Tag Archives: Female/Females

Three or more women having sex

Der Pakt mit dem Teufel Kapitel 26: Der Orden von Maria Magdalena



Der Pakt mit dem Teufel

Kapitel 26: Der Orden von Maria Magdalena

Von mypenname3000

Übersetzt von Horem

© Copyright 2013, 2014

Story Codes: Male/Female, Male/Teen female, Teen male/Female, Male/Females, Female/Female, Female/Females, Mind Control, Rimming, Oral, Anal, Incest, Water Sports, Orgy, Magic

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Kapitel 25.

„Kommt herein“, sagte ich zu meinen Mitschwestern und lud sie in mein Hotelzimmer ein.
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Der Pakt mit dem Teufel Kapitel 25: Achteinhalb Wochen



Der Pakt mit dem Teufel

Kapitel 25: Achteinhalb Wochen

Von mypenname3000

Übersetzt von Horem

© Copyright 2013, 2014

Story Codes: Male/Female, Male/Females, Female/Female, Female/Females, Mind Control, Anal, Ass to Mouth, Rimming, Oral, Creampie, Wife, Exhibitionism, Cheating, Work

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Kapitel 24.

Ich stand mit Mary auf dem Balkon unseres Schlafzimmers. Wir schauten auf das Haus, von dem aus die Überwachungsfotos und –videos offensichtlich gemacht worden waren. Es hatte zwei Etagen, stand auf einer kleinen Anhöhe und hatte einen perfekten Blick auf die Rückseite und auf die linke Seite unseres Hauses.
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The Devil’s Pact Servants’ Chronicles Chatper 2: The Naughty Stewardesses



The Devil’s Pact Servants’ Chronicles

Chapter 2: The Naughty Stewardesses

by mypenname3000

edited by Master Ken

© Copyright 2014

Story Codes: Female/Female, Female/Females, Reluctant, Magic, Exhibitionism, Public Sex, Wife, Cuckolding, Sex Toy

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated. To contact me, you can leave a comment or email me at mypenname3000@mypenname3000.com, and you can contact my editor by email at dionysus40@prodigy.net.

Click here for Chapter 1.

Notes: This takes between Chapters 41 and 42.

Thursday, October 31st, 2013 – Monique Lavoie – Lansing, MI

“Everyone take your seats,” Joslyn announced over Air Force One’s loudspeakers.
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Der Pakt mit dem Teufel Kapitel 18: Jungfrauen



Der Pakt mit dem Teufel

Kapitel 18: Jungfrauen

Von mypenname3000

Übersetzt von Horem

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Male/Teen female, Female/Teen female, Female/Females, Hermaphrodite/Female, Mind Control, Magic, First, Anal, Oral, Rimming

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Kapitel 17

Luzifers Sperma brannte in meiner Fotze, als er sich ergoss. Ein weiterer Orgasmus lief durch meinen Körper. Hass und Scham brannten in mir, als Luzifer seinen Schwanz heraus zog. „Es war mir wieder einmal ein Vergnügen, Lilith“, sagte Luzifer. Dann streckte er die Hand aus und tätschelte mich wie ein Hündchen. Dann verschwand er tiefer im Abgrund.

Nachdem meine Versuche, Mary zu verführen und sie gegen Mark zu drehen, fehlgeschlagen waren, fickte Luzifer mich mehrere Stunden lang. Er genoss meine Erniedrigung. Meine weißglühende Wut musste sich unbedingt gegen jemanden richten! Oh Mark! Diese ekelhafte Eiterbeule!

Ich schaute in das Haus und sah, wie Mark und seine ekelhaften Freunde seine Leibeigenen auf dem Esstisch fickten. Ich konzentrierte mich und nahm Mary auch wahr. Sie war weiter weg und tanzte in einem Club. Sie rieb sich gerade an einer anderen Frau. Sie war betrunken vom Alkohol und vom Sex. Sie war fast genauso schlimm. Sie liebte ihren Mann und unterwarf sich ihm wie eine gute kleine Frau. Sie war genauso wie diese Hure Eva, die mit Adam gevögelt hatte.

Ich hatte es nicht geschafft, Mary zu verführen. Ich, die erste Frau, der Succubus. Ich war die erste Sexgöttin, vor Asherah, vor Hathor und Aphrodite. Ich war es! Und diese kleine Hure widerstand mir! Ich musste das unbedingt in Ordnung bringen. Ich brauchte den Erfolg. Ich musste Mark und Mary etwas wegnehmen.

Aber was. Alle ihre wertvollen Schlampen waren im Haus, außer derjenigen, die Mary mitgenommen hatte. Aber ich kam an keine von ihnen heran. Marys Befehl, nicht von mir aus vor ihnen zu erscheinen, lag wie eine Kette um meinem Hals. Wenn ich mich konzentrierte, sah ich die rote Kristallkette, die zu Mary führte. Und diese Kette würde bleiben, bis Mary ihren letzten Wunsch geäußert hatte,

Frustriert schaute ich Mark an und ich untersuchte seine Seele. Luzifer hatte recht. Ich hatte nicht ausreichend aufgepasst. Seine Seele war rot, das Zeichen eines Hexers und seine Verbindungen gingen von ihm aus. Alle Leben, die er jemals berührt hatte oder die ihn jemals berührt hatten, gingen in alle Himmelsrichtungen von ihm aus. Die meisten dieser Verbindungen waren schwarz und verbanden ihn mit seinen Leibeigenen. Jeder, dem Mark jemals einen Befehl gegeben hatte, war mit einer schwarzen Verbindung mit ihm verbunden. Einige waren kaum zu sehen und waren beinahe silbern. Das waren Leute, denen einfache Befehle gegeben worden waren, solche, die ihre Persönlichkeiten nicht veränderten. Marks Einfluss wurde auf diese Menschen langsam immer geringer. Andere Verbindungen waren dicker. Und diese Verbindungen symbolisierten Menschen, deren Persönlichkeiten Mark dauerhaft verändert hatte.

Auch andere Bänder gingen von Mark aus. Silberne Bänder waren normale Sterbliche. Es gab nicht viele davon, sie waren Marks Familie und Freunde. Die dünneren silbernen Bänder repräsentierten Bekannte. Jeder von Marks Freunden hatte ein silbernes Band, das ihn mit Mark verband.

Ein Paar roter verdrillter Bänder verband die Seelen von Mark und Mary. Luzifer hatte recht. Sie waren seelenverwandt und diese Verbindung konnte man nur sehr schwer zerstören. Diese Option hatte ich im Moment einfach nicht. Meine Kräfte konnten nur einen Sterblichen dazu zwingen, ihnen nicht zu gehorchen, leider.

Und zuletzt lief eine riesige rote Verbindung von Mark in den Abgrund. Bei Mary würde das genauso sein. Diese Kette führte direkt zu Luzifer. Das war die Verkörperung des Paktes, den Mark unterschrieben hatte. Damit hatte er seine Seele an Luzifer gebunden. Jeder Hexer hatte diese rote Kette, der ihn mit dem Dämon verband, mit dem der Pakt abgeschlossen war. Hätte Mary mich auf die normale Art herbeigerufen und nicht den Kristall benutzt, dann würde uns beide eine dickere rote Kette verbinden als die kristallene.

Ich wandte mich wieder den schwarzen Ketten zu. Ich fragte mich, ob es darunter wichtige gab. Die dicksten schwarzen Ketten waren seine Schlampen, die Leibeigenen, die Mark am engsten kontrollierte. Die Leibeigenen, die von seinen Befehlen am meisten beeinflusst wurden. Es gab zwei schwarze Ketten, die vom Haus weg führten. Sie waren genauso dick wie die Bänder, die zu den Schlampen im Haus führten. Neugierig berührte ich diese beiden. Beide gehörten zu Frauen, irgendwo im Norden. Sie waren noch nie im Haus gewesen, seit ich herbeigerufen worden war. Wer waren sie? Waren sie auch Sex-Sklavinnen von Mark? Das musste so sein, wenn Mark derartig große Kontrolle über sie hatte.

Interessant. Mary hatte mir befohlen, nicht vor ihren Schlampen zu erscheinen. Offenbar waren diese beiden Sex-Sklavinnen von Mark, aber waren sie auch ‚Schlampen‘? Wenn ich das richtig verstanden hatte, hatte Mary sich auf die Frauen im Haus bezogen, als sie mir den Befehl gab. Ich hatte den Eindruck, dass Mary nicht einmal von den beiden Leibeigenen wusste. Ich lächelte. Dumme Schnalle, sie hatte mir ein Schlupfloch gelassen. Oh ja, die beiden mussten noch eine Menge lernen, was den Umgang mit Dämonen angeht. Man muss schon sehr genau sein. Wir finden nämlich immer wieder Wege, um uns aus Verabredungen herauszuwinden.

Ich folgte den beiden schwarzen Bändern nach Norden und fand die beiden Frauen, zu denen sie gehörten. Sie waren in einer malerischen Unterkunft. Ich glaube, man nennt so etwas ‚Bed and Breakfast‘. Ihr Zimmer hatte einen tollen Blick über die Meerenge von Juan de Fuca, die den Puget Sund mit dem Pazifischen Ozean verbindet. Die beiden Frauen waren im Bett und machten Liebe.

Eine Blonde mit dicken Titten, beide Nippel trugen goldene Ringe, lag auf dem Rücken auf dem Bett, während die andere Frau, eine kleine Schwarzhaarige mit kleinen Brüsten wie Äpfel, ihr die Fotze leckte. Die Blonde wand sich auf dem Bett. Ihr breites slawisches Gesicht war von Lust verzerrt. Ihre großen Titten hoben und senkten sich, während sie keuchte. Die schwarzhaarige Frau stellte sich sehr geschickt an, während sie die Fotze der anderen leckte, ihre Zunge schnellte flink über den Kitzler der Blonden, während sie gleichzeitig drei Finger in ihre rasierte Fotze fickte.

Ich untersuchte ihre schwarzen Seelen, das Zeichen ihrer Leibeigenschaft. Ihre dicken schwarzen Verbindungen führten zu Mark und andere führten zu ihren Familien, Freunden und ehemaligen Liebhaberinnen und Liebhabern. Das Paar war mit verschlungenen schwarzen Bändern miteinander verbunden. Seelenverwandte, interessant. An ihren Fingern glänzten Eheringe. Ja, der Staat Washington hatte im letzten November gleichgeschlechtliche Hochzeiten zugelassen.

Das war perfekt. Ich würde Jünger brauchen, wenn ich mich aus dem Abgrund befreit hatte. Sterbliche, die mich verehren und mir dienen. Und bis dahin brauchte ich natürlich auch Agenten in der Welt der Sterblichen. Meine Erscheinung war viel zu anstrengend für Sterbliche. Ich musste einige Vorbereitungen treffen, bevor ich wirklich frei war. Der Gedanke daran, dass ich Mark Leibeigene stehlen würde, sorgte dafür, dass ein angenehmes Schaudern durch meinen Körper lief. Meine Fotze wurde vor Erregung feucht. Darüber hätte ich schon viel früher mal nachdenken sollen.

Ich beobachtete die beiden bei ihrem Liebesspiel und wartete darauf, dass sie einschliefen, damit ich ihre Träume anschauen konnte. Ich musste von ihren Hoffnungen, Ängsten und Begierden wissen. Sie liebten sich noch einige Zeit und wechselten immer wieder die Stellung. Mal leckten sie sich gegenseitig gleichzeitig die Mösen, mal rieben sie ihre Fotzen gegeneinander. Die beiden waren trunken voneinander. Ihre Beziehung war offensichtlich noch sehr jung. Sie mussten in ihren Flitterwochen sein, wie Sterbliche das nennen, frisch verheiratet. Sie riefen einander bei ihren Namen, wenn es ihnen kam. Die Blonde hieß Lana und die Schwarze hieß Chantelle.

In der Nähe träumte gerade ein Mann. Seine Lust stieg an, ein markerschütternder Schrei, der durch meine Seele schnitt. Nun, diese beiden hier würden sicher nicht allzu bald einschlafen, also folgte ich dem schrecklichen Geräusch, um es zum Schweigen zu bringen. Ein paar Blocks weiter fand ich einen dicken hässlichen Mann, der neben seiner Frau schlief. Ich schaute auf ihn herunter und auf seinen brünstigen Traum. Ich zuckte zusammen, als ein erneuter Schrei bei mir ankam.

Ich schaute in seinen Traum, um zu sehen, was für eine ekelhafte Fantasie er hatte. In seinem Traum fickte er eine Schauspielerin namens Scarlett Johansson. Sie war in enges schwarzes Latex gekleidet. Die Hose war heruntergezogen und zeigte ihren hübschen Arsch und ihre nackte Fotze. Die Männer dieser Zeit waren von unbehaarten Fotzen total fasziniert. Der Mann träumte, er sei Thor. Sein Speck schwabbelte, während er die Rothaarige von hinten nahm. Ich schnaubte. Als ob diese Fetttonne ein guter Fick für eine Frau sein könnte, die auch nur halb so schön war wie Scarlett Johansson!

Ich drang in den Traum ein und sofort vergaß der Mann Scarlett Johansson. Sie war zwar eine wunderschöne Frau, aber neben mir verblasste jede Schönheit. Ich war Lilith, die Sexgöttin. Die erste aller Frauen, ich war die Perfektion. Ich drückte den dicken Mann auf seinen Rücken. Sein Schwanz war hart und bereit und dann bestieg ich ihn. Und ich ritt ihn. Jedes Mal, wenn er in mich hineinspritzte, nahm ich ihm mehr von seiner Lebenskraft. Ich drückte den Rücken durch und schob meine perfekten Brüste nach vorne. Der dicke Mann griff mit seinen Fingern nach meinen Titten und grabschte daran herum.

Ich ritt ihn immer heftiger. Und je mehr Lebenskraft ich ihm nahm, umso heftiger ritt ich ihn. Ich brachte den Mann weit über seine körperlichen Möglichkeiten hinaus. Er war in seiner Lust verloren. Er dachte an nichts anderes als an mich, nicht an seine Frau und nicht an Scarlett Sowieso. Und er dachte nicht an die Schwäche seines Körpers, an das Hämmern seines Herzens oder an das Brennen seiner Lunge. Ich hatte nicht mitgezählt, wie oft er in mir gespritzt hatte. Ich genoss einfach seine Lebenskraft, die durch meinen Körper floss. Nichts war toller, als einen Mann langsam an den Rand des Todes zu ficken.

Als ich fertig war, war er ohnmächtig. Sein Herz schlug wie verrückt. Er würde Tage brauchen, um sich zu erholen, dachte ich mit einem Lächeln, wenn sein Herz das überhaupt mitmachte. Seine Lebenskraft füllte meine Gebärmutter und Wärme und Energie flossen durch meinen Körper. Wenn der Mann nicht starb, würde er jedes Mal, wenn er in Zukunft wichste, an den Traum und damit an mich denken. Ich würde in seinen Fantasien sein, bis er starb, Jedes Mal, wenn er jemanden fickte, würde er sich an mich erinnern, und seine Partnerin würde neben mir verblassen.

Als ich zu den beiden Frauen zurückkehrte, schmusten sie miteinander und sie drifteten in den Schlaf. Ihre Lust war befriedigt und ich studiert ihre Träume und ich lernte viel. Wenn sie schliefen, konnte ich ihr Unterbewusstsein steuern und ihre Hoffnungen und Ängste, ihre Begierden und ihre Geheimnisse untersuchen.

Lana, die Blonde, war bisexuell und hatte eine Lust auf Männer, die Chantelle niemals würde befriedigen können. Lana war Chantelle gegenüber oft untreu mit Männern. Das befriedigte ihre Lust auf Männer und machte Chantelle krank vor Eifersucht. Lana liebte es, wie aggressiv Chantelle Sex mit ihr machte, wenn Chantelle sie mit einem männlichen Liebhaber erwischt hatte. Sie wünschte sich im Geheimen, von einer Futanari ficken zu lassen, einem Mädchen, das auch einen Schwanz hatte – nicht von einem Kerl, der sich Titten hatte machen lassen, sondern von einer Frau, die auch einen Penis hatte. Als nächstes studierte ich ihre Ängste und ich sah, dass ihre größte Angst war, alt zu werden und Chantelle an eine andere jüngere Frau zu verlieren, die hübscher war als sie.

Bei Chantelle lernte ich, dass sie Lana sehr liebte und dass sie es hasste, sie mit Männern zu sehen. Jedes Mal spürte sie ein Messer in ihrer Brust und jedes Mal wollte sie Lana eigentlich sagen, dass sie damit aufhören sollte, aber dann fand sie sich wieder, wenn sie Lana leidenschaftlich fickte, um ihr zu beweisen, dass sie lieber von ihr gefickt wurde als von einem Mann. Beide waren Stripperinnen und Lana fickte öfters Männer bei ihren Lapdances und Chantelle sah dabei zu. Chantelles größte Angst war, dass Lana sie für einen Mann verlassen könnte. Chantelle war Lanas erste Frau und Chantelle fürchtete, dass Lana eines Tages vielleicht nicht mehr schwul sein würde und zu den Männern zurückgehen würde.

Ich lächelte. Das war perfekt. Ich wusste genau, wie ich diese beiden Mädchen verführen musste, damit sie mir dienten.

Ich betrat die Welt der Sterblichen. Die Sonne würde in ein paar Stunden aufgehen, also musste ich jetzt handeln. Ich war nachts am stärksten, wenn der Mond schien. Als ich mich materialisierte, strahlte meine Lust von mir aus. Sie erfüllte das ganze „Bed and Breakfast“. Beide schlafenden Frauen fingen an, sich zu bewegen. Ihre Nippel wurden hart und ihre Fotzen nass. Im nächsten Zimmer war ein Paar, das seinen Hochzeitstag feierte. Die Frau schlief, aber der Mann war wach und benutzte gerade die Toilette. Die Lust traf ihn, sie überwältigte all seine Gedanken und er beeilte sich, zu seiner Frau zurück zu kommen, Und schon bald konnte man ihr leidenschaftliches Ficken durch die dünne Wand hören. Über uns fing die Inhaberin, eine Frau in ihren Sechziger Jahren zum ersten Mal seit Jahren an zu masturbieren.

Lana wurde als erste wach. Ihre Augen wurden groß vor Gier, als sie mich sah. Ich war nackt erschienen, mein Körper war ins silberne Mondlicht getaucht. Lana schüttelte Chantelle, die an Lana geschmiegt schlief und einen ihrer Nippel in ihrem Mund hatte. Lana Augen glitzerten vor Gier, ihre vollen Lippen teilten sich.

„Wer bist du?“ keuchte Lana. Ihre Stimme klang belegt und hatte einen ukrainischen Akzent.

„Ich bin Lilith“, antwortete ich. „Ich bin hier, um euch Lust zu bereiten.“

Ich zog die Laken weg und schaute auf ihre Körper. Chantelle war gegen Lanas Seite gedrückt. Ihre Hand streichelte Lanas rasierte Fotze und sie saugte weiter an Lanas Brust. Ich berührte die Oberschenkel von beiden Frauen und sie schrien auf, als es beiden kam. Sie umschlangen sich und zitterten vor Leidenschaft. Lana nahm sich Chantelles Lippen für einen Kuss und beide Ehefrauen erforschten gegenseitig ihre Münder mit ihren Zungen. Ich kroch an ihren Körpern nach oben und löste einen zweiten Orgasmus aus, als ich mit meinen Brüsten über ihr nacktes Fleisch fuhr.

Beide Frauen saugten meine harten Nippel in ihre Münder. Beider Oberschenkel spreizten sich und ich drückte jeder eines meiner Beine gegen ihre nasse Muschi. Sie fingen an, sich an mir zu reiben und sie bedeckten meine Schenkel mit ihrem Saft, als es ihnen wieder und wieder kam. Ich hielt die Frauen an meiner Brust und freute mich an dem Gefühl ihrer Lippen an meinen Nippeln. Beide spielten unterschiedlich mit meinen Knöpfchen. Lana lutschte fester und knabberte mit ihren Zähnen, während Chantelle mehr ihre Zunge benutzte. Ich atmete tief und nahm den Duft der erregten Frauen in mich auf.

Ich erzeugte in beiden Frauen Fantasien. Für Chantelle, einen eigenen Penis zu haben und davon, wie glücklich Lana wäre, wenn sie endlich von ihrer Frau vollständig befriedigt werden konnte. Die Fantasie zum Vergnügen, einen Penis in die Fotze einer Frau stecken zu können und Sperma in sie zu ejakulieren.

Lanas Fantasie war, dass sie von Chantelle genommen wurde. Dass Chantelles Schwanz in ihre Fotze fickte, viel besser als jeder Schwanz eines Mannes, weil er ihrer Frau gehörte, ihrer Liebe. Und unter dem Schwanz hatte sie auch noch ihre Fotze. Sie war noch immer eine Frau, die einzige Frau, die sie vollständig befriedigen konnte, eine Schwanzfrau.

„Ich kann euch beiden das geben“, flüsterte ich Chantelle zu und zog ihren Kopf von meiner Brust weg. „Mit einem Schwanz könntest du Lana vollständig befriedigen. Sie würde dich nie wieder betrügen müssen.“ Ich zog Lana von meiner Brust weg und flüsterte: „Du hast Angst, älter zu werden und dass Chantelle eine jüngere Frau findet, aber ich kann dich und deine Frau ewig jung erhalten.“

Ich wartete und sah, wie die Damen das, was ich ihnen eben gesagt hatte, verarbeiteten. Chantelle leckte ihre Lippen und schaute auf ihre Frau. „Wärest du glücklich, wenn ich einen Schwanz hätte?“ fragte Chantelle nervös ihre Frau.

„Oh, das würde mich total glücklich machen!“ stöhnte Lana. „Ich habe schon immer davon fantasiert, mit einer Futanari zusammen zu sein.“

„Mit einer was?“ fragte Chantelle und Lana küsste sie. „Einem wunderschönen Mädchen, das auch einen wunderschönen Schwanz hat“, antwortete Lana.

„Alles was ihr machen müsst, ist mir zu geloben, das ihr mich verehren werdet“, sagte ich ihnen. „Schwört, dass mir eure Seelen gehören und ich werde eure Begierden erfüllen.“

„Aber wir gehören dem Meister und der Herrin“, wandte Chantelle ein.

„Eure Körper, nicht eure Seelen“, log ich. „Außerdem diene ich selber auch Mark und Mary. Sie haben mich zu euch geschickt, um eure Wünsche zu erfüllen.“

„Wirklich?“ fragte Lana. Sie versuchte, nachzudenken und Einwände zu erheben. Ganz tief in ihr drin spürte sie die Lüge, sie spürte, dass sie dabei war, Mark zu betrügen, aber meine Lust durchdrang ihren Körper und war stärker als ihre Furcht.

Ich lachte innerlich. Das war zu einfach. „Ja, Sagt einfach ‚Ich verpfände meine Seele an Lilith, meine Göttin, von jetzt bis zum Ende der Zeiten‘ und dann werden wir unseren Bund vollziehen.“

„Vollziehen?“ fragte Chantelle.

Ich griff nach unten und streichelte meinen Kitzler. Ich ließ mir meinen Schwanz wachsen. Mein Kitzler wurde immer größer und verwandelte sich in meinen Schwanz. Bei 18 cm machte ich Schluss. Ich wollte sie nicht mit dem Monster erschrecken, mit dem ich Schwester Louise vergewaltigt hatte. Lana starrte voller Lust auf meinen Schwanz. Ihre Einwände lösten sich auf, als sie sah, dass ihre dunkelsten Wünsche kurz vor der Verwirklichung standen. Chantelle sah, wie ihre Frau auf den Schwanz starrte, schaute dann hinunter auf ihre eigene Muschi und stellte sich vor, dass sie dort auch einen Schwanz hatte und dass Lana mit derselben Lust auf diesen Schwanz starren würde.

„Sprecht die Worte und spreizt eure Beine. Wenn mein Samen in euch rinnt, dann ist unser Pakt besiegelt und eure Wünsche werden erfüllt“, schnurrte ich und streichelte ihre beiden Gesichter. Sie keuchten und wanden sich in einem neuen Orgasmus.

Chantelle und Lana schauten sich gegenseitig in die Augen. Ihre Hände verschränkten sich und sie nickten gleichzeitig. Dann sagten sie gleichzeitig: „Ich verpfände meine Seele an Lilith, meine Göttin, von jetzt bis zum Ende der Zeiten.“

Lana spreizte ihre Beine für mich, öffnete sich mir. Sie war gierig darauf, von einer Futanari gefickt zu werden. Ich konnte nur jemanden ficken, der damit einverstanden war, mit diesem Fluch hatte Gott mich belegt, als ich mir den Schwanz gemacht hatte. Und Lana war absolut willig. Ich stöhnte, als ich das unglaubliche Gefühl ihrer nassen Fotze an meinem Schwanz fühlte. Meine Eichel drang in sie ein. Ihre Muschi zog sich um mich zusammen, als es ihr kam. Und sie kam immer wieder, während ich sie fickte. Das Gefühl meines Schwanzes in ihr brannte sich in ihre Nerven ein. Unsere Brüste rieben sich gegeneinander und unsere harten Nippel wurden noch härter.

Lana und Chantelle hielten sich immer noch an der Hand. Chantelle schaute gebannt zu, wie ich ihre Frau fickte. Lanas Fotze zog sich immer wieder zusammen und sie molk meinen Schwanz, während es ihr pausenlos kam. Ich küsste sie auf ihre weiche Wange und nahm mir dann ihre weichen Lippen. Lanas freie Hand umfasste meinen Arsch und sie zog mich tiefer in ihre Fotze hinein. Ich spürte meinen eigenen Orgasmus in meinen Eierstöcken und mein Muttermund zuckte. Es gab nichts Besseres als eine Frau zu ficken und dabei meinen Schwanz zu benutzen, meine Vergewaltigung von Gottes Willen. Ich stieß immer wieder in ihre Muschi und unser Fleisch schlug gegeneinander, wenn ich innen in ihr anstieß. Jeder Moment von mir in Lanas Fotze brachte mich näher und näher an meinen eigenen Orgasmus heran.

Und dann kam die Erlösung. Mein Samen rann von meinen Eierstöcken und er spritzte schwarz in Lanas fruchtbaren Leib. Lana kreischte vor Leidenschaft und wurde wegen der Intensität ihres Orgasmus ohnmächtig. In diesem Moment packte ich das schwarze Band, dass Lana mit Mark verband und zerriss es. Ich verband es mit meiner eigenen Seele. Es war jetzt nicht mehr schwarz sondern rot. Lanas Wunsch war erfüllt und meine Bezahlung war auch erledigt. Lana und Chantelle würden ewig jung bleiben und würden mir ewig gehören.

Ich zog mich aus Lana zurück und Chantelle streichelte ihrer bewusstlosen Frau das Gesicht. Dann spreizte sie auch ihre Beine für mich. Mein Schwanz war nicht weicher geworden und ich rieb ihn an Chantelles Schlitz. Sie zuckte in einem Orgasmus, als ich ihren Kitzler berührte. Es wurde so ein wenig schwerer, ihre Öffnung zu finden, weil sie sich so heftig bewegte. Schließlich fand ich ihr Loch und ich schob meinen Schwanz hinein. Chantelle heulte vor Lust, als es ihr kam, weil mein Schwanz in ihre Fotze eindrang.

Sie war enger als Lana, ihre Fotze umschloss meinen Schwanz wie ein Handschuh. Ich fickte sie hart und Chantelle wand sich unter mir. Sie nahm einen meiner Nippel in den Mund und lutschte feste. Ihre Hüften zuckten und fickten gegen meine Bewegungen. Ich spürte, wie sich dieses Gefühl in meinen Eierstöcken wieder entwickelte und dann spritzte ich ihr mein schwarzes Sperma in ihren fruchtbaren Leib. Ich entfernte Marks Band und ersetzte es durch mein eigenes.

Ich zog mich heraus und war überrascht, dass Chantelle noch bei Bewusstsein war. Die meisten Frauen werden ohnmächtig wegen der Intensität ihres Orgasmus, wenn es mir in ihnen kommt. Sie schaute nach unten und sagte. „Wo ist denn jetzt mein Schwanz?“

„Fass deinen Kitzler an und drehe ihn und konzentriere dich!“ sagte ich.

Sie lächelte, als sich aus ihrem Kitzler tatsächlich ein Schwanz entwickelte, 15 cm lang. Sie streichelte ihn und schüttelte sich vor Lust. „Oh, das ist ja irre, meine Göttin!“

Lana bewegte sich. Sie sah den Schwanz ihrer Frau und sie lächelte erstaunt. Sie fasste ihn an, um ihn ebenfalls zu streicheln. „Danke, meine Göttin“, sagte Lana unter Tränen.

„Viel Spaß damit“, sagte ich. „Und dann habt ihr etwas zu arbeiten.“

„Arbeit?“ fragte Lana und streichelte immer noch den Schwanz ihrer Frau.

„Ja, wir werden Mark und Mary zerstören“, sagte ich, „und auch Luzifer.“

„Mark und Mary“, sagte Chantelle und dann öffneten sich ihre Augen. „Oh mein Gott, was haben die beiden uns angetan. Sie haben uns gezwungen, Sachen mit ihnen zu machen!“

„Ich habe euch aus der Sklaverei befreit“, sagte ich ihnen. „Mark und Mary haben Magie benutzt, um euch zu ihren Huren zu machen, aber ich habe euch befreit. Sie können euch nicht mehr kontrollieren.“ Kein Hexer kann einen anderen Hexer kontrollieren. Das verhinderten die Bänder, die ihn mit dem Dämon verbinden, der ihn erschaffen hat.

Lana hockte sich über Chantelle. Sie ließ ihre nasse Fotze auf Chantelles Schwanz gleiten. „Das werden sie bezahlen“, stöhnte Chantelle, als ihre Frau anfing, ihren Schwanz zu reiten.

Ich lächelte. Ich nahm wahr, wie in beiden Frauen mein schwarzes Sperma in ihren Muschis nach oben schwamm, um in ihre Gebärmutter einzudringen. Jede Frau, die ich fickte, bekam schnell anschließend ein Kind. Schon bald würden neue Monster geboren werden und auf die Welt losgelassen, Meine neuen Kinder würden die Menschheit quälen. Ich lachte laut und betrachtete, wie meine neuen Priesterinnen Liebe miteinander machten. Mein Sperma errichte ihre Gebärmutter und wartete auf eines ihrer Eier, um es zu befruchten. In dem Moment, in dem mein Schwanz in sie eingedrungen war, hatten beide einen Eisprung gehabt. Schon sehr bald würden meine neuen Kinder empfangen werden.


Ich war verschwitzt, als ich vom Jogging nach Hause kam. Ich hatte zusätzlich das neueste Mitglied meines Joggingclubs eingeritten. Issy Norup wohnte mit ihren Eltern in einem der Häuser, die ich gestern gekauft hatte. Sie durften unter der Bedingung mietfrei dort wohnen, dass mir ihre fünfzehn Jahre alte Tochter zum Ficken zur Verfügung stand. Wegen meiner Kräfte hatten die Norups mit diesem Arrangement kein Problem. Issy war ein sportliches Mädchen, deshalb lud ich sie ein, zu mir in den Joggingclub zu kommen. Nach dem Joggen trifft sich die Gruppe immer bei Madeleine, wo ich mir dann eine der Jogging-Schlampen vornehme. Heute war es Issy und der Teenager hatte eine wirklich enge Fotze.

Niemand war wach, als ich nach Hause kam, aber Jessicas und Noels Autos waren schon weg. Ich hatte eigentlich nie viel Schlaf gebraucht, mir reichten nachts vier bis fünf Stunden und ich wurde morgens in der Regel um kurz vor sechs wach. Ich ging leise ins Schlafzimmer. Meine Verlobte schlief noch tief und fest. Sie hatte die vergangene Nacht mit einer Freundin verbracht. Sie war mit Diane in einem Lesbenclub in Tacoma gewesen und als sie nach Hause kam, hatte sie nach Muschi gerochen.

Während sie unterwegs gewesen war, war meine Spielgruppe bei mir gewesen. Wir spielten schon seit zwölf Jahren D&D. Zu ihnen gehörte Quatch, mein bester Freund, der auch bei der bevorstehenden Hochzeit mein Trauzeuge sein sollte. Die anderen waren Tom, Chris und Karl, die meine Knechte sein würden. Die Jungs waren ziemlich beeindruckt von meinen Sex-Sklavinnen und jeder hatte Interesse daran, selbst auch eine zu haben. Sie waren meine Freunde, die einzigen wirklichen Freunde, die ich jemals hatte, also war ich mehr als gerne bereit dazu, jedem seine eigene Schlampe zu besorgen.

Ich ging in die Dusche. Das Bad füllte sich mit Dampf und ich stellte mich unter das heiße Wasser, um mich zu lockern. So langsam gewöhnte ich mich an das Joggen. Mein Körper kam ganz langsam in eine bessere Verfassung. Ich glaube, das hing auch mit meinem Wunsch nach einem langen und gesunden Leben zusammen.

Während das Wasser über meinen Körper strömte, kam der Traum wieder, den ich in der vergangenen Nacht gehabt hatte. Ich wurde ihn einfach nicht los. Selbst beim Joggen beschäftigte er mich mehr als die nackten Frauenärsche vor mir. Es war so ein verrückter Traum gewesen. Und er war so lebendig. In meinem Traum hatte ich zwei Puppen in meiner Hand. Die eine war blond und die andere hatte rabenschwarzes Haar. Ich hielt sie ganz fest und drückte sie in meinen Händen. Sie gehörten mir und ich wollte sie nicht loslassen. Und dann erschien Lilith, nur mit ihrem silbernen Haar bedeckt und sie lächelte. Sie nahm erste die blonde Puppe und riss sie mir aus der Hand. Und dann machte sie dasselbe mit der Puppe mit den schwarzen Haaren. Und dann lächelte sie mich triumphierend an.

Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass dieser Traum wichtig war. Ich wusste nur nicht wieso. Ich senkte meinen Kopf und ließ das Wasser über meinen Nacken und meinen Rücken rinnen. Wer waren die Puppen? Waren sie überhaupt Menschen oder standen sie für etwas Anderes? War das eine Warnung oder hatte sich hier einfach nur meine Angst vor Lilith manifestiert?

Ich seufzte. Wahrscheinlich war es einfach nur ein Albtraum. Wahrscheinlich. Ich nahm mir die Seife und während ich anfing, mich zu waschen, dachte ich über den Tag nach, der vor mir lag. Zunächst einmal wollte ich die Sklavinnen für meine Freunde besorgen. Chris wollte eine Bikini-Barista mit Namen Velvet, die bei Hot Chick A Latte in South Hill arbeitete, Karl wollte seine Chefin Julie, wo er als Koch arbeitete. Tom stellte sich eine kleine Asiatin, am liebsten einen Teenager mit buschigem Schamhaar. Es war ihm egal, wer das war, solange seine drei Kriterien erfüllt wurden.

Die Sex-Sklavin für Quatch hatte ich schon besorgt. Er wollte seine kleine Schwester Kim, die mit ihm zusammen wohnte und die nach Quatchs Aussage eine richtige Heißmacherin. Deswegen hatte ich sie noch gestern Abend angerufen und sie telefonisch zu Quatchs Sex-Sklavin gemacht. Er sollte eigentlich eine tolle Nacht mit seiner neuen Sklavin verbracht haben.

Danach wollte ich uns dann ein paar Jungfrauen in der Rogers High School suchen. Bei all dem ungeschützten Sex, den Mary und ich die ganze Zeit über hatten, würden wir uns wahrscheinlich irgendwann mal etwas einfangen. Lilith hatte uns einen Spruch verraten, mit dem wir uns immunisieren konnten. Dafür brauchte man allerdings Frauen mit intakten Jungfernhäutchen. Ihre Unschuld würde uns vor Geschlechtskrankheiten schützen. Die drei Teenager in der Nachbarschaft waren alle schon keine Jungfrauen mehr, zwei waren von ihren Freunden entjungfert worden, die eine hatte ihre Unschuld an den Dildo ihrer Mutter verloren. Ich hoffte, auch die Sklavin für Tom in der Schule zu finden.

Als ich mit Duschen fertig war, trocknete ich mich ab. Ich zog mir eine Boxershorts an, eine bequeme Jeans und ein schwarzes T-Shirt. Mary schlief noch. Sie lag zusammengerollt auf der Seite. Ihr rotbraunes Haar war auf dem Bett verteilt. Ich beugte mich vor und küsste sie auf die Wange. Dann ging ich nach unten. Desiree stand in der Küche und kochte. Sie hatte nichts an bis auf eine Schürze. Ich hatte Desiree ihrem Mann Brandon weggenommen und auch sein Haus. Desiree war eine wunderbare Köchin und ich hätte sie auch behalten, wenn sie die hässlichste Frau der Welt wäre. Aber das war sie nicht. Sie war eine großartige Latina mit großen Brüsten und einen hübschen Arsch.

„Was gibt es heute zum Frühstück?“

„Pfannkuchen mit Schokoladenstückchen, mi rey“, antwortete Desiree mit ihrer sexy Stimme. Ich streckte meine Hand aus und fasste ihren dunklen Arsch an.

Sie stand am Herd. Neben ihr stand eine Schüssel mit dem Teig für die Pfannkuchen und sie drehte gerade einen mit dem Pfannenwender um. Sie wackelte mit ihrem Arsch, als ich ihren Po massierte. „Koch weiter“, flüsterte ich. Ich küsste ihren Hals, während ich gleichzeitig meine Hose öffnete und meinen Schwanz herausholte. Mein Schwanz glitt über ihren weichen Arsch und dann zwischen ihre Beine. Ich führte meinen Schwanz und fand ihre nassen Schamlippen. Ich rieb mit meiner Eichel ein paar Mal durch die Schamlippen und dann fand ich ihr Loch und schob ihr meinen Schwanz hinein.

„Mmmm, das ist schön“, schnurrte Desiree, als ich anfing, sie zu ficken.

Ich schlang meine Arme um ihre Taille. Dann fuhr ich unter ihre Schürze und umfasste ihre schweren Brüste und spielte mit ihren harten Nippeln, während ich sie gleichzeitig mit einem gleichmäßigen Rhythmus fickte. Ihre Fotze fühlte sich an wie ein nasser warmer Handschuh, der an meinem empfindlichen Schaft auf und ab glitt. Desiree arbeitete weiter und legte einen Pfannkuchen auf eine Platte. Dann gab sie den nächsten Teig in die Pfanne.

„Guten Morgen, Meister“, sagte Chasity schläfrig.

„Guten Morgen, Schlampe“, erwiderte ich.

Chasity, unsere Polizei-Schlampe, lächelte und tätschelte meinen Arsch, als sie vorbeiging. Sie nahm sich die Kaffeekanne und schenkte sich eine Tasse ein. Sie nahm sich einen Pfannkuchen und setzte sich an den kleinen Tisch in der Küche. Dann fing sie an zu essen. „Hmmm, lecker!“ sagte sie erfreut.

„Danke schön“, keuchte Desiree. Ihre Hüften bewegten sich, ihre Lust stieg weiter.

„Aber nicht so lecker wie deine Fotze!“ sagte ich.

„Oder dein Schwanz, mi rey“, fügte sie hinzu.

Nachdem ich meine Ladung in Desirees Fotze gespritzt hatte, nahm auch ich mir einen Pfannkuchen. Trotz der Ablenkung, die ich verursacht hatte, war er nur ganz leicht angebrannt. Ich setzte mich neben Chasity. Ich sah, wie mein Sperma aus Desirees Fotze tropfte und an ihrem Oberschenkel herunterlief. Ein paar Minuten später kam auch Xiu zu uns in die Küche. Sie hatte immer noch die Schiene auf der Nase.

„Gehst du heute wegen deiner Nase zum Arzt?“

„Ja Meister“, sagte Xiu und sie setzte sich neben mich. „Ich glaube, dass die Schiene heute abgenommen wird.“

„Das ist schön“, sagte ich.

Ich zog mein Telefon heraus, weil ich mir dachte, dass Kurts Chefin jetzt das Restaurant aufmachen würde. Als rief ich dort an. „Was ist los?“ fragte eine ungeduldige Frau am Telefon. Sie hatte eine zänkische Stimme. Sie gehörte offenbar zu der Art von Frauen, die einen zu Tode nörgeln können.

„Julie, von heute an bist du Kurt Nielsons Sex-Sklavin“, sagte ich ihr. „Du wirst alles tun, was Kurt sagt und du wirst ihn lieben, so lange er dich will, okay?“

„Ja“, antwortete sie und der zänkische Ton verschwand aus ihrer Stimme. „Wer sind..“ Ich beendete die Verbindung. Kurt erledigt, nur noch Chris und Tom.

„Schlampen, ihr lasst Mary so lange schlafen wie sie will“, befahl ich. „Heute sollten eigentlich Chantelle und Lana kommen.“

„Sind das die beiden, mit denen ihr letzte Woche in der Space Needle wart?“ fragte Xiu. Ich hatte am vergangenen Samstag das ganze Restaurant in der Space Needle übernommen, um dort unsere Verlobung zu feiern. Die sechs hübschesten Kellnerinnen durften bleiben und uns nackt bedienen. Das Ganze entwickelte sich schnell zu einer Orgie. Mary und ich hatten drei von den Kellnerinnen mitgenommen: Xiu, Fiona und Korina.

„Ja, sie waren gerade in ihren Flitterwochen, als wir sie getroffen haben“, sagte ich. „Ich habe ihnen zunächst noch frei gegeben, bevor sie zu uns kommen.“

„Wie schön“, sagte Desiree. Dann räusperte sie sich und fragte ganz nervös: „Mi rey, wärest du sauer, wenn ich dich fragen würde, ob Allison und ich heiraten dürfen?“

Ich lächelte. „Ich habe schon bemerkt, dass ihr beide in den letzten Tagen immer zusammen gehangen habt. Ich finde, dass das eine gute Idee ist.“

„Danke, mi rey.“ Tränen standen in ihren Augen, als sie sich vorbeugte und mich küsste.

„Nimm dir tausend Dollar und kaufe ihr einen Verlobungsring“, sagte ich und stand auf. „Sagt Mary bitte, dass ich um halb drei wieder da bin. Desiree, weißt du schon, was zu zum Abendessen machen wirst?“

„Ja, mi reina hat mir schon Anweisungen gegeben. Ich werde die Zutaten nach dem Frühstück einkaufen.“

Ich küsste Xiu, Chasity und Desiree und ging zu meinem Mustang. Mein erster Halt war bei Hot Chick A Latte, um die Sache mit der Sex-Sklavin für Chris klarzumachen. Der Bikini-Barista-Laden war ein rosafarbenes kleines Gebäude auf dem Parkplatz eines Kaufhauses am Meridian, der Hauptstraße, die sich von Nord nach Süd durch South Hill bis nach Puyallup zieht. Ich parkte mein Auto, ging hin und klopfte an der Tür.

„Lasst mich rein“, befahl ich.

Die Tür öffnete sich und eine gebräunte Frau mit den größten Titten, die ich je gesehen hatte, schaute heraus. Sie hatte sicher die G-Körbchen, von denen Chris gesprochen hatte. Zwei Aufkleber mit Logos eines Energydrinks zierten ihre Nippel. Das einzige Kleidungsstück, das sie trug, war ein winziges dünnes gelbes Bikinihöschen. Hinter ihr war ein weiteres Mädchen mit großen Titten, allerdings nur DD-Körbchen, dabei, einem Kunden einen Kaffee zu verkaufen.

„Ja?“ fragte das Mädchen mit den gigantischen Titten.

„Velvet?“ Sie nickte. „Gut, wir werden ficken. Zieh dein Höschen aus.“

Sie zog sich das Höschen aus und ich ging in den Laden hinein. Ich griff nach dem linken Aufkleber und riss ihn ab. Sie zuckte zusammen, als ihre Brustwarze und ihr dicker Nippel freigelegt wurden. Ich beugte mich vor und saugte den dicken Nippel in meinen Mund. Dabei wog ich ihre schwere Titte und drückte den fleischigen Berg.

„Was zum Teufel…“ keuchte die andere Barista.

„Du arbeitest weiter“, sagte ich, als mein Schwanz in Velvets rasierte Fotze glitt.

Ich hatte Velvet gegen ein Regal mit Vorräten gedrückt und fickte sie feste. Das ganze Regal klapperte, während ich sie fickte. Ihre riesigen Titten waren gegen meine Brust gepresst. Einer ihrer Nippel war noch mit einem Aufkleber bedeckt. Ich griff nach ihrem schmalen Arsch und dann fing ich an, ihre Fotze richtig durchzuhobeln. Das Mädchen hatte definitiv etwas. Ihre Lippen waren nass auf meiner Wange, als sie mein Gesicht küsste und vor Lust keuchte.

„Du wirst Chris Sex-Sklavin sein“, grunzte ich ihr ins Ohr.

„Und wer ist das?“ fragte sie

„Einer deiner Kunden“, sagte ich und drückte ihre dicke Titte. „Du wirst ihn lieben und alles tun, was er will, egal wie pervers oder abstoßend es ist. Und zwar so lange, wie er dich will.“

„Ja, ja, mein Chris“, keuchte sie. Ihre Fotze zog sich auf meinem Schwanz zusammen und sie zuckte. Verdammt, allein der Gedanke, dass sie die Sex-Sklavin von jemandem sein würde, reichte aus, um dieser Frau einen Orgasmus zu bescheren. „Ich kann es gar nicht abwarten, bis ich endlich meinen Chris treffe“, stöhnte sie.

„Chris wird heute kommen und du wirst mit ihm gehen, weil du jetzt ihm gehörst.“

„Ja, ich gehöre ihm mit Haut und Haaren“, keuchte sie.

Ich ließ Velvet keuchend auf dem Boden des Kaffee-Standes zurück. Mein Sperma lief aus ihrer Fotze und sie hatte nur noch einen Aufkleber. Sie war ein ganz schöner Fick gewesen. Chris würde seinen Spaß mit ihr haben. Ich zog mein Telefon heraus und schickte ihm eine SMS, damit er vorbeikommen und seine Sex-Sklavin abholen konnte. „Sie ist nass und wartet auf dich, Kumpel. *-)“


Als ich an diesem Morgen aufstand, war Mark schon weg. Er schien gerne früh aufzustehen, ich dagegen schlief gerne lange. Während meiner Zeit bei Starbucks musste ich morgens schon um vier aufstehen. Zum Glück musste ich nicht mehr arbeiten, seit ich Mark getroffen hatte.

Meine Muschi war immer noch nass von dem fantastischen Sextraum, den ich gehabt hatte. Meine beiden Schwester waren darin vorgekommen und sie waren so wunderschön und sie drückten sich gegen mich. Sie hatten mich gestreichelt und ich hatte sie gestreichelt. Vielleicht würde es etwas Magisches und etwas Wunderschönes sein, mit meinen Schwestern zu schlafen und nichts, um das ich mir Sorgen machen musste.

Widerwillig kroch ich aus dem Bett und zog meinen rosafarbenen Bademantel aus Seide an. Ich liebte es, wie der kühle Stoff sich auf meiner Haut anfühlte. Unten fand ich ein paar unserer Schlampen, die Pfannkuchen mit Schokostückchen aßen. Nur die drei, die Jobs hatten, fehlten: unsere Reporterin Jessica, unsere FBI-Agentin Noel und Willow, unsere Ärztin.

Korina sah viel besser aus. Sie hatte ihren Arm allerdings noch in der Schlinge.

Während ich selber auch frühstückte, gab ich den Schlampen ihre Anordnungen für den Tag. Das Haus musste makellos sein, weil heute Abend mein Vater mit meinen Schwestern zum Essen kommen würden. Meine Schwestern würden auch ihre Freunde mitbringen. Meine Familie wollte gerne Mark kennenlernen. Offenbar hatte keiner von ihnen Mike gemocht und sie waren alle ganz froh, dass ich jemand anderen gefunden hatte. Nach dem Essen wollte ich eine meiner Schwestern verführen. Das war ein Teil eines Spruchs, der es mir erlauben würde, die Nonnen aufzuhalten.

Ich war nervös. Ich war nicht sicher, ob ich wirklich mit meinen Schwestern schlafen konnte, aber nach dem Traum, den ich gehabt hatte, waren meine Sorgen nicht mehr ganz so groß. Vielleicht sollte ich Shannon nehmen. Sie hatte mich immer geärgert, als wir noch Kinder waren und sie könnte ein wenig Rückzahlung gebrauchen. Aber Missy war einfach eine Süße, das Baby in der Familie. Ich teilte mein Zimmer mit ihr, seit ich vier war und wir teilten auch sonst alles miteinander. Ich lächelte bei dem verdorbenen Gedanken, dass wir bald auch unsere Körper miteinander teilen würden. Ich leckte meine Lippen, vielleicht sollte ich beide nehmen. Ich lächelte. Was für ein verdorbener Gedanke. Dann erkannte ich, dass ich mich darauf freute, Shannon und Missy nackt in meinem Bett zu haben.

Verdammt nochmal. Ich wurde zu einem richtig perversen Mädchen. Was würde dann noch kommen? Würde ich meinen Vater ficken? Das war ein bisschen zu viel. Mark hatte mich in eine Frau verwandelt, die verrückt nach Sex war. Nicht, dass mir das ein Problem gewesen wäre, aber mit meinem Vater zu schlafen… das war einfach eine Linie, die ich nicht überschreiten wollte. So pervers war ich schließlich nicht.

Und trotzdem hatte ich diese kleine Stimme in meinem Kopf und ich rutschte auf meinem Stuhl hin und her, und ein Tröpfchen sabberte aus meiner Muschi heraus.

„Desiree, hast du die Einkaufsliste?“ fragte ich und lenkte meine Gedanken ab.

„Ja, mi Reina. Ich wollte gerade losgehen“, antwortete Desiree.

Karen, die frühere Nonne, sprang plötzlich auf und rannte aus dem Zimmer. Ich ging hinter ihr her und machte mir Sorgen. Ich sah, dass sie im Bad verschwand. Ich schaute hinein und sah dann schnell wieder weg. Karen erbrach sich in die Toilette, und das konnte ich nicht ansehen. Allein, dass ich wusste, dass sie es tat, brachte meinen Magen in Aufruhr. Was stimmte mit dem Mädchen nicht? Sie hatte jetzt schon mehrere Tage dieses Problem.

„Bist du okay?“ fragte ich.

„Ja, Herrin“, sagte Karen und wusch sich den Mund aus. „Ich weiß nicht, was mit mir los ist.“

„Du bist doch wohl nicht schwanger, oder?“ fragte ich. „Ist das morgendliche Übelkeit?“

„Nonnen werden nicht schwanger“, antwortete Karen. „Das ist eine von den Gaben, die uns geschenkt werden, weil wir immer wieder ungeschützten Sex haben. Es müsste passiert sein, seit Lilith mir meine Kräfte genommen hat. Und wenn ich vom Meister schwanger wäre, dann wäre es noch zu früh für morgendliche Übelkeit. Ich meine, es ist schließlich erst eine Woche her, dass er mich zum ersten Mal gefickt hat.“

Ich nickte. „Okay, wenn du dich besser fühlst.“ Ich bedeutete ihr, dass sie mir folgen sollte und wir gingen zurück ins Esszimmer. Ich setzte mich und aß ein Stück von meinem Pfannkuchen. Dann gab ich weitere Befehle. „Heute Abend bleiben nur Fiona, Thamina und Desiree hier.“ Desiree musste bleiben, weil sie die Köchin war. Die anderen beiden hatte ich einfach zufällig ausgewählt. Es war nicht wichtig, welche Schlampen bleiben würden, sie waren alle wundervoll. „Ihr drei tragt dann weniger nuttige Outfits. Ihr restlichen Schlampen geht nach nebenan, während meine Familie hier ist. Die Laytons werden heute ausziehen. Bestellt euch eine Pizza und macht, wozu ihr Lust habt.“

„Ja, Herrin“, antworteten die Schlampen. Es kribbelte in mir. Es war so geil, dass diese Schlampen mir aufs Wort gehorchten.

„Allison, Karen und Xiu, wir werden zusammen zu einem Floristen gehen und ein paar Partyservices für die Hochzeit besuchen.“

„Herrin, ich habe heute einen Termin beim Arzt“, sagte Xiu, die frühere Kellnerin. „Aber ich lasse mir gerne auch einen anderen Termin geben.“

„Nein, nein, geh du ruhig zum Arzt. Violet, stattdessen kommst du dann mit.“ Es war mir wirklich egal, welche Schlampen mich begleiteten. Ich wollte nur ein bisschen Gesellschaft haben und ein paar weitere Meinungen zu den Blumenarrangements und zum Essen.

Violet strahlte mich an. „Oh, danke, Herrin!“

Die drei Schlampen, die ich ausgesucht hatte, gingen nach oben, um sich umzuziehen und die anderen fingen an, das Haus zu putzen. Ich ging auch nach oben, um zu duschen. Dann wühlte ich in der Schublade mit meiner Unterwäsche und fand einen roten String. Ich zog ihn mir über die Hüften. Dann wählte ich eine enge Jeans mit verschnörkelten Stickereien auf dem Arschtaschen. Die würde meinen Arsch schön zur Geltung bringen. Zuletzt nahm ich mir noch ein knappes Oberteil, das nicht ganz bis zur Jeans herunter reichte und das obere Ende meines Strings sichtbar lassen würde.

Die Schlampen warteten schon auf mich. Alle drei kicherten und freuten sich schon darauf, mit mir los zu ziehen. Allison, trug eine ähnlich enge Jeans wie ich, einen blauen String, den man sehen konnte und ein bauchfreies Shirt mit Blumenmuster. Violet, unsere Jüngste hatte weiße Kniestrümpfe an und einen grünen Faltenrock. Oben herum trug sie ein grünes Bikinioberteil.

„Trägst du auch das Unterteil?“ fragte ich sie, als ich ihr Oberteil bemerkte. Violet grinste. Sie schlug ihren Rock hoch und zeigte mir ihren nackten Arsch. Ich griff hin und drückte eine ihrer Arschbacken. „Verdorbenes Flittchen!“ lachte ich.

Karen trug eine enge Shorts aus Lycra, rosafarben. Auf ihrem Arsch prangte das Wort „Schlampe“ in roten Buchstaben. Dazu trug sie ein passendes Oberteil, auf dem „Nette Tüten“ stand. Sie war definitiv eine Schlampe, dachte ich und leckte meine Lippen, denn sie hatte wirklich nette Tüten.

„Gehen wir, Schlampen!“ sagte ich.

Wir drängten uns in meinen kleinen Eos. Karen kümmerte sich um das Navigationssystem. Ich kannte mich in South Hill nicht aus und ich hatte keine Ahnung, wo einige der Orte lagen, zu denen ich wollte. Beim Floristen einigten wir uns auf eine Farbzusammenstellung für die Blumen: weiß und pink mit purpur als Schuss Lebendigkeit. Mein Brautstrauß sollte aus weißen Gänseblümchen und Löwenmäulchen, rosafarbenen Orchideen und purpurnen Anemonen bestehen. Die gleichen Blumen sollten in Vasen entlang des Ganges und in kleineren Arrangements auf den Tischen stehen.

Dann fuhren wir zu den Caterern und aßen ein paar leckere Sachen. Einer hatte diese leckeren Täubchen, die ich absolut liebte, während der andere uns Ravioli mit Kürbis anbot. Ich tendierte zu den Täubchen. Ich bekam Schachteln, in denen wir Proben für Mark mitnehmen konnten, damit wir sehen konnte, was er mochte. Dann fuhren wir zu einer Bäckerei, um den Hochzeitskuchen zu bestellen. Wir bestellten eine dreistöckigen weiße Torte, die mit rosafarbenen glasierten Blumen verziert war und kleine Figuren von Mark und mir unter einem weißen Bogen obendrauf hatte. Diese Torte würde wunderbar werden.

Als wir gegen zwei am Nachmittag nach Hause kamen, war ich müde. Mark würde sich bei mir dafür revanchieren müssen, dass ich die ganze Lauferei wegen der Hochzeit hatte. Er war noch nicht zurück. Er musste noch damit beschäftigt sein, an der Schule Jungfrauen für uns zu suchen. Der geile Bock hatte sicher schon welche gefunden, hatte sich aber nicht beherrschen können und sie gleich geknackt. Und dann hatte er sich bestimmt durch den Lehrkörper gefickt.

Ich setzte mich auf die Couch im Wohnzimmer und kickte meine Schuhe weg. Thamina machte gerade das Wohnzimmer sauber. Sie war nackt dabei. Ihre dunkle Haut war so wunderschön, von kaffeebrauner Farbe. Ihre Brüste waren rund, sie passten perfekt in eine Hand und waren von dunklen Nippeln gekrönt. Ihre Fotze war gewachst worden und sei hatte ein kleines V stehen lassen, das auf das obere Ende ihres Schlitzes zeigte. Ihr dunkles Haar wurde von einem wunderschönen bunten Kopftuch bedeckt, einem Überbleibsel ihrer Muslimischen Erziehung.

„Ich brauche eine Fußmassage, Thamina“, sagte ich.

„Oh gerne, Herrin“, antwortete Thamina aufgeregt. Sie kniete sich hin und fing an, meinen rechten Fuß mit leichtem Druck zu massieren.

„Du machst das ziemlich gut“, murmelte ich.

„Vielen Dank, ich habe früher immer meinem Mann die Füße massiert“, gab Thamina zur Antwort.

„Du bist verheiratet?“ fragte ich überrascht.

„Er ist im letzten Jahr gestorben, als er seine Familie auf der West Bank besucht hat“ antwortete Thamina. „Er war kein netter Mann.“

„Tut mir trotzdem leid“, sagte ich und schloss meine Augen. Ihre Hand fühlte sich an meinem Fuß so gut an.

„Ist schon in Ordnung, ich habe ja jetzt dich und den Meister.“

Ihre Massage fühlte sich so gut an, so entspannend. Ich würde mir künftig häufiger von ihr die Füße massieren lassen. Sie fing mit meinem linken Fuß an. „Deine Zehen sind so niedlich, Herrin.“

Ich lächelte. „Ich weiß, sie sind sehr süß.“ Mir kam eine Idee. „Du könntest doch mal daran lutschen.“

Ich erzitterte vor Lust, als ihre nasse Zunge anfing, meinen Fuß zu lecken. Sie fuhr zwischen meine Zehen und sie saugte meine Zehen in ihren Mund wie winzig kleine Schwänze. Angenehmes Kribbeln lief durch meinen Körper. Es endete in meiner Muschi und ich spürte, wie ich feucht wurde. Ich öffnete den Kopf an meiner Jeans und fuhr mit meiner Hand hinein. Ich spürte, dass ich immer nasser wurde. Ich streichelte meinen Kitzler und wollte nicht kommen. Ich wollte einfach nur meine Lust erhöhen, während Thamina an meinen Zehen lutschte.

„Lass mich das machen Herrin“, sagte Xiu.

Ich öffnete meine Augen und sah die großbusige Asiatin, die sich neben mich gesetzt hatte. Die Schiene von ihrer Nase war weg und ihr Gesicht war nicht länger geschwollen.. Ich freute mich, dass ihr Gesicht wieder ganz normal war. Sie musste eben erst vom Arzt gekommen sein, weil sie noch eine enge Jeans und ein ebenso enges Oberteil trug. An Xius kleinem Körper wirkten ihre Titten enorm groß, sie hatten dieselbe Größe wie die von Desiree.

Ich zog meine Hand aus meiner Jeans und Xius geschickte Finger glitten hinein. Von jemand anderem berührt zu werden, war immer viel erregender. Ich schloss meine Augen und seufzte, als Xius Finger sich an meiner Muschi zu schaffen machten. Sie streichelte meine Schamlippen, bewegten sich über meinen Kitzler und glitten in meine Öffnung. Thamina leckte weiter an meinen Zehen, ein Rinnsal von Lust, das den Strom ergänzte, den Xiu in meiner Muschi erzeugte. Ich fuhr mit meiner Hand unter Xius Top, schob ihr den BH hoch und befreite damit ihre großen Titten aus ihrer Gefangenschaft. Ich drückte ihre fleischige Melone und fand den Schmetterling, der an ihrem Nippel-Piercing hin. Ich zog feste daran. Xiu stöhnte vor Schmerz und Lust laut auf. Die Schlampe war Masochistin.

Ich spürte, wie Xiu mein Oberteil nach oben schob. Der Stoff rieb sich angenehm an meinen harten Nippeln. Meine knackigen Brüste waren jetzt an der frischen Luft und ich spürte warmen Atem an meiner rechten Brust. Ich keuchte und zitterte vor Lust, als eine nasse Zunge meine rechte Brust leckte und in Kreisen um meine Brustwarze fuhr. Nasse Lippen saugten an meinem harten Nippel und ergaben ein weiteres geiles Gefühl, das sich mit den anderen vereinigte.

Die Haustür wurde geöffnet und jemand kam ins Wohnzimmer. Ich öffnete meine Augen und sah Noel, unsere FBI-Schlampe. Sie war von der Arbeit nach Hause gekommen. Sie trug einen rotbraunen Hosenanzug. Ihr blondes Haar war in einem Knoten hochgesteckt. Sie zog die Nadeln heraus und das Haar ergoss sich in einer wilden Mähne um ihr Gesicht. Sie zog ihre Jacke aus und zeigte eine weiße Bluse und ihr Schulterhalfter für ihre Dienstpistole.

„Du bist aber früh zu Hause“, stöhnte ich. Ich klopfte auf die Couch neben mir.

Noel setzte sich hin. Sie öffnete ihre Bluse und entblößte ihren schwarzen BH. „Ich bin den ganzen Tag vom OPR befragt worden“, seufzte Noel müde. „Sie unterziehen gerade Peterson dem dritten Grad.“

Ich lächelte. Agent Peterson war das Arschloch, das gestern unsere Tür eingeschlagen hatte und ein ganzes SWAT-Team auf uns gehetzt hatte, um unser Haus zu stürmen. Mark hatte ihn anschließend unsere Reporter-Schlampe Jessica ein Interview geben lassen, in welchem er ein inkompetentes Arschloch aus sich gemacht hatte. Er hatte zugegeben, dass es sich bei Mark nicht um den Bankräuber handelte, der gesucht wurde. Und er hatte gesagt, dass seine Inkompetenz dazu geführt hatte, dass ein unschuldiger Mann und seine Familie aufgeschreckt worden waren, während sie noch schliefen. Der Schwanz hatte es verdient und noch mehr. Ich hatte gedacht, dass es schrecklich war, von einer Nonne gefangen zu werden, aber zwei Typen in Schwarz, die mit ihrer MP auf dich zeigen, wenn du nackt im Bett liegst, das ist noch eine andere Nummer.

„Was ist das OPR?“ fragte ich.

„Das OPR ist das ‚Office of Professional Responsibiliy”, antwortete Noel. “Das ist die interne Revision beim FBI.“

„Okay, dann hat Peterson also Probleme?“ fragte ich mit einem Lächeln.

„Ja. Die Beweislage gegen Mark ist absolut wasserdicht.“, informierte Noel mich. „Man hat eine Gesichtserkennungssoftware eingesetzt und hat ihn in den Bildern der Überwachungskamera bei den Banküberfällen erkannt. Dann hat man die Bilder mit dem Foto in seinem Führerschein verglichen. Das OPR kann nicht verstehen, warum Agent Peterson Mark nicht festgesetzt hat. Sie glauben, dass er entweder bestochen oder erpresst wird. Ein Richter hat die Überwachung von euren Handys und von der Telefonleitung des Hauses angeordnet. Außerdem werden sie bald damit beginnen, das Haus zu observieren. Ich werde meine Tarnung nicht aufrecht erhalten können, wenn ich weiter herkomme. Außerdem redet man darüber, dass ein Ermittler aus der Abteilung Organisiertes Verbrechen von New York herfliegen wird.“

„Okay“, sagte ich. Ich streckte meine Hand aus und fummelte an ihrem BH Herum, während ich darüber nachdachte, was sie erzählt hatte. Das mit der Observation würde echt ein Problem darstellen. „Du musst am Sonntagabend hier sein. Ich denke, wir werden dich im Kofferraum eines Autos hereinschmuggeln.“

Noel zog ein Handy heraus. „Das hier ist ein Prepaid Telefon“, sagte Noel. „Ich werde es für die Kommunikation mit euch verwenden.“

Ich streichelte ihr Gesicht und zog sie zu einem Kuss an mich. Ihre Zunge rutschte in meinen Mund und ich saugte daran, während Xiu mit fingerte und Thamina an meinen Zehen lutschte. Noel fing an, mit meiner linken Brust zu spielen. Ihre Finger drückten leicht meinen steifen Nippel. Xiu saugte an meinem anderen Nippel und sie ließ ihre Zunge darum herum wirbeln.

Ich brach den Kuss ab. „Noel, du bist unsere Schlampe und das FBI wird dich uns nicht wegnehmen können“, sagte ich und hielt ihr Kinn. „Sag uns, wo die Überwachung sitzt, und Mark wird sich darum kümmern, dass sie nichts über dich berichten.“

„Danke, Herrin.“ Noel wurde rot und ich zog sie wieder zu einem Kuss an mich. Diesmal drang meine Zunge in ihren Mund ein.

Mein Orgasmus baute sich auf, während die drei Schlampen mit meinem Körper spielten. Der Druck in meinem Bauch stieg immer weiter. Jede Berührung ihrer Zungen und ihrer Finger leistete dazu ihren Beitrag. Der Damm begann unter dem Angriff der Schlampen zu bröckeln. Alle meine Sinne waren hellwach. Ich spürte, wie der Stoff meiner Hose an meinen Oberschenkeln rieb und ich spürte den Samt der Couch an meinem Rücken. Der frische Duft vom Jasmin-Shampoo von Noel und Xiu erfüllte meine Nase.

„Jaaaaa!“, heulte ich, als der Damm brach und als mein Körper sich zusammenzog, als die Lust durch ihn hindurch floss. „Verdammt jaaaa!“


Ich fuhr in die Einfahrt meines Hauses. Auf dem Rücksitz des Mustangs saßen zwei Mädchen aus der Oberschule, beide waren noch Jungfrauen. Ich hatte fast den ganzen Tag damit verbracht, Mädchen zu finden, deren Häutchen noch intakt waren. Ich musste eine Menge Mädchen befragen und ficken. Viele waren zwar noch Jungfrauen, hatten aber ihre Häutchen mit Spielzeug oder Haarbürsten, beim Sport oder beim Reiten oder wie bei einem Mädchen sogar beim Rad fahren zerrissen.

Ich hatte außerdem die Sex-Sklavin für Tom gefunden. Sie hieß Hikaru, eine wunderschöne kleine Austauschschülerin aus Japan, die den dichtesten schwarzen Busch hatte, den ich jemals gesehen hatte, genauso wie Tom es sich wünschte. Er hatte sie abgeholt, als die Schule zu Ende war. Die beiden Jungfrauen, die ich gefunden hatte, waren April, ein Mädchen, das ein wenig nerdy aussah und Felicity. April hatte eine silberne Brille, buschiges braunes Haar und ein wunderschönes Gesicht. Felicity war ein großes Mädchen mit hübschen Titten und schwarzem Haar, das sie in einem wunderschönen geflochtenen Zopf trug.

Ich wollte Mary wählen lassen, welches Mädchen sie entjungferte. Beide waren wunderschön, aber April trug diese sexy Brille, ich hoffte also, dass sich Mary für Felicity entscheiden würde. Die Mädchen waren ganz nervös, als sie aus dem Auto ausstiegen. Beide wussten, dass sie hier waren, um ihr Häutchen zu verlieren. Ihre Hände waren schmal und feucht, als ich sie ins Haus führte.

„Mare!“ rief ich. „Ich bin wieder da. Wo bist du?“

„Wohnzimmer“, antwortete Mary und ich führte die beiden Jungfrauen weiter.

Mary saß zerzaust auf dem Sofa. Auf der einen Seite schmiegte sich Xiu an sie und auf der anderen Noel. Marys Shirt war über ihre Brüste nach oben gerollt und ihre Nippel waren hart. Der rechte war nass von Speichel. Ihre Jeans war aufgeknöpft und Xius glänzende Hand lag auf Marys Bauch. Thamina kniete nackt auf dem Boden und rieb Marys niedliche Füße.

„Die sind ja nackt!“ keuchte April und sie bedeckte ihre Brille mit ihrer freien Hand.

Felicity lächelte nervös und schaute Mary an. „Du bist wunderschön“, flüsterte sie.

Mary schnurrte: „Du aber auch.“ Sie stand auf und zog sich das Shirt ganz aus. Ihre festen Brüste wackelten leicht, als sie auf uns zukam. „Sei nicht so unhöflich, Mark. Stell uns vor.“

„Das hier ist Felicity und die mit der Brille heißt April“, sagte ich. „Mädchen, das hier ist Mary. Gebt ihr einen Kuss.“

Rot wie eine Tomate nahm April ihre Hand von den Augen und beugte sich vor. Sie wollte Mary anscheinend nur einen kurzen Schmatz geben, aber Mary hatte andere Ideen. Sie zog das Mädchen an sich und gab ihr einen Kuss mit einer Menge Zunge. Das Mädchen war atemlos. Felicity hatte ein erregtes Grinsen im Gesicht und küsste Mary gierig und steckte ihr ihre Zunge in den Mund.

„Ich werde dir dein Häutchen nehmen“, sagte Mary zu Felicity, als sie den Kuss beendete. Sie drückte dem Mädchen durch die Jeans den Arsch. Und so bekam ich die süße April.

Wir nahmen unsere Jungfrauen mit nach oben in unser Schlafzimmer. April war die Nervösere von den beiden. Sie zitterte vor Angst. Ihr Atem war unregelmäßig und abgehackt. Ich streichelte ihr über das braune Haar. Dann nahm ich ihr hübsches Gesicht in meine Hände und küsste sie vorsichtig auf ihre Lippen. Ihr ganzer Körper zitterte, als ihre Lippen meiner Zunge nachgaben. Ich schmeckte den Lipgloss und den frischen Geschmack ihres Mundes.

Mary war aggressiver als ich. Sie warf Felicity rückwärts auf das Bett und kroch über sie. Sie hatte nur noch ihre enge Jeans an. Mary legte sich auf den Teenager und die beiden schmusten leidenschaftlich miteinander. Mary hatte ihre Hand unter Felicitys Little-Pony-T-Shirt und knetete ihre Brust, während Felicitys Hände über Marys Rücken fuhren.

Ich beendete den Kuss. Aprils Augen waren jetzt groß. Ihre Leidenschaft war geweckt. Ihre Wangen waren rosa. Ich streichelte ihre Wange und sagte: „Zieh mich aus.“

Ihre Hände zitterten, als sie nach dem Saum meines T-Shirts griffen und es über meinen Kopf zogen. Ihre Hände streichelten meine Brust. Fast mein ganzes Fett war inzwischen verschwunden und sie streichelte mein Brusthaar. Ihre Hände fuhren an meinem Körper nach unten und kamen zu meiner Jeans. Sie öffnete den Knopf und der Reißverschluss lief langsam mit metallischem Rattern nach unten. Ich stieg aus meiner Hose, nachdem sie an meinen Beinen nach unten gerutscht war und dann fasste sie an meine blaue Boxershorts und zog sie auch nach unten.

Mein harter Schwanz sprang hoch. Er wippte vor ihrem Gesicht. Sie keuchte überrascht. Ihr Atem war warm auf meinem Schwanz. Ich sah, wie sie ihre Lippen leckte. „Der ist so groß“, sagte sie leise und angstvoll. „Wird der in mich… reinpassen?“

„Deine Muschi wird sich dehnen“, sagte ich. „Leck mal dran.“

Ich schüttelte mich, als ihre schüchterne Zunge den Schaft leckte und über die empfindliche Eichel fuhr. Sie machte das wie ein süßes Kätzchen. Auf dem Bett schob Mary Felicitys T-Shirt hoch und legte ihre hübschen Brüste frei. Sie steckten noch in einem lila BH. Ich sah zu, wie meine Verlobte den Teenager ganz auszog. Jetzt konnte ich die malvenfarbenen Nippel sehen. Mary konnte nicht widerstehen, sie musste sie einfach in ihren Mund saugen. Aprils Zunge wurde zuversichtlicher und aggressiver. Ihre Lippen begannen jetzt nach jedem Strich ihrer Zunge meine Eichel zu küssen und dann war ich in ihrem warmen nassen Mund, als sie mich hineinsaugte.

Ihre Zähne kratzten über meine Eichel und ich zuckte zusammen. „Pass mit deinen Zähnen auf.“

„Sorry“, entschuldigte sie sich. Diesmal hielt sie ihren Mund weiter offen, als sie mich hineinsaugte.

Mary ließ sich auf dem Bett nieder. Sie küsste Felicitys flachen Bauch und fing an, dem Teenager die Jeans auszuziehen. Dann kam das lila Höschen dran. Felicity wurde rot und sie bedeckte ihre Muschi und ihr schwarzes Schamhaar mit beiden Händen. Mary nahm eine Hand und zog sie weg. Sie küsste die Handfläche und legte sie an Felicitys Seite. Felicity atmete tief ein und nahm ihre andere Hand auch weg.

Als Mary die Schenkel des Teenager spreizte und ihren engen Schlitz freilegte, teilten sich ihre Schamlippen leicht und zeigten ihr rosafarbenes Inneres. Es war von einem ganzen Wald aus schwarzem Haar umgeben. Der Anblick von Felicitys Möse war so schön! Ich spürte, wie sich meine Eier zusammenzogen und ich ergoss mich in Aprils Mund. April keuchte überrascht. Sie ließ meinen Schwanz los und zwei weitere Spritzer landeten auf ihrem überraschten Gesicht und bekleckerten ihre Brille. Sie starrte von unten zu mir hoch. Ihre Zunge leckte mein salziges Sperma von ihren Lippen.

„O wow“, machte Felicity, als Marys Zunge ihren jungfräulichen Schlitz leckte. „Oh mein Gott, das fühlt sich ja toll an!“ Mary leckte fester und der Teenager wand sich vor Lust auf dem Bett.

Ich nahm April und zog sie auf die Füße. „Du siehst so sexy aus mit Sperma im Gesicht“, sagte ich ihr.

„Danke.“ Sie errötete.

Ich griff den Saum von Aprils T-Shirt und zog es ihr über den Kopf. Ihre kleinen Brüste waren von einem langweiligen weißen BH bedeckt. Ich langte hinter sie und öffnete den BH. Ihre wunderschönen kleinen Brüste waren jetzt frei. Sie hatten große dunkle Nippel. Ihre Nippel waren steinhart und ich drückte einen. Sie zitterte vor Lust. Ich fuhr mit meiner Hand an ihr nach unten und ich fand den Reißverschluss ihres grünen Rockes. Ihr Höschen war genauso langweilig wie auch ihr BH. Ich sah einen feuchten Fleck in ihrem Schritt.

„Bist du nass geworden, als du meinen Schwanz gelutscht hast?“

Sie nickte. „Das war so… verdorben“, kicherte sie.

Ich zog ihr das Höschen herunter und legte das buschige braune Haar frei, das ihre Möse bedeckte. Sie duftete frisch und herb und ihr Schamhaar war feucht von ihrer Lust. „Bitte mich darum, dein Häutchen zu zerreißen.“

„Bitte, nimm mir meine Jungfräulichkeit“, bat April. Ihre Stimme war ganz belegt. „Ich möchte… eine Frau werden.“

„Nimmst du die Pille?“ Ihre Lippe zitterte, als sie den Kopf schüttelte. Ich lächelte. „Schlafe mit keinem anderen Jungen, bis du deine Periode hattest und wenn du schwanger wirst, dann hast du die Ehre, mein Kind auszutragen.“

Ein Lächeln umspielte ihre Lippen, die noch mit meinem Sperma bedeckt waren, als ich sie nach hinten drückte. Ihre Beine berührten das Bett und sie fiel neben Felicity. Felicity drehte sich zu April und küsste sie. Sie schmeckte mein Sperma und die beiden Jungfrauen nahmen sich bei der Hand. Marys Kopf war in Felicitys Möse vergraben. Sie leckte wild die Möse des Mädchens. Ich spürte, wie mein Schwanz immer härter wurde und ich starrte auf den braunen Muff von April.

Ich leckte meine Lippen und machte es Mary nach. Ich leckte Aprils Fotze. April machte ein ersticktes Geräusch, als meine Zunge in ihren engen Schlitz fuhr und ihren harten Kitzler berührte. Felicity beugte sich herüber und küsste April auf die Lippen. Sie schob April ihre Zunge in den Mund. Ich genoss das würzige frische Aroma von Aprils Fotze. Ihre Schamhaare kitzelten meine Nase, während meine Zunge sich in ihren Tiefen bewegte. Ich fand die dünne Membran ihres Jungfernhäutchens und zog mich wieder zurück. Ich wollte es nicht riskieren, dass ich es versehentlich zerriss, bevor ich eigentlich so weit war. Ich konzentrierte mich auf ihren Kitzler. Ich saugte ihn in den Mund und spielte mit meiner Zunge an der harten Perle.

„Komm mit mir gemeinsam“, drängte Felicity April. „Bitte komm mit mir gemeinsam!“

„Ja“ keuchte April. „Ich habe gleich einen Orgasmus. Oh Mann, das ist so viel besser als sich an einem Kissen zu reiben!“

Frischer Saft floss in meinen Mund. Beide Mädchen wanden sich auf dem Bett, als der erste Orgasmus, den sie von einem Partner erhalten hatten, durch ihre Körper floss. Ich leckte ein letztes Mal mit meiner Zunge und freute mich über den letzten Geschmack der Jungfrau. Dann erhob ich mich. Beide Jungfrauen waren erhitzt und nass und bereit für die Entjungferung. April lächelte mich an. Sie war gleichzeitig gierig und schüchtern. Ihre großen Nippel waren hart und Schweißtropfen rollten an ihren Brüsten herunter.

Mary stand auch auf. Ihr Gesicht war mit Felicitys Liebessaft bedeckt. Ich zog sie an mich und ich küsste sie. Ich schmeckte herbe würzige Muschi . „Hilf mir mit dem Umschnall-Dildo“, sagte Mary.

Ich half ihr, das schwarze Ledergeschirr anzulegen. Daran war ein fleischfarbener Dildo befestigt, der ein wenig kleiner war als mein Schwanz. Es war nicht der große, mit dem sie Karen vergewaltigt hatte, als wir sie früher in dieser Woche bestraft hatten. Ich richtete die Bänder aus und sorgte dafür, dass der Dildo sich auch an ihrem Kitzler rieb, wenn sie sich bewegte. Sie sollte genauso viel Vergnügen haben wie auch Felicity.

Beide Mädchen spreizten ihre Beine. Die Muschis glänzten unter ihrem Schamhaar. Ich bestieg April und Mary bestieg Felicity. Ich führte meine Eichel in ihre feuchte erregte Muschi und rieb sie an ihre seidigen Lippen. April biss sich auf die Unterlippe und ich schaute in ihre blauen Augen. Ich schob meinen Schwanz so weit in ihre Möse, bis ich an ihrem Häutchen ankam.

Ich schaute zu Mary hinüber. Sie hatte die Spitze ihres Umschnall-Dildos in Felicitys Möse. Sie lächelte erregt zu mir herüber. Gemeinsam sagte wir „Bathuwlah!“ und stießen nach vorne. Ich spürte, wie die dünne Membran unter meinem Stoß nachgab. April keuchte vor Schmerz, als ihr Hymen unter dem Druck meines Schwanzes zerriss. Es teilte sich und mein Schwanz glitt hindurch. Ich vergrub meinen Schwanz zur Hälfte in ihrer jetzt nicht mehr jungfräulichen Möse. Energie schien von Aprils Fotze in meinen Schwanz zu fließen und sich in meinem Körper auszubreiten. Es war ein Kribbeln wie von Elektrizität. Ich brauchte noch zwei weitere Stöße, um meinen Schwanz vollständig in ihrer Fotze zu versenken. April stöhnte, weil ihr das wehtat.

Ich schaute dahin, wo sich unsere Genitalien verbunden hatten und ich sah, dass eine rosafarbene Schicht meinen Schwanz bedeckte. Als ich meinen Schwanz zurückzog, rieb ich mit meinem linken Zeigefinger an ihrem harten Kitzler und dann schob ich meinen Schwanz langsam wieder hinein. Ich fing an, sie langsam und gleichmäßig zu ficken. Ich nahm mir ihren Nippel mit meiner rechten Hand und fing an, mit dem harten Knopf zu spielen. Neben uns fickte Mary Felicity langsam und hart. Die Brüste der beiden Frauen waren gegeneinander gepresst und ihre Nippel rieben sich aneinander, während sie sich leidenschaftlich küssten. Felicity hatte ihre Schenkel um Mary geschlungen und ihre Arme lagen um Marys Hals.

Aprils Fotze fühlte sich jetzt glitschiger an und ihr Stöhnen wurde lustvoller. Sie versuchte, mich zu küssen, aber ich drehte meinen Kopf weg und ihre mit Sperma beschmierten Lippen berührten meine Wange. Ihre Hände bewegten sich über meine Brust, sie streichelten meine Nippel, spielten mit meinem Brusthaar und rieben meinen Bauch. Ich wurde schneller und April fing an, ihre Hüften zu bewegen, als die Lust in ihrem Inneren größer wurde. Ihre Fotze hielt meinen Schwanz ganz fest umschlungen. Und jeder meiner Stöße steigerte meine Lust. Der Druck in meinen Eiern stieg an und ich biss die Zähne zusammen, weil ich meinen Erguss fürs erste verzögern wollte. Ich wollte der Kleinen ihren ersten Orgasmus von einem Schwanz schenken.

„Deine Fotze ist so eng“, flüsterte ich. „So gottverdammt eng!“

„Ich liebe… meine Güte… ich liebe dieses Gefühl in mir!“ keuchte sie.

„Sag es!“ flüsterte ich.

„Dein Penis. Ich liebe deinen Penis. In mir“, flüsterte sie. Sie wurde rot und ihre Fotze zog sich um meinem Schwanz zusammen.

„So sagt man das nicht“, sagte ich. „Mein Schwanz steckt in deiner Schlampenfotze.“

„Ja!“ keuchte sie. „Ich liebe deinen… Schwanz in meiner… Fotze! Oh, er fühlt sich so gut an! Ja, ja!“

Aprils Fotze begann, sich um meinen Schwanz zu verkrampfen und ihr ganzer Körper zitterte unter mir, als sie ihren ersten Orgasmus als Frau erlebte. Ich fickte sie hart und rammte meinen Schwanz noch dreimal in ihre Tiefen. Ich wollte jetzt auch an den Punkt kommen, an dem meine Eier platzen und mein Sperma ihre unschuldige Fotze überfluten würde. Ich stöhnte, stieß noch einmal und dann war ich da. Die Lust kam aus meinen Eiern und schoss heraus und landete in ihrer Teenager-Fotze.

„Wow!“ machte sie, als ich aufhörte, mich über ihr zu bewegen. „Das war toll!“ Sie lächelte.

„Ja, ja, ja, oh Gott, ja!“ sang Felicity neben uns und wir sahen beide zu, wie Mary Felicitys Fotze wie eine Wilde fickte. Ich hatte mich so darauf konzentriert gehabt, meine eigene Jungfrau zu ficken, dass ich gar nicht bemerkt hatte, dass Mary Felicity auf den Bauch gedreht und ihr ein Kissen untergeschoben hatte. Sie hatte damit ihren Arsch erhöht, damit sie sie besser hart von hinten ficken konnte. Felicitys knackiger Arsch erzitterte bei jedem von Marys Stößen. Felicitys Gesicht war mir zugewandt und ihre Augen waren fest geschlossen. Sie stöhnte vor Lust.

„Du verdammte Hure!“ stöhnte Mary und sie fickte sie hart. „Oh, du machst mich fertig, du verdammte Hure!“
„Ja, ja, ja!“ keuchte Felicity. „Komm mit mir gemeinsam! Lass uns zusammen kommen!“

„Verdammt Hure!“ keuchte Mary. Ihre Brüste schwangen auf und ab. „Oh verdammt!“

„Ich komme!“ rief Felicity plötzlich und sie fing an, sich unter Mary zu winden. „Heilige Scheiße! Das ist ja irre!“

„Du süße, verfickte Hure!“ schrie Mary und fiel über Felicity. Sie zitterte, als sie von ihrer eigenen Lust übermannt wurde. Mary legte ihren Kopf auf Felicitys Rücken und sie lächelte mich an. Ihr Gesicht war schweißnass.

„Danke“, flüsterte Felicity. „Das hat sich so gut angefühlt.“

„Warte, bis du erst einen richtigen Schwanz in der Möse hast“, sagte Mary. „Das fühlt sich noch viel besser an.“

„Wirklich?“ fragte Felicity mit weit geöffneten Augen.

„Natürlich, komm, wir finden es heraus“, sagte Mary und zog ihren Dildo heraus. „Wir tauschen unsere Partner.“

„Genau“, sagte ich und spielte mit Felicitys festem Arsch. Ich rollte von April herunter. Mein Schwanz war glitschig und mit einer Mischung aus Blut und Mösensagt bedeckt. „Reite mich.“

„Wie ein Cowgirl?“, fragte Felicity mich. „So nennt man das doch, oder?“

„Genau“, sagte ich.

Mary ging zu Aprils Seite des Bettes und rieb ihre Fotze. „Oh bitte, ich bin wund“, sagte April.

„Dann dreh dich um“, sagte Mary. „Du hast ja noch ein anderes Loch.“

April sah einen Moment lang verwirrt aus. Dann wurde sie feuerrot. „Du meinst, mein… Poloch?“

„Genau, Baby“, sagte Mary. Ich werde einen hübschen kleinen Po so richtig aufweiten. Und du wirst vor Lust schreien, wenn ich das tue.“

Felicity hockte sich über meine Hüften, während April sich umdrehte. Mary schob ein Kissen unter April Bauch, damit ihr Hintern nach oben stand. Dann lehnte sich Mary nach vorne und fing an, ihr das Arschloch zu lecken. Sie fuhr mit ihrer Zunge rund um Aprils runzeliges Löchlein. Dann drückte sie so lange mit der Zungensitze in das Zentrum der Rosenknospe, bis sie nachgab und Marys Zunge ein Stückchen eindringen konnte. Danach fing sie an, April einen Finger in ihr Loch zu schieben. Felicity bemühte sich, meinen Schwanz in ihre Fotze zu bekommen. Sie brauchte ein paar Versuche, bis die Richtung schließlich stimmte und sie sich langsam auf meinen Schwanz senkte.

„Oh, wow! Du bist größer als der Dildo“, keuchte sie, als ihre enge Fotze meinen Schwanz umschloss.

„Mach weiter“, drängte ich sie. Ich schloss meine Augen, als mich die Lust durchströmte. „Verschlucke meinen ganzen Schwanz mit deiner hungrigen Fotze!“ Ihre Fotze glitt weiter nach unten, bis schließlich ihr Kitzler gegen den Busch meines Schamhaares stieß. Dann hob sie sich wieder und ließ sich erneut herab. Es war eine wunderbare Folter für mich, wie sie mich so ritt.

„Oh mein Gott“, keuchte April, während Mary ihren Arsch fingerte. „Das fühlt sich ja vielleicht geil an!“ Sie klang überrascht.

„Hab ich dir doch gesagt, Baby“, schnurrte Mary. Sie schob April einen zweiten Finger in ihren engen Arsch. „Du wirst vor Lust schreien, wenn ich deinen Arsch ficke.“

Mary fing an, Aprils Arsch mit ihren Fingern zu ficken. Sie wurde immer schneller, weil das Arschloch der Kleinen sich immer weiter dehnte und sich immer mehr an die Finger gewöhnte. Auch Felicity nahm Geschwindigkeit auf. Ihre Fotze wurde offenbar immer geiler, weil mein Schwanz ihre Fotze aufdehnte. Ich griff nach oben und nahm mir eine ihrer Brüste. Ich drückte sie. Ihre Brüste waren größer als die von Mary. Sie hatte winzige malvenfarbene Nippel, die meine Finger fanden und streichelten. Ihre Fotze zog sich auf meinem Schwanz zusammen, während ich mit ihren Nippeln spielte und sie stöhnte.

„Nicht aufhören“, sagte April, als Mary ihre Finger zurückzog.

„Jetzt ist Zeit für etwas Größeres, Baby“, sagte Mary. Sie hockte sich über das Mädchen und brachte den Dildo an den engen Eingang zu ihrem Arsch.

„Oh Jesus“, stöhnte April, als Mary ihr langsam den Dildo in den Arsch drückte. „Du reißt mich auseinander.“

„Entspann dich“, sagte Mary und streichelte den Rücken des Mädchens. „Entspann dich und lass meinen Schwanz in dich eindringen.“ April stöhnte, als der Dildo immer tief in ihrem Arschloch verschwand. „Siehst du wohl. Ich bin jetzt ganz drin!“

„Oh wow, das fühlt sich ja merkwürdig an!“ keuchte April, als Mary anfing, den Dildo langsam wieder herauszuziehen und dann wieder hinein zu schieben. Mit jedem Mal wurde sie ein wenig schneller.

„Oh mein Gott“, stöhnte Felicity. „Dein Schwanz fühlt sich so gut in meiner Möse an. Er ist warm und er zuckt. Wow! Ich kann deine Eichel und den Schaft spüren! Das ist ja wunderbar! Warum habe ich bloß so lange damit gewartet!“

„Nimmst du die Pille?“ fragte ich sie.

„Nein“, sagte Felicity und dann weiteten sich erschreckt ihre Augen. Sie hörte auf, mich zu ficken. „Oh verdammt, du hast ja auch kein Kondom!“

„Fick mich weiter“, befahl ich ihr. Sie fing sofort wieder an, mich zu ficken und sie wurde schneller. „Ist das nicht aufregend? Mein Sperma wird gleich in dir sein und zu deiner Gebärmutter schwimmen. Vielleicht ist da ja gerade eines von deinen kleinen Eier, das darauf wartet, befruchtet zu werden! Würde dir das gefallen? Hättest du gerne, dass in deinem Bauch ein Baby von mir wächst?“

„Ja!“ schnurrte sie. „Los, mach mich schwanger. Mach mir ein Baby!“

Ihre Fotze zog sich fest um meinem Schwanz zusammen und sie drückte vor Lust ihren Rücken durch. Die schob ihre Brüste nach vorne und ließ sich mit aller Macht auf meinen Schwanz fallen. Sie schrie auf, als ihre Leidenschaft sie durchfloss. Ich spürte die Kraft ihres Orgasmus an meinem Schwanz und ich antwortete mit einer Ladung fruchtbarem Sperma.

„Ohh! Ich glaube, ich explodiere gleich!“ stöhnte April neben uns, während Mary sie richtig durchfickte. „Oh mein Gott, ist das toll! Mach weiter! Ja, ja, heilige Scheiße! Ich komme gleich! JA, ja! Oh JAAAA!“, heulte April, als die Lust in ihr explodierte.

Mary fickte sie weiter und jedes Mal, wenn der Dildo bis zum Anschlag im Arsch des Mädchens steckte, rieb sich das Ende an ihrem Kitzler. Mary griff in ihr buschiges Haar, zog ihr Gesicht hoch und küsste das Mädchen auf die Lippen. Sie leckte mein getrocknetes Sperma von ihren Wangen und schrie dann ihre eigene Leidenschaft in das Ohr der Kleinen, bevor sie auf ihr zusammenbrach. Mary rollte herunter und schiegte sich an mich an. Der nasse Dildo rieb sich an meinem Bein.

„Mädchen, geht jetzt zu Thamina und sagt ihr, dass sie euch nach Hause fahren soll“, sagte ich. „Und denkt dran, keine von euch darf einen Mann ficken, bis sie nicht ihre Periode bekommen hat.“

„Ja, Mark“, schmollte April. Felicity seufzte und stieg von mir herunter. Mein Schwanz rutschte mit einem feuchten Plopp aus ihrer mit Sperma gefüllten Fotze.

Mary nahm den Dildo ab und warf ihn auf den Boden. Ich streichelte ihr über das Haar und küsste sie auf die Lippen. Die beiden ehemaligen Jungfrauen zogen sich an. Beide schienen fassungslos, dass sie so abrupt rausgeworfen wurden. Aber Mary und ich hatten, was wir von ihnen haben wollten, also war es Zeit für sie zu gehen. April sah mich traurig an. Die Kleine hatte sich in mich verliebt. Nun, sie musste noch lernen, dass Sex und Liebe nicht dasselbe sind. Als sie angezogen waren, verließen beide Mädchen das Zimmer.

„Wie war dein Tag?“ fragte ich und streichelte Marys Seite. Sie hatte sich an mich gedrückt und ihre Brüste und ihr Kopf lagen auf meiner Brust.

„Lang“, seufzte sie. Und dann stieß sie mich in die Seite. „Von jetzt an wirst du mich begleiten, wenn es um die Hochzeitssachen geht“, beschwerte sich Mary. „Oder zumindest wirst du beim nächsten Mal nicht deinen Weg durch eine Oberschule ficken, wenn ich unterwegs bin.“

„Ich habe mich nicht durch die ganze Schule gefickt“, sagte ich. „Allerdings gab es da eine Turnklasse.“

Mary schüttelte den Kopf und lachte. „Das ist mein geiler Bock!“ Sie seufzte. „Aber du wirst mir schon mit den Vorbereitungen für die Hochzeit helfen, oder?“

„Ja, natürlich, Mare.“

Sie küsste mich. „Gut. Ich habe ein paar Proben von den Caterern mitgebracht. Du sollst mal probieren. Ich möchte wissen, was dir am besten schmeckt.“

„Mach ich. Warum war Noel heute eigentlich so früh zu Hause?“

„Das FBI kauft nicht, was wir Peterson gesagt haben“, antwortete Mary. „Er hat eine Menge Ärger. Noel hat erzählt, dass man einen Agenten aus der Abteilung für Organisiertes Verbrechen schicken wird, um die Sache zu übernehmen und dass man unsere Telefone abhört. Außerdem werden sie uns observieren.“

„Okay, das ist nichts, was wir nicht regeln könnten“, sagte ich und streichelte ihr Haar. Dann glitt ich mit meiner Hand nach unten, an ihrem Rücken entlang und kam an ihren runden Arsch. Ich zog einen Kreis auf ihrer Arschbacke. „Ich kann es gar nicht abwarten, endlich deine Familie zu treffen.“

„Du meinst wohl, dass du es gar nicht abwarten kannst, meine Schwestern zu ficken“, sagte Mary mit einem verdorbenen Lächeln. „Ich freue mich auch darauf.“

„Ich dachte, du wärest deswegen nervös.“

„Ich hatte einen total geilen Traum gestern Nacht“, sagte Mary. „Ich habe mit meinen Schwestern Liebe gemacht. Sie waren beide so wunderschön, nackt und nass und wir haben uns gegenseitig so viel Lust gegeben.“

„Klingt nett“, sagte ich. „Das würde ich gerne sehen.“

„Ich möchte wetten, dass du es kaum abwarten kannst, sie zu ficken“, kicherte Mary.

„Ja, das würde ich gerne tun.“ Mary küsste mich. „Wir werden sehen“, sagte sie mit einem verdorbenen Lächeln.

Wir küssten uns weiter. „Was meinst du, wann Chantelle und Lana zurückkommen?“ fragte Mary. „Ich hatte eigentlich gedacht, dass sei jetzt kommen müssten. Du hast ihnen doch gesagt, dass sei heute kommen sollten, oder?“

„Ich meine auch“, sagte ich und dachte nach. „Ich war an diesem Abend ziemlich betrunken. Ich kann mich nicht mehr so ganz genau erinnern.“

Mary nahm ihr Telefon und schickte ihnen eine SMS und dann kuschelten wir weiter. „Ich möchte, dass du eine Gästeliste machst“, sagte Mary mir. „Dann können wir am Montag anfangen, die Einladungen zu verschicken.“ Ich küsste ihre Hand. „Sicher, Mare.“

Marys Telefon summte und sie las die SMS. „Chantelle sagt: ‚Ich dachte, es wäre nächsten Freitag. Der Meister hat gesagt, dass wir den Rest unserer Flitterwochen genießen sollen und wir haben noch eine Woche.‘ Hast du das gesagt, Mark?“

„Ich glaube ja“, sagte ich und zuckte die Achseln. „Dann schreib ihnen, dass sie am nächsten Freitag zurückkommen sollen.“

„Ach, ich habe es fast vergessen. Alice hat angerufen. Am Montag haben wir um drei Uhr in Seattle ein Treffen mit der Investment-Gruppe, der das Grundstück gehört“, sagte Mary. Am Ende der Straße, in der unser Haus lag, gab es ein großes unbebautes Grundstück, das vor der Rezession eigentlich hätte bebaut werden sollen. Wir würden es kaufen und dort ein riesiges Anwesen errichten.

Ich spannte mich an, als Mary Alice erwähnte. Sie war Marys Freundin oder Liebhaberin. Ich war mir immer noch nicht sicher. Mary sagte, dass sie Freundinnen waren, aber sie verbrachten immer wieder Stunden in einem Hotel und machten Liebe miteinander. Ich hatte Alice gestern getroffen und mir war klar, dass sie tatsächlich in Mary verliebt war, und sie war eifersüchtig auf mich. Und ironischerweise war ich auch ein wenig eifersüchtig auf sie.

Mary spürte, dass ich mich anspannte und fragte: „Warum magst du Alice eigentlich nicht? Ich dachte, ihr beide versteht euch?“

Ich blinzelte. Sie hatte wohl nicht gesehen, wie Alice mich angesehen hatte. Wenn Blicke töten könnten, dann hätte sie mir mit ihrem Blick den Kopf abgerissen. „Ich… ich glaube nicht, dass sie mich mag“, sagte ich. „Sie schien eifersüchtig zu sein, als du bei mir warst.“

Mary runzelte die Stirn. „Warum sollte sie eifersüchtig sein? Du bist schließlich mein Verlobter. Bist du sicher, dass du dir das nicht nur einbildest?“ Ich war ziemlich sicher, dass ich das nicht tat. Mary fuhr fort: „Ihr Ehemann kümmert sich überhaupt nicht um sie, ich helfe meiner Freundin also. Zwischen uns ist nichts anderes als Freundschaft und toller Sex.“

„Na, vielleicht habe ich ein bisschen zu viel Fantasie“, log ich. Ich hatte keine Lust, mich zu streiten. Ich hatte allerdings Lust auf meine Verlobte. Ich zog ihr Gesicht hoch und küsste sie auf die Lippen. „Ich liebe dich, mein wunderschönes Fohlen“, flüsterte ich. Ihr liebendes Lächeln bat mich, sie noch einmal zu küssen.

Ihre Zunge schlüpfte in meinen Mund, als die Leidenschaft unseres Kusses zunahm. Mein Schwanz wurde hart, während ich Marys Seite streichelte. Ich fuhr mit meiner Hand nach oben zu ihren festen Brust und ich spielte mit ihrem harten Nippel. Ich beendete den Kuss. „Ich stelle gerade fest, dass ich heute noch gar keine Liebe mit meiner wundervollen Verlobten gemacht habe.“

„Vielleicht solltest du etwas dagegen tun“, keuchte Mary. „Sie ist immer noch ein wenig verstimmt, weil sie für unsere Hochzeit arbeiten muss, während du deinen Spaß hast.“

Ich küsste ihren Hals und dann zu ihren Brüsten hinunter. Ich nahm einen Nippel in meinen Mund und spielte sanft mit meiner Zunge daran. „Ich tut mir leid“, sagte ich leise und dann lutschte ich an ihrem anderen Nippel. „Kann ich das wiedergutmachen?“

„Vielleicht“, grinste sie. „Geh mal ein wenig weiter nach unten.“

Ich küsste mich an ihrem flachen Bauch nach unten und machte an ihrem Bauchnabel eine Pause. Mary kicherte und wand sich auf dem Bett, als ich mit meiner Zunge darum herum fuhr. Dann küsste ich mich weiter nach unten und rieb mein Gesicht an ihrem herzförmigen Haarbusch. Ich roch ihre Erregung, süß und würzig zugleich und dann ging ich zwischen ihre gespreizten Schenkel.

Mary schüttelte sich, als ich durch ihren Schlitz leckte. „Hmmm, ich glaube, ich fange schon an, dir zu vergeben“, stöhnte sie, als meine Zunge ein zweites Mal durch ihren Schlitz fuhr. Dann saugte ich eine ihrer Schamlippen in meinen Mund und ich ließ meine Zunge über sie wandern. Ich zog ihre Schamlippen auseinander. Ihre rosafarbene Tiefe glänzte vor Erregung. Ich schob ihr meine Zunge in ihre Öffnung und bewegte sie in ihrem engen Kanal hin und her. Ihre Hand griff in meine Haare und sie zog mich tiefer in ihren Schoß, während ich ihre Fotze leckte.

„Hmm, ja, leck mich!“ stöhnte sie. „Oh Gott, ich liebe dich, mein geiler Hengst! Lutsch an meinem Kitzler! Oh, bitte!“

Ich saugte ihren Kitzler in meinen Mund und schob ihr langsam einen Finger in ihre nasse Muschi. Ihre Möse saugte gierig an meinem Finger und fügte noch einen zweiten hinzu. Marys Hüften wanden sich vor Lust und ihr Stöhnen füllte meine Ohren. Ich spielte mit meiner Zunge an ihrer harten kleinen Perle und bei jedem Schlag mit meiner Zunge zuckten ihre Hüften vor Lust. Ich winkelte die Finger in ihrer Möse an und suchte nach ihrem G-Punkt.

„Ja, ja, ja, ja, ich vergebe dir!“ rief sie. „Ich vergebe dir, mach nur weiter! Oh verdammt ja, da machst mich fertig! Ja, ja, du geiler Hengst!“ Ihre Finger rissen an meinen Haaren und sie zog mich ganz fest in ihre Fotze. Ihr Rücken drückte sich durch, als sie ihren Orgasmus bekam.

Ich küsste leicht ihre Schamlippen, als sie wieder von ihrem Orgasmus herunter kam. Ich genoss ihren Geschmack. Ihre wichen Schenkel drückten gegen meinen Kopf und ich küsste auch diese. Schließlich richtete sich Mary auf ihre Unterarme auf und lächelte.

„Ich will meinen Hengst in mir“, schnurrte sie. „Ich möchte von deinem harten Schwanz ausgefüllt werden. Ich hatte den ganzen Tag noch keinen Schwanz in meiner Fotze. Mein armes kleines Fötzchen ist einsam und traurig.“ Sie schaute auf die Uhr. „Wir haben och mehr als eine Stunde, bis wir uns fertig machen müssen. Und die ganze Zeit will ich deinen Schwanz in mir haben!“

Ich lächelte und schob mich zu ihr hoch. „Dein Hengst ist mehr als glücklich, deinem verdorbenen kleinen Fötzchen alles zu geben, was es braucht.“ Ich drückte ihren Arsch. „Und auch deinem hungrigen Arschloch!“


„Theodora, ich habe gerade von dieser tollen Bar gehört.“ Antsy kicherte, als sie ins Hotelzimmer kam.

Sie hieß nicht wirklich Antsy. Es war eine Kurzform von Samantha. Ihr Vater hatte sie so genannt, weil sie nicht stillsitzen konnte.

Heute trug sie einen fluoreszierenden pinkfarbenen Bikini, der all ihre jugendlichen Reize zeigte. Das Mädchen hatte ein hübsches Paar Titten und einen tollen Arsch. Ihr Körper glänzte, weil sie sich mit Sonnenöl eingerieben hatte. Er wurde langsam braun. Das Mädchen war eben zurückgekommen, nachdem sie am Strand in Miami nach Kerlen Ausschau gehalten hatte. Und bei diesem Körper hatte sie sicher nicht lange suchen müssen.

Ich hatte am vergangenen Abend vorgehabt, das Mädchen zu verführen, aber es war mir nicht gelungen, weil sie erst heute früh wieder ins Hotel gekommen war. Sie hatte nach abgestandenem Bier und nach Sex gerochen. Sie hatte mir kichernd alles von dem Typ erzählt, den sie aufgerissen hatte und mit dem sie in sein Appartement gegangen war. „Ich kann nicht glauben, dass ich das tatsächlich gemacht habe“, hatte Antsy mir gebeichtet. „Ich habe noch nie vorher einen One-Night-Stand gehabt. Das ist so verdorben!“

„Und was ist so toll an dieser Bar?“ fragte ich. „Du bist erst neunzehn. Du darfst noch nicht trinken.“

„Die checken das da nicht“, kicherte Antsy. „Das hat jedenfalls dieser Typ, ich glaube, er hieß Keith oder doch Kyle, egal!“ Sie zuckte ihre Achseln. „Ich möchte jedenfalls, dass du mitkommst. Keith hat gesagt, dass er da sein wird. Und ich möchte wetten, dass wir für dich auch einen Typ finden werden.“

Ich würde wetten, wenn wir einen netten Typ fanden und ich anbieten würde, dass wir einen flotten Dreier miteinander machen könnten, dann würde sie bestimmt mitmachen und dann könnte ich den Spruch von Avvah auf das Mädchen anwenden und sie zu einer Falle für ihren Bruder machen. Wenn ich Mark dann erledigt hatte, konnte ich Schwester Louise befreien. Louise hatte es als erste Nonne versucht, Mark zu besiegen, aber wegen der Einmischung von Lilith der Dämonin, war dieser Versuch fehlgeschlagen.

Marks Liebhaberin, auch eine Hexerin, hatte die Dämonin Lilith herbeigerufen und das machte meinen Job wesentlich schwieriger. Hier kam nun Antsy ins Spiel. Nach dem Engel Ramiel wollte Mark mit seiner Schwester schlafen, um irgendeine schwarze Magie zu machen. Wenn Mark mit Antsy schlief, dann würde der Spruch von Avvah dafür sorgen, dass die beiden besessen voneinander wurden und das würde das Verhältnis zwischen Mark und seiner Liebhaberin zerstören. Und wenn die beiden erst einmal getrennt waren, wäre die Arbeit leichter.

„Ich komme gerne mit dir in die Bar“, sagte ich. „Vielleicht finden wir einen Typ. Den könnten wir dann mitnehmen und ihn beide gemeinsam ficken.“

„Was, du meinst einen Dreier?“ fragte Antsy und wurde rot.

„Genau, das macht bestimmt einen Riesenspaß“, sagte ich so sexy wie möglich.

Sie runzelte die Stirn. „Das könnte wirklich ganz interessant werden. Ich war aber noch nie mit einer Frau zusammen, ich weiß nicht…“

„Komm Mädchen, mach dir keine Sorgen, wir sind doch mit einem Kerl zusammen“, log ich. „Es ist ja nicht so, dass wir es miteinander treiben würden.“

„Okay.“ Ihr Gesicht hellte sich auf. „Ich glaube, das wird wirklich Spaß machen. Stell dir mal vor, wie der gucken wird, wenn er mitkriegt, dass er zwei wunderschöne Frauen ficken kann.“

Ich lachte mit ihr. Wenn du erst mal betrunken bist, Antsy und wenn du mit einem geilen Kerl im Bett liegst, dann wird es dir egal sein, wenn eine andere Frau es mit dir macht. Du wirst Wachs in meinen Händen sein.

To be continued…

Click here for Kapitel 19

Der Pakt mit dem Teufel Kapitel 8: Abendessen und eine Orgie



Der Pakt mit dem Teufel

Kapitel 8: Abendessen und eine Orgie

Von mypenname3000

Übersetzt von Horem

© Copyright 2013, 2014

Story Codes: Male/Females, Female/Females, Males/Female, Mind Control, Orgy, BDSM, Rimming, Anal

Yes, this is in German. Horem graciously offered to translate the Devil’s Pact into German. For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here.

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Kapitel 7

Korina führte uns zu einem Tisch am Fenster. Es war mit einem weißen Tischtuch bedeckt und silbernes Besteck lag darauf. In silbernen Kerzenhaltern brannten rosafarbene Kerzen. Rote Blütenblätter von Rosen waren auf dem Tisch verstreut und es gab zwei Flaschen Champagner in Eiskübeln. Ich rückte meiner Verlobten den Stuhl zurecht und sie lächelte mich an. Das Lächeln war so schön, dass ich mich am liebsten nach vorne gebeugt und ihre roten Lippen in einem Kuss eingefangen hätte. Dann setzte ich mich ihr gegenüber. Korinas schwere Brüste schwangen hin und her, als sie uns jeweils eine Flöte Champagner eingoss und Mary streckte ihre Hand aus und spielte mit ihrem Bauchnabelpiercing, einem silbernen Herzchen, das an einem silbernen Kettchen baumelte. Xiu brachte uns zwei Speisekarten und legte sie vor uns auf den Tisch. Auf der anderen Seite des Raumes wurden Lana und Chantelle von Wanda zu ihrem Tisch gebracht.

Ich schaute auf die Speisekarte und dann auf Xiu und ihren wunderbaren Vorbau. Die asiatische Schönheit öffnete den Reißverschluss meiner Hose und saugte meinen hungrigen Schwanz hungrig in ihren kleinen Mund. „Ohhh, was für ein verdorbenes Mädchen“, gurrte Mary. „Du hast ihr noch nicht einmal gesagt, dass sie dich lutschen soll.“ Xiu keuchte auf meinem Schwanz, als Mary anfing, ihren Fuß in ihren haarigen Busch zu drücken. „Gib ihm einen Tittenfick mit deinen riesigen Titten, Schlampe!“

Xius Brüste waren weich und seidig an meinem Schwanz, als sie sie langsam auf und ab bewegte. „Danke, Mary“, stöhnte ich. „Ihre Titten fühlen sich einzigartig an.“

Mary hob ihre Champagnerflöte und ich hob meine. „Auf einen lustvollen Abend!“ sagte sie und unsere Gläser stießen zusammen. Der Champagner war gut gekühlt und perlte, als er durch meine Kehle gluckerte. Mary grinste und leckte sich die Lippen nach dem wahrscheinlich ersten Schluck Champagner ihres Lebens. Es war übrigens auch tatsächlich mein erster Schluck. Mary lächelte übermütig und schob dann ihren Rock hoch. „Ingrid“, rief sie die blonde, nordisch aussehende Frau.

„Ja, Miss?“

Mary streckte ihre Hand aus und griff nach dem langen straff gebundenen Zopf der Frau, der bis zu ihrem Arsch nach unten reichte. Sie zog ihr Gesicht kräftig nach unten. „Geh auf die Knie und leck mir meine verdorbene Muschi, Hure!“

„Ja, Miss“, keuchte Ingrid, während Mary ihren Kopf nach unten drückte. Sie ging auf die Knie und war jetzt neben Xiu unter dem Tisch. Sie fing an, geräuschvoll Marys Fotze auszulecken.

„Verdammt, diese Bitch ist richtig geil auf meine Muschi“, stöhnte Mary. Dann nahm sie die Speisekarte. „Mmmm, wie wäre es mit Garnelen als Vorspeise?“

Ich grunzte nur, mein Schwanz fühlte sich zu gut, als dass ich mir Gedanken über eine Vorspeise gemacht hätte. Xiu nahm jetzt nämlich noch ihre Zunge zum Tittenfick hinzu. Sie leckte immer wieder über meine Eichel, wenn mein Schwanz aus dem Tal zwischen ihren Titten auftauchte. Korina nahm unsere Bestellung entgegen. Ihre Nippel waren ganz hart und ihr Gesicht war erhitzt. Ich streckte meine Hand aus und spielte an ihrem festen Arsch, dann tauchte ich ein und fand ihre rasierte Vulva nass und heiß. Sie keuchte, als ich ihr einen Finger hineinsteckte.

„Was möchtest du als Hauptgericht, Mark?“ fragte Mary atemlos. „Ich hatte gedacht… ohh Scheiße!“ Sie brach ab und wand sich auf ihrem Stuhl. Sie keuchte laut. „Jesus Christus, diese kleine Nutte hat meinen G-Punkt gefunden!“ Mary nahm ihren Champagner und trank den Rest in einem Zug aus. Ingrid kroch unter dem Tisch hervor. Ihre Lippen waren mit Mösensaft verschmiert. Mary hielt ihr Glas hoch und Ingrid füllte es schnell. „Ich wollte sagen, ich hatte gedacht, Thunfisch.“

„Und Sie Sir?“ fragte Korina. Ihre Stimme war sehr hoch und gleichzeitig kehlig, während mein Finger das Innere ihrer Fotze erkundete.

„Ich nehme das Steak“, stöhnte ich. Ich war kurz davor zu kommen und ich konnte mich nicht darauf konzentrieren, auf die Speisekarte zu schauen.

„Und wie hätten Sie es gerne?“ fragte Korina. Sie biss sich auf die Lippe und bemühte sich, sich auf ihren Job zu konzentrieren.

„Medium“, stöhnte ich und spritzte dann mein Sperma über Xius olivfarbene Brüste.

„Okay, Sir“, sagte Korina und wollte in Richtung auf die Küche gehen. Ich leckte meine Finger ab. Sie hatte einen süßen und würzigen Geschmack.

Mary fasste Korina am Arm und hielt sie auf. „Xiu soll die Bestellung in die Küche bringen“, sagte Mary und zog Korina nach unten auf ihren Schoß und saugte an einem ihrer dunklen Nippel.

Xiu nahm den Bestellzettel und wurde sehr rot. Sie ging nackt zur Küche und war mit Sperma bedeckt. Es gab ein bisschen Gejohle. Xiu kam schnell wieder zurück, aber sie lächelte. Vielleicht ließ sie sich gerne erniedrigen. Ich trank den Rest meines Champagners und folgte dann Marys Beispiel und zog Ingrid auf meinen Schwanz. Ihre nasse Fotze rutschte sehr angenehm auf meinem Schwanz nach unten und sie keuchte, als ich in sie eindrang. Sie rutschte ein wenig hin und her, um sich ein wenig an die plötzliche Penetration zu gewöhnen. Ich küsste ihre Lippen und schmeckte Marys süßes und würziges Aroma auf ihren rosigen Lippen.

„Du sollst nicht einfach nur auf meinem Schwanz sitzen, Hure!“ schimpfte ich. „Bewege gefälligst deinen Arsch“!

Während sie meinen Schwanz fickte, zog ich Xiu herüber und ließ Ingrid meinen Saft von Xius großen vollen Titten lecken. Ingrid fand Spaß daran. Sie stöhnte, als sie Xius wunderschöne Titten ableckte und saugte. Ihre Hand fuhr unter die Schürze von Xiu und fing an, die Muschi des asiatischen Mädchens zu fingern. Ingrids Muschi war eng und seidig auf meinem Schwanz und ich schoss ihr eine Ladung Sperma tief hinein. Sie stand stolpernd von meinem Schoß auf und fing an, ihren Kitzler zu reiben, während ihr mein Saft an den Beinen herunterlief.

„Service“, wurde aus der Küche gerufen. Niemand von der Küchenbesatzung kam heraus. Ich war sehr damit einverstanden, dass die Köche in der Küche blieben.

Ich schlug Ingrid auf den Arsch und sie lief schnell in die Küche. „Verdammt! Der kleinen Schlampe läuft Sperma aus der Fotze!“ rief einer der Köche. „Bleib doch hier, süße Ingrid, ich habe einen dicken Schwanz, den ich dir gerne reinschieben würde.“ „Nein, hast du nicht. Dein Schwanz ist so klein wie mein kleiner Finger. Ich habe allerdings einen Monsterschwanz für dich!“

Ingrid floh aus der Küche, genauso verlegen wie auch Xiu gewesen war. Der Tisch wackelte ein wenig, als sich Korina auf eine Ecke setzte. Sie stöhnte, als Mary ihr die Muschi ausleckte. Korina hatte mir den Rücken zugewendet. Er war mit Schweiß bedeckt. Ihre Muskeln spannten sich an, während sie sich auf Marys Zunge wand. „Oh verdammt! Ja, ja, deine Zunge ist wunderbar! Verdammt! Mir kommt es! Oh Gott, ich komme!“

Ingrid stellte die Platte mit den dampfenden Garnelen auf den Tisch und Korina hüpfte gleichzeitig wieder herunter. Mary griff nach Ingrid, dann nahm sie eine Garnele und biss hungrig hinein. Ich nahm mir auch eine und wollte schon hineinbeißen, da hatte ich eine perverse Idee. Ich schlug auf Korinas Arsch und kommandierte: „Beug dich nach vorne, Schlampe!“

Korina beugte sich vor und ihre rasierte Fotze wurde zwischen ihren Beinen sichtbar. Ich schob die Garnele in ihre Muschi und bewegte sie einige Male hin und her, damit sie gut mariniert wurde. Dann stopfte ich mir die exquisite Garnele in den Mund und genoss das süße Aroma, das Korina hinzugefügt hatte. Mary lächelte und beugte Ingrid nach vorne. Sie bedeckte ihre Garnele mit meinem Sperma und Ingrids Mösensaft.

„Mhhh“, machte Mary und schmatzte mit den Lippen. „So sollten sie sie verkaufen! Was meinst du Schlampe? Würdest du gerne das Sperma deines Kunden in deiner Fotze haben und das dann zum Dippen benutzen?“

Ingrid schüttelte den Kopf. „Nein, Miss.“

Mary steckte ihr eine weitere Garnele in die Fotze. „Natürlich willst du das, Schlampe. Ich meine, schau doch selbst, wie nass du bist. Dein Saft läuft dir ja schon an den Beinen herunter. Hier, probier mal!“ Ingrid biss zögernd in die Garnele, die mit Sperma bedeckt war. „Gut, oder?“ fragte Mary.

„Ja“, sagte Ingrid und lächelte scheu.

„Natürlich willst du das, du bist doch eine verdorbene Schlampe“, sagte Mary und schob ihr die nächste Garnele zum Marinieren in die Fotze. „Du bist eine verdorbene Schlampe, die gerne Sachen in ihrer Fotze stecken hat.“

Ich wechselte zwischen Xius und Korinas Fotze ab. Beide hatten leicht unterschiedliche Aromen. Xiu war etwas herber und Korina war etwas süßer. Meine letzte Garnele steckte ich nacheinander in beide Fotzen und genoss die Mischung der unterschiedlichen Aromen. Nachdem Mary ihre letzte Garnele gegessen hatte, stand sie auf und fing an, ihr Korsett zu öffnen. Das weiße Kleid rutschte glatt an ihrem Körper nach unten. Nackt ging sie zum Fenster und schaute auf Seattle hinab. Ihr Arsch war schön rund und ich stand auf und stellte mich hinter sie. Mein Schwanz rieb sich an ihren weichen Arschbacken.

Mary drehte ihren Verlobungsring. „Das war ein so toller Tag. Ich danke dir!“ Sie drehte ihren Kopf zu mir und küsste mich. „Ich würde jetzt gerne den Schwanz meines Verlobten in meinem Arsch spüren.“

Ich lächelte. „Verdorbenes Fohlen!“ flüsterte ich, als ich ihr enges Arschloch zwischen ihren weichen Arschbacken fand. Mary keuchte und wackelte ein wenig mit ihrem Hintern, als ich ihr langsam meinen nassen Schwanz in ihr Arschloch schob. „Verdammt, ist das eng!“ stöhnte ich und fing an, sie langsam zu ficken. Vor uns drehte sich langsam Seattle unter uns, ein Juwel zwischen zwei dunklen Wasserflächen.

„Ich liebe dich“, stöhnte Mary, während wir in einem langsamen Rhythmus fickten und langsam aber sicher unsere Lust aufbauten.

„Ich liebe dich auch, Mary“, flüsterte ich und fing an, ihren Hals und ihr Ohr zu küssen. Ich fing an, sie schneller und drängender zu ficken. Ihre Hand nahm meine Hand und zog sie an ihre Brust. Ich drückte ihr festes Fleisch und ihren harten Nippel. Wir bewegten uns synchron und arbeiteten beide daran, es dem anderen schön zu machen. Ihr Arsch war eng und seidig und heiß. Ich spürte, wie sich meine Lenden zusammenzogen, ich war kurz davor, zu kommen. Ich hielt mich zurück, weil ich wollte, dass Mary gleichzeitig mit mir kam.

„Verdammt, mir kommt es!“ zischte Mary. „Oh fick mich, mein Hengst, fick mich, bis es mir kommt. Fick mich du geiler Bock!“ Ihr Arsch zog sich auf meinem Schwanz zusammen und molk ihn. Ich stöhnte und schoss ihr meinen Saft in die Eingeweide. Ich nahm sie fest in die Arme und schaukelte sie leicht hin und her. Beide schauten wir auf die Stadt hinaus und genossen den Moment.

„Sir, Miss“, rief Korina zögerlich. „Das Hauptgericht ist da.“

Marys Magen knurrte und wir lachten beide. Ich zog meinen Schwanz aus ihrem Arsch, ein wenig Sperma sickerte heraus und schob ihr den Stuhl zurecht. Unsere Champagnerflöten waren wieder gefüllt worden und zwei Teller mit den Hauptgerichten dampften auf dem Tisch. Mein Steak war rosa und saftig. Es schmolz geradezu in meinem Mund. Dazu gab es Pommes Frites, die in Entenfett gebraten waren und dem Gericht eine besondere Note gaben. Ich sah kein Ketchup und ließ Korina sich wieder nach vorne beugen und dann benutzte ich ihren Mösensaft, um die Pommes dort zu dippen. Mary stahl ein paar von meinen Pommes und versuchte auch Korinas Spezialsoße, also klaute ich ihr ein Stück von ihrem Thunfisch. Ich lachte, als Mary versuchte, das zu verhindern. Wir leerten eine zweite Flasche Champagner, die Flüssigkeit prickelte durch meine Blutbahn, mir wurde warm. Also zog ich meine Sachen aus, während Mary und Ingrid pfiffen und johlten.

Mary hatte Korinas dicke Möse angeschaut, als sie nach vorne gebeugt dastand. Sie stand auf, als sie mit ihrer Mahlzeit fertig war. Sie nahm sich Korina und zog sie auf den Boden. Dann überkreuzte sie ihre Beine mit Korinas, so dass sich ihre Fotzen küssten. Mary liebte es, sich auf diese Weise an einer anderen Frau zu reiben. Und ich liebte es ihr dabei zuzusehen. Mary fickte ihre Fotze hart gegen die von Korina und beide Frauen keuchten und stöhnten. Ich trank noch ein wenig Champagner und schaute Ingrid und Xiu an. Ingrid war beinahe einen ganzen Kopf größer als Xiu. Sie war schlank und hatte kleine Brüste. Xiu war insgesamt sehr zierlich, bis auf ihre Brüste, die mindestens D-Körbchen füllen mussten. Sie sahen an ihrem Körper beinahe lächerlich aus. Welche von beiden sollte ich ficken? Nun, Ingrid enge Fotze hatte ich schon gehabt.

Ich klatschte auf Xius Arsch und befahl: „Auf deine Knie wie eine Schlampe!“

„Ja, Sir“, antwortete Xiu schnell. Sie kniete sich hin und zeigte so die dichte Matte aus schwarzem Schamhaar, die ihre nasse Muschi bedeckte.

Ich kniete mich hinter sie und spreizte ihr die Arschbacken. Gott, was für ein einladender Arsch! Mein Schwanz war getrocknet und sie war nicht mit Gleitmittel eingeschmiert. Ich wollte eigentlich denken, aber mein Kopf kochte wegen des Champagners und ihr Arsch war so einladend. Ich war zu betrunken mir darum Sorgen zu machen, ob ich ihr wehtat. Ich rammte ihr meinen Schwanz hart in den Arsch. Xiu schrie auf vor Schmerz und zuckte unter mir, als ich anfing, ihren Arsch mit kraftvollen tiefen Stößen zu ficken. Xius Schreien fing an, meine Ohren zu stören. Ich musste irgendwas mit dem Mund dieser kleinen Schlampe machen. Ich sah, wie Ingrid masturbierte.

„Ingrid, steck deine Fotze in ihr Gesicht!“ rief ich. „Xiu, dann kannst du was Sinnvolles mit deinem Mund machen!“ sagte ich. Ich fickte sie jetzt richtig hart und fest. Ihr Arsch war fast schmerzhaft eng auf meinem Schwanz und er war nach wie vor trocken. Die Wände ihres Arsches rieben sich rau an meinem Schwanz. Mein Kopf war etwas wirr von dem vielen Champagner und zu spüren, wie sich Xiu vor Schmerz unter mir wand, sorgte dafür, dass sich ihr Arsch noch besser anfühlte.

„Fick dieser kleinen Schlampe den Arsch“, stöhnte Mary, die sich fieberhaft mit Korina rieb. Korina griff nach Marys Bein und sie leckte mit ihrer Zunge ihre süßen kleinen Zehen. „Fick sie richtig durch, Mark! Sie ist eine verdorbene kleine Nutte, die bestraft werden muss!“

Ingrid wand sich auf Xius Zunge und Xius Wimmern wurde durch Ingrids Muff gedämpft. Xius Arsch fühlte sich so gut an, dass es nicht lange dauerte, bis ich mich in ihre Eingeweide ergoss. Ich rammte mich noch einmal bis zur Schwanzwurzel in ihren engen Arsch und genoss das Nachglühen meines Orgasmus. Dabei beobachtete ich, wie Xiu Ingrids verkommene Fotze leckte und aussaugte. Ingrid hatte eine Hand in Xius Haar vergraben und fing an, ihren blonden Busch über Xius Lippen zu reiben. „Verdammt!, Mach mich fertig, du Sau!“ stöhnte sie. „Oh verdammt, deine Zunge ist so gut!“

Schließlich zog ich mich aus Xius Arsch zurück. Mein Schwanz war klebrig und verschmutzt. Ich fasste sie beim Kopf und zwang sie dazu, meinen Schwanz sauber zu machen. Sie würgte, als ich ihr meinen Schwanz in den Hals fickte, aber ich hielt ihren Kopf schön fest. Ich beobachtete, wie meine Verlobte es wie wild mit Korina trieb. Die Schlampe mit dem Puppengesicht keuchte und schüttelte sich, ihre großen Titten schaukelten, als es ihr auf Marys Fotze kam.

„Oh, du alte Sau!“ stöhnte Mary. „Du bist doch tatsächlich vor mir gekommen!“ Jetzt rieb Mary ihre Fotze noch intensiver an Korina, die sich weiter schüttelte, weil ihr Orgasmus gar nicht aufhören wollte. Dann schrie Mary laut auf, ihre Zehen rollten sich ein, sie zuckte und es kam ihr auch gewaltig. Sie brach zusammen und atmete heftig.

Ich wollte mehr Champagner und bemerkte, dass die Flasche leer war. Ich zog meinen harten Schwanz zwischen Xius Lippen hervor. „Hol noch mehr Champagner, du Schlampe“, befahl ich. Xiu stolperte in Richtung Bar. Mein Sperma sickerte aus ihrem wunden Arsch. Ich nahm Ingrid Zopf und zog sie hoch. Dann stieß ich ihr meinen Schwanz in den Mund. Ich fickte ihren Mund einige Male, dann spritzte ich ihr mein Sperma in die Kehle. Gerade kam Xiu mit zwei Flaschen Champagner wieder zu uns zurück. Sie hatte ein breites Lächeln auf den Lippen.

Sie kam bei mir an und küsste mich heiß auf die Lippen. Ihre Lippen schmeckten ein wenig sauer nach dem Geschmack ihres Arsches und salzig nach dem Geschmack meines Spermas. „Danke“, sagte sie. „So hart ist es mir noch nie gekommen!“

Ich nahm die Champagnerflasche und entkorkte sie. „Du magst es also gerne ein bisschen rauer, was?“

„Ja!“ stöhnte sie. Ich nahm einen Schluck aus der Flasche und bot sie anschließend ihr an. Auch sie nahm einen großen Schluck.

Ich drückte sie rau gegen den Tisch und warf beinahe die Kerzen um. Ich nahm mir eine der Kerzen und zucke ein wenig, als das heiße Wachs auf meine Hand tropfte und sofort erstarrte. Ich stieß ihr die Kerze in den Arsch. „Bleib so, du Schlampe!“

Sie wand sich. „Scheiße, das tut weh“, stöhnte sie, als heißes Wachs an der Kerze nach unten lief und auf ihrem Arsch abkühlte. Noch mehr lief auf ihre Haut und verfing sich in ihrem Schamhaar.

„Das magst du doch, du Nutte!“ rief ich und schlug ihr auf den Arsch.

„Jaaaa!“ schrie sie. Verdammt nochmal, diese kleine Fotze kam schon wieder.

„Ich werde dich zu meiner Sklavin machen, Bitch! Wie gefällt dir das?“

„Ja!“ stöhnte sie, und noch mehr Wachs lief herunter und bedeckte ihr Schamhaar. „Benutze mich – missbrauche mich! Ich mache alles!“

„Dann bin ich also dein Meister und Mary ist deine Herrin. Du wirst alles tun, was wir dir sagen, egal wie krank oder pervers es auch ist.“

„Ja, oh ja!“ keuchte sie.

Ich trank noch mehr von dem Champagner und schüttete ihr etwas auf den Arsch. Ich bückte mich und leckte ihn von ihrem Arsch wieder herunter. „Ohh, das sieht lustig aus“, sagte Mary von hinten. Mein Gott, sie sah noch wunderbarer aus, wenn ihr Körper von einem Orgasmus noch erhitzt war. Säfte bedeckten ihre Schenkel. Auch Mary leckte etwas Champagner von Xius Arsch herunter. Dann biss sie ihr in eine Arschbacke und hinterließ Bissmarken.

Mary zeigte auf Ingrid und klopfte dann auf den Tisch neben Xiu. Ingrid setzte sich dort hin und ich goss ihr Champagner über den Körper. Die goldene Flüssigkeit lief an ihren Brüsten herunter über ihren Bauch und benetzte ihr Schamhaar. Mary leckte ihr den Champagner von einer Titte und saugte dann den ihrer rosafarbenen Nippel in ihren Mund. Ich gesellte mich zu ihr und lutschte an der anderen Titte.

„Mark“, sagte Mary und kicherte. „Sie hat ja eine Kerze im Arsch!“

Ich lachte. „Das weiß ich schon. Ich habe sie da reingesteckt!“

Sie lachte hysterisch und stolperte rückwärts. Beinahe wäre sie gefallen. „Was für eine verdorbene Nutte! Du hast ja eine Kerze im Arsch!“ sagte Mary und fing an, ihr auf den Arsch zu schlagen. „In deinem verdorbenen Schlampenarsch!“

„Ohh, schlag mich härter, Herrin“, stöhnte Xiu.

„Herrin?“ staunte Mary und dann kicherte sie und schlug weiter. „Bist du meine versaute, dreckige schlampige Sklavin?“ Jedes ihrer Worte akzentuierte sie mit einem Schlag.

„Ja!“ keuchte Xiu und wand sich auf dem Tisch.

„Und schau dir das ganze Wachs in deinem Schamhaar an!“ rief Mary.

Ich war wieder hart und mein Kopf drehte sich von all dem Champagner. Ich stolperte auf Korina zu. „Dich habe ich noch nicht gefickt, oder?“ fragte ich. Ich war mir ziemlich sicher, dass ich recht hatte.

„Nein, Sir“, antwortete sie. Ich schob sie gegen Ingrid. Korinas große Titten rieben sich an Ingrids nassen Brüsten. Ich spreizte ihre Beine und stieß in ihre nasse Muschi hinein. Sie war eng und wand sich höchst angenehm auf meinem Schwanz. Ingrid fing an, Korina zu küssen und die beiden Mädchen fingen an, sich aneinander zu reiben, während ich Korina von hinten fickte.

„Du hast viel zu viele Haare an deiner Fotze!“ kicherte Mary und spielte mit Xius schwarzem Busch. „Einfach zu viele! Viel zu viele Haare! Meine Schlampen müssen gewachst sein!“ Xiu schrie auf und zuckte auf dem Tisch, als Mary ein Stück von dem erstarrten Wachs abriss und dabei ein ganzes Büschel von Xius lockigem schwarzem Schamhaar mitnahm. „Heilige Scheiße!“ lallte Mary. Sie keuchte. „Dieser Schlampe ist es gekommen, als ich… das war ja irre!“ Mary riss ein zweites Stück Wachs und Haare ab und Xiu wand sich wieder auf dem Tisch. Sie stöhnte vor Schmerz und Lust.

Ich fickte Korina sehr hart und stieß damit ihre Möse in die von Ingrid. Der ganze Raum drehte sich und ich stolperte zurück und fiel auf meinen Rücken. Ingrid und Korina bemerkten das nicht einmal. Die beiden rieben sich einfach weiter aneinander. Mary schnaubte vor Lachen und setzte sich auf meinen Schwanz und fing an zu hüpfen. Gott, ihre Muschi fühlte sich himmlisch an.

„Komm her!“ rief Mary. Ich blinzelte und versuchte, meinen Blick zu fokussieren. Mein Kopf schwamm wegen des vielen Alkohols, den ich inzwischen getrunken hatte und außerdem fühlte sich Marys Fotze so unglaublich gut an. Dann sagte Mary irgendwas mit „Gesicht“. Ich schloss meine Augen und genoss ihre enge Schnalle. Und als ich sie wieder öffnete, war gerade in Paar blasser Beine dabei, sich über mein Gesicht zu stellen. Ein rothaariger Muff senkte sich auf mein Gesicht. Ich versuche mich zu erinnern, wessen Beine und Muff das waren. Dann fing ich an, ihre Schamlippen zu lecken, das rote Haar kitzelte meine Nase. Sie schmeckte würzig und dann erkannte ich, dass es mir völlig egal war, wie sie hieß, es kam darauf an, dass ihre Fotze schmeckte. Sie stöhnte über mir und dann gab es ein nasses schmatzendes Geräusch. Wurde da geküsst? Ein Bild von zwei rothaarigen Schönheiten, die sich küssten, entstand in meinem Kopf.

Mary stöhnte: „Wessen Muschi habe ich da auf deinen Lippen geschmeckt?“

„Chantelles“, sagte die Frau auf meinem Gesicht kichernd.

Marys Fotze zog sich auf meinem Schwanz zusammen. „Ohh, die muss ich auch noch lecken!“ stöhnte Mary und dann gab es ein nasses saugendes Geräusch. „Verdorbenes Mädchen! Lutsch an meinen Titten, du alte Nutte! Oh, das ist toll! Ein Schwanz in meiner Fotze und ein Mund einer Frau an meinen Titten.“

Marys Fotze zuckte auf meinem Schwanz, ihre Hüften fickten mich heftig und sie heulte ihre wortlose Leidenschaft heraus. Ich stöhnte in den roten Muff und in meinem Mund war ihr dickflüssiger Honig. Dann schoss ich mehrere kraftvolle Spritzer in Marys Möse. Mary hörte auf zu zucken. Sie ruhte sich auf mir aus und dann fing sie wieder an zu küssen… Fiona, so hieß die rothaarige Schlampe. Fiona wand sich auf meiner Zunge und ihr Stöhnen wurde durch Marys Küsse gedämpft. Ich fand ihren Kitzler und saugte feste und Fiona überflutete meinen Mund mit frischem Saft, als der Orgasmus durch ihren Körper lief.

Mary stand auf und mein Schwanz rutschte aus ihrer Möse heraus. Ich schob Fiona von meinem Gesicht herunter und bemühte mich, auf die Füße zu kommen, dabei fiel ich wieder einmal nach hinten. Mit Fionas Hilfe schaffte ich es schließlich und fand noch mehr Champagner. Auf der anderen Seite des Raumes war Mary Teil einer lesbischen Kette. Sie leckte Chantelles Fotze, die Lana leckte, die sich an Wanda gütlich tat, die heftig an Ingrid kaute, die sich die dunkelhäutige Hannah vorgenommen hatte, die die Kette dadurch schloss, dass sie an Marys Fotze leckte.

„Das ist ja irre!“ flüsterte ich. Ich suchte meinen Mantel und fand ihn neben Xiu, die noch immer über den Tisch gebeugt war und in deren Arsch noch immer die Kerze brannte. Noch mehr Wachs war au ihr Schamhaar gelaufen. In der Manteltasche fand ich den Camcorder. Diese lesbische Kette musste ich unbedingt filmen.

Ich ging hinüber zu Korina und Fiona, die beide wie gebannt zusahen und sich ihre Saftfotzen fingerten. Ich fing an zu filmen. Dabei wurde mein Schwanz schon wieder steinhart. Alle Frauen stöhnten unter dem Angriff fremder Lippen. Lana bekam als erste ihren Orgasmus. Sie keuchte in die Fotze ihrer Frau. Chantelle ließ sich davon nicht stören und leckte einfach weiter. Hannah war die nächste und dann kamen Chantelle und Wanda gleichzeitig. Lana war es ein zweites Mal gekommen, bevor Mary ihren ersten Orgasmus hatte.

Die Luft war von weiblicher Lust geschwängert. Mein Schwanz schmerzte. „Lutsch mich“, befahl ich. Mir war es egal, ob Fiona oder Korina diesen Job übernahm.

Beide Mädchen knieten sich vor mir hin. Korina saugte meinen Schwanz gierig in ihren Mund und Fiona leckte mir die Eier. Korina schaute mich mit ihren tiefen blauen Augen von unten her an. Sie war glücklich, mir dienen zu dürfen. Fiona fing an, den Schaft meines Schwanzes abzulecken und dann zwang sie Korinas Mund von meinem Schwanz herunter. Sie fuhr mit ihrer Zunge um meine Eichel und dann fing sie an zu lutschen. Korina gab sich allerdings nicht geschlagen und wehrte sich und so leckten und lutschten beide Frauen gleichzeitig meinen Schwanz und meine Eier.

Ich streichelte mit meiner freien Hand Fionas rötliches Haar. „Ihr Schlampen seid so wunderschön“, stöhnte ich. „Ihr seid jetzt meine Sex-Sklavinnen, nicht wahr?“ Beide Schlampen stöhnten zustimmend und ich schoss meine weiße Soße quer über beide Gesichter. Ich filmte weiter und nahm auf, wie sie sich beide gegenseitig den Saft von den Gesichtern leckten.

Ich wandte mich wieder der lesbischen Kette zu. Alle Frauen stöhnten und kamen auf den Mündern der anderen Frauen. Ingrid kam und sie warf den Kopf in den Nacken. Dadurch konnte ich Hannas Möse gut sehen. Sie war glattrasiert und ihre Möse war von zimtroter Haut umgeben. Ich stolperte hinüber und schob Ingrid zur Seite. Dann rammte ich Hannah meinen Schwanz in die Fotze. Sie stöhnte in Marys Muschi, als ich anfing, sie heftig zu ficken. Ingrids Zunge fing an, an meinen Eiern zu lecken, während sie gegen Hannahs Arsch schlugen. Es kam Hannah beinahe im selben Moment, in dem mein Schwanz in sie eindrang. Sie war durch Ingrids Zunge gut vorbereitet gewesen.

Ich war kurz davor auch zu kommen und zog meinen Schwanz aus Hannah heraus. Dann schoss ich meine Ladung auf Hannahs zimtrote Haut. Es sah so aus wie Sahne auf dunkler Eiskreme. Der Anblick erinnerte mich daran, dass wir noch gar kein Dessert gehabt hatten. Ich schlug auf Hannahs Arsch. „Hol uns ein bisschen Schlagsahne!“

Mary stöhnte enttäuscht. „Mann, Mark!“ rief sie. „Diese Bitch hatte mich beinahe soweit!“ Die Kette fiel auseinander, als Mary dann aufstand und sich auf Wandys Gesicht hockte. „Leck mich, Schlampe!“ Mary griff nach unten und versuchte, Wandas Titten zu kneten. Die waren allerdings so klein, dass sie sich letztlich mit den Nippeln zufrieden geben musste.

Wo blieb Hannah? Wie schwierig ist es wohl, ein wenig Schlagsahne zu besorgen? Ich nahm eine Champagnerflasche, nahm einen großen Schluck und stolperte in Richtung auf die Küche. Von drinnen hörte ich unterdrückte Geräusche und Schreie. Ich schaute hinein und sah, dass Hannah von einem der Köche gegen die Wand gedrückt worden war, von einem dünnen Typ mit einem Schnurrbart und einem hinterhältigen Gesichtsausdruck. Seine weiße Hose hing an seinen Knien und er fickte Hannah. Die anderen Köche schauten interessiert zu. Zwei hatten ihre Hosen geöffnet und wichsten sich ihre Schwänze.

Ich fing auch, meinen Schwanz zu wichsen, während ich beobachtete, wie Hannah stöhnte und keuchte, während sie gefickt wurde. Ich brauchte eine Minute, um zu verstehen, dass da hinter mir ein ganzer Raum voller Muschis war, in die ich meinen Schwanz stecken konnte, als ihn hier in meiner Hand zu haben. „Lana und Chantelle, schiebt eure lesbischen Ärsche mal hierher!“

Die Frischverheirateten kam mit der Anmut von Tänzerinnen heran. Chantelle war schlank und hatte den Körper einer Tänzerin, während ihre Frau deutlich mehr Kurven hatte. Ihre großen Titten schwangen hin und her und die Goldringe in ihren Brustwarzen hüpften. Beide waren Stripperinnen aus Lakewood, wo sie sich auch getroffen und ineinander verliebt hatten. Beide begrüßten mich mit einem Kuss und drückten ihre Körper an mich.

Ich schob Lana in die Küche, direkt auf einen der Typen zu, die sich einen wichsten. „Viel Spaß!“ sagte ich und Lana nahm den Schwanz des Mannes und fing an, ihn zu wichsen.

„Was für ein wundervoller Schwanz“, schnurrte sie in ihrem slawischen Akzent.

„Oh verdammt“, krächzte der Typ und es kam ihm sehr schnell von ihrem Handjob. Er schoss ihr seinen weißen Saft auf den Bauch.

Chantelle schaute ziemlich missmutig zu, wie ihre Frau das Sperma von dem Mann mit ihren Fingern zusammenkratzte und sie dann ableckte. Ich drückte Chantelle gegen einen Tisch und schob ihr meinen Schwanz in die Fotze. „Siehst du Lana nicht so gerne mit Männern?“

„Nein“, gab Chantelle zu, während ich sie langsam fickte. Lana war zu einem anderen Koch gegangen und holt seinen Schwanz aus seiner Hose. Dann kniete sie sich hin und saugte ihn gierig in ihren Mund. „Lana weiß, dass ich das hasse. Sie steht drauf!“ beschwerte sich Chantelle mit ihrem sexy französischen Akzent. „Im Club macht sie gerne Lapdances für die Männer, wenn sie weiß, dass ich zuschaue. Sie reibt sich dann richtig an ihnen. Manchmal holt sie auch ihre Schwänze heraus und dann fickt sie sie. Das macht mich immer total eifersüchtig und sie liebt es, wie aggressiv ich dann werde. Ich ziehe sie dann hinter die Bühne und lecke ihr die Fotze aus, damit sie nie vergisst, wer sie wirklich befriedigen kann.“

Chantelle keuchte. Sie hatte ihre Augen auf ihre Frau fixiert, als der Koch sich in ihrem Mund ergoss. Chantelles Fotze packte mich geradezu und ihre Hüften zuckten im gleichen Rhythmus wie meine. Lana wurde von einem weiteren Koch hochgezogen, der sie über einen Tisch beugte und anfing, ihr seinen Schwanz in die Fotze zu rammen. Lana drehte ihren Kopf und lächelte Chantelle an.

„Dreckige Hure!“ zischte Chantelle und sie schüttelte sich auf mir, als es ihr kam. „Ohh, sie kriegt es!“

Hannah war auf den Knien. Sie nahm einen Schwanz tief in ihren Arsch und hatte einen weitern in ihrem Mund, während ein dritter Koch sein Sperma auf ihren Rücken spritzte. Der Mann in Lanas Fotze hielt nicht lange durch. Ihre Fotze war total verschleimt, als er sich herauszog. Der erste Koch, den sie vorher abgewichst hatte, war bereit für eine zweite Runde und er schob ihr seinen Schwanz in die Fotze. „Für eine Lesbe steht deine Frau ganz schön auf Schwänze!“ sagte ich zu Chantelle.

Chantelle antwortete nicht. Sie fickte mich einfach weiter. Lana kam es auf dem zweiten Koch, der ihre Fotze fickte. „Oh Chantelle, sein Schwanz ist so wundervoll!“ schnurrte sie geil. „Und sein warmer Saft schießt in mich hinein.“

„Hure!“ flüsterte Chantelle und dann stöhnte sie, weil es ihr schon wieder kam. Ein dritter Koch kam heran und hatte schon seinen Schwanz tief in Lanas mit Sperma gefüllter Fotze vergraben. Er fickte sie hart. Chantelles Fotze saugte so schön an meinem Schwanz, dass ich in sie hineinspritzte. Ärgerlich ging Chantelle dann in die Küche und schubste den dritten Koch von ihrer Frau herunter. Sie packte Lana und zog sie aus der Küche. „Dreckige Hure!“ schimpfte sie und schlug ihr auf den Hintern. „Du weißt genau, dass diese Muschi mir gehört!“

„Oh, da bin ich ja wohl schon wieder unartig gewesen“, sagte Lana mit einem verdorbenen Lächeln. Chantelle kniete vor ihr und leckte ihr wie wild die Fotze aus. Lana stöhnte geil und keuchte. Sie wand sich auf dem Gesicht ihrer Frau.

Der Koch, der gerade Lana gefickt hatte, rief: „Verdammt nochmal, ich wollte gerade kommen!“

Die Köche hatten sich nach diesem tollen Essen eine Belohnung verdient. Deshalb schickte ich Ingrid in die Küche und sie wurde auch schnell über den Tisch gebeugt und dann von dem protestierenden Koch gefickt. Der Typ, der Hannahs Arsch gefickt hatte, war gekommen und sie lag jetzt auf dem Rücken und wurde von einem riesigen Samoaner gefickt. Sie verschwand fast unter ihm. Die Schlagsahne, nach der ich sie geschickt hatte, stand auf dem Tisch, also nahm ich sie mir. Außerdem lag da eine Spule Kochgarn. Ich wette mit mir, dass Xiu sich gerne fesseln ließ, also nahm ich auch noch das Garn mit und überließ die beiden Kellnerinnen ihrem Vergnügen.

„Mark, das musst du mal versuchen“, sagte Mary und kicherte. Wanda saß auf dem Tisch und hatte eine Champagnerflasche in der Möse stecken. Die goldene Flüssigkeit spritzte rings um den Hals aus der Möse heraus und landete in Marys offenem Mund. Ich kniete mich neben sie und sie zog die Flasche aus der Fotze. Ein ganzer Schwall Champagner mit Fotzengeschmack strömte heraus. Wir pressten unsere Münder auf die Fotze und tranken die schwere Flüssigkeit, die herausströmte. Marys Hand fand meine und sie drückte sie.

„Wie wäre es mit einem kleinen Nachtisch, Mare?“

„Gute Idee, lass uns einen Nachtisch nehmen.“

Ich schob die Dose mit der Schlagsahne in Wandas Fotze und füllte sie damit auf. Mary machte sich sofort daran, die Sahne aus Wandas Möse heraus zu lutschen. Wanda stöhnte, als Mary mit ihrer Zunge so weit wie möglich eindrang. Ich spritzte auch etwas auf Marys Titte und leckte die Sahne dann selber ab. Dabei saugte ich feste an ihrem steifen Nippel.

„Wofür ist das denn?“ fragte Mary und hob das Garn hoch.

„Xiu“, antwortete ich. Dann tauchte ich wieder in Wandas Fotze, um noch mehr Sahne zu erhaschen.

Mary sprang auf ihre Füße und stolperte zu Xiu hinüber, die immer noch mit der brennenden Kerze im Arsch über den Tisch gebeugt dastand. Die Kerze war fast ganz heruntergebrannt und hatte ihre Muschi und ihren Arsch vollständig mit Wachs bedeckt. Mary riss ihr die Kerze heraus und warf sie in den Sektkühler. Xiu stöhnte. Wieder war das einen Mischung aus Schmerz und Lust, als Mary ihr das Wachs und die Schamhaare abpellte und eine beinahe ganz saubere Fotze hinterließ.

„Oh ja, reiß weiter“, stöhnte Xiu. Ihre Möse tropfte geradezu. So sehr stand sie offenbar auf Schmerzen.

Mary nahm ihre Hände und band sie hinter ihrem Rücken an den Handgelenken zusammen. Dann schlang sie das Garn um ihre Beine. Der Faden schnitt tief in ihr Fleisch ein, als sie ihre Beine zusammenband. Als nächstes legte Mary ihre Arme an ihre Seiten und schlang den Faden im Zickzack immer wieder über ihre Titten, bis sie obszön zwischen den Fäden herausquollen. Zuletzt zog sie das Garn noch durch Xius Vulva. Ihre Schamlippen umschlossen den Faden eng, als Mary das Garn anzog. Xiu schnurrte vor Lust und wand sich auf dem Boden. Nachdem die Schlampe jetzt total gefesselt war, drehte Mary Xiu auf den Rücken und setzte sich auf ihr Gesicht. Sie stöhnte, als die Chinesin anfing, ihr die Fotze auszulecken.

Während Mary Xiu fesselte, drehte ich Wanda um, beugte sie über den Tisch und packte mir ihren jungenhaften schmalen Arsch. Ich schob ihr die Dose mit der Schlagsahne in den Arsch und sie keuchte, als die kalte Sahne in ihre Eingeweide schoss. Dann zog ich die Dose wieder heraus und stieß ihr meinen Schwanz in den Arsch. Die Schlagsahne quoll seitlich an meinem Schwanz aus ihrem Arsch heraus.

„Ihre Limousine ist da, Sir“, sagte der Oberkellner vom Eingang des Restaurants her. Er schaute mit einem Ausdruck der Betroffenheit über die Orgie und auf die Sauerei, die wir veranstaltet hatten. Ich runzelte die Stirn. Limousine? Dann kam es mir wieder. Ich hatte Allison doch gestern damit beauftragt, dafür zu sorgen, dass wir um Eins von einer Limousine abgeholte worden, die uns zum Four Seasons Hotel bringen sollte.

Aber Wandas Arsch fühlte sich zu gut für mich an, Ich wollte jetzt nicht aufhören. „Sag ihm, dass wir in ein paar Minuten fertig sind. Dann kannst du in die Küche gehen und selber auch ein bisschen Spaß haben.“

„Sehr wohl, Sir“, sagte der Oberkellner steif.

Ich schaute zu Mary hinüber. An einer ihrer Titten lutschte Fiona und an der anderen Korina. Chantelle und Lana machten einen 69er in der Nähe der Küche. In der Küche hatte der Oberkellner Ingrids Arsch gefunden und er fickte sie hart. Hannah dagegen hatte in allen drei Löchern jeweils einen Koch: in Arsch, Muschi und Mund. Ich fickte Wandas Arsch hart und schaute zu, wie meine Verlobte gleich von drei Schlampen bedient wurde. Mary keuchte vor Lust und wand sich auf Xius Zunge, während sie einen Orgasmus hatte. Ich spritzte noch mehr Sahne in Wandas Arsch und hinterließ eine klebrige Masse aus Sperma und Schlagsahne.

Ich nahm mir meinen Mantel und Mary fand ihr Kleid. Sie legte es sich über den Arm. Ich legte mir die gefesselte Xiu über die Schulter, sie war ganz leicht und konnte nur etwa 45 kg wiegen. Dann führte ich Mary, die Frischverheirateten und die Kellnerinnen außer Ingrid und Hannah, die sich noch immer in der Küche nützlich machten, nackt zum Aufzug. Als der Aufzug nach unten fuhr, fand mein Schwanz den Weg in Fionas Fotze und es kam mir beinahe in ihr, als der Fahrstuhlkorb unten ankam. Der Fahrer der Limousine wartete und er reagierte überhaupt nicht, als ein nackter Mann und sechs nackte Frauen auf die weiße Limousine zu stolperten. Er hielt uns die Türe auf und wir stiegen alle ein.

Es gab ein Schiebedach. Ich öffnete es sofort und stand auf. Ich zog Fiona mit nach oben. Ich wollte schließlich zu Ende bringen, was ich im Aufzug angefangen hatte. Ich fickte sie hart, während wir durch die Straßen von Seattle fuhren. Ich war trunken vom Champagner und von meiner Macht und mir war es völlig egal, wer sehen konnte, dass ich diese irische Schönheit fickte. Sollte die ganze Welt ruhig meine Macht erkennen! Nichts konnte mich aufhalten! Mary stellte sich neben mich, legte einen Arm um meine Hüfte und hielt sich Wandas Gesicht gegen ihre Fotze. Genauso wie ich ging auch Mary ab bei dem Wissen, dass sie beobachtet wurde und im Wissen, dass nichts und niemand sie aufhalten konnte.

Wenn ich nüchtern gewesen wäre, dann wäre ich wahrscheinlich erstaunt gewesen, dass wir nicht einen einzigen der Bullen von Seattle zu Gesicht bekamen. Aber dazu war ich viel zu betrunken. Als wir im Four Seasons ankamen, hatte ich in Fionas Fotze gespritzt und war kurz davor, auch noch in Lanas enge Fotze zu spritzen. Mary ließ sich jetzt von Chantelle lecken, nachdem es ihr sowohl auf Wandas als auch auf Korinas Gesicht gekommen war. Als Trinkgeld überließen wir dem Fahrer Wanda für den Rest der Nacht. Sie war sehr willig, stieg vorne ein und fing sofort an, dem Fahrer den Schwanz durch seine Hose zu reiben.

Die Lobby des Hotels war fast ausgestorben, nur der Nachtportier, eine attraktive Schwarze und ein Page befanden sich hinter dem Tresen. Ich bestätigte unsere Reservierung für die Präsidentensuite und gab Chantelle und Lana die Flitterwochen-Suite für eine Woche. Bezahlen tat ich das mit der Kreditkarte von Brandon Fitzsimmons. Auf der Aufzugfahrt nach oben, hatte ich Spaß mit ein bisschen schwarzer Muschi, als ich die Nachtwache fickte. Ihre Muschi war eng und nass und sie fluchte wie eine Wilde, während ich sie von hinten nahm. Ihr breiter Arsch schaukelte jedes Mal, wenn mein Bauch gegen sie klatschte. Ich hinterließ in ihrer Muschi eine heiße Ladung.

In der Zwischenzeit hatte Mary angefangen, den Pagen zu küssen und ihm den Hosengürtel zu öffnen. Dann drückte er sie an die Wand des Fahrstuhls und fickte wie wild ihre Muschi. Seine Hose fiel bis zu seinen Knien herunter. Mary griff nach seinem Arsch und schob ihm dann einen Finger in sein Arschloch. Der Typ zuckte wie wild und stöhnte: „Verdammt, mir kommt es, du geile Fotze!“

In mir stieg Ärger auf, weil der Typ es wagte, meine Verlobte mit einem solchen Schimpfwort zu belegen. Ohne nachzudenken ballte ich meine Faust und schlug ihm seitlich gegen den Kopf. Er stolperte zurück und starrte mich an. „Du redest hier mit meiner Verlobten, du Arschloch!“ schrie ich ihn an und schlug ihn ein zweites Mal. Dabei brach ich ihm die Nase.

„Deine Verlobte ist eine Nutte“ schrie er zurück und fasste sich an die Nase. Er versuchte, sein Gleichgewicht zu halten, wurde dabei aber durch die Hose an seinen Knien gehindert.

„Du wirst nie wieder für eine Frau hart werden“, sagte ich scharf. „Du wirst nur noch Vergnügen mit deiner rechten Hand erleben. Jetzt entschuldige dich bei ihr und trage unser Gepäck.“

„Entschuldigung“, murmelte er in Richtung Mary. Blut tropfte aus seiner Nase. Du bist keine Fotze und keine Nutte.“ Der Aufzug machte Ping und die Tür öffnete sich im obersten Stockwerk.

„Gott, das war ja vielleicht geil“, stöhnte Mary und rieb sich an mir. Sie schob mich in den Flur und gegen eine Wand. Dann küsste sie mich leidenschaftlich. „Wie du ihm die Nase gebrochen hast!“ keuchte sie und schlang ihre Beine um mich. Mein Schwanz rutschte in ihre glitschige Möse.

Ihre Möse war tropfnass wegen des Spermas eines fremden Mannes. Das war ja vielleicht ein irres Gefühl, die Möse meiner Verlobten war schön glitschig, weil sie den Saft eines anderen drin hatte. Sie fickte mich hart und keuchte vor Lust. Es war erregend, nach einem anderen Mann in ihr zu sein. Das hier war meine Fotze und jemand anderer war darin gewesen. Ein anderer Mann hatte sich diese Möse genommen und sie mit seinem Saft vollgespritzt. Ich spürte, wie gierig ihre Fotze auf meinen Schwanz war. Und es war jetzt die richtige Zeit, meinen Besitzanspruch auf sie erneut anzumelden, sie als mein Eigentum zu markieren. Sie kam schnell auf meinem Schwanz und ich füllte sie mit meinem Sperma und wusch damit den anderen Saft aus ihr heraus.

To be continued…

Click here for Chapter 9

The Devil’s Pact Chapter Twenty-Six: The Order of Mary Magdalene



The Devil’s Pact

Chapter 26: The Order of Mary Magdalene

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Male/Teen female, Teen male/Female, Male/Females, Female/Female, Female/Females, Mind Control, Rimming, Oral, Anal, Incest, Water Sports, Orgy, Magic

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 25.

“Come in,” I said to my fellow nun’s, inviting them into my hotel room.

Well, it wasn’t actually my hotel room. Last night when I flew into SeaTac from Miami, Providence led me to an insurance adjuster named Curtis at the airport’s baggage claim. We flirted while waiting for our luggage and he invited me up to his Hotel Room. When Providence gives you a place to stay, with a cute guy to boot, you don’t say no. Right now, Curtis was attending the convention in the hotel and I didn’t expect him back for a few more hours.

“Are you hungry?” I asked my Sisters, closing the door behind them, “Curtis is paying for it?” Last night, I was on top of Curtis, enjoying his big cock in my pussy as I rode him cowgirl style, when his wife called. The asshole spoke to his wife while I fucked him, the disgusting pig. Since he turned out to be a cheating asshole I didn’t feel bad at running up his hotel bill.

“Ohh, Curtis,” the black nun said in her exotic, African accent. “Is he handsome?”

“He has the most gorgeous, blue eyes, that just make you melt in your panties,” I answered, feeling like a teenage girl for the first time in decades, gossiping with my friends about boys. “But, please order something. The asshole is married.”

“Ah, so sad to see a marriage vow so easily broken,” tutted the Latina sister.

I realized I didn’t know their names. The only nun I knew was Sister Louise and she was captured by the Warlock Mark Glassner. “I am Theodora Mariam. And…and I’m so happy you’re here.” I could feel tears running hot down my cheeks. Pull yourself together, Theodora. You’re not actually eighteen.

The Latina nun hugged me gently, rocking me like a mother. “Shh, it will be alright, muñequita. I am Isabella Cecillia.”

“Agnes Chibuzo,” the African nun said and kissed my cheek. “God has sent us to aid you in your trials, Sister Theodora.”

I sniffed. “Thank you, Sisters.”

“Now, I have been traveling almost non-stop for last twenty-four hours,” Agnes said, wearily. “It has been a long trip from Sierra Leone. So tell me, why has God, through his servant Gabriel, sent us here.”

I told them everything I knew. How Sister Louise had tried to exorcise the Warlock Mark Glassner and been captured through the interference of Lilith of the Black Moon. How I was taught the ancient prayers and used Mark sister to attack him. But that failed. His lover, the other Warlock, freed him from the bond.

“It will be far messier, Ramiel told me, yesterday,” I finished. “Soldiers will be needed. Four and four and four.”

Isabella nodded. “It is like Napoleon all over again,” Isabella sighed. “There were three of us and we each bonded four soldiers under Napoleon’s command. We exorcised Napoleon at Waterloo. His wish to be Emperor destroyed, he lost the battle.” A look of old hurt crossed the tan face of Isabella. “Sister Eustace Mariam was killed in the struggle.”

“How old are you?” I asked in awe.

“I was born in the Year of our Lord, 1732,” Isabella answered.

I blinked, I knew we nuns could practically live forever, but most of us grew weary of the struggle after sixty or seventy years and passed their powers onto a successor. The only nun I had heard of that was over a hundred yeas old was the Mother Superior. “Have you ever faced a demon?” I asked Isabella, hopefully.

“No,” Isabella confessed. “That must be why there are three of us. This Warlock is using ancient magics.” Isabella sighed, wearily, rubbing her face. “I wish we had a monk or two with us.”

“A monk?” I frowned. “You mean a male nun, like us?”

“Well, not like us,” Isabella confessed. “When Creator in his infinite mercy gave his children the means to fight the Adversary, 144 were given the gift, half were men and half were women. The men’s gifts were different from ours. They were the soldiers. Given powers to fight demons and monsters and to protect us nuns in situations like this.”

“Why have I not heard of any monks?” I asked.

“The last monk died in 1942, exorcising Hitler,” Isabella sadly answered. “Five nuns and a monk and they all perished. But they broke Hitler’s powers and the Allies were able to eventually defeat the Third Reich.”

“The problem with the monks is their calling,” Agnes explained. “Too many died fighting and were unable to pass on their powers to a successor. We have dwindled as well. Maybe a dozen of us remain.”

“I fear the end is nearing,” Isabella said mournfully. “You are the last nun in North America. There are only two of us left in the Latin Americas.”

“We had four in Africa,” Agnes said, tears brimming on her eyes. “But two Warlocks appeared in the Congo, fighting for control over the jungle, and we lost two sisters exorcising them over the weekend. And I hear the Mother Superior herself had to deal with a Warlock in Paris.”

The Mother Superior was a legend. Supposedly, she was over a thousand years old and lived in the Motherhouse in Rennes-le-Château, France. Sister Louise told me whispered stories of the Mother Superior exorcisms from Vlad Tepesh to Rasputin and many other terrible men and women in between.

A sly smile appeared on Agnes’s face and she reached out and stroked my arm. “So, Theodora, tell us about this Curtis you’ve been indulging.”

A flush suffused my face. When we were given our Ecstasy, blanket indulgences were issued by the pope, forgiving any sin we may commit. Most nuns, at least this is what Sister Louise told me, used the opportunity to sin as much as possible before she once again must abstain.

“He has girth,” I said with a smile, remembering how good his cock felt stretching my pussy as he rode me last night. “I came twice with him last night, and once more this morning.”

“You naughty girl,” Agnes said with a twinkle. She glanced at Isabella. “Did you have time to indulge?”

Isabella gave a throaty laugh. “I live in a remote village in Guatemala. Many hours drive to the airport. This young buck, Miguel, drove me to the airport. I had my eye on him for several months, praying for a mission so I might indulge with him.” A smile appeared on her face. “On the drive to the airport, three times we stopped so he could ravish me.”

“What about you, Anges? Who did you fuck?” I asked.

Her grin turned naughty. “In Brussels I fucked this delightful young man in the airport restroom during my layover. And then in the flight into Seattle from Chicago, I flirted with this beautiful flight attendant named Sarai. She had silky, dusky skin and the most beautiful lips. A good Muslim girl she claimed, but when we arrived in Seattle, that good Muslim girl made me howl in pleasure in the women’s bathroom.”

We all giggled at that. But my joy did not last long, Ramiel’s words echoed in my mind. Soldiers are needed now. Four and four and four. My grin faded and I sighed and asked, “Where do we find four soldiers?” I asked.

“Providence,” Agnes yawned, and lay back on the bed. The TV turned on. “Sorry, I sat on the remote.”

“…go live to Sheriff Erkart about to give a press conference on the growing Mark Glassner scandal admits the SWAT unit of the Pierce County Sheriffs Department,” the anchor on the television said.

I sat up and my fellow nuns stared at the TV. Providence, I thought with a smile.

The camera cut to a room with a podium festooned with microphones. The seal of Pierce County Sheriff department hung behind the podium and a tall, distinguished looking man with black hair graying at the temples, stepped up to the podium. Cameras flashed in the room as he settled himself at the podium.

“Good evening,” the Sheriff greeted, sadly. “It is with a heavy heart that I am here today. An entire squad of the my SWAT unit, eleven men and one woman, have disgraced themselves and betrayed the public’s trusted in my Sheriff Department. As you all know, on Thursday, June 13th at approximately 4:10 AM, the FBI, with support from this SWAT unit, raided Mark Glassner’s house. As recent photos have shown, my officers have behaved disgracefully and will be suspended with pay until the State Patrol has finished their investigation.”

“God has provided,” Agnes breathed.

“Amen,” Isabella finished.

A smile crept up on my face. Mark Glassner enthralled an entire unit of SWAT. Ramiel had explained the spell Mark used to bound his Thralls and made them immune to our powers. The spell had to be performed individually by the Warlock. It seemed Providence was telling us that there were twelve, very dangerous Thralls out there lying loose just waiting for my Sisters and I to collect them.

“Amen,” I whispered as hope soared within me.

A soft snore broke my reverie and I giggled. Sister Agnes was sleeping on her side. She said it took her nearly twenty-four hours of travel to reach Seattle from Africa. The poor thing must be so tired.

“Isn’t she so beautiful,” Isabella whispered, her hand resting on my thigh. Her hand was warm and soft and a delicious thrill went through my body ending at my moistening snatch. Isabella turned to look at me, a smile playing on her brown face. “You are beautiful, too, Theodora,” she whispered in a Spanish lilt and I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

Isabella’s lips were full and moist and looked so kissable as her face drew closer and closer to mine. Her lips were soft as well and I could taste cherry lip gloss as I sucked on her lower lip. Her hand was sliding up my thigh, underneath my skirt, sliding closer and closer to my moistening cunt. I placed my hand on her silky leg, squeezing her thigh and reaching for the source of heat between her legs.

Her panties felt like satin and I rubbed the crotch of her panties and could feel the heat of her cunt. I pushed the panties up into the groove of her slit, feeling her moisture slowly seep through the satin fabric and coating my fingers with her sticky arousal. I moaned into Isabella’s mouth as her fingers gently caressed my lacy panties and shivered as she grazed my hard clit through the panties.

Isabella broke the kiss, licking her lips, and reached her other hand beneath my skirt and started tugging off my panties. I lifted my ass, allowing her to slip the panties down my leg. They were yellow and lacy, the gusset damp with my desire. Isabella sniffed the crotch, inhaling my spicy aroma and then she shoved my panties into my mouth with a naughty smile on her face.

“We do not want to wake Sister Agnes with your sweet moans,” she whispered with a naughty smile.

She pushed me back, spread my thighs and I moaned, the sound muffled by my panties, as she licked her gentle tongue through my slit. I could taste my flavor on my panties and it added to the excitement. Next to me, Sister Agnes snored softly, her pretty, coal-black face inches from my own. Isabella’s tongue was tasting me everywhere, sucking my labia into her mouth, flicking at my clit. Her fingers gently spread my labia open and then her tongue wiggled into my hole.

Oh god that felt so amazing. I gripped the green comforter and threw back my head as Sister Isabella pleasured my cunt. Oh, fuck her tongue felt so wonderful. I wanted to tell her just how much pleasure she was making me feel, but the panties stuffed in my mouth reduced me to grunts and moans. I was getting so close to cumming, my hips starting to writhe as my pleasure mounted. Her tongue was fucking in and out of my hole, her nose rubbing gently against my clit, every brush bringing me closer and closer until I screamed into my panties as I flooded Isabella’s face.

Isabella gave my cunt a last lick and then she was moving down, kissing my taint, lifting up my ass and sliding a pillow beneath me. Her breath was warm on my ass, and her fingers gently spread my asscheeks and I gasped into my panties as her tongue touched my puckered anus. A naughty thrill tingled through me as she tongued my ass.

Her tongue circled my asshole, and then pressed against the tight ring. Her tongue pressed and pressed and then pushed past the sphincter, wiggling inside my ass. I was moaning again into the panties, feeling a second orgasm building. Her fingers reached up and pinched my hard clit, rolling my small nub between her fingers, sending jolts of electricity throughout my writhing body.

Fuck, Isabella sure knew how to pleasure a woman. She was bringing me closer and closer to a second cum, and it was brewing up to be bigger than the last one. Her tongue was sliding in and out of my asshole, swirling around my tight anus. The naughty slut was making my ass and my cunt felt so amazing. That amazing feeling of release was building and building, sweet Jesus I was getting so close and then the delicious shudder, the muscles clenching in my ass and pussy, the electricity shooting through my body.

I was panting and Isabella was crawling up my body. She pulled my panties from my lips and then kissed me gently on the lips and I could taste the sour flavor of my ass. Then Isabella curled up against me, placed her head on my breast and fell asleep.

Three nuns, I thought as I cradled Isabella’s head to my chest. Mark wouldn’t stand a chance.


As I jogged down Shaw Road, Thursday morning, my mind kept drifting to the phone call from Willow yesterday and the explosive news she delivered. Karen was pregnant. By the demon Lilith, no less. Her baby was growing fast, almost a weeks growth in a day, according to Willow. The stress of the growing child had left Karen in such a weakened state, she was barely conscious half the time.

“We thought it best to abort the embryo,” Willow had explained, “and then Lilith appeared. She warned us that Karen’s life was tied to the child growing inside her. If the child died, so would Karen.”

It was fucking frustrating. There was nothing we could do. Since I made my Pact, I had never felt so helpless. Not even when Karen was atop me, trying to exorcise my powers. I was still able to struggle to summon Lilith. But there was absolutely nothing either Mary or I could do but wait for Karen to give birth and worry about what sort of problem the thing growing inside her would cause.

Last night, we sat for an hour with Karen and the one time she woke up she smiled at us before falling back unconscious. We instructed the hospital staff not to report her unusual pregnancy and would keep one of the sluts with her at all time. Anger was burning in my stomach as I watched my Karen lay so listless, all those machines attached to her body. Anger at Lilith and anger at myself for being so stupid.

That night, when Lilith offered to trade the secrets of magic for the simple price of fucking Karen, I didn’t even hesitate. What harm could there be in letting the demon fuck her? Lilith formed a cock from her clit and told me how she was just so horny. She hadn’t had a woman on her cock in centuries. I could understand that desperate need to get off in some girls snatch. All guys understood that. I didn’t even occur to me that Lilith might have some ulterior plan in mind when she fucked Karen.

But she was a demon and Mary and I had learned an important lesson. A demon never does anything unless it benefits them in someway. They’ll find a way to turn it to their advantage. Then why did the Devil give me the ability to summon Lilith in the first place. It wasn’t out of kindness or sense of fair play. From what Karen told me, Warlock hadn’t summoned demons or used magics in a thousand of years. The Devil wants something from me. He needs something that only I can do, something that only a Warlock give him. And the real question is, will it benefit me or bite me in the ass in the end like Lilith’s simple deal has become.

I was betting on it biting me in the ass.

When Mary and I were returning from the club we saw several moving trucks arriving. Our families were following our orders and moving in. We sent the sluts to go help out and my mom guilt tripped me into carrying boxes into her new house. Mary thought it would be funny to watch and make unhelpful comments until my mom thrust a box into her arms and Mary, with a frown, was guilted into helping out as easily as I was.

By noon, our families were moved in and we were all gathered back at the house to eat the delicious egg salad sandwiches Desiree made for lunch. The sandwiches were so good, I decided to forgive Desiree for getting out of carrying boxes with the rest of us.

“Sandy, Mark and I need you to come with us, this afternoon,” Mary told my mom as she wolfed down her sandwich. “We need to bond a few pilots.”

At three we had an appointment with the head of HR at Alaska Airlines to screen for our pilots. We bought a Gulfstream IV from this billionaire yesterday and Mary and I agreed having our pilots bound by the Zimmah spell is the safest course. That way we didn’t have to worry about a nun getting to our pilot and causing her to crash our plane with us in it.

“Oh, sure,” my mom answered. “I guess unpacking can wait.”

“Oh, we have plenty of time,” Betty said, patting my mom’s wrist fondly.

Betty was Mom’s…eh…girlfriend, I guess. I was having trouble wrapping my brain around my mom and Betty. For my entire life mom was a straitlaced Christian and it was surprising finding out she had been cheating on my dad with Betty Cooley for the last few years. And now that my dad was dead, and mom and Betty, with a little nudge from Mary, had moved in together.

“We should have a bar-ba-que,” Sean, my future father-in-law, suggested. “A nice, family get together once everyone gets settle in.” He had Felicity, the sex slave Mary gave him, dandled on his knee. Felicity was dressed in the sluttiest, naughty schoolgirl outfit I had ever seen. Sean was a high school teacher and it looked like he was working through all those years of not molesting his students with Felicity.

“Ohh, that sounds fun,” Missy chimed in. Missy was Mary’s little sister, still in High School, who looked almost the spitting image of Mary. The main difference, other than age, was Missy’s light, strawberry-blonde hair versus Mary’s darker, auburn hair.

“Monday?” I asked Mary, thinking what we might have plans for that day.

“You did schedule those tryouts for Monday, right?” Mary asked me. After I we got home from the hospital last night, I spent two hours calling police agencies in King and Thurston County to arrange for a new pool of women to draw more bodyguards from. With our families to protect and a nun lurking about, I wanted more protection.

“Yeah, we can have the bar-ba-que at Sparks Stadium and everyone can help us evaluate some new bodyguards,” I said nodding.

“Sure, sounds fun,” George said. George was Shannon’s boyfriend.

Shannon laughed, tossing about her fiery red hair and tickled her boyfriend. “Someone just once to fuck some pretty girls.”

“Well, there is one matter that we need to attend to,” Mary said. “Mark and I have powerful enemies and they would use our loved ones against us.”

Antsy, my little sister snorted. “Tell me about it,” she muttered. The nuns had attacked us through Antsy, trying to break up Mary and myself.

“Yes, that’s why we need to protect you with the Bond of Zimmah,” Mary finished.

The family trooped upstairs and crowded into our bedroom. There was my mom, her girlfriend Betty, and their sex slave, Joy. And Antsy and her sex slave, Via. Then Mary’s family dwarfed mine. Her dad and his sex slave. Her older sister Shannon and her boyfriend, and their sex slave, Starla. And little Missy, her boyfriend Damien, and their two sex slaves Dawn and Mrs. Corra. Mrs. Corra was Damien’s teacher before I made her Damien’s sex slave, and yet he still called her Mrs. Corra while he bossed her around.

Mary and Mom stripped naked and lay side-by-side on the bed, both beautiful. Mary was the beauty of youth, perky breasts and a fresh face. Mom was a hot MILF at forty-three. She possessed the ripened beauty of maturity, her body still tight as an eighteen year old’s from her daily exercise, her breasts still lovely and her face was sexy and confident.

I crawled onto my mom, her arms outstretched. “My boy’s all grown up,” she smiled, pulling me down into her embrace, her hands gripping my cock and guiding it to her cunt.

Next to us, Sean was crawling over his daughter’s body. “You are so beautiful, Mary,” he whispered.

“Oh, daddy!” Mary smiled, pulling him down and wrapping her legs around his waist. “Hmm, stick that hard cock inside your sweet daughter’s cunt!”

I was inside my mom’s cunt, fucking my cock in and out of her as her lips captured mine in a kiss. I roamed up her body with my hands, finding her breasts and giving them a squeeze. Her nipples were hard as I rubbed my hand over them. My mom’s hips rose up to meet my thrusts, grinding her clit into my pubic bone. She felt so amazing. This was the cunt that I came from, I thought. And that wicked thought made the sex more thrilling.

“You like my cunt, daddy?” Mary cooed. She sounded like a little girl with her father, asking him if liked her dress.

“Yeah, Mary,” he groaned as he plowed into her cunt. “You feel so tight.”

“Does it feel familiar?” Mary asked with a wicked grin. “Does it feel like the cunt that rode your cock when you were blindfolded on Monday?”

Sean groaned. “That was you? Oh, man that was amazing.”

“As amazing as this?” Mary asked. Her dad moaned loudly. I wasn’t sure what Mary did but her dad seemed to find it amazing.

The entire situation was too exciting for me to last long. Our families were watching us fuck our parents. My thrust were becoming frantic. “Oh God, Mom. You feel so good. I’m…ohhh fuck…I’m gonna cum!”

“Give it to me, Mark!” my mom moaned like a wanton hooker.

I pounded her cunt harder, my balls tightening and then I was groaning and my cum was flooding into my mom’s cunt. Her pussy contracted about my cock and she gasped as her orgasm swept over her. I collapsed atop her, enjoying the feel of her cunt as my cock soften, the warmth of her body as it pressed beneath me. I captured her lips in a kiss, then turned to watch Mary getting fucked by her father.

Mary looked over at me, a smile on her face. Her dad was grunting atop her, fucking her faster and faster. He raised up on his arms, slamming into my fiancee’s cunt and then his body tensed and he moaned as he flooded his sweet daughter’s pussy. Mary trembled beneath him, her breasts heaving as he came in her sweet pussy.

I rolled off my mom and Sean rolled off his daughter. Both women laid there, cum oozing out of their freshly fucked pussies. Mary and I agreed to bond the each other’s families. We didn’t want to make slaves of our families, just to protect them, so we told our families they could ignore our orders. It let our loved ones have their free will.

Shannon was first, crawling between my mother’s legs and taking a swipe of my mom’s pussy juices and my cum. I muttered, “Zimmah,” and felt the energy bind Shannon to me.

Antsy crawled beneath Mary’s legs and licked through my fiancee’s cunt, gathering a thick globe of incestuous cum and pussy juices. “Zimmah,” Mary intoned and I watched the shudder pass between the two women.

One by one, our family members were bonded. Betty and my mom by Mary, and Mary’s family by me. Poor Sean, he didn’t relish having to taste my cum, no matter how beautiful the cunt that contained it. And Damien just closed his eyes, took the smallest lick he could, then flew away, spitting. Then Missy followed, and then Dawn, Mrs. Corra, and Starla. Until, only George remained, and everyone turned to him.

“Shannon,” George said. “Before I really become part of this family I want to ask you a question.”

“Okay?” Shannon said, a stunned, hopeful, disbelieving smile playing on her lips, her mouth falling open and her eyes watering with emotion. I remembered that same look on Mary’s face when I proposed to her.

George fell to his knees, grasped her hand and kissed her palm. “Shannon, these last two years have been the happiest of my life. I love you, Shannon. You are my world. The kindest, sweetest soul I ever met. Will…” George’s voice cracked and he cleared his throat. “Will you marry me?”

“Yes,” Shannon whispered, tears running out of her eyes. “Oh, yes, yes, yes!”

George pulled out a rose gold ring set with a large diamond. Smaller diamonds were sat in the band. Shannon’s hand trembled as George slid the ring on her finger. When he stood up she threw her arms around him and the pair kissed. The women in the room were all misty eyed. When George broke the kiss, he crawled between my mom’s legs and didn’t hesitate as he took his lick.

As Mary and I dressed for our appointment, we watched as an impromptu family orgy began. It all started when Missy pressed herself up against her dad, saying, “Is it my turn to get fucked?” with a huge, impish grin on her face.

“But…” Sean spluttered. Sean was under my orders to be available to fuck Mary for the Zimmah spell and was resistant to fucking his youngest daughter. But Missy was a hundred pounds of teenage enthusiasm and, with her sex slave Dawn’s help, pushed Sean back onto the bed. She straddled her dad, guiding his hard cock to her tight, teenage cunt, and started riding him, using all the technique I taught her on pleasing a man.

George and Shannon slipped out onto our private balcony and the newly engaged couple were passionately fucking on our love seat. Betty and Antsy were on the bed making out next to Sean and Missy while my mom watch fondly. Damien had his Mrs. Corra’s big tits about his cock as he watched his girlfriend, Missy, ride her dad. Via, Joy, and Starla slipped into a daisy chain on the floor, each slut devouring the other’s cunts.

I sighed as we left. “There will be other orgies,” Mary consoled, pressing up against me.

“I haven’t fucked any of their sex slaves,” I moaned. “Well, I fucked Felicity, but not the other five.”

“Plenty of time for that, Mark,” Mary chided, prodding me down the stairs. “But we have the meeting with the architects and your pilot interview. I’m sure you’ll find some pretty new lady for you to fuck.”

I grinned, Mary always found the bright side of a situation. “Well, that’s the plan.”

Before we went up to SeaTac to Alaska Airlines headquarters, we had a meeting with an architect to design our mansion. Mary had been speaking to them on the phone for the last week, hammering out the specifications, and the architects had their first conceptions ready. They did some great work, designing a large, central mansion and five, smaller guest houses for our families to live in at the back of the property. There was also a stable, Mary wanted to have horses, and a pool, and extensive landscaping. Mary gave a few brief corrections and the architects would start drawing up the plans. Hopefully, in a month, we could start breaking ground on construction.

The Alaska Airlines offices were located on International Boulevard south of the SeaTac airport. I parked the Mustang and had 01 and 09, our bodyguard’s for the trip, wait in 01’s white State Patrol car. I took Mary’s arm and my mom followed us in. The inside was well furnished, the Eskimo face logo of Alaska Airlines embossed on the lobby floor and a few potted plants dotted the corners.

“How can I help you, sir?” the receptionist, a stout, middle-aged woman named Angela, asked.

“Yes, we’re here to see Mr. Ledford,” I said. “I’m Mark Glassner.”

The receptionist called upstairs and sent us on own. “Floor four, go left from the elevator. You can’t miss his office.”

“Remember the last elevator we rode?” Mary asked with a sly smile as I pushed he fourth floor button.

“No elevator slut this time,” I laughed. That’s how we met Violet, one of our sluts. I took her virginity in the hotel elevator of the Four Seasons, I believe, up in Seattle.

My mom looked at me, a frown across her beautiful face. “What?”

“It’s nothing, Sandy,” Mary assured her. “Just an inside joke.”

“Oh, sure,” Sandy said with a nod.

The elevator dinged and we got out on the fourth floor. Monroe Ledford’s office was down a hallway, through an open area full of cubicles, against the west wall of the building. He had a mousy looking woman for a secretary with the unusual name of Richmal. “He’s expecting you, Mr. Glassner.”

“Richmal, just ignore any strange sounds you hear, okay,” Mary said with a friendly smile.

“Oh, sure, miss,” Richmal squeaked.

Monroe had a spacious office, a large mahogany desk, and a wall covered in filing cabinets. Seven women dressed in blue pilot’s jackets and slacks were huddled in the corner talking to each other and gave us curious stares when we entered. Monroe scurried out from behind his desk, a heavyset man in an expensive looking suit. His face was round, fat hanging from beneath his chins, and large, black glasses dominated his face.

“Good to meet you in person, Mr. Glassner,” Monroe greeted. “I gathered the candidates just like you asked, sir.”

“Thank you, you can wait at your secretary’s desk and don’t come in here until we leave,” I told him, shaking his moist hand.

“Ah, of course, sir,” Monroe laughed. “Well, they are all excellent pilots and you will not be disappointed with whomever you choose.”

“All right, ladies, line up,” Mary said, brusquely.

My mom, looking a little out of sorts, set down at the table. “You okay, mom,” I asked as Mary got the pilots lined up.

“It’s just…overwhelming how the two of you just take command of situation,” Mom admitted. “And you’re going to, what…screw these women?”

I shrugged. “Not all of them,” I admitted. Several of the women were just not pretty enough. Sure they were handsome women, but Mary and I had our standards. “They’ll enjoy themselves, Mom. So just relax, okay?”

She sighed. “Okay, Mark.” She squirmed in her seat. “Geezs, I’m turning into such a hussy,” she muttered, eying the women.

“Maybe, mom,” I told her, rubbing her shoulder. “But it’s a lot of fun, isn’t it?” I asked with a grin.

My mom laughed and kissed the back of my hand. “Your fiancee’s going to start without you,” Mom pointed out.

I looked up to the two handsome women walking out the door. “All right, disrobe,” Mary ordered the remaining five. “And be prepared to get fucked. You all want to please us and be chosen to be as one of our pilots.” I stepped up next to her and she whispered, “Is everything alright with your mom?”

“Yeah, Mom is just not used to all this,” I answered.

The pilots were disrobing. All of them wore the most boring underwear, I was disappointed to learn. We sent two more packing; one had an ugly Caesarean scar and the other’s ass was covered in cellulite and looked as wrinkled as a prune. The remaining three were gorgeous women in their late twenties and early thirties.

Joslyn was a black-haired woman, willowy, with dark, Mediterranean complexion and brilliant green eyes. She had a nice set of round breasts topped with dusky nipples. Her belly buttoned was pierced with a small, golden charm set with a ruby and her pussy was shaved, revealing fat, dark pussy lips.

Duana was another black-haired woman, tall with Nordic cheekbones. Her breasts were small and perky and she had a thick, black bush between her legs. Her legs were toned and tanned from sunbathing, there were patches of pale flesh around her breasts and her crotch from her bikini.

Lynda was a strawberry-blonde with deep, blue eyes. She was short and curvy, with large, pillowy breasts with some of the biggest, fattest nipples I had ever seen, each pierced with a thick, gold ring. Her pussy was shaved, save for a triangular patch of reddish hair above her clit.

I walked over and hefted Lynda’s large breast, feeling the weight and gave her nipple piercing a tug bring a soft gasp to Lynda’s mouth. Mary was running her fingers through Duana’s thick bush, the tall woman shuddering as Mary must have found her clit or maybe her wet hole. Joslyn was looking a little lonely and so was my mom, so I pulled her to me and whispered in her ear.

Joslyn swayed back to my mom. Mom swallowed, licking her lips as the dusky beauty reached her and sat on her lap. “I…I have a girlfriend,” my mom protested, as Joslyn kissed at her throat.

“It’s just sex, Mom,” I said, pushing Lynda down to her knees. “I have a girlfriend, too.”

Mary giggled as Duana was unbuttoning her blouse, exposing Mary’s freckled breasts. The tall pilot sucked Mary’s nipple into her lips. “Betty knows you love her, that’s all that matters, Sandy. Everything else is just fun.”

My zipper rasped down and eager hands reached into my pants, pushing down my boxers, to find my hardening cock. Mom relaxed and was kissing Joslyn, her hands sliding up to cup the dusky woman’s breast and rolling her dark nipples between her fingers while Joslyn purred in pleasure. Lynda’s mouth engulfed my cock, sucking my dick until I was fully hard in her mouth. I looked down at her pillowy tits and just had to feel those about my cock.

I pulled my cock from her mouth, grabbed the fat ring pierced through her left nipple and pulled Lynda to her feet and led her over to a chair and set down. “You ever given a guy a titty fuck?” I asked her.

She smiled wickedly. “A few.”

Lynda knelt down and placed her pillowy tits around my cock, squeezing them about my shaft and started to slide them up and down. Her gold rings piercing her nipples swung up and down, glinting in a shaft of sunlight that fell across her tits. Her blue eyes stared up at me, eager to please, and her strawberry-blonde hair fell loosely about her shoulders, a splash of color against her pale skin.

Mary sat in the sit next to me, spreading her legs and cooing in pleasure as Duana dove into her cunt, licking stiffly at her pussy. “C’mon, slut, you can do better,” Mary complained. “Your a woman, just lick and touch me wherever you’d like to be touched down there.”

“Okay,” Duana murmured and spread Mary’s lips open and licked her tongue through Mary’s slit, sliding her tongue into Mary’s wet pussy. She swirled her tongue around the sucked Mary’s labia into her mouth, rolling the wrinkled lips between her lips as Mary moaned in appreciation.

“Getting better,” Mary encourage, then sighed in pleasure. “Definitely getting better.”

I glanced back to see my mom was sitting on the desk, her jeans pulled off, her firm ass flexing as she squirmed in pleasure. I guessed Joslyn must be going down on her. My mom pulled her loose, striped shirt over her head exposing her smooth back and white bra. She reached behind her and unclasped the bra. As the white material fell away, I could just see the slope of her right breast and the hint of her pink nipple.

“Ohh, that feels nice,” Mom moaned on Joslyn’s tongue. Her arms moved and I realized mom was playing with her breasts.

“How’s your titty fuck?” Mary asked with a smile.

“Nice,” I told her. Lynda’s tits felt amazing on my cock as she formed a tight tunnel between her soft tits. I started fucking my hips up, rubbing my cock faster through the valley of her breasts. Mary’s eyes were fixed on my cock, the head would appear up from between her tits then disappear back down. Pre-cum glistening on the tip, smearing on Lynda’s melons.

“Is Duana giving you good head?” I asked.

Mary rolled her eyes. “She’s getting better! She…ohhh, yeah. She’s definitely getting better,” Mary purred.

“Oh, man!” gasped Mom. “Oh, Mark, her tongue feels so amazing. I can’t wait to try some of what she’s doing to my pussy on Betty when I get home! Oh, wow! Mmmhh, oh crap! Yes, yes, oh yes!”

Lynda started licking my cock head when it got close to her lips, her tongue roughly sliding across the tip sending a shudder of pleasure through my body. Another lick, another shudder, and then my cock was back in the pillowy softness of her breasts and then was back out and another delicious lick, another delicious shudder. “Fuck that’s amazing!” I gasped. “Keep licking, slut!”

Lynda giggled. “Glad you…” lick, “…like it!”

Mary was panting next to me, grinding her cunt into Duana’s face. “Oh yes, fucking suck my clit, whore! Oh, fuck! Oh fucking shit! Here it comes, slut! Drink my cum!”

My mom sat in the chair on the other side of me, naked and flushed. Her eyes focused on my cock appearing and disappearing between Lynda’s breasts. I was getting closer and closer to cumming. My balls were so close to flooding Lynda’s breasts with my creamy spunk. Just a few more licks and…I groaned, my face clenched as I spilled onto her tits.

“Fuck, that was nice!” I moaned.

Lynda was panting, to, white cum coating her face and tits. She released her breasts and my cock slid out of her tight embrace. Mary knelt down and licked a line of my cum up Lynda’s tit. Then she looked at my mom, hefted Lynda’s other, cum covered tit invitingly. My mom licked her lips and then knelt down and licked my cum up Lynda’s breast, up to her neck and then she was kissing Lynda on the lips.

My cock was achingly hard watching my mom and my fiancee lick my cum off this woman. They were pressing her down onto her back, their tongues devouring my cum. Mary licked her way up to Lynda’s face as Mom licked back down to her breasts, sucking a fat nipple and gold ring into her mouth as Mary kissed Lynda on the lips. Then Mary was straddling her face as Mom licked lower and lower, down to Lynda’s shaved cunt.

“Duana, lick my mom’s cunt,” I ordered and then I grabbed willowy Joslyn and bent her over the desk.

Joslyn’s cunt was shaved bare, her labia large and engorged and felt amazing as I rubbed the head of my cock on them before I found her hot, wet hole and slid inside her, groaning as her velvet cunt swallowed my cock.

“Ohh, that feels great,” Joslyn moaned. “Umm, you got a nice feeling cock, stud.”

“You got a nice feeling cunt,” I moaned, pulling back and thrusting in again and again. “Fucking wet and tight, just the way I like my pussy!”

“Then give me a good fucking, lover!” Joslyn purred. “I could use a nice cum! Haven’t had one yet, today!”

“You have to cum everyday, slut?” I asked.

“If not, then the day was wasted.” I liked her philosophy. If I haven’t came a dozen times in a day, it was definitely wasted. “I need a nice, fat cock to stretch my poor little pussy until I explode!” she panted.

I started thrusting faster and faster, enjoying her wet depths. I glanced behind me, Mary was riding Lynda’s face and my mom was devouring Lynda’s cunt. Duana knelt behind my mom and started fingering her cunt. Duana bent her head down, planting her face between my mom’s ass cheeks and began to rim Mom’s ass. What a naughty slut.

“I’m going to pee in your mouth, and you’re going to love it, right slut?” Mary asked.

“Oh yes,” moaned Lynda. “I’ve masturbated so many times to water sports vids! Fill my mouth with your delicious pee.”

Mary sighed as her urine splashed into Lynda’s mouth, the pilot drinking her piss eagerly. I slammed into Joslyn’s cunt faster and faster as I watched my fiancee piss into another woman’s mouth. When Mary finished pissing, she moaned as Lynda licked her pussy clean, her tongue digging through Mary’s slit. Lynda was moaning beneath Mary, her body writhing and fresh cunt juices flooded my mom’s mouth as she came.

My mom drank all of Lynda’s juices and then shuddered on Duana’s tongue. “Yes, oh yes, I’m cumming! Umm, that feels so amazing!” Mom turned around, stroking Duana’s face. “Oh, thank you for that amazing orgasm.”

I came in Joslyn’s cunt as I watched my mom french kiss Duana, her face sticky with Lynda’s juices. Mary’s ass jiggled beneath her bunched up skirt as she ground her pussy on Lynda’s face, her unbuttoned blouse slid off her right shoulder, exposing her pale, freckled shoulder. Her auburn hair, tied in a ponytail, swayed about as she tossed her head about, her moans of pleasure growing louder and louder.

My mom’s ass was pointing at me, as tight as any teenagers, her hairy bush matted with desire, her pussy pink and swollen with pleasure. I knelt behind her, running my hands about her firm cheeks. Mom broke her kiss with Duana and glanced over her shoulder at me, her eyes falling onto my hard cock.

“You’re so beautiful, Mom,” I murmured.

“Prettier than your fiancee?” my mom asked with a grin.

“A close second, Mom.” My cock was poking at her tight ass, sliding down, leaving a streak of pre-cum across her firm cheeks and down through her silky hair. I found her hot, wet hole, rubbing my cock’s head on her swollen labia, enjoying the feel of her silky nether lips.

“Umm, good answer, son,” Mom groaned as my cock entered her slowly.

“He’s the best!” moaned Mary. “Umm, this slut sure knows her way around a snatch! You keep doing that and…ohhh that’s nice! Fuck, fuck, yes! That’s it! Oh, God, I’m cumming! You nasty, fucking slut! Ohh, that was nice.”

“Thank you for fulfilling my fantasy,” moaned Lynda as Mary crawled off of her.

Mary pressed her body against my back, hugging me from behind as I fucked my mother. Her breasts were soft pillows topped with her hard nipples, her silky bush tickled my ass. Her arms wrapped around my waist and her lips were wet on my neck.

“Who are you thinking of keeping for our pilots?” she whispered into my ear.

“Lynda for sure,” I moaned. “Those fucking nipple rings.”

Mary laughed. “I love a slut that drinks my piss.”

“Joslyn is the prettiest,” my mom moaned, thrusting her hips back into my cock. With Mary pressed behind me, I couldn’t fuck Mom as hard I liked, but goddamn my mom knew how to work her hips to get a man off.

Joslyn was beautiful, with her dusky, Mediterranean skin her brilliant green eyes. “She was a great fuck,” I pointed out.

Mary nipped at my ear. “Joslyn and Lynda then.”

“Yeah,” I panted. “Mmh, Mom, you know how to fuck!”

Mom laughed, a rich throaty laugh, slamming her ass back into me. “You’re not to bad yourself. Umm, my baby boy grew up to have a nice cock!”

“Cum in your slutty mom’s pussy,” Mary whispered into my ear. “Fill her up with delicious spunk.”

“Give me your cum, Mark!” Mom moaned. “Fill your mommy’s womb with your sperm. It’s so wonderful to have you back inside me! Oh, crap! Crap!”

My balls were tightening, my orgasm was building. I felt Mom’s cunt spasm on my cock as she came, slamming her ass back into me and I groaned, “Fuck, that feels so amazing, Mom! Oh, fuck! Here it fucking cums!” My balls unloaded, flooding the very pussy that made me with a flood of cum. Mom slumped forward, rolling onto her back, her legs spread obscenely open, my cum oozing out and matting her brown fur.

“Joslyn and Lynda, you’re going to be our pilots,” I ordered. “You’ll live at the hanger, stay within fifteen minutes of the plane at all times. You will love Mary and myself as your masters, and love each other. Duana, never speak of this to anyone, you can get dressed and go.”

Joslyn moved over to Lynda and stroked her face. “I never noticed how beautiful you are,” she whispered and kissed Lynda with passion.

“Ladies,” I barked, interrupting their kiss, “get over her and take a lick from my mom’s cunt.” Lynda was first, bending down and taking a single lick as I uttered, “Zimmah,” and felt the energy run from my mom into Lynda and myself, binding Lynda’s to me permanently. Lynda stared at me in awe as Joslyn took her place and took her lick and was bound to me.

“You two, go home gather your stuff and head to Thun Field, hanger 18,” I told her and pulled a pair of keys out of my pocket, tossing it to them. “The Gulfstream has already arrived. From now on, you’ll live in the plane. There’s a comfy bed for the two of you too enjoy, internet, satellite TV. Just remember, always be within fifteen minutes of the plane.”

“Yes, Master,” Lynda nodded and then gave Joslyn a wicked smile. “A bed to share, huh? I’m sure we can find some stimulating way to pass the time.”

My phone rang and I fished it out of my pocket, glancing at the caller ID. “You found Brandon?” I asked.

“I found out where he went,” Doug Allard answered. Doug was a P.I. hired by Brandon Fitzsimmons to spy on us, causing all sorts of problems when Brandon sent the media the results of his spying. We caught Doug and turned him to our side and sent him after Brandon. “He flew from San Francisco to London and from there he caught a plane to Toulouse, France. He landed in Frances about two hours ago.”

“What’s in France?” I asked aloud, frowning.

“The book,” Mary grasped. “One of the books is in France.”

My stomach sank. Who knew what sort of problems Brandon having the book would cause. “Doug, Brandon’s headed for Rennes-le-Château, the Motherhouse of an order of nuns. The Order of Mary Magdalena. You must stop him from getting a book, the Magicks of the Witch of Endor. Do whatever it takes to stop him.”

“Okay, Mr. Glassner.”

I wanted to go after Brandon myself. But he was going into the heart of the lion’s den, the Motherhouse of the Nuns. Who knew how many of those bitches would be there. It was far too dangerous for either Mary or myself to go anywhere near Rennes-le-Château.

“Mary, where was that third book at?”

“Um, with some noble. An Altgrave, I think he was called.” She grabbed her phone. “In Cologne, Germany.”

“I need to speak with him, make sure he understands not to let Brandon so much as see that book.”


“Hey, Kaeden,” Illness, the barkeep at the Lucky Cowgirl greeted me as I sidled up to the bar.

Illness wasn’t the name he was born with, just the name everyone called him. “Because I’m so Ill, man, you know, cool,” he would say in his gravely, burnt-out voice, sounding like an aging rocker who partied to hard in his twenties and lived to regret it.

“A pint of Sam Adams,” I said, sighing as I sat down on the barstool.

“You one of the…” He left the end of his question hanging. The empty look in my eyes answered his question. “Rough, man. Real rough.” He finished filling the pint and set it down in front of me. “So, did it really happen?”

I shrugged. My PBA rep told me not to talk about it. Fuck, I’m not even sure what really happened. One minute, I was storming this Mark Glassner house on loan to the FBI, and the next thing I knew Mark Glassner was leading me and rest of my SWAT unit out of the house. And then this fine-ass girl, naked, with bubble-gum pink hair and this voluptuous Latina were leading me upstairs and fucked my brain out.

And now I was probably out of a job. And maybe facing prison time. Accepting sexual favors as a bribe, Internal Affairs called it. So here I was, back at the Lucky Cowgirl, to drown my sorrows. I hadn’t been in for two weeks and I was hoping to get lucky like the last time I was here, to maybe take my mind off my problems with some female companionship. Hell, maybe that gal would be back.

Nearly two weeks ago, on a Friday, this vivacious blonde name Erin had waltzed in, flirting outrageously with me and a few of my drinking buddies. We were drawn to her, she was just so fucking sexy in her tight jeans and revealing top. And she just ate our attention, touching us, laughing at our bad jokes. I grew more and more bold and soon it was just me and her at the bar and she let my hands roam everywhere. When I whispered in her ear that I wanted to fuck her brains out. She laughed and suggested the bathroom. I gave her a good fucking all while this creep listened to us from the next stall.

And then she asked me to go get some drinks and I waited at the bar while she cleaned herself up. And waited, figuring she had to reapply her make-up. You know women. When she did emerge, she was with this other guy, her arm wrapped around him, clinging tightly to him. They clearly knew each other, her boyfriend maybe and I just stood at the bar like an idiot realizing that the guy must have been the creep in the next stall. They were like playing at cheating or something. It was straight out of letters to Penthouse.

After the day I had, I wouldn’t mind banging Erin again. Her guy could watch for all I cared. I just needed something nice to happen to me, today. I just needed something pleasant to help me forget what a shithole my life just became. All the hard work, all the sacrifices to become a SWAT officer. It cost me my marriage to Sally and a few girlfriends since. All of it flushed down the shitter and I couldn’t even begin to understand why any of us did it.

“Why so down, handsome?” a tall, African American woman asked, sitting on the barstool next to me. Her accent was strange, like she was an actual African, from Nigeria or something. She was beautiful, young, with coal-black skin and short, curly hair. Her lips were big and smiling beautifully.

I snorted. “I’m in a lot of trouble.”

“Oh, how sad,” she consoled, placing her hand on my arm, stroking me gently. “Maybe I could make it all better.”

“Oh, how?” I asked, eying her up and down. She was fucking gorgeous.

She smiled promisingly. “What are you drinking?”

“Sam Adams.”

“Buy me one, and we’ll see if I can’t make you forget all about your problems,” she promised, her fingers running up my arm to my biceps. “Mmhh, you work out. I love a man with big muscles.”

“I’m a SWAT officer,” I told her. Some women got off on banging cops, badge bunnies we called them. And the way this woman’s eyes lit up, she was definitely a badge bunny.

“How exciting,” she purred. Illness set a pint before her and she took a deep gulp. “It must be very stressful, all that danger.”

“Oh, very stressful,” I said with a shrug. “But, I live for the danger.” I used that BS on so many ladies, they lapped it up.

Her laugh was throaty and exciting. “And how do you relieve all that stress. I bet it just gets bottled up inside you, begging to be released.”

“Oh, I could think of a few ways to relive the pressure,” I smiled.

“Your hand, non?” she asked archly.

I laughed, it felt good to laugh. “Sure, but there are definitely more pleasant ways to relieve the pressure.” I took a drink of my beer. “Of course, they require someone’s assistance.”

She sipped her beer, her pink tongue licking foam off her upper lip. “I have been told I am very skilled at relieving stress.”

My cock was rock hard in my pants. God, I loved this bar. I had never met a girl as easy as Erin, but this African chick was giving that slut Erin a run for her money. Well, it worked last time, so I leaned over and whispered, “I want to fuck your brains out. Right now.”

She stood up, her smile eager, and took my hand. She was aggressive as she pulled me across the bar to the men’s room and pulled me inside. She took me to the last stall. Memories of Erin bent over the toilet as I fucked her from behind flashed in my mind. Would this mysterious Black woman’s cunt feel as good as Erin’s had.

Christ I didn’t even know her name.

But that didn’t matter as she kissed me as soon as we were in the stall, my hands reaching down and knead her ass through her short skirt. I lifted the skirt up and she wasn’t wearing any panties, the naughty little slut. Her tongue was fierce as she frenched me, aggressively exploring my mouth as her hands fumbled at my belt. She pulled my cock out, stroked it a few times then broke the kiss. I was panting hard as she pulled her dress over her head, exposing her lithe, coal-black body. She took her fingers, slid them between her black breasts, down to her black bush and shoved them up inside her, coating them with her juices.

“See how wet I am for you,” she moaned. “Fuck me!”

I didn’t need to be told twice and I pinned her against the side of the stall, her legs wrapping about my waist as I plunged into her Black pussy. She moaned as I fucked her hard, pounding away at her cunt. I needed this. I needed to forget my problems. All that mattered right now was how amazing her cunt felt on my cock as I fucked her tight, wet depths.

“Fuck your tight, slut,” I moaned. Any girl as easy as her, badge bunny or not, was a slut. “Love how you feel on me.”

“Umm, your cock is stirring me up,” she moaned. “Umm, spear me, stud! Ohh, I love having a nice shaft spearing inside me!”

Her hips were fucking me back, matching the furious rhythm. I needed to cum so bad. I didn’t care if she came, I just needed to feel that sweet release as I spilled inside her. She was so tight, my cock felt like it was in a vice, trying to squeeze out my cum. I was getting closer and closer to cumming inside her.

“Yes, yes, oh God I’m gonna cum!” I moaned. Her legs were wrapped so tightly about me I couldn’t pull out if I wanted to. I slammed once more into her and felt that shuddering release as my cum spilled into her.

Her finger was on my forehead, drawing with her sticky finger as she whispered, “Shama,” into my ear and everything went still. I stared blankly at the woman and she smiled in satisfaction. All that mattered to me was doing exactly what this woman told me too.

“Good,” she muttered, pushing me back, my cock pulling out of her. “I am Sister Agnes.” I nodded my head as she gave me my instructions.


The Drunken Pugilist may be the emptiest bar I had ever seen at happy hour. One old man sipped a pint at the bar while a board barkeep was watching the Mariners play the Angels. A fond smile crossed my face as I remembered Sean, my ex-husband, getting so excited during their ’95 season and how crushed he had been when the Mariners lost to the Indians and ended the Mariners World Series hopes. Mary was only one, then, and Missy wasn’t even a thought, yet.

Focus, Theodora, I told myself. Kurt stole your family from you, no use dwelling on that, now. You need to stop this Mark from destroying other families.

Sister Isabella followed me in. We let Providence guide us. Each of us opened the phone book, to the listing of bars, figuring guys as in trouble as these SWAT officer were would be drowning their sorrows. So we closed our eyes and jabbed our fingers down on the page. Isabella and I both got the Drunken Pugilist and Sister Agnes chose the Lucky Cowgirl.

I scanned the bar, the only other people were the two men sitting at a booth in the back, almost hidden in the shadows. I could see their auras, blacker than the shadows, the aura of a Thrall enslaved by a Warlock. It was clear that Mark had given the men an order that must have rewritten parts of their personality. Well, they were cops and I could imagine the sort of orders Mark must have given. “Let me commit crimes,” he probably ordered, or, “I can’t do anything wrong.”

Both guys looked miserable as we approached, a pitcher of beer sat between them and a few empty shot glasses. Both were fit, broad shoulder man. A swarthy Mexican with a thick mustache that ruined an otherwise handsome face, and a squashed-face white guy with a crew cut.

“Hi, boys,” Isabella purred with her sexy, Latina accent.

The Mexican’s eyes lit up when he saw us. “Hello, ladies,” he said with a smile, and motioned to the booth. “Care to cheer up a pair of cops having a bad day?”

“Christ, Riz, do you have to flirt with every chick?” the White guy asked.

“Hey man, why should I deprive my charm from any beautiful woman,” Riz protested. “Ignore him, he’s married and forgotten how to treat such heavenly creatures as yourselves.”

“Riz?” I asked, and then Isabella sat down next to him, leaving me with the White guy.

“Because his real name is pretty stupid,” the White guy said and a grin momentarily crossed his lips before his pain returned.

“Oroitz is a perfectly manly name,” Riz joked. “Besides, what kind of name is Duncan?”

“A Highlander,” I said with a smile. Everyone gave me a blank look. “Um, you know, ‘There can be only one.’ The Highlander?”

“Yeah,” Duncan muttered and took a swill of his beer. “The TV show, right. Not the movie.”

“Yeah,” I nodded.

“So, what has you guys so down?” Isabella asked. “Women, right?” Both men grunted and Isabella smiled wickedly, leaning closer to Riz, reaching out to place her hand on his. “I hope not the same woman.”

“No, chiquita, not the same woman,” Riz admitted. “We’re both in the doghouse because of work. My girl broke up with me and Duncan’s wife kicked him out.”

“Oh that’s terrible,” I cooed, scooting up against Duncan. His eyes glanced at my cleavage and then a guilty flush suffused his face.

Across the table, Isabella was snuggling up to Riz, who put his arm around her. “Yeah, it’s terrible. Me and Alicia had been dating for weeks.”

“Well, maybe I can make you feel better,” Isabella said with a naughty smile. From how her arm was moving, she must be rubbing Riz’s leg. Or maybe even his crotch based on that the big grin filling Riz’s face. And then the two were talking in rapid Spanish. In my few weeks living in LA I picked up a smattering of Spanish, but I could not begin to follow their conversation.

Duncan just set like a log next to me, staring down into his beer. “What’s the problem,” I purred. “You might feel better if you tell me about it.”

A look of self-loathing crossed his face. “Sure,” he bitterly snorted, his voice a little slurred with drink. “Why the fuck not.” He down the rest of his beer. “You heard about the whole SWAT scandal?”

I nodded my head. That is why Providence led me to you. Mark had foolishly made a bunch of highly skilled men his Thralls and didn’t bother to protect them. “There are subtle signs,” Ramiel told me in my dreams, “to tell if the Bond of Zimmah chains a Thrall to the Warlock. The black aura will have the tiniest, barely perceptible, fringe of red about it. So minute, you have to know to look for it.” As far as I could tell, neither of these men were bound to Mark.

“Yeah, instead of arresting the people, the SWAT unit…eh…” I trailed off, not sure how to finish the sentence without sounding insensitive.

“Fucked them,” Duncan finished, biting his words.

“Excuse me, Vato,” Riz said as Isabella scooted out of the booth. “You understand, right?”

“Yeah,” Duncan grunted, staring at his drink as Riz and Isabella disappeared out a back door into the alley behind the bar. A ragged sob suddenly escaped Duncan’s lips. “I don’t know what happened. We burst into this bedroom and this naked guy, Mark, falls on the floor and he just tells us to stop pointing our guns and help him up. And we did. And then…this red-head just grabs me and Driscoll and takes us inside and has us fuck her. She treated us like shit, insulted us, and we just took it. And now it’s all over the news and…” He took a swig of beer. “Kathanne kicked me out. I never cheated on her, before. I don’t know what happened.”

Poor bastard. Another Warlock’s victim. I reached out and rubbed his leg and kissed him on the cheek. “You poor guy,” I murmured. “Let me take some of that hurt away.” I slid my hand up his jeans to his crotch, feeling his cock grow beneath my touch.

“Wh-what are you doing?” he suddenly protested. “I…”

I cut him off with a kiss as my fingers slid his zipper down, his mouth sour with beer. He was hard, despite his protests, and I stroked him to his full girth. His cock was warm and trembled with his heart beat against my palm. He was uncircumcised, and I could feel the head of his cock slide in and out of his foreskin, popping out like a cute little snake.

“Shh, don’t fight, Duncan,” I whispered as I lowered my head down to his crotch, disappearing beneath the booth’s table.

He moaned as my tongue licked around the head of his cock, salty with his pre-cum. I played with the tip, tracing about the edge of the gland, then sliding up and licking through his urethra, collecting a fresh drop of pre-cum. I slid a hand down between my legs and up into my cunt, getting my fingers sticky with my pussy juices so I would be ready to draw the Mark of Qayin on his forehead.

His hand caressed my head, fingers pulling through my brown hair. “Oh fuck,” he moaned. “Sorry, Kathy.”

I cupped his balls as I swallowed his cock, sucking softly and playing with the sensitive head with my tongue. Then I slid down, slowly, until he brushed the back of my throat. I sealed my lips tight about his shaft as I rose up, sucking harder and Duncan moaned in appreciation. Up and down, my mouth filled with his cock.

“Jesus,” he moaned. “Fuck, you’re good. Christ, I don’t even know your name.”

I popped his cock out of my mouth. “Theodora,” I panted, sucking in air, and then I was back on his cock, bobbing my head faster and faster as I played with his balls.

He nuts were round and I gently squeezed them, trying to massage his cum out of his balls. He was getting closer and closer to cumming. I could feel the tension in his body grow and grow as he neared that explosive release and I tensed, ready to spring the moment his cum poured into my mouth. Up and down, I bobbed, swirling my tongue and sucking, feeling his cock tremble in my mouth, the spongy head brushing the roof of my mouth.

Duncan was a gentleman and warned me. “I’m gonna cum, Theodora,” he panted.

The first splash of cum was warm and salty in my lips. I released his cock as the second blast just flew up in air and landed on my blouse, a line of sticky fluids staining my clothing. I was drawing the Mark of Qayin on his forhead as his third blast flew up and splashed on his flannel shirt and I muttered, “Shama.” The Mark of Qayin blazed white and Duncan went blank as the prayer took effect.

Isabella should have had no problem enchanting Riz and I began to tell Duncan the plan. He nodded his head as he absorbed my orders. Worry gnawed at my stomach. Was this really necessary. These men were SWAT officers, highly trained at what they do. People were going to get hurt. People I was supposed to protect. I always thought the Order of Mary Magdalene existed to help people.

“The Greater Good,” Ramiel’s voice whispered back to me. “Not even the Promise Land was taken without bloodshed.”

The Greater Good. It was all for the Greater Good, I told myself. But another voice whispered from deep inside me, the road to Hell is paved in good intentions. I shivered. I just needed to have faith in Providence.


“You taxi is here, Monsieur Fitzsimmons,” the Concierge of the Chambres D’Hôtes L’Escalette, the hotel I was staying at in Toulouse. I was impatient to get to the Motherhouse and get my hands on the Magicks of the Witch of Endor. I needed the book to defeat Mark and rescue my wife from his clutches.

It had been a long flight when I landed Toulouse with a five hour layover in London, I had been traveling for nearly seventeen hours and I was exhausted. When I check into the hotel I crashed, and just woke up twenty minutes ago, noon, local time. Which was four AM, Friday morning, back in Washington State.

“Merci,” I nodded to the Concierge and slipped him a five euro.

He held the door open for me and I stepped into the white taxi. It was a small, European car, one of those tiny vehicles designed for the narrow, medieval streets that crowded European cities and towns. It was a little more than an hours drive to Rennes-le-Château, a quaint village built upon a hilltop, connected by a winding road and the driver, a dusky North African, talked in Arabic on his bluetooth the entire drive.

Finally, we reached the Motherhouse. The building was located behind the Church of Mary Magdalene, an old, stone edifice that was partially overgrown with green vines. The front door was a large, made of wood and bound in iron. On the door frame hung a plaque written in French, English, Spanish, and German described the history of the building. Another sign, handwritten in French, was taped to the front of the door. My French was very rusty, but it seemed to be the phone number of the caretaker who was out.

Sighing in frustration, I pulled out my phone and dialed the number. “Bonjour, Maryām à l’appareil. Je vous écoute,” a woman answered in rapid French.

“Do you speak English?” I asked, hopefully. My high school French was far to rusty to converse with someone.

“Yes, I am Maryām,” the woman answered in a heavy accent.

“Hi, I’m Brandon Fitzsimmons and I was hoping I could meet with someone at the Motherhouse. There is a book in your collection that I’m just dying to examine.”

The voice on the other end thought for a moment. “Very well, Monsieur Fitzsimmons. Tomorrow at, say, 4 o’clock.”

“It’s very important, can we possibly meet sooner?” I asked.

“No, no. I am not in Rennes-le-Château,” she answered, in the background I heard something in French being broadcast. I frowned, it sounded like an airport announcement. “Saturday, 4 o’clock is the earliest I can meet.”

I sighed, another hours drive to Toulouse and then an hours drive back here tomorrow. “Very well. Thank you for your time, miss.”

“Until Saturday, then. Au revoir.” The line went dead.


“The captain has put on the fasten seatbelt sign,” the flight attendant announced in her British accent.

I was on British Airways flight 3471 descending into Toulouse Blagnac Airport in France on the hunt for Brandon Fitzsimmons.

Thirteen hours ago I took off at SeaTac and I was exhausted. But I couldn’t sleep. Every time I tried, Mark Glassner’s words came back to me. “Doug, Brandon’s headed for Rennes-le-Château, the Motherhouse of an order of nuns. The Order of Mary Magdalena. You must stop him from getting a book, the Magicks of the Witch of Endor. Do whatever it takes to stop him.”

Do whatever it takes to stop him. What did Mark mean. Did he want me to steal the book before Brandon could get it, delay him, stop him? Or did he want me to kill him? Could I kill him? I was a P.I. not a hitman. But the more I poured over Mark’s words, the more I came to believe I had to kill him. It’s clearly what Mark wanted. Do whatever it takes to stop him. What else could that mean? I had watched enough spy movies to understand what was implied. I was scared. I had never killed anyone. Twelve years as a cop and I never fired my gun in the line of duty. But Mark needed it done, and I would make sure it happened.

Fuck, I was so tired when I got off the plane, I could barely fill out the declaration card as I waited to clear customs. And then I stumbled out of customs as a somnambulist creature, barely capable of rational thought. I needed some coffee, badly as I reached baggage claim. I almost walked off with someone else’s suitcase, luckily the owner stopped me. “Too many people with black suitcases these days,” I grumbled as way of an apology.

My suitcase in hand, or I thought it was mine, anyways, I stumbled out to the cab stand. Just my luck, there were no cabs. It was the middle of the afternoon, you’d think there would be one cab. A phone rang and I glanced over to see a beautiful young woman, olive skin and long, black hair. She spoke rapidly in French and then switched to heavily accented English. “Yes, I am Maryām.”

As tired as I was, I found myself drinking in the beauty of the young woman. The woman was listening to whomever she was speaking with and then paused and gave me a considering look. I almost wondered why she was staring, but I was too tired. “Very well, Monsieur Fitzsimmons. Tomorrow at, say, 4 o’clock.”

I blinked, did she say Fitzsimmons? What a small world. I was here to kill a Brandon Fitzsimmons.

“No, no. I am not in …” the woman’s words were drowned out by an announcement over the airport’s speakers in french. “…is the earliest I can meet,” she finished. Pausing to listen and then, “Until tomorrow, then. Au revoir.” She hung up the phone and slipped it into her pocket, muttering something in French.

A taxi pulled up, finally. I wanted to take it, but some weird sense of male chauvinism rose up inside me and I offered to let the lady take this cab. What the hell, she was pretty. And I’m sure another cab would pull up soon.

“Merci,” she replied and then asked, “maybe we can share, no?”

“Sure,” I said with a shrug.

“I am called Maryām,” she said with a smile, holding out her slim hand.

“Eh, Doug Allard,” I answered, clasping her warm hand and shaking briefly.

“American, no?” and I nodded. “How nice, I’ve always had a soft spot for you Americans.”

She slid into the cab and I followed her. “I always thought the French hated us.”

“Oh, some do,” Maryām laughed. “They are just jealous. Where are you heading, Doug.”

“Eh, Rennes-le-Château,” I answered. “Any hotel there will do.”

She smiled. “What a coincidence. I live in Rennes-le-Château.” When she said the name, it sound so musical and beautiful, not like my mangled pronunciation.

I fell asleep almost immediately and when I woke up the car was winding its way up a hill to a village perched at the crest. I sat up, rubbing my eyes as the cab weaved its way through the narrow streets past ancient stone buildings to the front of a large stone structure.

“Is this a hotel?” I asked, frowning.

“No,” Maryām replied, sliding out. “It is where I live. Come inside, I have a spare room you can use.”

Fuck, I was too tired to argue and she seemed harmless. I mean, I easily weighed twice as much as her. The door was wood, bound with iron and there was a several signs that I was too tired to read. Maryām produced a cast iron skeleton key and unlocked the door and led me inside. She led me through the foyer into a short hallway lined with narrow doors. She opened one, revealing a tiny room, little more than a square with a cot.

I turned to thank her and blinked in shock. Was I dreaming? I pinched my arm. No, that hurt.

Maryām was naked, her lithe, dusky body gorgeous. Her breasts perky with youth, topped with dark nipples. A mat of thick pubic hair covered her pussy and the smile on her face was both virginal and predatory. My cock hardened in my pants as I drank in her beauty. She walked towards me, her breasts swaying and pressed up against me, her lips hot and wet on mine.

My wife’s face floated up in my mind and I pulled away from the kiss. “Maryām what are you doing?”

Her hand slid into my pants and found my hard cock, stroking it in her hands and suddenly it didn’t matter that I was married. Tina would never know. She was all the way back in Tacoma. How would she know what I did in France. Maryām pushed me back and I sat down on the bed. She bent down, pulled off my jeans and then my boxers, exposing my hard cock.

“So nice,” she whispered.

She slid her finger down her taut body, through the forest of pubic hair and then slid them up inside her pussy. When she pulled them out they were sticky with her juices. She straddled my waist and rubbed her fingers on my forehead, then down the side of my face and to my mouth. She tasted of honey.

Maryām rose up, her hand on my cock and guided my shaft to her pussy. She was wet and felt like silk as her cunt sank down onto my cock. I groaned in pleasure, after two kids, Tina wasn’t this tight. I sank back onto the bed and watched this gorgeous angel ride slowly up and down on my cock, her round breasts heaving as she fucked me. I reached up, sliding my hand up her smooth side to cup the soft orb. I squeezed it, delighting in the spongy feel and then I ran my fingers across her hard nipple.

“Umm, you feel so hard inside me,” she purred as she rode me.

I groaned, her cunt was so tight. God, I hadn’t had a cunt this tight since I was in college. Nothing felt better than the tight cunt of a teenager on your dick. Her pussy gripped my cock like a tight glove, rubbing silkily up and down as she fucked me. My balls were boiling, the pressure growing inside me. Growing larger and stronger.

“I’m gonna cum!” I moaned. “Let me pull out!”

“No, cum in me,” she gasped. “Let me feel your lust shoot inside me! Oh, yes!”

She spasmed on me, her cunt deliciously contracting about my cock. I was thrusting my hips up into her, the sensation on my cock was getting to much to handle. My balls couldn’t take it anymore and my cum exploded out through my dick and up into her wet cunt.

“Shalak!” she screamed and I feel something inside me snap, a chain about my soul, binding my will to another. I felt freedom, and tears brimmed in my eyes as my soul sang in joy.

“Wh-what just happened?” I stammered as she slid off me.

Maryām was suddenly shy, covering her body with the blanket. “You were a Thrall, Doug,” she answered. “I have freed you from the Warlock’s power.”

And then she explained it all to me. Nuns, Warlocks, summoning demons. Everything I saw watching Mark Glassner, how everyone around him behaves. How I so easily agreed to do whatever he told me, including killing a man. It all finally made sense. Mark Glassner sold his soul for power and made me his pawn.

“God has a purpose for you, Doug,” Maryām said as I wept before her.

I could feel it in my soul. I had been touched by God when she freed me. “What?” I asked. It didn’t matter what the purpose was. When God calls, how can you say no.

The door opened and a young woman entered, maybe eighteen, her hair a black as night, falling about her naked body. Her skin was pale white, her breasts large and topped with dark nipples. Her pussy was shaved bare, her labia swollen with desire and juices leaked down her leg.

“This is Sister Frances Joan and she has a Gift for you, Doug,” Maryām said as the beautiful woman walked towards me. My cock hardened.

Sister Frances sat down on the bed next to me, her lips tasted sweet as she kissed me. Her hand reached down and stroked my hardening cock. Her fingers were silk as she rubbed my cock to life. I touched her breast, gently, reverently. Giving her firm orbs the tiniest of squeezes, sliding my palm up to rub on her hard nipple.

“Come, let me feel you in me,” Sister Frances moaned. “Let us join as one.”

She pulled me down into her embrace, her body warm and lithe beneath me. She guided my cock to the wet entrance of her pussy. We moaned together as I slid into her inviting, tight depth. Her lips played with my ear as her legs wrapped around my hips, pulling me tightly into her.

“You have such a nice cock,” she whispered.

I fucked her slowly, staring into her deep, brown eyes. No, I didn’t fuck her, I made love to her. It was like our wedding night and I was making love to my bride for the first time. Our hips were moving in unison, our lips kissing each other, murmuring our pleasure into the other’s ears. Our hands roamed each other’s bodies. I felt her slim thighs, her tight ass, her smooth side and her full breasts. Her hands roamed across my chest, playing with my chest hair, rubbing my back, and squeezed my ass, urging me to go faster and faster.

“Yes, harder,” she moaned. “Faster! Let me feel your passion!”

I could feel our passion building and building as my cock rubbed against her cunt. Every stroke was building both of our orgasms. In and out, rubbing deliciously against each other. I found her hard nipple with one hand, rolling it between my fingers. My strokes were fast now, I was pounding her pussy. Her moans of passion filled my ears as we both approached the precipice. I could feel the cum boiling over in my balls and shuddered as I orgasmed inside this beautiful creature. Her body shuddered beneath me, her cunt clenching at my cock, milking my cum out of my balls.

She gasped a single word.


Her Gift flowed into me. From deep within her womb, through her tight pussy, and into my cock. A golden power that suffused every fiber of my being, body and soul, transforming me. I was baptized in the ecstasy of light and reborn as a new man.


“Gabriel,” I greet the Archangel.

“Dominion Ramiel,” he responded, his voice a mighty choir. “I sense your doubts, brother.”

“I have followed the threads, the longer we wait the stronger the Warlocks become,” I answered. “Theodora and her sisters have three soldiers and surprise on their side. They have seventy percent chance of slaying the Warlocks.”

“With two of our Priestesses dead,” Gabriel pointed out. “Our Priestesses are two few to spend so recklessly.”

“By the time they have recruited the twelve soldiers, the Warlocks will have tripled their guard,” I fumed with righteous anger. “Let us strike know before the odds are even worst. After Monday, even with twelve, there will only be a twenty-seven percent chance of slaying the Warlocks. And still two of our Priestesses will die.”

“The soldiers are only a last resort.”

Curiosity drowned out my anger. “What have you seen in the future that I have not, Gabriel?”

“Observe,” Gabriel stated and drew up the threads of mankind drawing me to a silver thread. “This thread belongs to Alice Perry.” He lead me into the past, six mortal years. Alice’s silver thread brushed the red thread of the Warlock Mary Sullivan. “Alice develops an infatuation with Mary at the age of seventeen,” Gabriel informed. “But, slowly it is forgotten as she goes off to college.” The silver thread spiraled about the red thread, slowly drifting farther apart as the years went on.

I followed the silver thread through the years as it drifted farther from Mary’s, became entwined with another silver thread and then knotted as Alice married a man six months ago. But Alice and her husband’s thread drifted apart and then were separated as Alice’s thread became deeply entwined for a few weeks about another man’s.

“Adultery,” Gabriel said with disgust. “The marriage was broken beyond repair, though the husband knows it not.”

Alice’s thread brushed once more with Mary’s, and started circling the Warlock’s thread. “Here, the infatuation was rekindled,” Gabriel explained. “This was almost two weeks ago, on the very day Sister Louise made her disastrous attempt to exorcise Mark.” Alice’s thread was spiraling closer and closer to Mary’s. Gabriel pointed to Alice’s thread two day’s ago. It was Tuesday morning and Alice’s thread was trying to work its way between Mary and Mark’s thread. The two Warlock threads were bound as tightly as any lovers Ramiel had ever observed.

“A declaration of love?” I asked, staring at the pattern. Love, emotions, were not my skill at reading the threads. My expertise lay in conflict.

“Yes,” Gabriel nodded. “Alice Perry declared her love to Mary and it was ignored. Mary was too preoccupied with her problems that she didn’t even hear what Alice told her. Mark was under the effects of the Bond of Avvah. Alice has declared her love and it was not reciprocated. Unrequited love is a very powerful emotion.”

I followed Alice’s thread, in the future she once more tries to get between Mark and Mary. Next Wednesday afternoon.

“Do you see the opportunity the Bond of Avvah has created?” Gabriel asked.

I frowned, shaking my head.

“Alice never would have made her confession to Mary without it,” Gabriel explained. “Alice was too afraid of losing Mary. Alice believed it was inevitable that Mark and Mary’s relationship would break up. So she waited, biding her time for the moment when it seemed Mary would leave Mark, and then she would act. Now that she made her declaration, it is all Alice can think of. On Wednesday afternoon, in the room of the Blue Spruce motel, Alice will try once more to have Mary all to herself. When Mary rejects her love, she will be vulnerable.”

“The Prayer of Qannow?” I asked in shock. “That Prayer is very dangerous.”

“Watch what happens when Theodora exploits this opportunity,” Gabriel stated and drew Theodora’s golden thread until it touched April’s. I watched in amazement, as I followed Alice’s thread into the most probable future, studying the variable and calculating the percentage of success.

“Ninety-nine percent chance of the Warlock Mark’s death,” I said in awe.

“Yes, and Mary’s as well,” Gabriel pointed out. “The foolish mortal tied her life to Mark’s when she made her Pact. When Mark dies, so shall Mary and two less Warlocks shall plague the world.”

“So the Bond of Avvah was meant to fail?” I asked in astonishment. “It was all a set up to create this one opportunity?”

“There was good odds of the Bond working,” Gabriel answered. “But it also created this opportunity.”

“Then why gather the soldiers at all?” I asked in confusion. “Ninety-nine percent. Only the Creator can predict the future with more accuracy.”

“Because, Mark Glassner must die or be exorcised,” Gabriel stated. “If Alice fails, then it will fall to Theodora and her sisters. And as you said, the odds are slim and we shall never again have the power to challenge Mark with our diminished resources.”

Gabriel showed me the future and he was right. “The Lord shelter us with his mercy,” I whispered. The Warlock Mark Glassner must be stopped. “Is that why you dispatched two more Priestesses? You told me that only Theodora was available? What changed?”

“Only when Mary used her last boon was this pattern set,” Gabriel admitted. “Our brother, Lucifer, is setting brush fires across the world, trying to distract us from Mark. I could not move Isabella or Agnes until I was sure they were needed.”

“What do we do if it fails, Gabriel?” I asked.

“Nothing,” Gabriel answered sadly. “We will have lost, Ramiel. But Maryām will see that the fire of hope keeps burning in the Wilderness.”

To be continued…

Click here for Chapter 27.

The Devil’s Pact Chapter 25: Eight-and-a-Half Weeks



The Devil’s Pact

Chapter 25: Eight-and-a-Half Weeks

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Male/Females, Female/Female, Female/Females, Mind Control, Anal, Ass to Mouth, Rimming, Oral, Creampie, Wife, Exhibitionism, Cheating, Work

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 24.

I stood with Mary on the private balcony of our bedroom. Surveillance photos and videos of our house had just appeared on the eleven o’clock news on channel 5. Our law enforcement sluts, Chasity and Noel, figured the photos must have been shot from a house on Shaw Road across the empty lot. Mary and I sent our bodyguards to raid the house and were watching from our balcony. The house was two stories, sitting on a small rise and had a perfect view of the rear and left side of our house over the backyard fence.

We sent our bodyguards to raid the house, and their squad cars were just now screeching to a stop in front of the house. It was too dark to seen anything other than the strobing red and blue lights of the bodyguard’s patrol cars and some movement in the backyard that. I felt the tension in Mary’s body as we held each other and waited. My own heart was hammering in my chest.

The Nextel in my hand chirped. “Chasity to Master.”

“Master,” I responded into my Nextel.

“We have one prisoner and our still searching the house,” Chasity reported, in a professional, commanding voice. She sounded like a cop. Well, she was a cop before I made her my sex slave. Chasity commanded the bodyguards, with Noel, our FBI slut, as her second in command.

“Good work,” I praised her.

“Thank you, Master,” Chasity replied, her professional voice slipping back into the pleased, girlish voice of Chasity the sex slave.

Mary and I dressed quickly and head downstairs and waited in the living room. In a few minutes, Chasity and a Thai bodyguard, 30 I think her number was, were marching an overweight, balding, middle aged man into the house. The prisoner was wearing a t-shirt and sweat pants, thick glasses hung askew on his flesh face. There was anger in his eyes as he was marched before us, and fear.

“Who are you?” Mary demanded. She was still angry about being spied on.

According to the news, the surveillance photos were sent in by Brandon Fitzsimmons. Brandon was the previous owner of our house, but I took it from him and made his wife, Desiree, our sex slave. Now, he was causing all sorts of problems. Last week he tipped off the FBI, and this week the media. I just spoke to Sheriff Erkhart, and there should be an BOLO for Brandon’s arrest by now. I wanted him found and punished for the headaches he was causing me.

“Doug Allard,” the man sullenly answered. Then blinked in surprise. People were always surprised by how readily they cooperated with us.

“And Brandon Fitzsimmons hired you, right?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’m a P.I.,” he answered. “What are you going to do to me?”

I ignored his question. “How long have you been watching us?”

“A week, since last Tuesday,” he replied. “Fuck, what’s wrong with me. What have you done to me? Is it that gas?” Fear quivered suddenly in his voice. The explanation the authorities came up with to explain my powers was some gas that left people very suggestible. I guess that’s more plausible then the truth that I sold my soul to the Devil for the power to control people.

Mary laughed, richly. “No, no. People just like doing what we tell them to, isn’t that right, Doug?”

“I guess I do,” Doug muttered, squirming in Chasity and 30’s grip.

A black bodyguard entered, a laptop tucked under arm. “Sir,” 18 saluted and handed me the laptop.

“Are all your surveillance files on here?” I asked him.

“No, I have online backups.” He shrugged. “You know, in the cloud. Plus, I’ve sent copies of everything to Brandon.”

I handed him his laptop. “Delete all you can,” I ordered. “All your backups in the cloud. Uncuff him.”

Doug rubbed his wrists when the handcuffs came off and took his laptop and started typing. “Where is Brandon?” Mary asked. “He’s not answering his cell phone. We would just love to see him, again.”

“He’s gone off the grid,” Doug admitted. “I only communicate to him through a Hotmail account.”

“I want you to find him,” I told him. “Track him down and let me know where he is.”

“Okay,” Doug said. “You’re not going to do anything else to me.” Surprise and relief tinged his voice.

“No, no,” I told him. “Brandon’s the real problem. I’ll give you, what, a million dollars, to cover your fees and expenses.”

Doug goggled at me. “Absolutely. Brandon pissed all over me by hanging me out to dry. I don’t care what you do to him.”


Mark woke me up as he crawled out of bed. “Going jogging?” I asked, sleepily. We went to bed right after talking to Doug last night.

“Yeah, Mare,” he whispered. “Sorry to wake you.”

“It’s okay,” I said, sitting up and stretching. “Um, would you mind if I joined you.”

Mark smiled, “Sure, Mare. I’d love that. I’m sure all the club members will just love you.” He stretched his back, and I admired his flat stomach and lean chest. “Remind me when we get back to talk to Karen.”

Right, last night was so crazy. After we interrogated the P.I. and Mark gave him a million dollars to hunt down Brandon, we went to bed, exhausted. Yesterday was a long, and very emotional day. I still goggled about how much money Mark paid Doug. A million was far too much money, but Mark had a weird streak of generosity about him. Or maybe he just didn’t care. If we needed more money, he’d just rob another bank, I guess. It’s one of the reasons I started the charity. I had us both down as Officers in the charity’s finances so we could use whatever money we got and maybe there would not be so much bad press on us.

I tottered off to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. I should be pissing in one of the slut’s mouths, I thought. It was so exciting pissing into a woman’s mouth, feeling her tongue licking your pussy clean. Far more satisfying then this toilet paper. I finished wiping, and flushed the toilet. I looked at myself in the mirror, applied some light blush and a pale, pink lipstick, then ran a comb through my auburn hair, getting the tangles out, before tying my hair back with a blue scrunchy.

I stifled a yawn when Mark walked in, naked save for socks and his jogging shoes. “Coming?” he asked, a little impatient.

“I had to get ready,” I told him, rolling my eyes. Mark could be an idiot sometimes.

“You look great, Mare,” he told me and leaned in to kiss me on the lips. Well, he was definitely a sweet idiot.

I followed Mark down the stairs, naked as well, and started pulling on a pair a tennis shoes. 34, looking tired in her slutty cop’s uniform, walked in and said something to Mark. “What’s going on?” I asked.

“32 reports that a lot of media are gathering out on Shaw Road. She had to call for 25 and 30 to come help her with crowd control,” 34 reported to me.

“We’re going to need to say something to the reporters, Mark,” I told him.

Mark muttered something under his breath. “I’ll go grab us some tops and we’ll give a quick interview and send them packing,” Mark sighed in irritation.

“Your jogging sluts will be waiting for you when we’re finished,” I told him. “So don’t be grouchy.”

“Yeah, they’re a good group of gals,” Mark answered, that boyish grin of his spreading on his face, and then he disappeared upstairs. He came down, wearing a buttoned down shirt and handed me a nice, red blouse with a plunging neckline.

Jessica came downstairs, naked save for her gold set with sapphire choker, her caramel breasts jiggling as she walked. Jessica had such a diverse, racial background it was hard to tell what her ethnicity. What was apparent is how stunningly beautiful she is. “Master, my boss emailed me,” Jessica pouted, tears forming in her eyes. “I’m suspended because of the photos that got leaked. How am I supposed to be your spy now, Master?”

Mark caressed her face, wiping away her tear. “I’ll take care of it,” Mark said, taking Jessica’s phone and calling her boss.

Willow followed Jessica, dressed in a fairly conservative pantsuit, her doctor’s coat slung over her arm. Willow wasn’t wearing her choker. Our three sluts that had professional jobs, Willow, Jessica, and Noel were told to not wear their chokers when they went to their jobs. Willow was a gynecologist and an idea popped into my brain. “Let’s spin this story back to our charity. Willow, you know the plan well enough to talk about it at to the media?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Willow answered. “And I’ve found the location for the clinic, filed with the IRS for our 501(c)(3) approval, and put that money you gave me into the accounts as donations from all the other sluts.”

“Wow, when did all this happen?” Mark asked me, handing the phone back to Jessica. Her face lit up as she spoke to her boss.

I smiled at Mark. “I have my ways,” I said mysteriously. My ways were texting. When I wasn’t sucking Mark’s cock while driving, I was texting away, arranging all the details. “And the fund raiser, we’re set for a week from Friday?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Willow said.

“Oh, thank you, Master,” Jessica squealed and through her arms around Mark’s neck and kissed him soundly on the lips. “I have to get dressed.” I guess she was no longer suspended

34 drove us down to the end of the street in her Orting Police car. There were over a dozen reporters and cameramen, waiting in front of the street. We got out and were greeted by a barrage of questions and shouts as the reporters fought to be the first to ask us a question while camera’s snapped and flashed. I swallowed, suddenly nervous, clutching Mark’s arm like a scared little girl.

“Quiet!” Mark roared and they all shut up. I took a deep breath. Mark was in control, I had nothing to be nervous about. We were better than these reporters, special. I shouldn’t be afraid of them. “Good, I’m Mark Glassner, and this is my fiancee, Mary. We’ll give you an interview, but there have to be some ground rules. One, film us from the waist up. Two, do not ever mention our nudity or any sexual acts you witness. Three, you will repeat the story that we are innocents, victims of an overzealous reporter who believes the lies of Brandon Fitzsimmons, a man bitter about his wife leaving him. Fourth, you will promote our charity.” Mark glanced at me.

“Women’s Health Organization for Reproductive Empowerment,” I answered. And Mark blinked. It was quite a mouthful, I know.

“Everyone understand?” The reporters nodded. “Good.”

I saw a cute reporter, her round face framed by curly, red hair. Her lips were big, lush, and covered with a bold, red lipstick. She wore a charcoal blazer and matching pencil skirt. A light gray, silk blouse, the top few buttons undone, showed a bit of her freckled chest. I could see a wedding ring glinting gold on her left hand. Fuck, those lips were so lush they were just begging to suck cock.

“You, what’s your name,” I said, pointing at the reporter.

“Debra Horne-Dannell, Q13 News,” the reporter answered, an excited look on her face.

“Well, it’s your lucky day,” I told her. “You get to come her and suck on my man’s cock.”

“Really?” she happily asked. This is what I was afraid of when I asked for the power to control people, how much I would enjoy it. How addicting it is to make people dance for you. I was afraid of what I might do someday. “I’ve never been this lucky before.”

She handed her microphone to her producer and came forward, her hips rolling in her tight skirt. “You’re the best, Mare,” Mark said as Debra carefully knelt down before him and grasped his hardening cock. I looked down to see those lush lips open up and sucked Mark’s cock into her mouth.

“I know how horny you are, Mark,” I told him fondly and he put his arm around me and kissed me gently on the lips.

“I love you, Mare,” Mark said tenderly and I melted inside.

“Love you right back, my horny stallion,” I told him, and reached down to squeeze his ass. It was firm, now, not the flabby ass of two weeks ago when I met him.

We faced the cameras, from the waist up you’d never know Mark was getting his dick sucked by a beautiful reporter. “Okay, ready, let’s start now.” Mark paused and we both smiled. “Hi, I’m Mark Glassner and this is my fiancee Mary. We have been unfairly targeted by this Carlos Guiterrez from KING 5. Everything he said about me and my family is absolute slander.”

“What about those surveillance photos?” a reported asked.

“Doctored,” Mark answered. “Brandon Fitzsimmons is very bitter that his wife left him for me.”

“I thought his wife was a Desiree Fitzsimmons, yet you stand here with a different woman?” a pretty, Black reporter asked. Her eyes kept flicking down to Debra. The reporter slut was bobbing her head now, nosily sucking Mark’s cock. All the reporter kept looking at Debra and many of the men were sporting bulges and must be wishing Debra would suck their cock.

“Is there a law against a man having more than one lover?” I asked. “Mark and I have a very loving, open relationship and Desiree is special to the both of us.” And then I kissed Mark on the lips, my hand reaching down to caress the head of Debra Horne-Darnell, Q13 News, as she bobbed her head on Mark’s cock.

“Are you a bigamist, Mr. Glassner?” a blonde, female reporter asked.

“Bigamy is illegal,” Mark said. “But maybe that should change. Our state recently allowed gay marriage. This is the twenty-first century, we shouldn’t be telling people who they can or cannot marry. And if someone wants to have more than one wife, who are we to tell them no.”

“And how do you feel, Mary, about that?” a male reporter asked.

“As long as I’m the number one wife, Mark can have all the women he wants,” I answered with a smile and few of the reporters chuckled. “I think we all can agree that consenting adults shouldn’t have any restrictions on whom they wish to be their partner or even how many partners they can have. America is about freedom and the government has long oppressed those of us pursing an alternative lifestyle.” Wow, I didn’t mean to say all that, but it felt great. Mark gave me a comforting squeeze on the shoulder.

“You’re the first woman in my heart, Mare,” Mark said and this time he kissed me, moaning in my mouth as he came down the pretty reporter’s lush mouth. A few of the female reporters “awwwed” us.

“But, I’m glad Carlos slandered us,” I said, a little breathless from the kiss, “because it gives Mark and I the opportunity to talk about our charity, Young Ladies Reproductive Health. We are planning to open a free OB/GYN clinic right here in South Hill for any young woman who is struggling to get buy. We just want to make sure young women get the reproductive health they need. And we’re partnering with Dr. Willow WolfTail to make this dream a reality.”

Mary held out her hand and Willow walked out. “Hi, I am Dr. WolfTail. I practice OB/GYN at Group Health in Tacoma and as healthcare costs rise I wish to provide a place for those less fortunate to get the care they need. Thanks to several, generous donors, we have purchased a medical office right here in South Hill. But we need money to buy equipment and renovate the building, so on June 28th, we will hosting a charity diner at the Puyallup Rotary Club. All proceeds will go to funding this very important medical clinic.”

“This sounds like a great charity,” a male reporter said, “is there a website people can go on.”

Willow smiled and answered the question. She was a natural at this.


Mary and I were walking arm in arm back to our home from Madeleine’s house. Mary was walking a little stiffly, her legs sore from jogging. The press conference went well. It was wild, getting sucked off by the reporter while being questioned by the media. She was a talent cocksucker, and I filled her mouth with cum before we finished.

The Club went great. Mary was a such a good trooper. She was as out of shape as I had been on the first day, but she kept up with us and made it to Madeleine’s house where she enjoyed the two teenage girls, Cassie and Issy, while I fucked Belinda and Anastasia.

“Where’s Karen?” I asked the sluts as they sat around the dining room table eating eggs and bacon.

“She was still sleeping when I got up,” Xiu answered. All the sluts had to double up in beds with each other, not that any of them complained. At any given time during the night, you could find a pair of bedmates pleasuring each other. Xiu was Karen’s bedmate.

I headed downstairs to the basement where we had set up three beds for the sluts to sleep in. Karen was still sleeping in her bed. “Karen, wake up,” I barked. Lazy slut. She didn’t stir. I walked over and shook her. Her body flopped onto her back, listless. “Karen?”

“What’s wrong with her, Mark?” Mary asked, fear in her voice.

“I don’t know,” I told her. She was breathing, softly, and I could feel a pulse fluttering in her throat.

Her eyes flickered and open. “Master,” she murmured. “I…I feel so weak.”


Mark and I sat at the table, picking at the cold eggs and bacon Desiree made, earlier. Karen had just been placed into an ambulance, on her way to the hospital. She was accompanied by Thamina, our nurse slut and Willow was going to meet her at Good Sam and find out what was wrong with her.

“She was sick in the morning last week,” I said. “It was like morning sickness, only she swore she couldn’t be pregnant.”

“Well, she’s in good hands,” Mark said. “And we have a lot of things to get done today.”

I frowned at Mark, wanting to protest that our Karen was in the hospital. But he was right, she was in good hands. “What?”

“I’ve done some looking on the internet about a plane, and I found one,” Mark said. “A Gulfstream IV. It’s used, but in excellent condition. It’ll cost $27 million. So, I need to rob a few banks. Plus, we’ll need some pilots.”

“Where do you get pilots from?” I asked and Mark smiled.

“Let me make a few phone calls.”

I had my own phone call to make. I had promised to let Alice know what happened and I forgot all about it in the euphoria of freeing Mark. The first thing I told her was to ignore my commands if she wanted to. Alice had fast become my best friend and I didn’t want to control her. She wasn’t happy that I stayed with Mark. She didn’t know about the deals with the Devil or the spells, and didn’t understand how I could stay with Mark after what he did.

“We worked it out, Alice,” I told her, finally getting mad at her bad mouthing Mark. “Okay, Alice. We love each other.”

“Fine,” Alice said, bitterly. “You worked out his infidelity and his insults. Good for you. When can we get together?”

“I don’t know,” I told her. “Things are busy, I’ll let you know.”


“Don’t be bitch, Alice,” I said. “It’s just crazy around here, okay. We’ll get together when we can.”

“All right, Mary,” she sighed, disappointed. “I really need you, though.”

“I gotta go,” I told her, frowning at her last comment. What did that mean?

“You ready, Mare?” Mark asked. “We’ll need to rob three banks, I think.”

“Yeah, Mark,” I said. “Let me give the sluts their orders.”

I handed the sluts our guest list for our wedding and instructions on the fancy invitations they were to fill out and print and mail out for us. When they finished with the invitations, they need to figure out the seating arrangements and how many tables and chairs and tents we would need for our outdoor wedding. It was just a month away, I realized. Having the sluts take care of all the tedious details was such a relief.

“We’ll get it done, Mistress,” Allison said, chipper.

“And how is your wedding preparations going, Allison?” I asked her.

“On Tuesday, Desiree has a family court appearance, she’s petitioning to annul her marriage with Brandon,” Allison answered. “If you or Master could be there to speed up the process, me and Desiree would be very grateful.”

“Oh, I think we can arrange that,” I told her and she gave me a big hug and a kiss.

Mark was hanging up his phone. “We have an appointment with the plane owner in Gig Harbor at four,” Mark told me. “And tomorrow, we’ll go up to Seattle to interview some pilots.”

“Where did you find pilots so fast?” I asked, curious. “Is there like a Labor Ready for out of work pilots or something?”

Mark smiled. “Alaska Airlines has their headquarters in SeaTac. I just spoke to their head of HR and he’s finding us a list of candidates.”

“Attractive women?” I asked, with a sly smile. I knew how Mark thought. “How many female pilots are there.”

“Oh, there’s a couple,” Mark said with a shrug.

15 and 16 were our bodyguard’s this morning and it took Mark just a few minutes of reckless speeding to get down to the Bank of America branch on Meridian in South Hill. Mark popped the trunk, pulled out a few empty duffel bags and tossed them to our bodyguards and we walked arm in arm to the bank entrance.

15 opened the door for us and we walked in, our bodyguard’s flanking us. My heart was hammering with excitement and my cunt was moistening. Everyone in the bank turned and stared at us, a hush fell over the room. People swallowed nervously, I could hear whispers, “It’s that guy from the news.” We must have been quite a sight, walking in so boldly, with our slutty cops as our escorts.

“I see my reputation has proceeded me,” Mark said, boldly. “Well, don’t be afraid. None of you will be hurt. Branch manager, start the time lock. And none of you will ever speak about what happens here today.” Mark snapped his finger, “Oh, and no one hit the silent alarm.”

“Sorry,” a pretty woman muttered. She had short, black hair and a hungry, predatory mouth that made my cunt weep. “I recognized you from the news. I’m so very sorry, Mr. Glassner.”

Her name tag read Kelli. “Come here, Kelli,” I snapped. “You can make it up by licking my pussy.”

I sat in own of the plush chairs set aside for the merchant line and hiked up my loose, blue skirt. I wasn’t wearing any panties and I felt pretty wet down there. Mark smiled at me and then took 16’s police radio, turning it up.

“That’s dispatch sending four units here,” 16 said as she listened to the near incomprehensible squawks coming out of the radio.

Mark took the radio. “This is Mark Glassner. Cancel the call at the Bank of America on Meridian. Everything is under control here.”

“Yes, sir,” the dispatcher squawked back and Mark thrust the radio back to 16.

“15, don’t let anyone enter,” Mark barked. 15 saluted and marched to the door and went outside, standing at attention before the door.

Kelli was walking towards me. She had a tight, sleeveless blouse that molded to her tiny tits, cut little A Cups, and a short, pleated black skirt. As she walked, I could see the tops of her thigh-high black stockings and the clasps of the garter belt holding them up. She had a sex sway to her hips and was licking her lips.

“Are you excited to eat my pussy,” I asked as she knelt before me.”

“Yes, mam,” she whispered. “I saw you at the mall last night. You were so beautiful. I wanted to just walk up and kiss you. You’re the most beautiful woman in the world.”

My cunt was positively gushing buckets of cunt juice as she complimented me. I knew it was just my wish speaking, but it was still flattering as hell. I spread my legs wide and her eyes fell to my waxed cunt. Her fingers reached out and touched the little heart of fiery hair that grew just above my slit.

“So soft,” she murmured.

I gasped as she started licking at my cunt, her tongue quick and deft, as she circled my slit, teasing me. She spread me open, licking at my inner labia, every touch of her tongue sending tingles of pleasure through my cunt. I moaned softly, closing my eyes and enjoying the woman’s pussy eating. I was feeling hot, so I started unbuttoning my blouse, spilling out my tits.

“Everyone just go about your banking,” Mark was ordering, his arms around another pretty bank teller. Her nametag read Donna. She had deep, blue eyes and sandy blonde hair. She wore a conservative blouse that she was unbuttoning, revealing a nice pair of breasts in a wispy, black bar that Mark unclasped in the front, spilling out her round melons and hard nipples.

Mark bent her over a loan officer’s desk. The loan officer was a balding black guy who just kept right on talking on his phone as Mark hiked up the bank teller’s skirt and pulled down her brown pantyhose and black panties. Donna’s muff was covered in soft, blonde fur and Mark ran his finger through it then pulled out his cock and thrust into the bank teller.

“Oh yes,” she moaned as Mark fucked her. “Mmhh, that felt wonderful.”

“Yes, sorry, it’s a little noisy in the bank,” the loan officer said absently into his phone as his eyes were focused on the bank teller getting fucked on his desk. Donna’s tits were hanging down and swinging back and forth as Mark pounded her cunt. “I need to call you back,” he muttered, hanging up.

A young woman in line kept looking back at me, she seemed oddly familiar. Those green eyes were so familiar. An image floated up of those green eyes looking up at me from between my thighs as she licked my cunt. And then I remembered. I fucked her in the changing room at Hot Topic the day I met Mark. Mark had been fucking Lillian in the front of the store while I was shopping for clothes. Her name was…Anne.

“Hey, Anne, come on over,” I waved.

Anne walked over, a smile on her pierced lip. She was wearing a short, green and red plaid catholic schoolgirl skirt. A very short skirt, I could practically see her panties as the skirt swayed. Her legs were clad in knee-high socks and heeled shoes. Her blouse was a low cow cut, white frilly thing that cupped her breasts.

She sat next to me and I grabbed her blonde hair and pulled her into a kiss. Her lip piercings rubbed wickedly on my lips as we frenched. Her hands reached out and started playing with my exposed breasts, her fingers gently playing with my achingly hard nipples. Kelli was sliding her tongue through my slit, now, dipping into my wet hole. I wiggled in pleasure as she slid a finger slowly inside me, as her tongue attacked my clit.

“You’re so fucking tight!” Mark was moaning as he pounded the bank teller. “So goddamn fucking tight.” I could hear the slut moaning on my fiancee’s cock, the desk scratching the floor as it rocked from the force of Mark’s thrusts.

I pushed Anne’s face down to my tits and gasped as she sucked a nipple into her mouth. I could feel the cold, metallic lip piercing rubbing on my sensitive aerola. Kelli had slipped a second finger up inside me and was sucking my clit, hard, while her tongue played with it between her lips. My hips were starting to twitch as my orgasm built.

“Oh, you fucking sluts are going to make me cum,” I moaned. “Yes, fuck yes! Keep it up! You dirty whores!”

The pressure was building inside my womb, the two sluts every touch adding more and more pleasure until I could no longer take it. I screamed as my body writhed in the chair. My cunt clenched on Kelli’s invading fingers and I could feel fresh fluids flooding out of my cunt into her eager mouth. Gasping, I pulled Kelli up and kissed her predatory mouth, tasting my sweet, spicy flavor on her lips.

“Fuck that was good,” I told her. I grabbed her blouse and ripped it open, buttons popping off. She wasn’t wearing a bra, her little A cup titties didn’t need them. Her nipples were tiny, and both were pierced with the thinnest, gold rings.

I bent down and sucked her nipple into my mouth, playing with the tiny, gold ring with my tongue as Kelli moaned her pleasure. I reached down and found she wasn’t wearing panties beneath her skirt. This was one nasty slut. Her pussy was shaved bare and she had large, fat pussy lips. I caressed them, feeling her shudder on my lap. Anne captured Kelli’s other nipple in her lips and we suckled side by side on her.

When my finger was coated in Kelli’s pussy juices, I slid my hand around her waist, to her ass, and found her puckered asshole and worked my finger up inside her. “Oh wow!” Kelli gasped. “Hmm, yes. I love ass play.” Kelli giggled wickedly.

“Gonna flood your slutty pussy with my cum,” Mark was moaning. He must be fucking her pretty fast from the sound of the slap of flesh. Donna was just moaning and gasping as he fucked her. “Had a nice cum, slut?” Mark asked. “Because I loved how your cunt massaged my cock, whore! And here is your reward.”

I could almost hear him shooting his cum into her nasty snatch and I licked my lips. I just had to taste that. I pushed Kelli back and then grabbed her nipple ring and led her to Mark as she squealed in pain. Mark was just pulling out of Donna, a satisfied grin on his face.

“Hey, Mare,” he said with a smile, eying the slut I was guiding by her nipple.

“This slut likes it up the ass,” I told him and pushed Kelli at him.

“Do you, slut?” Mark asked, pinching her nipple. “Do you just love getting fucked up your tight, nasty ass?”

“Yes, I love it up the ass,” Kelli gasped.

I motioned Anne to come over as I started stroking Donna’s exposed ass. “Stay bent over, slut.”

“Yes, miss,” she murmured.

Anne walked over and I pointed down on the floor. Ann stretched out and I sat on her face. I shivered in pleasure as Anne begin kissing my cunt, her piercing rubbing deliciously about my pussy. I spread Donna’s cunt open, just like a pretty, just fucked flower, oozing my fiancee’s cum. I licked through her slit, tasting the tangy, honey flavor of her cunt and the salty flavor of Mark’s cum.

I loved eating Mark’s cum out of another woman’s cunt. Creampie was my favorite kind of pie. I dove into Donna’s cunt, licking and sucking every drop of Mark’s cum I could find in her warm, delicious depths. Anne was eating my cunt with the same gusto, drinking my juices, while her finger crept ever closer to my asshole.

“Oh fuck!” Kelli moaned from nearby. Mark must be reaming her ass now. I could hear him moaning softly, his balls slapping against her flesh. “Fuck that’s amazing! Fuck my ass! Hmm, harder!” The slap of flesh few louder and faster as Mark fucked the sluts ass. There was a loud gasp from Kelli. “Umm, tug on my piercing! Fuck my ass! God, you’re such a stud!”

Anne’s finger had finally reached my asshole, teasing my puckered anus with her finger, sending wicked thrills through my body. Her tongue was digging into my pussy, wiggling up inside me as her finger began to wiggle up inside my ass. My own tongue was shoving in and out of Donna’s tight cunt. I had found all of Mark’s tasty cum, now it was time to make the bank teller slut cum on my lips. I pinched Donna’s clit, rubbing the little pearl between my fingers as I sucked on her tasty cunt. Her hips were starting to shake and her breathing was getting faster and faster, her moans louder and longer.

“Umm, that feel’s so good,” Donna murmured. “Oh, miss, you’re going to make me cum! Oh, wow, oh wow, so amazing!” Her body writhed on the desk and a flood of juices squirted on my face, drenching me, running down my breasts. I was coated in delicious pussy juices as Donna moaned and panted like a bitch on the desk.

“You fucking slut!” I snapped in mock anger, and pinched her sensitive clit. She bucked in pain. “I’m covered in your pussy juices. Lick me clean, slut.”

“Sorry, miss!” Donna gasped.

She knelt next to me and I grabbed her blonde hair and pushed her mouth down to my drenched tits. She started lapping her female-cum up, her tongue grazing my nipples, adding more pleasure to what Anne was generating in my ass and pussy. I was rubbing my cunt on Anne’s face, riding her face as her tongue probed the sensitive flesh of my pussy.

Next to my face was Mark’s ass, clenching as he fucked in and out of Kelli’s asshole. I licked my lips, watching my fiancee’s firm butt. The out of shape, flabby Mark I met was almost gone, replaced by a toned and fit stud with an ass any woman would find hot. His hard cock was disappearing into the cleft of Kelli’s ass and coming back out. In and out, god she was lucky. I loved Mark’s cock reaming my ass

“How’s her ass?” I moaned.

“Tight!” Mark grunted. “And about to be full of my cum.”

“Cream her ass, hun. I’m going to cream this slut’s face.”

Donna switched breasts, licking up her sticky juices off my freckled breasts. My eyes were fixed onto Mark’s ass and cock as he fucked Kelli while I ground my cunt on Anne’s sucking lips. Donna’s mouth found my hard nipple and began to gently lick it, swirling her tongue about my areola, lightly brushing the turgid nipple rising hard.

Mark grunted and groaned and pulled out of Kelli’s gaping ass, white cream leaking slowly out, down her crack to her taint. I grabbed Donna’s face and turned her to Mark’s dirty cock and whispered in her ear, “Lick it clean, slut. Revel in the flavor of Kelli’s ass!”

I flooded Anne’s greedy mouth as I came watching Donna’s tongue lick Mark’s cock clean. “Have a good one, Mare?” he asked me as I shuddered on Anne’s tongue.

“Yeah,” I panted. “We should go to the bank more often.”

“Well, we still have to rob two more,” Mark said with that boyish grin of his.


“Doctor WolfTail, here are the test result,” nurse Marley said, handing me Karen’s chart. Thamina was sitting next to Karen, holding our slut-sisters hands. Karen was festooned with medical equipment. An oxygen mask, IV’s, EKG monitors. She had been unconscious most of the day, but she would occasionally wake up and ask after Master and Mistress before falling back unconscious.

Mistress wanted me to look after her, so I represented myself as Karen’s private doctor, which I was, I guess. I was all the sluts doctors, and Master and Mistress’s as well. I glanced at the blood results, she was anemic, not surprising, her white blood cell count was normal, so not an infection, and I blinked. That couldn’t be right. “These hGC levels can’t be this high,” I muttered to myself. They were 156,704 mIU/ml. “I need a transvaginal ultrasound, nurse.”

The nurse returned in a few minutes with the ultrasound and we placed Karen in stirrups, I lubed the probe of the ultrasound and inserted it gently up her vagina, guiding the probe as I watched the screen. And there it was. A yolk sack. She was pregnant. And, based off the size, for 8 weeks and 4 days.

I frowned. When Karen started having the morning sickness symptoms, she swore that her last period started twelve days ago, on the seventh of June. What was going on here. She also insisted that a nun couldn’t get pregnant, one of the gifts they were given. So, she’d only been having unprotected sex for little more than a week since her powers were broken.

Then how the hell was she eight-and-a-half weeks pregnant.


Mary and I walked out of the third Bank of America we robbed today, this one down on Pearl Street in Tacoma. It was a disappointing bank. Three male tellers and a female loan officer that was as stout as an outhouse. What’s this world coming to when there were not even a moderately attractive bank teller. But Mary and I made the best of it.

“Umm, I’ve been thinking about your cock in my tight little ass all day,” Mary whispered in my ear, rubbing my hardening cock through my pants. “What do you say, stud. Want to give your filly a nice ride?”

“I always want to give my filly a great fucking ride,” I answered and kissed my sweet Mary on the lips.

There was a leather couch at this branch and I bent Mary over the arm rest, hiked up her blue skirt, exposing her beautifully plump ass. I gave her soft cheeks a squeeze, knelt down and spread her open, revealing her brown, puckered asshole. Mary sighed in pleasure as I started to rim her, enjoying her sour flavor. I loved every part of my Mary.

I pushed at the tight ring of her asshole, slipping in and swirling about her velvety, hot walls, coating her insides with saliva. I pushed my tongue as deep as it could go, then pulled back and fucked it in again. Mary was sighing in pleasure as I rimmed her ass.

“Umm, ream my ass, hun!” panted Mary. “God, I love getting my ass eaten out!”

I stuck to fingers up into her cunt, getting them good and soaked and pushed them into her tight ass. I slid them in and out, lubing her asshole until her my fingers were disappearing into her ass with ease. Then I stood up, and pushed my cock into her pussy, burying all the way into her tight depths. When I pulled out my cock was sticky with natures lube, pussy juices, and moved my cock to her tight asshole.

“Wait,” Mary said and I stopped. She stood up and walked around to lie down on the leather couch, the leather creaking as she laid across it on her back and wrapped her arms around her knees, pulling her legs back, exposing her ass and cunt. “Come fuck your mare, my randy stallion!”

I eagerly crawled on top of her, her legs resting on my shoulders as I pushed my cock into her ass. I leaned over her, holding myself up on my arms as my dick slowly slid into her tight hole. Mary’s green eyes twinkled in excitement as I stared into her emerald depths. I made my love to my fiancee’s ass as an entire bank full of customers, tellers, and loan officers watched. Let them watch, let them see how much I loved my naughty filly.

“Oohh, your cock feels so amazing in my ass, Mark,” Mary gasped beneath me. I was picking up my pace, fucking her faster and faster. Her ass was hot and gripped my cock firmly, pleasantly. “Yes, yes! God I love you, love your cock!”

“Love your ass, Mare!” I groaned. “Love your cunt, love your breasts. I love your emerald eyes, and I love you most of all.” I was fucking her harder, pounding her ass. I wasn’t going to last long, her bowels felt too good on my cock.

Mary had a happy smile on her face, her hands reached up and caressed my cheek. “You’re making me cum, stud! Mmhh, my naughty stallions making me cum!”

Her ass was squeezing my cock as she bucked beneath me. I fucked her harder and harder as she moaned her orgasm. I was getting so close, my thrust becoming more furious as I neared the precipice. I was almost there and then I exploded in my sweet filly’s ass, moaning through my teeth. Mary’s legs spread open and I collapsed on her, kissing her sweet mouth as we held each other, cuddling and kissing and just enjoying holding each other.

When the bodyguard sluts finished loading the money, I pulled out of my Mary’s ass, white cum trickling out onto the leather. Mary knelt down and licked my cock clean of her ass while 15 knelt behind her and licked her asshole clean of my cum. 15 fingered Mary to another orgasm while Mary swallowed the load I shut in her mouth.

We were near the Narrows Bridge and across the Narrows was Gig Harbor and the owner of the plane we were going to buy. But we still had more than an hour to kill so we had a delightful lunch at Joeseppi’s, this great Italian restaurant across the parking lot from the bank we just robbed.

After lunch, we crossed the Tacoma Narrows, a, well, narrow part of the Puget Sound between the city of Tacoma and Gig Harbor. We got off highway 16 at the first exit after the bridge, heading towards the Tacoma Narrows Airport. I found a parking spot in front of the small facilities building for the airport and head inside.

“Mark?” a distinguished looking, older man asked.

He was sitting on a lounge seat next to a gorgeous woman, tall and willowy, long black hair that fell in beautiful curves around her delicate face. She looked bored, sitting gracefully in a wrap-around, flowery dress that left her right shoulder and belly exposed, and molded to her round breasts. The skirt was short, and her legs were gorgeous, delicately crossed to show off her toned calves. My cock stirred and I glanced at Mary and saw her eying the woman, lust twinkling in her eyes.

“Yes, I’m Mark and this is my fiancee, Mary,” I introduced.

The man had a firm handshake. “I am Julius Prescott III, and this is my lovely wife, Monique.” His lovely trophy wife, I thought.

“Pleased to meet you,” Monique said, in a bored French accent. Even bored, that accent was sexy as hell. When Monique’s eyes fell on Mary a hungry look appeared. She reached out and gently clasped Mary’s hand, rubbing her fingers sensuously across the back of Mary’s hand. “There is a quaint little bar nearby, maybe we can go and talk and let our men do business.”

“No, why don’t come along, I love watch my man do business,” Mary replied. “I think you’ll find it very entertaining.”

“Very well,” Monique said, hooking her arm around Mary’s.

Julius led us to a golf cart. “Well, let’s start by taking a look at the plane.” We piled in and he drove along the runway to one of the larger hangers. Inside was the almost ninety-foot long, narrow airplane. It was white, with triangular wings and two engines mounted on the fuselage of the plane, near the tail. Her tail number was N7301G.

“And there are no problems?” I asked Julius.

“No, I’ve maintained her very carefully,” Julius answered. “Would you like to see the maintenance records?”

“No, I trust you,” I told him. After all, he had to do what I said.

“Well, she configured to seat ten comfortably and I added a small, rear cabin with a bed,” Julius confided. “It makes long flights much easier when you can stretch out in a real bed. The seats can all recline back and are somewhat comfortable to sleep on.”

He led us to the door and its fold out stairs and led us inside. The cockpit was a complicated set of controls and gauges, with both a pilot and copilot seats. Then there was a small galley and jump-seats for two flight attendants. The main seating area of the plane had two rows of five, very comfy looking chairs, almost recliners, with built in TV screens that folded out and personal bluray players.

“Top of the line stuff,” Julius insisted and then gaped.

Mary was sitting on the seat and pulled Monique into her lap the two ladies were passionately making out. Mary was reaching behind her where the wrap of her dresses gathered in a careful knot of bundled cloth and pulled. The wrap came undone, unwinding as it fell away from her torso, exposing a magnificent pair of breasts that Mary buried her face in, rubbing her cheeks against the silky-soft mounds.

“Monique!” Julius said with a strangled gasp. “Wh-what are you doing!”

I clapped a hand on him. “It’s perfectly okay for your wife to fuck Mary and myself, Julius.”

“Oh, of course,” Julius apologized, flushing. “I don’t know what came over me.”

“Well, those are some magnificent tits on your wife,” I said with a leer. “I’d be jealous, too.”

“Anyway, we have satellite TV and high speed internet,” Julius said as continued he tour. He led me back to the small cabin, dominated by a queen sized bed. “Well Mark, you can see how lovingly I took care of my plane.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I’ll take it.”

“Very good,” Julius said and shook my hand.

“Go see my cops and they’ll give you the $26 million,” I said. “I hope cash will be fine.”

“Of course that’s just fine,” Julius said, a stunned look on his face. The guy was a billionaire and probably never seen that much real cash before.

“We’re going fuck your wife for a while,” I told him, slapping an arm on his shoulder. “When we’re done, if you could have your pilots fly the plan to Thun Field in South Hill where I’ve got a hanger.”

“Oh, absolutely,” Julius said. “You do understand that the pilots do not come with the plane.”

“I’m in the hiring process for the crew,” I said with a smile. Hopefully a sexy crew.

Monique was moaning delightfully as her husband walked passed her. Mary had Mrs. Prescott’s panties pulled down, a lacy lilac scrap of cloth that was bunched around her left ankle, while Mary was skillfully fingering the French woman.

“Ohh, you have a magic touch,” Monique purred and captured Mary’s lips in a kiss, their tongues were twining about the other’s. A real French kiss, I though with a smile.

I walked over to the ladies, unzipping my pants and stroking my hard cock as pulled it out. Monique broke the kiss and stared at my cock. “Suck it,” Mary whispered in her ears.

I groaned as Monique’s soft lips kissed my cock, her tongue gently caressing the sensitive head of my cock. Mary bent her head down and captured one of Monique’s dark nipple with her red lips. Monique gave a throaty laugh and a soft moan and then her hungry mouth sucked in my cock. She sucked hard, then pulled her mouth back, letting her soft lips caress my cock head as she pulled back.

“Fuck, that’s nice,” I moaned

Her tongue licked out across the tip, playing with my urethra and then sucked my cock back into her mouth. She started bobbing her head, her tongue agile as it danced about my cock. Monique moaned on my cock, vibrating my dick, as she came on Mary’s fingers. Mary pulled out her drenched finger, rubbed the woman’s cunt juices on her nipple and sucked into her mouth.

Mary kissed up the woman’s neck, her chin and then Mary’s lips were on the woman’s mouth as she sucked on my cock. The woman popped my cock out of her mouth and the two women started swirling their tongues about my cock head, kissing each other with my cock between their wet tongues.

I could feel my balls tightening beneath their onslaught. “You two are fucking hot,” I moaned. “Get ready! I got bunch of tasty cum for you two vixens!”

“Ohh, cum on our faces,” Monique purred with her sexy, French lilt.

“Give it too me, stallion,” Mary moaned. “Give us a cum-bath!”

White, ropey cum shot out of my cock, splattering Mary’s forehead and cheek. The second blast landed across Monique’s nose and lips and a third blast fell on her round tits. A fourth, small squirt hit Mary’s other cheek as she bent down to lick at the cum that splattered on Monique’s round breasts, her tongue dragging across the silky, smooth orbs and flicked at a hard, dark nipple.

“What do you thing, Mare,” I asked. “Do you think Monique would make a great stewardess?”

Mary giggled as Monique lapped at the sticky cum on her forehead. “Hmm, she would look delicious as a sexy stewardess.” Mary pulled Monique’s mouth to her, the pair swapping my salty cum between them. When she broke the kiss, a thin strand of cum momentarily connected their lips before it snapped. “You’re going to be our stewardess, Monique,” Mary told her. “You’ll buy yourself a naughty stewardess outfit from a sex shop. The sluttier the better. Whenever we need to fly somewhere, we’ll give you a call.”

Monique giggled. “Absolutely, ma chérie.”

“We fly out Friday from Thun Field for the weekend, be there by two PM,” I told her.

“I will,” she purred. “It sounds like so much fun.”

“How big is the bed?” Mary asked.

“Big enough,” I said with a grin, and helped the two ladies to their feet.

Monique’s dress fell the rest of the way off of her, exposing the round curves of her ass and hips and a shaved cunt drenched in her fluids. Mary peeled out of her clothing and then the two ladies pulled my clothes the rest of the way off. I kissed Monique on her sweet lips, enjoying my first real French kiss, and then pushed her back onto the bed, her black hair fanning out across the bed.

“Time to make me cum, cutie,” Mary purred and straddled Monique’s face.

Monique giggled. “Your clam looks so tasty.”

Mary gasped in delight as Monique licked at her pussy. I picked up Monique’s hips and lined up at her wet cunt, shoving my cock into her cunt. Monique gave a naughty squeal as my cock plowed into her wet, tight cunt. I fucked her hard and slowed and watched as her breasts waved back and forth from the strength of my thrust.

“Bet your husband doesn’t fuck you as hard?” Mary moaned as she admired my cock disappearing and reappearing out of Monique’s cunt.

“No, not my husband,” Monique admitted. “But a few of my lovers do.”

“Ohh, so you cheat on your husband,” Mary panted. “What a slutty wife we have here.”

“I’m French, of course I have other lovers,” Monique purred. “Julius is a fine provider, but he’s old. And falls asleep so early.”

“Ohh, are some of your lovers women?” Mary asked. “Because you sure know what you’re doing down there.”

Monique gave a throaty laugh, her pussy starting to squeeze gently at my cock. “Yes, my sweet Lize.”

“Is she gorgeous?” I asked her.

“To die for,” panted Monique.

“Invited her to come along and play sexy stewardess,” I ordered her. “She’ll be well compensated.”

“Ohh, but what would her poor husband think?” Monique asked, wickedly.

“Tell him it’s a girls weekend,” Mary gasped. “Just get her to come.”

“I will,” Monique promised. “My little Lize does whatever I tell her. She’s so bored. Her husband is always off working.”

My phone rang from my pant’s pocket. Monique’s cunt felt far too good. I wasn’t about to stop fucking her. I leaned over Monique, fucking her harder, delighting in the moans and coos of pleasure, and captured Mary’s left nipple in my mouth. I ran my tongue across the turgid, dusky nub as Mary wrapped her arms around my head, cradling me to her bosom.

“Oh, Monique, you’re going to get a sweet surprise,” Mary moaned,

I nibbled at her nipple as I thrust into Monique’s cunt. Mary was starting to writhe on the French woman’s face. Mary stiffened and then shook and moaned loudly as she came on Monique’s face. I could hear Monique’s tongue lapping at her cunt, drinking in the fluid.

“Umm, what a delicious surprise,” Monique purred.

Mary rolled off Monique’s face and stretched out on the bed. I pushed Monique’s legs up onto my shoulder, pressing her thighs together. She felt tighter on my cock as I started to pound her hard. I was getting closer and closer to flooding the cheating wife’s cunt. Just a few more thrust and I’d be there.

“Oh, Mark, you’re fucking me so good!” she moaned. “Umm, you are stirring up my dough with your big spoon! Ohh, yes! Jouir de, jouir de!” Her cunt spasmed on my cock, milking my cum from my balls and I felt that explosive release as my spunk shot out of my balls and coated the inside of her married pussy.

I pulled out of her, my cum oozing out. Mary spread her thighs and dived in, devouring the creampie I made for her. I walked over to my pants and fished out my phone. I didn’t recognize the phone number, but whoever it was left a voice mail.

“Umm, you are one fantastic lover,” Monique purred. “And taking me with my husband’s knowledge.” She shuddered in delight. “Such wicked people.”

I punched in my password to my voicemail. “It’s Noel, Master. I’m being detained by the FBI. They let me use the bathroom and missed the burner phone I had on me when…shit, I got to go.”

“Mare, we need to go,” I told her.

“What’s wrong?” Mary asked, sitting up, cum staining her lips.

“Noel’s in trouble.”

We threw our clothes on, and rushed out of the plane. “My wife was satisfying, yes?” Julius asked as he handed me the papers to sign. He was waiting for us back at the cars, several duffel bags stuffed with money were sitting in the trunk of his gold BMW.

“Very satisfying,” I told him. “We offered her a job, part time, as a stewardess. She’s very excited about it. You should be happy for her.”

“It is good that she stays busy,” Julius nodded. “My work often keeps me away. Luckily she has Lize to keep her company.” It was hard keeping a straight face. I knew just how Lize was keeping his wife company.

“What are you going to do with the money?” Mary asked him.

“Down payment on my new Gulfstream V,” Julius said with a smile.

“Well, we have this delightful charity,” Mary said. “And it would mean a lot to us if you could give a generous donation. It’s tax deductible, of course, once we get our IRS approval.”

“Oh, really?” Julius asked. “I always have considered myself a generous man.”

“It’s to help poor young women get access to free reproductive medicine,” Mary explained. “We’ve partnered with a delightful young doctor and a sizable donation could go a long way. Say, half of what we paid you.”

“I would be honored, miss,” Julius smiled.

Julius kissed Mary on the cheek and then shook my hand. “It was a pleasure doing business with you, Julius,” I said. Well, a pleasure fucking your wife, anyways.


“I think we should abort the child,” I told Dr. Yorrik. He was Chief of Medicine at Good Sam. “The mother’s life is in danger.” I hated having to recommended an abortion. I was an OB/GYN because I loved children. But sometimes, the life of the mother had to come first.

“This is such an unusual case, Dr. WolfTail.” Dr. Yorrik muttered. “How can the embryo be growing this fast? Has it really had a days growth in just a few hours.”

I nodded. If I hadn’t seen what Master and Mistress could do, I wouldn’t believe it myself. “Yes, Dr. Yorrik, I measured three times, you know how accurate a transvaginal ultrasound is at dating conception.”

“Well we need the patient’s consent, or her next of kin,” Dr. Yorrik pointed out.

Or her Master’s consent, I thought. Master and Mistress would need to know either way. I heard Dr. Yorrik gasp and turn pale as a flush of lust burned through my body. My nipples hardened, and my cunt wept juices. I turned and saw Lilith manifesting before us. The demoness was dressed in her tight, transparent red dress, her lush body easily visible. Her silvery hair fell in a mussed mess about her shoulders.

God, I needed to be fucked. I glanced at Dr. Yorrik. He looked pretty good for a man in his mid-fifties. Distinguished. And older man were supposed to be patient, skillful lovers. I bet he could bend me right over Karen and thrust his cock into my pussy and…I tried to concentrate. This was Lilith’s doing. Try and keep it together, Willow.

“How are you here, Lilith?” I gasped, my voice strained with lust. My cunt was a wet mess in my panties, my clit hard and itching to be caressed. Mistress used her last boon, Lilith should be back in hell. Then she flickered, appearing a few inches to the left. A frown creased Lilith’s beautiful face.

“Willow, pass this message to your…Master,” Lilith sneered, “and that slattern, Mary. Karen’s life is tied to the child growing within her. Abort the child, and Karen dies.”

She flickered a second time, reappearing a foot to the right, half inside a cabinet. A look of concentration appeared on Lilith’s face and then she flickered out of existence and the overwhelming lust vanished. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my beating heart. I looked at Dr. Yorrik who adjusted his pants, a pink flush suffusing his cheeks and neck. God help me, I was about ready to fuck this wrinkled old man. It was so nice to think straight again.

“Wh-what was that?” he asked.

“An impossibility,” I muttered.


Mary and I raced back to Tacoma in my Mustang, following 15 and 16, the sirens and lights going on their patrol car. Noel was in trouble and we had to rescue her. What good did it do to have a spy in the FBI if she gets arrested.

The FBI field office, really a satellite office, was located in the basement of the Federal Courthouse, a gorgeous brick structure with a copper dome on Pacific Avenue in downtown Tacoma. It used to be Union Station, the main train station of Tacoma back in the heyday of train travel. But it fell into decline and Amtrak built a new station on Puyallup Avenue and the Federal Government leased the train station and turned it into the Courthouse.

“Take me to where Noel is being held,” I barked at a junior FBI agent who led us back through the cramped, musty basement to a hallway and a series of doors labeled, “Interrogation.”

I threw open the door and found Noel, looking tired and haggard, sitting before a metal table while a woman in a burnt-orange pantsuit was badgering her with questions. The woman turned, her prune-face pinched in a frown as she eyed us. Then her eyes widened. “How the fuck did you get in here, Mr. Glassner?” she asked, rising to her feet, her hand straying to her gun.

“Don’t touch your gun,” I ordered. “Who are you and why have you detained Agent Heinrich?”

“I am Special Agent Hatheway, OPR” she answered, “and Agent Heinrich is being investigated for corruption and obstruction of justice.”

Two more men walked into the room a tall, skinny guy in his early forties and a short, round man, badly balding with only a ring of gray hair left. He looked like a short, fat Captain Picard. “What is the meaning of this!” the short, round man barked. “Why is he in here!”

“Calm down,” I ordered. “Who are you two.”

“I am SAC Kemp and this is my ASAC, Agent Donavan,” the short man answered.

I frowned at the acronym and looked at Noel. “SAC is Special-Agent-in-Charge,” Noel answered. “He runs the Tacoma branch and Donavan is his second.”

“Good, that makes this easy,” I said. “Noel is a model agent and hasn’t done anything wrong. Nor have I, so stop investigating me. Nothing Mary or I do is illegal, after all.”

The SAC blinked, his mind processing the commands, his anger fading away. “What are we supposed to do with all this evidence? Or the banks you…you…” he struggled to find the right word, “…borrowed money from today!” SAC Kemp demanded. “It looks bad for you, Mark. I know your innocent, but the boys back in D.C. just doesn’t understand. They think you’re a criminal and have my balls in a vice? What am I supposed to tell them?”

I smiled. “All right, tell them I’m part of some organized crime and that Noel is deep undercover and you just need time to build your case.”

Kemp frowned, glanced at Donavan, who nodded. “Yeah, I guess we could do that. OC cases can take years to build,” Donavan pointed out

“How do we explain Noel’s…um…sexual favors?” the SAC asked, delicately.

I sat down, and unzipped my pants. “She’s just very dedicated to maintaining her cover, willing to do anything.” I pulled out my cock. “Come show them just how dedicated you are, Agent Heinrich.”

Noel smiled, standing up. She lifted up her gray miniskirt and pulled off a pair of frilly, black panties, exposing her shaved pussy and landing strip of blonde hair. The FBI Agents were all gaping and Mary gave them a few reassuring orders as she sat on the table next to me.

“I’m a very dedicated FBI Agent,” Noel purred as she straddled me, sinking her cunt down onto my dick. She was wet and tight and moaned like the slut she was as she impaled herself on my cock. “I’m willing to do any nasty, degrading things I have to! Anything to maintain my cover!”

“See, she’s going to do what it takes stay undercover and take down the bad, evil Mike Glassner,” I moaned as Noel began riding up and down on my cock. “Fuck, she’s quite good at this! She deserves a medal or three for her sacrifices she’s making for the Bureau.”

“Yeah, sacrifices,” a flushed SAC Kemp muttered as he watched Noel fuck me.

Mary eyed the three FBI agents and sighed. “16, get in here.”

16, whom we left in the hallway, walked in. She had a predatory face and hungry lips, framed by curly brown hair. The bodyguard slut knelt on the floor and pushed up Mary’s blue skirt and started hungrily eating out my fiancee’s cunt.

“Umm, that’s a good slut,” Mary moaned, her eyelids fluttering. She glanced at the bulge forming in Kemp’s pants. “It’s okay, you can fuck her. 16’ll love it, won’t you, slut?”

“I’d love a dick up my cunt!” purred 16, flashing Kemp a hungry smile before Mary shoved her face back into her cunt.

Kemp dropped his brown slacks and fell to his knees, pushing up 16’s short, slutty cop skirt, exposing her white ass and bushy brown cunt. He plunged in, fucking 16 hard. 16 moaned into Mary’s cunt and a wicked smile played on Mary’s lips as she glanced at Donavan. The tall man was rubbing at his crotch as he watched the orgy that broke out in the interrogation room.

“We don’t want to leave out the ASAC,” Mary cooed. “How about you fuck Agent Prune-Face. She looks like she hasn’t had a dick up her cunt in years.”

ASAC Donavan bent Agent Prune-Face over the table and pulled down her burnt-orange pants and white panties. He fished his cock out of his blue pants and started fucking the woman hard. I didn’t blame him for fucking her face down, I wouldn’t want to look at the face while fucking her either.

“Ohh, Michael,” Agent Prune-Face moaned. “God, I love it when you fuck me from behind.” I blinked at that. Our ASAC had a wedding ring on and this clearly wasn’t his wife. Man, how ugly must his wife be if Prune-Face was a good alternative.

I decided to concentrate on the far more attractive FBI Agent riding my cock and pulled Noel’s sweet lips down for a kiss. Her gray-blue eyes were misting with happiness as she rode me. When she broke the kiss, she moved her lips to my ear and licked my lobe, and whispered, “Thank you for rescuing me, Master.”

“Always,” I moaned. “You’re one of my sluts. And no one messes with my women.”

“I love you, Master.”

I smiled and realized that I loved her too, that I loved all my sluts. It wasn’t the heart-achingly pure love I felt for Mary, but it was love just the same. I licked at her lobe and whispered, “I love you too, slut!”

I glanced at Mary and she smiled down at me and reached out and touched Noel’s head, stroking her sandy-blonde hair. “And what about me?” Mary pouted.

“I guess I love you, too, Mare,” I said with a fond smile.

“I love you just as much as I love Master,” Noel answered, rubbing her cheek against Mary’s hand.

“I love you, too, slut,” Mary told her. Then she gave a mock sigh. “And I guess I love you as well, Mark.”

Noel was beaming as she rode my cock harder and faster, her cunt a hot, tight glove on my cock as she slammed her hips up and down on my lap. I gripped her ass and started fucking my cock up into her. My balls were tightening and I wanted to spill my love inside my slut. Noel was panting, throwing back her head as the pleasure trembled through her.

“I’m cumming, Master,” she gasped. “Oh, thank you, thank you for letting me cum on your hard cock!”

I groaned and coated her slutty pussy with my cream and kissed her gently as she sat on my lap. My phone rang, spoiling the mood and I answered it. “What,” I barked, a little testily.

“Master, it’s Willow. Karen she’s pregnant.”

I didn’t know what to say. Next to me, Mary was moaning and shuddering as she came on 16’s mouth. 16 was moaning into Mary’s cunt as Kemp pounded her from behind, the old guy panting and his face beet red from the effort. Agent Prune-Face was moaning like a bitch in heat for the ASAC and if the table wasn’t bolted to the floor, I’m sure the table would have slid all the way to the wall by now.

“Is that why she’s sick?” I asked, finally processing what she said. Mary looked down at me, curious.

“There’s more, Master,” Willow continued. “Lilith appeared. It’s her child. And the embryo is growing very fast. Karen’s eight-and-half week’s pregnant in the eight days since Lilith fucked her. At the rate the embryo is growing, she’ll give birth in a month.”


I was lying on the green bedspread of the SeaTac Holiday Inn across the street from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. I arrived yesterday around five o’clock. When the Bond of Avvah was broken I was driven into a nearby bathroom because of the phantom pain. And then the Ecstasy came upon me and the Angel Ramiel spoke to me, told me that our opening gambit had failed.

“What do we do now?” I had asked the Angel.

“A messier plan,” Ramiel had answered sadly, as his hard cock slid into my pussy and an orgasm shuddered through my body. “A far messier plan.”

“What do you…ohh wow…mean!” I moaned as his cock plunged in and out of me and orgasms rolled through my trembling body. Being touched by an Angel set all your nerves alive with pleasure, drowning your senses until only you and the Angle remained.

“Soldiers are needed, now,” answered Ramiel. “Four and four and four.”

“I don’t under…ohhh yes, harder, umm…” and I was lost to the pleasure. When I regained my senses, I was lying face down in the stall of the ladies room in Concourse B of the airport. I washed my face off. Soldiers are needed now. Four and four and four. Ramiel’s words echoed in my mind.

At the baggage claim, a cute guy, fit and tall with brilliant, blue eyes that could melt the panties off the most prudish girl, flirted with me as we waited for our luggage. I must have spent fifteen, twenty minutes writhing on the bathroom floor, and still had to waited another fifteen minutes, albeit fifteen pleasant minutes, for my luggage.

Curtis invited me to his hotel room, and I took him up on it. When Providence provided me with a place to stay, you take it. Particularly when it came with such a handsome man. We wasted little time when we got to his room. He was kissing me, ripping off my sundress and then my underwear. He threw me down on the bed, dropped his cell phone, watch and keys on the nightstand then crawled onto the bed and we started kissing, his hands kneading my breasts while I unbelted him and pulled his hardening cock out.

He rolled over onto his back, his hard cock prodding out my sopping cunt. I broke the kiss, rising up and sliding his cock inside me. I moaned, wantonly, as his cock filled up my cunt so deliciously. I wiggled my hips a few times, getting used to his girth, then I slowly started to ride his cock, enjoying the delightful feeling of his cock’s head rubbing up against the sensitive flesh of my pussy.

His hands were playing with my breasts, running up and down my sides, as he moaned and panted his enjoyment. “You’ve got a fucking tight pussy, Theodora!” he moaned. “God damn, this is my lucky day!”

“I love how your big cock is stretching my cunt!” I cooed. He wasn’t the biggest cock, that went to a Warlock I once exorcised. The prick had wished for a huge cock and I was sore for a week afterwards. But Curtis has a nice, thick cock.

His phone rang, some pop song I didn’t recognize. I may look eighteen, but I was forty-four, and was a teenager of the eighties. I couldn’t believe this guy. He had a hot chick riding his cock and he was answering his phone. Well, I wasn’t about to stop, I was to close to cumming to stop because my partner was an asshole.

“Hey, babe,” Curtis had said, holding his phone in his right hand and used his left hand to shush me. I could see his ring finger and the tan line from a missing wedding band. The asshole was married, and speaking to his wife while I rode him. He sounded so sweet and caring as he spoke to his wife. You couldn’t tell his cheating cock was in my tight pussy. “Yeah, I just got into the hotel room. The baggage claim took forever.”

I kept riding him. I wasn’t the one cheating on my spouse, so why should I feel guilty. I had my indulgence, nothing I did was a sin until I finished my mission. His cock felt too amazing to stop, anyways, and there was this naughty thrill running through my body. It should be his wife riding his cock, not me. I was taking her place. Curtis’s eyes were rooted to my heaving breasts as he spoke to his wife.

“Yeah, it was a long flight and I’m beat,” Curtis told his wife, reaching up with his left hand to cup my tit, rolling my nipple pleasantly between his fingers. “I’ll probably watch some TV and then crash.”

My orgasm neared and I grit my teeth and tried not to make too much noise as I came on his cock. This was so exciting, so fucking hot. Listening to Curtis while he talked to his wife got me off faster than I was used. I kept fucking his cock, grinding my clit into his groin, hoping to get another cum out of him.

“Just the TV,” Curtis lied to cover up the few moans that escaped my lips. “Yeah, some stupid movie’s on. So, what are you wearing?” He gave a throaty laugh. “The purple bra, I love that on you. Umm, why don’t you pull off your bra and rub your dark nipples.” He paused. “Yeah, babe, I’m jerking off so hard thinking about your sexy body, your chocolate breasts. I wish you were here, riding my cock.” He was breathing hard, listening to his wife talk dirty to him. “Fuck, babe, you’re really revving my motors tonight.”

Feeling naughty, I leaned over, rubbing my breasts against his chest and began licking at his neck and ears, moaning my pleasure softly. The bed was squeaking as he started fucking his hips up into me.

“I’m imagining you’re on top of me, Latoya,” he moaned into the phone, “your hips writhing on me, your cunt so wet and tight on my cock. Your breasts are rubbing into my chest and you’re licking and whispering such naughty things into my ear.”

I could almost hear his wife saying those nasty things to him. My clit was rubbing into his groin as we fucked and I could feel a second orgasm building inside me. He gripped my ass, squeezing my firm cheek as he thrust hard inside me.

“I’m cumming, Latoya!” he gasped and I could feel his hot cum spraying inside me. “I’m pretending its your pussy I’m flooding!” I moaned, a low throaty sound as my cunt spasmed on his cock. “Thanks, Latoya,” Curtis whispered. “Love you.”

I rolled off him, panting in pleasure. I glanced at Curtis and he was asleep, snoring softly. God, what an asshole.

I fucked him again in the morning, though. He was paying for my hotel room, and his cock felt amazing in my cunt. Then he went down to attend the conference, telling me not to expect him back until around seven or eight that night, so I had the day to myself.
All day I sat in the room, trying to ignore Ramiel’s words. But they just wouldn’t leave my mind. A far messier plan. Soldiers are needed now. Four and four and four. I went out for a jog up the busy International Boulevard. I tried watching the planes land and take off at the airport. Nothing worked. Ramiel’s words just echoed in my mind.

A far messier plan. Soldiers are needed now. Four and four and four.

I returned to the hotel room, hungry, and ordered room service for lunch. Let the cheating asshole pay for it. He claimed he only cheated on his wife a few times a year when he was out of town, but I bet the asshole cheated on the poor woman all the time. Only someone comfortable in cheating could talk to his wife while fucking another woman.

I was flipping through the channels. Over 200 and nothing worth watching. I was trying to distract myself. My stomach roiled with fear. I had two Warlocks to defeat. And Lilith of the Black Moon and of the Empty Womb, had been summoned. How was I supposed to face all that on my own. My best hope had been the Bond of Avvah and that failed.

A far messier plan. Soldiers are needed now. Four and four and four. Those words just wouldn’t leave me alone, gnawing away at my stomach. I just had to have faith that His Providence would guide me. Scripture always said God would never give you a burden you were not strong enough to carry. I just needed to have faith.

There was a knock at the door, interrupting my worry.

I turned the TV off, frowning. I didn’t order anymore room service and the maids had already been in here to clean. I got off the bed and walked to the hotel room and opened the door, curious at what I’d fine. There were two women standing on the doorstep. The first was a tall, black woman. And I mean black. I’ve never seen someone with such dark skin before. The other women was a short, busty Latina with a tired smile on her face. In fact, both women looked tired, their clothes rumpled, and each clutched a suitcase.

And both had golden auras surrounding them.

“Sister,” the black woman said in an African accent and hugged me warmly. The Latina woman slipped her arms around the both of us, and all three of us hugged each other fiercely.

Tears were streaming down my face and joy beat in my heart. “Please, come in Sisters,” I told them as we released the hug. And then my heart sank. When was the last time three nuns were required to take down a Warlock. Could things be that bad already.

Our opening gambit failed, Ramiel’s voice echoed in my head. A far messier plan. Soldiers are needed now. Four and four and four.

To be continued…

Click here for Chapter 26.

The Devil’s Pact Chapter 24: Homecomings



The Devil’s Pact

Chapter 24: Homecoming

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Male/Females, Male/Teen female, Female/Teen female, Female/Female, Female/Females, Teen female/Teen female, Mind Control, Anal, Spanking, Oral, Creampie, Incest, Orgy, Water Sports

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 23.

“It’s time to go home,” I told Mary.

“Yes,” Mary sighed happily. “All the sluts miss you so much.”

We were lying in my mom’s bed, cuddling after we made love. For the last two days, I had been under some spell. A nun had turned my baby sister into a trap that would spring when I slept with her. There was a spell, the Ritual of Mowdah, that would let me recognize a nun by seeing people’s auras. I needed to fuck my sister to perform the spell, and, somehow, the nun must have known, had tracked my baby sister down on her vacation to Miami.

I looked at Mary, a faint, red outline about her body, her aura. Hers was red, like mine, signifying she was a Warlock, someone who made a Pact with the Devil. I concentrated and a red glow sprang about her. We were touching, and strings and chains radiated out from Mary. They represented all the people that were in some way connected to Mary. Two, red threads, tightly entwined connected the two of us. Five black chains headed off to the living room where my mom and Mary’s sluts waited.

And a single, gold thread pointed north.

“Mary,” I said in alarm. “You have a golden thread touching your aura.”

“Do I,” Mary frowned. “My sisters had the same, golden thread.”

“Summon Lilith, I think we need to talk to her.”

“I can’t,” Mary said, then took a deep breath. “I used my last boon today. To save you.”

And then she explained how Lilith tempted her by giving Mary a cock, how Mary fucked all our sluts, enjoying the pleasure of having a dick. She was tempted to keep the dick, but her love for me overcame her lust. She used her boon to get the same power I have, the power to control others with her words. That’s how she got her four sex slaves that helped subdue me: Joy, Via, April, and Felicity. She confessed that she slept with her father, Sean, and bound her slaves with the Zimmah ritual, making her slaves immune to another person’s control. I had all our sluts bound with the same ritual.

“What do you think it means?” Mark asked.

“I must know someone who is a nun,” Mary shrugged. “Or someone under the control of a nun, I guess. Damn, we really should have had Lilith explain all this.” Then her eyes widened. “She mentions a book. The spells of the witch of Endor or something like that.”

“Endor?” I asked, trying not to laugh, a smirk creepign across my face. “Like Star Wars? Do we need some Ewoks to help us?”

“Maybe I heard wrong?” Mary wondered, then glared at me and wiped the smirk off my face. “Anyway, she said it would complete our magic education.”

Mary stood up and I enjoyed the sight of her naked body as she walked over to her clothes. Her auburn hair fell loosely about her shoulder, her breasts were perky and freckled, and her ass was pleasantly plump. She bent down and I caught a glimpse of her freshly fucked pussy, my cum leaking out of her shaved lips, down her legs. She stood back up, her phone in hand and came back to the bed.

“Here it is,” Mary said after searching on her phone. “It’s called the ‘Magicks of the Witch of Endor’. Let’s see, Wikipedia says, ‘its thought to be a thirteenth century pseudepigrapha attributed to the Witch of Endor from the First Book of Samuel chapter 28 verses 3 thru 25.’ That’s the Old Testament, hmm.”

“What’s a pseudepigrapha?” I asked.

“Um,” she tapped the screen of her phone, “Let’s see, Wikipedia reads, ‘Pseudepigrapha are falsely attributed works, texts whose claimed authorship is represented by a separate author; or a work, whose real author attributed it to a figure of the past.’ I guess that makes it a forgery?”


“The Witch of Endor, sometimes called the Medium of Endor, was a medium who apparently summoned the prophet Samuel’s spirit, at the demand of King Saul of the Kingdom of Israel in the First Book of Samuel, chapter 28:3–25,” the Wikipedia page read.

This was seeming more and more promising, I thought as I scanned the Wikipedia article. All the money I was paying Doug, my P.I., to watch Mark was really paying off. If I could only get my hands on this book, I might have a real, fighting chance to beat Mark and get my wife, Desiree, back from his clutches.

“Only three known copies of the book exist,” the article read. “The Institute for Ancient Studies at New York University have one copy. A second copy is in the private collection of the August Alfred Bernard, Altgrave of Salm-Reifferscheid-Dyck, who resides in Cologne, Germany. The final copy lies in the Motherhouse of the Order of Mary Magdalene, in Rennes-le-Château, France.”


“…Rennes-le-Château, France.” Mary finished reading from the Wikipedia article.

“Well, this is starting to seem more and more likely,” I said. “The Order of Mary Magdalene, that’s what Karen said her nun order was called, right?” Marry nodded. “And if they have this book…” I smiled, we wouldn’t have to consult any unreliable demon like Lilith. Thank god she was gone from our lives, I could always sense hatred and contempt from her. She had already tried to hurt me once, using her succubus powers on me to drain my energy. Luckily, my wish for unlimited sexual stamina protected me.

“So, which one do you want?” Mary asked.

“Want to go to New York?”

Mary’s grin answered that question.


“NYU, Ancient Studies,” a bored young woman answered. “How may I help you.”

“Yes, I was hoping to take a look at the Magicks of the Witch of Endor,” I said.

“What’s your name, sir.”

“Brandon Fitzsimmons,” I answered.

“What’s your field of study.”

“Uhhh,” I floundered, not sure what to say. “Ehh, just an amateur.”

“I’m sorry, sir, only someone in an accredited graduate program or who has a Ph.D. in a related field can see our manuscripts. They are far to valuable and fragile to let just anyone look at them.”

“Do you have a transcript available then?”

“Uhh, let me see.” I could hear typing on a keyboard. “No, not on that book, yet, I’m afraid,” the young woman replied. “Our grant ran out before we finished transcribing all of our manuscripts. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

“No,” I said, sighing, hanging up the phone. I guess I needed to go Europe. I’d try the nun’s first. That was the same order Sister Louise belonged to. Surely they would help me fight Mark and rescue Sister Louise. In his P.I.’s surveillance photos, he could see Sister Louise amongst the harem Mark had gathered in his house going by the name Karen, according to Doug’s transcripts.


“We should leave after my dad’s funeral,” I said. A tightness gripped my chest. My emotions were all mixed up with my dad. I hated him for how abusive he was to me and mom. But part me, the little boy inside, missed his dad. I didn’t blame my mom for shooting him, hell I might have done the same thing myself.

“When is the funeral?” Mary asked, wrapping her arms around me, supportive and gentle.

“Friday at noon,” I told her. “At the Dwyer Funeral Home. They’re cremating him.”

“So, I guess we’ll need plane tickets,” Mary muttered. “I’ll get on Travelocity and get us some plane tickets.”

I laughed. “Why don’t we get our own plane.”

“Ohh, with sexy stewardess?” Mary smiled, those cute dimples appearing on her face and I just had to kiss her. “Mark, I think we need to protect our families,” she said, her face growing serious. “I can control your mother, you can control my father…”

“Yeah,” I sighed, catching Mary’s drift. “We’ll also need more bodyguards.”

“I guess we’ll have to hold more tryouts,” Mary archly said. “C’mon, let’s get dressed. Your mom may want her bedroom back.”

“For what?” I asked.

Mary rolled her eyes, she always did it when she thought my question was stupid. “For her and Betty.”

“Oh, right.” Betty was my mom’s lover. That had been a shock. My straitlaced, Christian mother had been having cheating on my father for years, and with a woman, no less.

“I’m going to play matchmaker,” Mary happily said. “Your mom and Betty looked so cute together.”

“And what did you do with my sister?” I asked, suddenly remembering Antsy. It was weird, an hour ago she seemed like the most important person in the world, and now she was back to being my annoying little sister. Last I saw Antsy, she had been off to answer the door. That’s when my mom had lured me into the bedroom so Mary and her slaves could overpower me and break the spell.

“Oh, she’s up the street with the bodyguards,” Mary answered as she pulled her skirt up her waist. “I’ll give them a call.”

Dressed, Mary and I found my mom talking with Mary’s new sex slaves. I knew three of the slaves. Joy was a Vietnamese stylist that gave Mary her wax. April and Felicity were high school students that Mary and I deflowered last week. The fourth had black hair with red streaks and was dressed as a nurse with blue scrub pants and a white, flowery scrub top. Apparently, her name was Via.

“Sluts,” Mary said in a firm, commanding tone. “This is Mark. He’s your Master. You’ll obey him as happily as you obey me.”

All four voiced their agreement, smiling happily.

“Where do you keep finding these women?” my mom asked. “They are absolutely delightful.”

“Would you like one?” Mary boldly asked.

My mom flushed. “After I spent the night at your house, with Jessica, it’s all I could think about.”

“Well, choose one,” Mary said, “and she’s yours.”

“I…” my mom swallowed. “I couldn’t. It wouldn’t be right.”

“Sure it would,” Mary cooed. “They’ll happily be your slave.”

My mom looked them over and then motioned to Joy. “Can I have this one?” my mom asked. “I know its so wrong but…it’s so exciting, too.”

“Joy, this is Sandy, from now on she’s your primary Mistress.”

“I am so happy to be yours,” Joy gushed in her heavy accent Vietnamese, and sat on my mom’s lap and I felt my cock stir as they started making out. Even at 43, my mom was still a beautiful woman. She exercised daily to keep her body as thin and fit as a twenty year-old.

“Damn, that’s hot,” Mary said and sat down next to my mom, spreading her legs. My cum had run sticky down her thighs. “April, come clean me up.”

“Yes, Mistress,” nerdy April excitedly squeaked and knelt before Mary, her tongue running wetly up Mary’s thigh, licking goblets of cum up.

The door banged open and Antsy walked in. She looked at me and flushed. “Hey,” she said, awkwardly. We both remembered are passionate, spell induced affair. For the last two days, we had been fucking almost none stop. I barely found time to make arrangements for my dad’s funeral between fuckings.

“Uh, hi,” I said. “Listen, we were under a spell, okay.”

“Sure,” she muttered.

“Did you have sex with any women, in Miami?” Mary asked, patting the couch next to her.

Antsy sat down, licking her lips. “Yeah, this chick, Theodora. We had a threesome with a guy we picked up in a bar and she went down on me, I think. I was pretty wasted.”

“Theodora, huh,” I said. So that was the nun’s name. I would have to remember to ask Karen about her.

Mary put her arm around Antsy’s shoulder and caressed her face. “Mark and I shared my sisters, and I was looking forward to sharing you. But, well, stuff happened. So, I want to eat Mark’s cum out of your snatch.”

On the other side of Mary, Joy’s blouse was open and my mom was nuzzling at her Joy’s apple-sized breasts, sucking at her dark nipples. My cock was hard and I walked over to my sister, pulling her to her feet. Antsy licked her lips nervously. “I…I’m a little scared, big bro. What we went through was so intense, I…”

“It’ll be fine,” I reassured her, my cock achingly hard. I sat down next to Mary and put an arm around her as I unzipped my cock. “Come and sit on my dick, little sis.”

“This is so wild,” she muttered and unzipped her jeans, shrugging them off her thin hips. Her cunt was shaved bare and she was sopping wet as she mounted my cock.

I groaned as she slid down my cock, her pussy wet and tight, squeezing wonderfully on my cock. Mary, her face flushed with pleasure as April was eating out her cunt, leaned over and whispered into my ear, “Whose cunt is the best?”

Antsy’s cunt felt great on my dick, but it wasn’t the earth shattering, mind numbing pleasure from last time I was in my little sister. “Yours, Mare,” I whispered back.

“Good,” she moaned. “Hmm, April, have you been practicing your pussy licking?”

“Yes, Mistress, with Felicity,” April answered from beneath Mary’s skirt.

“Oh, bro, it feels different,” Antsy moaned as she rode me a little faster. “You still feel pretty damn good its just not…”

“The best sex you’ve ever had,” I finished.

“Yeah, sorry big bro,” Antsy said with a grin, her hips writhing a little faster.

“You’re forgiven,” I moaned, pushing up her shirt to expose her perky breasts. They were larger than Mary’s by a cup size, and topped with cute, pink nipples. I captured one her hard nipples as she rode me, sucking the pink nub into my mouth and swirled about it with my tongue while Antsy moaned in pleasure.

Mary’s hand reached out and began to fondle Antsy’s butt as she writhed in pleasure on April’s tongue. “Ride my horny stallion!” Mary panted, fondling Antsy’s ass. “Give him a good fuck!”

“I am Mary,” Antsy moaned. “Oh yes, I’ll make sure he shoots plenty of cum inside me for you drink.”

Beyond her, my mom was diddling Joy, her mouth sucking on the Vietnamese slut’s nipples. “Yes, yes, yes, Mistress!” Joy was moaning. “You finger so well!”

Via and Felicity were on the floor, making out. Via’s bottoms and panties had been pulled down and Felicity’s jean skirt flipped up and Via was grinding her cunt into Felicity’s. God, I loved watching girls tribbing. Mary’s pants and moans were growing higher in register as her orgasm neared. Her mouth was nibbling at my neck and licking at my ears.

“Oh, you fucking slut!” Mary gasped. “You naughty little minx, I’m going to cum all over your pretty little face.” She bucked once, moaning loudly as her orgasm rolled through her. “Oh April, you did so good!”

April’s face appeared from beneath Mary’s skirt, smeared with cunt juices, her glasses fogged up. “Oh, I’m so glad, Mistress,” she happily said, rubbing her face against Mary’s thigh like a cat. Mary ran her fingers through April’s bushy hair.

“I’m cumming, big bro!” Antys moaned, suddenly, her cunt quivering on my dick. I slammed my hips up into her and unloaded three blast into her cunt. Antsy rotated her hips once more, before settling down on top of me and kissing me. Her tongue was as nimble as I remembered, but the kiss wasn’t anywhere as sweet as a kiss from my Mary.

Mary stood up and patted the the spot she vacated. “Let me get a taste.”

“Sure,” Antsy breathed. I groaned as my cock slid out of her pussy as she rolled into the empty spot. “I’m not gay, or anything,” Antsy told my fiancee, “but you’re just so beautiful, that I’m gay for you.”

“You can thank your brother for making me bi,” Mary told her, licking her lip as she stared at Antsy’s messy cunt. My cum was running out of her lips, milky and mixed with her juices. “Hmm, looks delicious,” Mary husked, as she knelt down between my sister’s spread thighs. “Antsy, would you like to be one of my bridesmaids.”

“What?” Antsy asked, looking down at Mary between her thighs.

“For the weddings?” Mary asked. “Mark has three groomsmen and I need a third bridesmaid. I would absolutely love it if you were one of them.”

“Sure, Mary,” Antsy said. “How can I say no to a girl about to go down on me.”

I watched eagerly as my fiancee’s tongue dug through my little sister’s slit, gathering a huge gob of cum and gulping it down. April was watching and I pointed at my cock. The girl was a good slut and knelt down next to Mary and began licking my cock. She remembered all I taught her about cock sucking, her tongue licking softly up my shaft, tasting my sister’s tart and spicy flavor upon my dick.

Joy was slipping down on the floor, unbuttoning my mother’s jeans while mom licked Joy’s juices off her fingers. Mom lifted her ass up, allowing Joy to pull her pants and panties down her legs, exposing her hairy, brown fur. “Oh, yes, sweetie,” my mom moaned as Joy began lapping at her cunt. “Hmm, lick momma’s cunt.”

Antsy looked over at mom. “You’re so beautiful, momma.”

My mom’s hazel eyes flickered open and she gazed lovingly at my sister. “Not as beautiful as you’ve become, Samantha.” I just about flooded April’s sucking mouth as my mom leaned in and kissed my sister on the lips. Antsy closed her eyes and leaned in, her hand reaching up to stroke my mom’s cheek as they made out.

April was bobbing her head on my cock, sucking and twirling her tongue while her fist pumped up and down on my shaft. I looked down and saw Mary’s hand rubbing on Antsy’s thigh as she devoured my sister’s cunt. I reached down and placed my hand atop hers and Mary looked up, smiling, her lips stained with my cum and Antsy’s juices, and then she dived back in.

The doorknob rattled and everyone froze as the front door creaked open. “Hey, Sandy,” a woman called out. “My mom baked a casserole for you.”

Betty Cooley, my mom’s lover, walked in holding a glass casserole dish and a look of stunned hurt painted her face mocha-skinned face. Disbelief gleamed in her blue eyes. Her lips worked soundlessly as she took in the scene. Her lover was making out with her daughter while an Asian woman went down on her. Her son was getting a blowjob from another woman, and her daughter had a red-head going down on her. And, in the center of the living room, two girls writhed atop each other. It must have been quite the shock to her.

Betty was my own age, in fact I once asked her out to a school dance. She said no. She was half-black and half-white which gave her this beautiful, light chocolate skin and brilliant blue eyes. She was so exotic looking. When the economy tanked, Betty moved back in with her parents and she and my mom became close and somehow fell into being lovers. Last Saturday night my dad caught them in bed together. My mom believed he was going to hurt Betty, so she shot him in the back. He probably was going to hurt her, the guy was an abusive, drunken asshole.

Mary was the quickest of us to react, standing up and reaching the stunned woman, placing an arm around her shoulder. “It’s okay. It’s just a family that’s expressing their love for each other.”

“I’m sorry, Betty,” my mom said, covering her face in shame. “I…I don’t know what to say.”

“It’s okay, Sandy,” Mary soothed taking the casserole from Betty and handing it off to Via who scurried off to the kitchen with it, her naked ass flashing beneath the hem of her scrub top.

Betty was wearing a flowery sundress and Mary reached beneath her dress and pulled off a racy pair of red panties. Mary tossed the panties to me and I gave them a sniff. Betty had a spicy musk. Mary led her over to me and I saw that naughty glint in her eyes. Mary knew I once had a big crush on Betty when I was fifteen.

“April, why don’t you finish Antsy off,” I told her.

“Yes, Master,” April said, my cock popping out of her mouth. She scooted over and Antsy gasped as April dived into her cunt.

“Betty, just sit down on Mark’s cock and everything will feel better,” Mary whispered in the girls ear.

“Okay,” Betty whispered. She glanced at my mom, who smiled and nodded at her while Joy nosily ate out her pussy.

I groaned as Betty’s tight cunt slowly sank down on my cock, wet and tight. It was my boyhood fantasies come true. I spent so many nights jerking off into my sock thinking about Betty Cooley riding my dick. Betty sank all the way down on my cock, her eyes closed, her mouth open in silent pleasure.

Mary sat behind her on my legs, pressing her body up against Betty’s back and licked at her ear. “Mmhh, doesn’t Mark’s cock feel great inside you?”

“Yes,” Betty whispered, her hips slowly starting to move on my cock. “Ohh, I haven’t had a cock in me for years.”

Mary reached her hands up, pulling the straps of her sundress off Betty’s round shoulder, pushing the dress down to expose a racy, red bra supporting her round breasts. Mary released the clasp and her beautiful, chocolate breasts spilled out before me, dark nipples erect. I rubbed my face between them, enjoying the silky softness as Betty rode my cock.

“Now, Betty, do you still love Sandy?” Mary whispered into Betty’s ear.

“I do,” Betty moaned, her hips moving a little faster, her nipple hard against my cheek. “I love you, Sandy!”

“How about you, Sandy?” Mary asked.

“God help me,” my mom admitted, looking surprised. Joy was still eating her pussy out. “I, I guess I do. Even though its wrong.”

“Love is never wrong,” Mary told my mom, firmly. “Now, Sandy, I have three orders for you and you can choose to ignore any other thing I tell you, okay. One, you will be available to Mark so he can perform the Zimmah ritual whenever he needs to.” For me to perform the ritual, I need to fuck my mom, cum in her cunt, and have whatever Thrall I was binding drink our combined fluids. It was an important ritual. The only way to ensure our sluts couldn’t be controlled by someone else was to bind them, otherwise a nun could turn them against us. “Two, you will let me perform the Zimmah ritual on you. Three, you will move into our neighborhood and let Mark and I protect you from our enemies.”

“O-okay,” Sandy admitted, then she gave Betty a tremulous smile. “Would you like to,” she took a deep breath, “…move in with me?”

“Yeah,” Betty gasped as I sucked her nipple into my mouth. Mary reached around, her soft hands playing with Betty’s breasts as I nursed at her Betty’s nipple. “I’d love that, Sandy.”

“This is Joy, she’s our sex slave,” Sandy introduced.

Joy looked up, her almond eyes shining with happiness, her lips sticky with mom’s juices. “I hope to make you very happy, Mistress,” Joy said to Betty in her thick, Vietnamese accent.

Betty’s eyes nodded, lust shining in her eyes. “Betty, I’m going to give you a few orders and then you can ignore whatever else I tell you. First, having a sex slave if perfectly normal. Second, you will let me perform the ritual of Zimmah on you. Third, incest is perfectly all right. Okay, sweety?”

“What’s the Zima ritual. Isn’t that the weird alcohol from the Nineties?” asked Betty, turning her head to look back at Mary.

“It’s a spell,” Mary told her. “And it has nothing to do with any alcoholic drink.” Mary caught her lips in a kiss as Betty’s cunt rubbed velvety wet against around my cock.

Next to me, Antsy gave out a little shriek and shuddered on the couch, her eyes fluttering as an orgasm washed over her. “Ooh, that was nice. Can I have a sex slave?” Antsy eagerly asked. “They seem kinda neat. It’s nice having someone available to lick your pussy when you get horny.

I released Betty’s nipple. “Sure,” I told her and pulled my sister’s face in and kissed her on the lips. “Love you, baby sis.”

“You can have Via,” Mary said. “Ask to pee in her mouth, she loves it.”

“I do,” Via said, kneeling down before Antsy, behind April. “Would you pee in my mouth, Mistress?”

Antsy blinked at her. “Um, I guess I could.”

Mary gave Antsy similar orders that she gave my mom: to move into the neighborhood and to let Mary perform the Zimmah ritual on her and then she could ignore any other orders Mary gave her.

Betty was riding my cock pretty fast, working hard to make us both cum. Mary was sucking at her neck, one hand playing with her breast, the other reached down and found Betty’s hard clit and rubbed it between her fingers. Via had been pestering Antsy, and my sister had finally caved in and agreed to piss in Via’s mouth.

“Fine, I’ll piss in your mouth,” Antsy said, standing up.

Via excitedly knelt before her, sealing her mouth tight to my little sister’s cunt. Antsy just stood there as everyone, except Betty, watched her. Betty kept right on fucking me, her hips writhing as she fucked me, my hips thrusting up into her. She was nearing her orgasm, her gasps and moans growing louder and higher in pitch.

“Please stop looking,” Antsy muttered. “I can’t go if everyone’s looking.

Mom stood up. She had cum a few minutes ago on Joy’s mouth, and walked up behind Antsy, pressing her body into her daughter’s back and licked at Antsy’s ears. “It’s okay, Samantha. I think we are all passed being embarrassed about the nasty things we like to do,” mom whispered.

Antsy nodded, and I could see her body relax and then I could hear the urine splashing in Via’s mouth. Antsy sighed, “Fuck this is nasty.”

Antsy through back her head as mom found her tits and begin pinching her daughter’s nipples. Antsy finished peeing and Via started licking at her cunt, a trickle of yellow liquid ran out the corner of her mouth and down her neck, soaking into the top of her scrubs.

“Fuck, you’re one nasty slut, Via,” Antsy moaned, rubbing her ass into mom’s stomach as she writhed on Via’s face.

Betty was fucking me faster, grinding her clit into my pubic bone as she bent down and kissed me on the lips. “I should have said yes when you asked me out to that dance,” Betty whispered into my ear. “Your cock is amazing! I just didn’t want to…to not be popular.”

She moaned into my ear, and then her cunt was squeezing my cock, hard, as she rode me. Her body trembled in our arms. Mary was licking at her ear as I groaned and spilled my seed inside Betty’s cunt, inside my mom’s lover. Mary got off my lap and sat down next to me and I put my arm around her, pulling her close. “Thank you, Mare, you’re the best.” I told her and kissed her.

“You found a winner there, son,” mom said as she walked over from Antsy. She bent down and kissed Mary, too. Then she grabbed Betty and pulled her off my cock. “Come on, my chocolate bunny, I want to eat my son’s cum out of your cunt.” My mom led her lover and her sex slave away, down the hall, to her bedroom.

Antsy was shuddering on Via’s mouth. “Fuck, that was hot.”

“So you’ll pee in my mouth again?” Via asked, hopefully.

“Hell, ya, slut!” Antsy excitedly said. “I came so fast and hard on your nasty, pee drinking mouth. What should we do tonight?”

“Well, there’s this great club called the Clam Diver,” Via said.

“I’m not twenty-one,” Antsy said, looking crestfallen.

“Oh, they’ll let any pretty girl in,” Via confided. “You’ll love it.”

“Sure, let’s go,” Antsy said, then led Via off to her bedroom. “Let’s find something for us to wear. You look about my size.”

“Are you going to tell her that the Clam Diver’s a lesbian club?” Mary asked me.

“That’s the club you went to last week?” I asked Mary.

“Yeah, I met Via there.”

I laughed. “Well, Antsy may not be gay, yet.”

We got our clothes straightened out and headed for my Mustang. Mary had one of the bodyguards, a black gal called 25, drive her Eos while 30 followed us in her squad car. Mary wanted to stop by her family and give them the same instructions. Her dad just lived up the street from my mom. Turned out we both went to Washington High School, I was the class of 2004 and she was the class of 2012. Small world, huh. I gave her dad identical orders to the ones my mom got. Since Mary was putting my family under her control, I would control her family. We gave her dad Felicity for a sex slave.

“So you can have your very own high school student to fuck, dad,” Mary fondly says. “I just bet there are loads of your students you’ve been secretly fantasizing over.”

Sean had an embarrassed smile on his as he took his new sex slave off to his bedroom.

Missy, Mary’s younger sister, was also home, she was still in High School, and her boyfriend Damien was over. I talked to Damien’s parents and they quickly agreed it was for the best that Damien moved in with his girlfriend. Last Saturday, at Missy’s request, I ordered the two teens to love each other forever. I gave the two teenage lovebirds the same orders Mary gave my sister, and we were going to give April to Missy and Damien, but she insisted on a classmate, Dawn Cooper.

“She always picked on me,” Missy complained. “We shared a bus stop and she would always say mean things to me.”

Mary hugged her sister. “I remember the little skank. It’ll feel really nice when she’s yours to abuse.” Mary kissed her little sister on the lips.

“Damn that’s hot,” muttered Damien. “Could I have Mrs. Corra, my math teacher. She has these amazing knockers and always dresses to show them off.”

I laughed, remembering Damien mentioning some busty teacher he had a thing for last Friday. “Sure, do you know where she lives?”

Damien shook his head. “Her first name’s Polly,” he added helpfully. What the hell, I liked the kid, so I promised I’d track his teacher down for him.

Mary knew where Dawn lived, it was just up the road from her dad’s house. When we knocked on the door, a middle-aged man, balding, with salt-and-pepper hair. “Hello?” he asked, annoyed. “If you’re preaching or selling I’m not interested.”

“No, no,” I told him. “Is your daughter, Dawn home.”

“Yeah,” he frowned. “Who are you.”

“My name is Mark and I have a wonderful opportunity for your daughter,” I said, smiling. “You are just so proud that your daughter has been chosen to be a sex slave.”

A proud, fatherly smile blossomed on his face. “How wonderful for her.”

“So, she’ll be moving out of your house, of course, but don’t worry, she’ll be very happy.”

He just nodded his head. “Dawn, come here, there’s a man here to see you. He’s got some great news.”

A voluptuous, teenage temptress in daisy dukes and a tight, low cut halter-top, sauntered up. There was a sneer on her face, framed by bleached-blonde hair. She eyed me and glared at her dad. “What? I was texting, dad!” she had a bitchy tone to her voice. She was still texting, her fingers flying across the keypad. How did teenage girls text so fast?

“Precious, Mark, here, has chosen you to be a sex slave,” her father told her. “Isn’t that wonderful?”

An incredulous look crossed the bitches face. “What the fuck, dad! Have you lost your mind!”

“Dawn,” I barked. “You’re going to be a sex slave from now on, you’ll do whatever your Master or your Mistress wants you to do, slut!”

“I…yes,” she mumbled.

“She’s a handful, isn’t she?” I asked her dad.

“Yeah, she can be quite a trial,” he admitted.

“I bet you’ve always wanted to rip off those shorts and spank her naughty tush,” Mary said, licking her lips. “That pert ass is just begging to be spanked.”

“No, I never spanked her. I believe it’s wrong to spank a child,” Dawn’s dad admitted. “It causes all sorts of development problems.”

“Well, if you don’t want to,” Mary said with a wicked smile and she grabbed Dawn and boldly went inside the house, “then you can watch me. I love spanking naughty little sluts asses. And I remember how mean you were to my little sis.”

I followed my fiancee in the house, leading April. Mary was pulling off her halter-top, exposing a nice pair of teenage melons. Mary squeezed a tit. “No, bra, slut?”

“No, I like boys to see my nips,” Dawn admitted with a flush.

“Did you know how much of a whore your daughter is?” I asked, sitting down on the couch. April knew what to do, and fished out my cock and started sucking.

Mary was tugging down Dawn’s daisy dukes, exposing a tight ass, a pair of cute dimples dotted her cheeks. Mary stroked her ass and then pulled Dawn down across her lap. Dawn squirmed, her firm, teenage ass shaking in fear.

Mary smacked her ass, a loud, stinging sound, that brought a cry of pain from Dawn. I could see a red handprint on her ass. April was bobbing her head on my cock and I leaned back into the couch and enjoyed the show. Mary did love spanking naughty sluts and I loved to watch her do it.

“Oh, that hurt,” Dawn objected. “Daddy, help.”

“I’m sorry, Dawn,” her dad said evenly, “but you have been a bad girl, and I don’t know how to control you anymore.”

Mary reached under her chest, to her hanging tits, and pinched a nipple, hard, bringing a yelp from Dawn’s lips. “A good slut counts the spanking and says, ‘Thank you, Mistress.’ Understand, slut?”

“Y-yes,” Dawn stammered. “One, thank you, Mistress.”

Mary released her nipple. “Good.”

Smack! Dawn’s ass jiggled from the force of Mary’s spank. “Two, thank you, Mistress.”

I stroked April’s bushy, brown hair, as she gobbled my dick, my cock brushing the back of her throat. I grabbed April’s hair as Mary spanked Dawn again. “Three, thank you, Mistress.” I forced April’s head down and she didn’t fight me as I pushed my cock all the way into her mouth, down her tight throat. Smack! “Four, thank you, Mistress!”

The room was filled with stinging spanks, April’s sloppy blowjob, and Dawn’s count. Her father was staring at his daughter’s ass, at her shaved cunt peaking wetly between her thighs, a bulge growing in his pants. Mary saw it too, smiling naughtily.

Smack! “Eleven, thank you, Mistress.”

“You sure you don’t want to spank your daughter’s pert ass?” Mary asked, caressing Dawn’s red cheeks, her fingers dipping down to run through her shaved cunt. “God, she’s soaking wet. What a slut. She’s been practicing to be a sex slave all her life, hasn’t she. Dressing slutty, cock-teasing any poor man who saw her, dropping her panties to any half-way handsome guy that looked at her. Don’t you want to punish such a wanton daughter?”

“I…” her dad started to say and then he moved forward and grabbed his daughter’s arm and pulled her to her feet and dragged her over to the couch and bent her across the chair arm. He drew back his hand and smacked her hard on the ass.

“One,” she squeaked. “Thank you…daddy!”

Mary got up, walked over to me and pulled April’s mouth off my cock. “Thanks for getting him ready, slut,” Mary told the nerdy girl.

“You’re welcome, Mistress,” April smiled as Mary sank her wet cunt down on my hard dick.

As Mary rode my cock, we watched the father spank his daughter’s ass over and over. “Fucking whore!” he suddenly shouted. “You’re just like your cunt of a mother! She was a whore, too! And you grew up to be just like her!”

Spank. “Nine, thank you daddy!”

Mary’s cunt felt amazing on my dick as she rode me. I slipped a hand up her blouse and found her perky breast and played with her hard nipple. Mary squeezed her cunt appreciatively on my dick as I fondled her. I pulled up her blouse and found her dusky nipple, and sucked it into my mouth, playing with the hard nub.

Spank! “Thirteen, thank you daddy!”

“Fucking whore,” her dad moaned. “You were always dressing like a fucking slut!” Then he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, pulling out his cock. “Not caring how your slutty clothes were affecting your poor father! Well, you’re a sex slave, now,” he muttered. “And sex slaves get fucked.”

Dawn gasped as her dad thrust his cock into her cunt, fucking her frantically fast. He pumped in her maybe ten times and then spewed his cum into his daughter’s teenage cunt. He pulled out, stumbling back, breathing hard. Mary was fucking me faster as we watched, her breath quickening as her orgasm approached.

Dawn walked over to her dad, who sank down into the chair, and sat on his lap. “I’m sorry, daddy, for being such a bad girl. I promise I’ll be the best sex slave, ever. I’ll make you proud, daddy.”

I spilled my seed into Mary as her cunt clenched on my cock, her body bucking atop me as her orgasm rolled through her. I let go of her hard nipple, and captured her lips in a kiss. Mary felt nice as she rested atop me, her lips soft and gentle as we kissed, before she rolled off me.

Father and daughter cuddled on the chair as Mary had April clean up her cunt. I pulled out my phone, searching for Damien’s teacher on whitepages.com. His teacher was the third P. Corra I called and she was more than happy to be Damien’s sex slave. I asked her to send me a photo of herself, curious to see what Damien found so hot about his teacher.

A minute later she sent me a photo of her taken using her closet door mirror. She was in her early thirties, brown hair, dressed in a tight, black pencil skirt that showed off her curvy hips and ass, a low-cut blouse that her rather large tits almost seemed to be about ready to spill out of. Her face was beautiful, horn-rimmed glassed were perched on her cute nose, and beneath those frames were these big, pouty lips just made for cock sucking. She had a Mrs. Robinson vibe that must have every boy she taught jerking off into socks and Kleenexes thinking about her.

I called Mary’s older sister, Shannon, next. She lived in Milton with her boyfriend, George. Farther than I wanted to drive today. She answered the phone and I spoke to the two of them on speaker phone and gave them the same orders I gave Missy.

“If you guys want, I can get you a girl, like the ones at my house,” I told them.

“Really,” George eagerly asked. “One of your bang-maids.”

“Oh you horny devil,” Shannon giggled.

“What, you said we could have another threesome,” George pointed out.

“All right, George,” Shannon fondly said. “Mark’s…bang maids seemed quite happy.”

“Any requests?” i asked.

“Hot,” George said, then he laughed. “Stop tickling me Shannon.”

“Ooh, that’s all you want is hot,” Shannon chortled. “Nothing else? No blonde with giant tits? No petite, Asian schoolgirl that’s eighteen but looks ten?”

“Smoking hot, I guess. I don’t know,” George laughed. “I give up, you can pick sweetypie.”

“Your secretary,” Shannon answered.


“I’ve seen you panting after her,” Shannon answered. “I’ve seen how she bends over, showing off her ass to you. She’s been trying to seduce you for weeks. The little tramp.”

“I’d never cheat on you,” George promised.

“And you won’t, not if she’s our bang-maid,” Shannon declared. “And she can be your bang-secretary at work. Keep you from straying when I’m not around.”

George laughed. “How could I cheat on the best girlfriend in the world?”

George gave me Starla’s number and Starla was so happy to be their bang-maid. “I’ve had a crush on him for so long,” Starla confessed. “I’ll be the best sex-slave for them.”

When I hung up, I looked over at Dawn, who was still cuddling with her dad. “Dawn, go to Missy Sullivan’s house,” I ordered. “She’s you new, primary Mistress.”

“Okay,” Dawn said, getting off her father’s lap and bent down to grab her daisy dukes.

Mary slapped her ass. “Did Mark tell you to get dress, slut?”

“No, Mistress,” Dawn gasped and disappeared naked out the door, she didn’t even put shoes on.

We got in my Mustang, April in the back seat, and I drove us towards 512, our bodyguards following. We passed the naked Dawn, walking as quickly as she could on her bare feet towards Missy’s house, her red ass swaying a she walked.

I reached over and placed my hand on Mary’s thigh, stroking her silky skin. “You’re so beautiful, Mare,” I told her.

She gave me a sultry smile. “Do you want me to suck your cock, Mark?” I smiled and nodded. “It’s just too dangerous while you’re driving, Mark.”

“You’re so amazing, so perfect,” I told her, sliding my hand higher on her thigh. “I’m just so horny for you.” I stopped at a light, and bent over and nuzzled at her beautiful neck. “I just love you so much, Mare.”

“Fine,” she said. “But this is the last time.” She always said that it was the last time, but I always managed to convince her to do it again.

Mary bent over, unzipping my pants, fishing my hard cock out of my pants. Her mouth was wet as she sucked my cock. I turned onto 512, accelerating quickly as my fiancee swirled her tongue about my cock’s head.

“Damn, your mouth feels great, Mare!”I moaned.

Mary was cupping my balls, now, her deft fingers playing with my nuts. She started bobbing her head, sliding down my cock and then sucking as she slid up. I groaned, enjoying the suction on my cock’s head. Every time she went down, more and more of cock disappeared into her mouth. I was brushing her throat, and then I was sliding down her throat. Mary worked my entire cock into her mouth. Her throat was tight, and rubbed deliciously on my cock head.

When Mary got all my cock down her throat, she would slid up my shaft, flick at the head of my cock with her tongue, and then deepthroat me all over again. Over and over, bringing me close and close to flooding her sweet mouth with my cum.

“God, you’re the best, Mare!” I moaned, my balls tightening. “About to cum, Mare.”

She pulled up my cock until only me sensitive head was in her lips, swirling her tongue about it while she fisted my shaft. My balls tightened and then I was spewing into her mouth. She swallowed my entire load, squeezing my cock as she slowly stroked it to draw out the last of my cum.

Mary sat up, smiling, licking the little bit of cum that stained her lips. “Thanks, Mark. I missed that.”

“I thought you didn’t like blowing me when I drove?”

“I didn’t say I hated it,” Mary smiled, “Just that it’s not safe.”

Mary’s phone beeped and she pulled it out and smiled. She showed me the picture as I was stopped at a light. It was Dawn, licking Missy’s foot. “Thank’s for the slut! :-)” Missy captioned.

“I think you may have corrupted your sister,” I said with a smile.

“That’s an understatement,” Mary laughed wickedly.

The sluts were all waiting when we got home, dressed in their non-slutty clothes. “Master!” they happily squealed. Allison, her bubblegum-pink hair flowing behind her, was the first to reach me. She threw her arms around me and kissed on the lips.

Desiree, Allison’s fiancee, hugged me, next. Her nut-brown face was flush with excitement. “Welcome back mi Rey!”

All the sluts had to kiss me: strawberry-blonde Fiona, doll-faced Korina, Thamina in her headscarf, busty yet petite Xiu, sandy-blonde Noel, cinnamon-skinned Willow, Chasity in her cop outfit, Karen the former nun, teenage Violet, caramel-skinned Jessica, and goth Lillian.

“Sluts are supposed to be naked or in their slutty outfits in the house,” I scolded the sluts after they had their kisses.

“You said our ugly bodies should be covered,” Thamina said. “W-we were just following what you said, Master.”

“None of you have ugly bodies, so go change,” I told them. “I want to see all of your sexy flesh exposed, sluts!”

The happy sluts all scampered away and returned in a few minutes. Most were dressed as sexy maids with transparent tops that showed off their hard nipples, and short skirts that would reveal their asses if they bent over even a little bit. Thamina and Willow were in their sexy nurses outfits, sheer tops that revealed off their dark breasts and nipples, and short skirts. Jessica had a sexy, office lady outfit, extremely short business skirt, sheer blouse, and fishnet stockings. Noel and Chasity had on their sexy cop uniforms, short skirts, thigh-high, black boots and blouses half-unbuttoned that showed off their ample assets. Korina had her sling on, and nothing else. She got shot before she was able to get her maid outfit.

“I have a present for all my sluts,” I said, motioning to April and the Kay Jeweler bag she held. On the way home we stopped by to pick up the jewelry I ordered last week. It was ready yesterday, but I was just too busy fucking Antsy to pick it up. When we picked these up, I ordered one for April, so it would be a few days before she got hers. I pulled out the first box, opening it up. Inside was a gold choker. Lillian’s name, written with emeralds, adorned the front and underneath was engraved, “Mark and Mary’s slut forever.”

Lillian stepped up when I called her. Her black hair was streaked with blue and purple highlights, and tied in two pigtails. Her face was pale, with black lipstick and dark mascara. Her lip, eyebrow, and nose were pierced with delicate, gold rings. She was trembling when I clasped the choker tight about her pale throat.

Lillian fingered it. “Now everyone will know who I belong to,” she whispered, tears glistening at her eyes. “Thank you, Master. I’m so happy you came into my work and made me yours!” Lillian knelt down, rubbing her face against my hardening cock. My zipper rasped metallically, my boxers pushed down and Lillian had my cock out, her tongue happily licking at my cock.

Mary fished out the next box, opening it up. Inside was a silver choker with a sapphire name. “Noel,” Mary read.

Noel’s gray-blue eyes shone with happiness. Mary brushed aside her sandy-blonde hair as she put the choker around Noel’s neck and then kissed the FBI slut on the lips. “Thank you, Mistress.” Noel dropped to her knees, pushing up Mary’s skirt. Mary smiled, rubbing her hand through Noel’s sandy hair as the slut began licking at her cum-filled pussy.

Willow got a gold and ruby choker and joined Lillian on the floor. They both were servicing my cock, half-licking my dick and half-french kissing each other. Mary placed a silver and emerald choker about Xiu’s neck, and the Chinese slut knelt behind Mary and started rimming her ass.

I place a gold and amethyst choker about Violet’s throat. Willow had my cock in her sucking mouth, now, as Lillian kissed at the shaft. Violet walked over to April and took her hand. “So, you’re our new slut-sister?” Violet asked.

April nodded shyly.

“You’re so cute with these glasses,” Violet told her, stroking her face then the two teenage girls were kissing.

My balls were tightening from Lillian and Willow’s hard work on my cock. The little sluts were taking turns sucking my cock into their mouths, passing them back and forth. Violet was kneeling down and lifting up April’s skirt and pulled down the girls white panties.

“Umm, that’s good,” moaned April as Violet began to devour her cunt. Violet was a sweet girl.

Mary gave Allison a gold choker with her name written with diamonds and pulled the teen to her and kissed her on the mouth. I could tell by the way Mary’s body writhed that my filly was having a great orgasm on Noel and Xiu’s lips. I grit my teeth and came in Willow’s mouth. The slut released my cock and aimed it so the next blast caught Lillian in the face, then the final blast splashed on her own happy face.

“Thank you, Master,” Lillian purred and then started licking my cum off Willow’s cheek.

I placed a gold choker about Korina’s throat with her name written in opals on it. “How was the doctor’s appointment.” Korina had been shot last week when the nun attacked us. Yesterday, Korina had a checkup with her doctor, but I was too eager to fuck Antsy to check up on her when I got back home last night.

“I’ll get the sling off next week,” Korina answered. “And I have to go to physical therapy three times a week.”

I caressed her doll’s face. “I haven’t fucked you since you got hurt, have I?”

“No, Master,” Korina said, a smile on her beautiful, doll’s face. Her blue eye’s sparkled with lust.

“Do you feel up to it?”

“I do, Master,” she cooed. “Fiona’s been licking my pussy for a few days, but I need your cock in me, again. We just have to be careful.”

I sat down on on the recliner and Korina careful straddled my waist. Her large tits swayed, partially covered by her left arm in the sling. I could smell the musky, sweet smell of her arousal. She was smiling happily as her tight cunt slid down my cock. She was warm and wet and started rising up and down on my cock so achingly slow.

“Oh, Master! Your cock feels so good inside me,” Korina moaned. “Oh, thank you! Umm, I missed this so much!”

Mary continued passing out the chokers while Korina slowly rode me. She never went fast, and I could see her wince in pain as her arm would get jostled, but she persevered. Her cunt was tight and so very wet.

“You feel so good on my cock,” I moaned. “Wet and velvety tight!”

A smile played on her lips and she bent over and, careful not to jostle her arm, kissed me on the lips as she rode my cock. Her slow pace was amazingly sweet as her pussy walls rubbed velvety against my cock’s head. Every slow rise and fall of her cunt on my cock was bringing me closer and closer to cumming.

“Fuck, I’m going to flood your slutty cunt!” I grunted. “You ready for my cum?”

“Yes!” she shrieked, throwing her head back. Her hips started moving faster and faster, a flush creeping across her body. “Cum in me, Master! Use my body as your cum dump! Fill my naught cunt with your spunk!”

Her hips were moving faster and faster as her orgasm neared. She was no longer caring about the pain, she was too close to cumming to care. Her head was thrown back, her eyes squeezed shut and she let out a low, throaty moan as her cunt contracted on my cock. She slammed down on my cock, burying me all the way into her cunt. I squeezed her ass cheeks and gasped as I flooded her cunt.

“Ohh, thank you, master,” she murmured, kissing me gently.

Fiona was smiling as she watched Korina cum on my cock, a silver choker with her name written in yellow heliodors tight about her throat. She helped Korina off of me, kissed her tenderly, and led her over to the couch, sitting the doll-faced slut down. Fiona knelt on the floor, her strawberry-blonde hair spilling across Korina’s thighs as she began to lick my cum out Korina’s cunt. Fiona’s short, maid’s skirt had ridden up, exposing her curvy, freckled ass. I could see her brown, puckered asshole winking at me.

I looked around the living room. Mary was naked now, lying atop Chasity, tribbing with our cop slut. Chasity had a gold choker, her name written with rubies, around her throat. Desiree and Allison were sixty-nining. April was going down on Violet this time while Lillian was going down on Willow, my cum licked clean from both of their faces. Karen, a silver and amethyst choker about her neck, was making out with Jessica, a gold choker set with sapphires tight about her caramel throat. Thamina was pulling on Xiu’s nipple piercings as the two rubbed their cunts on each other’s thighs.

I knelt behind Fiona. My cock was lubed with Korina’s cunt so I slid easily into Fiona’s ass. Fiona moaned lustfully into Korina’s cunt as I began to fuck her ass. I smiled, looking around the room. I almost lost all of this. If Mary had not freed me from the nun’s spell, I would have been chained to one cunt for the rest of my life. There was one cunt I could be satisfied with for the rest of my life. I caught her green eyes as she rubbed her cunt against Chasity’s. Mary smiled at me. She was so beautiful. I could be happy only with her.

I needed to speak with Karen about this new nun, Theodora. About the golden thread that I saw touching Mary’s aura. But Fiona’s ass felt too good on my cock for me to be worried about that right now. There would be plenty of time later on tonight or tomorrow to talk with Karen.

“Ohh, fuck me Master!” Fiona moaned. “I love your cock up my slutty ass!”

I smiled, I was home, balls deep in a sluts ass.


“Master!” Jessica shouted, half in a panic, turning on the television.

I was cuddling with Mary on the couch. Scattered about the room were the sluts, napping and cuddling with each other. Everyone one of the sluts wanted to get fucked by me, and I came in at least one of their holes. It had been a wild few hours. I had April sit on my face while Violet rode my cock. Mary had put on her strap-on and we double-teamed busty Xiu. I fucked her ass while Mary fucked her cunt. Then Jessica was sucking on my cock, kneeling like a dog, while Mary pounded Jessica’s ass and Willow rimmed my ass.

“What?” I asked as she changed to channel five.

“I got a tip, KING 5’s about to run a story about you, Master,” Jessica answered. Jessica was a reporter for KIRO 7. I recruited her to keep tabs on the media. “It’s suppose to lead the eleven o’clock news.”

The credits for some NBC show raced across the screen. KING 5 was the local NBC affiliate for Seattle. Then the news music played and it cut to the anchors. “Good evening, I’m Larry Siemen,” the male anchor introduced.

“And I’m Natalie Kramer, bringing you Seattle’s best news. Tonight we are joined by investigative reporter, Carlos Guiterrez, for an explosive story about sex, bank robberies, and corruption in Pierce County.”

“Thank you, Natalie,” a middle-aged Hispanic said. “Nearly two weeks ago, in Puyallup, this man,” a surveillance photo of me at the Best Buy appeared in the upper right corner of the screen, “used some as yet unidentified gas causing the now famous Best Buy Incident. This same man reportedly robbed a Kay Jewelers the same day. He was seen with two women,” pictures of Mary and Allison appeared on the screen. “This same man appeared in Seattle a few days later, and held, by all accounts, a wild sex party in the Sky City Restaurant at the Space Needle and was briefly implicated in the disappearance of Violet Matheson.”

“Wow,” the female anchor interjected. “And do we know who this man is?”

“Authorities do,” Carlos said. “His name is Mark Glassner. Last week, he robbed several banks in Pierce County, using his gas to make the branch mangers open the safes while he sexually assaulted several female bank tellers.”

“Mark Glassner, isn’t that the guy who the FBI raided last Thursday morning?” the male anchor interjected. “I believe the FBI spokesman said they were mistaken, that Mark Glassner wasn’t the person responsible for these crimes.”

“You are referring to Special Agent Kip Peterson,” Carlos nodded. “He famously gave that interview to Jessica St. Pierre from KIRO 7 news.”

A clip played from the interview. “Mark Glassner is an innocent man,” Peterson said. “It was all my fault. I was too eager to make an arrest in the case, I didn’t use good judgment and our raid has terrorized an innocent man and his family.” I smiled, remembering how I made Agent Peterson give that embarrassing interview. The clip ended, cutting back to the news desk.

“I have documents here,” Carlos said, holding up some papers, “from a source in the Justice Department that show Agent Peterson is being investigated by the Office of Professional Responsibility, the FBI’s Internal Affairs. He’s being investigated for corruption and incompetence. The FBI had concrete evidence on Mr. Glassner, yet Peterson, after raiding Mr. Glassner’s house, claimed he was innocent.”

“The FBI thinks their Agent was bribed by Mr. Glassner?” the female reporter asked in astonishment.

“Yes,” Carlos answered. “Mr. Glassner has stolen over forty million dollars.”

“Wow, that is unbelievable,” the male anchor said.

“Today, I received a series of surveillance photos from the home owner,” Carlos said. “The house the FBI raided is owned by Brandon Fitzsimmons, who claims his wife is living with Mr. Glassner. Mr. Fitzsimmons had hired a private investigator to watch the house and the P.I. caught the entire raid on film.”

A video played, showing the backyard and left side of our house. A little of the front yard could also be seen and the cul-de-sac in front of the house. You could just make out police cars and swat vans parked before our house in the gray, pre-dawn light.

“Son of a bitch,” I muttered.

“Master, that had to be taken from one of the houses on Shaw Road,” Noel said in alarm.

“Figure out which,” I ordered, anger burning inside me. Chasity and Noel headed for the back of the house.

“The interesting part came after the Pierce County Sheriff Department’s SWAT officers raided the house on the FBI’s behalf,” Carlos continued.

Photos appeared, close up of various windows on the rear and side of the house. You could see SWAT officers in various states of undressed fucking our sluts, blurred to hide any nudity. Fuck, the sluts had all gotten horny that morning and saw Mary fucking two SWAT officers. The sluts asked if they could play with the handsome officers, and I didn’t seem any harm in letting the boys in blue get laid.

“What am I watching here?” the female reporter asked, stunned.

“In the surveillance photo’s we’ve received there are upwards of a dozen women living in the house,” Carlos answered. “They appear in various states of undress, and they appear to be giving sexual favors to the SWAT officers as some sort of bribes.”

“This is just astounding,” the male reported stated. “To think an entire unit of SWAT officers, and an FBI agent would engage in this sort of behavior. It’s just disappointing.”

“Two FBI agents,” Carlos corrected. A picture of Noel appeared on the screen. “Special Agent Noel was also on the raid, and has appeared in many of the surveillance photos of the house in various states of undress, engaging in sex acts, along with Jessica St. Pierre, the KIRO 7 reporter who Agent Peterson gave his original interview to.” A picture of Chasity appeared on the screen. “This is Officer Chasity Vinter of the Puyallup Police Department, also seen in surveillance tapes participating in sex acts. There have been reports of unusual activity around the Shaw Road vicinity of Puyallup for the last week, and these reports have fallen on the deaf ears of the Puyallup Police Department.”

Chasity and Noel returned. “Master, we think we know which house is surveilling us.”

“Take all the guards and raid that house!” I barked. “Bring me whomever or whatever you find!”

I grabbed my phone, and looked up Sheriff Erkhart’s phone number. “Erkhart,” the Pierce County Sheriff answered.

“Have you seen the news report on channel 5?” I demanded angrily.

“Yeah, just caught the end of it. This is bad, Mr. Glassner.”

“Put out an APB on Brandon Fitzsimmons,” I growled. “I let him have his independence and this is how he repays me! I want him found and dragged before me!”

“I’m on it, sir,” the Sheriff answered and I hung up.

“He’s been watching us, Mark,” Mary grimaced angrily. “You can see our bedroom on these photos.”

“Brandon’s going to regret this,” I told her. “Fuck, we’re going to have to do a lot of damage control.” I squeezed my fists. “When I get my fucking hands on him, he’s going to howl!”


“When are you coming home, Doug?” my wife asked me as we spoke on the phone.

“I don’t know, Tina,” I answered, tiredly. I was standing in one of the second floor bedroom of the house Mr. Fitzsimmons rented so I could watch Mark Glassner. I was checking all the cameras and the laser-mikes I had pointed at various windows of the house I was surveilling. I was about to turn in for the night and wanted to make sure everything was working. “The check cashed, right?”

“Yeah, honey,” Tina answered. “Its…quite a lot. This isn’t anything…you know.”

“No, I’m just surveilling him, Tina.” There was a pause. She was chewing on her lip, I realized. Tina always worried her lower lip when she was nervous. “What is it honey?”

There was some movement outside, on the street, and I frowned, missing what my wife said. Mark had a group of women that dressed like slutty cops. Maybe they were cops, their equipment looked real, and there were a dozen cop cars parked on the street. But, no cop wore uniforms like those. They looked like sexy cop outfits you’d get at a porno shop. His ‘cops’ were pouring out of their houses, heading for their cars. What was going on?

“Are you there, Doug?” my wife said, loudly.

“Oh, sorry, Tina, something’s going on at the place I’m surveilling.” I grabbed a pair of binoculars, tying to figure out what was happening.

“You’re safe right. This Mark guy your watching, he was just on the news.”

I frowned, watching as Mark’s cops were piling into their cars. What was going on. “What’s this about the news, honey?” The lights on a half-dozen cop cars turned on, flooding the night with strobing red and blue lights, and the cop cars started peeling down the street towards Shaw Road.

“They had pictures from your surveillance on the news,” Tina said. “This guy sounds dangerous, are you sure…”

My stomach sank, adrenaline pumped icily through my veins. “Shit, I got to go, Tina.”

I hung up my cell phone, shoving it into my pocket and grabbed my laptop, ripping out cable connecting my laptop to the USB hub all my surveillance equipment was hooked into and ran for the stairs. Oh, shit, oh shit, my heart was hammering in my chest. Fuck! What the fuck did you do, Brandon? Tires squealed outside and police lights were flashing through the front windows, as I thudded down the stairs.

Shit, front was no good. I reached the bottom of the stairs, turned to race for the dining room and the glass sliding door that led to the backyard. Behind me, the front door splintered in and I could hear booted feet pounding into the house, shouting, “Police!” I ran down the hallway for the dining room. I knew my exit routes. There was a pile of wood against the fence, I could be over it and into the neighbors yard. My own car was parked a few houses down the street. I just needed to be quick and I could get away.

I reached the dining room, the sliding glass door in sight. I was going to make it. And then my hopes were dashed away as I saw the two cops rounding the house and reached the sliding glass door, their guns drawn. Fuck, I was trapped. I turned to face the cops pouring in the front door. God damn fucking Brandon Fitzsimmons!

“Police!” the lead cop shouted, a blonde with a gold choker about her throat, a bulletproof vest over her trampy cop outfit, and her gun leveled at me. “Hand’s on your head! Do it now!”

I set my laptop down, slowly, and put my hands on top of my head and knelt down. Another cop walked up, grasped my wrist and handcuffed me. Anger boiled inside me as fear pumped through my veins. What the fuck have you gotten me mixed up in, Brandon? Fear coiled about my heart. These weren’t real cops, anymore. Tina’s face floated up before me, the way her smile transformed her chubby, plain face beautiful.

Please, god, I prayed, let me see my wife again! Please!”

To be continued…

Click here for Chapter 25.

The Devil’s Pact Chapter 18: Virgins



The Devil’s Pact

Chapter 18: Virgins

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Male/Teen female, Female/Teen female, Female/Females, Hermaphrodite/Female, Mind Control, Magic, First, Anal, Oral, Rimming

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 17

Lucifer’s semen burned in my cunt as he ejaculated. and another orgasm rolled through my body. Hatred and shame burned inside me as Lucifer pulled his cock out. “Always a pleasure, Lilith,” Lucifer said, pleasantly. Then, like I was his dog, he reached out and stroked my hair before he descended deeper into the Abyss.

After my attempts to seduce Mary and turn her against Mark had failed, Lucifer spent several hours fucking me, reveling in my humiliation. Anger boiled inside me. A white-hot rage that needed to be unleashed on someone. On Mark! That disgusting sack of pus!

I peered into the house and saw Mark and his disgusting friends fucking his Thralls around the dinner table. I concentrated and felt Mary was far away, dancing in a club, grinding on another woman. She was drunk on alcohol and sex. She was almost as bad. Loving her man, submitting to his lust like a good little woman. She was just like that whore, Eve, rutting with Adam.

I had failed at seducing Mary. Me, the first woman, the succubus. I was the first sex goddess, before Asherah, before Hathor and Aphrodite. There was me. And that little whore resisted me! It galled me. I needed to fix this, I needed to have a success. I needed to take something away from Mark and Mary.

But what. All of their precious sluts were in the house, save the one with Mary. But I couldn’t touch any of them. Mary’s command to not appear before any of them was a chain about my neck. If I concentrated, I could see the red, crystal chain leading off to Mary. The chain would remain until Mary used her last boon.

Frustrated, I peered at Mark, examining his soul. Lucifer was right, I hadn’t been paying enough attention. So I studied his soul. It was red, the sign of a Warlock, and his soul’s connections branched out from him. All the lives that touched him or that he had touched radiated out in all directions. Most were black chains that connected Mark to his Thralls. Anyone who had been giving a command by Mark had a chain connecting Mark to their souls. Some were tiny, barely threads, fading into silver. These were people who were given simple commands, ones that didn’t change their personalities, and Mark’s influence was slowly fading from them. Others were thicker. These represented people permanently changed by Mark.

Other threads and chains also branched from mark. Silver threads were regular mortals, the thick ones, what few there were, represented the friends and family of Mark. The thinner, silver threads, represented acquaintances. Each of Mark’s friends had a silver thread that connected them to Mark.

A pair of entwined, red threads connected Mark and Mary’s souls. Lucifer was right, they were soulmates and would be very hard to break up. Magic would have to be used to dominate one of their minds. An option not opened to me at the present. My powers could only influence a mortal, not force them to obey, sadly.

Lastly, a huge, red chain descended from Mark’s soul down into the abyss. Mary would have a similar chain leading down into darkness. That chain would lead all they way to Lucifer. The embodiment of the Pact Mark had signed, chaining his soul to Lucifer. Every Warlock had the red chain, leading to whatever demon they made a pact with. If Mary had summoned me the proper way, instead of using that crystal, a thicker, red chain would connect us then the crystal one.

I turned my attention to the black chains. I wondered if any were important. The thickest black chains were his sluts, the Thralls Mark had the most control over, the Thralls most affected by his commands. There were two chains that led away from the house, just as thick as the chains connecting his sluts. Curious, I touched the chains. Both were women, up north somewhere. They had never been in the house since I was summoned. Who were they? Were they sex slaves of Marks? They must be if Mark had as much control over them as his sluts.

Interesting. Mary had ordered me to not appear before their sluts. Clearly, these two were sex slaves of Mark, but were they ‘sluts.’ Well, as far as I was concerned, Mary was referring to the girls in the house when she gave me that order. For all I know, Mary doesn’t even know of the existences of these two Thralls. I smiled, the stupid bitch had left me a loophole. Oh, these two had a lot to learn about dealing with demons. You need to be quite specific or we’ll find so many interesting ways to wiggle out our agreements.

I followed the black chains north and found the two women they belonged to. They were in a quaint lodging. A bed and breakfast I believe they are called, on the Key Peninsula. Their room had a gorgeous view of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, which connected the Puget Sound to the Pacific Ocean. The women were in bed, making love.

A busty blonde with big tits, both nipples pierced with gold rings, was on her back while the other woman, a short, lithe, black-haired woman with small, apple-sized breasts, ate her cunt. The blonde was writhing on her bed, her wide, Slavic face contorted in pleasure, her breasts heaving as she panted her passion. The black-haired woman was quite skilled at eating cunt, her tongue flicking rapidly on the blonde’s clit as she fucked three fingers in and out of her shaved cunt.

I examined their black souls, the sign of a Thrall. Their thick black chains led back to Mark and other connections led off them: family, close friends, former lovers. The pair were connected by entwined, black threads. Soulmates, how interesting. Wedding rings glinted on their fingers. Yes, Washington State had legalized gay marriage last November.

This was perfect. I would need followers when I was freed from the Abyss. Mortals to worship me and serve me. And in the meantime, I needed agents in the Mortal World. My appearance was far to distracting to mortals. Preparations needed to be made before I was free. The thought of stealing Mark’s own Thralls sent a delicious shiver through my body and my cunt moistened in excitement. I should have thought of this before.

I watched their lovemaking, waiting for them to fall asleep so I could examine their dreams. I needed to learn about their hopes, fears, and desires. So armed, I could seduce these two women to my cause. Their lovemaking went on for some time, changing positions often. Sometimes they would lick each other’s pussies at the same time, sometimes they would scissor their legs together. The two were drunk on each other, their relationship was clearly new. They must be on their honeymoon, as mortal’s called it, newly wedded. They cried each other’s names as they made love, the blonde was Lana and the black-haired woman was Chantelle.

Nearby, a man was dreaming, his lusts rising, a horrid, ear-splitting screech that knifed through my soul. Well, these two weren’t sleeping anytime soon, so I followed the horrid sound to silence it. A few blocks away I found a fat, ugly man sleeping next to his wife. I glared down at him and his rutting dream, wincing as another knife stabbed my soul.

I peered into his dream, to see what disgusting fantasy he was having. In his dream, he fantasized about fucking some actress named Scarlett Johansson. She was dressed in tight, black latex, the pants pulled down to expose her nice ass and bare cunts. Men of this time were fascinated by hairless cunts. The man dreamed he was Thor, his flab bouncing as he plowed the red-head from behind. I snorted, as if that tub of lard could be a god or fuck a woman half as beautiful as Scarlett Johansson.

I invaded the dream and the man quickly forgot all about Scarlet. She was a beautiful women, but all beauty failed when compared to me. I was Lilith, the original sex goddess. The first women created, I was perfection. I pushed the fat man down, roughly, his cock hard and ready, and I mounted him. And rode him. Every time he came inside me, I stole more of his vitality. I arched my back, thrusting my perfect breasts forward. The fat man groped my tits with his fat finger, clumsily pawing at my breasts.

I rode him harder and harder, the more lifeforce I stole, the faster I fucked him. I pushed the man far past his physical limits. He was lost to the pleasure. He didn’t care about anything but me, not his wife, certainly not Scarlet Whatshername. And definitely not the weariness suffusing his body, the hammering of his heart, and the burning in his lungs. I lost count of how many times he came inside me, lost in the pleasure of his lifeforce rolling through my body. Nothing was sweeter than slowly draining a man to the brink of death.

When I finished he was passed out, his heart beating frantically. It would take him days to recover, I thought with a smile, if his heart doesn’t give out first. And his delicious lifeforce filled my belly, spreading warmth and energy through me. If the man didn’t die, every time he so much as jerked his own cock, he would think of the dream, of me. I would haunt his fantasies until he died, every time he would fuck someone, he would remember me and his partner would not compare.

When I returned to the two women, they were cuddling, drifting off to sleep, their lusts satiated and I studied their dreams and learned much. Once they were asleep, I could direct their subconscious and slowly sifted out their hopes and fears, desires and secrets.

Lana, the blonde, was bisexual and had cravings for men that Chantelle could never satisfy. Lana was often unfaithful to Chantelle with men, to satisfy her lust and to drive Chantelle crazy with jealousy. Lana loved how aggressive sexually it would make Chantelle after Chantelle would witness her with a male lover. She had secret desires to be fucked by a futanari, a dickgirl. Not some guy who got breast augmentation, but an actual woman with a penis. I studied her fears, next, and Lana’s greatest fear was growing old and losing Chantelle to another woman, younger and prettier then her.

From Chantelle I learned how much she loved Lana and hated watching her with other men. Every time was a knife in her heart and every time she wanted to tell Lana to stop, but instead would find herself fucking Lana passionately, proving that Lana enjoyed being with her more than with a man. Both of them were strippers, and Lana would often fuck men during lap dances while Chantelle watched. It was Chantelle’s greatest fear that Lana would leave her for a man. Chantelle was Lana’s first woman and Chantelle feared that Lana would one day stop being gay and go back to men.

I smiled, this was perfect. I knew just how to seduce these girls to my service.

I entered the Mortal World, dawn would be approaching in a few hours, so I needed to act now. I was strongest at night, beneath a moon. When I manifested, my lust radiated out from me in waves, filling the entirety of the bed and breakfast. Both sleeping women started to stir, their nipples hardening and their cunts weeping fluid. In the next room was a couple celebrating their wedding anniversary The wife was sleeping, but the husband was up, using the restroom. The lust hit him, overwhelming his thoughts and he rushes to his wife and soon their passionate fucking could be heard through the thin walls. Upstairs, the innkeeper, a woman in her sixties, started to masturbate for the first time in years.

Lana is the first to awaken, her eyes wide with desire when she sees me. I appeared naked, my lush body bathed in silvery moonlight. Lana shakes Chantelle who snuggles against Lana and sucks a nipple into her mouth. Lana’s eyes glisten with desire, her full lips parted slightly.

“Who are you?” gasped Lana, her voice thick with her accent, Ukrainian, I think.

“Lilith,” I answered, purring my voice. “I am here to gift you with pleasures.”

I pulled away the covers, exposing their bodies. Chantelle was pressed against Lana’s side, her hand caressing Lana’s shaved cunt as she nursed at Lana’s breast. I touched both women’s thighs and they cried out as they climaxed, hugging each other tightly as they trembled in passion. Lana claimed Chantelle’s lips with a kiss, the wives exploring each other’s mouth with their tongues. I crawled up their bodies, triggering a second orgasm in each woman as my breasts dragged across their naked flesh, my hard nipples sliding pleasantly across their silky skin.

Both women sucked my hard nipples into their mouths. Their thighs parted for me and I slid a leg tight against each of their wet pussies. They started to grind on me, flooding my thighs with their passion as orgasms rolled through their bodies. I held the women to my breasts, delighting in the feel of their wet lips on my nipples. Each played with nipple differently. Lana sucked harder, nibbling with her teeth, and Chantelle used her tongue more, playing with my hard nipple then sucking it back into her mouth. I breathed deeply, inhaling the heady scent of womanly passion.

I inserted fantasies into both women. For Chantelle, the fantasy of having her own penis, of how happy Lana was to finally be fully satisfied by her wife. The pleasure of sticking a penis into a woman’s cunt and ejaculating your seed into her.

For Lana, the fantasy of being taken by Chantelle, to feel Chantelle’s dick fucking into her cunt, better than any man’s dick because it belonged to her wife, to her love. And beneath her cock, she still had her pussy. She was still a woman, the only woman who could satisfy her fully, a dickgirl.

“I can give this two you,” I whispered to Chantelle, pulling her head off my breast. “With a cock, you could fully satisfy Lana. She would never need to cheat on you.” I pulled Lana off my breast and whispered, “You fear growing old, of Chantelle finding a younger woman, but I can keep you and your wife young and beautiful forever.”

I waited, watching as the ladies absorbed what I promised through the haze of their lust. Chantelle licked her lips, glancing at her wife. “W-would you be happy if I had a d-dick?” Chantelle asked her wife, nervous.

“Oh, that would make me so happy!” Lana moaned. “I’ve always fantasized about being with a futanari!”

“A what?” Chantelle asked and Lana kissed her. “A beautiful girl with a beautiful dick,” Lana answered.

“All I need is your pledge to worship me,” I told them. “Swear your souls to me and be my High Priestesses, and I will grant you your desires.”

“But we belong to Master and Mistress,” Chantelle objected.

“Your bodies, not your souls,” I lied. “Besides, I serve Mark and Mary as well. They sent me to you, to grant these desires.”

“Really?” Lana asked. She was trying to think, to object. Deep down she could sense the lie, sense that she was betraying Mark, but my lust permeated her body, overriding her fear.

I laughed inside. This was too easy. “Yes. Just say, ‘I pledge my soul to Lilith, my Goddess, for now until the end of time,’ and then we shall consummate our agreement.”

“Consummate?” Chantelle asked.

I reached down and caressed my clit and summoned my cock. My clit swelled and grew, transforming into my cock, I made it seven inches, no need to frighten them with the monster I made when I raped Sister Louise. Lana stared lustfully at my cock, her objections vanished as she saw her deepest, darkest fantasy about to be fulfilled. Chantelle saw her wife staring at the cock, then glanced down at her pussy and imagined a cock there and Lana staring with that same lust at her.

“Say the words, and spread your legs. When my seed spills inside you, our pact will be made, and your boons shall be granted,” I cooed, stroking both of their faces. They gasped and shuddered in orgasms.

Chantelle and Lana looked into each other’s eyes. Their hands entwined and then nodded. In unison, they said, “I pledge my soul to Lilith, my Goddess, from now until the end of time!”

Lana spread her legs for me, opening herself up to me, eager to be fucked by a futanari. I could only fuck someone with their consent, the curse God put on me when I made the cock. And Lana was clearly willing. I groaned as the delicious feel of her cunt giving way as the head of cock slid inside her. Her pussy clenched about me as she orgasmed. And she kept on orgasming as I fucked her, the feel of my cock inside her burned through her nerves. Our breasts rubbed against each other as we fucked, hard nipples pressing into the flesh of our breasts.

Lana and Chantelle still held hands tightly, Chantelle watching in breathless anticipation as I fucked her wife. Lana’s cunt was continuously spasming, milking my cock, as her orgasms rolled through her body. I kissed her soft cheek then capture her sweet lips in a kiss. Lana’s free hand gripped my ass, pulling me tighter into her inviting cunt. I could feel my orgasm building in my ovaries and my cervix twitching. There was no better feeling than fucking a woman, using my cock in violation of God’s creation. I thrust over and over into her pussy, our flesh slapping together every time I bottomed out. Every movement of my cock inside Lana’s cunt brought me closer and closer to orgasm.

Then that shuddering release. My seed rushed from my ovaries and out my cock, spilling black semen into Lana’s fertile womb. Lana screamed in passion and passed out from the intensity of her orgasm. At that moment, I grasped the black chain that bound Lana to Mark and yanked it away and attached it to my soul, the black fell away, replaced by the red of a Warlock. Lana’s boon granted and my payment met. Lana and Chantelle would forever be young and beautiful and would forever be mine.

I pulled out of Lana and Chantelle caressed her unconscious wife’s face. She then spread her legs for me. My cock never softened and I rubbed it against Chantelle’s slit, nudging her hard clit. She spasmed in orgasm when my cock brushed her clit, making it harder for me to find her hole as she bucked in pleasure. Finally, I found the opened and shoved in. Chantelle howled in pleasure as she orgasmed from my cock entering her cunt.

She was tighter than Lana, her cunt a velvet vice on my cock. I fucked her hard and Chantelle writhed beneath me. She captured one of my nipples with her lips, sucking hard, her hips bucking up to fuck me back. I could feel that tightening in my ovaries build and build and then I spilt my black seed in her fertile womb and wrest Mark’s hold over her and made her mine.

I pulled out, and was surprised to find that Chantelle was still conscious. Most women black out from the intensity of the orgasm when I cum in them. She glanced down and frowned. “Where’s my cock?”

“Grip your clit and twist it and concentrate,” I told her.

She smiled in amazement as a cock grew out of her clit, six inches. She stroked it and shuddered in pleasure. “Oh this is so amazing, my Goddess.”

Lana was stirring. She saw her wife’s cock and smiled in amazement, reaching out to stroke it as well. “Thank you, my Goddess,” Lana said, tears in her eyes.

“Enjoy yourselves,” I told them, “and then you’ll have work to do.”

“Work?” Lana asked, still stroking her wife’s cock.

“Yes, we’re going to destroy Mark and Mary,” I told them, “and Lucifer.”

“Mark and Mary,” Chantelle said and then her eyes opened. “Oh my god, what did they do to us. They, they made us do things to them!”

“I freed you from Mark’s slavery,” I told them. “Mark and Mary used magic on you to make you their whores, but I freed you. They can never control you.” No Warlock could control another. The chains that bound their souls to the demon the Warlock made the Pact with prevented that.

Lana straddled Chantelle, sliding her wet cunt down Chantelle’s cock. “We will make them pay, Lana,” Chantelle moaned as her wife started to ride her cock.

I smiled. Inside both women, I could feel my black sperm swimming up their pussies, heading for her womb. Every woman I fucked quickened a child. Soon, new monsters would be birthed and loosed on the world. My new children to hound mankind. I laughed aloud and watched my Priestesses pleasure each other, and felt my sperm reach their wombs, waiting for one of their eggs to make its way down from their ovaries. The moment my cock entered them, their had ovaries released an egg. Soon, my new child would be conceived.


I was sweaty when I got back from jogging and breaking in the newest member of my jogging club. Issy Norup lived in one of the houses I bought yesterday, along with her parents. They got to live there for free, provided their fifteen year old daughter, Issy, was available for me to fuck. Thanks to my powers, the Norups didn’t have a problem with the arrangements. Issy was an athletic girl, so I invited her to join my jogging club. After the jog, the group meets back at Madeleine’s house where I would enjoy one of my jogging sluts. Today, that was Issy and the teenager had a tight cunt.

No one was awake when I got home, although Jessica and Noel’s cars were already gone. I’ve never needed that much sleep, I usually got four or five hours a night, and I tend to always wake up at the same time, which was about 5:45 AM right now. I slipped into the bedroom I shared with my fiancee. She was sleeping off the fun she had last night. She had went dancing with a friend of hers, Diane, at a lesbian club in Tacoma called the Clam Diver and came home reeking of pussy.

While she was out partying, I was hosting my D&D group. We had been playing for twelve years, alternating who DM. There was Quatch, my best friend and best man for my upcoming wedding. The others were Tom, Chris, and Karl, who were going to be my grooms. The guys were quite impressed with my sex slaves and each expressed interest in getting their own slave. They were my friends, the only real friends I ever had, so I was more than happy to provide them with a slut of their own.

I turned the shower on. The bathroom filled up with steam and I slipped under the hot water and let the warmth take the ache from my legs away. I was slowly getting used to jogging. My body was slowly getting in better and better shape. I think it’s the consequent of my wish to have a long and healthy life that I was starting to shed my excess pounds.

As the warm water rolled over me, the dream I had last night returned. I couldn’t shake the dream, it filled my mind while I was jogging. I was thinking about the dream more than I was watching the five naked sluts that jogged before me, and those five ladies all had beautiful asses. It was such a weird dream, and so very vivid. In my dream, I held two dolls in my hands. One doll was blonde and the other raven-haired. I held them tightly, squeezing them in my hands, they were mine and I didn’t want to let go of them. And then Lilith appeared, clad only in her silver hair and a gloating smile on her face. She had grabbed the blonde doll first and wrenched it painfully out of my hands. Then she grabbed the raven-haired doll and painfully ripped it from my hand. And then she smiled triumphantly at me.

I felt the dream was important, I just wasn’t sure why. I lowered my head, letting the warm water splash down my head and back. Who were the dolls? Were they even people, or did they just represent something. Was it a warning, a premonition, or was this just my fear of Lilith manifesting from my subconscious.

I sighed, it was probably just a nightmare. Probably. I grabbed the soap and as I started to wash my body, and thought about the day ahead of me. The first thing I would do would be to get my friends their slaves. Chris wanted a bikini barista named Velvet that worked at Hot Chick A Latte on Meridian up her in South Hill. Karl wanted his boss, Julie, at the Ram where he worked as a chef. Tom wanted a petite, Asian teenager with bushy pubic hair. He didn’t care who she was, so long as those three criteria were met.

I had already gotten Quatch his sex slave. He wanted his little sister, Kim, who was staying with him and, according to Quatch, was a major cocktease. So last night I gave her a call and made her Quatch’s sex slave. Quatch should have spent last night enjoying his new slave.

After I took care finding my friends some sex slaves, I was planning on finding a pair of virgins at the Rogers High School. With all the unprotected sex Mary and I were having one of us was bound to catch some disease. Lilith told us about a spell we could use to make us immune. It required two women with intact hymens. Their innocents would protect us from getting STDs. All three of the teenage girls in the neighborhood had already broken their hymens, two by their boyfriends and one using her mother’s vibrator. I was also hoping to find Tom’s sex slave at the school along with our virgins.

Finished showering, I slipped out and dried off. I dressed in a pair of boxers, comfortable jeans, and a black t-shirt. Mary was still sleeping, curled up on her side. Her auburn hair was spilled across the bed. I bent over and kissed her on the cheek and headed downstairs. Desiree was cooking in the kitchen, naked save for an apron. I had taken Desiree from her husband, Brandon, and his house as well. Desiree was an amazing cook and I would have kept her even if she was the ugliest woman on the planet. She wasn’t. She was a gorgeous Latina with big breasts and a nice ass.

“What’s for breakfast?”

“Chocolate chip pancakes, mi Rey,” Desiree answered in her sexy, Latina accent. I reached over and fondled her dusky ass.

She was standing at the stove, a mixing bowl full of pancake mix sat next to her while she flipped a few on her griddle. She wiggled her ass as I massaged her butt. “Keep cooking,” I whispered, kissing her neck as I unzipped my jeans and pulled my cock out. My hard cock slid across her plump ass then between her legs. I guided my cock, found the wet lips of her cunt and rubbed my head around a few times before I found her hole and slid my cock up inside her.

“Mmm, that’s nice,” purred Desiree as I started to fuck her.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and slipped under her apron and squeezed her heavy breasts and played with her hard nipples as I fucked her in a steady rhythm. Her cunt felt like a wet, warm glove sliding up and down on my sensitive head. Desiree continued cooking, flipping the first pancakes onto a platter and ladling more batter onto the griddle.

“Morning, Master,” Chasity murmured sleepily.

“Slut,” I replied.

Chasity, our cop slut, smiled and rubbed my ass as she walked by, heading for the coffee pot and poured herself a cup of coffee. She grabbed a couple of pancakes and set down on the small kitchen table and started eating. “These are delicious,” Chasity said with delight.

“Oh, thank you,” Desiree panted. Her hips were moving as her lust built as I fucked her.

“Not as delicious as your cunt,” I quipped.

“Or your cock, mi Rey,” Desiree quipped back.

After I shot my load in Desiree’s cunt, I sat grabbed a plate of pancakes, even with my distraction they were only slight burned, and sat down next to Chasity. I watched my cum trickling down Desiree’s inner thigh as I ate. Xiu, a petite and busty Asian slut, joined us a few minutes later, that unsightly nose splint still on her face from when Mary broke it on Monday.

“You’re seeing the doctor about your nose today?”

“Yes, Master,” Xiu said, sitting next to me. “I think the split will get removed.”

“Good,” I said.

I pulled out my phone, figuring Karl’s boss, Julie should be in by now to start on the morning prep for the restaurant so I called the Ram in Lakewood. A guy answered the phone and I told him to put Julie on. “Yes, what is it?” an impatient woman said over the phone. She had a shrewish voice, the kind of woman that would just nag you to death.

“Julie, from now on you’re going to be Karl Nielson sex slave,” I told her. “You’ll do whatever Karl wants and love him for as long as he wants you, okay.”

“Yeah,” she answered, the shrewish tone vanishing. “Who are …” I hung up on her. Karl down, just Chris and Tom left to go.

“Sluts, let Mary sleep as long as she wants,” I ordered. “Chantelle and Lana should be showing up today.”

“They were with you at the Space Needle last week?” Xiu asked. Last Saturday, to celebrate our engagement, I had taken over the entirety of the restaurant at the top of the Space Needle. I kept the six most beautiful servers and had them work naked. It devolved into an orgy pretty quickly. Mary and I ended up keeping three of the servers: Xiu, Fiona, and Korina; as sex slaves

“Yeah, they were on their honeymoon when we claimed them,” I said. “I let them enjoy the rest of their honeymoon before they had to return.”

“How nice,” Desiree said. Then she cleared her throat, and, nervously, asked, “Mi Rey, would you be mad if I asked Allison to marry me?”

I smiled. “I’ve noticed the two of you seemed close the last few days. I think its a good idea.”

“Thank you, mi Rey.” There were tears in her eyes and she bent over and kissed me.

“Take a thousand dollars and go buy an engagement ring,” I said, pushing away from the table. “Let Mary know I will be home around 2:30. Desiree, you know what to cook for dinner?”

“Yes, mi Reina left instructions. I’ll pick up the ingredients after breakfast.”

I kissed Xiu, Chasity, and Desiree and headed out the house and into my Mustang. My first stop was the Hot Chick A Latte to get Chris his sex slave. The bikini barista stand was a hot pink, tiny building in the parking lot of a convenient store on Meridian, the main drag that ran north and south through South Hill down into Puyallup and up towards Federal Way and SeaTac. I parked my car and walked up and knocked at the door.

“Let me in,” I ordered.

The door opened and a tan-skinned woman, with the largest tits I had ever seen, opened the door. She was easily a G Cup like Chris claimed. Her breasts were full, heavy and swayed as she walked. Two pasties with the Rockstar energy drink logos on them covered her nipples. The only clothing she wore was a pair of frilly, yellow panties. Behind her another busty girl, only a DD Cup, who also wore pasties, was making a coffee for a customer.

“Yes?” the giant-titted girl asked.

“Velvet?” She nodded. “Good, we’re going to fuck, so get those panties off.”

Her panties came off and I entered inside the coffee stand. I gripped her left pastie and tore it off. She winced as her huge areola and fat nipple was exposed. I bent down and sucked the fat nipple into my mouth, and hefted her heavy tit and squeezed the flesh mound.

“What the fuck,” the other barista gasped.

“Keep working,” I ordered her as my cock slid into Velvet’s shaved cunt.

I had Velvet pushed up against a supply shelf and started fucking her hard. The shelf, and the ingredients on it rattled as I fucked her. Her huge tits pressed against my chest, one nipple still covered by the slick pastie. I gripped her skinny ass and really started to plow into her cunt. The girl definitely had some nice charms. Her lips were wet on my cheek as she kissed my face, panting in pleasure.

“You’re going to be Chris Young’s sex slave,” I growled in her hear.

“Oh, who’s that?” she asked in confusion.

“He’s a customer,” I said, and squeezed one of her big tits, feeling the soft yet firm flesh between my fingers. “You’re going to love him and do whatever he wants, no matter how disgusting, for as long as he wants you.”

“Yes, yes,” she gasped. “My Chris.” Her cunt spasmed on my cock and she bucked against me, Fuck, just the idea of being some guy’s sex slave as enough to send this whore into an orgasm. “I can’t wait to meet my Chris!” she moaned.

“Chris will come today and you’re going to go with him because you belong to him now.”

“Yes, yes, I’m all his,” she panted.

I left Velvet panting on the floor of the coffee stand, my cum oozing out of her cunt, wearing only a single pastie. She was a nice fuck, Chris was going to enjoy her. I pulled out my phone and sent him a text message to come on down and collect his slave. “She’s wet and ready for you, buddy. *-)”


When I woke up this morning, Mark was already gone. He seemed to like to wake up early. I, on the other hand, hated waking up early. I used to have to wake up 4 AM for my job at Starbucks. Lucky for me, I met Mark and didn’t have to work at that shitty job anymore.

My pussy was still wet from this amazing sex dream I had. Both my sisters were in it and they were so beautiful, nude and pressing against me. They caressed me and I caressed them. Maybe sleeping with my sisters could be something magical and beautiful and not something I needed to worry about.

I reluctantly crawled out of bed and pulled on my pink, silk robe, loving how cool and sleek the fabric felt on my body. Downstairs, I found some of the sluts eating a breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes. All the sluts were there, save the three with jobs: our reporter, Jessica; our FBI Agent, Noel; and Willow, our doctor.

Korina was looking better, her arm still in a sling from when Chasity shot her on Monday night. At the time, Korina was being controlled by a nun and was about to brain Mark with a rolling pin when Korina shot her. Desiree also had gotten shot by Chasity, and I used my second boon from Lilith to save her life.

As I ate my breakfast I gave the sluts their orders for the day. The house needed to be spotless, my dad and sisters were coming for dinner tonight, along with their boyfriends. My family was eager to meet Mark. Apparently, none of them ever liked Mike and were glad that I had found someone better. After dinner, I planed on seducing one of my sisters. It was part of a spell that would allow me to stop Nuns.

I was nervous. I wasn’t sure if I could actually sleep with my sisters, but that dream was giving me second thoughts. Maybe Shannon, she was always bullying me when we were children. I wouldn’t mind getting a little bit of payback. But Missy was just a sweetheart, the baby of the family. I shared a bedroom with her since I was four and we used to share everything. I smiled at a nasty thought, we could share each other’s bodies, now. I licked my lips, maybe I should have both. I smiled, what a naughty thought and then I realized I was actually looking forward to having Shannon and Missy naked in my bed.

Damn, I was turning into one kinky girl. What next, would I be fucking my dad? No. I shook my head. That was a little too much. Mark had made me into a sex crazed woman, not that I was complaining, but sleeping with my dad … well that was a line I just wouldn’t cross. I wasn’t kinky enough to do that.

Yet, a voice whispered inside me, and I wiggled in my chair as a trickle of pussy juices leaked out.

“Desiree, you have the shopping list?” I asked, dragging my thoughts out of the gutter.

“Yes, mi Reina, I was just about to leave,” Desiree answered.

Karen, the former nun, suddenly bolted from the table and went running out of the room. I followed her, concerned, and saw her disappear into the bathroom. I looked inside and then looked away. Karen was retching into the toilet and I couldn’t watch that. Just knowing she was doing it was enough to make my stomach queasy. What was wrong with the girl? She had been throwing up for the last several mornings.

“You okay?” I asked.

“Yes, Mistress,” Karen answered, washing her mouth. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“You’re not pregnant, right?” I wondered. “Is this morning sickness?”

“Nuns don’t get pregnant,” Karen answered. “It’s one of the gifts we’re given, since we may have to have unprotected sex. So, it would have to be since Lilith stripped my powers. And if Master has impregnated me, its far to early for morning sickness to develop. I mean, it hasn’t even been a week, yet since he first fucked me.”

I nodded. “Okay, well if you’re feeling better.” I motioned her to follow and we returned to the dining room. I sat down and ate a piece of my pancake, then continued with my orders, “Tonight, only Fiona, Thamina, and Desiree are to remain.” Desiree had to stay because she was the cook. The other two I just picked at random. It didn’t really matter which sluts stayed, they were all beautiful. “You three need to get some less slutty maid outfits to wear. The rest of you sluts will go next door while my family is here. The Laytons are supposed to move out today. Order pizza and do whatever you want.”

“Yes, Mistress,” the sluts answered back. It sent a naughty thrill through me, all these sluts obeying me.

“Allison, Karen, and Xiu, we’re going to go see a florist and several caters for the wedding.”

“Mistress, I have that doctor’s appointment today,” Xiu, the former Asian waitress, said. “But I’ll be more than happy to cancel.”

“Oh, sure, go to the doctor. Violet, you’ll come instead.” I didn’t really care which sluts came. I just wanted some company and some second opinions on flower arrangements and food and whatnots.

Teenaged Violet beamed at me. “Oh, thank you, Mistress.”

The three I chose went upstairs to change while the other sluts began cleaning the house. I went upstairs to take a quick shower and then I dug through my underwear drawer, finding a red thong and pulling it over my hips. Next, I pulled on a pair of cute, skinny jeans with scroll-work tracings on the rear pockets that really made my ass look nice. Lastly, I put on purple halter top that didn’t quite reach the waist of my jeans and left the back of my thong visible. I fished out some lip gloss from my purse, peach flavored, and smeared it on my lips.

The sluts were waiting for me, dressed. All three were giggling and excited to go out. Teenage Allison, our first slut, was wearing a similar pair of skinny jeans to the ones I wore, a blue thong on display, and a flower printed belly shirt draped her breasts. Violet, our other teenage slut, had white knee socks and a pleated, green skirt. For a top she was wearing a green bikini.

“Are you wearing the bottoms?” I asked her when I noticed her top. Violet grinned and flipped up her skirt exposing her tight, naked ass. I reached out and squeezed her cheek. “Naughty slut,” I laughed, wickedly.

Karen was wearing tight, lycra shorts, hot pink, with the word “Slut!” printed in sparkly red letters on her ass and a hot pink, matching halter top, that had “Nice Tatas!” written in red sparkles. She was definitely a slut, I thought, licking my lips, and had some nice tatas.

“Let’s go, sluts,” I ordered.

We piled into my cute Eos. Karen was entrusted with the GPS. I wasn’t that familiar with South Hill and I had no idea where some of these places were. At the florist we settled on a color theme for the flowers: white and pink with purple for a splash of vibrancy. My bouquet would be made up of white daisy’s and snapdragons, pink orchids, and a few deep purple anemone. The same flowers would be placed in vases lining the aisle and for smaller arrangements at the tables.

Next, we headed to the caterers and ate some delicious food. One had these delicious squabs that I absolutely loved and while the other cater had pumpkin ravioli. I was leaning towards the squab. I got to-go boxes from both for Mark to try later and see what he liked. Then we were off to the bakery to order the cake. A triple layered, white cake decorated with pink, frosting flowers, and little figures of Mark and I perched atop the cake beneath a white arch. It was going to be so beautiful.

When we got home, around two in the afternoon, I was tired. Mark was going to have to make it up to me for doing all the legwork for our wedding. He still wasn’t back yet. He must be still having fun at the High School looking for our virgins. The horny jackass probably found them right away and then got carried away and popped their cherries. And then spent the whole day fucking through the student body.

I sat down on the couch in the living room and kicked off my heels. Thamina, our nurse slut, was cleaning in the living room, naked, her dusky skin was so beautiful, a beautiful coffee-cream color. Her breasts were round, perfect handfuls topped by dark nipples. Her cunt had been waxed, leaving only a V of black hair that pointed to the top of her slit. Her dark hair was covered by a colorful headscarf, a vestige of her modest Muslim upbringing.

“I need a foot rub, Thamina,” I said.

“Oh, absolutely, Mistress,” Thamina excitedly answered and knelt down and started to massage my right foot with rigid pressure.

“You’re pretty good at that,” I murmured.

“Oh, thank you, I used to give my husband footrubs,” Thamina replied.

“You’re married?” I asked in surprise.

“He died last year visiting his family in the West Bank,” Thamina answered. “He … he wasn’t a kind man.”

“Sorry, anyways,” I told her and closed my eyes, her hand felt so damn good as she rubbed my sole.

“Its alright, I have you and Master now.”

Her massage felt so good, so relaxing. I needed to get my feet massaged more often. She started to massaging my left foot. “Your toes are so dainty, Mistress.”

I smiled. “I know, they’re so cute.” A thought entered my mind. “Why don’t you suck them.”

I shivered in pleasure as her wet tongue started licking my foot, sliding between my toes and sucking into her mouth like little cocks. Delightful tingles traveled through my body, ending at my pussy and I felt myself starting to moisten. I unsnapped the button on my jeans and slid my hand inside to find my pussy growing wet. I slowly circled my clit, not wanting to cum, just wanting to feel more pleasure as Thamina worshiped my feet with her mouth.

“Let me do that, Mistress,” Xiu said.

I opened my eyes to see the busty Asian beauty sitting down next to me. The splint on her nose was off and her face was no longer swollen. When she had been under the control of Karen, when she was a nun, I had kicked her in the face during the struggle and broken her nose. I was glad to see her beautiful face was back to normal. She most have just got back because she was dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a blue tanktop that clung to her large tits. On Xiu petite frame her tits looked enormous but were actually the same size as Desiree’s.

I pulled my hand out of my pants and Xiu’s deft fingers slid in. Being touched by someone else was always more exciting. I closed my eyes and sighed as Xiu’s fingers roamed about my pussy, stroking my labia, caressing my clitoris, and sliding into my vaginal canal. Thamina continued to lick my toes, a trickle of pleasure that added to the torrent that Xiu was creating in my pussy. I slid my arm under Xiu’s tank top and pushed up her bra, freeing her large tit from the cup. I squeezed her fleshy melon and found the butterfly that dangled from her nipple piercing and gave it a hard pull. Xiu cooed in a pain and pleasure. The slut was a masochist.

I felt Xiu push up my halter top, the fabric rubbing pleasantly on my hard nipples. My perky breasts were exposed to the air and I felt warm breath on my right breast. I gasped and shivered in pleasure as a wet tongue licked my right breast, circling my areola. Wet lips sucked my hard nipple, the lips soft on my sensitive nub. Every time I pulled on her piercing, her moan vibrated on my nipple, adding another delicious feeling to the pleasures my sluts were giving me.

The front door opened and someone entered the living room. I opened my eyes to see Noel, our FBI slut, back from work. She was wearing a reddish-brown pantsuit. Her blonde hair was pinned up in a bun and she pulled it out and her hair spilled about her face in a wild mane. She pulled off her jacket revealing a white blouse and her shoulder harness for her service weapon.

“You’re back early,” I sighed in pleasure, and patted the couch next to me.

Noel sat down, unbuttoning her blouse and exposing her black bra. “I spent the day getting interviewed by OPR,” Noel sighed, tired. “They’re giving Peterson the third degree right now.”

I smiled, Agent Peterson was the asshole that had our door broken down yesterday and sent a whole SWAT team to storm our house. Mark made him give our reporter slut, Jessica, an interview where he made a complete ass of himself, admitting in the interview that Mark wasn’t the bank robber and that his incompetence led to this disastrous raid on an innocent man and his family while they slept. The prick deserved it, and more. I thought being captured by a Nun was scary, but two guys in black pointing sub-machine guns at you while you lay naked in bed is quite terrifying.

“What’s OPR?” I asked.

“Oh, its the Office of Professional Responsibility,” Noel answered. “Its the FBI’s Internal Affairs.”

“Okay, so Peterson’s in trouble?” I asked with a smile.

“Yeah, the evidence against Mark is pretty iron-clad,” Noel informed. “They’ve used facial recognition software to identify him in the security footage from the bank robberies and compared it to his drivers license. OPR can’t understand why Agent Peterson didn’t arrest Mark. They think he was bribed or blackmailed. So, a judge has signed off on wiretap warrants for both your cell phones and the house line. They’re going to start surveilling the house, soon. I won’t be able to keep my cover if I keep coming here. Rumor is an investigator from Organized Crime Unit in New York is flying in to take over the investigation.”

“Okay,” I told her, reaching out and fingering her bra, thinking about what she said. Surveillance will be problematic. “You’ll need to be here Sunday night. We’ll sneak you in a car trunk, I guess.”

Noel pulled out a cell phone. “This is a burner phone,” Noel said. “I’ll use it to communicate with you.”

I stroked her face and pulled her in for a kiss. Her tongue slithered into my mouth and I sucked on it as Xiu fingered me and Thamina sucked my toes. Noel started playing with my left breast, her fingers gently pinched my hard nipple. Xiu’s mouth was sucking hard on my other nipple, her tongue swirling about my nipple.

I broke the kiss, “Noel, you’re our slut and the FBI isn’t going to keep you from us,” I said, holding her chin. “Let us know where the surveillance is and Mark will make sure they don’t report on you.”

“Thank you, Mistress!” Noel blushed and I pulled her in to kiss her sweet lips. This time it was my tongue that invaded her mouth.

My orgasm was building as the three sluts played with my body. The pressure in my womb was building and building, every touch of their tongues, their fingers, added to the pressure. The dam was starting to crumble beneath the sluts assault. My senses were alive, I could feel the fabric of my jeans rubbing on my legs, the velvet of the couch tickling my back. The fresh scent of Noel and Xiu’s jasmine shampoo filled my nose.

“Yeesss!” I howled as the dam burst and my body convulsed as the pleasure flooded my body. “Oh fucking yes!”


I pulled into the driveway of my house. In the backseat of my Mustang sat two high school girls, both virgins. It took me most of the school day to find two girls that still had their hymens at Rogers High School. I had to question, and fuck, quite a lot of girls. Many were virgins but they had broken their hymens with toys, hair brushes, doing sports, riding horses, and even riding a bike in one girl’s case.

I also had found Tom his teenage Asian sex slave. Her name was Hikaru, a beautiful, petite exchange student from Japan that had the thickest, hairiest black bush I’d ever seen, just the way Tom wanted. Tom had picked her up when school got out. The two virgins I’d found were April, a nerdy looking girl with silver glasses, bushy, brown hair and a beautiful face. The other was Felicity, a tall, gangly girl with a nice pair of tits and black hair that was pulled back in a beautiful french braid.

I was going to let Mary choose which girl she got to deflower. Both were beautiful, but April had those sexy glasses going for her, so I hoped Mary would choose Felicity. The girls were nervous when they got out of the car. They both knew they were here to lose their virginities. I reached out and grasped a hand from both girls. Their hands were slim and sweaty and I led the virgin teenagers into the house.

“Mare!” I called. “I’m home, where are you?”

“Living room,” Mary answered and I led the virgins deeper into the house.

Mary sat, disheveled, on the couch. On one side of her Xiu was snuggled against her and on the other side was Noel. Mary’s shirt was rolled up over her breasts and her nipples were hard, the right one wet with spit. Her jeans were unbuttoned and Xiu’s hand glistened, resting on Mary’s stomach. Thamina was kneeling naked on the floor, rubbing Mary’s dainty feet.

“They’re naked!” gasped April and she covered her glasses with her free hand.

Felicity smiled, nervous, and looked at Mary. “You are so beautiful,” she whispered in awe.

Mary purred, “So are you.” Mary stood up, and pulled off her shirt the rest of the way, her perky breasts swayed as she walked over. “Don’t be rude, hun, introduce us.”

“This is Felicity and the one with glasses is April,” I said. “Girl’s this is Mary. Why don’t you both give her a kiss.”

Beat red, April removed her hands from her eyes and bent in, looking to do a quick peck, but Mary had other ideas, pulling the girl tight against her and giving her a hard kiss with plenty of tongue that left the nerdy girl breathless. Felicity had an excited grin on her face and eagerly kissed Mary and playfully stuck her tongue into Mary’s mouth.

“I’m going to pop your cherry,” Mary told Felicity when she broke the kiss, squeezing the girls ass through her jeans. And that left me with cute, nerdy April.

We took our virgins upstairs, leading them by the hand, to our bedroom. April was the more nervous of the two girls and was shaking in fear, in anticipation, her breath coming ragged and fast. I stroked her bushy brown hair and cupped her pretty face and kissed her gently on the lips. Her body trembled against mine as her lips surrendered to my tongue. I tasted her apricot lip gloss and the fresh flavor of her mouth.

Mary was being more aggressive than I was. She pushed Felicity back onto the bed and crawled over her, dressed only in her tight jeans. Mary laid on top of the teenager and the pair passionately made out. Mary had her hand underneath Felicity’s My Little Pony t-shirt and was pawing at her breasts while Felicity’s hands roamed Mary’s supple back.

I broke the kiss, April’s eyes wide with awakened passion, her cheeks crimson. I caressed her cheek and whispered, “Undress me.”

Her hands, trembling, grabbed the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it over my head. Her hands caressed my chest. The fat had almost melted away and her hands played with my chest hair. Her hands traced down my body, reaching my pants. She popped the button and the zipper slowly slid down with a metal rasp. I stepped out of my pants as she slid them down my legs and then she grabbed my blue boxers and slid them out.

My hard cock popped out and bounced in front of her face. She gasped in surprise, her breath warm on my cock. I saw her tongue lick her lips. “It so big,” she whispered, fearfully. “That’s going to go … in me?”

“Your pussy will stretch,” I told her. “Why don’t you lick it.”

I shuddered as her timid tongue licked the shaft and grazed the sensitive tip. Her tongue licked over and over, like a cute kitten. On the bed, Mary was pushing up Felicity’s t-shirt, exposing her nice breasts cupped in a lilac bra. I watched my fiancee strip the blushing teenager bare, exposing her breasts topped with mauve nipples that Mary just couldn’t resist sucking into her mouth. April’s licks became more confident, more aggressive, her lips started kissing the head after every lick, and then I was inside her warm, wet mouth as she sucked me in.

Her teeth grazed my head and I winced. “Watch the teeth.”

“Sorry,” she apologized. This time she kept her mouth open wider when she sucked me in.

Mary was sliding down the bed, kissing Felicity’s flat stomach and began pulling off the teen’s blue jeans. Finally, Mary pulled off the girl’s lilac panties. Felicity flushed and covered her pussy and black pubic hair with her hands. Mary grabbed one hand pulled it away, kissing the palm, and set it at Felicity’s side. Breathing in deeply, Felicity moved her other hand away in submission.

When Mary spread the virgin teen’s thighs and exposed her tight slit, her lips parted slightly to reveal her pink depths, surrounded by a forest of black hair. The sight of Felicity’s virgin cunt was so beautiful, I felt my balls tightened and I came, hard, in April’s mouth. April gasped in surprise, releasing my cock and two more spurts of cum splashed her surprised face, staining her glasses. She stared up at me, in surprise, her tongue licking salty cum off her lips.

“Oh wow!” moaned Felicity as Mary’s tongue licked up her virgin slit. “Oh my god, that feels amazing!” Mary was lapping harder at Felicity’s cunt as the teen writhed on the bed in pleasure.

I grabbed April and pulled her to her feet. “You look so sexy with my cum on your face,” I told her.

“Thank you,” she flushed.

I grabbed the hem of April’s baggy, white shirt and pulled it over her head exposing her tiny breasts clad in a plain, boring white bra. I reached behind her and deftly unhooked her bra and her beautiful, small breasts were free, topped with large, dark nipples. Her nipples were hard as rocks and I reached out and pinched one and she trembled in pleasure. I slid my hand down her thin waist and found the zipper to her green skirt. Her panties were as boring and plain as her bra. I could see a damp spot on her crotch.

“Did sucking my cock make you wet?”

She nodded. “It was so … so dirty,” she giggled.

I pulled off her panties exposing her bushy brown hair covering her puffy pussy lips. Her fragrance was tangy and fresh and her hairs were matted with her passion. “Beg me to pop your cherry.”

“Please, take my virginity,” April begged, lust thickening her voice. “I … I want to be a women.”

“Are you on the pill?” Her lip trembled as she shook her head. I smiled, “Don’t sleep with another guy until you have your period and if you get pregnant, you’ll get the honor of baring my child.”

A tremulous smile creased her cum-stained lips as I pushed her back. Her legs touched the bed and she fell back next to Felicity. Felicity turned to April and kissed her, tasting my cum and the two virgin’s entwined their hands. Mary’s face was buried in Felicity’s snatch, furiously eating the girls cunt. I felt my cock harden and I stared at April’s brown furred muff.

I licked my lips and joined Mary, eating my virgin’s cunt. April gave a muffled gasp as my tongue slid up her tight slit and flicked her hard clit. Felicity leaned over and kissed April on the lips, her tongue shoved in April’s mouth. I delighted in the tangy, fresh flavor of April’s cunt, her pussy hairs tickling my lips as my tongue wiggled into her tight depths. I found the thin membrane of her maidenhead and pulled back, to scared to accidentally break it before I was ready. I concentrated on her clit, sucking it into my mouth and caressing the little pearl with my tongue.

“Cum with me,” Felicity urged April. “Please, cum with me!”

“Yes!” April gasped. “I’m going to orgasm! Oh, geez, this is so much better than rubbing on my pillow!”

Fresh juices flooded my mouth as both girls writhed on the bed as their first orgasm from a partner rolled through their bodies. I took one last lick with my tongue, enjoying one last taste of virgin cunt, before I rose up. Both virgins were flushed and wet and ready to have their cherries popped. April smiled at me, eager and shy all at the same time. Her large nipples were hard and sweat rolled down her breasts.

Mary stood up, face smeared with Felicity’s love juices. I pulled her to me and we kissed and I tasted tart and spicy pussy and Mary tasted tangy and fresh. “Help me with my strap-on, hun,” Mary said, when I broke the kiss.

I helped her slide the black, leather harness up her legs and positioned a fleshy dildo that was a little smaller than my cock. It wasn’t the big one she used to rape Karen back when we were punishing her earlier this week. I adjusted the straps and made sure the dildo was rubbing her little clit so she got as much pleasure as Felicity was about to get.

Both girls spread their legs, their virgin pussies glinting pink beneath their pubic hair. I mounted April and Mary mounted Felicity. I guided the head of my cock to her wet, aroused pussy, rubbing on her silky lips. April bit her lower lip and I looked into her blue eyes and slid my cock into her tight hole until I felt that thin membrane, the evidence of her innocents. When I broke her cherry and uttered the words Bathuwlah I would cast a spell and make myself immune to STDs. The girl’s stolen innocence would armor me.

I looked over at Mary and she had the tip of her strap-on in Felicity’s eager cunt and Mary smiled excitedly at me. Together, we intoned, “Bathuwlah!” and thrust forward, and I felt the membrane start to give beneath the force of my thrust. April gasped in pain as her hymen tore before the press of my cock, parting like cheesecloth, and I buried my dick halfway into her no longer virgin cunt. Energy seemed to be flowing from April’s cunt into my cock, spreading through my body, a tingle like static electricity. It took two more thrusts to bury my cock fully into her very tight pussy while April was groaning in pain.

I looked down at where our genitals met, and saw pinkish fluids coating my cock. As I drew back my cock, I rubbed my left index finger against her hard little clit and then slowly thrust in again, starting a slow, steady fuck. I grasped her nipple with my right hand and started playing with the turgid nub. Beside us, Mary was fucking Felicity slow and hard. The two women’s breasts were mashed together, nipples sliding about as the women were locked in a passionate kiss. Felicity’s limbs were wrapped around Mary, her arms around Mary’s back, her legs about Mary’s waist.

April’s cunt started to feel slicker and her moans became more pleasurable. She tried to kiss me, but I turned my head and her cum stained lips brushed my cheek. Her hands roamed my chest, stroking my nipples, playing with my chest hair, and rubbing my stomach. I picked up the pace of my fucking and April started to move her hips as the pleasure grew and grew inside her. Her cunt was hugging my cock tightly, every thrust increased the pleasure I felt. The tightness in my balls increased and I held off cumming, gritting my teeth. I want the little ex-virgin to have her first cum from a cock fucking her.

“Your cunt feel so tight,” I whispered to her. “So god damn tight!”

“I like … oh my … I like the feel of you inside me,” she panted back.

“Say it,” I whispered.

“Your penis, I like your p-penis. Inside me,” she whispered, flushing and her cunt tightened on my cock.

“That’s not what it’s called,” I urged. “My cock is in your slutty pussy.”

“Yes!” she gasped. “I love your c-cock in my … oh … my p-pussy! Oh, it feels so nice! Yes, yes!”

April’s cunt began to convulse on my dick and her entire body trembled beneath me as she experienced her first orgasm as a woman. I fucked her hard, slamming my cock into her loving depths three more times, striving to reach that point where the dam in my balls burst and cum would flood her once innocent cunt. I groaned, slamming in one more time and there it was, the pleasure released from my balls and flowed out and dumped into her teenage pussy.

“Wow,” she breathed as I rested atop her. “That was … nice.” She smiled.

“Yes, yes, yes, oh God yes!” Felicity was chanting next to us and we watched Mary pounding the hell out of Felicity’s cunt. I was so into fucking my virgin I didn’t even notice that Mary had flipped Felicity on her stomach and slid a pillow underneath her, elevating her ass, so she could fuck her hard from behind. Felicity’s perky ass jiggled every time Mary bottomed out in her cunt. Felicity’s face was turned towards me and her eyes were squeezed shut and her mouth open as she moaned in pleasure.

“You fucking whore,” Mary groaned, as she fucked her hard. “Oh, you’re going to make me cum, you fucking whore!”

“Yes, yes, yes, cum!” Felicity gasped. “Oh yes, yes, let’s cum together! Let’s cum!”

“Fucking whore!” Mary panted, her breasts bouncing up and down from the force of her fucking. “Oh fuck!”

“I’m cumming!” Felicity gasped as she writhed beneath Mary. “Holy shit, this is amazing!”

“You sweet fucking whore!” Mary yelled and collapsed on top of Felicity, trembling as her passion over took her. Mary rested her head on Felicity’s back and smiled at me, her face drenched in sweat.

“Thank you,” Felicity whispered. “That felt so good.”

“Wait till you have a real cock up your cunt,” Mary whispered back. “It feel so much better.”

“Really?” Felicity asked, wide eyed.

“Sure, let’s find out,” Mary said and pulled her strap-on out. “We’re switching partners.”

“Absolutely,” I said, reaching out to fondle Felicity’s pert ass. I rolled off of April, my cock slick with cunt juices and blood. “Ride me.”

“Like a cowgirl?” Felicity asked. “That’s what its called, right.”

“Yeah,” I said.

Mary walked over to April’s side of the bed and rubbed her cunt. “Oh please, I’m sore,” April murmured.

“Then roll over,” Mary said. “You have another hole.”

April looked puzzled for a moment and flushed. “You mean my … butthole?”

“Oh yeah, babe,” Mary said. “I’m going to ream your pretty little tushie and you’re going to scream in pleasure while I do it.”

Felicity was straddling my waist as April rolled over. Mary placed a pillow beneath April’s stomach, raising her ass up. Then, Mary leaned over and started reaming her asshole with her tongue, swirling around April’s rosebud. Mary wiggled her tongue past the tight ring and into virgin ass, then started to work a finger in. Felicity was struggling to get my cock in her cunt, taking a few tries before she lined everything up and sank down, slowly, onto my cock.

“Oh wow, you’re bigger than the dildo,” she gasped as her tight cunt engulfed my cock.

“Keep going,” I urged, closing my eyes as pleasure rolled through my body. “Swallow my dick with your hungry cunt!” Her cunt slid lower and lower down my shaft and until her clit was rubbing against the forest of my pubic hair and she raised herself up and slowly lowered herself down again. It was such a sweet torture as she slowly rode me.

“Oh my gosh,” April gasped as Mary fingered her ass. “That feels … good!” She sounded surprise.

“Told you, babe,” Mary cooed, slipping a second finger into her tight ass, “you’ll be howling in delight when I’m fucking your ass.”

Mary was starting to fuck April’s ass with her fingers faster and faster as the nerdy sluts asshole grew more and more used to her fingers. Felicity was starting to pick up the pace, too, as her cunt began to get hotter and hotter as my cock deliciously stretched her sensitive cuntal walls. I reached up and cupped one of her breasts and squeezed it. Her breasts were bigger than Mary’s, with tiny, mauve nipples that my fingers found and caressed. Her cunt tighten on my cock as I played with her nipples and a low moan escaped her lips.

“Don’t stop,” April moaned as Mary pulled out her fingers.

“It’s time for something bigger, babe,” Mary answered, moving atop the girl and maneuvering the dildo to the tight entrance of her asshole.

“Oh jeez,” April gasped as Mary pushed the dildo slowly into her ass. “You’re going to rip me apart!”

“Shh, relaxes,” Mary whispered, stroking the girls back. “Just relax and let my cock slip into your tight depths.” April moaned as the dildo sank deeper and deeper into her bowels. “There we are, see, I’m all the way in.”

“Oh wow, this feels so strange,” April panted as Mary started to pull out and then slid slowly in. Mary started to fuck her slightly faster every time she pulled out.

“Oh my god!” Felicity was moaning, “Your cock is so amazing in my cunt. It’s warm and twitches. Oh wow, I can feel the head and the shaft inside me. Fuck this is so awesome. Why did I wait so long to do this!”

“Are you on the pill?” I asked her.

“No,” Felicity answered, then her eyes widened in alarm and she stopped fucking me. “Oh fuck, you’re not wearing a condom.”

“Keep fucking,” I ordered and she immediately started fucking me again, going faster. “Isn’t it exciting. My sperm will soon be inside you, swimming their way to your womb. Maybe there will be a cute little egg for my little troopers to breach. Would you like that? Would you like to have my baby growing in your belly?”

“Yes!” she purred. “Oh, knock me up! Fill my belly with your baby!”

Her cunt tightened hard on my back and she arched her back in pleasure, thrusting her breasts forward and slamming all the way down on my cock. She howled wordlessly as her passion exploded through her. I could feel the power of her orgasm on my dick and answered with a load of fertile sperm.

“Ohh, I think I’m going to exploded?” April moaned next to us as Mary pounded her ass. “Oh jeez, oh jeez that’s great! Keep going! Yes, yes, holy crap! I’m going to cum! Yes, yes! Oh, fricking yes!” April howled and hugged a pillow as her orgasm exploded inside her.

Mary kept fucking her, grinding her clit against the dildo every time it bottomed out in the nerd’s ass. Mary grabbed her bushy hair, pulling her face up and kissing the girl on the lips, licking my dried cum from her cheek and howled her own passion into the girl’s ear before collapsing on top of her. Mary rolled off and snuggled up next to me, the wet dildo rubbing on my leg.

“You girls go find Thamina and tell her to take you home,” I ordered. “And remember, neither of you can fuck a guy until you’ve had your period.”

“Yes, Mark,” April pouted. Felicity sighed and got off me, my dick popping out of her cum filled cunt with a wet plop.

Mary unstrapped the dildo and tossed it to the floor and I stroked her hair and kissed her on the lips. The former virgins got dressed. Both seemed taken aback by being so abruptly kicked out. But Mary and I got what we wanted from them, so it was time for them to go. April looked sadly at me, the little slut had fallen in love with me. Well, she needed to learn that love and sex weren’t the same thing. Dressed, the two girls slipped out of the room.

“How was your day?” I asked, stroking her side. Mary was pressed up against me, her breasts and head on my chest.

“Long,” she sighed, and then pinched my side. “You’re coming with me for wedding stuff from now on,” Mary complained. “Or at least, you don’t get to fuck your way through a high school while I’m doing it.”

“I didn’t fuck my way through the entire high school,” I replied. “Although, there was a gym class.”

Mary shook her head laughed. “That’s my randy stallion.” She sighed. “But, you are going to help with the wedding plans, okay?”

“Yeah, of course, Mare.”

She kissed me. “Good. I have some samples from the caterers for you to try, I want to know which one you like best.”

“Sure. Why was Noel here so early?”

“The FBI isn’t buying what we told Peterson,” Mary answered “He’s in a lot of trouble. Noel says they’re sending an Organized Crime agent to run things and bugging our phones. They’re going to setup surveillance on us.”

“Okay, nothing we can’t handle,” I told her, stroking her hair. Then I slid my hand lower, down her back and reached plump ass, tracing a circle on her cheek. “I can’t wait to meet your family.”

“You mean you can’t wait to see me fuck my sisters,” Mary said with a naughty smile. “I’m kinda looking forward to it, too.”

“I thought you were nervous about it.”

“I had the hottest dream last night,” Mary said. “I was making love to my sisters. They were so beautiful, naked and wet, and we gave each other so much pleasure.”

“Sounds nice,” I said. “I can’t wait to see that.”

“I bet you can’t wait to fuck them,” Mary giggled.

“Yeah, I’d love that.” Mary kissed me. “We’ll see,” she said with a naughty smile.

We kissed some more. “When do you think Chantelle and Lana will get back?” Mary asked. “I thought they’d be back by now. You did tell them to return today?”

“I thought I did,” I said, thinking. “I was pretty drunk that night, it’s kind of a blur.”

Mary grabbed her phone and sent one of them a text and we went back to cuddling. “I need you to make a guest list,” Mary told me. “So we can start getting invitations mailed out. Buy Monday.” I kissed her hand. “Sure, Mare.”

Mary’s phone chirped and she read the text message. “Chantelle says, ‘I thought it was next Friday. Master said we could enjoy the rest of our honeymoon and we still have another week.’ Is that what you said, Mark?”

“I guess I did,” I answered with a shrug. “Tell them they have to be back by noon next Friday.”

“Oh, I almost forgot, Alice called, Monday at 3 pm in Seattle we have an appointment with the investment group that owns the empty lot,” Mary said. There was a big empty lot behind cul-de-sac our house was on that was supposed to be a housing development before the recession. We were going to buy it and build a huge mansion there.

I tensed at the mention of Alice. She was Mary’s friend or lover. I still wasn’t sure. Mary said they were friends, but they would spend hours making love in a hotel. I met Alice yesterday and she was clearly in love with Mary and jealous of me. Ironically, I was a little jealous of her.

Mary felt me tensed and asked, “What, didn’t you like Alice? I thought you two hit it off.”

I blinked. Really, did she not notice Alice glare daggers at me. If looks could kill, Alice would have blown my head off with the intensity of her gaze. “I … I don’t think she likes me,” I told her. “She seemed jealous when you were with me.”

Mary frowned. “Why would she be jealous. You’re my fiancee? Are you sure you were just imagining things?” I was pretty sure I wasn’t. Mary continued, “Her husband isn’t giving her any attention, so I’m just helping my friend out. There’s nothing between us but friendship and some great sex.”

“Maybe it was my imagination,” I lied. I wasn’t in the mood to fight. I was in the mood to have some great sex with my fiancee, though. I pulled her face up and kissed her on the lips. “I love you, my beautiful filly,” I whispered. Her loving smile begged to be kissed again.

Her tongue slipped into my mouth as the passion of our kiss grew. My cock was hardening as I stroked Mary’s side, sliding up to her perky breast, playing with her hard nipple. I broke the kiss. “I realized I haven’t made love to my beautiful fiancee, today.”

“Ohh, maybe you should fix that,” Mary panted. “She’s still a little angry about having to work on our wedding while you were off having fun.”

I kissed her neck, and down to her breasts and sucked her nipple into my mouth, gently nipping it with my tongue. “I’m so sorry,” I whispered, sucking in her other nipple. “I am I making it better?”

“Maybe,” she grinned. “If you go lower.”

I kissed down her flat stomach, pausing to tongue her bellybutton. Mary giggled and squirmed as my tongue swirled around her ticklish belly. Then I kissed lower, rubbing my face through her silky pubic hair, shaped as a fiery heart. I could smell her arousal, sweet and spicy, and I moved lower between her spread thighs.

Mary shuddered as I licked up her slit. “Hmm, yes, I think I’m starting to forgive you,” she moaned as my tongue swiped up her pussy a second time. Then I sucked her labia into my mouth, my tongue exploring her sensitize lips. I spread her labia open, her pink depths glistened with excitement, and I shoved my tongue in, wiggling around her vaginal canal. Her hand gripped my hair, pulling me tight as I ate her cunt.

“Hmm, yes, eat me!” she moaned. “Oh, God I love you, my randy stallion! Suck my clit! Oh please!”

I sucked her clit into my mouth and slowly slid a finger up inside her wet pussy. Her pussy walls sucked eagerly at my finger and I added a second. Mary’s hips were writhing in pleasure and her moans filled my ears. I played with the hard pearl with my tongue, every flick on her clit causing her hips to twist in pleasure. My fingers in her cunt curled upwards, searching for her G-Spot.

“Yes, yes, yes, you’re forgiven!” she cried. “You’re forgiven, just keep doing that! Oh, fuck, yes, you’re making me cum! Yes, yes, you fucking stud!” Her fingers dug painfully into my hair, pulling me hard against her cunt as her back arched in the pleasure of her orgasm.

I lightly kissed her pussy lips as Mary came down from her orgasm, savoring her flavor. Her soft thighs pressed against the side of my head and kissed those as well. Finally, Mary sat up on her arms, smiling.

“I want my stallion in me,” she purred. “I need that big cock filling me up. I haven’t had a dick in me all day. My poor, little cunny is all sad and lonely.” She glanced at the clock. “We have over an hour before we need to get ready and I want your cock in me the whole time.”

I smiled and crawled up her body. “Your stallion’s more than happy to feed your naughty little cunny all the cock it needs.” I squeezed her ass. “And your hungry asshole, too.”


“Theodora, I just heard about this great bar,” Antsy giggled to me as she entered the hotel room.

Antsy wasn’t her real name, it was a shorten form of Samantha. Her father called her that because she could never sit still. “Dad always said, ‘The girl’s got ants in her pants.’ And that’s how I got the nickname,” Antsy would explain to everybody she met.

Today, she was wearing a florescent pink bikini that revealed all of her youthful charms. The girl had a nice pair of tits and a great ass. Her body glistened with tanning oils and was starting to turn a rich brown. The girl had just returned from trolling for guys on the Miami beach. And with her body, she wouldn’t have to troll hard.

Last night I had wanted to seduce the girl but she never came back to the hotel room until this morning reeking of stale bear and sex. She had, all giggly, told me all about the guy she hooked up with and how she actually went back to his apartment. “I couldn’t believe I did that,” Antsy had confessed. “I’ve never done a one night stand before. It was so wicked!”

“What’s so great about this bar?” I asked. “You’re nineteen? You can’t drink.”

“They don’t card,” Antsy giggled. “At least that’s what this cute guy, I think his name was Keith or was it Kyle?” She shrugged. “Anyways, do you want to come with me. Keith said he’d be there and I bet we could find a guy for you.”

I bet if we found a cute guy and I offered to have a threesome with them she’d jump at it and it would give me the opportunity to perform the Prayer of Avvah on the girl and make her a trap for her brother. Antsy was sister to Mark, the Warlock that I was tasked with defeating. Once Mark was exorcised, I could rescue Sister Louise from him. Sister Louise had been the first nun to try and defeat Mark, but thanks to the demoness Lilith’s interference, Mark had prevailed.

Mark’s lover, another Warlock, had summoned the Demoness Lilith and made my job much more difficult. And that’s where Antsy would come in. According to the Angel Ramiel, Mark would need to sleep with his sister as part of some dark magic. When Mark slept with Antsy, the Prayer of Avvah would make the pair obsessed with each other and destroy Mark’s relationship with his lover. Once they were separated, they would be much easier to handle.

“I’d love to come to the bar with you,” I replied. “Maybe we could find a guy and take him back here and fuck him together.”

“What, like a threesome?” Antsy asked, blushing.

“Sure, they can be a lot of fun,” I said as sexily as possible.

She frowned. “I guess that could be interesting. I’ve never been with a woman before, I’m not sure …”

“Oh, girl, don’t worry, we’ll be with a guy,” I lied. “It’s not like we’re going to fool around with each other.”

“Oh, okay,” she brightened. “I guess it could be fun. Besides, imagine the look on any guy’s face when he finds out he gets to fuck two beautiful women.”

I laughed with her. Once you’re drunk Antsy and all horny in bed with a guy, you won’t care that a woman’s caressing you. You’ll be putty in my hands.

To be continued …

Click here for Chapter 19

The Devil’s Pact Side-Story: The D&D Game



The Devil’s Pact

Side-Story: The D&D Group

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Male/Teen female, Female/Females, Males/Female, Mind Control, Male Masturbation, Anal, Oral, Orgy

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Note: This takes place between Chapter 17 andChapter 18 when Mark hosts his D&D Game. Takes place at the same time as Mary and Diane Go Clubbing Side-Story.

I left Quatch making out with Willow and headed to answer the door. Tonight, I was going to play D&D with the same group of guys I had been playing with since I was fifteen. We had all met in the WOTC store in the South Hill Mall, back when there were still Wizard of the Coast stores. The store had been running a game and we all played in it. We had been gaming together ever since.

We usually got together every Thursday night to play. Of course, I blew them off last Thursday. I was having too much fun with my powers, not to mention I just met Mary. I had fallen head over heals in love with the woman practically on first sight. The guys weren’t pleased that I had blown off the game and I was looking to make it up to them.

I was going to let each guy pick a slut to be his personal slave for the evening. To pour drinks, fetch food, and to perform sexually for the guy. I had already settled on Violet to be my personal slave for the night. Violet had been a virgin when I took her and I didn’t want any other cock to ever be up in her cunt for the rest of her life.

Quatch, the DM, had arrived first and selected Willow, our newest sex slave, for his Personal Attendant. Quatch was a big, hairy guy, hence his nickname, Quatch. Short for Sasquatch because he is so hairy that he must be cousin to one. I didn’t know his real name. It may have been James or John. Or maybe Jeff. I was pretty sure it started with a J. I should know it, he’s my best friend, but everyone calls him Quatch, even his mom.

I answered the door and saw Karl. He was the skinniest guy I’ve ever met. The guy looked as thin as post, his cheeks sunken. I would swear he was a crack addict, but he never seemed high when I was around him. And the guy could eat, it was disgusting how he could put more food away then I could. Behind him, was Tom getting out of his car. Tom was a fat guy with a long ponytail of brown hair.

“Hey, man,” Karl said, shaking my hand. “Killer house. How the fuck did you swing this?”

“I won a poker tournament,” I said. “Hey, Tom.”

“Hey,” he grunted. Tom was a man of few words most of the time. But he really got into roleplaying his characters and could be a down right chatterbox if he was playing the right character.

I led Tom and Karl inside. Quatch was sitting in a recliner getting blown by Willow. His head was thrown back and his mouth wide in amazement and he had a fistful of her raven-black hair. “Holy shit,” Tom muttered.

“You runnin’ a brothel, Mark?” Karl gaped.

“These are my sex slaves,” I said. “They do whatever me our my fiancee wants.”

“Fiancee?” Tom asked.

“Yeah, I’m getting married in a month,” I said. “I want you guys to be my groomsmen and Quatch, I was hopping you could be my best man.”

“Shit, I’ll fucking do whatever you want!” he moaned. “I haven’t had my dick sucked in two years.”

“Choose a lady,” I told Mat and Karl. “She’ll be your personal slave for the night. She’ll serve
you drinks, fetch you snacks, and do whatever other things you want.”

The doorbell rang again and I went to answer it. Chris was standing there. He was a big guy, in great shape, his hair buzzed short in the ranger haircut. He got out of the army last year, served two tours in Afghanistan. The guy could be on a recruitment poster for the army. He was also the biggest nerd I knew.

“Hey man,” he said, “nice house. I guess the rumors about you robbing a bank must be true!”

I snorted in laughter. “Naw, just a misunderstanding. It’s already been sorted out. I just won a poker tournament at the Emerald Queen in Fife.”

“Congrats, man,” he said, slapping me on the shoulder.

“Come in, the rest of the guys are here,” I said.

“Jesus,” Chris said, stunned when he saw the living room.

Tom had Jessica, reporter for KIRO 7 news, sitting in his lap making out with her while Karl had wasted no time and bent teenage Allison over the couch and was following the instructions tattooed on her body. Above her cunt, Allison had “Cum on in” with an arrow pointing at her cunt and it looked like Karl was eagerly following those instructions.

“Mark’s getting hitched,” Quatch panted.

“No shit?” Chris asked. I nodded and he offered me his hand. We shook, and I said, “Want to be one of my groomsman?”

“Hell ya, man,” Chris answered, then he looked around. “What does your fiancee think of this?”

“She’s upstairs getting ready to go out with her girlfriend,” I answered. “She loves having all these sex slaves.”

I explained the situation and Chris selected Desiree to be his personal attendant and Desiree was pushing him back onto the couch and fishing his cock out and sucked into her mouth. Chris moaned, gripping her black hair and savored the Latina beauty’s blowjob. Jessica was straddling Tom and riding his cock on the recliner while Tom muttered, “Whore,” over and over.

“Holy shit, I’m going to cum!” moaned Quatch and he gripped Willow’s black hair and held her mouth in place as he came.

Willow swallowed his load and licked her lips. “Thank you for cumming in my naughty mouth,” she purred.

“Man, Mark, you’ve got it good.”

“I do,” I said. I dismissed the other sluts and grabbed Violet and she knelt before me and sucked my cock into her hungry lips.

Mary entered the living room, dressed in a sleek, black dress, low cut with a short skirt. Black fishnet stockings covered her slim legs. “Have fun,” she told me as I watched our sluts service my pals and enjoyed Violet’s mouth on my cock

“You too, Mare,” I replied, and watched her ass sway as she walked out of the living room.

“Christ, was that your fiancee?” Quatch asked, his eyes glued to her ass.

“Yeah, she’s the best,” I answered.

“And she doesn’t care that you’re fucking all these women?”

“She fucks them too,” I said.

“Oh, Mistress loves us to suck her cunt,” Willow cooed in Quatch’s ear. “This morning, I sucked Master’s cum out of her pussy while I gave her a gynecological exam.”

“Christ, you’re getting me hard,” Quatch moaned. Willow grinned, and whispered loudly in his ear, “Why don’t you stick that hard cock up my tight snatch and get some relief. You wouldn’t want to develop a nasty cast of blue balls?”

“No I wouldn’t,” Quatch moaned and bent cinnamon-skinned Willow over the chair and started fucking her from behind. “Oh fuck, your cock feels good up my snatch. Almost as good as Master’s! Ohh, harder! Fuck me harder, stud!”

“Oh, Master!” Allison gasped, “he’s filling my slutty cunt with his cum! Oh thank you, thank you! My pussy should always be full of cum!”

Karl was panting as he pulled out of Allison’s cunt. The slut quickly turned around and sucked his softening cock into her mouth, sucking the last of his cum and her cunt juices right off his cock. “Holy shit, I need to get me one of these!”

“Pick a woman and I can take care of it for you,” I said. “None of my sluts, obviously. Or my Mary, but you pick any other woman and I’ll make them hot and bothered for your cock 24/7. They’ll beg you to do whatever filthy fantasy you have.”

“I want to make my bitch of a boss grovel before me,” Karl said.

“Not a problem. She working tomorrow?”

“Yeah, just call down at the restaurant and ask for Julie. She’ll be in by seven to oversee morning prep.”

I nodded my head. “Done.”

Chris looked at me. “You really can do that? ‘Cause there’s this barista I have a thing for. She works the morning shift at the Hot Chick A Latte on Meridian.” Hot Chick A Latte was one of the many bikini baristas that dotted Western Washington. “Her name’s Velvet and she has the hugest tits in the world. I’m mean these things are like G cups. She could just smother my face with them any day of the week.”

“Desiree, why don’t you let Chris feel your tits on his face,” I ordered.

Desiree and Xiu were tied for having the biggest tits amongst the sluts. The Latina stood up, slipping out of her maids outfit, exposing her beautiful, nut-brown breasts and dark, pink nipples. Chris groaned in lust, his cock sticking straight up. Desiree straddled him about the waist and slowly lowered herself on his cock, moaning wantonly as he filled her up. Chris buried his face in Desiree’s large tits and motorboated between them while Desiree slowly slid up and down on his cock.

“Oh yes, suck my tits,” Desiree cooed. “Umm, your cock feels so impressive in my cunt.”

“Oh fuck,” Chris moaned as he switched nipples, sucking Desiree’s dark pink nub into his mouth.

“Shit, gonna cum!” moaned Tom in alarm. “No condom.”

“Don’t worry,” purred Jessica. “I’m on the pill, so just fill my slutty cunt with your cum. Mmhh, yes, it’s so warm inside me, filling me up! Oh yes, you’re making me cum, stud, oh fuck I love hot cum shooting in my snatch.”

Jessica convulsed on Tom and he captured her sensuous lips in a kiss. Her miniskirt had ridden up, exposing her caramel ass. Jessica was biracial, a mix of Asian, Black, and White that gave her skin a beautiful, caramel hue. “Wow,” Tom panted. “Been awhile.”

“Shit, it was my first time,” Karl panted and I blinked. I thought I had been old when I lost my virginity last week, Karl was five years older than me. Allison was bobbing her head rapidly on his cock and I could tell Karl was loving the feel of her tongue piercing pressing hard on his cock as she swirled it about.

“So, sex slaves?” panted Tom. “Keep Jessica?”

“Oh no,” Jessica protested. “I belong to Master, right?” There was a plaintive catch in her voice.

“Yeah, slut,” I said. “You’ll be mine forever.” Jessica sighed in relief. “Tom, any girl that I haven’t claimed is yours.”

“High school student,” Tom declared. “Like whore sucking your cock.”

“Sure, I was planning to go to a High School tomorrow, anyways,” I said. “What’s your pleasure.”

“Petite, Asian, hairy cunt,” Tom grunted. I nodded.

I closed my eyes, trying to enjoy Violet’s blowjob. It had been getting hard with having to answer all my friends questions. Violet had grown quite skilled, her head bobbing rapidly, her cheeks sucking in and out as she pleasured me. And her tongue, sliding about my cock like an agile little snake, increasing my pleasure with every second.

“Here it comes, slut!” I moaned and Violet sucked harder at my cock, eager to taste her master’s cum. I shot three, quick blasts into her mouth and she skillfully swallowed all of my load and sucked harder, coaxing the last morsel of cum out of my cock.

“Thank you, Master,” she breathed when my cock slid out of her mouth.

“I want to cum on your big titties,” Chris panted.

Desiree smiled and slid off his cock and knelt before Chris. She took her big breasts and wrapped them around his cock and slid them between her pillowy breasts, lubed by her pussy juices. She moved her tits up and down as fast as possible and Chris smiled hungrily as he watched Desiree. Then he grunted and his white seed spilled across Desiree’s breasts. Desiree took a finger and swiped up a gob of semen on her finger and sucked into her mouth as Chris watched

“Fuck, you’re one nasty bitch,” Chris whispered.

Quatch was fucking Jessica hard over couch arm. Her cinnamon ass jiggled as he fucked her. Quatch grunted with every stroke, sweat running down his forehead and his face turned beat red. Quatch let out a sound that was like a growl and a shout and buried himself into Willow’s cunt and went rigid. He pulled out, his fat cock and white cum trickled out of her cunt.

“Wow, eh, wow,” Quatch panted. Then he got self conscious and put his cock away. “So, eh, where are we playing. I’ll get set up.” Quatch was our DM, the guy who ran the game, controlled the enemies and NPCs.

Willow grabbed his hand. “Follow me, Quatch,” she said and led him to the dining room.

Karl was fucking Allison’s face like a man’s possessed. He held her face between his hands, keeping her face still, as he reamed her sucking mouth. “Oh, shit, I gonna cum!” he groaned. Allison sucked his cum down her mouth.

“Oh, your cum is so tasty,” cooed Allison, not phased at all by the mouth fucking.

The rest of us headed to the dining room to start playing. Quatch was setting up as Willow stood behind him, cum running down her thighs. Lillian walked in, dressed in a pleated, black skirt, short, and a black half-shirt that left her flat belly bared. Her nipples were poking hard at her shirt. Clutched in her hand was a bag of dice, a players handbook, and her character sheet. Lillian was a goth girl that used to work at Hot Topic, and I was surprised to learn, loved to play D&D.

“This is Lillian,” I introduced, “the new player I was talking about.”

“Hi boys,” Lillian grinned. “I made an Elven bard.”

Quatch nodded. “Yeah, okay, that’ll work.”

“Before we start, Quatch, Tom, Chris, and Karl, you guys don’t have to do what I tell you,” I said. These guys were my friends, I didn’t want to control them. I guess that’s why Mary didn’t want me controlling Alice.

“Yeah, no shit,” Chris said.

Tom just shook his head at me.

“You all right, man?” Quatch asked.

“Yeah,” I replied. “Just had to be said.”

“Whatever, let’s play,” Karl shrugged.

The rest of us got out our characters. I was playing a Gnome illusionist, Chris had an Orc barbarian, Tom was playing an Thri-keen monk, and Karl played an Elven cleric. Quatch started the game, we were in the middle of quest to recover an artifact stolen from Karl’s church. Quatch introduced Lillian’s character as Karl’s sister, here to help him out.

We got through the first encounter, when the pizzas arrived and our slaves went out and got us food and poured us drinks. Chris had pulled Desiree in his lap and had her feed him pizza, her large breasts, covered in dried cum, jiggled as she laughed and licked pizza sauce off his lips. Karl copied Chris, and Allison was having a lot of fun feeding him pizza. I had Violet suck my cock while I ate.

Tom bent Jessica over the corner of the table and looked questioningly at me. “Anal?”

I nodded my head. Jessica giggled, “Uhh, I love a cock up my ass.”

Tom’s cock pushed at her tight ass and Jessica moaned as he slowly slid inside her. “Tight!” Tom grunted and started fucking her.

Quatch stood up and walked over and pulled out his cock and shoved it into Jessica’s face. Jessica eagerly sucked his cock into her mouth. Lillian grabbed Willow and sat her before her on the table. Willow’s cunt was dripping with cum and Lillian grabbed a slice of pizza and ran it through Willow’s cunt and ate the cum covered slice.

“Wow, that’s nasty,” Chris moaned. “Oh shit, she’s eating her pussy.”

Lillian was licking up the cum and pizza sauce staining Willow’s pussy. Chris whispered in Desiree’s ears and she stood up and walked over to the two girls and offered her cum-stained breasts to Willow’s eager lips. Chris stood up and watched the three girls, jerking his cock off furiously. Willow’s cinnamon face rubbed on Desiree’s nut brown tits. Willow was moaning in pleasure as Lillian tongued her pussy.

“Oh my god, that’s so hot!” Chris moaned as he beat his meat.

“Let me do that,” Desiree purred, reaching out and started giving Chris a handjob. “Doesn’t that feel better than doing it yourself?”

“Yeah!” Chris moaned.

Karl was making out with Allison, his hands freeing her breasts from her blouse. “Oh my God, her nipples are pierced.” Karl seemed fascinated with playing with her pierced nipples. He bent his head and sucked one of the nipples into his mouth, playing with the nipple and piercing with his tongue. Allison moved and straddled Karl and deftly fished his cock out of his pants. Karl moaned as Allison sank her sloppy cunt onto his cock.

Willow was cumming on Lillian’s face, Desiree’s hands were furiously pumping at Chris’s cock. “Your hand is amazing,” Chris groaned. “I’m going to spurt!”

His cum shot out out, splashing Desiree’s tit. The sucking blast caught Willow’s hair, cheek and neck, and the third shot landed on Lillian’s head. Lillian rose up and licked cum off Desiree’s tit and then Willow’s neck. Cum staining her lips, she threw her arms around Chris and kissed him on the lips, hard, rubbing her body up against him.

“So, you’re playing my brother?” Lillian asked.

“Yeah,” Chris panted.

“I’ve always wanted to fuck my brother!”

“I’m drained, babe,” Chris said in disappointment.

“Why don’t you eat my cunt and maybe you’ll get a second wind.” Lillian had a smile on her black lips.

Chris pushed her up against the wall and knelt down and started to eat her cunt. Lillian shoved up her shirt, exposing her breasts and played with her nipples. I finished my pizza and pulled Violet up and bent her over the table and shoved my cock up her ass, tight and hot, and fucked her hard while Violet moaned in pleasure. Desiree pushed Willow to the floor and cooed in pleasure as Willow eagerly ate her cunt out.

“I want to fuck her cunt while you fuck her ass,” Quatch muttered, Jessica’s sucking mouth around his cock.

“Sure,” Tom grunted, and pulled out of Jessica’s ass.

Quatch sat on the table and Jessica straddled his waist. “Jesus, her cunt’s wet.”

“Sloppy seconds,” Tom smirked and shoved his cock back up her tight sphincter.

Both buys grunted as Jessica writhed between them. She was loving it, taking a cock up both her wholes, and panted liked a bitch in heat. “Fuck my ass, oh yes! Fuck, that’s a nice cock in my dirty snatch! Yes, boys, fuck me! Fuck me!” Jessica writhed between them as an orgasm rolled through her body. They two guys just kept right on fucking her.

Quatch started squeezing her breasts hard, pinching her nipples. “Fucking whore!” he groaned, eyes closed. “Fucking cockteasing whore!”

I felt my balls tighten as I fucked Violet’s tight ass. Violet was gasping in pleasure and her ass started convulsing on my cock as the little slut came. Her ass was milking my dick and I felt that sweet moment of releases surged through my body and out my dick, filling her ass with a copious load of cum.

Chris got his second wind and rose up, face sticky with Lillian’s cunt juices. “Ohh, that’s a nice cock!” Lillian gasped as he slipped his dick in her wet whole and started fucking her against the wall.

“Cumming!” Tom moaned and buried his cock up Jessica’s ass and shot his load up her ass. He pulled out and stumbled back, panting.

Jessica continued riding Quatch, “Cum in my pussy, stud,” she moaned. “Your friend creamed my ass so cream my pussy!”

“Here it comes, you nasty bitch!” Quatch moaned and grabbed her hips and shoved her down so he bottomed out in her cunt then he grunted and Jessica writhed atop him as her second orgasm was triggered by Quatch’s cum.

Karl was frantically fucking Allison, his face contorted. “Cumming, cumming!” he muttered and flooded Allison hungry cunt. He pulled out, panting. The guys were getting warn out, they didn’t have my devil enhanced sexual stamina. Drinks were downed and more pizza was devoured and we got back to gaming.

After using the bathroom, I found Quatch waiting at the door. “There’s another bathroom upstairs,” I told him. “You didn’t have to wait.”

“Oh, I just wanted to talk to you in private,” Quatch said, nervous. “You said you could make any woman my sex slave.”

“Yeah,” I told him.

He handed me his phone. “My sister’s been staying with me. And she’s a fucking cocktease, prancing around the apartment in her underwear. My dick’s hard all the time.”

“Sure, I’ll make Kim into your slut,” I replied. Kim was a smoking hot girl. I think Quatch got all the hair in his family, because her skin was always silky smooth.

The phone rang and Kim answered, “Hey bro.”

“Kim, from now on, you’re going to be Quatch’s sex slave,” I told her. “You’ll happily do whatever nasty, depraved acts he wants and do it with a smile. You’ll live to please him.”

“Sure,” Kim purred.

I threw the phone to her brother. “So, Kim,” Quatch said nervously. “What did Mark tell you to do.” I couldn’t here her response, but Quatch smiled. “Good, I want you naked and ready to fuck when I get home.” I could just here a throaty laugh over the phone. “Later, bitch!” Quatch smirked and hung.

As the night grew later, the sluts started getting tired and I let them go into the living room to rest. We usually played until two or three in the morning, fueled by mountain dew and energy drinks. Lillian meshed well with the group, just as an intense gamer as the rest of us were. Around one AM, Mary got home.

She walked into the dining room and draped herself across my lap. She reeked of pussy: tangy, spicy, sweet, tart, all the delicious flavors of a woman’s cunt. It was a delightful bouquet and I felt my cock hardened. She kissed me on the lips, slipping her tongue into my mouth.

“Did you have fun?” I asked. “Because you reek of pussy?”

Mary giggled. “I did. I just have to go back to that club again.”

“Let me introduce you,” I said. “Quatch is the big, hairy guy.”


“Because I’m as hairy as Sasquatch,” he said with a grin.

“Karl’s the skinny guy, Chris is the ex-army ranger, and Tom is the quiet one,” I continued. “Quatch is going to be my best man and the others will be my grooms.”

“Nice to meet you,” Mary said. “Are you almost done?”

“Yeah, we’re at the boss,” I said. “A sorcerer-dragon.”

“Ohh,” Mary cooed. “Want to make it interesting?” She had a big grin on her face.

“What are you thinking?” I asked.

“Well, whoever has the killing blow can fuck my pussy,” Mary giggled.

“Shit,” Tom muttered, blinking in surprise.

“You’re Mark’s fiancee, right?” Chris asked in surprise.

“Hey, he can fuck any woman he wants, so I can fuck any guy,” Mary retorted. “It’s only fair. Right, hun.”

She was right, it was only fair. “Yeah, Mare. Fair is fair.” Mary was free to fuck who she wanted, although I preferred if she would just fuck women. But there was something strangely thrilling about watching your women getting fucked by another guy.

“Hey, I’m running the dragon,” Quatch protested. “So, what about me.”

Mary bit her lip. “Well, if you kill all of them, then you can fuck me.”

“Really?” Karl asked, glancing at me. I don’t think he quite believed I would let my beautiful fiancee fuck one of my friends. I nodded at him.

It became a free for all. We stopped cooperating, each of us wanting to be the player to drop the dragon. And Quatch pulled out all the stops. I wasn’t going to accuse him of cheating behind the DM screen, but he had a couple of lucky crits that killed Lillian’s bard. I was badly hurt and asked Karl’s cleric to heal me on his turn. Instead of healing me, Karl attacked and, on the dragon’s next turn, I was killed by its acidic breath weapon.

“Thank, Karl,” I muttered.

“Oh, poor baby,” Mary said, kissing me. “You’ll just have to get sloppy seconds, hun.”

Quatch got a worried look on his face when Chris’s barbarian crit and Tom sent his monk in to finish the dragon. Then he rolled badly: a 3, a 4, and a 1, a fumble. The dragon bit the Thri-keen and knocked him unconscious. Karl’s tactic of not healing his competition was paying off, and on his turn, he stabbed his longsword into the dragon and felled it with a tenth of the damage Chris had just dealt with his crit.

Karl whooped loudly. “All right!” He grabbed his crotch and rubbed his hard dick. “I can’t believe I get to fuck another girl tonight.”

“He lost his virginity to Allison, earlier,” I told her.

“Ohh, how cute,” Mary said, her dress sliding off her body. She was naked save for a black push-up bra which I unhooked for her, spilling out her perky, freckled breasts. Chris gave a cat call and Mary smiled, twirling about for the guys. She was getting off on the attention. Then, she hopped up on the table, knocking over some miniatures and spilling someone’s drink onto the floor. No one cared as Mary spread her legs, exposing her wet pussy and pink hole. “C’mon, I’ve had women all night, I need a dick in me!”

Karl pants came undone and his cock sprang out and he shoved it into Mary’s cunt, hard. He sucked on Mary’s tits, kissed up her neck and cheek. I noticed a hickey on Mary’s neck that she didn’t have when she left for the club. Karl kissed her cheek and tried to kiss her on the lips but Mary turned her head.

“Mark’s the only man that kisses me,” Mary told him.

“Sure,” Karl said, panting as he fucked away.

Quatch was gathering up his stuff. “You’re not going to watch,” Chris asked, stroking his cock lazily.

“Kim,” Quatch said, giving me a meaningful look. I winked at him and hoped he enjoyed his sister. “Later guys,” Quatch farewelled, and left.

Lillian knelt before me and started sucking on my cock. I enjoyed the blowjob and watched my fiancee get fucked by my friend. Karl was gasping as his ass pumped away on top of her. Mary was moaning and then Karl stiffened and flood her cunt with cum. He pulled off of her and I could see disappointment on Mary’s face, she hadn’t cum yet.

Then Tom was there and he just buried his cock up her cunt before anyone could object. Mary’s disappointment faded and she smiled happily and writhed beneath him as he fucked her. Mary turned her head, still smiling happily, her green eyes sparkling with lust. Mary arched her back and as she came beneath Tom, never breaking eye contact with me. I shot my load down Lillian’s mouth as I watched my fiancee orgasming underneath another man. Tom climbed off a moment later and I saw Mary’s pussy gaping and full of cum.

Chris mounted Mary, eager for his turn. “Oh, god it feel so nice inside her pussy,” Chris moaned. “So wet.”

Mary rubbed his chest through his shirt. “Ooh, you’re all muscly,” she purred. “Let me see.”

Chris popped off his shirt, exposing his six-pack abs and muscled pecs.

Mary ran her hands over his muscular torso. “So nice,” she cooed. “Oh yes.” Chris started fucking her harder and harder and Mary threw back her head and let out a low, throaty moan as she came beneath Chris.

Chris slammed his cock into her a few more times, moaning, “Her cunt’s milking my cock! Oh fuck, oh fuck!”

“Ohh, cum in me,” Mary gasped. Chris stiffened and Mary smiled happily as he pumped her cunt with a third man’s cum.

“Man, Mark, your fiancee is a wild gal,” Chris panted as he pulled out.

“She’s my naughty filly,” I said with a smile.

“And your naughty filly need her randy stallion to give her a proper fucking!” Mary moaned wantonly. “Your friends were nice, but I need a real cock in me.”

I knew she was just saying that to stroke my ego, but that didn’t stop me from being happy as I crawled up her body and slowly slid my cock into her sloppy pussy with wet, squelching noise. Mary pulled my head down and kissed me passionately, her legs wrapping around my waist, pulling me into her cunt. I fucked her slowly.

“Oh yes,” Mary moaned, “that’s the cock I love. And the man.”

“I love you, Mare,” I whispered into her ear, fucking her faster and harder.

The table creaked beneath us as we picked up our pace. Mary’s hips rotated beneath me, humping me back as hard as I humped her. Her tongue licked at my ear and she whispered, “Your friend’s cocks were nice, but yours is the one that my pussy craves. You’re stirring my cunt up so deliciously.”

“Your cunt feels amazing,” I whispered into her ear. “So wet and slick.” I saw the hickey on her neck and I decided to leave one of my own, bigger, and sucked hard on her neck.

“That’s all your friends cum,” Mary cooed. “Sloppy, wet cum, filling me up. But I need more. I need your tasty cum.” Her fingers racked my back through my shirt. “I’m getting so close to cumming! Are you close?”

“Yes, Mare!” I groaned and went back to sucking at her neck. I started fucking her hard, our flesh slapping together.

“You always fuck me so hard after another man’s been in me,” Mary whispered and then she kissed me and my balls tightened and my orgasm exploded out of me. Mary bucked beneath me, her cunt spasming as she came. “Mmh, that was nice,” Mary said as I laid on top of her. “Maybe I should join your group, it seems like so much fun.”

“Yeah,” Tom said.

“I would love for you to come again,” Karl excitedly said.

“Oh, I can guarantee that I will cum again,” Mary said with a wicked smile.