Tag Archives: Female Masturbation

Contains Female Masturbation

Der Pakt mit dem Teufel Kapitel 17: Ärztinnen und Maklerinnen



Der Pakt mit dem Teufel

Kapitel 17: Ärztinnen und Maklerinnen

Von mypenname3000

Übersetzt von Horem

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Female/Female, Male/Females, Male/Females/Teen female, Mind Control, Anal, Cockold, Female Masturbation, Male Masturbation, Magic, Oral, Orgy, Rimming, Work

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Kapitel 16

Mary sah ziemlich scharf aus in ihrem kurzen schwarzen Rock und in ihrer blauen Bluse, als wir das Haus durch die ruinierte Haustür verließen. Verdammtes FBI! Wenn sie schon eine Razzia durchführen mussten, warum mussten sie dann auch noch die Tür einschlagen? Desiree hatte Kontakt mit einem Schreiner aufgenommen, der noch heute die Tür austauschen konnte und ich hatte angeordnet, dass unsere fünf Schlampen alle zum Heavenly Creatures Salon gehen sollten, um sich ihre Muschi wachsen zu lassen. Violet, Fiona, Karen, Chasity und Thamina brauchten alle blanke Mösen. Sie konnten sich auf ihrem Schamhügel Landestreifen oder sonst was stehen lassen, aber ihre Schamlippen sollten glatt sein wie bei einem jungen Mädchen.

Ich hatte keine Zeit mehr für ein Frühstück, weil wir uns schon verspätet hatten. Es lag an mir. Ich hatte erst Allison, dann Fiona und schließlich auch noch Mary gefickt, als sie dann nach oben kam, um mich anzuschreien, weil ich zu lange brauchte. Mary war ein geiles Mädchen und sie konnte nicht widerstehen, als ich mich ihr auch noch näherte. Ich hatte Mary die Muschi vollgespritzt, eine nette Überraschung für die Ärztin. Ich nahm mir also nur einen Bagel und schmierte mir ein wenig Streichkäse darauf. Ich aß ihn auf dem Weg zu meinem Mustang.

Sowie wir auf den Straßen waren, brach ich die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung. „Hast du Lust, am Samstag mit mir ins Kino zu gehen und anschließend irgendwo zu essen?“

Mary lächelte mich an. „Willst du wirklich mit mir ausgehen?“

„Ja“, sagte ich. „Nur ich und du.“

„Gerne“, antwortete Mary. „Eine Abendverabredung. Was für einen Film willst du denn gerne sehen?“

„Ach, ich weiß nicht“, antwortete ich.

„Ich möchte wetten, dass du dir gerne ‚Man of Steel‘ anschauen würdest. Läuft der nicht ab morgen?“

„Ich glaube schon“, sagte ich und versuchte, den Ball flach zu halten. Ich wollte den Film wirklich gerne sehen.

„Gut, dann schauen wir uns den an“, sagte Mary. „Aber den Film für die nächste Woche suche ich dann aus.“

„Abgemacht“, sagte ich. Ich drückte ihre Hand. Dann zog ich sie in meinen Schoß. „Ich fände es toll, wenn du mir jetzt den Schwanz lutschen würdest, Mare.“

„Das ist zu unsicher, Mark“, wandte Mary ein. „Außerdem: hast du nicht genug Sex gehabt?“

„So etwas wie genug Sex gibt es nicht“, sagte ich und fuhr mit ihrer Hand über die Beule in meiner Hose.

Mary schnaubte vor Lachen. „Jedenfalls nicht bei dir!“

„Komm schon, Mare“, nörgelte ich. Ich hielt bei einer Ampel und beugte mich zu ihr und küsste sie. „Dein Mund fühlt sich so gut an an meinem Schwanz.“ Ich küsste sie wieder und ihre Lippen öffneten sich für meine Zunge. „Du bist einfach so wunderschön. Mein Schwanz tut mir ständig weh, wenn du in der Nähe bist.“ Ich griff hinüber und fasste ihre Brust durch ihre Bluse an. Ich spürte, wie ihr Nippel unter meinen Fingern hart wurde.

„Na gut“, sagte Mary und ihre Hand drückte meinen Schoß. „Aber das ist das letzte Mal.“

Mein Reißverschluss glitt nach unten und Mary fuhr mit ihrer warmen Hand hinein und fischte meinen Schwanz heraus. Sie wichste ihn ein paarmal, bevor sie sich ganz herüberbeugte und ihn in den Mund nahm. Ihre Lippen fuhren an meinem Schaft auf und ab und ihre Zunge berührte meine empfindliche Eichel. Ein Auto hupte hinter uns und ich sah, dass die Ampel auf Grün gesprungen war. Ich fuhr weiter. Verdammt, Marys Mund fühlte sich wirklich toll an meinem Schwanz an.

Mein Telefon klingelte. Es hatte eine Bluetooth-Verbindung zum Autoradio und so läutete das Telefon über die Lautsprecher im Auto. Ich drückte auf die Verbinden-Taste und die Stimme meiner Mutter hallte durch das Auto. „Hi, Mark!“ begrüßte sie mich freundlich.

„Hey, Mama!“ antwortete ich. Marys Mund saugte fester an meinem Schwanz.

„Geht es dir gut, Süßer?“

„Ja Mama, alles ist in bester Ordnung.“ Meine Verlobte gibt mir gerade einen Blowjob, was könnte noch besser sein.

„Ich weiß nicht, wie ich es sagen soll, aber…“ Sie räusperte sich. „Hast du gerade irgendwelche Probleme?“

„Nein, wie kommst du darauf?“

„Ich soll zwar eigentlich nicht darüber sprechen, aber das FBI war gestern hier.“ Eine Spur Angst war in ihrer Stimme zu hören. „Sie haben gesagt, dass du eine Bank überfallen hast und ein paar andere Sachen.“

„Das war ein Missverständnis, Mama“, sagte ich. „Schau dir die Nachrichten bei KIRO 7 an. Okay, das FBI hat eine Razzia bei mir gemacht, aber sie haben festgestellt, dass ich der Falsche bin.“

Gott, war das erregend. Marys Mund bewegte sich auf und ab und sie lutschte feste. Ihre Zunge spielte mit meinem Schaft und mit meiner Eichel. Dann und wann spürte ich auch ihre Zähne an meinem Schwanz. Und dabei die Stimme meiner Mutter. Ich hatte noch nie darauf geachtet, wie sexy sie klang. Sie hatte wirklich etwas von Schlafzimmer in ihrem Tonfall. Jeder Mann würde bei dieser Stimme einen Ständer bekommen können. Sie war an meinen Vater wirklich verschwendet.

„Mann, da bin ich aber erleichtert!“ sagte Mama. Ich knirschte mit den Zähnen und ich spritzte Mary in den Mund. Mary schluckte gierig alles herunter. „Bist du wirklich okay. Ich dachte, ich hätte etwas gehört.“

„Ja, Mama, es geht mir wirklich gut“, antwortete ich. „Ich musste nur eben schnell ein bisschen Druck abbauen, der sich angestaut hatte. Ich würde dich gerne meiner Verlobten vorstellen.“

Mary setzte sich in ihrem Sitz aufrecht hin und wischte sich ein wenig Sperma von der Lippe ab. „Hi, ich bin Mary.“

„Deine Verlobte?“ fragte Mama. „Das finde ich ja total aufregend. Ich wusste nicht einmal, dass du regelmäßig ausgehst.“

„Wir kennen uns auch noch nicht sehr lange, Mama“, sagte ich ihr. „Aber wir haben uns verliebt und wir wollen in einem Monat heiraten.“

„Wow, findest du das nicht ein bisschen sehr schnell?“

„Wir sind sehr glücklich miteinander, Mrs. Glassner“, sagte Mary. „Ihr Sohn ist der beste Mann auf der ganzen Welt. Er füllt mich mit seiner Liebe ganz und gar aus.“ Sie hatte in diesem Moment ein verdorbenes Lächeln auf den Lippen.

„Wie süß!“ schnurrte meine Mama. Kam da ein heiserer Tonfall in ihre Stimme? Sie klang jetzt noch sexier. „Und nenn mich Sandy. Ich bin sicher, dass wir beide uns gut verstehen werden. Ich kann es gar nicht abwarten, dass wir uns treffen.“

„Wie wäre es denn am Samstag“, schlug ich vor. „Du könntest zum Essen in unser Haus kommen.“

„Haus?“ fragte meine Mama.

„Ja, ich.. äh… habe letzte Woche bei einem Pokerturnier im Emerald Queen gewonnen“, log ich. „Ich wollte keinem davon erzählen, bis ich meine Finanzen in Ordnung gebracht habe.“

„Wow!“ sagte Mama. „Ich kann es gar nicht abwarten, deine Verlobte kennenzulernen. Ich möchte wetten, dass sie großartig aussieht.“ Ich hatte den Eindruck, dass ich das Geräusch eines Reißverschlusses hörte. Dann seufzte Mama: „Nun Mary erzähl mir mal ein bisschen was von dir.“ Es gab ein nasses schmatzendes Geräusch und dann seufzte Mama noch einmal. „Ich möchte dich gerne besser kennenlernen.“ Meine Mama lachte leicht kehlig und dann seufzte sie noch einmal.

Jesus Christus! Meine Mama masturbierte! Marys Wunsch, dass sie von Frauen begehrt wurde, funktionierte auch über das Telefon! Und dann traf es mich. So konnte ich mit meiner Mutter schlafen! Mary konnte sie dazu bringen, alles Sexuelle zu tun, das sie wollte. Ich lächelte und mein Schwanz wurde wieder hart. Am Sonntag würde ich mit der Hilfe meiner Verlobten meine Mama ficken!

Mary schaute mich an und formte tonlos die Worte: „Masturbiert deine Mutter?“ ich nickte.

„Nun, Sandy, ich bin eine sehr attraktive Frau“, schnurrte Mary. Sie war ganz klar erregt, weil meine Mama wegen ihr masturbierte. Marys Hand rutschte nach unten und sie fing an, ihre eigene Muschi zu reiben. Ihre Finger glitten mit einem nassen schmatzenden Geräusch in ihre Muschi. „Ich habe langes rotbraunes Haar, smaragdgrüne Augen und ein herzförmiges Gesicht mit Sommersprossen.“

„Hmmm, Mark hat schon immer Rothaarige gemocht“, stöhnte meine Mama. „Und was hast du für eine Oberweite?“

„82 B. Und auch von Sommersprossen bedeckt“, schnurrte Mary. „Sie sind fest und griffig. Und ich habe einen tollen Arsch. Dein Sohn liebt ihn über alles.“

„Oh ja, da möchte ich wetten!“ Es gab ein unterdrücktes Stöhnen und ich hörte schweres Atmen.

„Ich studiere Kunst am De Vry“, fuhr Mary fort. Sie rieb sich jetzt auch ihre festen Brüste und spielte durch ihr Kleid mit den harten Nippeln.

„Vielleicht könnte ich ja mal für dich Modell stehen“, keuchte Mama. „Ich wollte immer schon mal… gemalt werden.“

„Mmmhh, ich bin sicher, dass du dich ganz besonders gut malen lässt“, schnurrte Mary. „Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Aktmodell. Ich muss ein Bild für das Studium machen.“

„Das könnte ich sicher für dich machen, Süße“, keuchte Mama. „Ich würde dir gerne helfen…“

„Dann wären nur wir beide zusammen“, stöhnte Mary. Ihre Finger bewegten sich schnell in ihrer Fotze und ihre Handfläche drückte gegen ihren Kitzler. „Ich kann es gar nicht erwarten, dass du kommst… zu uns meine ich.“

„Ja, ich komme… ich komme… zu euch!“ Mama atmete ein und ich hörte einen erstickten Schrei. Mary keuchte und biss sich auf die Lippe. Es kam ihr gleichzeitig mit Mama. „Ich kann es nicht erwarten, dass wir uns treffen“, stöhnte meine Mutter. „Ich werde deinen Vater auch mitbringen. Ich liebe dich, Süßer. Und deine Verlobte.“

„Ich liebe dich auch, Mama“, sagte ich und meine Mama unterbrach die Verbindung. Mein Schwanz war hart. „Verdammt, das war ja vielleicht geil!“

„Ja“, keuchte Mary. Sie hatte ein zufriedenes Lächeln im Gesicht. „Ich glaube, meine Macht funktioniert auch über das Telefon.“

„Deine Macht wird dafür sorgen, dass ich mit meiner Mama schlafen kann!“

„Natürlich, du hast recht“, sagte sie und ihre Augen weiteten sich. „Warum ist mir das nicht selber eingefallen!“ Sie lächelte mich an. „Ich werde mich darum kümmern. Ich werde deine Mama dermaßen geil machen, dass sie um deinen Schwanz betteln wird.“

Ich hatte ein Bild in meinem Kopf von meiner Mama, die vor mir kniete. Lust strahlte aus ihren haselnussbraunen Augen, als sie um meinen Schwanz bettelte. Verdammt, ich konnte es nicht erwarten! Mein Schwanz war schmerzhaft hart und er stand aus meiner Hose heraus. Ich schaute zu Mary und sagte: „Mein Schwanz bittet gerade um deinen Mund.“

Mary lächelte. „Na gut, ein letztes Mal.“ Dann beute sie sich vor und es dauerte nicht lange, dann füllte ich ein weiteres Mal ihren Mund mit einer Ladung Sperma.

„Danke, Mare!“

„Kein Problem, Liebling“, schnurrte Mary. Sie klappte die Sonnenblende auf der Beifahrerseite herunter und schaute in den Spiegel. Sie wischte sich das Sperma von den Lippen und überprüfte ihren Lippenstift. „Mark, ich habe eine tolle Idee.“

„Schieß los“, sagte ich.

„Ich finde, unsere Gynäkologin könnte eine Praxis bei uns in South Hill aufmachen“, erklärte Mary. „Eine Praxis, in der unentgeltlich behandelt wird. Sie könnte Mädchen für unser Bordell finden und wir könnten Sponsoren finden, die die Finanzierung übernehmen. Partys mit mächtigen Leuten. Politiker und Geschäftsleute.“

„Ich stimmte ihr zu. „Sicher haben wir genügend Platz für derartige Aktivitäten. Ich finde, dass das eine tolle Idee ist.“ Ich drückte ihr Hand. „Das machen wir!“ Mary lächelte mich an und erwiderte den Druck meiner Hand.

„Hast du schon mal darüber nachgedacht, was du mit deiner Macht alles machen könntest?“ fragte Mary.

„Ich möchte nur Spaß mit dir haben“, sagte ich.

„Du könntest so viel damit erreichen“, flüsterte Mary mir ins Ohr. „Du könntest so mächtig sein.“

„Woran denkst du denn da?“

„Du könntest Gesetzte ändern. Du könntest diese Stadt verändern, diesen Staat, sogar das ganze Land. Du könntest alles tun, was du möchtest!“ Mary keuchte. „Das wäre doch was! Du könntest Präsident Glassner sein!“

„Wow!“ flüsterte ich. „Präsident. Und ich habe meine Macht nur haben wollen, damit ich hübsche Frauen ficken kann!“

„Ist das nicht auch der Grund, warum Männer in die Politik gehen?“ fragte Mary mit einem hinterhältigen Kichern. „Und das alles könnte mit unserer Wohlfahrtsveranstaltung anfangen.“

Ein Lächeln flog über meine Lippen. „Präsident Glassner“, sagte ich. „Und du wärest meine strahlende First Lady.“

Der Gedanke, dass ich vielleicht Präsident sein konnte, machte Mary so geil, dass sie mir einen dritten Blowjob gab, ohne dass ich sie darum bitten musste. Und sie fingerte sich zu zwei weiteren Orgasmen, bevor wir bei unserem Ziel ankamen. Die Klinik lag in der Nähe des Tacoma General Hospital am MLK Way. Einen Parkplatz zu finden, war ein Albtraum.

Schließlich fand ich zwei Blocks entfernt einen und Mary und ich beeilten uns, endlich in die Klinik zu kommen. Es war ein großes Gebäude mit einer ganzen Reihe von Spezialkliniken. Wir fuhren mit dem Fahrstuhl in die dritte Etage und ich erinnerte mich an unsere letzte Fahrt mit einem Aufzug. Ich hatte Violet zu meiner Schlampe gemacht und sie entjungfert, während sie um meinen Schwanz bettelte.

Die Klinik lag direkt neben den Aufzügen und wir betraten das Wartezimmer. Es war eine typische Praxis, ein paar Stühle, ein paar Magazine für Frauen, eine altbackene Empfangsdame mit einer großen Knollennase. Mary musste eine Tonne Papiere ausfüllen, weil sie zum ersten Mal hier war. Sie kicherte, als sie zu dem Teil kam, in dem ihr sexueller Hintergrund erfasst werden sollte.

„Da ist nicht genug Platz!“ sagte sie und ich lachte und küsste sie.

„Mary Sullivan“, rief ein paar Minuten später ein Pfleger. Das war enttäuschend. Ich hatte auf eine süße Sprechstundenhilfe gehofft.

Der Pfleger führte uns in den Untersuchungsraum. Er schaute mich fragend an. „Er ist mein Verlobter“, sagte Mary. „Okay“, sagte der Pfleger und nickte.

„Wir machen alles gemeinsam“, erklärte Mary.

„Ja, natürlich“, sagte der Pfleger. Es war ganz offensichtlich, dass er nicht daran gewöhnt war, dass Frauen ihre Partner mit zum Gynäkologen brachten.

Der Pfleger sagte Mary, dass sie sich ausziehen sollte und er gab ihr einen leichten Untersuchungsanzug. Dann verließ er das Zimmer. Marys Höschen war ganz klebrig wegen der Mischung unserer beiden Säfte. Sie zog es aus. Der Pfleger kam ein paar Minuten später wieder herein und nahm ihren Blutdruck und den Puls. Er schrieb die Ergebnisse auf ihre Karteikarte und wollte wieder gehen.

Ich hielt ihn auf und fasste ihn am Arm an. „Wenn die Ärztin hier ist, möchten wir nicht gestört werden, okay?“

„In Ordnung“, sagte er.

Wir warteten ein paar Minuten, dann klopfte es an der Tür und eine zimthäutige Amerikanerin, der man die Abstammung von den Indianern deutlich ansah, betrat den Raum. Sie trug eine konservative graue Bluse und einen schwarzen Rock unter einem weißen Ärztekittel. Mit blauem Garn war „Dr. Willow WolfTail“ eingestickt. Ihr Gesicht war rund und ihre Lippen waren schmal, sehr rot und sehr küssbar. Ihr Haar war lang, glatt und tiefschwarz. Sie war noch eine sehr junge Frau, Ende Zwanzig, wahrscheinlich hatte sie eben erst ihren Abschluss gemacht. Ein Ehering glänzte an ihrer linken Hand.

„Hi, ich bin Dr. Willow“, begrüßte sie uns freundlich.

„Ich bin Mark und das hier ist meine Verlobte Mary“, sagte ich. Sie sah mich kaum an. Ihre Augen verschlangen Mary. Sie wurde rot und ihre Zunge befeuchteten ihre plötzlich trockenen Lippen.

„Sehr angenehm“, sagte Willow. Sie schüttelte Mary die Hand und ihre Finger streichelten sie leicht. „Sie sind wunderschön!“

„Oh, vielen Dank“, sagte Mary.

„Legen Sie bitte ihre Beine hier in die Halter, dann können wir unten herum mal ein wenig nachschauen.“

„Sicher, Doktor.“ Mary legte ihre Beine in die Halter. Von dort, wo ich saß, hatte ich einen tollen Blick unter Marys Hemdchen und auf ihre mit Sperma beschmierte glatte Fotze. Die Ärztin nahm sich ein Paar Latex-Handschuhe und Mary sagte: „Ich glaube, mir würde die Untersuchung ohne die Handschuhe besser gefallen. Ich mag das Gefühl von Latex an meiner Muschi nicht.“

„Das ist aber nicht besonders hygienisch“, wandte Willow ein. Mary lächelte die Ärztin verführerisch an. In den Augen der Ärztin erschien das Leuchten von Lust und sie leckte ihre Lippen. „Na gut.“

„Danke“, stöhnte Mary. „Du wirst es sicher nicht bereuen.“

Die Ärztin nahm eine kleine Lampe, setzte sich auf einen Rollstuhl und glitt zu Mary hinüber. „Okay, dann wollen wir einmal sehen.“ Sie hob das Hemdchen an und blinzelte überrascht. „Ist das… Sperma?“

„Ja“, schnurrte Mary. „Sei nicht schüchtern!“

„Nun, es sieht so aus, als ob du vor kurzem Geschlechtsverkehr gehabt hättest. Ich vermute, mit deinem Verlobten?“

„Unter anderem“, kicherte Mary. „Meistens Frauen, aber auch andere Männer.“

„Ich verstehe und ganz offensichtlich benutzt du keine Schutzmaßnahmen mit deinem Verlobten. Wie sieht es mit den anderen Partner aus?“


„Hast du keine Angst vor Geschlechtskrankheiten?“ fragte Dr. Willow. Sie griff nach einem Spekulum. Mary keuchte, als das kalte Metallteil in sie hinein glitt. Willow öffnete das Spekulum ein wenig. Sie leuchtete mit der Lampe nach innen und ich konnte auch in ihre Fotze hineinschauen, bis zu ihrem Muttermund.

„Äh, nein“, sagte Mary und blinzelte überrascht. „Ich glaube, darüber habe ich noch nie nachgedacht.“

„Das solltest du aber“, sagte Willow und sie leuchtete mit der Lampe innen herum. Sie untersuchte die Vaginalwände. „Nimmst du die Pille oder betreibst du sonst irgendwelche Verhütung?“

„Ich nehme die Pille“, antwortete Mary.
„Nun, das sieht hier alles sehr gut und gesund aus. Ich werde jetzt eine Untersuchung mit beiden Händen vornehmen“, sagte Dr. Willow. „Ich werde zwei Finger einführen und dann gleichzeitig von außen Druck ausüben, um zu sehen, ob es irgendwelche Probleme mit deiner Gebärmutter oder mit den Eierstöcken gibt.“

„Okay.“ Marys Lächeln wurde breiter, als die Ärztin ihr zwei ihrer Finger einführte. „Deine Finger fühlen sich richtig gut an. Ist es ohne Handschuhe nicht wirklich viel besser?“

„Ja“, antwortete die Ärztin. Ihr schien das nicht ganz zu passen. „Alles fühlt sich gut an.“

„Hast du jemals einer Frau bei einer Untersuchung einen Orgasmus gegeben?“ fragte Mary neugierig.

„Nein“, antwortete die Ärztin.

„Wenn du deine Finger weiter bewegst, dann wird das gleich aber passieren.“ Auf Mary Gesicht war ein gieriges Lächeln.

Das Gesicht der Ärztin wurde noch dunkler und dann fing sie langsam an, ihre Finger in Marys Fotze zu bewegen. „Ich glaube nicht, dass ich das mache!“ flüsterte Dr. Willow. „Du bist einfach zu zauberhaft. Deine Vagina ist wie eine wunderschöne Blume. Dein Kitzler ist so hart und deine Schamlippen fühlen sich wie Seide an.“

Mary wand sich vor Lust, als der Daumen der Ärztin anfing, vorsichtig über ihren Kitzler zu reiben. „Oh, das fühlt sich so gut an!“ Mary massierte ihre Brüste durch den Stoff des Untersuchungshemdchens. „Deine Finger sind super in meiner Schnalle!“

„Ich spüre deine Erregung in deinem Vaginalkanal“, murmelte die Ärztin. Ihre freie Hand rutschte nach unten. Sie rieb sich die Schenkel und verschwand langsam unter ihrem Rock und bewegte sich auf ihre eigene hungrige Fotze zu.

„Oh, gleich kommt es mir!“ keuchte Mary.

„Oh ja, komm für mich!“ stöhnte Dr. Willow. Ihre eigenen Finger waren jetzt bei ihrer eigenen Muschi angekommen und sie rieb sich unter ihrem Rock. Meine Hand wichste meinen Schwanz fester und ich drückte meine empfindliche Eichel.

Mary schüttelte sich und sie stöhnte laut. „Oh ja, es kommt, es kommt mir!“

Ich grunzte und wichste wie im Fieber meinen Schwanz, auch ich war kurz davor! Und dann kam der süße Moment, in dem mein Saft aus meinem Schaft schoss. Er landete auf dem langen Haar der Ärztin und auf dem Rücken des Ärztekittels.

„He! Was zum Teufel…“ schnarrte Dr. Willow zornig. Sie drehte sich zu mir um und erwischte den nächsten Schuss direkt um Gesicht. Sie starrte mich verblüfft an und mein Sperma tropfte an ihrer Wange herunter.

„Er hat dich ganz schön erwischt, was?“ kicherte Mary. „Komm, und küss mich!“

Die Ärztin stand auf und Mary griff in ihr Haar und zog sie zu sich herunter. Dann küssten sich die beiden. Mary leckte mein Sperma ab und gab es Dr. Willow in den Mund. Ihre Zungen kämpften und ich spürte, wie mein Schwanz sich wieder zu bewegen begann.

„Wir möchten dich nackt sehen, Dr. Willow!“ sagte ich.

„Natürlich, Mark“, erwiderte sie. Ihr Ärger war jetzt von Lust ersetzt. Ihr Kittel fiel auf den Boden und sie fing an, ihre Bluse aufzuknöpfen. Mary zog sich das Hemdchen über den Kopf und zeigte ihre nackten Brüste mit den Sommersprossen. Ich zog mein Hemd aus und kickte meine Schuhe zur Seite. Der BH von Dr. Willow war blassblau und hielt ihre schönen großen Brüste fest. Mary langte hin und öffnete ihr den BH, während die Ärztin noch ihren Rock öffnete. Ihre C-Körbchen-Brüste fielen heraus, auch zimtfarben und von den kleinsten niedlichsten Nippeln gekrönt. Nachdem sie ihren Rock ausgezogen hatte, pellte sie sich aus ihrer Strumpfhose und aus ihrem weißen Höschen. Ein schwarzer Busch wurde sichtbar, der bereits feucht vor Erregung war.

„Sie ist die Richtige, Mark!“ sagte Mary aufgeregt und streichelte Dr. Willows volle Brust. Sie beugte sich nach unten und saugte einen der winzigen Nippel in ihren Mund. Dann fuhr sie mit der Hand in den pelzigen Busch der Ärztin.

„Dr. Willow, du wirst von nun an unsere Sex-Sklavin sein“, sagte ich ihr. „Du wirst die perversesten und schmutzigsten Dinge tun, wenn wir dir das sagen und du wirst dabei lächeln. Zunächst wirst du hier weiter arbeiten, bis wir für dich bei uns eine Praxis geöffnet haben.“

„Eine neue Praxis, Mark?“ fragte sie und dann stöhnte sie vor Schmerz auf, weil Mary ihr in den Nippel gebissen hatte.

„Das heißt Meister, du Schlampe!“ schimpfte Mary. „Und ich bin deine Herrin!“

„Entschuldigung, Herrin!“ Willow wurde rot.

„Du wirst unsere gynäkologische Praxis für junge Mädchen und Frauen führen“, sagte Mary. „Du wirst für uns wunderschöne Frauen finden, die in unserem Bordell arbeiten können. Und natürlich wirst du unsere Huren und unsere Schlampen gesund erhalten.“

„Natürlich, Herrin, ich fühle mich sehr geehrt.“

„Wenn du arbeitest, wirst du so arbeiten, wie du das gewohnt bist“, sagte ich ihr. „Bist du verheiratet?“

„Ja, mit Yancy“, antwortete sie.

„Jetzt nicht mehr“, sagte ich. Ich nahm ihre linke Hand und zog ihr den Ehering ab. Ich warf ihn in den Mülleimer. „Du liebst deinen Mann nämlich nicht mehr. Nur noch Mary und mich und natürlich deine neuen Schlampenschwestern.“

„Er war sowieso nicht gut im Bett“, sagte sie und zuckte die Achseln.

„Wo ist dein Telefon?“ wollte Mary wissen. Willow zog ein Handy aus ihrem Arztkittel und gab es Mary. „Fang an, mir die Fotze auszulecken, Schlampe“, befahl Mary. Sie schaute durch das Adressenverzeichnis im Telefon und fand den richtigen Eintrag.

Willow tauchte in Marys Fotze. Mary lag wieder auf der Liege und hatte die Beine in den Stützen. Willow hatte sich nach vorne gebeugt und ihr zimtfarbener Arsch war auf mich gerichtet. Ich stellte mich hinter sie und schob ihr meinen Schwanz in ihre schwarz behaarte Möse. Ich genoss ihre nasse Enge sehr und pumpte meinen Schwanz in sie hinein und aus ihr heraus. Willow stöhnte ohne Worte in Marys Fotze, während ich sie fickte.

„Hey Pussiwillow“, sagte eine Männerstimme aus Willows Telefon. Mary hatte die Freisprecheinrichtung eingeschaltet.

„Yancy, ich heiße Mary Sullivan“, schnurrte Mary in das Telefon. Sie hatte ein verdorbenes Lächeln im Gesicht. „Ich wollte nur, dass du weißt, dass deine nuttige Ehefrau gerade dabei ist, mir die Fotze auszulecken, während mein Verlobter Mark ihre enge Schnalle mit seinem dicken Schwanz fickt.“

„Was!“ Yancy keuchte. „Wer zum Geier bist du? Das ist nicht komisch. Ich werde die Bullen anrufen!“

„Nein, das wirst du nicht tun, Yancy“, befahl ich. „Du wirst ein bisschen zuhören, während deine Frau uns beide fertig macht. Richtig, Schlampe?“ Ich schlug Willow feste auf den Arsch.

„Oh Yancy“, stöhnte Willow. „Es tut mir leid, aber ich liebe dich nicht mehr. Ich liebe Mark und seinen großen Schwanz, der sich gerade in meine Möse bohrt und ich liebe Mary und ihre wunderschöne Muschi, die ich gerade auslecke.“

„Was stimmt nicht mit dir?“ stöhnte Yancy. „Ich verstehe das nicht!“

„Deine Frau hat bessere Liebhaber gefunden“, stöhnte Mary. „Und ich sage dir, sie ist eine ausgesprochen gute Mösenleckerin.“ Mary brachte das Telefon näher an ihre Fotze, damit das Mikrofon die schmatzenden und schlürfenden Geräusche besser aufnehmen konnte. „Hörst du das? Das ist das Geräusch, das die Zunge deiner Frau an meiner Möse macht.“

Ich fing an, Willow heftiger zu ficken. Man hörte das Klatschen von Fleisch auf Fleisch. „Die Muschi deiner Frau fühlt sich echt fantastisch an, Yancy. Ich wette, du vermisst sie jetzt schon. Du wirst nie wieder deinen kleinen Schwanz in sie hinein stecken! Sie hat jetzt einen echten Mann!“

Man hörte Schluchzen im Telefon. „Warum tust du das Willow? Ich liebe dich doch!“

„Ich liebe dich aber nicht, Yancy. Ich werde gerade von einem echten Mann gefickt! Er nimmt sich einfach, was er will. Es ist so geil, kontrolliert zu werden!“ keuchte Willow und dann tauchte sie wieder in Marys Fotze.

„Bitte Willow, lass uns doch darüber reden!“ bettelte Yancy.

„Verdammt, du bist vielleicht ein Jammerlappen“, sagte Mary. „Du solltest verstehen, dass deine Frau jetzt uns gehört. Sie ist unsere kleine Sex-Sklavin. Sie wird die perversesten Sachen machen, die wir ihr sagen. So ein widerlicher Schwächling wie du könnte sie niemals wirklich zufrieden stellen.“

„Also kümmere dich um die Scheidung, Yancy“, sagte ich ihm. „Du darfst alles behalten außer ihrer Kleidung und ihrem Schmuck. Sie wird heute Abend nach Hause kommen, ihre Sachen packen und dann verschwinden. Und du wirst nicht versuchen, sie aufzuhalten oder sie zu verletzen.“

„Okay“, schluchzte er.

„Oh ja, deine Frau macht mich gleich fertig“, stöhnte Mary. „Ihre Zunge ist so geil! Sie leckt jetzt gerade meinen Kitzler und sie hat gleichzeitig zwei Finger in meiner Fotze. Und Mark fickt sie so hart, dass ihr ganzer Arsch wackelt.“

Willow stieß ein erschütterndes Stöhnen aus. „Ich komme, oh verdammt, dein Schwanz ist so gut, Meister!“

Ihre Muschi molk meinen Schwanz aus. „Scheiße, Yancy! Deine Pussywillow kommt gerade auf meinem Schwanz! Sie ist so eine verdorbene Schlampe! Ich werde ihr jetzt meinen Saft reinpumpen! Wenn du heute Abend nett fragst, darfst du ihre mit Sperma vollgespritzte Fotze noch einmal sehen. Damit du mal sehen kannst, wie das Ergebnis der Arbeit eines richtigen Mannes aussieht.“

„Oh, spritz mich voll!“ jammerte Willow. „Bitte, ich brauche das so dringend!“

„Hier kommt es Hure!“ Ich rammte mich tief in sie und entleerte meine Eier in ihren Tiefen. „Mann, das war ein richtig guter Fick! Jetzt mach Mary fertig!“

„Hmm, lutsch weiter an meinem Kitzler und dann werde ich dein Gesicht mit meinem Saft überfluten“, stöhnte Mary. „Ohhh, genau so! Oh ja!“ Mary schüttelte sich auf dem Bett und ihre Beine rutschten aus den Halterungen. Sie lag auf dem Rücken und keuchte. Mary beendete die Verbindung und machte schnell noch ein Foto von Willow zwischen ihren Beinen. Das schickte sie dann ihrem Mann.

„Hier hast du was zum Wichsen, weil du jetzt auf deine Pussywillow verzichten musst!“

Ich lachte. „Das ist gemein!“

„Ich kann mich dunkel erinnern, dass du so etwas auch mit meinem Freund gemacht hast“, sagte Mary mit einem Lächeln. Ich hatte sie mit Mike Schluss machen lassen, während ich sie in den Arsch fickte. Und dann hatte ich ihm ein Bild geschickt, auf dem Mary zwischen den Schenkeln einer anderen Frau lag und meinen Schwanz noch in ihrem engen Arsch hatte.

Ich zog mich aus Willows Fotze zurück. Die Frau atmete heftig. Ich küsste ihre Lippen und genoss dabei das Aroma von Marys Fotze. „Wir sehen uns heute Abend, Schlampe. Auf deinem Weg wirst du dir noch ein sehr nuttiges Schwestern-Outfit kaufen. Du wirst entweder dieses Outfit oder nur Unterwäsche tragen, wenn du bei uns bist.“

„Ja, Meister“, sagte Willow glücklich.

Wir zogen uns alle wieder an und Mary und Willow teilten einen weiteren sehr leidenschaftlichen Kuss. Dann verließen wir sie, damit sie sich um ihre nächste Patientin kümmern konnte. Den Spermaflecken auf der Rückseite ihres Kittels konnte man zwar nicht sehen, dafür aber den Schuss, der in ihrem Haar gelandet war. Er trocknete und ihre Haare standen an dieser Stelle merkwürdig von ihrem Kopf ab.

„Ich treffe heute um eins Alice im Blue Spruce“, sagte Mary. „Du kannst mich dort absetzen. Auf dem Weg können wir was essen.“

„Ja, ist in Ordnung“, sagte ich.

Alice war Maklerin und Marys Liebhaberin. Dies würde ihr drittes Treffen in diesem Motel sein. Alice war verheiratet und Mary hatte mir erzählt, dass sich ihr Mann nicht ausreichend um seine Frau kümmerte. Mary konnte das wohl kompensieren. Meine Gefühle gegenüber dieser Frau waren gemischt. Es war klar, dass Mary ihr gegenüber andere Gefühle hatte als unseren Schlampen gegenüber und den Frauen, die wir einfach so belästigten. Mary sagte zwar, dass sie nur Freundinnen waren, aber ich hatte Sorge, dass aus dieser Affäre mehr werden konnte. Aber ich vertraute Mary und ich wollte nicht den Anschein erwecken, dass ich eifersüchtig wäre. Deswegen sagte ich auch nichts gegen diese Treffen mit Alice. Ich wollte allerdings, dass sie aufhörte, sich mit ihr zu treffen,

Wir aßen in einem Subway an der Straße eine Kleinigkeit. Wir hatten eine angenehme Zeit. Ich fickte eine von den Angestellten, eine Süße mit Namen Anna, in den Arsch und am Ende tropfte mein Sperma auch von ihrem Gesicht herunter, als sie wieder an ihre Arbeit ging. Mary fingerte zuerst die Frau von diesem Typ dort und ließ sich dann von ihr die Fotze auslecken, während der Typ zusah. Erst war er zornig, aber er fand dann doch sehr schnell Gefallen daran, zuzusehen, wie seine Frau eine andere Frau bediente. Mary und ich genossen unsere Sandwiches und beobachteten die Reaktionen der anderen Kunden, als sie entdeckten, dass Anna Sperma im Gesicht hatte.

„Was wollen wir denn wegen der Geschlechtskrankheiten unternehmen?“ fragte Mary, als wir anschließend zum Mustang gingen.

„Keine Ahnung“, sagte ich. „Ich möchte jedenfalls jetzt nicht plötzlich anfangen, Kondome zu tragen.“

Mary zuckte die Schultern. „Du hast recht. Es ist schon etwas besonders Gutes, wenn man spüren kann, wie einem warmes Sperma in den Bauch gespritzt wird.“

„Vielleicht gibt es dafür ja auch einen Segen“, sagte ich. „Lilith hat mal gesagt, dass es sehr viele Segen gibt, nicht nur die zwei, von denen sie uns schon erzählt hat.“ Ich machte den Motor an und fuhr aus der Parklücke heraus.

„Lilith“, rief Mary als ich mich auf den Weg machte, sie zum Motel zu fahren.

Ich biss die Zähne zusammen um mich auf die Lustwellen vorzubereiten, die immer kamen, wenn Lilith erschien. Mein Schwanz wurde in meiner Hose steif und Marys Nippel beulten ihre Bluse aus. Lilith saß auf dem Rücksitz und war in ein enges durchsichtiges Kleid gehüllt, das an ihrem kurvigen Körper klebte.

„Ja, Herrin!“ schnurrte Lilith.

„Gibt es einen Spruch, der uns gegen Geschlechtskrankheiten immun macht?“

„Ja natürlich und der ist richtig einfach“, sagte Lilith mit einem Lachen. „Man muss nur eine Frau entjungfern. Ihre Reinheit wird euch vor jeder Geschlechtskrankheit schützen. Wenn man ihr Häutchen zerreißt, muss man Bathuwlah sagen und dann hat man die Immunität. Und wenn ihr das Ritual von Zimmah benutzt habt und eure Leibeigenen so an euch gebunden habt, dann gilt die Immunität auch für die.“

Ich runzelte meine Stirn. Das Ritual von Zimmah wurde dadurch vollzogen, dass man mit seinem Elternteil schlief. Für eine Frau bedeutete das den Vater und für einen Mann die Mutter. „Ich dachte, Zimmah wird nur dafür benutzt, die Leibeigenen immun gegen die Macht der Nonnen zu machen.“

„Das Ritual von Zimmah verbindet den Leibeigenen mit deiner Lebenskraft. Eine der Nebenwirkungen machte den Leibeigenen immun gegen die Kontrolle einer anderen Person. Außerdem hält es sie jung und schön. Natürlich sterben sie auch dann wenn du selber stirbst.“ Lilith runzelte die Stirn. „Ist das genug Erklärung?“

„Nein“, sagte ich.

Sie zuckte mit den Achsel. „Wie auch immer, kann ich sonst noch was für dich tun, Herrin? Vielleicht möchtest du den letzten Wunsch aussprechen?“

„Nein, du kannst gehen, Lilith“, sagte Mary. Sie seufzte erleichtert, als Lilith wieder verschwunden war. „Ich traue ihr einfach nicht“, sagte sie.

„Du hast recht“, sagte ich. „Jedes Mal, wenn sie mich ansieht, kann ich den Hass in ihren Augen sehen. So als wollte sie mich zerdrücken. Wenn du den letzten Wunsch geäußert hast, wird die hoffentlich wieder in der Hölle verschwinden oder wo sie sonst hingehört.“

„Vielleicht sollte ich einfach den letzten Wunsch äußern, damit das endlich vorbei ist.“

„Und was ist, wenn wir noch einmal so ein Nonnenproblem bekommen?“ sagte ich. „Dieser Wunsch ist unser Rettungsring. Sie kann uns ja nichts antun. Sie ist in deiner Gewalt.“

„Und was ist mit letzter Nacht, Mark. Du bist schließlich ohnmächtig geworden.“ Marys Gesicht zeigte tiefe Betroffenheit.

„Nun, vielleicht sollte ich sie nicht noch einmal ficken“, sagte ich lächelnd.

„Das ist nicht witzig, Mark“, sagte Mary. „Sie ist wirklich gefährlich.“

„Du hast sie unter Kontrolle“, versicherte ich ihr. „Alles wird gut.“

Mary biss sich auf die Lippe. „Okay, ich werde also den Wunsch nicht benutzen… jedenfalls jetzt nicht.“

Mary schwieg. Sie biss sich besorgt auf die Lippe, als schaltete ich das Radio ein und ließ mich von Musik berieseln, während ich fuhr. Als wir in Parkland angekommen waren, hatte Mary sich wieder entspannt und sie lächelte. Als ich sie beim Blue Spruce aussteigen ließ, hatte sie ein aufgeregte Leuchten in den Augen. Ihre Besorgnis bezüglich Lilith war der Lust auf ihre Liebhaberin gewichen.

„Dann werdet ihr um fünf da sein, damit wir die Häuser im Block kaufen können?“ fragte ich.

„Ja, wir werden auch nach einem Platz für die Praxis Ausschau halten“, sagte Mary. „Ich liebe dich!“

„Ich liebe dich auch“, sagte ich. Sie beugte sich zu mir und küsste mich. Dann drehte sie sich um und mietete ein Zimmer in einem heruntergekommenen Motel, um den Nachmittag mit einer „Freundin“ zu verbringen. Ich spürte wieder den Stich der Eifersucht in meinem Herzen. Ich wollte in diesem Moment nichts dringender, als Mary zu bitten mit mir zu kommen und das Treffen mit Alice abzusagen.

Du hattest die Chance, sie zu kontrollieren, Mark, sagte ich mir. Du hast dich deswegen schuldig gefühlt, also hast du sie befreit. Und sie liebt dich genug, dass sie bei dir geblieben ist, als sie herausgefunden hatte, was du ihr angetan hast. Jetzt hör auf, dir Sorgen zu machen. Die beiden sind nur Freundinnen.


„Warum bleiben wir den nicht im Bett!“ protestierte Alice, als ich mich bückte, um mein Höschen aufzuheben. Alice trat hinter mich und streichelte mir den Arsch.

„Weil wir uns mit Mark treffen müssen“, sagte ich ihr und küsste ihren Schmollmund. „Es ist für uns wichtig, dass wir diese Häuser kaufen.“

„Das können wir doch auch noch morgen“, sagte Alice. „Komm, wir verbringen die Nacht zusammen. Dean ist auf einer Geschäftsreise. Wir können die ganze Nacht lang Liebe machen.“

„Wir haben für heute unseren Spaß gehabt, aber ich muss zu Mark zurück“, sagte ich. Ein bisschen Frustration klang in meiner Stimme mit.

„Ist das alles? Spaß?“ wollte Alice wissen.“

„Jetzt sei doch nicht so zickig!“ sagte ich. „Ich hatte eine tolle Zeit mit dir. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, bis wir uns wiedersehen. Aber er ist mein Verlobter, okay? Er steht an erster Stelle.“

„Na gut“, maulte Alice.

Ich küsste sie. „Wir können uns trotzdem treffen“, sagte ich. „Sei also nicht sauer.“

„Und wann?“ wollte Alice wissen.

„Lass mich mal nachdenken“, sagte ich.

Alice streckte die Hand aus und spielte mit meiner Brust. „Bitte bald. Ich kann von deinem Körper einfach nicht genug bekommen.“

Ich lächelte wegen des Kompliments. „Morgen muss ich ein paar Caterer und Floristen wegen unserer Hochzeit treffen. Und ich muss mich um den Kuchen kümmern. Und dann kommt meine Familie. Am Samstag werden Mark und ich ein paar Bewerbungsgespräche mit Bodyguards führen und dann werden wir beide am Abend mal gemeinsam ausgehen.“

Alice schmollte jetzt noch stärker. Ihre Finger drückten meine Nippel und das schickte elektrische Impulse durch meinen Körper. „Das dauert mir zu lange!“

„Wir können uns am Sonntagmorgen treffen“, sagte ich ihr. „Ich habe zwar abends ein Essen mit Marks Eltern, aber am Morgen habe ich freie Zeit.“

„Schön, Sonntagmorgen.“

„Wir werden schön ausgiebig brunchen und dann werde ich es dir richtig gut besorgen“, sagte ich Alice.

Sie lächelte ein verdorbenes Lächeln, das sich in etwas Raubtierhaftes verwandelte. „Kannst du es mir nicht jetzt schnell noch richtig gut besorgen?“

Ich seufzte. Sie war genauso gierig auf Sex wie Mark. Ihre Finger bewegten sich an meinem nackten Körper nach unten, spielten sanft mit meinem roten Schamhaar und fingen an, meine Muschi zu streicheln. Es wurde immer schwerer für mich, mich daran zu erinnern, warum wir aufhören mussten, als ein Finger in meine Fotze glitt. Lust fing an, durch meinen Körper zu fließen, als ihr Finger sich in mir zu bewegen anfing.

Ich biss die Zähne zusammen und schob ihre Hand aus meinem Schoß weg. „Wir müssen wirklich los. Mark wartet schon auf uns.“ Alices Finger waren nicht Marks Schwanz. Ich ließ mich nicht so leicht ablenken.

„Okay, okay“, seufzte Alice. „Dann wollen wir also deinen Verlobten treffen.“

„Komm schon, er wird dir gefallen“, sagte ich. „Er ist ein netter Kerl.“

Sie schnaubte, sagte aber nichts. Was hatte sie heute nur?


Als ich nach Hause kam, waren zwei Männer gerade dabei, den ruinierten Türrahmen herauszureißen. Allison und Lillian flirteten schamlos mit den beiden. Sie hatten sexy Unterwäsche an. Allison trug ein cremefarbenes Korsett mit schwarzer Spitze, die den Bauch bedeckte, ein cremefarbenes Höschen, das mit schwarzer Spitze gesäumt war und einfache weiße Strümpfe, die vom Strumpfhalter am Korsett gehalten wurden. Lillian hatte ein graues seidenes Negligee an, das wie eine zweite Haut an ihr saß und so eben bis zu ihrem Arsch reichte.

„Lenken euch die beiden Mädchen ab?“ fragte ich.

„N..Nein Sir“, stammelte der erste Mann und seine Augen verließen die beiden Schlampen nicht eine Sekunde.

„Wenn ihr damit fertig seid, die Tür auszutauschen, dann könnt ihr die beiden Schlampen hier ficken“, sagte ich ihnen. „Gebt es ihnen richtig, weil sie euch so unverschämt angemacht haben.“

Allison kicherte. „Das klingt wie eine richtig gute Idee.“ Lillian leckte sich die Lippen. „Ich kann es gar nicht mehr abwarten, nach vorne gebeugt und gefickt zu werden!“

Der andere Mann, der gerade mit einem Hammer einen Nagel einschlug, traf daneben und schlug sich auf den Daumen. Er verzog nicht einmal sein Gesicht dabei. Er hatte es wohl gar nicht gemerkt.

Ich ging ins Haus und fand die Schlampen, die ich vorher zum Wachsen ihrer Mösen fortgeschickt hatte. „Inspektion!“ sagte ich, nachdem ich sie alle im Wohnzimmer versammelt hatte.

Alle Schlampen zogen ihre Röcke hoch, damit ich sie inspizieren konnte. Violet hatte sich brasilianisch wachsen lassen. Ihr enger Schlitz ließ sie noch jünger aussehen. Fiona hatte einen Landestreifen aus hellrotem Haar stehen lassen. Karen hatte einen dreieckigen Busch aus lockigem brünettem Haar oberhalb ihrer Fotze und Chasity hatte sich entschlossen, sich alles entfernen zu lassen, so wie auch Violet. Thamina trug ein V über ihrer Fotze, zwei Flügel aus schwarzem Schamhaar, die direkt auf ihren Kitzler zeigten.

Ich sah Desiree und sagte ihr, dass sie die dreizehn Sporttaschen mit dem Geld in den Kofferraum des Wagens legen sollte. 26 Millionen Dollar sind ziemlich schwer und ich wollte das Zeug nicht in der Nachbarschaft herumschleppen.

Ich nahm die fünf Schlampen mit nach oben zu meinem Bett und ließ mich von ihnen ausziehen. Violet und Chasity knöpften mein Hemd auf, während Karen sich vor mich kniete, meinen Gürtel öffnete und meine Jeans nach unten schob, gefolgt von meiner Boxershorts. Sie saugte gierig meinen Schwanz in ihren Mund. Jemand kniete sich hinter mich und ich spürte, wie Hände meine Arschbacken spreizten und dann leckte eine Zunge durch meine Arschkerbe und über mein Arschloch. Ein geiles Gefühl zog durch meinen Körper.

Fiona schloss sich Karen an und die beiden Schlampen wechselten sich dabei ab, meinen Schwanz zu lutschen und meine Eichel zu lecken. Das bedeutete, dass meine Muslim-Schlampe hinter mir war. Sie lutschte an meinem Arschloch. Violet und Chasity hatten jetzt mein Hemd entfernt und beide saugten jeweils einen meiner Nippel in ihren Mund. Das geilte mich nicht wirklich auf, aber ich ließ die beiden Schlampen gewähren.

Fiona hatte ihren Mund um meinen Schwanz geschlossen und sie saugte kräftig und bewegte ihren Kopf auf und ab. Karen war darunter und leckte meine Eier. Thaminas Zunge bewegte sich in meinem engen Schließmuskel. Ich schloss die Augen und genoss die Gefühle. Meine Arme waren um Violet und Chasity geschlungen und meine Hände rutschten an deren Rücken nachunten zu ihren Ärschen. Ich fing an, die Schlampen zu kneten. Fionas Mund glitt von meinem Schwanz und Karen saugte mich in ihren Mund, während Fiona gleichzeitig meinen Schaft ableckte. Hände fingen an, meine Eier zu kraulen.

„Verdammt nochmal, seid ihr Schlampen alle verdorben!“ stöhnte ich. „Gleich kommt es mir! Ich will in dein Gesicht spritzen, Karen!!“

Karen hörte auf zu lutschen und Fiona wichste mir schnell den Schwanz. Meine Eier zogen sich zusammen und Karen lächelte zu mir hoch, gierig auf mein Sperma. Vier große Spritzer Saft landeten auf Karens Gesicht und liefen dann zähflüssig zu ihren Brüsten herunter.

Ich setzte mich im Bett auf, kickte meine Schuhe weg und zog mir die Hose herunter, die sich an meinen Füßen staute. Dann schaute ich zu, wie die Schlampen Karen meinen Saft ableckten. Karen ließ sich das gerne gefallen. Sie schnurrte vor Geilheit wegen all der Zungen und der Hände, die sich an ihr zu schaffen machten. Mit einem Keuchen kam es Karen und sie schüttelte sich.

Violet stand auf. Sie lächelte mich an und meine Augen starrten auf ihre blanke Fotze. Ich leckte meine Lippen. Ich musste sie einfach schmecken, ich musste diese weichen Schamlippen auf meinem Gesicht spüren. Ich streckte mich auf dem Bett aus und bedeutete Violet, zu mir zu kommen. „Ich will deine Fotze lecken, Schlampe!“

Violet strahlte. „Das wäre toll, Meister!“

Violet hockte sich auf mein Gesicht und ihre nackte Fotze senkte sich auf meine gierigen Lippen. Ihr Saft schmeckte leicht würzig und ich trieb meine Zunge in ihre Fotze. Das Bett wackelte, als jemand zu uns kletterte und ich spürte die Beine einer Frau, die sich über meinem Körper spreizten. Ihre weichen Finger wichsten meinen Schwanz wieder vollständig hart. Ihre Fotze war warm und nass, als sie sich auf meinen Schwanz gleiten ließ.

Ich wusste nicht, welche Schlampe da gerade meinen Schwanz ritt, aber sie fühlte sich großartig an. Ihre Fotze ergriff meinen Schwanz wie ein Handschuh aus Seide. Ich schlang meine Arme um Violet und packte mir ihren Teenager-Arsch, während ich gleichzeitig an ihrer Muschi saugte. Ihre Schamlippen lagen wie Seide auf meinen Lippen. Die Bettfeder quietschten, als die Frau auf meinem Schwanz sich immer schneller bewegte. Ihre Fotze massierte meine Eichel.

„Hmmm, lutsch meine Titten, Violet“, stöhnte Thamina. Es gab ein nasses saugendes Geräusch und ich stellte mir vor, wie sich Violet nach vorne beugte und an Thaminas Titten lutschte, während die Muslimin auf meinem Schwanz ritt. Thaminas Fotze wurde enger, als Violet zu lutschen anfing. „Du lutschst meine Titten so gut!“ stöhnte Thamina.

„Jetzt lutsch du an meinen“, schnurrte Violet und dann stöhnte sie vor Lust. „Du kannst aber auch ziemlich gut an Titten lutschen! Oh, mir kommt es gleich. Meister, deine Zunge fühlt sich so gut in meiner engen kleinen Fotze an.“

Violet zuckte auf mir und ihre Fotze rutschte auf meinen Lippen hin und her, als sie ihren Orgasmus hatte. Frischer Saft überflutete meinen Mund und ich trank ihren Honig. Violet keuchte heftig und rollte von mir herunter. Sie hatte ein breites Lächeln auf ihrem Gesicht. Thamina ritt mich weiter. Die weiße Bluse ihrer Schwesternuniform öffnete sich und ihre dunklen Titten hüpften, während sie mich fickte. Ihre Nippel waren von Violets Mund hart und nass.

Fiona glitt nackt neben mir auf das Bett. Auf der anderen Seite nahm Karen mit Violet einen 69er ein. Die ehemalige Nonne leckte gierig die Fotze des Teenagers. Und Violets rosafarbene Zunge leckte gierig an Karens Muschi. Fionas große Titten drückten sich gegen meinen Arm, als sie mit ihrem Gesicht näher kam, um mich zu küssen. Ihre Zunge erforschte meine Lippen und leckte Violets Saft ab.

Ich nahm eine von Fionas schweren Titten und zog sie zu meinen hungrigen Lippen nach oben. Ich saugte ihren harten Nippel in meinen Mund. Fiona schnurrte glücklich, während ich an ihrem harten Knöpfchen knabberte und daran saugte. Thamina stöhnte immer lauter und sie ritt mich immer schneller und heftiger. Sie schrie etwas auf Arabisch, als ihre Fotze sich auf meinem Schwanz zusammenzog. Mein Körper spannte sich und ich biss leicht in Fionas Nippel, als ich in Thaminas Schnalle spritzte. Vier kräftige Spritzer füllten ihre nuttige Fotze.

„Danke, Meister“, keuchte Thamina und setzte sich auf meinem Schwanz auf.

„Meister, meine Fotze ist leer“, flüsterte Fiona. „Kannst du sie mit deinem großen Schwanz füllen?“

Ich grinste und küsste sie. Thamina stieg von mir ab und ich rollte auf Fiona. Ihre Beine spreizten sich einladend und ich stieß ihr meinen Schwanz hinein. Dann fing ich an, sie hart zu ficken. Violet und Karen keuchten um die Wette und kamen auf dem Gesicht der jeweils anderen. Thamina stützte sich auf ihren Ellbogen und schaute zu, wie ich Fiona fickte. Sie lächelte und spielte mit ihrer spermaverschmierten Fotze. Chasity kletterte auf das Bett und schob ihr Gesicht in Thaminas Fotze und saugte mein Sperma aus der Muslim-Fotze.

Als Mary mir eine SMS schickte, dass sie auf dem Weg war, hatte ich die Fotzen von allen fünf Schlampen mit meinem Saft gefüllt und ich genoss gerade Violets engen Arsch. Es würde nicht mehr lange dauern, bis ich auch dieses Loch mit meiner Sahne gefüllt hatte. Violet leckte Thaminas Fotze aus, während ich ihr den Arsch fickte. Chasity saß auf Karens Gesicht, während Fiona Karens Fotze ausleckte.

Nachdem ich in Violets Arsch gespritzt hatte, ließ ich meinen Schwanz von Chasitys Zunge sauber machen. Dann zog ich mich an. „Schlampen, macht euch fertig für heute Abend“, befahl ich, als ich ging. Heute Abend würden meine Freunde kommen, um Dungeons und Dragons zu spielen. Ich wollte, dass alle Schlampen frisch geduscht und bereit zum Ficken waren. Ich hatte vor, dass jeder meiner Freunde sich eine Schlampe aussuchen konnte, damit sie seine persönliche Sklavin für den Abend sein konnte, außer Korina, die sich noch von ihrer Schussverletzung erholte und Violet. Violet war noch Jungfrau gewesen, als ich sie gefickt hatte und ich wollte der einzige Schwanz sein, der sich mit ihrer Fotze beschäftigte. Violet würde meine persönliche Sklavin an diesem Abend sein.

Als ich nach unten ging, fickten die beiden Arbeiter Allison und Lillian im Wohnzimmer. Die Haustür war ausgetauscht worden und die beiden genossen ihren Bonus. Allison und Lillian knieten nebeneinander und die Männer fickten beide von hinten.

„Wenn ihr fertig seid, dann müsst ihr euch auch für heute Abend fertig machen“, ordnete ich an.

„Ja, Meister“, keuchte Allison und Lillian stöhnte: „Ich kann es gar nicht abwarten, mit deinen Freunden zu spielen.“

Ein cremefarbener Jetta fuhr in unsere Einfahrt, als ich nach draußen ging. Mary öffnete die Tür und sie kam glücklich lächelnd auf mich zu. Ihr rotbraunes Haar sah im Sonnenlicht wunderbar aus. Sie umarmte mich und küsste mich leidenschaftlich. Ich schmeckte Alices Fotze auf ihren Lippen. Als ich den Kuss beendete, konnte ich ihre Freundin Alice sehen. Sie warf mir absolut tödliche Blicke zu und ihre Knöchel waren weiß, weil sie die Autotür fest umklammert hielt. Scheiße, sie war eifersüchtig, weil Mary mich küsste!

Als Mary sich wieder von mir löste, drehte sie sich zu Alice um. „Das ist Alice. Sie wird meine Brautjungfer sein.“ Alice schmolz dahin. Sie sah aus wie ein Haustier, das sein Herrchen anschaute. Liebte sie Mary? „Denk daran. Du darfst deine Kräfte nicht an ihr anwenden“, flüsterte Mary und erinnerte mich damit an ein Versprechen, das ich ihr gegeben hatte.

„Ja“, sagte ich und runzelte die Stirn.

Alice schüttelte mir kurz die Hand, als sie zu uns kam. „Ich bin sehr erfreut“, sagte sie steif.

„Danke, gleichfalls“, sagte ich genauso steif.

„Na, ist er nicht toll?“ fragte Mary ihre Liebhaberin.

„Ja“, antwortete Alice und sie lächelte Mary an. „Dann wollen wir also die Häuser in der Straße kaufen, Mark. Wie viele sind das denn? Zwölf?“

„Nein, dreizehn“, korrigierte ich sie.

„Nun, ich habe ein wenig Papierkrieg vorbereitet, aber ich glaube nicht, dass du viel Glück haben wirst. Wahrscheinlich wird niemand sein Haus verkaufen wollen“, sagte Alice. „Die Leute verkaufen ihre Häuser nicht einfach so aus dem Blauen. Selbst dann, wenn du ihnen ein großzügiges Angebot machst, werden einige noch einmal darüber nachdenken wollen und andere werden sich überhaupt nicht für das Geld interessieren. Es ist ihre Heimat. Die Leute werden komisch, wenn es um ihre Heimat geht.“

„Mach dir keine Sorgen“, sagte Mary. „Mark kann die Frau eines Priesters aus ihrem Höschen reden und sie hinter dem Altar ficken, während ihr Mann eine Predigt hält.“

Darauf hob Alice ihre Augenbrauen, aber sie beschloss, diese Bemerkung zu ignorieren, weil sie annahm, dass Mary hier ein wenig übertrieben hätte. Mary hatte ein verdorbenes Lächeln auf den Lippen und ich hätte in diesem Moment gewettet, dass sie gerne gesehen hätte, wie ich die Frau eines Pfarrers in der Kirche ficke. Und ganz ehrlich, das konnte ich mir auch ganz gut vorstellen. „Dann lass es uns hinter uns bringen!“ sagte Alice ungeduldig. Sie unterbrach meine Fantasie.

„Ich habe das Geld im Kofferraum vom Mustang“, sagte ich. „Es wäre zu unbequem, es in der ganzen Nachbarschaft herum zu tragen.“

Ich fuhr uns bis zur Einfahrt des dritten Hauses. So mussten wir jeweils nur kurze Weg zu den einzelnen Häusern zurücklegen. Diese Häuser würden wir brauchen. Ich wollte eines meiner Mutter geben, außerdem wollte ich eines für die Bodyguards reservieren. Und für die anderen Häuser würde mir schon was einfallen. Vielleicht würde Marys Vater in eines einziehen, zusammen mit ihrer jüngeren Schwester. Und Shannon, Marys ältere Schwester würde wahrscheinlich auch noch eines bekommen. Und natürlich würde auch Antsy bei meiner Mama wohnen oder auch ein Haus bekommen.

Natürlich sollten in den Haushalten, in denen es eine schöne Frau oder eine Tochter im Teenager-Alter gab, die Leute wohnen bleiben dürfen. Allerdings wäre der Preis dafür, dass ich diese weiblichen Wesen nach meinem Bedarf ficken durfte. Anastasia aus dem Nacktjogging-Club würde genauso wohnen bleiben wie auch Madeleine. Ich hoffte, dass wir noch ein oder zwei Häuser finden würden, wo es interessante Frauen gab.

Ich öffnete den Kofferraum, nahm mir eine Sporttasche und ging zum ersten Haus. Das Haus war hellblau, hatte drei Stockwerke und es war von einem wunderbar gepflegten Rasen umgeben und von beschnittenen Büschen umstanden. Außerdem gab es einen steinernen Brunnen mit Engeln. Ich klopfte an der Tür und ein Junge im Teenager-Alter öffnete.

„Ich muss mit deiner Mama oder mit deinem Papa reden“, sagte ich.
„Mama!“ brüllte er und nach einer Weile kam eine altbackene Frau mit gut fünfzig Pfund Übergewicht zur Tür. „Hi“, grüßte sie einigermaßen freundlich. „Ich bin Mona, womit kann ich Ihnen helfen?“

„Ist Ihr Mann zu Hause?“ fragte ich. Es wäre etwas einfacher, wenn ich mit beiden gleichzeitig reden könnte.

„Nein, ich bin nicht verheiratet“, sagte Mona.

In ihrer Stimme lag Bitterkeit und ein Impuls durchlief mich. „Was ist passiert?“

„Er ist mit seiner Sekretärin abgehauen“, sagte Mona bitter.

„Ich möchte wetten, dass sie ein hübsches Ding war“, fragte ich grinsend.

Mona wurde vor Ärger rot im Gesicht. „Dieses Arschloch hat sie sich gerne genommen. Die Schlampe hat ihre Beine für jeden in der Firma breitgemacht. Und ich möchte wetten, dass sie das hinter seinem Rücken immer noch tut. Aber ich habe das Haus bekommen und eine nette Abfindung.“

„Nun, über das Haus wollte ich gerne mit Ihnen sprechen“, sagte ich. „Das hier ist meine Verlobte Mary und unsere Maklerin Alice. Wir sind vor kurzen hier in der Straße eingezogen.“

„Wo die Bullen schon zweimal gewesen sind?“ fragte Mona spitz.

„Ja“, sagte ich. „Sie werden uns Ihr Haus für zwei Millionen verkaufen. Ich habe das Geld hier bei mir und Alice hat ein paar Papiere, die Sie unterschreiben sollten.“

„Okay“, sagte Mona. Sie runzelte ein wenig die Stirn, weil sie so schnell zugesagt hatte.

Alice blinzelte und fragte: „Entschuldigung Mona. Haben Sie eben zugestimmt, das Haus zu verkaufen? Einfach so?“

„Ich glaube ja“, sagte Mona. „Es hat sich einfach richtig angefühlt.“

„Natürlich war es richtig, also machen wir die Papiere fertig“, sagte ich ihr. „Sie haben bis morgen Zeit, um auszuziehen. Bringen Sie Ihre Sachen in ein Lagerhaus und ziehen Sie in ein Hotel, bis sie eine neue Wohnung gefunden haben.“

„Sicher“, nickte Mona.

„Warte mal, was, Mama?“ keuchte der Junge. „Wir ziehen aus?“

Das nächste Haus war wesentlich vielversprechender. Ein Mädchen im Teenager-Alter mit Namen Issy machte die Tür auf. Sie war ein wunderschöner Engel mit einem herzförmigen Gesicht, blauen Augen und grün gefärbten kurzen Haaren mit schwarzen Strähnen: Sie war schlank und hatte die Beine einer Sportlerin. Ich lud sie ein, sich unserem Joggingclub anzuschließen.

„Wir treffen uns jeden Morgen beim Haus von Madeleine“, sagte ich. „Und wir haben immer eine Menge Spaß miteinander.“

„Okay“, kicherte sie.

Ich kaufte ihren Eltern, den Norups, das Haus ab und ließ sie umsonst wohnen.

„Wir können einfach so bleiben, ohne etwas zu bezahlen“, fragte Mrs. Norup.

„Ja, aber dafür darf ich mit eurer Tochter schlafen, wann immer ich das will“, antwortete ich. „Ihr beide habt damit kein Problem, ihr seid in Wirklichkeit mehr als glücklich, dass ich sie mir nehme.“

„Absolut“, sagte Mr. Norup und er schüttelte meine Hand.

„Was?“ keuchte Alice. „Das ist ja widerlich! Was ist denn das für eine Scheiße!“ rief sie und rannte aus dem Haus.

Mary lief ihr hinterher und als ich aus dem Fenster schaute, hatte sie sie eingeholt. Sie fing an, mit ihr zu reden. Mary streckte die Hand aus und streichelte Alices Hand und dann nahm sie ihre Hand hoch und küsste sie auf ihre Fingerspitzen. Alice seufzte und nickte dann. Dann lehnte sie sich vor und küsste Mary auf den Mund. Beide ließen einen Moment lang ihre Zungen miteinander kämpfen. Dann kamen sie ins Haus zurück.

„Ich habe das geklärt“, sagte Mary.

Ich spürte wieder Eifersucht in mir aufsteigen. Ich griff nach Mary, zog sie an mich und küsste sie sehr leidenschaftlich. Mary schmolz in meinen Armen und erwiderte meinen Kuss ebenso leidenschaftlich. Ich beendete den Kuss. Mary war atemlos. Ich schaute zu Alice und sie schaute mich mit einem vergifteten Blick an.

„Bist du noch Jungfrau?“ fragte Mary das Mädchen.

„Natürlich“, sagte Issy und sie wurde rot.

„Wirklich?“ fragte ich. Das Mädchen schüttelte ganz leicht den Kopf, in der Hoffnung, dass ihre Eltern die Bewegung nicht sahen. Schade. Mary und ich suchten immer noch nach Jungfrauen, die wir deflorieren konnten. Na gut, ich würde es morgen in der Schule versuchen müssen, wenn ich hier heute keine Jungfrauen fand. Dort würden sich sicherlich einige finden lassen.

Das nächste Haus war eine große Enttäuschung. Mr. Und Mrs. Lowery waren in den Fünfzigern und ihre Kinder waren erwachsen und schon vor Jahren ausgezogen. Zane Bullard lebte nebenan. Er war ein Wittwer mit einer fünfjährigen Tochter, und wir brachten ihn schnell dazu, sein Haus zu verkaufen. Das fünfte Haus war genauso enttäuschend. Dort lebte ein schwules Paar.

Im sechsten Haus fand ich schließlich ein paar viel versprechende Mädchen. Die Familie Rhee, Koreaner, war sehr freundlich. Sie hatten zwei Mädchen im Teenager-Alter, Iseul war siebzehn und Yun vierzehn. Beide Mädchen waren klein und prächtig. Deswegen durfte die Familie Rhee in ihrem Haus bleiben. Allerdings war keines der beiden Mädchen noch Jungfrau. Iseul hatte ihr Häutchen beim Abschlussball ihrem Freund geschenkt und Yun hatte den Vibrator ihrer Mutter gefunden und gerade vor drei Tagen ihr Häutchen damit erledigt.

Die beiden nächsten Häuser waren Pleiten, die Gomez hatten einen Sohn und eine dicke Tochter und die Ehefrau saß im Rollstuhl, weil sie Multiple Sklerose hatte. Mrs. Endricott wog mindestens dreihundert Pfund und ihre Tochter hatte eben das College abgeschlossen. Ich kaufte Madeleines Haus und ließ sie natürlich auch wohnen. Auch das nächste Haus war eine Pleite. Die Frau, die dort lebte, hatte wüste Narben wegen eines Unfalls, den sie einmal gehabt hatte und sie hatte nur Söhne.

Anastasia aus meinem Joggingclub war mehr als glücklich, dass sie mir ihr Haus verkaufen durfte und ihr Mann Stan war mehr als glücklich, mich seine Frau ficken zu lassen. Im nächsten Haus traf ich Mrs. Stainthrope, ein prachtvolles Luxusweibchen. Ich ließ sie und ihren Mann wohnen, nachdem ich sicher gestellt hatte, dass ich meinen Schwanz in ihre enge Fotze stecken durfte. Das schien Mr. Stainthrope nichts auszumachen. Das letzte Haus war dann wieder eine Pleite, wieder eine dicke Frau mit ihren Söhnen.

Alles in allem hatten Mary und ich jetzt acht Häuser, die wir benutzen konnten, bis wir unser Anwesen bauten. Es mussten zwar noch eine Menge Papiere ausgefüllt werden, um die Verkäufe auch zu legalisieren, aber dabei handelte es sich nur noch um Formalitäten. Wir verabschiedeten uns von Alice, gaben ihr ihre Provision. Ich schüttelte ihre Hand und Mary küsste sie.

Mary verschwand oben, um sich fertig zu machen. Sie wollte heute Abend mit ihrer Freundin Diane durch die Gemeinde ziehen.. Ich wollte sicher stellen, dass alle Schlampen bereit waren, meine Gäste zu empfangen. Ich spielte schon seit Jahren mit der gleichen Gruppe Leuten D&D. Normalerweise Donnerstags bei mir zu Hause. Am vergangenen Donnerstag hatte ich zu viel mit meinen neuen Kräften zu tun gehabt, deswegen war unser Treffen ausgefallen. Aber eigentlich sollte die Möglichkeit, dass sie meine Schlampen ficken durften, dafür entschädigen.

Ich hatte die Schlampen unter Lillians Leitung das Esszimmer zu unserem Spielzimmer machen lassen. Danach hatten sich die Schlampen im Wohnzimmer versammelt. Wir hatten einen ganzen Vorrat an Chips und Getränken, und Pizzen waren auch schon bestellt. Noel und Willow, unsere neuesten Schlampen, waren genauso wie Jessica rechtzeitig nach Hause gekommen. Noel trug das nuttige Bullen-Outfit, das sie sich gekauft hatte und Willow hatte ein nuttiges Krankenschwestern-Outfit an. Jessica hatte in Eigeninitiative ein nuttiges Büro-Outfit gekauft mit dem absolut kürzest möglichen Rock. Der Rock bedeckte, wenn sie stand, kaum ihren Arsch und wenn sie sich nach vorne beugte, war alles an ihr zu sehen. Die Bluse war eng und durchsichtig. Netzstrümpfe wurden durch einen Strumpfhalter gehalten und ihre Schuhe mit Stiletto-Absätzen ließen ihren Arsch sexy schwingen, wenn sie ging.

Es läutete und ich öffnete. Quatch schaute sich erstaunt um. Quatch war ein großer Kerl und ganz und gar mit schwarzem Haar bedeckt. Er hatte einen zottigen Bart, haarige Arme und einen haarigen Rücken, deswegen trug er den Spitznamen Sasquatch. Und der war dann irgendwann man zu Squatch abgekürzt worden. Ich wusste gar nicht genau, wie er eigentlich wirklich hieß. Ich glaube James oder John. Er war mein bester Freund.

„Hey Mann“, sagte er und er pfiff durch die Zähne. „Wie kommst du denn zu dieser scharfen Hütte?“

„Ich habe ein Pokerturnier gewonnen“, sagte ich meinem Freund. „Komm rein. Ich mache dich mit den Mädels bekannt.“

Alle Schlampen bis auf Lillian hatten sich im Wohnzimmer versammelt und trugen ihre nuttigen Outfits. „Hallo Sir“, begrüßten alle Squatch. Sein Mund stand offen.

„Wer zum Geier sind diese Mädchen?“ keuchte er. „Mark, ich kann ihre Titten sehen! Hast du ein paar Nutten gekauft?“

„Das hier sind unsere Sex-Sklavinnen“, sagte ich ihm. „Sie machen alles, was meine Verlobte oder ich ihnen sagen. Und ich meine wirklich alles!“

„Ernsthaft“, murmelte er.

„Ernsthaft“, sagte ich. „Such dir eine aus und sie wird dir den besten Blowjob geben, den du jemals hattest.“

„Ist das ein Witz?“ wollte er wissen.

„Nein“, sagte ich.

„Wie wäre es mit dieser Krankenschwester?“


„Ach du Scheiße, du hast ja zwei davon!“ sagte er und leckte seine Lippen. „Die da!“

„Das ist Dr. Willow“, sagte ich.

Willow ging zu Squatch und küsste ihn. Sie schmiegte ihren Körper an ihn. Squatch stand eine Sekunde bewegungslos da, dann schlang er seine Arme um Willows schmalen Körper und erwiderte den Kuss. Es klingelte erneut und ich lächelte. Meine Freunde würden heute Abend eine Menge Spaß haben.


Ich beobachtete sie aus den Schatten heraus. Sie wieselten herum wie Ungeziefer.

Ich hasste sie alle. Die Nachkommen von Adam und von der unterwürfigen Schlampe, durch die er mich ersetzt hatte, Eva. Ihr Name hinterließ einen bitteren Geschmack in meinem Mund. Ich hasste sie und ihre Mischlingskinder. Ich hatte ihre Kinder verfolgt und hatte meine eigenen monströsen Kinder geschickt, um sie zu terrorisieren. Ich hatte keine Gnade gezeigt und dafür war ich zusammen mit den gefallenen Engeln in die Abgründe geworfen worden, zusammen mit Luzifer.

Ich sah zu, wie Mary nach oben eilte, um sich auszuziehen und zu duschen. Unten laberte Mark, dieser arrogante ekelhafte Mark mit all den Frauen, die er dazu gezwungen hatte, sich ihm zu unterwerfen. Von allen hasste ich Mark am meisten. Dieses widerliche Insekt glaubte, er könnte Hand an mich legen. In der vergangenen Nacht hätte ich ihn beinahe komplett leergesaugt und ihm seine ganze Lebensenergie genommen, wenn er nicht diesen verdammten Wunsch von Luzifer erfüllt bekommen hätte.

Ich glaube, ich sollte mich glücklich schätzen, dass Mary den Kristall benutzt hatte und nicht Mark. Luzifer erniedrigte mich gerne und mich dazu zu zwingen, einem Mann zu dienen, das war sein Stil. Und Mark war genau die Art von Mann, die mich am liebsten ewig benutzen wollte. Ein Mann, der sich seinen sexuellen Appetit immer wieder befriedigen lassen wollte.

„Lilith“, flüsterte eine Stimme aus den Schatten. Sie zitterte durch meinen Körper.

„Luzifer“, antwortete ich. Er platzte ständig irgendwo herein. Ständig mischte er sich in Sachen ein, die ihn nicht zu interessieren hatten.

Luzifer erschien hinter mir, er leuchtete. Brillant und wunderschön. Wenn Sterbliche ihn herbeiriefen, erschien er so, wie sie ihn erwarteten. Dieser Tage bedeutete das, dass er so aussah, wie ein Anwalt. Er erschien an diesen Straßenkreuzungen als dunkler attraktiver Mann mit scharlachfarbenen Augen, aus denen das Böse tropfte. Das war so übertrieben! Aber Luzifer, der Morgenstern, war ein Wesen aus reinem Licht, aus Strahlung. Er liebte es, hell zu leuchten, wann immer er konnte. Er war immer so eingebildet. Das Einzige, das noch heller war als sein Körper, war sein Stolz. Sein Stolz war der Grund für seine Rebellion gewesen und die hatte dafür gesorgt, dass er in den Abgrund gestoßen worden war.

„Dein Mark ist so mickrig“, schnarrte ich. „Unbegrenzte Macht und alles was er tut ist, sich ein Haus voller Frauen zuzulegen.“

„Er ist die perfekte Wahl“, sagte Luzifer.

„Ich werde ihn zerquetschen“, sagte ich. „Ich werde deinen Plan zerstören. Du wirst es noch bereuen, dass du mir die Möglichkeit gegeben hast, in der Welt der Sterblichen aktiv zu sein.“

Luzifer zuckte nur mit den Schultern. „Es wird sich alles in meine Richtung entwickeln, Lilith.“

Ich wurde ärgerlich. Luzifer war immer so selbstgefällig. „Ich werde seine Schlampen gegen ihn wenden.“

Luzifer grinste. „Das würde ich wirklich gerne sehen.“

Er glaubte nicht, dass ich das konnte. Wenn es etwas gab, was ich beherrschte, dann war es, mickrige Sterbliche zu verführen. Sie wurden von ihren Leidenschaften geleitet und das machte sie schwach und formbar. Ich musste nur den richtigen Druck ausüben und Mary würde darum betteln, dass sie sich daran beteiligen durfte, Mark zu zerquetschen. Ich dachte bei mir, dass ich es Luzifer schon zeigen würde, Dann ging ich durch die Schatten und stellte mich hinter Mary.

Ich machte einen Schritt und stand in der dampfenden Dusche. Luzifer konnte mir nicht folgen. Die Schatten waren der oberste Teil des Abgrundes, in dem nur die Mächtigsten der Gefallen sich aufhalten konnten. Aus den Schatten konnte man die Welt der Sterblichen sehen, man konnte all die Lust und die Freude sehen, die sie enthielt. Die einzige Möglichkeit, die es gab, die Grenze zu überschreiten, war, das man von irgend so einem mickrigen Sterblichen gerufen wurde. So lange Mary ihren letzten Wunsch nicht äußerte, konnte ich frei hin und her gehen.

Mary zuckte zusammen, als sie plötzlich spürte, wie Lust durch ihren Körper fuhr. Sie drehte sich um und das Wasser lief an ihrem nackten Körper herunter. Marys smaragdgrüne Augen weiteten sich vor Lust, ihre Nippel wurden zu kleinen aufgestellten Knöpfchen und der Duft ihrer Erregung erfüllte meine Nase. Mary Zunge glitt über ihre roten Lippen und ich konnte sehen, wie sie zitterte, als in ihr die Lust aufkeimte, mich zu berühren.

„Lilith“, sagte Mary und sie riss ihren Blick von meinen Brüsten los. In ihrer Stimme lag eine Spur Zorn. Sie war noch immer böse auf mich, weil ich das gestern mit Mark gemacht hatte. Dieser Wurm hatte es aber verdient gehabt und noch viel mehr. Ich würde ihn zerquetschen und dieses dumme kleine Mädchen würde mir dabei helfen. Wenn sei erste einmal ganz und gar von meiner Lust besessen war, würde sie Wachs in meinen Händen sein und ich würde eine Waffe aus ihr machen. Bei dem Gedanken wurde meine Fotze nass.

Ich drückte meinen Körper an sie und ihre harten Nippel rieben sich an meiner Brust. Sie wich vor mir zurück und schüttelte sich, als sie einen Orgasmus hatte. Ich war Lilith, der Succubus und meine Berührung war reine Lust. Ihr Rücken war jetzt an der Wand der Dusche und sie konnte nicht weiter zurück. Ich pinnte sie fest und nahm ihre Lippen zu einem Kuss. Ihre Beine spreizten sich vor Lust und ich spürte ihren harten Kitzler und die nassen Lippen meiner Möse, und dann fing ich an, mich langsam an dem Mädchen zu reiben.

„Ich habe dir und diesen Männern heute Morgen gerne zugesehen“, sagte ich. „Es gibt nichts Geileres als einen Mann an seinen Platz zu stellen.“

„Ja, es hat mir auch Spaß gemacht“, sagte Mary. Das Mädchen schüttelte sich in meinen Armen, als es ihr wieder kam. Mary wurde besser darin, meinen Leidenschaften zu widerstehen, aber nicht einmal sie konnte sich gegen meine Lust wehren und gegen ihre Orgasmen, die sie bekam, wenn meine Fotze ihren Kitzler küsste.

„Ich möchte wetten, dass du es lieben würdest, wenn du Männer dazu bekommen könntest, vor dir zu kriechen.“ Ich leckte ihr Ohrläppchen und sie keuchte und es kam ihr wieder. Ihr Mösensaft benetzte mein Schamhaar. „Sie dazu zu bringen, darum zu betteln, dich zu befriedigen. Sie zu erniedrigen, wie Mark Frauen erniedrigt.“

„Ja, das würde ich gerne tun!“ zischte Mary. „Das war so geil! Ich bin so hart gekommen, als sie mich gefickt haben. Und dann zu hören, wie der eine gebettelt hat, auch kommen zu dürfen! Wie mickrig er geklungen hat, als ich dann weggegangen bin! Das war total scharf!“

„Ich kann dir das geben“, flüsterte ich ihr ins Ohr. „Du kannst Mark zu deinem gehorsamen Sklaven machen.“

„Was?“ fragte Mary. Sie runzelte die Stirn. Ihre Lust verblasste.

„Mark hat dich zu seiner Sklavin gemacht, du würdest doch sicher gerne dasselbe mit ihm machen.“ Ihr Körper zitterte in meinen Armen, ihr Atem wurde schneller. Ich spürte, wie die Gedanken durch ihren Kopf liefen. Ich konnte ihre Fantasien geradezu schmecken. Wie Mark vor ihr kroch. Wie Mark darum bettelte, sie ficken zu dürfen. Wie er darum bettelte, in ihr kommen zu dürfen. „Er hat dich versklavt, mach doch das gleiche mit ihm. Erniedrige ihn. Bestrafe ihn. Zieh mit ihm gleich!“

Szenen wirbelten durch ihren Kopf und ich gab ihr noch schmutzigere Bilder. Ich spürte, wie ihre Gier wuchs, während immer schmutzigere Fantasien ihren Kopf füllten. Mark, wie er an ihren Zehen lutschte. Mary, wie sie mit ihrem Fuß auf seinem Schwanz stand, auf seinen Eiern, wie sie sie zwischen ihren Zehen einquetschte. Wie er vor Schmerz und vor Lust stöhnte. Mark, wie er über den Tisch gebeugt war, wie er sie so oft über einen Tisch gebeugt hatte und wie er von ihr mit einem Umschnall-Dildo gefickt wurde. Mark, wie er sein Sperma aus ihrer Fotze leckte. Mark, wie er in der Ecke stand und zusah, wie Mary von anderen Männern gefickt wurde. Wie er gleichzeitig seinen Schwanz wichste, während ein richtiger Mann sie bediente. Und dann würde sie ihn über das Bett kriechen und ihn das Sperma des anderen Mannes aus ihrer Fotze lecken lassen. Sie war kurz davor, zuzustimmen. Ich spürte ihre Antwort auf ihrer Zungenspitze. Sie wollte das wirklich gerne.

„Ich liebe ihn“, sagte Mary und wurde wieder weich.

„Du kannst ihn doch immer wieder loslassen, wen du deinen Spaß gehabt hast“, log ich.

Ihr Körper versteifte sich. Irgendwie hatten meine Worte ihren Widerstand verstärkt. „Nein.“ Ein Flüstern kam zwischen ihren Lippen hervor. „Nein!“ Beim zweiten Mal klang das Wort schon kräftiger. Dann schob sie mich von ihr herunter. „Nein, Lilith! Nicht Mark! Wir sind Gleiche! Ich war zwar seine Sklavin, aber er hat mich freigelassen. Ich könnte jeden Mann erniedrigen und quälen, aber nicht Mark! Das macht man nicht mit jemandem den man liebt.“

Ich knurrte sie an. Zorn stieg in mir auf. Wie schaffte es diese kleine Bitch bloß, diesen Impulsen zu widerstehen? Ich hatte sie auf ihren Fantasien und auf ihrem Trieb aufgebaut. Diese kleine Bitch hätte eigentlich Wachs in meinen Händen sein müssen. Sie war doch nur ein Mensch, nichts anderes als Sklavin ihrer Begierden. Wie im Namen der Schöpfung konnte sie also widerstehen?

„Ich möchte nicht, dass du noch einmal vor mir, vor Mark oder vor unseren Schlampen erscheinst, wenn wir dich nicht gerufen haben, Lilith“, befahl Mary mir ärgerlich. „Du bist meine Sklavin!“ Ich fühlte meine Ketten, die mich zurück in die Schatten und zurück in den Abgrund zogen.

Luzifer lachte. Er hatte dieses verdammte wissende Grinsen auf den Lippen, als ich wieder in den Schatten war.

„Das hätte eigentlich funktionieren müssen“, murmelte ich verärgert.

„Es hätte auch funktioniert, wenn du aufgepasst hättest“, gab Luzifer zurück.

Ich runzelte die Stirn und lächelte dann so verführerisch wie ich konnte. „Was weißt du, was ich nicht weiß, Luzifer?“

„Du versuchst gerade, Seelenverwandte zu trennen“, antwortete Luzifer. „Selbst wenn ich es nicht so arrangiert hätte, das Mark das Buch findet und liest und mich damit herbeiruft, er hätte Mary trotzdem getroffen. Es war die Bestimmung. Ich habe mich nur insofern eingemischt, als ich festgelegt habe, wie sie sich treffen. Ich habe an ihren Leben ein wenig gedreht, damit es mir besser passt.“

„Warum?“ fragte ich. „Wozu brauchst du jemanden mit so viel Liebe?“

Luzifer lächelte. Wundervoll und böse und machtvoll und das alles gleichzeitig. Ein Schauder lief durch meinen Körper. Angst und Lust kämpften in mir. „Menschen tun die unglaublichsten Sachen aus Liebe“, sagte Luzifer. „David hat Bathsebahs Mann in den Tod geschickt, damit er sie haben konnte. Mark Anton hat aus Liebe eine Rebellion gemacht und ist gestorben. Justinian hat die Zukunft seines Reiches zerstört wegen der Liebe zu seiner Frau. Aus Liebe hat Paris Helena entführt und aus Liebe haben die griechischen Könige Troja zerstört. Liebe hat dafür gesorgt, dass Männer und Frauen ihre Länder verraten haben, ihr Freunde, ihre Kinder. Aus Liebe werden Menschen lügen, stehlen, morden. Die wirkliche Frage, Lilith ist, was soll ich mit einen Menschen, der keine Liebe hat?“

Sein Lachen war tief, kehlig und kraftvoll. Es schallte durch die Schatten. Ich spürte, wie sein Überschwang von ihm ausging und meine Augen fielen auf seinen glänzenden Schwanz. Demut erfasste mich. Ich würde ihn befriedigen müssen. Oh, wie ich es hasste, die Lust eines Mannes zu befriedigen! Irgendwann, Luzifer, irgendwann werde ich die Macht haben! Irgendwann wirst du mich befriedigen!

Seine Hände lagen auf meinen Schultern und ich sank auf meine Knie. Es hatte keinen Sinn, dagegen anzugehen. Luzifer beherrschte den Abgrund. Mein Körper war einfach nur eine der Nettigkeiten des Königs der Hölle. Es war genau so, wie Milton einmal geschrieben hatte: „Es ist besser, die Hölle zu regieren, als im Himmel zu dienen.“ Mein Mund öffnete sich und sein Schwanz drang ein. Ich schloss meine Augen. Luzifers Glanz wurde stärker, als seine Lust stärker wurde und ich an der Eichel seines Schwanzes lutschte.

Mein Trick mit Mary mochte fehlgeschlagen sein, aber das war nur eine vorübergehende Sache. Es wäre zwar nichts so befriedigend gewesen als zu sehen, wie Mark von seiner eigenen Frau erniedrigt wurde, aber es gab auch noch eine andere Möglichkeit, Mark zu zerstören und Luzifers Plan aus der Bahn zu bringen. Und diese Möglichkeit konnte Luzifer nicht durchkreuzen. Die Saat lag bereits in fruchtbarem Boden und wenn sie spross, dann würde ich Mark zerstören und ich würde mich auf ewig aus dem Abgrund befreien. Ich werde jede Freiheit haben, die ich haben möchte, Luzifer. Ich werde die Erde regieren, du bleibst der Chef in der Hölle!

Lach also nur und bleib bei deiner Meinung, dass die Ereignisse in deine Richtung laufen. Mach mich weiter zu deiner Hure, so wie Adam einst dachte, dass er es tun könnte. Ich habe mich aus seiner Herrschaft befreit und ich werde mich auch aus deiner Herrschaft befreien! Du hast einen großen Fehler gemacht, als du mich wieder in die Welt gelassen hast. Eines Tages wirst du auf deinen Knien vor mir liegen und um meine Umarmung winseln! Ich konnte schon beinahe die Lippen von Luzifer an meinen Zehen spüren. Sein Schwanz schoss flüssiges Feuer in meinen Mund. Sein Sperma brannte, als ich es schluckte.

Schon bald, Luzifer! Schon bald wirst du mein Sklave sein!

To be continued …

Click here for Kapitel 18

Der Pakt mit dem Teufel Kapitel 14: Karens Entscheidung



Der Pakt mit dem Teufel

Kapitel 14: Karens Entscheidung

Von mypenname3000

Übersetzt von Horem

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Female/Female, Male/Female/Teen female, Male/Females, Female Masturbation, Mind Control, Orgy, Exhibitionism, Rape, BDSM, Humiliation, Magic, Oral

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Kapitel 13

„Hi Alice“, begrüßte mich Mrs. Martin.

Die Martins waren mein 11-Uhr-Termin. Ich zeigte dem Pärchen ein Haus in Spanaway, ein süßes Haus im Landhausstil. Nachdem ich ihnen das Haus gezeigt hatte, hätte ich den Nachmittag über frei, damit ich mich im Blue Spruce Motel mit Mary treffen konnte. Ich war so erregt, dass ich an diesem Morgen bereits dreimal masturbiert hatte, während ich mit Mary verschiedene sexy SMS ausgetauscht hatte. Sie hatte mir mehrere verdorbene Fotos geschickt, darunter eines mit einer jungen Frau, die ihr die Möse ausleckte. „Eine Schlampe, die ich mir mit Mark teile ;-)“ hatte sie geschrieben. Als ich das Foto sah, war ich nur noch eine geile eifersüchtige Masse Fleisch. Ich hasste diese Frau und beneidete sie zur gleichen Zeit.

Ich konnte es nicht mehr abwarten, bis mein Mund Marys Fotze ausleckte. Deshalb trug ich meinen kürzesten Rock und ein dunkelblaues Hemd unter meinem blauen Blazer. Und dann hatte ich noch Strümpfe an, die gerade bis zum Saum meines Rockes reichten. Ein Höschen oder einen BH hatte ich nicht an. Ich war darauf vorbereitet, mich von meiner Liebhaberin ficken zu lassen.

Die Führung zog sich wie Kaugummi. Und die Martins stellten ständig dieselben Fragen. Die beiden waren ein sehr frustrierendes Pärchen. Ich hatte ihnen schon 15 Häuser gezeigt und für dieses hier schienen sie sich wirklich zu interessieren. Sie konnten sich nur verdammt nochmal nicht endgültig entscheiden. Es war schon beinahe ein Uhr und den beiden fielen immer wieder neue blödsinnige Fragen ein, die sie mir stellen konnten.

Ich brauchte meine ganze Selbstkontrolle, dieses Pärchen nicht auf der Stelle zu erwürgen. Ich fischte mein Telefon aus der Tasche und schickte Mary eine SMS: „Wird leider etwas später, sorry.“

Mary schickte mir nur ein finster blickendes Emoticon und ein Bild von ihr. Sie hatte einen sexy roten Rock an, ein rotes Oberteil und Strümpfe, die ihr bis zu den Oberschenkeln reichten. Sie hatte ihren Rock gerade so hoch gehoben, dass ich ihre leckere Spalte sehen konnte. Meine Muschi fing an zu sabbern und mein dicker Saft trat aus.

Es wurde Zeit, den Martins mit einem alten Maklertrick Beine zu machen. „Es tut mir leid, aber ich muss Sie ein wenig antreiben. Aber ich habe noch einen anderen Kunden, der sich auch für dieses Anwesen interessiert. Der wird bald kommen.“

„Oh tut uns leid“, sagte die junge Mrs. Martin. „Wir nehmen das Haus.“

„Na, das ist ja wundervoll“, sagte ich und zu meiner Überraschung umarmte mich Mrs. Martin.

Ich hatte den Papierkrieg schon bei mir und ließ ihn gleich von den Martins ausfüllen, bevor sie es sich noch einmal anders überlegten. Ich war zwar scharf darauf, endlich umgelegt zu werden, aber ich brauchte auch das Geld. Mary würde das sicher verstehen. Als alles erledigt war, hüpfte ich in meinen cremefarbenen Jetta und fuhr rasch zum Blue Spruce Motel. Ich schickte Mary schnell eine SMS, dass ich kam und erhielt die Antwort „Zimmer 15.“

Ich klopfte an die Tür von Zimmer 15. Mary öffnete. Als ich sie in ihrem roten Outfit sah, war sie noch überwältigender. Sie lächelte verführerisch, drückte ihre Brust heraus und ihre Nippel drückten sich hart in den Stoff ihres Tops. „Hey, Sexy“, schnurrte sie. „Schön dich hier wiederzusehen!“

Ich war so geil, ich machte nur ein grollendes Geräusch und fing meine Liebhaberin in einer Umarmung ein. Ich küsste sie leidenschaftlich. Unsere Zungen rangen miteinander, während ich sie in das Zimmer zurück drängte. Sie stieß mit den Rückseiten ihrer Beine gegen das Bett und fielen beide darauf. Wir küssten uns leidenschaftlich, saugten einander an den Lippen und rollten über das Bett.

Ich brauchte unbedingt den Geschmack ihrer Schnalle. Seit sie mir das Foto geschickt hatte, auf dem diese andere Frau ihr die Fotze ausgeleckt hatte, musste ich ihr beweisen, dass ich sie mindestens ebenso gut befriedigen konnte. Ich drückte sie auf den Rücken, schob ihren Rock hoch und freute mich darüber, dass sie kein Höschen anhatte. Ihre Schamlippen waren vollständig haarlos und sie glänzten vor Lust. Ich küsste das flammend rote Herz oberhalb ihrer Muschi und dann küsste ich ihren Kitzler.

„Oh verdammt“, stöhnte Mary. „Leck mir die Fotze Baby. Oh, deine Zunge fühlt sich so gut an!“

Ich verschlang ihre Fotze mit Gusto und drang mit meiner Zunge tief in sie ein. Sie schmeckte süß und würzig. Ich erkundete jeden Zentimeter ihrer rosafarbenen Muschi. Sie stöhnte und fluchte vor Lust, als ich anfing, an ihrem Kitzler zu saugen und sie gleichzeitig mit zwei Fingern zu ficken. Ihre Muschi war warm und sie pulsierte auf meinen Fingern. Ich winkelte meine Finger an und suchte nach ihrem G-Punkt. Sie atmete immer schneller und sie stöhnte und sie zuckte, als meine Fingerspitzen schließlich über das Nervengeflecht rieben. Ihr Saft überflutete mein Gesicht und ich wäre am liebsten in ihrem Honig ertrunken.

„Verdammt, das war gut“, keuchte Mary. Sie zog mich hoch und küsste mich auf meine Lippen. Ihre Zunge leckte über meine Lippen und mein Kinn und leckte ihren Honig von meinem Gesicht. „Zieh dich aus, dann habe ich eine Überraschung für dich.“

Ich zog mir den Blazer aus und versuchte, so etwas wie einen Striptease hinzulegen. Frischer Saft rann aus meiner Schnalle, während ich mich fragte, worin wohl ihre Überraschung bestand. Mary klatschte und gab anzügliche Kommentare ab, als ich vor ihr tanzte. „Zieh aus, Baby“, sagte sie. „Lass mich deine Tittchen sehen!“ Oder „Diese Muschi werde ich gleich genießen.“ Es war ein furchtbarer Tanz, aber Mary schien er zu gefallen. Schließlich war ich nackt und Mary legte mich mit dem Gesicht nach unten auf das Bett. Sie schob mir ein paar Kissen unter den Bauch und hob damit meinen Arsch an.

„Mach deine Augen zu, Baby“, sagte sie leise in mein Ohr.

Es war sehr erregend, nicht sehen zu können, was passierte. Ich hörte scharrende Geräusche. Kramte Mary in ihrer Tasche herum? Was konnte da wohl drin sein? Dann raschelte Wäsche. Sie zog sich aus! Oh Gott, ich wollte so gerne meine Augen wieder aufmachen und meine Liebhaberin anschauen. Dann gab es weitere Geräusche, so als ob Gummi an Gummi reibt und dann war Mary hinter mir auf dem Bett. Sie spreizte meine Beine.

Es kam mir beinahe, als sie mit ihrer Zunge durch meine Schnalle fuhr, von meinem Kitzler bis zu meinem Loch, Sie stieß mit ihrer Zunge nach oben in meine Öffnung. „Du schmeckst so gut, Baby“, schnurrte Mary. „Du bist ganz nass für mich, nicht wahr?“

Ich wackelte mit meinen Hüften. „Ich bin bereit für dich!“

Mary kam nun hinter mich und dann berührte etwas Kaltes und Hartes meine Muschi. Es rieb an meinen Schamlippen vorbei und schob sich dann in mein Loch. Mary hatte einen Dildo mitgebracht, dachte ich mit einem Lächeln. Mary schob den Dildo immer tiefer in mich hinein. Sein Durchmesser füllte mich so schön aus! Und dann spürte ich Mary an meinem Arsch.

„Oh mein Gott, fickst du mich etwa?“ keuchte ich und schaute endlich über meine Schulter. Mary trug ein schwarzes Geschirr um ihre Taille. „Ist das ein Umschnall-Dildo?“

Mary grinste, zog zurück und stieß wieder nach vorne. „Du hast mir dich gesagt, dass du schon ziemlich lange keinen Schwanz mehr in deiner Vagina gehabt hast.“

„Oh Gott, das ist gut“, stöhnte ich, während Mary mich langsam fickte. „Danke.“

Mary wurde schneller. Es fühlte sich so gut an, dass etwas meine Fotze fickte. Das war zwar nur ein Dildo und kein Schwanz, aber es war ein ganz guter Ersatz. Und zu wissen, dass er an meiner süßen Mary befestigt war, machte das Gefühl noch perverser. Ich schob meine Hände unter meinen Schoß und fing an, meinen Kitzler zu reiben. Lust erfüllte meinen ganzen Körper und baute sich ziemlich schnell bis zu einem Orgasmus auf.

Ich brauchte mehr, ich brauchte es schneller und härter. „Fick mich hart!“ rief ich und Mary wurde schneller. Auch sie keuchte jetzt. Sie genoss den Akt genau wie ich. Ich war ganz kurz davor zu kommen. Mein ganzer Körper war in Erwartung gespannt. Und dann kam ich großartig auf diesem Dildo und ich zuckte unter Mary. „Oh ja, oh ja!“ schrie ich immer wieder und Mary rammte das Ding immer weiter tief in mein Loch.

Mary fiel auf meinen Rücken und wir rollten gemeinsam auf die Seite. Mary lag wie ein Löffelchen hinter mir. Der Dildo steckte noch in meiner Schnalle. Marys Brüste und ihre harten Nippel drückten sich höchst angenehm gegen meinen Rücken und ihre Arme waren um mich geschlungen. Sie fuhren an meinen Seiten auf und ab, griffen nach meinen Brüsten und streichelten meine Schenkel. Sie küsste meinen Hals und meine Schultern.

Ich drehte meinen Kopf und fing ihre Lippen ein. Ich drehte mich auf den Rücken und der Dildo rutsche aus meiner Fotze. Wir schmusten sanft miteinander und unsere Hände erkundeten den anderen Körper. Es gab keinen Ort an meinem Körper, den Mary nicht berührte und mit dem sie nicht spielte. Überall, wo sie mich berührte, entstand dieses kribbelnde Gefühl. Und es gab nichts an ihrem Körper, das mich nicht erregt hätte.

„Darf ich das auch mal versuchen?“ fragte ich und fuhr mit der Hand über den nassen Dildo.

„Ja, Baby“, sagte Mary.

Sie half mir dabei, das Geschirr anzulegen und befestigte es an meiner Taille. Sie sorgte dafür, dass der Dildo gegen meinen Kitzler drückte. Dann kniete sie sich auf den Boden und sie schluckte den Dildo. Das sah total geil aus. Sie gab mir meinen ersten Blowjob. Sie fuhr mit ihrem Mund auf dem Dildo auf und ab. Ich streichelte ihr rotbraunes Haar und schaute auf diesen Engel hinab. Sie leckte an dem Ding entlang und nahm den Dildo dann wieder in den Mund. Sie schob ihn sich bis in die Kehle und ihre Lippen küssten das Geschirr. Dann ließ sie ihn wieder heraus.

Mary ließ den Dildo los und küsste sich an mir nach oben. Ihre Zunge kitzelte meinen Bauchnabel. Sie kam zu meinen Brüsten und leckte in Kreisen um meine Melonen herum, und dann saugte sie meinen harten Nippel in ihren Mund. Ihre Hände streichelten meine Seiten, meinen Arsch, meine Beine. Ich kribbelte vor Erregung. Dann ließ Mary meinen Nippel los und rutschte langsam noch weiter nach oben. Ihre Lippen pressten sich auf meine. Ich schlang meine Arme um sie und küsste sie leidenschaftlich, sanft und liebevoll.

Ich liebte sie. Sie war mein wunderbarer Engel.

Ich drückte sie auf das Bett zurück und ihre Schenkel spreizten sich bereitwillig für mich. Plötzlich war ich total nervös. Es war so, als würde ich jetzt mein erstes Mal erleben. Ich kletterte auf Mary und meine Brüste schoben sich über ihren Bauch und hoch zu ihren Titten. Mary schlang ihre Arme um meinen Hals und sie zog mich zu einem Kuss herunter. Ihre Zunge spielte in meinem Mund.

Der Dildo drückte gegen meinen Kitzler und ich hatte wieder dieses kribbelnde Gefühl, als ich langsam in ihrer Schnalle versank. Ich brach den Kuss ab und starrte tief in ihre smaragdgrünen Augen. Es war ein magischer Moment. Es war wie in meiner Hochzeitsnacht, nur war diesmal ich der Bräutigam und Mary war die Braut. Ich fing an, langsam Liebe mit ihr zu machen. Ich stellte mir vor, dass sie meine Frau war. Ich konnte sogar unsere Hochzeit sehen. Mary ging wunderschön den Gang entlang. Sie hatte ein weißes Kleid an, während ich in einem schwarzen Kleid auf sie wartete. Unsere Familien und Freunde waren bei uns, als wir unsere beiden Herzen miteinander verbanden. Wir würden so glücklich sein miteinander, mein süßer Engel und ich!

Meine Frau, meine Ehefrau, klang es in meinem Kopf, während ich mit Mary Liebe machte. Unsere Körper drängten sich aneinander, unser Fleisch war durch den Dildo miteinander verbunden. Dieser süße Engel würde mir gehören. Ich würde sie von Mark lösen, so wie sie mich von Dean gelöst hatte. Beide keuchten wir vor Lust und küssten und streichelten einander. Meine Frau hatte einen weiteren Orgasmus unter mir. Sie zuckte und stöhnte laut ihre Lust heraus. Als ich meinen eigenen Orgasmus hatte, wollte ich herausschreien, wie sehr ich sie liebte. Wie sehr ich meinen grünäugigen Engel liebte.

Aber so war es leider nicht. Dafür war es viel zu früh! Ich musste langsam machen. Ich durfte sie nicht verschrecken. Ich hielt meine künftige Frau in meinen Armen und ich schmuste mit ihr, als wir beide unsere gemeinsamen Orgasmen genossen. Ich schaute hasserfüllt auf ihren Verlobungsring. Schon bald wäre dort mein Verlobungsring. Ich würde Mark in ihrem Herzen ersetzen.

Sie kannte Mark noch nicht lange, also würde ihre Beziehung nicht lange halten. Ich würde da sein, wenn es auseinander ging. Ich würde da sein, um meinem Engel beizustehen und dann würde sie ganz und gar mir gehören. Ich küsste ihre weichen Lippen und streichelte ihre weichen Brüste. Ich würde mich von Dean schieden lassen und meinen Mädchennamen wieder annehmen, Coburn. Und dann würden wir Mrs, und Mrs, Coburn sein. Ich drückte meinen Liebling fester. Meine Hand glitt zu ihrer nassen Spalte. Ich musste sie noch einmal haben.

Als ich ihr den Dildo in die Muschi trieb, wusste ich, dass es nur eine Frage der Zeit war, bis sie mir ganz und gar gehörte. Mrs. Und Mrs. Coburn!


Nachdem Mary losgezogen war, um sich mit Alice zu treffen, kamen die Leute, die den Teppich im Wohnzimmer auszutauschen. Ich sagte ihnen, dass sie sich beeilen und dann gehen sollten. Ich ließ ihnen das Geld auf dem Wohnzimmertisch und sagte ihnen, dass sie sich sonst nirgends im Haus aufhalten sollten. Allerdings konnten sie das Bad benutzen. Dann sammelte ich alle Schlampen ein, die sich im Haus befanden und wir machten uns auf zu einem Einkaufstrip.

Korina war noch im Krankenhaus und Allison war bei ihr. Chantelle und Lana waren noch in ihrem Flitterwochenurlaub, also blieben Desiree, Violet, Lillian, Thamina, Xiu, Fiona und Chasity. Thamina, Violet und Fiona drängten sich mit mir in den Mustang, während Desiree Lillian, Xiu und Chasity in ihrem BMW mitnahm. Ich warf schnell eine Sporttasche mit Geld in den Kofferraum und entschied, dass wir noch ein paar Autos brauchen würden. Unser Haus hatte eine große und breite Auffahrt und in die Garage passten drei Autos. Außerdem konnten auch Autos auf der Straße stehen.

Wir fuhren die River Road in Puyallup hinunter, wo es die meisten Autohändler gab. Ich beschloss, dass zwei weitere Autos in Ordnung waren und dachte selber an einen Pickup. Ich fuhr zu einem Ford-Händler und beschloss, einen Wettbewerb unter den Schlampen zu veranstalten, um festzulegen, wer die neuen Autos bekam. Ich versammelte sie beim Händler um mich.

„Zwei von euch bekommen neue Autos“, sagte ich den Schlampen. Die Schlampen lächelten aufgeregt. „Du allerdings nicht, Desiree. Du hast schon ein Auto. Die ersten beiden Schlampen, die sich zu einem Orgasmus masturbieren, bekommen ein Auto. Los!“

Kleidung fiel auf den Boden und alle Schlampen fingen an, sich zu befriedigen. Ich nahm mir Desiree und stieß sie vor mir auf den Boden, damit sie mir einen Blowjob geben konnte. Desiree verschluckte meinen Schwanz und ich schaute zu, wie es sich meine Schlampen selber machten. Ich zog den Camcorder heraus und filmte eine jede Schlampe, wie sie Hand an sich legte. Ich war ganz überrascht, wie unterschiedlich ihre Techniken jeweils waren.

Xiu kniff sich in den Kitzler und riss schmerzhaft an ihren gepiercten Nippeln. Violet fing an, ihre Möse an der Stoßstange eines Ford Taurus zu reiben. Fiona nahm beide Hände. Mit der einen spielte sie mit ihrem Kitzler und mit der anderen fingerte sie ihre Fotze. Chasity nahm eine Hand. Sei schob sich zwei Finger, den Mittelfinger und den Ringfinger in die Fotze, während sie mit der Handfläche gegen ihren Kitzler drückte. Mit ihrer freien Hand spielte sie mit ihren Titten. Lillian steckte sich zwei Finger in ihre Fotze und einen in ihren Arsch und fickte beide Löcher gleichzeitig. Thamina streichelte nur ihre Schamlippen und drang nicht in ihre Fotze ein. Sie fuhr immer auf und ab und rieb dabei auch ihren Kitzler.

Leute versammelten sich um uns und ich sagte ihnen, dass sie die Schlampen anfeuern sollten. „Ich möchte wetten ,dass es der Rothaarigen als erster kommt“, sagte ein Mann zu seiner Frau.

Seine Frau schüttelte den Kopf. „Schau dir mal das Mädchen mit den Piercings an. Die ist schon ganz dicht davor.“

„Guck mal, wie die Blonde ihren Kitzler reibt!“ rief einer der Verkäufer. „Gott, wie gerne würde ich mit diesen Titten spielen!“

„Nein, die Asiatin mit den Piercings! Die steht wohl total auf Schmerzen!“

„Guck mal die da, wie die sich an dem Auto reibt!“

„Zwanzig Dollar auf die Blonde!“

„Hau doch ab! Die Muslima!“

Lillian kam es als erster. Sie schrie laut und dann lutschte sie sich die Finger, die in ihrer Fotze und in ihrem Arsch gesteckt hatten, sauber. Die Ehefrau klatschte. „Ich wusste, du schaffst das!“ rief sie. Lillian lächelte glücklich. „Siehst du, ich hatte recht“, sagte die Frau zu ihrem Mann.

„Ja, ich finde, du solltest deine Frau lecken, weil sei recht hatte“, sagte ich dem Ehemann.

Er kniete sich vor seiner Frau auf den Boden und riss ihr die Jeans und das Höschen herunter. Sie hatte einen pelzigen dichten schwarzen Busch. Er tauchte hinein und fing an, sie auszulecken. „Oh verdammt, das ist gut!“ stöhnte die Frau.

Fiona masturbierte wie eine Wilde. Es sah so aus, als würde sie die nächste sein, als plötzlich Thamina sich schüttelte und keuchte. Ein überraschender zweiter Platz. „Du schuldest mit zwanzig Dollar!“ rief ein Mann. „Leck mich“, gab ein anderer zurück. „Sie war doch nur die zweite!“ Fiona schrie laut und es kam ihr nur ganz kurze Zeit später. Violet verschmierte den Ford Taurus mit ihrem Saft und Xiu war die letzte. Ich schoss eine große Ladung in Desirees Mund und sie teilte ihren Preis glücklich mit Lillian und Thamina.

„Sucht euch ein Auto aus“, sagte ich Lillian und Thamina. Ich klopfte beiden auf den Arsch. Dann fing ich selber an, nach den Pickups zu schauen und suchte mir selber einen F350 aus.

Lillian suchte sich einen metallic-blauen Ford Fusion Hybrid aus und Thamina entschied sich für einen weißen Ford Escape Hybrid SUV. Ich bezahlte alle drei Auto in bar und machte mich dann schnell noch auf den Weg zum VW-Händler, um Marys Eos zu bezahlen. Ich ließ Chasity meinen neuen Pickup fahren und führte dann die ganze Gruppe zur South Hill Mall, um für die Damen ein paar neue Sachen einzukaufen. Ich ließ sie von Chasity in verschiedene Bekleidungsgeschäfte führen, während ich selber zum Juwelier ging.

Patricia, die mittelalte Frau, die ich beim letzten Mal beraubt hatte, war wieder da. Sie zuckte zusammen, als sie mich sah. In ihren Augen stieg Angst auf. Das war erklärlich, weil ich sie gefesselt im Hinterzimmer zurückgelassen hatte. „Es ist alles in Ordnung. Ich werde dich heute nicht berauben. Du kannst dich entspannen.“

Patricia entspannte sich und dann fragte sie: „Hat Ihr Mädchen ja gesagt?“

„Hat sie.“ Sagte ich.

„Meinen Glückwunsch, Söhnchen.“

„Ich brauche ein wenig Spezialschmuck“, sagte ich ihr. Ich gab ihr ein Blatt Papier mit Namen, das ich vorher beschrieben hatte. „Ich brauche enge Halsbänder mit verschiedenen Steinen, die auf der Rückseite graviert sind.“ Ich sagte ihr, welcher Stein zu welchem Namen gehörte und dann sagte ich ihr noch, dass ich den doppelten Preis zahlen würde, wenn die Schmuckstücke innerhalb einer Woche fertig wären. Ich zahlte den halben Kaufpreis vorab und suchte dann nach einem weiteren Schmuckstück für Mary. Ich fand eine Kette mit Rubinen, ein Halsband mit Diamanten und fünf Paar Ohrringe mit verschiedenen Steinen. Auch für diese Dinge zahlte ich.

„Wenn Sie mir einen Ratschlag erlauben, Söhnchen“, sagte Patricia. „Bei so vielen verschiedenen Frauen kann das ganz schnell mal ins Auge gehen.“

Ich lächelte. „Keine Sorge, damit kann ich schon umgehen.“

Sie lachte ein wenig verrucht. „Da möchte ich wetten, Söhnchen. Wenn ich dreißig Jahre jünger wäre, würde ich das gerne selbst herausfinden.“

„Das glaube ich gerne“, sagte ich und verließ das Geschäft.

Ich suchte die Schlampen und fand sie beim Hot Topic. Alle redeten ganz aufgeregt über die Sachen, die sie gefunden hatten. Endlich trugen die Schlampen Sachen, die nicht aus Desirees Kleiderschrank stammten. Jetzt, wo sie alle ihre Sachen hatten, führte ich sie noch zu Victorias Secret und dann zu Lovers Package, um ihnen Uniformen zu besorgen.

Thamina erhielt ein sexy Schwestern-Outfit aus durchsichtigem weißem Stoff, durch den ihr dunkler Köper gut zu sehen war. Der Rock war sehr kurz. Dazu gehörten weiße Kniestrümpfe und eine Schwesternhaube. Chasity erhielt eine sexy Polizei-Uniform, eine königsblaue Bluse, die sich nur zur Hälfte schließen ließ und ihre Brust beinahe ganz unbedeckt ließ und einen königsblauen sehr kurzen Rock. Sie trug den Gürtel mit ihrer Waffe, dem Schlagstock, dem Elektroschocker und den Handschellen um ihre schmale Taille. Stiefel, die ihr bis zu den Schenkeln reichten vervollständigten ihre Uniform. Die anderen Schlampen erhielten Zofen-Outfits wie Allison eines hatte, transparente Bodies, durch die man ihre Brüste sehen konnte und kurze Röcke mit vielen Petticoats darunter. Die Röcke waren so kurz, dass man ihre Ärsche und Fotzen sehen konnte, wenn sie sich nach vorne beugten.

Für Fotzenlappen kaufte ich ein paar Nippelklammern, ein Hundehalsband und eine Leine, einen Analstöpsel mit einem Hundeschwanz und ein Kopfband mit Hundeohren. So konnte sie gerne eine Bitch bleiben, wenn sie nicht meine Sexsklavin sein wollte.

Ganz zuletzt gingen wir noch in ein Möbelgeschäft. Uns wurden langsam im Haus die Betten knapp und Chantelle und Lana waren noch gar nicht da. Außerdem wollten Mary und ich noch mindestens eine zusätzliche Schlampe zu uns holen, wenn wir eine Frauenärztin fanden, die unseren Ansprüchen genügte. Sie musste jung und scharf sein. Der Keller im Haus war allerdings groß und so kauften wir drei französische Betten, um sie dort aufzustellen und dann noch ein viertes für eines der beiden Wohnzimmer. Wir brauchten keine zwei Wohnzimmer, und schon gar keines, in dem es keinen Fernseher gab. Ich zahlte und gab Anweisungen, die Betten sofort zu liefern.

Ich wollte schon nach Hause fahren, als ich eine Key Bank sah. Ich fuhr in eine Parklücke und lächelte. Ich hoffte, dass es dort eine hübsche Kassiererin gab oder auch vielleicht drei, damit ich mir die Zeit ein wenig vertreiben konnte, während ich darauf wartete, dass das Zeitschloss am Tresor sich öffnete.


Ich fuhr meinen Eos in die Auffahrt. Ich hatte mit Alice viel Spaß gehabt und ich hatte ihr versprochen, dass wir uns am Donnerstag wieder treffen würden. Ich hatte ihr versprechen müssen, dass wir uns vor unserer gemeinsamen Verabredung im Blus Spruce Motel treffen würden, aber so einen angenehmen Preis zahlte ich gerne. Alice hatte es wirklich genossen, mich mit dem Umschnall-Dildo zu ficken und es war auch für mich sehr schön gewesen, obwohl nicht annähernd so schön wie Marks Schwanz, aber Alices hatte mir eine ganze Reihe von sehr befriedigenden Orgasmen mit dem Ding gegeben.

Vor dem Haus parkte ein Lastwagen und eine Reihe von Männern packten Sachen ein. Das mussten die Leute mit dem Teppich sein, dachte ich mir. Einer von ihnen pfiff mir nach und ich lächelte innerlich. Äußerlich allerdings starrte ich finster. Es war schon ganz nett, wenn Männer einen für eine scharfe Braut hielten, aber nur dann, wenn es die richtigen Männer waren. Und diese Kerle hier waren definitiv nicht die richtigen.

Ich schloss die Tür auf und ging gleich nach oben. Ich zog mir mein Oberteil und den Rock aus. Ich dachte mir, dass ich ein wenig malen könnte, als nahm ich mir eines von Marks weiten Hemden und zog es an. Ich fühlte mich ein wenig sexy, als ich so angezogen war. Ich konnte seinen Duft wahrnehmen, diesen würzigen herben Geruch eines Mannes. Ich war plötzlich sehr geil und ich spürte, wie ein kleines Bach aus meinem Liebessaft an meinen Beinen nach unten rann.

Ich drehte mich um und dort stand Lilith. Ich zuckte vor Überraschung zusammen. Sie trug heute nur ihr silbernes Haar. Ihre Brüste waren groß und rund und viel zu fest für Brüste von derartiger Größe. Sie hatte angenehm geschwungene Hüften und ihre Beine waren schlank und lang. Zwischen ihren Beinen sah ich ihren silbernen Busch, der von ihrem Saft bedeckt war.

„Hallo, Herrin“, schnurrte Lilith. Sie streckte ihre Hand aus und ich keuchte, als sie mich an der Wange berührte. Ein kleiner Orgasmus lief durch meinen Körper.

„Lilith!“ krächzte ich. Meine Stimme war von Verlangen ganz belegt.

„Hast du über deinen Segen nachgedacht?“

„Nein“, stöhnte ich, als Lilith mich an sich zog und dann lagen ihre Lippen auf meinen. Sie schmeckte nach Lust, feurig und würzig. Ihre Zunge bewegte sich in meinem Mund. So wundervoll. Ich spürte, wie ihre runden Brüste sich gegen mich drückten. Ihre Hand fuhr nach unten und legte sich auf meinen Arsch. Ich kam wieder, diesmal härter und ich zuckte in ihrem Griff.

„Willst du denn nichts mehr von mir?“ fraget Lilith und unterbrach den Kuss.

„Oh doch!“ stöhnte ich. „Ich will nur…“ Es wurde schwer zu denken. Mein Hirn war vor Lust benebelt.

Lilith drückte meine Schultern nach unten und ich ging gerne vor ihr auf die Knie. Ihre Beine teilten sich und ich konnte unter ihrem silbernen Haar ihre Schamlippen sehen. Ich musste sie jetzt schmecken. Ich presset meinen Mund auf ihre Muschi und ihr Schamhaar kitzelte in meiner Nase. Ich schmeckte ihre Muschi. So etwas hatte ich noch nie geschmeckt. Würzig, süß, herb, frisch, alles gleichzeitig. So wie alle anderen Muschis, die ich je geleckt hatte gleichzeitig.

„Es gibt so viele so schöne Dinge, die ich für dich tun kann“, schnurrte Lilith. „Reichtum, Unsterblichkeit, Lust.“

Meine Zunge drang tief in ihre Grotte ein. Ich musste einfach mehr von ihren Säften haben. Während ich sie leckte, kam es mir schon wieder. Diesmal war es eine ganze Kette von Orgasmen, die meine Sinne zu überwältigen drohten.

„Ich könnte dir auch einen Schwanz geben“, schnurrte sie. „Ich habe gesehen, wie du meinen angestarrt hast. Du hast keine Ahnung, wie intensiv ein männlicher Orgasmus ist.“

Sie hatte recht. Es war so geil gewesen zu sehen, wie ihr plötzlich ein Schwanz gewachsen war und wie sie dann Fotzenlappen gefickt hatte. Ich saugte ihren Kitzler in meinen Mund und stellte mir vor, wie er zwischen meinen Lippen wachsen würde, immer größer und wie er dann in meine Kehle eindringen würde. Schon wieder rauschte ein Orgasmus durch meine Fotze und ich stöhnte in Liliths Muschi.

„Oder vielleicht willst du ja Macht haben. Die Macht, Menschen zu kontrollieren“, fuhr Lilith fort. „Oder die Macht, um eine einzige Person zu kontrollieren.“

Ich saugte noch fester an ihrem Kitzler und steckte zwei Finger in ihre enge Schnalle. Meine Orgasmen fuhren immer wieder durch meinen Körper. Sie wurden immer stärker. Ihre Fotze saugte gierig an meinen Fingern. Ich fügte einen hinzu und dann noch einen und dann hatte ich meine ganze Hand in ihrer Fotze. Ich fistete sie. Die Wände ihrer Fotze umschlossen fast schmerzhaft mein Handgelenk, während ich sie mit meiner ganzen Faust fickte.

„Oh du wunderbare Sterbliche“, schnurrte Lilith. „Vielleicht ja auch Rache! Rache an deinem Feind. An jemandem, der dich verletzt hat. Rache an deiner Mutter!“

Meine Mutter! Der Schmerz, den mir meine Mutter zugefügt hatte, weil sie mich verlassen hatte, durchfuhr einen kurzen Moment meine Lust. Ich war sechs gewesen, als sie mit ihrem Muskelmann weggelaufen war. Diese verdammte Nutte! Aber Liliths Lust war sofort wieder da und sie war stärker als meine Emotion. Ich fistete die Dämonin weiter und saugte fest an ihrem Kitzler. Lilith fing an, schneller zu atmen, als sie sich ihrem eigenen Orgasmus näherte. Ich fistete sie schneller und härter.

„Oh du verdammte Hure!“ stöhnte Lilith. „Du wunderbare verdammte Hure! Fick meine Fotze noch härter! Fester, du gottverdammte geile wunderbare Hure! Jaaaaa!“

Als es Lilith kam, war mein Orgasmus so stark, dass ich ohnmächtig wurde. Als ich wieder erwachte, lag ich zusammengerollt auf dem Boden. Mein Hand war von Liliths Saft ganz klebrig. Lilith war nicht mehr da. Ich leckte die Ambrosia ab, die meine Hand bedeckte und keuchte, als noch ein kleiner Orgasmus durch meinen Körper lief. Lilith brachte unglaubliche Lust, aber sie machte mir auch gleichzeitig Angst. Mir war völlig klar, dass sie wollte, dass ich den dritten Segen endlich nahm. Sie wollte sich von mir befreien. Ich musste sehr vorsichtig sein. Lilith war unsere Rückfallposition. Ich konnte es mir nicht leisten, diesen dritten Segen zu verschwenden. Beim nächsten Mal würde ich gegen die Lust ankämpfen und nicht verlieren wie eben.

Ich musste darüber nachdenken, wie ich mit Lilith umging. Die Türklingel schellte und ich lief nach unten. Die Elektriker waren da, um die Computer zu installieren, die ich auf dem Rückweg gekauft hatte. Während sie die Rechner im Atelier installierten, setzte ich mich auf einen Sessel im Wohnzimmer, schaute den Mount Rainier an und verlor mich in Gedanken.


Als wir endlich wieder zu Hause ankamen, war Mary von ihrer Verabredung mit Alice auch schon wieder da. Die Eifersucht wollte schon wieder ihren Kopf zeigen, aber ich zwang sie zurück. Mary liebte mich. Alice war nur ihre Freundin. Die Freundin, für die sie sich so sexy wie möglich anzog und die sie am Nachmittag gefickt hatte. Wir gingen ins Haus und sahen, dass die Leute mit dem Teppich ganze Arbeit geleistet hatten.

Ich fand Mary in ihrem Atelier, das früher mal das Büro von Brendan Fitzsimmons gewesen war. Sie malte. Da waren zwei brandneue Computer, an einem war ein Zeichenbrett angeschlossen. Sie war dabei, das Gemälde des Mount Rainier fertigzustellen, das sie vor einigen Tagen begonnen hatte. Alles was sie trug war eines meiner langen Hemden, das ihr bis knapp über den Arsch ging. Ihre wunderbaren Beine waren darunter zu sehen.

„Hey, Mare“, begrüßte ich sie. „Du siehst sehr sexy aus.“

Mary lächelte mich über ihre Schulter an. Ihre Grübchen waren so süß. „Hey. Liebling. Ich hatte einen schönen Nachmittag mit Alice. Ich habe sie mit meinem Umschnall-Dildo gefickt und dann hat sie den Gefallen erwidert. Zweimal.“

„Ich wäre gerne dabei gewesen“, sagte ich ihr und küsste sie vorsichtig auf ihren Hals. Ich wollte sie nicht beim Malen stören. „Wofür sind denn die Computer?“

„Ich werde eine Webseite machen“, sagte Mary. „Es hat sich herausgestellt, dass Lillian eine Ausbildung in IT erhält. Sie wird mir bei der Software helfen und ich werde mich um das Grafik-Design kümmern.“

„Und wofür ist diese Website?“ fragte ich neugierig.

„Wir haben doch so wunderbare Schlampen. Ich denke, dass die Welt sie in Aktion sehen sollte“, sagte Mary. „Gegen Geld versteht sich.“

Ich lachte. „Das würde ich gerne sehen, Mare!“. Ich stellte die Einkaufstüte vom Juwelier auf den Tisch.

„Was ist das?“ fragte Mary mit einem wissenden Lächeln. Sie griff in die Tüte und lächelte, als sie ihren neuen Schmuck sah. Sie warf die Arme um meinen Hals und küsste mich leidenschaftlich. Ich drückte sie an mich und streichelte ihren Rücken und ihren Arsch durch mein Hemd.

„Danke“, sagte sie, als sie den Kuss abbrach. Ihre Augen waren von Tränen verschleiert. „Die sind so schön!“

„Nicht so schön wie du, Mare!“

Sie küsste mich noch leidenschaftlicher und dann drückte sie mich auf einen Computerstuhl. Ich schmeckte die Möse einer Frau auf ihren Lippen und ich war sofort hart. Alice schmeckte köstlich. Ihre Finger fummelten an meiner Hose und sie zog schnell meinen Schwanz heraus. Ohne dass ihre Lippen meine verließen, setzte sie sich geschickt auf meinen Schoß. Ich stöhnte in ihren Mund, als mein Schwanz langsam in ihrer seidigen Wärme versank. Mein Gott, war sie heute geil! Ich dachte glücklich bei mir, dass Alice ihr nicht reichte.

Mary machte langsam Liebe mit mir. Ihre Hüften bewegten sich auf und ab und rotierten. Ich griff nach dem Hemd und fummelte an den Knöpfen. Es war sehr schwer, sie zu öffnen, weil Mary auf meinem Schoß saß. Also riss ich einfach fest und die Knöpfe sprangen ab und flogen durch die Gegend. Ich fand ihre feste Brust und nahm sie in die Hand. Vorsichtig drückte ich beide und fing dann an, mit meinem Finger um den Rand ihrer Brustwarzen zu fahren.

Marys Hüften wurden schneller. Ihr Schoß knallte regelrecht auf meinen. Sie rieb jedes Mal ihren Kitzler an meinem Schambein, bevor sie sich wieder erhob. Ihre Muschi lutschte richtig an meinem Schwanz. Ich fuhr mit einer Hand nach unten und fasste ihren Arsch an. Ich drängte sie zu noch höherer Geschwindigkeit. Und noch immer klebten unsere Lippen aneinander und unsere Zungen kämpften miteinander.

Schneller und schneller ritt sie mich. Ihre Hände rieben meine Arme und meine Schultern. Sie umfasste mein Gesicht. Mein Schwanz brannte und meine Lust stieg an. Jede Bewegung von Marys Körper brachte mich immer höher. Ihre Fotze verkrampfte sich auf meinem Schwanz und sie küsste mich aggressiv, als es ihr kam. Ihre samtige Möse molk meinen Schwanz und mein Saft spritzte in ihr Loch.

„Danke!“ flüsterte sie. „Ich liebe dich!“

Sie liebte mich und nicht Alice. „Und ich liebe mein verdorbenes Fohlen.“

„Jetzt haben unsere Schlampen ein paar ordentliche Sachen zum Anziehen?“ fragte Mary und setzte sich auf meinem Schoß auf. Ihre runden Brüste schwebten vor meinen Lippen.

„Ja, willst du mal sehen?“ fragte ich und dann küsste ich einen ihrer dunklen Nippel.

„Ja“, sagte sie und stand auf. Weißes Sperma lief ihr aus der Fotze und langsam an ihrem Bein nach unten.

Ich ließ die Schlampen eine Reihe im Wohnzimmer bilden und Mary lächelte erfreut. „Oh, ihr seht jetzt alle so richtig schön nuttig aus“, sagte sie. Mary schaute sich jede Schlampe genau an. Sie streichelte ihre Gesichter und lobte das Aussehen einer jeden. Chasity“, sagte sie und zog die Polizistin nach vorne. „Ich bin sehr böse gewesen. Du musst eine Leibesvisitation bei mir durchführen.“

Mary setzte sich auf das Sofa und spreizte die Beine. Da ist definitiv etwas Weißes in deiner Muschi“, sagte Chasity. Sie kniete sich vor May auf den Boden und zog ihre Schamlippen auseinander. Sie schaute in die Muschi hinein. „Das scheint Diebesgut zu sein, das ich herausholen muss.“

Mary stöhnte vor Lust, als Chasity ihre Zunge in ihre Fotze drückte und mein Sperma und ihren Saft aufleckte. Während ich Chasity beobachtete, fiel mir ein, dass ich diese Polizistin noch gar nicht gefickt hatte. Ich beschloss, dass sich das sofort ändern musste. Also kniete ich mich hinter ihr auf den Boden und schob ihren Rock nach oben. Ich legte ihre Fotze mit dem blonden Fellchen frei. Sie war nass und geschwollen vor Lust. Mary schaute durch halb geschlossene Augenlider zu, wie ich meinen Schwanzherausholte und ihn von hinten in Chasitys enge Fotze drückte.

„Du hast eine mächtig feine Fotze, Chasity“, sagte ich, während ich sie fickte. Ich drückte ihr Gesicht in Marys Möse.

„Sie hat auch eine mächtig feine Zunge“, keuchte Mary. „Hmmm, mach weiter so, du Schlampe!“

Die anderen Schlampen bildeten Pärchen. Lillian mit Fiona, Thamina mit Violet, Desiree mit Xiu. Ich rammte mich in Chasity und bewunderte meine Schlampen. Das war das Leben, das diese Nutte, Schwester Fotzenlappen, mir hatte wegnehmen wollen.

Fiona setzte sich links von Mary hin und Lillian kniete sich vor sie, Sie fing an, ihr langsam die Fotze auszulecken, Mary legte einen Arm um Fionas Kopf und zog die Strohblonde zu ihrer linken Brust herunter. Fiona saugte den dunklen Nippel in ihren Mund. Thamina nahm den Platz rechts von Mary ein und Violet kümmerte sich um ihre Fotze mit dem schwarzen Pelz, während Thamina an Marys anderer Brust lutschte. Desiree und Xiu waren auf dem Boden und rieben ihre Fotzen aneinander.

„Oh ja!“ stöhnte Mary. „Meine Schlampen machen mir so tolle Gefühle! Leckt meine Muschi und saugt an meinen Titten! Ihr Schlampen seid einfach die besten!“

Ich fickte Chasity härter und rammte mich tief in ihre nuttige Fotze. Dann schlug ich ihr auf den Arsch. „Ich spritze gleich in deine nuttige Fotze, du Schlampe!“ grunzte ich. Ihre Fotze war eng und die Wände rieben sich höchst angenehm an meinem Schwanz.

„Spritz ihr die Fotze mit deinem Saft voll, Meister!“ stöhnte Xiu, während sie sich wild mit Desiree rieb.

Marys Augen waren in meinen. „Reite sie hart, mein Hengst“ stöhnte Mary. „Oh verdammt, hat die eine tolle Zunge! Hier kommt es, Schlampe! Hier kommt mein leckerer Saft!“ Mary zuckte unter den saugenden drei Mündern der anderen Frauen, als sie ihren Orgasmus erreichte.

„Hmmm! Das ist so lecker!“ stöhnte Chasity. Dann tauchte sie wieder in die saftige Muschi ihrer Herrin.

Ich rammelte Chasitys Fotze hart und spürte, wie ich ihr meinen Saft tief hinein spritzte. Ich zog mich aus ihrer Möse zurück und setzte mich keuchend auf den Boden. Sie war ein mächtig guter Fick. Mein Sperma lief ihr langsam aus der Fotze und bedeckte ihre blonden Locken. Die anderen Schlampen arbeiteten auch an ihren Orgasmen und Mary war gut unterwegs auf dem Weg zu ihrem zweiten.

Es war Zeit, Schwester Fotzenlappen ihre Geschenke zu geben.


Gib doch einfach nach, sei ihre Sklavin, Schwester Fotzenlappen.

Nein, nein, nein. Das werde ich nicht tun!

Ich war wieder in diesem Wandschrank eingeschlossen. Ich hatte keine Ahnung, wie lange. Minuten, Stunden, Tage. Die Zeit schien hier drin still zu stehen. Alles, was ich hatte, waren die Schmerzen in meinem Körper und die verräterischen Gedanken in meinem Kopf. Es musste doch irgendeinen Ausweg geben! Ich musste nur geduldig sein. Irgendwann würden sie nicht aufpassen und ich würde entwischen können. Ich musste nur noch ein wenig länger durchhalten.

Du hast es doch genossen, all die Jahre die Sklavin von Susanne zu sein. Gib doch einfach nach und sei die Sklavin von Mark und Mary. Dann werden die Schmerzen aufhören. Die Erniedrigung. Die Angst. Alles wird besser werden. DU wirst glücklich sein.

Nein! Nie mehr wieder!

Ich schluchzte erneut. Ich wurde schwächer. Ich gab langsam nach. Ich musste nur noch eine kurze Zeit stark sein. Nur ein bisschen noch.

Schritte kamen näher und ich spannte mich an. Würde die Person vorbei gehen oder würde die Schranktür sich öffnen? Was hatten sie sich jetzt für eine Folter für mich ausgedacht? „Bitte, geh vorbei!“ flüsterte ich.

Die Schritte stoppten vor dem Schrank und dann kreischte die Tür, als sie geöffnet wurde. Ich sprang in Richtung der Öffnung, vielleicht konnte ich ja schnell vorbei, zur Tür rennen und nach draußen gelangen. Ich fiel hin, als meine Beine diesen Befehl nicht richtig umsetzen konnten, weil sie durch die lange Ruhe ein wenig steif geworden waren. Ich lag zu Füßen von Mark. Vor dem Monster, das mich vergewaltigt, gefesselt und schlagen lassen hatte.

Ich schnaubte vor Lachen. „Dumme Bitch“, sagte er. Dann stellte er eine Plastiktüte auf den Boden und beugte sich zu mir. Er war nackt, leicht übergewichtig. Ein junger Mann mit dunklem Haar und einem angewiderten Gesicht. Sein Schwanz war nass von dem Saft von irgendeiner dieser Schlampen im Haus und halb hart.

Mark löste meine Handfesseln und ich rieb mir die wunden Handgelenke. Die Haut war unter den Handschellen aufgerieben. Mark griff in die Tüte und holte ein Kopfband mit Hundeohren heraus. Er schob es mir auf den Kopf. „Das ziehst du nie ab!“ befahl er. Dann kamen zwei stählerne Stahlklemmen.

„Bitte nicht!“ schrie ich und kroch im Schrank ganz nach hinten.

„Willst du meine Sex-Sklavin sein?“

Sag doch einfach ja. „Nein!“ krächzte ich.

Seine Hals griff nach meinem Hals und er zog mich nach draußen. Ich schrie vor Schmerz auf, als er die erste Klemme an meinem Nippel befestigte. Dann folgte die zweite Klemme. Meine beiden Nippel brannten, aber die Intensität des Schmerzes ließ nach, bis ich nur noch ein dumpfes Gefühl spürte. Dann zog Mark einen Analstöpsel mit einem Hundeschwanz heraus. Er drückte mein Gesicht nach unten und ich wurde beinahe ohnmächtig, als er den Stöpsel in meinen Arsch drückte. Der war noch ganz wund von Marys Vergewaltigung vorher.

„Bitte, bitte! Nimm ihn wieder raus!“ jammerte ich. Ich wollte ihn selber herausnehmen, aber Marks Befehl war eisern in meinem Kopf.

„Du weißt, was du sagen musst, damit das hier aufhört“, sagte Mark.

Er zog das letzte Teil aus der Tüte. Ein schwarzes Hundehalsband mit einer Leine. Er legte es mir um den Hals und zog es fest zu. Nicht so fest, dass es mich gewürgt hätte, aber do so fest, dass es sehr unangenehm war. Dann stand er auf.

„Lass und gehen, Bitch“, sagte er. Ich stand auf, um ihm zu folgen. Er schlug mir hart ins Gesicht und sagte: „Hunde gehen auf vier Beinen, du blöde Bitch!“

Ich schluchzte leise und folgte ihm auf allen vieren. Der Teppich kratzte an meinen Knien. Er führte mich in das Wohnzimmer, wo Mary und die Schlampen sich gegenseitig befriedigten. Eine Frau saugte an Marys Brust und eine andere leckte ihre Muschi. Andere Schlampen rieben sich auf dem Boden aneinander.

„Hier ist unser neues Haustier, Mare“, sagte Mark.

Alle hielten inne und schauten mich an. Erstauntes Murmeln. Desiree reib meinen Kopf. „Was für ein süßes Hündchen!“ sagte sie giftig.

Mary lachte und ging um mich herum. Sie beugte sich herunter, tätschelte meinen Rücken und meinen wunden Arsch. Dann zupfte sie an einer meiner Nippelklemmen. „Braves Mädchen“, stöhnte sie.

„Desiree, du könntest mit dem Abendessen anfangen“, sagte Mark. „Thamina, du könntest ihr helfen.

„Si, mi Rey!“ antwortete Desiree. Sie nahm Thaminas Hand und die beiden gingen in die Küche.

„Lillian, du fährst zum Good Sam und löst Allison ab und achtest auf Korina. Es wird Zeit, dass du deine Mitschlampe kennenlernst.“

„Ja, Meister“, sagte Lillian und dann zögerte sie. „Meister, wie kommt Allison denn hierher?“

„Sie wird dein Auto nehmen“, sagte Mark und schüttelte den Kopf.

„Ach so“, sagte Lillian. Sie war ein wenig enttäuscht.

„Wer hat dir das Auto gegeben, Lillian?“

„Du, Meister“, sagte Lillian.

„Und ich kann es dir genauso schnell wieder wegnehmen.“

„Entschuldigung, Meister.“ Mark küsste sie auf die Lippen und schickte sie mit einem Klaps auf den Arsch los.

„Du hast all diese Schlampen verletzt“, sagte Mary und zeigte auf die übrig gebliebenen Schlampen. Die Asiatin Xiu, Chasity, die Polizistin, den Teenager Violet und die sommersprossige Fiona. „Xiu hat wegen dir eine gebrochene Nase. Und du hast versucht, ihnen ihre Eigentümer wegzunehmen, die sie glücklich machen.“

Violet nickte und Xiu starrte mich an. Ihre Nase trug eine weiße Schiene, die von einem medizinischen Klebeband gehalten wurde. Die Polizistin hatte die Hände in die Hüfte gestützt und Sperma lief ihr an den Beinen herunter. Fiona sah so aus, als wollte sie mich wieder anpissen.

„Du wirst ihnen allen die Fotzen lecken, bis es ihnen auf deinem dreckigen Gesicht kommt“, befahl Mary. „Mit Chasity fängst du an.“

Das war jetzt nicht so schlimm. Ich leckte gerne Mösen. Aber nur, weil Susanne dir das beigebracht hat, flüsterte die verräterische Stimme in meinem Kopf. Stell dir nur mal vor, was Mark und Mary dir noch alles beibringen können. Ich unterdrückte den Gedanken und kroch zur Couch hinüber, wo Chasity schon mit weit gespreizten Beinen auf mich wartete. Ihre Fotze war mit lockigem blondem Haar bedeckt. Ich leckte mit meiner Zunge durch ihre Furche und schmeckte salziges Sperma unter dem herben würzigen Aroma ihrer Muschi.

Ich verschlang ihre Möse und wollte ihr einen Superorgasmus geben. Ich erkannte, dass ich mich schuldig fühlte. Gestern war ein absolutes Desaster gewesen. Ich war beinahe verantwortlich für den Tod von Desiree gewesen. Ich hatte geschworen, sie zu retten und stattdessen war sie beinahe gestorben. Mary hatte recht. Ich würde diesen Frauen als Entschuldigung den besten Cunnilingus geben, den sie je erlebt hatten.

Chasity wand sich auf meiner Zunge und schon kurze Zeit nach meinem Angriff fing sie an zu keuchen. Hinter mir hörte ich mädchenhaftes Kichern und dann ein Stöhnen und dann rhythmisches Klatschen von Fleisch auf Fleisch. Das klang so, als würde Mark eines der Mädchen ficken, vielleicht Violet. Chasity bäumte sich auf meinem Gesicht auf und es kam ihr mit einem lauten Schrei. Ich trank gierig ihren Saft.

Chasity stand auf und Mary zog sie zu einem Sessel. Sie hatte ihren Umschnall-Dildo angelegt und Chasity senkte ihre Fotze auf das rosa Ding und fing an, Mary mit Hingabe zu reiten. Violet nahm Chasitys Platz auf der Couch ein. Ihre Fotze war von einem zurecht gestutzten dunkelbraunen Busch bedeckt. Ihr Schlitz war eng und Marks Sperma sickerte heraus. Sie schmeckte Frisch und süß. Ich bewegte meine Zunge in ihrem kleinen Loch und sie kam auf meinem Gesicht.

Xiu war die nächste. Aus ihrer rasierten Fotze tropfte es. „Beiß mir in den Kitzler!“ stöhnte sie. Sie stöhnte heftiger, als ich anfing, ihre Muschi auszulecken. Ich knabberte vorsichtig an ihrem Kitzler und sie erschauderte. „Fester! Beiß fester!“ Ich biss zu und es kam ihr wie bei einer Rakete. Sie stieß einen markerschütternden Schrei aus und überflutete meinen Mund mit würzigem Mädchensaft.

„Ohh, wir haben eine Party“, rief Allison aus, als sie in diesem Moment das Haus betrat. Der schlanke Teenager zog sich sofort aus. Fiona spreizte ihre Beine für mich.

„Runter auf alle Viere“, sagte Mark zu Allison und er wichste seinen Schwanz dabei.

„Oh ja, Meister, sagte sie glücklich. Sie kniete sich hin und griff dann nachhinten, um ihre Schamlippen zu spreizen. „Meine verdorbene kleine Fotze hat Hunger auf den Schwanz meines Meisters.“

Ich tauchte in Fionas hellroten Pelz, der von Marks Saft bedeckt war. Fiona schmeckte herb und sie griff in mein Haar und fickte mein Gesicht mit ihrer Muschi. „Leck meine Fotze, du Bitch!“ rief Fiona. Ihre Beine schlangen sich um meinen Kopf und hielten mich fest an ihrem Loch. „Oh verdammt, jaaa!“ rief sie, als es ihr kam.

Allisons frisch gefickte Fotze ersetzte die von Fiona. Sie war glatt rasiert und aus ihr tropften Sperma und ihr eigener Saft. Allison hatte einen süßen Geschmack von Honig und sie spielte mit ihren gepiercten Nippeln, während ich sie befriedigte. Das war doch gar nicht so schlimm, flüsterte die verräterische Stimme in meinem Kopf. Du liebst doch Fotzen! Und hier gibt es so viele zum Auslecken. Allison kam auf meinem Gesicht und ich stellte fest, dass sich mein Mund öffnete, um darum zu bitten, ihre Sklavin zu werden.

„Nein!“ schrie ich meinen verräterischen Körper an und schloss meinen Mund wieder.

„Doch!“ schrie Mary und schlug mir ins Gesicht. Sie setzte sich vor mir hin und spreizte ihre Beine. Ihre rasierte Muschi glänzte vor Saft und war mit Sperma verschmiert. „Fang schon an zu lecken, du Bitch!“

Mary schmeckte süß und würzig. Sie stöhnte vor Lust, als ich ihre Schamlippen in meinen Mund saugte. Mark packte meine Hüften und sein Schwanz fuhr in meine Möse. Verdammt, das war gut. Ich war so geil, nachdem ich all diese Muschis gelutscht hatte, dass es mir kam, als er mich dehnte.

„Gott, die ist eine geile Schnalle!“ keuchte Mark. „Es ist ihr gerade gekommen!“

„Hmmm, und Fotze lecken kann sie auch gut!“ stöhnte Mary.

Mark musste sich unbegrenzte Standfähigkeit gewünscht haben oder zumindest etwas Ähnliches. Wie sonst konnte er sieben Frauen hintereinander ficken und dann immer noch für die siebte hart sein? Es fühlte sich richtig gut an, wie Marks Schwanz mich aufbohrte. Die Klemmen an meinen Nippeln schmerzten jetzt sehr angenehm und sogar der Stöpsel in meinem Arsch fing an, sich gut anzufühlen. Mark wurde schneller und sein Schwanz rieb sich an den Wänden meiner Muschi. Marys Fotze schmeckte unglaublich gut auf meinen Lippen.

Marys Hand fuhr in mein Haar. Sie zog mein Gesicht näher an ihre Fotze. „Diese Bitch macht mich fertig!“ stöhnte sie. „Oh ja, du verdammte Nutte, Jaaa!“ Süß-würziger Saft lief in meinen Mund und ich trank ihn. Sie ließ meine Haare los.

Mark fickte jetzt heftig meine Muschi. Er musste kurz vor seinem Orgasmus stehen. Ich bewegte meine Hüften. Ich wollte meinen jetzt auch haben. „Die verdammte Bitch will auch kommen!“ stöhnte Mark.

„Gibs ihr!“ gurrte Mary. „Spritz ihr dein Sperma in ihre Drecksfotze! Reite sie hart, mein Hengst!“

Ich kam, als Mark meine Muschi überflutete. Ich fiel auf meinen Bauch und Marks Schwanz rutschte aus meiner Möse heraus. Ich lag auf dem Teppich und keuchte. Ich spürte, wie Marks Saft aus mir heraustropfte. Meine Nippel brannten, die Klammern bohrten sich in das Fleisch meiner Brüste, ich konnte mich vor Erschöpfung nicht bewegen.

Ich schlief ein. Der erste Schlaf, seit ich gefangen genommen worden war. Aber der Schlaf dauerte nicht lang. Jemand schlug mir auf den Arsch und ich erwachte vor Schmerz. Ich schrie auf. „Zeit zum Essen“, sagte Mark.

Ich musste mich schnell auf meine Knie hochrappeln, weil Mark an meiner Leine zerrte. Ich kroch hinter ihm her ins Esszimmer. Der Parkettboden tat meinen Knien weh. Mark setzte sich auf einen Stuhl am Kopf des Tisches. Mary saß zu seiner Rechten und ich saß auf dem Boden zwischen beiden. Die anderen Schlampen versammelten sich um den Tisch und Desiree und Fiona brachten das Essen ins Zimmer. Ein würziger süßlicher Geruch durchströmte den Raum, offenbar gab es etwas Asiatisches. Mein Magen knurrte.

„Ich habe meine Schwestern angerufen“, sagte Mary. In ihrer Stimme klang Nervosität mit.

„Ach ja“, sagte Mark nebensächlich. Er nahm etwas zu Essen. Hmmm, das ist richtig gut Desiree.“

„Gracias, mi Rey!“ sagte Desiree.
„Sie ist eine so tolle Köchin“, gurrte Mary. Vom Boden aus konnte ich sehen, dass Allisons Hand Desirees nussbraunen Schenkel unter dem Tisch streichelte.

„Sie waren ganz aufgeregt, als sie von unserer Verlobung gehört haben“, fuhr Mary fort. „Deswegen habe ich sie für Freitag zum Essen eingeladen.“

Mark nickte. „Okay, wirst du…“

„Ja“, sagte Mary empfindlich. Sie räusperte sich. „Mein Vater wird auch kommen. Und meine Schwestern werden ihre Freunde mitbringen.“

„Dann werden wir dafür sorgen, dass unsere Schlampen sie gut unterhalten“, sagte Mark.

Mein Magen grummelte wieder sehr laut. Mark schaute zu mir herunter. „Hast du Hunger?“

„Ja“, antwortete ich und wurde rot.

Mary nahm ein Stückchen Fleisch von ihrem Teller und hielt es mir hin. In mir stieg Zorn auf. Sie fütterten mich wie einen Hund, der bettelte. Das Fleisch war sehr würzig und war von einer Orangensoße bedeckt. Ich drehte meinen Kopf weg.

„Das ist alles, was du bekommst“, sagte Mary und hielt das Stück wieder vor mein Gesicht.

Es roch lecker und mein Magen knurrte wieder. Ich würde stark sein müssen, wenn ich fliehen wollte. Ich gab nicht ihrem erniedrigenden Verhalten nach, ich musste überleben. Ich öffnete meinen Mund und nahm das Stück Fleisch. Es schmeckte wirklich delikat, ein würziger Geschmack mit einem Hauch Orange.

„Meine Finger kleben“, sagte Mary. Ich seufzte und leckte ihr dann die leckere Soße von den Fingern. „Hmmm, sie saugt gerne“, sagte Mary Mark. „Ich möchte wetten, dass du dir gerne mal den Schwanz von ihr blasen lässt.“

„Da hast du recht“, sagte Mark.

„Nun mach schon“, bellte Mary.

Ich kroch unter den Tisch. Allisons Hand war zwischen Desirees Beinen und sie fingerte der Frau die Fotze. Marks Schwanz war hart und ich saugte ihn in meinen Mund. Ich saugte sehr feste und bewegte meine Zunge um seine Eichel und nahm seine Eier in die Hand. Ich wollte möglichst schnell damit fertig werden.

„Sie ist richtig gierig darauf!“ sagte Mark. „Danke, Mare, du bist einfach die Beste!“

„Ich weiß“, sagte Mary. Sie war zufrieden mit sich selber. Eine Hand strich über mein Haar. „Gutes Mädchen!“ lobte mich Mary. Verdammt, das war echt erniedrigend.

Nun gib schon nach. Sei ihre Sklavin.

Nein, nein, nein! Ich bin stärker. Ich fuhr fort Mark seinen Blowjob zu geben und bewegte meinen Kopf auf und ab und kraulte ihm die Eier.

„Am kommenden Donnerstag kommt gegen sechs eine Gruppe von meinen Freunden vorbei.“

„Okay“, sagte Mary.

„Wir spielen miteinander. Wir treffen uns donnerstags immer und spielen Dungeons and Dragons.“

Mary lachte. „Dungeons and Dragons. Ich erinnere mich an jemanden, der sich totgelacht hat, als ich ihm erzähle, dass ich Vampire: Die Maskerade gespielt habe.“

„Ja, es ist halt so, dass D&D-Spieler immer auf die Rollenspieler herabschauen“, sagte Mark verteidigend. „Wenn das ein Problem ist, können wir auch zu Tom gehen und dort spielen.“

„Nein, ist schon in Ordnung“, sagte Mary. „Ich wollte dich nur ein bisschen hochnehmen.“

„Darf ich mitspielen?“ fragte Lillian. „Ich spiele gerne D&D.“

„Sicher“, sagte Mark überrascht.

„Wie dem auch sei“, sagte Mary. „Diane wollte in einen Club gehen, Donnerstag ist also ganz okay.“

„Diane?“ fragte Mark.

„Ja, von dem japanischen Steakhaus“, erinnerte ihn Mary.

„Die war geil“, murmelte Mark, „echt geil!“

Und plötzlich überflutete Marks Schwanz meinen Mund mit seinem Saft. Ich hustete und zog überrascht mein Gesicht weg. Sein nächster Spritzer landete auf meiner Wange und ein dritter traf meine Stirn und meine Nase. Sein Sperma schmeckte salzig und ich schluckte es. Ein vierter Spritzer kam und landete auf meiner rechten Brust.

„Gutes Mädchen!“ lobte Mark mich und reichte mir ein weiteres Stück Fleisch unter den Tisch. Er fuhr damit durch das Sperma auf meiner Brust und brachte es dann an meine Lippen.

Ich zögerte, aß dann aber das Stück. Ich hatte ja schließlich eben erst eine ganze Ladung geschluckt. Außerdem verdeckte die würzige Soße den Geschmack seines Spermas vollständig. Mary machte es Mark nach. Sie zog ein Stück rote Paprika durch das Sperma und fütterte mich damit.

„Und in welchen Club wollt ihr gehen?“ fragte Mark.

„Der Muscheltaucher“, antwortete Mary. Jetzt zog sie ein Stück von der Zwiebel durch das Sperma und gab es mir zu Essen. Ich leckte ihre Finger ab, ohne dass sie mich danach fragen musste. „Das ist ein Lesbenclub in Tacoma.“

„Ich kann es gar nicht abwarten, dass du mir anschließend davon erzählst“, sagte Mark und dann küsste er sie.

„Ach ja“, sagte Mary dann. „Ich glaube, ich habe eine Gynäkologin für uns gefunden. Sie hat gerade erst in Tacoma angefangen. Ich habe eine Verabredung mit ihr am Donnerstag um zehn.“

„Das klingt vielversprechend“, sagte Mark.

Plötzlich stöhnte Desiree laut. Von meinem Platz unter dem Tisch konnte ich Allisons Finger ihre Schnalle verlassen sehen, sie waren von Desirees Säften ganz klebrig. „Bist du gerade gekommen?“ fragte Mary.

„Ist sie“, kicherte Allison. „Ich wollte ihr einfach nur meine Anerkennung für das leckere Essen zollen.“

Als das Essen zu Ende ging, brachte Violet mich in die Küche und stellte einen Teller auf den Boden. Streifen aus Rindfleisch und Gemüse in einer würzigen Soße auf braunem Reis. Violet gab mir allerdings kein Besteck. Sie sah mich entschuldigend an.

„Hündchen benutzen keine Gabeln“, rief Mary schnippisch vom Esszimmer her, „und auch keine Hände.“

Ich war am Verhungern, also beugte ich meinen Kopf und fing an, hungrig das Essen direkt vom Teller zu essen. Zu meiner eigenen Überraschung aß ich den ganzen Teller leer. An meinem Gesicht klebten jetzt Soße und Reste vom Reis. Danach ließen sie mich aufstehen und mir mein Gesicht abwaschen. Dann gab man mir ein Glas Wasser. Meine Kehle war ganz ausgedörrt und ich leerte es in einem einzigen Zug.

Dann musste ich das Geschirr abwaschen, während Desiree und Fiona zusahen. Wenn ich zu langsam wurde, oder wenn sie glaubten, dass ich zu langsam wurde, schlugen beide mit einer zusammengerollten Zeitung auf meinen Arsch. Als ich mit dem Abwasch fertig war, nahm Fiona mein Halsband.

„Hunde gehen auf allen Vieren“, herrschte sie mich an, als ich einfach hinter ihr her gehen wollte und sie schlug mich wieder mit der Zeitung.

Fiona führte mich aus der Küche in das Wohnzimmer. Dort warteten Mark und Mary, beide waren angezogen. Mark hatte Blue Jeans und ein weißes T-Shirt an, während Mary ein gelbes Sommerkleid mit einem Eindruck von Orchideen trug. Mark nahm das Halsband.

„Es ist Zeit, Gassi zu gehen“, sagte er in diesem aufgeregten Ton, den Herrchen immer benutzen, wenn sie mit ihren Haustieren sprechen. Er schlang seinen anderen Arm um Mary und trat mir in den Hintern. „Los, Bitch!“

Er wollte mich doch wohl nicht nach draußen führen? Nackt und auf allen Vieren? Mit einem Hundeschwanz in meinem Arsch?

Mark benutzte seinen Fuß, um mich zur Haustür zu lenken. Mein Herz hämmerte in meiner Brust. Das konnte ja gar nicht wahr sein! Bitte, nicht das! Lieber Gott! Mary öffnete die Tür und ich erstarrte. Er stieß meinen Arsch mit seinem Fuß noch einmal an. Der Schmerz war heftig, aber ich konnte es nicht tun. Mark ging an mir vorbei und riss fest an der Leine. Ich fiel nach vorne und mein Arm schabte über die hölzerne Veranda.

„Entweder gehst du jetzt auf allen Vieren und wir schleifen dich hinter uns her!“ warnte Mark mich.

Ich sammelte meine ganze Würde und krabbelte langsam nach draußen, die Stufen hinunter und auf den Bürgersteig. Meine Knie brannten und meine Handflächen waren wund. Mark führte mich auf weiches Gras und das war eine gewisse Erleichterung für meine armen Knie. Die Sonne schien war auf meinen nackten Rücken und auf meinen wunden Arsch. Ich sah mich um. Noch war niemand auf der Straße. Mark führte mich zu einigen Büschen.

„Ich möchte wetten, dass du pissen musst“, sagte Mark und zeigte auf die Büsche.

„Nein“, murmelte ich. Das konnte ich nicht tun.

„Du pinkelst hier“, befahl Mary. „Oder bitte darum, dass du unsere Sklavin sein darfst.“

„Ach Hallo, Madeleine“, sagte Mark plötzlich. „Hier passiert nichts Ungewöhnliches, ich führe nur meinen Hund Gassi.“

„Ach ja“, sagte Madeleine. „Hi Louise, ich sehe, du hast dein Problem mit deinem Mann gelöst.“

Ich spürte, wie mein Gesicht vor Scham rot wurde. Warum musste es ausgerechnet Madeleine sein, die mich so sah? Madeleine war so nett zu mir gewesen. Sie hatte mich bei ihr schlafen lassen. Ich hielt eine Menge von dieser Frau. Ich sah sie an und ich sah in ihrem Gesicht nur Abscheu. Ich spürte, wie mein Herz brach.

„Hat sie dir erzählt, dass ich ihr Mann bin?“ sagte Mark und lachte. „Ich bin mit Mary hier verlobt. Louise ist nur unser Hund.“

„Sie hat eine tolle Zunge“, sagte Mary. „Ich möchte wetten, dass du dir gerne deine Schnalle von ihr lecken lassen würdest. Sie wird dich sicher ganz schnell fertig machen. Das würde ich echt gerne sehen.“

Madeleine lachte ein geiles Lachen. Mary schien die Macht zu haben, Frauen alles Sexuelle machen zu lassen, was sie wollte. Und die süße Madeleine mit dem wunderbaren Südstaaten-Näseln unterlag ihrer Kraft. „Sicher, wenn dich das glücklich machen würde, Süße!“

„Das würde es“, sagte Mary. „Heb einfach deinen Rock hoch und dann wird diese Bitch dafür sorgen, dass du dich toll fühlst.“

Madeleine stellte sich über mich in ihrem grauen Bleistiftrock und ihrer weißen Bluse. Sie schob ihren Rock nach oben und man sah ein einfaches himmelblaues Höschen. Ich zog das Höschen zur Seite und legte damit ihren gestutzten brünetten Busch und große Schamlippen frei. Gestern Morgen hatte ich noch davon fantasiert, ihre Fotze zu lecken und jetzt wurde ich hier in der Öffentlichkeit dazu gezwungen. Ihre Muschi schmeckte süß und würzig, als ich ihr meine Zunge tief in die Fotze drückte.

„Oh, das ist wirklich sehr schön“, sagte Madeleine aufgeregt. „Sie ist ja richtig gierig darauf.“

Ihre Hand legte sich auf meinen Kopf und ihre Hüften fingen an zu rotieren, als ihre Lust anstieg. Ich schob ihr einen Finger in die Schnalle und fing an, mit meiner Zunge schnell ihren Kitzler zu lecken. Madeleines Atem wurde schwerer und schneller. Ihr Stöhnen wurde lauter und leidenschaftlicher.

„Oh Gott, ist das gut“, keuchte Madeleine. „Sie macht mich richtig an!“

Madeleine zuckte auf meinem Gesicht und keuchte laut, als es ihr kam. Sie ließ meine Haar los und ich fiel zurück auf meinen Arsch. Der Arschstöpsel drang tiefer in mich ein. Ich sah zu Madeleine auf und sie sah mich angewidert an. Tränen flossen aus meinen Augen.

„Puuhh!“ sagte Madeleine. „Ich weiß nicht, was über mich gekommen ist, aber diese Bitch hat mich eben fertig gemacht. Richtig schön.“

„Wir sehen uns morgen“, sagte Mark, als Madeleine weiterging.

„Ich freue mich schon darauf, Süßer!“ rief sie zurück.

„Komm“, sagte Mary. „Wir müssen noch Gassi gehen.“

„Muss ich das wieder tun?“ fragte ich und schluchzte.

„Ja!“ sagte Mark. „Jeder, den wir beim Gassi gehen treffen, wird von dir befriedigt werden.“

Mary nickte. „Ob mit deinem Mund oder mit deiner Fotze, du wirst eine Menge Leute glücklich machen.“

Gib auch, flüsterte eine Stimme in mir. Ich versuchte, den Gedanken zu verdrängen, aber ich war zu schwach. Gib auf.

„Bitte“, wimmerte ich. Sie hatten gewonnen. „Bitte macht mich zu eurer Sexsklavin!“

„Wie war das Bitch?“ fragte Mary.

„Ich möchte eure Sexsklavin werden“, rief ich.

Mark beugte sich herunter und schaute mir in die Augen. Seine Augen war blau und sie schienen direkt in meine Seele zu schauen. „Sag mir die Wahrheit. Willst du wirklich unsere Sexsklavin sein?“

Ich konnte nicht lügen. Er hatte mir einen Befehl gegeben. „Ja.“

Mark half mir auf die Füße. „Von jetzt an gehörst du Mary und mir. Du wirst alles gerne tun, was wir dir sagen, egal wie pervers es auch ist.“

„Ja, Meister“, sagte ich und ich lächelte.

Mein Meister drückte mich an sich und küsste mich auf die Lippen. Ich weinte, aber nicht, weil ich traurig war. Ich weinte vor Freude. Meine Herrin umarmte mich leicht und ihre Lippen waren weich auf meinen. Mein Meister machte die Nippelklemmen ab, öffnete das Hundehalsband und zog den Stöpsel aus meinem Arsch.

„Du bist nicht länger Schwester Fotzenlappen“, sagte meine Herrin mir.

„Danke Herrin“, flüsterte ich.

Mein Meister runzelte die Stirn. „Aber ich mag den Namen Louise nicht.“

„Meister, ich habe den Namen Louise Afra angenommen, als ich mein Gelübde abgelegt habe“, sagte ich leise. „Ich wurde als Karen Redding geboren.“

„Okay Karen“, sagte mein Meister und zog mir die Hundeohren aus. „Jetzt wollen wir dich mal sauber machen.“

Der Meister nahm eine meiner Hände und die Herrin die andere und sie führten mich ins Haus zurück. Meine Mitschlampen saßen im Wohnzimmer und ich entschuldigte mich bei jeder einzelnen dafür, dass ich sie unseren Herren wegnehmen wollte. Jetzt verstand ich. Im Gehorsam lag Glück und in Unterwerfung lag Freude. Alle umarmten mich glücklich und küssten mich. Jetzt hatte ich so viele Schlampenschwestern!

„Thamina“, sagte Mary. „Bring Karen nach oben und kümmere dich um sie.“

„Ja Herrin“, sagte Thamina. Sie nahm meine Hand und führt mich nach oben. Ich begann mein neues Leben als Sklavin von Mark und Mary.

To be continued…

Click here for Kapitel 15

Der Pakt mit dem Teufel Kapitel 7: Die Verabredung



Der Pakt mit dem Teufel

Kapitel 7: Die Verabredung

Von mypenname3000

Übersetzt von Horem

© Copyright 2013, 2014

Story Codes: Male/Female, Female/Female, Male/Female/Female, Mind Control, Exhibitionism, Group, Female Masturbation, First, Romance

Yes, this is in German. Horem graciously offered to translate the Devil’s Pact into German. For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Kapitel 6

„Das mit der Verwechslung tut mir leid, Schwester Louise“, sagte die Frau am Check-In-Schalter am Flughafen O’Hare in Chicago. In ihrer Stimme klang Unglauben, wann immer sie das Wort „Schwester“ benutzte. Die Frau, sie hieß Nancy, glaubte nicht wirklich, dass ich eine Nonne war. Nun, das konnte ich ihr auch nicht übelnehmen, weil ich ein enges kobaltblaues Kleid anhatte, das kaum meinen Arsch bedeckte und das einen sehr tiefen Ausschnitt hatte. Ich trug Stilettos, die dafür sorgten, dass mein Arsch schön fest war und Strümpfe, die durch schwarze Strumpfhalter gehalten wurden, die unter dem Kleid hervorschauten. Mein goldenes Kruzifix lag in der Schlucht zwischen meinen Brüsten.

Seit dreißig Jahren war ich nun Schwester Louise Afra vom Orden der Schwestern der Maria Magdalena, die sich mit dem Kampf gegen die Macht der Dunkelheit beschäftigten. Um uns in unserer Mission zu unterstützen, waren meine Schwestern und ich von unserem Höchsten mit bestimmten Gaben ausgestattet worden. Eine dieser Gaben war jugendliche Schönheit. Ich war 51, hatte aber immer noch die festen Brüste, die weiche Haut, das frische Gesicht und den festen Arsch einer 18-Jährigen. Ich hatte die Gabe des Gesichts, welche es mir ermöglichte, die Zeichen des Bösen in Menschen zu erkennen und die Vorsehung Gottes würde mich lenken und leiten. So lange ich Vertrauen hatte, würde der Zufall mich unfehlbar zu meinem Ziel führen.

Meine Mission und der Zweck meines Ordens war, Hexer zu exorzieren und ihre Leibeigenen zu befreien. Hexer waren fehlgeleitete Männer und Frauen, die ihre Seelen dem Teufel verkauften, damit dieser ihnen drei Wünsche erfüllte. Je nachdem, was sie sich wünschten, konnten sie damit eine Menge Unheil anrichten. Die meisten Hexer, vor allen Dingen Männer, hatten Wünsche, die es ihnen erlaubten, andere zu dominieren und sie zu ihren Leibeigenen zu machen, in den meisten Fällen, um irgendwelche mitleiderregenden sexuellen Wünsche zu befriedigen. Die einzige Möglichkeit, einen Hexer zu stoppen, ohne ihn zu töten, war, ihn zu exorzieren. Und dazu dienten mein Kleid und die anderen Sachen, die ich in meinem Koffer hatte. Um einen Hexer zu exorzieren, musste ich ihn oder sie ficken, und wenn sie ihren Orgasmus hatten, konnte ich ihnen ihre Macht nehmen. Verführung war eines der Werkzeuge, das wir Nonnen benutzten.

Natürlich war es eine Todsünde, einen Mann ohne Trauschein zu ficken oder lesbischen Sex zu haben. Ich konnte zwar immer nach meiner Mission zur Beichte gehen und die Absolution erhalten, aber für meinen Orden war es wesentlich einfacher, einen päpstlichen Ablass zu erhalten. Nachdem ich also vor zwei Stunden in Ekstase geraten war, weil ich eine Mission erhalten hatte, war anschließend der päpstliche Ablass per Fax angekommen, unterzeichnet vom Papst persönlich. Mir wurden alle meine Sünden in Vorhinein vergeben, die ich begehen würde, bis meine Mission beendet war.

Und ich hatte vor, eine Menge zu sündigen!

Das war eine der Vergünstigungen, die man hatte, wenn man gegen das Böse kämpfte. Nachdem also meine Ekstase vorbei war, packte ich schnell meine Sachen. Ich wollte unbedingt sofort gegen das Böse kämpfen und endlich mal wieder so richtig hergenommen werden. Mit meinem Koffer in der Hand verließ ich das kleine Hausmeisterhaus bei St. Thomas und fand auch schnell ein Taxi. Einige würden das vielleicht Glück nennen, aber ich war mir sicher, dass hier schon die Vorsehung arbeitete. Bis meine Mission beendet war, würde mich der Herr zu denen führen, die mir helfen würden, bis ich endlich den Hexer traf. Als ich am Flughafen O‘Hare ankam, wusste ich immer noch nicht, wo meine Reise hingehen würde. Ich hatte aber die Zuversicht, dass Gott mich schon leiten würde, wenn ich nur zum Check-In-Schalter ging.

„Hier sind Ihre Tickets, Schwester“, sagte Nancy. Ich lächelte sie warm an und streichelte ihre Hand, als sie mir die Bordkarte gab. Sie riss ihre Hand zurück und schaute mich merkwürdig an. Sie war wahrscheinlich nicht daran gewöhnt, dass eine Frau, geschweige denn eine Nonne, mit ihr flirtete. „Der Systemfehler, tut mir leid“, sagte sie abweisend.

Ich seufzte und schaute auf die Tickets. Ich hatte noch eine Stunde Zeit, bis mein Flug ging. Und es wäre sicher sehr schön gewesen, diese Zeit mit Nancy zu verbringen, vielleicht auf der Toilette. Nachdem ich vor dreißig Jahren einmal drei Jahre lang im Harem eines Hexers gelebt hatte, hatte ich Spaß an Frauen gefunden. Die vielen unterschiedlichen Formen, die Brüste haben können oder die Kurven ihrer Hüften und ihrer Ärsche und all die unterschiedlichen Formen und Größen, die Schamlippen haben können! Ich leckte meine Lippen und dachte an die verschiedenen Düfte, die eine Frau aussendet, wenn sie erregt ist. Ich wurde nass, wenn ich nur daran dachte.

Ich schaute auf meine Tickets, um zu sehen, wo ich überhaupt hinflog. Ich hatte einen Direktflug zum Sea-Tac International Airport, der in 45 Minuten abfliegen und um 00:20 Uhr in Seattle landen sollte. Ich übte ein bisschen Kopfrechnen und fand, dass der Flug etwa viereinhalb Stunden dauern würde.

Sea-Tac, ich lächelte. Es war schon 12 Jahre her, dass ich auf einer Mission im Staate Washington gewesen war. Ich hatte diesen Hexer gestoppt, der von sich dachte, dass er ein Rock-and-Roller war. Der hatte seine Macht dafür benutzt, die Leute davon zu überzeugen, wie unglaublich er auf der Gitarre spielen konnte. Er hatte etwa ein Dutzend Frauen in seinem Harem. Ich hatte ihn exorziert und die Frauen gerettet. Eine von diesen Frauen hatte ich für den Orden gewinnen können. Ich dachte an Schwester Theodora Mariam, als ich durch die Sicherheitskontrolle ging.

Schwester Theodora war ein Wrack gewesen, nachdem ich sie befreit hatte. Der Hexer hatte sie sich von ihrem Mann scheiden lassen, den sie liebte und er hatte sie dazu gebracht, ihre drei Töchter zu verlassen. Sie musste anschließend sehr intensiv getröstet werden. Wir hatten zwei wundervolle Wochen an der Küste in Kalifornien verbracht und uns am Strand oder auch sonst überall, wo wir die Hände aneinander legen konnten, geliebt. Dann legte sie ihr Gelübde ab und mein päpstlicher Ablass lief aus.

Als ich in die Maschine stieg, war ich eine von drei Personen in der ersten Klasse. Die anderen beiden waren ausgefranste Geschäftsleute, die beide schnell einschliefen, nachdem wir gestartet waren. Die Stewardess in der ersten Klasse war eine dunkle Schönheit namens Sarai. Sie trug eine langärmlige weiße Bluse und eine marineblaue Weste, die von ihren Titten hübsch ausgefüllt wurden. Ein marineblauer Bleistiftrock lebte an ihren Hüften und an ihren Beinen. Ihr Gesicht hatte eine exotische Schönheit an sich und ihr Akzent klang sehr musikalisch. Als sie mir meinen Champagner gab, ließ sie ihre Finger eine kurze Weile an meinem Handgelenk. Sie entzündete ein Feuer in mir, das in meinem Körper nach unten lief und meinen Atem beschleunigte.

Ich lächelte sie verführerisch an. „Ich bin Schwester Louise“, schnurrte ich.

„Ich heiße Sarai“, gab sie zur Antwort. „Wenn Sie etwas wünschen, dann sagen Sie es mir bitte sofort. Es ist meine Aufgabe, jedes Ihrer Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen.“

Nachdem wir unsere Flughöhe erreicht hatten, brachte Sarai mir eine zweit Sektflöte mit Champagner und sie setzte sich in die gleiche Sitzreihe wie ich auf der anderen Seite des Ganges.. Sie hatte auch eine Sektflöte in der Hand und hielt einen Finger an ihre Lippen. „Schsch, das ist unser kleines Geheimnis.“

„Ich bin sicher, dass du dir das verdient hast“, flirtete ich zurück und blinzelte ihr zu.

„Keine Ahnung“, seufzte sie. Sie rieb sich einen ihrer Füße. „Aber es ist das Risiko wert, wenn man so nette Leute trifft.“

„Da möchte ich wetten“, sagte ich und schaute mich um. Dann lehnte ich mich über den Gang und zog ihr den Schuh aus und fing an, ihr den Fuß zu massieren. Sarai bewegte sich in ihrem Sitz und drehte sich, so dass ihre Füße über die Armlehne baumelten.

„Hmmm, das ist schön“, schnurrte Sarai. „Sind Sie beruflich unterwegs nach Seattle und geht es um ihr Vergnügen?“

„Beides“, antwortete ich. „Ich bin Nonne, eine Schwester der Magdaleniten. Ich habe in Seattle etwas zu erledigen, aber ich hoffe, dass ich auch etwas von den Freuden des Nordwesten erleben kann.“

Sarai schien verwirrt zu sein. „Eine Nonne? Das hatte ich nicht erwartet.“ Sie war sicher nicht daran gewöhnt, dass sie ständig Nonnen traf, aber sie entspannte sich wieder, als ich fortfuhr, ihren Fuß zu massieren. Ich beugte mich weiter zu ihr hin und gab vor, dass ich so besser an ihren Fuß herankam. In Wirklichkeit wollte ich ihr mehr von meinem Dekolletee zeigen.

„Mein Orden ist ziemlich unorthodox“, sagte ich und wechselte zu ihrem anderen Fuß. Ihre Beine spreizten sich ein wenig und ich konnte kurz ihr Höschen aufblitzen sehen. Ein Leopardenmuster. Verdorbenes Mädchen!

„Ich bin Muslim“, sagte Sarai. „Deswegen habe ich keine große Erfahrung mit Nonnen.“

„Ich habe mich immer gefragt, gibt es eigentlich wirklich einen Mile-High-Club?“ fragte ich und fuhr mit meiner Massage fort. „Ich meine, hast du jemals von Leuten gehört…, du weißt schon… auf den Toiletten?“

Sarai kicherte. Sie war ein klein wenig beschwipst vom Champagner. „Manchmal passiert das tatsächlich. Wir versuchen, das Ganze diskret zu behandeln. Wenn man an die Tür klopft, dann beunruhigt das die Leute normalerweise so sehr, dass sie schnell wieder herauskommen.“

„Hast du es auch schon mal gemacht?“

In ihren Augen war ein verdorbenes Blinzeln. „Vielleicht…“

„Oh, du verdorbenes Mädchen! Du hast es schon gemacht!“ flüsterte ich aufgeregt. Aber sie zuckte nur mit den Schultern. Ich ließ ihren Fuß los und trank den Rest meines Champagners. „Ich muss mal schnell zur Toilette.“

Sarai lächelte warm und trank auch ihren letzten Champagner.

Ich stand auf, nahm mir meine Tasche und stolperte ein wenig, als das Flugzeug in Turbulenzen kam. Ich kam zur Toilette in der ersten Klasse und schlüpfte hinein. Ich erledigte schnell mein Geschäft, wusch mir die Hände und überprüfte mein Makeup im Spiegel. Mein Gesicht war rund und ich hatte graue Augen und dicke Lippen, die geradezu danach schrien, geküsst zu werden. Ich frischte meinen roten Lippenstift auf und rückte meine Titten zurecht, damit sie sichtbarer waren und dann öffnete ich die Tür. Ich wollte schnell mit Sarai weiter flirten.

Sie stand vor der Tür und wartete auf mich. Sie hatte einen hungrigen Gesichtsausdruck.

Ich zog sie in die Toilette und küsste sie wild. Seit meiner letzten Mission waren drei Jahre vergangen. Drei Jahre heimlicher Masturbation in Erinnerung an vergangene Liebhaber. Ich war bereit für ein paar neue Erinnerungen, die mich durch meine nächste Periode begleiten konnten. Sarais Zunge war heiß und geschickt, als sie in meinen Mund eindrang. Sie schob mich gegen die Wand und zog meinen Rock hoch. Meine Strumpfhalter und der lockige Busch hellbraunes Haar waren sichtbar.

„Bist du wirklich eine Nonne“ fragte Sarai und fuhr mit einem Finger langsam durch meine Vulva. Sie rieb meinen Kitzler und ich erzitterte vor Lust. „Ich meine, was für eine Nonne hat denn kein Höschen an?“

„Oh ja, ich bin wirklich eine Nonne“, stöhnte ich. „Aber wir sind auch Menschen. Auch wir haben Bedürfnisse.“

Ich fing ihre Lippen in einem weiteren leidenschaftlichen Kuss ein. Ihr Finger beschrieb kleine Kreise an meinem Kitzler. „Aber wie kannst du schwul sein und gleichzeitig Nonne?“ fragte sie. Elektrische Schläge fuhren durch meinen Körper.

„Jede von uns dient dem Herrn auf ihre Weise“, keuchte ich. „Wir haben alle unsere Sünden, mit denen wir kämpfen und Kreuze, die wir tragen müssen. Oh verdammt, du machst mich fertig, du geile kleine Schlampe!“

Sarai küsste meine Lippen und erstickte so meine Schreie, als es mir auf ihren Fingern kam. Verdammt, das war gut! Es war schon viel zu lange her gewesen! „Du bist eine böse Nonne, nicht wahr?“ zischte Sarai. Sie leckte an ihren Fingern und hielt sie dann auch mir hin. Ich nahm sie in den Mund und schmeckte mich. „Eine verdorbene Nonne, die gerne sündigt.“

„Ja! Fickst du deine Passagiere immer auf der Toilette?“ fragte ich sie.

„Nur die wunderschönen“, sagte sie und fing an, ihre Weste aufzuknöpfen. Ihre Bluse folgte und fiel auf den Boden. Ich sah jetzt ihren BH, der vorne seine Schließe hatte. Der BH passte zu ihrem Höschen, das ich vorher unter ihrem Rock gesehen hatte. Ich streckte meine Hand aus und befreite ihre Titten. Sie waren rund und sehr voll, also rieb ich mein Gesicht dazwischen und genoss ihre seidige Haut. Ich fand einen ihrer dunklen harten Nippel und saugte ihn in meinen Mund. „Mmmm, das ist schön“, stöhnte Sarai.

Ich küsste an ihrem Bauch nach unten und sie kicherte, als ich meine Zunge in ihren süßen Bauchnabel steckte. Meine Hände rutschten an ihren Hüften nach unten und hoben dann ihren Rock an. Ihr Höschen mit dem Leopardenaufdruck war von ihrer Erregung ganz nass. Es saß so knapp, dass ich ihre Schamlippen gut sehen konnte. Ich atmete ihre Erregung ein. Ein berauschender Duft nach Moschus. Ich hakte meine Finger in das Bündchen ihres Höschens und zog es langsam herunter. Ihre Muschi war glattrasiert und sie glänzte vor klebrigen Säften. Einen ganz kurzen Moment bildete sich ein Faden zwischen ihren Schamlippen und ihrem Höschen, dann zerriss er. Ihre Muschi war wundervoll, ihr Kitzler wart hart und pulsierte. Ihre Vulva war rot vor Lust.

Lieber Gott, danke für diesen Überfluss, betete ich still. Dann tat ich mich an ihrer Weiblichkeit gütlich. Meine Zunge glitt in ihren engen Schlitz und traf auf Widerstand.

„Du bist ja noch Jungfrau“, keuchte ich erstaunt.

„Ein liebes Muslim-Mädchen spart sich für die Hochzeit auf“, antwortete Sarai mechanisch.

„Und Allah hat kein Problem damit, dass man eine andere Frau fingert?“ fragte ich.

„Kein größeres als das, was Jesus damit hat, dass man eine andere Frau leckt.“ Die kleine Schnalle hatte mich erwischt.

Ich fand es sehr erregend, einer Jungfrau die Fotze auszulecken, obwohl sie nur rein technisch noch Jungfrau war. Ich konnte sie mit meiner Zunge nicht so tief in die Fotze ficken, wie ich das eigentlich wollte, also gab ich mich damit zufrieden, ihre Schamlippen abzulecken und ihr würziges Aroma in mich aufzunehmen. Mein Daumen fand ihren harten kleinen Kitzler und rieb ihn feste in kleinen Kreisen. Sarai stöhnte und drückte sich gegen mich. Ihre Titten hoben und senkten sich vor Erregung.

„Oh ja“, stöhnte Sarai leise. „Lecke meine Fotze. Deine Zunge fühlt sich an meiner Fotze so toll an!“ Sie keuchte und als sie sich ihrem Orgasmus näherte, verlor sie ihr Englisch und sang auf Arabisch: „Elhas Kussi! Elhass kussi! Sharmoota elhas kussi!“ Ihr würziger Saft floss in meinen Mund und mein ganzes Gesicht war von ihrer Lust bedeckt. Sie keuchte mit geschlossenen Augen und dann flüsterte sie: „Danke! Das war toll!“

Ich lächelte, als ich aufstand und sie küsste. Sie leckte gierig ihren Saft von meinem Gesicht ab. Gott hatte mir eine Jungfrau beschert und ich wollte mir jetzt gerne meine Belohnung nehmen. Ich griff in meine Tasche. Sie sah mir neugierig zu, als ich ein wenig herumwühlte und dann einen kleinen purpurfarbenen Dildo und das Umschnall-Geschirr herausholte. Auf ihrem Gesicht erschien ein wenig Angst und sie trat von mir zurück, als ich den Umschnall-Dildo an meinen schlanken Beinen nach oben zog.

„Wir sollten jetzt gehen“, sagte Sarai und leckte sich nervös ihre Lippen. „Die anderen Passagiere werden vielleicht gleich wach.“

Ich zog die Bändel an und stellte sicher, dass der Dildo sich an meinem harten Kitzler rieb. Dann lächelte ich sie hungrig an. „Hast du nicht gesagt, dass du da bist, um mich zu befriedigen?“

„Bitte, Miss!“ Sarai wich noch weiter zurück und stieß gegen die Tür.

Ich griff hinter meinen Hals und öffnete den Verschluss meines Korsetts. Der Stoff fiel herunter und zeigte meine festen kleinen Brüste. Sarai schluckte und starrte voller Lust auf meine harten Nippel. Ich machte einen Schritt nach vorne und Sarai zuckte zusammen, als der Dildo ihren Bauch berührte. Ein weiterer Schritt und unsere Brüste berührten sich. Blasse Titten küssten dunkle Brüste.

„Willst du nicht langsam damit aufhören, ein liebes Muslim-Mädchen zu sein?“ fragte ich und beugte mich vor, um sie zu küssen. „Möchtest du nicht lieber böse sein?“

„Ich- ich“, stotterte sie.

Ich steckte den Dildo zwischen ihre Beine und rieb damit an ihrer glitschigen Möse. „Möchtest du nicht all das Vergnügen erleben, das Allah dir gegeben hat?“ Ich küsste ihren Hals und schob den Dildo nach oben und in ihre Muschi. Vorsichtig drückte ich gegen ihr Häutchen. „Deine Muschi ist zum Ficken da. Glaub mir, es fühlt sich unglaublich an, wenn ein hartes Teil dich ausfüllt.“ Ich leckte ihr Ohr und flüsterte: „Macht es dich nicht nass, wenn du daran denkst, wie mein Dildo dich fickt?“

Sie schüttelte den Kopf und versuchte, sie von meinem eindringenden Dildo zu entfernen.

„Gib ruhig zu, dass du möchtest, dass eine wunderschöne Frau deine Jungfernschaft nimmt. Dass sie dich zu einer dreckigen verdorbenen lesbischen Hure macht!“

Sie schaute mich an und Tränen standen in ihren Augen. „Allah, vergib mir“, flüsterte sie und dann nickte sie.

„Sag es!“ zischte ich. „Sag mir, dass ich dich zu einer lesbischen Hure machen soll!“

„Bitte“, flüsterte sie rau. „Bitte, fick meine jungfräuliche Fotze! Bitte mach mich zu deiner lesbischen Hure!“

Sie keuchte, als ich das harte Stück Plastik durch ihr Häutchen stieß. Der Dildo rieb sich so richtig schön an meinem Kitzler. Ich fickte Sarai hart und schnell und sie stöhnte in mein Ohr. Die Tür klapperte wegen unserer Bewegungen beim Ficken. Direkt vor der Tür schliefen zwei Männer. Sie konnten jeden Moment wach werden. Oder eine andere Stewardess konnte kommen und uns entdecken oder sogar der Pilot. Wir konnten jeden Moment entdeckt werden, und das machte den Sex noch geiler.

„Oh verdammt“, keuchte Sarai laut. „Fick meine Muschi. Oh, das fühlt sich so geil an!“

„Wenn du weiter so laut bist, dann wird uns noch jemand hören“, flüsterte ich in ihr Ohr, während ich sie fickte. „Es sei denn, du willst gerne erwischt werden. Vielleicht willst du der Welt ja zeigen, dass du ein versautes kleines Muslim-Mädchen bist. Eine verdorbene dreckigen kleine lesbische Hure.“

„Ja!“ zischte sie und sie schüttelte sich, als es ihr auf dem Dildo kam. „Ich bin eine dreckige lesbische Hure. Ich liebe es, an Titten zu lutschen und Fotzen auszulecken!“

Wir fickten eine Stunde lang in der Toilette. Ich fickte sie, während sie sich über die Toilette beugte, dann zog sie den Umschnall-Dildo an und setzte sich auf die Schüssel und ich ritt sie hart, während sie mir an den Titten lutschte. Dann fickte sie mich in den Arsch und ich hatte einen Wahnsinnsorgasmus. Schließlich waren wir beide befriedigt. Wir zogen uns wieder an, machten uns sauber und schlüpften aus der Toilette heraus. Die anderen beiden Passagiere der ersten Klasse schliefen noch fest und schnarchten laut. Wir setzten uns in zwei nebeneinander liegende Sitze und schmusten während des gesamten weiteren Fluges miteinander. Dabei fingerten wir uns mehrfach zu Orgasmen. Wir versuchten dabei beide, möglichst leise zu bleiben. Gottseidank waren die beiden Männer regelrechte Tiefschläfer.

„Meine Damen und Herren, wir beginnen jetzt unseren Landeanflug auf Sea-Tac International“, kündigte der Pilot über die Sprechanlage an. „Bitte bringen sie Ihre Rückenlehne wieder in die senkrechte Position und schließen Sie ihre Sicherheitsgurte.“

Sarai stand auf und weckte die beiden Männer. Sie prüfte, ob sie ihre Sicherheitsgurte trugen. Als sie wieder zu mir kam, griff sie nach unten und glitt mit ihrer Hand in mein Oberteil. Sie drückte einen Moment meine Brust. Dann sagte sie in einem professionellen Tonfall: „Miss, bitte schließen Sie ihren Sicherheitsgurt.“ Als sie meine Brust wieder verließ, hatte sie eine Visitenkarte des Sea-Tec Holiday Inn zwischen meinen Brüsten hinterlassen. Auf der Rückseite stand: „Ich habe 48 Stunden Aufenthalt. Wenn du noch ein bisschen Spaß suchst, dann fragte an der Rezeption nach mir, Sarai.“

Ich lächelte in mich hinein. Die Vorsehung hatte den nächsten Schritt meiner Reise bereitet und es würde ein sehr angenehmer werden.


Ich wurde wach und Licht strömte durch die Fenster und die gläserne Schiebetür. Ich griff nach Mary, aber ihre Seite des Bettes war leer. Ich setzet mich auf und schaute mich um. Ich war im Schlafzimmer des Hauses, das ich von Brendon Fitzsimmons „geborgt“ hatte. Ich hatte mir außerdem seine Frau „geborgt“, eine geile Latina mit Namen Desiree und hatte sie zu meiner zweiten Sklavin gemacht. Ich rieb mir den Schlaf aus den Augen. Es war schon spät gewesen, als ich endlich versucht hatte einzuschlafen, schon nach drei in der Früh. Ich schaute auf die Uhr. Es war 07:43. Verdammt, das ist noch ziemlich früh, dachte ich und wollte noch einmal einschlafen, aber meine Gedanken gingen zur vergangenen Nacht zurück.

Als Mary und ich in der vergangenen Nacht zurückgekommen waren, war es beinahe ein Uhr früh gewesen. Wir waren ins Bett gegangen und hatten darüber gesprochen, was passiert war. Mary hatte ihren Pakt mit dem Teufel gemacht, genauso wie ich einige Tage zuvor. Und dann hatte mir der Teufel diesen roten Kristall gegeben, der von innen her leuchtete. Er hatte mir gesagt, dass ich dann, wenn ich in Schwierigkeiten steckte, diesen Kristall hochhalten und „Lilith, erscheine vor mir“ sagen sollte. Mein Bauch verkrampfte sich. Warum würde ich das Ding brauchen? Mary hatte meine Furcht gespürt und so unterhielten wir uns und theoretisierten darüber, was der Teufel wohl gemeint haben mochte. Was für eine Gefahr lag wohl vor uns? Und wer oder was war eigentlich Lilith?

„Der Name kommt mir bekannt vor“, sagte Mary und schmiegte sich nackt an mich. „Ich glaube, er stammt aus Vampir: Die Maskerade.“

„Warte mal, was?“ sagte ich und starrte sie ungläubig an. „Hast du das gespielt?“

Mary lachte. „Ja, in meiner Highschool habe ich mal ein halbes Jahr total auf diese Geschichten gestanden. Und in dieser Zeit habe ich in so einem Rollenspiel mitgemacht. Ich war die Vampirin Vanessa.“

„Wow“, sagte ich. „Du hast bei einem Rollenspiel mitgemacht.“

„Ja“, sagte sie. Sie klang ein wenig verlegen. „Eigentlich haben wir nur rumgehangen und die furchtbarsten schwarzen Klamotten angehabt und zu viel schwarzes Makeup getragen. Ich habe mit meiner blassen Haut ausgesehen wie eine Leiche. Ich denke zwar, dass es darauf wohl ankam, aber so richtig toll fand ich das eigentlich nicht.“

„Ich weiß nicht“, sagte ich. „Ich möchte wetten, dass du als Goth richtig sexy gewesen sein musst.“ Ich stellte mir Mary vor. Ein schwarzes Kleid stellte sicher einen starken Kontrast zu ihrer hellen Haut dar. Und dann schwarzer Lippenstift.

„Wie auch immer“, sagte sie. „Ich bin ziemlich sicher, dass Lilith die Mutter der Monster war, oder so etwas Ähnliches. Irgend so ein Dämon. Da gibt es auch einen Kult dazu.“

Ich holte mein Smartphone heraus und googelte Lilith. Ich las den Eintrag bei Wikipedia. „Sie war eine kanaanitische Göttin und nach der jüdischen Mythologie war sie Adams erste Frau. Sie hat sich aber geweigert, seiner Autorität zu unterwerfen, deshalb ließ er sich scheiden und hat dann Eva geheiratet.“

„Gut für sie“, sagte Mary.

Der Punkt, dass ich ursprünglich meine Macht benutzt hatte, um Mary zu kontrollieren, war immer noch da, also ging ich auf Marys Bemerkung nicht ein. Ich las weiter. „Dann wurde sie die Mutter der Monster und ein Succubus.“

„Habe ich doch gesagt“, sagte Mary.

„Entschuldigung, ich wollte mich nur nicht allein auf Vampir: Die Maskerade allein verlassen“, entschuldigte ich mich.


„Ist aber ziemlich verlässlich“, sagte ich abwehrend. „Okay, es tut mir leid, ich habe dir nicht geglaubt.“

„Gut“, sagte sie. Sie nickte und lächelte. „So lange du nicht vergisst, dass ich immer recht habe, wird alles gut laufen Mark.“

Ich war klug genug, das nicht zu diskutieren. „Warum also sollte ich die Hilfe der Mutter der Monster brauchen?“ fragte ich und wechselte das Thema.

Sie zog sie Augenbrauen kraus. „Keine Ahnung. Vielleicht…“

Wir redeten noch eine Weile weiter und drehten uns im Kreis mit Theorien und Spekulationen. Am Ende gaben wir es auf und ich versprach, den Kristall in jedem Fall immer bei mir zu tragen, nur für den Fall. Mary kuschelte sich an mich und schlief schnell ein. Und es stellte sich heraus, dass sie schnarchte. Es war aber ganz leise und irgendwie süß. Und während ich mich noch mit meinen dunklen Gedanken herumquälte, fand ich ihr Schnarchen irgendwie… beruhigend. Ich war nicht allein in der Dunkelheit. Mary war bei mir und sie würde mir beistehen, welche Gefahr der Teufel auch immer für mich in der Zukunft sah.

Als ich endlich einschlief, war es ein leichter Schlaf. Ich hatte Albträume. Ich war von schattenartigen Monstern umringt und hielt meinen roten Kristall in der Hand. Mary war hinter mir und ich versuchte, sie zu beschützen. Ich sagte dann die Worte „Lilith erscheine vor mir“, aber nichts passierte. Die Monster kamen immer näher und ich wachte schweißgebadet auf. Mary war immer noch an mich angekuschelt, als ob sie mich in ihrem Schlaf beruhigen wollte. Ich glitt wieder zurück in das Land der Träume und hatte denselben Traum.

Ich versuchte, meine Sorgen zu ignorieren und wieder einzuschlafen, aber es war zu hell und meine Blase war zu voll, also stolperte ich in das Bad. Auf meinem Weg sah ich Mary auf dem Balkon. Stand da eine Staffelei vor ihr? Ich musste zu dringend pinkeln, um mich darum sofort kümmern zu können und stolperte weiter. Ich legte einen Arm an die Wand und fing an zu pissen, dabei hoffte ich, dass ich die Schüssel traf. Ich war einfach zu müde zum Zielen. Nachdem ich gepisst hatte, fummelte ich an den Hähnen der Dusche herum. Eine heiße Dusche half mir immer dabei, wach zu werden.

Ich lehnte mich an die geflieste Wand und ließ das warme Wasser über mich rauschen. Nach ein paar Minuten fühlte ich mich schließlich lebendig. Ich nahm die Seife und wusch meinen Körper und schamponierte mein Haar. Ich verließ die Dusche und rasierte und kämmte mich. Ich spritzte ein würziges After Shave in mein Gesicht, das Mary mir gekauft hatte und zischte mir ein Deodorant unter die Achseln.

Gestern hatten Desiree und Allison alle Kleidungsstücke von Desiree und ihrem Mann aus dem Schlafzimmer entfernt. Außerdem gab es auch keine anderen persönlichen Gegenstände mehr. Stattdessen hatten sie Marys und meine Sachen dort untergebracht. Ich fand eine saubere Boxershorts und ein Polohemd. Ich zog mich an, nahm mein Telefon und schickte Allison eine SMS, bevor ich auf den Balkon des Schlafzimmers ging, um zu sehen, was Mary machte.

Mary stand vor einer Staffelei mit einer großen Leinwand. Sie hatte einen Pinsel in der einen Hand und eine Palette in der anderen. Sie hatte eines meiner weißen Hemden an, dass ihr bis zur Mitte ihrer Oberschenkel reichte. Ihr rotbraunes Haar hatte sie in einem Pferdeschwanz zusammengebunden, der ihr an ihrem Rücken herunter fiel. Ihre Beine waren lang und schön und sie war barfuß. Sie hatte kleine Füße und süße Zehen. Sie schien den Mount Rainier zu malen, während die Sonne über ihm aufging.

„Hey, Mare“, begrüßte ich sie. Ich setzte mich auf einen Sessel und bewunderte die Bewegungen ihres geschwungenen Arsches unter meinem Hemd, während sie malte. „Sieht schön aus.“

„Guten Morgen, Liebling“, sagte Mary und schaute mich nicht einmal an. Sie war zu sehr auf ihr Gemälde fixiert.

„Malst du den Berg?“ fragte ich. Mein Gott, was für eine blöde Frage! „Sieht richtig schön aus.“

„Danke“, sagte sie abwesend.

„Irgendwelche Pläne für heute?“ fragte ich sie.

Sie schüttelte den Kopf. Nein, nicht wirklich. Woran hast du denn gedacht?“

Ich wollte anfangen zu sprechen, als jemand an die Schlafzimmertür klopfte. „Komm rein, Allison“, rief ich.

Allison kam ins Zimmer. Sie hatte ein sexy französisches Zofen-Outfit an, das sie gestern gekauft hatte. Das Leibchen war aus einem durchsichtigen schwarzen Material, durch das man ihre gepiercten Nippel und die Stecker in ihren Nippeln sehen konnte. Der Rock bestand aus mehreren Lagen aus weißen Petticoats, die von einem schwarzen Spitzenstoff bedeckt waren. Der Rock war kurz und bedeckte kaum ihren Arsch, wenn sie gerade stand und wenn sie sich vorbeugte, konnte man ihren Arsch und ihre Muschi sehen.

„Guten Morgen Meister, guten Morgen Herrin“, sagte Allison höflich, als sie auf den Balkon kam.

„Guten Morgen Schlampe“, sagte Mary. Sie konzentrierte sich immer noch auf das Gemälde.

„Hast du alles erledigt, was ich dir aufgetragen habe?“ fragte ich. Gestern hatte ich ihr mehrere SMS geschickt, während Mary und ich einkaufen waren.

„Ja, Meister, ich habe alle Reservierungen gemacht und das GPS programmiert“, antwortete Allison.

„Gute Schlampe“, lobte ich sie und zog meinen Schwanz heraus. Allison kniete sich vor mir hin und saugte meinen Schwanz in ihren warmen Mund.

„Was hat sie denn erledigt?“ fragte Mary neugierig und drehte ihren Kopf über ihre Schulter, Sie schüttelte amüsiert ihren Kopf, als sie sah, dass Allison mir einen blies.

Allison war ein Profi bei Blowjobs. Sie hatte ein Zungenpiercing und der Metallstecker war ein Punkt, an dem der Druck schön fest war, wenn sie mit ihm über meinen Schwanz fuhr. „Eine Orca-Tour“, antwortete ich. „Dann Abendessen in Seattle in der Space Needle. Wenn du möchtest?“

„Du lädst mich ein, während du dir von irgendeiner Schlampe den Schwanz blasen lässt?“

„Genau!“ stöhnte ich, als Allison anfing, ihren Kopf auf meinem Schwanz auf und ab zu bewegen. Ich fuhr mit meiner Hand durch ihr Haar.

„Okay, klingt gut“, sagte Mary. „Wann geht es los?“

Ich schaute auf Allison herunter. „Na, Schlampe?“

Allison ließ ihren Mund von meinem Schwanz rutschen. „Ihr müsst etwa in neunzig Minuten abfahren“, antwortete sie und nahm dann meinen Schwanz wieder in den Mund.

„Nun, dann muss ich mich wohl fertig machen“, sagte Mary. „Schlampe, wenn du mir Mark fertig bist, dann mach hier sauber und bring alles in das Studio.“

Allison stöhnte um meinen Schwanz, was man als „Ja, Herrin“ interpretieren konnte.

Mary beugte sich vor und küsste mich auf die Lippen. „Viel Spaß noch“, sagte sie lächelnd. Sie streichelte Allisons Haar und ging nach innen. Ich folgte ihren Arsch mit meinen Augen und genoss den Schwung ihrer Hüften, bis sie im Bad verschwand. Ich schloss meine Augen und genoss dann Allisons nassen Mund und ihre Zunge an meinem Schwanz. Sie bewegte jetzt ihren Kopf schnell auf meinem Schwanz auf und ab und meine empfindliche Eichel stieß wiederholt gegen ihre Kehle. Meine Eier zogen sich zusammen und ich kam in ihrem Mund.

„Danke Meister für dein leckeres Sperma“, sagte Allison. Sperma war auch auf ihren Lippen. Sie leckte langsam über meine pilzförmige Eichel und entfernte dort die letzten Reste meines Orgasmus. Dann schloss sie meine Hose wieder.

Ich ging nach unten und hörte Desiree in der Küche. Sie war eine erstaunliche Köchin und ich fragte mich, was für leckere Sachen sie gerade zum Frühstück zubereitete. Mein Bauch grollte. Er war offenbar genauso gespannt wie ich auch. Ich war immer noch zu müde, um irgendetwas Produktives zu tun, also schaltete ich den Fernseher ein und sah ein verschwommenes Schwarzweiß-Bild meines Gesichtes in einer Überwachungskamera.

„Ach du Scheiße!“ sagte ich zu mir selber und drehte den Ton lauter.

„Die Behörden bitten um Ihre Mithilfe, um diesen Mann zu identifizieren“, sagte der Nachrichtensprecher. „Er wird im Zusammenhang mit einer ganzen Reihe von merkwürdigen Dingen gesucht, die sich am Donnerstag im South Hill Best Buy ereignet haben. Außerdem geht es um einen Einbruch bei einem Juwelier in einer lokalen Mall, sowie um einige andere Dinge. Augenzeugen haben ihn in Begleitung von zwei jungen Frauen gesehen, von denen eine rotbraunes Haar und die andere rosafarbenes Haar hat. Bitte geben sie Ihre Hinweise an das nächstgelegene Polizeirevier.“

Wow, da hatte ich wohl doch mehr Aufruhr erzeugt, als ich gedacht hatte. Nun, ich hatte im Best Buy eine Orgie angezettelt. Konnte das die Gefahr sein, vor der mich der Teufel gewarnt hatte? Ich schüttelte den Kopf. Wenn die Bullen kamen, um mich zu verhaften, konnte ich ihnen einfach sagen, dass sie mich gehen lassen sollten. Und wenn Mary oder Allison verhaftet wurden, dann konnte ich einfach zum Gefängnis gehen und sie wieder herausholen.

Dann lief in den Nachrichten irgendwas über einen Hund, der etwas angestellt hatte. Ich schaltete ab. Ich starrte auf die Mattscheibe und zog den roten Kristall heraus. Ich schaute ihn genau an. Er sah jetzt eigentlich völlig normal aus. Das rote Feuer, das wir in der vergangenen Nacht gesehen hatten, brannte jetzt nicht. Er fühlte sich in meiner Hand kühl an und glatt wie Glas.

„Meister?“ Ich zuckte zusammen. Desiree stand vor mir und schaute besorgt. Sie hatte auch dieses Zofen-Outfit an, das Allison trug. Ihre großen Titten, die von dem durchsichtigen Leibchen gehalten wurden, baumelten vor meinem Gesicht. „Mi Rey! Geht es dir gut? Du hast mir nicht geantwortet.“

„Entschuldige, ich habe nachgedacht“, erwiderte ich und schob den Kristall wieder in meine Hosentasche, neben die Schachtel mit dem Verlobungsring. Ich musste mich von den Dingen, die der Teufel gesagt hatte, lösen. Ich hoffte, dass das heute ein toller Tag werden würde, ein romantischer Tag mit Mary, der hervorragend laufen sollte. „Was hast du denn gesagt, Desiree?“

„Das Frühstück ist fertig, mi Rey“, antwortete sie. „Soll ich der Reina Bescheid sagen?“

„Ja, wahrscheinlich ist sie jetzt mit der Dusche fertig“, sagte ich. „Desiree, was heißt denn mi Rey?“

„Mein König“, sagte Desiree. Dann kam ein leidender Ausdruck auf ihr Gesicht. „Magst du das nicht?“

„Doch, doch, ich mag es“, sagte ich. „Dann heißt Reina wohl Königen, oder?“

„Genau!“ Desiree strahle. Dann lief sie nach oben, um Mary zu holen. „Sag ihr das!“ rief ich hinter ihr her.

In der Küche stand ein kleiner Frühstückstisch und er war für vier Personen eingedeckt, Es gab vier Teller mit Omeletts und mit knusprigem Toast. Ein Krug mit Orangensaft stand in der Mitte des Tisches. Daneben gab es eine ganze Reihe von Schälchen mit verschiedenen Marmeladen. Auf der Arbeitsplatte dampfte eine Kanne mit Kaffee. Ich nahm mir einen Kaffee und gab Milch dazu. Dann setzte ich mich an den Tisch. Das Omelett war besonders lecker.

Meine drei Damen kamen hereinmarschiert. Mary hatte ihren rosafarbenen Bademantel an. Sie hatte ihr Haar in ein Handtuch eigewickelt. Sie wurde von Allison und Desiree in ihren Zofen-Kostümen flankiert. Mary setzte sich neben mich und gab mir einen Kuss, Alle lobten Desiree für das Frühstück und vernichteten dann die Omeletts, die sie gemacht hatte. Anschließend ging Mary mit Allison wieder nach oben, um Mary für unsere Verabredung fertig zu machen. Ich trank in der Zwischenzeit meine dritte Tasse Kaffee und beobachtete Desiree, wie sie die Küche wieder in Ordnung brachte. Das sah sehr sexy aus. Immer wieder erhaschte ich kurze Blicke auf ihren dunklen Arsch und auf ihre Muschi, wenn sie sich vorbeugte oder nach oben langte, um das Geschirr wegzuräumen.

Als Mary zurückkam, fand sie Desiree über das Spülbecken gebeugt, während ich sie von hinten fickte. Desiree war einfach zu sexy, dass ich hätte widerstehen können. „Was meinst du?“ fragte Mary und drehte sich in einem gelben Sommerkleid, das mit roten Orchideen gemustert war. Das Kleid hatte einen ovalen tiefen Ausschnitt und einen Rock, der ihr bis zur Mitte ihrer Oberschenkel fiel. Schwarze Stiefel mit hohen Absätzen vervollständigten ihr Outfit. Sie hatte nur sehr wenig Makeup aufgelegt.

„Du siehst hinreißend aus!“ stöhnte ich und spürte weiter Desirees samtige Fotze. „Ich liebe diese Stiefel.“

Mary lachte. „Bist du bald fertig? Ich möchte nicht, dass wir uns verspäten!“

„Es würde mir vielleicht ein bisschen helfen, wenn du mit Allison schmust“, sagte ich hoffnungsvoll. „Okay“, sagte Mary. Sie zog Allison an sich und küsste sie. Ihre Zungen kämpften miteinander. Marys Hand glitt in Allisons Leibchen und zog eine feste Brust und den gepiercten Nippel heraus. Dann blinzelte sie mir zu und fing an, an Allisons Knöpfchen zu lecken.

„Verdammt, das sieht so geil aus!“ rief ich und schoss meine Ladung tief in Desirees Bauch.

„Gut, dann lass uns losziehen“, sagte Mary und griff nach meinem Arm. Ich kam kaum noch dazu, meine Hose zu schließen, bevor Mary mich aus der Küche zog. Während die Küchentür sich schloss, konnte ich gerade noch sehen, wie sich Allison vor Desiree hinkniete, um mein Sperma direkt aus ihrer Fotze zu trinken, so wie eine gute Schlampe das tut.

Im Wohnzimmer nahm sich Mary eine Tasche, die farblich gut zu ihrem Kleid passte und ich nahm meine Autoschlüssel und zog meinen bodenlangen Mantel an. Ich ignorierte, dass Mary die Augen rollte, weil das ziemlich lächerlich aussah. Dann nahm ich noch den Camcorder und das GPS-Gerät, das Allison für unseren Trip programmiert hatte. Dann waren wir draußen und stiegen in den Mustang. Der Motor röhrte, das GPS-Gerät wurde eingestöpselt und „Verdammt, ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass das so weit ist.“

Die Orca-Tour fand ganz im Norden statt, bei Anacortes, nördlich von Seattle und sogar nördlich von Everett. Das Navi sagte, dass wir etwas mehr als zwei Stunden brauchen würden, bis wir ankamen. Als Mary in das Auto stieg, rutschte ihr der Saum ihres Kleides nach oben und konnte ein wenig rotes Haar sehen. Das saftige Fohlen hatte kein Höschen an und ich hatte ein Stückchen von ihrem herzförmigen Bewuchs gesehen. Als ich losfuhr, schob sie ihr Kleid noch weiter nach oben und fing langsam an zu masturbieren.

„Ich finde das ein wenig ablenkend“, sagte ich. Mein Blick wurde immer wieder zu ihren Fingern hingezogen, die kleine Kreise um ihren Kitzler vollführten.

„Dass du eben Desiree gefickt hast und dass ich eben mit Allison rumgeknutscht habe, hat mich einfach geil gemacht“, sagte sie. „Das musst du schon schlucken.“

„Ich würde es vorziehen, wenn du es schlucken würdest“, sagte ich und schaute sie an.

Sie schnaubte vor Lachen. Dann schloss sie ihre Augen und rieb ihren Kitzler ein wenig fester. Sie rutschte auf ihrem Sitz hin und her und biss sich auf die Lippe. Der Duft ihrer Erregung erfüllte den Wagen. Mary stöhnte leise und fingerte sich jetzt. Ihre Handfläche drückte sie dabei gegen ihren Kitzler. Zwei Finger stieß sie sich rhythmisch in ihre Fotze. Ihr Atem wurde schneller und sie stöhnte ohne Worte, als es ihr kam.

„Jetzt, wo du fertig bist, würde es dir etwas ausmachen, mir den Schwanz zu lutschen?“ fragte ich. Mein Schwanz war in meiner Hose schmerzhaft angeschwollen und hart.

Mary öffnete ihre Augen. „Hast du mir nicht gesagt, dass ich das nicht noch einmal machen soll? Hast du nicht beinahe einen Unfall gebaut, als ich das zuletzt gemacht habe?“

„Okay, ich fahre rechts ran“, sagte ich.

„Wir sollten uns nicht verspäten“, sagte Mary. „Du solltest besser noch warten.“

„Mach schon Mare, ich werde mich beeilen.“

Mary schnaubte wieder vor Lachen. „Du weißt schon, wie du ein Mädchen rumkriegen kannst!“

„Ich liebe dich“, sagte ich und griff nach ihrem nackten Oberschenkel und streichelte ihn. „Du bist so wunderschön und begehrenswert. Ich bin absolut machtlos vor deiner atemberaubenden Schönheit. Du bist eine Göttin und ich will dich mit meiner Zuneigung bedecken.“

Mary fing an, langsam ihre geschwollene Vulva zu reiben und ihre Schamlippen mit ihren Fingern ein wenig zu zupfen. „Hmm, bedecke mich lieber mit deiner warmen und klebrigen Zuneigung! Das klingt echt geil!“ Ihr Finger schlüpfte in ihre Fotze und fickte sie langsam.

Ich griff mit einer Hand nach unten und öffnete meine Hose. Dann zog ich meine Erektion heraus. „Schau mal, wie stark meine Hingabe an dich ist! Sieh mal, wie hart mein Bedürfnis ist, dich zu verehren.“

Marys smaragdgrüne und mit lusterfüllte Augen hingen an meinem Schwanz. „Oh, so schön groß und hart!“ stöhnte sie. Sie leckte ihre Lippen und griff mit ihrer weichen Hand nach meinem harten Schwanz. Sie wichste ihn zweimal, dann fuhr ihre Hand weiter nach unten und umschloss meine Eier. „Genau, die sind voll von warmer klebriger Zuneigung.“ Sie senkte ihren Kopf in meinen Schoß.

Ihr Mund war warm und nass an meinem Schwanz. Sie saugte gierig und fuhr mit ihrer Zunge über meine empfindliche Eichel. Ich streichelte ihr vorsichtig über das Haar und genoss die Lust, die Mary mir bereitete. Ich war so erregt, weil ich sie eben hatte masturbieren sehen, dass ich in ihrem süßen Mund nicht lange aushalten würde. Das Auto war von schmatzenden Geräuschen angefüllt. Die kamen sowohl von ihrem Mund, der meinen Schwanz lutschte, als auch von ihren Fingern, die ihre nasse Fotze fickten. „Oh verdammt!“ stöhnte ich. „Hier kommt deine Zuneigung!“ Meine Eier zogen sich zusammen und dann spritzte ich meine Zuneigung in den Mund meiner Göttin. Und sie trank alles.

Sie setzte sich wieder auf. Ihre Lippen trugen weiße Spuren. Und sie rieb sich wie wild ihre Fotze und ihren Kitzler. „Hmmm, das war so lecker!“ stöhnte sie und leckte ihre Lippen. „Das war warm und salzig. Verdammt nochmal, deine Zuneigung ist so richtig schön glatt durch meine Kehle geflossen.“ Sie zuckte auf ihrem Sitz, als es ihr zum zweiten Mal auf ihren schlanken Fingern kam.

„Einen Mund einer Frau auf dem Schwanz zu haben ist das einzige Wahre beim Autofahren“, sagte ich und schob meinen Schwanz wieder in meine Hose.

Mary seufzte. „Ich bin nur froh, dass du uns nicht umgebracht hast.“ Sie fixierte mich mit ihren grünen Augen. „Erwarte nicht, dass ich das nochmal mache.“

Eine Stunde später fühlte ich mich ausgelassen und fing an, ihre Schenkel zu streicheln, dann ließ ich meine Hand zwischen ihre Beine gleiten und streichelte ihre Möse. Ihr Gesicht wurde rot und ihre Nippel wurden hart. Und dann tat sie nichts lieber, als noch einmal meinen Schwanz zu blasen. Ich genoss diesen Blowjob so sehr, dass ich an unserer Ausfahrt vorbei fuhr. Nachdem es mir gekommen war, schimpfte Mary mich und sagte, dass sie mir nie wieder einen blasen würde, während wir fuhren.

Bei der nächsten Ausfahrt wendete ich und dreißig Minuten später rollten wir nach Anacortes hinein. Das ist ein wunderschöne Stadt auf der nördlichen Halbinsel von Fidalgo Island. Auf der einen Seite liegt der Puget Sound und auf der anderen liegen bewaldete Hügel. Wir fuhren durch die malerische Stadt. Wir kamen an alten Gebäuden vorbei, die liebevoll gepflegt aussahen und an unberührten Parks voller fröhlicher Menschen. Der salzige Geruch des Sunds füllte unsere Nasen, während wir an den Docks vorbeifuhren. Dort gab es alle möglichen Arten von Booten und Schiffen.

Als wir schließlich an dem Dock ankamen, an dem die Island Explorer 3 lag, hatten wir noch 15 Minuten. Das Schiff war etwa dreißig Meter lang und hatte zwei Decks. Mary zog mit ihrem sexy Sommerkleid und ihren schwarzen Stiefeln alle Blicke auf sich, als wir auf das Schiff gingen. Und nicht nur die Männer starrten sie an. Es schien mir so, dass jede Frau, die sie sah, sie mit lustvollen Augen anschaute. Mary genoss jede Minute dieser Aufmerksamkeit, die ihr entgegenschlug. In der vergangenen Nacht hatte sich Mary gewünscht, dass alle Frauen sie begehrenswert fanden und keine ihren sexuellen Annäherungen widerstehen konnten. Ganz offensichtlich war dieser Wunsch in Erfüllung gegangen. Wir gingen in Richtung auf den Bug und immer wieder rieben sich Frauen an ihr und lächelten sie an. Schließlich kamen wir vorne an. Mary stellte sich an die Reling und ich stellte mich hinter sie und legte meine Arme um sie. Mary hüpfte vor Erregung, als das Schiff losmachte und das Dock verließ.

Marys Arsch rieb sich an meinem Schwanz und das hatte den zu erwartenden Effekt. Mary spürte meine Härte und sie flüsterte: „Ich habe kein Höschen an, und mit deinem langen Mantel…“ Ich machte rasch meinen Reißverschluss auf und sie spürte, wie mein harter Schwanz gegen ihre Muschi stieß. Mein langer Mantel verbarg, was wir miteinander trieben.

„Also ist mein Mantel doch nicht ganz so lächerlich“, stöhnte ich in ihr Ohr, als mein Schwanz tief in ihre nasse Muschi hinein glitt.

Sie keuchte: „Ich glaube, du hast recht.“ Und dann drückte sie ihre Möse um meinem Schwanz zusammen, während ich sie langsam fickte.

Während das Schiff in den Puget Sound fuhr und auf die San Juan Inseln zuhielt, kam immer wieder Frauen auf Mary zu. Sie sprachen mit ihr und flirteten mit ihr, sie streichelten ihr über den Arm oder standen einfach nur vor ihr und erröteten. Die hübschen küsste Mary und schob ihnen ihre Finger an ihrem Bündchen vorbei in die Hose und suchte nach ihren nassen Muschis. Bei denen, die Röcke trugen, schob sie einfach eine Hand darunter und fingerte die Frau, bis es ihr kam. Die meisten hatten Ehemänner oder Freunde dabei, denen es nicht gefiel, dass ihre Mädchen gefingert wurden, also musste ich ihnen dann immer sagen, dass sei einfach dastehen und zuschauen sollten. Nachdem es den Frauen dann gekommen war, schickte Mary sie weg und dann hielt sie mir ihre klebrigen Finger an die Lippen und ich schmeckte ihren Moschus.

Ich fing an, Mary härter zu ficken, als sie ihre zweite Frau fingerte und dabei spritzte ich ihr in die Möse. Mary keuchte und schrie auf und es kam ihr auch auf meinem Schwanz. Dann hielt ich mich in ihrer Fotze, bis ich wieder hart war und fing wieder an, sie zu ficken. Unsere Aktivitäten blieben natürlich nicht unbemerkt, aber nach ein paar Befehlen an die Mannschaft ließ man uns in Ruhe, damit wir unserem Vergnügen nachgehen konnten.

Nachdem Mary eine ganze Reihe von Frauen gefingert und zum Orgasmus gebracht hatte und nachdem ich ein paarmal in ihre Möse gespritzt hatte, wurde sie mutiger. Die nächste Frau, die sie fingerte, war eine kleine Japanerin mit olivfarbener Haut und blauschwarzem Haar. Mary schob ihr das Oberteil hoch und dann auch noch den BH. Dann leckte sie ihre Lippen, beugte sich vor und nahm ihre kleinen runden Titten mit den harten Nippeln in den Mund, während sie ihr gleichzeitig einen Finger in die Fotze schob. Ein japanischer Mann, offenbar ihr Ehemann, fing an, Fotos zu machen, wie seine Frau ihre Titten gelutscht wurden. Er stammelte etwas Japanisches. Es klang so, als ob er den Anblick genießen würde.

„Das ist gut“, stöhnte Mary, als sich die Japanerin ihrem Orgasmus näherte. „Komm für mich, Schlampe. Komm auf meinem Finger, du verdorbene kleine Lesbe!“ Mary stieß ihre Hüften nach hinten gegen meinen Schwanz und ich stieß ihn tief in ihre nasse Wärme hinein. Das Geräusch unseres Fickens war nass, weil ich ihre Fotze schon mit einigen Ladungen gefüllt hatte.

„Ich komme, ich komme!“ stöhnte die Japanerin in gebrochenem Englisch. „Du machst so gut!“ sagte die Frau. Mary küsste sie und sie stolperte auf ihren Mann zu. Er drückte sie gegen die Reling und ich musste lächeln, als er anfing, sie mit seinem kleinen Schwanz zu ficken.

Mary hielt mir wieder ihre Finger hin und ich leckte das würzige Aroma der kleinen Frau ab. „Schmeckt sie gut?“ fragte Mary. „Schmeckt die lesbische Schlampe süß?“

„Ganz süß“, keuchte ich, weil ich mich erneut einem Orgasmus näherte. „Ich bin ganz kurz davor, schon wieder zu kommen, Mare!“

„Komm in mir!“ stöhnte Mary gierig. „Gib mir noch mehr von deinem warmen Saft!“ Ihre Fotze pulsierte auf meinem Schwanz, als es ihr auch kam. Ich stöhnte und schoss ihr eine weitere Ladung in ihre nasse heiße Fotze.

Wir waren beide außer Atem und wir schwitzten. Die kühle Seebrise fühlte sich himmlisch auf meiner Haut an. Und dann keuchte Mary plötzlich und zeigte aufgeregt mit ihrer Hand. Draußen in den Wellen brachen drei Orcas durch die Oberfläche und wir vergaßen alles um den Sex herum und beobachteten diese majestätischen Tiere, wie sie durch das Wasser schwammen. Ich zog meinen Camcorder aus der Manteltasche und fing an zu filmen. Die Wale waren schwarz und hatten weiße Bäuche. Sie schwammen mit großer Anmut durch die Wellen. Mary hatte recht. Es war sehr romantisch und ich war glücklich, dass ich das zusammen mit ihr sehen durfte.
„Sind die nicht großartig?“ gurrte eine Frau mit einem schwülen französischen Akzent.

Eine brünette Frau mit einem jungenhaften kurzen Haarschnitt kam zu uns an die Reling . Sie war ziemlich klein und hatte den grazilen schlanken Körper einer Tänzerin. Sie hatte eine hautenge schwarze Jeans an und eine Bluse mit einem sehr tiefen Ausschnitt. Eine zweite Frau, groß mit schmutzigblondem Haar mit blauen Strähnchen stand hinter ihr und umarmte sie. Sie war eine kurvenreiche Schönheit mit einer weißen Spitzenbluse und einem schwarzen Faltenrock, der wunderschöne gebräunte Beine zeigte. Beide trugen zueinander passende Eheringe.

„Wirklich“, sagte Mary und ihre Fotze spannte sich wieder um meinen Schwanz. Ich wusste, dass Mary von diesen beiden Frauen erregt wurde. „Wunderschön und exotisch.“

„Ich heiße Lana“, sagte die Blonde mit einem leicht slawischen Akzent. Sie hatte das runde Gesicht und die hervorstehenden Wangenknochen einer Osteuropäerin. „Und das ist meine Frau Chantelle.“

„Wir machen gerade unsere Flitterwochen“, sagte Chantelle aufgeregt.

„Herzlichen Glückwunsch“, sagte Mary fröhlich. „Ich heiße Mary und das hier ist mein Freund Mark.“

Dann lehnte sich Mary vor und küsste Chantelle auf die Lippen. Lana keuchte überrascht und öffnete ihren Mund, um einen Einwand zu erheben, da ließ Mary den Mund ihrer Ehefrau los und küsste sie selber auch. Chantelle bemühte sich, wieder zu Atem zu kommen und Lana war genauso atemlos wie ihre Frau, als Mary den Kuss beendete.

„Ich liebe deinen Akzent“, sagte ich zu Chantelle. „Aus welchem Teil von Frankreich kommst du?“

„Saint-Jerôme in Quebec“, sagte Lana mit einem Schmollmund. Chantelle küsste ihre Frau entschuldigend. „Letztes Jahr haben wir uns ein süßes kleines Haus gekauft. Es ist sehr gemütlich.“

Chantelle lächelte leicht verdorben. „Mmmm, sehr gemütlich“, gurrte sie und rieb ihren Arsch am Schoß ihrer Frau.

„Wie habt ihr beide euch denn getroffen?“ wollte Mary wissen.

„Beim Tanzen“, sagte Lana. „Wir haben beide im Deja Vu in Lakewood gearbeitet. Und eines Abends war Chantelle auf der Bühne und ich habe unten gearbeitet, weißt du. Ich habe einen Kerl gesucht, der für einen Lapdance bezahlen wollte. Als sich unsere Blicke trafen, da war das wie ein elektrischer Schlag zwischen uns beiden. Und es war so, als ob Chantelle da auf der Bühne nur noch für mich tanzte. Als wir Feierabend hatten, habe ich sie dann mit nach Hause genommen und wir haben stundenlang Liebe gemacht.“

„Ihr seid Stripper?“ platzte ich heraus.

Chantelle starrte mich mit eisigem Blick an. „Wir sind exotische Tänzerinnen!“

„Entschuldigung“, sagte ich.

„Ich finde das so romantisch, wie ihr euch getroffen habt“, sagte Mary. Sie glitt mit ihrer Hand über die Reling und tätschelte Chantelles.

Chantelle sah uns von oben bis unten an. „Fickst du sie gerade?“ fragte sie mit einem verdorbenen Lächeln.

„Ich genieße nur gerade eine besonders liebevolle Umarmung meiner Freundin“, sagte ich langsam.

Chantelle lachte und wollte etwas sagen, als Lana aufgeregt rief: „Schaut mal, der springt gerade!“

Einer der Orcas war gerade aus dem Wasser gesprungen und dann wieder elegant eingetaucht. Lana umarmte Chantelle aufgeregt und bewegte sie hin und her. Mary fing an, Chantelles Arm zu streicheln und ihre Finger langsam über ihre Haut zu ziehen. Chantelle lächelte sie an.

„Ihr beide seid ganz schön wild“, sagte sie. „Lana und ich haben richtig Spaß gehabt, wie du diese kleine Asiatin gerade gefingert hast.“

„Ich würde dich gerne auch fingern“, sagte Mary und streichelte weiter den Arm der Frankokanadiern.

„Hey!“ protestierte Lana. „Das ist meine Frau!“

In Marys Augen stand ein sehr erregtes Glitzern. Und ich wusste, was sie vorhatte. Ich nahm Lanas Arm und zog mich aus Marys Muschi zurück. „Hey, lass uns beide doch da drüben ein bisschen Spaß miteinander haben. Deine Frau ist in sehr erfahrenen Händen. Entspanne dich also und lass mich mal machen und du wirst sehen, dass du deinen Spaß haben wirst.“

Lana wehrte sich nicht, als ich sie einen Meter zur Seite führte. Mary und Chantelle küssten sich jetzt leidenschaftlich und Lana schaute traurig zu, wie ihre neue Frau mit einer anderen Frau herumschmuste. „Wie konnte sie das tun?“ beklagte sie sich, als ich anfing, ihren festen runden Arsch zu streicheln.

„Mach dir keine Sorgen“, flüsterte ich in Lanas Ohr. „Sie liebt dich immer noch, sie hat nur ein bisschen Spaß. Sei nicht eifersüchtig.“

Lana entspannte sich und ich fing ihre saftige Lippen in einem Kuss ein. Dann drehte ich sie herum und rieb meinen klebrigen Schwanz an der Rückseite ihres Rockes. Dann hob ich den Rock hoch und legte ihren runden Arsch frei, der von einem hellblauen Spitzenhöschen bedeckt war. Ich zog ihr dieses Höschen von ihren runden Arschbacken herunter. Es war sexy, keine weißen Linien am Arsch einer Frau zu sehen und ich stellte mir vor, wie diese üppige Frau nackt an einem Pool lag und vor Öl glänzte. Ich schob meinen Schwanz zwischen ihre Beine, fand die nassen rasierten Schamlippen ihrer Muschi und schob mich in ihren nassen Tunnel hinein.

„Oh verdammt“, stöhnte Lana. Ihre Fotze drückte meinen Schwanz höchst angenehm. „Das ist schön. Es ist schon ein paar Jahre her, dass ich zuletzt einen Schwanz in mir hatte.“

Chantelles Jeans und ihr hellroter String baumelten an ihren Fußgelenken und ihr kleiner Arsch drängte sich gegen die Reling, während Mary sich an ihr rieb. Sie drückte ihren Kitzler feste gegen Chantelles. Chantelle stöhnte und rieb sich an Marys Hüfte, als Mary an ihrem Hals lutschte. Beide frischverheirateten Lesben stöhnten, während sie gefickt wurden. Lana griff nach der Hand ihrer Frau und sie hielten sich beide fest, während sich in beiden die Lust immer weiter aufbaute.

Um uns herum schauten mehrere Paare zu und hatten ebenfalls ihren Spaß dabei. Das japanische Pärchen war wohl der Auslöser. Ehemänner und Freunde, die zugesehen hatten, wie Mary ihre Partnerinnen fingerte, hatten ihre Frauen jetzt über die Reling gebeugt und fickten sie leidenschaftlich. Ich hatte offenbar eine weitere Orgie ausgelöst. Lanas Fotze spannte sich auf meinem Schwanz, als es ihr hart kam.

„Fick mich! Fick mich!“ stöhnte Lana. „Spritz mir die Fotze voll!“

Meine Eier zogen sich zusammen, mein Orgasmus baute sich auf und dann explodierte er aus mir heraus und überflutete ihre warme Möse. „Gott, das war toll!“ keuchte ich. Ich küsste Lanas Hals und atmete schwer.

Chantelle und Mary rieben sich weiterhin aneinander. „Wirst du gleich für mich kommen?“ fragte Mary leise in Chantelles Ohr. „Wird deine dreckige Fotze gleich auf meiner Muschi kommen? Wird es dir auf einer anderen Frau kommen, während deine Frau zuschaut?“
„Ja, oh ja!“ stöhnte Chantelle. „Schau zu, Lana! Schau zu, wie es mir kommt!“

Lana drückte ihre Hand und flüsterte: „Komm, Süße!“

Mary und Chantelle kamen gleichzeitig. Sie zuckten hart gegeneinander. „Ich komme Lana! Oh ist das geil!“

Befriedigt ließ Mary jetzt von Chantelle ab und stolperte zu mir. Sie legte ihren Arm um mich. Lana und Chantelle umarmten sich leidenschaftlich und sie küssten sich. Und dann war es an Lana, sich an Chantelle zu reiben. Mary und ich standen Arm in Arm und beobachteten die Orcas im Puget Sound. Das Spiel der Tiere wurde von den Geräuschen des Sex auf dem Schiff begleitet. Die Orcas war wirklich majestätische Tiere, elegant und kraftvoll.

Als die Orcas unter den Wellen verschwanden, drehte die Island Explorer 3 wieder in Richtung Anacortes. Mary drehte sich zu mir und küsste mich. „Danke“, sagte sie leise in mein Ohr. Tränen liefen über ihre Wangen. „Das war echt magisch!“

Ich streichelte ihr das Gesicht. „Du hast recht“, sagte ich, nahm ihr Kinn und küsste sie.


Mary und ich waren die ersten, die Island Explorer verließen. Lana und Chantelle folgten uns. Auf dem Rückweg wurde sehr schnell klar, dass Mary sauber gemacht werden musste. Ich hatte fünf oder sechs Ladungen in sie hinein geschossen und mein Saft lief an ihren Beinen herunter. Lana gab sich die Ehre, während ihre Frau meinen Schwanz ableckte. Lana leckte noch mein Sperma auf, als ich Chantelle eine Ladung in den Hals schoss. Danach sagte ich ihr, dass sie Lana helfen sollte. Sie machte das auch gleich. Mary kam auf ihren beiden Gesichtern.

„Können wir sie behalten?“ fragte Mary und keuchte hart von ihrem Orgasmus.

„Sicher, Mare“, sagte ich. Mir gefiel die Idee, ein verheiratetes lesbisches Pärchen als Sexsklavinnen zu halten, auch.

Wir stiegen als stolze Besitzer von zwei weiteren Schlampen in meinen Mustang. Mary hatte ihnen gesagt, dass sie uns in ihrem herunter gekommenen alten Honda Civic folgen sollten. Er mochte mal rot gewesen sein, oder blau oder weiß. So viele Teile waren in der Zwischenzeit ausgetauscht worden, dass man beim besten Willen nicht mehr sagen konnte, wie die Originallackierung ausgesehen hatte. Ich musste mich zusammennehmen, dass ich nicht zu schnell fuhr, um die beiden nicht zu verlieren. Irgendwie schafften wir es dann durch den furchtbaren Verkehr in Seattle in der Innenstadt und kamen bei der Space Needle an.

Nach einem kurzen Zwischenstopp beim Restaurant, wo ich den Angestellten ein paar Befehle erteilte, fuhren wir hoch zur Aussichtsplattform und hatten eine atemberaubende Aussicht über Umgebung. Seattle sah fantastisch aus. Es liegt auf einer Landenge zwischen dem Puget Sound im Westen und dem Lake Washington im Osten. Der Mount Rainier sah so imposant aus wie immer und der Gletscher sah aus, als ob er brannte, weil die Sonne so tief stand. Wir blieben auf der Plattform, bis die Sonne hinter der Olympic Mountains auf der anderen Seite des Sound untergegangen war.

Als die letzten Strahlen der Sonne hinter den violetten Schatten der entfernten Olympic Mountains verschwunden waren, fiel ich auf ein Knie und griff in meine Hosentasche. Lana und Chantelle, die wie wir auch das Schauspiel genossen hatten, kamen heran. Lana hatte meinen Camcorder und filmte. Mary hatte einen verblüfften Gesichtsausdruck. Aber sie war gleichzeitig sehr gespannt. Sie wurde langsam tiefrot im Gesicht.

Ich fummelte ein wenig herum und bekam schließlich die Schachtel zu fassen. Beinahe ließ ich sie fallen. Ich öffnete die Ringschachtel und hielt sie hoch. „Mary, ich habe dir dein Herz gestohlen und dann hast du mir meines gestohlen. Und obwohl wir einander wirklich noch nicht besonders lange kennen, ist es doch lang genug für mich, dass ich weiß, dass ich den Rest meines Lebens mit dir verbringen möchte. Willst du mich heiraten?“

„Ja! Ja, ja, ja!“ rief sie. Sie hatte Tränen in den Augen.

Sie zog mich hoch, warf ihre Arme um mich und küsste mich. Die Zeit schien stehen zu bleiben und es gab nur noch Mary und mich. Unsere Körper und unsere Seelen waren miteinander verbunden. Unsere Körper waren gegeneinander gepresst, unsere Zungen im jeweils anderen Mund. Ich wankte, als sie den Kuss beendete. Ich musste mich auf Mary abstützen, damit ich nicht umfiel. Gleichzeitig hielt sie sich an mir fest. Um uns herum klatschten andere Touristen und jubelten uns zu. Ich nahm den Verlobungsring aus der Schachtel und meine Hand zitterte, als ich ihn ihr auf den linken Ringfinger steckte. Dann küssten wir uns wieder.

Der Applaus und der Jubel verstummten wieder, als wir beide dann Chantelle und Lana küssten und die Zuschauer gingen verwirrt oder angewidert weg. Aber das machte Mary und mir nichts aus. Wir waren glücklich, dass wir unsere Liebe mit unseren Schlampen teilen konnten. Mary hing an mir, als wir dann zum Restaurant hinunter gingen, eine Etage unter der Plattform.

Um Mary zu überraschen, hatte ich sie nicht mit hinein genommen, als ich meine Spezialanordnungen gegeben hatte, sie hatte also keine Ahnung, was sie erwartete und sie war ganz aufgeregt. Der Oberkellner wartete außerhalb des Restaurants neben einem „Geschlossen“-Schild. Er entschuldigte sich höflich bei Gästen, die hier essen wollten. Er ließ uns vier allerdings mit einem steifen Nicken passieren. Im Restaurant standen die weiblichen Angestellten aufgereiht. Sie hatten nichts an als kleine weiße Schürzen, die ihre flachen Bäuche und ihre Brüste frei ließen. Es waren sechs, alle waren auf ihre besondere Art und Weise hinreißend.

„Wähle bitte drei von ihnen aus, die uns bedienen sollen“, sagte ich Mary. „die anderen drei sind dann für Lana und Chantelle.“

„Danke, Meister“, sagte Lana und sie schaute gierig auf das Menü von nackten Frauen. Sie hatte ihren Arm um ihre Frau gelegt. Chantelle leckte sich die Lippen.

„Gerne geschehen, Lana“, sagte ich. „Ihr seid in den Flitterwochen, also habt Spaß!“

Mary schaute sich die Frauen genau an. Sie ging an ihnen vorbei und schaute sehr sorgfältig. Sie fuhr mit ihrer Hand durch das blonde Haar der lebhaften Fiona, kniff in den runden Hintern von Hannah und griff an die großen Titten der ansonsten eher kleinen Xiu. Mary spielte mit dem Schmetterling, der an einem Kettchen an ihrem Brustpiercing befestigt war. Dann ging Mary weiter, sie kniff in die winzigen Brüste von Wanda, glitt mit ihrer Hand über die rasierten Schamlippen von Korinas Muschi und erzeugte auf dem schlanken Arsch von Ingrid, der schlaksigen Blonden, eine Gänsehaut. Sie schob Korina nach vorne, legte einen Arm um Xius Taille und die andere um Ingrids und zog beide Mädchen an sich. Dann grinste sie mich verdorben an. „Wir werden eine Menge Spaß haben heute Abend!“

To be continued…
Click here for Kapitel 8

The Devil’s Pact, Ghost of Paris Chapter 2: Tartan Skirt



The Devil’s Pact

The Ghost of Paris Chapter Two: Tartan Skirt

by mypenname3000

edited by Master Ken

© Copyright 2014

Story Codes: Male/Teen female, Mind Control, Magic, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Toy, Female Masturbation, Anal, Humilation

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 1.

Saturday, August 31st, 2013 – Paris, Texas

At dawn this morning, I sold my soul to Lucifer, the Devil himself, for the power to turn myself invisible. I loved peeping on women, and being invisible was the ultimate way to peep. Just an hour ago, I watched a girl change in the Banana Republic dressing room. Her name was Mindy, and I ended up fucking her hard. She thought I was a ghost who couldn’t pass-on to heaven unless my blue balls were fixed.

To recharge my batteries after my romp with Mindy, I lay on the cold floor of the Paris Commons, beneath the stairs, so I could stare up some women’s skirts. It was my favorite spot in the whole mall, and now I didn’t need to be afraid of getting caught. My pecker was stirring and I was looking for the next girl to molest while enjoying the sights.

I loved the thrill of looking up a lady’s skirt and seeing her unmentionables. I loved them all: plain, white panties; cute panties with cartoon characters, or hearts, or kisses; sexy panties made of gauzy fabric, lace, and bright bows. Boy-shorts, bikini, high-cut, tangas, thongs, g-strings, and even the plain-old classic-cut. I loved them all!

Color flashed out of the corner of my eyes and I looked at the base of the stairs and saw a pair of tan knees that peaked out beneath a green-and-red tartan skirt. I smiled, watching the girl mount the stairs. I loved the anticipation, wondering what sort of panties she would have on. She was young, a sophomore or a junior in high school. I was betting on cute panties with some adorable animal printed on them.

There was a flash of hot pink beneath her legs and my pecker stiffened. Well, Scotty, you were wrong. I had one perfect moment where I could see straight up between her legs at the filmy gusset of her panties. The material – molded to the lips of her cooch – was transparent enough that I could make out her shaved slit and a landing-strip of dark pubic hair.

I had found my next playmate.

I rolled out from beneath the stairs. I had to dodge a bevy of shoppers. No-one could see me, and that made it difficult to move through a crowded mall. Luckily I was a skinny guy, and slipped through. I raced up the stairs, taking them two at a time. Reaching the landing, I searched for Miss Tartan-Skirt. I looked to my left, straining to see the red-and-green of her skirt.


My heart was hammering with frustrated excitement. I had to find her. I had to see those panties up close. I had to see what they were covering. I whipped my head about desperately. Where was she? I looked to my right, nimbly dodging around an old man in a scooter that almost barreled into me. Did I lose her?

Disappointment soured my stomach. I lost her.

As I turned to walk back down the stairs, I caught a a flash of red-and-green skirt disappearing into a Lady Footlocker. I grinned and hugged the wall as I walked down the second-floor balcony to the store. I reached the window and peered in. There she was, looking at tennis shoes. She wore a white blouse, with very short, ruffled sleeves. Her hair was long, black, and plaited and her face was round and innocent, with huge, dark, doe-eyes.

She found a pair of shoes and sat down on a bench. I quickly hurried over, kneeling down on the floor. Her legs were spread wide and I had to lower my face almost all the way to the floor, but I was able to see right up her skirt at the treasure hidden between her legs. Oh, fuck, that is a lovely pair of panties. A fringe of pink lace surrounded the leg-holes. In fact, the panties were made entirely of pink lace that left her pussy on display.

I moved closer, my head almost between her legs as she tried on her shoes. Then she stood up and I scurried back, bumping into the display rack in my haste to get out of her way. The rack shook and Miss Tartan-Skirt jumped in surprise and frowned at the rack. She shrugged and walked away from me in her shoes; my eyes were glued to the way her ass swayed beneath her skirt.

I grasped my pecker; stroked it slowly as I watched her tight ass. She turned, and I noticed just how well her breasts filled out her top. I could just make out the shadow of her bra beneath the blouse and I wondered what it looked like. Hot pink and lacy, like the panties, with her hard nipples and pink aerola visible? Or something else.

Miss Tartan-Skirt shook her head, kicked off the shoes, and returned them to the box. Then she started to browse the shelves. I moved closer, my pecker inches from her pert ass. I reached out and stroked the nape of her neck.

“Holy jeez!” she yelped and, laughing silently, I stepped back. She stared in confusion right at me, her doe-eyes wide. I stroked my pecker harder. Shaking her head, she turned back to browsing for shoes.

Then I reached out and caressed her arm. Her looks of confusion and consternation were priceless. Every few minutes, just when she seemed to relax, I would strike. A light touch on the back of her hand, a caressing swipe at her calf, a gentle stroke of her cheek. She looked around carefully before she started to try on the third pair of shoes. As she bent down to untie her own shoes, I reached around her body and gave her firm tit a good squeeze.

“Everything ah’ite, miss?” drawled the clerk when Miss Tartan-Skirt just about jumped out of her skin.

“Yes,” Miss Tartan-Skirt squeaked in fear. “I’ll take this pair!”

I followed the girl as she scurried out of the store, the bag with her new shoes tightly clutched in her hands. She was so unnerved she didn’t even bother to try them on. I followed her all the way out of the mall. She was almost running by the time we reached the parking lot. As she fumbled in her purse for her car keys, I goosed her ass and enjoyed her plump feel.

“What in tarnation!” she gasped and dropped her purse and Lady Footlocker bag.

Her doe-eyes were wild as she stared around. There was no-one anywhere near us. Her hands shook as she bent down to retrieve her purse and bag. She fished out her keys and almost dropped them again. She took a deep breath, muttering about being tired, and began to calm herself down.

She unlocked her Toyota Corolla, popped her trunk, and put her shopping bag in. I opened the rear, driver-side door and slid in. She gaped in surprise. “Need more sleep,” she muttered as she slammed the door closed. She got into the front seat, and kept glancing back, frowning.

I loved being invisible. It was the most freeing thing in the world.

As she drove, I carefully grabbed a loose lock of black hair and leaned in and smelled her apricot shampoo. To my horror, she started texting as she drove. Glancing up from her phone every few seconds to make sure the road ahead was clear. Whenever she sent a text she would almost instantly get a response. Twice we drifted into oncoming traffic without her even noticing. I wished to God I could put on the seatbelt, but it would be a little obvious floating in the air around my invisible body.

Finally she pulled into a driveway of a one-story rambler the color of a cloudy sky. She got out of the car, collected her bag, and texted as she walked. I quietly opened the door, slipped out, and shut it every so softly. She was at her porch, furiously texting away; I stalked up behind her. A vindictive feeling grew inside me. The stupid girl almost got us killed and I wanted to make her pay.

She put her phone into her purse and fished out her keys. As she reached for the lock, I pounced and pushed her up against the door. She screamed and glanced over her shoulder as she struggled in my grasp.

“What in the blue hell is goin’ on!” she shrieked in fear as she looked right through me.

I slipped a hand up her thigh, up to her butt and gave it a squeeze. She started to relax. I had wished that any woman I molested would enjoy it. My fingers found the waistband of her panties, hooking through the elastic band.

“What are you?” She sounded afraid and aroused; her big doe-eyes shone with her mixed emotions.

“A ghost,” I moaned, trying to sound ghostly. “Forever cursed to haunt purtee gals and use them for my relief.”

I was pulling her panties down, my hard pecker pressing against her now naked ass. She jumped, feeling the streak of invisible pre-cum my pecker must have left on her ass. “Relief?”

“I need to cum in a sweet young thang’s cooch or I can’t get to heaven.”

I pulled her hot-pink, lacy panties down until they were bunched around her ankles. I gave her ass another squeeze and pressed up behind her. I could feel her pillowy cheeks pushing against my groin as I guided my pecker to her moist pussy.

“Please don’t,” she begged. “We’re outside. People’ll see us!”

My pecker started to sink into her. “I reckon that’s what makes it so excitin’!”

Miss Tartan-Skirt threw back her head and moaned as my pecker speared into her hot, moist cunt. Like Mindy, she was tight but not a virgin. I grunted, and started working my pecker through her slippery sheath.

“Oh fuck,” she moaned. “This can’t be happening!”

“Sweetness, you just better start acceptin’ it!” I licked her ear. “You got one hot, juicy cooch!”

“I must be going crazy.”

I kept pounding her snatch, enjoying her sweetness as I reached around her and found the small buttons that kept her blouse closed. I tried to fumble with them, but they were too tiny for my fat fingers. Instead, I ripped her blouse open and her cunt tightened on my pecker as she shrieked in surprise. I groped her breasts. Her bra felt lacy, and I fingered the pattern. Her nipples were hard underneath and she gasped every time I brushed one.

My balls started to boil over and I pounded her cooch harder and harder. I heard a few muttered laughs, and looked over my shoulder to see a group of teenage boys filming us with their phones. I wondered just what they were seeing. Her panties were down around her ankles and her skirt bunched up to expose a tan ass with just the faintest lines from her bikini. Her blouse hung open and her head was thrown back. It must look like she’s masturbating on the porch.

I smiled; the teens watching us were voyeurs after my own heart.

So I decided to give them a show. I picked up Miss Tartan-Skirt, spinning her around. “What in the blue hell!” she screamed. Her porch had a railing. I bent her over it, and continued to fuck her fast and hard.

I grabbed her bra, pulling the cups down to expose her tits to the hungry gaze of the teens. “No, no, no! Please don’t do this!”

I groped her naked tits, pinching her hard nipples as I pounded her snatch. She tried to cover her breasts and I pushed her hands away. Mortified, she buried her face in her hands. I watched the boys, their eyes wide with lust and disbelief, phones held up to capture every moment.

“What a ho!” the first yelled, the boldest of the boys. And then they all were shouting.

“You’re a fuckin’ slut!”

“Holy shit, look at her tits!”

“How the fuck is she doin’ that?”

I was playing with her round breasts, squeezing them and lifting them up. “Look at them,” I told Miss Tartan-Skirt. “Enjoy their stares like a good little slut.”

“I’m not a…ohhh…slut!” she moaned.

“You sure as hell are, sweetness. I’m only drawn to girls as easy as a seein’ tits at Mardi Gras.” I reached around, grabbed her arms and pulled them away from her face. “Now sweetness, don’t be shy. Be proud that them boys there like to see your sweet hooters.”

“Oh my word!” she moaned, her cunt tightening about my cock, her hips giving a little wiggle. “I can’t believe I’m gonna cum!”

“You best believe it, sweetness, and cum for them boys!”

She gave a loud, wordless moan and her cunt started convulsing around my pecker. She felt so good as her orgasming snatch massaged my pecker. I slammed one last time into her and flooded her with my invisible cum.

“Thanks, sweetness,” I said as I pulled out of her.

Miss Tartan-Skirt rushed to the door, tripping on her panties. She fell onto her knees; her skirt flipped-up and exposed her tan ass and freshly-fucked cunt. The boys hooted in delight, and snapped photos as she scrambled back to her feet. She grabbed her purse, fumbled for her keys as she hastened to unlock the door. She was so frazzled she left the keys in the lock as she slammed the door. The deadbolt clicked and I heard her lean against the door and sigh in relief.

She walked away from the door and I waited a few minutes, before I pulled the keys out of the doorknob lock and slid them into the deadbolt. The same key worked for both locks, so I slowly twisted the key and tried to not make any noise. I winced as the lock clicked loudly, and waited for Miss Tartan-Skirt to investigate. She didn’t. I pushed the door open and slipped in.

She was sobbing on the couch. She had pulled her panties up, slipped her breasts back into her bra, and closed the ripped blouse as best she could. On her lap was a pillow fringed with tassels that she cried into. I almost felt bad for her, but I remembered just how great her cunt felt. My stomach rumbled, so I walked back to the kitchen to see what I could steal. I heard muffled music began to pound through the house and peaked back into the living room. She was gone, fled to her bedroom and that god-awful boy band music. One Direction, maybe? Or Justin Beiber? It all sounded like crap to me. Give me some Johnny Cash or Elvis. Hell, I’d take some rap over Justin Beiber.

I found a beer in the fridge and made myself a bologna sandwich. I devoured it and made myself a second one and washed it down with a second beer. It was a Bud Light, and I was a Coors man, but beggars cannot be choosers. I started wandering through the house. It wasn’t big; two bedrooms and a bath. There were pictures everywhere, mostly of Miss Tartan-Skirt, but also of a frumpy woman that looked to have been pretty once, before a hard life stole that from her. The mother, I figured, and a single one at that. The only pictures of a man were with Miss Tartan-Skirt as a child. I figured her dad must be dead, why else would her mother keep his pictures up?

I amused myself by rummaging through the master bedroom. Her mom’s bedroom wasn’t as tidy as the rest of the house and dirty clothes lay strewn across the floor. I found a pair of large, used panties and gave them a sniffb then shuddered to think how fat her mom must be. These panties would be a tent on me. I found a black, rubber cock in her panty drawer and a depraved idea entered my mind. It had been over an hour since I fucked Miss Tartan-Skirt on the porch and my pecker felt alive and ready.

“I swear it was a ghost,” Miss Tartan-Skirt pleaded to her laptop as she sat at her desk. She must be skyping. I could see a teen girl’s face on her laptop’s screen rolling her eyes.

Miss Tartan-Skirt’s music was loud enough that she didn’t hear me open her bedroom door. I held her mom’s dildo in one hand as I walked into the room. Her room was tidy. Her bed had a purple comforter and was precisely made, like she was in boot camp. That’s how my pa always liked things. Old bastard seemed to think he was still in the military half the time. On her shelves sat crystal and porcelain figurines: mostly unicorns, but a few pegasi, centaurs, and one crystal dragon. Her closet was open and her clothes hung neatly.

“Whatevs, Ruth,” her friend said dismissively. Miss Tartan-Skirt had a name. And it was rather plain and boring. “Last week you tried to convince me you saw a UFO.”

“But I did,” Ruth protested. “It was hoverin’ over the Eiffel Tower.”

I wondered if a UFO really hovered over that gaudy tourist attraction. Since our town was also called Paris, someone, naturally, built a replica of the Eiffel Tower. And since we were in Texas a huge, red cowboy hat rests atop it. I loved UFO’s and all that paranormal shit. But I hadn’t heard anyone reporting a UFO in Paris, and I would have heard about it. I visit all sorts of ‘alternative’ websites. Hell, that’s where I learned how to summon Lucifer and make my deal to turn invisible.

“You’re such a liar,” her friend dismissed.

I turned off her iPod docked to a set of speakers. Ruth jumped. She had put on a baggy T-shirt and still wore that lovely, red-and-green tartan skirt. Her doe-eyes widened as she saw the rubber cock floating in midair. I waggled it; the pecker flopped about and the color just drained from her face.

“It’s back!” she screeched.

“What is, Ruth?”

“The ghost!”

I could see her friend roll her eyes on the screen. “I’m not fallin’ for another one of your pranks. Later.”

Ruth looked on in horror at the rubber cock. “You got your relief. I thought you moved on?”

“ ‘Fraid not, sweetness. Goin’ to have to try a little bit harder this time, sweetness.” She glanced at the dildo in my hand and blushed. “This was up your mama’s cunt.” I inhaled deeply. “Smells fresh. Bet your ma used it just this mornin’.”

“I…I wouldn’t know.”

I smiled, grabbed her arm, and pulled her up. “I want to see you stick this up your slutty cooch.”

“That’s disgusting!” Her voice was full of indignation, so I pushed the dildo into her face, laughing as she flinched and tried to slap it away. “Please stop!”

I grabbed the hem of her shirt, tugging it upwards. She didn’t resist. Her bra was hot-pink and lacy as those panties, her dark nipples peaking through. “What a slut,” I murmured and traced the edge of her bra. “Let’s get that off and free them sweater puppies!”


I didn’t like her defiance so I pushed her bra up, exposing her full tits. I licked my lips, then bent my head down and started to suck on one. She gasped, then her hands cradled my head as she mewled in pleasure. I threw the rubber cock on her bed and felt around for the zipper on her skirt. I found it and her skirt slid off her hips. I released her breasts and saw her almost-naked body, and those lacy, hot-pink panties really didn’t cover much anyways.

“C’mon, Ruth, get them there panties off,” I told her. “I wanna see you fuck your little cooch with mama’s big toy!”

“Please, Mr. Ghost, my momma’s gonna be home real soon.”

“So? You take ’em off or I’ll rip ’em off, and tan your hide besides!”

Ruth pulled her panties off and finished taking off her bra, too. She folded them up and neatly set them on her computer chair. I was getting impatient as she started folding up her tartan skirt and I ripped it out of her hands and threw those back on the floor. She swallowed, getting the message, and laid down on her bed. She grasped the rubber cock gingerly.

“And this will help you move on?” she asked.

I knelt on her bed, staring at her obscenely spread cunt. “Abso-damn-fuckin’-lutely, sweetness.” My pecker was hard and I started to slowly stroke it.

“Fine,” she sighed, tightening her grip on the rubber pecker.

She rubbed it against her pussy lips, then slowly slid it inside herself and sighed softly. Her eyes widened as more of it disappeared into her tight cunt. It was thick – fatter than my pecker had been – and I remembered just how tight her cunt was. She kept pushing it in then pulling it out, and pushing right back in again.

“Umm,” she moaned softly, slowly fucking herself with the dildo. I watched the pleasure ripple across her face. She picked up the speed.

The room filled with a wet, squishing sound as the rubber cock reamed her teenage cunt. I breathed in her tart scent deeply, my eyes fixed to her cooch. Her lips were obscenely spread open, her pussy flushed red with her arousal. I could see her juices leaking out, running down her ass to form an ever increasing wet spot on her comforter.

“Are you watching?” she panted.

“Hell yeah!” I answered, almost speechless as she started playing with her clit. Watching her pussy engulfing the huge toy was mesmerizing. “Fuck yourself, whore! That toy is strechin’ your little cooch.”

She gave a throaty laugh. “This is so wicked!” She picked up her pace, fucking herself faster and faster. “I’ve never been so wet in my life!”

“Sluts liked to be watched!”

“Yes, watch me! Watch my naughty little cunt as I pump momma’s dildo in and out! Umm, it’s so big. I’ve never felt so full! Oh yes! I’m cummin’!”

Her breasts heaved, a flush crept across her skin as her orgasm rippled through her body. She buried the rubber cock inside her cooch, holding it in place as her back arched; her legs stretched even wider and I caught a glimpse of her puckered asshole. Her eyes fluttered as she shuddered then lay still, breathing softly.

“Keep going,” I urged her as I eyed the swell of her buttocks, trying to catch another glimpse of her asshole. What would it be like to slide my pecker up her shitter?

“Sure,” Ruth purred, and started diddling her clit as she slowly fucked herself again. “It’s so hot bein’ watched!”

“I reckon you’re one of them exhib’nist!”

I grabbed her pillow and shoved it beneath her ass. She didn’t stop pumping her ma’s dildo into her cunt. I spread her cheeks and looked at her asshole. I’ve never fucked a girl’s ass before, but I’ve always wanted to. I spit on my hands a few times, got my pecker nice and wet.

“What in the blue hells of tarnation!” she screamed.

She had stopped fucking herself as my pecker violated her asshole. I shoved it straight in, pushing deeper and deeper into her velvety, tight ass. “Don’t stop playin’ with your cooch!” I yelled as I bottomed out in her ass. She squirmed in discomfort, then started to slide the rubber cock in and out of her cunt again. I could feel it rubbing through her pussy. She was stuffed so full of pecker, both real and fake, it made her even tighter.

I started to slowly fuck her ass. She closed her eyes, biting her lower lip and wincing in pain. Slowly her winces turned to sighs and she opened her eyes, and licked her lips. She started pumping the rubber cock faster, pleasure contorting her face. I matched her pace with my ass-fucking.

“Oh fuck, that feels weird!” she gasped. “But nice! Umm, I think I like your dick up my ass!”

I laughed. “Only a slut would like it, though.”

“I am a slut!” she panted. “Umm, a naughty slut that…um…that loves gettin’ her ass fucked by a ghost!”

I really started to pound her ass and Ruth was reduced to wordless moans and gasps. Her breasts jiggled as I fucked her. Reaching out I started pinching her nipple. Her ass squeezed hard on my pecker. The delicious, little slut was lost to the pleasure building up inside her. And I was getting closer and closer to filling her dirty ass with my cum.

“Harder, harder!” she begged me. “Ream my ass! I’m so close to cummin’!”

Her hand was furiously thrusting the dildo into her cunt. I leaned over her and pistoned my hips as hard as I could. She shrieked as her orgasm crashed through her. I kept right on fucking her. My balls tightened, readying to cum in her ass as I kept pounding away. The little slut cried out again as she slipped into multiple orgasms.

The front door opened.

“Ruth, you home?” an older woman called out.

Ruth’s eyes opened in horror. Her door was open. I could hear her mom walking down the hallway. I kept right on fucking her, thrusting my pecker in and out; her ass clenching my pecker as she kept cumming. The footsteps drew closer. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a figure looming in Ruth’s doorway, her purse crashing to the floor.

“What in the holy hell are you doin’ Ruth Annabeth Ahlers!” her mom shrieked.

Ruth’s hand was still on the dildo in her cunt, her body drenched in sweat and flushed red. Ruth was still cumming as she tried to cover her breasts. Her ass squeezed even harder on my pecker and I stiffened and flooded her bowels as her mother watched her daughter’s masturbation in horror. I quickly pulled out and jumped off the bed as Ruth’s husky mom stormed in.

“Have you no decency, Ruth?” The mom’s eyes fell on the rubber cock sticking out of Ruth’s cunt. “You little slattern. Have you been sneakin’ ’round my room?”

“No, momma!”

Ruth yelped as her ma ripped the rubber cock out of her cooch. “Then where in the blue hell did you get this?”

“The ghost, momma!” Ruth was trying to pull up her sheets up to cover her nakedness.

“I’ve had enough with your lies about UFOs and ghosts! You are grounded for a month, young lady!”

“But momma…”

“No, buts! I have half-a-mind to bend you over my knee and tan your hide proper!”

Laughing silently, I slipped out of the room, out of the house, and wondered who would be the ghost’s next victim?

To be continued…

Click here for Chapter 3.

The Devil’s Pact Side-Story: Willow’s Fantasy



The Devil’s Pact

Side-Story: Willow’s Fantasy

by mypenname3000

edited by Master Ken

© Copyright 2014

Story Codes: Female/Teen female, Females/Teen female, Hermaphrodite/Female, Mind Control, Magic, First, Doctor, Toy, Female Masturbation

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Note: This takes between Chapter 32 and Chapter 33.

Sunday, July 14th, 2013

I walked through my clinic, inspecting the finishing touches to the remodel. Everything was looking great, which was a good thing, because tomorrow was Monday and the grand opening of the Women’s Health Organization for Reproductive Empowerment. We were a charity Gynecological Clinic to provide free OB/GYN services to poor girls, and to find a few, beautiful young women who might want to serve Mark and Mary.

It wasn’t a big clinic. There was a small reception area with a few chairs, the newest magazines sitting on a glass coffee table, and a windowed counter where Jayda, my receptionist, would work. Behind her counter were the filing cabinets where patient records would be stored. Jayda was setting up her computer, a frown spoiling the beauty of her innocent-looking face. She was young, only twenty, and very pretty. She was my favorite of the four women that worked for me. Today she wearing a pair of old jeans and a loose shirt. A silver choker was around her neck that read: “Willow’s Gal.”

All my workers wore the chokers. Besides Jayda, there were three nurses: Hayfa, a dusky skinned Arab with beautiful, dark eyes; Madalyn, a strawberry-blonde cutie with huge breasts; and Thi, a doll-faced Vietnamese woman with a beautiful smile. All four women were volunteers from the Church of the Living Gods, eager to serve their Gods and gain eternal beauty. Apparently, getting bound with the Zimmah spell was something many of the worshipers aspired to.

I did not get why anyone would worship Mark and Mary.

Maybe it was because I knew them. I knew firsthand that they weren’t Gods, just humans who made some dark pact with the Devil and consorted with other demons. They could have put a stop to being worshiped. But it played to their vanity, particularly Mark’s, who had an ego the size of Jupiter. I used to be one of their sex slaves, but after the attack last month, the pair grew a conscience. They freed all of us sluts, as they called us, and I decided to work for them, running their clinic. The perks were great; I had four beautiful women that were eager to share my bed.

Particularly young, fresh-faced Jayda.

I walked down the hallway that led back to my office, the three exam rooms, a bathroom, a small laboratory, and a breakroom. The hall smelled of fresh paint and I squeezed past a few Church volunteers who were just finishing painting the walls an eggshell white. Each exam room was furnished with exam tables, counters, and shelves full of all the supplies necessary for a clinic. My three nurses were going through the inventory of each room, making sure we had everything ready for the grand opening.

I paused as I stared at the exam table, picturing a young woman just coming into her sexuality. I would spread her legs and examine her young vagina covered only by a sparse mat of hair. She would be nervous, and trusting, as she experiences her first Gynecological examination. She would shudder as I probed her vagina carefully with my finger, looking for abnormalities. All the while I would be enjoying the feel of her innocent womanhood on my fingers as I carefully brought her to an orgasm.

I was getting wet just thinking about it. After a few years working as an OB/GYN I developed that fantasy. I felt guilty, at first. How could I get so aroused at the thought of molesting my young patients? I was straight, dating Yancy at the time, and I couldn’t understand why I would have such disgusting fantasies. I tried to suppress them, to forget about them. I married Yancy, even though I wasn’t happy with the relationship, trying to convince myself I was happy with him. He was a great guy, and I tried so hard to make our marriage work. And then Mark and Mary came along and they awakened me to pleasures I had only fantasized about.

When Mary sat on my exam table, and spread her legs, I had been shocked to see Mark’s cum leaking out of her vagina. With a few words, Mary had convinced me to molest her as I did my exam. I remembered how she shuddered so deliciously as I brought her to an orgasm. It was all my dreams come true.

After that, I started to realize I was gay.

These last few weeks, living with my nurses and Jayda, I found just how satisfying being with a woman could be. No wonder I was never happy with Yancy. I had been living a lie. Deep, deep inside me I must have known the truth. I was a lesbian and my conscious brain just refused to see the signs.

Tomorrow, I was going to experience my darkest, most depraved fantasy. I was going to molest one of my patients. I just needed one thing and hopefully she could help me out. I sighed; I had been putting off going to see Sam. The disgusting woman was always leering at me, stroking that vile cock she created for herself.

“Is that computer ready, Jayda?” I asked as I walked back up front.

“Yes, Mistress,” Jayda answered. It was so delicious to hear someone call you ‘Mistress’. No wonder Mark and Mary made us all their slaves.

I left the nurses to finish getting things ready as Jayda and I got into my red Prius. Sam would want something to pay for what I needed and I have seen her leer at Jayda. Hopefully she would be enough; I would hate to have to get fucked by Sam’s freakish dick. I drove up Meridian, turned right onto 39th Avenue and took that out to Shaw Road, hung a left, then turned right into the Mountain View Estates. The bodyguards waved me in, dressed in their slutty cop outfits. My eyes lingered on their figures, the way their breasts just seemed about to spill out of their half-unbuttoned blouses. Mark and Mary owned the entire neighborhood; the only people that lived on the block were their families and employees. They gave me 2911, third house on the right, that I shared with my three nurses and Jayda. I pulled into the garage and Jayda and I walked up the street to Sam’s house.

Sam lived at the second house on the right, just around the bend in the road. I knocked on the wooden door, stained a dark red, with frosted windows. I waited for a minute, grabbed the brass knocker on the door and knocked again. I heard soft footsteps, then Candy, Sam’s plaything, opened the door naked. She was a young, curvy woman with hazel eyes and a playful smile on her lips. Her hair was dyed garishly: half cotton-candy blue the other half bubble-gum pink.

“I need to speak to Sam,” I snapped.

Candy licked her lips suggestively. “Is that all you really need? Maybe you need to use her special tool,” she giggled.

“Wipe that grin off your face and tell Sam it’s important,” I ordered.

“Fine,” Candy pouted and flounced off, her tight rear wiggling delightfully as she walked up the stairs. A moment later she returned and invited us in and led us to the living room. “Would you like anything to drink?” I asked for a white wine and Jayda for a coke. Candy smiled bitchily at us and pointed at the kitchen. “Feel free to get it yourself.”

“Well, well, I’m surprised to see you here, Dr. WolfTail,” Sam said smugly as she sauntered in. She was naked, her dark-olive skin glistening with beaded water, her short, blue-black hair damp, and her filthy cock swinging between her legs. “I thought you wanted nothing to do with my ‘disgusting growth?’ Right? That’s what you said.” Her eyes narrowed.

“Yes, well, I need something for the clinic,” I replied, trying to sound diplomatic. “For their clinic.”

Sam sat down next to Candy, fingered a strand of blue hair, then pulled her plaything’s head down to her lap. Candy opened her mouth, eagerly sucking Sam’s cock into her lips. Sam leaned back, smiling at me, and I tried my best to hide my disgust. It wasn’t natural, a woman having a cock, but Sam loved to flaunt what she gave herself.

“What do you need, Dr. WolfTail?”

“Well, Ms. Soun, I need something to make the young girls biddable,” I said. “To keep them relaxed and docile, and to leave no bad memories of their examination.”

Sam’s grin turned hungry. “You want something to let you molest the girls you exam?” I nodded stiffly. “That hardly seems like something Mark or Mary want you to do.”

“They need me to find them girls,” I answered. “Willing girls, to work for them. I need to make sure they are…responsive.”

Sam laughed wickedly. “I can arrange that, for a price.”

“What?” I asked, trying to ignore Candy’s sloppy blowjob.

“Well, I need a volunteer to test my amulets on,” Sam answered.

“What?” I asked in surprise. “I thought those weren’t working yet.” Sam was working on amulets that could deflect bullets. She promised they would be better than a bulletproof vest, if she could only figure out how to get them to work.

“It’s possible they don’t work because I’ve only tried them on mannequins. But, if I had a living person to shoot at…” Sam shrugged. “That might make it work.”

“Absolutely not,” I snapped. “Shoot at one of the bodyguards. That’s what they’re good for.”

A suggestive look crept into Sam’s eyes. “Well, I know you think my cock is disgusting, but if you give me a blowjob, that’ll cover it. And swallow, of course.”

“How about Jayda gives you one,” I countered.

Sam eyed the girl, who blushed prettily. “I’ll need more than a blowjob from her. I want her for the week.”

“The night,” I countered. “I need her for the clinic.”

Sam grinned. “For the night. But I get to use all of her.”

“Of course,” I said, shuddering to think what this hermaphroditic freak would do to my sweet Jayda. But, I wanted to molest some sweet, young girl too much to balk at her price.

Sam pushed Candy off her cock. “You know what to buy?” Sam asked and Candy nodded. “Good, go.” Candy scurried off and Sam crooked her finger at Jayda. “Why don’t you come suck my cock. And take that choker off, you are my slut for the night.”

Jayda glanced at me and I nodded. I stood up as Jayda took off her choker and knelt before Sam. Jayda grabbed the cock and hesitantly started sucking it. “I’ll expect my magic and Jayda by seven tomorrow morning.”

“Oh yes,” Sam moaned, stroking Jayda’s honey-brown hair.

I took Hayfa to bed with me and spent half the night fucking her with the largest strap-on cock I had. I used every hole the poor girl had, trying to wear myself out. I was so excited to finally live my dream, I just couldn’t fall asleep. Finally, I passed out from exhaustion, and the alarm ringing at 6:30 AM was far too soon. At seven, I walked over to Sam’s house, dressed in a tight, gray skirt and violet blouse. Candy opened the door and led me up to the bedroom. Sam and Jayda were sprawled on the rumpled sheets. Cum stained Jayda’s hair and leaked out of her cunt and ass. She was sleeping softly and yawned when Sam woke her up with a kiss. I wasn’t pleased to see Jayda kissing Sam back so eagerly.

“Go home and get that disgusting cum cleaned off your body,” I ordered Jayda. “And put your choker back on.”

“Yes, Mistress,” Jayda squeaked as she darted from the room.

Sam’s grin made me grind my teeth. So smug and pleased with herself. Candy handed me a brown paper bag. I looked inside to seen incense sticks. “Really?” I asked her.

“Aromatherapy is a very old practice,” Sam answered. “When burned, anyone not bound by the Zimmah spell will be very docile and will let you do whatever you want to them. Afterward, they’ll think it was all just a daydream. A very pleasant daydream.”

“There are only fifteen in here,” I complained, counting the sticks.

“One for every time your sweet Jayda made me cum,” Sam grinned, stroking her hardening cock. “If you want more, just let me poke her a few times.”

“You’re disgusting,” I sneered.

She laughed derisively. “You’re the one looking to molest your patients. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to get some sleep. Jayda and I didn’t get much rest at all last night.” Sam’s wicked laugh followed me out of her bedroom. I didn’t care. I had what I wanted.

I was excited to try out the magical incenses and was full of energy as we got the clinic ready for our first patient. Word of a free clinic was out, and we were booked full of patients for the first two weeks. The first patient was a disappointment, fat and homely, and I rushed through the exam as fast as possible.

By the time I saw my fifth patient, I was despairing of ever seeing even a moderately attractive woman walk in. Sighing, I walked to exam room 3, grabbing the patient’s chart that hung on the door. I gave a quick read through the patient’s medical history, sexual history, and the vitals that Madalyn took. I walked into the room, putting on the professional smile I liked to give my patients, and almost stopped in surprise.

Her name was Cindy Mayflower, fourteen, and a virgin, according to her chart. She was here for her first ever Gynecological exam. And she was just perfect. She was nervous, trying to hide it with a shy smile. Her blonde hair was long and gave her face a waifish cast. Her green eyes sparkled and she relaxed when she saw me. She wore an examination gown, her clothes carefully folded on a seat. I eyed her body; she was flat-chested, her breasts just starting to develop, and her lower legs were slim and beautiful with a pair of cute, ankle socks fringed in lace covering her dainty feet.

“Hi, I’m Dr. WolfTail,” I greeted. “But you can call me Dr. Willow.”

She nodded. “Okay, Dr. Willow.”

“Relax, relax,” I told her. “Do you like incense? I find that the pleasant smell can help relax a patient.”

Madalyn smiled at me, moving to the drawer where five of Sam’s incense sticks were kept, along with an incense burner. She lit it with a lighter, and a pleasant, lavender smell started to fill the room. It wouldn’t affect Madalyn or myself, we were both bound to Mark with the Zimmah spell, but I saw Cindy breathe the pleasant aroma in deeply and then relax.

“That’s lovely,” Cindy murmured.

“Well, let’s get that exam gown off,” I said, brusquely.

“Oh, really?” Cindy flushed.

“Yes. Madalyn, why don’t you help her,” I said.

“Absolutely, Doctor,” Madalyn smiled, taking Cindy’s hand and pulling her gently to her feet. “Let’s just get this coarse thing off of you.” Cindy held up her arms as Madalyn pulled the gown off her body and I felt warmth spread from my pussy; she was absolutely to die for. Her breasts were just budding, little bumps topped by small, pink nipples. Her hips were starting to develop curves, and I let my eyes trail over to the wisps of blonde hair sprouting on her pubic mound.

“You are such a beautiful girl,” I breathed.

“I am?” Cindy asked. “I mean, I’m so flat. All the other girls need to wear bras.”

“I think they’re just perfect,” Madalyn told her, and my nurse boldly ran her finger around Cindy’s small mound, tracing up to her nipple. Cindy shivered, her nipple hardening.

Cindy glanced at Madalyn. “You really think so?” Cindy asked, eying the well-endowed nurse with a bit of envy.

“I think she wants to see your tits,” I told my nurse.

Cindy bit her lip and then her green eyes widened in surprise as Madalyn pulled off her sky-blue scrub top, exposing a large pair of heavy breasts. “They’re so big,” Cindy breathed. “Your aerola is so wide. Wider than a silver dollar.”

Madalyn pressed her arms against the sides of her big boobs, forcing the fleshy orbs together and she shook them teasingly at Cindy. “You can touch them, dearie,” Madalyn purred.

Cindy hesitantly reached out and gently squeezed a handful of Madalyn’s tits. “Wow,” she whispered.

“Well, Cindy, let’s check your heart and lungs,” I told her. Cindy hopped back on the table and I grabbed my stethoscope and placed it on her chest.

She gasped as my stethoscope touched the edge of her left aerola as I listened for her heartbeat. “That’s cold.”

I grinned as I listened to her heart, my hand brushing against her hard nipples as I moved the stethoscope around. She had a strong heart; then I listened to her breathing. Everything was just fine, but I let myself linger a little longer, moving around her breasts and enjoying the little shudders that passed through her body every time I caressed her nipple. While I check her lungs from her supple back, my other hand rested lightly on her right breast.

“Now, let me give you a breast exam.” It was completely unnecessary at her age, but I just wanted to play with those small breasts.

As I reached out to grope her small breast, I could smell the spicy scent of her arousal. I gently cupped her breast with my hand, kneading the soft flesh as I ‘examined’ her. I enjoyed the feel of her firm, budding tit. “Everything feels healthy,” I murmured, “now to check the nipple sensitivity.”

“Okay, Doctor Willow,” she sighed, her cheeks flushed.

I took my fingers and gently pinched her nipple, rolling the hard, little nub between my fingers. “How does that feel, Cindy?”

“It feels good. It makes me tingle.”


Her face turned crimson. “My cunny,” she whispered.

“Good, good,” I smiled. “You have very responsive nipples.”

I switched to her other breast, massaging the firm flesh as I pretended to search for lumps. Her breathing was growing heavier and she squirmed as her lust mounted. I bent down and sucked her right nipple into my lips, swirling my tongue around the nub.

“Oh, Doctor Willow!” she gasped. “What are you doing?”

“Checking your nipple,” I answered. “I need to know if you respond to oral stimulation. We want to know that your body is developing properly.”

“Oh,” she answered, then sighed as I went back to sucking at her nipple. “Hmm, that feels really good. Down there.”

“Excellent” I smiled as I released her nipple. “You’re a very responsive young woman.”

“My cunny feels all wet,” Cindy said with alarm.

“Your body is just responding to the stimulation,” I said. “It’s very natural.” I sat down on my exam stool and Madalyn guided her legs into the stirrups. Her pussy was flushed and damp with her arousal. She had a tight slit, no labia minora peaking out, and her clitoral glans was tiny, just peaking out of her clitoral hood. “You are a lucky girl,” I told her. “You probably won’t need to use lube when you have sex.”

I glanced at her face and she had managed to flush even redder. She jumped as my finger gently traced her labia majora, enjoying the silky feel of her almost bare lips. She bit her lower lip, her eyes wide as she watched me trace the edge of her slit, up around her clitoris, and back down the other side. Her juices accumulated on my finger and when I finished my trace I held up my finger, examining the clear, slick liquid. I rubbed it between my fingers then licked my finger slowly, tasting her spicy flavor.

“Oh my gosh,” Cindy whispered. “You tasted it.”

“Your vaginal lubrication appears healthy,” I told her. “No strange color, odor, or flavor.” I paused, and smiled at her. “In fact, you taste just delicious.”

“That’s good,” Cindy said weakly.

“Now, I’m just going to do a visual examination.” I used my fingers to spread open her labia majora. She was pink and wet inside, her labia minora small and swollen. I shined my penlight into her vaginal opening and saw that her hymen was intact. Everything looked fine, so I let myself stroke her labia minora. “How does this feel?”

She was quivering with pleasure, her voice thick with arousal. “Very nice, Doctor.”

“Good, good,” I told her, tracing the petals of her womanhood around her vaginal opening. Then I reached her small clitoris and gently rubbed it. Her body jumped as the pleasure surged through her youthful body. “And how about that.”

“Oh my gosh, what did you do?” she asked in awe.

“That is your clitoris,” I told her. “Do you masturbate?”

“Not really,” Cindy answered. “Sometimes I rub against a pillow.”

“Well, your clitoris has more tactile nerve endings then any other spot on your body,” I told her. “Masturbation is a very healthy activity, you should do it as often as you like.”

“Oh, okay,” she said. She was so cute with her face flushed in embarrassment.

“Now I’m going to do a bimanual examination. I’m going to insert two fingers inside your vagina and then press onto your groin with my other hand to detect any abnormalities. So just relax.”

“Okay, Doctor.”

She drew in her breath as I gently slid two fingers into her tight, virgin hole. “You’re quite tight,” I told her. “And very warm and silky.” I pressed up against her hymen. “Your hymen is still intact. I can break through your hymen for you. It will let your first sexual encounter with a boy be more pleasurable, or allow you to use dildos while masturbating.”

I gently slid my fingers in and out of her, allowing my thumb to brush her clitoris. “Oh, um, I guess. If you think, ohh, it’s best, Doctor.”

“I do,” I told her. “After the examination is finished.”

I gently pressed on her groin, feeling for any abnormalities. I kept up my shallow finger fuck, enjoying Cindy’s sweet moans. I started stroking her clitoris, using my thumb, rubbing it with gentle circles. Cindy was squirming on the exam table, tossing her head and arching her back as sweet pleasure flowed through her body. The paper on the exam table crinkled as it stuck to her sweaty back. My own pussy was on fire and I took my left hand and pulled up my skirt and pushed my gray, silk panties off and found my pussy. My thick pubic hair was matted with my arousal, and I gave myself a bimanual examination.

“Oh my gosh, doctor,” Cindy suddenly panted. “Oh my gosh, that’s so amazing! Oh, yes, yes! Please don’t stop, something’s happening.”

“Nurse, the patient is growing too loud, give her something to occupy her mouth.”

Madalyn smiled. “I know just the thing, Doctor.” Madalyn moved to the head of the exam table, stroking Cindy’s face, presenting her heavy breast and fat nipple to Cindy’s lips. “Suck it, dearie,” Madalyn cooed.

Cindy licked her lips, eying the hard nipple hovering over her face. I gave her clitoris a nice stroke and she shivered in pleasure, then opened her lips and engulfed Madalyn’s fat nipple, sucking instinctively. Madalyn purred in pleasure, stroking Cindy’s blonde hair. I looked down at Cindy’s aroused vagina, licking my lips. She smelled so heavenly, I just had to taste her. I bent down and started licking at her slit, sucking her slim labia minora into my lips and rubbing the tip of my nose gently against her clitoris.

I pulled my fingers out of her tight vagina, and buried my tongue into her hole, drinking her spicy juices. Her hips bucked and I wrapped my right arm around her leg, holding her down and pinching her clitoris. I fucked my fingers in and out of my pussy, feeling my orgasm build as I pleasured young Cindy. My tongue wiggled deep into her pussy, pressing up at her hymen.

A sudden flood of spicy juices filled my lips as Cindy bucked on the table. I dug my fingers into my cunt, searching for my G-spot and joined my teenage patient, shuddering delightfully on my stool as my orgasm exploded throughout my body. I pushed back from the exam table, standing up. Madalyn pulled away and Cindy lay panting on the table, a happy smile on her lips.

“Was that an orgasm?” Cindy asked as my nurse walked over to me.

“Yes,” I told her, then kissed Madalyn, her tongue eagerly tasting Cindy’s juices. “Now, let’s remove your hymen, okay?”

She nodded her head, her fingers reaching down and rubbing at her pussy. I shrugged out of my white doctor’s coat, then started unbuttoning my blouse. Cindy was preoccupied with playing with her pussy, exploring her folds and crevasses. She smiled excitedly when she found her clitoris. Madalyn was unlocking a drawer, and pulling out the strap-on dildo. Every exam room was stocked with a variety of sex toys, for just such an occasion. Then Madalyn came up behind me, unhooking my bra. After Madalyn helped me out of my skirt and then pulled my panties down, she slid the strap-on up my legs. Cindy finally noticed I was naked, her eyes widening as she saw the purple dildo that Madalyn was strapping tightly against my clit.

“What are you doing, Doctor?” she asked, fearfully.

“Preparing to remove your hymen,” I told her with a smile. “The strap-on dildo is the perfect tool.”

She bit her lip, looking unsure.

“Dildo’s have a long history of medical uses,” I explained. “They were commonly prescribed to women to cure ‘female hysterics’. Sexist, I know, but a young girl like you shouldn’t keep her lust bottled up. So relax, it will be over quickly.”

I walked towards her, and I saw her eyes drink in my beauty. My skin was a beautiful, cinnamon shade, from my Native American heritage. I was a member of the Puyallup Tribe. My breasts jiggled and swayed as I walked, my nipples dark and hard. I pursed my lips – I had been told they were red and sensuous – my face framed by long, black hair.

She jumped as I touched her pale thigh, stroking it with my hand. She was still in the stirrups as I mounted the exam table, the paper covering crinkling. Cindy’s eyes were glued to the violet dildo that moved closer and closer to her virgin vagina. Her budding breasts heaved as I leaned over her, my breasts dragging across her stomach, up to her chest. My black hair fell in a curtain about my face as I stared down at her green eyes.

“Shh,” I whispered as she opened her mouth to speak, then I bent down and captured her lips with a gentle kiss. Her lips were stiff as I kissed her, nibbling gently, and she slowly relaxed, kissing me back.

I reached down, guiding the plastic cock to the entrance of her vagina. I rubbed it on her slit and I felt her stiffen momentarily beneath me. I kept kissing her, rubbing her labia majora and clitoris with the dildo, and felt her resistance fade. I kept prodding and I slowly slipped the dildo down her tight vaginal opening. I kept pushing, the dildo pressing pleasantly against my clit, until I felt the resistance of her hymen.

I broke the kiss and whispered, “Are you ready, Cindy?”

“Is it going to hurt?”

I licked her ear, “Just a bit, sweetie. And then it will feel wonderful.”

“Okay, Doctor.”

I pushed forward, pressing against her hymen. The dildo drove back into my clit, pleasure tingling throughout my body. Cindy winced as my dildo suddenly tore through her hymen, burying deeper into her once-virgin hole. I rested in her, kissing her face and softly cooing at her. She relaxed, her tongue probing my mouth, kissing me with the awkward passion of youth.

I started pumping my ass, a slow, gentle thrust. Cindy started panting softly, sighing in pleasure as the dildo rubbed against her sensitive walls. Every time I pushed into her, the dildo pressed against my clit. As my pleasure built, I needed more sensation on my clit, so I started fucking this sweet teen faster and faster.

“Oh gosh,” she sighed. “Oh, Doctor, that feels amazing! No wonder people like sex.”

I sat up, hooking her legs with my arms, pushing them up higher and changing the angle I was thrusting into her vagina. “How’s that?”

“Ohh, you’re rubbing different spots. Umm, I like it.” She licked her lips. “Your breasts are bouncing.” Her hand stretched out and the former virgin’s hand gently cupped my breast. She gave it a squeeze, then moved her thumb to brush my nipple. “Wow, they feel so nice. Soft yet firm somehow. I can’t wait until I have tits.”

“Umm, pinch my nipples,” I gasped, pumping harder at her vagina. Electric pleasure tingled from my tit as her fingers pinched and played with my dark nipple.

A low hum suddenly filled the room. Cindy and I turned to my right and saw Madalyn, fully naked, her legs spread obscenely as she rubbed a small, finger vibrator over her thick pussy lips and clitoris. She was shaved bald, her head thrown back as she moaned softly, her strawberry-blonde hair falling loosely about her shoulders. Cindy stared transfixed at the huge, heaving breasts as Madalyn pleasured herself.

“You like big tits?” I asked her.

“They’re just so large and round. I’m so jealous.”

I reached out, kneading her budding breast. “Umm, but yours are just so cute.” I bent over, still humping away, and licked and sucked at her nipple. She gasped as I gently nipped the hard nub with my teeth, then I sucked the entire nipple and aerola into my mouth.

“I’m feeling funny again!” Cindy moaned. “I think I’m gonna orgasm again. Oh, shoot, oh shoot! Something’s building inside me.”

“Cum, dearie,” Madalyn purred. “I want to watch that innocent face of yours contort as you cum.”

“Yes, yes! I’m cumming! Oh shoot!” Cindy bucked beneath me.

I released her nipple, thrusting hard into her. She kept moaning wordlessly and I kept fucking her as she came. I rose up on my arms, watching the cute teen as she bucked on the exam table, the paper covering crinkling as she writhed in pleasure. Her green eyes flashed as her eyelids fluttered with her pleasure. My own orgasm was nearing, threatening to explode. I thrust into her, the dildo grinding pleasurably hard on my clit, then I pulled out and thrust in again. In and out, every thrust fueling the fire.

“Oh fuck!” I moaned as I shuddered in delicious release, burying the dildo deeply into her teenage vagina as the pleasure exploded through my body. Breathing hard, I stroked her sweaty, flushed face and bent down and kissed her lips one last time. In the background I could hear Madalyn’s gasps as she came.

I pulled out of Cindy, the dildo sticky with her juices and pink with her virginal blood. Cindy laid back on the exam table, her eyes closed and a contented smile on her face. Madalyn helped me remove the strap-on and started washing the sex toys as I quickly dressed. I handed Cindy her exam gown and she stood up; the paper covering on the exam table stuck to her sweaty back bringing a giggle from the girl. Madalyn pulled on her scrubs and Cindy laid back down on the exam table. I blew out the incense and Cindy blinked suddenly.

“Oh, Doctor, I’m sorry for falling asleep,” she yawned.

“It’s okay, sweetie,” I told her. “Is your mom or dad with you?”

“My mom,” Cindy answered, then shifted uncomfortably. “I’ve never met my dad.”

“Well, I need to talk to your mom before you leave,” I told her. “I’m afraid I’m going to need you to come back next week. It’s nothing serious, but I may need weekly examinations to make sure everything is fine.”

Cindy nodded, paling a bit at my lie. I just had to have this sweet thing again. I took the dildo I fucked her with and placed it in a small, brown sack, handing it to her. She flushed when she saw what was in the bag. “You’ll need to masturbate with this dildo every night before you go to bed. It will help with your condition.”

“O-okay, Doctor,” Cindy blushed cutely.

I led her out to the lobby and saw a beautiful woman, maybe thirty or thirty-one, with Cindy’s green eyes and light brown-hair that fell losely about her shoulders. She wore a blue tanktop that clung to her large breasts and a pair of skinny jeans that hugged a round ass. I smiled and introduced myself.

“I’m Pearl,” Cindy’s mom replied, shaking my hand.

“I’m afraid Cindy has a very rare condition. It’s called Prevarication Syndrome,” I told her. “Now, it’s very manageable. I will, however, need to see her once a week.”

“Oh, of course,” Pearl nodded, concern painting her face.

“Now, this can be genetic,” I told her, my eyes roaming her gorgeous body. I glanced at Jayda, yawning at the computer. “Have there been any cancellations?”

“Yeah, the 11:30 canceled,” Jayda answered. “Exam room 2 is open.”

“I really would like to exam you, Pearl.”

“Of course,” she nodded in worry.

“Jayda, have Hayfa take Pearl back and tell her to light the incense.” I turned and smiled at Pearl. “I find a pleasant aroma relaxes my patients.”

I entered exam room 1; another fat patient I sighed. I rushed through her exam, impatient to finish so I could give Pearl a far more intimate examination. I was curious to find out if the mother tasted anything like the daughter.

The Devil’s Pact Chapter 34: The Whore of Babylon



The Devil’s Pact

Chapter 34: The Whore of Babylon

by mypenname3000

edited by Master Ken

© Copyright 2013, 2014

Story Codes: Male/Teen female, Male/Female, Hermaphrodite/Female, Mind Control, Magic, Anal, Ass to Mouth, Rimming, Oral, Pregnant, Toy, Female Masturbation, First, Sadism, Violence, Wedded Lust

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 33.

Monday, July 22nd, 3:27 AM – Babylon Residence, Seattle, WA
“Push, Karen!” Chantelle shouted as she gripped my hands.

I was confused, in pain. I had been in labor for nearly a day and I was so tired. The last few weeks had been a blur as I drifted in and out of consciousness. I didn’t know where I was or, more importantly, where Master and Mistress were. I was being cared for by Lana and Chantelle, the missing sex slaves, in a strange house. Whenever I felt strong enough to ask, the women would deflect my questions, or tell me I just missed Master or Mistress. I was scared, the pregnancy was going too fast and I was too weak to do anything. I had hazy memories of Willow telling me Lilith’s child grew inside me.

“Master!” I shouted desperately. “Mistress, I need you, please!” The contraction came on me in a wave of pain and I pushed, straining with every fiber of my being to deliver my child.

“I can see the head,” Lana said encouragingly. “One more push, Karen, you’re doing so well.”

I took a deep breath, my head swimming. I was so weak. I concentrated, felt the next contraction come upon me, squeezing my insides, and I screamed and pushed. The pain was so much I thought I was going to die. “Master!” I cried out. And then the baby was out and I could hear a loud, healthy cry and I relaxed and everything started to grow black. I was so tired. But the child was delivered, I could rest now. My eyelids were so heavy and I didn’t fight them, I was just too tired, and allowed myself to drift away.

I was drifting, drifting, drifting.

Off into the darkness.

When I awoke, I was surrounded by a gray mist on gray stone.

What was going on? I stood up. The pain, the fatigue, were all gone. I didn’t feel anything. I peered around; in every direction I could just see more oppressive mist. “Hello!” I called, hoping someone would hear me.


I whirled about, straining to see something in the vast fog. But there was nothing. Just gray mist, swirling in strange eddies. I shouted again, wondering if I was dreaming? Maybe I should start walking? But where, there’s nothing here. I turned slowly around, trying to find something to point my way when I noticed some movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned quickly to my right, straining to see. There was something there. Was it just the mist swirling? I frowned, watching the pattern. No, there was something dark forming in the mist. The something resolved into a vaguely human form. I took a deep breath and started walking forward, towards the figure.

“Chasity?” I asked as the mists parted, exposing the blonde woman. She was naked, her round breasts jiggling as she walked. A sad smile was on her face.

“I’m sorry, Karen,” Chasity said as she hugged me. Her body was warm against mine. I hugged my sister-slut back, fiercely, enjoying the feel of her breasts on mine.

“What are you sorry for?” I asked as she broke the hug.

“You’re dead, Karen.”

I blinked. “What?” That can’t be possible. I just went to sleep. Right?

Chasity grabbed my hand and led me into the mist. “We’re waiting over here.”

“Waiting for what?”

“Master and Mistress,” Chasity answered. “When they die, we will be reunited with them. Until then, all we can do is wait and watch over them.”

There were six other women waiting and each of them hugged me warmly and kissed my lips gently. We were all sisters, here, and I sat down with them to watch and wait. It wasn’t so bad. I had company, very pleasant company I realized, as a woman with dirty-blonde hair and green eyes nuzzled at my breasts. And one day I would be reunited with those I loved again. Smiling, I laid my head in Chasity’s lap as the blonde bodyguard kissed her way down to my pussy.


Monday, July 22nd, 5:31 AM – Kurtz Farm, Madison, WI
I stood in a pasture, awaiting sunrise.

Today, Brandon, today, you will finally have the power to destroy Mark Glassner and rescue Desiree. I spent all day Sunday feverishly reading Professor Scrivener’s translation of the Magicks of the Witch of Endor. I hadn’t slept in two days but I didn’t even feel tired. I was too excited. The day had finally come. Everything had to work perfectly this morning. I killed Professor Scrivener very early Sunday morning and no-one had found his body, yet. That would change today, the weekend was over, in a few hours students and staff would be filling-up the campus.

I could not fail. I needed to perform the summoning properly. I needed to make my Pact before the authorities tracked me down. Before Mark Glassner tracked me down. The bastard was hunting me. He had sent Doug Allard, my P.I., after me in France. To kill me. Mark knew I was threat, but once I made my Pact, I would be beyond his powers.

I would hunt him.

I had already killed the heifer. My hands and clothes were splattered with its blood. I never had to kill and butcher an animal before. The cow just let me walk up to it and shoot it in the head with a rifle while it stared stupidly at me, chewing on some grass. Then I drew a knife and set about butchering the cow. It was hard work, the animal’s hide was tough, but I managed to hack off a chunk of flesh from its flank, in the end. The other cows had moved off, disturbed by the blood, and were now placidly grazing a half-mile away. The sky was lightening as dawn approached. I lit the charcoal barbecue I had brought, almost burning my hand as the flames leapt up. Probably too much lighter fluid, I realized. Well, better safe than sorry. I picked up the bloody beef and prepared to throw the hunk onto the coals.

To summon Lucifer, according to the Book, the flesh of a heifer must be burnt as an offering and the correct words spoken. I hovered over the grill, waiting for that first golden ray to appear on the horizon. The sky grew lighter and lighter, and then the sun appeared, a sliver of liquid gold appearing behind a small hill.

“The Shining One, Son of the Morning,” I called out, dropping the beef into the flames, “I give this pleasing offering of flesh and ask that you appear before me.” The meat sizzled and popped as the fire consumed it and the delicious aroma of beef filled my nose. “The Shining One, Son of the Morning, appear before your humble servant so that he may beg three favors from you!”

The light of the rising sun began to blind me as more of that golden disk appeared from behind the hill. I flinched, holding up my hand to shield my eyes. Something moved in the light, coming closer. I squinted, shifting my hand around, trying to make out what it was. Was it just my imagination? No, there was something there. Someone. I squinted, trying to make out the figure walking towards me. Was it the farmer? Or, did the summoning actually work?

“Hello?” I asked, hesitantly, fear gripping my heart and a cold sweat breaking out across my body.

“Hello, Brandon Fitzsimmons,” a man asked with a pleasant voice. “It has been a long time since such a fine offering has been made to me.” I could hear the man inhale deeply, a smile curling his lips as he savored the scent. “Hmm, USDA grade beef. Delicious. I so miss the old ways.”

The sun was out of my eyes, suddenly. The man was close enough to me to eclipse the sun. I blinked my eyes, a bright, blue afterimage filling my sight. The figure was a well dressed-man in a black suit, haloed by the sun, almost like he was the sun, a dark sun that shone brightly. He was handsome with dark hair and a friendly smile on his lips. His eyes were scarlet and I felt a chill run through me.

“I wish to deal with you, Lucifer,” I said with more confidence then I felt.

“Of course,” Lucifer smiled. “Three wishes for your soul. A fair deal, I think.”

“The same deal you gave Mark Glassner,” I stated, angrily.

He nodded, unconcerned with my anger. “A remarkable young man.”

“My first wish is for Mark to die.”

Lucifer sighed. “Alas, I made an agreement with Mark for a long, healthy life. I can’t just go and break my own deals. That is not good business. I think you could understand that, Mr. Fitzsimmons.”

“What, I can’t kill him?” I asked in surprise. “Even on my own?”

“Well, you can try,” Lucifer shrugged. “He’s already survived one assassination attempt. Of course, I never promised him a pleasant or comfortable life. Just a long one.”

I frowned. Well, nothing worth doing was easy. And the thought of prolonging Mark’s suffering, extending it for years and years, was a pleasant one. He deserved a lifetime of agony for his crimes. I was a careful man. I was prepared for this setback. I studied the Book, reading it over and over again, for the last twenty-four hours. If I wished for the ability to control people, there were limitations. Mark could just override my commands with his power or a Nun could hijack my Thralls. The only way to stop that was the Zimmah ritual, but I couldn’t perform that spell without a living mother; she had been dead fifteen years. But, I had an idea to get around that problem.

“Then, my first wish is to be immune to another person’s control.” I would never be under another man’s control again. I would never sit by while a man steals my wife, fucks her in front of me, and sends me on my way like a fucking errand-boy.

Lucifer nodded. “A wise choice.”

“Second, I wish for people to obey me unquestioningly.” I took a deep breath. Hopefully, this would work. “For my third wish, I want anyone under my control to be bound to me by the Zimmah ritual.”

The grin on Lucifer’s face broadened. “How very interesting.” He pursed his lips in consideration. “I applaud your strategy, Mr. Fitzsimmons. It has been a long time since I dealt with a mortal with such foresight. We have an agreement.” There was a flash of scarlet light and a contract appeared in Lucifer’s hand.

I took it from him, and read it very, very carefully. I wasn’t about to get caught by some fine-print trickery. My three wishes were all clearly written just the way I had spoken them. The price was my soul, cheap enough; I was going to hell, anyways, I figured. “Agreed,” I said and Lucifer held out an old-fashioned fountain pen and pricked my thumb. I signed in my blood and Lucifer signed in his.

“Well, I’ll be going. Unless you have any questions, Mr. Fitzsimmons?”

I shook my head and there was a flash of scarlet and he was gone.

I did it! Relief and exultation flooded through me. I was Mark’s equal, now. I licked my lips, realizing just what that meant. People were claiming that Mark was a God. Did that make me a God? Why not, Mark was just some dumb kid who barely knew how to use his powers. He could be ruling with an iron fist instead of playing at democracy. I would school Mark on just how power should be wielded.

The crack of the gun startled me. “Keep your hands up, sicko!” roared a man.

I looked behind me to see a man approaching from a rust-colored pick-up truck, a rifle leveled at me. He must be the farmer, I realized. I smiled; as if this man could harm me. I was a God. I could see someone behind him, standing by the truck, long, blonde hair streaming behind her in the breeze. My smile broadened; I hadn’t had a woman in a month, not since Mark stole my Desiree from me. Time to use my wish.

“Freeze!” I roared and the farmer and the woman froze in place.

I strode forward in anger. The man had shot at me. He could have killed me! I could see the fear in the man’s eyes as his body refused to move. He was an older man, late forties, his face was tan leather, his eyes a piercing blue. I reached the man, stared into his eyes. This was power! I could do anything! No one can stop me! I glanced at the woman, she was young, maybe seventeen or eighteen, the same blue eyes shining with fear. She was frozen, too, wearing a flannel shirt, the tails tied together, exposing a flat, tan stomach. Well-worn jeans hugged her round hips.

I glanced at the man. “Kill yourself,” I ordered and strode forward to the girl. I didn’t flinch at the gunshot and I smiled at the horror in the daughter’s eyes. I stroked her cheek. “He deserved to die,” I told her. “He dared to shoot at your God. You shall be my whore, so kneel down and suck your God’s cock.”

“My Lord,” the girl said in awe as she knelt before me. Her hands shook as she unzipped my pants. She trembled as she drew my cock out, stroking it between her gentle fingers. I moaned as her lips kissed the tip of my dick. I didn’t remember the last time a woman sucked my cock. Desiree never would. That would change. Desiree would be the perfect wife no matter how many times I would have to chastise her. The blonde teen’s mouth opened and I slid my cock in. Her teeth grazed my tip and I winced in pain.

“Stupid cunt!” I shouted and chastised her hard with the back of my hand, snapping her head back. “Watch the teeth, you stupid bitch!”

“I’m so sorry, my Lord,” she whimpered and quickly sucked my cock back into her mouth. This time, her teeth didn’t graze my cock.

I gripped her blonde hair and started fucking my cock into her sucking mouth. She was so wet and warm. I closed my eyes, enjoying the blowjob. My balls were boiling over, it wouldn’t be long before I came. Gripping her head, I shoved her face down my cock until I felt the back of her throat. I held her head tightly, then roughly shoved my cock down her throat until her lips kissed my crotch. She struggled, gagging and choking on my cock as it filled her throat. Her arms flailed as I fucked her mouth. Shit, this was so fucking amazing! This was power! I could feel my balls tighten and I shot my cum down her throat.

She lay coughing on the ground, her face red as she struggled to breathe. “You pleased me,” I told the girl.

“Thank you, God,” she answered, reverently.

“What’s your name?”


“Well, Ashley, you get to be my first…” What was that word. “My first concubine.”

A smile crossed her lips. “Thank you, my Lord.”

“Get those shorts off,” I commanded, my cock, amazingly, still hard. I couldn’t remember the last time I was ready to go so quickly. Not since I was in college, I guess. Or high school, maybe. “I’m gonna fuck your cunt raw!”

She screamed as I shoved my cock inside her cunt, tearing through her hymen. She was dry, inside, and that just made it feel rough and pleasant on my cock as I fucked her hard; I pounded her virgin, teenage cunt, reveling in the pleasure that engulfed my cock. Fuck, I had to find more virgins to fuck! This is amazing!


Monday, July 22nd, 5:24 PM – Eiffel Tower, Paris, France
My new wife, Mary, was wrapped in my arms as we stared out at Paris from atop the Eiffel Tower.

We arrived in Paris last night to start our two-week-long honeymoon in Europe. When we woke up this morning, huge crowds had gathered in front of our hotel. On one side were the Believers and on the other side the protestors. In-between were the Paris police. So I gave an impromptu speech. Most of the Parisian protestors understood English and by the end they were our supporters.

Before we left for Europe, I had made a few calls to get the local police under our control and they had been extremely helpful in keeping the crowds back as we played tourists in Paris. Mary was determined to see every art museum and we spent most of the day wandering the Louvre. Mary was positively girlish as she gushed over the art. To end our day, we had the police close the Eiffel Tower so that we could enjoy it in peace. I could just hear the believers gathered below that had followed us all day.

It was beautiful up here. Paris was laid out before us, the Seine winding through the lit-up city. It was a gorgeous, romantic view with tree-lined boulevards that glowed green and magnificent landmarks shining brightly: the Arc de Triomphe, the glass pyramid of the Louvre, Notre Dame rearing up in all its Gothic majesty, and many other beautiful buildings and churches. But it all paled compared to the beauty of my wife nestled in my arms. I brushed her auburn hair off her pale neck and kissed the nape of her neck below her ear.

“Mmm,” she murmured, wiggling in my arms. “Don’t stop, Mark.”

I nuzzled her neck and nibbled at her ear. I slipped my hand down and rubbed her silky thigh below her short skirt. “Do you like it when I do this, Mare” I asked as I moved my hand up under her skirt and gently teased her smooth pussy.

“I do,” she purred. Her ass swayed and rubbed pleasantly against my hardening cock. She gasped as my finger brushed her clit.

I slowly diddled her clit with my finger while my other hand moved up her side and found her perky breast. I gave it a squeeze through her bodice then pulled the strap of her dress off her shoulder, pushing the bodice down so I could play with her bare breast. Mary moaned in appreciation as my fingers found her hard nipple and gave it a gentle pinch.

“Umm, that feels great, Mark,” Mary moaned. I slid my hand lower, using the heel of my hand to grind against her clit as I gently pushed two fingers up inside her wet pussy. My wife gasped, “Finger fuck me! Umm, make your naughty filly cum!”

“Gladly, Mare,” I whispered then started kissing and sucking at her neck as I slid my two fingers in and out of her sucking cunt. I could feel the passion growing through her body, the way she began to tense as her orgasm neared. I pumped my fingers faster inside her, pinching her hard nipple. “Cum for me, Mare.”

“Yes, yes! Oh, I love you, Mark!” she cried out as her passion overwhelmed her. My fingers were massaged by her orgasming cunt and her plump ass ground back into my hard cock deliciously. “Oh, fuck, that was great!” She turned in my arms and kissed me soundly on the lips. “Umm, how should I return the favor? My mouth.” She grinned, licking her lips. “My wet pussy, maybe? Ohh, maybe my naughty little ass?”

I grinned at her, reaching around to grope her ass. “What do you think?”

“I think my new husband wants to fuck my naughty ass,” she giggled. “But, he needs to get me nice and ready back there.”

Mary turned back around and I knelt down, pushing up her short, flowery skirt, exposing her pale, plump ass. I kissed each cheek, rubbing their pillowy softness against my face, before I spread her open. I fond her tight anus and placed my lips on it, sucking and licking. Mary purred as I pushed my tongue at her sphincter, slowly forcing my tongue past the tight ring and tasting the sour flavor of her ass.

“Umm, I love it when you rim me,” cooed Mary, then she gasped playfully as I slipped two fingers up inside her juicy cunt.

I let those fingers soak in her cunt, getting a good coating of her savory lube, before I pulled out and pushed those two fingers into her tight ass. I slid them deep into her bowels, fucking them in and out as her ass gripped them tightly. Mary looked over her shoulder at me, a happy smile on her face. She was ready.

I stood up, slipped my cock into her tight pussy, fucking in and out of her just a few times. I almost wanted to stay in her pussy, she felt so amazing, but I wanted her tight ass right now. I pulled out, and Mary sighed in disappointment. I adjusted my cock, lined up at her sphincter, and pushed slowly into her ass. Mary’s disappointment faded as I filled her asshole; she loved it up the ass, too. I moaned as my cock disappeared inside the tight tunnel.

“Oh, fuck that’s nice!” Mary cooed as my cock slid all the way into her ass. “Fuck me! Fuck my ass! Give your filly a good ride!”

I pulled back and thrust back into her, enjoying her tight embrace as I fucked her slowly. Mary pushed her hips back as I pounded her ass. I reached my hands around her and gripped her breasts, squeezing the firm, perky flesh and feeling her hard nipples between my fingers. Mary gasped every time I thrust into her, then turned her head and we kissed over her shoulder.

“Harder!” moaned Mary. “Give it to me hard, my randy stallion! I’m so close to cumming again!”

I pounded my wife’s ass as hard as I dared; I didn’t want to hurt her. She wasn’t Xiu who got off on the pain. My strokes were becoming more frantic as my own cum approached. I was getting so close, just a few more strokes and I would be there. Plunging into her tight ass, my cock’s sensitive head would rub against her hot bowels, sending pleasure shooting through my cock. Then I pulled out, delighting in the velvety feel of her asshole. Every stroke brought me closer and closer to cumming.

“Fuck!” I moaned. “Here it comes, Mare! Fuck!”

“Ohh, I can feel your hot cum filling me up!” moaned Mary as my release flooded her ass. Then I felt her ass clamp down on me and Mary’s body trembling in my arms. “Ohh, I love it when you cum in me, Mark! Oh, I love it so much.”

I held my wife as we relaxed in an orgasmic high, gently kissing her neck and cheek, and admiring the city of Paris laid out before us. “I love you so much,” I whispered. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Mary sighed. “But, I think I owe you a cum. I’m one up on you.”

I laughed as I pulled out of her ass. My wife knelt before me and started licking at my dirty cock. She usually had one of the sluts clean up my cock after its been in her ass, but sometimes she liked to do it herself. I closed my eyes and leaned against the railing with my arms and enjoyed my wife’s excellent blowjob.

“Excuse me, sir,” 51 said. “I know you didn’t want any interruptions unless it was important.”

I sighed as Mary released my cock. “What is it, 51?” I asked her as Mary stood up.

51, the temporary head of the bodyguards, walked forward. She was a beautiful Black woman, her ebony breasts almost spilling out of her half-unbuttoned cop blouse. She held my phone in her hand and I took it from her.

“Hello?” I asked.

“M-master!” wailed Alison. “I-it’s Karen.”

“She’s back?” I asked, a sick feeling in my stomach. Lilith promised to return her unharmed, but then why was Alison crying?

“A hearse arrived today.” Alison paused, struggling to speak. “Karen’s dead.”

I dropped the phone and leaned against the railing. “What is it, Mark?” Mary asked, in concern.

“Karen is dead.”

As Mary sobbed into my chest, anger burned in my heart. Lilith tricked me, found some loophole in our agreement. Demons always found some way to fuck you. I racked my thoughts, struggling to remember what she said, exactly. I thought I made her promise not to hurt Karen, to return her unharmed. The memory of floating in the darkness, flooded my mind. I will do nothing to harm Karen, that’s what she promised.

I realized my mistake. Lilith didn’t promise to see that Karen was returned unharmed, she just promised not to be the one to harm her. I had been too afraid of dying, too afraid of Mary dying with me, to think it through. Goddamn fucking demons! I glanced at 51 who had picked up my phone and was standing at attention.

“We’re going home,” I ordered, anger heating my voice. “Contact every law enforcement agency under my control. I want them to find wherever Karen was being held, find the thing she birthed, and kill it! Lilith will regret tricking me. I will crush the bitch beneath my heel!”

“For Karen,” Mary whispered, sadly, her arms tightening around my body. “Turn over every stone,” my wife ordered, her voice thick with grief and anger. “Do whatever it takes!”

We buried Karen in the Woodbine Cemetery three days later, on the twenty-fifth, next to Chasity and the six bodyguards that died in June. The Cunningham twins performed the funeral, dressed somberly in modest, black dresses. Tiffany, Mary’s mother, wept the loudest as we buried Karen. They were friends, I remembered. Karen was the Nun that rescued Tiffany from the Warlock that made her a slave.

Guilt and anger warred inside me as I stared at Tiffany. She was responsible for Chasity’s death, just as I was responsible for Karen’s death. I didn’t mean for Karen to die, but that didn’t change what happened. Tiffany didn’t mean for Chasity to die. She was tricked by the angels into attacking us. Tricked just like me.

I hugged Tiffany and my mother-in-law stiffened in my arms for a moment, confused at the sudden gesture. I let go of the anger I had been holding onto, the misplaced rage. Tiffany was tricked by the angels, just like I was tricked by the demons. There were more important things to hate than Tiffany. “I forgive you,” I whispered into her ear. Tears ran down my mother-in-law’s face as I turned and walked back to the limo.

Mary caught up, slipping her arm about my waist. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, giving her a gentle squeeze, pulling my wife tightly against my side. Leah was awaiting us at the limo, holding the door open as we climbed in. To my surprise, 51 slid in after us, holding a manila folder. “Sir, we’ve had our first lead on your missing slaves, Chantelle and Lana.”

She handed us the folder. Inside were color photos of a lobby. They were security cam footage and you could make out black-haired Chantelle and blonde Lana easily enough. Then I blinked. Both looked incredibly pregnant. That was impossible. Mary was frowning, biting her lip.

“That looks like them,” Mary muttered. “The blonde has the same blue streaks dyed in her hair like Lana had. But these women look nine months pregnant. That can’t be right. It’s only been a month and a half since we last saw them.”

“Where is this from?” I asked.

“A funeral home in Seattle,” 51 answered.

I frowned. “You don’t mean…”

51 nodded. “These two women delivered Karen’s body to the funeral home and ordered them to drive the body to the house.” 51 hesitated, then added, “The staff at the funeral home, well, I think they were bewitched.”

So, it wasn’t the Nuns that got to Chantelle and Lana, it was Lilith. A dream I had awhile ago flooded back into my mind. In the dream, I was holding two dolls in my hand, one blonde and one with raven-black hair. Then Lilith appeared and ripped the dolls out my grip. The pain was so intense, so real, I woke up. Crap. I never gave that dream much thought. Just a nightmare brought on by the unease I felt around Lilith. I stared at photos of Chantelle and Lana and vowed to save them from Lilith’s clutches.

“Find them and we’ll find Lilith,” I ordered 51.

“They are not to be harmed, either,” Mary interjected. “Lana and Chantelle are ours.”

“Yes, mam!” 51 saluted. “Chief Spencer of Seattle PD is on it.”


Thursday, July 25th, 7:13 PM – Babylon Residence, Seattle, WA
I watched the Seyb ritual from the Shadow.

The very pregnant Lana led the ritual, her hand sliding the dildo in and out of her cunt. My child was growing in her womb. I smiled, another child grew in Lana’s wife, Chantelle’s womb, and both women were almost ready to give birth to the first of my new daughters. Tomorrow they would be born, I thought, just in time for me to welcome them in the flesh. My Vessel sat in the middle of the coven’s circle. She looked thirteen, long silver hair fell across her flat back and across her chest. Her breasts were just starting to bud and her hips were just starting to fill out. Holding my Vessel’s hands, naked as well, was the fiery red-head Mona.

The coven sat in a circle around them, chanting meaningless prayers to me. Power was all about the trappings. Lana pumped the dildo in and out of her cunt, her head thrown back. When she orgasms and utters Seyb a year of Mona’s life will flow into my Vessel and age her. Thirteen willing women had already given a year of their lives to my Vessel and once Mona gave hers, it would be time for me to inhabit my Vessel and escape the Abyss.

I was still savoring the grief and anger of Mark Glassner as he buried that slut, Karen. I watched from the Shadows. I promised not to harm the little thing. And I did nothing to her. It was my Vessel that killed her, that sucked all the life-force from her just to be born. I just had to watch and wait and do nothing. And shortly, I would be free of the Abyss and I would increase Mark Glassner’s suffering tenfold, a hundredfold. He would curse the day he ever made his Pact.

“Yes, yes!” Lana moaned as she fucked the dildo in and out of her cunt.

Her arms wrapped around her pregnant belly. Her breasts were large, nipples pierced with gold rings, and heaved with passion. I could smell her arousal into the Shadow. A tangy, tart musk that smelled so sweet to my nostrils. Nothing smelled better than a woman’s lust. The blue, plastic cock was almost a blur as Lana pumped it in and out of her hungry cunt with one hand while the other diddled her clit.

“Oh my Goddess!” Lana screamed as her body went rigid. “Seyb!”

I could see the energy flow out of Mona and into my Vessel. For Mona, nothing seemed to change. Aging one year at thirty-one produced very little difference. My Vessel, on the other hand, aged from thirteen to fourteen. She grew a few inches in height, her breasts budded into little, apple-sized mounds. Her flat hips grew some curves and a sparse down of silvery pubic hair sprouted about her mound.

Mona leaned in and kissed the Vessel on the lips. My Vessel just sat motionless. No will animated the body, yet. The Vessel had finally reached enough maturity to be inhabited and I moved through the Shadows to it. I reached out, straining to touch my Vessel. Chains were holding me back, tearing at my soul with cruel barbs. The chains of my imprisonment, somehow they knew I was trying to escape. The Vessel moved for the first time on its own, reaching out its hands towards me. It was empty, yearning to be filled, and it sensed the one thing that could fill it.


I struggled, fighting as hard as I could against my bonds. The pain was excruciating as a thousand barbs tore at my soul. I will escape! I will be free! I was so close, my fingers brushing the Vessel’s fingertips. Yes! Hope surged through me and then was dashed as the chains yanked me back. No! No! Just a little more! Just a little more and freedom is yours, Lilith! Ignore the pain and take your freedom! Pain was blossoming in my soul as the chains tore at my very essence, trying to rip me back deeper into the Abyss.

“No!” I roared in defiance towards the Heavens. “No, I will have my freedom! I will not be contained by Your prison any longer!”

My fingers brushed the Vessel’s, then my hand grasped hers and the Vessel heaved, pulling me out of the Abyss and into it. My soul tore as the barbs ripped free and I was pain incarnate as I flowed into my new body, sinking into the warm flesh like water into a sponge, filling every fiber of its body. Then the pain was suddenly gone. I had a heart thudding in my chest, blood roaring through my veins, again. I could feel the hardwood floor beneath me, the muggy air on my skin. I could only see a red darkness and panic sank into me. Did something go wrong?

Then I laughed. Your eyes are closed, Lilith. It had been too long since I had a real body. I opened my eyes, the light stabbing them painfully, and I forced myself not to wince. I was a Goddess, and Goddesses do not flinch. I flexed my fingers, licked my lips, inhaled deeply. I had a body again! And it was wonderful!

I was free!

My worshipers stared at me in awe. I stood up, trying not to stumble. This form was smaller than I was used to. It had not yet reached its full maturity. I slowly turned, gazing at all my followers. They were naked, all women, their eyes wide with lust, their nipples hard and the room reeked of their growing arousal. Spicy, sweet, tangy, tart, musky, sour. All the delicious flavors of womanhood.

Lana and Chantelle knelt, awkward with their large bellies, before me. “My Goddess,” Chantelle breathed. “Your humble servants await your command.”

“Rise, my daughters,” I commanded, my voice high and girlish with youth. “You did well, I am very pleased with you.”

Lana and Chantelle looked up at me, smiling exultantly. I bent and kissed first Lana and then Chantelle on the lips. Both women fell to the floor as their orgasms exploded through their bodies. As the pregnant women writhed in pleasure I scanned the room and found Babylon sitting next to her daughter, Crystal.

“You have the sacrifice?” I asked Babylon, the coven’s leader.

“Yes, my Goddess,” she breathed. “Lance, my ex-husband.” She licked her lips, a tinge of fear in her eyes. “He almost beat me to death, once.”

“Fitting,” I smiled in pleasure. I hated men, especially those that thought they were better than a woman.

I needed to finish growing and now that I was in control of the Vessel, there was a far more satisfying way to age myself another fifteen years, to reach the peak of my physical beauty and maturity. Four of the women dragged in the naked man. He was in his forties, fat and soft. His hands were tied with ropes behind his back and he thrashed like a beached whale in the grips of the four women.

“Fucking cunts!” Lance roared as he thrashed about like a beached whale. “I’ll fucking kill all of you. And fucking rape all your lesbo cunts and smash your faces in! Fuckin’ let me go! And you, Clarissa or Babylon or whatever the fuck you call yourself these days. I’ll fucking kill you last! You fucking dyke! I’ll rape your dyke pussy and I’ll kill ya!”

“Ohh, he is perfect,” I purred, feeling my pussy begin to moisten in anticipation.

He was thrown down onto the floor and the twenty or so women of the coven quickly bound him spread-eagle on the floor. The Coven had swelled its ranks since my manifestation a month ago on the Summer Solstice. More than forty women followed me and more joined our ranks every day. We found them in the missions, the abused women shelters, and walking the streets. Wherever a woman was beaten and oppressed by a man, a new worshiper was found.

I brushed the man with my foot, just the lightest touch and he shivered in pleasure, his cock hardening beneath his fat gut. I would drain the man dry, steal his life-force to age my Vessel. Every time he would cum inside me, I would steal more of his life. I stared at him with a predator’s hunger, licking my lips in anticipation.

“Free me, slut!” he snarled. “Let me go and I’ll spare your fucking hide. I’ll give you a good fuckin’ too.”

“You want to stick your cock inside me?” I cooed. “You want to feel the velvet deliciousness of my cunt?”

“You bet I do, slut!” he grinned with false bravado. But I could smell the stink of fear on him. A man’s fear smelled almost as good as a woman’s arousal. “My cock’ll make you howl. Ya’ll fuckin’ love it!”

I straddled him, lining his cock at my hungry hole. I felt the head of his disgusting cock prodding at my pussy. I slammed my hips down, engulfing him in one, swift thrust. The pain was intense as I broke in my virgin pussy, his cock felt monstrously huge inside me. I grit my teeth and ignored the pain, sliding up his shaft.

“Holy shit!” he groaned and then I felt his disgusting seed spilling in me.

I aged a year, my breasts swelling, a few more inches of height and I grew more womanly curves. I smiled in joy and slammed down his cock. Up and down and he was cumming in me again, and my breasts were growing bigger. They were round and perky with teenage youth, jiggling as I rose up and down on him. My bush was thick and silvery. I slid a hand across my hip and delighted in the curves I felt, then up to my breasts. I fingered my nipples, they were larger, my aerola growing wider as my body matured.

I rode him hard and he moaned and groaned, cumming every few strokes. Soon my breasts had grown to their full majesty, round and heavy and yet still perky, not drooping or sagging. My hips had transformed into the pleasing curves of womanhood. I felt my face, tracing the familiar features. I had aged from the pretty innocence of a youth to the mature beauty of a woman. Twelves times Lance had cum in me, then thirteen. I threw my head back, my orgasm building within me, my hands enjoying the fullness of my breasts. I grew even closer to my pleasure as the fourteenth load spilled into me, my body sucking up his life-force.

I slammed down one last time, grinding my clit into his groin, and moaned my orgasm in a loud voice as he shot his fifteenth load of cum into me. His vibrant life-force poured into me as my pleasure rolled through my body. I threw back my head as the exquisite pleasure exploded through my body. Around me, every woman fell to the floor as my Lust washed through the room and triggered their own orgasms to surge through their bodies.

Feeling exhilarated, I stood up, the man’s vile cum rolling wetly down my thighs. I stretched, enjoying the way my full breasts swayed. I looked down on the disgusting creature and smiled at his transformation. The man looked gaunt and old, his hair turned white and wrinkles creasing his face. He gasped for breath, his face turning purple.

“I hoped you liked it,” I purred maliciously.

“My heart,” Lance wheezed, clutching his chest. “Please, I think I’m having a heart attack.”

“Ohh, then let me help you,” I smiled down at him.

Hope flared in his eyes, but that quickly vanished as I crushed his throat beneath my foot.


Tuesday, August 6th, 6:49 PM – Deer Creek Apartments, Summit, WA
The doorbell rang as Thamina sat the plate of rice and lamb on the table.

“Can you get it, Fiona?” Thamina asked. She kissed me on the lips briefly before she walked back into the small kitchen. I admired her ass beneath her long skirt. She still dressed like a good Muslim woman, long skirts, blouses with long sleeves and high necklines, and a headscarf wrapped about her black hair.

“Sure, Mina,” I said walking across the living room to the door.

Things had been going really well in the six weeks since we escaped Mark’s clutches. I still wasn’t sure what we were. Friends? Lovers? Maybe we were girlfriends? I didn’t know. We shared an apartment, and a bed. Thamina no longer regretted our lovemaking, but the guilt of being gay still gnawed at her. If anyone asked, she would just say we were friends or roommates.

And that hurt, just a little bit.

I opened the door and fear clutched at my heart. “Lilith!” I blurted out. Behind me a plate shattered and Thamina gasped.

Lilith smiled, her violet eyes glinting with hunger. She was dressed in a red, tight dress with a plunging neckline that showed off her lush figure. Her silver hair was piled up one side of her head, and fell about her right shoulder, loose locks falling between her breasts. She wasn’t flickering about the room like last time I saw her, when she stole Karen away from Good Sam Hospital. That seemed like a lifetime ago, when I was Mark’s slave.

“Fiona,” she purred.

Behind Lilith stood four women. Two were vaguely familiar. A short, slim woman with black hair in a red halter-top and a pair of skinny jeans that hugged her lithe figure. Her arm was entwined by a curvy, blonde woman with blue highlights in her hair and a round, smiling face. The other two women were more outlandish; a very tall woman, over seven feet tall, with a mane of scarlet hair and amber eyes. She wore a tight, black tanktop and a pair of camo pants. Her grin was feral, a lioness staring at her prey and I swallowed as those amber eyes fixed on me. The other woman was as curvy as Lilith. Purple hair that fell about her perfect face; a pair of rose-colored eyes set above a dainty nose and pouty lips. She wore a white, belly shirt that molded to her large tits, and a pair of daisy dukes.

Frowning at the two normal-looking women, I asked, “You both were with Mark at the restaurant that night?” I grimaced as I remember the night Mark made me his whore for the first time. I was a waitress at the Sky City Restaurant and my fellow waitresses and I were forced to serve Mark and Mary and two other women dinner, naked. We had to let them do whatever depraved thing they wanted to us. Just the memory of that night left me wanting to take a shower.

The blonde had a sad look on her face. “We were Mark’s slaves, then,” she said. “I am Lana, and this is my wife, Chantelle. Our Goddess, Lilith, set us free.” A look of ecstasy crossed her lips as she said Lilith’s name.

Lilith swept past me, into the house, looking around. Thamina was trembling at the table as the demoness looked around our apartment. My heart felt like it was in my throat as the freakishly tall woman pushed me aside as she followed Lilith in, a feral growl rumbling from her throat. The woman started stalking around the apartment, peering into doors and sniffing like a dog.

“Don’t mind Cora,” Lilith said, sitting down on the couch and crossing her legs. “My daughter is very protective of me.”

“Wh-what do you want,” I squeaked as the other three women walked in. The violet-haired bombshell sat daintily next to Lilith as Chantelle and Lana knelt at the demoness’s feet.

“Vengeance,” Lilith answered, her eyes shining with hatred. “On Mark Glassner.”

“We want noting to do with him,” Thamina blurted out. “We’ve moved past him.”

I sat down in the chair, licking my lips. I still had nightmares about being Mark’s slave. Terrible dreams where he walks into our apartment and makes us beg to be his again. I still felt filthy at all the things he made me do. Him and his slut, Mary. Everyday there were more stories of him on the news, more people talking about what a great man he was. The great reformer, the great God. Everyday the world slowly became his just a little bit more. Everyday I grew more and more scared that he would come back for us.

“How?” I asked and Thamina gave me a hurt look. I ignored her.

“Worship me,” Lilith smiled. “I am the only hope for women. Long have men oppressed us, used our bodies to satiate their lusts. Men are violent beasts. It is far past the time for women to do away with them entirely. Think how much greater the world would be without men.”

I frowned. “What do you mean, kill all the men?” Her smile deepened. That’s exactly what she meant. “That’s insane. We’d die off as a species.”

Lilith brushed Chantelle and the black-haired woman stood up as graceful as a dancer. She pulled off her halter-top and wiggled out of her tight jeans and stood naked and proud in the center of the room. Her body was slim and toned, and her fingers slid through a thin line of black hair that led to her shaved pussy. She pinched her clit and—it grew.

“Holy fuck!” I gasped as her clit swelled up, lengthening into a long shaft. The tip changed, turning into the head of a mushroom. No, I realized in amazement, the head of a cock. Chantelle’s transformed her clit into a penis, complete with a urethra.

“It is fully functional,” Lana purred, licking her lips. She stood up, wrapping her hand around her wife’s cock and gave it a few pumps. “I can attest to that. I’m pregnant with her child. We just found out yesterday.” The two women shared a loving look and Chantelle rubbed at Lana’s belly.

My mouth widened. “This is fucking insane.”

“I am the only being that can stop Mark,” Lilith boasted. “Worship me and I will protect you from his commands. Or wait until he makes you his slave again.” I shivered at those words. I would never be Mark’s slave again. I would rather die.

I would rather worship Lilith, I realized bitterly.

“He set us free,” Thamina protested. “He promised to leave us alone.”

“And what is the worth of a man’s promise?” demanded Lilith. “He will come for you, again. He will make you his, defile your bodies with his lusts! He will make you love his affections, rob you of your free will again!”

“I’ll do it!” I exclaimed. Anger was burning inside me. Anger at Mark for making me enjoy his rape. Anger at my ex-boyfriend, Hank, for replacing me in the two weeks I was Mark’s slut. And fueling that anger was the fear of being Mark’s whore all over again.

Thamina knelt before me, grasping my arm. Her dark eyes filled with tears. “Please, Fiona,” she begged. “Don’t serve this demon. She is evil.”

I glanced down at her face. “Mark is worse. I’ll never be his slave again.”

“Stay with me, Fiona,” Thamina begged. “I…I love you. We can be happy, together.”

My emotions whirled inside me, a tangled mess. I looked down into her eyes and I saw the love there. Did I love her? What was she to me? We made love. Many times. And it was great. But was that love? I hesitated, unsure what to do. And what if I stayed and Mark came for us? Fear, anger, love, hope. It was too much. I felt like I was about to be torn asunder.

“I don’t care if it’s a sin to be with you,” Thamina pressed on. “Just stay with me. Please. I need you.”

Thamina jumped as Lilith knelt behind her, whispering into her ear, “Fiona can have a cock. She can be your husband. It’s not a sin, then. All you have to do is just worship me.”

“Yes,” I sighed, my eyes looking up at Chantelle’s cock. What would that feel like? What would it feel like to shove my cock into Thamina’s inviting pussy. I stared down at her dusky face framed by her headscarf, her dark eyes pleading with me. Did I love Thamina? Maybe I did. I would miss waking up to her dusky face. “I can be your man, Mina. Then you wouldn’t have to be ashamed of us.”

Thamina flinched at my words. Her dark eyes stared up at me and a look of resignation filled her face. “I…I…” She swallowed. “I want you, Fiona. I will be your wife and worship your Goddess.”

I blinked in shock. “We’ve only been together a month-and-a-half,” I protested. “We can date, you can be my girlfriend. In a few months, I’m sure we’ll have grown close enough to start talking about marriage.”

“No. I am a Muslim. It is wrong what we have been doing.”

I scowled. “And worshiping Lilith is okay with Islam?”

“I would be obeying my…husband,” Thamina whispered. “I know you want me, Fiona.”

Her fingers were stroking my thigh through my jeans, sending a flush of warmth through my groin. I did want her I realized, as her dark eyes stared up at me. I rubbed my thighs together, trying to ignore that growing itch between my legs. Did I love her, though? I opened my mouth, but I couldn’t find the words. Her eyes were so beautiful, especially looking up at me from between my thighs.

“Yes,” I answered. “I’ll marry you.”

Thamina pulled my face to her and kissed me, then turned to Lilith. “You can marry us, right?”

Lilith laughed derisively. “Me, do something so prosaic? No, Lana or Chantelle can. They are my High Priestesses.”

“Then let’s do it,” Thamina said, squeezing my hand.

“Wait, right now?” I asked.

Thamina gave me a direct look. “That is my price, Fiona.”

Everyone was moving so quickly. Thamina pulled me into the center of the room, holding my hand. Chantelle pulled out a few wilting, pink begonias in a vase and shoved them into Thamina’s hands. When I objected that we needed rings, Chantelle came out of our bedroom with Thamina’s jewelry box and fished out two rings. This was all just happening too fast.

“We are gathered here to unite these women in love,” Lana intoned as Thamina gripped my hands and smiled shyly at me. She was so beautiful, I couldn’t help smiling back at her. “To share their lives and burdens together, brought together by their worship of our Goddess, Lilith. Do you, Thamina, take this woman to be your wife? To love her, and cherish her, and be her partner in all things?”

“I do,” Thamina said confidently as I slid the ring down her finger.

Lana repeated the same vow to me and I was surprised at how calm I sounded when I said, “I do.” The ring was cold as it slid down my finger. Thamina was blushing prettily when Lana declared us married and I found myself pulling my wife to me and kissing her gently on the lips.

Chantelle was crying and clapping when we broke the kiss and Lilith was staring at us expectantly. I knelt, and Thamina knelt next to me. Lana spoke, and Thamina and I recited in unison, “I pledge my soul to Lilith, my Goddess, from now until the end of time.”

“And now to consummate our agreement and bestow my blessing upon you,” Lilith pronounced and her dress melted away into red smoke leaving her lush body exposed. Her clit swelled, growing into a cock and suddenly Lilith’s lust swept into me and I groaned, gripping my new wife’s hand as a delicious orgasm rippled through my body. Thamina gasped next to me, her hand trembling as she came.

“Your blessing?” I asked as I watched Lilith push Thamina onto her back, Thamina’s clothes vanishing in a puff of red smoke. Lilith was about to fuck my wife, I realized.

“To make you hers,” Lana said. “To give you your gift, and plant our Goddess’s child inside you.”

“What?” I asked.

Lana glanced fondly at the hulking Cora. “Lilith is the mother of monsters,” Lana explained. “Her seed will grow inside Thamina’s belly and her child will be special. Sadly, a woman can only bear her one child without suffering ill-effects. Other women are needed to bear our Goddess’s children.”

“Oh, yes,” Thamina moaned as Lilith’s cock penetrated her pussy and my wife orgasmed a second time beneath Lilith’s thrusts.

“Lilith’s child grows quickly,” Chantelle said. She was sitting next to the purple-haired woman. “My Lamia was in me only forty days.” Lamia snuggled up against her mother and Chantelle stroked her purple hair.

“Oh, Fiona, this is amazing!” Thamina gasped. “Oh, wow!” Then she was screaming in Arabic, a musical sound that filled my ears with delight. I watched Lilith’s perfect ass pump above my wife and I couldn’t wait for my turn to be fucked by my Goddess. I reached out and grasped Thamina’s hand and she squeezed me as another orgasm racked her body and then Lilith moaned and slammed her cock into my wife and everyone in the room felt our Goddess’s orgasm roll through the air.

Stars swam before my eyes at the intensity of Lilith’s orgasm and when my vision cleared I saw my silver-haired Goddess above me. Her silver hair brushed my cheek and my clothes dissolved into red smoke and I was naked beneath her. Lilith’s large breasts rubbed against me as she parted my thighs. Her cock brushed my pussy lips and another orgasm exploded through me. And then the shaft was sliding in and out of me.

“Oh my God!” I groaned.

“Goddess,” Lilith hissed, thrusting hard into me.

“Yes, yes!” I moaned as another orgasm rolled through me. Her cock was ecstasy in my cunt, every touch ignited a fire in my nerves. “My Goddess! I am yours!”

“Yes, you are,” she purred, stabbing her cock into me over and over.

I was lost to the pleasure as orgasm after orgasm crashed through my body. I was pleasure. Every nerve in my body was alive and fed by Lilith’s passion. Her skin was hot silk, her breath a sweet spice, her nipples hard diamonds. I shrieked so loud as I felt her seed explode into me, white-hot magma that sent my nerves erupting in pleasure so intense that nothing else mattered.

“Fiona,” a voice whispered, distant. “Fiona.” The voice was growing louder. “Fiona!” Someone was shaking me. My eyes opened and Thamina’s face was above me.

“What happened?” I asked.

“You passed out,” Thamina smiled and then kissed me.

I sat up and saw that my Goddess was dressed. “Come to Seattle tomorrow,” she commanded. “Lana will leave the address. I give you this night to consummate your marriage.”

“Thank you, my Goddess,” Thamina whispered.

I felt her hand stroking me. It felt weird, like something was protruding between my legs. “Enjoy,” Lana grinned at me. Thamina’s hand felt so wonderful, whatever she was doing. I sat up on my elbows and saw a cock growing out of my crotch. I was hard and Thamina’s hand was firm silk and every time she brushed the head, new pleasure rolled through my body.

“I have a cock,” I whispered.

“You can make it come and go,” Chantelle explained, “Just concentrate.”

“Let’s go to bed,” Thamina said eagerly. “I need my husband in me.”

“I’m your wife,” I corrected.

“Ooh, no wife could have such a beautiful cock,” Thamina purred, then I gasped as her mouth sucked the head into her lips.

“Holy shit, that’s amazing, Mina!” I gasped.

Thamina grinned at me and I stood up and she dragged me into our bedroom and sprawled onto the bed. She was naked, her skin a beautiful, dusky color, her black hair spread out like a fan about her. Her bosom heaved with passion, her dark nipples hard. Her neatly trimmed bush was matted with our Goddess’s seed.

I crawled onto the bed, atop my wife, and she pulled me to her, kissing me on the lips. I found her wet pussy with my cock and moaned as I pushed into her velvety depths. “Oh wow,” I gasped. “That’s amazing! I love you, Mina.”

I did, I realized. I did love her.

“I love you, Fiona,” she moaned as her hips rotated beneath me. I felt her hard nipples pressing into my soft breasts, her hands roaming my back, sliding down to cup my ass. “I am your wife!”

My wife. Then a thought occurred to me. “Aren’t I allowed more than one wife?” I asked her. “Doesn’t Islam let a husband marry other women?”

“Yes!” Thamina gasped as I fucked my cock in and out of her cunt. “Up to four.”

“Would you like that?” I asked her. “Other wives for us to fuck. Imagine the fun we could have.”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Thamina gasped. I felt her cunt spasming about my cock as she thrashed beneath me. I kissed her, shoving my tongue into her mouth and kept right on fucking her through her orgasm.

I held her tightly and rolled onto my back. “Ride me, wife!” I ordered. “Let me see those beautiful breasts bounce.”

Thamina sat up, her breasts thrust forward and bounced so beautifully as she rose up and down my cock. Her pussy felt amazing wrapped around my cock. I slid a hand up her dusky skin and cupped her left breast and felt her nipple hard beneath my fingers. She smiled at me, tossing her beautiful, dark hair as she threw her head back in pleasure.

“Oh, Mina!” I moaned. “Your pussy feels amazing!” I felt this growing pressure deep inside me. In my ovaries. Something wanted to escape my body. “I think I’m about to cum!”

“Yes, yes, flood me with your cum!” Thamina panted. “Umm, I love your cock!”

That feeling of release grew and grew and then this intense pleasure surged through me and I could feel my cum pumping out of my cock, flooding into my wife’s pussy! “Yes, oh fuck, that’s amazing!”

I pulled my wife down to kiss me. Being married wasn’t all that bad, I realized. Not with such a beautiful woman as my wife. I shrunk my cock. I wanted to enjoy my wife as a woman for awhile. Thamina happily spun about, presenting her well-fucked cunt to my lips. White cum stained her pussy, a mix of my sperm and my Goddess’s. She tasted delicious and I shuddered as her tongue started lapping at my cunt.

Being married definitely wasn’t all that bad.


Sunday, September 22nd, 10:33 PM – Q13 Fox New Studio, Seattle, WA
“Tonight we are joined by Mark and Mary Glassner,” Debra Horne-Dannell introduced.

Debra had almost been fired from Q13 for proclaiming me a God during a live broadcast and posting the entirety of the firefight at our house and my subsequent healing on Youtube. The Miracle of South Hill everyone called it. I pulled some strings, and now she was the co-anchor for the local news. Debra had an awed look in her eyes as she stared at Mary and me. “We are honored to have you here tonight, my Lord and Lady.”

“Always nice to see you, Debra,” Mary answered, warmly.

“Thank you for having us,” I smiled.

Debra blushed. I bet she was remembering all the times she sucked my cock. “It’s my pleasure. You are here tonight to promote a gun-buyback program you are sponsoring in Tacoma this Saturday?”

I nodded. “It’s a great opportunity to get some guns off the street. After the attack, I know from experience just how dangerous guns in the wrong hands can be.”

Mary smiled. “Our country is awash in guns. It may have made sense to have an armed population two hundred years ago. But, the Founding Fathers could never have anticipated just how deadly guns would become.”

Debra nodded in agreement. “It has become quite an epidemic in this country,” she interjected.

“Exactly,” I said, turning to face the camera. We were live; Mary and I always insisted on doing interviews live so our commands could actually affect people. They didn’t work if recorded for some reason. “I want everyone out there watching us tonight that isn’t a police officer or in the military, to bring their guns to the Courthouse in Tacoma. Amazon has graciously donated hundred dollar gift cards to anyone that turns in their guns. It starts at Ten AM and will go all day.”

The greatest threat to Mary’s and my safety was someone with a gun. The more guns we got out of the hands of people not under my power, the safer we would be. Even with the amulets Sam invented, they were still a danger to us.

Sam, our former sex slave turned Vizier, had started taking the knowledge of the Magicks of the Witch of Endor and applying them in new ways. She modified a charm that could be placed on amulets to deflect arrows and, after many tries, got them to work on bullets. Everyone in our employ, the sluts, our bodyguards, and our family members, wore these bronze amulets. One hung around my neck and another nestled in Mary’s cleavage. They created a field that could deflect bullets, but they weren’t perfect. A powerful enough gun could still penetrate the field and automatic fire could overwhelm the amulet pretty fast.

“Well, I can’t wait to see the turnout,” Debra smiled, then glanced at Mary. “Rumor has it that you’re pregnant.”

Mary’s smile grew and she reached over and gripped my hand. “I am. Almost eight weeks. We found out a week after the wedding.”

Debra clapped her hands. “I am so happy for you, my Lady.”

I glanced at my wife, squeezed her hand. I was happy too. The first two months of our marrige was going perfectly. Except Brandon Fitzsimmons and Lilith were out there, somewhere. The interview wrapped up, and we walked to the elevators, surrounded by our bodyguards. We were getting strange reports out of the Midwest. It seemed Brandon had used his copy of the Book to gain powers. There were many reports of women disappearing after their boyfriends or husbands committed suicide. Some of the women would show up alive, confused about what happened to them, others were found badly beaten or dead, and a few hadn’t been seen at all. A man, fitting Brandon’s description, was often seen around these incidents.

I kept hoping a Nun would show up and deal with him. They couldn’t leave me alone for a week. Was it too much to hope that one would show up and deal with Brandon? There were still a few out there, according to Tiffany. Though no Nuns were left in North America. It was looking like Mary and I would have to deal with him personally. Sending the authorities after Brandon would just get more people killed. After the gun-buyback in Tacoma, I would have to make the time. He wouldn’t be hard to defeat. His mother was dead so he couldn’t bind anyone with the Zimmah ritual. I would just order his Thralls not to fight and our conflicting orders would freeze them in place. Then it would be child’s play for our bodyguards to take him.

Brandon wasn’t nearly as dangerous as Lilith was. It had been two months since Karen died and there was still no sign of Chantelle and Lana. Their images were on wanted posters, ran on the news, and no one had come forward with any reliable information on them. They were the only lead we had on tracking Lilith’s child down. Lilith was out there, somewhere, plotting against us. I brooded on that thought as we rode the elevator down to the parking garage.

Our guard tonight was made up by A Squad, a mix of the old bodyguards that survived the attack and volunteers. The first two classes had finished their Police training, adding fifteen new members to the guard. These were women who agreed to be our slaves, to serve and protect their Gods. Four other women had also joined the bodyguards, cops that quit their jobs and traveled across the Country to join up. As soon as we had enough, we would free the original bodyguards that we forced to protect us. We would let them choose to stay or be free, just like we had with the sluts. With Lilith and Brandon out there, we needed to keep them just a little longer.

I was getting worried about what our enemies were up to, so I’ve quietly made arrangements in case something goes wrong. I used Mary’s older sister, Shannon, and her fiancee, George. He traveled a lot on business and he had the perfect cover to make some purchases around the country.

Leah waited for us at the limo, looking sexy in her white corset and short, black skirt. The limo was new, having just arrived a week ago. It was armored, the doors heavy with Kevlar plates and six inches of bullet-resistant glass. The limo was a beast, practically a tank. Mary slid in first and then I followed. Jessica, our press secretary-slut, was last, sitting opposite us inside the limo as Mary snuggled up to me and I kissed her on the lips.

Mary slid her hand down and rubbed at my cock through my pants and grinned when she felt how hard I was. “Horny stallion,” she fondly said, then yawned. “Jessica, attend to my husband.”

“Absolutely, Mistress,” Jessica smiled.

Mary laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. She had a little less energy these days, because of the pregnancy, and it was getting late. I stroked her cheek and she smiled softly as Jessica knelt before me. Our slut was wearing a transparent blouse that showed her beautiful, caramel breasts and dark nipples through the sheer fabric. She knelt down before me as the limo started to move, unzipping my pants and sucking my cock into her lips.

“Thank you, Mare,” I whispered. “You’re the best wife.”

“I know,” she murmured, sleepily.


Monday, September 23nd, 9:17 AM – Main Gate, JBLM, WA
I moaned as Ashley settled her cunt down on my hard cock in the back of my limo. The blonde teen, the first of my concubines, threw back her head and moaned wantonly, “Oh, Brandon! Your cock feels so amazing!”

“Lucky girl,” pouted the auburn-haired Sherri as she lay entwined with her twin sister, Terri, on the opposite seat. The twin sisters’ freckled breasts were pressed together as Terri pulled her sister’s face back to hers.

I smiled, watching the sisters kiss, Sherri’s ass flexing as she ground her pussy into her twin’s. They were my second and third concubines. I found them in the parking lot of a Motel Six. Terri’s boyfriend had objected when he found me kissing his girl and took a swing at my face. He almost hit me before I froze his muscles with a command. I had Terri execute him for daring to strike at a God. He had blubbered so pathetically as his girlfriend took my gun, put it to his head, and killed him.

I had to keep the twins, they had green eyes, freckled faces, and pouty lips. With their auburn hair, they were almost like Mary. When I fucked them, I could almost pretend that they were Mark’s wife. I couldn’t wait to take her as mine before Mark. To make her love my cock more than his and watch the pain in his face as his wife cums on my cock and begs me for more. Mary would make a fine concubine once we flushed Mark’s child out of her belly.

I smiled, I couldn’t wait to have them in my power.

I would have my wife, Desiree, back, too, adding her to my growing harem. There were another four ladies back at the hotel, and Victoire, of course. She was driving the limo, her hazel eyes glancing enviously at Ashley in the rear view mirror. She was a French model I found at O’Hare Airport. She was on a layover and I made her mine in the airport lounge.

After making my Pact, I was—sidetracked. There were just so many beautiful women, I found, that were begging to be fucked. I kept the most pleasing women as my concubines, and disposed of the rest. Before I realized it, over a month had passed and I had not gotten one step closer to my revenge. But that was about to change.

There was a rap on the window. An MP guarding the Main Gate of Fort Lewis was standing there, peering into the tinted windows. I signaled Victoire to roll the windows down. Ashley kept riding my cock. She knew better than to stop. I hadn’t had to chastise her in weeks and all her bruises had faded.

“What the fuck!” the MP gasped.

“I am your God,” I commanded. “Escort me to the commanding officer of your Post.”

“Yes, sir!” the MP saluted.

I had to give more orders, of course. The sergeant in charge of the gate had to be brought in line, but in a few minutes, I had an MP escort to Lieutenant General Arthur Brooks, commanding officer of I Corps and Joint Base Lewis-McChord. A few years ago, neighboring McChord Air Force Base and Fort Lewis were combined into one installation. Somehow it saved money.

Ashley pumped her hips atop me as we drove through the base, moaning her pleasure. I stared out the window at the all the soldiers we were passing. The start of my army. On Saturday, I will have Mark crawling on his belly before me. Just five more days and the world will know who I am and tremble before my Majesty!

For I am their rightful God. The Great and Powerful Brandon! I closed my eyes, pictured Mark Glassner kneeling in defeat before me, the false God cast down by the True, and came in Ashley’s sweet cunt.


Wednesday, September 25th, 10:32 AM – City Hall, Seattle, WA
“Excuse me, Mr. Mayor,” Nate Kirkpatrick said, knocking on the heavy, oak door of the Mayor’s office

“Oh, come in, Nate,” the Mayor answered.

I followed Nate in. He was a big, burly man with brown hair that was quickly balding. He was the Manager of Human Resources at City hall. I say was, because my daughter killed him last night and then took on his appearance. I was really proud of my daughter, she was only a few days old and she already was accomplishing so much for Lilith. She was a Mazikeen, a creature that could assume any form she pleased.

“This is your new assistant,” Nate said, motioning to me. “Fiona Cavanagh.”

“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Mayor,” I lied.

The Mayor, a fairly fit man for someone in his early sixties, reached out and shook my hand. He was tall, his hair obviously dyed black to hide the gray, and he had a firm handshake. His desk was neat; a computer, a pen cup, and a photo of the Mayor and his husband at their civil wedding were the only items resting on the dark wood.

“You can call me Craig or Mayor Erikson,” he said with a smile, shaking my hand.

“I’m sorry to hear about the passing of your previous assistant,” I said. His name was Shaun, and Thamina’s daughter by Lilith, Tir, had infected him with a very nasty, and very lethal, disease.

Grief clouded the Mayor’s face. “Yeah, he was a special young man.”

“Well, I’ll go get set up at my desk,” I said.

“Oh, of course,” Mayor Erikson said.

Once his door was closed, I whispered to my daughter, “You did good, Ziki.”

A loving look appeared on the face my daughter wore, recognizable to me through the fat man’s face she wore. I reached out and stroked her stubbled cheek fondly. “Well, Mother, I have other hires to make,” Ziki told me.

I nodded, and sat down at the desk. Slowly, Seattle would be Lilith’s, I thought happily. A few minutes later, Lamia walked in. She was Chantelle’s daughter by Lilith, and I dialed the Mayor’s phone. “Your 10:45 is here, sir.”

“I don’t see an appointment on my schedule?” the Mayor objected.

“Maybe Shaun didn’t get a chance to update your schedule, sir.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” he sighed, his voice thick with grief. He cleared his throat. “Okay, send him in.”

“Her, sir. A Miss Lamia. She has something very important to show you.”

Lamia smiled naughtily at me, her purple hair framing her face beautifully. She walked to the door, and I couldn’t help watching her tight ass sway beneath the short skirt of her dress. Lamia could make any one man at a time to be her love-slave, even a gay man like the Mayor. She would just need a few hours to imprint him. I just had to keep visitors away until then.

I heard a low moan and Lamia’s throaty laugh through the door and smiled. I picked up the phone and dialed my wife. “Mina, my first day is going perfectly,” I told her.


I watched from the Shadows as Melvyn Howland read Professor Scrivener’s final message when it appeared on the University of Wisconsin’s assignment website. The news of the Professor’s death had already spread through the campus. He had been found shot dead this morning. Melvyn read the note with a sick fascination. It was all about who was responsible for his death and his interesting translation of the Magicks of the Witch of Endor.

Melvyn, or Mel to his friends, wasn’t the first to read the final message. But he was the first to post the Professor’s translation to an occult forum, the UnearthedArcana.com, and linked his post to Reddit. I marveled at the technology of this age. In the past, such a book would take weeks of painstakingly hard work to copy it perfectly. But now, this young man just shared it to the entire world in a matter of seconds.

For weeks, nothing happened. People read it, discussed its contents, dismissed it as fiction or a hoax. It was Simon Arterbury, posting under the name atterboy-simon, who had the theory that Mark Glassner must have made a Pact with Lucifer. “All his powers can be explained by this book,” he typed.

Other users shouted him down, all full believers in their false God, Mark, and not willing to believe that such a perfect being would soil himself by consorting with demons. That comment brought a smile to my lips. These humans were such blind fools, I observed with amused contempt.

Simon, desiring to prove them wrong, went to a grocery store and bought a T-bone steak and waited for dawn on the balcony of his small apartment, his tiny grill burning. He was twenty-seven years old, obsessed with watching high school girls. From his balcony, he had a clear view of the local High School’s field and he loved photographing the cheerleaders as they practiced.

“The Shining One, Son of the Morning,” Simon called out. I could smell his sweet offering and his words pulled me to the Mortal World. “I give this pleasing offering of flesh and ask that you appear before me. The Shining One, Son of the Morning, appear before your humble servant so that he may beg three favors from you!”

I wasn’t able to have the dramatic entrance I preferred. There was just no room on the balcony for that. I had to settle for his startled jump as I materialized next to him. I was dressed in my usual, dapper suit, dark as smoke, and put a friendly smile on my face, to put the insect at ease.

“Holy shit!” Simon exclaimed. “That worked.”

We quickly got down to business. His wishes were so pedestrian. “I want the entire Varsity Cheerleading Squad of Townsend High School to appear before me as my willing sex slaves. I want the stamina to be able to fuck them all without rest. And, I want a billion dollars.”

I left the man to fuck his teenage cheerleaders in his cramped apartment. Much later, Simon dragged himself away from his harem to post on the forum: “I did it haters, fuk you and fuk your god! Lucifer gave me entire cheerleading squad!! *-)” He uploaded a photo of himself surrounded by the smiling, naked cheerleaders holding pompoms. The idiot was arrested two days later for kidnapping and the rape of minors. Well, he had that billion to spend on his defense.

Others summoned me after that.

Scotty Adams wished for the ability to turn himself invisible, that women would enjoy it when he molested them while invisible, and not to suffer the effects of exposure while invisible. I don’t think the man ever plans on being visible again, and soon the Ghost of Paris, Texas became infamous.

Augustin Kudrna wished for every married woman to desire him and let him fuck them, for their husbands to not object as he fucked their wives, and for every woman he fucks to conceive a child, if possible.

Yoshida Emi, a teenage girl in Japan, constantly bullied, wished for the ability to kill anyone if she writes their name down in a notebook. She got this idea from something called ‘Death Note’. That’s all she wanted. I didn’t have a problem getting a bargain like that. I had to make one addendum to her power. Mark and Mary Glassner had to be immune. “I made a pact with them,” I explained to the girl. I needed them, I couldn’t very well let some stupid girl ruin all my plans. A rash of unexplained deaths plagued Yamamura High School.

Marcus Arthursson wished for people to obey his commands, to reshape any woman he wanted to, usually into his ideal woman, and to have a big cock. The city of St. Paul, Minnesota, was flooded with big-breasted women who appeared in their twenties with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tan skin. Aging women from around the world traveled to St. Paul to regain their youths at the hands of the ‘Doctor’ Arthursson. Getting fucked by him was a small price to pay for youth restored.

Marissa Beckett, separated from her husband, Steven, wished for his cock to never get hard again, for the whore he was fucking to have the worst case of gonorrhea, and for her final wish, Marissa wanted to get back the body she had at twenty-one and stay that way forever. She was excited to try out her restored youth and get laid.

Lenox MacCrumb of Scotland wished to be superman. Well, I made him use three wishes to get some of Superman’s powers. He went with Invulnerability, Heat Vision, and Flight and then set about fighting crime in Glasgow complete with blue tights and a red cape.

Never had I been so busy.

To be continued…

Click here for Chapter 35.

The Devil’s Pact Chapter Thirty-Two: Decisions



The Devil’s Pact

Chapter 32: Decisions

by mypenname3000

edited by Master Ken

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Male/Females, Male/Female/Teen female, Female/Teen female, Female/Female, Hermaphrodite,Female, Mind Control, Magic, Female Masturbation, Oral, Toy, Incest, Orgy

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 31.

Desiree de la Fuente

I caught Alison’s eyes across the dining room, across all the shouting women.

They had just left. Mark and Mary. With a few words, I was suddenly horrified to discover I didn’t choose to be their…slut. My entire world was crumbling as I realized for the last three weeks of my life I had been a different person, a plaything for Mark and Mary. Someone to satiate their lusts and cook them food. I had always thought of myself as a strong, independent woman, not easily cowed or swayed. And yet, Mark says one word and I begged to be his whore. I shivered in disgust.

“We should call the cops,” Fiona was shouting.

“What good would that do?” Lillian demanded. “Master controls the police. Just be a good girl and calm down. You’re one of their chosen women, I don’t see what you’re all worked up about?”

Fiona flushed. “Some of us aren’t sluts who enjoy being degraded!”

Lillian’s pale face flushed with color and she screeched as she leapt at the strawberry-blonde Fiona. Noel grabbed Lillian and threw her back, standing between the two women. Fiona gave a snarl and fled the room. Alison caught my eyes and pointed upstairs. I nodded and we slipped out as Noel and Lillian started shouting at each other.

I sighed in relief as I closed the door to our bedroom. It hit me then. This was my house, and I was forced to stay in the guest bedroom. Mark and Mary stole my bedroom when they stole the house from Brandon and myself. Tears started welling up in my eyes as the full enormity of what had happened crashed into me.

“Shh,” Alison whispered, hugging me.

My heart quickened in my breast. Alison had this nympho act. Well, maybe it wasn’t an act, but underneath she was a sweet, loving girl. I felt relief sweep through me as I held her. I loved Alison, not because Mark or Mary made me, but because I really loved her. I wrapped my arms around her, holding mi Sirenita, my little mermaid, to me. I found her full lips and kissed her, tasting the watermelon lip gloss she wore.

When I broke the kiss, Alison’s brown eyes shined with love. I stroked her face, ran my hands through her bubblegum-pink hair. It was a shame she dyed it. Alison showed me a picture of her a year ago and she had the most beautiful, honey-brown hair. Alison’s left hand grabbed mine, the diamond engagement ring sparkling on her finger. When I saw the ring I just knew it was perfect, two mermaids were engraved on the band, their arms were the mount for the diamond. Alison brought my hand down to her bodice. We were both wearing the disgusting maid outfits that Mark liked us to wear. Outfits with transparent bodices that exposed our breasts and skirts so short that when we bent over our butts and vaginas were exposed. It was just obscene.

Alison took my hand and shoved it down her bodice. I could feel her full breast and the silver barbell that pierced her nipple. “Do you still love me?” Alison asked as I fondled her breast.

“Yes, mi Sirenita,” I purred.

Somehow, this beautiful creature had captured my heart. Maybe it was the fact we were thrown together and forced to share a bed, maybe I was always attracted to women, deep down inside me. Maybe she was my soulmate. I didn’t know. All I knew is that I’ve never felt anything for another person like I do for her. Well, that wasn’t true. I felt this way to Mark and Mary before they freed me from their spell. But, this was real. I gave her breast a nice squeeze.

“Good,” she whispered and pulled my face down to kiss me again as I played with her breast.

Alison deftly maneuvered me to the bed as we kissed and pushed me down to sit on the mattress; I was breathing heavily as she quickly shrugged off the maid’s outfit, revealing all her naked beauty. She was young, only seventeen, and had the perky curves of a teenager. Her skin was pale and beautiful and soft as silk. Her pussy was shaved and she had tattooed, “Cum on in,” with an arrow that pointed down to her pussy.

I grabbed her hips and pulled her to me, kissing her flat belly. I slipped off the bed so I was kneeling before her, my face inches from her tight pussy. Her clit was hard, peaking out of its hood, and I could smell her honey. Her thighs parted eagerly for my lips and I licked up her slit. I could feel her body tremble with pleasure as my tongue caressed her.

“Oh, fuck that’s nice,” Alison moaned. “Umm, I love it when you eat my pussy, Desiree.”

I spread open her clam, and licked around her pink, wrinkled labia, gathering a tongue-full of her sweet honey. I sucked her labia into my mouth, enjoying the feel of her intimate flesh on my lips before I kissed higher up to her clitoris. I swirled my tongue around her little pearl and Alison gave a sharp intake of pleasure.

“You keep that up and you’re gonna make me cum,” Alison purred.

“Promise?” I asked with a saucy smile.

Alison laughed and then moaned as I dived back into her delicious pussy. I decided to follow her tattoo’s instructions and shoved two fingers up inside her hungry clam. Alison’s fingers were digging into my hair as I slowly fucked them in and out. I went back to nibbling on her clit, ever so gently. Her hips were starting to rotate, grinding her sweet clam on my lips as her pleasure mounted inside her.

“Umm, yes! Oh yes!” she purred in delight. “Just keep playing with my button! Umm, yes, right there! Oh, fuck! Desiree! I’m cumming! Oh, my Latin beauty!”

My mouth was rewarded with some fresh juices as Alison creamed my lips. Her body shook on my lips as a nice orgasm spread through her. I kept eating her out, wanting to give mi Sirenita another cum. I pumped my fingers in and out of her faster, bent them just so, and found her G-spot. She bucked on my face as a second, stronger orgasm swept through her.

“Oh fuck! That was amazing, Desiree!”

I looked up at her, my face sticky with her juices as she smiled happily back down at me. I stood up and she kissed me, her tongue lapping up her juices. Her fingers were behind me, finding the outfit’s zipper and suddenly the disgusting maid outfit was falling off my lush curves. Alison smiled, staring lustily at my large, nut-brown breasts. She reached out, hefting one of my melons, squeezing it with her hand, then bent down and swirled her pierced tongue about my hard nipple. I moaned in delight, enjoying the feel of her metal stud against my nub.

“Let me get the strap-on,” Alison happily told me.

I stretched out on our bed and watched Alison’s ass as she bent down to root in our dresser. Her tight, wet slit was on display between her slim thighs, swollen and flushed from her orgasms. She found the strap-on, pulling the clear, plastic harness up her legs. A hot-pink dildo was attached to the front, and Alison expertly tightened the straps. We had a lot of experience using it on each other. Alison posed, stroking her fake cock. The only other thing she wore was a gold choker, her name written in diamonds.

A similar choker was about my neck, my name written in onyxes. It proclaimed me the slut of Mark and Mary. Sudden anger blossomed inside me and I reached behind my neck to take the vile slave collar off.

“What are you doing?” Alison gasped.

I frowned at her. “I’m taking this damned thing off.”

“You don’t want to be their slut anymore?” Alison asked. There were tears brimming in her eyes.

“You do?” I asked, stunned. Why would Alison want to stay with them?

Alison sat on the bed next to me, taking my dark hands in her pale grip, kissing my knuckles. “I wanted to be Mark’s slave,” she confessed. “I’ve always fantasized about being submissive to a powerful man. When I discovered Mark was fucking Lillian while she was cashiering at Hot Topic, I got so wet.” A smile appeared on her lips and her eyes became distant. “When Mark fucked me in the store, I came so hard. I was so happy when he asked me to be his sex slave, Desiree. Almost as happy as when you proposed to me.”

“What about us?” I asked her. “I thought you loved me?”

“I do,” she protested. “We can both be theirs, Desiree. Together.”

I was horrified. “I can’t, Alison. Please don’t ask me to do this!”

“How is this any different than Brandon?” Alison asked me. “You married him for his money, submitted to his lusts for a comfortable life. Master and Mistress will give us all we desire. All we have to do is satisfy their lusts.” A naughty smile appeared on her lips. “And don’t tell me you hated the sex.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but no words came out. She was right. I had enjoyed it. The best sex I ever had. She sensed my hesitation and pounced on me, kissing me with her hungry lips. Could I submit to them, be their slave? I married Brandon for his money, for the comforts he could give me. I let the disgusting man paw at my body. At least I enjoyed the sex with Mark and Mary.

My legs parted for Alison, I moaned into her sweet lips as the dildo prodded my clam. I reached down, grabbing the plastic cock and guided it inside me. Alison eagerly slammed it home inside me, pumping her ass vigorously. My hands reached out, grabbing her tight, teenage ass and pulling her into me. I could feel her hard nipples, and the harder nipple piercings, rubbing against my pillowy chest. Every time Alison buried the dildo in my cunt, the harness ground against my clit, building my pleasure.

“Let’s be slaves together,” Alison panted, her breath hot on my ear. I shivered as her tongue traced my earlobe. “We’ll be slut-wives! Pleasing each other when Master and Mistress do not need us. Oh, please be my slut-wife, Desiree! Please, please, please!”

My fingernails bit into Alison’s ass as my orgasm crashed through me. “Yes!” I howled. “Oh, yes! I’ll be your slut-wife!”

Alison’s happy smile was worth it. She had the same happy smile when I proposed to her. It took me a moment to realize the same smile was gracing my lips. I grabbed her pink tresses and pulled her lips down to mine and kissed my fiancee, my future slut-wife, as tears of happiness rolled down my cheeks.


April Lovel

I stayed quiet as the argument raged, sitting quietly at the table. Across from me, Violet sat just as quietly. Everyone was slipping away. Fiona in an angry huff, Lillian and Noel arguing, Thamina in a daze. I didn’t even notice when Alison and Desiree slipped out. Sam gathered up her translations and walked into Mary’s studio. Jessica calmly walked out, followed by a puzzled Willow.

I was just confused.

I vividly remember Mark bringing Felicity and I to his house. We were both virgins and it was such an exciting day. Mark taught me to suck his cock, then I was lying on the bed, next to Felicity, as Mark ate out my pussy, and Mary ate out Felicity’s pussy. I had such an amazing orgasm. And then Mark mounted me and took my virginity and I found myself falling in love with him. And I remembered how hurt I had been when they kicked me out of the bedroom. I gave Mark my virginity, my innocent heart, and he tossed me aside.

And I pined after him over the weekend.

And them Mary appeared at my school. And I became her slave. And then I got to be Mark’s slave and I was so happy. I got to be with the man whom I’d given my heart to, my innocence to. The last week had been so amazing. Even freed of his…what? Spell? I still didn’t regret Mark taking my virginity. But did I want to continue being his…slut?

I’d be giving up my dreams of going to Digipan and learning to program video games. Was Mark worth it? I would be happy. And Mark must love me if he gave me this freedom. Mary liked to talk about how much Mark loved her and that’s why he freed her. Well, Mark must love me too. I smiled, Mark loved me, and that thought sent happy butterflies flapping through my stomach.

I glanced up at Violet and saw tears running down her face.

I moved around the table, sat next to her and hugged the pretty, innocent teen. “It’ll be alright, Violet,” I told her.

“I…don’t…want…” she sobbed, “to…go…back…home…”

“Shh, you don’t have to go home,” I told her.

“But…but Master and Mistress…they don’t….want me…anymore.”

I hugged her. “Of course they do,” I told her, kissing her salty cheek. “They just love us so much, they are giving us the choice to stay with them.”

“Really?” Violet asked, rubbing her face. Her eyes were red and puffy from her crying, and it just made her look even cuter.


“I don’t have to go back to my mom?”

“No,” I said firmly.

And she relaxed, a tremulous smile on her lips. “Good.” She reached out and grabbed my hand. “Are you staying, April?” she asked me.

“Of course,” I told her. Master loved me. And Mistress, too.


Fiona Cavanagh

Shame burned through my body as I cried on the curb outside of the house. I was wearing the disgusting clothes Mark made me wear and the memory of all the times I was forced to…pleasure him and Mary curdled my stomach. I ripped the choker off my neck and heaved it off into the bushes and sobbed into my hands.

Someone sat down next to me. Through my tear-filled eyes I saw Thamina, dressed as modestly as she could, which was not that much, her colorful headscarf wrapped about her head. No choker encircled her throat. She wasn’t an idiot like Lillian who seemed to find it just fine that Mark essentially raped all of us.

“I know,” Thamina whispered comfortingly. “Come with me.”

“Where?” I asked. I had nowhere to go. No car, no phone, no money. I left everything behind when Mark took me. I left Hank behind. Another sob threatened to overwhelm me as I thought of my boyfriend. He must be sick with worry. I vaguely remembered Jessica saying he filed a missing-person report on me.

“My place,” Thamina said, holding her keys. Mark gave Thamina a SUV for winning the masturbation contest. Another shudder of disgust went through me. I had masturbated in public for Mark. A crowd of people watched us, made bets on us. Filmed us with their phones. I felt so dirty; I needed to scrub the filth off my skin.

Thamina’s white Ford Escape had somehow escaped the firefight untouched. The garage door was open and I could see Mark’s Mustang leaking antifreeze from a round that went through the front grill. Good. The bastard deserves that, and more, to happen to him. I climbed into the passenger seat and Thamina started up the SUV and we drove down the street.

Out front there was a media circus being managed by the Puyallup Police under Mark’s control. There was a young, teenage girl with black hair in a plaited braid and a smiling face. She wore a red sundress decorated with white flowers and was taking a picture of herself in front of the sign of the neighborhood.

We drove in silence to Thamina’s apartment near Canyon Road. Deer Creek Apartments was the name, one of those gated-communities. Thamina almost forgot her code when we pulled up to the security box and it took three tries before she punched it in right. “I don’t know where my remote for the gate is,” Thamina explained, clearly embarrassed about forgetting the code.

“It’s alright, Thamina,” I told her, patting her knee.

She pulled into her parking spot, and led me up to the third floor apartment. She unlocked the door and went in. “It’s been more than two weeks since I’ve been home.”

“Me, too,” I replied, bitterly. I saw her phone and asked if I could use it. Thamina gave me a nod as she disappeared into her bedroom.

“Hi,” a woman’s voice answered when I called the apartment I shared with Hank, my boyfriend.

“Oh, hello,” I said in surprise. Who was this woman in my apartment? Did I call the right number? “Is Hank there?”

“Who wants to know,” the woman asked coldly. There was a possessive tone to her voice that caused my stomach to sink.

Hank had already replaced me. I slammed the phone down and fell to the floor. We had been dating for two years and he replaces me in two weeks? My body rocked with sobs. God damn Mark fucking Glassner. Why me! Why did you have to choose me and ruin my life! I was happy. Things were going great with Hank!

“It will be alright,” Thamina murmured, hugging me.

She was dressed in a long, dark skirt and very conservative blouse. A blue and red headscarf was wrapped around her head, leaving only her round, dusky face with those sexy, dark eyes. I licked my lips, a heat flushing through my body. Her lips were red and moist and I felt drawn to them. I could feel her body stiffen as I kissed those lips, then she was pushing away from me.

“What are you doing, Fiona?” she asked.

What was I doing? “I don’t know,” I told her. “Christ, the last two weeks have screwed my head all up. I just couldn’t resist kissing you. I…I’m sorry. I’ll leave.”

I went to stand up and she caught my hand and pulled me back and kissed me and it was my turn to stiffen in surprise. “You are not the only one that has changed,” Thamina said, disgust painting her face. “I know it is wrong, a sin, for women to be together. But…”

“You just can’t control yourself?” I asked.

“Yes,” she sighed in resignation and pulled me in for a second kiss.

Her lips were soft and tender. I stroked her face and brushed her headscarf. I pulled it off, her black hair falling free and beautiful about her head. Our kiss became more passionate, my tongue pressing against her lips, and they parted to let me in. I felt her gentle hand stroking my shoulder, then slide down the slope of my breast. I felt the low-cut blouse I was wearing get pushed down and my hard nipple exposed. Her finger gently traced my areola, sending a tingling pleasure throughout my body.

“Oh, Thamina,” I sighed as she bent down and captured my nipple with her sucking lips. I cradled her head to my breast, running my fingers through her silky hair. “Oh, that’s nice.”

Thamina licked her way back up my chest and throat and we were kissing again. My fingers fumbled at the buttons to her blouse as we kissed. Finally, I pushed open her blouse and felt a bra about her breasts. I slid my hands around to her back and found the clasp. It was harder to unclasp another person’s bra then my own, I realized. I finally got the clasp unhooked and broke the kiss to look down at her dusky breasts and her dark nipples.

“Fiona,” Thamina murmured as I sucked her nipple into my mouth. “This is so wrong.”

“Then stop,” I told her. I was too horny to care about right and wrong.

“I can’t,” she sighed, and we were kissing again, her body pressing against mine. The straps of my blouse slipped off my shoulders, exposing both my breasts, and I could feel Thamina’s hard nipples kissing my own nipples.

I pushed Thamina back, lowering her to the floor and settling on top of her. Her hands pulled the thong I was wearing off and pushed up my skirt. I pulled up her long skirt until it bunched about her waist. She was wearing plain, boring panties and I pulled those off of her, exposing a V of black hair that pointed right at her waxed, wet cunt. I grimaced, my pussy was waxed bare because of Mark’s perversions, too.

“Oh, Fiona,” she sighed as I settled atop her, our clits rubbing against each other as I started to trib her. “Ohh, that feels so nice!”

I ground my clit into her, moaning wantonly. “Your clit feels so good on mine,” I purred to Thamina and her hands caught my strawberry-blonde hair and pulled me down to kiss her.

Our hips rolled and pumped as we tribbed each other. Thamina’s hands roamed my back, her fingers lightly tracing my muscles and spine, leaving little trails of fire across my skin. I rubbed our clits together with hard, slow thrusts of my hips, building the pleasure inside me. My ass flexed and her gentle hands were suddenly groping my plump cheeks, pulling me harder into her pussy.

“Fiona! Fiona!” Thamina gasped. “Oh, you are driving me crazy!”

Harder, faster, I ground our clits together. Thamina bucked beneath me as her orgasm exploded inside her. She gasped so sweetly, squeezing my ass almost painfully as her passion overcame her. I rubbed against her clit once, twice, and then I screamed out her name as my pussy convulsed and my orgasm surged through my body.

“Wow,” I whispered and settled my weight on Thamina to cuddle with her and enjoy the post-orgasmic bliss.

But, Thamina pushed me off her and pushed her skirt down. Buttoning up her blouse she whispered, “That was wrong, Fiona. We can’t do this again.”

“Then why did it feel so good?”

“It felt good with Mark and Mary,” Thamina answered. “That didn’t change how wrong it was, did it?”

No. It really didn’t.

But, it did happen again. I went to take a shower and, to my delighted shock, Thamina slipped in and we rubbed our pussies on each other’s thighs beneath the warm water. And then it happened while we shared her bed for the night. And once more when we woke up in the morning. After every time we made love, Thamina would say it was the last, that it was wrong, and every time she would be the one to kiss me first.

“Do you need a place to stay?” Thamina asked as we ate a simple breakfast of pancakes. It was the only food in the apartment that hadn’t gone bad.

“Yeah,” I answered, hopeful.

“Then, you can stay here.” Thamina took a deep breath. “But, do not expect us to do that again.”

“Of course not,” I said, nodding soberly. I grabbed my plate and went to her sink to start rinsing it when I felt her body press against mine from behind.

“We can’t do it anymore,” she whispered as her lips found the back of my neck. “Because it’s wrong.”

Her hand slid up my thigh underneath my skirt and I moaned softly when she found my bare pussy. I didn’t know what Thamina and I had. It certainly wasn’t love. But it was comforting. I gasped as she slipped a finger up inside me. Comforting and fun.


Jessica St. Pierre

I didn’t know what to think when Mark freed me from his…power? Spell? I didn’t really know what to call it. Who would think magic and all that crap was real? What I did know is that I needed a drink. I found my car still parked out on the street. My poor baby, a powder-blue Prius, had a passenger window shot out and a bullet hole in the trunk. Sighing, I climbed into the car, pushed the button to start it up, and drove away.

American Joes was the first bar I found. It looked like a dive, but I didn’t care. I needed a drink, desperately. I walked in; the few men in the pub were fixed on the TV. It was Debra reporting about what happened this afternoon. My heart began to hammer. I spent the firefight crouched behind a car, next to Debra, as her cameraman fearlessly filmed the firefight. “I was in Fallujah during the Surge,” he said dismissively when Debra suggested he take some cover.

I had never felt so alive as during those few minutes. It was almost intoxicating. Being around Mark and Mary was intoxicating, too. I sipped on my Coors lite. It was wrong what Mark did to me, that was painfully obvious. But, Mark was a powerful man. And he was only growing more and more powerful. And powerful men got what they wanted.

I could help him. I could be there, in the thick of it. Mark already relied on me to help the media. And so what if he fucked me. The sex was amazing. I could feel my pussy moistening in my silk panties just thinking about it. Mark was so powerful, and I could be one of his favorite women. I shuddered at the thought. I pulled my choker out of my pocket. Made of gold, with my name written in sapphires. I rubbed the engraving: “Mark and Mary’s slut forever.”

Forever. Forever the lover of the most powerful man in the world. There was no doubt in my mind just how powerful Mark was after today. He healed himself after he got shot five times, for Pete’s sake. Finishing off my beer, I clasped the choker about my throat.


Samnag “Sam” Soun

I sat the Magicks of the Witch of Endor and my dictionaries and reference books down on the desk in Mary’s studio, next to one of the computers. The last few days had definitely been strange. One minute I was working on my Ph.D. dissertation, the next I was being made the plaything of Mark and Mary, and then they asked me to translate this book.

The really wild part was all the spells and rituals in the book were real. Mark sold his soul for power and used that power to control me. I was torn, I did not want to be his plaything, but the magic was so intriguing. There were just such fascinating spells in it! There was a spell that could steal a nun’s powers and give it to a Warlock. Another spell let you summon the spirits of the dead to scry with. The book told you how to summon a variety of demons: Asherah, Marduk, Lilith, Hadath, Molech, Astarte, Chemosh, Baal-zebub, Dagon, Tammuz, Milcom, Ashtoreth, and, of course, Lucifer. The very being Mark and Mary apparently got their powers from. And there were magics in here even I could perform. Most required you to sell your soul, but anyone could conjure the dead or heal the sick and I found one spell that only a woman could cast.

I flushed, remembering what the spell did. It allowed a woman to conjure her own cock. Allowing a woman to ‘have the seed of life like a man, and plant that seed in a fertile vessel.’ What would it be like to have my own cock? It was such a disgusting idea, and yet an itch was forming in my pussy, my juices puddling on the leather seat of the chair.

I slid my hands down my naked flesh, down to my waxed pussy. On Monday, Mary sent me to this salon to get my thick, black bush waxed. It was weird, feeling bare down there, and strange to play with my pussy and not feel my wiry hair tickling my fingers as they slowly got matted-down with my juices. I teased my slit, running my hand up and down my labia. My breath caught as I pictured a cock thrusting out from me as I pinched my clit.

I imagined bending caramel-skinned Jessica over the couch. She would moan as I slid my cock inside her warm pussy. I slipped my fingers up inside me, imagining that’s what Jessica’s pussy would feel like around my cock, all warm and slippery. Jessica would gasp and pant, and moan so beautifully as I fucked her. Her caramel breasts would shake from my thrusts, waving her dark nipples about. I would spank her ass as I fucked her, and pull on her honey-brown hair.

I dug my fingers faster and faster into my cunt, pinching my clit with my other hand. I leaned back in the computer chair. Jessica would cum on my cock, her pussy clenching, and she would gasp my name. I shuddered on the chair, my pussy clenching about my fingers as a nice cum washed through me.

Breathing heavily, I sucked my fingers clean of my tangy, spicy flavor. I grabbed my notes and found the passage for the Shophkah spell, reading the ritual again. It was simple. I just needed a woman to lie with. I chewed on my fingernail as I debated performing the spell. This might be my last night of freedom. Just because Mark and Mary say they’ll free us, I don’t think they’ll free me. They need the knowledge in this book. They need me.

Where could I find a woman to fuck? There was a club I heard the other sluts talk about. One that Mary liked to go to. Some lesbian club called the something Diver. The Cake Diver? No, that couldn’t be it. I pulled out my smart phone and did a search and found a club in Tacoma called the Clam Diver.

I went down into the basement where the bed I shared with Xiu was. She was a nasty girl, I learned. Loved to be hurt. The more you hurt her, the wetter she got. I went to the dresser I shared with Xiu. Mary had me go shopping on Monday to get “appropriate clothing,” as she put it, after the waxing. I found a tight, blue dress covered in sequins. The skirt was very short, and while the bodice went up to my neck, an oval was cut out exposing the inner slopes of my breasts.

I called for a taxi and paid with my debit card. As the cab drove me to Tacoma, I thought about my future. I wouldn’t be Mark and Mary’s sex slave again, not if I could help it. But, maybe, they would let me be their…adviser. Their Vizier. I could inform them about the magic and maybe I would make my own deal with the devil. As long as I stayed subservient to them, there’s no reason that I couldn’t have some fun.

The music in the club was a booming dubstep. It was dark inside, various colored spotlights flashing about the club. There was a bar and circular tables on one side, and a large dance floor on the other. The club was filled with women of all shapes and races: lipstick lesbians, punk girls with spiked hair, butch women with short hair, goth girls in depressing blacks, and many more.

I had fun, dancing and grinding on a few girls. I hit it off with this one girl who had the most unusual hair. Half was dyed bubblegum pink, the other half cotton-candy blue. In fact, her name was Candy and whether that was her real name or an affectation, I didn’t know. She found my glasses cute, and we were soon making out on one of the couches that lined the wall of the club.

Candy was quite affectionate, and her mouth as sweet as candy. She was short, like me, and very curvy, unlike me. Her hand slipped under my short skirt and started playing with my shaved pussy as we kissed. Feeling bold, I pushed up her skirt and discovered she wasn’t wearing panties. I ran my finger through her smooth pussy. I gathered up a copious coating of her juices and sucked them into my mouth. “Umm, you taste as sweet as candy,” I joked.

She licked her lips. “Why do you think I’m called Candy?”

I laughed and kissed her again. She grabbed my hips and pulled me into her and our clits started rubbing together. The spell required me to ‘lie with a woman as if I were a man, and fully know her,’ and it sounded like a euphemism for tribadism. When I ‘fully know her,’ which I’m hoping means the both of us cumming, I was to utter the Hebrew word for cock, Shophkah. All the spells that I had seen were Hebrew words. I had only translated maybe a sixth of the book and skimmed the rest.

Our pussies ground together harder and faster, our orgasms building. “Oh yes!” Candy gasped. “Oh, god yes! I love this couch! I always get lucky on this couch!”

I rubbed harder and harder. “Oh yeah, who else have you done this with!”

“Oh, this beautiful, auburn-haired woman!” she gasped. “Two weeks ago. She was the most stunningly gorgeous woman in the world!”

She was talking about Mary, I realized. What a small world. Our clits were rubbing hard together as we pleasured each other. Candy was moaning wordlessly, her finger slipping into the cleft of my buttocks and teasing my asshole. When her finger slid into my ass, I slammed my clit into hers at the sudden intrusion. Candy bucked beneath me as she came.

“Fuck, fuck, that’s so good!” she shrieked, wiggling her finger deeper into my bowels.

I felt my orgasm shudder through me and I moaned one word, “Shophkah!”

Warmth bubbled up in my pussy and pleasure shook through my body as my clitoris became red hot. I moaned and felt pleasure as my clit engorged and lengthened, pushing into Candy’s pussy as it grew. I was suddenly surrounded by her warm, slippery flesh. It was better than I imagined it would be. My hips started pumping my cock inside her delightful cunt.

Candy’s eyes opened in shock. “What the fuck!” she gasped. “Is that a dildo?”

I didn’t answer her, I was too lost in the pleasure around my cock to care about anything other than pumping it in and out of her pussy. Candy’s hand wormed between our bodies, sliding down to feel where my cock penetrated her cunt. Her fingers wrapped around the shaft of my cock and followed it up to my groin. I could see her eyes widen in amazement as she realized what she felt. Her fingers slipped underneath and found my wet pussy.

“Holy shit! You have a cock, now!”

“Yeah,” I panted, fucking her harder and harder.



She let out a throaty moan. “I love magic!” Her hips started thrusting up to meet me and I kissed her sweet lips.

My cock felt so amazing in her slippery depths. I was completely enveloped in warm, soft flesh. Every movement of my cock built the pleasure mounting inside me. I fucked her faster and faster, feeling an overwhelming urge to cum as fast as possible. God, no wonder guys were so quick to finish. This urge was almost driving all thoughts from my mind. I just needed to cum.

I groaned loudly as this pressure shot out from my ovaries and out through my cock and I spilt my seed into Candy’s sweet cunt. “Oh my god, you can cum!” she gasped. “Holy shit!” More blasts flooded her pussy as she came a second time, her cunt contracting pleasantly about my cock. “Holy shit!” Candy panted one more time.

I concentrated, the spell said I could summon and dismiss the cock at will, and I felt my cock shrinking and withdrawing from her cunt until it was back to being my tiny little clit. Candy just gaped, rubbing her eyes as she saw my dick-less groin.

“Wow, oh, wow! Can you fuck me with that again?”


Lillian Franks

I didn’t get why the other girls were upset. Being Mark and Mary’s sluts was so rewarding. I was so jealous that day when I first met Mark and he took Alison as his sex slave and left me to work the rest of my shift at Hot Topic with a cunt full of his cum. I stalked out of the house, I didn’t see the point in hanging around with these ungrateful ladies. If they wanted to throw away the great honor of being Mark’s slut, fine with me. More Master and Mistress for me to fuck.

Feeling horny, I decided not to waste the opportunity of having the night to myself and grabbed my phone, looking up this hot piece of ass’s number. “Hey Zelda,” I said when she answered the phone.

Zelda was this cute, punk girl I fucked a few weeks ago. I met her at Hot Topic when Master came in the second time and made me his slut. I filmed our fucking so Master and Mistress could watch it later. She was a great lay and I wouldn’t mind making it with the girl again.

“You never called me back,” Zelda pouted. “I thought we had a great time.”

“We did,” I quickly told her. “In fact, I’m looking to have another good time.”

Zelda gave a wicked laugh. “I bet Spike would just love that.”

“Spike?” I asked. “Is he cute?”

Zelda purred. “You’ll just want to eat him up. Come on over.”

I pulled on a red corset and a very short, black skirt trimmed with black lace. Thigh-high, fishnet stockings covered my pale legs, held up by a black garter belt. I didn’t bother with the panties. I pulled my black hair, streaked with blue and purple highlights, into two pigtails. I looked hot. My gold choker glinted prettily around my neck so everyone could see who I belonged to. I happily headed outside to my blue Fusion Hybrid. I frowned, the passenger door had three bullet holes in it and the passenger seat was leaking stuffing.

Oh well, Master had the money to fix it. I hopped in, and started up my car. I had won a masturbation contest to get this car. That had been exciting, pleasuring myself while a bunch of strangers watched. It was so nasty. That’s why I loved being their slave, I got to do all these nasty, fun things. I gunned the car, and roared out of the street, past all the media, and took off to Zelda’s apartment.

She didn’t live too far away, Chestnut Hill apartments off Meridian, halfway down South Hill into the Puyallup Valley and downtown Puyallup. I parked my car in front of the M building and climbed up the stairs to the third floor and knocked on the door. Zelda opened it, wearing only a skimpy, black thong. Her small breasts had gold rings pierced through her nipples and tattooed on her right breast was a green serpent coiled about her tit. That was new, she didn’t have that two weeks ago. The serpent’s tongue flicked out pink towards her areola to lick at her nipple. A sultry grin appeared on her almost-cute face. She would be cute, except her hair was spiked up into a black mohawk streaked with red, the sides shaved off.

“Slut,” Zelda smiled and grabbed my pigtail and pulled me in for a kiss. My hands found her breasts, pulling on her nipple rings as her tongue stabbed into my lips and roughly wrestled with my tongue. She broke the kiss and pulled me into the apartment by my pigtail.

Sitting on her couch was a cute guy wearing only a pair of ripped jeans. His chest was muscular and hairless. His face had a chiseled chin and deep, blue eyes. Just like Master’s eyes. His hair was shaved and black spikes were pierced through his eyebrows, a black bull’s ring pierced his nose, and both of his ear lobes were distorted by wide, black ear expanders.

“This that girl?” Spike grunted, taking a pull from a brown-bottled beer. A grin split his lips. “You’re one hot chick. Zelda says you like to party.”

“I love to party,” I purred.

“What’s this about your throat?” Zelda asked, fingering my choker. “Mark and Mary’s slut forever,” she read and frowned. “Wait, not that Mark?”

I grinned at her.

“Holy shit,” Spike gasped. “That was wild what happened today. Did he really die and come back to life?”

I blinked. “Well, he was shot in the chest a bunch and…” my voice broke. The image of Master lying bleeding on the lawn would haunt me for the rest of my life. Get yourself together, slut, he’s alive. “We thought he was going to die and then he was all better.”

“Fuck,” Zelda muttered. “Is he, like, a God or something?”

A God? He could do some amazing things. Both of them could. “Maybe he is,” I answered. “And I’m one of his favorites.”

Spike pulled me to him and I sat down on the couch next to him. He boldly pulled up my skirt exposing my shaved cunt, his fingers ran down my slit then shoved roughly inside me. I gasped in the mix of pleasure and discomfort. “So a God’s cock has been up here?”

His thick fingers were pushing in and out of my cunt. “Yes,” I hissed. Zelda sank down on the other side of me, her fingers unlacing the black ties of my corset. The corset loosened enough for Zelda to fish out my left breast and I moaned as her lips kissed my nipple, then she softly bit it with her teeth. I jumped when Spike’s thumb started rubbing hard on my clit. “Oh, fuck!” I moaned.

Spike unzipped his jeans and pulled out a hard, thick cock. A silver ring pierced the cock’s head, below the urethra. A Prince Albert piercing, I thought with a wicked smile. “You feel wet enough, babe,” Spike moaned, climbing atop me.

I spread my legs eagerly for him. “Fuck the slut,” Zelda urged.

His cock nudged at my pussy. I groaned as he slid into me, the ring rubbing deliciously down the length of my pussy as he filled me up. He drew back and slammed into me again. God, his cock felt so good inside me. I always loved fucking a guy with a pierced cock. Zelda kissed me as my pussy was getting pounded by Spike.

“Fuck, fuck you’re tight, babe!” Spike moaned, his balls slapping against my taint with every thrust. “Fuck, fuck! I can see why a God would fuck you! This is some grade A cunt I’m getting!”

My orgasm was building quickly as the metal ring rubbed against my pussy’s walls. I gasped into Zelda’s greedy mouth as her hand slid down and found my little clit and started rubbing it. I writhed beneath Spike as my cum exploded through my cunt, squeezing down on his big cock. He kept right on fucking me, pounding me harder and harder. My insides were on fire and Zelda kept playing with my clit.

I broke the kiss, gasping, “Oh fuck, I’m cumming again! Ohh, keep fucking me! Yes, Yes!” Zelda’s finger was making my clit feel amazing as she stroked it. “Fuck, keep playing with my clit, slut! Ummm, yes!”

“I’m gonna cum in your pussy,” Spike grunted. “I bet you’re the type of slut that loves it when a guy busts his nut inside her!”

“Oh yes,” I panted. “Flood my naughty little cunt with your cum! I’m goin’ to make Zelda lick it all out!”

Zelda pinched my nipple. “You think so, slut?”

“Yes!” I screamed as a third orgasm crashed through me. Spike groaned as my pussy hungrily milked his cum from his balls. I loved the feeling of hot cum splashing inside me. Spike pulled out and buried himself one last time inside me, before his cock withdrew, leaving me empty. I could feel his cum run out wetly.

“Clean her pussy out, Zelda!” Spike barked. Then a grin broke out on his face. “She’s got to be clean for her God.”

I moaned as Zelda’s head bent down and lapped at my messy cunt. Spike was right, Master wouldn’t be pleased if my cunt was full of some other man’s cum, tomorrow. I came a fourth time as Zelda’s skilled tongue found all of Spike’s cum inside me. And then, I got to return the favor to Zelda, licking out Spike’s cum from her tasty snatch.


Korina Stavros

I slipped silently out of the kitchen as Fiona and Lillian fought, wandering upstairs. I entered Master and Mistress’s bedroom, crawling onto their bed. I rubbed my cheek against their sheets and hugged their pillow. I could smell their scent and felt loved.

I was carrying Master’s baby, I thought happily.

My arm ached from where I got shot, and I shifted to get more comfortable. Maybe it was wrong what they did to me, but I enjoyed every minute of it. Even drinking another woman’s pee. Fiona didn’t seem to be as happy about being their slut. That was a shame, I had come to love drinking her pee. I was pregnant and that changed everything for me. Maybe I would be more angry if it wasn’t for the baby. Or maybe not. Master told me he loved me, and so did Mistress. My child would be loved and cared for, and that is what’s most important.

So there was no question in my mind what I would do. I fingered the gold choker, tight about my throat, tracing the opal stones set in a plate on the front. Korina, the opals spelled, and below that I traced the words engraved, “Mark and Mary’s slut forever.” I was their slut, forever. It was engraved on my choker.


Dr. Willow WolfTail

I drove.

When I need to think, I like to get in my red Prius and drive. It didn’t matter where I drove, just that I kept moving. I had been Dr. Willow WolfTail, OB/GYN and wife of Yancy Coleman. But, what was I, now? Mark and Mary’s sex slave. I frowned, no I would not be that. Yancy’s wife? I shook my head, no I signed those divorce papers last week.

I never should have married Yancy. We had just been together for so long, I just didn’t know how to get off the train. So, I said, “Yes,” when he proposed and I said, “I do,” when the minister asked the question. It made my family happy, it made Yancy happy. I told myself that it made me happy. But, it didn’t.

So, was I still a doctor?

That was the one thing Mark and Mary left me. They wanted me to run their free clinic. Mary told me all about her plans. The clinic’s real purpose was to find them young women to be whores for them. But, that seemed to be changing. Mary was starting to be more focused on actually helping these women. I pictured examining all those young, nubile girls and felt a flush of warmth through my body. My time as their sex slave has definitely warped my sexual appetites.

Maybe I couldn’t be their sex slave, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t run their clinic. For a price.


Agent Noel Heinrich

“I need a transfer,” I told ASAC Donavan when I entered his office.

“I thought you were happy with your, um, undercover assignment,” Donavan said. “You seemed so committed last week.”

I shivered as he leered at me. He had watched me fuck Mark Glassner in this very building. Well, that’s when I was Mark’s slave. Now, I wanted to get as far away from the creep as I could. Far away from all the people he’s enslaved, and my memories. Grief almost overwhelmed me, but I beat it down. I didn’t need that know.

“Just send me far away,” I begged. “Mark approved it.” A lie. Well, if Mark was honest about letting me go, I guess it really wasn’t.

“Well, if that’s what Mark wants,” Donavan said, and a hint of awe appeared in his voice. Jeez, was he one of those idiots buying that bull about Mark being a god? When I left the house, a group of those idiots were gathering outside with signs proclaiming Mark and Mary to be their Gods. Blind fucking idiots.

“It is,” I told him, rubbing at my neck. It felt good to have that damned choker off. I threw it into the Puyallup River on my way here. Let the fish be his damned sex slave. I was through being a man’s plaything.


“This is like a dream, Tiffany,” my husband said to me as we cuddled in bed.

We were both naked, my pussy aching pleasantly from our lovemaking. I stroked his chest, idly, my body pressed up against his side. It was a dream. I never thought I would be with my husband again. To hold him, and kiss him, and to feel him inside me. I wasn’t a nun anymore, I realized, I would have to get on birth control or we’d have another child.

“I love you, Sean,” I told him, squeezing him tightly. He smiled and we kissed. “I need to tell you something.” I bit my lip as he nodded. “I…I was with other people, while we were separated.”

“It’s okay,” Sean answered. “That’s all in the past.”

“Is it okay?” I asked. “I had many lovers. I was your wife and…”

“Technically, we were divorced,” he pointed out. “We still are divorced, I guess. Besides, I had women, too.”

I frowned. “Mary said you never dated.”

“No, but there were, um, women, from time to time,” he admitted.

“Who?” I asked, curious. “Why would you keep it from the girls?” A guilty flush appeared on his face and my eyes widened in realization. “Your high school students?”

“Yeah,” he sheepishly answered. “They were all willing. You know, the cool teacher thing turns some girls on. But, it was only after you left, Tif.”

“Well, I guess what was in the past is in the past,” I told Sean. “We have our new future to build. And, well, I think I’d like another child. So, I could see,” tears were filling my eyes, “…so I could see one of my children grow up.”

Sean gently brushed a tear away. “I’m old enough to be a grandpa, now. Are you sure?”

I laughed. “I know, you got old. I can’t believe there’s gray in your hair.”

“And you got younger. So not fair, Tif.”

“Oh, would you rather I got old and fat like you?” I teased.

His lips found mine. “No, you’re as beautiful as the day I met you.”

I could feel his cock hardening against my thigh. “Again?” I asked in surprise.

“They say a young, beautiful woman is the best Viagra,” Sean quipped as he pulled me atop him. “Besides, someone wants a child.”

I smiled happily as I felt his cock prodding at the entrance to my pussy and I slid down Sean’s body, forcing his wonderfully hard dick inside me. I moaned in delight as Sean filled me up. I rose up, thrusting my perky breasts forward. I slowly started riding Sean, rolling my hips as I slid up and down his shaft. Sean’s hands slid up my flat stomach to cup my breasts.

“You’re so beautiful, Tif!” he moaned. “Would you marry me, again?”

“Oh yes!” I gasped, happily. “As soon as possible.” I felt tears of joy run down my cheeks as I rode my husband. I forced down the guilt at betraying my order. It was all for Sean, all for my family. They were all I needed.

And what about the greater good, my guilt whispered up at me.

But that voice was quickly drowned out by the pleasure growing deep in my womb as Sean’s cock rubbed deliciously against my pussy walls as I rode him. The pleasure of his fingers playing gently with my breasts, the pleasure of my clit grinding into his groin on every down-stroke. And the pleasure of my orgasm as it crashed through my body and the feel of Sean’s cum shooting inside me. His eager sperm might be swimming up to a waiting egg and we would make a new life, again.


“Mark…” the ethereal voice whispered, “Awaken…”

I was standing in a field of wildflowers awaiting my Mary when the voice drifted across the field and I realized I was dreaming. The voice seemed to be coming from the small bridal tent where, in my dream, anyways, my Mary would be waiting to step out and walk down the aisle. I walked towards the white tent and through the open flap.

“Mark…” the beautiful woman whispered, her voice chiming like bells.

She was beautiful and young, maybe in her early twenties. Her skin was burnished bronze and her eyes were scarlet. Around her face and shoulders fell scarlet hair. She wore a simple, white tunic, her large breasts straining against the plain fabric. At her waist, a golden sword set with rubies. A soft smile graced her lips as she eyed me.

“Who are you?” I asked, suspiciously.

“I am Azrael,” the woman answered. Her tunic melted away and she stood naked before me. Her breasts were large and perfectly shaped, her nipples hard and large. Scarlet hair hid her pussy as she walked towards me. She touched me and I shuddered in pleasure. It was like being touched by Lilith.

Somehow, I was on my back and she was straddling me, my cock sliding into her pussy. The feeling was so intense, an ecstasy of pleasure surged through me as my cock was fully enveloped by her warm, wet depths. I groaned, my cum shooting into her. She smiled in delight, shuddering atop me as she started riding my cock.

“It has been so long since I have given a man the Ecstasy,” Azrael moaned in her melodic voice.

Ecstasy, that’s what Karen called it when Gabriel would come upon her and give her a mission. So, Azrael was an angel, then. Now that I had Tiffany’s Gift, I guess the other side had a use for me. Well, fuck that. They had caused me far too much pain and suffering for me to even think about playing ball for them.

“What do you want, angel,” I spat, trying to fight the pleasure.

Azrael laughed. “I am an angel. The Angel of Death, to be specific.”

“You’re a woman, though?” I frowned. “I always thought the Angel of Death was some guy in a black robe.”

“Why would Death be a man?” she asked. “Life comes into this world from a woman, it is only fitting that life should leave this world the same way.”

The pleasure in my cock was growing too much and I groaned as I came inside her again. She just kept right on riding me, her perfect breasts bouncing above me. I wanted to reach out and cup those breasts, feel her hard nipples. Instead, I grabbed the canvas floor of the tent between my fists.

“What do you want?” I demanded.

“It is my job to teach and guide Shamans,” Azrael answered.


“A Warlock who has been given the Gift of the Priesthood. You are no longer a Warlock, but you are not quite a Priest. A monk, as they are called these days. You are a Shaman, with both the powers of Paradise and the Abyss.”

“This has happened before?” I asked in surprise.

“Oh, yes,” Azrael answered. “It is rare. There is a way for a Warlock to steal the Gift, of course. And Tiffany was hardly the first Priestess to give her Gift to a Warlock. In fact, the most famous Shaman of all would be King Solomon. When the Queen of Sheba was sent to exorcise him, the foolish woman fell in love with him and gave him her powers. Any questions?”

“Why would you want to help me?” I demanded. “I’m a Warlock. Your side has been attacking me since day one!”

“Perhaps I can temper your wickedness,” Azrael answered, with a smile. “And maybe some good can come from your actions.” She twisted her hips, squeezing her angelic cunt as she slid down my cock and another blast of cum flooded up inside her. “Ohh, I love it when a mortal floods me with his seed. Maybe you’ll quicken a life in my womb!”

“What?” I asked in shock.

She threw back her head, a rich, chiming laughter peeled from her lips. “I can bare no child, relax mortal.”

Could I have kids, now? Mary wanted to have kids but Karen told us a nun couldn’t get pregnant, it was one of the protections they were given. Mary would be crushed if I was sterile, now. “Can I still have kids, now?”

Azrael cocked her head. “Yes. The Priestesses were given that protection because of the nature of their Prayers. Priests, on the other hand, have very different powers. Anything else, or shall we get started on your education?”

“No,” I snapped, anger at her presumption, anger at her invasion of my dreams, boiling up inside me. “I don’t want anything to do with your side. My Chasity is dead because of your nuns!”

“Not my nuns,” Azrael pointed out. “Gabriel’s nuns.”

“I don’t care,” I shouted. My balls were boiling, wanting to cum in the furnace of her cunt again. “Your side can go fuck themselves.”

“Ooh, I’d rather fuck you,” Azrael panted. “Your cock feels so nice inside me.”

I grit my teeth as she rode me faster and faster, trying not to cum again. She arched her back, thrusting those magnificent breasts forward and her cunt began to convulse so pleasantly about my cock as she came. I lost the battle and came one more time in her tight pussy. Gasping for breath, I found myself moaning in disappointment as she rose off my cock.

“Well, if you ever change your mind, Mark, just say my name and we can resume your education.”

“I won’t,” I promised.

Her mocking laugh followed me as I rose to wakefulness.

I was sleeping on a hospital chair, my neck sore, my pants soaked with cum. Mary stirred next to me, shifting her position on her chair. “Master,” a soft voice whispered. I looked up to see Xiu staring at me. I stood up and took her hand and kissed it. She smiled softly, and her eyes closed and she slipped back into sleep.

I won’t use their powers, I promised myself. Desiree almost died the first time they attacked me. Korina was shot and this time Xiu was badly hurt, and plenty of my bodyguards. And Chasity was dead and five of my other bodyguards. Fuck them. Fuck their powers. I would hold onto this Gift, keep it from ever being used for their side again. Deprive them of one of the few tools that remained them.

Mary and I ate breakfast at the hospital. Xiu woke up a second time when we returned and Mary hugged her gently as we told her about the hysterectomy and Chasity’s death. Xiu would be given the choice about staying our sex slave, but only after she was stronger. We checked in on the other bodyguards. 30 died during the night. 04 and 47 were still unconscious. The other eighteen were conscious and eating breakfast. They had suffered a variety of gunshots, some more serious than others. Four were well enough to be discharged this morning, having only taken grazing wounds. They were all happy to see us and we gave them encouragements.

Noon was approaching, and it was time to find out who, if any, of our sex slaves would want to voluntarily stay with us. 51 drove us back to the house. Besides the media, there was a large crowd of people cheering and holding up signs as we drove through. A very large crowd, I realized. There were more than a hundred, covering the shoulder of Shaw Road and spilling into the road. “I worship you,” and “Mark Glassner is God,” and many other signs were on display.

“What the fuck is that about?” I asked Mary, but she looked as confused as I was.

“Sir,” 51 answered. “Your miraculous healing is all over the internet. Some people think you’re a God.”

“Stop the car,” I ordered and I stepped out of the car, prepared to set these people straight.

The crowd, mostly women, fell to their knees and bowed. Their faces shown with rapture and love. “My God!” they shouted. “Bless me!” and “I am yours!” and other shouts rose up. I recognized a few, women that I had fucked over the past few weeks. “Take me!” a woman shouted and bared her breasts at me and I felt my cock hardening.

Their love, their devotion, their worship was so intoxicating. I raised my hands up and they hushed in excited anticipation of what I would say. They were obeying me without me even giving them a command. This was power. I was power. I could do things that no normal person ever could. I was better than them. I could guide them, shape them. Make them better than what had been before. How could I refuse these people.

“What is your commandment, my Lord!” a man shouted.

“Love each other.”

I did not know why that phrase appeared on my lips, but it felt right. A groan went through the crowd and two teenage girls rose up. I smiled, recognizing the Cunningham twins. “It’s as we told you,” the twin with the shorter hair cried. “Mark taught our family to love each other unconditionally.”

Rose grabbed Daisy and the twin girls kissed passionately before the entire crowd. A groan went through the crowd and more people were kissing each other, following the twin girls’ examples. Men kissed women and women kissed women. Mothers kissed daughters and sons kissed mothers. Brothers kissed sisters and daughters kissed fathers.

Mary stepped out of the car and another wave of shouts rose from the crowd, “My Goddess!” and, “The most Beautiful of Women!” shouted from the crowd. I saw the uncertainty melt away from Mary’s face as the crowd chanted her name. A Black woman knelt before her, begging to pleasure her.

Clothing was coming off as the worshipers’ passions increased. Several with instruments begin playing a low, primal beat. Deep drums accompanied by steel-string guitars. Everywhere you looked, people were loving each other, worshiping us with their bodies. Some bowed before us, baring breasts and begging for our blessing.

A mother and her teenage daughter took turns sucking my cock, their tongues running up and down the sides. They both looked so much alike, the same tawny hair, the same delicate cheeks, but the mother had fuller lips and bigger tits, while the daughter had the smooth, fresh skin of youth and tits that seemed to defy gravity.

They kissed each other around the head of my cock, their tongues caressing each other’s as they explored the sensitive flesh of my cock. I gripped both their hairs and moaned as they started taking turns sucking my cock into their mouths. Mary was leaning back against 51’s cop car as the Black woman was devouring her pussy.

I watched her lips as she moaned, her voice drowned out by the worshipers. Her body convulsed as she orgasmed and the Black woman looked so happy when her face came away sticky. Immediately, another worshiper, a Black teenager, grabbed the woman and they kissed and the teen mounted her and started fucking her with his cock. Was it her son? Or was it a complete stranger fucking her?

The mother had her lips about my cock as her daughter sucked my balls into her sweet mouth. I groaned, my balls tightening, and I flooded the mother’s mouth with my cum. She pulled her head away and let my cum splash onto her large breasts and neck. A look of ecstasy painted her face as my spunk ran thickly down her heaving bosom. Her daughter released my balls and scooped up a glob of semen off her mother’s breast and sucked it reverently into her mouth. Other worshipers crowded around, gathering scoops of my cum to eat.

“This is wrong,” Mary whispered after we climbed back into 51’s car, leaving behind the orgy.

“Why?” I asked. “We didn’t make them do anything.”

Mary bit her lip. “They think we’re…”

“Gods?” I asked her, a smile on my lips. “Why not? We have these powers. Didn’t it feel amazing as they all chanted your name?”

A ghost of a smile played on her lips. “It was…”

“Intoxicating?” I finished.

“Yes,” Mary sighed. “We need to be careful, Mark.”

I reached out and stroked her freckled cheek. “Of course we will, Mare.”

I saw the evidence of the firefight all over the neighborhood as 51 pulled up in front of the house. There were boarded-up windows and cars riddled with bullet holes. Red stains dotted the asphalt. Mary clung to my arm as we walked up to the house. We may have been about to lose all our sex slaves, but I was still riding high on the euphoria of the worshipers. There were plenty of women out there, our worshipers, who would be thrilled to be our sluts.

They were all waiting in the dining room. Some wore their chokers and others did not. Well, it seemed that some of them would be staying. Alison and Desiree were holding each other, their chokers tight about their throats. Violet and April both wore their chokers, too, and behind them Lillian lounged fingering her choker. I was happy to see that Korina was wearing her choker, too. She was carrying my child.

“Sam, is there a way to break the bond?” I asked her, then blinked in surprise. There was a woman sitting on Sam’s lap, her hair dyed half-pink and half-blue. They were both dressed in party dresses, Sam in a blue sequined dress and the girl in a gauzy, pink dress.

“Yes.” A yawn spread across her round face. She rubbed her dark, almond eyes. “It’s quite simple. Just touch the person, concentrate on the chain binding the two of you and say Parats. That’s the Hebrew word for ‘to break.’ In fact all the spells are just Hebrew words. It’s quite fascinating.”

“So, I take it you want to be freed?” I asked her before she went off on one of her long-winded explanations.

“Well, you need me,” Sam said. “But, I don’t want to be one of your…sluts. I’ll advise you on magic. Let me be your Vizier. The only payment I want is Candy, here.”

I glanced at Candy. “You want to be hers?”

“She can do magic,” Candy giggled.

“Fine,” I told Sam. “You have to tell us whatever we need to know. You can never tell anyone else what you know. You can ignore any other commands. Candy, you belong to Sam, now. Do whatever she wants.”

Fiona stepped up in front of me, anger on her face, and slapped me. “Bastard,” she snarled. “Free me.”

I grabbed her. I could keep her, make her love me again. Make her pay for slapping me. I saw Mary staring at me, the slight, warning shake of her head. No. Mary was right, it was better that they wanted to be ours. I focused on the chains binding the two of us and said, “Parats.” We flinched, as if we were both tugging on a rope that snapped, and we stumbled back.

“I’m free,” she whispered, half in astonishment, half in joy. And then she was sweeping out of the room, her strawberry-blonde hair flowing behind her.

Noel was stoic silence when I released her, Thamina was icy calm, modestly clad in a long skirt and headscarf. Willow walked up and I grabbed her, going to release her, too, when she shook her head. “Like Sam, I think we can come to an understanding.”

“What?” Mary asked.

“I’ll run your charity,” Willow smiled. “Let me choose the staff and I’ll be more than happy to run the clinic. Just let me…play, with the girls.”

“Done,” I told her, with a smile. “Install some cameras, though.”

Willow laughed. “Sure.”

“And the rest of you want to be our sex slaves?”

“Yes!” Alison answered, excitedly. “Desiree, too.”

Desiree nodded. “Alison convinced me.”

Jessica walked towards us, her choker about her neck. “You’re the most powerful people in the world. I want to be a part of that.”

“I don’t want to go back to my mom,” Violet whispered. April gripped her hand and smiled at me and happily said, “I love you both.”

“You’re too much fun, Master,” Lillian said with a sultry laugh. “And Mistress is just to die for.”

Korina walked over and stood next to Jessica, her hand rubbing her belly. “I love you, Master. I’m having your baby. And I love you, too, Mistress.”

“Then you’re our sex slaves,” I ordered. “You’ll do whatever Mary or I tell you, no matter how depraved or filthy the command is.”

The seven sluts knelt before us, smiling up at us. “We are yours,” they said in unison, love shining in their eyes. “Forever.”

And, as the sluts enveloped Mary and me in a press of delightful female flesh, I thought I heard a chiming voice whisper, “Progress.”


“What can I do for you,” Professor Scrivener asked as I knocked at his door.

I was at the Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Magicks of the Witch of Endor clutched in my hands. After taking the book from the Altgrave, I did my research and Professor Scrivener was a leading expert in the translation of ancient Semitic writings. He was a man in his fifties, black hair going gray, with deep, green eyes peering at me from behind horned-rim glasses. His office was small, cluttered with books and papers and I squeezed past the door and stepped carefully to his desk.

“Brandon Fitzsimmons,” I said as he shook my hand. He had a strong grip, I was surprised to discover, crushing my hand as he smiled politely at me.

“What can I do for you, Brandon?” he asked impatiently.

I handed him the book. He took it, glancing at the cover and opened it up. “Hmm, Aramaic.”

“I’ll pay you $300,000 dollars to translate the book,” I told him. “$100,000 up front and the other $200,000 on completion.”

His eyes bugged out in surprise. “Is this a joke?”

I pulled out the cashiers check made out for $100,000 dollars. It was the bulk of my money. I was hoping greed would blind the man from asking too many questions and his hands shook as he looked at the check. But, if the book contained what I hoped it would, $100,000 would be a pittance. And once he finished translating the book, well, I could find a different way to reward him. “Show this to no-one. I need complete discretion on your part. And I need it as soon as possible. I will call once a week to check on your progress. And no questions, okay?”

He licked his lips, nervous, then glanced down at the check. I could see the questions whirling in his mind, the doubts and whispers of caution. But there was that glint of avarice in his eyes as he kept glancing at the check. He wiped his sweaty palm on the leg of his brown slacks. Sweat was beading on his forehead. He glanced up at me, staring at me intently, his green eyes peering into my brown eyes. His hand shook as he folded up the check and slipped it into his pocket.

“Okay. We have a deal, Brandon.”

To be continued…

Click here for Chapter 33.

The Devil’s Pact Chapter Thirty-One: The False Miracle



The Devil’s Pact

Chapter 31: The False Miracle

by mypenname3000

edited by Master Ken

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female Male/Females Female/Teen females, Mind Control, Magic, Female Masturbation, Incest, Oral, Anal, Toy

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 30.

“What did you do to me?” I asked Theodora in confusion.

The nun was still straddling me, my cock still inside her pussy. When she mounted me, when I submitted to her, I had expected her to exorcise me and steal my powers. Instead, she gave me something else, some golden power. The power had sunk into the very fiber of my being, the very essence of my soul. I could see her aura, no longer the gold of a nun but the silver of a regular person. What was going on here? Mary was bound and gagged and I could see the confusion in her green eyes.

Theodora’s aura flashed to black as I asked my question. “I gave you my Gift,” she answered, and then her aura was bleeding back to silver. From my talks with Karen I learned a lot about how Thralls worked. If I gave someone a simple command their aura would return to silver eventually. How long it stayed black would depended on how much the command went against the person’s nature. Theodora’s aura returned to silver so quickly, she would have answered my question willingly. A person only stayed a Thrall if my commands rewrote their personality. Like the commands I give cops to view everything I do as being legal. Or those SWAT officers that raided my house, I realized.

I glanced at the last SWAT officer who was frowning in confusion. Theodora’s control over him was gone along with her powers. He glanced at me, recognized me. “Sir, do you need some help.”

“Free me,” I demanded. “And Theodora, go free Mary and then sit on the couch.”

“All right,” Theodora said and got off me as her aura went black.

The SWAT officer uncuffed me and helped me to my feet. Theodora bent down and ripped off the duct tape over Mary’s mouth. Mary winced, then moistened her lips. “I can’t do anything about the zip ties,” Theodora said in a panic as she realized she couldn’t fulfill my command.

“Fine, just sit on the couch.” I motioned to the SWAT officer who walked over to Mary, pulled out a knife and cut the plastic zip ties retraining her. She was staring at me in astonishment, rubbing her wrists, and then she flew across the room, hugging me fiercely.

“You were shot,” she cried, tears running down her face. “You were dying! How?”

“Lilith,” I answered, holding Mary to me. I buried my face in her auburn hair, inhaling the flowery scent of her shampoo.

I looked over at Theodora and anger filled me. She attacked me, killed Chasity and five of my bodyguards. A white-hot rage gripped me as I stared at the woman as she sat calmly on the couch. I looked at the SWAT officer. “Kill her,” I ordered the man.

He drew his 9 mm. The very same handgun Theodora threatened my Mary with just minutes ago, I thought with satisfaction. Theodora glanced at the gun. Instead of fear, her face became calm and she closed her eyes.

“No!” Mary shouted, pushing away from me. “Put the gun away!”

The SWAT officer froze as he struggled with conflicting commands. Mary slid between the man and Theodora, arms out-stretched. What was going on here? Did Theodora do something to Mary when she captured her? Place some sort of spell on my fiancee? These damn nuns were cunning, that was for sure. Theodora was staring at Mary with blossoming hope.

“What’s going on, Mary?” I demanded. “She killed Chasity.” Theodora flinched and tears started falling from her eyes. Why did that make her cry?

“She’s my mother, Mark.”

Mary’s words crashed into me. I stared at Theodora. They did look alike, the same heart-shaped faces, same cheekbones. I remembered discovering the golden thread that touched Mary’s aura. The same golden thread that touched Shannon and Missy’s auras. I must know someone who is a nun. Mary’s words echoed back in my head from last week when I discovered the thread.

“How?” I asked. “I thought your mom ran off with some musician?”

“He was a Warlock,” Mary answered. “He…he did some bad stuff to my mom. Karen rescued her and Mom thought her relationship with dad was destroyed so she became a nun.”

“You said you gave me your gift, Theodora? So, what, I’m a nun?”

“Yes,” she answered. “Well, I guess you’d be a monk, actually.”

“Mark, you changed when she said that word,” Mary said. “Look in a mirror. You look eighteen.” Mary rubbed a hand along my bare chest. I didn’t bother to put on a shirt when I came looking for Mary. “And your chest. Umm, you’re all muscley,” Mary purred. “And your aura, its bronze, now. Not red. Or even gold.”

“Bronze?” I asked. “Is that because I am a monk, Theodora?”

Theodora frowned. “I don’t know. The last monk died years ago. I honestly do not know much about them. And, please, call me Tiffany. I gave up my powers, I am no longer Sister Theodora Mariam.”

I looked down at my chest and noticed defined pecs and a six pack of abs. I felt different, too. Stronger. More alive. I found a bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like myself, sort of. I looked a little younger, a little more boyish, and the fat in my face was all gone. The fat was gone from my entire body and I had muscles. Not the bulging muscles of a weightlifter, but the toned muscles of a man in peak physical shape. I did a few poses, marveling at my physique.

“Umm, you look so hot,” Mary cooed. I glanced back to see her licking her lips.

I walked over to her and scooped her up in my arms. She was almost as light as a feather. She laughed, hooking one arm around my neck and I kissed her sweet lips. I carried her back to the living room and went to set her down but her arm tightened around my neck in protest.

“Why did you do this, Tiffany?” I asked, trying not to get distracted by Mary’s ticklish finger running across my chest.

She bit her lip. Mary did that same thing when she was thinking. “I want my husband back,” she confessed. “And I wanted to test you. Mary said you were a good person, deep inside. When you submitted, I made my choice. Maybe with my Gift, it will help temper you and bring out the better person inside you.”

“And would you have really shot your daughter?” I growled.

She shook her head. “No. I couldn’t do that. I would have ordered Dennis,” she glanced at the SWAT officer, “to restrain you and exorcise you. I just had to know what my daughter saw in you. Deep inside you’re a good man, try and remember that.”

Anger was still choking at me. “And what am I supposed to do with you. Am I just supposed to forget what you did to Chasity?”

“She’s my mother, Mark,” Mary whispered.

“And you hated her, Mary!”

“I didn’t know the truth,” Mary answered, tears brimming around her eyes. She wiggled in my arms and I sat her down. Mary walked over to the couch and sat down next to her mother, and hugging her tightly, whispered, “I love you, mom. I never really stopped loving you. I think that’s why I was so angry with you. Why it hurt so much when you…disappeared” Mary looked up at me. “Let’s go home, Mark.”

Mary’s eyes pleaded with me. “Fine,” I answered, flatly.

Mary hugged me and kissed me, her hands roaming my body. “Thank you, Mark. For coming for me.”

“Always,” I whispered and stroked her face. “I love you.”

“I am sorry,” Tiffany whispered, clutching her hands guiltily. “I thought I was doing the right thing when we attacked you.” She gave a bitter laugh. “It was all for the greater good.”

I ignored her and scooped up Mary in my arms again. She giggled happily as we walked out of the house. “A girl could get used to this,” she laughed. Tiffany trailed after us and I had to set Mary down when we reached the cars. The bodyguards all happily hugged Mary, all of their professionalism vanishing into relief that their Mistress was safe. Mary and I slid into the back of 51’s car. Tiffany slid into the front seat. Anger burned in 51’s eyes as she looked at Tiffany. I couldn’t blame her. I wanted to rip the blonde woman’s head off. Mary may have forgiven her mother, but how could I ever forget that Chasity is dead.

Mary snuggled up against me on the drive back and I stroked her auburn hair. “What did you have to give Lilith?” she asked.

“Karen,” I answered. “Until her child is born.”

“Of course,” Mary nodded in understanding. “Karen would have died with you.” Mary hands were rubbing softly along my muscled chest. “I’ve always had a weakness for a muscular chest,” Mary purred. My cock stirred in my pants.

“What were we doing when we were interrupted?” I asked Mary with a smile.

“This,” she said and pulled my lips down to hers and her kiss so was fierce and sweet. I pulled her up into my lap, running my hand around her body through her dirty sundress. I felt her breasts, fingering her hard nipples and swirling them beneath the fabric. Mary’s kiss grew more passionate as I played with her breasts.

“I need you, Mare,” I whispered, my cock achingly hard in my pants.

Mary purred, “I can feel just how much you need me.”

Mary reached under us and deftly unzipped my jeans and fished my cock out. Her fingers were hot on my hard cock and she gently guided me to her wet pussy. I groaned loudly as she sank down onto me. I was back inside my filly and I hugged her tightly to me. Her lips were hungry as she kissed me and her hips were pumping wildly on my cock.

“Mary!” Tiffany gasped in the front seat. “What are you doing!”

“Fucking my fiancee. We were trying to have make-up sex when everything happened.” Mary didn’t stop riding me as she glanced over her shoulder at her mother. “Mom, you’ll need to get used to this. We’re a very affectionate family, now.”

Tiffany blushed as prettily as Mary ever did. “What does that mean?”

“I’ve slept with dad. And with Missy and Shannon,” Mary answered as she continued sliding her wet cunt up and down on my cock. “And with Mark’s mother and sister.”

Tiffany gaped at her. “Jesus Christ, Mary.”

“If you want to be with Dad, there’s a few ground rules we need to cover,” Mary told her.

Tiffany sighed. “Of course. You two are Warlocks. Just…just let me be with Sean.”

“That’s between you and dad,” Mary answered. “First, incest is not wrong. Second, it’s okay to have a sex slave. Third, you need to let me perform the Zimmah Ritual on you and, finally, you have to let Mark and I protect you. You can ignore anything else I tell you to do.”

I watched Tiffany’s aura transform from silver to black. Mary nudged me, her hips stopped pumping. I sighed. “Fine. Tiffany, you can ignore my commands if you want.”

Mary smiled and started pumping on my cock again, to my relief, and I moaned as her pussy pleasured me. The disgust on Tiffany’s face vanished and a smile formed on her lips. “You’ve grown up into a very beautiful woman.”

“I can see why you became a nun,” Mary laughed. “You look as young as me. Shannon’s not going to be happy.”

Mary’s pussy was gripping my cock nice and tight as she rode me and I pushed down the straps of her sundress to expose her perky, freckled tits and sucked a nipple into my mouth. I circled the hard nub with my tongue as my hands kneaded Mary’s plump ass.

“Oh, fuck, I love your cock inside me, Mark!” Mary groaned. “Umm, my randy stallion!”

She was bouncing faster and faster on me and I could feel my balls tighten, threatening to fill her with my cum. I released her nipple. “Gonna cum, Mare!”

“Ohh, are you going to fill your naughty filly’s cunt with your cum?” Mary moaned. Her hips were pumping wildly on my cock. “Cum in me! Cum! Cum!”

Her chants grew louder and louder, urging me to flood her pussy. She slammed down hard on me, her cunt rippling on my cock as she came, milking my cum out of my balls. I felt it squirt into her, four powerful blasts that left me breathing hard. Mary rested atop me, her cunt gently squeezing my softening cock as she kissed me and hugged me tightly.

“Don’t ever scare me like that again,” Mary said, and there were tears shining in her eyes. “I don’t ever want to see you hurt and dying. You hear me, Mark Glassner?”

“I won’t, Mare,” I lied to her. I couldn’t control the future, and Mary knew that. So I lied and she pretended to believe me. I brushed the tear from her eye and kissed her softly on the lips.

Mary snuggled up to me. “Good.”

“I am starting to see what you like about him, Mary,” Tiffany smiled. “So, how are Shannon and Melissa?”

“We call her Missy,” Mary smiled. “And she’s grown into a beautiful and very annoying teenager. She has a boyfriend named Damien and they are so cute together.”

Tiffany blinked back tears. “When I last saw her, she was just learning to walk and called me ‘baba’. She couldn’t say mama, yet.” Tiffany sniffed. “And what about Shannon.”

“She’s engaged,” Mary answered. “George is alright.”

Tiffany swallowed. “And your Dad?”

“He’s good. He still has that ridiculous ponytail.” Mary paused. “We gave him a sex slave. You’ll like her. Although Dad likes her to dress up like a naughty schoolgirl. I think all those years of teaching High School girls may have corrupted him.”

“A sex slave? I guess I’ll have to get used to that.”

“Oh, she’ll be yours as well if you and Dad get back together,” Mary giggled, then her giggle turned into a frown. “Mark, I think we need to talk later.”

I opened my mouth to ask why, when my phone rang. I fished my phone out of my pocket. The caller ID said it was the house. “Hello.”

“Mi Rey,” purred Desiree. “Have you saved mi Reina, yet?”

“Yeah,” I said. “She’s sitting on my cock.”

“That’s so amazing!” Desiree cheered and in the background I could hear the excited shouts of all the sluts. “Mi Rey,” Desiree started saying then paused. I could hear the hesitation in her voice.

“What, Desiree?” I asked. Fear constricted my heart. Did Xiu die? Last I saw, she was on her way to the hospital with a bullet in her guts.

“Fiona’s back from watching Karen and that puta, Lilith, appeared and took Karen.”

“I know,” I answered, sadly. Lilith promised to return her, unharmed, when she had her child. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Okay, mi Rey,” Desiree answered in relief. “We all are eagerly awaiting your return.”

As we approached Mountain View Court, Shaw Road was lined with news van. The Puyallup Police had corralled the media around the sign the for neighborhood. Cameras flashed and the media pressed in on our cars as the cops pushed them back and let us through. The street looked different; most of the emergency vehicles were gone. The few neighbors we let stay in their houses were out, inspecting the damage and cleaning up the mess.

Everyone was waiting for us out front. All our sluts were there, save Karen and Xiu. My Mom and her girlfriend Betty, their sex slave Joy, and my little sister, Antsy, and her slave, Via. And Mary’s family: Sean and his slave, Felicity, Shannon and George and their slave, Starla, and Missy and Damien, and their slaves Dawn and Mrs. Corra. Tiffany’s breath caught in her voice as she saw her family.

“Wait in the car, mom,” Mary suggested. “Let me talk to them.”

I stepped out of the car and helped Mary out. The sluts all rushed to us, hugging us tightly and kissing us both. Antsy and my Mom came up, tears in my mom’s eyes, and I pulled them both to me and hugged them fiercely. I kissed Mom on the lips, then my baby sister.

“Umm, big bro, you’re ripped!” Antsy exclaimed. “What happened to you? Everyone said you were shot and got better. We spent the entire shootout hiding in the basement. We were all too scared to come out until after you left.”

“Was it a miracle?” my mom asked. “Everyone said a miracle happened.”

“Sure,” I muttered, glancing over to Mary, who was hugging her father and sisters.

“Dad, there’s something I need to tell you,” Mary said, biting her lip. “I…”

“Who is that in the car?” Sean asked, frowning.

“Theodora!” Antsy hissed, recognizing the former nun, and I caught her arm as she tried to run over there. “That fucking bitch!”

I pulled her back. Part of me wanted to let my baby sister claw her eyes out. “It’s okay,” I lied to my sister.

“That’s what I want to talk to you about, dad,” Mary continued.

Sean ignored his daughter, walking slowly to the car. Tiffany slipped out, looking like a scared deer in headlights. “Tiffany?” Sean asked, stunned.

Tiffany’s lip quivered. “It’s me, Sean. I…”

Sean fell to his knees before her. “I’m so sorry,” he sobbed, “for whatever I did to drive you away. Please, forgive me! I never meant to hurt you!”

Tiffany knelt down and cupped Sean’s face. “You didn’t do anything, Sean.”

“Then why, Tif?”

“Because Kurt Bronson made me.” Pain twisted on Tiffany’s face. “Kurt has powers, like Mark and…and Mary. He…”

Sean hugged her tightly. “Tell me this isn’t a dream?”

“I’m real, Sean.” She pushed away. “Can you forgive me? When I was freed from Kurt’s powers I was too scared to find you. I…I thought you would hate me. I…I didn’t have faith in your love.”

“That doesn’t matter,” Sean whispered. “Everyday I felt empty without you. Like the best part of me was missing.”

Tiffany was smiling and crying. Then she saw her daughters. Shannon and Missy were staring in disbelief. Anger started to twist Shannon’s face and Mary bent over and started whispering to her sister. Missy walked forward, almost in a daze, and knelt down next to her parents.

“Are you really my mommy?” Missy asked, in the littlest girl’s voice.

“Yes,” Tiffany said and pulled her youngest daughter into the embrace she shared with Sean. “My little Melissa’s grown up into a beautiful, young woman.”

Missy flushed. “No one calls me Melissa. It’s Missy.”

“Missy,” Tiffany smiled, stroking her youngest daughter’s face. “I like that.”

Shannon stalked up. “You’re back, huh.”

Tiffany stood up. “I’m sorry, Shannon. I…” Shannon slapped her mother and then stalked off.

Antsy broke from my grasp and walked over to Tiffany. “Bitch,” Antsy snapped. “What did I ever do to you! I was nice to you and you tried to destroy my life.”

Tiffany flinched from her words. “I…I was wrong. Please, Antsy, I am so sorry for deceiving you. I…” Antsy’s slap caught Tiffany unprepared and she staggered back.

Sean stepped up between the two women and glared at my little sister. “That’s my wife,” he growled at Antsy. Antsy sniffed and stormed off, dragging Via, her sex slave, behind her.

My mom walked up to Tiffany, who stared warily at her. “Hi, I’m Sandy,” she warmly greeted. “Mark’s my son, so I guess we’ll be family soon.”

“I guess so,” Tiffany answered and my mom hugged her and kissed her on the lips. Tiffany flushed. “I guess that’s how friendly the family is, now.”

Sean grabbed Tiffany’s shoulder. “Come on. I think we need to talk in private.”

Tiffany flushed. “I would like that, Sean.”

“Shannon will come around,” Sean told her, putting his arm around her shoulder. “She tried to take your place. She had to grow up too fast. I wasn’t much help, I’m afraid.”

I pulled Mary to me. “Let’s go inside.”

She gave one last look at her parents as they walked down the street, then nodded. She took a deep breath and asked, “Did Alice die?”

“She was alive last I heard,” I answered. “But she was in critical condition.” I swallowed. “Was that your mom’s doing?”

“Yeah,” Mary whispered, tearing up. “My mom went from being used by one side to being used by the other.” Mary frowned, biting her lip. “Mark, I think…I think we need to be more careful about our powers. About whom we use them on.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Mark, you’ve broken up people’s marriages and relationships. And who knows what other consequences have happened. You raped that girl, too.” I flinched at her words. Mary took a deep breath. “We could use our powers to help people. Make their lives better. Not destroy them.”

“So, no more fucking any woman I want?” I asked her, pointedly.

“Well, no,” Mary frowned. “Just, don’t ruin their lives. Don’t break up their relationships. Give them some happiness. And…And maybe we should release the sluts.”

“What?” I asked in surprise. “No, no. I love my sluts!”

“I love them, too, Mark. But, what if deep inside they’re unhappy. What if they’re like my mom. I say we give them a choice. Free them and let them choose to be with us.”

“I’m not sure we can free them from the spell,” I protested. “They may still be tied to us.”

Mary shrugged. “We can at least give them back their free will, like we did with our family.” Mary paused, then pointed out, “You say I’m all you really need.”

I sighed. “Fine, Mary. But we need the bodyguards.”

“For now,” Mary said with a nod. “Maybe we can find others who are willing.”

“Okay.” Then I grinned, “You do know if there are no sluts around, I’m making you do all the cooking and cleaning.”

Mary giggled. “You haven’t tried my cooking. You might regret those words.”

Inside the house, the sluts were busy sweeping up the broken glass, or wiping up the blood stain from Xiu’s wound. Sam was at the table, a pile of books spread out as she was busy translating the Magicks of the Witch of Endor.

“Sam, is there a way to break the Zimmah bond?” I asked her.

“I don’t know,” Sam answered, adjusting her silver glasses on her round face. “I haven’t found that spell in here, yet.”

“Find out,” I ordered.

Mary and I changed into some clean clothes and then gathered the sluts around the dining room table. I looked them all over; slutty Alison sitting on Desiree, her fiancee’s, lap, Lillian with her black hair highlighted with blue and purple streaks, cute and innocent Violet and April, dusky Thamina, caramel-skinned Jessica, cinnamon-skinned Willow, sandy-blonde Noel, doll-faced Korina, olive skinned Sam, and strawberry-blonde Fiona.

Only Xiu and Karen were missing. And Chasity. I closed my eyes, forcing back the tears. Mary may have been able to forgive her mother, but I’m not sure I will ever be able to. Chasity was such a wonderful, and dependable, woman. There was grief and worry on all of the sluts’ faces. They miss Chasity as much as I do.

“Master, Xiu is in surgery,” Willow, our doctor slut, reported. “The surgeon is very good. He seems to think she’ll survive. But…the bullet caught her in the uterus and they are performing a hysterectomy. 04 and 47 are in the ICU and have been upgraded to serious. Doctors do not expect 30 to survive. Alice is also still in critical condition and is in surgery.”

Mary looked over the sluts. “I have come to care for all of you very much,” Mary started, biting at her lip. “We forced you to be our slaves and…”

“We wanted to be your slaves,” Alison protested.

Violet nodded. “You and Master are so wonderful, how could we not want to be your slaves?”

“Yeah,” April nodded. She looked so cute and nerdy with her glasses on.

“Well, Mark and I want you to choose to be with us,” Mary continued.

“Oh, I choose, Mistress,” Thamina eagerly said. All the other girls also chimed in eagerly.

I swallowed. “Until tomorrow at noon, all of you can make your own decisions and will not have to do what Mary and I tell you. Tomorrow you will return to the house and we will let you choose to stay with us or we’ll let you go and live your lives.”

Mary repeated my words and the girls suddenly changed as they realized what had happened. Pain, anger, confusion clouded their faces. The girls begin to yell and shout and cry as Mary and I left the house. We gathered up the ten bodyguards and headed over to Good Sam Hospital. Xiu and the bodyguards that got shot were there, and they were all hurt because of us. The least we could do is be there for them.

My Mustang was ruined. A round came through the garage and punctured the engine block. Mary’s Eos had a shattered windshield and a shot-up fender. As we were getting into the back of 51’s cop car, Chief Hayworth walked up. He was a whip-thin, iron-hard man wearing a navy blue dress uniform. He was Chief of Police of Puyallup and shook my hand with a firm grip.

“What a mess,” he said sadly, shaking his head. “Officer Vinter was a fine cop.”

Yeah, Chasity was the best. “What have you told the media?”

“The truth,” he answered. “A group of disgruntled Pierce County SWAT officers attacked you and six officers lost their lives and many others were hurt. Sheriff Erkhart is being grilled by the media. It looks bad for him.”

“Can you have a few of your cops stick around to keep the media out of the street?” I asked.

“Sure, Mr. Glassner,” he nodded. “I hear you’re running for office. State rep, right?”

I looked around at the neighborhood, frowning. I was starting to agree with Mary’s plan to run for the Rep for the city of Puyallup. I could do a lot of good with my power, change things. Make them better. So things like this would not happen anymore. I could make sure that Chasity and the others did not die in vain.

“Yeah, can I count on your support?” I asked the Chief.

“Sure,” Chief Hayworth smiled.


Vivian Anders – Spaneway, WA

I stared at the pregnancy test. Two pink lines.

“I’m pregnant,” I whispered to myself. I looked over at my girlfriend, Cynthia, who was staring expectantly at me. “I’m pregnant, Sin.”

When my period did not come on time I tried to tell myself I was just late. It happens to some women. Not to me though, at least, not since I was fourteen. But maybe I was just stressed or something. I had finally come out to my parents about being gay and moving in with my girlfriend, and things were stressed. I barely had time to think about the possibility of being pregnant as my Christian parents badgered me about sexual reorientation therapies. But, I was a week late now, and there was only one man who could be the father.

Mark Glassner.

I could remember that glorious day that Mark Glassner walked into the Starbucks. It was a Thursday morning and I was standing in line. Mark walked in, kicked out all the customers and fucked me and Cynthia and Mary. It was so hot. And I fell in love with Cynthia that day. Since then, Cynthia had quit her job, and we were supporting ourselves by streaming our lovemaking on nasty-girls-live.com.

“You’re pregnant?” Cynthia asked. The punk girl’s expression became so soft and loving. And then she gave an excited squeal. I had never seen her like this at all. “We’re having a baby!” She hugged me and kissed me. I would have to thank Mark when I saw him for giving me a family. I guess I would see him at his wedding. The invitations arrived late last week and Cynthia and I spent a fun day shopping for dresses.

“…at Mark Glassner’s residence.”

We broke our kiss, glancing at the TV. The news was on and they were talking about Mark Glassner. He was in the news a lot since that day. Cynthia and I had been following his exploits, wondering how he could do the things he did. He caused that Orgy at Best Buy the same day he fucked us at the Starbucks. And there were all those bank robberies. On the TV, there was a clip of men in black shooting automatic weapons. I frowned, what was going on?

“Violence erupted in this quite street in South Hill,” the female reporter said. The crawl at the bottom of the screen identified her as Debra Horne-Darnell of Q13 Fox News. “I’m standing here in the aftermath of a brutal attack by the disgraced Pierce County SWAT Officers on the home of Mark Glassner. Last week, it came out that this very same SWAT unit was embroiled in a sexual misconduct scandal centered around the Glassner residence. What you are about to watch is graphic,” Debra warned.

An image of Mark Glassner talking with a black-haired woman plays on the TV. I jumped as Mark takes an entire gun-full of bullets to the chest. “Oh no,” I gasped and Cynthia squeezed my hand reassuringly as I watched the father of my child dying on the TV.

“As Mark lay dying, the SWAT Officers attacked,” Debra reported. “My cameraman and I were on the scene prepping a story when we captured the firefight.” More clips of a shootout are shown. We would catch glimpses of Mark being worked on by two women, one in a slutty nurse’s outfit and the other in a slutty cop’s outfit during the firefight. In fact, the SWAT seemed to be fighting women dressed as slutty cops.

“How strange,” I whispered to Cynthia as I was riveted to the TV.

“What?” she asked.

“The cops are all dressed like slutty cops you’d see at Halloween.”

Cynthia gave a wicked laugh. “I bet that’s Mark’s doing.”

“The most amazing part came after the firefight ended,” Debra said. There was something in her voice, almost reverence. Awe, maybe?

The clip changed to a group of paramedics, three of them, working over Mark when suddenly a scarlet light engulfed the dying man. Everyone around him froze, the paramedics, the watching cops, everyone. Then Mark pulled off the oxygen mask, ripped out the IV and sat up. My heart hammered in amazement. What was going on?

“What the BLEEP!” a paramedic shouted, his expletive censored. My thoughts whirled in my head. That paramedic was right, what the bleep?

Mark started pulling off the bandages and in full HD you could clearly see perfectly unblemished skin beneath the bloody bandages. Mark gave a wordless, exhilarating scream, then shouted, “I am alive! Mary, I’m alive!”

“It’s a miracle,” the female paramedic gasped. “The wounds have healed. My God, they’re completely gone.”

A confused chatter broke out amongst the cops and firemen standing around. “How?” someone asked. “A miracle,” and, “Praise God,” could be heard.

“What are you?” a fireman asked, and the clip ended, cutting back to the studio with a picture-in-picture of Debra live on location.

“What do you think happened?” the anchor asked Debra.

“A miracle,” Debra said, her eyes shining with unprofessional fervor. “Mark Glassner is some sort of divine creature, a God, maybe. It explains everything about him. How he…”

Debra’s rant was cut off and the anchor apologized, “We’re having technical problems with the signal from Debra. A tragic day in South Hill, six cops dead and many more injured, from a shoot-out with…” I turned the TV off.

I rubbed my belly, my eyes wide in amazement as I glanced at Cynthia, her eyes just as wide. Mark Glassner was a God. He was shot and killed and came back to life. He was a God. That’s how he made an entire store, full of people, fuck each other. How could you refuse a God anything. I reached down, stroking my flat stomach.

A little god was growing inside me. Cynthia reached out and stroked my belly, tenderly. She was thinking the same thing I was. Mark Glassner had blessed my family and the entire world needed to know. I pulled out my phone and sent out a tweet, “#MarkGlassnerIsGod, and I am carrying his child!”


Aurora Miller – Graham, WA

My phone vibrated. My sister sent me a tweet. Well, a re-tweet from someone named Vivian Anders. “#MarkGlassnerIsGod, and I am carrying his child!”

I frowned. I knew Mark. I could vividly remember that day three weeks ago when he walked into the Victoria’s Secret where I worked. He was accompanied by his girlfriend, Mary, and some pink-haired chick they called their ‘slut’. Before I knew what was happening, Heather, my co-worker, and I were sucking Mark’s cock while his girlfriend and slut modeled lingerie.

To this day, I do not know what came over me. Whatever Mark said, I would do. I sucked his cock, then I happily ate my first pussy, Heather’s, as she returned the favor. A sixty-nine I think it’s called. Mark wanted us to eat each other’s cunts, so we did. We would have done anything for him and his girlfriend. Afterward, Heather and I could not look each other in the eyes. We knew we weren’t ourselves that day, but neither of us could forget what Mark made us do to each other. Heather switched shifts so we wouldn’t work together anymore, that’s how awkward it had grown between us.

I searched on my phone about Mark being a god and found on youtube a thirty minute, unedited news clip dubbed, “The Miracle in South Hill.” The clip was uploaded by reporter-deb13. I watched in fascination as Mark got shot by a woman a bunch of times in the chest, the intense firefight that followed, and then the scarlet light and the miracle of Mark getting healed. At the end of the clip, the poster, Debra Horne-Darnell gave a breathless rant about how Mark Glassner was a God or some sort of divine being. Then the rest of the clip was her interviewing the cops, firemen and paramedics who witnessed the miracle. All of them agreed that Mark was shot five times and then, miraculously, was healed. All of them, these professional-looking men and women, were shaken. Some with disbelief, others with worshipful awe.

My eyes were wide in comprehension. I had been touched by a God, tasted his seed.

I was blessed.

I started typing a comment; the world had to know.


Beth Philips – Sumner, WA

I sat on the couch, next to my husband, Eric, watching the “Miracle in South Hill,” youtube clip on my tablet, those annoying earbuds pinching my ears. I had to wear them so I wouldn’t disrupt my husband’s precious TV time.

It was him, I realized in astonishment as I watched the clip. The man who fucked me in the bathroom of the Larson Volkswagen Dealership three weeks ago. My husband, Eric, and I had been out shopping for a new car when this man walked up to me and told me to go to the bathroom and wait for him naked. Not understanding why I did it, I followed his orders. The man fucked me in that bathroom while my husband waited outside the door. Eric thought I had a stomach bug, but really I was having the best sex in my life.

I couldn’t stop thinking of the man, whom I later learned was Mark Glassner. Every time my husband’s small dick was in me, the few times he’s fucked me since that day, I thought of Mark’s big cock. How great it felt as it plowed into me. Eric hadn’t satisfied me with his cock, since. I even had to buy a dildo to pleasure myself with, pretending it was Mark fucking me again.

A few days ago, I found out I was pregnant. After Mark, I hadn’t slept with my husband for a week. The timing was right with my ovulation cycle for Mark to be the father. I didn’t know how to tell my husband I was having another man’s child. I didn’t know how to tell my husband that I didn’t want to be his wife anymore. There had been a rift growing between Eric and I that Mark split-wide open that day.

And now my entire world had changed. When I got home from work, I got on reddit like I always did, and this youtube clip was on with over 7000 up votes. So I clicked on the link and I could not tear my eyes away for the entire thirty minute clip. My mind was whirling, what had I just witnessed? A miracle? A God? I started scrolling through the comments. People were debating, some said it was a hoax, others a miracle, and a few claimed it was aliens. One comment jumped out at me, from aurora45: “I drank Mark’s seed. I am blessed by him. He is a God. My coworker and I pleasured each other for him. All it took was his word, and we were his slaves. He is a God!”

He is a God.

No wonder Eric’s cock couldn’t satisfy me. I had lain with a God. What mere mortal cock could ever satisfy me again?

A God planted a child inside me. My hand rubbed unconsciously at my stomach.

Another user, Anastasia Milburn, created a Google+ Community titled, “Women Who’ve Lain with Mark Glassner.”

I clicked on the link and read with fascination as Anastasia described meeting Mark while jogging and how he commanded her to jog naked with him. When they returned to her house, Mark fucked her in the kitchen as her husband showered upstairs. “Now Im Mark’s slut and my husband’s slut,” Anastasia typed. “And Ive never been more happy. I missed my period 2day. I may be carrying Mark’s child. My hubby is so happy 2 share me w/ a god.”

Anastasia also posted a video, clearly taken on a cell phone. “It’s over, Stan,” a woman shouted. The image showed a different angle from the youtube video. Police and ambulances started streaming in. “My god, I think Mark’s been shot,” the woman cried in alarm.

“It’ll be okay, Ana,” the man, presumably Stan, said.

The video played for a few more minutes with the occasional comment from Anastasia and her husband, Stan, as paramedics started working on Mark and then the crimson light and Mark was sitting up. “Ohmygod!” Anastasia gasped over and over. “Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod!”

“A miracle,” Stan whispered in awe.

And the video ended.

Other women were joining the circle, describing their encounters with Mark Glassner and his consort, the beautiful Mary. Lucy McKay wrote, “I worked at Best Buy and was there during the orgy. Mark Glassner fucked me from bhind as I eat out this Muslim’s cunt. No one nows how Mark made us all fukc each other. He must be angel or a God or somthing.”

My pussy began to itch in my pants. I had to get off. “I’m going to lie down,” I lied to Eric.

“Sure,” he said. One of those stupid singing-competition shows was on. Eric loved them. He would be watching TV until ten. Plenty of time for me to get off once or twice.

I took my tablet into the bedroom, shimmied out of my pants and panties. I ran a finger through the fine down of hair that grew between my legs, yellow as cornsilk and just as soft. I was growing damp, matting down the hair around my pussy. I pulled out the big, purple dildo from my panties drawer and got comfortable on the bed.

Yvonne Deponty wrote, “I work as night concierge at Four Seasons in Seattle. few weeks ago, Mark and 6 nekkid women piled out of limo in teh middle of night. Mark took one look at me and I was butter in his hands. He fuk my snatch hard in teh elevator ride up to room. Ive never been such a slut in my life and I luv it. :-)”

I pushed the dildo up inside me, groaning as the rubber cock filled up my cunt. I gripped it by the base and started to gently push it in and out of my wet cunt. A shiver of pleasure ran through me and I eagerly read the next account.

“Hi every1, I’m Macy,” Macy Gladwyn wrote, “and yd I was in court to divorce my loser husband when Mark walked in with 2 women and sat bside me. His women wore chokers that said they were his sluts. Alison, I think 1 was named, and the other was a beautiful mexican. I suked Mark’s cock and he fucked me up the ass in the courtroom!!! He told teh judge to let us fuck and the dried up ol hag just let us!!! I cum so hard!!”

I slid my dildo faster and harder inside me. My breath was quickening. I’ve never been fucked up the ass before. Eric always wanted to do it, but it always sounded so dirty. But reading Macy’s account left me wondering what it was like. Maybe I would shove my dildo up there and give myself a nice little cum. I wiggled my hips and let out a soft sigh and kept reading.

“Hey all,” Bonnie Slate wrote. “I’ve not fucked Mark. But I’ve ate out his fiancee, the very beautiful Mary Sullivan. Shes most heavenly woman I’ve ever met. She seduced me while I took her measurements for her weddign dress. My little pussy’s gettin wet just thinkin bout it. She came in yesterday with her bridesmaids and we had a wild time in my backroom. Mark must b quite a guy to please tha t woman! *-)”

I was really ramming the dildo in as I read Daffodil Ethan’s account. “Just graduated from Rogers, class of ’13 yay!!! 🙂 On last wk of school, Mark walked into our locker room and sent our gym teach packin. He ordered us gals to strip naked and we had a orgy in locker room. It was so wild. I gave Mark a titty fuck with my big ol cans and he gave me a nice cum bath.”

Daffodil upload a pic of her ‘big ol cans’. She was a lovely girl, brunette, with big tits topped with fat, pink nipples. I pictured those tits wrapped around Mark’s cock, and him spewing white cum all over those luscious melons. I licked my lips, pumping my dildo so fast in my pussy until I shuddered, my tablet sliding off my chest onto the bed next to me as a nice cum flowed through me.

I pulled out my dildo and licked my tart juices off. I fumbled for the KY jelly I kept in a drawer on my nightstand, Eric rarely gets me wet anymore, so I had to start buying lube. I got my dildo nice and slick, bent my legs, and searched for my asshole. I found it, rubbing my big old dildo on it and slowly started to push. My asshole resisted and resisted and I pushed harder and then the dildo slipped inside.

“Holy shit!” I gasped. I felt so full back there.

I grabbed the tablet and kept reading. There was a reply to Daffodil’s story from Addison Savidge. “Oh wow I was in tht gym class. That was wild. I ate out so many girls cunts. Super fun!! I’ve been dreaming about Mark coming back for my Junior year. He’s like one of those Greek gods, in myth, ya know, who cumes down and fuks us mortal chicks!! ”

I started sliding the dildo in and out of my ass. It felt surprisingly nice once I got used to it and I kept reading my tablet as I gently fucked my dildo in and out of my ass. I wished it was Mark’s cock reaming my ass. I bet that would feel even more amazing. That Macy girl was so lucky to experience Mark’s cock in her asshole.

“Me and mom jog /w Mark every morning! :-)!!!” a Cassie Blackwood wrote. “I luv being Mark’s slut /w my mom. We so close now. At home me and mom are sluts for daddy!! Im so glad I met Mark!! I’d tots worship him!”

Yes, yes! I would worship him, too! I would kneel before Mark and suck his cock and receive his blessing straight from the source. I was close to cumming, ramming the dildo harder and faster into my ass. “Oh, Mark!” I moaned softly. “Umm, let me be yours! Let me taste your godly cum!” My orgasm crashed through me, stars swimming in my eye and I could see Mark. He was watching me, I just knew it. Watching me cum for him.

Panting, I slowly pulled the dildo out of my ass. Glancing at my tablet, I saw there was a new post. “I’m out on street where Mark lives. hoping to get glimpse of him!” a Nina Royceston posted, along with a pic of her in front of a housing development called “Mountain View Estates.” She was a pretty teenage girl with black hair in a plaited braid and a smiling face. She wore a red sundress decorated with white flowers. The photo was captioned with, “This is the dress I wore when Mark fucked me in the movie theater.”

I found my pants and a pair of comfortable shoes, then I pulled on the most revealing blouse I had. No bra, I wanted my assets to be on display. I knew what I had to do. As I walked out into the living room I took one last look at my pathetic husband.

“I’m leaving,” I told him.

“Where you going, Beth?” he asked, eyes still focused on the TV.

“To be with my God.”


Rose Cunningham – South Hill, WA

“Oh mom,” I moaned.

I was sitting on the couch in the living room letting my mom lez out on my pussy. She was really good at it. Her tongue was digging through my blonde-furred muff as I gripped her brown hair and ground my pussy into her gentle lips. My twin sister, Daisy, was kneeling behind Mom, a strap-on dildo, fiery red, plowing in and out of Mom’s cunt. I was licking my lips, watching Daisy’s melons bounce about as she gave it to mom, nice and good.

I loved lezzing out with my mom and my twin sister. And it was all thanks to Mark and Mary. That wild day when we were shopping at Lowes as a family and we ran into Mark and his girlfriend. It started out as a boring day being dragged along with my parents as they went on one of their home-improvement kicks, then turned exciting. With just a few words, our whole family was fucking Mark and Mary in the Garden Section of Lowes.

And my family has never been happier. We just love each other so much, we delight in expressing it. And my mom was really expressing how much she loved me with her delightful mouth on my pussy. Her tongue was probing my hole, wiggling around against my sensitive pussy walls. She wiggled her face from side to side, the tip of her nose bumping wickedly against my clit.

“Mom’s giving it to you great, huh, Rosie?” Daisy panted.

“Oh yes!” I moaned. “Mom’s making me feel amazing! I’m gonna cum real soon!”

“Lezzie slut!” Daisy taunted with a smile.

“You’d know all ’bout that, Daisy,” I retorted.

The door opened and Dad walked in. “You got to see this,” dad said. I was a little miffed, his three women were in a delightful lezzie orgy and he was ignoring us, turning on the TV to Fox News.

I rolled my eyes. Dad was such a news junkie and he watched boring old Fox News all the time. I wish he wouldn’t, all it did was get him worked up about Obamacare and how Obama was a secret socialist trying to deliberately ruin the country. The worst part was, mom stopped eating my pussy to look at the TV. I groaned in frustration, I was so darn close to cumming.

“…calling it the Miracle in South Hill,” the news anchor reported. “A man that reports name as Mark Glassner, was shot multiple times in a shoot-out between police and heavily armed men.” My heart clutched in fear. Who would want to shoot Mark. He made our family so happy. “While paramedics were working on him, this footage was caught by the local Fox Affiliate in Seattle.” There was a man, Mark, I guess, lying on the ground being worked on by three paramedics and then a scarlet light flashed and he was sitting up. “He was shot five times,” a white-faced paramedic said on-screen. “And then…he was fine. Not a wound on him. It was…a miracle. The man is something special, something holy.”

The man is something special, something holy. The words echoed in my head. I saw my twin’s blue eyes widening in realization. Of course he was special and holy. “He taught us to love each other,” I whispered.

“He did, Rosie,” my mom whispered, her eyes shining with wonder, then she bent down and started loving my cunt some more and I was soon cumming on her lips and praising Mark for giving me my new, loving family.


Rachel Hirsch-Goldstein-Blum – Butler, Pennsylvania

I was cuddling with Jacob on the couch of our apartment. Everything was in boxes. We spent the first day back from our honeymoon packing up the house. Escrow would close on our new house in a few days and then we could move in. We were taking a break from the packing to make a little love. Jacob’s cheeks were all stubbly with his five o’clock shadow and I loved the rough feel of his whiskers on my skin.

He slipped his hand up my blouse, finding my breast, when the front door opened and Leah walked in. I smiled happily at seeing her. Leah was our wife, and our lovemaking break would be even more fun with her. I met her on my honeymoon when Mark and Mary invited me to have fun with them over the weekend. My poor husband had to spend most of our honeymoon alone while I was out having so much fun. Leah was Mark and Mary’s chauffeur and, to my surprise, I fell in love with the vivacious blonde. But I also loved my husband, so I brought her with me when I returned to Jacob.

Jacob and Leah seemed to be hitting it off and we were one happily married threesome. Technically, only Jacob and I were married, but maybe one day we could all be married. Jacob found an interview Mary gave where she talked about how wrong it was for the government to oppose bigamy. Mary said in the interview that people should be free to marry whomever they want, even multiple whomevers. If anyone could change things, it would be Mark and Mary.

Jacob, being the great guy he was, stood up and took the box from Leah’s hands and gave her a quick kiss on the mouth. “You need to see the news,” Leah squealed. “People are saying Mark died and came back to life.”

“What, like Jesus?” I asked. That’s what Christians always said, we Jews killed him and then he came back to life.

“Yes!” she squealed. “It’s all over the news and youtube. He was shot and then magically he was healed. They’re calling it a miracle. People are calling him a God. There’s a whole bunch of women posting about their experiences with Mark and some are gathering in front of his house.”

A God. That was impossible. But, there was something…different about Mark and Mary. No one could do what they did. People just obey them. I glanced at Jacob and saw the wonder in his eyes. He was realizing the same thing.


Dr. Molly Klerk – Good Samaritan Hospital, Puyallup, WA

I walked past the sluttily dressed cops guarding Xiu Liu’s hospital room, glancing through the window at her. She was in ICU, recovering from surgery. She took a bullet in the stomach, but her chances of survival were good. The bullet passed through a wall before striking her in the lower abdomen and lodging in her uterus. Unfortunately, her uterus was too damaged to save and was removed by the surgeon.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw Mark Glassner and Mary Sullivan sitting next to the patient. And my pussy started drenching my panties. I rubbed my thighs, trying to relieve the sudden ache in my clitoris. A little more than two weeks ago Mark was in the ER because of a head wound. He had a light concussion and, in the middle of the exam, I found myself sucking his cock. I had no idea what possessed me to do it. And then, while examining some scrapes on Mary’s arm, I found myself eating out her pussy.

The whole hospital was buzzing about Mark’s miraculous recovery this afternoon. Paramedics I’ve known for years, dependable men and women, swore Mark was bleeding out from multiple gunshots in the torso when there was this scarlet light. When the light faded, Mark was perfectly fine. I’ve even seen the footage on the news. It was unbelievable.

“He’s a god,” Ryan, one of the paramedics, whispered to me. He was a solid man, with years of witnessing the worst that could happen to a person without getting fazed. Today he was white-faced and had an awed, almost reverent tone to his words. “Or something not of this world. The police all talk about him like he’s the greatest man in the world. It’s like they’re under his spell or something.”

A spell. Was that what happened to me? Were Mark and Mary the divine given flesh?

I opened the door, I needed to check on Xiu’s vitals.

“Dr. Klerk?” Mary asked with frown. “Right, that’s your name.”

My heart hammered, she was as beautiful as I remembered. The most beautiful creature in the world. And then I saw Mark and gasped. He had transformed. He was younger, and thirty pounds lighter since I last saw him. His shirt was tight on him, and I could see the outline of muscles. He was a flabby guy two weeks ago. This is impossible.

I was in the presence of Gods.

I fell to my knees. That’s what you do when you’re before a God, right? I vaguely remember that from Sunday school as a child. Mark was standing over me, and I started to tremble. “Let me worship You,” I found myself saying.

He knelt down, cupping my head and turned my face up to look at Him. His eyes were so blue. “Worship me, huh.” His voice was so deep and commanding, I could feel it reaching into my soul. “Sure, you can worship me.”

He stood up, and I knew what to do. I pulled the zipper of His pants down and fished out His cock. It was hard and throbbing in my hand. I started sucking, swirling my tongue around His cock as I bobbed my head. I could taste His salty pre-cum. His hands gripped my head and He started slowly thrusting His cock into my lips.

In and out slid His cock as I sucked hard, wanting to give Him the best pleasure I could. His cock was brushing the back of my throat and I was pleased to hear His moans. Then His cock was pushing at my throat, His hands pulling me towards his groin. I almost struggled, but then I remembered myself. It wasn’t my place to resist a God. I relaxed my throat and His cock was sliding into my throat, my lips brushing against His brown, wiry pubic hairs.

He pulled out and then pushed down my throat. Over and over He thrust into me. “Fuck, she’s got a great mouth,” my God moaned.

My Goddess gave a throaty laugh. “Umm, I remember her licking my pussy. Hurry up and cum, Mark. I want to feel her lips on me. To, um, how did she phrase it? To worship my horny cunt!”

My pussy was soaking my panties with the anticipation of worshiping my Goddess. “She’s doing a great job ‘worshiping’ my cock, Mare!” He pulled His cock back until only the tip remained in my mouth. “Here it comes, slut!” my God moaned, and then His holy cum was shooting into my mouth. Delicious and salty, and so much I was having trouble swallowing it all, and some was running sticky down my face.

My God pulled His cock out and I licked my lips. I glanced at My Goddess, Her legs were spread and I could see Her juicy pussy between Her legs. She smiled wickedly as I crawled across the floor, the linoleum hard on my knees. I would probably get a run in my pantyhose, but I didn’t care. I could smell Her arousal, sweet and spicy, as I neared. An intoxicating bouquet. Her thigh was silk on my cheeks as I brought my eager mouth closer and closer to Her pussy. She tasted divine and I delighted in the mewl of pleasure that escaped Her lips.

I felt my God’s hands caressing my ass. He lifted up my white, doctor’s coat, exposing the conservative, purple skirt I wore. He pulled that up as well, His hands rubbing across my panty-clad butt. There was a ripping sound, my pantyhose I realized, and then I felt the gusset of my panties being pushed to the side, exposing the shaved lips of my wet pussy.

I came when my God entered me, my body shuddered and my pussy spasmed about His cock. I moaned my passion into my Goddess’s wonderful pussy. My cunt felt so full of His cock. So wonderfully full. He started slowly pumping in and out of me, pleasure tingling in and out of my body. My Goddess’s hands were in my bleached-blonde tresses, pulling me into Her sopping pussy. My tongue slid through Her slit, lapping at Her hard clit and savoring Her delicious flavor.

“Ohh, you’re making my pussy feel so great, Doc,” my Goddess purred. I sucked Her clit into my mouth and She gasped. “Fuck, she’s good, Mark.”

Every stroke of my God’s cock in my cunt was bringing me closer and closer to another orgasm. Every thrust shoved my face into Her pussy. My lips and cheeks were smeared with Her savory juices. I was so happy that my body was worthy enough to satisfy these Divine creatures. A furnace was growing inside me and then Her hand tightened in my hair as Her orgasm quivered through Her body, flooding my lips with Her ambrosia.

“Oh fuck!” my Goddess moaned. “Umm, fuck, she’s making me cum!”

“Good slut,” my God growled. “Your cunt is nice and tight, uumm, I’m gonna flood it with some cum.”

“Please, please,” I moaned. “Please flood my unworthy pussy!”

I came as I felt His first blast of cum flooding my pussy. I spasmed, my vision darkening, as the most intense pleasure I’ve ever felt rolled through me. I was breathing heavily as my orgasm faded and realized I was lying on the floor, the cold linoleum pressing against my cheek. I struggled to my feet, my panties trapping His seed inside me.

Remembering why I came in, I picked up Xiu’s charts and started checking her vitals out. “How is she?”

I jumped, My God had spoken to me. Staring down at the floor, I answered, “She is doing well, um…” How did you address a God? I settled for, “Sir,” fearing that would not be good enough. “She is not out of danger, but she should recover.”

“Good,” He sighed.

“I…um…if you would excuse me,” I stammered. My face was flushing in embarrassment. They did not teach you how to address a living God in medical school.


Lucifer – The Abyss

I floated in the Shadows, shining as bright as the sun watching the vermin scurry about. Humans. The very word left a bitter taste on my lips. Those disgusting, vile things that infested the earth. To think the Creator would have had me bow down before such weak and selfish beings. As if I, the Son of the Morning, who once led the Hosts of Heavens, would kneel before some worm that crawled in the filth.

Alas, only a third of the Host shared my opinion and I was struck down by my brother, Michael, and cast out of Heaven for my rebellion. So, I turned my attention to those first humans: Adam and Eve. They were so easy to corrupt. The woman was so trusting. She was long accustomed to conversing with my brethren in the Garden and gladly ate from the Tree of Knowledge when I suggested it to her. When Adam found his wife and she showed him the fruit, he knew exactly what that fruit represented, and the lust for Power blossomed in his soul, and man sinned for the first time. My amusement as they were cast out of the Garden was only temporary, however, as more and more disgusting humans were born.

So, I committed more mischief. Set the humans to worshiping false idols, lying with their women and producing the Nephilim, the great, giant men. I urged the humans to greater and greater wickedness. But, my mischief was only tolerated for some time before I was chained in the Abyss.

Long had I plotted, long had I manipulated the destiny of man. Long had I awaited a pawn to shatter the chains of the Abyss. And today, all those schemes had finally began to bear fruit. I peered into the Mortal World, at the entrance to a street where the foolish sheep were gathering, bleating their praise for Mark Glassner.

All of my enemies played right into my hands. My brother Gabriel missed the subtle manipulations to the future I made, allowing me to guide him into making one, fateful mistake. To attempt to kill Mark Glassner in the most spectacular way possible. Thanks to my interference, all the myriad ways that Gabriel could have defeated Mark seemed too risky, leaving today’s attempt as the only viable plan. And Gabriel took the bait, the fool.

Now, two of his Priestesses were dead and the third passed her gift to my Pawn, Mark Glassner. The stupid woman was tempted by love. I once told Lilith all the things men would do for love, and Tiffany did not disappoint me. She betrayed her side just to spend the brief moments of her life with her “true love.”

I smiled in pleasure, thinking of Lilith. Another enemy that was playing her part exquisitely.

Lilith put on airs that she was better than the humans, but she was once one of those rutting beasts, and was just as easy to manipulate. I gave Lilith the tiniest bit of freedom and she acted so predictably. I knew her scheming, lust-filled soul so well, I could easily anticipate what she would do. As I told her, everything she does serves my ends. Oh, she doesn’t believe that. Lilith foolishly thinks she is the master of her own fate, but she will learn that I have always been her master.

Today, she healed Mark Glassner for me. Oh, sure, she thought her actions served her selfish interests. And thanks to the human’s technology, the entire world is witnessing the “Miracle,” and the foolish sheep are deluding themselves into believing that Mark is special, is divine.

Is a God.

The blind sheep will worship Mark. They will love him. He will be their false savior, leading mankind astray. And as more and more of those foolish sheep bleat his praise, the chains of the Abyss will weaken. But, first, a savior needs to rescue his people from danger. And that will be you, my sweet, stupid Lilith. Soon your vessel will be born, and you will escape the Abyss. You will carve out your own kingdom to rule. Your lust for power, your hatred of men, will lead you to contend with Mark. You will not be able to stop yourself. And the sheep will thank him when he rides in on his white horse and frees them from your tyranny.

I had won. I just had to wait for the dominoes to topple and fall.

To be continued…

Click here for Chapter 32.

The Devil’s Pact Chapter 17: Doctors and Realtors



The Devil’s Pact

Chapter 17: Doctors and Realtors

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Female/Female, Male/Females, Male/Females/Teen female, Mind Control, Anal, Cockold, Female Masturbation, Male Masturbation, Magic, Oral, Orgy, Rimming, Work

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 16

Mary was looking quite fetching in her black, short skirt and blue blouse as we walked out of the house, through the ruined front door. Fucking FBI. Bad enough they had to raid my house, did they have to smash down the door? Desiree was tracking down a contractor that could get the door replaced today while I ordered five of the sluts to go get their pussy’s waxed at the Heavenly Creature’s Salon. Violet, Fiona, Karen, Chasity, and Thamina all needed bare cunts. They could have landing strips or whatever designs they wanted on their pubic mounds, but their pussy lips had to be smooth as a young girl.

I didn’t have time to eat the breakfast Desiree made because we were running late for Mary’s OB/GYN appointment. It was my fault. I spent too much time fucking first Allison, then Fiona in the shower, and finally Mary when she had come upstairs to yell at me for taking too long. Mary was a horny gal and couldn’t resist my advances. I left Mary’s pussy full of my cum, a nice surprise for the Doctor. So, I just grabbed a bagel and spread some cream cheese on it and ate it on the way to my Mustang.

I sped the moment we were out on surface streets. “You want to see a movie on Saturday, have dinner?”

Mary smiled slyly at me. “Are you asking me out on a date?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Just me and you.”

“Sure,” Mary answered. “A date night. What did you want to see?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” I answered, casually.

“I bet you want to see Man of Steel? Doesn’t it open tomorrow?”

“Yeah, sure,” I said, trying play it cool. I was really looking forward to seeing it.

“All right, we’ll see it,” Mary said. “But I’ll get to choose the movie next week.”

“Deal,” I said, and reached out and squeezed her hand. I moved her hand over to my crotch. “I’d love it if you would suck my cock, Mare.”

“It’s not safe, Mark,” Mary objected. “Besides, haven’t you got enough sex?”

“There’s no such thing as enough sex,” I retorted, rubbing her hand across the bulge in my pants.

Mary snorted in laughter. “Not with you, anyways.”

“C’mon Mare,” I wheedled. I stopped at the light and bent over and kissed her lips. “Your mouth feels so nice on my cock.” I kissed her again, her lips parting for my tongue. “You’re just so beautiful. My cock aches whenever I’m around you.” I reached over and gently groped her breast through her blouse, feeling her nipple harden beneath my hand.

“Fine,” Mary sighed, her hand squeezing my crotch. “But this is the last time.”

My zipper rasped down and Mary slid her warm hand in and pulled my cock out, stroking it a few times before her wet mouth sucked my cock greedily. Her lips slid up and down on my dick as her tongue swirled around my sensitive head. A car honked behind me and I realized the light was green and I started driving. Fuck, Mary’s mouth felt good on my cock.

My phone rang. The Mustang’s radio was blue toothed enabled and the rings echoed through the car speakers. I hit call and my mom’s voice echoed through the car’s speaker. “Hi, Mark,” she greeted, warmly.

“Hey mom,” I answered. Mary’s mouth sucked harder at my cock.

“Are you doing okay, sweetie?”

“Yeah, mom, things are going great.” My fiancee is sucking on my cock, what could be better.

“Well, I don’t know how to say this, but …” she cleared her throat. “Are you in trouble?”

“No, why would you think that?”

“I’m not supposed to say anything, but the FBI came around yesterday.” A hint of fear entered her voice. “They said you robbed a bank and … did other things.”

“It’s a misunderstanding, mom,” I told her. “I just look like the guy. Just watch KIRO 7 news, okay. The FBI raided my house but they realized I was the wrong person.”

God, this was so exciting. Mary’s mouth was bobbing up and down on my cock, sucking hard. Her tongue played with my shaft, with my head. Her teeth would brush pleasantly against my cock. And my mom’s voice, I never realized how sexy she sounded, a smokey, bedroom voice that could get any man hard. She was wasted on my pig of father.

“Well, I’m so relieved,” my mom sighed and I gritted my teeth and came hard down Mary’s mouth. Mary greedily sucked my cum down. “Are you okay, I thought I heard something.”

“Yeah, mom, I’m fine,” I answered. “Just had to release some built up pressure. Anyways, I want to introduce you to my fiancee.”

Mary was sitting up in the seat, wiping a bit of cum off her lips. “Hi, I’m Mary.”

“You’re fiancee?” mom asked. “That’s so exciting, I didn’t even know you were dating anyone, sweetie.”

“We haven’t been dating long,” I told her. “But, we really fell in love and we’re getting married in a month.”

“Wow, sure you’re not rushing things, sweetie?”

“We’re very happy, Mrs. Glassner,” Mary gushed. “Your son is the best man in the world. He just fills me up with his love.” Mary had a wicked smile on her lips.

“How sweet,” my mom purred. Was that a husky tone entering her voice. She sounded even sexier. “And call me Sandy. I’m sure we’re going to get along just fine. I can’t wait to meet you.”

“How about Sunday,” I suggested. “You can come over to our house for dinner.”

“House?” my mom asked.

“Yeah, I, eh, won a poker tournament at the Emerald Queen last month,” I lied. “I didn’t want anyone to know about it, yet, until I had my fiancees all in order.”

“Wow,” mom said. “That’s pretty amazing, Mark. Well, I can’t wait to meet your lovely fiancee. I bet she’s just gorgons.” I thought I heard a zipper rasp and then my mom sighed. “Mary, tell me all about yourself.” There was a wet, squishy noise and another sigh from my mom. “I want to get to know you so well.” My mom gave a throaty, lusty laugh and another sigh.

Christ, was my mom masturbating. Mary’s wish to have any woman desire her was working over the phone. And then it hit me. That’s how I could sleep with my mom. Mary could get her to do anything sexual that she wanted. I smiled, my cock growing hard. On Sunday, I was going to fuck my mom thanks to my fiancee.

Mary glanced at me and mouthed, “Is your mom masturbating?” I nodded.

“Well, Sandy, I’m a very attractive woman,” Mary purred, clearly excited that my mom was masturbating to her. Mary’s hand slipped down and started rubbing her pussy, her fingers sliding into her wet cunt with a wet, squelchy noise. “I have long, auburn hair, emerald eyes, and a heart-shaped face covered in freckles.”

“Umm, Mark’s always liked red-heads,” my mom cooed. “Uhh, what’s your bust size?”

“32B, covered in freckles” Mary purred. “They’re firm and perky. And I have a great ass. Your son really loves it.”

“Oh, yes, I bet he does!” There was a stifled moan and heavy breathing.

“I’m an art student at De Vry,” Mary continued. She was rubbing one of her perky tits, now, playing with the hard nipple through her dress. “I love to paint.”

“Maybe I could pose for you,” my mom panted. “I’ve always wanted to be … ohh … painted.”

“Mmhh, I bet I would love to paint you,” Mary purred. “I’m looking for a model for a nude painting, for class.”
“Oh, I could do that … umm …. for you, sweetie,” Mom husked. “To help you … ohhh … out.”
“Uhh, it would be just the two of use!” Mary cooed, her fingers were moving rapidly in and out of her cunt and the heel of her hand ground on her clit. “I can’t wait for you to cum over.”
“Yes, yes, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum … over!” There was an intake of breath and a muffled cry. Mary gasped, bit her lip and shuddered, orgasming with my mom. “Well, I can’t wait to see you, honey,” cooed my mom. “I’ll convince your dad to come. Love you, sweetie. And your fiancee.”

“Love you, too, mom,” I answered and my mom hung up. My cock was hard. “Fuck, that was hot.”

“Yeah,” Mary breathed, a contend smile on her face. “I guess my power works over the phone.”

“Your power is how I’m going to sleep with my mom,” I told Mary.

“Of course,” she said, eyes widening in realization. “Wow, why didn’t I think about that.” She smiled at me. “You let me take care of it. I’ll get your mom so hot and bothered she’ll be begging for your cock.”

An image of my mom kneeling before me, lust shining in her hazel eyes, as she begged for my cock. Fuck, I couldn’t wait. My cock was painfully hard, still sticking out of my pants. I looked over at Mary and said, “My cock’s begging for your mouth right now.”

Mary smiled. “Fine, one last time,” and she bent over and it wasn’t long before I filled her mouth with another load of cum.

“Thanks, Mare.”

“Oh, it was no problem, hun,” Mary answered. She flipped down the passenger visor and looked in the mirror, wiping cum off her lips and checking her lipstick. “Mark, I think I have a great idea.”

“Shoot,” I said, interested.

“Well, I think we should have our doctor open a clinic in South Hill,” Mary explained. “A free OB/GYN clinic. She could find girls for us for the brothel and we could have fun raisers to support it. Fancy parties with powerful people. Politicians and the rich.”

“I bet there’s plenty of medical space for sale,” Mark agreed. “It’s a good idea.” I squeezed her hand. “Let’s do it.” Mary smiled at me and squeezed my hand back.

“Have you thought about what you want, Mark,” Mary asked. “With your powers.”

“I just want to have fun with you,” I answered.

“You could accomplish so much,” Mary whispered in my ear. “You could be so powerful.”

“What are you thinking of?” I asked her.

“You could change laws, shape this town, this state, hell even this country into what ever you want,” Mary breathed huskily. “Wouldn’t that be something. You could be President Glassner.”

“Wow,” I whispered. “President. I just wanted to use my powers to fuck pretty women.”

“Isn’t that why men get into politics?” Mary asked with a wicked giggle. “And it can all start with our charity.”

I smile crossed my lips. “President Glassner,” I said. “And you’d make a radiant First Lady.”

The thought of me being president made Mary so randy she gave me a third blowjob without having to be asked, and fingered herself to two more orgasms before we reached our destination, the Group Health clinic Dr. WolfTail worked at. The clinic was next to Tacoma General Hospital on MLK Way. And finding a place to park was a nightmare.

Finally, I found a place two blocks away and Mary and I hurried to get to the clinic. It was a large building hosing dozens of different specialty clinics. We rode the elevator up to the third floor and I remembered the last time we rode an elevator. I made Violet my elevator bitch and popped her cherry while she begged for my dick. I barely got to second base with Mary when the elevator reached the third floor.

The clinic was right next to the elevators and we entered the waiting room. It was a typical doctor’s office, a few chairs, a collection of magazines for women, and a frumpy looking receptionist with a huge, bulbous nose. Mary had to fill out a ton of paperwork since it was her first time. She giggled when she got to the sexual history portioned.

“There’s not enough room,” she quipped and I laughed and kissed her.

“Mary Sullivan,” a male nurse called a few minutes later. That was disappointing, I was hoping for a cute nurse to go along with the cute doctor.

The male nurse led us back to the examine room. He glanced questioningly at me. “He’s my fiancee,” Mary explained. “Okay,” the nurse said with a shake of his head.

“We share everything,” Mary explained.

“Of course you do,” the nurse said flatly. He clearly wasn’t used to women bringing their partners into the gynecologist.

The nurse had Mary disrobe and get in a medical gown and left the room to give her some privacy. Mary’s panties were sticky with a mix our cum when she pulled them off. The nurse returned a few minutes later, knocking first, then he took her vitals. When he finished writing on her chart he went to leave.

I stopped him, grabbing his arm. “No interrupting us once the doctor gets in here, okay.”

“Sure,” he said.

We waited a few minutes then there was a knock on the door and a cinnamon-skinned, Native American woman walked in. She wore a conservative, gray blouse and black skirt underneath a white, doctor’s coat. Embroidered in blue thread was, “Dr. Willow WolfTail, OB/GYN.” Her face was round and her lips were small, very red, and very kissable. Her hair was long, straight and a deep black. She was a young woman, late twenties, probably fresh from medical school. A wedding ring glinted on her left hand.

“Hi, I’m Doctor Willow,” she greeted friendly.

“I’m Mark and this is Mary, my fiancee,” I said. She barely looked at me her eyes devouring Mary. A flush darkened Willow’s face and her tongue moistened her suddenly dry lips.

“Pleased to meet you,” Willow said, shaking Mary’s hand, her fingers gently stroking her. “You are so beautiful.”

“Oh, thank you,” Mary said.

“Why don’t you get your legs up in the stirrups and we’ll take a look downstairs.”

“Sure, Dr. Willow.” Mary placed her legs on the stirrups. From where I was sitting I had a good view up Mary’s gown and her cum stained, waxed pussy. The doctor was grabbing a pair of latex gloves and Mary said. “Oh, I think I would be more happy without the gloves. I don’t like the feel of latex in my pussy.”

“Oh, uh, that really isn’t sanitary,” Dr. Willow objected. Mary smiled seductively at the doctor. The doctor’s eyes shined with desire and she licked her lips. “Fine, just for you.”

“Thanks,” Mary cooed, “you won’t regret it.”

The doctor pulled out a pen light and sat on her rolling stool and slid over to Mary. “Okay, let’s have a peak.” She lifted up the skirt and blinked in surprise. “Is that … semen?”

“Yes,” purred Mary. “Don’t be shy.”

“Well, it looks like you’ve recently had intercourse, I assume with your fiancee?”

“Amongst others,” Mary giggled. “Mostly women, but sometime another man.”

“I see, and you clearly don’t use protection with your fiancee. Do you use protection with your other partners?”


“Aren’t you afraid of STDs?” Dr. Willow asked, grabbing the speculum. Mary gasped as the cold, metal object slid inside her and spread her pussy lips open. Dr. Willow was shining her light inside and I could see inside her cunt, all the way to her cervix.

“Uhh, no,” Mary said, blinking in surprise. “I guess I hadn’t really given it a lot of thought.”

“Well, you should,” Dr. Willow instructed as she shined her light around, examining the vaginal walls. “Are you on the pill or use any other form of birth control.”

“The pill,” Mary answered.

“Well, you look healthy. Now, I’m going to perform a bimanuel examination,” Dr. Willow said. “I’m going to slid two fingers inside you and press on the outside of your groin to check for any problems with your uterus, cervix, and ovaries.”

“Okay.” Mary smile widened as the doctor slid two of her fingers inside her. “Your fingers feel real nice. Doesn’t it feel better bare?”

“Yeah,” the doctor answered, uncomfortable. “Everything’s feeling all right.”

“Have you ever given a woman an orgasm during an exam?” Mary asked, eagerly.

“No,” she answered.

“If you keep moving your fingers inside me, you will.” There was an eager smile on Mary’s lips.

The doctor’s face flushed even dark and she slowly started to move her fingers in and out of Mary’s cunt. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Dr. Willow whispered. “You’re just so enchanting. Your vagina’s a beautiful flower. Your clitoris look so hard, your labia are like silk on my finger.”

Mary writhed in pleasure as the doctor’s thumb started to gently rub her clitoris in slow circles. “Oh, doctor, that feels so good.” Mary massaged her breast through her hospital gown. “Your finger feel so amazing up my twat.”

My cock was hard in my pants, so I slipped them off. Mary’s eyes fixed on my hard cock and she licked her lips and made a jerking motion with her hand. I spat on my palm and started stroking my cock. I hadn’t jerked off in a week, but it was like riding a bike, you never forget. Mary’s eyes were glued to my cock and I was glued to Dr. Willow fingering her cunt.

“I can feel your arousal in the vaginal canal,” the doctor murmured. Her free hand had slipped down and was rubbing her thighs, slowly disappearing up her skirt and moving ever closer to her hungry cunt.

“Oh, doctor, you’re going to make me cum!” Mary panted.

“Yes, oh yes, come for me,” Dr. Willow moaned. Her finger had reached her pussy and was rubbing beneath her skirt. My hand was stroking my cock faster, squeezing my sensitive head.

Mary shuddered and moaned loudly, “Oh, fuck, I’m cumming! Oh yes, yes, yes!”

I grunted, feverishly stroking my cock, so close to cumming. And then there was the sweet release that flowed through my body as white cum shot out and splattered in the doctor’s long hair on the back of her doctor’s jacket.

“What the fuck!” Dr. Willow snarled in fury, turning to face me and caught a blast of cum right in the face. She started dumbfounded at me as cum dripped down her cheek.

“He got you good, didn’t he?” Mary giggled. “Come here and give me a kiss.”

Still looking angry, the doctor stood up and Mary grabbed her hair and pulled her down and the two ladies kissed. Then Mary licked up my cum and shoveled it into Dr. Willow’s mouth. Their tongues wrestled, stained white with spunk, and I felt my cock start to rise.

“Let’s see you naked, Dr. Willow,” I told her.

“Sure, Mark,” she replied, her anger drowned out by lust. Her lab coat fell to the floor and she started unbuttoning her blouse. Mary pulled the hospital gown over her head, exposing her freckled breasts and hard nipples. I pulled off my shirt and kicked off my shoes. Dr. Willow’s bra was pale blue and cupped her nice sized breasts. Mary reached out and unclasped the bra as the doctor was unzipping her skirt. Her C cup breasts spilled out, cinnamon and topped by the smallest, cutest nipples. Her skirt off, Dr. Willow peeled down her pantyhose and white panties exposing a black, wiry bush of hair damp with arousal.

“She’s the one, Mark,” Mary said, excitedly, stroking Dr. Willow’s full breast. She bent down and sucked a tiny nipple into her lips and slid her hand down to start fingering the doctor’s furred muff.

“Dr. Willow, you’re going to be our sex slave from now on,” I told her. “You’ll do every nasty, perverted thing we tell you with a smile on your face. For now, you’re going to continue working here at the clinic until we get your new clinic open.”

“My new clinic, Mark?” she asked, then gasped in pain as Mary bit her nipple.

“That’s Master, slut,” Mary scolded. “And I’m your Mistress.”

“Sorry, Mistress,” Willow blushed.

“You’re going to run our free OB/GYN clinic for young girls and women,” Mary answered. “To find us beautiful women to work in our Brothel. And, of course, to keep our whores and slaves healthy.”

“Of course, Mistress, I would be honored.”

“When you are working you will act like your professional self,” I told her. “You’re married?”

“Yes, to Yancy,” she answered.

“Not anymore,” I told her and grabbed her left hand and pulled of her wedding ring and threw it in the trash. “You don’t love your husband anymore, just Mary, me, and all your new slut sisters.”

“He wasn’t that good in bed, anyways,” she said with a shrug.

“Where’s your phone?” Mary asked. Willow pulled out a cell phone from her discarded coat and handed it to Mary. “Start eating my cunt, slut,” Mary ordered, scrolling through the phone and hit call.

Willow dove into her Mary’s cunt as she lay on the bed, her legs back up in the stirrups. Willow was bent over, her cinnamon ass pointed invitingly at me. I lined up behind her and slid my cock into her black-furred pussy, savoring her wet, tightness as I pumped my cock in and out of her. Willow moaned wordlessly into Mary’s cunt as I fucked her.

“Hey pussywillow,” a male voice said over Willow’s phone. Mary had put the phone on speaker. “What’s going on.”

“Yancy, my name is Mary Sullivan,” Mary purred on the phone, a naughty smile on her face. “I just wanted you to know your slutty wife is eating my pussy as my fiancee, Mark, fucks her tight snatch with his big cock!”

“What!” Yancy gasped. “Who the fuck is this! This isn’t funny! I’m going to call the cops!”

“No you don’t, Yancy,” I ordered. “You’re going to listen while your wife makes us cum. Right, slut?” I smacked Willow’s ass hard.

“Ohh, Yancy,” Willow moaned wantonly. “I’m sorry, but I don’t love you anymore. I love Mark and his big cock that’s plunging into my cunt and I love Mary and her beautiful pussy that taste so heavenly.”

“What’s wrong with you?” Yancy moaned. “I don’t understand?”

“You’re wife’s found better lovers,” Mary moaned. “And let me tell you, she is one skilled pussy eater.” Mary moved the phone closer so the speakers could pick up the wet slurping noise of Willow’s frantic pussy eating. “Hear that? That’s the sound of you’re lovely wife’s tongue lapping at my pussy!”

I started to fuck Willow harder, the room filling with the slap of flesh on flesh. “God your wife’s pussy feel so fucking nice, Yancy. I bet you’re going to miss it. You’ll never get to stick your little cock up her again! She’s had a real man, now!”

There was sobbing coming through the phone. “Why are you doing this, Willow? I love you!”

“I don’t love you, Yancy. I’m getting fucked by a real man! He just takes what he wants! It so fucking sexy to controlled!” Willow panted and then dived back into Mary’s cunt.

“Please, Willow, what’s wrong?” Yancy begged. “We can work this out! Please?”

“Fuck, you’re a wimp,” Mary disparaged. “You need to understand that you’re wife belongs to us now. She’s our little sex slave. She’ll do whatever nasty things we tell her to do. A disgusting wimp like you could never truly satisfy her.”

“So you’re going to file for divorce, Yancy,” I told him. “You can keep everything save her clothes and jewelry. Tonight, she’s going to come home, pack her bags and leave. You will not try to stop her or hurt her in anyway.”

“Fine,” he sobbed.

“Oh yes, you’re wife’s going to make me cum, soon,” Mary purred. “Oh, her tongue is so amazing. She’s lapping at my clit right now while she shoves two fingers up my cunt. And Mark is fucking her so hard her asscheeks are jiggling.”

Willow let out a shuddering moan. “I’m cumming, oh fuck, you’re cock feels so good, Master!”

Her pussy milked my cock. “Shit! Yancy, your pussywillow’s pussy is cumming on my cock! She’s such a nasty slut. I’m going to pump her full of my cum. If you ask nicely, when she gets home tonight, she’ll show you her cum-stained cunt. Let you see what a real man’s work looks like.”

“Oh, cum in me, Master!” begged Willow. “Please, oh please. I need it so badly!”

“Here it comes, whore!” I slammed deep into her and emptied my nuts into her. “God, that was a good fuck. Now, make Mary cum.”

“Umm, keep sucking my clit and I’ll flood your face with my tasty juices,” Mary cooed. “Oh, just like that! Oh, yes!” Mary shuddered on the table and her legs bucked out of the stirrups. She lay panting on the table. Mary hung up the phone and then snapped a shot of Willow, her face covered with pussy-cum and sent the photo to her husband.

“I captioned it, “Something to jerk off too since you’ve lost your pussywillow! *-)”

I laughed. “Wow, that’s mean.”

“I recall you did something similar to my ex-boyfriend,” Mary said with a smile. I had her break up with Mike while I fucked her in the ass. Then I sent him a picture of Mary between another woman’s thigh, my cock buried in her tight asshole.

I pulled out of Willow’s cunt. The Native American woman was breathing heavily. I kissed her lips, delighting in the flavor of Mary’s cunt, sweet and spicy, on her lips. “We’ll see you tonight, slut. On your way home, pick up a very sexy nurses outfit at a sex shop. You’ll wear either that or lingerie when in the house.”

“Yes, Master,” Willow said happily.

We all got dressed and Mary and Willow shared one more, passionate kiss and then we left her to see to her next patient. You couldn’t see the cum stain on the back of her doctor’s jacket, but my cum was drying in her hair, leaving a sticky white residue behind that stood out in her black tresses.

“I’m meeting Alice at the Blue Spruce at One,” Mary said. “Mind dropping off. We can get lunch on the way.”

“Yeah, okay,” I said.

Alice was our realtor and Mary’s lover. This would be their third time meeting in a motel. Alice was married and Mary said her husband wasn’t paying enough attention to her so Mary was more than happy to pick up the slack. My emotions were mixed on the woman. It was clear Mary felt more for this woman than just one of the sluts or other women we molested. Mary claimed they were just friends, but I was afraid something more could grow out their affair. I trusted Mary and I didn’t want to seem like I didn’t trust her by objecting to her time with the woman. I just wished she would stop seeing her.

We ate lunch at a subway just down the street. We had a pleasant time, I fucked one of the workers, a cutie named Anna, in the ass and left my cum dripping off her face as she went back to work while Mary had first fingered this guys wife and then made her eat her cunt all while the guy watched. He was angry at first, but soon got into watching his wife with another woman. Mary and I enjoyed are sandwiches and watching the reactions of customers as they saw the cum drenched Anna make their sandwiches.

“So, what are we going to do about STDs?” Mary asked as we walked back to my Mustang.

“I don’t know,” I answered. “I don’t think I want to start wearing a condom.”

Mary frowned. “Yeah, there’s definitely something to be said about warm cum squirting inside you.”

“Maybe there’s a spell,” I said. “Lilith said there were many spells out there, not just the two she told us about.” I started the car and pulled out onto Yakima.

“Lilith,” Mary called as I started to drive her to the Blue Spruce Motel for her tryst with Alice.

I gritted my teeth, prepared to fight the waves of lust as Lilith appeared in the car. My cock hardened in my pants and Mary’s nipples tented her blouse. Lilith was sitting in the back seat, a shear, red dress clung to her curvy body.

“Yes, Mistress,” Lilith purred.

“Is there a spell that we can perform to make us immune to STDs?” Mary asked.

“Oh yes, and its an easy one,” Lilith said with a laugh. “Just deflower a woman. Her purity will guard you against any STDs. When you break her hymen, say, ‘Bathuwlah,’ and you’ll gain your immunity. Plus, once you’ve used the Ritual of Zimmah and bound the Thralls to you, they’ll get the immunity as well.”

I frowned. The Ritual of Zimmah was performed by fucking your parent. For a woman, that meant your father. For me, that meant fucking my mother. “I thought Zimmah was only to make my Thralls immune to a nun’s power.”

“The Ritual of Zimmah binds the Thrall to your lifeforce. One of its side effects makes your Thrall immune to any other person’s control. It also keeps them young and beautiful. Of course, when you die, they’ll die.” Lilith frowned. “Didn’t I explain this to you?”

“No,” I said.

She shrugged. “Whatever, is there anything else you require, Mistress. Perhaps you would like to use your last boon.

“No, you can go, Lilith,” Mary dismissed and sighed in relief when she was gone. “I don’t trust her,” Mary muttered.

“Yeah,” I answered. “I can see the hatred in her eyes whenever she looks at me. Like she just once to crush me. Once you’ve made your last boon, she’ll go back to hell or wherever the fuck she’s from.”

“Maybe I should just use the last boon, you know, get it over with.”

“What if we run into another nun problem,” I pointed out. “Her boon is a safety net for us. She can’t do anything to us, anyways. She’s under your power.”

“What about last night, Mark, you passed out.” Concern painted Mary’s face.

“Well, I know I shouldn’t fuck her again,” I said with a smile.

“It’s not funny, Mark,” Mary heatedly said. “She’s dangerous.”

“You have her under control,” I reassured. “Everything will be fine.”

Mary bit her lip. “Fine, I won’t use the boon … for now.”

Mary fell silent, biting her lip in worry, so I cranked the radio and let the music flow over me as I drove. By the time we reached Parkland, Mary had relaxed and was smiling again. When I dropped her off at the Blue Spruce there was an excited glint in her eye, her concerns about Lilith forgotten in her eagerness to see her lover.

“So, you guys will be there at 5 pm so we can buy the houses on the block?” I asked.

“Yeah, we’ll also go look for some medical space on the way,” Mary said. “I love you.”

“Love you, too,” I said and she bent down and kissed me before she turned to rent a room in a shitty motel to spend the afternoon with her “friend.” As she eagerly ran off to see her lover, another stab of jealousy hammered my heart. I wanted nothing more than to ask Mary to come with me, to blow off seeing Alice.

You had your chance to control her, Mark, I told myself. You felt guilty about it so you freed her. And she loved you enough to stay when she found out what you did to her. So, just stop worrying, they’re just friends.


“Why don’t we just stay in bed,” protested Alice as I bent down to grab my panties. Alice walked up behind me and caressed my ass.

“Because we have to go meet up with Mark,” I told her and kissed her pouty lips. “Its important to us that we buy these houses.”

“We can do that tomorrow,” Alice complained. “Let’s spend the night. Dean left on a business trip this morning. We can make love all night long.”

“We had fun today, but I need to get back to Mark,” I said, a hint of exasperation tinging my voice.

“Is that all it was, just fun!” Alice demanded.

“Oh, don’t be bitchy,” I told her. “I had a great time with you, Alice. And I can’t wait for our next encounter. But he’s my fiancee, okay. He needs to come first.”

“Fine,” Alice muttered.

I kissed her. “We can still get together,” I told her. “So don’t be mad.”

“Well, when will that be?” Alice asked, starting to get mollified.

“Let me think,” I said.

Alice reached over and fondled my freckled breast. “Please be soon, I can’t get enough of your gorgeous body.”

I smiled at the complement. “Well, tomorrow I have to see several caters for our wedding and a florists. And looking into the cake. And then my family is coming over for dinner that night. On Saturday, Mark and I have interviews for some bodyguards and then we’re going out on a date that evening.”

Alice pouted more, her finger pinching my nipple gently, sending delicious tingles through my body. “That’s too long.”

“Well, we can get together Sunday morning,” I told her. “I have dinner with Mark’s parents that night, but the morning’s free.”

“Fine, Sunday morning.”

“We’ll have a nice brunch and then I’ll make you cum so hard,” I told Alice.

She smiled, a naughty, seductive smile that transformed her face into something predatory. “You can make me cum right now?”

I sighed. She was as eager to fuck me as Mark was. Her fingers slipped down my naked body, gently toyed with my red pubic hair and started to caress my pussy. It was getting hard to remember why we needed to go as a finger slipped up my cunt. Pleasure was starting to burn through my body as her digit wiggled in and out of me.

I gritted my teeth and shoved her had out of my cunt. “We got to go, Mark’s waiting.” Alice’s finger wasn’t Mark’s cock. I wasn’t going to be distracted that easily.

“Fine,” Alice sighed. “Fine, let’s go see you fiancee.”

“C’mon, you’ll like him,” I said, patting her shoulders. “He’s a great guy.”

She snorted but didn’t say anything. What was her problem today?


When I got home, two men were tearing out the ruined door frame. Allison and Lillian were flirting shamelessly with the two guys, dressed in sexy lingerie. Allison wore a cream bustier with black lace running up the stomach and bodice, cream panties trimmed in black lace, and white, sheer stalkings held up by the bustier garter belt. Lillian wore a gray, silk negligee that clung to her body like a second skin and fell just below her ass.

“Are these girls distracting you,” I asked the workers.

“N-no sir,” the first guy stammered, and his eyes kept darting to steal glances of the sluts.

“When you finish replacing the door, fuck the shit out of these sluts,” I told them. “Get back at them for being little cockteases and ride them hard.”

Allison giggled. “That sounds like a great idea.” Lillian licked her lips. “Ohh, I can’t wait to get bent over and fucked.”

The one hammering a nail in missed and hit his thumb. He never stopped smiling. I’m not even sure he felt the blow.

I went in the house and found the sluts I sent to get their cunt’s waxed earlier today were back. “Inspection time,” I ordered after I gathered them in the living room.

The sluts all raised their skirts for my inspection. Violet had a Brazilian wax and her tight slit made her look even younger. Fiona left a landing strip of bright, red hair. Karen had a triangular patch above her cunt of curly, brunette hair. Chasity decided to go completely bald, like Violet. Thamina left a V above her cunt, two wings of black pubic hair that pointed right at her clit.

I saw Desiree and I ordered her to put the thirteen duffel bags in the trunk of my car. Twenty-six million dollars was quite heavy and I didn’t want to lug it around the neighborhood.

I took the five sluts upstairs to my bed and had them strip me. Violet and Chasity unbuttoned my shirt while Karen knelt before me and unbuckled my belt and pushing my jeans down, followed by my boxers. She eagerly sucked my cock into her mouth. Someone was kneeling behind me and I felt hands spread my cheek and a wet tongue rimmed my asshole, sending a strange thrill through my body.

Fiona joined Karen and the two sluts took turns sucking my cock, licking around my mushroom head. That meant it was my Muslim slut, Thamina, who sucked on my asshole. Violet and Chasity had my shirt off and each sucked a nipple into her mouth. I didn’t get much out of the sluts sucking my nipples, but I let them do it anyways.

Fiona had her mouth around my cock and was sucking powerfully as she bobbed her head. Karen was underneath, sucking on my balls. Thamina’s tongue wiggled into my tight sphincter. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensations on my body. My arms wrapped around Violet and Chasity, sliding down their backs to find their asses and I started to grope the sluts. Fiona’s mouth slid off my cock and Karen sucked me into her mouth as Fiona kissed the shaft of my cock. Hands started cupping my balls, massaging my nuts gently.

“Fuck, you sluts are nasty!” I moaned. “I’m gonna cum! I want to shoot on your face, Karen!”

Karen stopped sucking and Fiona jerked my cock off rapidly. Her hand has a nice grip and pumped fast. My balls tightened and Karen smiled up at me, eager for my cum. Four large spurts of cum splashed on Karen’s face, running thick down onto her breasts.

I sat down on the bed, kicking off my shoes and my pants that had bunched up at my ankles and watched the sluts lick Karen clean of all my cum while Karen just cooed in pleasure as four women’s tongues and hands ran all over her body. With a shuddering gasp, Karen came on her sister-slut’s fingers and lips.

Violet stood up, smiling at me and my eyes stared at her bald cunt. I licked my lips. I had to taste her, feel those smooth cunt lips on my face. I stretched out on the bed and motioned Violet to come to me. “I want to eat your cunt, slut.”

Violet beamed. “I’d love that, Master.”

Violet straddled my face, her naked cunt descending to my eager lips. She had a light, spicy flavor to her juices and I dug my tongue right into her cunt. The bed shook as someone climbed onto the bed and I felt a woman’s legs straddling my torso, her gentle fingers stroking my cock to full readiness. Her cunt was warm and wet as she slid down on my cock.

I didn’t know which slut was riding my cock, but she felt great as she rose up and down on my shaft, her cunt gripping my dick in its silky grasp. I wrapped my arms around Violet and gripped her teenage ass as I sucked on her pussy. Her pussy lips were smooth as silk on my face. The springs of the mattress squeaked as the slut riding my dick bounced faster and faster. Her cunt massaging the sensitive head of my cock.

“Umm, suck my titties, Violet,” Thamina said in a husky voice. There was a wet, sucking noise and I pictured Violet bending over and sucking on Thamina’s dusky tits as the Muslim rode my cock. Thamina’s cunt tightened as Violet was sucking on her breasts. “You’re so good at tit sucking,” Thamina moaned.

“Suck mine now,” Violet purred and then cooed in delight. “Ohh, you’re pretty good at tit sucking, too, Thamina. Oh, I going to cum. Master, your tongue feel so amazing in my tight little cunt!”

Violet’s bucked onto top of me, her cunt sliding about my lips as she orgasmed. Fresh juices flooded my mouth and I drank the tasty honey. Violet panted heavily and rolled off me, a large smile on her face. Thamina continued riding me, her nurse’s blouse opened and her dusky tits bounced as she fucked me. Her nipples were hard and wet from Violet’s suckling.

Fiona slid on the bed next to me, naked. On the other side of the bed, Karen was slipping into a sixty-nine with Violet, the former nun greedily eating the teenager’s cunt. Violet’s pink tongue lapped eagerly at Karen’s pussy. Fiona’s large tits, freckled like Mary’s, pressed against my arm as she moved her face in to kiss me. Her tongue explored my lips, licking Violet’s pussy-cum off my lips.

I grabbed one of Fiona’s heavy tits and drew it up to my hungry lips, sucking her hard nipple into my mouth. Fiona purred happily as I nibbled and sucked her hard nub. Thamina was moaning louder and louder, riding my cock faster and harder. She shrieked something in Arabic as her cunt convulsed on my cock. My body tensed and I nibbled on Fiona’s nipple as I came into Thamina’s twat. Four powerful jets of cum to feed her slutty cunt.

“Thank you, Master,” Thamina panted as she sat on my cock.

“Master, my cunt’s all empty,” Fiona whispered in my ear. “Can you fill it with your big cock?”

I grinned and kissed her. Thamina got off me and I rolled onto Fiona. Her legs spread invitingly open for me and I plunged my cock inside her and started fucking her hard. Violet and Karen were gasping and moaning, cumming on each other’s faces. Thamina leaned on her elbow and watched me fuck Fiona, smiling sweetly and playing with her cum-stained pussy. Chasity crawled onto the bed and shoved her face into Thamina’s cunt and sucked my cum out of the Muslim’s pussy.

When Mary texted me to let me know she was on her way, I had filled all five of the slut’s cunts with my cum and was enjoying Violet’s tight ass. It wouldn’t be long before I filled that hole with my cream as well. Violet was eating out Thamina’s cunt as I fucked her ass. Chasity was sitting on Karen’s face while Fiona ate Karen’s cunt.

After I came in Violet’s ass, I had Chasity clean my dirty cock with her mouth and then got dressed. “Sluts, get ready for tonight,” I ordered as I left. Tonight, my friends were coming over to play D&D and I wanted all the sluts showered and ready to be fucked. I would let each of my buddy’s choose a slut to be his personal slave for the night, excluding Korina who was still recovering from her gunshot, and Violet. Violet was a virgin when I fucked her and I wanted no other cock to know her cunt but mine for the rest of her life. Violet would be my personal slave for the night.

When I went downstairs I found the two repairmen fucking Allison and Lillian in the living room. Our new front door had been replaced and the men were enjoying their bonus. Allison and Lillian knelt side by side as the men fucked them from behind and were making out.

“When you’re finished, sluts, you need to get ready for tonight,” I ordered.

“Yes, Master,” Allison gasped and Lillian moaned, “I can’t wait to play with your friends!”

A cream Jetta pulled into the driveway as I stepped outside and Mary opened the door and happily walked over to me. Her auburn hair looked beautiful in the sunlight. She hugged me and kissed me passionately, and I could taste Alice’s cunt on her lips. When I broke the kiss I could see her friend, Alice, starting daggers at me, her hands white-knuckled as she gripped her car door. Shit, was Alice jealous of Mary kissing me.

When Mary broke the hug, she turned to Alice. “This is Alice, she’s going to be my maid-of-honor.” The look Alice gave Mary was dewy eyed. She looked like a puppy staring at her master. Was she in love with Mary? “Remember, do not use your powers on her,” Mary whispered, reminding me of a promise I made.

“Yeah,” I said, frowning.

Alice briefly shook my hand when she walked up to us. “Nice to meet you,” she said stiffly.

“Yeah, likewise,” I replied, just as stiffly.

“See, isn’t he a great guy?” Mary asked her lover.

“Sure,” Alice answered, smiling at Mary. She cleared her throat. “So Mark, we’re going to buy all the houses on this street. There’s what, a dozen houses.”

“Thirteen,” I corrected.

“Well, I have some paperwork drawn up, but I don’t think you’ll get much luck on anyone selling their houses,” Alice said. “People just don’t like to sell their houses out of the blue. Even if you make a generous offer, some will need to think about it and others just won’t care about the money. It’s their home. People get weird when it comes to their home.”

“Don’t worry,” Mary said. “Mark could talk a minister’s wife out of her panties and fuck her behind the pulpit while her husband gives a sermon.”

Alice raised her eyebrows at that, then choose to ignore what she clearly thought was Mary’s boast. Mary had a wicked smile on her face and I bet she would love to see me fuck a minister’s wife in the middle of church. I would love it too. “Well, let’s get this over with,” Alice said impatiently, interrupting my fantasy.

“I have the money in the trunk of my mustang,” I said. “It’s too heavy to lug it all round the neighborhood.”

I drove us to the entrance parking in front of the third house in. That left us within a quick walk of six houses, half the street. We were going to need these houses. I planned on giving one to my mom, plus the bodyguards we were going to recruit would need a few houses for their barracks. For the other houses, who knows. Maybe Mary’s father might move into one, along with her younger sister. And Shannon, Mary’s older sister, would probably get another. And of course, Antsy could live with my mom or get her own house.

Of course, any households that had a beautiful wife or hot teenage daughter would get to stay for the small price of letting me fuck their women whenever I wanted. Anastasia from my Naked Jogging Club would be staying and Madeleine, as well. For the rest, I was hoping for one or two more households to hang onto.

I popped the trunk and grabbed a duffel bag and walked to the first house on my side of the street, 2902 Mountain View Ct SW. The house was a light blue with dark blue trim, three stories, surrounded by a beautifully maintained lawn with sculpted bushes, flowering plants, and a stone fountain carved with angels. I knocked at the door and a sullen looking teenage boy opened the door.

“I need to speak to your mom or dad,” I said.

“Mom!” he hollered and a moment later a frumpy looking woman, a good fifty pounds overweight, walked up to the door. “Hi,” she greeted, friendly enough, “I’m Mona, how can I help you.”

“Is your husband home?” I asked. It would be a lot simpler both spouses were present.

“No, I’m not married,” Mona answered.

There was bitterness in her voice and a mean impulse shot through me. “What happened to him.”

“He ran off with his secretary,” Mona bitterly said.

“I bet she was a pretty thing?” I asked with a grin.

Mona flushed in anger. “The asshole’s welcomed to have her. The slut spread her legs for every partner at the firm. I bet she still’s spreading her legs behind his back. But I got the house and a nice settlement.”

“Well, your house is what I’ve come to speak to you about,” I said. “This is my fiancee, Mary, and our realtor, Alice. We just moved into the house up the street.”

“Where the cops have been too twice?” Mona asked, pointedly.

“Yeah,” I told her. “You’re going to sell us your house for two million dollars. I got the cash right here and Alice has some paperwork for you to sign.”

“Okay,” Mona said. She frowned in surprise at how quickly she agreed.

Alice blinked, and asked, “Excuse me, Mona. Did you just agree to sell your house to him? Just like that?”

“I guess I did,” Mona replied. “It just felt right.”

“Of course it did, so let’s sign some papers,” I told her. “You have until tomorrow to move out. Put your stuff in storage and rent a hotel room until you find a new place, okay.”

“Sure,” Mona nodded.

“Wait, what mom?” her teenage son gaped. “We’re moving!”

The next house was far more promising. At 2906 a cute, teenage girl named Issy answered the door. She was a beautiful angel with a heart-shaped face, blue eyes and short hair dyed green with black streaks. She had a lean build and toned legs of an athlete so invited her to join my Jogging Club.

“It meets at Madeleine’s house at 6 am,” I told her. “You’ll have a lot of fun.”

“Okay,” she giggled.

I bought the house from her parents, the Norups, and let them live in the house for free.

“We can stay in the house for free?” asked doughty Mrs. Norup.

“Yeah, but I get to sleep with your daughter whenever I want,” I answered. “You two don’t have a problem with that, you’re more than happy to let me have her.”

“Absolutely,” a balding Mr. Norup nodded and shook my hand.

“What?” gasped Alice. “That’s disgusting! Fuck this shit!” and stormed out of the house. Anger and disgust were furrowed on her forehead.

Mary chased after her and when I looked out the window, Mary had caught up with Alice and stopped her and started talking to her. Mary reached out and stroked Alice’s hand and brought her fingers up to her lips to kiss them. Alice sighed and nodded, and then leaned in and kissed Mary on the lips. The pair tongue wrestled for a minute, then walked back into the house.

“I straightened it out,” Mary said as the walked in.

Feeling a surge of jealousy, I grabbed Mary and kissed her as passionately as I could. Mary melted against me, kissing me back just as passionately. Issy cat-called behind us and, when I broke the kiss, Mary was breathless. I glanced at Alice and she was giving me the stink eye.

“Are you a virgin, Issy?” Mary asked the girl.

“Of course,” Issy, said flushing.

“Are you really?” I asked. The girl barely shook her head no, hoping her parents wouldn’t see the movement. That was a shame. Mary and I needed to find a pair of virgins to deflower. Well, tomorrow I would try the local high school if there where no virgins on the block. There was bound to be a few virgins there.

The next house was a big disappointment. Mr. and Mrs. Lowery were in their fifties and all their children had grown up and moved away years ago. Zane Bullard lived in the next house, he was a widower with a five year old daughter and we quickly got him to sell his house. The fifth house was just as disappointing, a gay couple lived there.

Finally, at the sixth house I found some promising girls. The Rhee family, Koreans, were very friendly and had two teenage daughters, Iseul was seventeen and Yun was fourteen. Both girls were petite and gorgeous. So the Rhee family got to stay in their house. Sadly, neither of the girls were true virgins. Iseul gave up her maidenhead to her boyfriend at prom and Yun found her mother’s vibrator and popped her cherry just three days earlier.

The next two houses were a bust, the Gomez’s had a son and a fat daughter, and the wife was in a wheelchair suffering from MS. Mrs. Endicott weighed three hundred pounds and her daughter had graduated from college. I bought Madeleine’s house and let her stay, of course. The next house was also a bust, the wife was badly scarred in an accident and they only had sons.

Anastasia, from my jogging club, was more than happy to sell her house and her husband, Stan, was more than happy to let me fuck his wife. At the next house I met Mrs. Stainthrope, a gorgeous trophy wife and let her and her husband stay, provide I could stick my dick in her tight cunt. Mr. Stainthrope didn’t seem to mind. The final house was another bust, another fat wife and teenage sons.

All in all, Mary and I had eight houses we could use until we built are mansion. There was still a lot paperwork to sign to make the purchases legal, but that was just a formality. The block was ours and what women remained were ours to do with as we pleased while their husbands and fathers smiled on approvingly. We said goodbye to Alice, handed over her commission, and I shook her hand and Mary kissed her lips.

Mary disappeared upstairs to get ready. She was going clubbing with a friend of hers, Diane, and I wanted to make sure the sluts were all ready for my guest to arrive. For years I had been playing D&D with the same group of guys. Usually we played at my house, every Thursday. I was too busy last Thursday, having fun with my new powers. Fucking my sluts should make it up to them, though.

I had the sluts, under Lillian’s supervision, set up the dining room table to be our gaming room and then gather in the living room. We had a full stock of sodas and chips and pizza was on its way. Noel and Willow, our newest sluts, had gotten home in time, as had Jessica. Noel wore the sexy cop outfit I ordered her purchase and Willow a sexy nurses outfit. Jessica, on her own initiative, had purchased a slutty, office-lady outfit, with the shortest miniskirt possible. The skirt barely covered her ass when she stood up straight and when she bent over, all her charms were on display. The blouse was tight and sheer. A pair black fishnet stockings were held up by a garter belt and stiletto heels made her ass sway so fucking sexy when she walked.

The doorbell rang I opened the door to see Quatch looking around in amazement. Quatch was a big guy and covered in black hair. He had a shaggy beard, hairy arms and back, so he got the nickname Sasquatch which somehow gotten shortened down to Quatch. I wasn’t sure what his real name was, James or John, maybe. He was my best friend.

“Hey man,” he said and whistled. “How the fuck are you staying here.”

“I won poker tournament,” I told my friend. “Come in. Meet the girls.”

All the sluts, save Lillian, were gathered in the living room in their slutty maid outfits, or cop and nurses outfits for the four special sluts. “Hello, sir,” they all greeted Quatch and his mouth fell open.

“Who the fuck are all these girls, Mark?” he gasped. “Christ, I can see their tits. Did you hire a bunch of prostitutes?”

“These are our sex slaves,” I told him. “They’ll do whatever my fiancee and I tell them too. And I mean anything!” I said with a wink.

“Seriously,” he stammered.

“Seriously,” I said. “Choose one, and she’ll give you the best blowjob you’ve ever had.”

“Is this a joke?” I shook my head and answered, “Nope.”

“Fuck, eh, how about the nurse.”

“Which one?” I asked.

“Oh shit, you have two of them,” he said, licking his lips. “This one.”

“That’s Dr. Willow,” I said.

Willow walked over and kissed Quatch, her body melting against him. Quatch stood frozen for a second and then wrapped his arms around Willow’s lithe body and kissed her back. The doorbell rang again and I smiled. My friends and I were going to have a lot of fun tonight.


I watched them from the shadows, scurrying like the vermin they where.

I hated them all. The descendants of Adam and that submissive slut he replaced me with. Eve. Her name left a bitter taste in my mouth. I hated her and her mongrel children. I had hounded her children, tormented them and sent my monstrous children to terrorize them. I showed them no mercy and for that I was cast into the Abyss with the fallen angels, with Lucifer, as my final punishment.

I watched Mary scurry upstairs and disrobe to take a shower. Downstairs, Mark, disgusting, arrogant Mark, prattled about with all the women he forced to submit to him. I hated Mark most of all. That disgusting insect thought he could lay hands upon me. Last night I would have drank his entire essence, sucked him dry, if it wasn’t for his damned Wish he made with Lucifer.

I guess I should just count myself lucky that it was Mary that used the gem and not Mark. Lucifer loved to degrade me, and making me serve a man was just his style. And Mark was just the sort of man who would love to make me serve him forever. Forced to satisfy any and all of his sexual appetites.

“Lilith,” a voice whispered from the shadow, shivering through my body.

“Lucifer,” I answered. What did he want. Lucifer was always butting in, interfering where he wasn’t wanted.

Lucifer appeared behind me, shining with light. Brilliant and beautiful. When mortals summoned him, he would appear to match their expectations. These days that meant that ridiculous, evil lawyer get-up. He would appear at the crossroads as a dark, handsome man with scarlet eyes that practically dripped evil. It was so over the top. But Lucifer, the Morning Star, was really a being of pure light, of radiance, and loved to shine brightly whenever he could. He was always to full of himself. The only thing that shined brighter than his body was his pride. It’s why he had rebelled and why he had been cast into the Abyss.

“You’re Mark is pathetic,” I snarled at Lucifer. “Unlimited power and all he does with it is get a house full of women.”

“He’s the perfect choice,” Lucifer answered.

“I’ll crush him,” I snarled. “I’ll ruin your precious plans.” You’ll regret ever giving me the chance to be active in the mortal world.

Lucifer shrugged. “All outcomes will benefit me, Lilith.”

Anger bubbled through me. Lucifer was always so smug. “I’ll turn his little slut against him.”

A smirk creased Lucifer’s mouth. “I’d love to see that.”

He didn’t believe I could do it. Anger boiled in me. If there was one thing I could do, it was seduce pathetic mortals. Their passions ruled them, made the weak, biddable. I just needed to apply the right pressure and Mary would be begging to help me crush Mark. I’ll show Lucifer, I thought in anger as I moved through the shadows, standing behind Mary.

I stepped out of the shadows and into the steamy shower. Lucifer couldn’t follow. The shadows were the highest part of the Abyss, where only the most powerful of those trapped could venture. From the shadows, you could see the mortal world, see all the pleasures and joys it contained, and know you were forever denied them. The only way to cross over was for some pathetic mortal to summon you. So long as Mary held off using her last boon, I could freely enter the mortal world.

Mary jumped in surprise when she felt my lust permeating her body. She turned, water running down her naked form. Mary’s emerald eyes widened in lust, her nipples hardened into tiny, erect nubs, and the scent of her arousal filled my nostril. Mary’s tongue slid across her red lips and I could see her hand tremble as she desired to reach out and touch my lush form.

“Lilith,” Mary said, wrenching her eyes from my breasts. There was a touch of anger in her voice. She was still mad about what I did to Mark last night. The worm deserved it, and more. I would crush him and this stupid little girl would help me. Once my lust had fully flooded her, she would be putty in my hands and I would shape her into a weapon. My cunt grew wet at the thought.

I pressed my body against hers, felt her hard nipples rubbing against my fleshy breasts. She backed away from me, shuddering as she climaxed. I was Lilith, the Succubus, and my touch was pure lust. Her back hit the shower wall and there was no place for her to go. I pinned her, my lips capturing hers in a kiss. Her legs parted eagerly and I could feel her hard clit and wet lips of my pussy and I started to slowly tribbed the girl.

“I enjoyed watching you and those men this morning,” I whispered into her ear. “There’s nothing hotter than a woman putting a man in his place.”

“It was fun,” moaned Mary. The girl shuddered in my arms as she came, again. Mary was getting better at resisting my passions, but not even she could fight off my lust and her orgasms when my cunt kissed her clit.

“I bet you would love to make more men crawl before you.” I licked her ear and she gasped and came again, her cunt juices drenching my pubic hair. “To make them beg to pleasure you. To degrade them the way Mark degrades women!”

“Yes! I want to do that!” Mary hissed. “It was so hot, I came so hard as they fucked me! And then to hear that guy beg to make him cum! How pathetic he sounded as I walked away. It was so intoxicating!”

“I can give you that,” Lilith whispered. “You can Mark your obedient slave.”

“What?” Mary asked, frowning, her desire fading away.

“Mark made you his slave, wouldn’t you love to do the same to him.” Her body trembled in my arms, her breath quickening. I could feel her thoughts whirling in her mind. I could taste her fantasies. Mark crawling before her. Mark begging to fuck her, begging to be allowed to cum inside her. “He made you his slave, make him yours. Degrade him, punish him. Get even with him!”

Scenarios whirled in her mind, and I inserted even nastier images. I could feel her desire build as the disgusting, degrading fantasies I inserted filled her mind. Mark sucking on her toes, worshiping her feat. Mary stepping on his cock, on his balls, crushing them between her toes as he moaned in pain and pleasure. Mark bent over a table, as Mark had bent her over so many tables, and Mary fucking his ass with a strap-on. Mark eating his cum out of her cunt like a sissy. Mark watching in the corner as men fucked her, stroking his little cock while a real man pleasured her. And then she would let him crawl across the bed and eat the other man’s cum from her pussy. She was so close to giving in, I could feel her answer on the tip of her tongue. She wanted it so badly.

“I love him,” Mary whispered, weakening.

“You can always let him go after you’ve had you’re fun,” I lied.

Her body stiffened. Somehow my words strengthened her resistance. “No,” a whisper escaped her lips. “No!” There was more force the second time and then she shoved me off of her. “No, Lilith! Not Mark. We’re equals. I was his slave but he set me free! I could degrade and humiliate any man, but not Mark. You don’t do that to someone you love!”

I snarled at her, anger bubbling up inside me. How did the little bitch resist those impulses. I built them on her fantasies, on her desires. It should have worked. The bitch should have been putty in my hand. She was only a human, nothing more than a slave to her desires. So how in the name of Creation did she resist?

“I don’t want you appearing before me, before Mark, or any of our sluts, unless you’re summoned, Lilith,” Mary ordered in anger. “You’re my slave!” I could feel the chains of her summoning upon me, dragging me back into the shadows, back into the Abyss.

Lucifer laughed, that damned, knowing smirk on his lips as I appeared in the shadows.

“That should have worked,” I muttered in embarrassed anger.

“It would have if you had at all paid attention,” Lucifer replied.

I frowned, and then I smiled as seductively as possible. “What do you know, Lucifer?”

“You’re trying to split up soul mates,” Lucifer answered. “If I hadn’t arranged for Mark to read that book and learn how to summon me, he would have met Mary anyways. It was destiny, I just fudged how they met. Twisted their lives to serve my designs.”

“Why?” I asked suspiciously. “Why would you want a pawn so full of love?”

Lucifer smiled, beautiful and evil and powerful all at the same time. A shiver ran through my body, fear and lust warring inside me. “Humans have done such amazing things for love,” Lucifer exulted. “David sent Bathsheba’s husband to his death so he could have her. Mark Anthony rebelled for love and died for love. Justinian destroyed the future of his Empire for the love of his whorish wife. For Love, Paris kidnapped Helen and for love the Kings of Greece destroyed the City of Troy. Love has made men and women betray their countries, their friends, their children. For love, humans will lie, will steal, will murder. A person in love will commit acts that they never imagined they could. The question is, Lilith, why wouldn’t I use a pawn in love.”

His laugh was deep, throaty and powerful, echoing through the shadows. I could feel his ardor rolling off him in waves and my eyes glanced down to his shining cock. Humiliation roiled through my body. I was going to have to pleasure him. How I hated being used to satisfy a man’s lust. One day I’ll have all the power, Lucifer, one day you’ll pleasure me!

His hands were on my shoulder and I sank down to my knees. There was no use fighting it. Lucifer ruled the Abyss. My body was just one of the many perks of the King of Hell. It was exactly how Milton had wrote, “Better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven.” My mouth opened and his cock entered my mouth. I closed my eyes, as Lucifer’s glow intensified as his pleasure increased and I sucked hard at the head of his cock.

My ploy with Mary may have failed, but that was just a passing amusement. Nothing would have been more satisfying to watch than Mark getting degraded by his own woman, but I had another way to destroy Mark and derail Lucifer’s plans. One that could not be stopped. The seed was already planted in fertile soil and when it sprouted, I would destroy Mark and be free of the Abyss, forever. I will have all the freedom denied you, Lucifer. You can rule in Hell. I will rule on Earth!

So laugh all you want and continue in the misguided belief that events are serving you. Continue making me your whore, like Adam thought he could. I broke free of his domination and I’ll break free of yours. You made a huge mistake loosing me in the world again. One day, you will crawl on you knees before me and grovel for my embrace. I could almost feel Lucifer’s lips on my feet, delighting in his imagined humiliation. His cock erupted fire into my lips, his seed burned as I swallowed.

Soon, Lucifer, soon you’ll be my slave.

To be continued …

Click here for Chapter 18

The Devil’s Pact Chapter 14: Karen’s Decision



The Devil’s Pact

Chapter 14: Karen’s Decision

by mypenname3000

© Copyright 2013

Story Codes: Male/Female, Female/Female, Male/Female/Teen female, Male/Females, Female Masturbation, Mind Control, Orgy, Exhibitionism, Rape, BDSM, Humiliation, Magic, Oral

For a list of all the Devil’s Pact Chapters and other stories click here

Comments are very welcome. I would like all criticism, positive and negative, so long as its
constructive, and feedback is very appreciated.

Click here for Chapter 13

“Hi, Alice,” Mrs. Martin greeted me.

The Martins were my eleven o’clock appointment. I was showing the couple a house in Spanaway; a cute, light gray rambler with mauve trim. After I showed them the house, for the third fricking time, I would be free for my afternoon date with Mary at the Blue Spruce Motel. I was so excited that I masturbated three times this morning while sexting with Mary. She sent me several naughty photos including one with a young woman eating out her cunt. “just a slut that I share /w mark *-),” she had texted. The photo left me a horny, jealous mess. I hated the woman and envied her all at the same time.

I couldn’t wait for my mouth to be eating Mary’s twat out. That was why I was wearing my shortest skirt, a deep blue, and a crop top half-shirt underneath my blue blazer, and dark brown, thigh-high stockings that just came to hem of my skirt. And no panties or bra underneath the clothing. I was ready to be fucked by my lover.

The showing dragged on and on. The Martins kept asking me the same questions over and over. They were quite the frustrating young couple. I had shown them fifteen houses already, and they seemed to be settled on this one. They just couldn’t make up their damned minds. One o’clock was coming closer and closer, and still the Martins kept finding new, inane questions to ask me.

It took all my self control not to throttle the pair. Instead, I fished my phone out of the purse. “Going 2 be late, sry,” I texted to Mary.

Mary just sent a frowny face and a pic of her dressed in a short, sexy red skirt, red halter top and knee-high black stockings. She was raising the skirt up almost high enough to expose her tasty twat. My pussy started creaming itself, my thick juices trickling out.

It was time to speed the Martins up with an old realtors standby. “I’m so sorry to make you hurry, but I have another client I have to get to soon.”

“Oh, sorry,” young Mrs. Martin said. “But, we’ll take the house.” And then she led out a girlish shout.

“Oh, how wonderful,” I said and to my surprise Mrs. Martin gave me a brief hug.

I had the paperwork with me and had the Martins fill it out before they changed their minds. I may have been excited to get laid, but I needed the commission. Mary would understand. Plus, she was unemployed and on summer break from school. Once that was all finished, I hopped in my cute, cream colored Jetta and sped down to the Blue Spruce Motel. I sent Mary a text, letting her know I was coming. “Room 15,” was her reply.

I knocked hard on room 15’s door. Mary opened it. She was even more stunning in her red outfit in person. She was smiling seductively, thrusting her chest out, her nipples pressed hard on the fabric of her top. “Hey, sexy,” she purred, “fancy meeting you here.”

I was so horny, I just let out a growl of desire and caught my lover in an embrace, kissing her passionately. Our tongues wrestled in each other’s mouths as I forced her back into the room. She hit the bed with the back of her legs and we fell onto it. We kissed passionately, sucking on each other’s lips, rolling about on the bed, and groping each other through our clothes.

But I had to taste her twat. Ever since she sent that photo of that other woman eating her cunt, I had to prove that I could pleasure her just as well. No, I had to eat her twat even better than that other woman. I pushed her onto her back, pushed up her skirt and was delighted to find that she wore no panties. Her pussy lips were waxed smooth of hair and glistened with desire. I kissed the flaming heart of pubic hair above her pussy, then kissed her clit.

“Oh, fuck!” Mary moaned. “Eat my pussy, baby! Oh, fuck you’re tongue feels so good!”

I devoured her pussy with gusto, digging deep into her cunt. She tasted sweet and spicy, and I explored every inch of her pink pussy. She moaned and cursed in pleasure, as I started sucking hard on her clit and fucking two fingers in and out of her wet hole. Her pussy was warm and pulsed on my fingers. I curled my fingers up, searching for her G-spot. Her breathing grew faster and faster and then she moaned and bucked as my fingers rubbed the bundle of nerves at her G-spot. Juices flooded my face and I could have happily drowned in her savory honey.

“Fuck, that was good!” panted Mary, pulling me up to kiss her on the lips. Her tongue licked about my lips, my chin, cleaning her honey off my face. “Get naked, then I have a surprise for you.”

I pulled off my blazer, trying to do a sexy strip tease. Fresh juice trickled from my twat as I wondered what her surprise was. Mary clapped and shouted lewd comments as I danced before her, “Take it off, baby!” and, “Let’s see those titties!” and, “Going to enjoy that pretty pussy!” It was an awkward dance, but Mary seemed to enjoy it anyways. Finally, I was naked, and Mary laid me on the bed, face down. She put a few pillows under my stomach, raising my ass up.

“Close your eyes, babe,” Mary whispered, her breath hot on my ear.

It was exciting not being able to see. I could hear rustling noises. Was Mary was digging in her purse? What could she have in their? Clothes were rustling. She was getting naked, I realized. Oh, God, I wanted to open my eyes so badly, to see my lover in all her beautiful, naked perfection. There was more noise, rubber moving against rubber and then Mary was on the bed behind me, spreading my thighs.

I almost came when her tongue slid through my twat, from my clit to my taint, poking up into my wet pussy. “You taste so good, baby,” Mary cooed. “You’re all hot and wet for me, aren’t you.”

I shook my hips. “So ready for you!”

Mary moved behind me and then something hard and cold touched my pussy, rubbing along m labia, before slipping into my hole. Mary had brought a dildo, I thought with a smile. Mary slid dildo deeper and deeper into me, its girth filling my twat up so deliciously. And then I felt Mary’s body pressing against my ass.

“Oh my god, are you fucking me?” I gasped, looking behind me finally. Mary had a black harness around her waist. “Is that a strap-on?”

Mary grinned, pulling out and sinking back in. “You told me you haven’t had a dick up your vag in a while.”

“Oh, God, it’s good,” I moaned as Mary slowly fucked me. “Thank you.”

Mary picked up the pace, and it felt so good to have something fucking in and out of my cunt. The dildo wasn’t a cock, but it was pretty good replacement. And knowing it was attached to my sweet Mary made it feel even more wickedly delicious I reached under the pillows and started to frig my clit as Mary fucked my pussy, pleasure filling my body, building slowly to my orgasm.

I needed more, faster and harder. “Fuck me hard!” I shouted and Mary picked up the pace. She was panting too, enjoying the fucking as much as I was. I was so close to cumming, my entire body tense with anticipation. And then I came gloriously on the dildo, bucking beneath Mary. “Oh yes, oh yes!” I screamed over and over as Mary plunged in and out of my twat.

Mary collapsed on top of me and we rolled onto our sides, Mary spooning me from behind, the dildo still buried up my twat. Mary breasts and hard nipples pressed delightfully into my back and her arms wrapped around my body, running up and down my sides, groping my breasts, caressing my thighs while she kissed the back of my neck and shoulders.

I turned my head and captured her lips in a kiss. I shifted onto my back, the dildo popping out of my cunt and we made out, softly and gently, our hands exploring each other’s bodies. There was no place on my body that Mary’s delicate hands didn’t touch, didn’t play with, and everywhere she touched me, just sent tingles of pleasure through my bodies. And my hands touched her everywhere. There was nothing about her body that didn’t excite me. Her fingers, her nose, her cute bellybutton, her shapely calves and dainty feet.

“Can I try,” I asked, sliding my hand up and down the wet dildo.

“Yeah, baby,” Mary said.

She helped me get in the harness, securing it about my waist and making sure the dildo pressed on my clit. Then she knelt on the floor and swallowed the dildo, and it was so erotic. She was giving me my first blow job. She bobbed her head up and down on my cock. I stroked her auburn hair, staring down at this beautiful angel. She licked up and down the shaft and then she engulfed it again, sliding it all the way down her throat until her lips kissed the harness, then slid it back out.

Mary released the dildo and kissed her way up my stomach, her tongue tickling my bellybutton. She reached my breasts, licking circles around my melons before she sucked my hard nipple into her lips. Her hands caressed my sides, my ass, my legs, leaving tingles of excitement. Mary released my nipple, kissing up the slope of my breasts, my neck and her lips were on mine. I wrapped my arms around her, kissing gently, passionately, lovingly.

I loved her. She was my beautiful angel.

I pushed her back onto the bed, her thighs spread willingly for me. I was suddenly so nervous. It was like my first time all over again. I crawled atop Mary, my breasts dragged slowly across her belly and up to her tits. Mary arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me down into a kiss. Her tongue was wiggling into my mouth.

The dildo pressed against my clit, sending tingling pleasure though my pussy, as I slowly sank it into Mary’s twat. I broke the kiss, staring deep into her emerald eyes. It was so magical, like my wedding night, only I was the groom and Mary was my bride. I slowly started to make love to her, pretending she was my wife. I could picture our wedding, Mary walking beautifully up the aisle in a white dress while I waited in my black dress. Are friends and families gathered around as two hearts were made one. We would be so happy together, my sweet angel and I.

My wife, my wife, echoed through my mind as I made love to Mary. Our bodies pressing together, our flesh united through the dildo. This sweet angel would be mine. I would woo her from Mark as she wooed me from Dean. We were both gasping in pleasure, kissing and caressing each other’s body. My wife orgasmed beneath me, bucking and moaning her desire loudly. When my own orgasm spilled through me, I wanted to cry out how much I love her. How much I loved this green-eyed angel.

But I didn’t. It was too soon. I need to move slowly, I couldn’t scare her away. I held my future wife, cuddling with her as we savored our orgasms, and fixed hateful eyes on her black diamond engagement ring. Soon my engagement ring would replace it. And I would replace Mark in her heart.

She hadn’t known Mark for long, there relationship would never last. I would be here when it imploded, ready to put my angel back together and then she’ll be all mine. I kissed her soft lips, caressed her firm breasts. I would divorce Dean, go back to my Maiden name, Coburn. And then we would be Mrs. and Mrs. Coburn-Sullivan. I squeezed my love tighter. My hand slid down to her wet twat. I had to have her again.

As I fucked the dildo into her pussy, I knew it would only be a matter of time before she was all mine. Mrs. and Mrs. Coburn-Sullivan!


After Mary left to go see Alice, the carpet guys arrived to replace the living room carpet, stained by Desiree and Korina’s blood. I told them to get it down as fast as possible and then leave. I left their money on the couch and told them not to go anywhere else in the house save the first floor bathroom. Then, I gathered all the sluts that were home for a shopping trip and left the workers moving furniture out of their way.

Korina was still in the hospital and Allison was with her. Chantelle and Lana were still on their honeymoon, so that left Desiree, Violet, Lillian, Thamina, Xiu, Fiona, and Chasity. Thamina, Violet and Fiona crowded into my Mustang while Desiree drove Lillian, Xiu, and Chasity in her BMW. I threw a duffel bag full of cash into trunk and decided a few more cars needed to be purchased. Our house had a large driveway and a three car garage, plus there was parking out on the street.

We drove down to River Road, in Puyallup, where all the car lots were located. I decided that two more cars would be in order and was thinking of getting myself a pick-up truck. So I pulled into the Korum Ford Dealership and decided to hold a contest with the sluts to see who would get the new cars. I gathered them around in the center of the car lot.

“Two of you are going to get a new car,” I told the sluts. The sluts all smiled excitedly. “Except you, Desiree, you already have a car. So, the first two sluts that masturbate themselves orgasm will get a car. Starting, now!”

Clothing flew off and the sluts all started pleasuring themselves. I grabbed Desiree and pushed her to her knees so she could give blow me. Desiree swallowed my cock as I watched my sluts masturbating. I pulled out my camcorder and started filming each of the sluts as they pleasured themselves. I was surprised to see that they used different methods to masturbate.

Xiu pinched her clit and just pulled painfully at her pierced nipples. Violet started rubbing her teenage cunt on the fender of a Ford Taurus, Fiona used both her hands, diddling her clit with one and fingering her pussy with the other. Chasity used a one handed method, two fingers, middle and ring, up her cunt while the heel of her hand rubbed her clit and used her free hand to play with her tits. Lillian stuck two fingers up her cunt and one up her ass and fucked both holes together. Thamina just stroked her pussy lips, not actually penetrating her cunt, just petting her hands up and down her slit, brushing against her hard, little clit.

People started gathering and I ordered them to cheer on the sluts. “I bet the red-head cums first,” a guy said to his wife.

His wife shook her head. “Look at the girl with piercings. She is so close to cumming.”

“Look at the blonde frig her clit!” a salesman shouted. “God, I want to play with those tits.”

“Naw, that nasty Asian slut with the piercings! She’s totally getting off on the pain!”

“She’s so cute, rubbing on the car like that!”

“Twenty bucks says its the blonde!”

“Fuck, that. The Muslim bitch!”

Lillian came first, screaming loud and then sucking both the fingers up her cunt and her ass clean. The wife clapped her hands in excitement. “I knew you could do it, sweetheart,” the wife cheered. Lillian smiled happily at her. “I was right, honey,” she gloated to her husband.

“Yeah, you should go down on your wife since she was right,” I told the husband.

He knelt down before his wife and yanked down her jeans and panties. She had a furry, black bush and he dived right in and started eating her out. “Oh, fuck that’s nice,” his wife moaned.

Fiona was furiously masturbating, looking like she was going to be the next to cum when Thamina gasped and shuddered, the upset second place. “You owe me twenty bucks!” a guy yelled. “Fuck that,” his friend retorted. “She came second.” Fiona screamed loudly and came just a moment later. Violet creamed the Fort Taurus and Xiu came last. I shot a big load down Desiree’s lips and she happily shared her prize with Lillian and Thamina.

“Go find a car you like,” I told Lillian and Thamina, slapping both on the ass. I started looking at the pick-up trucks and settled on a sterling gray F-350 Crew Cab for myself, figuring a pickup truck would come sooner or later.

Lillian got a metallic blue Ford Fusion Hybrid and Thamina got herself a Oxford white Ford Escape Hybrid SUV. I paid cash for all three cars and went over to the Larson Volkswagen Dealership to pay off Mary’s Eos. I had Chasity drive my pick-up truck, and I led the convoy of sluts up to the South Hill Mall to get the ladies some new clothes. I had Desiree take them to various clothing stores while I ran into Kay Jewelry

Patricia, the middle-aged woman I robbed last time I was here, flinched when she saw me, fear growing behind her horned-rimmed glasses. That was to be expected, I did leave her tied up in the back room. “It’s okay, I’m not going to rob you, so relax.”

Patrica relaxed, and then asked, “So, did your girl say yes?”

“She did,” I told her.

“Congratulations, son.”

“I need some custom jewelry,” I told her. I handed her a piece of paper that I had wrote out a head of time. “I need chokers with these names set in various gems and then engraved on the back.” I told her which names got which metals and which jewels and told her I would pay double if she got it done in a week. I paid half up front then browsed for some jewelry for Mary. I found a ruby bracelet, a diamond necklace, and five pairs of various jeweled earrings and paid for those as well.

“Son, a word of advise,” Patricia said. “You try having this many women, it’s going to bite you in the ass.”

I smiled at her. “Don’t worry, I can handle it.”

She laughed wickedly. “I bet you can, son, if I was thirty years younger I’d find out for myself.”

“I don’t doubt it,” I told her as I left.

I tracked down the sluts, found them in Hot Topic. All of them chatted excitedly about the clothes they found. The sluts were finally dressed in clothing that wasn’t Desiree’s castoffs. After they had all their clothes, as well as some lingerie from Victoria’s Secret, I took them over to Lover’s Package to get their uniforms.

Thamina got a sexy nurse’s outfit, made of a gauzy white material that her dark body was clearly visible through. The skirt was very short and came with white, thigh high stockings and a nurses cap. Chasity got a sexy cop uniform, royal blue blouse that only buttoned halfway up, leaving her breasts almost entirely exposed, and a royal blue miniskirt. She wore her own utility belt with her gun, baton, stun-gun, handcuffs, and other cop tolls, about her slim waist. Thigh-high, black leather boots accented the outfit. The other sluts got sexy maid outfits, like Allison had, transparent bodices that showed off their tits, short skirts with many lacy petticoats underneath that puffed out the skirts. The skirts were so short, if they bent over their asses and cunts would be on display.

For Cuntrag, I bought some nipple clamps, dog collar and leash, a butt plug that had a dog’s tail attached, and a headband with dog ears pointing up off them. She could be a bitch for real if she didn’t want to be my sex slave.

Lastly, we stopped at a furniture store. We were running out of bed space in the house, and Chantelle and Lana weren’t even home yet. Plus, Mary and I planned on adding at least one more slut if we could find a OB/GYN that fit our criteria: young and hot. The basement was large, though, and I bought three queen sized beds to put down there and a fourth bed to go in the sitting room. We didn’t need two living rooms, especially one that didn’t even have a TV in it. I paid the company to deliver the furniture immediately.

I was about to head home when I saw a Key Bank. Smiling, I pulled into the parking lot and hoped their was a pretty bank teller or three to pass the time waiting for the time lock on the bank vault.


I pulled my Eos into the driveway. I had a fun time with Alice and got her promise to meet with us on Thursday. I had to agree to meet Alice ahead of time at the Blue Spruce, but I was willing to pay such a pleasant price. Alice really enjoyed fucking me with the strap-on and it was nice, not nearly as nice as Mark’s cock fucking me, but Alice gave me a couple of satisfying orgasms with it.

There was a van parked out front of the house and a group of guys were loading equipment in it. They must be the carpet guys, I thought. One of them whistled at me and I smiled inwardly. Outwardly, I glared at them. It was nice when guys thought you were hot, but only if they were the right guys. And those carpet guys definitely were not the right guys.

I unlocked the door and headed upstairs, taking off my skirt and blouse. I thought I’d do some painting, so I grabbed a buttoned down shirt of Mark’s and pulled it on. There was something sexy about wearing a man’s shirt. You could smell his scent, that musky, sweaty stench of a man. I was suddenly feeling very horny and it felt like a flood of juices flowing down my legs.

I turned around, and there was Lilith and I jumped in surprise. She was clad only in her silver hair, today. Her breasts were large and round and far too perky for breasts that large. Her hips were shapely and her legs were slim, long. Between her thighs, her silvery bush was matted with her desire.

“Hello, Mistress,” Lilith purred. She reached out and brushed my cheek and I gasped in pleasure, clutching my stomach as a small orgasm rippled through my pussy.

“Lilith,” I croaked, my voice thick with desire.

“Have you thought about your boon?”

“No,” I moaned as Lilith pulled me two her and then her lips were on mine. She tasted of lust, fiery and spicy, as her tongue wiggled into my mouth. So delicious. I could feel her round breasts pushing against me through my shirt, her nipples hard nubs rubbing against my breasts. Her hand reached down and cupped my butt and I came harder, bucking in her embrace.

“Don’t you want something else from me?” Lilith asked, breaking the kiss.

“Oh, yes,” I moaned. “I just …” It was getting hard to think, my mind was cloudy with desire.

Lilith pushed my shoulder down and I willingly got on my knees. Her legs parted and I could see the lips to her pussy beneath her silvery hair. I had to taste her. I pressed my mouth to her pussy, her pubic hair pleasantly tickling my nose, my cheeks, as I tasted her pussy. It was like nothing I’d ever tasted. Spicy, sweet, tart, tangy, fresh. Like every pussy I had ever tasted in my life, all together in one delicious mixture.

“There are so many delightful things I can do for you,” Lilith purred. “Wealth, Immortality, Pleasure.”

My tongue dug deep into her slit, I had to drink more and more of the demoness juices. I was cumming as I devoured her cunt. A string of orgasms that threatened to overwhelm my senses.

“I could give you a dick,” she purred. “I saw how you gazed at it. You have no idea the sort of intensity of a male orgasm.”

I did. It was so hot watching Lilith grow a dick out of her clitoris and then fuck Cuntrag last night. I sucked her clit into my mouth, imagining it growing in my lips, getting larger and larger, sliding down my throat. Another orgasm crashed through my cunt and I moaned into Lilith’s pussy.

“Or maybe you want Power,” Lilith continued. “The Power to control people. Or maybe, the Power to control just one person.”

I sucked on harder on her clit and slid two fingers up insider her tight twat. My orgasms were rippling through my body, growing stronger and stronger. Her cunt sucked greedily at my fingers. I added three, then four, and then my entire hand was fisting up her cunt. The wall of her vagina squeezed almost painfully on my hand as I fucked it in and out of her cunt.

“Oh, you delicious mortal,” Lilith purred. “Maybe it’s revenge! On your enemy! Someone who slighted you, hurt you. Revenge on your mother!”

My mother. The pain of my mother’s abandonment broke through the haze of lust for a moment. I was six when she ran off with that muscleman. The fucking whore! But Lilith’s lust quickly overwhelmed the emotion and I went back to fisting the demoness, my lips sucking on her hard clit. Lilith breath quickened as her orgasm approached. I fisted her faster, harder.

“Oh, you fucking whore!” Lilith moaned. “You delicious, fucking whore. Fuck my cunt, harder! Harder you goddamned fucking whore! Yessss!”

When Lilith came, my orgasm was so intense I blacked out. When I awoke, I was lying on the floor, curled up in a ball, my hand sticky with Lilith’s juices. Lilith was gone, back to wherever she lurked. I licked at the ambrosia coating my fist and gasped as a small orgasm rippled through my cunt. Lilith gives such amazing pleasure, but it scared me. It was clear, now, that Lilith just wants me to use my boon, to free her. I had to be careful. Lilith was our contingency. I could not afford to waste the boon in a fit of inflamed passion. Next time, I would have to fight against the lust and not lose myself like I did today.

I needed to think about how to handle Lilith. The doorbell dinged, and I headed downstairs. The Geek Squad was here to set up the computers I bought on my way home. While they set up the computers in my art studio, I sat out on the love seat out on the master bedroom balcony and watched Mount Rainier, and lost myself in thoughts.


When we finally reached home, Mary was already back from her date with Alice. Jealousy threatened to rear its head, but I forced it back down. Mary loved me, Alice was just her friend. The friend she dresses as sexy as possible for and spent the afternoon fucking. We went inside, and found the carpet guys had done quick work and had already left.

I found Mary painting in her art studio, formerly Brandon’s office. There was also two brand new computers, one with a drawing pad attached to it. She was finishing up her painting of Mount Rainier she was working on a few days ago. All she wore was one of my buttoned down shirts, which hung down past her ass leaving her beautiful legs exposed

“Hey, Mare,” I greeted. “You’re looking so sexy.”

Mary smiled over her shoulders, her dimples were so cute. “Hey, hun. I had a fun time with Alice. I fucked her with my strap-on and then she returned the favor. Twice!”

“Wish I was there,” I told her, kissing the back of her neck, gently, so as not to disturb her painting. “What’s the computers for?”

“I’m going to make a website,” Mary said. “Turns out, Lillian is going to school for IT, so she’s going to help me on the software side, while I’ll take care of the graphic design.”

“What’s the website for?” I asked, curious.

“We have such beautiful sluts, I think the world needs to see them in action,” Mary said. “For a price, of course.”

I laughed. “Can’t wait to see it, Mare.” I sat the Kay Jewelers bag on the table.

“What’s that?” Mary asked with a knowing smile. She reached in the bag and smiled happily at her new jewelery. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately. I hugged her tight, stroking her back and ass through my shirt.

“Thank you,” she said, when she broke the kiss. Her eyes were misty with tears. “They’re so beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you, Mare.”

She kissed me even more passionately after that and pushed me down onto a computer chair. I could taste a woman’s pussy on her lips and my cock was hard in an instant. Alice tasted delicious. Her fingers fumbled at my pants and she quickly pulled my cock out. Without her lips once leaving mine, she skillfully straddled my waist. I groaned into her mouth as my cock sank slowly into her velvety warmth. Christ, she was horny today. I guess Alice wasn’t enough for her, I thought happily.

Mary made love to me slowly, her hips rotating up and down. I grabbed the shirt and fumbled at the buttons. It was too hard to do with Mary’s body pressed so close, so I just pulled hard, popping off the buttons. I found her firm, perky breasts and cupped them. I gently squeezed each one and then began to trace my finger around the edge of her areolas.

Mary’s hips increased their speed, her groin slamming into mine as she rubbed her clit on me before she rose up and and came down again. Her pussy sucked at my cock as she rose up, and squeezed it as she came down. I slid a hand down, gripping her plump ass, tightly, urging her to go faster and faster. And still our lips were locked, tongues wrestling each other.

Faster and harder she rode me. Her hands rubbed my arms and shoulder, cupping my face. My cock was on fire as my pleasure built. Every movement of Mary’s body just brought me closer and closer. Her cunt spasmed about my cock and she kissed me more fiercely as she came. Her velvety pussy milked my cock and my cum sprayed into her hungry hole.

“Thank you,” she whispered into my ear. “I love you.”

She loved me, not Alice. “I love my naughty filly.”

“So, do the sluts have proper clothing, now?” she asked, sitting up on my lap. Her round breasts swayed in front of my lips

“Yeah, wanna see?” I asked, then kissed one of her hard, dusk nipples.

“I do,” she said, and stood up. White cum leaked out of her pussy, running slowly down her thigh.

I had the sluts lined up in the living room and Mary smiled in delight. “Oh, you all look so slutty, now,” she gushed. Mary looked over each slut, stroking their faces and praising each slut’s beauty. “Chasity,” she said, pulling the slut forward. “I’ve been very bad, Officer, you need to perform a cavity search on me.”

Mary sat down on the couch and spread her legs. “There definitely is something white inside your pussy,” Chasity said, kneeling down before her. Chasity spread Mary’s labia open, peering inside her pussy. “There appears to be some contraband I’ll need to get out.”

Mary groaned in pleasure as Chasity dug her tongue into her pussy, lapping up cum and cunt juices. As I watched Chasity, I realized that I hadn’t actually fucked the cop, yet. Deciding that needed to change, I knelt behind her, pushed up her skirt, and exposed her blonde-furred cunt, wet and swollen with desire. Mary watched through lidded eyes as I pulled my cock out and shoved it up Chasity’s tight cunt.

“You have a fucking fine cunt, Chasity,” I told her as I fucked her hard, shoving her face into Mary’s cunt.

“She’s got a wonderful tongue as well,” Mary panted. “Ummm, keep tonging my pussy, slut.”

The other sluts started pairing up. Lillian and Fiona, Thamina and Violet, Desiree and Xiu. As I plowed into Chasity’s cunt I admired all my sluts. This was the life, and that whore, Sister Cuntrag, had tried to take it away from me.

Fiona sat down on Mary’s left and Lillian knelt before her and started to slowly eat out her cunt. Mary threw an arm around Fiona’s head and pulled the strawberry-blonde down to her left breast. Fiona sucked the dusky nipple into her mouth. Thamina claimed Mary’s right side and Violet devoured her black-furred cunt while Thamina started to suckle at Mary’s other breast. Desiree and Xiu were on the floor, scissoring their cunts together.

“Oh, yes!” Mary moaned. “My sluts are making me feel sooo amazing! Eat my pussy and suck my titties! Oh, you sluts are the best!”

I fucked Chasity harder, pounding her slutty cunt and slapped her ass. “Gonna cum in your slutty, dirty hole, whore!” I groaned. Her cunt was tight and the walls rubbed amazingly on my cock head.

“Fill her cunt with your spunk, Master!” moaned Xiu as she vigorously scissored Desiree.

Mary’s emerald eyes fixed on mine, twinkling with lust. “Ride her hard, stallion!” Mary moaned. “Oh, sweet fuck her tongue’s amazing! Here it comes, slut! Here comes my tasty juices!” Mary bucked beneath the three woman’s sucking mouths as she orgasmed.

“Oh, its so delicious!” Chasity moaned then dived back into her Mistress’s juicy pussy.

I slammed hard into Chasity and felt my cum spew into her slutty cunt. Pulling out of Chasity pussy, I sat down on the floor, panting. She was a mighty fine fuck. My cum was leaking slowly out of her pussy, matting her blonde curls. The other sluts were working up to their orgasms and Mary was well on her way to a second orgasm.

It was time to give Sister Cuntrag her gifts.


Just give in, be their slave, Sister Cuntrag.

No, no, no! I will not!

I was locked in the closet again. I wasn’t sure for how long. Minutes, hours, days. Time seemed to stand still in here. All I had were the aches in my body and the traitors thoughts in my head. There had to be a way out of this. I just needed to be patient. They’ll slip up and I’ll be able to escape. I just need to hold on a little longer.

You enjoyed being Susanne’s slave all those years ago. Just give in and be Mark and Mary’s slave. Then the pain will stop. The humiliation. The fear. It will all go away and happiness will replace it.

No! Never again!

Fresh sobs wracked my body. I was weakening, giving in. I just needed to be strong for a little longer. Just a little longer.

Footsteps approached my closet and I tensed. Was the person just going to pass or was the closet door about to open. Was fresh torment was about to be heaped upon me, again. “Please pass, please pass,” I whispered to myself.

The footsteps stopped outside the door and then the door creaked open. I lunged for the opening, maybe I could get past whoever it was, run for the front door and get outside. I fell on my face as my leg knotted in stiffness, landing at the feat of Mark. The monster that raped me and tied me up and had me beat.

He snorted in laughter. “Stupid bitch,” he said. Then he dropped a plastic bag on the floor and bent down. He was naked, a slightly overweight, young man with dark hair and disgust on his face. His cock was wet with some sluts pussy, and half hard.

Mark uncuffed me and I rubbed my sore wrists. The flesh around my wrists was rubbed raw by the handcuffs. Mark opened the bag and pulled out a headband with pointed dog ears on it. He shoved it down on my head. “Never take any of these off,” he ordered. Next came out two, stainless steel clamps.

“Please, no!” I shrieked, crawling back into my closet to hide.

“Do you want to be my sex slave?”

Just say yes. “No,” I croaked.

His hand grabbed me by the neck and he pulled me out. I screamed in pain as the first clamp bit into my nipple followed by the second clamp. My nipples were on fire, but the intensity of the pain faded until it was just a dull ache. Next, Mark pulled out a plug with a dog’s tail attached to it. He shoved my face down and I almost passed out from the pain as he shoved it up my ass, still raw from Mary’s rape earlier today.

“Please, please! Just take it out!” I moaned. I wanted to take it out, but Mark’s order was iron in my mind.

“You know what to say to stop this,” Mark said.

He pulled the last item out of the bag. A black, dog’s collar with stainless steel studs running around the outside. He placed it around my neck and cinched it tight, not enough to choke me, but enough that it was uncomfortable, and then he snapped a leash onto the collar and stood up.

“Let’s go, bitch,” he said. I stood up to follow and he slapped me hard in the face, stinging my cheek. “Dogs walk on four legs, stupid bitch!”

Sobbing quietly, I crawled behind him, the carpet rough on my knees. He led me to the living room where Mary and their sluts were pleasuring each other. Mary had a woman sucking at each breasts and another sucking her pussy. Other sluts were tribbing on the floor.

“Here’s our new pet, Mare,” Mark announced.

Everyone stopped fucking to look at me, excited murmurs filled the living room. Desiree rubbed my head. “What a cute doggie,” she cooed maliciously.

Mary laughed and walked around me. She bent down, petting my back and sore ass then tugged on one of the nipple clamps. “There’s a good girl,” Mary cooed.

“Desiree, why don’t you get started on dinner,” Mark ordered. “Thamina, why don’t you help her.”

“Si, mi Rey,” Desiree answered and grabbed Thamina’s hand and led her into the kitchen.

“Lillian, go down to Good Sam and take Allison’s place watching Korina. It’s time you got to know your fellow slut.”

“Yes, Master,” Lillian said, then hesitated. “Master, how is Allison getting back?”

“She’ll drive your car back,” Mark said, shaking his head.

“Oh, right,” Lillian said, sounding a little disappointed.

“Who gave you the car, Lillian?”

“You did, Master,” Lillian answered.

“And I can take it away just as easily.”

“Sorry, Master.” Mark kissed her on the lips and sent her on the way with a slap on the ass.

“You hurt all these sluts,” Mary said, pointing at the sluts that remained. The Asian Xiu, Chasity the cop, teenage Violet, and freckled Fiona. “Xiu has a broken nose because of you. And you tried to take away their owners who make them happy.”

Violet nodded her head and Xiu glared at me. Her nose was covered by a white splint and held on by medical tape. The cop, Chasity had her hands on her hips and cum running down her legs and Fiona looked like she wanted to piss on me again.

“You’ll lick each of their cunts until they cum on your dirty face,” Mary ordered. “Starting with Chasity.”

That wasn’t so bad. I liked licking pussies. Because Susanne taught you, the traitorous voice whispered. Just imagine what Mark and Mary will teach you to like. I pushed the thought down and crawled over to the couch where Chasity awaited, legs spread wide. Her cunt was covered by curly, blonde pubic hair. I licked my tongue up the groove of her cunt, tasting salty cum and beneath that the tart and spicy flavor of Chasity’s pussy.

I devoured her pussy, wanting to give Chasity a mind-blowing orgasm. I realized I was feeling guilty. Yesterday had been complete disaster. I was almost responsible for the death of Desiree. I swore to save her and instead she almost died. Mary was right and I would give these women the best cunnilingus they’ve ever had as an apology.

Chasity was writhing on my tongue, panting within minutes of my tongue’s assault on her pussy. Behind me, there was a girlish giggle and then a moan and the repeated slap of flesh. It sounded like Mark was fucking one of the girls, maybe Violet. Chasity bucked on my face and came with a loud scream and I drank her juices greedily.

Chasity stood up and Mary pulled her over to a recliner. She had her strap-on with a pink dildo about her waist and Chasity sank her wet pussy down onto her and started riding Mary with abandon. Violet replaced Chasity on the couch. Her pussy was covered by neatly trimmed, dark brown bush. Her slit was tight and oozed Mark’s cum. She tasted sweet and fresh and I wiggled my tongue up her tight hole until she came on my face.

Xiu was next. Her shaved cunt was dripping with cum. “Bite my clit,” Xiu moaned as I started to eat her pussy out. I gently nibbled on her clit and she shuddered. “Oh, harder, bite harder!” I nipped her clit and she came with a shuddering cry, flooding my mouth with her tangy girl-cum.

“Ohh, we’re having a party!” boisterous Allison shouted when she entered the house. The lithe teenage girl stripped off her clothes as Fiona spread her legs before me.

“Get on all fours,” Mark ordered Allison, stroking his cock.

“Oh, yes Master,” she happily said, kneeling down and reaching back to spread her pussy lips open. “My naughty little cunt is so hungry for Master’s cock!”

I dived into Fiona’s bright red-furred cunt, sloppy with Mark’s cum. Fiona tasted tart and she grabbed my hair and fucked my face with her pussy. “Eat my cunt, bitch!” Fiona shouted. Her legs wrapped around my head, holding me tight against her hole. “Fuck yeah!” she screamed as she came.

Allison’s freshly fucked cunt replaced Fiona. She was shaved bare and dripping with juices and cum. Allison had a sweet, honey flavor and she played with her pierce nipples as I pleasured her. This wasn’t so bad, the traitorous voice whispered. You love cunt. And there are so many delicious cunts for you to eat here. Allison came on my face and I found my mouth opening, about to beg to make me their slave.

“No!” I shouted at my traitorous body, slamming my mouth shout.

“Yes,” Mary stated, slapping my face. She sat before me, spreading her legs, her shaved pussy glistened with juices and smeared with cum. “Get eating, bitch.”

Mary tasted sweet and spicy and cooed in pleasure as I sucked her labia into my mouth. Mark gripped my waist and his hard cock was plunging into my pussy. Fuck, it was good. I was so horny from sucking all these pussies that I came just from his girth stretching my cunt.

“God, she’s a randy bitch,” Mark panted. “She just came on my cock!”

“Hmm, she’s a good cunt eater, too,” Mary cooed.

Mark most have wished for unlimited stamina, or something. How else could he fuck six women in a row and still be hard for his seventh. I was feeling real good as Mark’s cock reamed me. My nipples hurt deliciously from the nipple clamps, and even the butt plug up my ass was starting to feel good. Mark increased his pace, his cock rubbing wickedly on my pussy walls, and Mary’s cunt tasted amazing on my lips.

Mary’s hands gripped my hair, pulling my face deeper into her snatch. “The bitch is making me cum, hun!” she moaned. “Yes, yes! You fucking whore! Oh, fuck!” Spicy-sweet juices flooded my mouth and I greedily drunk her juices. She let go of my hair.

Mark was frantically fucking my pussy, now, he must be close to his orgasm. I started moving my hips, eager to reach my own orgasm. “Fucking bitch wants my cum!” Mark moaned.

“Give it to her,” Mary cooed. “Fill her dirty cunt with your sperm. Ride her hard, stallion!”

I came when Mark’s cum flooded my pussy. I moaned wordlessly, and I collapsed onto my stomach, popping Mark’s dick out of my pussy. I panted on the carpet and I could feel Mark’s cum trickle out me onto the carpet. My nipples burned beneath, the clamps pressing into the flesh of my breasts but I was too exhausted to move.

I fell asleep, the first sleep I had since I got captured. But, it didn’t last long. Someone slapped my ass and I awoke, screaming in pain. “Its dinner time,” Mark said and pulled my leash.

I had to quickly crawl up on my knees as Mark pulled on my collar. I crawled behind him to the dining room. The hardwood floors were painful on my knees. Mark sat in a chair at the head of the table, Mary sitting to his right and I sat on the floor between them. The other sluts gathered around the table while Desiree and Thamina brought the food into the room. A spicy, sweet smell permeated the room, some kind of Asian stir fry. My stomach rumbled.

“I called my sisters,” Mary said. There was a nervous catch to her voice.

“Oh,” Mark said, casually. He took a bite of food. “Hmm, this is really good, Desiree.”

“Gracias, mi Rey,” Desiree gushed.

“She is a great cook,” cooed Allison. From the floor, I could see Allison’s hand rubbing Desiree’s nut brown thigh beneath the table.

“They were really excited to here about our engagement,” Mary continued. “So, I invited them over for dinner on Friday.”

Mark nodded. “Okay, are you …”

“Yes,” Mary answered delicately. She cleared her throat. “My father will be coming, too, and my sisters are going to bring their boyfriends.”

“Well, I’ll make sure the sluts keep them entertained,” Mark replied.

My stomach growled loudly and Mary looked down at me. “Are you hungry?”

“Yes,” I answered, flushing.

Mary grabbed a piece of meat off her plate and held it in front of me. Anger surged inside me. They were feeding me like a dog begging for scraps. The meat had a spicy aroma and was covered with an orange sauce. I turned my head away.

“The only food you’re going to get,” Mary said, holding the meat in front of my face.

It smelled delicious and my stomach rumbled a second time. I would need to keep my strength up if I had a chance to escape. I wasn’t giving in to their degrading request, just doing what I need to survive. I opened my mouth and grabbed the piece of meat. It tasted delicious, a spicy, orange flavor.

“My finger’s are sticky,” Mary said. Sighing, I licked and sucked the tasty sauce off her fingers. “Umm, she likes to suck,” Mary told Mark. “I bet you would love to have her suck your cock.”

“I would,” Mark answered.

“Get to it, bitch,” Mary barked.

I crawled under the table. Allison’s hand was between Desiree’s legs, now, fingering the woman’s cunt. Mark’s cock was hard and I sucked it into my mouth. I sucked hard, wiggling my tongue around the sensitive head and cupped his balls. I may as well get this over with as fast as possible.

“She’s eager,” Mark panted. “Thanks, Mare. You’re the best.”

“I know,” Mary answered, pleased with herself. A hand rubbed my hair, petting me. “Good, girl,” Mary praised. Fuck this was humiliating.

Just give in, be their slave.

No, no, no! I am stronger than this! I continued blowing Mark, bobbing my head and massaging his balls.

“On Thursday evening, around seven,” Mark said, “a group of my friends is coming by.”

Mary nodded. “Sure.”

“We’re a … uh … gaming group. We get together most Thursdays to play D&D.”

Mary chortled. “D&D. I recall someone finding it ridiculous that I used to play Vampire: The Masquerade.”

“D&D players always look down on LARPers,” Mark said, defending himself. “If its a problem, we can play at Tom’s house.”

“No, it’s fine,” Mary said. “Just giving you a hard time.”

“Can I play,” Lillian asked. “I love playing D&D.”

“Sure,” Mark said, in surprise.

“Anyways,” Mary continued, “Diane was wanting to go clubbing, so Thursday night works great.”

“Diane?” Mark asked.

“Yeah, from the Japanese steakhouse,” Mary reminded.

“She was hot,” Mark muttered. “So, hot.”

Mark’s cock suddenly flooded my mouth with cum. I coughed, pulling away in surprise. His next squirt sprayed my cheek and a third splashed across my forehead and nose. His cum was salty in my mouth and I swallowed. A fourth spurt arced out and landed on my right breast.

“Good girl,” Mark praised and then brought a piece of meat down. He slid it through the cum on my tit and held it up to my lips.

I hesitated, then I ate the meat. What the hell, I already swallowed a load of cum. The spicy sauce masked the flavor of the cum anyways. Mary joined mark, swiping a red pepper through the cum and feeding it to me.

“So, what club are you going to?” Mark asked.

“The Clam Diver,” Mary answered, swiping a sliced onion through the cum and feeding it to me. I licked her fingers clean without her asking. “It’s a lezzie club in Tacoma.”

“Can’t wait to hear about it,” Mark said and then kissed her.

“Oh,” Mary said, “I think I may have found an OB/GYN for us. Alice told me about her. She just started at a Group Health in Tacoma. I got an appointment at Thursday, 10 am.”

“Sounds promising,” Mark said.

Desiree suddenly moaned loudly. From my position on the floor, I could see Alison’s fingers come away from her pussy sticky with juices. “Did you just cum?” Mary asked.

“She did,” Allison giggled. “Just wanted to show my appreciation for this delicious dinner.”

As the dinner wrapped up, Violet took me into the kitchen and placed a plate on the floor, strips of beef and fried vegetables in a savory sauce over brown rice. Violet didn’t give me any utensils and just looked apologetically at me.

“Dog’s don’t need forks,” Mary quipped, from the dining room. “Or hands.”

I was starving, though, so I bent my head down and started hungrily eating the food of the plate. To my amazement, I cleaned my plate, my face was sticky with sauce and bits of rice. They let me stand up after that, and clean my face off. Then I was given a glass of water, my throat was parched and I chugged it down in one go.

Then I had to wash the dishes while Desiree and Fiona watched. If I slacked, or they thought I was slacking, Desiree or Fiona or both would hit my tender ass with a rolled up newspaper. When the dishes were finished, Fiona grabbed my leash.

“Dog’s crawl,” she barked, when I started walking after her and she smacked my welted ass with the newspaper.

Fiona led me out of the kitchen and into the living room. Mark and Mary waited, both dressed, Mark in blue jeans and a white t-shirt, while Mary wore a yellow sundress with red orchids. Mark took my leash.

“Time for your walk,” he said in that excited, babyish tone people use on their pets. He wrapped his other arm around Mary and kicked me in the ass. “Start crawling, bitch.”

He couldn’t mean to take me outside? Naked and crawling? With a dog’s tail up my ass?

Mark used his foot to guide me to the front door. My heart was hammering in my chest. This couldn’t be happening! Please, not this! Please, God! Mary opened the door and I froze. He pushed my ass with his foot, the pain was intense, but I couldn’t do it. Mark brushed by me and yanked hard on the leash. I fell forward, my arm scarping on the wooden porch.

“You can crawl, or you can be dragged,” Mark warned.

Gathering my dignity, I crawled slowly outside, down the steps and onto the pebbly walkway. My knees were on fire, the palms of my hands sore. Mark led me out onto the soft grass, and that provided some relief to my poor knees. The sun was warm on my naked back and sore ass. I looked around and there was no one out on the street, yet. Mark led me over to some bushes.

“I bet you need to pee,” Mark said, pointing to the bushes.

“No,” I muttered. I couldn’t do that.

“Pee here,” Mary ordered, “or beg to be our slave?”

Just give in, the humiliation can end.

I raise my leg, closed my eyes and relaxed my bladder.

“Oh my god!” a woman gasped, her voice thick with a southern twang. I wanted to stop peeing, but I was mid-stream. There was no stopping now. I flushed in embarrassment, recognizing the voice.

“Oh, hi Madeleine,” Mark greeted. “Nothing wrong going on here, just walking my dog.”

“Oh, okay,” Madeleine said. “Hi, Louise, I see you worked out your … problems with your husband,” Madeleine said, delicately.

I could feel my face reddening in shame. Why did it have to be Madeleine who had to see me like this. Madeleine had been so nice to me. She let me stay in her house. I even fancied the woman. I glanced at her face, and the disgust painted there twisted in my heart.

“Wife, is that what she told you,” Mark said, laughing. “I’m engaged to Mary, here. Louise is just our dog.”

“She has a great tongue,” Mary said. “I bet you’d love to have your pussy licked. She’ll make you cum real quick. I would love to see that.”

Madeleine gave a randy laugh. Mary seemed to have a power that made women want to do whatever sexual thing she wanted. And sweet Madeleine, with that delightful, southern twang, was falling under her powers. “Sure, if that’ll make you happy, sugar.”

“It would,” Mary said. “Just lift up your skirt and the bitch will make you feel great.”

Madeleine stood over me, in her gray, pencil skirt and ruffled, white blouse. She hiked her skirt up, revealing a pair of plain, sky blue panties. I pulled the panties to one side, revealing her neatly trimmed, brunette bush and large, pussy lips. Yesterday morning, I fantasized about eating her cunt, and now I was being forced to, out in public, like a bitch. Her pussy tasted spicy and tangy as I dug my tongue deep into her cunt.

“Oh, that’s nice,” Madeleine drawled excitedly, “she as eager as a beaver chewin’ on wood.”

Her hand gripped my hair and her hips started to slowly rotate as her pleasure increased. I slipped a finger up her snatch and started rapidly flicking my tongue on her clit. Madeleine’s breath came harder and faster, her moans louder and more passionate.

“Oh, Lord, that’s sweet,” Madeleine gasped. “She’s stoked my fires real good!”

Madeleine bucked on my face, panting loudly as she came hard. She let go of my hair and I fell back on my ass, the butt plug driving deeper into my asshole. I looked up at Madeleine and she looked disgustedly at me. Fresh tears flowed from my eyes.

“Whew,” Madeleine said, wiping her sweaty brow. “I’m not rightly sure what came over me, but the bitch made me cum, right nicely!”

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Mark said as Madeleine walked off.

“Looking forward to it, sugar,” she called back.

“Come on,” Mary said. “We still got to go on our walk.”

“Are you going to make me … do that, again?” I asked, sobbing.

“Yeah,” Mark said. “Everyone we meet on our walk’s going to get satisfied by you.”

Mary nodded. “Whether with your mouth or your cunt, you’re going to make a lot of people happy.”

Just give in, the voice whispered. I struggled to push the thought down, but I was to weak. Just give in.

“Please,” I whispered. They won. “Make me your sex slave.”

“What was that, bitch?” Mary asked.

“I want to be your sex slave,” I blurted out.

Mark bent down, staring into my eyes. His eyes were blue and seemed to peer right into my soul. “Tell me the truth, do you really want to be our sex slave?”

I couldn’t lie, he gave me an order. “Yes.”

Mark helped me to my feet. “From now on, you belong to Mary and me. You’ll do whatever depraved, filthy act we tell you to, happily.”

“Yes, Master,” I said and I smiled.

My Master hugged me and kissed me on the lips. I was crying, but not out of sadness, but out of joy. My Mistress embraced me tightly, and her lips were soft on mine. Master removed my nipple clamps, unbuckled the collar and pulled the butt plug out of my ass.

“You are no longer Sister Cuntrag,” Mistress told me.

“Thank you, Mistress,” I whispered.

Master frowned. “I don’t like the name Louise, though.”

“Master, I took the name Louise Afra when I swore my vows,” I quietly said. “I was born Karen Redding.”

“Okay, Karen,” Master said, pulling the dog ears off my head. “Let’s get you cleaned up.

Master took one hand, Mistress the other, and led me back into the house. My fellow sluts were in the living room and I apologized to each of them for trying to take them away from our Masters. I understood now. There was happiness in submission, there was joy in obedience. They all happily embraced me and kissed me and I happily embraced them back. I had so many sister-sluts, now!

“Thamina,” Mistress said, “take Karen upstairs and tend to her.”

“Yes, Mistress,” Thamina answered and took my hand and led me upstairs to start my new life as Mark and Mary’s slave.

To be continued …

Click here for Chapter 15