Category Archives: The Devil’s Pact

Part of my ongoing The Devil’s Pact series

The Devil’s Pact The Cult of the Ghost Chapter 4: Illusions

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The Devil’s Pact

The Cult of the Ghost Chapter Four: Illusions

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2015

Story Codes: Male/Teen females, Teen female/Teen female, Male/Teen female, Magic, Pregnant, Lactation, Oral Sex

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 3.

Saturday, April 19th, 2014 – Sheriff Caleb Barends – Cassia County, Idaho

I pulled my SUV up to the farmhouse, smiling at the Sapphicist as they walked about the ranch. They were all gorgeous and succulent. And they had been very amenable the last month. When my deputies or I needed relief, we could find it with these friendly women.
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The Devil’s Pact Side-Story: Violet’s Affair



The Devil’s Pact

Side-Story: Violet’s Affair

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2015

Story Codes: Teen female/Teen female, Consensual, Oral Sex, Sex Toys, Cheating, Anal Sex

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Notes: This takes place during Chapter 43 and at the same time as Lillian Get’s Spanked and April’s Cumbath.

Friday, November 8th, 2013 – Violet Matheson – Tacoma, WA

“I’m going down to the lobby to do some writing,” April smiled as she slipped her laptop into a satchel.
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The Devil’s Pact, The Cult of the Ghost Chapter 3: Winter


The Devil’s Pact

The Cult of the Ghost Chapter Three: Winter

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2015

Story Codes: Female/Female, Male/Teen female, Females/Teen female, Incest, Watersport, Oral Sex, Domination/Submission, Pregnant

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 2.

Wednesday, November 21st, 2013 – Deidre Cheshire – Cassia County, ID

I hadn’t been to my dead aunt’s ranch since I was a kid. It seemed the same now as it had then, like time had stopped for this one spot and the rest of the world had moved on. Right into the hands of Mark Glassner.
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The Devil’s Pact Slave Chronicles Chapter 5: Via, Freedom



The Devil’s Pact Slave Chronicles

Chapter Five: Via, Freedom

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2015

Story Codes: Female/Female, Mind Control, Watersports, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Domination/submission

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated. To contact me, you can leave a comment or email me at, and you can contact my editor by email at

Click here for Chapter 4.

Note: Mary gave Mark’s sister Via to be her sex slave.

Thursday, June 27th, 2013 – Avialle “Via” Willard – South Hill, WA

“Listen carefully, Avialle,” my Mistress said to me as we sat on our bed. She used my full name and held my hands gently and lovingly. I was lost gazing in her hazel eyes.
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The Devil’s Pact Slave Chronicles Chapter 4: Joy, First Wax



The Devil’s Pact Slave Chronicles

Chapter Four: Joy, First Wax

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2015

Story Codes: Female/Females, Mind Control, Oral Sex, Sex Toys

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated. To contact me, you can leave a comment or email me at, and you can contact my editor by email at

Click here for Chapter 3.

Note: Mary gave Joy to Mark’s mother Sandy and Sandy’s girlfriend Betty to be their sex slave.

June 19th, 2013 – Joy Nguyen – South Hill, WA

“It’s okay,” a comforting voice whispered.
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The Devil’s Pact, The Cult of the Ghost Chapter 2: The Sheriff of Caissa County


The Devil’s Pact

The Cult of the Ghost Chapter Two: The Sheriff of Caissa County

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2015

Story Codes: Male/Teen female, Female/Teen female, Non-Consensual, Domination/Submission, Magic, Oral Sex, Anal Sex

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 1.

Monday, November 19th, 2013 – Sheriff Caleb Barends – Cassia County, Idaho

The roads were still wet from the rains that had swept in. It had been a warm winter so far. But snow was coming next week. I drove my official, Sheriff SUV down Interstate 84, heading north to Burly. I was returning to the station to have a briefing with my officers about this strange plague out of Seattle.
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New Release: The Devil’s Pact 13-Submissive Lust

I have published the thirteenth part of the Devil’s Pact on Smashword just now!

You can purchase it here! I have several price options for my fans that will only be found here on this blog! Pay what you feel is appropriate or just pick it up for free! This part covers most of Chapter Sixteen. There are new scenes and much of the chapter was cleaned up and rewritten.

I would love feedback. If you don’t want to leave reviews at Smashword (which I would really appreciate!!!) then please comment on this post and let me know what you think of the changes.

Regular Price: $2.99
33% off: $1.99 with VK99D coupon at checkout.
66% off: $0.99 with ZJ75B coupon at checkout.
100% off: Free with UD56G coupon at checkout.

thedevilspact13coverAs Mark and Mary enjoy the submission of their sex slaves, the FBI ready to take them down.

Mark has enjoyed his mind control powers, but his actions haven’t gone unnoticed. From his public debauchery to his collection of nubile women into his harem, the world was taken notice. When a jealous husband tips off the FBI to Mark’s location, they mobilize.

Meanwhile, Mark and his fiancee Mary enjoy their newest submissive, the beautiful and sultry reporter Jessica St. Pierre. They have no idea the might of the FBI is about to descend in the next sultry chapter of the Devil’s Pact.

Submissive Lust is 19,000 words of mind control, harem, menage, group sex, MFM, double penetration, female domination, domination, submission, anal, oral erotica that is not for the faint at heart.

Der Pakt mit dem Teufel Epilog: Tausend Jahre



Der Pakt mit dem Teufel

Epilog: Tausend Jahre

Von mypenname3000

Übersetzt von Horem

English version edited by Master Ken

© Copyright 2013, 2014

Story Codes: No Sex

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated. To contact me, you can leave a comment or email me at, and you can contact my editor by email at

Click here for Kapitel 53.

Mein Herz war von Verzweiflung erfüllt. Die lebenden Götter waren tot. Alles, was ich tun konnte, war gegen die Wand zu schauen. Mein Kopf war mit Asche gefüllt: Sie hatten die Welt neu geformt und jetzt waren Sie fort. Was sollten wir jetzt tun? Wer würde sich jetzt um uns kümmern und uns beschützen? Schon hatten sich Häretiker erhoben und beschimpften sie als falsch. Sie legten Feuer an ihre Kirchen und ihre Tempel. Und dann erschienen Sie mir in meinen Träumen. „Sei gläubig“, sprach Er. Seine Stimme klang wie tausend Trompeten. „Wir sind nicht gegangen. Es war Zeit für uns, diese Welt zu verlassen und in eine bessere Welt zu gehen. Aber wir beobachten euch weiter, wir lieben euch. Ihr müsst uns nur rufen und wir werden euch antworten.“ In dieser Nacht habe ich meinen Pakt gemacht.
Epistel von Isabel der Gläubigen 1:1-3

Ich stand zitternd am Kreuzweg und wartete.
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Der Pakt mit dem Teufel Kapitel 53: Der Fall von Rom



Der Pakt mit dem Teufel

Kapitel 53: Der Fall von Rom

Von mypenname3000

Übersetzt von Horem

English version edited by Master Ken

© Copyright 2013, 2014

Story Codes: Males/Females/Teen female, Male/Female, Mind Control, Magic, Incest, Orgy, Wedded Lust

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated. To contact me, you can leave a comment or email me at, and you can contact my editor by email at

Click here for Kapitel 52.

Mein Name ist Chasity Alberta Glassner. Ich bin die Tochter der Tyrannen. Ich schreibe diese Worte auf, damit meine Motivation über die Zeit nicht verlorengeht und damit es keine Verwirrung, Spekulation und kein Missverständnis zu meinen Aktionen geben wird.
Auszug aus „Die Tochter der Tyrannen: Eine Autobiographie“ von Hl. Chasity Alberta Glassner

Mark Glassner – 9. Mai 2053

„Ich bin fertig, Großvater“, lächelte die kleine Liza mich an.
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Der Pakt mit dem Teufel Kapitel 52: Die Tochter der Tyrannen



Der Pakt mit dem Teufel

Kapitel 52: Die Tochter der Tyrannen

Von mypenname3000

Übersetzt von Horem

English version edited by Master Ken

© Copyright 2013, 2014

Story Codes: Male/Female/Teen female, Male/Teen female, Mind Control, Magic, Incest, Oral Sex, First, Spanking

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated. To contact me, you can leave a comment or email me at, and you can contact my editor by email at

Click here for Kapitel 51.

Nach dem Tod von Dagon und dem Ende der großen Finsternis wurden die Anhänger von Lilith verhaftet. Lana und Chantelle, die Hohepriesterinnen von Lilith, waren in ihrem Lob ihrer toten Göttin sehr lautstark und sie gingen wegen ihrer Verbrechen zusammen mit vielen anderen aus dem Hexenzirkel, der ersten Gruppe von Frauen, die Lilith angebetet hatte, zum Galgen. Die bemerkenswertesten Begnadigungen betrafen Fiona und Thamina, die Lily, die Tochter von Lana und Chantelle, aufzogen. Das Paar baute Seattle wieder auf und unterstützte die Opfer von Liliths Tyrannei. Bis heute erinnert man sich in Seattle mit Ehrfurcht an die beiden und im Pioneer Park wurde ein Denkmal zu ihren Ehren errichtet.
Auszug aus „Die Erhebung und der Fall der amerikanischen Theokratie“ von Tina Allard, einer heiligen Zeugin.

Chasity Glassner

Ich wurde drei Minuten nach Mitternacht am 2. Mai 2014 nach dem alten Kalender geboren. Meine Eltern sagten immer, dass ich das schönste Baby der Welt war und einer neugeborenen Göttin entsprach. Ich habe die Bilder gesehen. Ich war ein schreiendes Bündel aus Rosa, nicht anders als jedes andere Baby auch. Ich wurde nach Chasity Sarah Vinter benannt, der heiligen Märtyrerin, die starb, als sie meine Mutter beschützte, noch bevor ich gezeugt worden war.
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