be shy.”

“Well, it looks like you’ve recently had intercourse, I assume with your fiancee?”

“Amongst others,” Mary giggled. “Mostly women, but sometime another man.”

“I see, and you clearly don’t use protection with your fiancee. Do you use protection with your other partners?”


“Aren’t you afraid of STDs?” Dr. Willow asked, grabbing the speculum. Mary gasped as the cold, metal object slid inside her and spread her pussy lips open. Dr. Willow was shining her light inside and I could see inside her cunt, all the way to her cervix.

“Uhh, no,” Mary said, blinking in surprise. “I guess I hadn’t really given it a lot of thought.”

“Well, you should,” Dr. Willow instructed as she shined her light around, examining the vaginal walls. “Are you on the pill or use any other form of birth control.”

“The pill,” Mary answered.

“Well, you look healthy. Now, I’m going to perform a bimanuel examination,” Dr. Willow said. “I’m going to slid two fingers inside you and press on the outside of your groin to check for any problems with your uterus, cervix, and ovaries.”

“Okay.” Mary smile widened as the doctor slid two of her fingers inside her. “Your fingers feel real nice. Doesn’t it feel better bare?”

“Yeah,” the doctor answered, uncomfortable. “Everything’s feeling all right.”

“Have you ever given a woman an orgasm during an exam?” Mary asked, eagerly.

“No,” she answered.

“If you keep moving your fingers inside me, you will.” There was an eager smile on Mary’s lips.

The doctor’s face flushed even dark and she slowly started to move her fingers in and out of Mary’s cunt. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Dr. Willow whispered. “You’re just so enchanting. Your vagina’s a beautiful flower. Your clitoris look so hard, your labia are like silk on my finger.”

Mary writhed in pleasure as the doctor’s thumb started to gently rub her clitoris in slow circles. “Oh, doctor, that feels so good.” Mary massaged her breast through her hospital gown. “Your finger feel so amazing up my twat.”

My cock was hard in my pants, so I slipped them off. Mary’s eyes fixed on my hard cock and she licked her lips and made a jerking motion with her hand. I spat on my palm and started stroking my cock. I hadn’t jerked off in a week, but it was like riding a bike, you never forget. Mary’s eyes were glued to my cock and I was glued to Dr. Willow fingering her cunt.

“I can feel your arousal in the vaginal canal,” the doctor murmured. Her free hand had slipped down and was rubbing her thighs, slowly disappearing up her skirt and moving ever closer to her hungry cunt.

“Oh, doctor, you’re going to make me cum!” Mary panted.

“Yes, oh yes, come for me,” Dr. Willow moaned. Her finger had reached her pussy and was rubbing beneath her skirt. My hand was stroking my cock faster, squeezing my sensitive head.

Mary shuddered and moaned loudly, “Oh, fuck, I’m cumming! Oh yes, yes, yes!”

I grunted, feverishly stroking my cock, so close to cumming. And then there was the sweet release that flowed through my body as white cum shot out and splattered in the doctor’s long hair on the back of her doctor’s jacket.

“What the fuck!” Dr. Willow snarled in fury, turning to face me and caught a blast of cum right in the face. She started dumbfounded at me as cum dripped down her cheek.

“He got you good, didn’t he?” Mary giggled. “Come here and give me a kiss.”

Still looking angry, the doctor stood up and Mary grabbed her hair and pulled her down and the two ladies kissed. Then Mary licked up my cum and shoveled it into Dr. Willow’s mouth. Their tongues wrestled, stained white with spunk, and I felt my cock start to rise.

“Let’s see you naked, Dr. Willow,” I told her.

“Sure, Mark,” she replied, her anger drowned out by lust. Her lab coat fell to the floor and she started unbuttoning her blouse. Mary pulled the hospital gown over her head, exposing her freckled breasts and hard nipples. I pulled off my shirt and kicked off my shoes. Dr. Willow’s bra was pale blue and cupped her nice sized breasts. Mary reached out and unclasped the bra as the doctor was unzipping her skirt. Her C cup breasts spilled out, cinnamon and topped by the smallest, cutest nipples. Her skirt off, Dr. Willow peeled down her pantyhose and white panties exposing a black, wiry bush of hair damp with arousal.

“She’s the one, Mark,” Mary said, excitedly, stroking Dr. Willow’s full breast. She bent down and sucked a tiny nipple into her lips and slid her hand down to start fingering the doctor’s furred muff.

“Dr. Willow, you’re going to be our sex slave from now on,” I told her. “You’ll do every nasty, perverted thing we tell you with a smile on your face. For now, you’re going to continue working here at the clinic until we get your new clinic open.”

“My new clinic, Mark?” she asked, then gasped in pain as Mary bit her nipple.

“That’s Master, slut,” Mary scolded. “And I’m your Mistress.”

“Sorry, Mistress,” Willow blushed.

“You’re going to run our free OB/GYN clinic for young girls and women,” Mary answered. “To find us beautiful women to work in our Brothel. And, of course, to keep our whores and slaves healthy.”

“Of course, Mistress, I would be honored.”

“When you are working you will act like your professional self,” I told her. “You’re married?”

“Yes, to Yancy,” she answered.

“Not anymore,” I told her and grabbed her left hand and pulled of her wedding ring and threw it in the trash. “You don’t love your husband anymore, just Mary, me, and all your new slut sisters.”

“He wasn’t that good in bed, anyways,” she said with a shrug.

“Where’s your phone?” Mary asked. Willow pulled out a cell phone from her discarded coat and handed it to Mary. “Start eating my cunt, slut,” Mary ordered, scrolling through the phone and hit call.

Willow dove into her Mary’s cunt as she lay on the bed, her legs back up in the stirrups. Willow was bent over, her cinnamon ass pointed invitingly at me. I lined up behind her and slid my cock into her black-furred pussy, savoring her wet, tightness as I pumped my cock in and out of her. Willow moaned wordlessly into Mary’s cunt as I fucked her.

“Hey pussywillow,” a male voice said over Willow’s phone. Mary had put the phone on speaker. “What’s going on.”

“Yancy, my name is Mary Sullivan,” Mary purred on the phone, a naughty smile on her face. “I just wanted you to know your slutty wife is eating my pussy as my fiancee, Mark, fucks her tight snatch with his big cock!”

“What!” Yancy gasped. “Who the fuck is this! This isn’t funny! I’m going to call the cops!”

“No you don’t, Yancy,” I ordered. “You’re going to listen while your wife makes us cum. Right, slut?” I smacked Willow’s ass hard.

“Ohh, Yancy,” Willow moaned wantonly. “I’m sorry, but I don’t love you anymore. I love Mark and his big cock that’s plunging into my cunt and I love Mary and her beautiful pussy that taste so heavenly.”

“What’s wrong with you?” Yancy moaned. “I don’t understand?”

“You’re wife’s found better lovers,” Mary moaned. “And let me tell you, she is one skilled pussy eater.” Mary moved the phone closer so the speakers could pick up the wet slurping noise of Willow’s frantic pussy eating. “Hear that? That’s the sound of you’re lovely wife’s tongue lapping at my pussy!”

I started to fuck Willow harder, the room filling with the slap of flesh on flesh. “God your wife’s pussy feel so fucking nice, Yancy. I bet you’re going to miss it. You’ll never get to stick your little cock up her again! She’s had a real man, now!”

There was sobbing coming through the phone. “Why are you doing this, Willow? I love you!”

“I don’t love you, Yancy. I’m getting fucked by a real man! He just takes what he wants! It so fucking sexy to controlled!” Willow panted and then dived back into Mary’s cunt.

“Please, Willow, what’s wrong?” Yancy begged. “We can work this out! Please?”

“Fuck, you’re a wimp,” Mary disparaged. “You need to understand that you’re wife belongs to us now. She’s our little sex slave. She’ll do whatever nasty things we tell her to do. A disgusting wimp like you could never truly satisfy her.”

“So you’re going to file for divorce, Yancy,” I told him. “You can keep everything save her clothes and jewelry. Tonight, she’s going to come home, pack her bags and leave. You will not try to stop her or hurt her in anyway.”

“Fine,” he sobbed.

“Oh yes, you’re wife’s going to make me cum, soon,” Mary purred. “Oh, her tongue is so amazing. She’s lapping at my clit right now while she shoves two fingers up my cunt. And Mark is fucking her so hard her asscheeks are jiggling.”

Willow let out a shuddering moan. “I’m cumming, oh fuck, you’re cock feels so good, Master!”

Her pussy milked my cock. “Shit! Yancy, your pussywillow’s pussy is cumming on my cock! She’s such a nasty slut. I’m going to pump her full of my cum. If you ask nicely, when she gets home tonight, she’ll show you her cum-stained cunt. Let you see what a real man’s work looks like.”

“Oh, cum in me, Master!” begged Willow. “Please, oh please. I need it so badly!”

“Here it comes, whore!” I slammed deep into her and emptied my nuts into her. “God, that was a good fuck. Now, make Mary cum.”

“Umm, keep sucking my clit and I’ll flood your face with my tasty juices,” Mary cooed. “Oh, just like that! Oh, yes!” Mary shuddered on the table and her legs bucked out of the stirrups. She lay panting on the table. Mary hung up the phone and then snapped a shot of Willow, her face covered with pussy-cum and sent the photo to her husband.

“I captioned it, “Something to jerk off too since you’ve lost your pussywillow! *-)”

I laughed. “Wow, that’s mean.”

“I recall you did something similar to my ex-boyfriend,” Mary said with a smile. I had her break up with Mike while I fucked her in the ass. Then I sent him a picture of Mary between another woman’s thigh, my cock buried in her tight asshole.

I pulled out of Willow’s cunt. The Native American woman was breathing heavily. I kissed her lips, delighting in the flavor of Mary’s cunt, sweet and spicy, on her lips. “We’ll see you tonight, slut. On your way home, pick up a very sexy nurses outfit at a sex shop. You’ll wear either that or lingerie when in the house.”

“Yes, Master,” Willow said happily.

We all got dressed and Mary and Willow shared one more, passionate kiss and then we left her to see to her next patient. You couldn’t see the cum stain on the back of her doctor’s jacket, but my cum was drying in her hair, leaving a sticky white residue behind that stood out in her black tresses.

“I’m meeting Alice at the Blue Spruce at One,” Mary said. “Mind dropping off. We can get lunch on the way.”

“Yeah, okay,” I said.

Alice was our realtor and Mary’s lover. This would be their third time meeting in a motel. Alice was married and Mary said her husband wasn’t paying enough attention to her so Mary was more than happy to pick up the slack. My emotions were mixed on the woman. It was clear Mary felt more for this woman than just one of the sluts or other women we molested. Mary claimed they were just friends, but I was afraid something more could grow out their affair. I trusted Mary and I didn’t want to seem like I didn’t trust her by objecting to her time with the woman. I just wished she would stop seeing her.

We ate lunch at a subway just down the street. We had a pleasant time, I fucked one of the workers, a cutie named Anna, in the ass and left my cum dripping off her face as she went back to work while Mary had first fingered this guys wife and then made her eat her cunt all while the guy watched. He was angry at first, but soon got into watching his wife with another woman. Mary and I enjoyed are sandwiches and watching the reactions of customers as they saw the cum drenched Anna make their sandwiches.

“So, what are we going to do about STDs?” Mary asked as we walked back to my Mustang.

“I don’t know,” I answered. “I don’t think I want to start wearing a condom.”

Mary frowned. “Yeah, there’s definitely something to be said about warm cum squirting inside you.”

“Maybe there’s a spell,” I said. “Lilith said there were many spells out there, not just the two she told us about.” I started the car and pulled out onto Yakima.

“Lilith,” Mary called as I started to drive her to the Blue Spruce Motel for her tryst with Alice.

I gritted my teeth, prepared to fight the waves of lust as Lilith appeared in the car. My cock hardened in my pants and Mary’s nipples tented her blouse. Lilith was sitting in the back seat, a shear, red dress clung to her curvy body.

“Yes, Mistress,” Lilith purred.

“Is there a spell that we can perform to make us immune to STDs?” Mary asked.

“Oh yes, and its an easy one,” Lilith said with a laugh. “Just deflower a woman. Her purity will guard you against any STDs. When you break her hymen, say, ‘Bathuwlah,’ and you’ll gain your immunity. Plus, once you’ve used the Ritual of Zimmah and bound the Thralls to you, they’ll get the immunity as well.”

I frowned. The Ritual of Zimmah was performed by fucking your parent. For a woman, that meant your father. For me, that meant fucking my mother. “I thought Zimmah was only to make my Thralls immune to a nun’s power.”

“The Ritual of Zimmah binds the Thrall to your lifeforce. One of its side effects makes your Thrall immune to any other person’s control. It also keeps them young and beautiful. Of course, when you die, they’ll die.” Lilith frowned. “Didn’t I explain this to you?”

“No,” I said.

She shrugged. “Whatever, is there anything else you require, Mistress. Perhaps you would like to use your last boon.

“No, you can go, Lilith,” Mary dismissed and sighed in relief when she was gone. “I don’t trust her,” Mary muttered.

“Yeah,” I answered. “I can see the hatred in her eyes whenever she looks at me. Like she just once to crush me. Once you’ve made your last boon, she’ll go back to hell or wherever the fuck she’s from.”

“Maybe I should just use the last boon, you know, get it over with.”

“What if we run into another nun problem,” I pointed out. “Her boon is a safety net for us. She can’t do anything to us, anyways. She’s under your power.”

“What about last night, Mark, you passed out.” Concern painted Mary’s face.

“Well, I know I shouldn’t fuck her again,” I said with a smile.

“It’s not funny, Mark,” Mary heatedly said. “She’s dangerous.”

“You have her under control,” I reassured. “Everything will be fine.”

Mary bit her lip. “Fine, I won’t use the boon … for now.”

Mary fell silent, biting her lip in worry, so I cranked the radio and let the music flow over me as I drove. By the time we reached Parkland, Mary had relaxed and was smiling again. When I dropped her off at the Blue Spruce there was an excited glint in her eye, her concerns about Lilith forgotten in her eagerness to see her lover.

“So, you guys will be there at 5 pm so we can buy the houses on the block?” I asked.

“Yeah, we’ll also go look for some medical space on the way,” Mary said. “I love you.”

“Love you, too,” I said and she bent down and kissed me before she turned to rent a room in a shitty motel to spend the afternoon with her “friend.” As she eagerly ran off to see her lover, another stab of jealousy hammered my heart. I wanted nothing more than to ask Mary to come with me, to blow off seeing Alice.

You had your chance to control her, Mark, I told myself. You felt guilty about it so you freed her. And she loved you enough to stay when she found out what you did to her. So, just stop worrying, they’re just friends.


“Why don’t we just stay in bed,” protested Alice as I bent down to grab my panties. Alice walked up behind me and caressed my ass.

“Because we have to go meet up with Mark,” I told her and kissed her pouty lips. “Its important to us that we buy these houses.”

“We can do that tomorrow,” Alice complained. “Let’s spend the night. Dean left on a business trip this morning. We can make love all night long.”

“We had fun today, but I need to get back to Mark,” I said, a hint of exasperation tinging my voice.

“Is that all it was, just fun!” Alice demanded.

“Oh, don’t be bitchy,” I told her. “I had a great time with you, Alice. And I can’t wait for our next encounter. But he’s my fiancee, okay. He needs to come first.”

“Fine,” Alice muttered.

I kissed her. “We can still get together,” I told her. “So don’t be mad.”

“Well, when will that be?” Alice asked, starting to get mollified.

“Let me think,” I said.

Alice reached over and fondled my freckled breast. “Please be soon, I can’t get enough of your gorgeous body.”

I smiled at the complement. “Well, tomorrow I have to see several caters for our wedding and a florists. And looking into the cake. And then my family is coming over for dinner that night. On Saturday, Mark and I have interviews for some bodyguards and then we’re going out on a date that evening.”

Alice pouted more, her finger pinching my nipple gently, sending delicious tingles through my body. “That’s too long.”

“Well, we can get together Sunday morning,” I told her. “I have dinner with Mark’s parents that night, but the morning’s free.”

“Fine, Sunday morning.”

“We’ll have a nice brunch and then I’ll make you cum so hard,” I told Alice.

She smiled, a naughty, seductive smile that transformed her face into something predatory. “You can make me cum right now?”

I sighed. She was as eager to fuck me as Mark was. Her fingers slipped down my naked body, gently toyed with my red pubic hair and started to caress my pussy. It was getting hard to remember why we needed to go as a finger slipped up my cunt. Pleasure was starting to burn through my body as her digit wiggled in and out of me.

I gritted my teeth and shoved her had out of my cunt. “We got to go, Mark’s waiting.” Alice’s finger wasn’t Mark’s cock. I wasn’t going to be distracted that easily.

“Fine,” Alice sighed. “Fine, let’s go see you fiancee.”

“C’mon, you’ll like him,” I said, patting her shoulders. “He’s a great guy.”

She snorted but didn’t say anything. What was her problem today?


When I got home, two men were tearing out the ruined door frame. Allison and Lillian were flirting shamelessly with the two guys, dressed in sexy lingerie. Allison wore a cream bustier with black lace running up the stomach and bodice, cream panties trimmed in black lace, and white, sheer stalkings held up by the bustier garter belt. Lillian wore a gray, silk negligee that clung to her body like a second skin and fell just below her ass.

“Are these girls distracting you,” I asked the workers.

“N-no sir,” the first guy stammered, and his eyes kept darting to steal glances of the sluts.

“When you finish replacing the door, fuck the shit out of these sluts,” I told them. “Get back at them for being little cockteases and ride them hard.”

Allison giggled. “That sounds like a great idea.” Lillian licked her lips. “Ohh, I can’t wait to get bent over and fucked.”

The one hammering a nail in missed and hit his thumb. He never stopped smiling. I’m not even sure he felt the blow.

I went in the house and found the sluts I sent to get their cunt’s waxed earlier today were back. “Inspection time,” I ordered after I gathered them in the living room.

The sluts all raised their skirts for my inspection. Violet had a Brazilian wax and her tight slit made her look even younger. Fiona left a landing strip of bright, red hair. Karen had a triangular patch above her cunt of curly, brunette hair. Chasity decided to go completely bald, like Violet. Thamina left a V above her cunt, two wings of black pubic hair that pointed right at her clit.

I saw Desiree and I ordered her to put the thirteen duffel bags in the trunk of my car. Twenty-six million dollars was quite heavy and I didn’t want to lug it around the neighborhood.

I took the five sluts upstairs to my bed and had them strip me. Violet and Chasity unbuttoned my shirt while Karen knelt before me and unbuckled my belt and pushing my jeans down, followed by my boxers. She eagerly sucked my cock into her mouth. Someone was kneeling behind me and I felt hands spread my cheek and a wet tongue rimmed my asshole, sending a strange thrill through my body.

Fiona joined Karen and the two sluts took turns sucking my cock, licking around my mushroom head. That meant it was my Muslim slut, Thamina, who sucked on my asshole. Violet and Chasity had my shirt off and each sucked a nipple into her mouth. I didn’t get much out of the sluts sucking my nipples, but I let them do it anyways.

Fiona had her mouth around my cock and was sucking powerfully as she bobbed her head. Karen was underneath, sucking on my balls. Thamina’s tongue wiggled into my tight sphincter. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensations on my body. My arms wrapped around Violet and Chasity, sliding down their backs to find their asses and I started to grope the sluts. Fiona’s mouth slid off my cock and Karen sucked me into her mouth as Fiona kissed the shaft of my cock. Hands started cupping my balls, massaging my nuts gently.

“Fuck, you sluts are nasty!” I moaned. “I’m gonna cum! I want to shoot on your face, Karen!”

Karen stopped sucking and Fiona jerked my cock off rapidly. Her hand has a nice grip and pumped fast. My balls tightened and Karen smiled up at me, eager for my cum. Four large spurts of cum splashed on Karen’s face, running thick down onto her breasts.

I sat down on the bed, kicking off my shoes and my pants that had bunched up at my ankles and watched the sluts lick Karen clean of all my cum while Karen just cooed in pleasure as four women’s tongues and hands ran all over her body. With a shuddering gasp, Karen came on her sister-slut’s fingers and lips.

Violet stood up, smiling at me and my eyes stared at her bald cunt. I licked my lips. I had to taste her, feel those smooth cunt lips on my face. I stretched out on the bed and motioned Violet to come to me. “I want to eat your cunt, slut.”

Violet beamed. “I’d love that, Master.”

Violet straddled my face, her naked cunt descending to my eager lips. She had a light, spicy flavor to her juices and I dug my tongue right into her cunt. The bed shook as someone climbed onto the bed and I felt a woman’s legs straddling my torso, her gentle fingers stroking my cock to full readiness. Her cunt was warm and wet as she slid down on my cock.

I didn’t know which slut was riding my cock, but she felt great as she rose up and down on my shaft, her cunt gripping my dick in its silky grasp. I wrapped my arms around Violet and gripped her teenage ass as I sucked on her pussy. Her pussy lips were smooth as silk on my face. The springs of the mattress squeaked as the slut riding my dick bounced faster and faster. Her cunt massaging the sensitive head of my cock.

“Umm, suck my titties, Violet,” Thamina said in a husky voice. There was a wet, sucking noise and I pictured Violet bending over and sucking on Thamina’s dusky tits as the Muslim rode my cock. Thamina’s cunt tightened as Violet was sucking on her breasts. “You’re so good at tit sucking,” Thamina moaned.

“Suck mine now,” Violet purred and then cooed in delight. “Ohh, you’re pretty good at tit sucking, too, Thamina. Oh, I going to cum. Master, your tongue feel so amazing in my tight little cunt!”

Violet’s bucked onto top of me, her cunt sliding about my lips as she orgasmed. Fresh juices flooded my mouth and I drank the tasty honey. Violet panted heavily and rolled off me, a large smile on her face. Thamina continued riding me, her nurse’s blouse opened and her dusky tits bounced as she fucked me. Her nipples were hard and wet from Violet’s suckling.

Fiona slid on the bed next to me, naked. On the other side of the bed, Karen was slipping into a sixty-nine with Violet, the former nun greedily eating the teenager’s cunt. Violet’s pink tongue lapped eagerly at Karen’s pussy. Fiona’s large tits, freckled like Mary’s, pressed against my arm as she moved her face in to kiss me. Her tongue explored my lips, licking Violet’s pussy-cum off my lips.

I grabbed one of Fiona’s heavy tits and drew it up to my hungry lips, sucking her hard nipple into my mouth. Fiona purred happily as I nibbled and sucked her hard nub. Thamina was moaning louder and louder, riding my cock faster and harder. She shrieked something in Arabic as her cunt convulsed on my cock. My body tensed and I nibbled on Fiona’s nipple as I came into Thamina’s twat. Four powerful jets of cum to feed her slutty cunt.

“Thank you, Master,” Thamina panted as she sat on my cock.

“Master, my cunt’s all empty,” Fiona whispered in my ear. “Can you fill it with your big cock?”

I grinned and kissed her. Thamina got off me and I rolled onto Fiona. Her legs spread invitingly open for me and I plunged my cock inside her and started fucking her hard. Violet and Karen were gasping and moaning, cumming on each other’s faces. Thamina leaned on her elbow and watched me fuck Fiona, smiling sweetly and playing with her cum-stained pussy. Chasity crawled onto the bed and shoved her face into Thamina’s cunt and sucked my cum out of the Muslim’s pussy.

When Mary texted me to let me know she was on her way, I had filled all five of the slut’s cunts with my cum and was enjoying Violet’s tight ass. It wouldn’t be long before I filled that hole with my cream as well. Violet was eating out Thamina’s cunt as I fucked her ass. Chasity was sitting on Karen’s face while Fiona ate Karen’s cunt.

After I came in Violet’s ass, I had Chasity clean my dirty cock with her mouth and then got dressed. “Sluts, get ready for tonight,” I ordered as I left. Tonight, my friends were coming over to play D&D and I wanted all the sluts showered and ready to be fucked. I would let each of my buddy’s choose a slut to be his personal slave for the night, excluding Korina who was still recovering from her gunshot, and Violet. Violet was a virgin when I fucked her and I wanted no other cock to know her cunt but mine for the rest of her life. Violet would be my personal slave for the night.

When I went downstairs I found the two repairmen fucking Allison and Lillian in the living room. Our new front door had been replaced and the men were enjoying their bonus. Allison and Lillian knelt side by side as the men fucked them from behind and were making out.

“When you’re finished, sluts, you need to get ready for tonight,” I ordered.

“Yes, Master,” Allison gasped and Lillian moaned, “I can’t wait to play with your friends!”

A cream Jetta pulled into the driveway as I stepped outside and Mary opened the door and happily walked over to me. Her auburn hair looked beautiful in the sunlight. She hugged me and kissed me passionately, and I could taste Alice’s cunt on her lips. When I broke the kiss I could see her friend, Alice, starting daggers at me, her hands white-knuckled as she gripped her car door. Shit, was Alice jealous of Mary kissing me.

When Mary broke the hug, she turned to Alice. “This is Alice, she’s going to be my maid-of-honor.” The look Alice gave Mary was dewy eyed. She looked like a puppy staring at her master. Was she in love with Mary? “Remember, do not use your powers on her,” Mary whispered, reminding me of a promise I made.

“Yeah,” I said, frowning.

Alice briefly shook my hand when she walked up to us. “Nice to meet you,” she said stiffly.

“Yeah, likewise,” I replied, just as stiffly.

“See, isn’t he a great guy?” Mary asked her lover.

“Sure,” Alice answered, smiling at Mary. She cleared her throat. “So Mark, we’re going to buy all the houses on this street. There’s what, a dozen houses.”

“Thirteen,” I corrected.

“Well, I have some paperwork drawn up, but I don’t think you’ll get much luck on anyone selling their houses,” Alice said. “People just don’t like to sell their houses out of the blue. Even if you make a generous offer, some will need to think about it and others just won’t care about the money. It’s their home. People get weird when it comes to their home.”

“Don’t worry,” Mary said. “Mark could talk a minister’s wife out of her panties and fuck her behind the pulpit while her husband gives a sermon.”

Alice raised her eyebrows at that, then choose to ignore what she clearly thought was Mary’s boast. Mary had a wicked smile on her face and I bet she would love to see me fuck a minister’s wife in the middle of church. I would love it too. “Well, let’s get this over with,” Alice said impatiently, interrupting my fantasy.

“I have the money in the trunk of my mustang,” I said. “It’s too heavy to lug it all round the neighborhood.”

I drove us to the entrance parking in front of the third house in. That left us within a quick walk of six houses, half the street. We were going to need these houses. I planned on giving one to my mom, plus the bodyguards we were going to recruit would need a few houses for their barracks. For the other houses, who knows. Maybe Mary’s father might move into one, along with her younger sister. And Shannon, Mary’s older sister, would probably get another. And of course, Antsy could live with my mom or get her own house.

Of course, any households that had a beautiful wife or hot teenage daughter would get to stay for the small price of letting me fuck their women whenever I wanted. Anastasia from my Naked Jogging Club would be staying and Madeleine, as well. For the rest, I was hoping for one or two more households to hang onto.

I popped the trunk and grabbed a duffel bag and walked to the first house on my side of the street, 2902 Mountain View Ct SW. The house was a light blue with dark blue trim, three stories, surrounded by a beautifully maintained lawn with sculpted bushes, flowering plants, and a stone fountain carved with angels. I knocked at the door and a sullen looking teenage boy opened the door.

“I need to speak to your mom or dad,” I said.

“Mom!” he hollered and a moment later a frumpy looking woman, a good fifty pounds overweight, walked up to the door. “Hi,” she greeted, friendly enough, “I’m Mona, how can I help you.”

“Is your husband home?” I asked. It would be a lot simpler both spouses were present.

“No, I’m not married,” Mona answered.

There was bitterness in her voice and a mean impulse shot through me. “What happened to him.”

“He ran off with his secretary,” Mona bitterly said.

“I bet she was a pretty thing?” I asked with a grin.

Mona flushed in anger. “The asshole’s welcomed to have her. The slut spread her legs for every partner at the firm. I bet she still’s spreading her legs behind his back. But I got the house and a nice settlement.”

“Well, your house is what I’ve come to speak to you about,” I said. “This is my fiancee, Mary, and our realtor, Alice. We just moved into the house up the street.”

“Where the cops have been too twice?” Mona asked, pointedly.

“Yeah,” I told her. “You’re going to sell us your house for two million dollars. I got the cash right here and Alice has some paperwork for you to sign.”

“Okay,” Mona said. She frowned in surprise at how quickly she agreed.

Alice blinked, and asked, “Excuse me, Mona. Did you just agree to sell your house to him? Just like that?”

“I guess I did,” Mona replied. “It just felt right.”

“Of course it did, so let’s sign some papers,” I told her. “You have until tomorrow to move out. Put your stuff in storage and rent a hotel room until you find a new place, okay.”

“Sure,” Mona nodded.

“Wait, what mom?” her teenage son gaped. “We’re moving!”

The next house was far more promising. At 2906 a cute, teenage girl named Issy answered the door. She was a beautiful angel with a heart-shaped face, blue eyes and short hair dyed green with black streaks. She had a lean build and toned legs of an athlete so invited her to join my Jogging Club.

“It meets at Madeleine’s house at 6 am,” I told her. “You’ll have a lot of fun.”

“Okay,” she giggled.

I bought the house from her parents, the Norups, and let them live in the house for free.

“We can stay in the house for free?” asked doughty Mrs. Norup.

“Yeah, but I get to sleep with your daughter whenever I want,” I answered. “You two don’t have a problem with that, you’re more than happy to let me have her.”

“Absolutely,” a balding Mr. Norup nodded and shook my hand.

“What?” gasped Alice. “That’s disgusting! Fuck this shit!” and stormed out of the house. Anger and disgust were furrowed on her forehead.

Mary chased after her and when I looked out the window, Mary had caught up with Alice and stopped her and started talking to her. Mary reached out and stroked Alice’s hand and brought her fingers up to her lips to kiss them. Alice sighed and nodded, and then leaned in and kissed Mary on the lips. The pair tongue wrestled for a minute, then walked back into the house.

“I straightened it out,” Mary said as the walked in.

Feeling a surge of jealousy, I grabbed Mary and kissed her as passionately as I could. Mary melted against me, kissing me back just as passionately. Issy cat-called behind us and, when I broke the kiss, Mary was breathless. I glanced at Alice and she was giving me the stink eye.

“Are you a virgin, Issy?” Mary asked the girl.

“Of course,” Issy, said flushing.

“Are you really?” I asked. The girl barely shook her head no, hoping her parents wouldn’t see the movement. That was a shame. Mary and I needed to find a pair of virgins to deflower. Well, tomorrow I would try the local high school if there where no virgins on the block. There was bound to be a few virgins there.

The next house was a big disappointment. Mr. and Mrs. Lowery were in their fifties and all their children had grown up and moved away years ago. Zane Bullard lived in the next house, he was a widower with a five year old daughter and we quickly got him to sell his house. The fifth house was just as disappointing, a gay couple lived there.

Finally, at the sixth house I found some promising girls. The Rhee family, Koreans, were very friendly and had two teenage daughters, Iseul was seventeen and Yun was fourteen. Both girls were petite and gorgeous. So the Rhee family got to stay in their house. Sadly, neither of the girls were true virgins. Iseul gave up her maidenhead to her boyfriend at prom and Yun found her mother’s vibrator and popped her cherry just three days earlier.

The next two houses were a bust, the Gomez’s had a son and a fat daughter, and the wife was in a wheelchair suffering from MS. Mrs. Endicott weighed three hundred pounds and her daughter had graduated from college. I bought Madeleine’s house and let her stay, of course. The next house was also a bust, the wife was badly scarred in an accident and they only had sons.

Anastasia, from my jogging club, was more than happy to sell her house and her husband, Stan, was more than happy to let me fuck his wife. At the next house I met Mrs. Stainthrope, a gorgeous trophy wife and let her and her husband stay, provide I could stick my dick in her tight cunt. Mr. Stainthrope didn’t seem to mind. The final house was another bust, another fat wife and teenage sons.

All in all, Mary and I had eight houses we could use until we built are mansion. There was still a lot paperwork to sign to make the purchases legal, but that was just a formality. The block was ours and what women remained were ours to do with as we pleased while their husbands and fathers smiled on approvingly. We said goodbye to Alice, handed over her commission, and I shook her hand and Mary kissed her lips.

Mary disappeared upstairs to get ready. She was going clubbing with a friend of hers, Diane, and I wanted to make sure the sluts were all ready for my guest to arrive. For years I had been playing D&D with the same group of guys. Usually we played at my house, every Thursday. I was too busy last Thursday, having fun with my new powers. Fucking my sluts should make it up to them, though.

I had the sluts, under Lillian’s supervision, set up the dining room table to be our gaming room and then gather in the living room. We had a full stock of sodas and chips and pizza was on its way. Noel and Willow, our newest sluts, had gotten home in time, as had Jessica. Noel wore the sexy cop outfit I ordered her purchase and Willow a sexy nurses outfit. Jessica, on her own initiative, had purchased a slutty, office-lady outfit, with the shortest miniskirt possible. The skirt barely covered her ass when she stood up straight and when she bent over, all her charms were on display. The blouse was tight and sheer. A pair black fishnet stockings were held up by a garter belt and stiletto heels made her ass sway so fucking sexy when she walked.

The doorbell rang I opened the door to see Quatch looking around in amazement. Quatch was a big guy and covered in black hair. He had a shaggy beard, hairy arms and back, so he got the nickname Sasquatch which somehow gotten shortened down to Quatch. I wasn’t sure what his real name was, James or John, maybe. He was my best friend.

“Hey man,” he said and whistled. “How the fuck are you staying here.”

“I won poker tournament,” I told my friend. “Come in. Meet the girls.”

All the sluts, save Lillian, were gathered in the living room in their slutty maid outfits, or cop and nurses outfits for the four special sluts. “Hello, sir,” they all greeted Quatch and his mouth fell open.

“Who the fuck are all these girls, Mark?” he gasped. “Christ, I can see their tits. Did you hire a bunch of prostitutes?”

“These are our sex slaves,” I told him. “They’ll do whatever my fiancee and I tell them too. And I mean anything!” I said with a wink.

“Seriously,” he stammered.

“Seriously,” I said. “Choose one, and she’ll give you the best blowjob you’ve ever had.”

“Is this a joke?” I shook my head and answered, “Nope.”

“Fuck, eh, how about the nurse.”

“Which one?” I asked.

“Oh shit, you have two of them,” he said, licking his lips. “This one.”

“That’s Dr. Willow,” I said.

Willow walked over and kissed Quatch, her body melting against him. Quatch stood frozen for a second and then wrapped his arms around Willow’s lithe body and kissed her back. The doorbell rang again and I smiled. My friends and I were going to have a lot of fun tonight.


I watched them from the shadows, scurrying like the vermin they where.

I hated them all. The descendants of Adam and that submissive slut he replaced me with. Eve. Her name left a bitter taste in my mouth. I hated her and her mongrel children. I had hounded her children, tormented them and sent my monstrous children to terrorize them. I showed them no mercy and for that I was cast into the Abyss with the fallen angels, with Lucifer, as my final punishment.

I watched Mary scurry upstairs and disrobe to take a shower. Downstairs, Mark, disgusting, arrogant Mark, prattled about with all the women he forced to submit to him. I hated Mark most of all. That disgusting insect thought he could lay hands upon me. Last night I would have drank his entire essence, sucked him dry, if it wasn’t for his damned Wish he made with Lucifer.

I guess I should just count myself lucky that it was Mary that used the gem and not Mark. Lucifer loved to degrade me, and making me serve a man was just his style. And Mark was just the sort of man who would love to make me serve him forever. Forced to satisfy any and all of his sexual appetites.

“Lilith,” a voice whispered from the shadow, shivering through my body.

“Lucifer,” I answered. What did he want. Lucifer was always butting in, interfering where he wasn’t wanted.

Lucifer appeared behind me, shining with light. Brilliant and beautiful. When mortals summoned him, he would appear to match their expectations. These days that meant that ridiculous, evil lawyer get-up. He would appear at the crossroads as a dark, handsome man with scarlet eyes that practically dripped evil. It was so over the top. But Lucifer, the Morning Star, was really a being of pure light, of radiance, and loved to shine brightly whenever he could. He was always to full of himself. The only thing that shined brighter than his body was his pride. It’s why he had rebelled and why he had been cast into the Abyss.

“You’re Mark is pathetic,” I snarled at Lucifer. “Unlimited power and all he does with it is get a house full of women.”

“He’s the perfect choice,” Lucifer answered.

“I’ll crush him,” I snarled. “I’ll ruin your precious plans.” You’ll regret ever giving me the chance to be active in the mortal world.

Lucifer shrugged. “All outcomes will benefit me, Lilith.”

Anger bubbled through me. Lucifer was always so smug. “I’ll turn his little slut against him.”

A smirk creased Lucifer’s mouth. “I’d love to see that.”

He didn’t believe I could do it. Anger boiled in me. If there was one thing I could do, it was seduce pathetic mortals. Their passions ruled them, made the weak, biddable. I just needed to apply the right pressure and Mary would be begging to help me crush Mark. I’ll show Lucifer, I thought in anger as I moved through the shadows, standing behind Mary.

I stepped out of the shadows and into the steamy shower. Lucifer couldn’t follow. The shadows were the highest part of the Abyss, where only the most powerful of those trapped could venture. From the shadows, you could see the mortal world, see all the pleasures and joys it contained, and know you were forever denied them. The only way to cross over was for some pathetic mortal to summon you. So long as Mary held off using her last boon, I could freely enter the mortal world.

Mary jumped in surprise when she felt my lust permeating her body. She turned, water running down her naked form. Mary’s emerald eyes widened in lust, her nipples hardened into tiny, erect nubs, and the scent of her arousal filled my nostril. Mary’s tongue slid across her red lips and I could see her hand tremble as she desired to reach out and touch my lush form.

“Lilith,” Mary said, wrenching her eyes from my breasts. There was a touch of anger in her voice. She was still mad about what I did to Mark last night. The worm deserved it, and more. I would crush him and this stupid little girl would help me. Once my lust had fully flooded her, she would be putty in my hands and I would shape her into a weapon. My cunt grew wet at the thought.

I pressed my body against hers, felt her hard nipples rubbing against my fleshy breasts. She backed away from me, shuddering as she climaxed. I was Lilith, the Succubus, and my touch was pure lust. Her back hit the shower wall and there was no place for her to go. I pinned her, my lips capturing hers in a kiss. Her legs parted eagerly and I could feel her hard clit and wet lips of my pussy and I started to slowly tribbed the girl.

“I enjoyed watching you and those men this morning,” I whispered into her ear. “There’s nothing hotter than a woman putting a man in his place.”

“It was fun,” moaned Mary. The girl shuddered in my arms as she came, again. Mary was getting better at resisting my passions, but not even she could fight off my lust and her orgasms when my cunt kissed her clit.

“I bet you would love to make more men crawl before you.” I licked her ear and she gasped and came again, her cunt juices drenching my pubic hair. “To make them beg to pleasure you. To degrade them the way Mark degrades women!”

“Yes! I want to do that!” Mary hissed. “It was so hot, I came so hard as they fucked me! And then to hear that guy beg to make him cum! How pathetic he sounded as I walked away. It was so intoxicating!”

“I can give you that,” Lilith whispered. “You can Mark your obedient slave.”

“What?” Mary asked, frowning, her desire fading away.

“Mark made you his slave, wouldn’t you love to do the same to him.” Her body trembled in my arms, her breath quickening. I could feel her thoughts whirling in her mind. I could taste her fantasies. Mark crawling before her. Mark begging to fuck her, begging to be allowed to cum inside her. “He made you his slave, make him yours. Degrade him, punish him. Get even with him!”

Scenarios whirled in her mind, and I inserted even nastier images. I could feel her desire build as the disgusting, degrading fantasies I inserted filled her mind. Mark sucking on her toes, worshiping her feat. Mary stepping on his cock, on his balls, crushing them between her toes as he moaned in pain and pleasure. Mark bent over a table, as Mark had bent her over so many tables, and Mary fucking his ass with a strap-on. Mark eating his cum out of her cunt like a sissy. Mark watching in the corner as men fucked her, stroking his little cock while a real man pleasured her. And then she would let him crawl across the bed and eat the other man’s cum from her pussy. She was so close to giving in, I could feel her answer on the tip of her tongue. She wanted it so badly.

“I love him,” Mary whispered, weakening.

“You can always let him go after you’ve had you’re fun,” I lied.

Her body stiffened. Somehow my words strengthened her resistance. “No,” a whisper escaped her lips. “No!” There was more force the second time and then she shoved me off of her. “No, Lilith! Not Mark. We’re equals. I was his slave but he set me free! I could degrade and humiliate any man, but not Mark. You don’t do that to someone you love!”

I snarled at her, anger bubbling up inside me. How did the little bitch resist those impulses. I built them on her fantasies, on her desires. It should have worked. The bitch should have been putty in my hand. She was only a human, nothing more than a slave to her desires. So how in the name of Creation did she resist?

“I don’t want you appearing before me, before Mark, or any of our sluts, unless you’re summoned, Lilith,” Mary ordered in anger. “You’re my slave!” I could feel the chains of her summoning upon me, dragging me back into the shadows, back into the Abyss.

Lucifer laughed, that damned, knowing smirk on his lips as I appeared in the shadows.

“That should have worked,” I muttered in embarrassed anger.

“It would have if you had at all paid attention,” Lucifer replied.

I frowned, and then I smiled as seductively as possible. “What do you know, Lucifer?”

“You’re trying to split up soul mates,” Lucifer answered. “If I hadn’t arranged for Mark to read that book and learn how to summon me, he would have met Mary anyways. It was destiny, I just fudged how they met. Twisted their lives to serve my designs.”

“Why?” I asked suspiciously. “Why would you want a pawn so full of love?”

Lucifer smiled, beautiful and evil and powerful all at the same time. A shiver ran through my body, fear and lust warring inside me. “Humans have done such amazing things for love,” Lucifer exulted. “David sent Bathsheba’s husband to his death so he could have her. Mark Anthony rebelled for love and died for love. Justinian destroyed the future of his Empire for the love of his whorish wife. For Love, Paris kidnapped Helen and for love the Kings of Greece destroyed the City of Troy. Love has made men and women betray their countries, their friends, their children. For love, humans will lie, will steal, will murder. A person in love will commit acts that they never imagined they could. The question is, Lilith, why wouldn’t I use a pawn in love.”

His laugh was deep, throaty and powerful, echoing through the shadows. I could feel his ardor rolling off him in waves and my eyes glanced down to his shining cock. Humiliation roiled through my body. I was going to have to pleasure him. How I hated being used to satisfy a man’s lust. One day I’ll have all the power, Lucifer, one day you’ll pleasure me!

His hands were on my shoulder and I sank down to my knees. There was no use fighting it. Lucifer ruled the Abyss. My body was just one of the many perks of the King of Hell. It was exactly how Milton had wrote, “Better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven.” My mouth opened and his cock entered my mouth. I closed my eyes, as Lucifer’s glow intensified as his pleasure increased and I sucked hard at the head of his cock.

My ploy with Mary may have failed, but that was just a passing amusement. Nothing would have been more satisfying to watch than Mark getting degraded by his own woman, but I had another way to destroy Mark and derail Lucifer’s plans. One that could not be stopped. The seed was already planted in fertile soil and when it sprouted, I would destroy Mark and be free of the Abyss, forever. I will have all the freedom denied you, Lucifer. You can rule in Hell. I will rule on Earth!

So laugh all you want and continue in the misguided belief that events are serving you. Continue making me your whore, like Adam thought he could. I broke free of his domination and I’ll break free of yours. You made a huge mistake loosing me in the world again. One day, you will crawl on you knees before me and grovel for my embrace. I could almost feel Lucifer’s lips on my feet, delighting in his imagined humiliation. His cock erupted fire into my lips, his seed burned as I swallowed.

Soon, Lucifer, soon you’ll be my slave.

To be continued …

Click here for Chapter 18